d | fillOpacity | pathLength | xml:base | xml:lang | xml:space | g.attr.

name | form | disabled | g.attr. THE Sectioning content List Keyboard elements or shortcuts Group several controls Generic element to define a shape g.attr. Point light effect tabindex | id | x | y | z xmlns | g.attr.
    g.attr. g.attr. name | form | for | g.attr. ry | rx | y | x | height | width | g.attr. Top level element of a HTML document Unordered list of items Sample output from a computer program Result of a calculation or user action Rectangle shape SVG

    ULTIMATE :href | spreadMethod | x1 | x2 | y1 | y2 g.attr.

      reversed | start | type | g.attr.
       g.attr.  r | cx | cy | g.attr.  Metadatads about the document Ordered list of items Preformatted text value | type | name | formtarget Circle shape Linear gradient | gradientTransform | gradientUnits | g.attr.