Final Solutions to the Assassination Question
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T h e REALIST Issu e N um ber 78 - April, 1968 - P a g e 01 scan s of this entire Issue found at: Final Solutions to the Assassination Question by Craig Karpel by Reginald Dunsany by Steve Klinger These people seem to have been vapor New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison’s cour “Mesa, Arizona— A laughing 18-year- ized."—Jim Garrison, District Attorney, ageous probe of the Kennedy assassination old boy who ‘wanted to get known’ Orleans Parish, Louisiana. has confirmed the existence of a secret in turned a beauty parlor into a slaughter On Thursday, March 9. 1967 I ternational terrorist ring more deadly than house today when he shot four women the Ochrana, GPU and Gestapo combined opened the New York Post to James and a 3-year-old girl . (He said) — the Homintem. that he had got the idea from recent Wechsler’s column. Under the head Intelligence agencies of the East and mass killings in Chicago and Austin...” line “JFK & Castro: Lost History?", West have referred in hushed whispers to —News item it read: this sinister camarilla of homosexual mili In recent times, there has flowered in In his final days on earth John F. tants ever since its founding in Lausanne, the United States a happy marriage of Kennedy was actively and inquisitive Switzerland in 1931, but until Garrison two great American traditions, individual ly responding to overtures from Fidel began his investigation, few hard facts con initiative and violence. Not since the gang Castro for a detente with the United firmed the lethal scope of its activities. land massacres of the 1920s and ’30s has States. Insiders in New Orleans now claim that the nation been swept by such a bloody That is the dramatic story unfolded all the major figures in the Kennedy mur wave of multiple killings, and the spon by William Attwood, a key interme der were covert operatives of the Homin- taneous and quasi-public response of diary in the negotiations, in a new- tem’s Western Hemisphere "Echelon B" American citizens has been truly unpre book called “Reds and Blacks" (Harper network, serving under the direct control cedented. and Row) describing his experiences of David Ferric, a former Eastern Airlines Dutiful coverage by the communica as journalist-turned diplomat in the pilot cashiered after his arrest on sodomy tions media evoked reactions ranging from Kennedy era. charges in 1959. sympathy for the victims to a half-ex Sen. Robert Kennedy, reached in pressed admiration for the killers, although Garrison characterizes Feme, who died amongst the citizenry the latter was only Washington yesterday, confirmed the under suspicious circumstances on Feb essence of Attwood’s report. obliquely expressed by such expressions as ruary 22, as “the most important person "Wow, what a nut!’’ and "That guy had The saga of the secret Castro initia of all time” and the key not only to events some eye, didn’t he!’’ tive and the Kennedy Administration’s in Dallas but also to the systematic liqui Still, one could sense the competitive cautious but affirmative, persistent dation of eyewitnesses following in its spirit festering about the land as upstarts wake (at the latest count by Penn Jones, probing belongs in any compilation of on every street comer began contemplat the inscrutable "ifs” of history. It has Jr. and other assassination buffs, 23 dead, ing shooting their way into fame. Indeed, special relevance at this moment ir including Dorothy Kilgallcn). (Continued on Page 2) the light of lurid rumors be “You can understand Fem e’s motiva- ing leaked in Washington of a CIA plot, reportedly known tion.” Garrison said recently. “Kennedy was a virile, hand to then Attorney General Kennedy, to assassinate Castro— some successful man— everything Ferrie was not. In addi and the simultaneous tale that Oswald was Castro’s agent tion, there was the thrill o f staging the perfect crime. Re in a counterplot that led to John Kennedy's death. member the Locb and Leopold case in Chicago? It was the The story recorded by Attwood blasts this fantasy and same thing with Kennedy." offers a wholly reverse version of the Washington-Havana Writing in the Saturday Evening Post (May 6, 1967) relationship that seemed to be taking shape when John reporter James Phelan summarized Garrison’s thesis as F. Kennedy was slain. The unfinished episode began in September, 1963, when revealed in a series of exclusive interviews: “He claimed Attwood, now editor of the Cowles publications, was serv that Oswald and Ruby were both homosexuals and were ing as special adviser for African affairs at the U. S. mis- both involved in the plot. He implied that Ruby— ‘his homo- (Continued on Page 5) (Continucd on Page S) THE REALIST ARCHIVE PROJECT The REALIST Issu e N um ber 78 - April, 1968 - P a g e 02 scans of this entire issue found at: prompted a legislator from one of our the home viewer would soon be met. The STEVE KLINGER larger states to call for a program to “de executives even agreed to pool their re (Continued from Cover) militarize" American fighting men before sources and drop network rivalries in the their return to civilian life. After all, why public interest: as a prominent New York psychiatrist give ex-marines an unfair advantage in warned, a new national pastime was subtly " I t ’s about time we had some live cov the competition? evolving. erage of these things," suggested one. The press also displayed its power to Of course the would-be headline-mak “We could call it Massacre of the shape history as well as report it. By run ers have had a difficult time eclipsing the Week— " ning front-page stories across the nation best work of the past. The giants of yes- “No, that would be too risky. W e’d which told the news of one murderer, icryear were not so easily surpassed. have to guarantee a slaughter every week. hypothesized psychiatrists, the dailies hit There was, to begin with, the Babe Ruth Remember, these killers aren’t in Equity. upon a sure-shot method of attracting of mass murder, Camden, New Jersey’s They might fink out on us." new recruits. own Howard Unruh, who, on Sept. 6, "Yeah," said a third. "We’ll just have 1949, killed 13 persons and wounded three Newspapers also responded to the pub to stay prepared on 24-hour alert. It in the space of ten incredible minutes. lic’s idolization of the killers by seeking could be like a live You Are There—” to establish Whitman as an all-American Calculating the percentage of fatalities “Maybe we could get Walter Cronkite boy, kind, good-natured and religious. out of total hits, this gave our marksman to announce, like in the old days." a record .813 average and a ratio of 1.3 Stories were printed which compared him “Hey, for the first show we could hire murders per minute. with Unruh, emphasizing the fond regard each had for the Bible. six ex-marines and let them loose on Melvin Collins made headlines even Times Square." earlier when he shot eight persons to Soon American business began to thrive “Maybe we could get LBJ to run down death and wounded six others in Chester, on the public interest in the murderers. Pennsylvania Avenue spraying napalm." Pa. in November of 1948. Collins may From Atlantic City, New Jersey came a have been a bit sloppy but he proved his report that Tussaud’s Wax Museum on the “Yeah, that would be a good sequel to Hall of Fame mettle by having the re boardwalk had ordered wax images of the undercover job be did for us in Dal sourcefulness to increase his total by kil Whitman and Speck almost immediately las." ling himself. after their escapades. A spokesman for “I d o n ’t remember that, one," said a the museum said, “It is the policy of Tus- Another case several years old which younger producer. saud’s to obtain these figures as soon as only recently received acclaim is that of “Oh, sure," a veteran assured him. these people make the news.” He added Perry Smith and Richard Hikock, who “Imagine! On top of everything else, hav that replicas of Lee Harvey Oswald and killed all four members of a Kansas fam ing Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV! We’ll Jack Ruby arrived only three weeks after ily in November, 1959. The two were never top that." President Kennedy’s assassination. later executed. The success of Truman “Say," shouted another, “We could car Capote’s account of the case, In Cold A leading New York psychoanalyst ry these things via Tclstar—’’ Blood, attested to America’s esteem for voiced aproval of the museum’s policy: “Good idea, but we might have some ‘T.V. is so ephemeral,” he said. "Obvi public-pluggers. The book may even have trouble. It’s already booked up for live precipitated the recent revival of such ously this also applies to newspaper ac coverage of the war in Vietnam." slaughters. counts. People like to contemplate the “Wait a minute,” objected the presi In any event a new wave o f mass kil great killers leisurely, to sec them life- size. Their realization in wax— for better dent of the educational network. “I d o n ’t lings began, and soon the old records were know how moral all of this is.