Complete Report
INTERNATIONAL CO N G RESS OF JURISTS WEST BERLIN 1952 Complete Report Discourses Pro tocols Printed by Rudolf Ofto, 63, Lutzowsfrcsse, Berlin W 35, Germony « The first greatINTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF JURISTSfor the protection of Right against Systematic Injustice was recently held in West Berlin with the cooperation of Delegates from 43 countries, amongst whom were 31 Ministers and Statesmen, 32 Professors, 35 Presidents, Judges and Counsel in High Courts of Justice. The names of these Delegates warrant that the resolutions were passed by the Congress unprejudiced by political questions of the day and after scrupulous examination of the documentary material and the hearing of witnesses. The publication of this report is being done not for propaganda purposes, but with the object of spreading the truth in order to maintain and defend Law against an im minent danger not yet sufficiently understood by the Free World. Published by the International Commission- of Jurists 47, Buitenhof, The Hague, Netherlands Berlin■ Offices: 5, Lindenthaler Allee, Berlin-Zehlendorf-West, Germany i 1/0t f a k e tin likexhp to inform you that the Collection of Documents often referred to in this report as hearing the title “Injustice as a System” is in the original entitled “Injustice the Regime C ontents Page Page Part One: The Development of Public Law in Latvia, by M. C a k ste............................................................ 26 Preparation Legal Development in Estonia, , and Plenary Meetings of Congress by H. Mark ............................! ...................... ................ 27 FOURTH D A Y ................................................................... 30 IDEA AND PREPARATION ....................................... 1 Discussion and adoption of the Resolution of the Committee FIRST PLENARY MEETING......................................
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