li ■'I. PHOTO!lO T O S 1 An npr«aal«a< ere f «aieraitiuatisaAaieroitai en Ui£ face «< Bahrs mayornayer aad » ptetar* a( •: ~- ___ _ Uny baby, app«urj intn yotfryear 88aadayn Him • f** ht« dug in on k ' Newt. YWU (b>Atnd Uie ateaBta>7 h veHlat ' ; I Major Jay Rngg[g ea page fftve sod .the and to the rear. atoiy and-piettueire otet th*tha tataby «■' • • th r ^ ' T tTWIN FA LI.S A—y _ A Regional Newspaper & N ine IrrigatedI rrlp Idaho Counlles TAVIN FAL FALLS. IDAHO. SUNDAY,JAY, JU N E 10. 1951 kOMltltd Fcail tnS UnllMl'l^w P R IC E S CENTS Congregationallal CliuC liiu’ch H o ld s SessionSessit Iks b y eds Increaseease T cestimony sl l y o< f arshall ^ H | ResResistance-e onc \ I !tirROK| ^ B Leheson GetsG< „ sw day, June 10 K.Korean. FnFronts t X m o' more secret TOKYO.SundnKYO. Sunday, June 10 (/P)— Reded resistance h a s stiffened I 'J ngtcrday amid r alongthe the Korean Korean battlefront the pastist 24 hours andt nn eighth arrfiy spokcsrnan said the foe showediVcd “every indication”i of ^jabelof‘IE‘Lie’ ‘^ g c e n . in Mremmcnt circles fightinging for ChorwonChoi and Kumhwa.t. WASHINGTO^HINGTON, June 9 (fl>)—Secretary,tary. of StataSta Acheaoo Allied units pr 10 ^ f i r c ied units pressed closci- to tho twotw o vital •road and rai! ended hisis eight-dayeight-di siege on th6 senate0 griddle todayt< aftar a hubs anchorinK tUet' "iron' triRtiRlc" asscinWyRssctnWy ararea. new clashlh oof f viewviews with Gen. Douglas MacM acA Arthur- rthur—^who term* ^ Mid 5PCC1I|C11^ Unitedited Nations troops thrust close)se enough ito Chorwon to cd a p artrt ofo f the secretary's testimonyY ‘‘prcvarication’’--and"prcvaric to Japan tnd s e o 3 .000,000 redsred s diggingdii entrenchments.n ts. To thc ceast, an allied a partinglg barrageb arrag from Republican critics, to do »IUi CUT- tank patrol reachedread within four miles of Kum Uie South Ko> liles of Kumhw’a. Earlier, The secretaryecretary appearedi unruffled andnd in good hum' or as he ■ ^ V u k e the poiiUon field dispatches had said ------------------------- • emergedDd from thoth« closed-door ^ n ile out ft cease-fire. th o u s aands n d s ofo f ChineseC: were /-'< I senate inquiryInquiry intoinl tha firing I DUlarbcd abandoningloninx ththe e twot’ cities. An M f i l l G l l 'P N PT S of GeneralcralMacArthurandth«_.., MacAr ' J^S outh Korean legls* Taklnriklng partpari lo Ihe raeU lo conttrtnce of CongregaUoc of Conrreiatlonal ehurchea a t Paul, leltleft to right,rifht, are the R tr. Ira e i g h t hfl armarmy y spokesmanspo said olish Refugee-C . SO C tO — administration'sistration's for: east pol* ^ *t Pusiin. on me BUek,k. New York City, board o( home mluloiis;ulofts; the RRer. et. Edward G raum ao. rcrtland,rortUnd, SKreUry-at<Iarge;fttrel fo H n v fh rro ivns ^ of Korea, (uked Uie jhe ner.Rer. Emll Kldn.K|. W alla Walla, p u l moderator;modtrator; and the Rer. E. E. KeltcrUng,erUng, Paul, h»ihwt pastor and there w as no sign of n ^ t o i torelgn mln- y elMed moderator. <S<aff pbo(o>cnrratlD|)rratlni) v. ■ any widespread.•idesprcad evacuation.c I Q I IT on posed «m»inffTy wllh I opinlona on tlie ^ ^ * * * * ^ * *1, *1, * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- “Therere Is every 1IndlcaUon that. TalkJ - 1 4 '* X X Here Thur'hursday ap Russell. D.. Oa.. for ntwa ' quite to0 thfthe contrary,contrar the commu- _ . 1, ,, tphars: but afterwards b« fJS m a n Rhee, while / ^ « k l l M a « n n - i « o > v i ” *^ts Intendntend to defedefend lhat area," Twwin in Falls resresidents are promised a peek behindbehi the "Iron commented.w^iy:ited.wryly: SoU>U 1:1021 P rog am 1.. .ajta.led. curtain”^in” ThursdThursday when Aloizy Adamczyk,nczyk, PolishPc refugee , was »“»«■rather •atUf, wasnt ltt* Conte:anference Marrelarred . W.N. Fw e« prom inent labor leader, addresses &I public mir eeting spon- • Dieiauo®Dletatloo CJCharged S*imethlnu In del- T-k terrain for sains Up to three sofcd:d by ththe e TwTwin Falla Central Laborr council, mabty ha xafenred to Ibt ■' IV tT n ite f l NaUotia U\J Discussion Is nd of hU tatttmoajr, eUma»* _ ^ • a n d one-halfne-half mUes northewt of Adamczykdam czyk willwil! speak a t 8 p.m. a t thee h ig h schoolsci auditor- ed by OOPK)P charyes that tha stat* L,nj decision conlrary J L ^By J Delegate’s D 5n . u is 13 miles southwest iu m . H e also will ^lecurlty." te’s Death "^”Set for 1 T. F. .YSZ™'"-“ ■ . H e also will b e a guest a t the Disabledtbled AmericanAmc Veter- departmentlent exerelaea-exerelae ‘■dlctatotlJ'' jBjwhat, PAUL,lUL, JuneJune 9—The Pacific conference■ercnce oof f CCoi o n j r e s a t io n a l j S l y south ot Uie Uireat- cconvention o n v e n tio n (opening ceremonies Thursdaylursday afternoona and ."orer.tT. “A®: & miUtary stratsgy. Ity. allied troops were held to IH scheduled ter nn denied the eharge-eS* ^ rrnorta churcliesdies was marredn Saturday by thetne audden deathdc of C on- newly-organlzed sstpt»i s iss icheduled tentatively to apeak at ththe e KKiwa iw anis lunchcon ed by senatorasenatora Brldgea.BrfcJ R., N. S , Sckhardt, Odessa, Wash., delegate.'ate. conservation district' . sH:esrl'S of a mile Ind a half by T hursdayirsday noon.noon, * * *, * and Cain,la, R.,R.. Ww ash.-butash. acknowJ. >-iSr'..? n?'..SS " J E*"?;-*''' rn flghUng rearguard red*. t t ,le . speaker.o-aker isi* sponsoredn by the ^ , 5 ^ North and South Mr.-. EckhardlEckhardt. a builder and contractor,tractor, had justj made » ^ , edged aIt t one ppoint oint 1in his div-lont ravr;:.u?a. = J^cspondentH ” ^ m Bradshaw NatlonaTcommlttconal Committee for a Prea Eu- S n P ! l l ny that tha departaianl L w ttd Nations forces resolutionution from th e convention floor• when he was seized w ith considered at fa tmceU s r ; ? c . " r Ith army headquarters said . jI t t waswaa orenorganised to assist Speaker • S^obS?^-*^ly objeetod"- to V. & planaa »“ '■ a lieartirt attack,attack. IThe b ody w as taken loto the GoodmanGoodma n io rtu a ry membersbers ofof agrieuliuralogricuiiui agencies a t th e Yonchon Hwa“ h :rs of eastern Europe who have •" ------ --' — - -■ —. - n bombingg Raahln,Rashin. KKorea, IT nlJas in llwipert. c rt, «:30 p.mp.m, Tuesdsy In1 Uie county ^ aYonchon 3.°"-^Snchon and Hwachon are ±--',rsu;s to this country temporarily , ■ south oft Uie Soviet border.I lng tho freedom denied In their Acheson■on aaldsaid such attaeki •’nSt- .(rtunff ivnd wlU- eon- Thee convcntiiconvention opened Friday nigbt with ap t's otilcc. on the1 approachesapproaches toI Uie triangle. light with approximately lOBg the proposals. to bc consid- Yanggu Js In east-ce land*. Members of the com. i ed veryr great dangeradange of tavolUn* 3 ™ delegates.ielegatcs, I,m in iste rs and guests attending fromfroi W ashing- *red forfor drydry landU ^p: problems are a ^ RtiiiMncou7ht*'‘’"“- Si'tleiTndud”ee include Oeneral Elsenhower, f • soviet force*." lla fight communism ton, Oregon nnand Idaho. Thc -------------------------------------------------------------- request:st thatthat aa sun'e;sun'ey be mado by SouUiwesthwestlShTa of Kum enemy re- 1 W . DuUes, JLucius D. Clay. ■ • . i . ■ A Beds protproteeted T-« • r t the soilsoil conservationconservation service to dc- sistance was report lam Oreen. Jim Csrey and I y t.... ■- Cain aaldsaid Uie hhands-off a a otdn as Me" Bev. EmilEmilKline, Kline Walla Walla. TT Q 1 7 . ___ r prominent Americans. K B I k - iH Rashin gave the re . ril<*Pt« ^ termlneine landland useuse capablliUea,ct re- vances souUi and gave the reds “a fireproof )., moderator, w a s the, U » uS * I j JCC lamczyk will recount hls.eiper- i . ";’«C T 2 L i2 . ■ and bombproofcnbproof supplyeupp: center ia tha S S w rv'.n.™ * Xj ICL-IS ^ organltingilzlng thethe dlstribuUondistri system Kum hw a ranged up anns to control waste water tw o and a half mttei ^s In the fight against commu. .■-•m B tm liK - '•'■'1' heart of>f enerayeneiny oomcoustiy." -jtf t Jtfttemcnt aayloK spcaKer. ( • on tanas to caQtrot I and explain communUtie meth. I V ‘ ' ^ ^ H k s As Acheson.eheson finallyfhiall left tb* »lt- iS, ll the 38th parallel TheR^v. Rev. E E, E. E. K etterllng, Paul, S o V i e t S water erosion, cooperation with T h e reds employe and techniques besides telling i ' ^ ' ’ ness chair,halr, otUelalofUelal stenograph tiiiBSer slRnal to the who wiuvas clccted mr oderator Satur- loviets From s canal board to contro! water fo u sh t C«TST.imM'b7„i'Sfrom well fo S V S iS 'S Ige from ditches, main canals n n d .trcnttomucntrenchmenta oo th. w.Um tonaitlo»»onditions Mtnslda * th e 'Iron cur- !''< ..........t H | j | [ | asUmated«d Uiatth a t-.a•.nearly tM /M ■ . day foror thcthc comingcomln year, gave the kI , • r r seepage from ditches ' - ' words havetiave pouiodpouiad 1^ the tu fm ' I can.* he said, "cither addresf ofof welcome.velcome A U S t n a dbtrlcl iBtcraU. and the effl- tip of thethe HwachonHwachon reservoirj on the applIcaUon of water to combat 1 c»-ont en tral front, 1 escapcd from Poland a ft^ the racord in the lastlast'fl nva weeks, Bd oanmunist concen- BatuhlayUTlay morningmornlt reports were A ustria Z o n e “^t appi'ciuon™^’ s and SovieU invaded that Achesonion was credltadcred wltb aeof .
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