Pripyat River Basin Management Plan in Belarus

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Pripyat River Basin Management Plan in Belarus European Union Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+): Results 2 and 3 ENI/2016/372-403 PRIPYAT RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLAN IN BELARUS March 2020 Responsible EU member state consortium project leader Mr Alexander Zinke; Umweltbundesamt GmbH (AT) EUWI+ country representative in Belarus Mr Aliaksandr Stankevich; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Responsible international thematic lead expert Mr Philippe Seguin; Office International de l’Eau (FR) Responsible Belarusian thematic lead expert Ms Victoriya Voronova; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Authors Mr Vladimir Korneev; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Mr Kanstantsin Tsitou; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Mr Aliaksandr Pakhomau; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Mr Ivan Bulak; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Sniazhana Dubianok; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Anastasiya Rusina; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Alena Hramadskaya; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Mr Vladimir Anufriev; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Asya Penkovskaya; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Volha Mikhan; Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources Ms Olga Berezko; branch «Institute of Geology» RUE «Research and Production Center for Geology» Ms Elena Cehervach; branch «Institute of Geology» RUE «Research and Production Center for Geology» Mr Igor Vitsen; branch «Institute of Geology» RUE «Research and Production Center for Geology» The translation into English has been made by Ms Yuliya Shepeleva (translator of the scientific- organizational department of the branch “Institute of Geology”). Disclaimer: The EU-funded program European Union Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+ 4 EaP) is implemented by the UNECE, OECD, responsible for the implementation of Result 1 and an EU mem- ber state consortium of Austria, managed by the lead coordinator Umweltbundesamt, and of France, man- aged by the International Office for Water, responsible for the implementation of Result 2 and 3. The project is co-funded by Austria and France through the Austrian Development Agency and the French Artois-Picardie Water Agency. This document, “Pripyat RBMP (Belarus)”, was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or of the Governments of the Eastern Partnership Countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of, or sovereignty over, any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area. Imprint Owner and Editor: EU Member State Consortium Umweltbundesamt GmbH Office International de l’Eau (IOW) Spittelauer Lände 5 21/23 rue de Madrid 1090 Vienna, Austria 75008 Paris, France Responsible IOW Communication officer: Ms Yunona Videnina [email protected] Ms Chloé Dechelette [email protected] March 2020 Pripyat RBMP - Belarus CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRIPYAT RIVER BASIN ON THE TERRITORY OF BELARUS ......................................................................................................................................... 15 1.1 Physical and geographical characteristics................................................................................ 15 1.1.1 Climate ........................................................................................................................... 16 1.1.2 Topography .................................................................................................................... 17 1.1.3 Geological and hydrogeological conditions .................................................................... 19 1.1.4 Soils and vegetation ....................................................................................................... 20 1.1.5 Natural and disturbed swamps ....................................................................................... 21 1.1.6 Information on protected areas ...................................................................................... 22 1.2 Water resources ....................................................................................................................... 26 1.2.1 Hydrographic network .................................................................................................... 26 1.2.2 Surface water resource .................................................................................................. 32 1.2.3 Groundwater ................................................................................................................... 43 1.3 Administrative territorial division and social and economic information ................................... 47 1.3.1 Administrative territorial division and population ............................................................ 47 1.3.2 Agriculture (plant production, animal husbandry) ........................................................... 48 1.3.3 Fish breeding .................................................................................................................. 50 1.3.4 Forest husbandry ........................................................................................................... 51 1.3.5 Manufacturing ................................................................................................................. 51 1.3.6 Hydraulic power industry ................................................................................................ 54 1.3.7 Accumulation of wastes .................................................................................................. 55 1.3.8 Shipping industry ............................................................................................................ 55 1.3.9 Tourism and recreational use of water bodies ............................................................... 56 1.3.10 Linear infrastructure ....................................................................................................... 57 1.4 Risk (including climate change) ................................................................................................ 58 1.4.1 Floods ............................................................................................................................. 58 1.4.2 Low-water seasons ........................................................................................................ 58 1.4.3 Erosion processes .......................................................................................................... 58 1.4.4 Health issues .................................................................................................................. 59 1.4.5 Radionuclides pollution .................................................................................................. 60 1.5 Stakeholders and programs ..................................................................................................... 61 1.5.1 Administrative organization ............................................................................................ 61 1.5.2 Water User Guidance ..................................................................................................... 61 1.5.3 Summary of water strategies, programs, plans and projects ......................................... 61 1.6 Diagnosis: synthetic description ............................................................................................... 62 ENI/2016/372-403 3 Pripyat RBMP - Belarus Chapter 1 Chapter 2. PRESSURES AND IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON WATER RESOURCES .......... 63 2.1 Estimation of point source pollution .......................................................................................... 63 2.2 Estimation of diffuse source pollutions ..................................................................................... 65 2.3 Estimation of quantitative pressures on surface water and groundwater ................................. 69 2.4 Analysis of other pressures and impacts of human activity on hydromorphological conditions .................................................................................................................................. 74 2.5 Other pressures ........................................................................................................................ 75 2.6 Synthesis .................................................................................................................................. 76 2.6.1 Quantity of pollution affected by domain of origin and balance during low flows ........... 76 2.6.2 Quantitative balance between abstractions and resources ........................................... 76 2.6.3 Global synthesis of problems based on pressures and hot spots analysis ................... 77 2.6.4 Advantages and possible problems concerned with the possible prospective use of water resources of the Pripyat river basin .................................................................. 78 2.6.5 Water balances..............................................................................................................
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