Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila THIRD DIVISION G.R
Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila THIRD DIVISION G.R. No. 168557 February 16, 2007 FELS ENERGY, INC., Petitioner, vs. THE PRO"INCE OF #$T$NG$S a%& THE OFFICE OF THE PRO"INC $L $SSESSOR OF #$T$NG$S, Respondents. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G.R. No. 170628 February 16, 2007 N$TION$L PO'ER CORPOR$TION, Petitioner, vs. LOC$L #O$R( OF $SSESSMENT $PPE$LS OF #$T$NG$S, L$URO C. $N($Y$, )% *)+ ,a-a,).y a+ .*e $++e++or o/ .*e Pro0)%,e o/ #a.a%1a+, a%& .*e PRO"INCE OF #$T$NG$S re-re+e%.e& by ).+ Pro0)%,)a2 $++e++or, Respondents. D " # I S I O N C$LLE3O, SR., J.: $efore us are t%o consolidated cases doc&eted as G.R. No. ()*++, and G.R. No. (,-).*, %hich %ere /led b0 petitioners 1"2S "ner30, Inc. 41"2S5 and National Po%er #orporation 4NP#), respectively. The /rst is a petition for revie% on certiorari assailin3 the 6u3ust .+, .--7 Decision( of the #ourt of 6ppeals 4#6) in #6!'.R. SP No. ),78- and its Resolution. dated June .-, .--+: the second, also a petition for revie% on certiorari, challen3es the 1ebruar0 8, .--+ Decision; and Nove<ber .;, .--+ Resolution7 of the #6 in #6-G.R. SP No. ),78(. $oth petitions %ere dis<issed on the 3round of prescription. The pertinent facts are as follo%s= On Januar0 (*, (88;, NP# entered into a lease contract %ith Polar "ner30, Inc. over ; ;- M> diesel en3ine po%er bar3es <oored at $ala0an $a0 in #alaca, $atan3as. The contract, deno<inated as an "ner30 #onversion 63ree<ent+ 463ree<ent), %as for a period of /ve 0ears.
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