IG 7 isl 0e %=0e00 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNDERGRADUATES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OL. LXXVI NO. 16 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1956 5 CENTS --- ----- -- leaver Key Elections r Tickets On Sale For Lramashop Six Topl'ls Duee B unior Honorary Chooses 18 Production Of Two Theatre Classics For Conference The Beaver Key, Junior honorary president; Ritchie Coryell, class sec- The newly established government gciety, elected eighteen members retary-treasurer, Q Club; Paul Ek- IDramashop has en- for' commuters will soon be seen in tered the final week iomthe present Sophomore class to berg, Field Day football, varsity full action. Four of the officers were for its; - : Srve as the nucleus for the eventual hockey; Bob Hecht, varsity base- of rehearsals elected in the last general elections, ttal of thirty which will make up ball, East Campus social chairman, spring production, , . and ill a meeting Sunday night the Chekov's "The Jubi- . .' .ixt year's Key. Inscomm representative; Dan Hol- Executive Committee of Inscomm set lee" and Strindberg':; - ;An amendment limiting each living land, Field Day football, varsity div- the day for the appointment of the "The Father." Tic- '- ~oup to three members among the ing, Q Club; Dick Hugehs, Sec- seven remainirg posts on the Com- fteen to twenty voted in by the pres- retariat chairman, Q Club; Harris kets for the show, .. which will run muter Council. This council will per- it Key, was passed at the start of Hyman, varsity wrestling, The Tech; form a function for the commuting Wednesday, Thurs- 4e meeting. No further membership John Irwin, class president, former students analogous to that done by day, Friday, and Sat- }nitation was passed concerning the class secretary-treasurer, Field Day the Dormcon and IFC for members urday nights, April FN imaining members to be voted in by football, Q Club; Bob Jordan, class of their respective groups.
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