Altering the Boundaries of the Otago Central Electric-power District Revoking a Proclamation taking Land for Road in Block XIV, Mangamuka Survey District, Hokianga County [L.S.] C. L. N_. NEWALL, Governor-Genreral A PROCLAMATION ·JN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on Iile by the [L.s:]'" C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Electric-power Boards Act, 1925, and section thirty-nine of _the Local Legislation Act, 1939, and of all other powers and A .PROCLAMATION authorities in anywise enabling me in that behalf, I, Cyril Louis N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New I in· me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other Zealand, do hereby alter the boundaries of the Otago Central.Electric­ power and authority in a_nywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril power District so as to include the area described in the Schedule Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of hereto. New Zealand, do hereby revoke the Proclamatio_n dated the fifth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four, and SCHEDULE published. in the New Zealand Gazette No. 6 of the tenth day of ALL that area in the Otago Land District comprising the Borough the same month, at pl:tge 103, taking land for road. of Queenstown as constituted immediately before the 1st day of December, 1939. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governol'-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, -and issued under the of .the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of September, 1944. Seal of that Dominion, this 4th day of October, 1944. R. SEM~LE, Minister of Works: R. SEMPLE, Mi1:1ister of Works. · GOD SAVE THE KING GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! (P.W. 26/1172.) .{:P~ W •. 3.3/2049~}

Land taken for Road in Block XIV, Mangamuka Survey District, Hokianga County

[L.S~] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and I authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New. Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the tenth day of October, one thousand ni11e h1mdred a11d ~?rty-f~ur.

SCHEDULE •.. Approximate Areas of the Situated in Situated in Survey Coloured on Pieces of Land Being I Block District of Shown on Plan Plan taken. I

A. R;. l'. ' .. 0 0 26·5 Part Ratakamaru E Block .. .. XIV Mangamuka .. P.W.D. 116905 .. Sepia. 0 2 7.5 Part Ratakamaru A Block ...... XIV .. . . Yellow. I I 36 /Part Old Land Claim 63 on D.P. 739 .. .. XIV ,," .. P.w.D:· 119219 .. (S.O. 32771.) " ····- _,. ··---- .. --- -- tAucklandR.-D.) · --- . - - . ------·-·· .-

In the North Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on tlie · plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. Given unde:c the hand of His Excellency the GovernorIG"ene~al of the ·Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of September, 1944. , ,, , ,R, SEMPLE, Minister of Works.


. Land taken for Road in Block I, Thames Survey District

[L.S,] C. L. N. · NEWAlLL, ;(lo';ernor-General A ~RO,GLAMATION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and_a11;thorities ves~uJin


Approximate Situ~.d in Coloured Areas of the Situated J:n .··• Slll'V'ey:r:Oistrict. · ' :hi,~:wn on Plan Pieces of Land :BlQCk , of · · on Pla11. taken. · • A. R. P. 1 Blue. j Purple. g g .g::1_ ... Parts Te Wharau Block Thames P,W.D. 119268 0 0. 2·8( IL Ye.low. 0 0 8·8 j Red. 0 .e 3 Part Pokopokorua Block, D.P. 9546 I Blue. 0 0 2·3 Part Tanewaharahi ·No. 4 Block I ,P~~ple.

. 0 0 0·7 Part Lot 3, D.P. 10321, being part, Wairwiterangi I . . ~ :X::t'illow. A Block 1 0 0 0·3 P~rt Lot 2, D.P. 10321, .bei:qg -parf Wairuaterangi I ;B,ue A~~ ...... (S.O. 32020.) (Auckland R.D.)

In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as a_bove mentioned, and. depositedjn -th,e office .of the ·Minister. of Works ,at.· Wellington.

Given under the h~nd. of His.: ·Excellency:bhe Gov.emox-G~neral,df:the-Donrinio~.ofNew Zeala,nd,,.and issued under t!te Seal of that Dominion, this 28th ,q~ of S~pte:mber,. l9H, · ·

I R. 'SEMPLE, Mini~ter ofWo~b.

Gon SA. VE XHE KING!. (P.W. 62/2/600/0.)

Land taken for Road in Block XII, ··Omhir.i· Sut.vey District

[L,S.] C,. L. N:'i NEW.ALL,, Gover:p:or~Gene:raL A PROCLAMACCION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and autho:rities vested in me by t4e Public Works Act>I928, and of every other power and I authority in anywise enablingJne in this behalf,;!, Cyril Lollis ·Norton Newall, the ·Governor-General of.the Dominion of New Zealand, do. hereby proclaim and declare. that the 'land· desc.tibedjn the S,chedule hereto is: hereby takeri for road.; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect. on and afterithe tenth day of-October,,one thuusand nine·hundred and forty-'four. · ' · · ·· ·


Approximate Areas of the Being Situated.icin:'. ~ Si.tuatediin Shown-on Plan . Coloured Pieces of Land ; Block Survey Di11trict of on Plan taken. - A, R. P. 0 0 10 Part Lot· 4, D.P. 22484, being part Ha.11t11ru East XI Orahiri .. P.W.D. 11~285 .. . ·sepia, edged No .. b 4B2c 2 Block . sepia. 0 0 3 Part Lot I, D.P."28806, beingpartPihaNo. lA Block XI .. .. Sepia. 0 2 16 Part Lot 1, D.P. 224~4, being part llaut.uru Efl,st XI " .. " .. Yellow,· No. lE 4B 2c 2 Block · · " " ' 0 0 15 Part Lot 4, D.P. 22484, being part Hauturu East· XI - - .. .. Sepia. No. lE 4B 2c 2 Block, part Sections 13 and 15 " " 0 1 31 Part Lot· 4, D.P. 22484, being ,part Hl:iiutur.u East XI ,; .. .. ,, No. lE 4B 2.c 2 Block, part Sections U. and l3. " (S.0. 31498.) .

(Auckland R.D.) .• ~

In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above m:eiiti.oned, ancl deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. . ,. . · . . · : .

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of, t.he Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Sea:EoLthat Dominion, this 2Sth.dayofBeptem.ber, 1944. R. .SEMPLE, Minister of W9rks..

Gon. .~AVE THE -KING! (P:W. 70/6/8/0.) .

. Land takey, for Road .in .Blocks V and 1x; ·Wkakatane Survey District .

[t.s.J. C. L ... N., NEWALL, ,G.overnQl.'~.GeMritl A PROCLAMATION N pursuance and ex-.e:roise.;oLt4._e·.po.wtrs and._auth. orities vested·. in·m· e.by.the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every otlier power·an_d I authority in anywise en1;t bling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Ze~land, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the'Scfredule· hereto is hereby taken for road; and I do a..,lso declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the tenth qay of.October, one thousand nine hundr~d ftnd forty-four. · . :; .. :" · . l TRR.NEW ·ZEAEAND 'GXiET.TE' I17'5


Approximate Areas of the Being Situated in Situated in -Survey Coloured on Pieces of Land Block District of · Shown on Plan Plan taken. -

A, R. P. :3 2 18 Part Allotment 28, Waimana Parish .. .. V Whakatane .. P:W.D. 117577 . . Yellow• . 0 3. 7·8 PartSeqtion 12 (Op9urfao Settle:ment) .. .. IX .. .. Sepia. 0 0 28·7 Part Section 2 (Opouriao Settlement) .. .. IX " .. " .. ,, 0; i.'O '29'· 6 L_ " " Parts Section 13 (Opou~iaoSettlement) .. .. IX .. .. Blue. 0 '. 0 36·4J " " 0 0 8·7} Parts Section 3 (Opouriao Settlement) ·,, .. IX .. .. Yellow. ·o 3 19·7 " '' 2 3 8 . · Part Section 4 ( Opouriao Settlement) .. ,,, IX .. Sepia. " . .. 1 2·36 Pait Allotment 40, Waimana Parish .. .. IX " .. .. Yellow • 2 1 20·3 Part Section 5 (Opouriao-Settlement) .. .. IX " .. " .. Blue . 0 2 9.7 Part Section 6 (Opouriao Settlement) .. .. IX " .. " .. Sepia. (S.0. 32082.) " " · (Auckland R.D.)

· In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more particulady delineated on the p}an marked and coloured ·as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the ·MinisMr of Works at Wellington. · · · · Give:U under the hand of His Exo~,lle:µcy the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, a·nd issued under the Seal of .that Dominion, this 28th day of September, 1944. R., SEMPLE, Minister of ·Works.

Gon SAVE· THE KING ! (P;W. 70/3/20/0.)

.Land taken/or IlouBing Pu:rposes in the City of Auckland C. L. R NEW,ALL,, GoTemor-General A PROC~~TION N,.pursuance and exero;i.se of the powers and authorities vested in•me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and I · authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Notton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedul~ hereto is hereby taken for housing purposes ; and I dcr also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the tenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four.


.A.,ppl'oximate I Situated in Situated in Sur_vey j Coloured on A:reas"Of th'e'·Pi.·eces Being 0 I Shown on Plan Plan . of·La:nd,ta;kem Block Disttict of

A, R, P. XVI Waitemata Part' Allotment 35, Parish of Titirarigi, on D.P• .312 · { } P.W.D. 118708 Yellow. 0 1 4·2 IV Titirangi 3 3 1-·9 Parts of Allotments 29 and 35, Parish of Titirangi, XVI Waitemata on.D,P. 312 0 0 0·2 Lot 12,.D.P.:.29400·(Raad· Reserve), being part of XVI Sepia. .Allotment 29, Parish of.Titirangi (S.0" 32959.) (City of Auckland) (Auckland R.D.).

Inthe North Auckland Land·District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the p]an marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in· the office of- the Minister of Works· at Wellington. Given under the hand of His· Excellency the· Governor•General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of-September~ 1944. · · R. SEMPLE, Minister of Wo;ks.

Gon SAVE T~E KING ! (P~W. 80/77.)

Land proclaimed as Road in Block XIV, Norsewood Survey District, Land proclaimed as Street in· the City of Palmerston North Dannevirke County [L:s;] G. L. N. NEWALL, Governor~General [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, · Governor-Gen:erat A PROCLAMATION A PROGLAM.ATION ·JN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section twelve N. pursuance and exercise of the pow~rs co~erred by i!ection . . of the Land Act, 1924, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the I twelve of .the Land Act~ 1924,I, Cyril Loms Nort,on,Newall, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby the Governor•General of the Dominion of New Zealand,.. do ,hereby proclaim as street the land described in the Schedule hereto .. proelMm,asroad the land described.in the. Schedule hereto,;

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area· of the piece ofland ;prodaimed as road : 1 rood ·· 22~8,perches; APPRUXIMATE area of the piece ofland proclaimed as street : 3 roods Being part Sectio.n 34; 16·74 perches. Being pai:t Suburban Section 1073,- Township of Palmerston (City Situated hi .Block XIV, Nors~wood·.Survey District (Hawke's. of Palmerston North) (Wellington RD.). (S.O. 20972.) Bti.y. R',D.). (S.O. 2116.) . In the Wellington .Land District; as the same is more par­ J:h . the>Uawke!s ,Bay Land District ; as· the same is more ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D; 120057, deposited p~ti~1l1ady delineated onthe-plan,marked P.W.D,c 119901, deposited in the. office of the Minister- of W-0rks at Wellington, and thereon in i the, Qffice, of:the Minister •of: Works, at ·wellington; and· thereon, coloured orange. edgecl;c,pink. Given·. under• the0 hand of, His :Excellency the Governor-General ;Giv'en under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of:the Dolninion of'New 'Zealand;· and issued under the ,'t-;C%·r~the Domi,nion of New Zealand, and issued under ·the Seal ,of ·that Dominion;:,this::28th; day-·of September, 1944 . . '.-' ~e~Lo'L~hat:Dominion, ,thls,.29th,day of Sep.te.rr.tber, ·rn.u. , ...... R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. l{; 'S:E::M:P,LE,: Minister o~ Works. Gon ~A...VE THE ,KING ! Goo SAVE THE KING ! 'q:>.w. 40/5§9.) (P.W. 51/2858.) 1176 THE:.NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Stopping Portion of Goverr,,ment !?,oq,d in Block IX, Tangitu S11:rvey Altering Boundar·ies of Wainiate West and Hawera Counties and . . . District including Area in Haw~ra Riding, Hawera County

[L.S.] C. L. N .. NEWALL, Governor-Gellleral A PROCLAMATION [L.s.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested A PROCLAMATION I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other, power and authority •in anywise enab~ng .me in this beha~f,. I, N pursuance and exercise of the powers_ ~:?-d authorities con~el'red Cvril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Domm10n I on me by section fourteen of the Counties Act, 1920, and of all of New Zea.land,' do hereby proclaim as stopped t,h~ Government other powers and authorities enabling me in that behalf, I, 'Qyril road described in the Schedule hereto, such rqad berng no longer Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General" of the Domiµfon of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the area descfibed • required. in the First Schedule hereto, being now part of the Wa:j:mate West County, shall be added to. and form part of the l{awera County; SCHEDULE that the boundaries of ~he Waimate West County and. Hawera APPROXIMATE areas of th,e pieces of road. hereby stopped :- Oounties as.so altered shall be those. set forth under the respective headings in the Second Schedule hereto ; · that tiie area added .as A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through · aforesaid to the Hawera County shall: be included in the Ha.wei:a O 3 33 Part Lot I, .D.P. 3056, part Pukepoto A 3 Block Riding of. the e11id county ; and that the boundaries of the Ha:.wera (formerly known as Rangitoto-Tuhua 60B Block). Riding as so altered shall be those set forth in the Third Schedule O 2 7 Part Lot I, D.F_. 3056, part Pukepoto A 3 Block hereto. . ' (formerly known as Rangitoto-Tuhua 60B Block). 2 1 28·6 Parts Lots 1 and 5, D,P. 3056, part PukepotoA 3 Block (formerly known· as Rangitoto-Tuhua 60:s FIRST SClIEDULE Blo,ck). · AREA EXCLUDED FROM WAIMATE WEST CouNTYc AND INCLUDED IN Situated in Block IX, Tangitu Survey District (Taranaki R.D.}. . HA WE~A COUNTY (S.O. 7845.) • ALL 'that area in the Tafali~ki Lancl' District, bounded by... a line In the·' Tarariaki Laml District; as the same are more par­ commencing on the boundary between Blocks III and IV, Waimate ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109903, deposited Survey District, at the· sout.p.-eastern corner of Ngatimanuhiakai in the office of the 'Minister of Works at Wellington, and· thereon 21B 2B Block, and proceeding due south along the aforesaid boundary coloured green. between Blocks III and IV, Waima~e Survey District, to the middle of the Normanby Road; thence in a westerly direction along 'the Given under .the hnd. of_B:i;;; E~qellency the. Goveriror-General · middle of the said Normanby Road to the intersection of the con­ of the Dominion of New .Zealand, and issued under the tinuation of the middle~line of the public road forming the eastern Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of September, 1944. boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai lOB Block;. thence northerly along .the middle-line of the aforesaid public road. to its termination in R. SEMPLE, MinisJer of Works. Ngatiman,uhiakai 15A 1 Block; thence in a north-easterly. and GOD SA VE THE KING ! northerly direction along the eastern boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai 15A 1 and 15B Blo6ks ; · thence in an easterly direction afong the (P.W. 70/6/27/0.) southern boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai 21B 2B Block to the point: -Of bOJllmencement. ·

Grown Land in Cante~buiry Land District se't apart for Disposal · SECOND SCHEDULE by way of Sale or Lease to Disch~rged Soldiers, · under Special Tenures WAIMATE WEST COUNTY ALL that area in the TaranakLLand District, bounded lfy a line commencing at the north~west" corner of Section I, Block XIU., . '['i.s.j C. L. N; NEWALL, ·Gc)v:e:i:nor-Ge:rieral Kaupokonui Survey District, and proceeding in an easterly direction A. PROCLAMATION. itlong the north boundary of Sections 1, 8, and 18, Bloc~ XIII, N pursuance of section four of the Discharged Soldi~rs Settlement Kaupokonui Survey District, Sections 1, 6, 18, and 28, .Block XIV, I Act, 1915, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General Kaupokonui Survey District, and Sections. 35, 27, 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of the Dominion of New -Zeahnd, do hereby proclaim and declare Block XV, Kaupokoimi Survey ·District, to the middle of Palmer that the land described in the Schedule hereto shall he and the same R9ad ; thence southerly along the middle of aforesaid Palmer Road is hertlby set apart and declared open for 'disposal by way of sale to Skeet Road and by the boundary of the Hawera County herein or lease_ to. discharged soldiers under special tenures in the manner described tq the sea ; . thence ·westerly along the sea-coast to the eSjstern boundary of Subdivision E of Sections 4, Block III, and · provided in ~he said Act. · Section 2, Block II, Oeo Survey District,; thence north-easterly alQng this aforesaid boundary to the South Road; thence north­ SCHEDULE westerly along the south side of the aforesaid South Road to a point in line with· the eastern boundary of Subdivision B of Section 1, CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT.-CROWN LAND Block II, Oeo Survey District ; thence northerly to and along this S:rocTION. 4, Block: XVII~ · Lowry Peaks Survey District : Area, aforesaid bolll).dary to the southern boundary of Ngatitamaahuroa 2 acres· 1 rood 25 perches, more or less .. No: I Block; thence westerly along this aforesaid boundary to the·, Qeo Stream ; thence in a general· northerly ,direction up the Given under the hartd 'of His Excellency the Governor-General. centre of the aforesaid Oeo Stream to the S!:)Uthern side of Skeet · .of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Road ; . thence westerly ~long the southern side of aforesaid Skeet SealofthatDominion/-this2ild day of October, 1~44. Road .to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 32, C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Block XIV, Opunake Survey District ; thence northerly to and along this aforesaid boundary and the eastern boundary of Section 34, GoD SAVE THE KING ! Block XIV, Opunake Survey District, to the southern boundary of Section 33, Block XIV, Opunake Survey Dist:i;ict;. thence easterly . _ (L. and S; 26/13029.) along this aforesaid boundary and · northerly along the eastern boundary of Sections 33, 32, 31, and 30, Block XIV, O;punake Survey District, to the point of commencement, excluding therefrom Crown Land in C_anter.~?!ff'Y Land·. !2i~tri~t set. apart fqr the Purposes the Town District of Manaia. of Part I of the Housing A,ct, 1919 } .. '· ,, -·, ,- HA WERA COUNTY All that area in the Taranaki Land District, bounded by a line [L;S.] C. L. · N. NEWALL, G;over~or-Gen-eral commencing at the intersection of Skeet. Road and Palmer Road A PROCLAMATION at the south-west corner of Section 11, Block· XIV, Kaupokonu( Survey District, and proceeding in a generally easterly direction N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon me by along the southern boundary of. the Eltham County, as descrjbed . I section nine of the Housing_.Act,.1919, I, Cyril Louis Norton in New Zealand Gazette, 1926, page~2, to the middle of the Lower · Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, . Moeawatea Road opposite the .south-east corner of Section 3, do hereby proclaim and· declare that ·the. area of Crown land Block XVI, Omoana Survey District ; thence. southerly along th_e described in the. Schedule hereto shall. be and the same is hereby middle of the aforesaid Lower Moeawatea Road to a point opposite . set apart for the purpose of Part I of the said Act. . . . the northern boundary of Section 2, Block IV, Opaku Survey District; thence in a general south-westerly direction by the north-western boundary of the Patea County, as described in New Zealand Gazette, SCHEDULE 1920, page 3207; to the mouth ~f the Manawapou River; ·thence CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT:-BoROUGH OF GERALDINE in-it general north-westerly direction by the sea to the.middle of the ' . SE,CTION:& 268 t~ 2.70 (incfosiye{ ;nd 278 to,. 284 (inclusive),' Town Inaha Road ; thence. in a northerly direction along the mjddle ;of, of Geraldine : Area, 2 acres 2 roods, more or less. the .aforesaid Inaha Road to the middle of the Normanby,·:Road; . thence in a westerly direction ~lortg the 11).iddle of the .afor(jlsaiq, . Given. under. the, liand. of. Jlis E~cellern~y the Governor:General Normanby Road to the intersection of the continuation of the middle-· of the ,Dominio:Q. of New· Zealand;· and issued under the li~e ot the public mad forminlfthe eastern boundar:y of~~Bttiruanu­ Seal 9f .that Domjµio,,n.:thJs .~nd,\iay of October, 1944. h1aka1 10B Block ·; thence. northerly along the. m1ddl~c..lU1~' of the aforesaid public r~:a,d to its termination in Ngatim:i:iriuhiaklt-r 15.A. 1 · -{); ~F;· SKINNER, :Minister of Lands~ Block; thence.,in Jt north-Elasterly and. northerly direction along the eastern boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai 15A 1 and 15B Blocks ; , Goo SA vE'.'rHE. KING !- thence easterly' and northerly along the southern and ea.stern (L~ and S. 30/228/91.) boundary of Ngatima,nuhiakai 21B 2B BJock; ·thenc~ ·easterly OoT. 5] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 11'77 along the south boundary of Section 74, Block III, Waimate Survey and George David Gbrdon, of Garston, Farmers (hereinafter District (part Ngatimanuhiakai Block), to Palmer. Road; thence referred to as" the licensees "), a license 'subject to the conditions northerly along the middle of aforesaid.Palmer Road to its junction hereinafter set forth to obstruct, impound, or divert the waters of with Skeet Road, the point of commencement, excluding therefrom Scots Creek, situated in Section 10, Block III, Kingston Survey the Borough of Haw!3ra as described in New Zealand Gazette, 1925, District, in the Land District of. Southland, and to· take and use page 1776. therefrom for the purposes hereinafter set forth a stream of water riot exceeding · 1·5 cubic feet per second at any one . time, and to THIRD SCHEDULE erect the electric, lines hereinafter described. HA WERA RIDING,, HAWERA_ COUNTY CONDITIONS ALL that area in the raranaki Land District, bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of Skeet Road and Palmer Road I. IMPLIED CONDITIONS at the south-west corner of Section 11, Block XVI, Kaupokonui THE conditions directed to be implied in all licenses by the Waters Survey District, and proceeding in a general easterly direction along . power Regulations 1934 and the Electrical Supply Regulations 1935, the southern boundary of the E1tham County, as d·escribed in New ; shall be incorporated in and shall.form part of this license, except in ,Zealand Gazette, 1926, page 2, to Boylan Road; thence in a general : so far as the same may be inconsistent with the provisions hereof. south~':Vesterly direction do~ the middle of Boylan Road to its . LICENSE SUBJECT .To REGULATIONS junction with Austin Road, and the middle of Austin Road to its 2 junction with Ketemarae Road; thence south-westerly along the This license is issued under the Water-power Regulations 1934, middle of Ketemarae Road to its junction with the Normanby and is subject thereto and to the Electrical Supply Regulations 1935 Town District, as described in New Zealand Gazette, 1934, page, 462 ; . and the Electrical Wiring Regulations 1935, and to any regulations thence in a south-east and south-west direction by the boundary of : made or to be made in amplification o~ amendment thereof or in the aforesaid Normanby Town· District to the Wellington -New : substitution therefor. · Plymouth Railway; thence in a general southerly direction along the ·Wellington - New Plymouth Railway to its junction with the 3. U.rILIZATION OF WATER AND LOCATION OF HEADWORKS Hawera Borough at Glover R9ad; thence north-westerly, south- Water shall be used uu'der this license solely for the purpose westerly, and south-easterly by the boundary of the aforesaid . of generating electricity, and shall. be taken from the said stream Hawera Borough, as described in New Zealand Gazette, 1925, page j at a point in Section 10, Block III, Kingston Survey District, in 1776,.. to the middle of Fairfield Road; thence south-westerly along j the Southland Land.District, as indicated on the plan marke,d P.W.D. the middle of this road to its junction with Beach Road ; thence !, 119599, deposited in the office _of the Minister of Works: generally south" westerly along the middle of aforesaid Beach Road and the east boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 5221, to the sea; thence in a · 4. · GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKS general north-westerly direction by the sea to the middle of Inaha The licensees are hereby authorized, subject to the conditions Road ; thence northerly by the west boundary of the Hawera County hereof, to construct, maintam, and use the following works for the herein described to the point of commencement. purposes of this license, the positions of the said works being indicated · Given under the hand of His Excellency the GoV'ernor-General on the said plan P.W.l). 119599 :- . of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the (a) Headworks consisting of a dam and intake giving a static Seal of th~t Dominion, this 3rd day of October, 1944. head of approximately 93 ft.:.. · , W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. · (b) Water-race leadingfrom,a point in Scots Creek in Section 10, Block III Kingston Survey District, to the power-house. Gon sA VE THE KING ! hereinafter described : (c) Pelton-wheel and power-house with all necessary equip~ (I.A. 103/10/20.) ment for generating electricity : (d) Electric lines leading from the power-house aforesaid across Scots Creek and Garston-Nevis Road to Section 11; Authorizing the Minister of Works to erect, construct, provi'.de, ·and Block III, Kingston Survey District, the said lines being use Works, Appliances, and Oonvenience8 in connection with the more particularly delineated on the aforementioned Utilization of Water-power from the Waimako Stream, and, .plan P.W.D. 119599. Tribittaries thereof, situated· in the Land District of Gisborne, for the Generation, Storage, Transmission, Distribution, and 8ale of 5. DURATION OF LICENSE Elegtrical Energy in Terms of Section 311 of the Public Works 1 This license shall continue in force until the 31st day of March; Act,· 1928. . 11965, or until electrical energy is available from any Electric-power \Boarq or other public source of supply, whichevei: is the earlier. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL 6. SYSTEM OF SUPPLY At the Governmet1t House at Wellington, this 4th day of : The system of supply shall be as described in paragraph (d) October, 1944 jof clause 21-01 of the Electrical. Supply Regulations 1935. The \generating voltage and the transmission voltage shall be approxi- Present: 1mately 230 volts direct current. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by section 7. RENTAL I three hundred and eleven of the Public Works Act, 1928, and For the purpose of assessing the rental or annual sum payable of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His in respect of this license, the licensee may install a suitable maxiinum­ Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, :c1emand indicator to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Engineer of acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council · \the Public Works Department, and, failing such installation, the of the said Dominion, doth hereby authorize the.Minister of Works !rental shall be determined on the maximum capacity of the generating to erect, construct, provide, and use such works, appliances, and \plant installed. The present plant is rated at 3 kilowatts. conveniences as may be necessary in connection with the utilization of w-a~er-power from the Waimako Stream and tributaries thereof C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. in the Land District of Gisborne,. and in connection therewith to raise (P.W. 26/3357.) or lower the level of the said stream and to impound or divert or control the flow of water from ~ame for the generation and storage of electrical energy and in connection with the ,transmission, use, supply, and sale of electrical energy when so -generated; al.so to· use electrical Boundaries of City of Lower Hutt and County of Hutt altered energy so generated in the construction, working, or maintenance of any public work, or for the smelting, reduction, manufacture, or development of ores, metals, or other substances ; also to construct C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General tunnels under private land or aqueduct,s over the same, erect poles ORDER IN COUNCIL thereon, and carry wires over or along such land without being bound to acquire the same, and with right-of-way to and along At the Government House at Wellington, this 4th day of all such works and erections ; and also to supply and sell electrical October, 1944 energy . and recover moneys due for the same. Present: C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of thE;l Executive Council. His ExoELLENOY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL (P.W. 59/7.) HEREAS in pursuance of section one hundred and thirty-seven' W of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, a petition was . presented to the Governor-General praying that certain areas be A ut1wrjzing Thomas Felix M cNamee and George David Gordon, of excluded from the County of Hutt and included in the City of _Garston, Farmers, to use Water for the Purpose of generating Lower Hutt: . : Electricity and to erect certain Electric Line8 And whereas a Commission appointed under the said section held inquiries and recommended that the said areas be excluded C. L. N. NEWALL, Gover~or-General from the County of Hutt and included in the City of Lower Hutt: And whereas it is deemed expedi~mt to make the alteration of · ORDER IN COUNCIL boundaries recommended by the said Commission : At;the Government House at Wellington, this 27th day of Now, therefore, in pursuance . an,q exercise of the powers and September, 1944 authorities vested in him by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933; and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, Present: His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the 7 His ExcELLENQY THE G0\ ERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL advice and consent of the Exec:g,tive. Council, doth hereby declare UltSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency that as on and from the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred P 'the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and forty-five, the areas described in the Schedule hereto shall be acting by· and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council excluded from the County of Hutt and included i_n the City of Lower of tlie said Dominion, doth hereby grant to Thomas Felix McNainee · Hutt, TIIE-,N:ffiW ,.ZEALAN'.E) ~GAZETTE· [No.·se·

·SCHEDULE . 2. The annual sum ·payable by the Council shall be one ARJliA:S,RECOMMENDlm:To BE EXCLUDED FROM THE COUNTY 01rHuTT • shilling ·(ls.) ,payable on dem,and. / . AND INCLUDED' IN: THE CITY OF' LOWER HUTT 3. The term of the license shall be fourteen years from UL that·areain the Wellington Land District, Hutt County, bounded, the 28th day of July, 1944. · commencing at a point onthe existing northern boundary of the City 4. The master of every ~essel dischar~ng ballast at t}ie of Lower Hutt at the south-western ·corner of Section 55, Hutt said wharf shall .. have all . such ballast. taken away and District, in a north-easterly direction' along the north-western · deposited above high-water mark, or at such place as may be boundaries of Sections 55 and 56, Hutt District, to the north-western approved by the Minister or by any person appointed by the corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence westerly along the Minister for that .. purpose. - southern boundary of part. Subdivision· 10 of Section 57, H11tt District, shown in Deposited Plan 12710, to the Wellington­ Wairarapa Railway; thence north!°easterly generally along the SECOND-SCHEDULE Wellington-Wairarapa Railway to a point due west of the northern- ' most corner of part Section 64, Hutt District, shown in Survey Office REGULATIONS WITH RESPECT TO TIIE ·, WHARF AND Smw• plan 21084 ;· thence easterly along a· right line to arid along the 1. IN these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context;..,.,- north~:rn boundary of part Section 64 afor:esaid, a.cross the Main Hutt Road, and again along the northern boundary· of part Section · . "Council'" mea.ns_the Chath~m Islands County Council: 64 aforesaid to the north-eastern corner of that section; thence " Goods, cargo " shall mean and include all merchandise; south-westerly along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 64, wares, and commoq.ities of· every description: 63; 62, Hutt District, and part of the eastern boundary of Section 61, " Kerosene " shall iilelude paraffin, petroleum, naplitha; Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of Section 228, Hutt· benzine, turpentine, and· other like goo_ds: . · , District;· thence in a southerly direction generf',lly along the eastern, "Ship, vessel" shall include laull'ch or .,,,boat ,of any boundary of Section 228 aforesaid and the eastern and part· of the · description carrying cargo or passengers: . southern boundaries of Section 229, Hutt District, to a point distant '( Whar-f " ·shall mean and include any wharf, brea~t­ 440 links from the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned'Section ;· work, jetty, landing-place, or the approaches thence.,south-easterl,y generally along the north-eastern b01;mdaries thereto, .under the control ·of· the. Coun,cil, and'. slialF 'ofi,patts .Sections 231 and 232 comprised in Certificate of Title,. include any store, shed; or other building built' on V:Olume.184, folio 177 (Wellington Registry), to the northernmost· ' or attached to such wharf and under the contl;ol corner of the land.shown in Deposited Plan 12561, being subdivision of the Council : . of parts Sections 231 and 232; Hutt District; and Sections'. 1 and 2' · " Wharfinger " shall mean the person appointed by t4e (D.P. 983), Block XV, Belmont Survey District; thenpe in a south­ Council to the charge qf the wharf and shed,', _a,n:d westerly direction· generally along· the north-western boundary of , shall include any person acting by or under :tlie the land' shown in the said Deposited Plan 12561 to its intersection authority of the wharfinger. with the .northern, boundary of Section. 1 (D.P. 983), Block XV,. Belmont Survey · District ; thence westerly· along the northern· 2. Every master . of a vessel shall be responsible· for-· the boundary of Section 1 aforesaid to and along the southern boundary, , proper slinging of all goods discharged on or ladew from .the of. Section 440, Hutt District, to the westernmost corner. of ·that wharf, and· for any damag.e that may occur, either· from the section, being a point on tlie existing. boundary of City of Lower breakage- of · slings, or from the goods being imperfectly slung; Hutt; and thence northerly, north-westerly, and westerly generally 3. The Council will not be responsible- for any claim along the b_ou:ridary of City of Lower Hutt as. described in New arising. from delay in the delivery of goods fr'bm any cause Zealand Gazette, 1941, page 1558, to the point of commencement. whatsoever. ' . Also all :that area in the Wellington Land District, Hut.t County, , . 4. Cargo . landed or· placed on the wharf during the. commencing at a point on the existing e~stern bouridary,of the City absernce- of the wharfinger or his deputy shall not he deemed of;Lower HU;tt at the north,western· corner of Lot 1 on Deposited to be in the custody of the Council, nor shall the Council be Elaii 4581; being portion.of Section 21., Lowry Bay District; thence· Tesponsible for any loss or damage that may accrue to such eaisterly, southerly, .and. westerly generally· along the northern,' cargo. from any cause whatsoever. , · · . eastern; and southern boundaries of the said Lot Ito the westernmost 5. The Council. will not be responsible for the wrop:g or corner of that lot; thence westerly along a-right line to the southern­ no11-delivery of goods which are- erroneously'. or deficiently most corner of Section 225, Hutt District, being a point on the . marked, or which have numerous old or imperfectly~eras·ed - existing eastern boundary of the City of Lower Hutt ; and thence marks ·. thereon.; or where two or, more consignees.· have. the . north~easterly along the boundary of the City. of Lower, Hutt as sanie mark or marks for the same , or similar description of , described in New Zealand Gazette, 1941, page 1558, to the point of · goods. ' · ·· _- comJ?].encement. , ' 6. No person. shall receive_ from or deliver to any f,hip · C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of. the· Executive Council. or boat any goods or cargo except. through the wharfinger or (I.A. 103/5/62.) other deputed person. 7. Noi person shall leave a11y goods ~·n the wharf, or in the shed ,attached thereto, for a longer period than forty-eight hours without permission ,from the wharfinger; an·d the, Foreshore Liaer1ASe.-Wmrf at Waritangi, Clca,tham !islands, wharfinger may, when in his opinion the public convenience and malcimg Regulations for fhe Use of the Wlvarf and and the proper working of the wharf and shed require it, ai;:,, Shed any time during or after the expirat:i,o:ri of such period, cause; any goods to be removed from such . wharf · or shed, .or the ·. approaches tliereto, to. any. place· ·the wharfinger may' think C. L. N. NEWADL; Governor~General · proper, at the expense and risk of the owner or his agent or the person· in ~harge of· such goods. . ORDER IN COUNCIL 8. All goods which are not tallied . by· the wharfintger At the Gover.p.:ment House ,at Wellington, this. 27th day of shall' not be deemed for any purpose to be in the custody <>f ··September, 1944 the Council; nor shall the Council · be responsible for t!ieir Present: ·safe custody, or for any loss:. _or damage· that may accrue to Hts ExoELLENOY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNOIL the same in any· manner whatsoever. 9. The owner of all good~ landed, on the wharf Or placed URSUANT to the Harbours Act, 1923, His Excellency the thereon: for shipment shall_plac.e; such goods- as. the wharfipiger P Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and , may direct, and no person. shall place any goods, · cargo,. or consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby license and other articles in the shed or on the wharf so as to be ,.an· permit the Chatham Islands . County . Council . (hereinafter , impediment to the approach or an obstacle to the rem()v,aLof called " the Council," which term shall ·include its successor:s other goods, or so as to encumber .the working of the. pla;nt or assigns, unless. the context requires,a different construction) and appliances thereon. to use. and occupy a part. of the foreshore at Waita:otgi, Chat­ ham Islands, as shown on approved plan marked M.D. 6450 10. No person, other than the consignee or his agent; and deposited in the office of the Marine Department at Wel­ shall cut or open. any sack, bag, case; or pa~kage of 1 any lington,. for the purpose of maintaining the wharf atrd shed description on the Council's premises for any purpose wliat· tliereon as shown on the said plan, . such license to be held ever. an.il·,enjoyed by·the•.Oouncil upon and subject to: the terms andt 11. The Council shall not be responsible for. the safe conditions. set forth in the First Schedule hereto, and doth custody of packages containing acids, chemicals, inflammable make the regulations with· respect to the use of the said . oils, or other dangerous goods. · · . wharf .and. shed set. forth in the Second Schedule hereto, and 12; No person shall place or store any goods or, articles doth revoke the Order in Council dated the twenty-fourth day of @ty description which, in the opinion of the wharfinger, ofaSeptember, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-fom, and are likely to occasion, damage· to the shed.· or to other· goods published· .in the Gazette on the· twenty-seventh day· of the, therein in any such shed. same, month at pa·ge· 3004, making regulations• for, the use of the· said :wharf and · shed. 13. N 01 person shall land· or sh.ip any goods in wet weather without the permission of the wharfinger, but the giving of such permission shall not throw upon· the. Cou_n(}il: any· lia.bjlit,y for damage to such goods caused by handling in wet weather. The· determination of the wharfinger that the weather is. wet FIRST SCHEDULE shall be conclusive. · GoNDlTlONS ., .. 14. The ComicH shall not be bound to find stor.ag~,; r.QbJil,. 1. T-:iIIS license··is. subject to, the Foreshore License' Regllliv­ either in the shed or on the wharf, .for any gc>0ds ·wqe.#; in.' tions '1940, and the· provisions of those regulations shall?_ so , the opinion of. the wharfinger, no su::fficient accommodation is· far as applicable, apply hereto. available.'. ' t119~ 1 i •. ?., :t·

15.' · The owner of· all cargo o~ goods landed on the wharf 30. No . person shall disobey 'the Ia:;fuf orderil of tlie shall ·place same in charge of the whar:finger, who shall place whar:fin·ger or 'in any way · obstruct the trq,:fiic on the wharf them in the shed or otherwise as he ,may think advisable. or 'in the shed, or commit any act resulting or likely to result All goods may remain in the shed for a period of forty-eight . in a breach of the peace on the wharf or in the shed. hours, but may, with the whar:finger's permission, remain in 31. If any. person fails or refuses or neglects to do any­ the shed for such further pe:riod as the whar:finger may thing required by these regulations, or in any manner permit, at the consignee's or owner's risk, but the giving of obstructs, impedes, or . interferes with . the doing of anything such permission shall not throw upon the Council any liability enjoined or authorized to be done, or wilfully does anything for damage or deterioration from any cause whatever. prohibited by these by-laws, every such· pe:rson in. any . case 16. The Council shall not be responsible for loss or so off ending shall be liable ·to a penalty not· exceeding £20. damage to goods while in its custody by :fire, water used in extinguishing :fire, vermin, earthquake, the action of the sea, C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. theft, .. robbery, or other like cause, except when due -to the negligence of the Council or its officers or servants. 17; All wool put into the shed sliall be stowed by the owner or 'his agent in: such manner as direct.ed by the wharfinger or his deputy: . Declaring Road in Block IX, Tangit'I.{, Survey Di.stri~t, to be GovJ;nment 18. 'Th.e owner of all goods of a dangerous or inflammable Road nature landed on the wharf shall not put such goods into the shed, and such goods shall remain at the owner's risk while lying on the wharf; and the owner of any such goods shall. be held responsible for any accident, damage, or loss C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-Gen'eral that ·may result from such goods being on the wharf: ORDER IN· CO~CIL ·19, All complaints about the working of the wharf or shed; or against the whar:finger or his representative,. sl).all be At the Government House at Wellington, this 4th day ,of October, 1944 1 made in writing to the Council. 20. No person shall smoke in the shed. Present: ·21. No person shall commit a nuisance on, under, or HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOV]lRNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL about the' wharf or any of the Council's premises. N ,pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by . the 22 .. No person shall scribble upon, cut, scratch, paint,· or .I . Public Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers in anywise otherwise deface the· wharf, shed, or other property of .the enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General Council. of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the adyice 23. No person shall place any placard, notice, · or adver­ and consent of the Ex,cutive Cou~cil of the s11id Dominion, doth tisement .on any portion of the wharf or shed without :the hereby order and declare that the portion of road described in the permission of the whar:finger. Schedule hereto shall, on and after the date of this Order in Council, 24. No person shall play or tamper with any crane, become Government ro_ad. truck, .machinery or plant, nor make any use thereof except when entitled to do so under these regulations. 25. N

Consenting to Land being taken for Housing Purposes in the City of Auckland

C. L. N. NEWALL, . Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at ·Wellington, this 4th day of October, 1944 'Present: . . · His ExoELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL N purs.uance\ and exercise of the powers and 'authorities conferred by. the Public . Works Act, 19.28, and of all .. other. powers I in anywise enabling\ him in this · behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General .of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by • and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion: dot]:i hereby consent' to the land des~ribed in the Schedule hereto being t.aken for housing purposes.


4,p:p,roximate Areas I of.the ,Pieces. of :Being. Situated in Survey Land·permitted to Situated in :Block District of be taken ..

A, R. P. XVI Waitemata. 0 1 4·2 Part Allotment 35, Parish of Titirangi, on D.P. 312 { IV · Titirangi. 3 3 1·9 Parts of Allotments 29 and 35, Parish of Titirangi, pn. D.P.. 312 XVI Waitemata. (S.O. 32959.) (City of Auckland) (Auckland R.D_.).

In the North .Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on ·the plan marked P.W.D. '118708; deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. · · C. A. JEFFE~Y~ Clerk of tqe E~~cq1;ive 9owicil • ..- -- ·: l.' .; .-· . .• . ~ : . •. . .. _, . i .. ) (P:W: 80/77;) USO THE~ NEW· ZEKLAND···GAZETTE

The South-eastern Side of Portion of Sutherland. Street; in {h,e, CJounty ·The Southern Side of Portion.of Monro Street and the W estltn. Side o.f Waimairi, eiempted from the Pro1:,isio71:s_ oj Section 1~8 _(_}f. fli'e of Portfon of Poynter Street, Both. in the Borough of Blenheitrt, · Public Works Act, 1928, subject to tt Condition as to the Bitildiftg• exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Public Works Um · .. Acti 1028, subject to a Condition as to the Building-line ·

C, ·L. N. NEW ALL, Governdr-Gefleral C. t. :rt NEW ALL; GcMlriWr-Oi:-itteral ORiJE!R · IN ddtmCit ORDER tN cou:Nctt At the Government House. at Wellington, this 4th day of At the tl-overnment 1i:ousl3 at W~illrtgton, this 4th day of OcMber, 1944 . Octo bet'; 1944 Preseht: PrM~nt ! Hts ExoELLENOY THE Govl!iR:NOR-GENERAL IN CouNott Hts :ExcEttEN'CY ..rn Gov:lli:aNO:s·GEN°~:i1At 1:N CouNott. N pursuanoe and e~ercJise 0£ the powers conferred.by th~ Public N _put~liailce and e:x:ercfae of the powers conf~rred bY: the Pu1?lic I Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in. anyw:i:se enabling I Wotks Act, 1928, and of every other.power in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Goverfior 0 0:e:t1efal a£· the him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of ·New Zea,la.nd, acting by and with the 11dvfoe and Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advic~ and consent consent of the Executive COtitlbil of the §ai:id Daminithi; cfoth hereby of iM Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve approve of the !olldwing resolution. passed by the Wa:imai:d Caunty of the followin_g resolution passed by the Blenheim Borough Com1cil Council on the sixteen.th day 0£. February, one thou§&,rtd nine ofi the tenth da.y bf August; one thousand nine hundred and forty- hundred and forty-fou1\ the portion of \street affected bv E:luch. four, viz. :~ . · resolution being more pairtfoufa,rly described lli the Schedule heteta :- '' The Blenheim Borough Council; being the local authority ••· u That the Wnifiiairi County Councili being the ldcal . having Mntrol of the roads in. the Horough of Blenheim, by authority having cbntrol of the roads in the County al Wai­ resolution deciares that the provisions of section one hundred mairi, by resolution de~lares that th_e provi~i()n .ol. section one and twen.ty"eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not hundred and twenty=e1ght of the Public Works Act, 1928, . tt p-plf to the sou thetn side of Monto and westetn side of Poynter shall n.ot apply_ t~. the side of Sutherlat1d, Stre~t adjoi_ning Lot . Streets fronting Allotments 560 and 561 of Section 1/3, Orn.aka, 73, D.P. 121, part R.S. 132; and obn.tamed 1il Cerfa:fitJate of BortJiigh of Blenheim, and contained in the Certificate of Title, Title, Volume 207t folio 75 (Cartterbury Survey District) ,; ; Volume 17; folio 131 i,; subject to the condition that no building or part of a building shall stlbject to .the condition that no building or part of a building shall at any time be erected On th~ land fronting the south-eastern side at afY til_he be ereded on the land fron.fin,g the s~utherh side of 0£ the portion of Sutherland Street (described in the SCJhedule hereto) portion of Mbnto Street or the western side of portion of Poynter within a distance of thirty-three feet from t:~.e centre-line of the said Street (described in the Schedule hereto) within a distance of thirty- portion of road. three feet from the centre-lines of the said portions of str~ets. ·

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE THE south-eastern side of all that porti~n' of road situated in the ',['HE southern side .of all that portion of the street known as Monro Canterbury Land District, County of Waimairi, known as. Sutherlanc;l Street, situated in the Marlborough Land District, Borough of. Street, fronting Lot 73 on Deposited Plan No. 121, being part of Blenheim, adjoining Lot 561, D.P. 523, part Section 3, Orii!:l!ka Rural Section 132, Block XIV, Christchurch Survey District. As District. . , the said portion of road is more. particularly delineated on the plan Also the western side of all that ·portion of the street known as marked P.W.D. 119658, deposited ip. the office of the Miniilter 6f Poynter Street, situated in the· said land district and borough, Works at Wellington, and th~reon coloured red. adjoining Lots 560 and 561, D.P-. 523, part Section 3, Omaka District. As the M,me are more particularly delineated on the plan marked 0. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. P.W.D. 120049, dtlposited in the office.of the Minister of Works ·at (P. W. 51/2848.) W ell1ngtort, and thereon coloured red. · . ; 'c. A; JEFFERY, Clerk _of the Executive Council. (P.W. 51/2182.) , The Southern Side of Portion of Mowat Street, in the Oountp of Marlborough, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Building-line The· Western Side of Portion of Gubitt Street, in the Borough of Blen­ heim, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Building-line C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER .IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington, this 4th day of C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General · October, 1944 ORDER IN COUNCIL Present: At the Government House at Wellington, this 4th day of His ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL October, 1944·- N pursuance and· exercise of the po~ers conf~rred b~ the Pu~lic Present: I Works Act, 1928, and of every other power m anywise enabhng His Ex9ELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of. the N pursua:ra.ce · and exercise of the powers conferred by the Public Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the.advice and consent I Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in anywise enabling of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve him . in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the of the following resolution passed by the Marlborough County Domip.ion of New Zealan

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE THE southern side.· of all that portion of road in the Marlborough . . Land District, County of Marlborough, ,known as Mowat. Street, THE western side of all that portion of street situated in the Marl­ fronting Lot 13 and part Lots 14, 19, 20, 21, and 22, D.P. 13A, ·. , borough Land District, Borough of Blenheim, known as Cubitt _ ·part Se.ction 5, Omaka District. As the f;lame is more particularly­ Street, fronting part Lot ll, Deeds Pfa,n 21, part Section 2, Orn.aka delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 120051, deposited in the District. As the same is more particularly deli~eated on the .plan office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, ·and.thereon coloured . marked P.W.D. 12Q050, deposited in the office of the Minister .of red. Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. .· 0. A. JEFFERYi Qlerk of the Executive Council. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executiye CounciL (P.W. 51/28l$6.) (P.W. 51/2857.) THE NEW, ZEALAND' GAZETTE U81

Vesting the ·Management of the Launch Skidway at M,oana, Lake \ Office added to the Adn(inistrative Divisiori under the Public Service Brunner, in the Grey County Council Act, 1912 ·

C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington, this 27th day of At the Government House at Wellington, this 20th day of September~. 1944 , September, 1944 Present: Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNC'IL HEREAS by subsection two of section eighteen of the Public URSUANT to the Harbours Act, · 1923, His Excellency the Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent W P may, whenever it appears advantageous to· the Public Service so of the Executive Council, doth hereby vest in the Grey County to do, certify to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add Council (hereinafter called " the Council," which term shall include its successors or assigns · unless the context requires a different any office to· or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division of the Public Service of New Zealand; and the Governor-General construction), the management of the launch skidway at Moana, Lake Brunner, as shown on approved plan marked M.D. 8285, in Council may, upon such certificate, add any office to the Adminis­ trative Division or abolish any office therein: and deposited in the _office of the Marine Department at Wellington, such vesting to be subject to· the terms and conditions set forth And whereas the Public Service Commissioner has certified to the Governor-General that it is ·expedient to add the office of in the Schedule hereto. Director of National Development to the said Administrative Division: SCHEDULE Now, therefore, His Exc~llency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers 1-. THE vesting is subject to the Foreshore License Regufa,tions conferred on him by the said section, and of all.other powers enabling 1940, and the provisions of those regulatio:n:s shall, so far as applicable, him in this behalf, and acting by'and with the advice and consent apply hereto. , of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby add the 2. The annual sum payable by the Council shall be one shilling office of Director of National Development to the said Administrative (ls.) payable on demand. . Division. 3. The term of the vesting shall be fourteen years from·th-e date hereof. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive C!)uncil.

Polling-places for the Awarua Electoral Distrjt appointed / "Office added to the Administrative Division under the Public Service C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ' Act, 1912 N pursuance and _in exercise of the powers conferr_ ed upon me I by the Electoral Act, 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, C. L. N. NEWALL, GovE}rnor-General the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby ORDER IN COUNQIL abolish all existing polling-places, and do hereby appoint the places. mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be the polling-places in the At the Government House at Wellington, this 27th day of said Electoral District of'Awarua. September, 1944 ' Present: Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL · IN CouNcIL SCHEDULE ·wH. EREAS by subsection two of section eighteen of the Public Awarua Electoral District­ Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner Bluff, the Courthouse. may, whenever it appears advantageous to the Public Service so Brown's, the Public School. , io do, certify to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add Chelmsford Street East (North ), Mr. J. H. Collett's any office to or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division Workshop. of the Public Service of New Zealand; and the Governor-General Dacre, the Public School. in. Council may, upon such certificate, add any office to the Adminis­ Drummond, the Oddfellows' Hall. trative Division or abolish any office therein : East Limehills, the Residence of Mr. A. Grant. And whereas the" Public Service Commissioner has certified Forest Hill, the Public Hall. to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add the office of Greenhills, the Public School. Director of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Department; to the said , the Public School. Administrative Division : • Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island, the Public School. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Hawthorndale, the East Road Misson Church Hall. .Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers Hedgehope, the Public School. conferred on hini by the said section, and of all other powers enabling Heidelberg, St. Patrick's School, View Street. him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent Hokonui, the Public School. of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth· hereby add the Kauana, the Public School. office of Director of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Department, Kennington, the Public School. to the said Administrative Division. Limehills, the Public School. Lochiel, the PubliQ School. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Longbush, the Public School. a Lora Gorge, the Public School. Mabel Bush, the Public Hall. North, the Public Hall. Makarewa Township, the Public School. Office added to the Administrative Division under the Public Service , Tennis Club's Hall. Act, 1912 , the Public School. Oreti Plains, the Public School. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Otahuti, the Public School. Otapiri, the Public School. ORDER IN COUNCIL , the Public School. , At the Go~ernment House at Wellington, this 27th day of Road, the Sunday School Hall. September, 1944 Rimu, the Public School. Present: Riverton, the Courthouse: , the Public School. Hrs Exc])LLENCY THE GQVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNorL Ryal Bush, the Public School. HEREAS by subsection two of section eighteen of the Public Spar Bush, the Old School Building. W Service Act, 1912, it is enacted that the Commissioner may, Spring Hills, the Public School. whenever it appears adv.antageous to the Public Service so to do, Thornbury, the Public School. certify to the · Governor-General that it is expedient to add any Tisbury, the Public School. office to or to abolish any office from the Administrative Division Tussock Creek, the Public School. of the Public Service of N (;)W Zealand·; and the Governor-General , ~he Public School. in Council may, upon such certifieate, _add any office to the Adminis­ ' , the Public School. trative Division or abolish any office therein : Waimatua, the Public School. And whereas the Public Service Commi1;1sioner has certified Waimatulfo, the Public School. to the Governor-General that it is expedient to add the office of , the Public School. Director of National Service and Controller of Man-power, National West Plains, the Public School. Service Department, to the said Administrative Division : Winton, the Public School (principal). Now, therl:lfore, His Exce~ency the Governor-General of the Woodend, ,"the Public Hall. Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers Woodlands, the Public School. - conferred on him by the said section, and of all other powers enabling Wright's Bush, the Public Hall. • , him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby add the As witneRs the hand of His Excellency the' Governor-General, office of Director of National Service and Controller of Man-power, this 29tii day of September, 1944. National Service Department, to the said Administrative Division. P. FRASER, C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Minister in Charge of Ele~~or11,l Department. B, ', ,, ' 1182 THE NEW ZEALAND- GAZETTE

' , Declaring Grown Land. in ;the Canterbury Land District to be subject' , ,, · - The New Zealand Scottish Regimr;nt , to the Land for Settlements Act, 1925 · / Temp. Lieutenant L. A. Edwards is posted to the Retired List with the ran~ of Lieutenal}t. Dated 20th September, 1944.

C. L,_ N. NEWALL, Governor-General 2nd Maori· Battalion :fIEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter Temp. Lieutenant P. H. Toka is posted to the Retired List W referred to as "the said land") is Crown land not.acquired · with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated. 23rd October, 1943. under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, but is adjacent to certain land acquired under the said Act; and known as the Annan Settle­ N.Z. M:m:o;rcAL CORPS !Ilent and can conveniently be disposed of therewith: The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lieutenants, Opticians, to· ·be Now, therefore; I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ temp. Lieutenants :- General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting in pursuance and exercise· of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by section L. N. Medlin,· S.D.O. N.Z. Dated 16th September, 1944. one hundred and five of the said Act, and on the recommendation R. N. Yorke, F.S.M.C .. Dated 22nd September, 1-944. of the Land Settlement Board, and after considering the report of the Canterbury Land Board, do hereby declare the said land to be N.Z. DENTAL ·coRPS subject to' the said Act, to the intent that it shall hereupon be deemed Temp. Captain P.R. Bridgens is retired. Dated 11th Septem­ to be portion of the said Annan Settlement and may be disposed of accordingly. ber, 1944. N.Z. ARMY ~URSING SERVICE SCHEDULE Sister R. S. Halliburton (nee Talbot) is posted to the Retired List. ~ated 22nd September, 1944. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT

ALL that area containing by admeasurement 10 acres 3 roods 35 RESERVE OF OFFICERS perches, more or less (formerly part of Section 10, Annan Settlement), Suppleinentary List situated in Block X, Waiau Survey District, and bounded as follows : Towards the north-west by the Waiau-Kaikoura Road, 795·3 links Lieutenant S. J. Bartos, M.C., is posted to the Retired List. and 722·8 links, and towards the north-east, south-east, and south~ pated 8th September, 1944. west by part of Section 10, Annan Settlement, 980·7 links, a total of 1841 ·0 links an~ 376·8 Jinks respectively. As the same is . OFFICERS CEASiNG TO BE SECONDED. TO THE 2ND NEW ZEALAND more particularly delineated on· ...the plan marked · L. and · S. . EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 22/788/5A, deposited in the Head. Office, Department of Lands andSurvey, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. Lieutenant-Colonel F. 0. Bennett, M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. Medical Corps; and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the temporary As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, with seniority front 10th April, 1943,. Dated 21st September, 1944. · this 28th day of September,. 1944. 1 Major J. C. M. Simmers, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps, a~d is C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. reposted to the Territorial· Force with the temporary rank of Major, (L. and S. 22/788/5.) with seniority from 27th January, 1942. Dated 19th August, 1944. Captain J. A. R. Scott, M.Sc., B.D.S., N.Z ..Dental Corps, and is reposted to the Territorial .Force with the temporary rank of Qaptain, with seniority from 2_8th February, 1942. Da.ted 17th Appointments, Promotions, Relinquishments of Temporary Rank, February, 1944. _ Relinquishments of Commissions, and Retirements of Officers of · . Captain J. R. Grigg, and is reposted to The Nelson, Marlborough, the New Zealand Military Forces · . and West Coast Regiment with the temporary rank ofCaptain,·with seniority from 1st January, 1942. Dated 19th September, 1944;' Captain N. A. Clouston, B.D.S., N.Z. Dental Corps; and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the temporary rank; 'of' Army Department, I Wellington, 3rd October, 1944. Captain, with seniority from 8th. August, 1~42. _Dat_ed '19th September, 1944. , IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleaseq. . to Captain H. N. Johnson, and is reposted-to The Auckland Regi­ H approve of the following appointments, promotions, relin­ ment. (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) with ,.the temporary rank of quishments of temporary rank, relinquishments of · commissions, Captain, with seniority from 19th December, 1942. Dated· 23rd and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Military Forces:~ September, 1944. · Lieutenant P. F. Hewitt, and is reposted to the N.z: Staff REGIMENT OF ROY.AL N.Z. ARTILLERY Corps. Dated 28th August, 1944. · / Temp. Major and Quartermaster P. J. Kivell is post!:)d to the _Lieutenant L: M. Hartigan, N.Z. Artillery, and is reposted ,fo_ Retired· List with the rank of Major and Quartermaster. Dated the Territorial Force with the temporary rank of Lieutenant, .with 29th September, 1944. seniority from 31st July, 1943. Dated 19th September, 1944. · W.O. II (temp. Captain and Quartermaster) R. I. Bolton relin­ Lieutenant l;L Dale, and is reposted to The Regiment of quishes th~ temporary rank of Captain and Quartermaster. Royal N.Z. Artillery. Dated 20th September, 1944. Dated 10th September, 1944. • · Lieu.tenant L. A. Edwards, and is reposted to The N;Z. Scottish' Regiment with the temporary rank of Lieutenant, with seniority Sergeant Harold Dale to be temp. Lieutenant and Quarter­ from I.st July, 1944., Dated 20th September, 1944. master. Dated 21st September, 1944. Lieutenant S. M. Jones, and is reposted to The Ruahine Regi­ ment with the temporary rank of Lieutenant, with seniority from N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF 2nd April, 1942. Dated 22nd September, 1944. _' . , John Stanley Harrison to be temp. 2nd .Lieutenant. Dated The Rev. W. H. D. Hartley,. Chaplain, 4th Class (Church of 23rd September, 1944. ,England), N.Z. Chaplains Department, and is reposted to the Territoria,l Force with the rank of Chaplain, 4th Class, with seniority Norman George Goffi.n 't'o be Hon. 2nd Lieutenant, Bandmaster. from 21st January, 1942. Dated 18th July, 1944. Dated 20th September, 1944. Sister I. A. Maxwell, N.Z. Army Nursing Service, and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the rank of Sister, with seniority from TERRITORIAL FORCE 31st October; 1940. Dated 19th September, 1944. , Sister R. S. Halliburton (nee Talbot), N.Z. Army Nursing N.Z. A:8.TTuLERY Service, and is reposted to the. Territorial Force with the rank of Temp. Lieutenant L. M. Hartigan; is posted to the Retired Sister, with seniority from 11th December, 1941. Dated 22nd List with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 19th September, 1944. September, 1944. Temp. 2nd Lieutenant B. J. B. Kennedy to be temp. Lieutenant, and remains seconded. Dated 7th i!'ebruary, 1944. • OFFICERS STRUCK OFF THE STRENGTH OF .THE 2ND NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE

N.Z. INFANTRY Major.G. A. Myers, M.B., Ch.B., F.RC.S. (Eng.), and is posted to the Reserve of Officers, Su,pplem:eritary List. Dated 19th The Auckland .Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) " September, 1944. · Temp. Captain H. N. Johnson is posted to the Retired List Captain E. 0. Knewstubb, and is posted to. the Reserve of with the rank of Captain. Dated 23rd September,, 1944. Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 21st September, 1944. 2nd Lieutenant (Acting-Lieutenant) J. E. Petrie, and is posted The North Auckland Regiment to the N.Z. Temporary Staff with the temporary rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 22nd July, 1944. Lieutenant H. R. Heward to· be temp. Captain. Dated 1st August, 1944. 2nd Lieutenant C. L. W. Urquhart, and is posted to the Retired List. Dated 23rd September, 1944. 2nd Lieutenant B. J. Vile, and fa posted to the Retired· List. The Wellington West Coast Regiment Dated 24th September, 1944. Lieutenant A. C. Espiner relinquishes his· commission on E. E. Bush, Esquire (Church .Army). · Dated 14th January, appointment to a commission in the Royal N.Z. Air Force. _Dated 1943. . 28th October, 1940, _ . . · - . F, JONES, Minister of, Defence. OCT. 5] THE NEW ZEALAND QAZETTE 1183.

Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Reversion, and Relinquishments EQUIPMEN'J; BRANCH, SECTION l : EQUIPMENT OFFICERS . of Officers of the Royq,l New Zealand Air Force Promotion Equipment Duties- .Pilot Officer Cyril John KEPPEL to be Flying Ofp.cer Air 'Department, (temp.). Dated 15th December, 1943 .. Wellington, ·27th September, 1944. IS Excellency the Governor-General · has been pleased to ADMINISTRATIVE AND ePECIAL DuTrns BRANcrr H approve the following appointments, promotions, transfers, Promotion reversion, and relinquishments of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force :- · Flight Lieutenant (temp.) Frederick Brayshaw McWHANNELL, M.C., to be Acting Squadron Leader (paid).~ Dated 15th Ahgust, GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH 1944. Appointments Transfer !l'he undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in Flight Lieutenant John Charles Gordon FAIR is transferred the rank of Pilot Officer:- from the Equipment Branch to the Administrative and Special Duties Br.anch in his present rank and seniority. Dated 1st As Pilots-,- September, 1944. •. Dated 22nd April, 1944- . NZ 427451 Flight Sergeant; Clive Leslie BLOWS. ·Relinquishment Dated 28t.h July, 1944- I Flying Officer Robert Hugh HOWELL is permitted to relinquish NZ 414644 Warrant Officer Martin John Henrv LoucH. his temporary commission~ Dated 16th September, 1944. Dated 31st Julv, 1944~ • NZ 413126 Warrant OfficerrThomas Hugh Ross. Amendment Dated 7th August, 1944- . In .the notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 25, NZ 424504 Flight Sergeant Eldrid Duke 0'0.ALLAGHAN. dated 30th March, 1944, page 306, under the heading" Administra­ NZ 414954 Warrant Officer Roger Henry BOULDEN. tive and Special Duties Branch-Transfers," relating to Flying Dated 16th August, 1944-,- . Officer Hew Seton MoNTGOMERIE, for "Dated 27th March, 1944," NZ 425406 Flight Sergeant Richard Lyall· SMITH. read "Dated 24th AJ>ril, 1944." Dated 18th August, 1944- NZ · 422292 Flight Sergeant Robert Baines KNIGHT. NEw ZEALAND WoME1-f'S AuxILIARY Arn FORCE NZ 425241 Flight Sergeant Guy Rerenui DUNLOP. Relinquishment Dated 19th August, 1944- Assista11.t Section Officer Margaret Seamons APPLETON is NZC 429952 Flight Sergeant Roberts Loder ALLEN. permitted to relinquish her temporary commission. Dated 28th NZ 427535 Flight Sergeant Gordon William Edwards October, 1944. ' ' STEEL. NZ 42707 Flight Sergeant Harold Herbert McHARDY. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH, SECTION II (A.T.C.) Dated 21st August, 1944- NZ 415496 Flight Sergeant Heathcote George ROUND. · Relinquishments Dated 23rd August, 1944- The undermentioned officers are permitted to relinquish their NZ 412947 Flight Sergeant Bruce Henry PACKER. Air Training Corps Commissions :- Dated 24th August, 1944- . Dated 1st August, 1944: Flying Officer James Smith ROBBIE. NZ 422439 Flight Sergeant Neil STEVENS. Dated 8th August, 1944: Flying Officer Peter Ian MACLEAN. Dated 25th August, 1944- Dated 15th August, 1944: Pilot Officer Herlof Anton Herlofsen NZ , 425425 Flight Sergeant Roderick Hamilton Mc­ VOGT. -· / HAFFIE. Dated 19th August, 1944: Pilot Officer Robert KELLEHER. Dated 1st September, 1944- NZ 42378 Warrant Officer Leslie Hamilton DOBBS. RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS As Navigators- Transfers Dated 12th August, 1944- The undermentioned are transferred from the Active List t9 NZ 412695 Warrant Officer Clifton Hubert J·AcK.A.: the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class B, Section I :- Dated 1st September, 1944- Dated 6th September, 1944: Flying Officer Ralph Ford NZ 413853 Warrant Officer Norman William INGERSON.· HANCOCK, Dated 7th September, 1944 : Flying Officer William Stewart As Wireless Operator/Air Gunne. rs- MITCHELL. . / . Dated 16th August, 1944---, NZ 417306 'Flight Sergeant Thomas Henry MONSON. Corrigendum Dated 1st September, 1944__:_ NZ 403623 Warr~nt Officer. Ansell Clifford JAMES. In the notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 78, NZ 404102 Warrant Officer Edward Henry SMITH, D.F.1\'L dated 7th September, 1944, page 1096, under the heading" General NZ 414005 Warrant Officer William John FLAUS. Duties Branch, Appointments---,As Navigators," for "NZ 4310586 NZ 412893 Warrant Officer Melton Ross McNABB. Sergeant Alfred l\filler HOGG," read "NZ 4310586 'Sergeant Alfred Millar HOGG." As Air Bomber- F. JONES, Minister of Defence. , Dated 27th July, 1944- NZ 422172 Flight Sergeant Phillip Stanley BAKER, As Air Gunners- Appointment of ·~ice-Consul of China at Apia, Western Samoa Dated 1st September, 1944- NZ 404643 Warrant Officer Randal Fredrick O'KEEFE. Department of External Affairs, NZ 41595 Warrant Officer George McDOWELL. Wellington, 22nd September, 1944. IS Excellency t~e Governor-General. directs it t<;> be notified H that the appomtment of Cheng Chia Hua as Vice-Consul of Promotions China at Apia, Western Samoa, has been provisionally recognized. The undermentioned Flight Lieutenants (temp.) to be Acting P. FRASER,.Minister of External Affairs. Squadron. Leaders (paid) :- Dated 25th August, 1944 : John Roy BUTCHER. Dated 15th September:, 1944: Jack Graeme HANNAH. Members of Licensing Committees appointed The undermentioned Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenants Department of Justice, (temp.):- Wellington, 28th September, 194.4.· Dated 1st April, 1944: George Alfred SCHOLES. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to ·Dated 22nd June, 1944: Vernon liector Waggstaff GROVES. H appoint The undermentioned Flying Officers (temp.) to be Acting Flight Felix Hector Levien, Esquire, S.M., Lieute,nants (pa~d) :- to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the District of Waitemata, 11ice John Hector Luxford, Esquire, S.M., and Dated-15th August, 1944- Douglas Wharepouri RIDDLER. Joseph Morling, Esquire, S.M., Cyril Francis BROMLEY. to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the District of Kenneth Keremehana BEVAN. ·Remuera, vice John Hector Luxford, Esquire, S.M. Dated 22nd September, 1944-,- H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. Alexander Gardyne Stanley GEORGE, D.F.C. John Evelyn SANDERS. Stipendiary Magistrate appointed Dated 25th September, 1944; Bruce Stafford HAY. Pilot Officer John WATSON to be Flying Officer (temp.). Dated Department of Justice, 21st August, 1944. Wellington, 27th September, 1944. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Transfer and Reversion H appoint , Henry James·Dixon, Esqui:r:e, Flying Officer Eric Varnham BARDSLEY is transferred from the to be a temporary Stipendiary Magistrate for the period from the Administrative and Special Duties Branch to the General Duties 28th day of SepteIJ?.ber, 1944, to the 31st day of December, 1944. Branch (as Navigator) and reverts to the rank of Pilot Officer. ' Dated 1st September, 1944. H. G. R. MASON,. Minister of Justice. 1184 THE .NEW ZEALAND .. GAZETTE . ' Probation Officer appointed James Alexander Fyfe to. be Registrar of El~ctors and Returning Officer for the Electoral

,I Prisons Department, District of Buller for the purposes of the Electoral Act, 1927, and W eJlington, 29th September, 1944, its amendments, and Returning Officer for the Buller Licensing IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to District for the purposes of the Licensing Act, 1908, and its amend­ H appoint ments, on and from the 8th day_of September, 1944. Reginald Victor Hennrie, Esquire, Constable Charles Stephen Russell to be Probation Officer under the Offenders Probation Act, 1920, to be Clerk of t~e Magistrates' Court at Collingwood for the purposes and the Crimes Amendmen~ Acts, 1910 and 1920, for the City of of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, and ~aihtenance Officer. at Nelson. · · _ , the Magistrates' Court at Collingwood for the purposes of. the H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. Destitute Persons Amendment Act, 1928, on and from the 12th day of September, 1944. Frank Bernard Loxley Jameson Police Gaoler appointed to be Registrar of Electors and Returning Officer1 for the Elect.oral District of Nelson for the purposes of the Electo.ral Act, 1927, ap.d Prisons Depirtment, its amendment~, Returning Officer for the Nelson Licensing District Wellington, 29th September, 1944. for the purposes of the Licensing Act, 1908, and its amendments, IS E. xcellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Registrar at Nelson of the Supreme Court of New Zealand and appoint . · Sheriff for the District of Nelson for the purposes of .the Judicature H Act, 1908, Clerk of the Magistrll.tes' Court at Nelson for the purposes Constable Henry Ernest Hollinshead of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, Clerk of the Warden's Court, to be Police Gaoler at Rawene, ·vice Constable J. T. Chalcraft, Receiver of Gold Revenue, ·and Mining Registrar at Nelson for the transferred. Mining District . of Karamea · constituted under the Mining Act, H. G. R. MASON, M:inister of Justice. 1926, Official Assignee at Nelson for the purposes of the Bankruptcy Act,· 1908, Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Nelson for the purposes of the Licensing Act, 1908, and Registrar Appointment of Officer for the Purposes of the Fisheries Act, 1908 and Marshal at Nelson of the Supreme Court of New Zealand in respect of its jurisdiction as a Colonial· Court of Admiralty under Marine Department, the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890, on and from the 11th Wellington, 28th September, 1944. day of September, 1944. . ·~ ' y direction of the Hon. Minister of Marine, it is he~eby notified · Nola Joan Webster Rabe (Miss) B that His Excellency the Governor-General haa, in pursuance to be Deputy Regi_strar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Taneatua, of the provisions of the Fisheries Act,, 1908, and of the Official on aI_ld from the 9th day of September, 1944. Appointments and Documents Act, l919, appointed · Trevor James Ot\Vay' John Alexander Ramsay, of Greymouth, to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Mercer, to be an officer for the purposes of Part II of the .first-mentioned on and from the 12th day of September, 1947':. Act in respect of the Grey District, Acclimatization District. Irene Anne Wilkes (Miss) . G. H. TANNER, for Secretary, , to be Deputy Registrar of Births and De~ths of Maoris at Colac Bay, on and from the 18th d1;1,y of September, 1944. ' L. A. ATKINSON, Secretary. Appointment of Officer for the Purposes of Part II of the Fisheries Act;.1908 :L1he Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice declaring Land taken for the Settlement of a Discharged Service­ Marine Department, man Wellington, 29th September, 1944. y direction of the Hon. Minister of Marine, it is hereby notified HEREAS an application has _been made for the consent of B · that His Excellency the Governor-General has, in p1,1rsuance the Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the of the provisions of the Fisheries Act, 1908, and of the Official W fand described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the Appointments and Documents Act, 1919, appointed Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: George Edelman, of Tokaa:riu, · And whereas the Land Sales Committee to,which the application to. be an officer- for the purposes of Part II of the first,-mentioned has been referred is of opinion that the land, to which the application Act in respect of the -Rotorua Acclimatization District. relates is farm land suitable for.· the settlement of a discharged serviceman : • , G. H. TANNER, for Secretary. And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the Crown _had decided not to acquire or arrange for the . acquisition of the land, did on the 25th day of !.ugust, 1944, make an order Additional Member of Domain Board appointed determining the basic value of the land : And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman Department of Lands and Survey; who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of Wellington, 26th September, 1944. His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: IS Excellency the Governor-General- has been pleased, in Now, therefore, I, Clarence Far:i;ingdon Skinner; Minister of .H · ... pursuance of section 46 · of the Public Reserves; Domains, Lands, acting in pursuance of section 51 of the said Act, do hereby and National Parks ,Act, 1928, to increase the total number of declare that the said land is taken for the settlement of a discharged members of the Putorino De>main Board from six to seven and to serviceman, and . I hereby specify the 1st day of February, appoi~t 1945, as the date on which the said land shall be, deemed to be John Henry Winter vested in His Majesty the King. a.s. the additional member thereby ~endered necessary. / R. G: ~ACMORRAN, Under-Secretary. SCHEDULE (L. and S. 1/878.) HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT ALL that parcel of land situated in Block XVI, Heretaunga Survey District, and Block I, Kidnapper Survey District, containing fifty A.ppointm_ents in the Public Service (50) acres two (2) roods and ten (10) perches, more or less, being part of 'Block 9, Te Mata Crown Grant District, being Lot I on Office of the Public Service Commissioner, Deposited Plan 3896, and being all the land comprised in certificate Wellington, 3rd October, 1944. , . of title, Vol. 35, folio 236 (Hawke's Bay Registry). ·THE P1;1blic Ser~ice Commissioner. has made the following As .witness my hand, this 4th day ef October, 1944 · · appomtments m the Public Servrne :- C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Albert John Bennetts (L. and S. 36/1444/90:) ·to be Registrar of Marriages for the District of Napier for the purposes. of the Marriage Act, 1908, Registrar of _Births and Deaths Authorizing the Laying-off of Roark of Jess Width than 66 ft: for the District of Napier for the purposes of the·Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, and Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris ·WHEREAS in the opinio~-, of· the Minister of Lands it is at Napier for the purposes ·o.f the Maori Births and _Deaths Regis­ _· . inexpedient, by reason of the fact that the land shown upon tration Regulations· 1935, Registrar ,of Electors and Returning the.plan of Town of Ilam Extension No: 29, affecting part of Rural Officer for the Electoral District of Napier for the purposes of the Section No. 12 and other part of Rural Sectipn ro. 12, Canterbury Electoral Act 1927, and its amendments, Returning Officer for the Land District, is intended to be used wholly for residential purposes, Napier Licensing District for the purposes of the Licensing Act, 1908, that Karamu and Karaka Streets shown thereon should be of the and its amendments, Registrar at Napier of the Supreme Court of width of 66 ft. : New Zealand and Sheriff for ·the District. of Hawke's Bay for the Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power conferred upon him purposes of the Judicature Act, 1908, Registrar and Marshal at . by section 17, subsection (l),,of the Land Act, 1924, and of every Napier of the Supreme Court of New Zealand in respect of its other p.ower bim thereunto enabling, the Minister of Lands doth jurisdiction as a Colonial Court of Admiralty under the Colonial hereby authorize the laying-off of Karamu and Karaka Streets Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890, Clerk of the Magistrates' Court at of a width of not less than 50 ft. : Provided always that it shall Napier for the purposes of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, Official not be lawful for any person .to erect or cause to be erected any Assignee at ·Napier. for the Supreme Court District of Wellington building at a less distance than 33 ft. from the middle of such streets. for the purposes of the Bankruptcy Act, 1908, and Clerk of -the Given under the hand of the Minister of Lands, this 3rd day Licensing Committee for the District of Napier for the purposes of October, )944. of the Licensing Act, 1908, on and from the 8th day of September, C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. 1944. (L. and S. 25/366.)· TltE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1185

Register of Licenses issued under the Land Agents Act, 1921-22

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 29th SeJ:>tember, _1944. EREWITH is published for generalinformation, in accordance with the Land Agents Act, 192i-22, a list of persons licensed to carry on H business-as land-agents as on the 15th day of September, 1944. ' , . · W. K PARRY, Minister oflnterna! Affairs.

REGISTER OF .LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22 NoTE.-The Register ls arranged alphabetically under the names of holders of licenses; but when an individual holds a license on behalf of a firm or registered company_ the name of such firm or company, and not the name of the holder of the license, is placed in its alphabetical order. In the case of a firm or company the name of which consists of the Christian name or naµies (or initials) and surname or surnames of some person or persons, the index letter is the first letter of the first surname. , Further, where an individual holder of a license trades under a particul~r name the trade-name appears in its alphabetical order.

Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a No. of Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered ·Office. Date License Court by which Lioense. Company on whose behalf granted. License granted. License is held.

18662 Allan, David Abraham and Williams, 34 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, Grey 1/4/44 Wellington. Ltd. St., Palmerston North, and Taumarunui 18348 Aickin, Roger Casement C. Aickin and Sons (Auck­ Anzac Ave., Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. fa,nd), Ltd. 17302 Allchurch, Harold 5 Beswick St., Timaru .. 1/4/44 Timaru. 18773 Allison, Samuel 27 Queen St., Auckland, and The Store, 1/4/44 Auckland. Bucklands Beach, Auckland 17659 Amos, William Henry Tancred St., Ashburton 1/4/44 Ashburton. 18528 Anderson, William Adair George Anderson and Son 534 Colombo St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18847 Anderson, Harold Stanley Commercial Bank Bldgs., Queen St., Auck- 1/4/44 Auckland. land 17815 Andrew, Henry Main· Henry Andrew and Sons Arawata St., Te Awamutu 1/4/44 Te Awamutu. 19476 Arnold, William Arthur 17 Grey St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18817 Arthur, Thomas Buddle Richard Arthur, Ltd. 191 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18824 Ashby, John Herbert Corner of Milford and Kitchener Rds., 1/4/44 Auckland. Milford 17948 Austin, Arthur Lionel 8 Esk St., Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18529 Badger, Ronald Sniith 245 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17999 Keeble, George Clisham Bagnall and Keeble State Fire Bldgs., 71 Rangitikei St., Pal- ,1/4/44 Palmerston N. . merston North 18530 Baker, Leydon West .. B a k e r Bl'os. (Estate 166 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. Agents), Ltd. ~· 18671 McAlister, Leslie Allen Horace Baker, Ltd. 233 Lambton Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18017 Ball, Frederick Robert Ball and Crawshaw Peel St., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. 18991 Ball, Ernest Harry .. Kelvin St., Invercargill 3/5/44 Invercargill. 18747 Ball, Thomas Frederick 24 Franklin Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18447 Ballingall, David Roy Warrington, Otago 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18532 Banks, Leonard 108 Armagh S't., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17716 Barclay, Donald Eric 173 Hardy St., Nelson .. 1/4/44 Nelson. 18774 Barfoot, Valentine Harding Barfoot Bros... N.Z. Insurance Bldgs.,Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18086 Barling, Edward Himatangi 1/4/44 Foxton. 18985 Barnes, George Richard William Barnes, Lopdell, Ltd. 28 Dee St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 17680 Barnit~, Frederick Heslop King's Bldgs., Devon St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 17997 Gatley, Frank Barraud and Abraham, 77 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North 1/4/44 Palmerston N. Ltd. 17958 Barrett, Leonard Wilfred 140 Dee St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 17524 Bary, John .. High St., Blenheim 1/4/44 Blenheim. 16074 Baxter, Raif George Pollen St., Thames 1/4/44 Thames. 18775 Beattie, Silbon 1st Floor, Bank ofN.Z. Chambers, 4 Swanson 1/4/44 Auckland. St., Auckland 19091 Beauchamp, Herbert Rolf H. R. Beauchamp and Co. 126 Ridgway St., Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. 19485 Benge, Onslow Hillier 0. H. Benge and Co. 23 Hunter St., and 24 Panama St., Welling­ 1/4/44 Wellington. ton 18110 Bennett, Cedric Oswald Bennett and Simons 89 Victoria St., Hamilton . . .·. 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18840 Bennett; Charles Frederick C. F. Bennett, Ltd. Blackett1s Bldgs., corner Queen and Short­ 1/4/44 Auckland. land Sts., Auckland, and at corner Great South Rd. and St. George St., Papakura 18578 Bennett, Ernest Sampson Tatuanui, Morrinsville .. 1/4/44 Morrinsville., 18349 Bennett, Harold William 303 Dingwall Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. -· 19057 Palmer, Herbert Harry J. L. Bennett, Ltd_. 47 King St., Palm_erston North .. 1/4/44 Palmerston N. 18860 Bentley, Alexander Percy Cuth- 43 City Chambers, Queen St., Auckland .. 1/8/44 Auckland. bert 18533 Berry, Ernest John .. J. Berry and Co. 177 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18942 Berry, Thomas 172A Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17814 Bertram, Francis John Bertram and Pratt Alexandra St., Te Awamutu 1/4/44 Te Awamutu. 18534 Best, Philip Best's Land Agency 601 Colombo St., Cfiristchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18668 Brown, Harold John .. J. H. Bethune and Co ... 154 Featherston St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. 17325 Bilton, ·Francis John .. Waverley , 1/4/44 Waverley. 18535 Binns, Stanley Walter Binns, Barber, and Co., 182 Cashel St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch.. Ltd. 18034 Birkett, Arthur Main Rd., Upper Hutt .. 1/4/44 Upper Hutt. 17994 Birnie, William Rankin Birnie, Coombs, and Wil­ 90 Rangitikei $t., falmerston North 1/4/44 Palmerston N. son 17563 Bishara, Samuel Samuel B.ishara, Ltd. . . Hakiaha St., Taumarunui 1/4/44 Taumarunui. 18857 Blackett, George Raymond G. R. Blackett and Co. Hallestine's Bldgs., 228 Queen St., Auckland 10/5/44 Auckland. 18170 Blackwood, George Tod Millar Lower Hutt and Raumati 26/4/44 Lower Hutt. 19471 Bloore, Charles Grosvenor 12 Panama St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18169 Blundell, Geoffrey Alan 36 High St., Lower Hutt 1/4/44 Lower Hutt. 17.945. Bogue, Frederick Joseph Balaclava St., Wyndham 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18832· Bollard, Benjamin Irwin 3 Alston Chambers, 63 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 17952 Trim, Charles ~owden's Mart, Ltd. Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 17956 Boyd, Edward Eideard Boyd and Co ... 26 Esk St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. - 18442 Boyd, Peter 148 Rattray St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18554 Boyes, George George Boyes and Co., Ltd. Alma St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18107 Braithwaite, Roderick Alastair National Bank Bldgs., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. MacDonnell 19486 Braund, Maurice Hearn Prudential Bldgs., Lambton Quay, Welling- 1/4/44 Wellington. ton 17538 Brice, Francis Richard Hammond F. R. H. Brice and Co., High St., Marton 1/4/44 Marton. Ltd. 1186 THE NEW· ZEALAND.'GAZET·TE [No. 82


Name of Firm (if any) of I which Licensee is a No. of Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered :J.tegistered Office. DateLice.. nse Court by which License. Company on whose behalf I granted. License granted. License is held. I

17564 Brinkman; Henry Frederick .. '' Brinkman's " Miriama St., Taumarunui 1/4/44 Taumarunui. i8456 The Broadway Land Agency, Ltd. 3'3and 34 Broadway, Dunedin , 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18989 Rowley, Frederick Cotton Thomas Brodrick arid-Co. 16 Esk St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 17000 Brown, Hubert Nigel Oberlin Bert Brown .. Rathbone St:, Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. 18712 Brown, Jonathan Boucher Ave., Te Puke 1/4/44 Te Pu,:e. 18818 Jones, Hugh Kennedy Alfred Buckland and Sons, " The Haymarket," 69-71 Albert St., Auck~ 1/4/44 Auckland. Ltq. land 18351 Buckley, Arthur Harold "Cameo" Bldgs., Surrey Ores., Grey Lynn, 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 18861 Budd, Percy George , Devonport Rd., Tauranga 1/4/44 Tauranga. 17656 Rundle, William-Hocken Bullock arid Co., Ltd. Burnett S:t,., Ashburtoii 1/4/44 Ashburton.· 16775 Bunn, Bertram Great South Rd.; Ngaruawahia, and King 1/4/44 Hamilton. St., Pukekohe · 18536 Bunt, William James Maurice 20A Hackthorne Rd., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18352 - Burrett, Hubert Roy H. R. Burrett, Ltd. Yorkshire House, Shortland St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckfa,nd. - 18776 · Burrett, William George Arthur W. G. Burrett and Son 513 N.Z. Insurance Bldgs., Queen St., Auck- 1/4/44 Auckl!1nd! land 18100 Burrows, Percy Moore 1 Garden Place, Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 184;43 Burton, Ernest Roland Burton and Patterson 41-Dowling St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18470 Butler, John 25 Dowling St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18683 Butler, William William Butler and Co. · 140 Lambton Quay, Wellington, Nash Bldgs., 1/4/44 Wellington. George S~., Palmerston N or~h, Willow St., Tauranga, Main St., Te Puke 18891 l{ygum, Holger Albert Locke St., Wairoa 1/4/44 Wairoa. 19097 Caird, Gavin Wilfrid Gavin Caird and Co. Rutland Bldgs., Wanganui 1/4/44 ,WanganuL 18468 Calder, George Josiah Calder and Co. 2A Dowling St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18176 Caldwell, Alexander .. Clyde St., Balclutha 1/4/44 Balclutha. 18685 ·calvert, Harold 6 Boulcott St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. · 18106 Cameron, Archibald John Everybody's Bldgs., Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18471 Campbell, Alfred John 2 Dowling St., Dunedin 1/4/44 'Dunedin. 18678 Campbell, Kenneth Colin Campbell, Craig; and Co., 702-703 Colonial Mutual Bldgs., Custom­ 1/4/4'.'i Wellington. Ltd. house Quay, Wellington 187_77 Campbell, John Duncan I •• 225A Great South Rd., One Tree Hill; 1/4/44 Auckland. .Auckland_ 18803 Canning, Alexander John A ..J. Canning and Co ... The Strand,· Whakatane 1/4/44 Whakatane. 17303 Lawson, Gordon Pirie The Canterbury Farmers Beswick St., Timaru ·.. 1/4~44 Timaru. Co-operative · Associa- ' tion, Ltd. · 18924' Neave, Henry The Canterbury (N.Z.) 208 Cashel St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. Seed Co., Ltd. 18771 Carlsen, Elsie Annie .. 3 Great North Rd., Grey Lynn, _Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18823 Carr, Frederick Charles 20 ·Swanson St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland 17713 Carr, John Basil Trafalgar St~, Nelson .. 1/4/44 -Nelson. 18842 Carr, Stanley 4ustin .. 14 Commerce St., Auckland, and Thames 1/4/44 Auckland. St., Morrinsville . · J 17959'· . Carswell, -John Thomas Carswell and Co~, Ltd.•. Corner of Wood and Liddel Sts., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18204 Carter, Allan Burgess Maniapoto St., Otorohanga . ·-. . . ; i 1/4/44 . Otorohanga. 18353 Cassidy, Miles Joseph 102 Dilworth Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18791 Castaing, Walter Louis 28 Vulcan Bldgs., Vulcan-Lane, Auckland· 1/4/44 Auckland. 18743 Cates, Richard John .. 581 Dominion Rd., Mt. Eden, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 18018 Cato, Charles Hardy .. Parke Pittar's Bldgs., 280 Gladstone Rd., 1/4/44 Gisborne. Gisborne 18855 Cavers, David Hunter National Bank Bldgs., corner Queen and 1/4/44 Auckland. Rutland Sts., Auckland 16162 Denniston, Leslie Hunter Central Otago Commission Alexandra 1/4/14 Alexandra. ( Agency 19487' Chaplin, Walter Thomas 126 Featherston St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18140 Chisholm, Burlinson Duncan Dalton St., Napier 1/4/44 Napier. 11719 Chitty, Walter Aubrey Bow St., Raglan 1/4/44 Raglan. , 16073 Christie; Augustus Richmond St., Thames .. 1/4/44 Thames. • 18354 Chrt'stie, James 502 Colonial Mutual Bldgs., 159 Queen St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 18464 Clark, Alfred Alfred Clark, Ltd. 8-10 Manse St., Dunedin 1/4/44 · Dunedin. 18702 Clarke~ J ohil William Kingsway .Furnishers, Oxford St., Levin .. 1/4/44 Levin. 18465 Clarke, John William Herman J. W. H. Clarke and Son, 441-9 Princes St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Ltd. 18101 Clemett, Arthur Tarbet . Victoria St., H~milton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18066 Cliff, Ernest Sherman Corner'Nelson and Heretaunga,Sts., Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. . Phrenix Bldgs., Broadway, Mata~ata Matamata. 17209 Clothier, James 1 1/4/44 17522 Priddle, Robert Frederick Charles W. E. Cl~ust;n and Co., Wynen St., Blenheim 1/4/44 Blenheim. Ltd. 17579 Cobbe, Richard R. Cobbe, Ltd. Wharf St., Tauranga 1/4/44 Tauranga. · 17557 Cockerill and Campbell, Ltd. Irk St., Gore .. 1/4/44 Gore. 18355 Cole, George 211 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18822 Cole, William Alfred .. 29 Phoonix- Chambers, 41 Queen St., Auck- 1/4/44 Auckland. land 18214 Coleman, Oliver Patrick Coleman and Co. Katikati 1/4/44 Waihi. 18856 Collinson,. Thomas James Collinson and Davies Palmerston Bldgs., Queen St., A:uckland 1/5/44' Auckl~nd. 18013 Bo~sfield, Frederick Brougham Common, Shelton; and 1 Peel St., Gi~horne 1/4/44 Gisborne. Co., Ltd. 18537 Cook, Michael Bruce .. M. B. Cookand Cci. 141 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17525 C.ooke, Bernard James Smith's Chambers, :fy[arket Square, Blenheim 1/4/44 Blenheim. 17001 Cooke, Percy 72 Bank St., Whangare1 1/4/44 Whangarei. 18109. Sorby, Alfred Cooper and Sorby · South British Bldgs., Alma St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18120 Cooper, Muri{il 22 Victoria St., Masterton · 1/4/44 Masterton. 18551 Cooper; Ste:[>hen Thomas S. T. Cooper and Co., Ltd. 38 Grey St., Hamilton East 1/4/44 Hamilton. 19045 Coppard, Ge0rge Herbert· Cafe Royal Bldgs., Hinemoa St;, Rotorua 1/4/44 Rotorua. 17304 Cotterell, William Michael Sophia St., Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. 19121 Coulter, Robert R. Coulter and Co. Whitaker St., Te Aroha 1/4/44 Te Aroha. 17953 Cowley, Arthur William 75 Dee St:, Iuvercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18205 Cowley, William Thomas Maniapoto St., Otorohanga 1/4/44 Otorohanga. 18142 Cox; Clarence David .. Napier (Principal), Hastings, and Taupo 1/4/44 Napier. ... . 17813 Cox, Clarence Harold Arawata St., Te Awamutu 1/4/44 Te Awamutu.· 18143 Cox, Vivian Walter .. Napier · 1/4/44 Napier. 16755 Crewe, Jonas David Candy Main St., Pahiatua 1/4/44 Pahiatua'- 5] THE. NEW ZEALAND. GAZETTE 1187


Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a No. of Name of Licensee. .Melllber, or Registered Registered Office. Date License Court by which License. Company on whose behalf granted. License granted. License is held.

18826 Crichton, John . 14 Ferndale Rd., Ellerslie, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18946 Crosbie, David 137 Hereford St., Christchurch .. 12/9/44 Christchurch. 17299 Crowe, Thomas Patrick 24 Beswick St., Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. 18538 Cullimore, Frederiek William Seaview Rd., New Brighton, Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. l\fartinhill James 18103 Cumming~ William Bruce Corner Bridge and Grey Sts., Hamilton East . 1/4/44 Hamilton. 19055 Munro, Alexander Charles Bony­ D. D. Currie and Co. 444 Main St., Palmerston North .. 1/4/44. Palmerston N. thorne 17006 Curtis, Albert Hugh .. NatiQnal Bank Bldgs., Rust Ave., Whangarei 3/4/44 Whangarei. 18653 Cooper, Harry Dudley Dalgety and Co., Ltd. 119-123. Featherston St., Wellington, and 1/4/44 Wellington. Allckland, Otahuhu, Thames, Tuakau, Papakura, Hamilton, Rotorua, Cambridge, ~ Matamata, Morrinsville, Te Awamutu, Huntly, Opotiki, Whakatane, Te Kuiti, Taumarunui, Piopio, Whangarei, Broad­ woid, Kaikohe, Paparoa, Napier, Hast­ ings, Waipukurau, Dannevirke, Gisborne, Wairoa, Masterton, Pahiatua, Martin- . borough, Palmerston North, Bulls, Feild­ ing, Hunterville, Taihape, Wanganui, Raetihi, Christchurch, Amberley, Ash­ burton, Cheviot, Culverden, Darfield, Greymouth, Kaikoura, Little River (Pen­ insula), Methven, Oxford, Nelson, Blen­ heim, Seddon, Balclutha, Dunedin, Clinton, Cromwell, Heriot, Mosgiel, Palmerston, Ranfurly, Roxburgh, Tapanui, Oamaru, Kurow, l;nvercargill, Lumsden, , Winton, Wyndham, Gore, Timaru, Fairlie, Geraldine, Pleasant Point, Waimate 18539 Dalzell, William Douglas D~lzell's Land Agency 211 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 .Christchurch. 18682 Daniel, Leslie I van .. Seaters Bldgs., 105 Customhouse Quay, 1/4/44 Wellington •. Wellington 17742 McDowell, Horace Bee Darling ahd McDowell,· Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. Ltd. 18652 Davis, Joseph David Davis Bros; .. .57-59 Lower Cuba St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 17244 Dawkins, Reginald Gerald R. G. Dawkins and Co. Wellington St.,.Picton .. 1/4/44 Picton. 18829 Del la Varis, Victor .. 23 Campbell's Bldgs., High St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18778 De Marr, John Henry 24 Rowan Rd., Three Kings, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 18057 De Pelichet McLeod and Co., Ltd. 101 Lyndon Rd., Hastings, and Customhouse 1/4/44 Hasting

REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE Ll\ND A.GENTS ACT; 1921-22.-:.oontinued ' Name of Firm (ii any) of No; of which Licensee is a Name of Lice:flsee. Member, or Registered Registered Office. ·\ Date License Court by which License. Company on whose behalf I granted. License granted. . License is held.

18079 Finnerty, Charles Ralph Broadway, Stratford, and 40-42 Brougham · l/4/44 Stratford. St., New Plymouth 12610 Fisher, John King St., Otautau 1/4/44 Otautau. 18543 Fisher, John Thomas Matson 91 Oloucester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18781 Fleming, Harry de Berdt 118 Ponsonby Rd., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 17308 Goodman,Russell, Stanley Foote and Goodman Royal Arcade, Timaru .. 1/3/44 Timaru. 18548 Hadfield, Arnold Keith Ford and Hadfield, Ltd. 133 Worcester St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18655 Forster, -Whitfield Colonial Mutual Bldgs., Customhouse Quay, 1/4/44 W elJington. W ellingtoli 19475 Foster, John William Cooper's Bldg~ .• Mercer St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 17747 Fox, Edgar Arnold .. Fox and Kirkness Thames St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. ; 18835 Francis, William Knapp · 15 Augustus Tee., Parnell, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 17589 Francis, William Knapp (jun.) Great South Rd., Papakura 1/4/44 Papakura. · 18782 Frater, Arthur Fletcher 28 Shortland St'., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland., 18783 Frater, James Henderson Frater Bros. . . 2 Swanson St., Auckland . 1/4/44 Auckland. 18544 Friedlander; Ernest .. ... 75 Totara St., Riccarton, Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18058 Fryer, Sladen Atkinson Rainbow and Hobbs Bldgs., Queen ,St., 1/4/441 Hastings. Hastings 18801 Garaway, Harry Osborne The Strand, Whakatane 1/4/44 Whakat3


Name of Firm (if any) of which LicenRee is a I No. of Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered Office._ Date License· Couf\ by which License. Company-on whose behalf granted. I License granted. License .is hald.

17676 Hill, Nelson Armstrong 130 Pendarves St., New Plymouth · 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 18360 Hill, Richard Parker .. 204 Victorfa Arcade, Auckland . - 1/4/44 Auckland. 18901 Hillary, John William HillarJ'.' and Baxter 178 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18902 Hine, William George 184 Cashel St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 16756 Hodd, George Henderson Main St., Pahiatua 1.9/4/44 Pahiatua. 18080 Hodge, William Wales Fenton St., Stratford .. 1/4/44 Stratford. 16787 Holcroft, Robert Henry Kaikohe 1/4/44 Kaikohe. 17960 Holloway, Frank Frank Holloway and Co., 118 Spey St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. Ltd. 17957 Holloway, Joseph J. Holloway, Ltd. 54 Eslr St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18910 Lindsay, Herbert Edwin Homefinders (Christ. 154 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. church), Ltd. 18744 Hopper, George Braid 19 Clifton Rd., Herne Bay, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 17826 Horne, Henry Palmer Vogel St., Woodville .. 1/4/44 Woodville. 18841 Bunting, George Thomas William A. Horne, Ltd. Horne's Bldgs., Vulcan Lane, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 16072 Horneman, Charles E d w·a rd Waiomio 1/4/44 Thames. Morton 18987 Hosie, Russell Russell Hosie, Ltd. 7~13 Tay St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18658 · Ho~for, Edward Charles 63 Manners St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18843 Housby, William Cairns 594 Manukau Rd., Epsom, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 16589 Houston, Malcolm Henry M. Houston and Co. Wharf St., Hokitika 1/4/44 Hokitika. 18703 Howard, Francis Oxford St., Levin 1/4/44 Levin. 17677 Humphries, Edward Larwill 95 Devon St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 18657 Hunt, Arthur Leigh .. Dominion Farmers' Institute Bldgs., Fea- 1/4/44 Wellington. therston St., Wellington 19483 Hunt, Leonard Leigh Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. 18903) Hunter, Harold Morrison 166 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17717 Hunter, Max Clement 175 Hardy St., Nelson .. 1/4/44 Nelson. 19083 Davies, Wilfred Charles Huntly Land Agency Main St., Huntly 1/4/44 Huntly. 18745 Hutchings, Gordon John Hutchings and Co. 7 Marine Square, Devonport, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18937 White, FreMerick Walker Hutchinson, White, Ltd. 98,Armagh St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18015 Innes, James 74 Lowe St., Gisborne .. 1/4/44 Gisborne. 19454 Innes, Norman Campbell Manaia 1/4/44 Hawera. 18458 L. J. Ireland, Ltd. . . ·14 Manse St., Dunedin .. . l/4/44 Dunedin. 18753 Izett, Andrew Pattle Corner of Basque and New North Rds., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 19183 Jackson, Campbell .. Broadway, Stratford .. 27/4/44 Stratford. 17682 Jackson, Edward E. Jackson and Son Empire Bldgs., Devon St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 1!7998 Jackson, Frederick , .. 16 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North 1/4/44 Palmerston N. 19092 Freeman R. Jackson and Co., Ltd. Wanganui, Waverley; and Raetihi' , 1/4/44 Wanganui; 18361 Jackson, John Hughlings 3 Swanson St., Auckland, and South 1/4/44 Auckland. British Bldgs., Alma St., Hamilton 19442 James, Norman Howard Corner of Lincoln Rd. and Chapel St., Mas- 1/4/44 Masterton. terton ... · 19553 Jamieson, Allan Frederick Cotter and McKenzie Hldgs., Boundary St., 1/4/44 Greymouth. Greymouth 18362 Jarrett, Frank Alexander 29-30 Yorkshire House, Shcirtland St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland, and Titiraupanga St., Taupo 18669 J auncey; Albert Frederick 23 Farish St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 16588 Estate of Jeffries, Annie Marie W. Jeffries and Co. Sewell St., Hokitika 1/4/44 Hokitika. 18760 Parkes, Frank E. Gwynn Jenkins, Ltd. 408 New Zealand Insurance Bldgs., Queen 1/4/44 Auckland. St., Auckland 18838 Johnson's Land Agency Corner of Great North and Station Rds., 1/4/44 Auckland. Henderson · 19099 Johnston and Co., Ltd. Taupo Quay, Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui." 18663 Johnston, Eric Evelyn E. Johnston and Co. 6~8 Will~ston St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 17828 Johnston, Robert Bruce Vogel St., Woodville . . . . 1/4/44 Woodville. 18906 Jones, Malcolm Dun


Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a Court by which No. of Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered "Office. Date License License. Company on whose behalf granted. License granted. License is held.

6110 Munro, James Robert The Argus Office, Melmore St., Cromwell 1/4/44 Cromwell. 18690 Balharry; Bruce .. Murray, Roberts, and Co., Featherston St., Wellington, and at Wanga­ 1/4/44 Wellington. Ltd. nu.;, Feilding, Taihape, Masterton, Danne­ virke, WaipukuraU:, Hastings, Napier, Gisborne, and Dunedin 18802 Littlejohn, Leslie Ernest Richard Mussett and Littlejohn .. The Strand, Whakatane · 1/4/44 Whakatane. 18345 Harrison, Henry Jackson Parore Mutual Land Agency .. llO Co~onial Mutual- Bldgs., Queen St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland · 17947 Bradshaw, Ernest The Mutual Property Ex- 142 Tay St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. change 15939 Warnes, Earnest Ashley .. Nancarrow and Co. . . Greymouth ...... 1/4/44. Greymouth, 19056 Nash, James Alfred . 4t •• Nash and Lovelock .. 31 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North .. 1/4/44 Palmerston N. 18675 Nathan, Sidney George .. S. George Nathan and Co. lll Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. 18452 National Mortgage and Agency 49 Water St., Dunedin, and at Christchurch, 1/4/44 Dunedin. Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Ashburton, Timaru, Waimate, Oamaru, Gore, and Invercargill 18019 Neil, Francis Alban .. 70 Lowe St., Gisborne . . . . 14/4/44 Gisborne. 19062 Nevill, John Benjamin 16 Waldegrave's :8ldgs., The Square, Pal- 28/7/44 Palmerston N. ·• merston North - 18545 Garstang, Martha Watson New Brighton Land and 105 Sea View Rd., New Brighton 1/4/44 Christchurch. Estate Agency, Ltd: 18815 Newcomb, Neville Harrison .. Neville 'Newcomb, Ltd. 4 Wyndham St.,' Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. · 18367 Newcomb, Reginald Sydney . : . R. S. Newcomb, Ltd... 12-14 Brunswick Bldgs., 174 Queen St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auokland 18695 Newland, Edward ...... - Remu· St., Inglewood ...... 10/8/44 Inglewood. 18364 Kalman, Maurice .. .. Newton and Kalman .. 104 Colonial Mutual Bldgs., 159 Queen St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 17678 Shaw, Stanley Eric .. Newton, King, Ltd. .. New Plymouth, Inglewood, Stratford, 1/4:/44 N. Plymouth . Hawera, Te Awamutu, and Hamilton 18943 .Greenslade, William .. . ,, N.Z. Farmers' Co-op . Christ9hurch, and at Blenheim, Hawarden, 27/4/44 Christchurch. Assn. of Canterbury, Kai)rnura, Leeston, Ashburton, Oxford, Ltd~. Rangiora, and Seddon 17616 Fowler, William Coulson .. N.Z. Farmers' Co-op . Feilding, Marton, Masterton, and Wanganui 1/4/44 Feilding. Distributing' Co., Ltd. 19060 Hall, Henry Walter .. .. N.Z. Land Agency .. 40 George St., Palmerston North .. 14/4/44 Palmerston N. 18650 Bushell, Frank Roland .. New Zealand Loan and 93-107 Featherston St., Wellington, and at 1/4/44 W ellfugton. Mercantile Agency Co., Auckland, Whangarei, Dargaville, Waio­ Ltd. tira, Kaitaia, Warkworth, Arapohe, Wells" ford, Helensville, Maungaturoto, Papa­ toetoe, Papakura, Pukekohe, Waiuku, Tuakau, Ngatea, Paeroa, Tauranga, Te Puke, Whakatane, Opotiki, Rotorua, Huntly, Ngaruawahia, Hamilton, Cam­ bridge, Te Awamutu, Otorohanga, Morrinsville, Raglan, Gisborne, Wairoa, Port Ahuriri, Hastings, Waipukurau, Dan­ nevirke, Waverley, Wanganui, Taihape, Raetihi, Hunterville, Marton, Feilding, Kimbolton, Palmerston North, Masterton, Pahiatµa, Eketahuna, Martinborough; . Rongotea, Levin, Otaki, Nelson, Blen­ heim, Picton, Cheviot, Culverden, Christchurch, Little River, Methven, Rakaia, Chertsey, Darfi.eld, Fairlie, Geraldine, Timaru, Pleasant Point, Wai­ mate, Oamaru, Dunedin, Mosgiel, Milton, · Balclutha, Clinton, Cromwell, Heriot, Gore, Riversdale, Otautau, Wyndham, , Invercargill, Bluff, Okaihau, Kaukapakapa, Taupiri, Oturehua, Pal­ merston, Putaruru, and Ashburton 18914 Mills, Daisy Annetta .. .. N.Z. Sheep - farmers' 183 Cashel St., Christchurch .. / 1/4/44 Cliristchurch. . · Agency, Ltd. 18925 Nicholls, Percy Stanley .. P. S. Nicholls and Co ... 106 Gloucester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18459 Nicholson, Richard Burns .. 6A. Manse St., Dunedin .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18177 Blair, William ~exander .. Messrs. Nimmo and Blair, Clyde St., Balclutha ...... 1/4/44 Balc]utha. Ltd. 17684 Whitcombe, Herbert Winnall L.A. Nolan and Co. . . 241 Devon St., New Plymouth . . . . 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 17005 Whitmore, William George .. North Auckland Farmers' 30 Walton St., Whangarei, and Kaitaia, 1/4/44 Whangarei. Co-operative, Ltd. Kaikohe, Dargaville, Warkworth, Auck­ land 17749 Walton, Bertram Boyd .. North Otago Farmers' Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru . Co-op. Assn., Ltd. 17951 . O'Connor, Francis .. .. 47 Esk St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill, 18451 Fraser, Reinhard Francis .. The Octagon Fi:i;iance Co., 7 Octagon, Dunedin .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. Ltd. 18144 Ordham, James Harston .. Bowman Buildings, Tennyson St., Napier 1/4/44 Napier:- 19252 0'1,oghlen, John Bryan .. J. B. O'Loghlen and Co., 20 Port St., Auckland ...... 11/9/44- Auckland . ,, Ltd. 18368 Orbell, Charles Hamilton .. 53,7 Karangahape Rd., Auckland • 1/4/44 Auckland. 16247 Ormsby, Richard .. .. Sheridan St., Te Kuiti . . . . 1/4/44 Te Kuiti. 18014 Orr, Francis Malcolm .... .78: Lowe St., Gisborne . . . . 1/4/44 Gisborne . 18369 Osmond, Gregory Benmore .. 19_:20 Royal Insurance Bldgs., 109 Queen 1/4/44 Auckland. St., Auckland ,, 18462 Otago Farmers' Co-op. Assn. of 175 Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. N.Z., Ltd. 18469 The Otago Finance and Agency 480 Moray Place, Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Co., Ltd. 18981 J ohes, Alfred William .. W. A. ·ott and Co., Ltd. 7 Tay St., Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18845 Overall, Arthur William OI!ver ll3 Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auck- 1/4/44 Auckland. land · Auckland. 18370 Overy, Edwin Parsons .. .. 21 Golf Rd., Epsom, Auckland .. '' -1/4/44 19473 Palliser, Ernest .. .. E. Palliser a:Q.d Co. .. The Dominion Bldgs., Mercer St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18474 Park, Reynolds, Ltd. .. .. 39 Bond St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18706 Parker, Frank...... Oxford St., Levin ...... 1/4/44 Levin. 18748 Parker, Harold Vincent .. .. 26 His Majesty's Arcade, Queen St., Auck- 1/4/44 Auckland. land I 1192 THE NEW. ZEALAND GAZE.TTE'.


Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a ·I No. of I Name of Licensee. M~mber, or Registered Registered Office. ll)ate~iceni\e Court by which Licens.e ..______c_o_m_p-an-y-on_w_ho_s_e_b-eh_a_lf-,------'----gr_a_n-te_d_. License is held. --,-,...._L_ic_e-ns_e_g-ra_n_t-ed_.

18830 Parris, Adolphus 206 Dilworth Bldgs., Queen St.; Auckland 1/4/44. Aucklan,d. 18814 Parry, Llewellyn Mostyn 8 Hamana St., Narrow Neck, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland.' 18347 Eastgate, Herbert Stuart A. S. Paterson and Co., 101 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. Ltd; . 18444 Paterson, Nathaniel .. N. and E. S. Paterson, Ltd. 158 Rattray St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 16777 Pattle, Harry Hamish H. H. Pattle, Ltd. King St., Pukekohe 1/4/44 Pukekohe. 18167 Patton, John Drew .. 22 Queen's Rd., Lower Hutt 1/4/44 Lower Hutt. 16812 Paviour-Smith, Samuel Thomas 34 Queen St., Dannevirke 1/4/44 Dannevirke. · 18789 Payne, William Heriry 32 Glenfield Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 19093 Peachey,. Arthur" John 80 Ridgway St., Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. . 1909! James, Horace Digby Forbes Pearce a:g.d James 32 Victoria Ave., Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. 18407 Pegler, Loyal Huia .. Pegler Bros., Ltd. Great South Rd.,· Otahuhu . f 1/4/44 Otahuhu. 18926 Penrose, Harry Trenowith H. T. Penrose and,Co. 183A Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 5309 Penton, William Henry ChurchSt., Opotiki 1/4/44 ·opotiki. 16786 Perham, Wallingford Hockley Kerikeri 1/4/44, ·Kaikohe. 18676 Perkins, Ida · Perkins and. Co; 30 Courtenay Place, Wellington . 1/4/44 Wellington. 18445 The Perpetual Trqstees Estate 1 · Vogal St., Dunedin, and· Stafford St., 1/4/44 Dunedin. and Agericy Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Timaru, Don St., InvercargilJ, 14.5 Wor­ ' . cester St., Christchurch, 42 Thames Si'-; Oaniaru 18085 Perreau, Mark Edwin.:. Whyte St., Foxton 1/4/44 Foxton. 18731 Phillips, William Augustus 93 Point Chevalier Rd., At;tekland ,-1/4/44 Auckland. 18583 Pickett, Francis Augustin Thames St., Morrinsville · • 1/4/44 Morrinsville. 18011 Piesse, Christopher Gisborne Lowe St., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. 19421' Preece, Thomas William Preece and McLeod Medway St., Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 18772 · Preest, Agnes 32 Palmerston Bldgs., Queen St., Auckla~d 1/4/44 Auckland. 18592 Price, Ernest 360 Jackson St., Petone 1/4/44 Petone. 17955 Price, John Sidney J. and J. S. Price Spey St., Invercargill . : 1/4/44 Invercargill. 18463 Thompscm, John Oliver Property Sellers, 1Ltd. 4 DowlingSt., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 19084 Pulham, Roy _Graha:ru Pulham a:nd Begbie, Ltd. Te Kauwhata .. 1/4/44 Huntly. 18595 Clendon, Vivian Purdie and Baker, Ltd. · 58 Penrose St., Lower IJ;utt 1/4/44 Petone. 18546 Gould, Derrick William Joseph Pyne, Gould, Guinness, 178 Cashel St., Christchurch, and Timaru,· l'/4/44 Christchurch. Ltd. Geraldine, Waimate, Kaikoura-, Ashburton 18193 Quelch, Alfred Fleming Mosgiel· 1/4/44 Mosgiel. 18934 Sutton, John Thomas Quill, M0rris (1936), Ltd. 15 Dundas St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18812 Quinn, John Harold .3 Tennyson St., Balmoral, Mount Eden, 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 18168 Quinnell, Wilfred Clifton Post Office Bldgs., Lower Hutt .. 1/4/44 Lower Hutt. 18904 Hutchinson, John Francis Railway Auction Rooms, 1 Manchester St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. Ltd.. 18449 J. Rattray and Son, Ltd. 17 Crawford St., Dunedin, Spey St., Inver­ 1/4/44 Dunedin. cargill, 140 Lichfield St., Cp.ristchuroh, 15 Church St., Timam, anq Wear St., · Oamaru 17558 Ray, Jolm Charles .. Maip. St.~ Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 18096 Read, Stanley Eustiwe 60 Victoria St.,, Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. - 18732 Redwood, Percy Augustine 1 0.rakei Rd.; Remuera, Auckla:1.1d 1/4;'.44 Auckland. 18944 Reed, Gallienne Alfr.ecl. . 219 High St., Christchurch 3/4/44 Christchurch. 18446. Reed, Robert Cecil Norman R,o bert Reed, Ltd. 83·:I,,ower High St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. . 18416 Reid, Charles Trail ... Par1;1,paraumu Beach 1/4/44 Otaki. · 18441 Price, H_erbert Donald Reid and Co., Ltd. 43 Jetty St., Dunedin .. 1/4/44 .Dunedin. '18472 John Reid and Sons, Ltd. Reid's Bldgs., corner of Bond and_ Liverpool 1/4/44 Dunedin. Sts., Dunedin 17526 Reid, Errol .. High St., Blenheim 1/4/44 Blenheim. 17296 Reid, G~orge 191 Stafford St., Timaru 1/4/44' Timaru. 18927 Richards, William Stanley H. S. · Richarcl.s ·and Son, 162 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. Ltd. 19492 Richardson, Richard Bucking- 101 Willis St., Wellington 11/8/44 Wellington! ham. 'l'rindall 19058 Rieger, Leslie George 16 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North 1/4/4'4 Palmerston N. · 18790 Ripley, Dottglas 27 :S:ellaby's Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 16813 Ro?,ke, Tiki Tyrrell .. 9 Hjgh St., Dannevirke 1/4/44 Dannevirke. 18012 Robmson, Hugh. Douglas 86 Peel St., Gisborne .. 1/4.144 Gisborne. 18793 R0bson, Walter 15 Woodside Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18794 Rodger, Jan;i.es 620 Cooke's Bldgs, Queen St., Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 19059 R0dgers, Th0mas J qhn .. T. J. Rodgeis and Co. 76 George St., Palmereton North .1/4/44 Palmerston N. 15942 Roper, Steph,en Ho)µanga Rd., Dargaville · 1/4/44 DargavilJe. 19446 ];toss, Charles Oewper C. C. !toss a:n..d Co. Per.rySt., Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. 17712 Rout, Norman George M;. Rout and Sons . 130 Trafalgar St., Nelson 1/4/44 Nelson. 17300. · Runcima,n, Robert John ../ Runciman; Pryor, Ltd. 101 Stafford St., Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. 18836 ];tushton, Alfred Ward ~ 18 Glenahnond Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18358 Glynn, IJ:.awtrey Warren Sales and Exchange Ser- 308~9 Coo~e\i Bldgs., Queen St.; ·Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. vice, Ltd. 1879'1 ~11lter, H@19e Jdwarcl. 110 Ladies Miie, :Ellerslje, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18448 · St~bb, Pereiv-af Walter James Samson and Co. 23 ))owling St., Dun,!:)dirl 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18733 Sa!).de:rs, Cha,:rles Fr1t;p.:W,jn 15.,,.16 Yorkshire House, Shortland ~t., 1/4/44 Auckland. Aµcklan.d 19422 Sand.es Neel '.fy[eGla$han Meri;;ey {St., Gore 1/4/4,4 Gore. 19098 Sawid;ri, Imlay Baijey George 77 E,idgway St., W11nganui 1/4/44 wa~g11mii. 18811· · Savjn, Ja,:p;i.e$ ' 713 Colonial MutuaLBldgs., 519 Queen St., 1/4/44 Auckial'ld. J\_:µckland · 18734 · $1:1,yers, !Iarold George l~l Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auck­ 1/4/44 Auckland. land .18735 Sayes, Edwin 3rd --Floor, Colonial Mutual Bldgs., Queen 1/4/44 Aucklancl.. St., Auckland 18983 S,candr.ett, Douglas ~a,rtin Scandrett and So)J.s, Ltd. 57 ]Jsk St., Invercargill 1/4/4,4 Ip:ver9argill. 18834 Sch0llum, Wenzl Royal Insurance Bldgs., 109 · Q~een St., 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 19100 Searle, Frank Willial;ll. 46 Maria Place, Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. 18593 Seddon, Charles . Seddon and Co. 227 Jackson St., Petone 1/4/44 Petone. · 18l61 Segedin, Mariµ. 23 ~ellaby's Bldgs., 27 Queen St., :Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland.. 19447 Sellar, George William George William Sellar, 8 Perry St., Masterton · 1/4/44 Masterton. William Michael Sellar, Frederick H e n r y Wright, and Campbell Sutherland [trading as

1 '' Sellar and Sellar "] 1198


Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a No. of Name ·of Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered Office. Date License Court by which License. Company on whose behalf granted. License granted. License is held.

16814 Sharpley, William 6 Princess St., Dannevirke 1/4/44 Dannevirke. 18061 Shaw, James Walter 116E Queen St., Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 18813 Prothero, Herbert Francis She are r, Prothero, and 2-3 Security Bldgs., 48 Queen St., Auckland" 1/4/44 Auckland. Shearer, Ltd. 18217 Shepherd, George Seddon St., W aihi 26/4/44 Waihi. 18928 Sheppard, Joseph Hadfield Sheppard and Smith, Ltd. 133 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. Westley 18929 Sherris, Arthur Robert 176 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 16145 Shield, William Frere Egmont St., Patea 1/4/44 Patea. 18594 Pere, William R. W. Short and Co. 161 Jackson St., Petone 1/4/44 Petone. 17539 Sicely, Arthur John Baynton .. Broadway, Marton 1/4/44 Marton. 14777 Sim, Ralston Fairlie Heriot • 3/5/44 Tapanui. 18930- Simes, Walter Edwin 239 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18863 Sinclair, William Frederick Co,ronation Pier, Tauranga 1/4/44 Tauranga. 18839 Skelton, Dermott Hall 22 City Chambers, Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 19581 Skoghmd, Thomas Theodore Pankhurst's Bldgs., Otahuhu 1/4/44 Otahuhu. 5120 Slee, Wilfred Thomas Wakefield St., Westport 1/4/44 Westport. 18684 Sloane, Andrew Dunbar Dunbar Sloane, Ltd. 155 Lambton Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 19047 Sloane, Thomas Henry Haupapa St., Rotorua .. 1/4/44 Rotorua.. 18859 Small, Ernest Melville Poynter Phrenix Chamb('}rs, 41 Queen St., Auckland 3/7/44 Auckland. 19472 Smith, A,lbert Victor .. 147 Cuba St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 19453 Smith, George Cravy 223 High St., Hawera .. 1/4/44 Hawera. 18798 Smith, Henry 448 Mount Eden Rd., Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 18584 Smith, Herbert Annesley Thames St., Morrinsville ' 1/4/44 Morrinsville; 18736 Smith, Ranfurly .. South British Bldgs., Shortland St., Auck­ 1/4/44 Auckland. land 18146 Smith, Somerset Ward Tennyson St., Napier .. 1/4/44 Napier. 17620 Smith, Victor Emmanuel 30 Ferguson St., Feilding 1/4/44 . Feilding. 18931 Smith, Henry Cooper Smith's City Market, Ltd. 550 Colombo St., Christchurch, and Albert 1/4/44 Christchurch. St., Greymouth 18408 Smytheman, Thomas Richard Shirley Rd., Papatoetoe 1/4/44 Otahuhu. 18851 . Souter, Stanley Arthur 81 Ardney Rd., Remuera, Auckland 5/4/44 Auckland. 18984 Crawford, Hugh . The Southland Farmers' Invercargill and Gore .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. Co-operative Associa­ tion, Ltd. 18762 Spe~dy, Lionel Lawrence Kitchener Rd., Milford, and Takapuna, 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 18837 Ziegler, Frederick Finlayson Sqllirrell and Co, 54 High St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18350 Bennett, Stacey Ernest Stace, Bennett, and Jack­ 12. O'Connell St., Auc1Fland 1/4/44 Auckland. son 18763 Stacey, Donald Edward ' Stacey and Wass 138 Queen St., Auckland (Rri.p.cipal), and 1/4/44 Auckland. Strand Theatre Bldgs., Queen St.; One­ hunga, 215 Great South Rd., Otahuhu, Bus Terminus, Browne's Bay, and Hurst'­ m~re Rd,, Takapuna 18932 Stacey, Arthur Francis 145 Victoria St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17685 . Stainton, Percy Vernon Esmond Stainton an~ Co., Ltd... Commercial Bank Bldgs., Devon St., New I 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. Plymouth 18705 Stallard, Francis John William Oxford St., Levin . . . . . ,, 1/4/44 Levin. 18673 Stellin, James · James Stellin and Co. 113-115 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 17657 Stephenson, Reginald Layton 177 Havelock St., Ashburton 1/4/44 Ashburton. 18764 · Stewart, Sarah Ann .. 170A Jervois Rd., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18765 Stewart, Victor John · 36 Shortland St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18933 Stock? David D. Stock and Co. 209 Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 17744 Stringer, George William Stringer and Co., Ltd. Itchen St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. · 18460 Morris, Crosby Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ill Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Ltd. 18540 Deacon, Reginald Victor Sumner Land Agency 242 Main Rd., Moncks Bay, Surriner, and 1/4/44 Christchurch. 5 Wakefield Ave., Sumner 17679 Sutherland, J oJ;m Robson Grey 75 Devon St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 17949 Sutton, Henry Ellis Thomas Ellis Sutton, Ltd. Ill Spey St., Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 14587 Sutton, Frederick Ernest Canterbury St., Lyttelton 1/4/44 Lyttelton. 18766 Swan, Leonard Wesley Swan and Spencer 1st Floor, Lister Bldgs., Victoria St. East, 1/4/44 Auckland. Auckland 17578 Sycamore, Jack William Maunganui Rd., Mount ·Maunganui 1/4/44 Tauranga. 2707 Gordon, Alexander Maurice The Taihape Furniture 20 Robin St., Taihape .. 1/4/44 Taihape. and Agency Qompany 18767 Tait, William John .. 62 Rosebank Rd., Avondale, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18476 Rhodes, Laurence Arthur Tamblyn, ·Rhodes, and 114 Princes St., Dunedin 1/4/44. Dune~in. Justice 17686 Wright, Jack The Taranaki L a n d Opera House Bldgs., Devon St., New Ply- 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. Agency mouth 18183 Tate, V arey Clifton .. West Quay, Waitara .. 1/4:/44 Waitara. 17748 Stevenson, J 9hn Copeland Tattersalls Exchange .. 152 Thames St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. 17565 Forlong, Malcolm William Gor- Taumarunui. Furnishers Manuaute St., Taumarunui 25/5/44 Tafimarunui. don and Auctioneers 18865 Webb, Walter The Tauranga Auction The Strand, Tauranga . : 9/8/44 Tauranga. and Agency Co. 18417 Taylor, Harold John .. Qtaki Railway 1/4/44 Otaki. 19124 Te Aro ha-Tha:rp.es Valley Co-op. Te Aroha 1/4/44 Te Aroha. Dairy Co., Ltd. 18737 Teasdale, John Herbert Gas Co. Bldgs., Tb,e Str~nd., Takapuna 1/4/44 Auckland. 18591 Tetley, James Frederiek Tetley and Co. 242 Jackson St., Petone I/4/H Petone. I-S844 Thode, Arthur Edwin Forbes .. Opposite Post-office, Great North Rd., New 1/4/44 Auckland.-· Lvnn · 18746 Thomas, Acland Withiel Milford Rd., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 17658 Thomas, John Trevor J. T. Thomas and Co. Tancred St., Ashburton 1/4/44 Ashburton. 18660 East, Alfred George .. Thomson and East, Ltd. Brandon House, 152 Featherston St., Wel­ 1/4/44 Wellington. lington 17003 Thomson, Eric William Thomson., Bagley, and Co., Bank St., Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. Ltd. 17310 T h o m s o n, John Hamilton Beswick St., Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. Sinclair 18982 Todd, William Skuse William Todd and Co., Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. Ltd. ·1 . 18680· Tolhurst, Robert Erskine G. G. Tolh1~rst and Son.. Ba:q.k of N.Z. Bldgs., Lambton Quay, Wel- 1/4/44 Wellingto~: .lington . REGISTER ·OF· LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 192h22-:-continued

Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a · No.of Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered Registered Office. Date License Court by which License. Company on whose behalf granted. Licens.e granted License is held.

18670 Toogood, Alexander Japies A. J. Toogood and Co. Sussex Chambers, 12 Panama St., Wel-. 1./4/441 Wellington. lington 17245. Townshend, Clifford Edwin .. Wellington-St., Picton .. l / 4/44 Picton. 18799 Tozer, Lewis Algar · . . . . 525 Dominion Rd., Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 19582 Tracey, Walter Reason .. Theatre Bldgs., Howick 1/4/44 Otahuhu. 18060 Traill, Edwin . . . . ·200N Karamu.Rd., Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 18723 Tristram, William John .. Tristram and Co. High St., Eltham . . . . 1/4/44 Eltham. 18672 Trotter, Thomas James .. T. J. Trotter and Co. . . 288 Lambton Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18450 The Trustees, Executors, a n- d 24 Water St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. . 17208 Turkington, William Alexander Broadway, Matamata .. 1/4/44 Matamata. 18828 Tu:rner, Arundel· . . . . Turner and Growers, Ltd. City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18068 Turners (Hawke's Bay), Ltd... Corner of Russell St. and Avenue Rd., 15/8/44 Hastings. Hastings '

17588 Tylden, Everard Ruthven . "/ Papakura . . . . 1/4/44 Pa.pakura. 18752 Harper, Herbert Benjamin Samuel Vaile and Sons, 83 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. Lt.d. 18108 Edwards, Charles The Va1le37 Land Agency _ Booth and Chapman's Bldgs., Victoria St;, 1/4/44 Hamilton. Ramiltori . 18738 Vaughan, Arthur Stanley .. Arthur S. Vaughan, Ltd. Phoonix Chambers, 41 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18711 Veitch, David Blyth .. ,J:ellicoe St., Te '.Puke ...... 1/4/44, Te Puke. 18099 G. W. Vercoe and Co., Ltd. . . Victoria St., Hamilton . . . . 1/4/44 Hamilton. 18833 Vickerman, Douglas D' Arey .. Jellicoe Chambers, Quee.n St., Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 19082. Vickridge, Clifford Noel .. 223 Main St., Huntly ...... 1/4/44 Huntly; 16249 Vodanovich, Anthony Eugene .. Baden's Flats, TaupiriSt., Te Kuiti .. 1/4/44 Te Kuiti. 17223 Vosper, Arthur Richard ... Arapuni Rd., Putaruru . . . . 1/4/44 Putaruru. 18739 VVade, Thomas Frederick · .. 131 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 18768 Wadham, Leonard Alfred .. 562 Dingwall Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 1677-8 Waikato Lands; Ltd. . . Port \i\T aikato Rd., Tuakau . . . . 30/8/44 Pukekohe. 18961. Richa,rdson, George Flint .. The Waimate Auction Co. High St., Waimate ...... 1/4/44 Waimate. 18097 W oolven, William . . . . Waitemata Land Agency Security Bldgs., Hall).ilton, and at 19 Short- 1/4/44 Hamilton.· Co. land St., Auckland 17004 Wakelin, Thomas Waite~" Walter W akelin, Ltd. . . Water St.-, Whangarei . : . . . . 1/4/44 Whangarei. 15379 Walden, Thomas Henry l\fatakana ...... 1/4/44 Warkworth. 18679 Walker, Edward Bertram 105 Manners St., Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 Wellington; 18821 Coakley, J oh:ri Leonard George Walker, Ltd 249 Queen St., Auckland . . ... 1/4/M Auckland. 14558 Walker, John Ewing;. Bridge St.; Bulls . . ~. . . 16/5/44 Bulls. 18850 Wallace, Gordon McLean D. McL. Wallace, Ltd... Khyber Pass. Rd., Newmarket, Auckland, 1/4/44 Auckland. and Collingwood St., Hamilton, Whittaker St., Te Aroha, Broadway; Mataniata, Pollen St., Thames · • 18935 Wallace, James Oliver Speirs .. James.Wallace and Co. ; . 169 Hereford St., Christchurch . . . . 1/4/44 Christchurch, 18466 Walls, John Watson .. 42 George St., Dunedin . . -- .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18659 Warburton, Gerald Egerton .. 150 The Terrace, Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 Wellington. 17946 Corbet, Gordon Morell .. J. G. Ward and Co., Ltd. Invercargill and Gore ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 19101 Ward·, William Herschel .. 120 Ridgway St.; Wanganui . . . . 1/4/44 Wanganui. 18988 Watson, Arthur . . . . 26 Yarrow St., Inyercargill . . . . 1/4/44 Invercargill. 17950 Qilkison, ,John . . . . J.E. Watson and Co., L~d. Invercargill and Gore ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 19491 Watt, Charles Michael .. 118 Muritai Rd., Eastbourne . . ... , 1/4/44 Wellington•. 18687 Webb, Albert Edward .. 14 Panama St., Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 Wellington. 18651 Williamson, Victor Ernest John T. C. Webster and Co ... 20 Brandon St., Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 W eJlington .. 18769 Wells, Albert Rugh . . . . 406. Dingwall Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 18852 Wells, Harry Norman Archer 416 Mt; Eden Rd., Auckland . . ... 1/4/44 Auckland. 19490 Weyburne, Bernard Augustus · 45 Farish St., Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 W ellingtpn. 18936 Whiley, Fred . . . . 152 Hereford St., Christchurch . . . . 1/4/44 Christchurch. 15940 White, Stanley Burnett .. Greymouth ...... 1/4/44 Greymouth. · 18656 Whiteacre, Edward . . . . 7 Courtenay Place, Wellington . . . • 1/4/44 . Wellington. 18938 Whitta, Frederic Vivia,n .. Wliitta, Wilson, and Co. 163 Cashel St., Christchurch. . . . . 1/4/44 Christchurch.. . 1 18604 Wight, Allan Wallace .. Wood St., Paeroa . . • • • • 1/4/44. ··Paeroa. 17560 Wilkinson, Charles Ridge Bird Mersey St., Gore ...... 1/4/44 Gore. 18064 Wilkinson, Frederick Colin .. Russell St., Hastings ...... 1/4/44 Hastings. 183.73 Wilkinson, Oliver Clinton .. High St., Motueka ...... 1/4/44 Motueka. 17580 Willcock, Stephen George .. 4 Wharf 'St., Tauranga...... 1/4/44 Tauranga . 18137 Rolls, Leslie Culshaw .. Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Napier (principal), Hastings, Waipawa, 1/4/44 Napier. Waipukura.u, ,Dannevirke, "VVairoa, and Gisbo:rne 18585 Williams, Charles Rawle Moorehouse St,., Morrinsville . . . . 1/4/44 Morrinsville. 18035 Williams, Harold James .. 62 McLean St., Wallaceville, Upper Hutt .. 1/4/44 Upper Rutt. 19:182 Williamson, Frederic Geoffrey Williamson and Co. , . 25 Panama St., Wellington . . . . 1/4/44 Wellington. 18939 Williamson, Francis . . . . 193 Manchester St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18740 . Williamson, Julius Warwick .. 18 Fort St., Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland . 18139 Willis, Charles Cecil . . . . Gladstone Chambers, Tennyson St., Napier 'l/4/44 Napier. 18215 Willis, Reginald Charles .. Seddon St., Waihi ...... 1/4/44 Waihi. 18741 Willoughby, Frederick Edmund 683 Mt. Albert Rd., Epsom, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 17307 Wilson, Rugh Alexander . . . 172 Stafford St., Timaru . .. . . 1/4/44 Timaru: 17336 Wilson, James . . . . High St., Carterton ...... 1/4/44 Carterton.· 18941 Wilson, Maurice Arthur .. Maurice Wilson and Co. 213 Manchester St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 18686 Wilson, Thomas Warne .. 93 Park Rd., Wellington' . . . . 1/4/44 W ellingt'on. 16309 Win, Ernes~ William .. Queen St., Richmond ...... 1/4/44 ·Nelson. 18382 Windle, James . . . . Kitchener St., Waipukurau . . . . 1/4/44 Waipukur.au .. 18749· Winstone, Frank Martin .. Frank M. Winstone (Mer­ 71-79 Customs St. East, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. chants), Ltd. 18849 Wintle, Harry .. Campbell's Bldgs'., Vulcan Lane, Auckland 1/4/44 1\.uckland. . 19063 Wood, .Arthur Atter 238-,242 Cuba St., Palmerston North .. 7/8/44 Palmerston N .. 18742 Wood, Robert Hall .. 204DilworthBldgs., Customs St., Auckland, 1/4/44 Auckland. and SU:rfdale, W aiheke Island 18770 ; Woodcock, William ,T ohn 248Mt. Albert Rd., Mt. Albert, Auckland .. 1/4/44 Auckland. 18461 Woods, Frederick Ernest .. Imperial Bldgs., Dowling St., Dunedin .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 18666 Wooctward, George Frederick. 102 Oriental Parade, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 18661 · Martin, John Thomas Wright, Stephenson, and 34 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, and Ash­ 1/4/44 W ellin.gton. Co., Ltd. burton, _Auckland, Blenheim, Christ­ church, Dunedin, · Gore, Invercargill, Kelso, Masterton, Oamaru, \Vanganui .. 19123. Wyborn.. Robert Selwyn . . . Whitaker St., Te Aroha . . . . 1/4/44 Te Aroha. 19484 Young, Robert William Bowen C.M.L. Bldgs.,.Lambton Quay, Wellington l / 4/44 Wellington. 19182 ~oung, William Horne Har~, Broadway, Stratford ...... 1/4/44 · Stratfprd. greaves ..

0 a RegiBter of Lice.mes i&lf'Ued under the Auctioneera Act, 1928 ~ Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 4th October, 19-44. Ct. HEREWITH is published for general information, in accordance with the Auctioneers Act, 1928, a list of persons licensed to carry on business as auctioneers as on the 30th day of September,, 1944. LL:J

W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE.AUQTIONEERS ACT, 192'8 NoTE.-The·Register is arranged alphabetically under the 1:1ames of holders of licenses; but when an individual holds a license on behalf of a. firm or-registiered company, the name of such firm or company, and not . the name of the holder of the license, is placed in its alphabetical order. · . • · . In the case of a firm or company the name of which cpnsists ~f the .Christian name or names (or initials) and sm;name or surnames of some person or persons, the index lettier is the first lett.er of the first surname. ·Further, where an iµdividµal holder of a license trades under a particular name, the trade-name appears ·in its· alphabetical order.

Name of Firm (if any) of which No. of Licensee is a Member, or Registered R . t d Offi Date License Court by which License. Name of L1 censee, Company on whose behalf License Name of Seller. eg1s ere ce. granted. License granted. is held. ___ .______.;.______·- ·---'------~---'-----c------6715 Lindsay, Wallace Preswioh ...... Abraham and Williams, Ltd. . . . . Kennedy, Donald . . . . Hamilton ...... Taumarunui. · 76.83 Thomson, Sidney Robert...... Abraham and Williams, Ltd. . . . . Keys, Hughie Reid . . . . . 84 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North . . . . Palmerston N 6819 Abraham -and Williams, Ltd...... McCaw, John Todd . . . . 35 Albert St., Auckland ...... Auckland. 6714 Lindsay, Wallace Preswioh ...... Abraham andWilliams, Ltd. . . . . Richter, Arnold Wilfred . . . . Hamilton ...... ':I'aumarunui. 7684 Thomson, Sidney Robert...... Abraham and Williams, Ltd. . . . . Scoon, Kenneth Robert . . i. • 84 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North . . . . Palmerston N 7685 Th9mson, Sidney Robert...... Ab'raham and Williams, Ltd. . . . . Sloane, Dunbar Clifford . . . . 84 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North . . . . Palmerston N 7682 Thomson, Sidney Robert...... Abraham and Williams, Ltd. . . . . Waldin, Maurice Keith . . . . 84 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North . . . . Palmerston N 6623 Allchurch, Harold ...... H. Allchurch and Co...... Allchurch, Harold . . . . 8 Beswick St., Timaru ...... Timaru. 7102 Alp, Herbert ...... 1 . • • Alp, Herbert ...... 7 Victoria Ave., Wanganui · ...... Wanganui. 7318 Anderson, Wjlliam Adair...... George Anderson and Son . . . . Anderson, William Adair. . • . . 534 Colombo St., Christchurch . . . . Christchurch. 5827 Arthur, Ewart Vincent ...... E. V. Arthur and Co...... Arthur, Ewart Vincent . . . . Whall St., Greymouth . . . . Greymouth. 7144 Arthur, Thomas Buddle...... Richard Arthur, Ltd...... Arthur, Thomas Buddle . . . . 191 Queen St., Auckland ...... Auckland. 7479 Barwick, Alfred Hampton ...... Fred Barwick ...... Barwick, .Alfred Hampton . . 82 Peel St., Gisborne ...... Gisborne. 7152 Bennett, Charles Frederick ...... C. F. Bennett, Ltd...... Bennett, Charles Frederick . . Blackett's Bldgs., corner of Shortland and Queen Auckland. Sts., Auckland 6580 Palmer, Herbert Harry ...... J. L. Bennett: Ltd...... Pal~er, Herbert Harry . • 47 King St., Palmerston North...... Palmerston N · 7681 Palmer, Herbert Harry ...... J. L. Bennett, Ltd...... Wald~grave, Burton Charles . . 47 King St., Palmerston North...... Palmerston N ~- 7401 Hollis, Arthur Henry ...... J. H. Bethune and Co...... Hollis, Arthur Henry . . . . 154:-Featherston St., Wellington . . . . Wellington. N' 7156 Cross, Ernest Horac~ Roger ...... George Raymond Blackett and Ernest Cross; Ernest Horace Roger . . Hallenst~in's Bldg., Queen St., Auckland . . Auckland; tzj Horace Roger Cross [tradin!J a8 "G. R. R " Blackett and Co."] R 7605. Trim, Charles . . ' ...... Bowden's Mart, Ltd...... Trim, Charles ...... Invercargill ...... Invercargill. ttj. 7411 Bowie, David ...... D. Bowie and Co., Ltd...... Guy, Charles M...... ·26 Allen St., Wellington ...... Wellington. 7410 Bowie, David ...... D; Bowie and Co., Ltd...... Guy, George ...... 26 Allen St., Wellington ...... Wellington. 7721 Boyes, Ge9rge ...... • . . . George Boyes and Co., Lt,d. . . . . Boyes, George ...... Hamilton ...... Hamilton. 7346 Bradley; Clement George...... C. G. Bradley and Co...... Bradley, Clement George.. . . AJ.exandra St., Hamilton ...... Hamilton. 7238 Bray Bros. (of Dunedin), Ltd. • ...... Watt, Alexander James T~ylor . . 75 Bond St.,. Dunedin...... Dunedin. 7610 Frampton, Percy Colin ...... Bray, Frampton, Roderique, Ltd. . . Todd, Charles Martin . ~ . . Spey 'St., Invercargill ...... Inverc~rgill. 7804 Christie, Andrew Archibald Bruce . . . . Bruce Christie and Co...... Christie, Andrew Archibald Bru(Je Tyne St., Oamaru ...... Oamaru. 6.816 Wilson, Frederick John Charles . . . . Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd. . . . . Gooch, Walter James . . . . Albert St., Auckland ...... Agckland. 6815 Wilson, Frederick John Charles . '. . . . . Alfred B:uckland and Sons, Ltd. . . . . Leighton, Cecil Gordon . . . . Albert St., Auckland ...... Auckland. 6817 Wilson, Frederick John Charles .. ~ . . . . Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd. . . . . Paterson, Thomas . . . . Albert St., Auckland ...... Auckland. 6814 Wilson, Frederick John Charles . . . . .·. Alfred BuckJand and Sons, Ltd. . . . . Swaffield, Percy William.. . . Albert St., Auckland ...... Auckland. 7452 Canning, Alexander John ...... A. J. Canning and Co...... Canning, Frank Reeve . . . . Whakatane ...... Whakatane. 7320 Canterbury Co-operath''e Distributors, Ltd. . . . Pritchard, Alfred William . . 28 Tuam St., Christchurch ...... Christchurch. 6625 S/:iirtcliff, .Arthur Morton Henry ...... Canterbury Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Jones, Arthur Franklin Sevicke . . Timaru ...... Timaru. 6627 : Shirtclitf, Arthur Morton Henry ...... Canterbury Farmers' Co-op~·Assopiation, Ltd. Lawson, Gordon Pirie . . . . Timaru ...... Timaru. 6624 ., Sh~rt. c~ff, Ar. thur l\.forton Henry ...... Canterbury Farm. ers: Co-op.,Assoc~at~on, Ltd. Tennant., James Wallace . . . . T~maru ...... T~maru. 6626 Sh1rtchff, Arthur Morton Henry .·. . . . . Canterbury Farmers Co-op. Association, Ltd. Wood, Leonard Thomas . . . . T1maru ...... T1maru...... 7145 Carr Frederick Charles ...... Robert C. Carr and Son . . . . l Carr, Frederick Charles .'. . . 20 Swanson St., Auckland ...... /4/ Auckland...... ~ Ct • ~ ) REGISTER OF LIO~NSES ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEE~S ACT, 1928~neinued -co OJ ) Name of Firm (if any) of which No. of•· Licensee is a Member, or Registered Date L. 1.· censel· Court by which Lieense. Name of Licensee. Company on whose .behalf License Name of Seller. Registered Office. granted. License granted. is held. .•

7820 Butler, John . Central Land and Estate Agency. ; Butler, John . 25 Dowling St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 4496 Denniston, Leslie Hunter The. Cent:al Otago Commission Agency Denniston, fa~slie Hunter .. Alexandra · 1/4/44 Alexandra. 7,826 Alfred Clark, Ltd; Clark; Alfred 8-10 Manse St., DUitedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 5366 Cob be, Richard .. R. Cob be, Ltd... . Cob be, Richard . ; Wharf St., Tauranga .. 1/4/44 Ta'uranga. 7916 Cockerill and Campbell, Ltd. Mackay; William Irk St., Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 7474 Common; Skelton, and Co.,-Ltd. B'ous:6.eld, Frederick Brougham I Peel St., Gisborne .. 1-/4/44 Gisbor:rie. 6494 Cooke, Percy V~ll~nce, William R9dney Gardner's Bldgs., Rathbone St., Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. 7099 Coull, John Coull, John ' .. Maria Place, W anganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. 2828 Cook, John Bennett Cullen and Cook Cook, John Bennett Wairoa 1/4/44 Wairoa. 7321 Cullimore, Frederick William Martinhill Jlµlles Cu11imore, Frederick William Martin- Seaview Rd., New Brighton 1/4/44 Christchurch. hill James 4816 _ Agar, Charles Alfred E~win Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Agar, Charles Alfred Edwin ·opotiki 1/4/44 Opotiki. 1-3 7622 Williams, Herbert Rowlands Dalgety and 09., Ltd. Alexander, D'Arcy Phillips Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. ~­ 7324 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Alexander, Robert Edward Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. tJ;j 7348 Dalgety and Co.; Ltd. Buckland, Alfred Seagar .. Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7801 Tonkin,.John Franklin Dalgety and Co., Ltd.­ Budge, Victor Manson Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. z . 7322 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Buxton, John Richard Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. tJ;j 7620 Williams, Herbert Roland Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Cochran, George Gardiner · Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7070 Mannering, Sefton Alexander Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Condon, Robert Oswald .. Hastings 1/4/44 Napier. ~ · 6578 Hall, William Henry Dalgety and Co., Ltd. ,, .. Daly, Ainsworth William .. · 21 Queen St., Palmerston N. 1/4/44 Palmerston N. N 734 7 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Dodd, Eric William Ballantyne Hamilton · , 1/4/44 Hamilton. tJ;j_ 7257 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Dowsett, William James .. Jetty St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 6576 Hall, William Henry · Dalgety and. Co., Ltd. . . Edwards, Harold William 21 Queen St., Palmerston North 1/4/44, Palmerston N. E=i' 7476 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Garland, Kenneth Brooke .. Reads Quay, Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. > 6813 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Harding, Albert Richmond Albert St., Hamilton .. l/4/44 Hamilton. z· 7;328 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Harris, Austin James Christchurch. . , · 1/4/44 Christchurch. tj 6577 Hall, William• Henry Dalgety and Co., Ltd. . . Kettle, ·Neville Fitzclarence 21 Queen St., Palmerston North 1/4/44 Palmerston N. 6812 Datgety and Co., Ltd. Kirkham, Horace WilHam Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 6495 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. ·. Lacy, Harold Reynolds Whangarei .. 1/4/44 Whangarei. ~·- 6716 , Salmon, Eric Leslie Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Lissette, Albert Fred Te Kuiti · 1/4/44 Taumarunui. N 7983 ' Ziesler,' Erling .. Da!gety and Co., Ltd. McCallum, Archibald Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. tJ;j 2829 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. McCrea, James Henry Special District of Wairoa 1/4/44 Wairoa. t-3 7069 Mannering, Sefton Alexander Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Manneizing, Sefton Alexander Napier 1/4/44 ,Napier. 1-3 7402 Cooper, Harry Dudley Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Mans:6.e]d, James Ramsay 119-123 Featherston St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. ~ 7350 Da]gety and Co., Ltd. Maskew, Thomas Stordy .. Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7323 Da]gety and Co;, Ltd. Moir, William (jun.) Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7913 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Morrow, Thomas Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 7327 Dalgety arid Co., Ltd. Mulligan,· Leslie Douglas .. Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7258 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Nelson, Bert James , Jetty St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7256 Dalgety and Cot;.Ltd.· O'Donnell, James. Jetty St., Dunedin l/'.i/44 Dunedin. 7349 Palgety .and Co., Ltd. O'·DQlloghue, Dominic Henry Fitzroy Hamilton · 1/4/44. Hamilton.. 7981 Ziesler, Erling .. Dalgety and Co., Ltd. O'Donohue, Gerald Leonard Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. 7068 Mannering, Sefton Alexander . Dalgetyand Co., Ltd. Parker, Alfred Stanley Dannevirke 1/4/44 Napier. 4678 Cooper, Harry Dudley · Dalgety and Co., Ltd. . Renton, Moore Richardson 172 Trafalgi:i,r St., Nelson 1/4/44 Nelson • 7912 Dalgety and Co., Ltd.· Reynolds, James John Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 6717 Salmon, Eric Leslie - Dalgety and Co'., Ltd. Salmon, Eric Leslie Te Kuiti 1/4/44 Taumarunui. 7353 · Fetch, Alexander Lubbock Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Scott, John Gladstone Queen St., Masterton .. 1/4/44 Masterton. 7621 Williams, Herbert Roland Dalgety and Co., LM. Simon, Alfred Rupert Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. J326 .• Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Smith, John William. Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7325 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Smith, Reginald Wallace Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. Q354 F~tch, Alexander Lubbock Dalgety and Co., Ltd. • . Walker, Fre<;lerick George · Queen St., Masterton .. 1/4/44 .. Masterton. 6418 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. Wallis, Arthur Lascelles Kaikohe - 1/4/44 Kaikohe. • -~ I ). . REGISTER OF LICENSES .ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTlO~EERS ~CT, 1928-continued tj - Name of Firm (if any) of which No. of Name of Licensee. Licensee is a Member, or Registered Name of Seller. Date License I Court. by which LJCense, Company on whose beha;,f Li~nsp Registered Office. granted. License granted. . is held. . l 7386 Davis, Joseph David . Davis Bros. .. I Davis, Joseph David 57-:--59 L~wer Cuba St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 5526 Dawkins, RP-ginald Geralq._ R. G. Dawkins and Co. Dawkins, Reginald Gerald Wellington St., Picton .. 1/4/44 Picton. 7331 Day, Eric Charles . E. C. Day, Ltd. Patterson,

6838 The Farmers' Co-op. Organjzation Society of N.Z., Ltd.. Lenz, Alfred • , 1• Hawera 1/4/44 Hawera. 6835 The Farmers' Co-op. Organization Soei~ty o~ N.Z., Ltd. Slater, Harold . . ., . Hawera 1/4/44 Hawera. 6834 The Farmers' Co-op. Organiz1ftion SocietyofN.Z., Ltd. . Trotter, Clenien t George .. Hawera 1/4/44· Hawera. '7330 P. Feron and Son, Ltd. . . Newman, Edmund John .. 303 Moorhouse AYe., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7319 Beadel, Ralph Stephen Ford and Hadfield, Ltd ... Beadel, ·Ralph Stephen 131-133 Worcester St., Christchurch 1/4/44. ·Christchurch. 7822 John M. Fraser and Co., Ltd. Fraser, Norris Napier 146 Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7805 Fraser, Norris Napier ., John M. Fraser and Co., Ltd. Wealleans, Stanley Oswald 35 Ribble St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. 7481 Stewart, Ian Colebrook Gisborne Markets, Ltd... Corson, Thomas Allan Napier Customhouse St., Gisborne 29/8/44 Gisborne. 7472 Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Frozen Meat and Mercantile Mackley, Cyril Arthur Customhouse St., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. Co., Ltd. 7480 Meban, James Alexander .. The Gisborne Stock and Station Agents Shaw, John Raymond 46 Childers R¢1.., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. Association 6141 Williams, Charles· Rawle .. The Globe Furnishing and Auctioneering Co. Williams, Charles Rawle .. Moorhouse St., Morrinsville 1/4/44 Mo:rrinsville. 4680 Gould, Alfred de Tracy .. Alfred Gould .. Gould, Alfred. de ~racy .. 235 Ha:i;dy St., N,elson 1/4/44 Nelson. 7493 Gradwell, Frederick Henry Gradwell, Fredwiek Henry Taupo 1/4/44 Taupo. 4453 Gregory, William Cooper ·w. Gregory and Co. Gregory, William Cooper 156 High St., Lower Hutt 1/4/44 Lower Hutt. 7569 Robinson, Eric Arthur Growers and Buyers, Ltd. Robinson, Eric Arthur 168 Lichfield St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7412 Harcourt, Charles James Stanton Harcourt, Charles James Stanton 41 Panama St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7417 Harcourt, John Gordon .. Harcourt, John Gordon· . . , 153-155 Featherston St., Wellington 1/4/44 W elllngton. 5828 Shallcrass, Frederick Walter Harley and Co., Ltd. Shallctass, Nelson Greymouth . . · 1/4/44 Gr:,eymouth. 7825 Alex. Harris, Ltd. Harris, Ale~ander Remfry 377 Princes St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7251 Alex. Harris, Ltd. Young, Herbert Lloyd 377 Princes St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7521 Harris, Arthur Campbell .. Arthur Campbell Harris a~d John Silvester Harris, Arthur Campbell .. 98 Hereford St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. Lawlor [trading. as "Harris, Lawlor, and 09."] 7067 Harvey, William William Harvey and Gordon Cosgr.Jve Laws Taylor, Walter Edward .. •• 1 Napier 1/4/44 Napier. '[trading as "Harvey, Fulton, and Hill"] -7786 Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Helps, Edward Bramley .Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 7788 Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd~ . Gtaham, Robert Winter Hastings .1/4/44 Hastings. 7789 Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Spil\er, Thomas Roy Special District of W airoa 1/4/44 Hastings. 7787 · Hawke's Bay Farmers~ Co-op. Association, Ltd. Stewart, Harry Norman Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 7624 Harper. Lancelot Henderson a,nd Co., Ltd. · ChaJm'c'rs, William Invercargill .. l/4/44 i In ve,cargm...... ~. " J-1 .J-1 I1EGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-cont.inued ~ 00 Name or Firm (if any) of which Court by whic b No, ol of Licensee is a Member, or Registered Date License License. Name Licensee, Company on whose behalf License j Name of Eleller. Registered Office, granted, , License. gi-anted. is held, I ' I 7625 Harper, Lancelot ...... Henderson and Co., Ltd. .. .. Harper, Lancelot . . Wyndham ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 6419 H;olcroft, Robert Henry ...... - .. Holcroft, Robert Henry .. .. Kaikohe ...... 1/4/44 Kaikohe. 7623 Hosie, Russell ...... Russell Hosie, Ltd...... Hosie, Russell ...... Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Inverca:rgilJ. 7662 Houston, Malcolm Henry ...... M. Houston and Co...... Houston, Malcolm Henry .. Waif St., Hokitika ...... 1/4/44 Hokitika. 7523 Hulston, Leonard Arthur ...... HuJston Auction Rooms .. .. Hulston, Leonard Arthur .. . . 235 Manchester-St., Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7574/ White, Frederick Walter ...... Hutchinson, White, Ltd. .. ' .. White, Frederick Walter .. . . Victoria Square, Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7255 L. J. Ireland, Ltd...... Summers, Donald .. .. 14 Manse St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7094 Freeman R. Jackson and Co., Ltd...... Hammond, Gordon Vernon .. Wanganui...... 1/4/44 Wanganui. 7095 Freeman R. Jackson and Co., Ltd...... McDougal, George Alexander .. Wanganui ...... l/4/44 Wanganui. 6806 Jackson, John Hughlings .. .. •'• .. T. Mandeno Jackson .. .. '·' . Salter, Henry James .. .. 3 Swanson St., Auckland ...... l/4/44 Auckland. 7661 Jeffries, Arthur, and Halliday, Muriel (Executors in W. Jeffries and Co...... Friedlander, Davtd .. .. Sewell St., Hokitika ...... 1/4/44 Hokitika. · Estate of Jeffries, Annie Marie) '7397 Johnston, Eric Evelyn ...... E. Johnston and Co...... Dowding, Leonard George . . 6-8 Willeston St., Wellington ...... 1/4/44 Wellington. 7524 Jones, Alfred Lionel ...... C. E. Jones, Ltd...... Jones, Alfred Lionel .. . . 17 4 Manchester· St., Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7155 Jones, Percy Douglas .. .. , .. .. J. Jones; Ltd...... Boulter, Athol Hirons .. . . City Markets, Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland . - 7154 Jones, Percy Douglas ...... J. Jones, Ltd...... Cooke, Albert Alexander .. .. City Markets, Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 7174 Judd, Stanley James ...... Cittadini, William Alexander .. Main St., Pahiatua ...... 1/4/44 Pahitatua. · 7355 Kerslake, John Albert Edward ...... J. Kerslake and Co. .. -· .. Kerslake, John Albert Edward .. Masterton ...... 1/4/44 Masterton. 5228 O'Halloran, Johff ...... The King Country Auctioneering Co. .. O'Halloran, John .. . . Rora St., Te Kuiti ...... 1/4/44 Te Kniti. 7415 Davidson, James Dean ...... Kingsway, Ltd. .· . . . .. Davidson, James Dean .. .. 78-80 Lambton Quay, Wellington .. .. 1/4/44 Wellington. 7393 Brown, Francis Cuthbert ...... Laery,and Co., Ltd...... Baker, George ...... The Fruit Exchange, Allen St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. ~ 7391 Brown, Fr_ands Cuthbert ...... Laery and .Co., Ltd...... Copkson, Robert .·. .. The Fruit Exchange, Allen St., Wellington . . 1/4/44_ W ellirigton. > 7392 Brown, Francis Cuthbert .• ...... \ Laery and Co., Ltd...... Guy, William ...... The Fruit Excha:µge, Allen St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. ~· '7394 Brown, Francis Cuthbert .. .. \ .. Laery and Co., Ltd. .. .. Wilson, William ...... The Fruit Exchange, Allen St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. '7956 Leighton, Herbert Ernest .. .. H. Ernest Leighton, Ltd, .. .. Leighton, Herbert Ernest . . 22 Brandon St., Wellington . . .. 1/4/44' Wellington. 7407 Staples, John Kennedy .. .. / .. .. Levin and Co., Ltd...... Grip.dley, Kenneth Reid .. . . 12-18 Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. .. 1/4/44 Wellington. t· 78~ Black, Arthur Alexander ...... James Lindsay, Arthur Alexander Black, Black, Arthur Alexander .. Vogel St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/4,4 Dunedin. John William Dobbie, and Douglas Wil- liam Breen [trading as " J. Lindsay and I Co."] 7181 Lipscombe, Charles William ...... Lipscombe's Furniture and Auction Mart .. Lipscombe, Charles William .. 53-55 Bridge St., Nelson ...... 1/4/44 Nelson. 7525 Livingstone, Henry Gillies ...... H. G. Livingstone and Co. .. .. Livingstone, Henry Gillies . . 109 Hereford St., Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. '7247 Lovell, Bates, Ltd...... Lovell, Albert Joseph .. .. Corner of Jetty and Bond Sts., Dunedin .. .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7244 LoV'ell, Bates, Ltd...... Treacy, Thomas Greig .. .. Corner of ,Jetty and Bond Sts., Dunedin .• .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7537 McCrosti.e, Norman Heathcote ...... N. I(. McCrostie and Co. .. .. McCrostie; Norman Heathcote . . 217 Manchester St., Christchurch . . .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7538 McDonald, Ernest Roderick ...... E. R. McDonald and Son .. .. McDonald, Ernest Rodericlr . . 96 Gloucester St., Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 1 Christchurch. 7252 MacDonald, Alexander William ...... Macdonald, Alexander William .. 5 Dowling St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7529 Macfarlane and Co., Ltd.•• ...... Dineen, Ronald Dominic . . 156 Lichfield St., Christchurch . . .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 6628 Macfarla.ile and Co., Ltd••...... Hattie, Arnold ...... Strathallan St., Timaru ...... 1/4/44 Timaru. 7526. Macfarlane and Co., Ltd••• ...... Macfarlane, Alan Leslie . . .. 156 Lichfield St., Christchurch ... .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7527 Macfarlane and Co., Ltd.•• ...... Macfarlane, Harry Wilfrid .. "156 Lichfield St., Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7528 Macfarlane and Co., Ltd.•• ...... Thompson, Edwjn Francis . . 156 Lichfield St., Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7061 McGlashan, Alfred ...... McGlashan's Ltd...... Bain, Ian Young . . . . Tennyson St., Napier ...... 1/4/44 Napier. 7606 McKay, David William ...... D.' W. McKay, Ltd...... McKay, David William .. . . Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7539 , McKenzie and Willis, Ltd...... -- .. Willis, Joseph .. e .. .. 120 Hereford St., Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 2076 Macl(enzie, Douglas Haig .. - .. .. Douglas Haig MacKenzie and Kenneth Bain MacKenzie, Douglas Haig .. Broadway, Matamata ...... I 1/6/44 Matamata. Mac Kenzie [trading as ," MacKenzie Aue- tion Mart"] 7823 R. S. McKenzie, Ltd...... McKenzie, Richard Seddon .. 10 Dowling St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. 4946 Lee, Thomas Hubert ...... McMahon and Lee ...... Lee. Thomas Hubert .. . . Bridge St., Reefton ...... 1/4/44 Reefton. 6690 McMurtry, Norman Randal ...... N. R. 1\fcMurti'y and Co;, Ltd. .. . . I McArtney, Roy .• . . .. Wynen St., Blenheim ...... I 1/4/44 Blenheim.· 5841 Mc Quin,· John' Douglas ...... J. D. 1\fcQuin ...... McQuin, John Douglas .. . . Victoria St., Dargaville .. . . 1/4/44 Dargaville. oo' t,.:). 0 REGISTER OF LICENSE~ ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-continued ~

.Name of Firm.(if any) of which I 0( ~o. of \ N . f L' \ Licensee is a Member, or Regi~tered Name of Seller Re!Zistered Otlice Date License ~ourt QY which ~ O 0 License. ame icensee. Company on whose beqalf License • • • granted. License granted. is held. J

6496 Watters, Francis C'harles James Malloy and Francis Watters Watters,Francis Cameron St., Whangarei 1/4/44 / Whangarei. [trading as "Malloy n-nd Watters"] 7406 Robertson, Ernest George Market Gardeners, Ltd. Collins, Allan John 247-257 Wakefield St.·, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7405 Robertson, Ernest George Market Gardeners, Ltd. Julius, Frank Horace 247-257 Wakefield St., Wellington 1/4/44. Wellington. 7403 Robertson, Ernest George Ma.rket Gardeners, Ltd. Owens, Thomas 247-257 Wakefield St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7404 Robertson, Ernest George Market Gardeners, Ltd. Pope, Lewis Frank 247-257 Wakefield S.t., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7531 Matson, Allan Leicester Allan Leicester Matson, John Thomas Aitken, Neil Kenneth Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. Matson, and Leicester Wellesley Matson . [trading as "H. Matson and Co."] I 7535 I Matson, Allan Leicester / Allan Leicester. Matson, John Thomas Matson, Allan Leicester Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. Matson, and Leicester Wellesley Matson . 1 [trading as "H. Matson and Co."] 8 7534 Matson, Allan Leicester I Allan Leicester Matson, John Thomas Matson, John Thomas Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. ~· Matson, anrl Leicester ·Wellesley Matson ~· [trading as "H. Matson and Co."] ' 7533 I Matson, Allan Leicester I Allan Leicester Matson,· John Thomas Merrett, Horace Norman Christchurch.. 1/4/M Christchurch. z Matson, and Leicester Wellesley Matson ~- [trading as "H. Matson and Co."] :.d: 7532 Matson, Allan Leicester Allan Leicester Matson, John Thomas Rigby, John Edward Tavener Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. ', Matson, and Leicester Wellesley Matson t-1' . [trading as·" H. Matson and Co."] >, 7601 Mills, Percy Charles ,T. R. Mills and Son, Ltd. Bailey, Thomas Robert Invercargill . . 1/4/44 Invercargill. z: 6518 Moncur, Alexander Francis Alexander Francis Moncur and James McGill Moncur, Alexander Francis Peerless HalJ, Pukuatua St., Rotorua. 13/6/44 Rotorua. O [ trading as " Moncµr and McGill "] 6142 Morrissey, Carthage Edward C. E. Morrissey and Co. . . Morrissey, Cartha,ge Edward Civic Auction Mart, Canada St., Morrinsville 1/8/44 Morrinsville. ~ 6618 Robertson, Oliver Lewis . . Morton and Co., Ltd. Nicholas, Vernon 'L'rahair 1 George St., Timaru . . 1/4/44 Timaru. · >, 6575 Eliott, Gordon Alfred Mounseys Ltd. Morton, Richard Ramsay 58 Rangitikei St., Palmerston North 1/4/44 Palmerston N. N: 6619 Moyes, Robert James Moyes and Moyes Moyes, Robert James 9 Church St., Timaru , 1/4/44 Timaru. ~ 7803 Mulligan, Percival Thomas Mulligan and Forbes Mulligan, 'Percival Thomas Wear St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. r-3 7112 Munro, James Robert Webb, Washington William Argus Office, Melmore St., Cromwell 1/4/44 Cromwell. 8 7477 Bishop, Laurence Willoughby Murray, Roberts, and Co., Ltd. Bishop, Lawrence Willoughby Customhouse St., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. trj: 7783 Murray, Roberts, and Co., Ltd. Hern, Aubrey Francis Charles Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 7416 Roberts, George Preston . . Murray, Roberts, and Co., Ltd. Roberts, George Preston . . Featherston St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7782 Murray, Roberts, and Co., Ltd. · · Scott, James Mangatu Sillanders Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 7409 Nathan, Sidney George S. George Nathan and Co. Nathan, Sidney George i •. • lll Customhouse Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 6622 Anderson, .Alexander National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Blyth, James Keith Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. Ltd. 6410 Marshall,.James Scott National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Brown, Norman Rae Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. Ltd. 6620 Anderson, Alexander National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Burns, Samuel William Neil Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. Ltd. 7541 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Bushell, Sylvester John . . Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 6770 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Cunneen, Malcolm Duncan West S~., Ashburton 1/4/44 Ashburton. 7249 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Cupples, Samuel 49 Water St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7626 Marshall, Jame Scott •• •.• National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Forbes, Norman Invercargill . . 1/4/44 Invercargill. Ltd. 7542 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Hayes, Donovan William.. Christchurch.. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 6621 Anderson, Alexander National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.-Z., Jones, William Frederick Sevicke Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. ...,.. Ltd. ....,. qo qo, ,..... ' . 0~ ., . REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED· UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-continued o_

Name of Firm (if any) of which No.of ·Name of Licensee, Licensee;is a.Member, or Registered • 1 r>ate Lieeru,;I Cou,t by wbiob Llcense. Company on whose behalf License Name of S·eller. llegistered Office. granted. License granted. is held. l 6880 • Spite, Walter Garfield National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., McFie, Charles Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. Ltd. .r·· 7248 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Milne, Arthur John 49 Water St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7250 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Smith, Richard James Seddon 49 Water St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 6439 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Stephens, Rewa Thomas Alexander, Waimate 1/4/44 Waimate. 7914 , Allan, John Young National·Mortgage and AgencY,Co. of N.Z., Timpany, Albert Edward John Gore 1/4/44 Gore. Ltd.· 7543 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Wade, Edmond Wallace .. Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7540 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Williams, Walter Morgan Lester Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 6409 . Marshall, J antes Scott National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N;Z., I Winders, Bertie Gerald O'Connell .. Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. Ltd. 8· 7544 National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. ,Wise,. Ge_o:r.ge Denis Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. ~ 7148 Newcomb, Neville Harrison Neville Newcomb, Ltd. Smith, :aarry Sydney 4 Wyndham St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. ttj· 6259 Shaw, Stanley Eric Newton King, 1 Ltd. Carr; William Leslie Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 6255 Shaw Stanley Eric Newtbn King, Ltd. Chapman, Bruce Herbert .• Currie St., New Plymouth · 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. z~ 6260 Shaw, Stanley, Eric Newton King, Ltd. Davis, William John· Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. ttj• 7722 Yardley, Austin .. Newton King, Ltd. .Heslop, Vivian Sydney Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. ~l·' 6263 Shaw, Stanley Eric Newton King, Ltd. Kjestrup, Henry Enivuld Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. 6258 Shaw, Stanley Eric Newton King, Ltd. Pegg, Kenneth Chapman .. Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. N! I,.,,.(•.' 7723 Y arndley, Austin Newton King,')Ltd. Pettit, Leslie Howard Victoria St., Hamilton. 1/4/44 Hamilton. l,:"-..J" 6257 Shaw, Stanlev Eric Newpon King, Ltd. Pugh, George Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N: Plymouth. >­ 6256 Shaw, Stanley Eric Newton King, Ltd. Weber, Peter Hugh Currie St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. r· 6689 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association of Canterbury, Ltd. Chandler, Percy John Blenheim , .. 1/4/44 Blenheim.·· > 7546 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association of Canterbury, Ltd. Egan, Norman Francis Christchurch .. 1/4/44' Christchurch. Z'\ 7547 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association of Canterbury, Ltd. Mason, Rodger Keith Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. t;r! 7548 N.Z; Farmers' ,co~6p. Association of Canterbury, Ltd. Palmer, John Joseph Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7013 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association of Cante:lrbury, Ltd. Stanton, James William Rangiora 1/4/44 Rangiora. 7545 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association of Canterbury, Ltd. Sutherland, William Percival Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. ~- 6756 Fowler, William Coulson .. N.Z: Farmers' Co-op. Distributing Co.~ Ltd. Eliott, John Gordon Feilding 1/4/44 Feilding. N:; 7356 Fowler, William Coulson .. N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd. Harvey, Colin Reginald Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. ~ 7955 Lawson, Allan .. N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd. Lawson, Allan .. Sar St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. f-3! 7175 Fowler, William Coulson .. 81 N.;z. Farmers' Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd. Wright, Claude Milton Pahiatua 1/4/44 Pahiatua. ttj,. 7333 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.,- Ltd. Aurisch, James Eccles Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7153 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd: Bailey, Miles Trevor 1 Albert St., Auckland 20/4/M Auckiand. 7781 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co:-, Ltd. Barry, Dennis Vincent Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 4679 Julian, Frederick Cyril N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Age:ricyCo., Ltd. Blackmore, Maurice Alfred Nelson 1/4/44 Nelson. 7098 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Braithwaite, Henry Thomas Palmerston North 1/4/44 Wanganui. 7431 N.Z. Loah and Mercantile.Agency Co., Ltd. Care, Athol Ralph· · . \ Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 6810 N.Z. Loan and Mercantlle Agency Co., Ltd. Cockerton, John Ellis 1 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland.· 7454 Sisam, ·Leonard Alfred· ·· ·' N.Z. Lo~n and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Corcoran, William Roger .. Whakatane .. 1/4/44 Whakatane. 7335 N.Z. Loa:ri andMercantile_Agency Co., Ltd. Craig, Colin Wa:}Jth Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton; 7242 N.Z. Loa:ri and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd.. Cuttle, Robert French Lower Rattray St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7334 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Delaney; Norman Robert Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7097 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Ewart, Edward Richard Berle Palmerston North 1/4/44 Wanganui. 5110 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Farquharson, John Archibald Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. · 6807 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Foote, Stanley William .. I Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7332 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile;Agency Co., Ltd. Frederickson, Claude Herman Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44' Hamilton... 7360 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co;, Ltd. Garland, Frederick Ralph Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. r--t 7475 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Goddard, Victor · 7 Gladstone Rd., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. z 6686 I Julian, Frederick Cyril N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency _Co., Ltd. Hagen, James : . Blenheim 1/4/44 Blenheim. 0 00 t,:). 0· REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSU;ED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928,;__continued 0- !:"3 Name of Firm (if any) of which No. ofl Licensee is a Member, or Registered Registered Office. Date License I Court by which License. Name of Licensee. Company on whose behalf License Name of Seller. granted. License granted. s is held. 1

6808 N.Z. Loan and Mercantlle Agency Co., Ltd. Hardwicke, Joseph Speight 1 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7549 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Hatton, Frederick Henry .. Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7359 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Henderson, Arthur McLartln Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. 7096 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd.' Hintz, Charles Stanley Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui.. 7915 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Laughton, Peter Gore 1/4/44 Gore. 7552 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Leahy, Gerald .. Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7802 Couper, Thomas Leo ...... N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. McCulloch, Daniel Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. 7336 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. MacKenzie, Kenneth Bain Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 2830 N.Z. Loan and Mercantil~ Agenc:5- Co., Ltd. McRae, Keith William Sutherland .. Special District of W airoa 1/4/44 Wairoa. 7384 Bushell, Frank Roland N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Mangavin, John.Horace .. Levin 1/4/44 Wellington. 6629 Parris, Albert James N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Mitchell, Norman Douglas Harvey Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. · 6630 Parris, Albert James N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Parris, Albert James Timaru 1/4/44 Timaru. 7551 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Partridge, Arnold Bolitho Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 8· 7608 McKitterick, William James N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Ross, Alexander Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. ~. 6811 N.Z; Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Short, Phillip Laurance .. 1 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. ~ 6809 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Sloane, Neville .. 1 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7550 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Smith, John Robert William Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7453 Sisam, Leonard Alfred N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Tanner, Jack Whakatane .. 1/4/44 Whakatane. ·~: 7243 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Wallace, David Adam Lower Rattray St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. ~ 7083 Blair, William Alexander .. Nimmo and Blair, Ltd... Blair, William Alexander .. Clyde St., Balclutha ... 1/4/44 Balclutha. 6262 Armstrong, Montague James Irvine L. A. Nolan and Co., Ltd. Nolan, David 241 Devon St., New Plymouth 1/4/44 ,N. Plymouth. N 6492 Christiansen, William Augustus North Auckland Farmers' .Co-op., Ltd. Clotworthy, Louis Frahcis 30 Walton St., Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. tzj· 6671 Christiansen, Willi.1,m Augustus North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. Fraser, Samuel Roberick Kaikohe 1/4/44 Kaikohe. 4539 North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. · Morpeth, Logan Sloan Special District of Mangonui 1/4/44 Kaitaia. 6420 Christiansen, William Augustus North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. Morpeth, Logan Sloan Special District of Russell 1/4/44 Kaikohe. ~ 5336 Price, Samuel Thomas Pettigrew .. North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. Price, Samuel Thomas Pettigrew Warkworth .. 1/4/44 Warkworth. z:. 5842 North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. Thomas, Sydney Edmund Whangarei .. 1/4/44 Dargaville. o. 6493 Christiansen, William Augustus North Auckland Farmers' Co-op., Ltd. Whitmore, William George 30 Walton St., Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. 7810 Walton, Bertram Boyd .. North Otago Farmers' Co-op. Association, Stevenson, John William .. Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. ~ Ltd. N 7082 The Otago Farmers' Co-op. Association of N.Z., Ltd. Bateman, Albert Redpath Clyde St., Balclutha .. 1/4/44 · Balclutha. t:cj 7815 The Otago Farmers' Co-op. Association of N.Z., Ltd. Maginness, Reginald Randall 175 Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 8. 7814 The Otago Farmers' Co-op. Association of N.Z., Ltd. Smith, George Thomas 175 Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Dunedin. 1-3 7819 Otago Fruit, and Produce, Ltd. Fraser, John Francis 90 Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 ~... 7556 Park Davis Trading Co., Ltd. Billens, Alan Aubrey •.. Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7554 Park Davis Trading Co., Ltd. , Gaskell, Ronald Horton Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7557 Park.Davis. Trading Co., Ltd. Heslip, William Maurice .. Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7555 Park Davis Trading Co., Ltd. Murray, John Frederick .. Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7553. Park, Douglas McIntyre .. D. M. Park and Co., Ltd. Park, Douglas McIntyre .. 42 Bedford Row, Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7817 Park Reynolds, Ltd. Butler, Stanley Benjamin 39 Bond St., Dunedin .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7818 Park Reynolds, Ltd. Geerin, John ,- 39 Bond St., Dunedin.. · 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7245 N. and E. S. Paterson, Ltd. Paterson, Henry Louis 158 Rattray St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7253 Thomas Paterson and Co., Ltd. Hinton, John Howard 22 Vogel St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 4834 H. H. Pattie, Ltd. . Pattie, Harry Hamish King St., Pukekohe .. 1/4/44 Pukekohe. 7784 de Pelichet, McLeod, and Co., Ltd. Caseley, Walter tToseph Hastings 1/4/44. Hastings. 7785 de Pelichet, McLeod, and Co., Ltd. Klingender, G ... Hastings 1/4/44 Hastings. 7558 Penrose, Harry Trenowith H. T. Penros~ and Co. Penrose, Harry Trenowith 183A Manchester St., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7132 Pei·kins, Cecil Gordon Perkins and Sons, Ltd. Perkins, Cecil Gordon City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7383 Pope, Alexander Maule .. A. Pope and Co., Ltd. Pppe, Alexander Maule . Allen St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. 7382 Pope, Alexander Maule .. A. Pope and Co., Ltd. Watkins, John .. Allen St., Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington: 7957 Price, Cecil William Price, Cecil William 40 Manners St., Wellington . 1/4/44 Wellington . 7432 Produce Distributors, Ltd. Doree, Arthur Herbert 97 King St., Palmerston North .. 1/4/44 Hastings. """""". ~ 6804 Produce Markets, Ltd. r • Cleary, Randall Thomas .. Customs St. West, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 0-...... ,_.. ~ REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-continued 0 ~' Name of .Firm (if any) of which No. of Name of Licensee. Licensee is a Member, or Registered Name of Seller. ltegistered Office. Date License Court, by which License. I Company on whose behalf License granted. License granted. is held. I l

6803 Produce Markets, Ltd...... Jalfon, Lawrence George . . Customs St. West, Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 6802 Produce Markets, Ltd...... Larsen, Ronald ...... Customs St. West, Am:Jkland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 6805 Produce Markets, Ltd...... Singleton, Allan, John .. .. Customs St. West, Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 7985' Fleming, William Alan ...... Pyne, Gould,. Guinnes;,' Ltd. .. .. Beckingham, James Edward Walter Timaru , ...... 1/4/44 Timaru. 7-560 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Craddock, Conrad John .. · . . Christchurch...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7565 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Escott, Henry Robert .. . . Special District of Kaikoura ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7563 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Finch, Peter Ford .. . . Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 7561 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Hanham,. William George . . Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 . Christchurch. 7591 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Laurenson, Strong Work .. Waimate ...... 1/4/44 Waimate.· 7564 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... McCredie, Gordon Blair .. .. Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. 66.87 Priddle, Robert Frederick Charles .. .. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd., arid W. E. MOrrison, Arthur Rapii.all John .. Wynen St., Blenheim ...... 1/4/44 Blenheim.· Clouston and Co., Ltd. 8' 7982 Fleming, William Alan ...... Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd. .. .. O'Connor, Patrick Martin .. Timaru ...... 1/4/44 Timaru; l:q' Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd. Parsons, William . Christchurch .. Christchurch. ttj' 7559 .. I ...... 1/4/44 7984 Fleming, William Allan ...... Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd .. .. Patrick, Robert . . . .. Timaru ...... ' .. 1/4/4~ Timaru . z· 7562 Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd...... Powell, Robert Frederick James .. Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. _tzj· 7149 Radley and Co., Ltd...... Forsman, John Alva .. .. City Markets, Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 7150 · Radley and Co., Ltd...... - Johnstone, Robert .. .. City Markets, Auckland .. . . 1/4/44 Auckland. ~· 7566 Radley, Herbert Edward ...... Radley Bros., Ltd...... Mortlock, George .. . . Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 · Christchurch. 7568 Radley, Herbert Edward ...... Radley Bros., Ltd. .. ••' .. Prebble, Alan Joseph .. . . Corner of Lichfi~ld and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. N 7567 Radley, Herbert Edward ...... Radley Bros., Ltd. .. .. Radley, Herbert Edward .. . . Corner of Lichfield and Madras Sts., Christchurch 1/4/44 Christchurch. ttj' 7522 Hutchinson, John Francis ...... Railway Auction Rooms, Ltd. . . .. Hutchinson, John Francis .. 1 Manchester St., Christchurch ...... 1/4/44 Christchurch. > 7573 West, William Herbert...... Red Conib Egg.and Poultry-Co ... .. West, William Herbert .. 122-124 Tuam St.; Christchurch .. .. 1/4/44 Ohristchurch. t-1' 7239 Donald Reid and Co., Ltd_...... Jeffery, William Harold .. .. 43 Jetty St.,'Dunedin .. ' .. .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. > f .. 7240 Donald Reid and Co., Ltd...... Reid, Donald McGregor .. .. 43 Jetty St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. Z' . t:j' 7241 Donald Reid and Co., Ltd...... Twaddle, William ••" .. 43 Jetty St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. / 7821 John Reid and Sons, Ltd, .. .. ' .. .. Reid, Henry Stephen .. . . Reid's Bldgs., corner of Bond and Liverpool Sts., 1/4/44 Dunedin. Dunedin 7254 Reilly's Central Produce Mart Ltd,. ' ...... Clark, Albert ...... 361 Moray Place, East Dunedin .. .. 1/4/44 Dunedin. 5498 Cleland, George ...... Rialto Auction Mart ...... Cleland, George .. .. Cambridge ...... 1/4/44 Cambridge. ~tzj• 6693 Roake, Tiki Tyrrell ...... R. Roake and Son ...... Roake, Tiki Tyrrell .. . . 9 High St., Dannevirke ...... 1/4/44 Dannevirke. 8' 7143 J.·R. Robertson, Ltd...... Frogley, Terence Percival .. 201 Queen St., Auckland ...... 1/4/44 Auckland. 8 6617 Runciman, Robert John ...... Runciman, Pryor, Ltd...... Runciman, Robert John .. .. 101 Stafford St., Timaru ...... 1/4/44 Timaru. t.:rj: 7246 Stabb, Percival Walter ...... James Martin Samson and Percival Walter Stabb, Percival Walter .. .. 23 Dowling St., Dunedin ...... 1/4/44 Dunedin. Stabb [trading as "James Samson and Co."] 7101 Sharpe, Battell, and Co...... Battell,iThoi:nas William .. 199 Victoria Ave., Wanganui ...... 1/4/44 Wanganui. 7672 Shepherd, George ...... George Shepherd and Co. .. .. Shepherd, George .. .. Seddon St., W aihi ...... 1/4/44 , Waihi . 6517 Sherriff, Percy J phn ...... / Sherriff, Percy ,T ohn .. . . Pukuatua St:, Rotorlia ...... 1/4/44 Rotorua. 7576 Sherris, Arthur Robert ...... ,., Keenan, Edward George .. . . 176 Hereford St., Christchurch .. .. 21/6/44 Christchur9h. 7385 Silverston~, Isaac ...... Silverstone and Co,. .. .. • t • Silverstone, Isaac .. .. llO Lambton Quay, Wellington ...... 1/4/44 Wellington. Sim, Ralston Fairlie Quin, William Roderick .. Heriot . . • • • • Roxburgh. 5356 ...... 1 .. .. 1/4/44 7570 · Simes, Walter Edwin ...... Simes, Walter Edwin • .. .. 239 Manchester St., Christchurch . .. .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. 6516 Simmons, Daniel Mervyn Hector Raymond ...... Simmons, Daniel Mervyn Hector Tutanekai St., Rotorua ...... l/4/44 Rotorua .. f Raymond 7414 Sloane, Andrew .Dunbar ...... Dunbar Sloane, Ltd...... Sloane, Andrew Dun bar .. .. 155 Lambton Quay, Wellington .. .. 1/4/44 Wellington . 5376 Fairbrother, Elmer Finley ...... A. E. Smith and Co...... Fairbrother, Elmer Finley .. Maniapoto St., Otorohanga ...... 1/4/44 Otorohanga. 7572 Smith.'s City Market., Ltd...... Jones, Alfred Henry .. .. S50 Colombo St., Christchurch ...... 1/4/44, Christchurch. ,...,. 7571 Smith's City Market, Ltd...... Smith, Henry Cooper .. 550 Colombo St., Christc/:mrch ...... 1/4/44 _ Christchurch. 7614 Royds, Maurice John . ·· ...... Southland Farmer's Co-op. Association, Ltd. Crawford, Hugh .. .. . '. .. Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. z 7616 Royds, Maurice John ...... Southland Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd:. I Cronin, Maurice .. .. ,I' Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. ? - 7618 Royd,s, Maurice John ...... Southland Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Gee, John James .. Invercargill ...... 1/4/44 Invercargill. 00 ,. ~' 0 a REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-continued ~ 01'. Name of Firm (if any) of which i-.....r No. 01 Licensee is a Member, or Registered Registered Office. Date License! Court by which License. Name of Licensee. Company on whose behalf License Nalllie of Seller. granted. Llcense granted. is held.

7619 Royds, Maurice John Southland Farmer~'\: Co-op. Association, Ltd. Nicholls, Paparua Augustus Wesley Invercargill 1/4/4'1 I nvercargill. Lawson 7615 Royds, Maurice !John Southland Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Pierce, Harry Allright Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill•. 7617 Royds, Maurice John Southland Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. Wilson, Robin .. Invercargill 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7151 Ziegler, Frederick Finlayson Squirrell and Co. Ziegler, Frederick Finlayson Hall of Commerce Bldgs., High St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. '6757 Stevens, Percy Philip Percy P. Stevens Stevens, Percy Philip Fergusson St., Feilding 1/4/44 Feilding. 7259 Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd. Adamson, Wilfred Henry .. lll Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7260 Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd. Ruhen, 'Eric Gadsby .. Ill Crawford St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7827 Rhodes, Laurence Arthur Laurence Arthur Rhodes and William Rhodes, Laurence Arthur ll4 Princes St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. Alexander Justice [trading as "Tamblyn,. Rhodes, and Justice"] 1890 Tate, Varey Clifton Tate, Varey Clifton West Quay, Waitara 1/4/44 Waitara. 7809 Stevenson, John Copeland Tattersall's Exchange Stevenson, John Copeland 152 Thames St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. ~ 6718 Forlong, Malcolm William Gordon .. Taumarunui Furnishers and Auctioneers Forlong, Malcolm William Gordon .. Manuaute St., Taumaranui 1/4/44 Taumaranui. ~ 7408 Perry, George Horace Te Aro Auction Rooms .. Perry, George Horace 5 Dixon St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellingto:r:i.. 7122 Veitch, David Blyth The Te Puke Auction Mart Veitch, David Blyth J ellicoe St., Te Puke .. 1/4/44 Te Puke. 7387 Jacobs, Arthur George Thomas and Co., Ltd. Brown, Sydney .. Allen and Blair Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. ~ 7389 Jacobs, Arthur .. George Thomas and Co., Ltd. Holmes, William Leslie Gordon Allen and Blair Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington.· ~ '7390 Jacobs, Arthur .. George Thomas and Co., Ltd. Murray, Albert Henry Allen and Blair Sts.,. Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7388 Jacobs, Arthur .. George Thomas and Co., Ltd. Wilson, Marcus William .. Allen and Blair Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7952 ];>ress, Arthur Newman Thompson Bros., Ltd. Nixon, Richard Arthur 8-22 Blair St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. ~ 7954 Press, Arthur Newman Thompson Bros., Ltd. . . Plowman, Albert 8-22 Blair St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington.

7951 Press, Arthur Newman Thompson Bros., Ltd.. . . Plunkett, Robert Wilson 8-22 Blair St., Wellington 1/4/44 1· Wellihgton~ 7953 Press, Arthur Newman Thompson Bros., Ltd. . : Sage, Ralph Colston 8-22 Blair St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. '7461 Thompson, Richardson Clarke Thompson's Auction Mart Thompson, Richardson Clarke Alexandra St., Te Awamutu 1/4/44 Hamilton. ; '6497 Thomson, Bagley, and Co., Ltd. Thomson, Eric William .. Bank and Rathbone Sts., Whangarei 1/4/44 Whangarei. 7609 Todd, William Skuse William Todd and Co., Ltd. Denton, Henry Thomas Wigley Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7607 Todd, William Skuse William Todd and Co:, Ltd. Todd, William Skuse Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. ~ 7413 Tolhurst, Robert Erskine .. George Molesworth Tolhurst and Robert Tolhurst, Robert Erskine .. Bank ofN.Z. Bldgs., Lambton Quay, Wellington .. 1/4/44 Wellington. N Erskine Tolhurst [trading as " G. G. Tol­ ~ hurst and Son "] 1-3 410 Tomlinson, Edgar Tomlinson, Edgar Oxford St., Levin 1/4/44 Levin. 1-3 7536 Mole, George . . . . Tolil'ks, Norton, and Co. Mole, George 105 Hereford St., Christchurch .. 1/4/44 Christchurch. ~ 7418 Gill, Frederick George Beresford Townsend and Paul, Ltd. Gill, Frederick George Beresford 14-24 Allen St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7420 Gill, Frederick George Beresford Townsend and Paul, Ltd. Nimmo, Lionel Clifford 14-24 Allen St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. '7419 Gill, Frederick George Beresford Townsend and Paul, Ltd. Tong, Charles Trevor 14-:-24 Allen St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7060 Turners and Fows, Ltd._ .. Fow, Harry Hardley 301 Victoria St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7059 Turners and Fows, Ltd. . . Shepherd, Gordon Dixon 301 Victoria.St., Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. '7139 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Arthur, Carpenter City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7140 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Charman, Herbert · City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7141 Turners and Grqwers, Ltd. Griffin; Peter City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7135 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Gunson, Edward City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7400 Burbidge, Ernest Andrew Turners and Growers, Ltd. Nelson, Norman Hector Corner of Wakefield and Tory Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7137 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Pardy, Richard Ian City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7134 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Sime, _Arthur City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7398 Burbidge, Ernest Andrew Turners and Growers, Ltd. Thompson, Kenneth William Corner of Wakefield and Tory Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7399 Burbidge, Ernest Andrew Turners and Growers, Ltd. Townsend, Thomas Stephen Corner of Wakefield and Tory Sts., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 7138 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Turner, Bertram Huia City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7136 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Turner, Ernest Wilfred City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland.. 7142 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Turner, Philip .. City Markets, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland...... 7133 Turners and Growers, Ltd. Woon, William James City Marke~s, Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. t,:) 0 ~ r

i­ REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE AUCTIONEERS ACT, 1928-continued t,:) '0 ~ Name of Firm (if any) of which Licensee is a Member, or Registered No. of Name of Licensee. Name of Seller. Registered Office, Date License Court by which License. Company on whose behalf License granted. License granted. is held.

6818 Harper, Herbert Benjamin Samuel Vaile and Sons, Ltd. Bure.her, Albert Victor 83 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7433 - Turners (Hawke's Bay), Ltd. ·walker, Carles Arthur Ross Corner of Russell St. anp Avenue Rd., Hastings .. 15/8/44 Hastings. 7344 G. W. Vercoe and Co., Ltd. Menzies, William Sydney .. Hamilton 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7345 G. W. Vercoe and Co., Ltd. V ercoe, Percy George Hamilton . 1/4/44 Hamilton. 7808 Hinton; James .. John Franklin Vincent and James Hinton Vincent, John Franklin 24 and 26 Thames St., Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru.- [trading as '' Vincent and Hinton"] 7712 Vickridge, Clifford Noel ..• Waikato Distributing and Auctioneering Vickridge, Clifford Noel 223 Main St., Huntly 1/4/44 Huntly. Co., Ltd. 6440 Richardson, George Flint .. The Waimate Auction Co. McMaster, Stuart James Waimate 1/4/44 Waimate. 7931 Feast, Howard Walter I Wairarapa Exchange Feast, Howard \iValter Coronation Bldgs., Ch~pel St., Masterton 20/7/44 Masterton. 6499 Wakelin, Walter, Ltd. Fletcher, Willi~m Alexander Whangarei .. 3/4/44 Whangarei. 6498 Wakelin, Walter, Ltd. \ .. Wakelin, Thomas Walter .. Whangarei .. 1/4/44 Wha,ngarei. 8 7146 Coakley, John Leonard .. /- George Walker, Ltd. Coakley, John Leonard .. 249 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. Goulding, Tom Alan - P:l 7147 Coakley, .Tohn Leonard George Walker, Ltd. 249 Queen St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. l:zj 7790 Walker, William Gordon Alexander ·Gordon Walker, Ltd. Walker, William Gordon Alexander Russell St., E;astings .. 1/4/44 HaE1tings. 7100 Coull, John John Coull and James Alexander Cooper Cooper, James Alexander Victoria Ave., Wanganui 1/4/44 Wanganui. [trading as "The Wanganui Auction l:zjz Mart"] ·~ . 7602 Corbett, Gordon Morell .. J. G. Ward and Co., Ltd. Brown, Norman Rae Invercargill .. 1/4/44 In vereargill . 7234 Waters, Ritchie, and Co., Ltd. Binney, Frank Nixon Andersons Bav Rd., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7603 Gilkison, John .. J . .E. Watson and Co., Ltd. McIntyre, Wilfred Donald Invercargill . : . . · 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7604 Gilkison, John .. J.E. Watson and Co., Ltd. Sadlier, William Henry Gore 1/4/44 In vercargill. 6261 Webster. Leslie Bolland Webster Bros. . . Webster, Leslie Bolland .. James Lane, New Plymouth 1/4/44 N. Plymouth. . 7575 Whitta, ·Frederic Vivian Whitta, Wilson, and Co. Whitta, Frederic Vivian .. 163 Cashel St., Christchurch , 1/4/44 Christchurch• 7473 Wildish, William Morrison Wildish's Auction Mar.t .. Pickett, William 188 Gladstop.e, Rd., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. 7066 Rolls, Leslie Culshaw Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Botherway, Edwin Nickson Hastings · 1/4/44 Napier. 7065 Rolls, Leslie Culsh!:\,W .. 1 Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Dixon, Sydney Isaac Hastings 1/4/44 Napier. 7064 Rolls, Leslie Culshaw Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Gibbs, Clifford Samuel Hastings 1/4/44 Napier. 7478 Willock, William Reginald Beever .• Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Thomson, John Campbell Customhouse St., Gisborne 1/4/44 Gisborne. 7063 Rolls. Leslie Culshaw Wil1iams and Kettle, Ltd. Tickner. Charleis William Marshall .. Napier 1/4/44 Napier. 7062 Rolls, Leslie Culshaw Williams and Kettle Ltd. Tobeck; Hubert Spencer .. Special District of Wairoa 1/4/44 Napier. 7959 Wilson, William Ramsey Ramsey Wilson and Co., Ltd. Wilson, William Ramsey 98 Maimers St., Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. ·3959 Wilson, Samuel .. Samuel Wilson and Elsa Bew Wilson [trading Wilson, Samuel .. Whitaker St.,. Te Aroha 1/4/44 Te Aroha. as "S. and E. Wilson"] 7806 Elvidge, George .. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Austin, George Lindsay Oamaru 1/4/44 Oamaru. 7358 Ramsay, Percival Gilbert Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Broad, John Cheston Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. 7357 .Ramsay, Percival Gilbert Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Cresswell, Alan Godfrey Masterton 1/4/44 Masterton. 7611 Macdonald, John Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Croad,'William Ernest Invercargill.:. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7812 Sutherland, Sinclair Calder Wright, Stephenson; and Co., Ltd. Dodgshlin,. Howard James High St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7811 Sutherland, Sinclair Calder . Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Doogne, Edward. James .. High St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin.. 6820 Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. \ .. ·' Elvidge, John 35 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7613 Macdonald, John Wright, Stephenson, and Oo., Ltd. Howells, Leo Charles Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 6688 Irving, John Cli1'ly]e Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Lisch, Henry Reginald Leicester Blenheim .. 1/4/44 Blenheim. 7131 Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., Loughlin, Thoma1;i James .. 35 Albert St., Auckland 1/4/44 Auckland. 7612 MacDonald, ,John Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. McDonald, Robert James Invercargill .. 1/4/44 Invercargill. 7813 Sutherland, Sinclair Calder Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. McKellar, Archibald Duncan High St., Dunedin 1/4/44 Dunedin. 7396 Allan, David .. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Robertson, Charles Edward MoPher- 34 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Vf ellington. son , I 7395 Allan, David Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd. Steel,· Melville Francis 34 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 1/4/44 Wellington. 6710 Price, Herb.ert Allan Wright, Stephenson, and Co.,, Ltd. Weir, Colin Hector r Gore 1/4/44 Gore.

(I.A .. 57/8.) l. OcT. 5] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1205

Exemption Order under the Transport Legislation Emergency ' southerly direction along the eastern boundary of this aforesaid Regulat1:ons 1940 Lot 10 to the north-western corner of Section 59, Block XV, Otahuhu Survey District ; thence along the northern and then eastern URSUANT to the Transport Legislation Emergency Regulations boundaries of this Section 59, continuing along the eastern boundary P 1940, the Minister of Transport doth hereby order and declare of Section 60 to the south-eastern corner of Section 60; thence that the provisions of clause (l)° of Regulation 7 of the Motor-drivers from this point across country in a straight line in a southerly Regulations 1940, so far as they relate to the driving of the types direction intersecting Sections 29, 145, 142, 141, and 139 in that of motor-vehicle described in Column 3 of the Schedule hereunder, order to the south-western corner of Section 139, situated in Block IV, shall not apply respectively to the persons hereinafter mentioned, Drury Survey District ; thence in a southerly direction along the but in lieu thereof the following provision shall 11pply :- eastern boundary of Section 154 to the south-eastern corner of-this Section 154 ; from this point in a straight line across country in a A motor-driver's license issued under the Motor-drivers Regu­ south by south-westerly direction to the south-eastern corner of lations 1940 to the person described in Column 1 of the said Schedule Part 19, intersecting northern portion of Section 81 ; thence in a may authorize him to drive the respective type of vehicle described straight line across country in a west by north-westerly direction to in Column 3 of the said Schedule for the purpose of the business the point where the railway intersects the southern boundary of the oft.he respective employer described in Column 2 of the said Schedule, Papakura Town District; from this point in a westerly direction but shall not authorize him to drive such a vehicle for any other following the town district boundary to the point where the said purpose. boundary intersects the Great South Road ; thence following along the Great South Road in a northerly direction to the corner of South SCHEDULE Street ; thence in a westerly direction along South Street to the point where this street joins the sea-coast in the Pahurehure Inlet; from Column 1. Column 2. Column 3. this point following the coast of the Pahurehure Inlet in a generally northerly direction back to the mouth of the Papakura Stream, Driver. Employer. Type of Vehicle. being the original point of commencement. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of September, 1944. S. F. Julian, Broadwood S. H. Julian Heavy trade motor. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. (father) R. W. Auckram, Welling­ New Zealand Motor-omnibus. ton Government Election of Members of the Ruawai Bobby Calf Pool Committee Railways URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1939, Dated at Wellington, this 2nd day of October, 1944-. P notice has been received that- A. H. NORDMEYER, Frederick Nelson Simpki;, For the Minister o: Transport. Ernest Clifford Dunn, Eglinton Krew Hames, Declaring a Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area Robert Frederick Anson, Cecil Edward Robinson, William Ernest Constable, and URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1939, I, Walter George Johnstone Lowther P Benjamin Roberts, Minister of Marketing, being satisfied that a sufficient majority of the producers in the area ofland defined have been duly elected to be members of the Ruawai Bobby Calf in the Schedule hereto are desirous that such areas should be declared Pool Committee established by the said regulations. to be a pool area for the marketing of bobby calves, do hereby declare Dated at Wellington, this 28th day of September, 1944. such area ofland, defined as aforesaid, to be a Bobby Calf Marketing B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. Pool Area for the purpose of the said regulations under the name set out in the sai.d Schedule, and I do hereby declare that this notice shall take effect on the 12th day of October, 1944. Election of Members of the Te Awamutu Bobby Calf Pool Committee SCHEDULE URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1939, PAPAKURA BOBBY CALF .MARKETING POOL AREA P notice has been received that- ALL that area of land situated within the Manakau and Franklin Bertie Columb O'Connor, Counties, and bounded by a line commencing at the point where the William Gordon Parker, Papakura Stream enters the Pahurehure Inlet, Block XIV, Otahuhu Allen Bryant, Survey District; thence from this point in a .generally north­ Cyril James Flay, easterly direction along the eastern bank of the Papakura Stream to Edward Hopping, the point where the stream aforesaid crosses the western boundary of Martin Alexander Tuck, Lot 2, D.P. 20982, Section 29, Block XV, Otahuhu Survey District; Gordon Lawrence Daniell, thence in a southerly direction following the western boundary of William Perrin, Lot 2, D.P. 20982, Section 29, Block XV, Otahuhu Survey District, John Thomas Young, to the south-western corner of the lot aforesaid; thence in an Allen Robert Weal, easterly direction along right-of-way to the north-western corner of Sydney Herbert West, Lot 4, Section 29, Block XV, Otahuhu Survey District ; from this James Rae, point in a southerly direction along the western boundary of Lot 4, Albert Sydney Wyllie, and Section 29, Block XV, Otahuhu Survey District, to the south­ William Alfred Godfrey western corner of this Lot 4 ; thence continuing in the same direction across the Takakini-Cleveland Road to a point midway on southern have been duly elected to be members of the Te Awa,mutu Bobby boundary, D.P. 12262; from this point in an easterly direction Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. along this southern boundary and intersecting Lots 1, 2, and 10, to a Dated at Wellington, this 28th day of September, 1944. point midway on the eastern boundary of Lot 10 ; thence in a B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing.


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER, 1944 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 0 2. Bank-notes 37,735,766 0 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 34,105,272 0 11 3. Demand liabilities­ (c) Gold exchange (a) State 11,974,031 3 7 8. Subsidiary coin 43,138 8 9 (b) Banks 33,980,519 15 3 9. Discounts- (c) Other 2,251,475 18 9 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills 4. Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body bills 5. Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 44,792 10 7 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ 6. Other liabilities 2,017,367 15 1 (!) Marketing Department 1,719,532 11 7 (2) For other purposes .. 35,885,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other 11. Investments .. 11,736,019 8 6 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets 3,213,113 3 6

£(N.Z.)89,503,953 3 3 £(N.Z.)89,503,953 3 3

• Expressed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5 )to notej!I and other demand liabilities, 42·892 per cent. W.R. EGGERS, Chief Accountant. E 1206 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Decisions of the Bureau of Industry 'Under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 19.36

·NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the authority conferred on the Bureau of Industry under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936, the following decisions have been made in respect of applications for licenses. .. . G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary.

Applicant and Location. Nature of Application. Decision. Date,

Taking of Fish for Sale L. I. Y orston, care of Post-office, Kaka For a variation of his existing license so as to permit Granted 25 Sept., 1944 Point him to operate his 29 ft. 25 h.p. engined launch "Kelvin" (not yet registered), using drag-nets, trawl-nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Wilsher Bay W. J. Reid, Maketu For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-vessel Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944,. "Arawa" (not yet registered), using set-nets, drag­ nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Maketu J. Steven, Karitane, Otago For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-vessel Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. " Robin " (not yet registered), using trawl-nets, drag­ nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Karitane J. T. Cantrick, 67 Palmer Street, Bluff For a variation of his existing license in respect of his Granted .., 25 Sept., 1944. fishing-vessel" Tainui," BF. 44, so as to permit him to use trawl-nets and long lines as additional methods of fishing . . G. L. Brookland, Half - moon Bay, For a license to permit him to operate his 32 ft. fishing­ Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. Stewart Island vessel "Irene" (not yet registered), using set-nets, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Half-moon Bay F. E. Dent, Opua, Bay of Islands For a variation of his existing license so as to permit Granted 25 Sept., 1944. him to operate also the fishing-launch " Chips " (not yet registered), using set-nets and long lines, catches to be landed at Opua J. Pere, Matauri Bay, Kaeo .. For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-vessel Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. " O.K." (no't yet registered), using set-nets, drag­ nets, long lines, hand~lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Matauri Bay E. G. Murray, Bonnetts Road, Kaitaia For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-vessel Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944! "Arawa" (not yet registered), using set-nets, drag­ nets, long lines, and hand-lines, catches to be landed at Awanui L. A. Dike, Seddon Street, W aihi For a variation of his existing license so as to permit Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. him to operate his 20 ft. 24 h.p. engined vessel "Bluebird" (not yet registered), using drag-nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Waihi G~ Chapman, Wairoa For a variation of his existing license so as to permit Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. him to operate the fishing-launch "Kiwi," GS. 57, using set-nets, drag-nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Wairoa A. L. Arnesen, Winchester Street, For a variation of his existing license in respect of the Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. Lyttelton fishing-vessel "Konene," LN. 240, so as to permit . him to operate a new 50 ft. 80 h.p. engined vessel (yet to be built), using trawl-nets, catches to be ,ill landed at Lyttelton . F. R. Canni~g, The Strand, Whakatane For a license to permit him to operate a 16 ft. fishing­ Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. vessel (not yet named or registered), using drag-nets, catches to be landed at Whakatane E. Guinan, Saxon Street, Motueka For a license to permit him to operate his 21 ft. 20 h.p. Reconsidered and 25 Sept., H)44. engined-vessel "Daphne" (not yet registered), granted using trawl-nets, set-nets, drag-nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish~pots, ·catches to be landed at Riwaka Fish Retailing

H. Dormer, 17 Seacombe Avenue, Point For a fish-retailer's license to permit him to hawk his Granted .. 25 ° Sept., 1944. Chevalier, Auckland catches between C!i)rnwallis and Titirangi, via Parau and Woodlands E. Pook, Licensed Fisherman, Whaka­ For a fish-retailer's license to p·ermit him to hawk a Granted .. 25 Sept., 1944. pirau portion of his catches for sale. from boatside at Whakapira-q. and Pahi Manufacture for Sale of Salt F. de Latour, Raglan For a license to engage in the industry of the ma.nu­ Granted (up to 5,000 28 Aug., 1944. facture for sale of salt tons per annum, by his own patented process)

Notice to Persons affected by Applications for Licenses under Part Persons considering themselv:es materially affected .by the III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 decision of the Bureau of Industry on these applications should make any desired representations in writing not later than the 19th Taking of .Fish for Sale October, 1944, to G. L: O'Halloran, Secretary, Bureau of Iridi.Ist:ry, G.P.O ..Box 3025, Wellington. · F. A. Wells, Wakatahuri, Pelorus Sound, has applied for a. variation of his existing license so as to permit him to use trawl-nets, G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. in addition to the methods of fishing for which his fishing-launch "Pearl," NN. 849, is at present licensed. G. W. Guard, York Street, Picton, has applied for a variation Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925.-Gancellation of of his existing license in respect of his fishing-vessel "Stella,". ~egistration NN. 633, fishing into French Pass, so as to permit him to -0hange his· port of landing to Picton, and also to operate in addition his vessel · Department of Labour, "Dawn," using the same method of fishing as the" Stella," NN. 633. Wellington, 3rd October, 1944. OTICE is hereby given that the registration of the New Zealand Radio-manufacturing Industry N Metal-workers' Assistants' Industrial Association of Workers, Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.), Ltd., .Custoinhouse . Quay, regis~ered No. 1832, .situated at Wellingt011, is hereby cancelled as Wellington, have applied for an extension . of the~r. existing license from the date of publication .of.this· riotice in the Gazette. to permit the complete manufacture of rad10 receivmg sets. E. B. TAYLOR, Registrar of Industrial Unions. OCT. 5] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1207

The National Service Emergency Regulations 1940.-Noti'.ce under Regulation 19 requiring Men, who have been called up for Service with {he Armed Forces, to report ·

ALBERT EDWARD CONWAY, Adjutant-General, New Zealand Military Forces, and an authorized officer for the purpose of the I , above-mentioned regulations, do hereby give notice, pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 19 of the said regulations, that the .men whose names, addresses, and descriptions are given in the Schedule attached (being men who have been called up in accordance with the said regulation for service with the Armed Forces), are required to report at the respective times and places shown in the said Schedule. Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of October, 1944. A. E. CONWAY (Brigadier), Adjutant-General, N.Z. Military Forces, Authorized Officer for the purpose of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940.


Registrat!on I Occupation. No. Name. Address.

-~ ------The following man is required to report at 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 12th day of October, 1944, at the Drill Hall, Rutland Street, Auckland :- 627499 I Vlasic, George .. I Cafe-proprietor .. I 31 St. Paul Street, Auckland. The following man is required to report at 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 26th day of October, 1944, at the Drill Hall, Rutland Street, Auckland :- 651523 I Hill, John Victor I Market-gardener .. I Care of Mrs. A. ·C. Halverson, 38 Albert Street, Otahuhu.

1~ublic Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Election to administer Estates

NOTICE hi hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in respect of the several estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set forth:-

Date Occupation. Residence. Date Testate Ol' Stamp Office No. Name. of Death. Election I I filed Intestate. concerned. I 1 Bartrum, Percy Harold Salesman (soldier) Auckland 31/3/44 22/9/44 Testate Auckland. 2 BestaB, Eleanor Beatrice Widow Napier 9/7/44 22/9/44 Napier. 3 Box, Rosamond Jane Married woman New Plymouth (for- 1/9/44 22/9/44 New Plymouth. merly Piopio) 4 Cleary, Anne Philomena Wellington 29/7/44 22/9/44 Intestate Wellington. 5 Corp, George William Taxi-d:!ver (soldier) .. Dargaville 12/5/44 22/9/44 Testate Auckland. 6 Coupar, Thomas Master mariner Lyttelton 18/4/44 22/9/44 Christchurch. 7 Couston, Margaret Spinster Toiro 17/7/44 22/9/44 Dunedin. 8 Ellis, Agnes .. New Plymouth 1/9/44 22/9/44 New Plymouth. 9 Foster, Claude Allan Carpenter (airman) Christchurch 7/11/42 22/9/44 Int;state Christchurch. 10 Gray, Cecil Montrose Nurseryman (airman) Auckland 23/2/42 22/9/44 Auckland. 11 Hayes, Henry Charles Labourer Pahiatua 24/8/44 22/9/44 Wellington. 12 Humphreys, Ruby Vera Married woman Christchurch 18/8/44 22/9/44 Christchurch. 13 Lampard, Alice Palmerston North 3/9/44 22/9/44 Test~te Wellington. 14 Lonergan, Thomas Joseph Retired" labourer Napier 24/7/44 22/9/44 Intestate Napier. 15 Lucas, Charles Donald Farmer Herepo .. 12/8/44 22/9/44 Testate Hokitika. 16 Martin, Angus Butcher (airman) Taradale 16/10/42 22/9/44 Napier. 17 Peters, Mary Married woman Auckland 21/8/44 22/9/44 Auckland. 18 Reid, James Retired farmer Hakataramea Valley 7/8/44 22/9/44 Invercargill. 19 Storer, Susan Widow Kaiapoi .. 8/7/44 22/9/44 Christchurch. 20 Sturrock, Kathleen Margaret Married woman Hastings 29/8/44 22/9/44 Intestate" Napier. 21 Taylor, Ruby Widow Christchurch 10/8/44 22/9/44 Christchurch. 22 Thomas, Esther Elizabeth Married woman Blenheim 14/8/44 22/9/44 Testate" Blenheim.

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 25th September, 1944. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee.

BANKRUPTCY NOTICE VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of certificate of E title, Vol. 310, folio 283 (Canterbury Registry), for Lot 35, In Bankrnptcy.-Supreme Court Deposited Plan 377, part of Rural Section 151, situate in the City of Christchurch, whereof GERTRUDE DAWSON, wife of Ernest Dawson, of St. Albans (formerly of Papanui), Farmer, is the OTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payable in the registered proprietor, together with an application for a new certi­ N underment,ioned estate on all proved and accepted claims :- ficate of title in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention Pacey, Ernest Arthur, of Hawera, Builder-Second and final to issue such new certificate of title at the expiration of fourteen dividend of 4id. in the pound, making a total of 5s. 4id. days from the 5th October, 1944. in the pound. Dated this 2nd day of October, 1944, at the Land Registry F. STOOP, Official Assignee. Office, Christchurch. . Hawera, 26th September, 1944. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar.

------LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of ~ A provisional lease in perpetuity in favour of JEREMIAH VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 165, folio 282 O'BRIEN, late of Slope Point, Farmer (now deceased), for E (Auckland Registry), for part of Lot 91, Deposited Plan 195, Section 10, Block VII, Otara District, and Section 23, Block IX, being portion of Allotment 28 of Section 2 of the Parish of Waikawa District, being all the land comprised in Register-book, Takapuna, in favour of MARGARET McLEAN, of Auckland, Vol. 74, folio 6 (Southh.1,nd Registry), and evidence having been Married Woman, having been lodged with me together with. an lodged of the loss of the said lease, I hereby give notice that I application for a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is shall issue a provisional lease as requested upon the expiration of hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title fourteen days from 5th October, 1944. after fourteen davs from 5th October, 1944. Dated this 29th day of September, 1944, at the Land Registry Dated this 28th day of September, 1944, at the Land Registry Office, Auckland. Office, Inve:rcargill. R. F. BAIRD, District Land Registrar. C. L. HARNEY, District Land Registrar. F' 1208 THE NEW ZEALAND .GAZETTE [No. 82



. OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months WILLIAM CAMPBELL DAVIDSON, M.D. (University of N from this date the name of the undermentioned company I , Aberdeen, 1934), D.P.H. (University of Aberdeen, 1938), will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the now residing in Wellington, hereby give notice that I intend Register and the company dissolved:- applying on the 29th October, 1944, to have my name placed on Grey-Hokitika Sawmillers' Co-operative Company, Limited. the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that 1928/6. I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department of Health at Wellington. Given under my hand at Hokitika, this 22nd day of September, 1944. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of September, 1944. D. A. YOUNG, Assistant Registrar of Companies. WILLIAM CAMPBELL DAVIDSON. Department of Health, Wellington. 292


LEONARD GRAY TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated V ACTRIC RADIO COMPANY, LIMITED I , Societies, do hereby declare that, as it has been made to appear to me that the undermentioned society is no longer carrying IN LIQUIDATION on operations, the society is hereby dissolved as from the date of this declaration in pursuance of section 28 of the Incorporated In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter Societies Act, 1908 :- of the VACTRIC RADIO COMPANY, LIMITED. New Zealand Social Credit Movement (Incorporated). 1934/41. OTICE is hereby given that a general meeting of members Given under my hand at Auckland, this 29th day of September, l..N and creditors of the above-named company will be held at 1944. the office of the liquidator, N.Z. Express Co. Buildings, 11 Bond L. G. TUCK, Street/Dunedin, on Monday, 30th October, 1944, at 11 a.m. Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies. Business.-To receive the liquidator's account showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the assets of the company disposed of; and to consider, and, if thought fit, to pass the following as an extraordinary resolution :- AITCHISON AND COMPANY, LIMITED " That the books, papers, and documents of the company IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION remain in the possession of the liquidator and be destroyed at the expiration of twelve months." OTICE is hereby given that the above-named company at a Dated this 29th day of September, 1944. N meeting held on the 25th day of -September, 1944, passed 293 W. R. BROWN, Liquidator. the following res·olutions :- " (1) That the company be wound up voluntarily." "(2) That JOHN JOLLY, of Martinborough, Public Accountant, be and is hereby appointed liquidator for the purpose of such winding J. C. MALFROY AND COMPANY, LIMITED up." . Dated at Martinborough, this 25th day of September, 1944. NOTICE OF REDUCTION OF CAPITAL 288 JOHN JOLLY, Liquidator. OTICE is hereby given that an Order of the Supreme Court N of New Zealand confirming a resolution reducing the share capital of the above-named company from £18,000 in 30,000 shares WHANGAREI BOROUGH COUNCIL of 12s. each to £12,000 in 30,000 shares of 8s. each and a minute of such reduction approved by the Court were registered in the NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND UNDER THE PUBLIC WoRKS office of the Registrar of Companies at Hokitika on the 29th day ACT, 1928 ., of September, 1944. 294 H. W. G. PARK, Solicitor for the Company. In the matter of t4e Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and t);ie Public Works Act, 1928. OTICE is hereby given that the Whangarei Borough Council N proposes, under provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, to . WOODVILLE BOROUGH COUNCIL , execute a certain public work-namely, waterworks-and for the purposes of such public works the land described hereto is required RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE to be taken: And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Water 0 supply Loan, £9,000 (1944) Town Clerk to the Council. situated in Bank Street, and is open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it in that hours. I behalf by the Health Act, 1920, the Local Bodies' Loans Act. All persons affected by the execution of the said public works 1926, and all other powers (if any) it thereunto enabling, the or by the taking ofsuch land who have any well-grounded objections ·woodville Borough Council hereby resolves as follows:- to the execution of. the said public work or to the taking of the " That, for the purpose of providing for the payment of interest. said land must state their objections in writing, and send the same, principal, and other charges on a loan of nine thousand pounds within forty days of.the first publication of this notice, to the Town (£9,000), authorized to be raised by the Woodville Borough Council Clerk at the Council Chambers, Bank Street. pursuant to the provisions of section 24 of the Health Act, 1920. SCHEDULE for the purpose of providing waterworks to improve the public water-supply of the Borough of VVoocl,;ille and complying with a Approximate ' I requisition issued under section 22 of the Health Act, 1920, the Woodville Borough Council· hereby makes and levies a special rate Area of Each Situated I of the Parcels Being in I Coloured on Plan of three decimal two nought pence (3·20d.) in the pound on the of Land Block required to be rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved value) of all rateable taken. I property in the whole of the Borough of Woodville; and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan and ~hall be payable on the 1st day of July in each A. R. P. and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period 0 0 10 Lot 1, part Allotment V Edged pink. W 1 7, Parahaki Parish of twenty-fiv~ (25) years or until the loan is fully paid off." 0 0 38 Lot 2, River Bank Reserve V Edged purple. 295 DAVID KEAY, Town Clerk. 2 0 18·6 Lot 3, part Allotment V Edged pink. W 17, Parahaki Parish NEW ZEALAND All situated in Whangarei Survey District, Registration District of Auckland, County of Whangarei. FRIENDLY SocrnTIES AcT, 1909 Dated this 26th day of September, 1944. Advertisement of Dissolution by Instrument -290 L. 0. HALL, Town Clerk. OTICE is hereby given that the Wellington Corporation N. Tramways and Electric Lighting Friendly Society, Register No. 331, held at Wellington, is dissolved by instrument, registered CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY at this office the 30th day of September, 1944, unless, within three months from the date of the Gazette in which 'this advertisement .OTICE is hereby given that WHITEHEAD AND PEARS, Ln\HTED, appears. proceedings be commenced by a member or other person N has changed its name to GHUZNEE BUILDINGS, LIMITED, interested in or having a claim on the funds of the society to set and that the new name -was this day entered on my Register of aside such. dissolution,. and the same be set aside accordingly. Companies in place of the former name. G. E. BRADLEY, Deputy Registtar. Dated at Wellington, this 28.th day of September, 1944. Friendly Societies Office, Wellington, 30th September, IS4L 291 H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 296 OCT. 5] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1209


OTICE is hereby given that DEWE AND WHITEHEAD, LIMITED, N has changed its name to DEWE ELECTRICAL COMPANY, EW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS are now also LIMITED, and that the new name was this day entered on my N available at Chief Post-offices at Register of Companies in place of the former name. AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, AND DUNEDIN. Dated at Wellington, this 28th day of September, 1944. 297 H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS BUTT VALLEY LOAN AND DEPOSIT COMP ANY, LIMITED THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S NATIVE RESERVES. By R. L. JELLIOOE. Cloth bound. Price, 6s. ; postage, 3d. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATIOK THE FRENCH AT AKAROA. By T. LINDSAY BUICK, URSUANT to the provisions of section 222 of the Companies F.R.HIST.S. Price, 12s. 6d.; postage, 7d. P Act, 1933, notice is hereby given that, by special resolution passed at a meeting of members of Hutt Valley Loan and Deposit Company, Limited, held on Friday, 22nd September, 1944, it was HISTORICAL RECORDS OF NEW ZEALAND. By RoBERT resolvea' that the company be wound up voluntarily, and that McNAB. Cloth boards, Vol. II only. Price, 10s. 6d.; Leslie Vaughan Phillips, of Lower Hutt, Public Accountant, be postage, 7 d. appointed liquidator. NEW ZEALAND WARS. By JAMES CowAN. Vols. I and Dated at Lower Hutt, this 26th day of September, 1944. II. Price, two volumes, £2; one volume, £1 ls.; 298 L. V. PHILLIPS, Liquidator. postage, 7 d. per vol.


RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND. DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE OF THE VISIT OF 'THEIR R;c)YAL HIGHNESSES THE DUKE The Municipal Chambers Restoration Additional Loan, 1944 AND DUCHESS OF 0oRNWALL AND YORK. (1902,) Royal 4to. Price, 10s.; postage, ls. 2d. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and its amendments, and of all other acts, powers, and authorities enabling it in that behalf, the Eketahuna Borough Council hereby resolves as follows:- REPORT OF THE MONETARY COMMITTEE, 1934 " That, for the purpose of provid~ng the charges (principal repayments only) on a special loan of six hundred and sixty pounds (£660), to be known as the -Municipal Chambers Restoration IN PAMPHLET FORM Additional Loan, 1944, authorized to be raised by the Eketahuna Price, 2s. Postage, 2d. Borough Council under the above-mentioned Act for the purpose of reconditioning the Municipal Chambers damaged by earthquake, the Eketahuna Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special LOCAL AUTHORITIES HANDBOOK rate of twenty-one twenty-fifths of a penny (2I/25d.) in the pouud upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved value) of all rateable property within the whole of the Borough of Eketahuna; No. 17, 1940-41 and that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring charge during the currency of such loan and be payable on the 1st day of April in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, 5d. of six (6) years from the 1st day of May, 1971, or until the loan is fully paid off." The common seal of the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the STATUTORY REGULATIONS Borough of Eketahuna was hereunto affixed at the office of and pursuant to a resolution of the Eketahuna Borough Council in the presence of- NDER the Regulations Act, 1936, statutory regulations 0. WALTON, Mayor. U of general legislative force are no longer published 299 A.H. GRAY, Town Clerk. in the New Zealand Gazette, but are supplied under any one or more of the following arrangements:- (1) All regulations serially as issued (punched for filing) subscription 30s. per annum in advance. NEW ZEALAND (2) Annual volume (including index) bound in buckram, 25s. . FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1909 (3) Serially as issued and annual bound volume, as in ( 1) and ( 2) above, on combined subscription Advertisement of Cancelling basis, 42s. per annum in advance. OTICE is hereby given that the Deputy Registrar of Friendly ( 4) Separate regulations as issued. N Societies has, pursuant to section 70 of the Friendly Societies (5) Loose-leaf binder for :filing serial issues, 6s. 6d.; Act, 1909, by wTiting under his hand dated this 2nd day of October, postage free. 1944-, cancelled the registry of St. Francis de Sales Branch, No. 727, The price of each regulation is printed thereon, facili­ a branch of the New Zealand District of the Hibernian-Australasian tating the purchase of extra copies. Catholic Benefit Society (Register No. 198/89), held at Island Bay, Orders on the subscription basis should be placed now w· ellington, on the ground that the said branch has ceased to exist. with the Government Printer, Wellington. Separate copies may be purchased at the Chief Post-offices at Auckland, 300 G. E. BRADLEY, Deputy Registrar. Christchurch, or Dunedin.

R. D. VINCENT, LilVIITED WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND ILLUSTRATED NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS Manual No. 2 Part !.-Mammalia U.RSUANT t~ section 234 of the Co;111panies _Act, 1933, notice P is hereby given that by an entry m the mmute-book of the company dated 2nd October, 1944, pursuant to section 300 of the By the Hon. Geo. M. THOMSON, lvI.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.lnst. Companies Act, 1944, it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily, and that a meeting of the creditors of the said company Price: Part I, paper, 3s., cloth, 5s.; postage, 2d. extra. will be h;ld pursuant to section 234 of the Companies Act, 1933, Part II, Introduced Birds, Frogs, and Fishes, cloth, 7s., paper, at the office of Stewart Hardy, Solicitor, Harcourt's Chambers, 4s. 6d. Parts I and II in one volume, paper, 7s. 6d. 43 Panama Street, Wellington, on Thursday, the 12th day of October, (postage 3d. extra); cloth, 10s. (postage 6d. extra). 1944, at IO o'clock in the forenoon, at which a full -statement of 6u. . the position oft,he company's affairs, together with a list of creditors· and the estimated amount of their claims, will be laid before the meeting, and at which meeting the creditors, in pursuance of section TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK 235 of the said Act, may nominate a person to be liquidator of the company, and, in pursuance of section 236 of the said Act, may - BY JAMES COWAN, F.R.G.S. appoint a committee of inspection•. HIS publfoation Mntains 156 pages of letterpress, together Dated the 3rd day of October, 1944. T with 39 full-page illustrations, and gives an account of its Topography, Geology, Alpine, and Volcanic Features, A. J. McLENNAN, Provisional Liquidator. History and Maori Folk-lore. Fifth Floor, D.LC. Buildings, \;Vellington. 301 Price: 3s. 6d., plus 4d. postage. 1210 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 82


By G. V. HUDSON, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY REGULATIONS 1935 3s., post free.] Comprising 450 page~, including letterpress, index, and sixty-two plates. Bound m half-morocco. Price, £6 8s. per volume. Postage, ls. 2d. extra. ANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, H 1940-41 To 31st August, 1941. 1ST NEW. ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, 1914.-,-18 INCLUDES legislation issued under the Public Safety Con­ servation Act, 1932, and the Emergency Regulations Act, OLL OF HONO'!J~ published in 1924 by· the DEFENCE 1939, as well as the Acts themselves. R DEPARTMENT, givmg- Volume I, 1939: 3s. 6d. Postage, 4d. extra. (1) A list of members. of t~e 1st ~ew ~ealand Expedi­ Volume II, 1939-40: 6s. Postage, Gd. extra. tionary Force k;lled m acti?n, died ?f wounds Volume III, 1940-41: 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. inflicted of accidents occurrmg, or disease con­ Volume IV (Selection of Consolidated Reprints to 31st tracted 'while o:ri active service. January, 1942) : 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. (2) Those who died after discharge from the 1st New Volume V (to 15th .June, 1942): 7s. 6d. Postage 8d. Zealand Expeditionary Fo~ce from ~ounds ~icted or disease contracted while on active service up to 31st December, 1923. (3) Those who died from accident occurring or disease WIL.D LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND contracted while training with or attached to the 1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force of New Manual No. 5 Zealand. Part II: Introduced Birds, Frogs, and Fishes. Price, 3s. 6d. ; postage free. Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage 2d.); cloth, 7s. (postage 3d.). Apply- GOVERNMENT PRINTER, or 0mEF POSTMASTERS AT AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, OR DUNEDIN. CONTENTS

PAGE ZEALAND .JOURNAL OF . SCIENCE AND ADVERTISEMEJ:\TS 1208 TECHNOLOGY APPOINTMENTS, E'l'C. 1183 BANKRUJ.>TCY N OTidE 1207 SUBSCRIPTION, 15s. PER ANNUM (2 VOLS.) DEFENCE NOTICES 1182 (POST FREE) LAND- Agricultural Section: Section A 10s. per annum. Boundaries altered . . 1176, 1177 Crown Land set apart for Disposal by way of Sale or General Section: Section B . - !Os. per annum. Lease to Discharged Soldiers under Special Tenures .. 1176 Electric-power District, Altering the Boundaries of . . 1173 Government Road, Declaring Road to be . . 1179 GREEMENT BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND NEW Government Road, Stopping Portion of . . 1176 A ZEALAND MADE AT CANBERRA ON THE 21ST Housing Act, Crown Land set apart for the Purposes of .JANUARY, 1944 Part I of the . . . . 1176 Housing Purposes, Consenting to Land being taken for . . 1179 Housing Purposes, Taken for .. 1175 PAMPHLET-ROYAL Svo SIZE Land for Settlements Act, Declaring Crown Land to be subject to 1182 Road proclaimed 1175 Containing Agreement as signeq. by the two Governments. Road, Revoking a Proclamation taking Land for 1173 Price, 6d. Postage, ld. Roads, Authorizing the Laying-off of .. 1173 Also available at post-offices at AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, Roads, Taken for 1173 and DUNEDIN. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, Notice declaring Land taken under 1184 Street proclaimed .. 1175 Streets, Portions of, exempted from the Provisions of R BP,ORT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE, 1932 Section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928 1180 LAND TRANSifER ACT N OTJCES •• 1207 IN PAMPHLET FORM M!SCELLA:NEOUS- 75 pages and cover Auctioneers Act, Register of Licenses issued under 1195 Price, 9d. Postage, 2d. Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area, Declaring a . . 1205 Bobby Calf Pool Committees, Election of Members of 1205 Electricity Purposes, Authorizing the Minister of Works to erect, construct, provide, and use Works, &c., for 1177 GOLD-MINES OF THE HAURAKI DISTRICT Electricity Purpo3es, Authorizing the Use of Water for, &c. 1177 Harbours Act, License granted under .. 1178 Harbours Act: Vesting the Management of a Launch By .J. F. DOWNEY Skidway . . 1181 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act : Cancellation Price, 10s. Postage, 7d. of Registration . . 1206 Industrial Efficiency Act, Decisions of the Bureau of Industry under 1206 Industrial Efficiency Act, Notice to Persons affected by (1J LJSTOMS TARIFF OF NEW ZEALAND Applications for Licenses under . . . . 1206 (BROUGHT UP •.ro DATE AS AT 12/5/38.) Land Agents Act, Register of Licenses issued under .. 1185 National Service Emergency Regulations, Notice requiring Price: Paper, 2s. 6d.; postage, 4d.; full cfoth and index, Men, who have been called up for Service with the £1 12s. 6d., postage, ls. 2d. Armed Forces, to report 1207 Polling-places appointed 1181 Public Service Act,. Offices added to the Administrative Division under the 1181 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Bublic Trustee: Election to Administer Estates 1207 Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Weekly Statement of ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND Assets and Liabilities .. 1205 Stipendiary Magistrate appointed .. 1183 Transport Legislation Emergency Regulations, Exempti0n SPECIAL PICTORIAL SOUVENIR, 1927 Order under · . . 1205 Price, 2s. 6d. Postage, 3d. Vice-Consul, Appointment of .. 1183

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