Journalism for the energy transition EXPERT EUROPEAN CLIMATE AND ENERGY EXPERTS Filters: Expert Type: Any, Topic: Government, Location: Any Manages the government programme that certifies buildings and homes on energy consumption and quality. Location: Portugal PRESS CONTACT
[email protected] +351214722800/+351214722898 Parliamentary group of the left-wing PS, member of the governing coalition. Location: Portugal PRESS CONTACT
[email protected] +351 213919264 (general number) Right-wing coalition government. The person responsible for environment and climate change-related issues is Alonso Teixeira Miguel. Location: Portugal PRESS CONTACT Pedro Primo Figueiredo +351296301300
[email protected] Responsible for all of Madeira Island's policies, authorisations and public tenders regarding environment, natural resources and climate change. Twitter: @GovernoMadeira Email:
[email protected] Location: Portugal PRESS CONTACT Lisete Rodrigues and Juan Andrade +351291220200/+351291225112
[email protected] and
[email protected] Responsible for public land planning, fire prevention, climate change policy, mobility and energy. The minister is João Pedro Matos Fernandes. Twitter: @govpt Location: Portugal PRESS CONTACT Paulo Chitas and Carolina Enes +351213232500
[email protected] and
[email protected] National Parliament. Unicameral, has 150 members elected for four-year terms. Location: Slovakia PRESS CONTACT Office
[email protected] +421 259722463 Strong authority on climate change, was the first major public authority in Slovakia to declare a carbon neutrality target for 2030. Zuzana Čaputová has been president since June 2019. Twitter: @ZuzanaCaputova Location: Slovakia PRESS CONTACT Martin Strižinec, media officer
[email protected] +421 259333355 Oversees the areas of agriculture and rural development, including the protection and use of agricultural land and forest land.