Synopsis of Biological Data on Laminaria Hyperborea
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FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 87 FIRM/S87 (Distribution restricted) SAST - Laminaria hyperborea - 7,77(02)002.07 SYNOPI LT OF BIOLOGICAL DATA ON Laminaria hyperborea Prepared by Joanna M. Kam FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS e9 ROME, 1971 DOCUMENTS OF THE FISHERY DOCUMENTS DE LA DIVISION DES DOCUMENTOS DE LA DIRECCION RESOURCESDIVISION OF FAO RESSOURCES HALIEUTIQUES DU DE RECURSOS PESQUEROS DEL DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES DEPARTEMENT DES PECHES DE DEPARTAMENTO DE PESCA DE LA LA FAO FAO Documentswhicharenotofficial Des documents qui ne figurent pas EstaDirecciónpublica varias series FAO publications are issued in several parmi les publications officielles de la de documentos que no pueden conside- series.They are given a restricted distri- FAO sont publiés dans diverses séries. Ils rarse como publicaciones oficiales de la bution and this fact should be indicated font seulement l'objet d'une distribution FAO. Todos ellostienendistribución ifthey are cited.Most of them are restreinte, aussi convient-il de le préciser limitada, circunstancia que debe indicarse prepared as working papers for meetings, lorsque ces documents sont cités. Il s'agit en el caso de ser citados. La mayoría de or are summaries of information for use le plus souvent de documents de travail los títulos que figuran en dichas series of Member Governments, organizations, préparés pour des réunions, ou de ré- son documentos de trabajo preparados and specialists concerned. These, series sumés d'informationàl'intentiondes para reuniones o resúmenes de informa- are the following: gouvernements des pays membres, ainsi ción destinados a los estados miembros, que des organisations et spécialistes inté- organizacionesy especialistasinte- ressés. Ces séries sont lessuivantes: resados, Estas series son las siguientes FAO Fisheries Report FIR ¡R (No.) FAO Fisheries Circular FIR ¡C (No.) FAO Fisheries Synopsis FIR ¡S (No.) Special groups of synopses are iden- Des catégories spéciales de synopses Grupos especiales de sinopsis se dis- tifiedby symbols followed byclassi- sont identifiéesàl'aide de symboles tinguen con las siglas siguientes, seguidas fication numbers based on indexed code suivis des chiffres de classification basés por números de clasificación que se basan of "ASFA ": sur le code d'indexation de la «ASFA»: en las claves de los índices de la «ASFA»: SAST Data concerning certain species SAST Données sur certaines espèces et SAST Datos relativos a ciertas especies and fish stocks. populations de poissons. y poblaciones. MAST Information on methods and sub- MAST Renseignements surdes méthodes MAST Sinopsis sobre métodos y mate- jects. et des sujets. rias. OT Oceanographic data. OT Données océanographiques, 01 Sinopsis sobre oceanografía. IT Limnological data. IT Données limnologiques. IT Sinopsis sobre limnología. and et y CART Information concerning fisheries CART Renseignements sur les pêcheries CART Información sobre los recursos and resources of certain countries et les ressources de certains pays acuáticos vivos de algunos países and regions (FID/S). et régions (FID/S), y regiones (FID/S). FAO Fisheries Technical Paper FIRT/T (No.) Special groups of TechnicalPapers Des catégories spéciales de documents Grupos especiales de documentos téc- are identified by: techniques sont identifiées à l'aide des nicos se identifican por las siglas siguien- symboles suivants: tes: RE Indexed lists of experts and insti- RE Listes indexées d'experts et insti- RE Listas índices de expertos y de tutionsdrawnfromRegisters tutions tirées des registres tenus instituciones tomadas de los re- maintained by the Fishery Re- à jour par la Division des ressour- gistros que se llevan en la Direc- sources Division. ces halieutiques. ción de Recursos Pesqueros. CB Lists of periodicals, special sec- CB Listes de périodiques, des sections CB Listas de periódicos, secciones es- tions of " Aquatic Sciences and spéciales de la « Aquatic Sciences peciales de la «Aquatic Sciences Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) », and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) », specialbibliographies andpa- des bibliographies particulières et bibliografías especiales y trabajos pers concerning documentation des articles sur les problèmes de relativos alosproblemasde problems. documentation. documentación. MFS Provisionaleditionsof" FAO MFS Editions provisoires des e Manuels MFS Edicionesprovisionales delos ManualsinFisheries Science." FAO de science halieutique s. «Manuales de la FAO de Ciencias Pesqueras ». Some documents also have another Certainsdocumentsportentparfois Algunos documentos tienen también identification, if, for example, they have d'autresnumérosd'identification,par otra identificaciónsi, por ejemplo, son been contributed to a meeting for which exemple s'ils ont été préparés pour une contribucionesa unareunióncuyos papers have been numbered according réunion dontles documents ontété documentos hansidomarcados con to another system. marqués àl'aide d'un autre système, arreglo a otros sistemas. FAO FiBherieB Sy'eopEi8 8o, 87 FIRM/s87 Dietribution reiotrictod SAST - Laminaria hyperborea .-177(O2)OO2.O7 SYNOPSIS OP BIOLOGICAL DATA QN Laminaria hypex'boroa Prepared by JOANNA M. KAIN (Mra. N.S, JONES) Marine Biological Station Port Erin, Isle oMan U. K. FOOD All]) AGRICUJJPURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, December 1971 PREPARATION OF THIS SYNOPSIS Laminaria hyperborea has been, for a long time, one of the seaweed species of greatest industrial importance in Scotland arid other parts of the northeastern Atlantic.Also, much of the pioneer work on seaweed biolojr and chemistry was done on this species.Therefore, a review of the information available on the species was considered to be particularly valuable for all those concerned with sea- weed research and utilization. This synopsis has been edited by G. Michanek, of the Marine Biology and Environment Branch, Fishery Resources Division, FAO. The author is extremely grateful to Dr. A. Jensen (Norway) who very kindly allowed her to use hie om drafts of the sections on harvesting, chemistry and utilization, thereby providing a more authoritative basis and saving her much time. Many people have been very helpful in providing information.For this the author is muoh indebted in particular to Dr. K. Ltning (Germany, FRG), Cand, real P. Svendeen (Norway), Mr. E. Booth, Dr. J,W.G, Lund and Mr, H.T. Powell (U.K.), Dr. A.H. Dizerbo (France), Professor J. Seoane-Camba (Spain), Dr, T. Hasegawa and Dr. S, Kawashima (Japan), Dr. G. Michanek (Sweden) and Cand, real 5. Sivertsen (Norway),She is also very grateful to the following for permisBion to quote unpUblished data:Cand, real P. Svendaen, Mr, A. Whittick (Canada), Dr. D.M. John (Ghana) and Cand, real O. Vahi (Norway).For permission to reproduce published figures she is indebted to Dr. K. LUning, Cambridge 1Jni,ersity Prese, Professor E. Baardseth (Norway), the Norwegian Institute of Seaweed Research and the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, In the -text depths are expressed in metres below the lowest astronomical tide (LiT) which is defined as "the lowest level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions" (U.K., Admiralty, 1963).Where necessary depth data have been corrected, usually -to the nearest metre, from the relevant tidal data, Where possible, algal names have followed the latest British check-list (Parke and Dixon, 1968) and animal names have followed the Marine Fauna of the Isle of Man (Bruce ,1963). Distribution: Bibliographic entry: FAO Department of Fisheries Kam, J.M. (1971) FAO Regional Fisheries Officers FAO Fish.Synop., (87):pag,var. Regional Fisheries Councils and Commissions Synopsis of biological data on Laminaria Selector SM hyperborea Author ANE. Laminariaceae Taxonomy, morphology and anatomy.Distribution, ecology, metabolism and growth,Life cycle, reproduction, phenology. Population - structure, density and standing crop,Harvesting - -techniques, seasons,yielda. Chemical composition.Utilization.Selected bibi iography. FIRN/S87 Laminaria h,yrborea CON T EN T S Page No. 1 IDPNTIPY 1:1 1.1Nomenclature 1.11Valid scientific nazie 1.12Nomenclatural synonyme i 1.13Vernacular names 1.2Taxonomy i 1.21Affinities i 1,22Subspectee 4 1.23Genetic data 5 1.3Morphology and anatomy 5 1.31Erternal morphology 5 1.32Anatomy 7 2 DISTraBuTION, IXOLXY AND M1S OLISM 2:1 2.1Total area i 2,2Local vertical and horizontal distribution 2.3Effects of ecological determinants 2.4 Nutrition and growth 4 2.41Assimilation 4 2.42Respiration 5 2.43 Nutrition 5 2.44Growth 5 3 LIFE HISTORY 3:1 3.1Life Cycle 3.11Alternation of generations 3.12Nuclear phases 3.2Reproduction 1 3.3Phenology 7 3.31Seasonal variation in external appearance and morphology 7 3.32Seasonal variation in total fresh and dry weight 7 3,33Seasonal variation in other characteristios* 4 POPULATION 4:1 4.1Structure 4.11Age composition 4.12Weight or size composition 4.13Sporophyte...gametophyte and sex composition 8 iv FR14/387 LaninaHa hyperborsa Page No. 4.2 Density 4:8 4.21 Avera«e densities of defined areas 8 4.22 Variation in density with ecological and accidental factors 8 4.3Mortality morbidity 11 4.4To1uantities (standing crop) of defined areas 12 4,5 Accompanying and competing species 14 5 HARV]ZPING 5:1 5.1 14ethod of Harvesting i 5.2Harvesting seasons 1 5.3Harvestin areas and depths 2 5.4 growth on harvested areas 2 5.5Total annual yields 2 6 PRcY1'ECTIO!r 6:1 6.1 Official regulaiions* 62 Control of ysicl features