The Highland Council Supplementary Guidance: Developer Contributions _______________________________________ Version that is recommended to the Planning, Environment and Development Committee (13 March 2013) to be statutorily adopted and issued Developer Contributions: Supplementary Guidance Tabhartasan Leasachairean: Stiùireadh Leasachail March 2013 Am Màrt 2013 Contents Introduction 2 The Council’s Approach to Infrastructure Delivery 5 Methodology for Infrastructure Requirements and Developer 12 Contributions Developer Contribution Procedures 35 Appendix 1 – Indicative outline of what to include in a 40 Viability Assessment Appendix 2 – Assumptions 42 Appendix 3 – Worked Examples 43 Contacts Seòlaidhean Planning Gain Negotiator 01463 702899 Development Management 01349 886606
[email protected] Development Planning 01463 702259
[email protected] Developer Contributions: Supplementary Guidance 1 January 2013 Introduction Ro-ràdh 1.1 The Highland Council is committed to the creation of sustainable communities and economic development within the Highland area. However, to ensure that the quality of life enjoyed in the area is not compromised by new development The Highland Council consider that it is essential to ensure that new and existing communities are supported by an appropriate level of services, infrastructure and facilities. In order to facilitate development and preserve the quality of life in Highland it is necessary to apply a consistent and equitable policy for delivering and/or providing developer contributions towards these new or improved services. 1.2 This Supplementary Guidance sets out the basis for a consistent and transparent approach to implementing the Council’s policy on developer contributions. The information provided will be of particular interest to landowners, developers and other stakeholders engaging with the planning process.