Realbasic 2006 User's Guide

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Realbasic 2006 User's Guide WWWREALBASICCOM 5SERS'UIDE REALbasic 2006 User’s Guide Documentation by David Brandt. © 1999-2006 by REAL Software, Inc. All rights reserved. WASTE Text Engine © 1993-2005 Marco Piovanelli Printed in U.S.A. Mailing Address REAL Software, Inc. 1705 South Capital of Texas Highway Suite 310 Austin, TX 78746 Web Site ftp Site Support REALbasic Feedback at the REAL Software web site. Bugs/ Submit via REALbasic Feedback at the REAL Software Feature Requests web site. Database Plug- The REALbasic CD; the most recent versions are at ins Sales [email protected] Phone 512-328-REAL (7325) Fax 512-328-7372 Version 2006R1, January, 2006 Contents CHAPTER 1 Introduction . 17 Contents . 17 Welcome to REALbasic . 18 Installing REALbasic . 19 Windows Requirements. 19 Linux Requirements . 19 Macintosh Requirements . 19 Where to Begin . 19 Documentation Conventions . 20 Using the On-Line Help . 21 Searching the Online Reference . 21 Context-Sensitive Help . 22 Context-Sensitive Error Messages . 23 Using Tips . 23 Electronic Documentation . 24 Our Support Web Page . 25 End User Web Sites . 25 REALbasic Developer . 25 REALbasic third-party Books . 25 The REALbasic CD . 25 Our Internet Mailing Lists. 25 Technical Support from REAL Software . 25 Contacting REAL Software . 26 Reporting Bugs and Making Feature Requests . 26 CHAPTER 2 Getting Started with REALbasic . 27 Contents . 27 Concepts . 28 Applications are Driven by Events . 28 REALbasic User’s Guide 3 Contents Developing Software with REALbasic . 28 The Development Environment . 29 The REALbasic IDE Window. 29 The Project Editor . 31 The Window Editor . 32 The Code Editor . 35 The Menu Editor . 36 The Main Toolbar . 37 Customizing the Main Toolbar . 39 The Bookmarks Bar . 40 REALbasic IDE Menus . 41 The File Menu . 41 The Edit Menu . 43 The Project Menu . 45 The View Menu . 47 The History Menu . 48 The Bookmarks Menu . 49 The Window Menu . 50 The Help Menu . 50 Working with Projects . 51 Creating A New Project . 52 Configuring the Project Editor Toolbar . 53 Adding Items to Your Project. 55 Removing Items from Your Project. 57 The Project Editor Contextual Menu . 57 Saving Your Project . 59 Saving as XML . 59 Opening XML . 59 Creating Project Templates . 59 CHAPTER 3 Building a User Interface . 61 Contents . 62 Working with Windows. 62 Window Types . 62 Creating Windows. 74 Removing Windows . 75 Setting the Default Window . 75 Encrypting Windows . 78 Message Dialog Boxes . 79 The MsgBox function . 80 The MessageDialog Class . 80 4 REALbasic User’s Guide Contents Interacting with the User Through Controls . 84 Favorite Controls . 85 Adding, Changing, and Removing Controls . 86 Understanding Control Layers . 100 Understanding The Focus . 101 Full Keyboard Access . 106 Duplicating Controls . 108 The Object Hierarchy . 108 Button Controls for Performing Actions . 109 Controls for Displaying and Entering Text . 112 HTMLViewer . 114 Controls for Displaying and Entering Numeric Values . 115 Controls for Presenting a List of Choices . 117 Controls for Visually Grouping Other Controls . 122 Controls for Displaying Graphics and Pictures . 127 Controls for Playing Movies, Music, and Animation. 129 Miscellaneous Controls . 133 Controls for Handling Communications . 134 “Easy” Communications . 136 ToolbarItem and StandardToolbarItem . 136 The Timer . 136 Controls for Working With Databases . 136 The Spotlight Query Control . 137 ActiveX Controls. 138 The Container Control . 139 Object Binding . 141 Changing The Tab (Control) Order . 146 Aligning Controls with Other Controls. 148 Spacing Controls Evenly. 149 The Control Hierarchy. 149 Control Hierarchy Features . 152 Adding Menus and Menu Items . 154 Adding Menubars . 154 Adding Menus . 156 Adding a Help Menu . 158 Adding Menu Items . 158 Adding a Submenu . 162 Adding a Menu Item to the Mac OS Apple and Application Menus 164 Moving Menus and Menu Items . 165 Removing Menu Items . 165 Adding A Menu Item Separator . 165 Menu Item Arrays . 165 REALbasic User’s Guide 5 Contents Importing and Exporting Menus . 166 User Interface Guidelines . 167 CHAPTER 4 BASIC Programming Concepts . 169 Contents . 169 BASIC versus REALbasic . 170 Storing Values in Properties and Variables . 171 What are Properties? . 171 Variables . 171 Data Types . 171 Changing a Value From One Data Type to Another. 175 Assigning Values to Properties . 175 Getting Values From Properties . 178 Getting and Setting Values in Variables . 178 Declaring Objects . 182 Using Arrays . ..
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