Cultural Resources
The Groves at Loma Linda Specific Plan and Phase Three Concept Area Project Draft EIR - SCH # 2018021064 4.4 – CULTURAL RESOURCES 4.4.1 INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY The information in this Chapter is based on a Phase 1 Cultural Resources Investigation, prepared by McKenna et al., dated January 8, 2018, which reviewed the Specific Plan site conditions and the potential for impacts to cultural resources (see Appendix E of this Draft EIR). Cultural resources are defined as buildings, sites, structures, or objects, each of which may have historical, architectural, archaeological, cultural, or scientific importance. The term cultural resources also encompasses the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) term “historic property” as well as CEQA terms “historic resource” and “unique archaeological resource.” Under the NHPA, historic property refers to a property that is listed on, or determined eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Under CEQA, historic resource means a property that is listed on, or determined eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR). Unique archaeological resources are archaeological artifacts, objects, or sites that contain information to answer important scientific questions, possess a particular quality such as the oldest of its type, or are directly associated with a recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person. Archaeological Records Search McKenna et al. completed a standard archaeological records search through the California State University, Fullerton, South Central Coastal Information Center in Redlands. This research included a review of previously completed projects within one mile of the Specific Plan site; a review of the recorded cultural resources within one mile of the Study Area; a review of listings for the NRHP, CRHR, California Landmarks and California Points of Historical Interest.
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