The Apple in Oregon Be
6000. Bulletin No. 81. July, 1904. Department of flortcu1ture OREGON AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CORVALLIS, OREGON. L1'. PYRITS RI ULARI-OTtEGON CRAB APPLE.: THE APPLE IN OREGON BE. R. LAKE THE BULLETINS OF THIS STATION ARE SENT FREE To ALL REC I OF OREGON WHO REQUEST THEM. Board of Regcots of the Oregon Agricultural College and Exerioieot Station Hon. J. K. Weatherford, President Albany, Oregon. Hon. John D. Daly, Secretary PortIand Oregon. Hon. B. F. Irvine, Treasurer Corvallis, Oregon. Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, Governor Salem, Oregon. Hon. F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State Salem, Oregon. Hon. J. H. Ackerman, Stale SuJ,l. of Pub. Instruction, Salem, Oregon. Hon. B. G. Leedy, Master of Slate Grange Tigardville, Oregon. Hon. William W. Cotton Portland, Oregon. Hon. Jonas M. Church. La Grande, Oregon. Hon. J. D. Olwell Central Point, Oregon. Hon. William li. Yates Corvallis, Oregon. Hon. J. T. Apperson, Park Place, Oregon. Hon. W. P. Keady Portland, Oregon. OFFICERS OF THE STATION. STATION STAFF. Thos. M. Gatch, A. M. Ph. D PesidenI. James Withycombe, M. Agr.. .Direclor and Agriculiurisi. A. I.. Knisely, M. S. - CJzmisl. A. B. Cordley, M. S Eniomologzsi. R. Lake, M. S Horticuliurist and Botanist. IL F. Peruot, M. Bactriologisl. George Coote Florist. L. Kent, B. S Dairying. C. M. McKellips, Ph. C., M. S Chemistry. P. K. Edwards, B. M. K. -- Chemistry. H. 0. Gibbs, B. S. Chemistry. THE APPLE IN OREGON PART I Topics Discnssed.Early flistory.Earliest Varieties.Later Plantings. The Problem of Planting.--Slte as to Soil.Site as to Aspect.Selec. tion of Trees.Planting.
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