Winner of Multiple Awards fromo

Our college. Our news. Our voice. Naugatuck Valley Community College September 1, 2019 Waterbury, Connecticut Vol. 64, Iss. 1

January 20, 2009, Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Minority Leader; John Boehner, Republican House Minority Leader, and approximately 20 other top Republicans met at a D.C. steakhouse to dis- For a Better America cuss how to obstruct Obama’s presidency. They Nicole Hayes and Richard Bosco planned to make him a one-term president by say- Editor’s Note: Bosco’s recollections italicized. and Brown immigrants are on the rise nation- people from diff erent backgrounds to discuss ing no to everything he wanted to accomplish. Most Racism, bigotry, and prejudice have been a wide. More horrifying is President Trump’s the consequences of being barred from true of these Republican “luminaries” may have been serpentine plague on American culture since rhetoric, which gives violent radical groups interaction perpetuates an “us versus them” there because of political or philosophical diff erences before the founding of our republic. America’s encouragement. White Supremist/Nationalists narrative. This breeds more fear and distrust with the new president; however, it would be naïve negative relationship with racial minorities in America believe, based on his words and amongst people of diff erent races. How does to dismiss the likelihood some were there because of dates to the fi rst enslaved Africans who arrived actions, they have this president’s approval and this impact individuals? What about society? racism and hate. in 1526 with a group of Spanish colonists led support. Trump’s tacit approval—clear after Our nation has missed many opportunities Republicans have moved away from dis- by Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon. American chattel the horrifying August 2017 Charlottesville, to learn about each other and thus establish a cussing race—instead, harboring racist ide- slavery lasted until 1865 when the enactment Virginia incident when he blamed “both sides,” more perfect union. ology. In 2018, The Washington Post reported of the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery and claiming even white Nationalists and Neo- A white male, born in the mid-50s, I grew up that, in 2006, people identifying as mem- involuntary servitude. Nazis had “very fi ne people” among them— in the 60s, came of age in the 70s. During my life, bers of either party agreed using the n-word Newly freed Black Americans then experi- has given rise to more violence. I’ve witnessed a great deal, some truly beautiful and is offensive. In 2018, a declining number of enced a new form of slavery as Black code laws For instance, just recently in El Paso, Texas, magnifi cent moments, and others as ugly, horrible, Republicans considered the n-word off ensive. were created. Black codes, enforced throughout 22 people (many immigrants of color) were and grotesque as can be imagined. The ugliest, most Democrats, meanwhile, showed an increase the South, forced Black people into indentured gunned down by a man who made clear he horrible things I’ve witnessed are racism, bigotry, in opposition to its use. Just 33% of those who servitude (sharecropping) and ensured mass was targeting Latino/a immigrants. These inci- and hate. Fortunately, I’ve not had the misfortune voted for Trump said it was racist for whites disfranchisement as these new laws made it dents are as disturbing to witness as the violent to experience this hate, nor could I as a white man. to use the n-word, meaning 67% of Trump impossible for Black men to vote unless they police brutality in Birmingham, AL on May 3, I do not want anyone in this country to ever expe- voters—presumably Republicans—find the owned property. 1963, when the racist, segregationist, hate-fi lled rience the hate and suff ering racism, bigotry, or any n-word acceptable. Hmmm. These codes guaranteed Black Americans Birmingham Police Department turned dogs kind of prejudice brings to this world. All this brings us to today. According to remained second-class citizens, their constitu- and firehoses on peaceful Civil Rights dem- As a young man, I really believed our nation a 2018 survey conducted by the Cooperative tionally given rights denied. Black codes laid onstrators—some just children. There was a would overcome hate and prejudice. Well, here we Congressional Election Study and reported in the foundation for the Jim Crow era. It is clear great fear historically, and there is a great fear are in 2019, and what the hell happened, America? The Washington Post, an overwhelming 53% of separate and unequal based on race is a found- remaining, of the races mixing. As I reached adulthood in the 70s, I became some- White Americans underestimate the discrim- ing principle of this nation, but that certainly During Jim Crow, many states made it what hopeful American racial hatred was coming to ination Black people still experience, under- does not make it acceptable. Unfortunately, illegal for White and Black people to inter- an end. Unfortunately, it just went underground. scoring the diffi culty in eradicating prejudice this cultural plague continues—not content to act socially in public spaces. In Birmingham, When Barack Obama was elected President in and racial discrimination when we cannot even slither beneath the surface, but regularly rear- the law in 1930 read, “It shall be unlawful for 2008 with 53% of the popular vote, I truly thought agree they exist or the degree to which they ing its ugly head. a negro and white person to play together America had fi nally made it, that we’d turned a cor- exist. The only cure for what perpetually lurks Racism, white nationalism, prejudice, and or in company with each other in any game ner to a more accepting, compassionate society. I am below, ailing this country, is exposure. For, as violence against people of color (POC), the of cards or dice, dominoes or checkers” as sorry to say I was very, very wrong. Justice Louis Brandeis wrote, “sunlight is the LGBTQI+ community, Muslims, Jews, and Black noted in the Smithsonian. The inability of The night of President Obama’s inauguration, best disinfectant.”

and strengthened with each new publica- what could be more powerful than words tion. Gracias, Ms. Morrison, for being a part from the author, the national , her- In Memoriam of my life. self? Morrison’s wisdom is so expansive, so quotable, it would be impossible to choose Tamarack Sta “She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them a single, defi nitive statement. Here are four: Morrison’s legacy extends well beyond her and give them back to me in all the right On writing, Morrison stated, “If there’s a Sula own monumental work: books, including, , order. It’s good, you know, when you got book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been Love The Bluest Eye Song of Solomon Paradise , , , , a woman who is a friend of your mind.” ~ written yet, then you must write it.” Jazz A Mercy Tar Baby God Help the Child Home , , , , , from Morrison’s Beloved. ~Alfred A. Knopf, On social responsibility: “…if you are Beloved and, of course, . She was, after all, instru- 1987. free, you need to free somebody else. If mental, as a Random House editor, in bringing Let us all take a moment today to remi- you have some power, then your job is to the works of other Black women to the reading nisce about when we fi rst made her acquain- empower somebody else.” public. Her work, in its many forms, presented tance, and to celebrate what was a life worth From Morrison’s 1993 Nobel Lecture, the Black American experience, in all its beauty living and a literary legacy to be treasured “Make up a story... For our sake and yours and unfl inching ugliness, with never a ques- for centuries to come. forget your name in the street; tell us what tion as to whether these lives matter. the world has been to you in the dark places As author Rion Amilcar Scott, winner of the In solidarity with our collective mourning, and in the light. Don’t tell us what to believe, Photo Courtesy of Oprah Magazine PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Insurrections, NVCC President what to fear. Show us belief’s wide skirt and states, “So much of black literature, starting Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D. the stitch that unravels fear’s caul.” with the slave narratives, are written for and to And fi nally, these words fromThe Nation, white people. Toni Morrison made it clear that President Barack Obama, who presented written in 2015, now more relevant than she was writing for black people. An ongoing Morrison with the Presidential Medal of ever: “I know the world is bruised love letter. That’s the perspective a lot Freedom in 2012, writes, “Toni Morrison was a and bleeding, and though it is of us have now and it’s a Morrisonian national treasure, as good a storyteller, as important not to ignore its pain, innovation.” captivating, in person as she was on the it is also critical to refuse to Morrison’s passing has left an page. Her writing was a beauti- succumb to its malevolence. unfillable hole, not just in the world ful, meaningful challenge to Like failure, of literature, but in the hearts of so our conscience and our chaos Photo Courtesy of Lisbeth Darsh many. The following tribute, from NVCC moral imagination. President De Filippis, was shared Tuesday, What a gift to con- It is ironic words are so inadequate upon the August 6th, the day Morrison’s passing was breathe the Photo Courtesy of tains loss of a woman of letters, a woman announced. same Jill Krementz informa- for whom words were life’s blood and My Dear Colleagues and Students, tion that can breath. Such is the case, however, on the air lead to knowl- passing of one of the United States’ most I could not let the day pass without stopping as her, edge—even wis- important, most influential writers, Toni for one moment to remember the life and if only for dom. Like art.” Morrison. This American Book Award- work of our beloved Toni Morrison. I was a while.” We honor you, Toni winning, Pulitzer-winning, Nobel Prize- an undergraduate student when The Bluest Heartfelt trib- Morrison. For opening winning Black woman was not merely Eye fi rst came to my attention. The beauty utes are most our hearts and minds, we are a brilliant author, but a groundbreaking and power of her language and her ability needed in our indebted to you. For all you have editor and educator—and a voice of passion to narrate with honesty and lyricism have collective sor- given—your glory, your creation— and sense in an often-senseless world. stayed with me all these years, renewed row, but we thank you, Beloved. 2 News e Tamarack, September 1, 2019


You’ve likely seen Come to the ‘Write’ Place my name here in The Tamarack plent y of Joan Lownds Great times over the past year, possibly too “Writers do not merely reflect and interpret life, as a writer. If the hooks for your essays keep Beginnings! many, as my stress they inform and shape life,” wrote E.B. White, getting snagged in the weeds, come to the ACE levels overloaded with the author of Charlotte’s Web. White’s words this fall and we will help you untangle them Welcome back to another great year at the number of articles I found myself writing carry more weight than ever today and reel in your readers! Naugatuck Valley! I’m extremely excited to each month. But writing is one of the things because the importance of writing The ACE will also continue be back, and I’m sure you all are as well! I love to do, and I intend to keep doing it for has increased dramatically, due to offer free Writing tutoring on The Student Government Association (SGA) a long time to come. This is one of the many to digital technology. Written a drop-in basis, along with free has so many exciting events planned for the reasons I said yes when asked to fill the communication flows between us drop-in tutoring in Math, Science, beginning of the year. There are so many fun position of Tamarack Editor-in-Chief. To start at an unprecedented pace, through Accounting, computer skills, and and educational things happening on your off this new semester, I’d like to say welcome emails, text messages and social ESL. In our thriving hub, students campus, so get involved! media posts. In today’s high-tech who visit the ACE on a regular Firstly, if you’re not registered to vote, to all new students; it’s wonderful here, and I think you’ll like it. As for returning students, landscape, you must develop Scan this code for basis typically earn higher grades don’t worry! The SGA has got you cov- an appointment welcome back! strong writing skills to succeed. than those who do not. Our hall- ered with Voter Registration Days hap- So I may as well tell you a bit about This fall, embark on a quest to mark is our warm, welcoming, pening across the campus. You can catch myself, since you’ll be hearing a lot from me sharpen your writing ability at the ACE. We and inclusive environment. Stop by for a visit us on September 3rd, September 16th and in months to come. I’ve been a part-time stu- are offering a new, innovative, One-on-One and meet our dedicated staff, and eat waffles September 24th. Be on the lookout for fly- dent at NVCC since fall of 2015. I’m currently Tutoring Program in Writing that is appoint- with us when one of our “Waffles for Success” ers around campus for more information on working towards a degree in sociology, but ment-based. This will provide you with an days rolls around. We look forward to meet- times and campus locations. my true passion is writing. To highlight this, intensive, individualized session with a tutor ing you. This month is also o1ur annual though I’ve been writing for The Tamarack for designed to assist you with any aspect of your To make an appointment for our new, One- Constitution Trivia Event; it will take place a little over a year now, I’ve been writing as writing, ranging from specific assignments to on-One Tutoring Program in Writing, visit September 17th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm! a hobby since I was ten. I’ve written many general writing skills. Constitution Trivia is a great way to show unfinished books and some poems which Our free program will guarantee you a aspx?id=ePidZ3onakmsjdmeWGBt2eSov4c1i_ off your knowledge of one of country’s most I would like to work on more in the future. tutoring session, and offer a greater oppor- 9ClH-GvY4UYyxUN0M1TVIxTU0yWFEyT0h- important documents. To sign up, just visit Last year, I helped set the wheels in tunity to build a relationship with the tutor, PUE05NVNWVlJWUy4u or ACE Tutor Referral rooms S514 or S515 any time before the com- motion for the Creative Writing Club to be an increase motivation and boost your confidence or scan this code. petition. You can sign up with a buddy or official SGA organization, and I’m currently sign up alone; either way we’ll make sure president of that club as well as a member you’re on a team. We promise a fun and chal- of Phi Theta Kappa and Safe Space, which lenging event—and refreshments! will soon change its name to Pride Alliance. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage We’ll wrap up the month with our first I’m also a student worker for the Center for SGA meeting of the year on Wednesday, Teaching and LABSS. Funny enough, even September 25th in room L501 from 4:00 – though I do a lot around campus, it really Together --- ¡Unidos Juntos! 5:00 pm. SGA meetings are a great way to meet new friends and learn more about the does not seem like too much. I just do what Karlene Ball, ESL Program Coordinator I love, write what I think, and try to get all campus and how events take shape. And these meetings are open to everyone. If you my assignments in on time. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every We celebrate the contributions of Rita aren’t already a member of the SGA, I encour- I am really excited for this semester as year from September 15 – October 15. This year, Moreno, actress, singer and dancer; journal- age you to join, or at least check out an SGA the new Editor-in-Chief. I hope to do as good the theme is “Hispanic Americans: A History of ists like Maria Hinojosa; pioneers like labor meeting. a job as the previous holder of the position, Serving Our Nation.” According to the Census leader Dolores Huerta; writers like Sandra We’d also like to meet you, so come see us. Alam Khan. Watching how he conducted Bureau, the term Hispanic or Latino/a refers Cisneros; scientists like Luis Walter Alvarez, The SGA’s office door—located in Room S516 meetings and seeing his confidence really to Puerto Rican, South or Central American, Nobel Prize-winning physicist and of course, in Prism lounge—is always open! If you have helped me to step up into the positon. He or other Spanish culture or origin regardless Sonia Sotomayor, current Associate Justice of questions about anything, you can always has now graduated and moved on from of race. the Supreme Court of the United States. email them to [email protected] NVCC, but I’d like to thank him here, for NVCC is a Hispanic Serving Institution The Hispanic Student Union (HSU) will be or give us a call at 203-596-2185. all he’s done for The Tamarack. Khan, you whose students identifying as Hispanic have celebrating the month with various cultural Good luck to everyone this year! I hope will be missed, but we’ll continue to make roots in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, activities, food tastings, and music. Look for to see some of you soon! you proud. The Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, events information on campus bulletin boards Best Regards, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto and on social media soon. ¡Celebremos! Best Regards, Gwenydd Miller Rico, Venezuela, and more. Of course, many For more information on events, or if you Tabitha Cruz Editor-in-Chief students born in the United States proudly cel- would like to be a member of the HSU, please con- [email protected] ebrate their Hispanic heritage as well. tact Karlene Ball, HSU Advisor at [email protected]. Highlighting Literacy and SGA President, Vice President, SGA Secretary, Multilingualism Tabitha Cruz Elizabeth Ortiz Christian Soto My name is Tabitha Hello, my name is Hello, my name is Karlene Ball, ESL Program Coordinator Cruz, and I will be Elizabeth Ortiz, Christian Soto, and The United Nations Educational, Scientific and your SGA President and I’m happy to I’m returning as Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed for the 2019 - 2020 be the Student secretary of NVCC’s September 8 International Literacy Day in school year. I’m excited Government Student Government 1966. This year the focus across the globe is to be serving a second Association Vice Association. I’m also a on Literacy and Multilingualism. According term on the Student President. A Tamarack contributor, to UNESCO, literacy continues to be an area Government as President. I am also incredibly Marketing major expecting to graduate in a member of Music Society, the M.E.N.’s of concern in most countries, including the thankful to the SGA members who have spring 2020, I plan on attending WCSU to Club and the Creative Writing Club. I’ve had US. We cannot consider the worldwide impact voted me in for a second year. Because of your further my degree. a wonderful learning experience at NVCC, of globalization and technology without support, I’m able to continue advocating for my Growing up, I always sought adven- thanks to my fellow students and the faculty. discussing their intersection with literacy and peers and continue much of the work I started ture—from climbing hills to playing with I hope my last year attending the College multilingualism. my first time around. I’m thrilled there are so mud— creating memories with friends, will be as memorable and full of great oppor- NVCC’s Office of Multicultural Affairs many great events planned for the year already, so when we’re at retirement age, we can tunities as the years prior. When I first started kicks off the academic year with an event high- and I am eager to see how everything goes. talk about our adventures. To this day, we attending Naugatuck Valley, I didn’t know lighting literacy and multilingualism, Monday, I’m sad to say this will be my last year at build memories by meeting at the airport what career path was right for me, and I was Sept. 9th, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in L-501. Come NVCC, as I plan to graduate in May. So this will to travel together. very shy. I changed majors about three times participate in activities to test your foreign lan- be the third and final time I’ll introduce myself I also enjoy meeting new people and did not participate in any campus activi- guage wits and learn how to say some basic in The Tamarack. While I’m sad to go, I’m ready because everyone has a story to share from ties. Eventually, I switched my major to music, phrases in other languages. This is also an to see what the future has in store for me. I’m the journey we all have in common: life. and in music theory class, I met Tabitha Cruz, opportunity to use your literacy skills to write also ready to make this school year my most But each one of us has a different take on current SGA President. She introduced me thank you notes, letters to government offi- memorable yet! it. It’s as if life plays different scenarios or to the idea of becoming SGA Secretary, and I cials, or to correspond with organizations like I’m still a music major and plan to pursue places people on our path to learn from. applied for the position. Amnesty International. a career within the music field. So this year I’ll I’m an animal lover, a vegetarian, a Since then I’ve become more involved in We’ll have information and materials to be looking at quite a few four-year universities coffee lover, an adventurous traveler, a organized school activities and events, allow- help. Consider donating gently used books to with music programs. I don’t have much else to humanitarian, a good listener, good friend, ing me to become a greater part of the school’s our Books for Africa project. They need fiction say about myself (I’m not that interesting), but I good daughter, and I march to the beat of community. I encourage students to get more for all age levels, textbooks at all education will say I am excited to be working with my fel- my own heart. involved and participate in the delightful levels, and school supplies. No cookbooks, US low officers on another great school year for stu- As new SGA Vice President, I’ll do every- activities, events, and opportunities the school History textbooks, CDs or videos, please. We can- dents. So thank you for allowing me to be your thing in my power to get the job done. As has to offer. I look forward to my last year as not accept books published over15 years ago. For SGA President. I hope to see you getting involved Jennifer Lee reminds us: “Be fearless in the a Naugatuck Valley student and a member of information, contact Karlene Ball at [email protected] around campus at our upcoming events! pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” these groups. or (203) 575-8156. e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 News 3 EDITORIAL Judicial Branch Internship Nicole Zappone “Standing, like a resolute tree, as your source for news.” Consolidation  oughts help saying aloud: “Good morning, Supreme Editorial Gwenydd Miller, Editor-in-Chief Students First, the proposed consolidation Court,” as if anyone was listening. I was excited Alam Khan, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the twelve CT Community Colleges, is for work, feeling a sense of purpose. Christopher Gordon, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus supposed to save the CSCU system money, I assisted various research projects for Chelsea Clow, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus helping schools climb out of the $24 million both the External Aff airs Offi ce and for Justice Alexander Wilson, Senior Sta Writer hole the system is in. Consolidation is Raheem L. Mullins. I became acquainted with Nicole Hayes, Emeritus Senior Sta Writer/Alumni supposed to prevent the closing of any the Judicial Branch website, gave PowerPoint Contributor presentations at the Web Board meeting, and Richard Bosco, Emeritus Senior Sta Writer community college, while helping system- wide student retention. The plan also claims completed other assignments. I also was able to Kathleen Chesto, Sta Writer it will introduce a new way of doing things, observe a special session, July 22, at the Capitol, Tabitha Cruz, Sta Writer providing students support in picking a where many State Representatives voted on Jason Hesse, Sta Writer various issues. Alyssa Katz, Alumni Contributor/Editor major and staying on track academically, Mitchell Maknis, Sta Writer with additional advisors added. All in all, Honestly, this was the best summer ever. Amelia McGee, Sta Writer this seems pretty great…on paper. In the weeks of my internship, I was vis- Jillian Parlato, Sta Writer ited Criminal Court, Community Court, and Robert Pinto, Sta Writer I have no issue with the plan as it’s Christian Soto, Sta Writer described on paper, and I’m not here to bash Housing Court. I learned and saw things I John Williams, Sta Writer it. In fact, no one else is coming up with never could’ve imagined. Nicole Zappone, Sta Writer another solution, so where’s the harm in My fi rst day, a special request came from Justice Mullins, seeking documentation regard- Rick Bellagamba, Kathleen Chesto, Tabitha Cruz, compromising? I’m not saying the plan is ing his Supreme Court seat. He wanted to know Bonnie Goulet, Jaime Hammond, Alyssa Katz, Lisa perfect. I have so many questions about peo- Citizens protest proposed highway tolls at the July Kaufman, Jessica Ney, Alexander Wilson, Columnists ple’s jobs and what programs could get cut. 22nd special session at the state capitol. who he replaced and asked us to trace the jus- And I’m exhausted from asking the same Photo Courtesy of Nicole Zappone tices back to 1795. Although a tedious project, Karlene Ball, Trevor Beninson, Ryan Bisson, Diana I completed it in a few weeks with help from Harris, Joan Lownds, Minerva Maldonado, questions over and over again. Julia Petitfrere, Cheryl Swodes, Guest Contributors I am also tired of both sides of the situa- During summer vacation from my substi- my offi ce team. Along the way, I learned plenty tion pointing fi ngers and not creating solu- tute teaching job, I applied for an internship about CT history and our early Supreme Court Art with the CT Judicial Branch. When I got the ini- Justices. Janice Bielawa, Creative Director tions. I do take issue with the fact lack of transparency, whether from the system offi ce tial email requesting an interview, I was excited Aside from Justice Mullins’ project, I was Web/Video or my professors. Every time I ask a question, but didn’t know what to expect. I went with a assigned tasks from proofreading documents Daniella Cruz, Webmaster I’m told to ask someone else, or I’m treated professional attitude, knowing this interview to looking up positive and negative information Faculty Advisor like I don’t know what’s happening. As a stu- could go either way. about judges up for spring 2020 reappointment. Prof. Steve Parlato dent, I’m going to be the one aff ected, so why While waiting, I spoke with a woman at Instructed to keep a folder of fi ndings, I orga- the front desk. Somehow, we ended up talking nized little “packets” of information about each Consulting Faculty keep me in the dark? Prof. Ray Leite, Design/Online Even worse, students are being told what about social media until I was called in to inter- judge; it was so interesting learning all about to think, as if we’re too dense to form our view. I knew I liked the offi ce already and was their judicial background. Join us! Weekly editorial meetings, own opinions on something that will aff ect hopeful this was going to go well. Another day, I observed Phil, a volunteer, Tues. 2:30 p.m., S519 Trecia Austin, Volunteer/Intern giving a tour of Supreme Court. It was excit- Follow us! @ eTamarackNVCC us. Instead of being given simplistic answers, Share us! or we should be provided resources to form Coordinator for the Experiential Learning ing learning so much about CT’s highest court. our own conclusions. Students should not Program of the External Aff airs Offi ce in East When Phil was fi nished, the group was able Email us! [email protected] Hartford, was kind and professional as she to meet Justice Maria Araujo Kahn; that was a Call us! 203-596-8653 be ostracized for how they feel either. Many Visit us!  e Tamarack Newsroom, S519 are afraid to express their opinions and val- explained the position. Based on my media pleasure. Another time, I met Justice Gregory To advertise: [email protected] / 203-596-8653 ues because they fear they’ll be attacked— background and undergraduate degree in D ’Au r i a . maybe be their own professors. What’s the Professional Writing, Austin recommended me The fi nal day of my internship was emo- Back issues available at or to the other External Aff airs Offi ce at Hartford tional. Not only was it my last day, I was point of promoting civil discourse if the peo- ple we look up to most can’t even do that? Supreme Court. She’d suggested this position assigned to meet the bail commissioner and Look for us at the start of each academic month! When my peers suggested I write an to provide help because someone in the offi ce observe criminal court. Another intern and  e presence of paid advertisements does not equal editorial concerning consolidation, maybe had been on maternity leave. I accompanied the commissioner to lock-up, endorsement on the part of e Tamarack, NVCC, its they believed it would be fi lled with hate. While I was originally going to work in the where we watched him interview about 20 students, employees, or a liates. Copyright ©Naugatuck Maybe they thought I would demonize those clerk’s offi ce in local court, I took a chance to see people. Valley Community College 2018. All Rights Reserved. where this unique opportunity would take me. Seeing them in handcuffs and shackles No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without who’ve proposed Students First, or imag- Naugatuck Valley Community College’s express consent. ined I would criticize opposing voices. But I In less than two weeks, I interviewed with was sad, as I’d never seen that before. When just don’t feel that way; sorry to disappoint. Rhonda Hebert, who was excited to meet me. one lady shouted, “I’m going home B***hes!” Frankly, I don’t have a strong opinion We talked easily, and I’d brought my writing I didn’t respond. It seemed very busy, but the either way on consolidation. I believe some portfolio, which contained all my newspa- bail commissioner told me it was considered a aspects are good, and other parts are bad. I per articles, from my undergrad years to cur- quiet morning; typically, there are many more just wish everyone would be more willing to rent. Hebert seemed impressed by my portfolio people. compromise. I also believe it’s time we make and wanted me to bring it back for her to thor- My internship was unforgettable—espe- a greater eff ort to educate those around us, oughly read. Unfortunately, I never remem- cially the people I got to see every Monday, especially students. Whether we like it or bered (oops!). Wednesday, and Friday. It was good feeling not, something will change for better or After the interview, I was given the green like part of a team. I wish I’d had this expe- worse, but keeping students in the dark is light. A few weeks later, I started my internship rience sooner. For anyone seeking adventure, defi nitely not putting us fi rst. at Hartford Supreme Court on Capitol Avenue. new information, and skills to apply to a future Every morning exiting the highway, I couldn’t career, an internship is certainly the place! Center for Teaching Create a Habit Prof. Lisa Kaufman will defi nitely increase your chances of success. What I really want to off er you is the idea Lisa Kaufman, NVCC Professor of Communications of making a habit of connecting with others. and co-advisor to the Phi Theta Kappa Honors You are in new classrooms with people you Society, is a longtime CFT committee member. don’t know. Put yourself out there and connect Welcome! It’s nice to have you on campus. with your fellow classmates. You can help each I hope your summer was rejuvenating and you other with assignments and become “study were able to relax and enjoy. Now’s the time to buddies” when you have an exam. According start anew, forget old habits, and create new to academic studies, students are more success- ones that will help you achieve academic suc- ful when they study in groups. Make it a habit cess and still have fun—the two are not mutu- to reach out to new faces in your classrooms. ally exclusive! Not only does connecting with others A habit is something you do repetitively enable you to gain more knowledge, it also without knowing. Habits can become your will make you a happier person. We all feel second skin. So, what habits can you create more comfortable when we identify with oth- to become more successful and happier while ers. Actually fi nding commonalities with class- you’re attending NVCC? mates is not hard to do. Just talk to each other. Of course, I could offer you guidance I’ve been amazed at the friendships that have academically by suggesting you start off the been formed in my classes over the years. But semester by attending all of your classes, tak- remember, just sitting next to someone for 15 ing good notes, and being a good time man- weeks does not make a connection. Make it ager. However, I’ll assume you already have a habit to talk to someone you don’t know in these skills and have used them in the past. If each class. you feel, though, that some of these skills are So, I wish you an enjoyable and successful lacking, seek guidance from those who know, semester. Don’t forget, by creating new hab- aka your professors, your academic advisor, its, you are certain to find college life more or go to ACE. Making these behaviors a habit f u l fi l l i n !g OCM 4 News e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Happenings @ Pride in the Hills Honoring Gwenydd Miller Adjuncts Other Colleges and most of us arrived there for 1:00 p.m. to help set up. Some initial duties included wrap- Moved to Inspire ping flowerpots and setting up tables. Later Diana Dart Harris UNIVERSITY OF CT, on, we handled things such as helping with WATERBURY CAMPUS parking and checking in attendees. After sev- eral hours of hard work, at 8:00 p.m., we were CAREER able to enjoy the event in all its wonder. That CONVERSATIONS included food, wine, and trying out new hair- Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Campus styles at the Wig Bar. Lobby A door was set up in the middle of the fi eld Career Conversations are a weekly oppor- several yards away from the fi repit. It had paint tunity for students to meet employers or grad- cans and brushes around it, and everyone was uate program representatives informally and encouraged to paint their own pictures or mes- talk about careers, internships, volunteer, and NVCC professors Patti Pallis, Nikki McGary, and sages on it. By the end of the night, the door was employment opportunities, organization cul- Chris Rempfer (l to r) share in the fun at Pride in the filled with fantastic rainbows of color. Food Hills. Photo Courtesy of Gwenydd Miller ture, and what to do to land a job. was donated by local restaurants and available On September 11, 2019, they welcome the On Saturday June 15, a momentous event took all night for guests to enjoy at the big tent. A Social Security Administration, Waterbury place in the Litchfi eld Hills. It featured music, silent auction was also held. There was a wine Offices, as well as the Salvation Army of drink, and a large bonfire in the middle of stand, a beer wheelbarrow, an open bar, as well Waterbury. a field full of people. Pride in the Hills, an as caterers providing unique salads, hot dogs, For information, contact: susan.hyde-wick@ LGBTQIA fundraiser hosted at Spring Hills and mini hamburgers. Iced tea and lemonade or [email protected] Vineyards in Washington, CT, had a wonderful were also available. turnout, and the whole night was fi lled with By the end of the night, many shows took many different fun activities. One amazing place, including a drag show with many queens WESLEYAN aspect of this night, and defi nitely worthy of dancing and sharing their experiences. Crowd UNIVERSITY, attention, is the fact that four NVCC students, interaction included color-changing umbrel- Photo Courtesy of Diana Dart Harris MIDDLETOWN, CT me included, volunteered at this event. NVCC las, with the audience asked to change their Professor Chris Rempfer even had a hand umbrellas to a diff erent color in answer to ques- THE MASH ~ 9/6/2019 in organizing the festivities. And I’m happy tions. A dance group also performed up in the Diana Dart Harris has been teaching long enough Wesleyan University continues a musical to say we weren’t the only NVCC people in hills of the vineyard, where a large theater was to know that you cannot force people to learn if they tradition, presenting its eighth annual festival, attendance. Professors Nikki McGary and Patti set up with stone benches and hammocks. The aren’t excited about the material – and if they aren’t The MASH. Inspired by Fête de la Musique Pallis both joined in the fun and looked as stage was a large, round piece of white granite excited about the material, it’s her fault! (also known as Make Music Day), the festival though they had a wonderful time. that overlooked the entire fi eld. Diana has been an adjunct professor in highlights Wesleyan’s student music scene, Pride Alliance (formerly Safe Space) club Spring Hills Vineyards was a wonderful the dance department at NVCC since Spring, with multiple stages on campus featuring members, President Alexis Levesque, and for- location for such an event, and everyone who 2017. She has taught World Dance History & everything from a cappella ensembles to mer President Derek Spearin, were among the took part shared a joyful sense of community. student and faculty bands. volunteers, as well as Creative Writing Club I’m just very glad to have been part of such a Harris loves sharing her The event begins Friday, September 6, 2019 Secretary Jenifer Galloway. Each volunteer special event. It was amazing to see the hills at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at various loca- wore a Pride in the Hills t-shirt as an identifi er, come alive with pride. passion for dance and tions across the Wesleyan University campus. the human body with For more information, follow this link: https://www. those new to dance... Communism, Socialism, Appreciation, Dance Pedagogy, and her favorite class to teach, Kinesiology for Dancers. WESTERN CT STATE Republicanism She has been dancing ever since she can UNIVERSITY Richard Bosco the United States. The opposite is true. remember but approaches dance from a dif- VISITING ARTIST Socialism and communism are often used ferent perspective than most traditional dance Communism, socialism, republicanism. LECTURE interchangeably, but they diff er in some phil- teachers. After earning her degree in Dance Each word evokes a different response osophical aspects. The Oxford Dictionary Education, Diana’s interest in the human body At 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 18th, from Americans. However, the thoughts defi nes socialism as “a political and economic led her to study Exercise Physiology in gradu- illustrator David Brinley will discuss his work these words conjure for most are not always theory of social organization which advo- ate school. When she teaches, Diana’s goal is to in Room 144 of the Visual and Performing accurate representations or defi nitions. Each cates the means of production, distribution create thinking dancers who are educated about Arts Center on the WCSU Westside campus, word refers to a political philosophy. Two of and exchange should be owned and regulated their instruments, know how to use proper 43 Lake Ave. Extension in Danbury. The event, them, communism and socialism, also refer by the community as a whole.” Put simply, nutrition to fuel them, and are knowledgeable which is free and open to the public, will be to economic systems. socialism advocates for ownership of facto- enough to advocate for themselves when some- presented as part of the university’s Master of Lately, many elected Republicans, and ries, offi ces, etc. by workers, meaning profi ts thing does not feel right or they may be injured. Fine Arts visiting artist lecture series. For more Republican leaders, including President belong to people who make the goods, not to Her goal to educate dancers reaches beyond her information or to RSVP, visit www.eventbrite. Trump and Senator Graham, have bandied a group of private owners. classes to her blog, The Healthy Dancer at www. com/e/visiting-artist-lecture-david-brinley- about these words inaccurately to describe The only recent proposal remotely close illustrator-tickets-65695136923 or call (203) 837- Democratic healthcare proposals. Trump, to either system is a Democratic idea for a Diana is also an adjunct at the University 8403. For a complete list of similar SVPA events, Graham, and other Republicans use the public healthcare option to compete against of New Haven where she serves as the dance visit words communism and socialism to stoke big insurance corporations. Some candi- professor in the theater department teach- fear in the American public—mainly because dates, Bernie Sanders being one, propose ing courses in Dance Fundamentals, Musical they still have no plan for America’s health- a totally government-run healthcare sys- Theatre Dance, Ballet and Rhythm Tap. She care system. But I digress; let’s look at these BOSTON COLLEGE tem like Medicare for All. Which proposal has enjoyed working on shows with the theater words’ true meanings. will end up moving forward remains to be department in the roles of costume designer, LECTURE: MARY The word communism evokes strong feel- seen. One thing we know: Democrats, not assistant director, and as choreographer. ROBINSON: Climate ings among some Americans, thoughts of Republicans, are leading efforts to provide Diana’s fi rst love is choreography, and she Justice - Hope, Resilience the Cold War, the USSR, dictators, and the aff ordable healthcare for all. has been fortunate enough to work with com- and the Fight for a Sustainable Future KGB. The Oxford Dictionary defines com- Finally let’s look at our U.S. govern- munity theater groups, high schools and col- munism as: “a political and economic theory Mary Robinson served as President of Ireland mental system and political philosophy. leges for more than 30 years. She works with derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war, from 1990-1997 and UN High Commissioner According to the North Carolina History trained dancers and many non-dancers who and leading to a society in which all prop- for Human Rights from 1997-2002. Currently, Project, “Republicanism is a term for beliefs have entered the theater thinking they could erty is publicly owned (government owns all she is Adjunct Professor of Climate Justice at defi n[ing] the American political experiment. not dance. Her job is to get those people excited means of production), and each person is paid Trinity College Dublin. She is the recipient of Republicanism stems from a form of govern- about dance, empower them, and make them according to their abilities and needs.” numerous honors and awards including the ment where the people are sovereign. In such believe, like she does, that everyone can dance. Marx was one of the most infl uential social- Presidential Medal of Freedom from President a government, virtuous and autonomous citi- Harris loves sharing her passion for dance ist thinkers of the 19th century. Philosopher, Barack Obama. Robinson sits on the advisory zens must exercise self-control.” Simply put, “A and the human body with those new to dance, social scientist, historian and revolutionary, he board of Sustainable Energy For All (SE4All) republican government is one in which political and she tries hard to get them so excited about published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, in and also serves on the board of the European authority comes from the people. In the United dancing that they forget how apprehensive response to the Industrial Revolution’s total free Climate Foundation. Mary Robinson’s memoir, States, power is given to the government by they once were. market capitalism which led to the exploitation Everybody Matters, was published in September its citizens as written in the Constitution and As a dance educator Diana believes she has of workers (men, woman and children) in the 2012 and her book, Climate Justice - Hope, through its elected representatives.” been given a gift, saying, “I have been allowed era’s factories. Marx’s Communist Manifesto Resilience and the Fight for a Sustainable Future, Republicanism is ideally a form of gov- to share my love of dance with people who was a theory to stem worker exploitation by giv- was published in September 2018. ernment whose citizens have liberty, free- would never have entered a dance studio. I ing them control of the means of production and The lecture, presented by the Lowell dom, and independence; however, citizens have been given the opportunity to help them their governments. Humanities Series and co-sponsored by the must exercise self-control and responsibility feel more comfortable with their bodies, to help Over time, Marx’s theories were cor- Environmental Studies Program and Earth for themselves and others. Part of that civic them see they can accomplish what they may rupted by 20th century socialists including and Environmental Sciences Department, takes responsibility includes being informed, exer- have thought was impossible, and, perhaps, Lenin and Mao. Until recently, close to half place Wednesday, September 11 from 7:00 to cising not just their right, but their respon- the next time they are faced with a seemingly the world’s countries functioned under some 9:00 p.m. at 100 Gasson Hall, Chestnut Hill, sibility, to help govern our nation. Clearly insurmountable challenge, they might remem- version of Marx’s communism. Let’s be clear, MA 02467 voting and participating in our communities ber that time when they thought they couldn’t no Democrat I’m aware of advocates commu- is key to a healthy republic. dance.” nism or socialism as a form of government for e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 News 5

CAPSS Between the FACE IN THE CROWD CORNER Bookends Face from the ACE Joan Lownds Success Strategies News from the Hello, I’m Joan Lownds, a Writing Tutor Welcome to fall 2019! On behalf of the Center NVCC Library at Naugatuck Valley Community College. for Academic Planning and Student Success Jaime Hammond This fall, I will start my second year at the (CAPSS), we wish you a successful and engaging Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), where semester. If you haven’t stopped by Kinney Jaime Hammond is we are launching an exciting, new One- Hall, RM 520, to meet us yet, we hope you’ll Director of Library on-One Writing Tutoring Program that is take the time to visit our office. CAPSS is a Services. She loves being appointment-based. This free program is student-centered area dedicated to assisting you a community college designed to offer students individualized in creating an academic plan and ensuring you Photo Courtesy of Joan Lownds librarian and wants assistance with any aspect of their writing. stay on track through graduation and transfer. you to ask her obscure Because the program is appointment-based, It’s our goal to support you in successfully questions. it will guarantee a tutoring session. I hope navigating your academic journey at NVCC. “...we are launching an exciting, This summer, you’ll come check this out at the ACE. If you’re a new student, you may have something really Beyond tutoring, I am a writer and new One-on-One Writing already met one of our advisors or counselors exciting happened – a have published two non-fiction books, Tutoring Program that is at a New Student Registration Session. Terry, librarian was hired for Man Overboard: Inside the Honeymoon Cruise appointment-based. Sam, Yvette, Sue, and Vince have been assist- the Danbury Campus! Murder, and The Dogs of Camelot: Stories of the ing students in choosing classes and preparing  is free program is designed Ivelisse Maldonado, Kennedy Canines. The fi rst book was based on for their fi rst semester. If you’re a continuing to o er students individualized the new Danbury Campus Librarian, knows a lot a story I covered when I was a reporter for student, you may know us through advising, a about what it feels like to be a student at NVCC. The Greenwich Citizen, when George Smith of assistance with any aspect of transfer fair or workshop, Fresh Check Day, a She attended Gateway and then transferred to Greenwich was tragically murdered on his their writing. ”. classroom visit, a Degree Works presentation, WCSU. She then went on to get her Master of honeymoon cruise in the Aegean Sea. I got to or a Campus Conversation event. Library and Information Science degree. I asked know George’s family and they encouraged Whether it’s your fi rst or your last semes- Ivelisse a few questions about her life and how me to write the book. to keep the story under the radar. JFK was ter, we have ideas to help you engage on cam- she is feeling about her new position. My second book also evolved from my childhood idol when I was growing up pus and make the most of your time at NVCC: a newspaper story, which I wrote about in New Haven, CT, so I truly enjoyed writing • Be prepared! Read class assignments What was your experience like as a Connecticut Margaret Reed, a dog trainer who trains this book. Currently I am working on a novel. ahead of time and be ready to share your community college student? the dogs of the Kennedy family. I met her I went to college at Arizona State thoughts and ideas with classmates and As a community college student I felt sup- when I was a reporter for The Wilton Bulletin, University in Tempe, AZ, where I studied professors. ported to succeed academically. I enjoyed meet- and she told me she wanted to do a book journalism. The Sonoran Desert is starkly • Meet with your professor during offi ce ing students from diverse backgrounds and about how President John F. Kennedy was a beautiful, but I missed New England, so hours at least once during the semester. experiences. Overall, it was an enriching experi- rather amazing animal lover, and brought a I returned home and began my career as Faculty are your first line of defense if ence, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity vast menagerie of pets to his White House. a reporter. Presently, I love working as a you don’t understand class material. to have graduated from a community college. Margaret asked me to do the writing for the Writing Tutor at the ACE, with its warm, • Form a study group. This a great way to book, and it was published last year. During inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, and reinforce learning and meet new people. What made you want to become a librarian? the course of writing the book, I learned dedicated staff. I look forward to another • Use the Academic Center for Excellence As a young girl I always loved to read but abso- JFK brought nine dogs to the White House, year of sharing my love of writing with stu- (ACE), in Ekstrom Hall Rm 500. Take lutely loved to research. The public library was along with a cat, a rabbit, parakeets, ham- dents, and I hope I can help them with their advantage of free tutoring and utilize a place for me to read and explore with my sib- sters, and more. This was not highly publi- written assignments. To me, writing is essen- a supportive environment to complete lings. I was inspired to be a librarian because I cized because some people were grumbling tial. As Maya Angelou said, “There is no homework. wanted to help nurture students’ love of learn- that the Kennedys were turning the White greater agony than bearing an untold story • Visit the Library for assistance with ing. The library was a place that changed my House into a zoo, so the Kennedy family tried inside you.” research, access free copies of textbooks, life by helping me understand readers are lead- borrow a guitar or computer, or just read ers, and knowledge is power. a good book. • Join a student club; there are many to What are you most excited about doing at the choose from! You’ll meet students with Danbury Campus? similar views, majors and interests—or I am excited to help support all students and learn about something new you’ve never staff members in any way I can. I would like been exposed to! to do monthly events/classes at our campus to  e New Nazis? • Attend a student performance. Whether support research and literacy. I am also eager Alexander Wilson a play, art exhibit, concert, dance perfor- to learn more about the students and staff in These attacks consume massive resources. mance, or honors showcase, NVCC stu- However, it seems they won’t end any time order to design events that meet their needs Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) dents are extremely talented! soon. In response, infographics and articles are and interests. is a government organization founded in • Go to the Center for Job Placement circling the internet, informing people of their 2003, approximately a year and a half after the and College Opportunities (CJPCO) to What advice would you give a new student who is rights and how to respond correctly to an ICE September 11th terrorist attack on the World develop a resume, practice interview hoping to follow your path and go on to get bachelor warrant. The website, Informed Immigrant, has Trade Center. In cooperation with Homeland skills, or meet with employers at the Job and master’s degrees? an article citing the best plan of action during a Security, its mission is to enforce immigration Fair. Building a resume aligned with your raid. This includes not signing any paperwork, My advice would be to keep pushing your- laws and eliminate transportation and border major is a great way to increase employ- and asking for a lawyer to be present. self and don’t give up. It is very important to security vulnerabilities. ment opportunities. Aside from target cities in Mississippi, other set a long term goal and keep going back to UnderAlex, Trump’s Mickie, administration, and Frederick Dorado there at has • Meet with your academic advisor to cre- Pt. Reyes National Seashore, CA. vulnerable cities include Atlanta, Baltimore, that whenever you feel defeated. There were been much more talk of ICE and “illegal immi- ate a plan to ensure you meet your aca- Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, many nights as a single mom where I was over- grants”. Several news outlets are covering inhu- demic goals in an effi cient timeline. New Orleans, NYC, Newark, San Francisco, and whelmed by my course work and felt like giv- mane conditions at facilities along the Mexican • Check out Degree Works and track Washington DC. Any major city could theoreti- ing up, but I kept remembering why I started. border where innocent people are held cap- your progress completing your degree cally be subject to a raid. One of my favorite quotes is, “Success is not tive in overcrowded cages without access to requirements. While the end goal is purportedly depor- fi nal, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to con- clean water or basic hygiene. A federal judge • And don’t forget to visit CAPSS! We love tation of as many undocumented immigrants tinue that counts.” (Winston Churchill 1871- recently ordered access to soap, toothpaste, and meeting new people and can answer most as possible, interestingly, so far only people 1965) Always stay focused with your goals and showers was mandatory for people in deten- questions about NVCC. keep striving for the stars! of Latin American descent are being targeted. tion centers, but there’s no guarantee they have Clearly, they’re not the only undocumented Again, welcome to fall 2019 at NVCC; here’s The Danbury Campus Library hours will received it. There have been confi rmed reports immigrants in this country. Add to that the hoping you make the most of it! be: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Mylar blankets being shared due to a lack of fact that ICE has also detained American citi- Regards, 8:30-4:30pm and Tuesdays 10-6pm. Stop by beds. Human beings are getting sick and dying, zens of Latinx heritage for weeks, despite evi- Bonnie Goulet room D201 to meet Ivelisse and check out some deprived of access to medical care. dence of citizenship. of the new books she has ready for you! Anyone wishing to argue the perceived Francisco Galicia was held for over three guilt of these people can do so. However, I weeks, despite both his mother and his law- implore you to picture what I’ve just described: yer’s insistence he wasn’t an immigrant—and modern day concentration camps. Instead of despite the offi cial Texas state ID he possessed Jewish people, these are Latino/a people being upon his arrest. His lawyer has declared Galicia Welcome scapegoated, blamed for America’s financial was a victim of racial profi ling. problems. All they’ve done is come here in These raids and detainments aren’t a matter Returning and new search of sanctuary, looking for a better life— of legal versus illegal border crossings. They’re in many cases, fl eeing unspeakable violence. about race, plain and simple. Trump and his Should that really be punishable? Should we supporters’ real agenda seems to be eliminat- lock people up like animals? ing brown people—or at least portraying them Students Recently, ICE started rounding up “illegal”— as a threat to national security. Perhaps our gov- wait, let’s use the correct term, undocumented– ernment should instead focus on domestic ter- immigrants. In Mississippi, workplace raids in rorism. In 2019, we’ve already experienced 248 six major cities led to the capture of almost 700 mass shootings, including the recent El Paso immigrants. Those with documentation were let Walmart shooting, which targeted Latino/a go. However, it’s estimated 377 are still in cus- immigrants. White terrorists are doing more tody after the initial arrests. Many children were

Photo Courtesy of Freepick harm than immigrants who just want to live in left without parents after this raid. peace. Let’s focus on the real problems, America. 6 News e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Brexit 101 A Lifetime of Journalism Mitchell W. Maknis Kathleen Chesto Traveling through Ireland, in 1987, we union, just as Cameron began negotiating the Johnson. After his discharge, assiduously avoided Northern Ireland. UK-EU relationship. He sought a “deal” pro- Dunklee returned to radio; “The Troubles,” the Irish name for sectarian viding financial safeguards for his country, at the station, he was given violence plaguing the North, were not what allowing Britain to block EU regulations, and the opportunity to perform discouraged us. Rather, numerous, armed changing migrant welfare programs. Results news segments. This minute border checkpoints—potentially adding hours of this “deal” were announced in February change was a turning point: to our journey—dissuaded us. 2016, with June 23, 2016 set for referendum on he became enthralled with Last summer, we entered the North with remaining or exiting the EU. the prospect of journalism. less indication of a border than traveling I-84 Voter turnout was 71.8%; with 30+ million Graduating MSU with a from CT to NY. No checkpoints, no border people voting, referendum to exit passed 51.9% journalism minor, Dunklee markers—only a small sign, easily mistaken to 48.1%. Cameron resigned and new Prime struggled to find work for a street sign, informed us we were in Minister Theresa May gave formal notice, during economic reces- Armagh, one of Northern Ireland’s six coun- March 29, 2017, of Britain’s intent to leave the sion. He eventually found ties. Nothing indicated we were in the United EU, officially starting a two-year countdown to stable employment in New Kingdom, a striking reminder of what the withdrawal. When Parliament rejected May’s Photo Courtesy of Hampshire. After working European Union (EU) created. However, we EU withdrawal agreement and the deal she his way up to operations did see signs and posters reading: “Say NO negotiated with the EU, the European Council Ethics are a cornerstone of professionalism; manager, Dunklee needed a change. When to Brexit” and “No Hard Borders.” set a new deadline of October 31, 2019, with- journalists, especially, must remain objective the Dean of Emmerson College offered the March 31, 2019, Great Britain was set to drawing the negotiated deal. New PM Boris to retain credibility in presenting facts to the opportunity to teach radio performance, he formalize its decision on leaving the EU. Johnson insists Britain will leave without it. public. That said, as media changes, ethical accepted, matriculating into the school’s grad- Britain’s new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, In all the rhetoric about migration and standards must adapt to changing times. As uate program to earn his Masters in Public was elected on promises to leave and restore sovereignty surrounding the referendum, one of the architects restructuring the Society Affairs Reporting. “Britain’s sovereignty.” To understand reasons economic and political consequences were of Professional Journalism’s code of ethics Subsequently, he returned to his radio behind this decision and what it could mean downplayed. Mark Carney, governor of the in 1996, SCSU’s professor Jerry Dunklee has career with a Saturday morning talk show. for Great Britain, for the US, and the EU, it’s Bank of England, recently said a “no-deal been indispensable within the journalistic Dunklee then received an unexpected call. necessary to understand the history of the Brexit” would cause “instantaneous shock” community. The owner of WELI in New Haven, who’d Union and Brexit. to the economy, with a one in three chance of Making revolutionary strides in the broad- caught Dunklee’s program, offered a chance The Maastricht Treaty of 1993 created throwing Britain into severe recession. cast field, Dunklee captured the spirit of jour- to produce his own journalistic talk show. He the Brussels-based EU. Its predecessor, the Merchants and hoteliers in Northern nalism, making history in the process. He accepted, moving to CT in 1978. Over several European Economic Community, was estab- Ireland, facing the gravest consequence of discerningly dealt with taboos, as well as devel- years at WELI, Dunklee built his reputation, lished in 1957 to foster economic cooperation “no-deal,” argue return to a “hard border” oping one of the country’s first programs to dis- presenting the public difficult topics, inviting between European nations after WWII. The with checkpoints in Northern Ireland would cuss the AIDS virus before the disease even guests to explain and participate in in-depth hope was nations who traded together would bring a return of long delays transporting had a name. I was fortunate to sit down with discussions on important matters covering pol- be less likely to wage war, as both World Wars needed materials, as well as unwieldy tariffs, Prof. Dunklee and gain insight into his journey itics, social issues, science, and medicine. were precipitated by European disputes. The threatening their already fragile economy. The and his impact shaping modern journalism. After a fruitful radio career, Dunklee EU, descendant of the EEC, designed to inte- resurgence of terrible sectarian violence would Born in 1945, Professor Dunklee lived in accepted a full-time faculty position at SCSU, grate Europe’s nations politically and eco- also be a real possibility. small-town Michigan with his parents and four teaching journalism. This opportunity seemed nomically, includes a united foreign policy, Stark differences between UK countries in siblings. Residing in a poor household Dunklee fortuitous with a management change immi- common citizenship rights, and (for mem- the referendum vote could have immense polit- called “smaller than most apartments,” he nent at WELI. Dunklee knew from experi- ber nations, the UK excluded) a single cur- ical ramifications. England and Wales voted for spent his youth helping provide for his fam- ence new owners wouldn’t support the quality rency, the euro. Brexit. Northern Ireland and Scotland voted ily, growing fresh vegetables, hunting pheas- content he’d been providing. This fresh start Great Britain joined the EEC in 1973, but to remain, Scotland overwhelmingly so, lead- ant, and fishing every week. Dunklee went on enabled him to share decades of knowledge shared a stormy history with the Common ing the Scottish Independence party to call for to employment at General Motors, operating with future generations. Market (as it was called). Becoming prime min- a referendum on Scotland’s withdrawal from machinery, stamping auto parts, and dabbling Since then, forming college workshops and ister in 1997, Tony Blair worked to strengthen the UK. with welding. programming, he’s credited with creating the ties between EU and mainland European coun- Irish Prime Minister Leo Vardakarn One of Dunklee’s early aspirations was CT Journalism Hall of Fame (into which he was tries. His efforts were undermined by “mad believes no-deal Brexit could lead to a united to become the next Johnny Carson. At 17, his inducted in 2012). Dunklee co-wrote the text- cow” disease in the late ‘90s, which led to the Ireland, causing more people in Northern resolve strengthened, he registered for a degree book, The Power of Free Expression in America. An EU banning British beef, and a 27-year battle Ireland to question union with England, in theater at Michigan State University. His in-depth exploration of the press’s societal role, over the sale of English chocolate in Europe. Scotland, and Wales. Speaking in Donegal, financial circumstances, however, made this it is available on Amazon. Dunklee also forayed In 2007, after plans for an official EU consti- Varadkar stated, “Increasingly, you see liberal impossible. Scholarships were non-existent, into fiction, writing a children’s book,Doris and tution collapsed, member nations negotiated Protestants and liberal unionists…ask[ing] so, to pave the way for his education, Dunklee Morris and Horace and the Brontosaurus, available the Lisbon Treaty, giving Brussels broader gov- where they[‘d] feel more at home. Is it in a found employment however he could, includ- on Kindle and Amazon. ernance powers within the EU. Nationalists in nationalist Britain talking about potentially ing finding work (and comfort) at his cam- After a lifetime of journalistic exploits and Britain grumbled about giving up sovereignty. bringing back the death penalty? Or is it as pus radio station. This unplanned experience 33 years at SCSU, Dunklee—while looking into In 2013, then Prime Minister David Cameron part of a common European home and part of shifted his brain; he later procured a full-time retirement—encourages students to seek guid- promised to renegotiate Britain’s member- Ireland?” (London AFP) job as disk jockey for a local station. Even so, ance from someone who’s not their professor ship in the EU if his Conservative Party won a Rob Ford, professor of politics at the radio’s long hours caused Dunklee’s grades to to better broaden perception. His advice: “Get majority in the general election. Concurrently, University of Manchester, told CNN, London, suffer, and he was eventually asked by MSU started in college, get involved on campus, the UK Independence Party was garnering “I wouldn’t be surprised if no-deal Brexit ends to leave school. practice your craft. Learn to screw up on cam- voter support against EU membership. up being looked at by historians as the event Unsure of his future, Dunklee needed a pus because, if you fail in the real-world, con- In May, 2015, with economic unrest in the that breaks up the UK. “ new perspective; in 1966 he enlisted in the sequences will be more severe.” Eurozone (19 EU countries’ territory), and What effect will Brexit have on the US, the U.S. Army. Receiving extensive training from Stay up-to-date with Prof. Dunklee via his an ongoing migrant crisis bringing 300,000 EU, the whole world? Should we be more con- the bomb disposal unit, he worked with the website or fol- migrants yearly into the UK, the Independence cerned, more aware? Look for an October fol- Secret Service, protecting President Lyndon B. low him on social media. Party called for “Brexit,” British exit from the low-up article.

Environmental Activist, Bill McKibben Robert Pinto

I like spending my spare summer time reading. As for the climate change movement’s future, McKibben believes it will continue growing After discovering Bill McKibben’s Falter, I felt fast, especially among young people. He’s concerned, however, whether we can act fast enough compelled to contact the author. For those to catch up with the physics of climate change. unfamiliar with author/activist McKibben, he Regarding ways to reduce or reverse levels of carbon pollution in the atmosphere, McKibben graduated from Harvard in 1982, lives in Vermont, responded, “You plant a lot of trees; they suck carbon out of the atmosphere. And changes in the and is a Middlebury College professor. McKibben way we farm can help pull carbon out of the air, sequestering it in soil.” McKibben also believes founded; the organization’s goal is reducing corporations should take a more active role. “Every corporation has a big lobbying team in DC, carbon levels in the atmosphere to 350 parts per and they should be set loose to demand changes in the law.” million. His work fighting climate change earned Students can help positively impact the current climate crisis. McKibben encourages McKibben the 2013 Gandhi Peace Award. students to “Join in: The Sunrise Movement,, Fridays for the Future, Extinction I asked McKibben how he started his fight Rebellion—all these organizations can make a huge difference!” against climate change. He replied, “I wrote the McKibben sees advances like artificial intelligence as positives in fighting climate change. He first book, The End of Nature, for a general audi- points out “The rapid fall in price of solar and wind power is a big deal—thanks to engineers, ence about climate change in 1989.” My next ques- this is now the cheapest way to generate power worldwide. That’s a big help!” tion concerned his founding of McKibben I asked McKibben which leaders can make a strong impact in reducing carbon pollution. stated he and a group of seven undergraduates He replied, “It would be very helpful to have a strong Democratic candidate topple Trump, who started it a decade ago; explaining it grew fast, thinks climate change is a hoax. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have been especially out- McKibben added, “We think we’ve organized spoken, but all have said good things.” McKibben calls the Green New Deal “the first legislation 20,000 demonstrations in every country except on the same scale as the problem. It’s really important—many thanks to the Sunrise Movement Photo Courtesy of Google North Korea.” and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for bringing it forward!” e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Arts & Culture 7

Revolutionary Rhythms From there, I knew I wanted to work in education and assist others. I held various jobs Not the Man ey ink I Am at Home alumni over three years while continuing to figure SHOWCASE out where exactly I needed to be. I worked at A Film Review Waterbury Hospital teaching their Children’s Cheryl Swodes Leadership Training Institute on Monday nights. I was also a substitute teacher for Elton John’s life takes shape under Waterbury Public Schools, and worked with Fletcher’s masterful direction, and a tour-de- Gear UP in Waterbury Public Schools. After force performance by dancing, singing Taron Egerton who inhabits the role with frankness “Community college allowed me and vulnerability, without ever becoming a cartoon. No doubt he will be nominated for an to become the successful, service- Oscar for this performance, and a win would oriented individual I am today. be well-deserved. If not for NVCC and WAVE, my Jamie Bell is great in the role of even-keeled college experience would not songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin. Elton has often remarked of Taupin, “We’ve never had have been as rewarding...” an actual fight,” though, with Elton’s tempestu- ous nature and growing addictions, the movie Minerva Maldonado a while, I stumbled upon a new path where I unflinchingly shows his life as a prolonged bat- could learn to help others—and possibly be a Photo Courtesy EltonJohnVEVO tle, mostly with himself. Eyes on Excellence professor in the future—as an optician. The singer’s parents seemed really unsuited I turned back to the community col- Elton John’s 2019 fantasy biopic, Rocket Man, to raising a child, and while the steely, dis- Naugatuck Valley Community College is lege system in 2017, attending Middlesex opens with a startling shot of the singer, clothed approving father wounds the audience as it the true essence of a community college. My Community College (MXCC) to get an A.S. as a devil, twisted horns and all, striding down must have wounded the boy, his brutally blunt time there prepared me for working in the in Ophthalmic Dispense and Design in order a dark corridor. It defies our image of the pop mother Sheila, portrayed without pity by the real world and helped me understand life is to take the state licensing exam to become an star who wrote a seemingly endless stream of versatile Bryce Dallas Howard, seems nearly not just going to college, but being part of a optician. At this point, with my NVCC roots, I classic hits starting in the 1970s and continuing sociopathic in what she feels entitled to say. community. NVCC’s faculty, programs and was no stranger to community college. I grad- until this day. We learn soon after the opening Add to these troubling characters man- students unite the campus to create a sense uated from MXCC Dean’s List and Phi Theta sequence, however, that the singer with the ager John Reid, played with sinister chilliness of belonging. Kappa with an A.S. in Ophthalmic Design vibrant stage persona is broken. Elton John has by Richard Madden. In Reid, we see a charac- Workforce Achievers Value Education and Dispensing. just abandoned a concert and is hurrying down ter who, like so many real-life users, promises (WAVE) is one program designed to build I participated in a service mission to help the hall of a rehab facility, ready to deal with much more than he nonchalantly helps him- students’ academic skills while developing provide eyecare services to the Eastern Pequot his own devils. self to, but Reid was also the man who, as Elton everyone’s emotional quotient. I interviewed Tribal Nation in Southeastern CT and helped Director Dexter Fletcher and writer Lee John’s first lover, affected the performer pro- for WAVE, as it was selective, before finish- in the fabrication of eyewear for multiple mis- Hall construct the movie, which had been gath- foundly. Their sexual encounter is dealt with ing my senior year of high school. In the sions. In February 2019, I was honored with ering dust for several years until Paramount less explicitly than some have complained of, top three of my class, I was told I would be a travel grant to attend a leadership confer- took over in 2018, as the stylized journey of an but that it is an integral scene of a wide-release great at whatever I did. I made the choice to ence for the Opticians Association of America artist who began life as a piano prodigy with film is landmark nonetheless. decline another college to attend NVCC and (OAA) in Tennessee. the chewy name, Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Rocket Man could have been a self-con- be involved in the WAVE Program. In April, another student and I were ran- “Rocket Man” refers to his 1972 space race-in- gratulatory tale of the life of a man generous WAVE encouraged me to be involved, domly selected to attend a mission trip to spired hit single about the loneliness of being with his time and resources on behalf of AIDS providing tutoring, and workshops. They Ecuador. We traveled with a group called just too far from everyday life. research and many other charitable entities. helped me understand the college process, Partners for Andean Community Health This is a central theme in the movie, the It could have been a film about his silly feuds FAFSA, and choosing classes. Most impor- (PACH) to provide eye care services and sense of “otherness” John felt struggling with with celebrities or his diamond-like, lasting tantly, WAVE provided me with community. glasses to remote villages in Ecuador. I was his emerging sexual identity and emotional devotion to his friends. At the soaring heart I also made sure to get involved in campus also recently given the opportunity from the turmoil. With flashbacks and flash-forwards, of it all, Rocket Man is about a man reclaimed groups such as the Political Science Club, OAA to assist with two others in leading a Rocket Man employs Elton’s hits to underscore by courage, honesty, sobriety, and love. He and NVCC gave me my first real job through breakout session for the next group of student situations and emotions—it’s a clever way to becomes, at last, at home with the man he work study; I was an English Peer Tutor at leaders in Florida in February 2020. experience his catalog. thinks he is. the ACE. Community college allowed me to An inaugural member of NVCC’s become the successful, service-oriented indi- President’s Circle, I graduated in two years in vidual I am today. If not for NVCC and WAVE, May 2011. On the Dean’s List, and a Phi Theta my college experience wouldn’t have been Kappa member, I earned an A.A in Liberal Arts as rewarding, and I might not have found and Sciences, then continued onward to finish where I truly belong. My community, my My ConnectiCon First my bachelor’s degree. I graduated Dean’s List experiences, and the wonderful people that and Sigma Tau Delta from the UConn with a influenced me will always make NVCC spe- Alyssa Katz B.A. in English in December 2013. cial to me.

space, all portraying either movie or comic book versions of the characters. One by one the char- leaders as of August 2019. Look for these teams acters would assemble according to whatever to be competing to become this year’s World group was called out: movie characters, comic On the Field Series Champions. As the hunt for October book characters, heroes, villains, and so on. As John Williams playoffs draws near. I’m looking forward to see- they posed, people would take their pictures. ing which teams will rise to the top. There were a particularly good Doctor Strange The smell of fresh cut grass. The sound of the Meanwhile, in other sports news, the and Black Widow, and basically all of the bat cracking in batting practice. The ballpark NFL kicked off its 2019 season with new Hall Guardians of the Galaxy were present, includ- attendant yelling, “Peanuts, get your peanuts!” of Fame inductees receiving the NFL’s most ing Star Lord, Nebula, and Rocket—Fat These can only mean one thing: it’s time for prestigious honor. Tony Gonzalez, Ed Reed, Thor from End Game even got thrown in there baseball. As the second half of the season Champ Bailey, Kevin Mawae, Ty Law, Johnny as a joke. It was interesting to see the different gets underway, the 2019 All-Stars put on a Robinson, Pat Bowlen, and Gil Brandt are the timelines of the characters, from comic book to great show during All-Star festivities. What class of 2019. These men have made contribu- movie, or from old artwork to modern artwork. an awesome slugfest in this year’s Home Run tions on and off the field. I’m glad I got to watch As if the day wasn’t wild enough, end Derby. and admire these great men growing up. Photo Courtesy of Alyssa Katz of day brought a Death Match. As soon as Pete Alonso, of the New York Mets, took While fans are enjoying the gold jacket cer- This was my first time attending ConnectiCon, Emcee Mooky came out and shed his shirt, home the trophy with 23 dingers in the final emonies, current players are in training camp the annual comic book convention held at the crowd went wild. Then there was the round. The following night the American with aspirations of playing in Super Bowl LIV. Hartford’s Convention Center, so I hadn’t known teddy bear, and everyone shouting, “Blood for League edged out a victory over the National Teams start training camp with a 93-man ros- exactly what I was getting into. My friend and Odin!” You could tell most audience members League 4-3 in the 90th Midsummer Classic ter. By Sept 1, at 4 pm ET, the rosters must be I went for the day, Saturday, July 13th, meeting had attended ConnectiCon for years. Two by at Progressive Field, home of the Cleveland cut down to 53 men. The four preseason games her brother, my boyfriend and his friends. My two, characters faced off (for example, Link vs Indians. Both teams played a great game, but give coaches time to assess players, to build a boyfriend dressed as Toshinori Yagi (in teacher Zelda, Freddie Mercury dressed as Deadpool, the American League made just enough plays roster aligned with the coaches’ philosophy, form) from My Hero Academia was a sight to Zeus vs Scyther—even Totally Spies) and who- to get the win. as rookies and undrafted free agents get their see; I couldn’t get over the wig! And, no, my ever got the most cheers won that round. After This will give the American League home first taste of the daily grind of playing in the friend and I did not dress up. they “killed” the loser, they were “eaten” by field advantage throughout the World Series NFL. Some rookies have more hype than oth- Throughout the day, there were a huge zombie Con staff members. For t ies, t hey ’d Championship. Every fan hopes to see their ers. Here are the top 10 draft picks to keep your number of individuals portraying all sorts of call into the next room, to the 21 and over team holding up the Commissioner’s Trophy, eye on this year: fandoms and anime characters. I didn’t know group, a.k.a. “the drunks” to choose a winner. when it’s all said and done. Unfortunately, who most were; it was mainly anime, some While it was a strange day and also a bit some teams are already looking forward to 1. Kyler Murray QB 6 Daniel Jones QB were very clever. A few, I did recognize, such overwhelming, my friend and I had a good the off-season. 2. Nick Bosa DE 7. Josh Allen DE/LB as superheroes, Pokémon, and Star Wars char- time. While I thought this sort of thing was There are 162 games in a season. Injuries 3. Quinnen Williams DT 8. T.J Hockenson TE acters. There was a Rey with a remote-con- just for nerdy adults or even young adults, have affected most teams, while some have 4. Clelin Ferrell DE 9. Ed Oliver DT trolled BB-8 and a Queen Amadala from there were also a bunch of kids there who avoided the injury bug. This is the time of year 5. Devin White LB 10. Devin Bush LB the Star Wars prequels that I thought were dressed up. When asked if I would go back next when teams start to get in playoff mode. The standout costumes. year, that is…undecided. And when asked if I New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins, Houston I’m excited to see what the 2019-2020 season One event we saw was a Marvel photo- would dress up? Again, undecided. Ask me Astros, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, and Los brings. Who’ll be this year’s Rookie of the Year? shoot. A lot of Marvel fans had gathered in the next year. Angeles Dodgers are all respected division 8 Arts & Culture e Tamarack, September 1, 2019

RECENTLY Summer of 2019 Salem in Summer ConnectiCon XVII READ Gwenydd Miller Mitchell W. Maknis Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life Everyone experiences the summer diff erently, by Jane Sherron De Hart but more often than not, there are memorable moments waiting to be discovered. For many Voice actors Tara Jayne Sands and Jake Paque at On August 10, 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was New England residents, their memorable their panel. Photo Courtesy of Tracey Maknis sworn in as only the second woman ever to sit moment didn’t require an arduous journey on the U.S. Supreme Court. Another woman abroad. From July 11-14, at the Hartford to attend a panel that united two Pokémon voice would not ascend to the court until President Convention Center, many pop culture actors: Tara Jayne Sands and Jake Paque, who Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayer in 2009. enthusiasts convened at Connecticut’s original brought passion and unbridled charisma to By then, RBG was nationally recognized as the multi-fandom convention, fittingly entitled their collaborative eff ort. It was a joyous experi- single most powerful force in overturning U.S. ConnectiCon, for its seventeenth annual event. ence witnessing these two talents play off each laws that defi ned and upheld the inferiority of ConnectiCon offers something for every- other’s words as they delighted fans with sto- women. In the process, she had become one body by providing a plethora of experiences ries on their extensive careers. our nation’s most transformative legal minds. for fans of timeless genres of entertainment While celebrity panels and autographs Ruth Bader Ginsburg; A Life, by Jane Sherron ranging from movies to anime, television, and were a highpoint of the convention, they were De Hart, is the story, not just of the woman, but video games. It was evident something special not the only laudable aspect. For instance, Con of the issues, the forces, and the political climate was happening upon entering the Convention goers were able to enjoy many exhibitors show- The docked sailing ship, Kalmar Nyckle. that developed her amazing passion for justice, Center as many attendees were dressed in vary- casing their wares. Dealer Booths housed many Photo Courtesy of Gwenydd Miller and shaped her successes and failures. ing cosplay attire. This enabled fellow pop-cul- small businesses, such as independent fi lm dis- Ruth Bader was born and grew up in ture enthusiasts to express their love of the tributor, Media Blasters, and the culinary arti- Everyone knows one of the best tourist spots Flatbush, New York, the second daughter of entertainment industry while awaiting the san, Silk City Hot Sauce. around Halloween is Salem, MA. The witch devout Jewish parents. The Hebrew injunction many exhibitions within the Convention Center. The Artist’s Colony was especially museums, the spooky atmosphere, the ghost of tikkun olam, “to repair the world,” became the After admiring, mingling and posing for eye-catching, as each artist brought their tours, and the many New Age/Wiccan stores deep, abiding tenet of her life and work. pictures with cosplayers, fans could make eclectic niche to the convention fl oor, entranc- are all very alluring, but that’s only one side of The author skims lightly over the early years, their way deeper into the event. There people ing patrons with their distinct illustrations. Salem. There is a lot of history there, beyond focusing on the strong infl uence of her mother, had the opportunity to meet universally rec- Creative energy could also be found at the CT witches and ghosts. Celia, in nurturing her academic skills and inde- ognized actors such as Jim Cummings, known Festival of Independent Games area where Let’s start with coff ee (how I always start pendence. Celia developed cancer during Ruth’s for portraying ico nic characters such as Winnie indie tabletop creators socialized with guests, my time there). There is this coff ee shop, Joho, freshman year of high school and died two days the Pooh and Tigger. Also in attendance was gaining input on their meticulous creations. If right down the street from the Salem Maritime before Ruth would have graduated as valedicto- David Sobolov, known for his work portray- that wasn’t enough to keep the ConnectiCon rian. In later years, RBG would share how being ing Gorilla Grodd in the Television Series The populace occupied, attendees could also make denied the right, as a woman, to recite Kaddish, Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow as well as their way to Gamer’s Corner where friends and Everyone associates witches the prayer for the dead, for her mother, ignited Blitzwing in the motion picture Bumblebee. The strangers alike partook in varying console and with Salem, but you really her incipient sense of feminism. event planners also arranged a reunion with arcade games. should think of pirates! Experiences at Cornell Undergraduate the cast of the acclaimed video game Devil May It was clear staff members worked tire- and Harvard Law (where she was one of nine Cry 5 including Rueben Langdon (Dante), Dan lessly to arrange a show that provided a vari- women) provided a daily diet of anti-feminism Southworth (Virgil), Johnny Yong Bosch (Nero), ety of media for every con-enthusiast. This Center—which we’ll get to in a minute. Joho foreshadowing the attitude she eventually and Brian Hanford (V). made it possible for like-minded individuals is wonderful; think Starbucks, only local and encountered in the employment market after ConnectiCon also provided fans the chance to convene for a truly memorable weekend. with more of a mom-and-pop feel. It also has graduating fi rst in her class. She was rejected to hear their entertainment heroes speak at pan- The experience will have to hold them until big comfy couches, more activities for its cus- by one law firm after another because they els where they were able to acquire answers to next summer, when ConnectiCon returns, July tomers, and is by far superior (sorry, Starbucks; didn’t hire women, or had already hired one long-awaited questions. I was fortunate enough 9-12, 2020. I still love you). token woman. RBG’s marriage and extraordi- What brought us to Salem this summer nary relationship with her husband are high- was actually the Salem Maritime Festival, held lights of this section of her story. August 3rd - 4th. It had visiting ships such as The desire for equality had been thoroughly the Kalmar Nycle, and the Viking replica ship, awakened by the time she began working for the Polaris. They gave free ship tours, and there ACLU. Using the Fourteenth Amendment to the A Year’s Walk were many tents and tables selling merchan- Constitution, particularly the clause guarantee- dise and demonstrating life in colonial days. Robert Pinto ing “equal protection under the law” she began What was your favorite state to walk through? However, we stayed at the festival less than her quest, overturning each law that discrimi- was my favorite. It was a really cool While browsing the web recently, I stumbled an hour, as there were many other things to nated on the basis of gender, one at time. place with lots of antique stores. Maine was upon the remarkable story of a young woman explore. Unfortunately, the author gets entangled the cleanest state I walked through; no litter who had just fi nished her journey walking It’s hard going to a harbor and not wanting in the minutiae of the law regarding each legal or pollution or anything. I also really enjoyed from Fort Kent, Maine to Key West, Florida. to go out on the water. Well, Salem has two dif- case, as she details the rocket ascendancy of walking through Georgia, which has some It was an emotional journey for Jessie Grieb, ferent cruise lines I know of. One features the RBG’s career. While it is diffi cult not to get lost really pretty spots. Savannah was a very nice who at 26 years old, decided last summer to Schooner Fame at Pickering Wharf Marina, a in names and case numbers as one extraor- city to walk through. replica of a ship from 1812, and a dinary challenge after another creates legal begin a Maine to Florida walking journey to raise awareness of the opioid addiction What was the most challenging part? fun activity. Once on the water, you can buy precedent for equal benefi ts, equal pay, equal snacks or drink, talk with the friendly crew, education, equal employment, equal access to epidemic in the U.S. Alone time was very challenging. Most of For Jessie, the crisis hits home. She trag- and even help them sail. It’s a perfect summer- health care, these accomplishments are breath- the time I spent walking alone. I was com- time Salem activity, and on weekends, cruises taking and have permanently altered life and ically lost her brother to an opioid over- pletely alone walking from New York to dose; the pain has stayed with her since. She run well into fall. opportunity for women in this country. Florida. Winter was the most challenging. We also stumbled across a new restau- The book ends on a poignant note, describ- decided to channel that pain into something Walking through Florida was also very chal- monumental. I had the pleasure of conducting rant: Scratch Kitchen. Everything’s made ing the change in our present political climate lenging because the heat was so intense, and I on-site or sourced locally. Even their ketchup and RBG’s consequent struggle to remain on a telephone interview with Jessie Grieb. Her was pushing a 60-pound cart with all my story is extraordinary. is made from scratch and has the most unique the court, despite her husband’s death and her gear. For people who’ve walked across the flavor. They specialize in sandwiches, grilled three battles with cancer. This is an amazing How long did it take you to walk from Maine to U.S., there truly is a post-partum depression cheese, and smoked meats. The French fries woman, an amazing life, but I wish the book Florida? once you’ve completed your journey. were also delicious, although they threw me were a little easier to read. If 700 pages seems I started the walk July 23rd, 2018 and com- Can you tell me more about your mission for for a loop; served in a flowerpot, a “small” overwhelming, I recommend the movie, A pleted it June 14th, 2019. this walk? could easily be too much for three people. It’s Matter of Sex, available on Amazon Prime. I worked with Brett Bramble and his organiza- a nice shop, reasonably priced, with friendly Kathleen Chesto Have you been an active person your whole life? tion called Freedom to Grow. It’s a nonprofi t, staff. Definitely worth stopping if you’re in Not at all! I barely walked a couple of miles nonpartisan organization whose mission is the area! here and there, though I was a cheerleader in to help people with troubled pasts learn how Everyone associates witches with Salem, high school. to have happy and healthy futures. I raised a but you really should think of pirates! The New Loved it? Hated it? How many people do you think you met during little more than $5,000 for them. England Pirate Museum features...the pirates Send us your letters in response to your walk; can you share some of their stories? Would you do a walk like this again? of New England, naturally, and a fun, infor- articles, features, and profiles in The mative descent into the museum’s dark caves. I met hundreds, so many kind people through- If I were to do another walk, I would walk Tamarack. Limit them to 200 words and Conveniently located just across from Scratch out the United States. People opened their to California; I’d want to walk from the East email them to [email protected] with the Kitchen, it’s easily identifi ed by painted pirates doors for me and let me stay in their homes. Coast to the West Coast. subject line READERS RESPOND. Letters climbing the building on a rope ladder. may be edited for length and grammar. There was an amazing lady named Kay who What plans do you have for the future? These are just a few of the wonders Salem lived in the Boston area; she let me stay in her has to offer. The House of Seven Gables home. She was very generous and she didn’t For now I’m going to spend time with family (Nathanial Hawthorn House) and Essex have much to give. At one point, I spoke with a and friends in Florida. I’m still processing so Peabody Museum, are among many non-witch- grieving mother for hours, about how she lost much of this walk; my family says they see related destinations in Salem. Another must- one of her children to opioid addiction. a huge change in me. My parents are a big Tamarack see, which does include witches and wizards, During this walk, I detoxed, so I stayed inspiration for me and this really has been EDIT MEETINGS is the Harry Potter Store, right next to the wand clean and sober during the entire duration of emotional for me. shop, also Potter-themed. Even if you’re headed my walk. My goal was to walk 20 miles per Tuesdays 2:30 pm, S519 Thank you for your time, and good luck to you! there this fall, when planning for next summer, day. That’s usually what I averaged. Another ALL WELCOME!! Thank you, my pleasure! be sure to consider Salem. goal was to walk 100 miles per week. e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Arts & Culture 9

American Idiot  ar be Pirates FACE IN THE CROWD Gwenydd Miller Gwenydd Miller Musically Speaking August 10th, a mysterious ship floated Ryan Bisson “Don’t want to be an American idiot,” was down the CT River. Notorious pirate, Dixie sung by many enthusiastic performers on Bull, boarded a large vessel filled with time Ryan Bisson is the Educational Assistant stage. American Idiot, based on the music travelers from 2019. Several other pirates came for NVCC’s Music Department. While on of punk rock band, Green Day, has been a on board, including Thomas Tew and William campus, he can be found singing with the musical for some time. The original Broadway Photo Courtesy of Ryan Bisson Kidd. Together, the pirates sang, joked, and did NVCC Choir, or with Fermata the Valley, production even had Billie Joe Armstrong, all they could to entertain these folks, bringing NVCC’s a cappella group. During school lead vocalist and guitarist for Green Day, them back to another time. days, he can be found in the music office, ensembles. In 2015, Bisson was named win- playing St. Jimmy. Premiering on Broadway On “Thar be Pirates,” an Essex Steam Train working on ear training, or talking music ner of the American Trombone Workshop back in 2010, it’s been produced repeatedly in and Riverboat Cruise, a steam train, boarded theory with students. If you happen to come National Solo Competition, for his perfor- smaller productions to this very day. with dozens of excited people, traveled into past the music office at the right time, and mance of the Penderecki Capriccio. The next American Idiot played the Thomaston the past, to a time when pirates still roamed you’re very lucky, you may even catch Ryan year, his quartet, The Rhombus Quartet, was Opera House the fi rst week in August, fea- the New England waters—or so the conductor practicing his bass trombone. named runner up for the American Trombone turing student performers; however, just said as we rode to the riverboat. Time travel or Ryan grew up in Connecticut as an Workshops National Quartet Competition. because they were students, didn’t mean not, it was magical. Actors dressed as pirates active athlete and musician. During school Ryan continues to enjoy his work as a bass they weren’t amazing on stage. They cap- walked up and down the train cars, staying in he played trombone, but most of his time trombone player, traveling on weekends to tured the essence of Green Day’s songs per- character the whole night, and providing enter- was spent wresting, running, and pole vault- various jobs throughout New England. fectly. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if that tainment wit h their horrible jokes. ing. His love for music really began in his If he has a weekend off from playing trom- means we should congratulate them or send The steam train was quite the sight. The high school marching band, where he played bone, you can find Ryan out in the woods, them to rehab because some delivered per- bench seats featured a back that fl ipped either trombone and tuba. He continued to pur- hiking or rock climbing. When the weather formances almost too believable… After way, so passengers could sit facing whichever sue his musical studies at the University is bad, you’ll fi nd him at home playing video all, American Idiot covers pretty strong top- direction they chose. The train car’s ornate ceil- of Massachusetts-Amherst, and at Boston games with his amazing wife, Emily, or play- ics, including drug use, suicide, war, and ing indeed felt like traveling back in time, the University. ing with their dog, Pearl. perhaps the hardest to swallow: growing old-fashioned lights providing a majestic glow. While living in Massachusetts, Ryan trav- Ryan always keeps the door to A504 open up. Its subtext also tackles commitment to Once off the train, we were met at the docks elled throughout New England playing all while he’s there, and he loves to talk music friends and family, as well as the impor- by many more pirates, and one mermaid, sit- diff erent styles of music, from orchestra, to pit with anyone who comes by, so stop in and tance of home. ting further inland, waving to us. When sev- orchestra for musicals, to large and small jazz say hello! The story is about three friends, who eral people went to take pictures with her, one want to leave their hometown to take on pirate warned those people would not live the real world. One friend calls himself the much longer. Mermaids, after all, have a habit Jesus of Suburbia; he’s an unemployed drug Con uencia of taking people’s souls. user, who always forgets to shower. In fact, Tamarack S t a  Vincent Toro is author of Stereo. Island. Complimentary Dark and Stormy drinks that was a running joke throughout the per- Mosaic, which won the Sawtooth Poetry Prize were served upon boarding the riverboat. A formance. Jesus of Suburbia gets three bus from Ahsahta Press and the Norma Farber Dark and Stormy is a mixed drink consisting tickets with money his mother loaned him, First Book Award from the Poetry Society of of ginger beer (like ginger ale, but with much but the friends quickly separate when one America. Holding an MFA in poetry from more ginger) and dark spiced rum. They’re deli- learns his girlfriend is pregnant, and, duty Rutgers, he is contributing editor for Kweli cious if you like ginger. In fact, Goslings, a com- bound, he stays behind to support her. Literary Journal. Toro is recipient of a Poet’s pany that manufactures both rum and ginger The other two hit the big city and fi nd House Emerging Poets Fellowship, a NY beer sponsored the cruise. Jose Gonzalez. Vincent Toro. Caycedo- themselves lost in terms of self. Boredom Photo Courtesy Photo Courtesy Kimura Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, One storyteller, in a red satin coat and top and unproductivity get the better of them— of the Poet’s of Poetry Photo Courtesy the Caribbean Writer’s Cecile De Jongh Poetry hat, shared a tale about and his Website of MA Poetry this would’ve been an excellent time to sing Prize, and Metlife Nuestras Voces Playwriting . He spoke of two young men Festival website “Longview”; however, that didn’t happen. Award. His poems appear in journals includ- who stumbled upon the treasure, never to One friend finds his motivation through NVCC hosts its fi rst fall 2019 Confl uencia, in the ing Buenos Aires Review, Codex, Rattle, Cortland be seen again; as the story went, Kidd’s good patriotic duty, joining the military, while Playbox Theatre at 5:30 p.m., September 24th; Review, and Best American Experimental Writing friend, the Devil himself, was guarding the Jesus of Suburbia falls in with a drug dealer, Prof. Steve Parlato will moderate. This literary 2015. Toro teaches at Bronx Community College chest that night. At this point, the man took St. Jimmy. He also falls in love with Jimmy’s celebration, coinciding with Hispanic Heritage and is writing liaison at Cooper Union Saturday off his top hat; revealing prosthetic horns, he ex-girlfriend, the “Last of the American Month, features a special roster of poets of Program. claimed to know the story because he’d been Girls,” and according to her, “She’s a Rebel”. Hispanic heritage: Luisa Caycedo-Kimura, Dr. Poet and translator Luisa Caycedo-Kimura there. He spent the rest of the night approach- The three eventually go their separate ways, Jose Gonzalez, and Vincent Toro. was born in Colombia and raised in NYC. She’s ing people, talking like an old friend, saying, each facing heartbreak, loss, and in one case, Born in San Salvador, El Salvador, Gonzalez travelled through Latin America and Europe, “I know you already have one of these, but severe injury. authored the International Latino Book Award and in 2013, spent two months in Spain as take another just in case,” then handing them Songs from other albums like, “Know Finalist, Toys Made of Rock, as well as When Love Robert Pinsky Global Fellow in Poetry. The a business card reading: “His Satanic Majesty, Your Enemy,” “Before the Lobotomy,” and Was Reels. His poetry has been anthologized in 2014 John K. Walsh Residency Fellow (fel- Dark Lord of All Evil. Offi ces everywhere, call “21 Guns,” were performed well; each told the Norton Introduction to Literature, as well as in lowship supported by the Institute for Latino anytime.” parts of the story via lyrics we all know. Theatre Under My Skin: Contemporary Salvadoran Studies at the University of Notre Dame and the About twenty minutes into the cruise, the For instance, the closing song was “Good Poetry and Wandering Song: Central American Anderson Center at Tower View) and the 2014 infamous Dread Pirate Dixie Bull came aboard. Riddance,” often remembered as “Time of Writing in the United States. Co-editor (with Adrienne Reiner Hochstadt Fellow at Ragdale, The rest of the night was spent singing along Your Life”. While gruff and crude, featur- John S. Christie) of Latino Boom: An Anthology Luisa is an adjunct instructor at Asnuntuck CC with sea shanties, and drinking “grog” from ing strong language, these songs touch the of U.S. Latino Literature, he is a contributor to and holds an MFA from Boston University. She the bar below deck. Eventually, we returned darker parts of our minds, revealing things National Public Radio and has presented at col- has been widely published. to land, spirited away on the train back to our we might not always want to see. This made leges and universities nationwide. A Fulbright Confluencia, open to all, again features own time. It was a night to remember, one I look the punk rock musical a wonderful expres- Scholar, and editor/founder of latinostories. music, refreshments, and an open mic. Faculty forward to repeating in the future. Hopefully, sion of art in modern life. com, González is professor of English at the are encouraged to bring students. We look for- they’ll run an event like this again. U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London. ward to seeing you!

“ e function of freedom is to free someone else.” clippings for me. (I still have them.) Years later, my cousin Nicole asked me to recommend a Prof. Julia Petitfrere later in life. He was embarrassed and annoyed planet with this literary grandmother when I book for a report she had to write. Though he hadn’t read writings by Black women until saw images of Morrison in a wheelchair. I wanted to suggest my favorite, Beloved, I “Thank you for introducing me to Toni that course. Last semester on reading “Recitatif” in my thought I should ease her into Morrison, so I Morrison. I am watching CSPAN and the One of my greatest struggles in course literature courses, I confessed my fear that when loaned her The Bluest Eye. She liked it. I made opening of the African-American History design is who (and what works) gets left out the time came it would be hard for me. It was. a deal that after she read Beloved, we would see Museum,” read an e-mail on September 24, because of time constraints and the intricacy of I cried a long time. Friends and family called the fi lm when it was released in October. She 2016. I hadn’t actually introduced this now- material. I am conscious of the inevitable stu- and texted to check on me. This past spring in read. We went. After, she said, “You know, I former student to Morrison, but to her work— dent’s voice saying “I have never…” Another another iteration of Women’s Literature, I shared think the book was better than the movie.” “It The Bluest Eye . Readers of all persuasions and struggle is in off ering things I love, works with with students what makes Toni Morrison’s work usually is,” I answered. skill levels should know Pecola, I believe, special meaning to me, dreading that students especially meaningful to me. The Sunday evening following our movie so I have used it in developmental English will not necessarily hate them, but not give Many years ago, I was introduced to date, I saw Nicole briefl y and teased her about courses and Studies in Women’s Literature, them a chance. Morrison’s work as a university student, in a looking too grown up. On Monday, I answered which is where this student met both me and Such is the case with Morrison’s Beloved, course called Contemporary Women Writers of when someone from her middle school called Morrison. my if-the-house-is-on-fi re-grab-this item (and Color; we read Sula and I was hooked then on to say Nicole had fainted. She hadn’t. Her heart He’d enrolled in Women’s Lit because it ful- A Mercy because, in 2008, Morrison actually women’s voices and sister-love. I enrolled in a had stopped. And when I got to her school, I fi lled a graduation requirement and because, held my copy and signed it!). My beloved course on the complete works of Toni Morrison knew she had died, at least for a while before he said, living in a house “full of females,” grandmother would have insisted I grab my and Jamaica Kincaid. There was no feeling paramedics restarted her heart. the information might be useful. He was an passport and social security card. better than going from that class to my other She existed in a persistent vegetative state African American man, middle-aged, mar- Speaking of my grandmother, the gut- English literature course where a classmate for fourteen and a half years, precisely half ried, former military—never shy about say- punched feeling when news came that shared that a student in her friend’s class had her life, until she died again a few years ago. ing what he thought of the works. Whether he Morrison had died was similar to when my made this insightful comment about the miss- Our last real conversation was about Toni enjoyed or was confused by them, agreed with sister called in the pre-dawn hours years ago ing three in 124 Bluestone Road being sym- Morrison. Though Nicole never said so, I imag- them or was unconvinced by their perspec- and I, mid-sleep, answered, “Is it time?” We bolic of the dead child. “That was me,” I said. ine her feeling, “Thank you for introducing me tives, we heard about this, often prefaced by knew our grandmother was dying. I ‘d thought When Morrison received the Nobel Prize in to Toni Morrison.” Like I felt when “meeting ” how he regretted coming across these writers time was getting short, too, to be sharing the Literature, my professor brought in newspaper Morrison. Like my former student. 10 Opinions e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Queer Code Hilarity at Fiy It Started with a Brick Jillian Parlato A Nation Alexander Wilson was customary then, four plainclothes police- on Speed men were lining up people to check patrons’ IDs. Most nights, officers would also take them Kathleen Chesto into the bathrooms to verify their sex; anyone For the last decade, New York City has annually “crossdressing” was arrested. Following the mass shootings rocking hosted one of the largest LGBTQIA Pride events However, that night was different. A our nation this summer, a poem by Brian in the country. The weekend-long celebration crowd gathered, and a bystander shouted, Bilston appeared on Facebook. In each line, culminates in a parade. This year marked the “Gay power!” inciting chants from those Photo Courtesy of Bilston chose an easily recognizable symbol 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riot, and around him. People began throwing things representing a nation: “England is a cup of I was fortunate enough to attend with close at the cops, protesting the raid and arrests tea. / France a wheel of ripened brie.” Each Some songs, movies, and television shows friends and my boyfriend. made that night. stanza ended with “America is a gun.” The endure, aging gracefully, becoming even more To say it was busy was an understatement. The next night, riots continued. Marsha final verse wrought incredible sadness as he relevant with time. The same can be said of We took the train into the city, and there was P. Johnson, a black transgender woman, took decried this terrible truth. Truth, yes, but not comedians, and more specifically, comedy standing room only. We were as packed as matters into her own hands. Climbing a lamp- the whole truth. troupes; The Carol Burnett Show, Saturday Night could be; trying not to fall on each other during post, she dropped a heavy bag onto a police Guns are not the root of the problem. Live, and even All That have proven evergreen the hour-long ride was a challenge. Then there car below, shattering the windshield. Graffiti They are a way we express rage, and their in terms of entertaining audiences. Above was the power walk from Grand Central to started appearing in the area of the inn, boast- easy availability certainly contributes to all, Monty Python tends to be most popular, Greenwich Village. We found a spot in the mid- ing phrases like “They invaded our rights,” and our status as most violent first world nation among old and new fans, fifty years from its route on 7th Avenue, and settled in to watch “Support gay bars!” People were finally realiz- on Earth. But in the absence of guns, there inception. the show. ing LGBTQ people would no longer tolerate the would be homemade bombs, knives, planes, Formed in 1969, Monty Python was the It was spectacular. There was a slight delay hatred and crimes against them. cars, a thousand ways to kill and maim. As brainchild of Oxford graduates, in timing, but that hardly mattered. Seeing so If it wasn’t for those nights in the past, we Shakespeare aptly wrote, “The fault, dear and ; Cambridge graduates, John many people happy to celebrate who they are, wouldn’t have the pride events we know today. Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves.” Cleese, , and ; both in the parade and on the sidelines, made Once we started saying we are proud of who Seeds of violence exist in each of us. and sole American, animator . my heart sing. I took so many pictures my we are, we couldn’t stop. Now, fifty years later, Joseph Campbell, who studied world sym- Television was nothing new to the Pythons; phone started protesting. We stayed as long as we gather in the thousands, just to shout all bols and spiritual before the group’s official formation, the six we could, but since we all had to get home that over again, “Gay Power!” We earned our pride traditions, taught that violence is inher- had been in a total of nine shows, including The night, we left before the parade had finished. through the blood, sweat, and tears of those ent in all cultures, that life eats life. We must Frost Report, At Last the 1948 Show, Do Not Adjust Next time, I’m staying the whole time, screw it before us. Now we have to honor them. try to fathom what in our own culture gives Your Set, and , most nota- if I don’t get home until 3:00 a.m. again. Sylvia Rivera. Stormé DeLarverie. Michael this violence such power. Is this an inher- ble for featuring an early version of the famous As much as Pride events are positive envi- Fader. Allen Ginsberg. Craig Rodwell. Randy ently American violence; does our way of “Dead Parrot Sketch,” centered instead on a ronments, with people reveling, it wasn’t Wicker. The list of names could go on. We owe life foster it? shady car salesman. always that way. I mentioned this was the 50th so much to these people who participated in According to Webster, violence is “force Following these early successes, Palin, anniversary of the Stonewall Riot. On June 28, the riots and spread awareness. Thank you, accompanied by rapidity.” A force, scientifi- Gilliam, Jones, and Idle were offered their own 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn during brothers and sisters. Here’s to another fifty cally speaking, is simply a “push or a pull,” comedy series by , while the early morning hours, looking to arrest as years of pride. but rapidity makes that force violent. A bul- the BBC offered Cleese and Chapman a show. many people as possible for homosexuality. As let thrown by hand is relatively harmless; Yours truly, a prideful Alexander Cleese rejected this offer, reluctant to do a two- speed makes it lethal. man show with Chapman, whom he viewed We are a nation in a hurry, a nation as erratic. Instead, thinking back fondly to where most actions are “accompanied by working with Palin on How to Irritate People, rapidity.” We drive Cleese invited him to join them. Palin sug- five mph over the speed limit, no mat- gested Jones and Idle; Gilliam joined at Idle’s ter what that limit is; ten if we can get away request. Other accounts differ somewhat, sug- with it. We have instant hair coloring, gesting Chapman and Cleese met with the oth- instant pudding, Jiffy-Lube, Minute Rice. Dependence in a Cup ers out of a fondness for . We invented “fast food.” What it is certain is this fateful meeting would Consider how rushing affects even sim- Jason Hesse change comedy forever. ple actions. Just closing a door can become To meet the demand for new content, they Chemical dependence, more commonly called violent when we hurry. We bang things, began work on a comedy show in the vein addiction, is the consequence of the repeated raise our voices, lose our tempers. Our of Beyond the Fringe and Not Only...But Also, alteration of brain chemistry, and while this language becomes violent. Respect gets which both featured comedians Peter Cook and happens most obviously with hard drugs like left behind as we dash ahead. Road rage, Dudley Moore, who inspired them. The result, a meth and heroin, it is similarly a consequence scourge of our highways and frequent madcap, yet often intellectually charged sketch of smoking cigarettes or drinking regular cups source of violence, is a clear product of peo- show, entitled Monty Python’s Flying Circus, of coffee. ple in a rush. would alter the course of comic history. With This is the crux of my objection. Busyness is our national virtue, skits from “The Ministry of Silly Walks” to When caffeine is new to the system, it gen- multi-tasking raised to an art form. We “The Spanish Inquisition,” it inspired count- erates a feeling of alertness and focus. It helps invent time-saving devices so we can fill less comedians, including David Cross, Sacha defeat morning fatigue and provides a sur- saved time with more rushed activity. In Baron Cohen, and Seth Meyers. Gilliam’s cutout prisingly potent burst of energy, transforming an informal 1999 poll by a Connecticut animations, featured throughout each episode, banal into bearable, if not into desirable. But as publisher, several hundred people on U.S. were integral to Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s caffeine continues streaming in, the brain has a streets were asked to describe their previ- interest in animation, and their eventual cre- decision to make. Wow, it thinks, with this new ous two weeks in one word, with no sugges- ation of South Park. caffeine boosting the transmission of all these tions. Most frequently chosen were “rushed” After the success of Flying Circus, (1969 – Photo Courtesy of Steve Parlato neurochemicals, there are too many chemicals and “busy”; “frantic” and “stressed” placed 1974), the Pythons aspired to make a feature flying around;if I want to maintain a balance, I’ll high on the list. In 20 years since that poll, film. Drawing inspiration from an idea the One of humanity’s oldest and most destructive have to cut back on production so the overall effect is things haven’t improved. We’ve conditioned team came up with during hiatus between habits is its indulgence in psychoactive the same as before. And, because the brain knows another generation of children to accept seasons three and four of their show, the substances. Modern laws have barred and best, it does the right thing and adapts to main- frenzied living as normal. According to group’s first movie was Monty Python and restricted the use of more exciting drugs like tain that balance. Webster, we’re all living violent lives. the Holy Grail. Based on the King Arthur leg- heroin and cocaine, of course, but the most This system works flawlessly—until that I don’t believe this is the most serious end, the story remained surprisingly faithful popular drugs have always been legal. Even flow of caffeine stops. And since everyone seed of national violence, only the most to the myth, while retaining classic Python cannabis, the leading illegal substance of needs sleep, this flow stops every night. Many prevalent, most insidious. It is easy to look humor. choice, has undergone a gradual statutory long-term coffee-lovers can attest to the diffi- at more blatant causes: racism, inequity, Two other movies, Life of Brian (1979) and acceptance for recreational use in the last seven culty of days without their drug of choice— religious intolerance, and say, “Not me.” The Meaning of Life (1983), followed, to sim- years, and the runner-up, cocaine, remains mornings especially. This is the disaster of It’s easy to look at the enormity of these ilar acclaim, although Life of Brian, about a popular in spite of heavy regulation. chemical dependency. Whenever one smokes issues and believe ourselves helpless to man mistaken for the Messiah while living Meanwhile, their legal counterparts—alco- to allay their stress or drinks to escape their change things. But are our lifestyles build- almost the same life as Jesus Christ during hol, caffeine, and nicotine—have been camped pain, the body and brain become reliant on ing the underlying foundation of respect the same time period, is perhaps best known within our culture for millennia, sold now in these solutions instead of directly confronting needed to address these issues? Does our for controversy and accusations of blasphemy grocery stores and gas stations, corner stores the problem and coming to a healthy solution. rushed American way of life contribute to that arose upon its release. Forty years later, and coffee shops across the world. Even with This might sound like it has nothing to do with the problem? it continues pushing boundaries and spark- conscious effort, eluding their influence would coffee, but the concepts translate completely. We may not need to change our lives ing discussion about the importance of free- prove difficult. But just because they’re accepted That cup of coffee is a psychological crutch. entirely, but we must be conscious of how dom of speech. doesn’t make their affects any less harmful. Maybe it started because waking up was hard, we live. Helen Through Flying Circus, their movies, and It would be difficult for me to claim these but now it’s harder to function without a caf- Keller said, “I cannot do every- unforgettable live performances, it’s clear three substances are themselves toxic to the feinated jump-start. Anything to make life eas- thing; but still I can do something; and Monty Python’s impact is as strong as ever. I, body because, by themselves in moderation, ier, right? All it takes is for that regular reliance because I cannot do everything, I will not along with many fans, have no doubt their leg- they’re not. Rather, the danger of these drugs to slip under the radar unnoticed until, inevi- refuse to do the something that I can do.” acy will endure another 50 years, continuing to results not from what they do while they’re in tably, salvation can only be found in hot water Are you willing to change what you can? inspire creators to strap a ridiculous fake nose the body, but what happens after they leave. and ground beans. on the face of entertainment. e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Opinions 11 Earth Matters Moon Landings and Smart Phones ank You All Kathleen Chesto Plastic Bag Ban Are smart phones making us smarter? shared history. The information is available at Alyssa Katz How About DAT! About twenty years ago, while spending an our fingertips. All we need to remember is to A new semester has commenced, and it evening with a small group of friends, some- charge our phones. Effective August won’t be long before student clubs are one randomly asked: “Does anyone remember Don’t get me wrong; I love my smart phone. 1st, stores a c r o s s planning events and activities. As they the date of the moon landing?” I can check weather and traffic, access reci- Connecticut stopped attempt to involve the student body, The conversation was suddenly filled with pes, measurement conversions, dates, quota- offering free plastic announcement flyers will blossom all over personal reminiscences as we tried to connect tions, and news releases. We are all far better bags at checkout. campus. the event to what was happening in our own informed with our phones than without them. Instead, customers were expected to What attracts me to a flyer is the graphic lives at that time. “It was the summer I was But I suspect we’ve become less connected, bring reusable bags, or pay 10 cents per art. I see the picture before the words; in in Seattle…”; “It was my first year at USC…”; despite the fact we’re instantly available to a plastic bag to carry items home. This is due fact, the picture must entice me to read the “It was the summer before I was drafted for multitude of friends and acquaintances. to a new law intended to eliminate plastic words. If the words are inviting enough, Vietnam.” The date search was delayed as we Because dates, facts, and learned history bags to help the environment. In 2021, CT I’m hooked. Working with Music Society delved into things we’d never known about our are all in my phone, I no longer take the time will ban single use paper and plastic bags over the past two years, I’ve begun to real- friends, thanked one for his previously unmen- to recognize how they were woven into the his- altogether. However, bags used for meat, ize how essential graphic art is to the suc- tioned service, and sidetracked into when the tory and fabric of my life. There is no chance fish, and produce will still be available. cess of our events. Vietnam draft had been initiated. of remembering the long-forgotten people and While some like the no plastic bag rule, This visual garden is provided for us, After twenty minutes sharing stories, we ideas imbedded in those events. While it is still and already switched to reusable bags free of charge, by the digital art students. determined the landing had been in July of possible to share our stories surrounding these before the law’s implementation, others are A combination of their original ideas and 1969, although we did not know the exact date. events, and we can ask friends to share theirs, having a hard time adjusting. Some have hours spent searching for internet images However, we had learned far more about our the absence of a compelling need to do so fre- forgotten reusable bags at home or in the car has produced the art adorning all these fly- friends than we’d known when the evening quently short circuits that process. and refused to pay 10 cents, walking out of ers. And the sponsoring group gets to cri- started. I don’t think we’ve become smarter, just the store with loose items in hand. Others tique and offer suggestions and changes In May, the same question arose while hav- different. Smart phone memories are like dig- simply call it an inconvenience. before the final version goes to print. ing dinner with two other couples. We knew ital clocks, offering one moment in time— While some stores offered free paper In my former career, I often worked it was the fiftieth anniversary year, but what clearly and precisely defined—yet isolated. bags at checkout for the month of August, with expensive graphic artists who were were the month and day? Before I could share Human memory is an analog clock, with each they’re now charging for each paper bag, far less helpful and accommodating, and my earlier memory, three people had whipped moment situated in the whole of the day, so and, as of September 1st, plastic bags were no more talented. The same group of DAT out smart phones and provided the answer— we can clearly see how far we’ve come, how no longer available for purchase. Certain students willingly provides programs effectively ending the conversation. far we’ve yet to go. One is far more accurate, towns opted not to give people an option for events and makes video recordings Most of us have smart phones. We no lon- the other far more encompassing. Not better, of paying for plastic, doing away with the for College archives. At multiple camera ger have to probe our memories for answers or just different. bags entirely as of August 1st. Though the events, that recording is often followed by for connections that provide them. We no lon- Joni Mitchell said it best in “Both Sides law is well-intentioned, it’ll take some get- hours of editing. ger have the need to share our individual his- Now”: “Something’s lost and something’s ting used to. DAT has designed many logos for var- tories, placing them in the context of our larger, gained in living every day.” When it comes to how much energy it ious student groups and created CCTV takes to produce bags, plastic takes the least clips for our in-house monitors. The Theater amount of energy, but they’re the least dura- Department has relied heavily on them for ble and most environmentally harmful, as posters advertising their shows, as well plastic takes a very long time to decom- Greetings from Danbury! as audio, video and photos used in per- pose. Most plastic bags end up in landfills, formances. DAT students have also been Trevor Beninson and they’re also a major contributor of lit- actively working toward audio recording ter, both on land and at sea. for music students and video clips for the- Do you ever see bags flying by while My name is Trevor, and In addition to online gaming and football, I have a story to my hobbies include basketball, reading, and ater students, but to date, staffing has been driving on the highway—or walking in a insufficient to reach some of these goals. park? These can end up in storm drains, tell. I am 24 years of self-educating. I have curiosity for all things age and have b e e n unfamiliar and love to teach myself about new Last spring, when Music Theory IV eventually reaching waterways, where they students were required to perform origi- present hazards to wildlife. Both land and enrolled at NVCC for things. My long-term goal for the next ten years four semesters, majoring is mainly completing as much of my post-sec- nal musical compositions, DAT was there aquatic animals are susceptible to the threat to record them. I’d hoped to get a copy of of plastics, whether due to choking, or the in Psychology studies ondary education as possible; my ultimate plan and minoring in Liberal is to earn my Doctorate in Psychology. my own performance, but when I inquired, material’s inherent toxicity. It’s estimated students had already left on summer break. that by 2050, there may be more plastic than Arts & Sciences with a 3.91 GPA. I’m currently a I’m very self-driven, mainly due to a lack Library Research Assistant at NVCC’s Danbury of family and support networks throughout DAT Director Ray Leite met with me, gener- fish in Earth’s oceans. Concerns over plas- ously spending an hour searching through tic’s devastating effects on our oceans are campus, and I’ve been a Danbury Student my childhood and early adulthood. I’ve always Government Senator for a year. been an independent individual, but since unedited, untitled video files until he found driving the anti-plastic movement. and copied the piece. The graciousness I Paper bags do take more energy to pro- I volunteer at the Danbury War Memorial, arriving at NVCC, I’ve been able to build a net- almost every morning, helping maintain work of friends and supporters who’ve made experienced with his students had obvi- duce (and require cutting down trees), so ously been well modeled for them. they also cost stores more than plastic. Paper upkeep of the facility as well as providing my time here all the more enjoyable. mentoring and coaching to youth coming to For a long time, I didn’t know where Like the stage crew in a theatre pro- can sustain a few trips to the grocery store, duction, the work of our Digital Arts but can also rip easily, especially when wet. play basketball. I’m also a part-time streamer my life was headed. Many times in my past affiliated with Through this service I found myself questioning my purpose on Department is essential to the success of However, trees used to make these bags our many campus productions. Just as it can be replenished through replanting, thus and Fortnite, I’ve developed a small online com- Earth, wondering if I would ever get a chance munity, primarily youth, with whom I interact to leave my footprint on the world. Since com- is with stage crew, the work is clearly vis- benefitting the environment. ible, but the people behind the work are While reusable bags take the most frequently. I also participate in a men’s flag foot- ing to NVCC, my outlook has changed. I no lon- ball league every Sunday. ger ask if I will leave my mark, but rather when often invisible. energy to produce, they are the most dura- I would like to start the year by sin- ble, accommodating larger, heavier loads. Eldest of three children, I just happen to be I will leave my mark. the only male. My two younger sisters are 16 At Naugatuck Valley I’ve found family in cerely thanking all of you who work so Though they last the longest, they’re gen- hard for all of us. I’m only one student in erally made of cotton and plastic, and they and 14. Although I wish things were different, a place where I came for education. Through contact with my immediate family is minimal. these doors, I’ve experienced opportunity one small society in one small department require significant energy to produce. on campus, and I have found your con- While each bag has its positives and I’m hopeful one day I will have the family unit where I looked only to experience education. I dream of. My biggest influence for deciding to Inside the classrooms, I’ve acquired knowledge tributions invaluable. Multiply that by all negatives based on durability, amount of the departments you serve, and it is abun- energy to produce, and cost, taking sin- pursue a career in Psychology has been my per- beyond what any textbook could ever teach, sonal life experience. I’m fascinated with how because faculty here are mentors. I’ll be taking dantly clear how essential you are to life gle-use plastic out of the equation is clearly on our campus. necessary. It may take some adjusting to the human mind works, and one day I want classes at the Waterbury campus this semester, to help individuals dealing with mental disor- and I’m thankful for the opportunity to share Thank you for all you’ve done in the plastic bags no longer being available, but past, and for all we are going to ask of you in the long-run, it will be beneficial, one ders, focusing on offering counseling and devel- my opinions with all who are willing to listen. oping forms of treatment beneficial in coping As I said, my name is Trevor Beninson, and I again this year! step toward reducing our carbon footprint. Kathleen Chesto with various disorders. still have a story to tell you.

what if I didn’t do well in the class? Would it professor for clarification. Do not be scared to were not nearly as challenging as it was to Summer School? bring down my GPA, and worst of all, would do so, because your classmates probably have keep from putting things off. I have to retake the class? Despite all my con- the same questions and may be just as confused. I’ve struggled with being a procrastina- Amelia McGee cerns and doubts, I made a promise to myself Because it’s an accelerated course and time tor since I can remember, and I’m sure a lot of Road trips with friends, going on vacation, to finish the class. I figured, no matter the out- is of the essence, always ask your questions as others do, too. I had to constantly keep myself and enjoying gorgeous beach weather scream come, I’d learn something from it—and I did. soon as possible. Do not wait. You won’t have in check and avoid putting things off. I knew summer! Hitting the books and spending Organization is key to success in any accel- time to revisit the subject and ask questions if I did fall behind, it would just be too diffi- hours on classwork is not the first thing that erated course. I learned this very quickly the later. By that point, you’ll be farther into the cult to catch up. My advice is to work smarter, comes to mind when we think of summer, but first day of class. Having an agenda/calendar curriculum, so you may end up unintentionally not harder. what if it was? to write down assignments, upcoming due confusing yourself. Just remember not to be shy Do not let the idea of taking a summer This summer I made a decision to take dates, or tests proved very helpful. I was able about asking questions. It’s how we all learn. course scare you away. The experience really an accelerated, five-week Human Anatomy to keep organized and stay on top of my work. Procrastination. We’ve all done it, even if was not that bad. Just stay organized, don’t and Physiology 1 class. Yikes! Sounds daunt- Another important step to succeeding in we don’t want to admit it. This had to be one be shy, and don’t procrastinate. You will do ing, I know. I thought the same thing and had any accelerated course is not being shy. Don’t be of the hardest things for me to overcome while fine, and you’ll feel great having earned three plenty of doubts before the class even began. afraid to talk to your peers and professor. Ask taking an accelerated course. The difficulty of credits—and completed a challenging course What if I couldn’t keep up with the workload; questions! If you’re confused or lost, ask your the class, assignments, tests and exams alone over break! 12 Opinions e Tamarack, September 1, 2019 Veteran’s Voice Deja View Service and Sacrice Readers Respond Jason Hesse Dear Editor, Rick Bellagamba This summer, The Lion King remake released Alexander Wilson’s article, “Stop, Don’t Shop,” had a really unique title [that caught my nationwide to mixed reviews. Many people A group of wounded attention] due to employees going on strike, because of contract negotiations all across New I know—myself included—were skeptical veterans from across England. Wilson’s information made a valid statement, especially when he wrote, “Employees and worried the film would fall short of the the country are helping have worked hard to earn these benefits. They aren’t asking for more; they’re simply trying original by a fair margin. And if you believe children with disabilities to keep the benefits they already have” (6). I support … the hard workers who deserve more, the critics, it seems our fears were justified. in Virginia Beach. The with included health benefits and a better raise to support their families. I’m happy your Rotten Tomatoes currently rates the remake group, USA Patriots, is editor’s note notified [readers] that upper management took control of the situation and at only 6.01/10 with a 52% approval rating, teaching kids who live renewed a contract, and that now everything can go back to normal. whereas the original boasts an 8.39/10 with a with limb loss, whether 93% approval rating. How can there be such a they suffered amputation from illness or injury. ~ Sincerely, Edmund Edgehill significant shift in attitudes if these two films Their goal is to teach the basic fundamentals of are telling the same story? playing sports. The Kids Camp, formerly known Part of the disparity, admittedly, could be as the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team, cultural. Despite a nostalgic reverence for the is operating in its seventh year as host for their original, it’s possible many viewers have out- younger fellow amputees. grown the message of The Lion King, or that Josh Wege, a combat Marine who lost both A Real Train Wreck the lessons it conveys are less in line with the his legs from an IED in Afghanistan, says, “My Richard Bosco with Steve Parlato current cultural zeitgeist. Perhaps our mass injury is honestly one of the biggest blessings affection for the original is simply steeped in in my life.” He says his injuries put his life into As of late August, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis are good nostalgia for childhood, and we view the film perspective enough to share with anybody. “I t h e T r u m p people. Not to overstate, but Trump-appointed each time through these rose-colored glasses. don’t put socks and shoes on in the morning. I presidency, is in its FBI Director, Christopher Wray, declared Some critics suggest the problem lies in the life- literally have to strap legs to my body to be able 32nd month; in that white nationalists are domestic terrorists and less, stilted animation which is not as expres- to walk,” said Wege. He and other veterans are time, our nation has a clear and present danger to our nation and sive and emotional as in the original. But I’m not sharing their positive appreciation with seven- suffered a President its security. Even Trump should be able to driven to determining what exactly about the teen kids this year. “They deserve to be kids. and administration admit this danger, considering a white nation- remake made it less enjoyable—I actually have We get to bring them out to teach them how lacking moral alist, inspired by his anti-immigrant rhetoric, yet to see it. Instead, I want to address the ques- we’ve gone through it, and we also learn from integrity. We’ve recently drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, tion of why: why bother remaking a film many them, too,” said Wege. experienced to slaughter innocent Walmart shoppers. remember so fondly? Wesleyan University allows the camp to Photo Courtesy of multiple mass After surrendering to police, the shooter One tenuous case could be made for the use their fields plus reside and dine on cam- Time Magazine s h o o t i n g s , a declared his goal was to kill as many Mexicans new 3D animation, but this is Disney we’re pus for free, which saves the organization about growing neo-Nazi/White Nationalist movement, as possible. Perhaps Trump thinks of this as talking about—they could have made any $30,000. The campers all eat and sleep for free. a dramatic rise in hate crimes, looming trade another endorsement from one of those “good story about anthropomorphic animals if their Fundraisers throughout the year fund all activ- war with China, ongoing foreign espionage people.” To be fair, shortly after the latest shoot- goal was to push the boundaries of realis- ities and meals for camp participants. Wege against our electoral system, and a President ings, he pledged to enact stricter background tic-looking animation. When it comes to The states, “We want them to come here carefree who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it hit him in checks (tied to stronger immigration laws, Lion King in particular, their reasoning was and simply have a great time. We’re here to the face (not surprising, since he rarely utters it). though mass shooters are generally American- likely twofold: to maintain copyright control pop that bubble that society has put on them There’s also a possible recession on the horizon, born white men)--only to backpedal in record of their characters, and to make more money. that they’re disabled. They’re not. They’re just not to mention increased risks to endangered time, likely in response to NRA backlash. Surprise! Unfortunately, that first reason kids; they just got a couple more challenges to species--which may soon include our own, given Dare we address the Trump economy? is actually a misconception. Copyright con- go through.” Trump still considers climate change a hoax. While continuously crowing over the greatest trol only protects works, not ideas, and the It is a powerful example for these young According to Mother Jones News, mass economy ever, Trump fails to thank President 2019 version of The Lion King is technically a people to actually see and learn from veterans shootings, (attacks with three or more fatal- Obama for leaving such a healthy economy. different work than the original. The only real who know the challenges they are facing. “We ities) have resulted in 251 fatalities, and 727 Any Economics or Math Professor could eas- defensible property would be the names of its got knocked down, but we got right back up wounded, since Trump’s inauguration. To be ily illustrate this with a trend line and simple characters and places and the specific styliza- and we’re still leading by example. That’s what fair, Congress did pass, and Trump signed, a graph. Trump also brags about tax cuts for the tion of its title, but these are trademarks, not the military has taught us to do, so we’re going bump stock ban after 58 people were killed rich, but disregards how they’re increasing our copyrights, and don’t expire unless they fall to keep doing that,” said Wege. and 546 wounded by one shooter during the national debt. If the current debt accumulation out of use. And since The Lion King merchan- In 2000, an ex-army lieutenant, Scott October 2017 Las Vegas rampage. What we trend continues, economists predict debt will dise is still alive and well around the world, I Higgins, co-founded Veterans Advantage, a pub- don’t have are laws enacting comprehensive double between 2017 and 2025. A recent sur- don’t expect Disney to be in danger of losing lic benefit corporation with the mission to cre- background checks, a ban of assault-style weap- vey by the National Association of Business those trademarks anytime soon. ate ‘greater respect, recognition, and rewards’ ons, red flag laws, or stronger laws address- Economists reports 74% of business economists A fresh source of income, then, becomes for those who serve and their families. A ing firearm usage in commission of any crime. are sufficiently concerned about Trump eco- the main motive for Disney. With budgets of Vietnam War Veteran, Higgins states, “Like so This president also spouts racist rheto- nomic policies resulting in a recession before over $150 million, a 3D-animated Disney film many others, I did not ask to go to Vietnam. I ric, then denies having “a racist bone in his the end of 2021. is an expensive venture. If the main goal of the had raised my right hand, though, and taken body.” Trump doesn’t care if the racist bile he If you need another reason to make Donald company (not the individuals who work on the oath of office and was committed to serve.” spews incites right-wing radicals or causes Trump a one-term President, think about the these films, let’s make that distinction clear) is When he returned home after his ser- citizens and immigrants to be run down or nearly 1 million plant and animal species at risk to earn more than its costs, which hypothetical vice, there were no parades or special events gunned down by radicalized white suprem- of extinction worldwide. Now consider this: film would be a safer investment: a new film to welcome him back. Higgins returned to an acists. Following the August 2017 murder of Trump and his Interior Department recently with an unknown story and no brand history, America that showed little understanding or Heather Heyer, a young woman peacefully announced a set of rules effectively gutting the or a remake of one of the most well-known respect for what he and his fellow veterans demonstrating against racism and hate, in Endangered Species Act in service of “energy Disney films of all time? had endured while fighting the most unpop- Charlottesville, VA, Trump resisted calling dominance.” In a recent New York Times op-ed, Thus, it’s not surprising theaters are often ular war for their country overseas. “After 10 the white nationalist responsible a terrorist. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey flooded with sequels, remakes, and spin-offs, years of war, the country wanted to forget the Instead, he claimed there were “many good referred to Trump’s latest move as “like a plan because for the highest potential return of war. It ignored the brave service and sacrifice people on both sides.” from a cartoon villain.” The question is: Who investment, the answer to that question, “Why of Vietnam Veterans. I was determined to do So according to our president, the KKK, will have the last laugh? bother?” is almost a no-brainer. something about that,” Higgins said. Later, he was appointed by New York Mayor Ed Koch to co-chair the New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission. The Enough Commission built a stunning memorial in Tabitha Cruz expecting to relax and enjoy it. Instead, I sit I heard the news over and over. I remember lower Manhattan, created a jobs program for the whole time, wondering if the seat I chose scrolling through Instagram, seeing all my Vietnam Veterans, and in 1985, organized the At a friend’s house the other day, awaiting my turn to play piano, I noticed Time magazine will be the cause of my untimely demise. If I friends’ pictures and hashtags. Some friends first “Welcome Home Parade” for all Vietnam attend a concert, will I escape from my spot, even posted graphic video clips. That night, I Veterans, ten years after the war ended. Well on her coffee table. The word ENOUGH was written across the cover with different cities or will I stand and accept my fate? couldn’t sleep. I began questioning my own over 25,000 Vietnam veterans finally got the In high school, my friends and I played a mortality. I felt as though nothing was real, recognition they deserved during what was the written behind it. A sensation of dread came over me, because I knew just what was going game where we’d assess the best method of because in real life no one could just brutal- largest ticker tape parade in U.S. history with escape if an intruder did come. We’d talk about ity murder people without a second thought. I over 1 million people turning out to thank them to be covered in the issue. For weeks, I’d been avoiding the topic of mass shootings. I’d been stairwells and floors, each criticizing the oth- questioned where I’d go if I died, and whether for their service. So today we say, “Thank you er’s plans, telling them they’d be killed if they I’ve made peace with myself, especially since for your service and sacrifices.” skipping posts and stories that might address the topic, but I knew I couldn’t avoid it any dared to take Stairwell C from the fourth floor. I could get gunned down anytime, anywhere. Rick Bellagamba, US Army: 1971 - 1974 longer. I’d have to check back into reality. We also talked about how we should prac- Then came the Las Vegas shooting. By Reading, I was overwhelmed by the infor- tice lockdowns during a passing period and that point, I’d already begun to check out of mation, by the sad and real news. I skimmed what to do if we were caught in the open and the horrible news that fills our phones daily. Public Safety most of it, unable to bring myself to read its not in a classroom. We would finish the game Now I can’t even bring myself to read articles entirety. I couldn’t bring myself to feel angry, reminding each other it was impossible: we about victims and perpetrators. I can’t bring Department and I couldn’t bring myself to feel sad. I feel were safe. Nothing could happen to us. We myself to have discussions about gun violence, mostly exhausted reading news of one mass were just teenagers; kids can’t die. We kept because I am exhausted having the same con- Routine Number, Ext. 58113. shooting after another. I know the more I read ourselves safe with a false sense of security. versations with the same outcomes. I would That same summer was Orlando’s Pulse think Time would feel the same. They’ve had Emergency Number Ext. 58112 the more paranoid I’ll feel. I can’t go anywhere without thinking of an Nightclub shooting. I remember hearing two covers with the same word, ENOUGH; The department is staffed: emergency plan in case an intruder attempts about it on the radio at work, then again in you’d think they would start to question what 24 hours per day • 365 days per year to murder everyone. I can’t go see a movie my mom’s car. I remember feeling uneasy as enough really is.