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R KATE RAYNO GUIDE STUDY Whale Rider ISSUE 35 AUSTRALIAN SCREEN EDUCATION ‘My name is Paikea Apirana and I come from a long line of chiefs, stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider. I’m not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of our strength.’ Introduction In the small New Zealand coastal village of Whangara, the local Maoris claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. The legend tells how their ancient ancestor was saved by a whale when his canoe overturned. He arrived in Aotearoa on the whale’s back. In every genera- tion since, a male heir has succeeded to the title of chief, but now it seems that the bloodline will be broken. The current chief, Koro, has a son, Porourangi, who is expecting twins. But when Porourangi’s wife and son die in childbirth, he is overcome with grief and flees the town, abandoning the surviving twin, a girl. Before he leaves, he names the infant Paikea, in hon- our of the family legacy. She is raised by her grandparents, but Koro is unable to accept his granddaughter as a future leader. Believing that the tribe’s misfortunes began at Pai’s birth, he calls for his people to bring their first-born sons to him, hoping that a new leader will be re- vealed. Pai loves Koro deeply, but she feels compelled to challenge him and the generations of tradition that stand between her and her destiny. Whale Rider is a film of intense emo- levels, but could be adapted fairly eas- • What did you most like/dislike tion. It shows us myth and magic ily to other years. Relevant key learning about this film? mixed through everyday domesticity, areas include: English, Media Studies, • Does this film remind you of any an idea of the sacred somehow im- Gender and Indigenous Issues. other films? mersed in quotidian detail. And in Pai, • Does this film make you reflect on the film gives us an archetypal heroine, Key Words your own personal circumstances? equal parts stubborn determination • What personal qualities (and experi- and fragile vulnerability. Keisha Castle- Aotearoa: New Zealand ences) do you share with Pai? In Hughes’ performance has been widely te reo: Maori language what ways are you different? acclaimed; it is a revelation, a tribute kaumatua: elder to stillness and restraint. The other rangatira: chief Focus on Film key performances are similarly subtle wharenui: meeting house and nuanced. Whale Rider offers an tikanga: customs • Encourage the students to take intimate portrait of Maori life; but it also whakapapa: genealogy notes during the screening, record- tells a classic story about family, the tapu: sacred ing scene changes, key narrative expectations and disappointments, and waka: canoe events and significant dialogue. the tangled lines of conflict and esteem haka: dance After the screening, construct a ISSUE 35 that draw the generations together. karanga: call timeline showing the sequence of karakia: prayer events in the film. AUSTRALIAN SCREEN EDUCATION Curriculum Links taiaha: fighting stick • Write a brief description of the mau rakau: stick fighting major characters in the film. Whale Rider is rated PG (adult themes, moko/mokopuna: grandchild • Write a detailed account of the low level coarse language) and is 102 marae: meeting place film’s opening and closing sequenc- minutes long. Many of the themes re- pakeha: white person es. These are privileged moments late to family life, and would be appro- in any film, and in a film as care- priate for students from upper primary PART ONE: FILM ACTIVITIES fully and poetically constructed as right through to VCE. The activities and AND DISCUSSION POINTS Whale Rider, close attention here discussion points that follow are largely can aid in unpacking the film as a 2 aimed at middle to senior secondary Personal Reactions whole. Consider Koro’s first words ISSUE 35 AUSTRALIAN SCREEN EDUCATION 3 to his son after his terrible loss, under the appropriate headings. unavailable, the teacher may choose the first words we hear him utter • Leon Narbey, the film’s director one particular scene and the class in the film: ‘Where’s the boy?’ This of photography, says, ‘Our key can work as a whole on the activity.) encapsulates his quest throughout concern was naturalism’. What is This exercise could form the basis of the course of the film. He impa- naturalism? What elements of the a class presentation. tiently tells his wife to take his new film are particularly naturalistic? granddaughter away—he’s more in- • Make a list of the visual and aural The Title terested in his dead grandson than cues in the film’s opening sequence his live granddaughter. But Nanny that convey to the audience infor- • Explain the significance of the film’s Flowers is a formidable woman. mation about how poorly Porour- title. She replies, ‘No, you acknowledge angi’s wife’s labour is progressing. • Invent another title that you think your granddaughter’. This cuts to (For example: distorted close-ups evokes a sense of the film. the heart of Whale Rider and the of anguished faces, including a core of Koro and Pai’s relationship: concerned look on the doctor’s Voice-Over acknowledgment. The newborn face; images of tears and sweat; baby settles quickly in Koro’s strong shots of the lights in the operating • Do you think the voice-over is an arms, and Flowers says wisely, ‘She room; blurry, out-of-focus shots of effective device? likes you’. the woman’s mouth and parts of • Transcribe a passage of Pai’s • How would you describe the tone the baby’s face; oxygen mask.) Also narration. How does it function? of the film? discuss how this sequence func- What insights does it offer? Does • Do you think this film has a feminist tions in terms of the use of Pai’s it intensify spectator identification sensibility? Explain your answer. voice-over, the intercut shots of the with Pai? • Could this film be set in any other whales, and the music. time and place? Music • Design a poster to promote the film. Close Analysis Use annotations to explain your • How would you describe the music ISSUE 35 decisions. • Choose one scene that you found that is used during the scenes in • What might have motivated the particularly powerful, and provide a which we see the whales? AUSTRALIAN SCREEN EDUCATION filmmakers to tell this particular close and detailed analysis of this story? scene, attempting to account for its Setting • Write an outline for a sequel to impact. Make reference to the use Whale Rider. What might happen to of music/sound, camera move- • Describe Whangara. Pai over the next ten years? ment, performance style, dramatic • Describe Koro and Flowers’ home. • The film has been described as com- or symbolic incident, and anything • Describe Uncle Rawiri’s home. bining elements of comedy, trag- else that you observe enhances the edy and mysticism. Draw up three scene’s effect. (Students need to Comprehension Questions columns under those headings and watch their chosen scene several 4 place as many scenes as possible times. Alternatively, if this facility is 1. What happens during the slide ISSUE 35 AUSTRALIAN SCREEN EDUCATION 5 show of Porourangi’s art? and that his German girlfriend is 9. Koro takes to his bed and Pai is 2. What does Koro say about Porour- pregnant. sent to stay with her uncle and his angi’s sculptures? 2. ‘It’s not work, it’s souvenirs.’ girlfriend. Pai says, ‘It’s quiet down 3. Why is Pai unable to leave with her 3. She looks out to the sea from the deep. Koro needed quiet. That’s father? car and tells her father to stop. what Nanny said. He didn’t want to 4. What does Koro do when Pai There is a suggestion she feels talk anymore. He just wanted to go returns and announces brightly, ‘I’m the spirit of the whales and cannot down and down’. back’? leave. We hear the music associ- 10 Pai is wearing the whale tooth in 5. At the sacred school, Koro tells Pai, ated with the whales and see the film’s final sequence, signifying ‘You’re a girl, go to the back’. What underwater shots of them. her grandfather’s recognition of her does she do? 4. He says coldly, ‘Not now Pai’. She rightful place as the community’s 6. What does the scene in which Pai demands recognition: ‘But I’m spiritual leader. As he sits by her speeds past the busload of boys on back. I’m back!’ He turns back to bed in hospital, waiting for her to her bike tell us? the two men he is meeting with, regain consciousness, he says, 7. What does the golf trophy signify? and she slams the door on her way ‘Wise leader, forgive me. I am just a 8. One of the boys almost grabs out. fledgling new to flight’. The neck- Koro’s whale-tooth necklace in 5. She refuses and is finally sent away. lace is the physical embodiment of ‘the final test, the test of the spirit’. 6. It demonstrates her physical this acknowledgment, and he has What happens? strength and her competitive spirit. placed it around her neck while she 9. What happens after the boys fail to 7. It suggests how damaging Koro’s lay in hospital. retrieve his necklace? rigid adherence to tradition has 10. Who is wearing the whale-tooth at been to his entire family: before he PART TWO: CHARACTERS the end of the film and what does ignored Pai’s gifts, he treated his AND RELATIONSHIPS this symbolize? own son in a similar way.