Gills Bay 132 Kv Environmental Statement: Volume 2: Main Report

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Gills Bay 132 Kv Environmental Statement: Volume 2: Main Report Gills Bay 132 kV Environmental Statement: V olume 2: Main Report August 2015 Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV VOLUME 2 MAIN REPORT - TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Development Need 1.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening 1.4 Contents of the Environmental Statement 1.5 Structure of the Environmental Statement 1.6 The Project Team 1.7 Notifications Chapter 2 Description of Development 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Proposed Development 2.3 Limits of Deviation 2.4 OHL Design 2.5 Underground Cable Installation 2.6 Construction and Phasing 2.7 Reinstatement 2.8 Construction Employment and Hours of Work 2.9 Construction Traffic 2.10 Construction Management 2.11 Operation and Management of the Transmission Connection Chapter 3 Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology 3.1 Summary of EIA Process 3.2 Stakeholder Consultation and Scoping 3.3 Potentially Significant Issues 3.4 Non-Significant Issues 3.5 EIA Methodology 3.6 Cumulative Assessment 3.7 EIA Good Practice Chapter 4 Route Selection and Alternatives 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Development Considerations 4.3 Do-Nothing Alternative 4.4 Alternative Corridors 4.5 Alternative Routes and Conductor Support Types within the Preferred Corridor Chapter 5 Planning and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Development Considerations 5.3 National Policy 5.4 Regional Policy Volume 2: LT000022 Table of Contents Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV 5.5 Local Policy 5.6 Other Guidance 5.7 Summary Chapter 6 Landscape and Visual Amenity 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Legislation and Policy Context 6.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 6.4 Assessment Methodology 6.5 Baseline Conditions 6.6 Potential Effects 6.7 Mitigation 6.8 Assessment of Residual Effects 6.9 Cumulative Effects 6.10 Summary of OHL Significant Effects 6.11 Summary of Underground Cable Significant Effects Chapter 7 Ecology 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Legislation and Policy Context 7.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 7.4 Assessment Methodology 7.5 Baseline Conditions 7.6 Potential Impacts 7.7 Mitigation 7.8 Assessment of Residual Impacts 7.9 Cumulative Effects 7.10 Summary of OHL Impacts 7.11 Summary of Underground Cable Impacts Chapter 8 Ornithology 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Legislation and Policy Context 8.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 8.4 Assessment Methodology 8.5 Baseline Conditions 8.6 Potential Impacts 8.7 Mitigation 8.8 Assessment of Residual Impacts 8.9 Cumulative Effects 8.10 Summary Chapter 9 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Legislation and Policy Context 9.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 9.4 Assessment Methodology 9.5 Baseline Conditions 9.6 Potential Impacts Volume 2: Table of Contents LT000022 Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV 9.7 Mitigation 9.8 Assessment of Residual Impacts 9.9 Cumulative Effects 9.10 Summary of OHL Impacts 9.11 Summary of Underground Cable Impacts Chapter 10 Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydrology 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Issues Identified During Consultation 10.3 Assessment Methodology 10.4 Baseline Conditions 10.5 Potential Impacts 10.6 Mitigation 10.7 Assessment of Residual Impacts 10.8 Cumulative Impacts 10.9 Summary of OHL Impacts 10.10 Summary of Underground Cable Impacts Chapter 11 Soils, Land Use and Agriculture 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Legislation and Policy Context 11.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 11.4 Assessment Methodology 11.5 Baseline Conditions 11.6 Potential Impacts 11.7 Mitigation 11.8 Assessment of Residual Impacts 11.9 Cumulative Impacts 11.10 Summary Chapter 12 Traffic and Transport 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Legislation and Policy Context 12.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 12.4 Assessment Methodology 12.5 Baseline Conditions 12.6 Potential Impacts 12.7 Mitigation 12.8 Assessment of Residual Impact 12.9 Cumulative Impacts 12.10 Summary Chapter 13 Noise 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Legislation and Policy Context 13.3 Issues Identified During Consultation 13.4 Assessment Methodology 13.5 Baseline Conditions 13.6 Potential Impacts Volume 2: LT000022 Table of Contents Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV 13.7 Mitigation 13.8 Assessment of Residual Impacts 13.9 Cumulative Impacts 13.10 Summary of OHL Impacts Chapter 14 Schedule of Mitigation 14.1 Introduction Volume 2: Table of Contents LT000022 Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV VOLUME 2 MAIN REPORT – LIST OF TABLES Chapter 2 Description of Development Table 2.1: Indicative Construction Phasing Table 2.2: Schedule of Likely Access and Egress Points onto Adopted Road Network. Table 2.3: Summary of Predicted Construction Traffic Generation Table 2.4: Predicted EMF, Typical EMF and UK Exposure Guidelines Chapter 3 Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology Table 3.1: Consultee List Table 3.2: Non-Significant Issues Chapter 5 Planning and Policy Context Table 5.1: Material Policies in the Highland-wide Local Development Plan Table 5.2: Statutory Supplementary Guidance adopted by Highland Council Table 5.3: Scottish Government Guidance Table 5.4: Highland Council Planning Guidance Chapter 6 Landscape and Visual Amenity Table 6.1: Issues Identified During Consultation Table 6.2: Definitions of Landscape Sensitivity Table 6.3: Definitions of Magnitude of Landscape Change Table 6.4: Guide Criteria of Visual Sensitivity Table 6.5: Guide Criteria for Magnitude of Visual Change Table 6.6: Guide for determination of likely Landscape and Visual Effect Table 6.7: Significance of Likely Effect Table 6.8: Description of Landscape Character Types Table 6.9: Landscape Designations Table 6.10: Effects on the Landscape Resource - OHL Table 6.11: Effects on the Landscape Resource – underground cable Table 6.12: Summary of potential effects on Visual Amenity - OHL Table 6.13: Effects of the Proposed Development on Visual Amenity – underground cable Table 6.14: Cumulative Assessment Table 6.15: Significant Operational Effects on the Landscape Resource – OHL Table 6.16: Significant Effects of the OHL on Visual Amenity Chapter 7 Ecology Table 7.1: Issues Identified during Consultation Table 7.2: Geographic Conservation Values Table 7.3: Impact Characterisation Table 7.4: Desk Study Results within LOD of Proposed Development Table 7.5: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the OHL Table 7.6: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the Underground Cable Volume 2: LT000022 Table of Contents Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV Chapter 8 Ornithology Table 8.1: Issues Identified During Consultation Table 8.2: Geographic Conservation Values Table 8.3: Impact Characterisation Table 8.4: Breeding Bird Survey (Also shown on Figures 8.61a-f) Table 8.5: Breeding Wader Survey (Also shown on Figures 8.62a-f) Table 8.6: Cumulative Collision Risk Table 8.7: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the OHL Table 8.8: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the Underground Cable Chapter 9 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Table 9.1: Issues Identified during Consultation Table 9.2: Cultural Heritage Viewpoints Table 9.3: Importance of Cultural Heritage Assets Table 9.4: Magnitude of Physical (Construction) Impacts Table 9.5: Significance of Impacts Table 9.6: Contribution of Setting to Understanding and Appreciation of a Cultural Heritage Asset Table 9.7: Sensitivity of Setting of an Asset Table 9.8: Magnitude of Impacts on Setting Table 9.9: Significance of Impact on Setting Table 9.10: Significance Criteria Table 9.11: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the OHL Table 9.12: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the Underground Cable Elements Chapter 10 Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydrology Table 10.1: Issues Identified During Consultation Table 10.2: Baseline Characterisation Table 10.3: Sensitivity of Environmental Resource Table 10.4: Magnitude of Impact on a Receptor Table 10.5: Significance Criteria Table 10.6: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the OHL Table 10.7: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts of the Underground Cable Chapter 11 Soils, Land Use and Agriculture Table 11.1: Issues Identified during Consultation Table 11.2: Definition of Sensitivity of Soils, Land Use and Agriculture Table 11.3: Magnitude of Effect Table 11.4: Significance Criteria Table 11.5: LCA Class & Division Details Table 11.6: Estimated Indicative Excavation Volumes Table 11.7: Summary of Potential Impacts of the Proposed Development, Mitigation and Residual Impacts – OHL and underground cable Volume 2: Table of Contents LT000022 Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc Gills Bay 132 kV Chapter 12 Traffic and Transport Table 12.1: Issues Identified During Consultation Table 12.2: Receptor Sensitivity Table 12.3: Impact Magnitude Table 12.4: Matrix for Determination of Significance of Effect Table 12.5: Existing Traffic Flows (Weekday Average Two Way Flows) Table 12.6: Speed Summary (Weekday Average Two Way) Table 12.7: Accident Data Summary Table 12.8: 2018 Base Traffic Flows (Weekday Average Two Way Flows) Table 12.9: Summary of Predicted Construction Traffic Generation Table 12.10: Weekday Construction Traffic (Weekday Average Two Way Flows) Table 12.11:
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