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Navy a Section 01 26 INSIDE CG Mail A-2 Hawaii Core Values A-3 USS Frederick A-4 Salutes A-6 Adopt a School B-1 MCCS & SM&SP B-2 Domestic Violence B-3 Menu & Ads B-6 Word to Pass B-7 Tackle Football C-1 Sports Briefs C-2 MMARINEARINE World Aquathlon C-4 Volume 31, Number 40 October 11, 2002 Embassy guards to deal with terrorism Kathleen T. Rhem retary of state for Countermeasures and again the target of terrorist attacks,” protecting U.S. State Department over- American Forces Press Service Information Security. The State Marine Brig. Gen. Douglas O’Dell told seas missions. Host-country security el- Department put considerable resources the panel. Brig. Gen. O’Dell commands ements help identify threats and secure WASHINGTON — International ter- into improving physical security at such the 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, embassy compound perimeters, while rorism is forcing the U.S. State “high-threat” posts as Beirut, Lebanon, Camp Lejeune, N.C. local national guards control access by Department to put more emphasis on and Bogota, Colombia, he said. A month and a half after the Sept. 11 screening vehicles and visitors, Williams how it secures its overseas facilities and, “Transnational terrorism, which we’re terrorist attacks on the United States, the explained. in turn, causing the Department of now seeing, reverses the entire matrix,” Marine Corps reactivated O’Dell’s unit In recent years, the State Department Defense to re-evaluate how it trains Williams told the panel members. “Now, as an anti-terrorism unit and made the has added surveillance-detection teams Marine embassy guards. Calgary to Cairo, it’s a level playing Marine Security Guard Battalion a major as an additional layer of security. In testimony Thursday before the field.” He said about 4,000 “significant subordinate element to the 4th MEB. Williams said the plainclothes State House Armed Services Committee’s threats” are made each year against “In doing so, the Marine Corps fully Department teams work unobtrusively Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism, a American missions abroad. affirmed that Marine security guards are beyond the walls of the embassy. He said senior State Department official ex- United States Marines provide inter- on the front line of the war on terrorism they’re charged to detect “pre-opera- plained how changes in the world are af- nal security at most overseas State every day,” O’Dell said. He said the new tional surveillance” directed at American fecting U.S. missions outside the U.S. Department posts. The shift in the threat unit’s focus is to instill in the Marine personnel and facilities. In the past, threats were more region- to American assets overseas has forced guards that their sites may be targeted by Marine security guards form the in- al, with terrorism risks being more coun- them to shift their focus as well. terrorists “no matter how remote or how nermost ring of security, Williams said. try-specific or based on local politics, “The Marine Corps does recognize benign its locale.” said Ray Williams, deputy assistant sec- that U.S. embassies have and will be Marines are one of four security layers See EMBASSIES, A-4 Ugly Angels return home to Oahu Cpl. Jason E. Miller Combat Correspondent Early on Saturday morning, 170 Marines from Heavy Marine Helicopter Squadron 463 boarded a Continental 737, en route to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, where they will trade out with Marines from HMH-362 to begin their seven-month deployment. The HMH-463 Flying Pegasus Lance Cpl. Michael McGregor, a scout with Headquar- Marines departed as only the third ters Battery, 1/12, and Sailors from the USS Frederick air wing unit to deploy to Iwakuni stand on the gunwale prior to the decommissioning. since base units began making de- ployments there just over one year ago. USS Frederick is “We’re going off to do what Marines do,” said Lt. Col Scott decommissioned Kerchner, commanding officer of HMH-463. “We are going to go Story and Photos by eration in 1970, the South train in some far off places and en- Sgt. Alexis R. Mulero Vietnam refugee evacua- joy the feeling of being forward de- Combat Correspondent tion of 1974, and de- ployed in case we’re called to action ployed in support of for a real-world situation.” Sixty years after the Operations Desert Shield Adding to the excitement of the first U.S. Navy Tank and Desert Storm. It al- unit’s first deployment is the fact Landing Ship was com- so conducted humanitar- that more than 50 new Marines re- missioned in 1942, the ian assistance to cently arrived in the squadron with- last of the class — the Bangladesh during in the last three months. USS Frederick — was de- Operation Sea Angel, “The Marines from HMH-362 re- commissioned before and in 1994, deployed to ally paved the path for us,” more than 200 Marines, Somalia in support of Kerchner said. “We’re really excit- Sailors, family members Operation Restore Hope. ed about the adventures that lie and guests of honor, at “I am honored, proud ahead. Who knows what the future the Naval Station Pearl and privileged to have could hold. We definitely anticipate Harbor shipyard served onboard this fine some training in other countries be- Saturday. historic vessel,” said fore we return.” Tank Landing Ship Navy Lt. Rolando While deployed, the Pegasus Frederick was built in Salvatierra, combat in- Marines will take over operations of 1968 and was officially formation center officer several CH-53D Sea Stallion heli- Cpl. Jason E. Miller commissioned on April with the now decommis- copters based at Iwakuni Air Ugly Angel Marines from HMH-362 climb off a Continental Airlines jet that 11, 1970, at Long Beach sioned vessel. Station. landed aboard MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Sunday after a seven-month de- Naval Shipyard, Calif. In January 1995, the The unit departed on a civilian ployment to Iwakuni, Japan. In its long and illustri- vessel transferred to the jet, which was contracted to make ous history, the Frederick Naval Reserve Forces the flight to Japan and return with sion,” said Patak. “I lived this life on Sunday, aboard the same jet, af- made more than 13 ma- and then changed home Marines from HMH-362. for quite a while, so it’s really nice ter completing their seven-month jor deployments to the ports to arrive at Pearl Continental pilot Charlie Patak when I have a chance to give some- deployment that included many western Pacific and Far Harbor, Hawaii, in was formerly a Navy pilot and has thing back. I jump at the chance to training missions in several coun- East. November of the same one son who currently flies AV-8B help out.” tries. Emotions ran high as family It participated in the year. Harrier jets for the Marine Corps. The HMH-362 Marines returned members welcomed back their pre- Vietnam withdrawal op- See SHIP, A-4 “I volunteered to fly this mis- to MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, early viously deployed loved ones. Fake motorcycle helmets can pose grave danger for bikers Sgt. Robert Carlson most four-wheeled vehi- safety course before hit- gear riders can count on An approved helmet has a Press Chief cles, is an inherently ting the roads, is to wear to shield their head from hard outer dangerous activity. an approved helmet. the hard pavement. shell, an Graduates of MCB Dan Martyniuk runs Informed riders wear New rules spelled out impact- absorbing lin- Hawaii’s Motorcycle Ri- the course through the a helmet every time they in the MCB Hawaii er, a soft com- der Course know that Base Safety Center and ride. They also wear Motorcycle Regulations fort liner, and the words “motorcycle” teaches students to man- other vital safety gear order, (Base Order a sturdy reten- tion strap. and “safety” are difficult age the risks associated like over-the-ankle foot- 5100.22) specify riders Without at to incorporate into the with motorcycling, in or- wear, long pants, long- must wear a properly least these same sentence. Riding der to avoid accidents sleeved shirts, face and fastened, protective hel- four items, a in the open air, on only and minimize injuries. eye protection, and met that meets the stan- helmet is little more than two wheels, and without The most important gloves. A helmet, dards of the Snell useless. seatbelts and other pro- thing a rider can do, though, is the single Graphic by Motorcycle Safety Foundation tection provided by apart from taking a rider most important piece of See HELMET, A-4 A-2 • October 11, 2002 HAWAII MARINE MCBH NEWS CG’CG’SS MMAILAIL BBOXOX BRIEFS ‘’I heard ... that a new REMINDER EXTENDED According to Marine Corps uniform reg- ulations (MCO 1020.34F), Marines are re- post office will be quired to wear their covers while driving privately owned vehicles and government owned vehicles. This notice serves as a friendly reminder going in ...” that unless you are driving a convertible or BRIG. GEN. wearing a cover that impedes your vision Submitted by Former Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Richard J. Sanderson MCABEE due to height impediments in the vehicle, you are required to wear the full uniform “I heard through the grapevine choosing that site over others. I just the construction of the super-play- of the day while driving or riding in a ve- that a new post office will be going hope that “location, location, loca- ground. You and your fellow vol- hicle at MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay and in where the wooden castle play- tion” wasn’t the dominant criteria unteers did a tremendous job in es- Camp H.M.
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