RUCH FILOZOFICZNY LXXV 2019 4 Wiesław Wójcik Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa, Poland ORCID: 0000-0001-8132-3212 e-mail:
[email protected] The Problem of Intuition in Mathematics in the Thoughts and Creativity of Selected Polish Mathematicians in the Context of the Nineteenth-Century Breakthrough in Mathematics DOI: Introduction Intuition is attributed to various properties. It is rather widely accepted as a kind of cognition and an essential element of the cognitive process. All attempts to replace it with formalization or rationalization ended with the discovery of the next, ”layers” of intuition, its functions and meanings. The formalization itself turned out to be strongly associated with intuition, and, even in rational thinking and cognition, intuition was found as it is necessary component. It is assumed, as opposed to discursive cognition, that it is direct, which means that it is not using in- ferences, proofs, symbols and language. This cognition uses images, it is sensible and holistic. Often, its action is not fully conscious and seems to be a part of the subconscious. It often appears as a component of cre- ativity in the form of inspirations, revelations, and sudden discoveries. Sometimes it leads infallibly to the goal, but often also deceives; intu- ition is attributed to both, feelings and reason. It is spread somewhere between the mystical (extrasensory), abstract and concrete, sensual and individual states. 160 Wiesław Wójcik Despite its ambiguous status, intuition also appears in cognition and mathematical creativity. It seems that its elimination from mathematics (and such attempts were made) is not possible, and striving towards its complete removal has led to adverse effects, e.g.