
– MEDICINAL Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417 449 CHEMISTRY https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-019-02315-7 RESEARCH REVIEW ARTICLE

Developmental perspectives of the targeting - instigated inflammation: a mini review

1,2 3,4 1 5 Parteek Prasher ● Harish Mudila ● Mousmee Sharma ● Beena Khati

Received: 4 September 2018 / Accepted: 12 February 2019 / Published online: 2 March 2019 © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Abstract The instigation of chronic inflammation begins with the release of (AA) from the membranous through a biochemical reaction catalyzed by cytosolic A2, which selectively hydrolyzes the arachidonyl at the sn-2 position, thereby releasing a lysophospholipid and AA into the cytosol. This intracellular event swiftly progresses to the production of pro-inflammatory and by the catalytic action of the and (COXs) on AA, respectively, whose anomalous production may manifest into chronic inflammation and related disorders. Despite several developments from to non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs and COX-2 inhibitors, the anti-inflammatory , due to its associated side effects even in the

1234567890();,: 1234567890();,: advanced formulations, has suffered frequent setbacks and commercial withdrawals. The contemporary research therefore aims at designing novel candidate molecules with superior viability and an enhanced acceptability towards biological systems with a minimum conceivable side effect.

Graphical Abstract

● ● ● ● ● Keywords cPLA2 AA COX-1/2 5-LOX COXIBs NSAIDs

* Parteek Prasher 3 Department of Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, [email protected] Phagwara, Punjab 144411, India 4 Department of Chemistry, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and 1 Department of Chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev a, bUniversity, Technology, Pantnagar 263145, India Amritsar, Punjab 143005, India 5 Department of Biotechnology, Kumaun University, DBS Campus 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Petroleum and Energy Bhimtal, Nainital 263136, India Studies, Dehradun 248007, India 418 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

Abbreviations twentieth century, the identification of side effects associated AA arachidonic acid with the available classes of anti-inflammatory drugs led to cPLA2 cytosolic their withdrawal from the market (Arellano 2005). The COX contemporary period also witnessed an extensive explora- LOX tion on molecular motifs and scaffolds focused on designing NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs the prevalent “hits” and “leads” against the inflammation epidemiology with numerous active pharmaceutical ingre- dients in the pipeline of becoming the potential drugs (Singh Introduction et al. 2015). However, limited solutions are available for mitigating the disorders related to the COX-2 inhibition Inflammation is an intrinsic immunity response to the therapy that comprise critical cardiovascular events and contacted stimuli in the form of a microbial attack, allergen, gastric mucosa erosion (Pepine and Gurbel 2017). The or a pathogen or due to an intracellular metabolic break- present status of the anti-inflammatory discovery down (Barton 2008; Mogensen 2009). When switched on, demands for a target-specific polypharmacological approach this innate immune response assures of eliminating the (Bolognesi and Cavalli 2016) for the potential candidates by invading agent by initiating the cellular repair mechanisms incorporating the profile of parent molecules into a single for restoring the tissue (Colaco and Moita hybrid that could target multiple disease pathways even- 2016). The physiological response for an effective elim- tually overcoming the side effects associated with the drug, ination of the inducing stimuli produces only transient after thereby raising its efficacy (Prasher and Sharma 2018). effects, but failure to exterminate the invading agent -releasing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectually coupled with slumping cellular repair mechan- (NSAIDs) present an imperative development in this regard ism ostensibly expresses into a protracted inflammatory presenting substantial evidence of physiological tolerance response causing perpetual failure of biochemical machin- (Fiorucci et al. 2001). Additionally, the hybrid molecules ery apparently causing chronic ailments (Prasher 2015). The incorporating the beneficial ulcerogenic and antioxidant release of arachidonic acid (AA) from the membrane activities of parent molecules with NSAIDs and COXIBs are phospholipids by a site-specific attack of cytosolic phos- also under development. In this review, we compendiously pholipase A2 (cPLA2) enzyme to counter the cellular stress discuss the developmental perspectives and current progress promotes such events (Balsinde et al. 2002). When acted in anti-inflammatory . upon by cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes, AA acts as a precursor for the production of a cascade of pro-inflammatory metabolites (Fig. 1), whose PLA2 enzyme family overproduction abnormally expresses as severe conditions (Needleman et al. 1986). COX-2 isoform of COX family of With their discovery as a major component in snake enzymes inflicts the biosynthesis of pro-inflammatory venom a few decades ago, 15 different groups of enzymes prostaglandins, whereas another channel of AA pathway of PLA2 family have been reported. Broadly, the PLA2 mediated by LOX enzyme (5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX)) enzymes could be categorized into four parts: secreted +2 manifests into the production of inflammation causing leu- PLA2s (sPLA2s), cPLA2s, (Ca )-independent kotrienes, both of which play a critical role in the devel- (iPLA2s), and -activating factor (PAF) acetyl opment of acute and related disorders, hydrolase/oxidized lipoprotein-associated PLA2s atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, (LpPLA2s),eachhavingadiverseimplicationinthe and cancer (Prasher and Pooja 2014). The discovery of lipid metabolism and disease advancement (Burke and aspirin in 1887 and its successful commercialization in Dennis 2009). 1899 saw an advent of anti-inflammatory drug discovery (Desborough and Keeling 2017) that sustained until the Secreted PLA2s latter half of twentieth century with the discovery and popularization of drugs like acetaminophen in 1956 and Having a low molecular weight of 14–18 kDa, sPLA2s in 1962 with a superior anti-inflammatory profile. catalyze the reaction characteristic of their Subsequently, the identification of the substrate binding family, by the abstraction of from the water molecule sites in the two COX isoforms COX-1 and COX-2 in 1972 activated by the bounded histidine-aspartic acid dyad in the led to the contemporary development of drugs tagged as the active site in the presence of Ca+2. The ion helps to stabilize selective COX-2 inhibitors (COXIBs) (Blobaum and Mar- the transition state by coordinating the carbonyl group and nett 2007) presenting a grander inhibitory profile vis-a-vis negative charge on the oxygen of phosphate group. The other mainstream anti-inflammatory drugs. By the end of sPLA2s, reportedly, have a poor selectivity towards the sn-2 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 419

Fig. 1 Events and metabolites involved in the instigation of chronic inflammation attack on a specific substrate (Sato et al. 2016). interaction with the phospholipid to release AA eventually The molecular modeling experiments establish that during (Winstead et al. 2000). They are also involved in the gen- the hydrolysis of phospholipid substrate by sPLA2s, only eration of lysophospholipids as an acceptor for the assim- the 50% carbons of the sn-2 acyl chain interact with the ilation of AA to change into phospholipids, thereby playing enzyme and rest of the chains remain buried in the lipid- a housekeeping role in the phospholipid remodeling. water interface. The activity of sPLA2s depends on the interfacial interactions of the active site residues of the Lipoprotein-associated PLA2 enzyme with the target phospholipid aggregates (Murakami et al. 2015). The sPLA2 class of enzymes displays a similar The PAF acetyl hydrolase/oxidized lipid LpPLA2 belongs activity towards the phospholipids with diverse fatty acids to the group VII family of PLA2 enzymes. A characteristic appendage at the sn-2 position, but the preferences vary feature of LpPLA2 enzyme is that unlike the other PLA2s, it with the charge on the lipid surface and with the types of can access the phospholipid substrate in the aqueous phase. surface residues. Another typical feature of LpPLA2 is that its active site is composed of a serine, histidine, and aspartic acid hydrolase +2 Ca -independent PLA2 triad, whereas the other PLA2s have dyads. Some reports on LpPLA2 establish its anti-inflammatory potential by stop- These class of enzymes belong to the group VI of PLA2s ping the pro-inflammatory roles of PAF, but after numerous +2 and they do not require Ca ions for their catalytic activity; clinical investigations on the role of group VIIA PLA2 however, their activity is regulated by the intracellular Ca+2 levels in patients with heart risks, this enzyme was con- ions. Any depletion in the intracellular Ca+2 by calmodulin, sidered as a definitive marker of coronary heart disease, zymosan, reactive oxygen species (ROS), or PKC-α (pro- thereby making it a very attractive drug target (Packard tein kinase C-α) activity leads to their activation and 2009). 420 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

principal reason sPLA2 possesses such a large number of disulfide bonds that are required for enzyme activity (Heinrikson 1991; Verheij and de Haas 1991). However, unlike the sPLA2s, the cPLA2s belonging to GIVA exhibit a substantial selectivity towards the phospholipids with AA appendage at the sn-2 position (Fig. 1). Since AA is the precursor for the generation of several , the GIVA cPLA2s are the major contributors in the develop- ment of inflammatory diseases. The crystal structure of GIVA cPLA2 enzyme determined by Dessen et al. (1999) reveals a phospholipid-binding Ca+2-dependent domain and a catalytic α/β domain (Fig. 2). Both these domains ensure a full contribution towards the enzyme activity. Multiple lipases ensure a conserved basic structure of cPLA2. The presence of a CAP370–548 region is characteristic only to the 370–548 413–57 GIVA cPLA2. Within the CAP region, an LID

Fig. 2 Crystal coordinates of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) (pdb region is present due to which the modeling of a phos- ID 1CJY) Dessen et al. (1999) pholipid substrate in the active site is restrained (Kramer and Sharp 1993). In the presence of Ca+2, this enzyme is employed to the phospholipid membrane of the invaded Cytosolic PLA2 by the translocation of the C2 domain. The activation of the enzyme is eventually enabled either through the phosphor- The trigger of AA cascade lies with group IVA cPLA2 ylation on residues 505, 515, and 727 or in the presence of (GIVA cPLA2) enzymes, which during the cellular stress second lipid messengers: ceramide-1-phosphate and phos- directs a site-specific attack on membrane-based arachido- phatidylinositol (4, 5) bisphosphate. Reportedly, the ele- +2 nyl phospholipids in the presence of Ca ions, thereby vated PLA2 catalytic activities in synovial fluid of patients releasing the AA and a lysophospholipid into the cyto- suffering with rheumatoid , , and plasm. Since AA is the precursor for the generation of crystal-associated arthritis assert the association of phos- several eicosanoids, the GIVA cPLA2s were regarded as the pholipases with chronic inflammation and related disorders. sole perpetrators in the progression of inflammatory dis- Additionally, in patients with systemic sclerosis, obstinately eases (Sun et al. 2014). Mechanistically, out of the several subnormal amounts of PLA2 levels and activity persists classes of , during the phospholipid hydro- (Stephanski et al. 1986; Nevalainen 1993). Reportedly, the +2 lysis catalyzed by sPLA2, the catalytic Ca ion that is activity of PLA2 in serum, sepsis, and septic shock inter- optimally bound to the conserved calcium-binding loop related with the concentration of synovial-type PLA2-II. interacts simultaneously with water molecules and specific However, no such correlation occurs with pancreatic PLA2- +2 amino acid residues present at the enzyme active site. Ca I. Apparently, the therapeutic indications claimed for sPLA2 ion ensures an appropriate orientation of polar headgroup of and cPLA2 inhibitors encompass several inflammatory the phospholipid substrate molecule to encourage the conditions, such as , osteoarthritis, redistribution of the p-orbital electron density at the sn-2 inflammatory diseases of the skin and the gastrointestinal carbonyl, leading to polarization of the carbonyl carbon- (GI) tract, and lung disorders such as asthma and . oxygen double bond. This polarization at the carbonyl The role of GIVA cPLA2 enzymes in switching on the AA functional group creates an electron-deficient carbonyl cascade to produce pro-inflammatory metabolites makes it carbon atom at the scissile sn-2 linkage, thereby pro- one of the potential drug targets in capping chronic moting the nucleophilic attack by the oxygen atom of an inflammation and the related disorders (Soubhye et al. adjacent water molecule at the electron-deficient carbonyl 2018). carbon atom, leading to the formation of a tetrahedral Arachidonoyl trifluoromethyl ketone (1; Fig. 3) was the transition state intermediate. This tetrahedral transition state first reported non-selective class of cPLA2 inhibitors simultaneously generates the lysophospholipid and fatty (Trimble et al 1993; Street et al. 1993). Besides the potency acid products. To ensure optimal spatial relationships for all of trifluoromethyl ketone analogs of (2; the interacting active site elements, a conformational flex- Fig. 3), γ- (3; Fig. 3) and (4; ibility of the sPLA2 protein molecule needs restrain. This is Fig. 3) was reported at par with their AA counterpart 1 ensured by the formation of disulfide bonds that assist in (Ghomashchi et al. 1999; Conde-Frieboes et al. 1996). stabilizing protein tertiary structure and may represent the Methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate (5; Fig. 3) was the Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 421

O O H O O NH CF N (CH ) CF 3. IC (cPLA2) = 0.9 μM O S O S 1. IC (cPLA2) = 8 μM 2. IC (cPLA2) = 0.0223 μM Farroqui et al. 1999 CF Riendeau et al. 1994 Baskakis et al. 2008 O NH O O HN 4. IC (cPLA2) = 0.2 μM 5. IC (cPLA2) = 0.5 mM O Farroqui et al. 1999 Lio et al. 1996 S N O N O CF P O O O O F O F OH OH O Cl O Cl F Cl F O Cl 10. IC (cPLA2) = 0.0042 μg/ ml 11. IC (cPLA2) = 0.165 μg/ ml O O S μ S O O IC (mPGE2) = 0.0025 μg/ ml IC (mPGE2) = 0.410 g/ ml μ NH NH IC (LTC4) = 0.0014 μg/ ml IC (LTC4) = 0.370 g/ ml Cl Cl Seno et al. 2001 Seno et al. 2001 N N O O O O NH NH OH O 13 13 6. Ecopladib 7. Efipladib O O μ μ IC (cPLA2) = 0.15 mM cPLA2 inhibitor 12. IC (cPLA2, GIVA) = 0.0024 g/ ml 13. IC (cPLA2 GIVA) = 0.0027 g/ ml IC (LTB4) = 0.02 μM Yaksh et al. 2006 Yaksh et al. 2006 Lee et al. 2007 Mc Kew et al. 2008 O O O OH OH NH NH 15. GK126 FF OH O O 13 13 IC (sPLA2, GIIA) = 0.3 μg/ ml OO O F IC (sPLA2, GV) = 0.44 μg/ ml O 14. IC (cPLA2, GIVA) = 0.005 μg/ ml Mouchlis et al. 2011 O S S O O Six et al. 2007 O NH NH O Cl Cl N N O N O OO 9

9. WAY196025 OH O 8. cPLA2 inhibitor O OH cPLA2 inhibitor 9 O IC (LTB4) = 0.042 μM O O μ IC (LTB4) = 0.012 M 16. IC (cPLA2) = 0.008 μg/ ml 17. IC (cPLA2α) = 0.035 μg/ ml Mc Kew et al. 2008 Connolly et al. 2002 Hess et al. 2007

Fig. 3 Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) inhibitors Fig. 4 Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) inhibitors

first reported irreversible and highly potent cPLA2 inhibitor responses in the mouse models without affecting the pros- (Lio et al. 1996), but it cannot be distinguished from iPLA2. taglandin E2 (PGE2) levels (Nickerson-Nutter et al. 2011). Wyeth reported the first highly selective and commercial Like other compounds of the series, compound 8, clinically indole-based cPLA2 inhibitors (6–9, Fig. 3). The testing of designated as giripladib due to its significant cPLA2 effi- the inhibitory profile for the compounds was done by using cacy, also advanced to phase II for osteoar- glutamate (GLU) assay and rabbit antibody-derived whole thritis, but the trials were soon terminated concerning the GI blood (RWB) assay. Compound 6, clinically known as toxicity associated with the compound ((http://clinicaltrials. ecopladib, strongly inhibited cPLA2 activity with a sub- gov/, Identifier: NCT00396955). Another set of potent, stantial half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value pyrrolidine-based cPLA2 inhibitors were identified (10, 11, of 0.15 μM using a GLU assay and 0.11 μM using an RWB Fig. 4; Seno et al. 2000; Ghomashchi et al. 2001). The assay (Lee et al. 2007). Its functional analog compound 7, studies revealed that compound 11 reversibly inhibits the clinically named as efipladib, exhibited an IC50 value of activity of human cPLA2 with an IC50 4.2 nM, thereby 0.04 and 0.07 μM in a GLU assay in an RWB assay, affecting the release of AA, resulting in a low production of respectively (McKew et al. 2008 a, b). The cPLA2 inhibi- PGE2, B2, and B4 (LTB4) for- tion potency was found to be strongest for compound 9, mation in the human whole blood assay (Seno et al. 2001; clinically known as WAY-196025. Ono et al. 2002). Its functional analog compound 11 dis- The reported minimum inhibitory concentration of played a similar inhibitory profile exhibiting an IC50 value compound 9 for 50% inhibition of the target enzyme of 0.078 μM against cPLA2 and suppressing the release of activity was found to be 0.01 and 0.03 μM in a GLU assay AA and biosynthesis of PGE2 from the A23187-stimulated and an RWB assay, respectively. The clinical inflammation THP-1 cells. Additionally, compound 10 also displayed models for compound 6 indicated a good oral efficacy for anti-arthritic and antibone destructive action in the in vitro the drug, which led to its advancement to phase I clinical mouse arthritis models (Tai et al. 2010). Another novel trials. The same was applicable for its functional analogs, class of 2-oxoamide-based inhibitors to target the active site compound 7, which displayed a decent in vivo oral efficacy. serine residue of cPLA2 was introduced (Kokotos et al. Additionally, it was also found to decline the nociceptive 2002, 2004; Constantinou-Kokotou et al. 2005; Stephens 422 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 et al. 2006; Six et al. 2007). The free carboxylic group on O O O O COOH R γ δ O the long-chain 2-oxoamide-based -or -amino acids as in O 5 O compound 12 (Fig. 4) induces a cPLA -selective inhibition, 18. R = -H, -CH , -C H COOH 19. % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = >95 μg/ ml 2 % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = 78.4, 68, 95 μg/ ml respectively % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = <25 μg/ ml whereas the selectivity was found to be lost on esterifying % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = <25, 25, 69 μg/ ml respectively % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = 52 μg/ ml % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = <25, 25, 27 μg/ ml respectively O O the free –COOH as in compound 13. The inhibition profile O O O O OH for compound 13 was effective against both cPLA and O O 2 O 21. % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = >95 μg/ ml 20. % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = <25 μg/ ml iPLA2, but reportedly it efficiently blocks the release of % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = <25 μg/ ml % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = <25 μg/ ml % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = <25 μg/ ml fi % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = <25 μg/ ml O PGE2 from the spinal cells and displayed a signi cant anti- O O hyperalgesic effect (Yaksh et al 2006). Interestingly, the O O 14 15 O compounds and with a free carboxylic group exhib- 22. % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = <25 μg/ ml 23. % Inhib. (cPLA2, GIVA) = 55 μg/ ml % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = 72 μg/ ml % Inhib. (iPLA2, GVIA) = >95 μg/ ml ited selective cPLA2 inhibitory activity and stimulate the % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = <25 μg/ ml % Inhib. (sPLA2, GVA) = <25 μg/ ml production of regulatory T cells in the in vitro inflammation O CF O rat models. Six et al. (2007) targeted GIVA cPLA2, a key F C supplier of substrates that regulate the production of eico- CF O sanoids and PAF. While identifying the structure–activity 24. % Inhib. (cPLA2) = 31.8 μg/ ml 25.% Inhib. (cPLA2) = 33.8 μg/ ml 26. % Inhib. (cPLA2) = 59.5 μg/ ml COOH O relationship of 2-oxoamide-based compounds and GIVA OH cPLA2 inhibition, the most persuasive inhibitors identified O NH O were from δ- and γ-amino acid-based 2-oxoamides (14, Fig. 4). A short nonpolar aliphatic chain as a side-chain moiety 27. % Inhib. (cPLA2) = 37.7 μg/ ml 28. % Inhib. (cPLA2) = 43.6 μg/ ml was optimum for the activity of compounds. The resulting Fig. 5 Recently reported cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) 2-oxoamides on testing with the human group V secreted inhibitors PLA2 (GV sPLA2) and the human GVIA iPLA2 (GVIA iPLA2) gave compound 14 with a considerable inhibition of promising, superlative target for designing anti- GIVA cPLA2. Group IIA sPLA2 (GIIA sPLA2), which is a inflammatory drugs, as the inhibition of mPGES-1 even- member of the mammalian sPLA2 enzyme family, is tually disables the PGE2 production. In contrast to COX-1/2 reportedly associated with various inflammatory disorders. inhibition, the inhibition of terminal mPGES-1 blocks the Mouchlis et al. (2011) carried the synthesis of 2-oxoamides production of PGE2 without upsetting the normal produc- based on α-amino acids and performed in vitro assessment tion of other prostaglandins. Hence, mPGES-1 inhibitors against the sPLA2s (GIIA and GV). The long-chain 2- expectedly retain the anti-inflammatory activities of COX-1/ oxoamide GK126 based on the amino acid (S)- 2 inhibitors without causing the associated side effects displayed substantial inhibition of human and mouse GIIA displayed by the COX-1/2 inhibitors. Compounds 10 and sPLA2s (IC50 300 and 180 nM, respectively). It also 11 (Fig. 4) displayed significant inhibition activity against inhibited human GV sPLA2 with similar potency; however, the mPGE2 enzyme with IC50 values 0.0025 and 0.410 µg/ it did not inhibit human GX sPLA2 (Mouchlis et al. 2011; ml, respectively. Yang et al. 2014). A novel series of potential cPLA2 inhi- Kokotou et al. (2017) developed novel cPLA2 inhibitors bitors based on a 1,3-disubstituted propan-2-one framework based on the 2-oxoester functionality (18–23, Fig. 5) teth- were designed by Connolly et al. (2002) at the AstraZeneca ered with a long aliphatic chain or a chain appended with an pharmaceutical company. Compound 16 containing a aromatic system and a free carboxyl group. The resultant decyloxy-lipophilic side chain and a benzoic acid sub- molecules exhibited a high selectivity towards the inhibition stituent displayed a selective cPLA2 inhibition with an IC50 of GIVA cPLA2. Compound 23 appended with a short value of 0.008 μM in a bilayer assay, 0.03 μM in a soluble chain carrying a naphthalene ring and a methyl 2-oxoester assay, and 2.8 μM in a whole-cell assay. In the subsequent functionality displayed the most significant inhibition for years, a series of 1,3-disubstituted propan-2-one derivatives cPLA2. This compound also resulted in over 50% decrease tethered with an indole ring were introduced (Hess et al in KLA (Kdo2 lipid A)-elicited D2 produc- 2007; Fritsche et al. 2008; Forster et al. 2010; Drews et al. tion in RAW264.7 macrophages, which further supports its 2010; Ludwig et al. 2006). The structure–activity relation- anti-inflammatory candidature. A novel class of AA analogs ship (SAR) analysis for the effect of the position of car- were designed (24–28, Fig. 5) and the results were com- boxylic group, the nature of the substituent on indole ring, pared with arachidonyl trifuoromethyl ketone (AACOCF3: and the replacement of octyl chain by decyloxy appendage compound 1, Fig. 3). The best results for the cPLA2 inhi- led to compound 17 (Fig. 4), which exhibited an IC50 of bition were achieved with compounds 27 and 28, which 0.0043 μM in a vesicle assay with isolated cPLA2 enzyme. displayed an IC50 = 11.5 and 15.5 µM, respectively. For the However, compared to cPLA2, microsomal PGES-1 compounds 24, 25, and 26, the inhibition was much more (mPGES-1), which is an inducible enzyme, is a more potent compared to the reference AACOCF3. The Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 423 experimental investigations supported the candidature of and Funk 2011). The capping of ensuing detrimental effects compound 27, which was found to be a cPLA2-selective, has been achieved by the introduction of NSAID ther- non-cytotoxic, cell and penetrant and capable of apeutics, a category of drugs that restrain the prostaglandin reducing ROS and NO production in stimulated microglial synthesis mediated by COX isozyme, thereby checking the cells (Ng et al. 2017). Table 1 highlights the most recently progression of chronic inflammation (Ong et al. 2007). patented cPLA2 inhibitors. However, due to a poor selectivity towards the perpetrator COX-2 isozyme, the consumption of NSAIDs is associated with severe complications, mainly related to the GI tract Cycloxygenase enzyme and prostaglandins (Bjarnason et al. 2018). The identification of NSAIDs' arbitrated side effects led to the recognition of the structural The appreciation of prostaglandin synthase enzyme in early dissimilarity between the COX-1 and COX-2 isozymes, 1990s led to the recognition of two discrete isoforms of consequently leading to the development of selective COX enzyme viz. COX-1 and COX-2. Both the isoforms COXIBs, with COXIBs holding a representative bulkier reportedly held a high homology in the amino acid group as a main functional characteristic to limit its access sequence at the active site (60%), but the presence of to the active site of housekeeping COX-1 isozyme Valine523, Arginine513, and Valine434 residues in the (Limongelli et al. 2010). Being a therapeutic breakthrough, COX-2 isoform in place of isoleucine523, histidine513, and however, the popularity of COXIBs saw a momentary isoleucine434 residues (Fig. 6) in the COX-1 isoform leads decline due to their association with the development of to a 25% larger active site for COX-2 isozyme (Rouzer and chronic heart ailments (Funk and Fitzgerald 2007; Marnett 2009). The small-sized valine523 residue in COX-2 Martinez-Gonzalez 2007). Apparently, the pharma giants allows an easy access to a hydrophobic side pocket like Merck and Pfizer lost a quarter of their value with the accompanying the active site. This has substantiated the dawn of twenty-first century (www.reuters.com). These designing of selective COXIBs where the presence of a events led to the contemporary development of second- bulkier group (sulfonyl) limits the access to the active site of generation COXIBs like (Prexige by ), COX-1 isozyme (Michaux and Charlier 2004). However, (Arcoxia by Merck), and (Dynastat by the same drug for accessing the active site of COX-2 iso- Pfizer), which reportedly have a high vigor and several folds zyme counters no such constraint. Of the two isozymes, high selectivity towards COX-2, but still with a dubious COX-1 is implicated in the bioconversion of AA to toxicity profile (Stichtenoth and Frolich 2003). Therefore, homeostatic prostaglandins, a part of the innate immunity the search for a potential drug candidate continues. In this mechanism, and it acts as a housekeeping enzyme. COX-2, report, we will understand the COXIBs under six broad on the other hand, is involved in the production of pros- categories. taglandins, which leads to the escalation of chronic inflammation. Looking into the of Salicylate-derived COXIBs COX, a free -based Tyr 385 residue is crucial for the abstraction of 13-pro-S hydrogen from AA to yield a pen- The acetylayed and non-acetylated salicylates form the two tadienyl free radical delocalized between C11 and C15 categories of this class of anti-inflammatory therapeutics (Marnett 2000). The radical reacts with one molecule of that are effectively used in treating arthritis . One of the oxygen at C11 to yield a radical, which facilitates earliest used drug, aspirin (29, Fig. 9), which was first cyclization after forming a bond between the free radical discovered from the bark of willow tree in 1763 and was oxygen and C9 yielding a five-membered heterocycle fol- first synthesized in the year 1897, belongs to the acetylated lowed by a bicycle formation forming a bond between C8 subset of the salicylates (Higgs et al. 1987). Quite lately and C12 (Fig. 7). The resultant molecule reacts with another after its consistent use as a common and anti- molecule of oxygen at C15 to yield a stable hydroperoxide inflammatory agent, its mechanism of action came into (van der Donk et al. 2002), PGG2, which is a precursor for limelight. The COX-2 selectivity for aspirin was later the biosynthesis of other prostaglandins (Fig. 8). established where it reportedly displayed around a 25-fold superior inhibition profile against the COX-1 isozyme compared to the COX-2 variant (Mitchell et al. 1994). Inhibition of cycloxygenase pathway Aspirin suppresses the production of prostaglandins and by irreversibly inhibiting the COXs (Vane Starting from , asthma, atherosclerosis, and and Botting 2003). The success of aspirin led to the con- arteriosclerosis to cancers, an abnormal production of the temporary development of other drugs in the class, metabolites of AA pathway display severe life-threatening including (30, Cryer et al. 1990; Goldfine et al implications (Ricciotti and Fitzgerald 2011; Haeggstrom 2008), trolamine salicylate (31, Rothacker et al. 1994, 424 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

Table 1 Patented cPLA2 inhibitors Compound Inhibition profile Ref.

−5 O O (a) GIVA cPLA2, [Xi(50)] = 1.9 ×10 Psarra et al. (2018) O % Inhib. >95% OH (b) GIVA cPLA % inhib. 86% 4 2 O (c) GIVA cPLA2 <25% O 4 GK484

COOH Potent inhibitor of GIVA cPLA2, used in the treatment of hepatic Kanai et al. (2016) fibrosis and non-alcoholic fatty disease


O ASB14780

= COOH GIVA cPLA2 [IC50] 7 nM in GLU assay Hewson et al. (2012) Cl

O Cl O S O S O NH Cl N


S O cPLA2α inhibitor, anti-angiogenic properties Eugene et al. (2016)

O N 7 O O AVX235

O (a) Inhibitor of cPLA2α,IC50 = 4.2 nM ONO et al. (2002) S (b) Inhibition for interleukin-1-induced synthesis, HN IC50 = 0.0081 µM




Pyrrophenone F Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 425

Table 1 (continued) Compound Inhibition profile Ref.

O Inhibitor of cPLA2α,IC50 = 1.8 nM Yamamoto et al. S (2008) HN




RSC-3388 F

O Inhibitor of cPLA2α,IC50 = 4.4 µM Holscher (1995)


Cl Quinacrine dihydrochloride dihydrate 2+ = μ O (a) Ca -dependent cytosolic cPLA2 (IC50 45 M) Ackermann et al. 2+ F (b) Ca -independent group VI iPLA2 (phospholipases A2 iPLA2, (1995) IC50 = 3.8 μM) F F


HOOC Inhibitor of cPLA2α IC50 = 4.3 nM Ludwig et al. (2006)



O CAY10502


C10H21 cPLA2 cytosolic phospholipase A2, IC50 half-maximal inhibitory concentration, GIVA group IVA, GLU glutamate, iPLA2 calcium-independent PLA2 426 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

Fig. 6 Structural dissimilarity between cyclooxygenase isoforms

- - O - Fig. 7 Mechanism of COX-1/2 H O H O 2 H O enzyme O H O H O H AA H CH O H O (i) (ii) (iii) O H H - O NH2 O Tyr 385 O O O HO - O (iv) - O - O O O O O O

H H H H PGG 2 H H H H O2 O O CH O OH O O O O (vii) (vi) (v) Peroxide Radical

1998), and trilisate (32, Ehrlich et al. 1980; Blechman and (37, Humber 1987), (38, González- Lechner 1979; Kilander and Dotevall 1983) (Fig. 9). Álvaro et al. 1996), and (39, Grindel 1981). Another sister class of these drugs incorporate a -derived COXIBs acid skeleton, leading to the development of some of the core medicines as declared by the World Health Organi- This class of COXIBs comprises the most commonly used zation. One such example is ibuprofen (40, Fig. 10), which anti-inflammatory drugs, including indomethacin (33, Fig. was derived from propionic acid in 1960s (Rainsford 2015). 10), which was discovered in 1963 and was approved in the Other clinically used members of the family include USA by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1965 (41, Harrington and Lodewijk 1997), (Shen 1982). Another important drug belonging to this class (42, Kantor 1986), and flurbiprofen (43, Agrawal et al. includes (34, Fig. 9), which was first discovered 2015), and oxaprazin (44, Miller 1992) as shown in Fig. 10. in 1973 (Sallmann 1986) and is one of the most widely used Another class of COXIBs includes the “” class of non-selective COXIB for pain, , and swelling. Other anti-inflammatory drugs (Xu et al. 2014), of which pirox- important drugs belonging to this class includes acam (45, Fig. 11) is one of the representative members (35), Shen 1995), (36, Resman-Targoff 1990), (Ando and Lombardino 1983; Dahl and Ward 1982). It Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 427

- Fig. 8 Arachidonic acid O O metabolism by cyclooxygenase enzyme Arachidonic Acid

cycloxygenase enzyme O - O O O OOH PG endoperoxide synthase O - O O HO O PGD synthase O PGI synthase - O OH OH TXA synthase PGF synthase O OH HO OH O PGE synthase Prostaglandin I2 O HO O O - - O O Prostaglandin F2 O O O O - O HO Prostaglandin E2 OH HO O HO - OH O HO O

(Martinez and Sanchez 1991) that were found to be stable OH OH O O O under gastric conditions have been successfully marketed. O OH OH The anti-COX compounds based on N-arylanthranilic acid HO O N OH skeleton, better known as “fenamates” form another O HO important class of NSAID family (Kankaanranta et al. 1994; 30. Salsalate (disalcid) 31. Trolamine salicylate (aspercreme) O 1996; Rees et al. 1988; Orlando and Malkowski 2016). O OH HOO O OH 29. Aspirin N (50, Fig. 11) remains the prevalent drug IC (COX-2) = 50 mg/ ml O O O IC (COX-1) = 0.3 mg/ ml in this category ever since its approval by the FDA in 1980. Mg OH Mitchell et al. 1994 It is a non-selective NSAID and is used for the treatment of 32. Trilisate (choline magnesium trisalicylate) inflammatory pain associated with arthritis by inhibiting the Fig. 9 Cycloxygenase inhibitors based on production of prostaglandins (Stadler et al. 1994; Kalgutkar et al. 2002; Levy and Lindner 1971). Other important shows both analgesic and anti-pyretic effects and is a non- members of this family include flufenamic acid (51, Fig. 11; selective NSAID. (48, Fig. 11) is another inte- Lentjes and van Ginneken 1987), (52, Fig. gral member of this class of anti-COX therapeutics, but 10; Pentikainen et al. 1981), and (53, Fig. reportedly show lesser side effects than (Yocum 11; Ito et al. 1994; Li et al. 2013). et al. 2000). This class also includes the sister drugs (46, Fig. 11) and (47, Fig. 11) Anilide and sulfnilide-derived COXIBs (Facino et al. 1996; Zarski et al. 1998; Leigh et al 1989; Yakhno et al. 2006; Buritova and Besson 1997). After administration, is ring hydroxylated to (49, Fig. 11) is clinically exploitable; however, its market- yield acetaminophen, which is an active analgesic/anti- ing suffered a ban because of its fatal skin reactions pyretic. On the contrary, undergoes oxidative-O- (Yakatan 1982). Several piroxicam derivatives developed as dealkylation, thereby generating acetaminophen (Merrill its prodrugs (Redasani et al. 2017) display reduced GI side and Adams 1917). Due to the absence of effects (Redasani et al. 2014). The prodrugs like ampirox- functional group, the anilides possess a meager inhibitory icam (Carty et al. 1993; Falkner et al. 1989) and activity against COX enzyme (Brodie and Axelrod 1948). 428 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

F O O HO O O O Cl S O O HN NH HO HN HN HO O O N Cl O S O 33. Indomethacin (indocin) 34. Diclofenac (voltaren) 35. Sulindac (clinoril) IC (COX-2) = 0.48 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.026 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 196 μg/ ml OH O NO2 IC (COX-1) = 0.063 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.076 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 13.85 μg/ ml 54. Acetaminophen 55. Phenacetin Blanco et al. 1999 Kato et al. 2001 Guiliano et al. 1999 56. O IC (COX-2) = 20 μg/ ml not available O 50 IC (COX-2) = 0.56 μg/ ml HO 50 O OH IC (COX-1) = 2.7 μg/ ml Cl 50 IC (COX-1) = 4.1 μg/ ml O OH O 50 N NH Botting et al. 2006 Riendeau et al. 2001 O NH O Cl Fig. 12 Anilide- and sulfoanilide-based cyclooxygenase inhibitors 36. Ketorolac (toradol) 37. Etodolac (Lodine) 38. Aceclofenac (cincofen) IC (COX-2) = 0.12 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 60 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.77 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.02 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 74.40 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) >100 μg/ ml Waterbury et al. 2006 Glaser et al. 1995 Henrotin et al. 2001 O O O OH O N OH N O N O N HOOC O O N

39. Tolmetin (tolectin) 40. Ibuprofen (advil) 41. Naproxen (naprosyn) IC (COX-2) = 27.2 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 5.7 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 64.62 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.156 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 2.4 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 35.48 μg/ ml HO 58. Vane et al. 1995 Chandrasekharan et al. 2002 Hinz et al. 2008 57. μ O IC (COX-2) = 4.5 μM IC80 (leukocyte elastase) = 0.0015 M O F H 80 OH HO μ Steinmeyer et al. 1996 HOOC N IC80 (COX-1) = 4.65 M O O Beretta et al. 2005 42. Ketoprofen (orudis, actron) 43. (ocufen) 44. Oxaprazin (daypro) Fig. 13 Phenylpyrozolone-based cyclooxygenase inhibitors IC (COX-2) = 0.063 mg/ μl IC (COX-2) = 4.59 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 36 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.0074 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 17.5 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 2.2 μg/ ml Dannhardt et al. 2002 Sugimoto et al. 2016 Kawai et al. 1998 Fig. 10 Acetic/propionic acid-based cyclooxygenase inhibitors that are able to overcome the anilides eventually producing prostaglandins in the due course (Prescott 1980). This fl N O OH OH O OH restricts the anti-in ammatory action of anilides only in the N O N NH S S uninflamed areas. The absence of carboxylic acid func- NH NH Cl N N N S S S tionality and a limited COX inhibitory activity impart sev- OO O O O O 45. Piroxicam (feldene) 46. Tenoxicam (tilcotil) 47. Lornoxicam (loricam) eral advantages to anilides, which include partial gastric IC (COX-2) = 8.9 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 8.9 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.045 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.76 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.20 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.005 μg/ ml irritation and ulceration, imperfect cardiovascular, and Gurpinar et al. 2014 Engelhardt 1996 Berg et al. 1999 respiratory effects (McClean 1978). However, being aro- OH O O OH N O N Cl HO O matic amines, the anilides manifest several glitches: NH S NH NH N N , , hepatoxicity, and nephro- S S Cl O O O O toxicity (McClelland and Patel 1981). 48. Meloxicam (mobic) 49. Isoxicam (maxicam) 50. Meclofenamic acid (meclomen) IC (COX-2) = 0.0019 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) >75 mg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.05 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.0058 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) >50 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.04 μg/ ml Phenylpyrozolone-derived COXIBs Engelhardt 1996 Perez et al. 2006 Kalgutkar et al. 2002 HO O HO O HO O F NH F Cl NH NH The presence of 1-aryl-3, 5-pyrazolidinedione scaffold F typify this class of NSAIDs (Carty 1973). The acidity of 51. Flufenmic acid (flufemin) 52. Tolfenamic acid (clotam) 53. Mefenamic acid (ponstel) phenylpyrozolones is due to the presence of a proton IC (COX-2) = 0.016 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.019 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 77 μg/ ml fl IC (COX-1) = 0.0023 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.0011 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 0.15 μg/ ml anked by the two electron-withdrawing carbonyl groups Lee et al. 2011 Vane et al. 1995 Rowlinson et al. 2003 (Fig. 13). Phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone, used Fig. 11 Enolic and -based cyclooxygenase inhibitors predominantly for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (Gulati et al. 1969), causes adverse reactions + that include GI irritation, retention of Na and H2O, and Anilides act as scavengers of hydroperoxide radicals gen- blood dyscrasias (Tobin et al. 1986). Characteristic to erated by invading leukocytes having a stimulating effect on NSAIDs, these agents are comprehensively bound to pro- COX (Fig. 12) (Hinson 1983). However, an elevated leu- tein, resulting in numerous drug interactions with other kocyte activity raises the concentration of hydroperoxides acidic drugs, such as , hypoglycemics, Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 429

Cl O N O N NR = HS O NH HN SH a. b. Cysteamine O Cl O O NR O N S NH2 NR S S O NR F C N O 3 O O O O 71a. % edema inhib. = 32 O 59. (celebrex) 60. Etoricoxib (arcoxia) 61. (vioxx) 71b. % edema inhib. = 48.4 72b. % edema inhib. = 38.1 73b. % edema inhib. = 39 IC (COX-2) = 0.34 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 1.1 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.84 μg/ ml 50 50 50 IC (COX-1) = 1.2 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 116 μg/ ml IC (COX-1) = 63 μg/ ml NR 50 50 50 O NR O Botting et al. 2006 Riendeau et al. 2001 Botting et al. 2006 O N N N HN O N O O Cl Cl F O Cl O O O 74a. % edema inhib. = 32.8 75a. % edema inhib. = 27.7 S S S NH O O 74b. % edema inhib. = 42 75b. % edema inhib. = 50 O NH2 O 2 NH 62. (bextra) 63. (JTE522) 64. Parecoxib (arcoxia) Fig. 16 Conjugates of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs IC (COX-2) = 0.87 μg/ ml IC (COX-2) = 0.0085 μg/ ml not available – 50 50 (NSAIDs) with SH group containing antioxidants IC (COX-1) = 26.1 μg/ ml 50 Yamamoto et al. 2003 Riendeau et al. 2001 Fig. 14 Selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors R1 R2

HN H N HO O COOMe OH R H2N NH 1 76. Boswellic Acid H R N O N 2 65. Carnosine HN R1 N R2 NH OH H HN O OH O N O NH O O H NH O O O O COOMe O OH NH O O NH NH COOMe O O 77a. R1 = R2 = H 77b. R1 = R2 = OMe NH O 66. 67. 68. IC (COX-2) = 30.23 μM IC (5-LOX) = 27.66 μM N ClNH 78c. R1 = R2 = H IC (COX-2) = 65.85 μM IC (5-LOX) = 60.22 μM 78d. R1 = R2 = OMe O Cl Cl Cl O HN HN N N R R O O O O 1 1 OH O R R OH 2 2 NH NH NH NH N O O O 69. O 70. H H O Cl O Fig. 15 Conjugates of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs COOMe NH COOMe O (NSAIDs) with carnosine 79e. R1 = R2 = H 80g. R1 = R2 = H 79f. R1 = R2 = OMe Cl 80h. R1 = R2 = OMe Fig. 17 Boswellic acid–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) sulfonamides, other NSAIDs, and . Phe- conjugates nylbutazone metabolizes to para (oxyphenbutazone) and omega-1 metabolites in the liver (Aarbakke 1978). led to the withdrawal of rofecoxib and valdecoxib from the market. After the exclusion of rofecoxib and valdecoxib, COX-2-selective inhibitors (COXIBs) celecoxib remains the only legally available selective COXIB. Etoricoxib (60, Fig. 14; Takemoto et al. 2008) and Unlike nfon-selective NSAIDs, the COXIBs selectively cap parecoxib (64, Fig. 14; Karim et al. 2001) are the other the activity of COX-2 enzyme. The preliminary drugs: selective COXIBs used in around 80 countries all over the DUP697 (Gans et al. 1990) and NS398 (Futaki et al. 1993) world, but have not still been approved by FDA. Tilma- laid the foundation for the discovery of selective COXIBs. coxib (63, Fig. 14; Yamamoto et al. 2003) has also been The launch of celecoxib (59, Fig. 14; Goldenberg 1999) and reported as a COX-2-selective inhibitor and is used against rofecoxib (61, Fig. 14; Prasit et al. 1999) in the late 1990s osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. was considered a historical breakthrough, as unlike The side effects associated with NSAIDs and selective NSAIDs, these drugs did not produce any GI ulcerogenic COXIBs on the GI tract and the cardiovascular system effects. The contemporary release of valdecoxib (62, Fig. demand an urgency for the development of novel potent and 14; Alsalameh et al. 2003) in the market as selective safe anti-inflammatory drugs. mPGES-1 inhibitors may COXIB fortified the COXIBs regime until the associated present superior safety in comparison to existing anti- cardiovascular side effects were recognized. This apparently inflammatory drugs. After the discovery of first mPGES-1 430 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 synthetic inhibitor in 2001, the contemporary era has wit- inflammatory potency compared to the parent drug nessed the development of a variety of structurally different (Kourounakis et al. 1999). The sulfhydryl group present on inhibitors. However, only a few inhibitors entered clinical cysteamine provides antioxidant property to the com- trials and none has reached yet the market. Table 2 displays pounds, which also substantially reduced their ulcerogenic some of the recently patented molecules with anti-mPGES- potency and improved their lipophilicity compared to the 1 activity. However, extended preclinical investigations and parent drug. Retaining a similar antioxidant profile of clinical trials are required to realize therapeutic potency of sulfhydryl group, L-cysteine ethyl ester replaced cystea- mPGES-1 as the potential target for the treatment of mine, resulting in a considerably lower GI toxicity inflammation and related disorders. (Galanakis et al. 2004). The lesson learnt from the NSAID and COXIB episode Alkaloids obtained from Boswellia serrata have been clearly raises the aspirations for a novel class of therapeutics widely acknowledged for their anti-inflammatory properties or an upgradation of the prevailing drugs as they have faced by inhibiting the generation of tumor necrosis factor-α frequent withdrawals owing to their ostensible toxicity (TNF-α) by human (Syrovets et al. 2005) as well profile (Table 1). From masking the free carboxylic group to as against the ulcerative colitis (Gupta et al. 1997a, b; their tethering with intracellular NO-releasing probes, a 2001). Shenvi et al. (2015) subjected the methyl of numerous strategies have been adopted to counter the the β-boswellic acid and 11-keto-β-boswellic acid obtained severities associated with NSAIDs and COXIBs, still only a from Boswellia serrata resin to Steglich esterification with limited success has been experienced. The practice of NSAIDs, such as naproxen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and polypharmacology could solve the NSAID riddle, where the diclofenac, to get NSAID–boswellate conjugates (76–80, introduction of hybrid molecules combining the desired Fig. 17). A significant inhibition of carrageenan-induced profile of the parent therapeutics gets the expected outcome. paw edema was observed when testing compounds. A This practice extended to the anti-inflammatory drug dis- synergistic effect was observed for the conjugates contain- covery has already started delivering, though not proving to ing ibuprofen in the appendages, with minor signs of toxi- be a decisive retort against the offensive NSAIDs. city compared to the parent drug. These conjugates were L-carnosine (β-alanine L-histidine) is an endogenous highly effective anti-arthritic agents in the Wistor albino rat dipeptide, which acts as a cytosolic buffering agent (Quinn model (Shenvi et al. 2015). et al. 1992) and is known to maintain a healthy gastric phenylethyl ester (CAPE) is a naturally mucosa by capping the ailments such as lesions in gastric occurring anti-inflammatory agent (81, Fig. 18), which is mucosa, erosion of mucosal cell by histamine, aspirin, and reportedly a specific inhibitor of nuclear factor-κβ (Natar- indomethacin, and duodenal ulcers induced by mepirizole ajan et al. 1996). CAPE is known to inhibit the formation of (Nishiwaki et al. 1997; Ohkawara et al. 2006; Ueda et al. superoxide ion produced during the of β- 2009). Additionally, carnosine reportedly have antioxidant mercaptoethanol. It inhibits the activity of xanthine oxidase, and anti-inflammatory properties (Tsai et al 2010). Sahu a physiological source of superoxide ions in the eukaryotic et al. (2013) reported an efficient method to synthesize the cells. Additionally, the histological investigations reveal the hybrid compounds based on L-carnosine scaffold con- anti-ulcerative potency of CAPE in the mice with dextran jugated to the NSAIDs (65–70, Fig. 15). The basic idea sodium-induced colon injury (Khan et al. 2018). The behind this design was to create potential hybrids, which CAPE–NSAID conjugates (81–83, Fig. 18) have been could combine the gastro-protective properties of carnosine instrumental in reducing the PGE2 and TNF-α levels in the nucleus with the conventional NSAIDs. A critical rela- aqueous humor, as well as proteins and poly- tionship between the generation of ROS and inflammation- morphonucleosides. Any event relating to ocular irritation related disorders is well recognized. Investigations indicate reduced with the CAPE–indomethacin hybrid, 82. CAPE– that the indomethacin-induced gastric ulcerations develop aspirin conjugates, 83, reportedly displayed a significant due to the created by the latter. Several anti-inflammatory potential in the ocular inflammation antioxidant nuclei display substantial anti-inflammatory experimental model along with an optimal pharmacological activity in conjugation with classical NSAIDs to get an and safety profile (Pittala et al. 2015), thereby presenting a enhanced anti-inflammatory effect and overcoming the gut- useable and benign new chemical entity expedient for the related problems created by the latter. management of ocular inflammation. Kourounakis et al. (1999) synthesized the conjugates of Del Soldato et al. (1996) synthesized NO-releasing anti-inflammatory drugs, such as indomethacin, diclofenac, NSAIDs (84–91, Fig. 19), which unlike the parent drug and ibuprofen, with cysteamine, a polar antioxidant mole- were reported to have a high bio-tolerability coupled with a cule through an linkage (71–75, Fig. 16). The con- retained selective COX-2 inhibitory profile. The mechan- jugates displayed a remarkable antioxidant activity by istic investigations have revealed that the non-ulcerogenic inhibiting the and an enhanced anti- activity of these hybrids is due to the intracellular release of Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 431

Table 2 Recently patented mPGES-1 inhibitors Compound Inhibition profile Ref. Cl mPGES-1 (IC50) = 0.42 µM Nakanishi and Rosenberg (2013) H NC N

N H NC MF-63

= Cl N O mPGES-1 (IC50) 0.109 µM Arhancet et al. (2013) N O O

Cl PF-4693627 HO

mPGES-1 (IC50) = 2.55 µM Finetti et al. (2012)


N AF3485


O mPGES-1 (IC50) = 12 nM Banerjee et al. (2014) N NH Cl


F3C GRC27864 HN


mPGES-1 (IC50) = 3.4 µM Koeberle et al. (2010) NH N SCOOH

N YS121 Cl 432 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

Table 2 (continued) Compound Inhibition profile Ref.

= Cl mPGES-1 (IC50) 16.5 nM Mbalaviele et al. (2010)


O HO NH PF-9184 NH S O O

IC50 half-maximal inhibitory concentration, mPGES microsomal PGES-1

O HO O O O NO2 NO2 O O 85. NO-flurbiprofen HO O O Cl ulcer index = 2.9 mm 84. Nitrofenac F (15.6 mm for parent drug) N 81. Caffeic acid phenyletyl ester (CAPE) % oedema inhib. 37 % (10 mg/ Kg) O GI bleeding = nil NO Cl O 2 O O O O NH O 86. NO-naproxen O O O Me O % oedema inhib. 37 % (10 mg/ Kg) O O Cl O O O O O NO2 O O O 82. 83. O O NH F O O Me O 87. NO- (NCX 701) ID = 542 μmol/ Kg O NO N O 2 Curros-criado et al. 2009

O Cl OO NO2 O O O S Fig. 18 Caffeic acid–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) 89. NO-sulindac (NCX 1102) conjugates O 88. NO-aspirin (NCX 4016) μ IC (TXB2) = 1.7 g/ ml O O HO O F3C OH O NO2 NO, which plays a protective role on the tissue integrity due N N to its vasodilatory properties and an ability to inhibit the O O neutrophil adherence to the vascular endothelium (Moncada 91. NO-prednisolone (NCX 1015) NO2 et al. 1991). However, such an event would lead to the O ED (Nitrile accumulation) = 1.38 μmol/ Kg ED (neutrophil extravasation) = 5.5 μmol/ Kg cellular activation, consequently redeeming the oxygen- NO2 90. NO-celecoxib Paul-clarke et al. 2000 derived free radicals and proteases, leading to capillary - fl blockade inevitably reducing the blood flow to the gastric Fig. 19 Nitric oxide-releasing non steroidal anti-in ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SAIDs) mucosa, thereby exposing the mucosa to damage (Watanabe et al. 2002). This mechanism restrains in the presence of NO. The popularization of the new concept of NO donor (Wallace et al. 1999). The most substantial effects of NSAIDs to mimic the physiological intracellular release of NCX4016 include the initiation of local , inhi- NO has gained momentum in the recent decades, leading to biting the release of cytokines leading to the optimizing of the commercialization of several NSAID–NO hybrids. oxidative stress and inflammation, and improving the vas- NCX4016, a NO-releasing aspirin derivative, releases NO cular cell regeneration (Fiorucci et al. 2000). Nitrosulindac intracellularly at a rate that is comparable to the endothelial NCX1102 reportedly brings forward the antitumour NO synthase (Fulton et al. 2002). Additionally, the antith- potency of the NSAIDs, demonstrating a greater anti- rombotic activity of NCX4016 (88, Fig. 19) has been proliferative potency of NCX1102 compared to its parent reported to be significant compared to the parent drug molecule sulindac (Huguenin et al. 2004). In vivo Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 433

O lesions was insignificant compared to the parent NSAIDs HO acting as controls. Hence, the 5-aminosalicyclic acid– N 92. Nicotinic acid NSAID combination could be a useful discovery for Cl designing the lead molecules that could overcome the O O NH representative shortcomings associated with most NSAIDs. O O Cl O ON N Bansal and Silakari (2014) synthesized the novel hybrids N O O 93. % Inhib. IL-6 = 44 % 94. % Inhib. IL-6 = 42 % containing 2-amino benzimidazole and NSAIDs (103–105, % Inhib. TNF-α = 42 % % Inhib. TNF-α = 44 % Fig. 22) and evaluated their anti-inflammatory and immu- O O O nomodulatory activities. Importantly, the investigation on F O O their antioxidant and ulcerogenic potency provided sub- O O N stantial results. Chiefly, the compounds 99 and 100 dis- N O O fi 95. % Inhib. IL-6 = 35 % 96. % Inhib. IL-6 = 37 % played a signi cant safety towards the gastric mucosa and N S % Inhib. TNF-α = 39 % % Inhib. TNF-α = 40 % did not lead to the development of gastric ulcers, thereby O O Cl validating the candidature of these conjugates as potential O O anti-inflammatory leads with an enhanced safety. O O O N 97. % Inhib. IL-6 = 10 % % Inhib. TNF-α = 10 % 5-LOX enzyme and leukotrienes Fig. 20 Nicotinic acid–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) conjugates The crystal structure of LOX enzyme comprises of a non- heme Iron cofactor present as Fe+2 ion in its inactive state (Pistorius and Axelrod 1973 and Pistorius et al. 1974). Five investigations on NO-flurbiprofen (85, Fig. 19) and flurbi- amino acid residues including three histidines in addition to profen in the perfused cirrhotic liver reveal that both drugs a single isoleucine and asparagine together form distorted improved the dysfunctioning of endothelium and hyper- bipyramidal (octahedral) geometry around the Fe+2 ion responsiveness associated with a decreased hepatic throm- (Boyington et al. 1993). An activated water molecule boxane A2-production and an increased intrahepatic nitrate/ occupies the sixth position in this geometry. Leukotrienes nitrite level. Another significant observation was the are a direct manifestation of the catalytic action of LOX appearance of severe GI ulcerations in flurbiprofen-treated enzyme on AA via a stable hydroperoxide intermediate. On rats, and nefrotoxicity, which was not observed in NO- approaching a hydroperoxide radical, the oxidation state of flurbiprofen-treated cirrhotic rats (Laleman et al. 2007). iron in the inactive form of LOX, Fe (II)-H2O, changes to Gund et al. (2013) designed a new series of nicotinic acid ferric, Fe (III)-OH, thereby activating the enzyme. Fe (III)- conjugates with NSAIDs (92–97, Fig. 20). Experimental OH performs a stereospecific attack on the bis-allylic pro-S investigations revealed a substantial improvement in the hydrogen of the pentadiene sub-system of the fatty acid anti-inflammatory activity over the parent drug. The through a proton-coupled electron transfer mechanism, investigations were mainly done on human TNF-α and which eventually generates a carbon-centered free radical interleukin-6. The quantification of pro-inflammatory che- delocalized via π-type electron system. The molecular mokines and cytokines by an enzyme-linked immunosor- oxygen could therefore attack on the fatty acid backbone bent assay investigations revealed the toxicity profile for either through R or S face of the free radical generating a these compounds to be within the acceptable limits, thereby peroxide radical, which again acts as an activating agent for making NSAID–nicotinic acid conjugation a leading com- the Fe (II)-H2O, which protonates the peroxide radical to bination in the anti-inflammatory drug discovery (Table 3). generate a stable hydroperoxide. If the precursor poly- Moller et al. (1989) developed a series of 5- unsaturated fatty acid is AA, then the stabilized hydroper- aminosalicylic acid–NSAID conjugates (98–102, Fig. 21) oxide formed is termed as 5-HPETE (5(S)- and subjected them to various biological assays for evalu- hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid), which is actually AA ating their anti-inflammatory activity and GI toxicity. These with hydroperoxide functional group at the fifth position. conjugates substantially inhibited the in vitro release of The catalytic activity of dehydrase enzyme triggers the prostaglandins and presented significant anti-LOX activities bioconversion of 5-HPETE to (LTA4), by inhibiting the in vitro leukotriene production as well. A which acts as a precursor for the formation of other pro- similar trend occurred in both the in vivo rat carrageenan inflammatory leukotrienes (Andreou and Feussner 2009). paw edema and rat adjuvant-induced arthritis models. The The state of iron therefore shuffles between the in vivo acute toxicity analysis for determining the GI inactive Fe (II)-H2O and the active Fe(III)-OH during the toxicity in rats displayed that the number of observed whole catalytic cycle of LOX enzyme (Figs. 23, 24). 434 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449



NH2 98. 5-aminosalicylic acid O O


OH O OH O O 99. IC50 (PG release) = 5.40 -log mol/ l 100. IC50 (PG release) = 4.55 -log mol/ l



101. IC50 (PG release) = 5.33 -log mol/ l 102. IC50 (PG release) = 4.23 -log mol/ l Fig. 21 5-Aminosalicylic acid–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) conjugates

H N Syntex Corp. May 1989 Not available G.D. Searle & Co. November 2001 April 2005 NH2 N 103. 2-aminobenzimidazole O

N O 104. % IPV = 1.25 N NH % Inhibition = 53. 8 H O N NH O 104. % IPV = 1.28 N % Inhibition = 53.8 HN

*IPV = inflammatory paw volume Cl

Fig. 22 2-Amino benzimidazole–non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) conjugates

Five LOX-activating protein targeting drugs hepatotoxic problems: epidermal necrolysis Hypersensitivity Smithcline Beecham December 1991 Not available Hypersensitivity, gastrointestinal defects Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. January 1991 Not available Upon an immune, allergic, or inflammatory stimulation, the leukotriene synthesis by leukocytes begins stimulating the

ammation Peptic ulcers Mercktranslocation of March 1972 cPLA2 Not available and 5-LOX to endoplasmic reticu- fl lum, Golgi apparatus, and nuclear membranes. Five LOX- activating protein (FLAP) embedded in the membrane selectively transfers the substrate, AA to the active site of 5- LOX enzyme, followed by the sequential oxygenation of AA to 5-HPETE and dehydration to LTA4, which is implicated in inflammation and related complications (Evans et al. 2008). The cellular leukotriene synthesis can Pain associated with osteoarthritisrheumatoid and arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis therefore be completely inhibited by the compounds that bind to FLAP. In the year 1988, an indole-based leukotriene synthesis inhibitor MK886 (109, Fig. 25) (Rouzer et al. 1990) was identified, but while deciphering its mechanism, it was found inactive towards the 5-LOX enzyme or phos- pholipases. It was followed by a subsequent identification of

Gambaran another quinolone class leukotriene synthesis inhibitor DG031 (Muller-Pedinghaus et al. 1993; Hatzelmann et al. List of withdrawn NSAIDs and COXIBs 1993) with a similar mode of action. While determining the molecular targets of MK886 and DG031, 18 kDa integral Lumiracoxib Prexige Analgesic Hepatotoxic Novartis November 2006 August 2007 RofecoxibKetorolac Vioxx Toradol Pain relief Analgesic Cardiovascular defects Cardiovascular risk, hypersensitivity, renal impairment, Merck May 1999 September 2004 BromfenacValdecoxib Duract Bextra Pain killer Pain relief Hepatotoxic Cardiovascular defects, gastrointestinal problems, skin Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories July 1997 June 1998 Sulindac Tolmetin& Clinoril Preterm labor, Alzheimers, in Table 3 DrugEtodolac Trade name Lodine Target Hyperalgesic, treatment of osteoarthritis Adverse effects Manufactured by Introduction year Withdrawl ear KetoprofenNabumetone Orudis KT and Relafen, Actron Relifex, Analgesic, Anti-pyretic Gastrointestinal effects, sleeplessness AA Pharma Inc.membrane July 1973 protein September 2016 was discovered, and because of its ability Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 435

Fig. 23 Role of iron cofactor in R1 R R 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) 1 H H C enzyme activity R C R 1 H R H

H H HO H HO H N N H O O H HO 2 O N OH O N OH N NH N NH2 2 N N O O H N O Fe(III) H2N Fe(II) 2 O O N H2N N NH H2N NH 2 H2N 2 H N O 2 O N O O N H O H OH O OH H N OH OH 2 H2N R R R R1 1 C C O O OH O

to influence the cellular activity of 5-LOX, this protein was (Lynch et al. 1999; Bernstein 1999), and named FLAP. With the identification of active site of (Young 2012) (Fig. 27) are the most popular leukotriene FLAP, an indole-quinoline hybrid compound MK591 (108, antagonists known for their effectiveness in the Fig. 25) (Prasit and Vickers 1995; Diamant et al. 1995) was treatment of asthma. The mode of action of these drugs developed, which is also regarded as a second-generation involve the blocking of the binding of and leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitor. Figure 25 represents also LTC4 and LTE4 to the cysLTR1 in the lungs and other classes of FLAP inhibitors. bronchial tubes, which resulted in the reduction of airway constriction, and mucus accumulation in the lungs. 5-LOX inhibitors with iron-chelating properties Reportedly, Montelukast (117, Fig. 27) suppresses the leukotriene biosynthesis by selective inhibition of 5-LOX Inhibition of 5-LOX occurs by the replacement of one of the and gives no effect on the other enzymes involved in the ligands of octahedral Fe2+ to create a new complex. leukotrienes biosynthesis pathway, such as LTA4 hydrolase Molecules with iron-chelating functionalities such as and LTC4 synthase. Despite its efficacy against asthma, the hydroxamic acid or N-hydroxyurea are potent inhibitors for safe use of Montelukast is still under question as they cause 5-LOX. (114, Fig. 25) (Bell et al. 1992) is one of liver-related problems (Harugeri et al. 2009). the 5-LOX iron chelator inhibitors that is commercially available for the treatment of asthma under the trade name Redox and non-redox inhibitors “zyflo.” Despite its effectiveness, zileuton is not the first choice therapy due to its side effects, such as and Redox inhibitors have a limiting effect on the expression of idiosyncratic effects on the liver. Further development of LOX enzyme by acting as antioxidants. Phenidone, this class of inhibitors led to the identification of atreleuton BW755C (Parellada and Carnonell 1985), and AA-861 (115, Fig. 26), which inhibits LTB4 and cys-LTE4 pro- (Ashida et al. 1983) are well-known reducing agents. duction and has a potency that is about 5-fold enhanced in Reportedly, the redox potency lipophilicity is also impor- comparison to zileuton. Atreleuton (Gaztanaga et al. 2015), tant. New molecules such as trimer or tetramer of caffeoyl which has entered clinical trials for atherosclerosis and and cinnamoyl clusters having a potential for redox inhi- cardiovascular diseases, is one of the leading 5-LOX inhi- bition for 5-LOX are one of the recent developments in anti- bitors in clinical development (Fig. 26). LOX therapeutics (Doiron et al. 2009; Boudreau et al. 2009). It is important to mention that redox inhibitors have Leukotriene antagonist drugs a low selectivity for 5-LOX inhibition compared to COXs' inhibition. Apart from their appreciable potential to inhibit A new class of compounds, known as leukotriene biosynthesis, their major drawback is that these antagonists, have laudable properties against the leukotriene interfere with biological redox processes. The formation of biosynthesis. (Keam et al. 2003), Zafirlukast is one of the problems associated with the 436 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

- Fig. 24 Arachidonic acid O metabolism by lipoxygenase O enzyme Arachidonic Acid



dehydrase O O


OH Leukotriene A4 H2N O hydrolase S transferase





application of redox inhibitors. Non-redox inhibitors have Hybrid molecules for dual COX-2/5-LOX mode of action different from redox inhibitors, FLAP inhibition inhibitors, and iron chelation inhibitors. These do not interfere with the oxidation reaction of LOXs nor do they Reportedly, an inhibition of COX pathway by NSAIDs have iron-binding properties. These inhibitors act by com- results in an upregulation of AA pathway by LOX enzyme, petitively binding to the active site of LOX enzyme. thereby augmenting the leukotriene production and Binding may occur to an allosteric binding site, which increasing the severity of its associated disorders (Gilroy regulates the activity of the enzyme. The non-redox inhi- et al. 1998). The counter productivity of NSAIDs led to the bitor like (methoxyalkyl) thiazole (ICI211965) selectively emergence of a novel category of hybrid anti-inflammatory inhibits 5-LOX activity, which reduces LTC4 and molecules, which incorporate the inhibitory profile against LTB4 synthesis in animals as well as in human blood both 5-LOX and COX-2 enzymes (Pelletier et al. 2003). samples (121, Fig. 28). Although ICI211965 is a highly , containing a pyrrolizine scaffold, which initially potent 5-LOX inhibitor from a novel structural class, it has a popularized as anti-osteoarthritis medication (Cicero and low oral potency (Bird et al. 1991; Crawley et al. 1992). Laghi 2007) eventually established as the first dual inhibitor Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 437

O OH HO N N N O N O O N HO Cl N N N S N H2N N O 106. ABT040 107. B1665915 O IC (FLAP) = 0.02 μg/ ml IC (FLAP) = 0.0017 μg/ ml 117. Montelukast O Kolasa et al. 2000 Takahashi et al. 2015 IC (LTD4) = 0.5 μM 50 O NH S HO S Labelle et al. 1995 O O S O O O N N HN O 118. 108. MK591 N HO 109. MK886 N IC50 (LTD4) = 0.0019 μM IC (FLAP) = 0.0016 μg/ ml IC (FLAP) = 0.025 μg/ ml Cl IC (CysLT1) = 0.0044 μM Brideau et al. 1992 Cl Abramovitz et al. 1993 50 O OH HO Lynch et al. 1999 S O O Fig. 27 Leukotriene receptor antagonists N O N N 110. DG031 111. AM103 IC (LTC4) = 0.021 μΜ IC (FLAP) = 0.0042 μg/ ml F O IC (LTB4) = 17 μΜ N Hutchinson et al. 2009 O Fruchtmann et al. 1993 O OH S N O NH NH O N H2N O N O O O N N 119. PF4191834 120. ZM230487 N 113. BI665915 N IC (5-LOX) = 229 μM IC (LTD4) = 0.2 μM O 112. AZD6642 O 80 50 N IC (FLAP) = 0.0083 μg/ ml N N Masferrer et al. 2010 Kusner et al. 1994 N N Lemurell et al. 2014 NH2 NH2 O Fig. 25 Commercial five LOX-activating protein (FLAP) inhibitors O 121. IC211965 IC (5-LOX) = 4.8 μM 50 N H2N S

NH HO 2 F N O Fig. 28 Redox and non-redox inhibitors S N HO O S 114. Zyflo 115. Atreleuton not only spared the available resources but also raised the IC (5-LOX) = 0.3 μg/ ml IC (5-LOX) = 0.023 μg/ ml 50 50 activity profile without compromising on toxicity (Charlier Prasher et al. 2014 Back et al. 2009 and Michaux 2003). Moreover, going by the practice of OH polypharmacology in designing the hybrid molecules, the F O NH fl NH 2 dual targeting anti-in ammatory agents could be the next- O O generation therapeutics sidelining all the conventional 116. CMI977 medics in the category. The dual inhibitors act by blocking IC (5-LOX) = 0.117 μg/ ml 50 the production of both pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and Gurjar et al. 2003 leukotrienes without altering the production due to Fig. 26 Iron chelator inhibitors which these are not alarming for the gastric mucosa (Pel- letier-Martel et al. 2003). Ulbrich et al. (2002) designed a series of 6, 7-diaryl-2, 3-1H-dihydropyrrolizines as dual anti-inflammatory drug against 5-LOX and COX-2 inhibitors of COX-1/COX-2 and 5-LOX enzymes (123 and enzymes (122, Fig. 29a). Presenting minimal GI side 124, Fig. 29a). The SAR analysis confirmed that the COX- effects (Wallace et al. 1994), licofelone offers a superior 1/COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibition for the test compounds inhibitory profile against 5-LOX enzyme compared to the varied with the nature of substituent. The presence of a inhibition of COX-1 (Leval et al. 2002). However, even thiophene or a furan moiety in place of a phenyl substituent after a successful entry to the phase III clinical trials, this at the C-6 position presented a humble COX-1/2 or 5-LOX molecule has no regulatory approval granted till date inhibitory activity. The presence of a lipophilic substituent (Fischer et al. 2007; Vidal et al. 2007; Alvaro-Gracia 2004). at the C-7 position amplified COX-2 selectivity, whereas The licofelone episode realized the therapeutic promi- the presence of methyl sulfide group at the C-6 position nence of dual inhibitors with rising aspirations for designing produced the best COX-1 inhibition profile. Additionally, a multi-target hitting molecules in a single medication. This combination of a methyl sulfonyl group or methane 438 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

a R R


Cl R HO R 122. Licofelone (ML3000) 123. R = -NHSO CH , R = H 124. R , R = H, Y = S IC (COX-2) = 0.00037 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.0036 mM IC (COX-2) = 20% inhibition IC (5-LOX) = 0.00021 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.0034 mM IC (5-LOX) = 10% inhibition Cl R R R IC (COX-2) IC (5-LOX) OH a) HH 0.0001 mM 0.004 mM N b) Cl H 0.00021 mM 0.00018 mM N O N c) NO H 0.00003 mM 0.0015 mM N O 0.001 mM 0.006 mM d) NH H 126. O R 125. e) OCH H 0.0001 mM 0.00024 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.0042 mM HO f) OH H 0.0016 mM 0.0077 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.0017 mM R R

R R N N N R N N OH N N OH O 127. 128. R R O O O R R R R IC (COX-2) IC (5-LOX) R R R IC (COX-2) IC (5-LOX) a) CH CH HH 0.0094 mM 0.00037 mM a) CH CH CH 0.0001 mM 0.0008 mM b) CH H H H 0.00031 mM 0.00007 mM b) CH CH iPr 0.00004 mM 0.0001 mM c) CH iPr H H 0.0046 mM 0.00024 mM c) CH C H CH 0.00001 mM 0.00007 mM O


S 129. ABT-761 IC (5-LOX) = 0.023 μM Chen et al. 2012

sulfonamide with a lipophilic moiety exhibited triple inhi- LOX enzymes. The poise between the activity against bition of COX-1/2 and 5-LOX. Laufer et al. (1994) devel- COX-2 and 5-LOX can be budged by adjusting the sub- oped novel nonantioxidant dual inhibitors of both COX and stitution pattern of the phenyl moiety at the sixth position of Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 439

b O S NH O S N O N O


130. Tebufelone 131. Darbufelone 132. S-2474 IC (COX-2) = 0.0001 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.00048 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.0001 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.003 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.00077 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.003 mM O O O S NH F SO CH O O 133. RWJ-63556 134. DHDMBF 135. PGV-20229 IC (COX-2) = 0.00186 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.00186 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.00022 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.00013 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.00013 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.0008 mM


CF CF 136. 137. 138. Cl IC (COX-2) = 0.00027 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.00085 mM IC (COX-2) = 0.0048 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.00077 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.00087 mM IC (5-LOX) = 0.0004 mM

Fig. 29 a, b Molecular scaffolds for dual inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes

the pyrrolizine ring (125a–f, Fig. 29a). Connolly et al. both tepoxalin and the in vivo-active 5-LO inhibitor ABT- (1999) performed SAR analysis on tepoxalin-based N- 761 (129, Fig. 29a). hydroxyurea and hydroxamic acid derivatives for their dual Unangst et al. (1992 a, b) studied di-tert-butylphenol inhibition of 5-LOX and COX-2 enzymes (127–128a–c, derivatives for their activity against COX/5-LOX enzymes Fig. 29a). Tepoxalin, a pyrazole-containing hydroxamic (130–132, Fig. 29b). The SAR analysis optimized a com- acid, which is a dual COX/5-LO inhibitor, has undergone mon structure of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1-hydroxy- at the clinical evaluation for psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis fourth position for a prime dual activity. The moiety (126, Fig. 29a) (Argentieri et al. 1994) Reportedly, its assured antioxidant property to the molecule, which vali- in vivo 5-LO inhibitory activity is not promising due to a dates the anti-inflammatory potency and a low ulcerogenic rapid metabolism of the hydroxamate functionality into the potential. Similar to darbufelone (131, Fig. 29b), S-2474 corresponding carboxylate (Waldman et al. 1996). The (132, Fig. 29b) is also a selective inhibitor of COX-2/5- reported compounds incorporated the structural features of LOX enzymes, which in addition to its anti-inflammatory 440 Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449

R X O O R NH NRR1 Z O R R NH Z Y O F Y G O X W S Sharma et al. 2012 N Singh et al. 2013 N 142. Fluorobenzoylated peptides O O O NH R O Selective COX-2 inhibitors 2 OH 143. N -C substituted Indoles S * O Srivastava et al. 2016 a) X = Phe Y = SH (cys) Z = serine Inhibitors of 5-LOX R (IC = 0.013 mmol) 139. Selective COX-2 Inhibitors 140. 7-substituted coumarins a) G = H, NRR1 = pyrolidinyl, R2 = tosyl IC = 0.0006 mmol Inhibitors of 5-LOX b) X = SH (cys) Y = CH COOH (asp) 50 R = CH ; R , Z = H b) G = H, NRR = pyrolidinyl, R = benzoyl Z = OH X, W = N; R = NH ; Y = CCF (celecoxib) i) R = NO , R = H c) G = H, NRR = morpholinyl, R = cinnamyl c) X = SH (cys) Y = OH (ser) d) G = OCH , NRR = pyrolidinyl, R = cinnamyl R = OCH ; Z = H; R = F ii) R = F, R = Cl (IC = 2.7 nM) Z = OH e) G = OCH , NRR = morpholinyl, R = tosyl X, W = N; R = NH ; Y = CCH F () iii) R = Cl, R = H d) X =Trp * Y = SH (cys) Z = serine iv) R = R = Cl R = CH ; Z = N; R = H O OH v) R = OCH , R = H (IC = 2.1 nM) O NH R6 X = CCH ; W = C; R = NH ; Y = O (valdecoxib) NH N O R = CH ; Z = NH; R = H; X = CH H O R5 W = C; R = NHCOCH CH ; Y = O (parecoxib) O O N O NH O OH Ts Singh et al. 2015 R1 R O R 145. N-tosyl, C3 dipeptide tagged indoles 2 N 3 O N Dual Inhibitors of COX-2 & 5-LOX Prasher et al. 2014 N R3 Ts O 144. N-tosyl, C3 amino acid tagged indoles O R4 a) R , R = CH , Trp Dual Inhibitors of COX-2 & 5-LOX * Shen et al. 2017 NH 141. Pyrazole coumarin conjugates a) R = H IC (5-LOX) = 0.000004 mmol O S O IC (5-LOX) = 0.000008 mmol IC (COX-2) = 0.000099 mmol Dual inhibitors of COX-2 & 5-LOX IC (COX-2) = 0.00001 mmol b) R , R = (CH ) , His * i) R , R , R , R = H R3 * c) R , R = CH ii) R , R , R = H; R = F b) R = His N N * N N iii) R , R , R = H; R = CH c) R = Trp iv) R , R , R = H; R = Cl v) R , R , R = OCH ; R = H N IC (COX-2) = 0.00023 mM H IC (5-LOX) = 0.00087 mM Fig. 31 Indole-peptide based hybrid compounds for dual inhibition of Fig. 30 Pyrazole-coumarin based hybrid compounds for dual inhibi- 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes tion of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes pyrazole-coumarin conjugates displayed admirable dual inhibitory activity against 5-LOX and COX-2 (141, Fig. efficacy also warrants cytokine-modulating properties. 30). Sharma et al. (2012) identified fluorobenzoylated di/tri Among the metabolites of tebufelone (130, Fig. 29b), the peptides as selective inhibitors of COX-2 isoform. The dihydrodimethyl-benzofuran (DHDMBF) (134, Fig. 29b) experimental investigations shortlisted cysteine, serine, displays predominantly interesting properties. Though it , and phenlylalanine as active amino acid resi- lacks phenol moiety with antioxidant properties, it presents dues for designing dual inhibitors. an anti-inflammatory activity equal to tebufelone in the rat The tripeptide with phenylalanine, cysteine and serine carrageenan paw-edema model. Reportedly, DHDMBF, sequences displayed the most promising activity against conversely to tebufelone, selectively inhibits both 5-LOX both the target enzymes (142, Fig. 31). Singh and Pooja and COX-2 enzymes. Structural optimizations of the tebu- (2014) identified N1-C3-substituted indoles for effective felone metabolites yielded a series of dihydrobenzofurans, inhibition of 5-LOX enzyme. The SAR analysis recognized exemplified by PGV20229 (135, Fig. 29b) that reportedly cyclic amine substitution at the C3 position of indole and provides analgesic efficacy and excellent gastric safety in a tosyl group at N1 for an optimum 5-LOX inhibitory activity variety of in vivo investigations (Janusz et al. 1992, 1998a, (143, Fig. 31). Prasher and Pooja (2014) and Singh et al. b). Boschelli et al. (1992) attempted to transform selective (2015) attempted to combine the efficacy of peptide chain COX inhibitors into dual inhibitors of both COX and 5- and indoles for designing dual inhibitors of inflammation- LOX by replacing the carboxylic acid functionality of causing enzymes. Indole nucleus appended with a peptide several fenamates with 1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiones and arm at the C3 position, and the tosyl group at N1 displayed 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiones (136–137, Fig. 29b). Kolasa substantial COX-2/5-LOX inhibitory proficiency (144–145, et al. (1997) in an attempt to find effective dual inhibitors Fig. 31). The physicochemical investigations revealed a introduced structural alterations to the conventional satisfactory lipophilicity and energy of association with the NSAIDs and selective COXIBs. The resulting compounds active site of target enzymes. In vivo studies on Swiss designed by this approach validated a dual inhibitory albino mice with induced hyperalgesia followed by oral activity against both 5-LOX and COX enzymes (138, administration of test compounds in the presence/absence of Fig. 29b). Shen et al. (2017) reported hybrid compounds substance-P justified a dual mode of action for the com- incorporating classical NSAIDs (139, Fig. 30) with 7- pounds with competitive mode of inhibition as the most substituted coumarins (140, Fig. 30). The resulting probable mechanism. Medicinal Chemistry Research (2019) 28:417–449 441

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