Fords and Raritan Township Friday Morning, November 6, 1936
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The Beacon RARITAN TOWNSHIP Every Reader tM sswi articles and expressions of the Beacon should keep In mind that jf opinions on timely subjectj from our the advertisements carry as much readers. We welcome all such contri- ••punch" as the news articles. ETery butions and will publish tham as far advertiser has a message lor the read- ers and uses this medium becauu he an possible. But. it Is very Important knows the readers desire to keep that all correspondence be signed by abreaat of every advantage aa wall as the writer. know what's going on. (and Woodbridge Journal) "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. VI.—No. 35 FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1936. PRICE THREE CENTS Safety Drive On Woodbridge To Have Tue MADISON LOSES RABITAN TOWNSHIP. That WITCH PROGRAM OFFICER MURLEY NewBank Jkmuary 2nd RARITAN TOWNSHIP JOINS NATION Raritan Township means bus- • RAMBLING iness in its drive to make lo- WOODBRIDGE. — Train CLOSE FIGHT TO cal highways safe for humani- WAS PRESENTED wrecks, explosions, witch stor- IN DEMOCRATIC SWEEP FOR NEW ty was evident when Police IS GIVEN LAST ies, grade crossing killings and REPORTER Recorder Alfred C. Urffer le- election battles are all small Says ===== vied a $25-fine upon Edward potatoes in the line of news DEM CANDIDATE Booth, of 544 Broad street, BY PUPILS HERE RITES TUESDAY that came out of Woodbridge DEAL POLICY: CO. P.TURNED DOWN The Second Ward Re- Westfield, on a charge of reck this year, or for the past five ALEXANDER WINS SECOND HALLOWE'EN AFFAIR WELL DIED SUNDAY AFTER LINGER years for that matter. Roosevelt Given 927 Majority Over Landon. Plurality publican headquarters WARD POST BY SMALL less driving. Booth's car col- doesn't look to me like a lided with an automobile driv- RECEIVED BY CHILDREN ING ILLNESS. WAS A Yes, the greatest bit of Largest Ever Given Any Candidate Of Either Party In political center. It has MAJORITY OF 43 en by Albert Rolls, of Inman AND PARENTS CHARTER MEMBER news—one that has been await History Of Township. — In 1932 Hoover Carried Muni- more the appearance of avenue, Potter's Station. ed by the townsfolk for years cipality By Margin Of 174. the Board of Trade when NEW DEAL SWEEPS CAUSE RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Hal- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Offi- —leaked out today. A new the bottom had dropped lowe'en was fittingly ushered in by cer Walter Murley, 56, of 26 Meek banking establishment wil! out of the market, FORDS, N. J. — Thrilling elec- the children of the Sand Hills er avenue, Lindeneau section, who, open here on January 2, 1937. Undersheriff Julius Engel Praised tions, with the outcome in some school, Raritan Township. The prosince 1920, .has served the public, Plans .have been secretly o-O-o districts not known until the very FUND INCREASED gram opened with a parade at 1:30 was given a private funeral Tues- worked out during the past The Republicans shouldn't be last moment, were held throughout p. m. The program follows: day. He died Sunday at the Perth few months—and Frank Van RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Undersheriff Julius Engel, downhearted. They haven't lost thfc Township Tuesday, and w.nen Song, Hallowe'en, school. Amboy General hospital after a Syckle, of the Perth Amboy former mayor and chairman of the municipal Democratic anything. They say nothing is lost the votes were finally tabulated, FOR NEW BOOKS lingering illness. National Bank will head the committee, is on the receiving end of commendation here Song, To Scare Some Folks. new institution. it we know where it is, and we the Democrats had returned John Dance of the Leaves, by the first Murley was one ol the first mem for his efforts in Tuesday's election. His organization gave certainly know where the victory Bergen and Charles Alexander in- grade pupils. Lers of the local police department. Whether or not the building lies today. to office in the first and second of the defunct Woodbridge President Roosevelt a 927 majority over Governor Landon BY CLARA P. T. A. Recitation, Jack o' Lantern, He- His appointment came on May 1, —the count being 2,771 to 1,844. wards and the Republicans haa len Onder. 1923, at which time Walter Guyet- First National Bank & Trust o-O-o won the third ward oy successiui- »...,- Company will be acquired is The plurality was the greatest ev- INTEREST GROWS IN DRIVE Recitation, Hallowe'en, Jean Ser te and Albert E. Davis, Jr., were er given any candidate of either I am not going to in- ly electing their candidate, Sam- oka. also named. The three-man depart- still undecided. The bank uel Farreil. FOR MORE BOOKS AT closed Nomeber 30, 1931. party in the township's history. CLUB'S PROGRAM uuig in eulogistic epitaphs BARTON LIBRARY Song, Little Orphan Annie, An- ment got its start that year, and The record is even more out- uve,i the political decease . .ot:igen poiied the largest vote oi drew Elko. Murley was number one officer. standing due to the fact that there of any of the G. O. P. can- all the commiueemen wntn jie re- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— Keen Recitation, Jack o' Lantern, John Today, the department has a per- was no local contest other than :i sonnel of 17 members. FOR 1936-37 TO didates. Of course, Bob ceived I,o7ti—57B more tnan his op interest was shown in the library Clausen. BOAnFLUIHIAS fight for Justice of the Peace. JBauy, Ben Je.nsen, Ray ponent, Jirwin Neoel. Alexander project by the large attendance at Recitation, I'm Glad, James Ki- Due to poor health, Murley had It was the greatest Democratic won over Howard Madison ay id tinos. been on a leave of absence since victory since 1931 when A. Harry iviundy, Willard Dunham, the Hallowe'en costume dance held Songs, Pcler Pumpkin and My last February. Brother officers, se- BE INTERESTING votes and Fairell was successful in the school auditorium, sponsor- Moore, candidate for governor, Wes biddle—and Howard 'by tjy votes. The votes cast lor Old Black Kitty, school. lected by himself, who served as PLANS FOR NEW was given a majority of 700 while Madison—-don't like the committeemen were as follows: ed by the Clara Barton Parent- On Hallowe'en, Robert Kovatch. pallbearers were: Lieutenant Russ- other Democratic candidates ran CLARA BARTON WOMAN'S figures with which the can Jrirst ward, Bergen: lirst dis- Teacher association. Music was fur Recitation, Two Yellow Pump- ell Rockhill, Patrolmen Albert Lob in front by 500 to 600 votes. CLUB ANNOUNCES ACTI- trict, 233; second district, lo<i; nished during the evening by Gil- kins, Doris Rink, Edna Fauquier, lein, Roland Wuest and Thomas MEETING PLACE In 1932, the township gave Her- vassers of the popular vote Corinne Schmelz. McKay. VITY OF WIDE RANGE third district, 416; fourth district, bert's orchestra and the crowd en- RARITAN RIVER GROUP DIS- bert Hoover a plurality of 174 have favored them. tered into the spirit of the evening Recitation, A Jack o' Lantern Besides his wife, he is survived over Roosevelt, 'but Tuesday the 418; fifth district, y5; sixth district, CUSSES STEP FOR 100- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—-A pro- o-O-o 1<J«; seventh district, 25a; total, and entertained with singing and Garden, Junia Mathiasen. by three sons, Walter, Jr., Arthur New Deal swept the township's six gram covering a wide range of ac- lB?tj. Webel, first district, 130; sec- amateur acts. Recitation, Not Afraid, Charles end Raymond. Rev. John N. Do- FOOT CLUBHOUSE polling districts. tivity, and one that will enlist the For that matter, my Businda. berstine, rector of All Saints Epis- candidate didn't make the ond district, 137; third district, 147 The library is greatly in need of The only local fight saw Louis interest of every member of the fourth district, 151; fifth district, Recitation, On Hallowe'en, Fran- copal Church officiated at the ser- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Plans Kaufman, Democrat, and Arthur Clara Barton Woman's Club, for grade either. But there is books and the association is plan- ces De Young. vices. Interment was in Evergreen no getting over a mathe- 2tftt; sixth district, 277; seventh dis ning to. further their project with for a new club house were discuss- C. Knowles, Republican, battling the year 1936-37 has been announc tnet, 170; total, 1300. Play, A Hollowe'en Stunt, Lil- Cemetery under the direction of for the office of ed by the program chairman, Mrs. matical certainty; and other sociable affairs in the near lian Csokonay, Elizabeth Galya, W. Edward Gowen. ed Friday night at a 'business meel Justice of the when it is against us, the Second Ward, Alexander, first, future. The entire proceeds of the ing of the Raritan River Boat club, Peace.Kaufman was triumphant toyCarl Reitcn'back. 206; s*cond, 294; third, 304; fourth Evelyn Hansen, Helen Krainatz, A native ofToronto, Ont., Mur- a margin of 320, the winner re- best way Is to meet it dance will be used to purchase Thomas Clausen, Edward Elliott, ley had been a resident of the held at Martin's Landing, Piscat- The regular meetings will be with gallant hearts and Tl'l; fifth, 198; sixth, 186; seventh books and every department in the away. ceiving 2,276 votes and the loser 167; eighth, 248; ninth, 216; total, Gleen Jacobson, Harold Pearson. township for the past 18 years. He 1.956. held the third Tuesday night of stiff upper lips. school is being considered. Exercise, Old Hallowe'en Friends was an electrician and worked for The club members intend to con every month at 8:15 at the Clara i!041.