lliliiitill A Weekly Newspaper Published In The United States By Fox Film Corporation In The Interest Of Sales Promotion 1931 No. 32

. t santa cru'L nat\'l\\esS 1)0\-p\\f \:ndS_wn\\e ~ et \n tne can. at':I ~b\'l\er~ed, outside escort -wa\ts, s • tO• oa"ta C. 11\ el: i ca n . "\1\\1\d\':1tO• lo1b "'.an ...i:a d"entui: . '"es wo"'°"'ot 'dat- 0 • • ' s"u"°""s"Q ic1on"·s o ,.,• .,,. '~nJoOngg ':louthSd' ?o< 'al!?s~:~t1l~ne i tO< ,.oet:tn," ta \~ ed-e F0 r• .l"oo~v .,.., 'f hectJ tre, arJJ 30 canThe en es~t\ignc i;J'" e ofd{:t~Jt~gt~enM. M.atis) -wi\':1the tined tdo b~. o~: ~i the ':/eat. -w."\i;b:t ' F .dalJ (t ftu Sp'"''" •P', ~,,o•;:i_.t\'1 " , . g\'°" \n ft ::...------. . .n\tel1 ,et io< \\<' po« oi b:.;. oi vi:o.,;~~; uc \01:oeat<• ·\d -pi: erni. ete ~.~~d\;;'.,,sno-Wln k 0 rt ' ,.,.,.,,,.n•"'"'~'..':" 0 ;:.., \nl<' ' c:: y,\d•J ( J ~~.~-:,\;;J. 1'· G"':f . . \d· g\n\a Judge.'~;' .~~~\,e to •'"~~'.,~ \ n"1~~:\~ '' ' " atte«d,~J,;::•~°.nd in cnatge t "'"' ,pp\an« · ''S:e« 0 11• a\\ oond• an1:ou~~~:.r~esiclentg<'• . 0. d >" . . w•1 te>'~"'.;".' {~;.- g ,e· ~~»•. ~:~"t';,'popnl•C''',:~~~.~:,.•· b < oi t.•• > i ""°"' \Q'B'""'•~'"'" :;.,.~::. ,e~a\\< d\"""""'"· . n>,eeo"'"''"d • 11 "·""'" · ,.,o1•d •'al eo"'•d"" tu«· to , tO• """°"" · end\eto•• ~.bl• O•°'"te",~" no 1 ?•" P'od•'\~,'.;,~eet •"'""1 ~(', •" ,nn•f.'0,se" B••"'';;, '~oe\< \a •;,!\~\,, ,een '" tn,~uf: """ . TOei""''"''"~ '::!,O\P ,a\\< ·'"' •. '"' .. • .. ,.&· ··' " ' '.:!. '\:\;::"-'" ••••. ~~s.:.·'B~~:.,o:·w•••'"" ente<'"""' .;t,,'.,~ \ta , uaP' "."' ~~;~~pl•"";.",.i.I "''":'.\'~o'~:f.11C:- ""'"" and'. ,.,,·~'" . ' ';!~\"1 .,,en,, i<>' ','.;,."·~r, "fT•'tZ,:• "'"'' "' nd """°"~" '~'°"d\ eto •' ' «"'°'" on •; ,t to ":•• .. ¥" • . ,.:"··• "'' ;.,~~~";;-,:;;;::&'t~· ~~~;':-':. cu;~,,,'~·'~ ~'"\~~ ~o·•"" 'i;;t~ !'~~o'•"'d',';'.t.:i~··•·"" o;;,;~~r:;:.0; ~. ···' "'"""' oi ,:. coa,;, s·t~"·""' '"'. "U',,;~~.0 •r~~::.?« '\d •"' ondoG~',l" G••"" " "T"''0 on• '·' ~· ,~u,tant\Oted tb• ~:·~i tn• "'"" <'~··tfe ndlet°" " ,ein•h~~e ;~•-"''" to ,\n< ' \::. .. .. ~:; ~:~;~;~, ~t~.~~~~::~~ ~~.~;,~~~~~:·~.::~~~.:::;; \l':.~~~·f,'it,~~~K""~:;~;· ~:.t;, ~;;;; ~,~:' :::.~~~ p~~:: ~:~ ~:ri 0 M<· G<-'"g<'· o tM' ,.,,. na""" nd d»l1 • • ' '"" "'" • . nt d\•"°"°'' . . uut """ "' • ' \\« "" • ~~:~\n;~o\\ ""'"' tel•· ,,.•• ..~;<:;. 't,,1\i"'";~ o•d to ,., "'"' d' '"'"~\~\'.f:,,; ,;got • ".';;~! .. ';:;::;.pn•"~d' u ,d co• ,et•'"'"' 0 ';:';~:::·;:, t~• 11°"'', ~~,=~• oi tb• ',.,;';~, "";~~dB,,";,'~\t an°'°" :~::::d ~~ ,!'\:":. "~,:~:\fa1;•;,J:',. .,~~. ,,;:~:.:~~::,~: "'~ ~,"d .~.~~~ ,.~;~~~~J?l~'\\~::-~:~f~:~,~~ ~lff-;,~;:;;'::~:S•· i;;~~J~'l ~~~ ~F~~i~ia"~~,,i~ ;::;:~t :r:. ~.~:1~;fnf:~~~:~f :~'·~.~~~: ~, w•·"· """ •• to ab\•. i;,·,,d .,.. . ' t co;;:·••• \ •• oi ..:,,. .,,~"~ ~~ .J.')11~~.,,; . ~~::d"''' ~n;,-;;:'l:.~;~; ··•·,'f~:~< ~·~o\' ?r:~i:'i".::.~ .,,n\\• t tbe "sea< B•· .., •1, ' "'""'ed '" tM "" ,cl>- oe«• "°'" · . n oi t\"''d, .,u b to• Do\ pn ,,,- •• "" ,.,. '<'•""'" ' \e b••" "'"" "'°"'"'j;"' ,co;' we<• \nd••d "" tO\• TO• \nt<''d•'"" oo<>\ b<>Y'• ne~1' ,;,,\a\ ,.,,\a at ,e•· L \n< ft"'P'~::_".::'a r:: ~ ~~;~ TO~ "!!.~ '., ~:,". enth•"",.,... 0. . , •••" yty ' ol" an't be •"'d"' .,,,, •• "'~',... ,.. d-u \o0oed• \t. ad"" "" . " "'"to 'te«th• o • ,d-bo\\•d, ""' tO.,,,,..• """~ '"''" '· '" ,,,.d • ...... ,.,, ••• """'1 ,,.noo tO• ,.,« ult•" ~ '11. 0 . et•" .. "'"T<>""'~,".,. " ' .,Ge<>«'. •""' ''°Q'll'"""' '" ns-:.~• . "ta""10<"·" th• yon '"'·dn'""'" ,to:. ·~';~ :~.'~: no do•"'0 · '"' ';" :;:~': ~\d p•'°~t\1 '';"~if;.• ~~ed ""'''te' "'M"'· i,eee\•<'' « •'"'""')t \t .,,., ,now• " " debut " '"'"' tbe ••"'''"' •"•" ' """'"'"' op«•''"" ,no:·t to "•""d •"""d TM ""'" ·~. at••· ?«" "'· - •"d '""te"ute~ ,oe ,._.., ""' '(;,• .,,.,. . \< ,u\\\W a<• TO• ,ep<«C' "'\oe",,\'..7. n>Od<"~t gun to tO• 20 ,.. ,.,.,,., and """' • ''' \n ,,,. w,th th7, R•'" uoa•""" ·"' "., ia\\• ,,.,. tM " " """'\ •"" unt\\ co• toO· 11<>"'~• ono~ . " ' d<"'""''""'· d•' ' '·"'~ ~~~i tO• ,,,.,,te• ,,..,, "'" :~."• to tM ,u«•"'· " ' ''~«• """' 40 "''""te' 1•'<'· ~'. OP"'"'"''""' th•' "!'" ,,.,•- ··· "" ,...... not '"'"' \]-Uo.•' ' "'~\. •'""'•' """'." •""~ ed \n ,unn\ng t0" "'"'"'~··",oe <''" a to'"'d .,tab\" "'"' .,,oen th•Y d"'°'" ~ "'"' L«"""·~"'••'"'""' 'tW oi O\< da•<"' theQn~ t1111e1"'"''f,;,t>o•· tn< ""wded go • '°"[n"''t\, eat«<"'"' '" '°" a ,c.ol«· . oi tn< G«"''" to ..,.,nnO~~ '?t~'s efforts to 1ntet- P""'"•"'"'"°". . •"' '°""'"' · b' ·a ted w\tO , pon· W vv a"' et Ct·'-e J

~nes From Most Thrilling Drama Ever Produced ·1

LOUDLY ACCLAIMED ON THE COAST FIRST UNBIASED OPINIONS Feminine Theatregoers Will. Find Much To Thrill The111 CHEER IT AS NATURAL In Ford'• ''aeas Beneath''

Giving the thousands of THAT WILL PACK HOUSES United &tate• Na11y- Aids smart and alert exhibitors who have lost no time in lining up (Continued from Page 1) boys, wandering a imlessly in search the 1930-31 F oxfilm program, The vivid sea-battle between the of t he enemy, wrestling with love In Filming Production the immediate tip to prepare for U-boat and the schooner's gun and of duty and desire, moves extra showings of 's ; crew, with the latter getting the swiftly and convincingly. During the three months of production of "," the " worst of it as the heavier German The production gets off to a fly­ United States Navy Department co-operated enthusiastically with "Seas Beneath" for youthful shells set fire to the already dis­ ing start and gains momentum as it the John Ford forces. A fl eet of three submarines and other craft theatregoers will be a step in abled ship! unfolds its 12owerful drama. In was placed at the disposal of the company along with tars. In fact, The deciding factor enter s the quick succession the spectator is the right direction, for it will U. S. Navy officers constituted the advisory board that remained maximize receipts that- will fight- the American submarine, introduced to mere boys who be­ on duty during the filming of the entire production. with only her pe1·iscope showing, come fighting men overnight, to Veterans of German U-boata were likewise mustered into ser­ benefit everybody concerned. circles into position- and a well­ the tragic and passionate adventure vice. Every member of the crew of the German submarine had If there ever were a natural for aimed torpedo ends the U-boat's of an ambitious ensign who falls served in the recent war. prey to a scheming, but charming the youngsters then "Seas Be­ career! As a result of this staff of experts, every detail of the melo­ neath" is it. The r escue of the U-boat's crew girl spy, to t he love affair between dramatic sequence in " Seas Beneath" ia positively authentic. by the American submarine and of t he commander of the American The United States Naval forces and recruiting bureaus WaY.s and means of :Qiling of the schooner's survivors by her " mystery ship" and th~ sister of throughout the country will co-operate with exhibitors showing this theatre receipts are always wel­ own "panic party" boats. the man whom he is sworn to cap­ sensational production. comed by enterprising showmen Safe in the Allied port of Ponta ture, dead or alive, to a series of and Foxfilm managers, salesmen Delgada, the German commander battles between the decoy vessel and bookers could serve t his cor­ surrenders his flag to O'Brien-and and German submarine and finally poration and exhibitors to no has it returned to him! to the hair-raising clash between greater advantage than to broad­ When Miss Lessing, realizing the the latter and an American U-boat cast this tip immediately. "Seas love betwee? herself and O'Brien, that t he " mystery ship" had been VIENNESE STAR SCORES Beneath" can boast a general ap­ is offered the choi ce of coming with secretly towing. peal, one that will grip every type him, or of staying with her own "Seas Beneath" di scloses innum­ of t heatregoer . people-and makes her dramatic erable surprises. Its dramati• PERSONAL HIT IN DEBUT Right now is t he right time to in­ decision! value is absol"utely supreme. But form your exl)_ibitors to formulate here and there-at the right t ime­ plans for special matinees, either is a quality of comedy t hat kept AS GEORGE O'BRIEN'S LEAD morning or afternoon, for t he the house in a continual uproar. youngsters. There are numerous Walter C. Kelly, known throughout :ways of accomplishing t his purpose, AGAIN APPLAUOEO t he world as the "Virginia Judge," Another new Foxfilm personality- Marion Leasing- makes her bow with all of which the go-getting rates a comic who will be in popular in John Ford's swift-moving romantic drama, "Seas Beneath." And what showman is well acquainted. demand once he is seen a nd heard an auspicious debut s he registers! Critics on San Diego, Cal., newspapers, The feminine attraction value of in "Seas Beneath." who saw "Seas Beneath" when it was previewed in that city, are unani­ "Seas Beneath" is equally promi­ AT COAST PREVIEW; If the demonstration attending mous in the opinion that sh e is h ead ed for stardom. nent and should be capitalized. In the local preview is any criterion, When it was decided to produce " Seas Beneat.h" many problems con­ fact, it should be emphatically "Seas Beneath" should clean up. fronted the studio executives. Among the more important ones, ·how­ stressed in all ' newspaper display CRITICS ENTHUSED Certainly it is one of the most ever, was that concerning the selection of a fe minine lead who could advertising copy. There is consid­ powerful entertainments that have s p eak both German and English perfectly- and whose appearance was in erable to not onl y hold t he atten­ come from t he Foxfilm lots. keeping with her Teutonic role. tion of the flapper co nt ingent RIVERSIDE, CAL. - An audi­ Some actresses could qualify on the language question, and others among theatregoers, but also to ence that taxed the capacity of t he NAVAL OFFICERS had the correct German blondeness, but none combined both features. make them fatten receipts via t he Riverside Theatre last week Director Ford, who himself speaks German with considerable ease, was word-of-mouth route. cheered John Ford's "Seas Be­ ACCLAIM IT adamant on the bi-lingual require m e nt- only perfect German would pass While the melodramatic back­ neath." That t his audience got SAN DIEGO, CAL.-Following muster in a film that otherwise was to be absolutely authentic in its ground of "Seas Beneath," plus its plenty of extraordinary thrills and the preview showing here of John realism . excell en t cast, will draw the male was gripped by the heart interest Ford's Foxfilm super production, Finding nobody on the Coast who could meet the dire ctor's demands, fraternity, but the romance, youth's of the romance between George "Seas Beneath," officers at the local the New York offices were appealed to. A few days late r the flaxen­ first contact V{ith intriguing women O'Brien and Marion Lessing was naval headquarters iss.,ed state­ haired, blue-eyed Marion Lessing was on a California-bound train, and youth's willingness to sacri­ emphasized by comments made by ments acclaiming it. The officers slightly bewildered at the rapidity with which picture producers do fice love for duty are elements that the spectator s in the lobby after the were swept off their feet by the things, but pre paring h e r self for the role of Anna-Maria Von Steuben, will pull women and girls as few preview. production an\I a message to that the sister of a noted U-boat captain, who finds h erself involved in a audible dramas have. John Ford has hi t an entertain­ effect was telegraphed to the Navy highly emotional romance with an American commander determined to While t he love story involving ment bull's eye t hat possesses rich Department in Washington. capture her brother. George O'Brien and Marion Less­ appeal and cannot miss being one This message was of such an en­ Two days after Miss Lessin g's arrival in Hollywood the picture went ing are outstanding in "Seas Be­ of the season's notable ci nema ac­ thusiastic nature, that the Wash­ into production. And now the Fox officials are awaiting the public's ver­ neath," t he value of the blasted ro­ complishments. Certainly there are ington authorities have requested dict on an actress who, they believe, will prove one of the outstanding mance as an ensign for a spy who more thrill s to "Seas Beneath" a special showing of "Seas Be­ luminaries of the screen constellation. It won't be long> now, for " Seas preys ont.his . inn ~ence of the world than any production with a sea neath" in t hat city durini?; the cur­ Beneath" has already b een released, and local fans will have an oppor­ and of women possesses qualities background has ever been able to rent week. A print of the picture t unity of jud gin·g for themselves of the new "find' s" ability and person· that will make the femmes flock to boast. The story of brave men and has been shipped to Washington. ality. (Continued on Page 5) January 29, 1931 THE DYNAMO 3 A Tidal Wave Of Human Emotions

NAVAL SURRENDER- None other than George O'Brien, as the co mmander of the American "myster·y ship," in a happy moment during the early stage of hi s extraordinary romance involving Marion Lessing, who, as the sister of the man t he U. S. naval officer is sworn TICKS OF ACTION- The enemy! At last-the meeting. Bui what a meeting it turned out to be. to capture, dead or alive, makes wh at is, indeed, a most auspiciow; Men against men- and a woman's love at stake; l ove or duty? And but a second in whi ch to make the debut as a Foxfilm star. The gentleman on t he right is William choi ce. Above is pictured one of the numerous dramatic scenes that co ntribute to making "Seas oilier, Sr . Beneath" ihe most thrilling achievement of t he a udible scr een. I Lovely Enemy I , Romance I [ Dutiful! I

GEORGE O'BRIEN - That "Seas Beneath" presen ts t hi s WALTER C. KE LLY At the extreme left is th is new LOVERS - Marion Lessing ha nd some he-man in hi s best comedian, who makes hi s debut in this Ford production. On and George O'Brien in one of role is t he Lrnanimous opinion of MARION LESSING the stage he is univer sall y known and loved by theatregoers their many affectionate scenes all who h ave seen the pi cture. as the " Vfrg inia Judge." in this drama of love and duty. Man And Woman-Duty And Desire- Drama And Thrills

Pave The Way Now For The Screen's Biggest Thrill 4 THE DYNAMO January 29, 1931

as t hey did, aftel' having seen it last week, water telephone ca ble, seve ral U -boats, in ­ test ifi es to the authen ticity of every single cl udin g the U-40 a nd the U-23, W:ere '"bagged, '" scene. but the withdrawal of the A lli ed subs for That t he scor e and mo re g irls who saw other work forced th e "'mystery shi ps'" to "Seas Beneath" at the H ome Office the other John Ford fall back on th eir own resources. day, s hould admit shedding tears and being Issued from Home Office, 850 T en t h Avenue, The fir st U-boat to fall a victim to a "thril led" by it, certain ly testifie s to the " Q-ship" alone was sunk in July, 1915, New York City, January 1 to May 31, and excell en t femi nine appeal of "Seas Beneath." from Fox Film Studios, Holl ywood, Cal if., by the " Prince Charles," and the famous June 1 to December 31. "Baralong" got two more before the Screened for Roxy, who presid es over t he end of the year. In 1916, with a re­ ROGER FERRI Supervising Editor t heatr e bearing hi s name, t hat smart show­ stricted U-boat campaign, only two were man said, after t he scr eening: sunk, but fiv e were destroyed during the Published Every Week By "Ther e's a gr eat picture!" following year and one more in Novem­ FOX FILM CORPORATION And he immedi ately started pressin g· ber of 191 8 , just two days before the buttons summoning to his offices assistant Armistice. Of these eleven, Commander HARLEY L. CLARKE after assistant. Within a few minutes his (later Captain and Rear Admiral) Camp­ ever y assistant had been ordered "to get bell sunk three, and seriously damaged President t he whole works behind 'Seas Beneath' " two others, for which feats he received because, as Roxy put it, "here's one of the the Victoria Cross, as well as a triple WINFIELD SHEEHAN sweetest pi ctures ! have ever seen." Vice-Pres·ident and General Manager award of the D. S. C. " I was t hrilled every minute," he ad­ It will come as a surprise to many tb, lea rn mitted after t he showi ng-. W. C. MICHEL So keep your eye on t he world pr emi ere that the United States had one '" myste ry Treasurer shi p,.. the U. S. S. '"Santee... This vessel, showin g of "Seas Beneath" at the Roxy a large ca rgo steamer, was fitted out in theatre Lhi s week. I J. R. GRAINGER a British dock ya rd with every known appli­ Vice-President in Charge of Distribittion J ohn Ford did an adm irabl0. jnb on "Seas a nce for U-boat detectio n a nd ca pture, but Beneath." on her fir st trip was torpedoed a nd sunk in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~------That's not onl y t he opinion of the execu­ the Irish Sea by a German sub that was too t ives of yo ur co rporat ion a nd Roxy, but of ca utious to come to the surface. every expert who saw the p icture on the The honor of first bringing the "mys- 'Seas Beneath' oas t. tery ship" to the talking screen falls to E lsew her e in th is issue of The Dy namo John Ford, whose recent offering, "Seas is published the first revi ew on "Seas Beneath,'' deals vividly with America's Entertainment Beneath." Read it- ever y word of it . lt part in the campaign against the U-boat. was writte n by a "show me editor" who has In this picture, in which George O'Brien been thoroughly shown. plays the leading role, a big three-masted Surefire! But that r eview is typ ical of others that schooner is equipped with a concealed have appeared in other publi cations. These gun and in company with an American additional reviews will be published in foTth­ submarine, stalks a noted German sub­ That J ohn Ford's latest production, "Seas coming issues of The Dynamo. marine off the Canaries. Beneath," should st ir up so much en thusiasm But we do know John Ford has clone a Usi ng two U. S. unde rwater craft, the a mong s howmen, is not one bit strange to wonde rful job. '"S- 47'" a nd th e gia nt fl eet submarine '"V-4," those ·who have seen t hi s production . J ohn has a knack for doi ng everythi ng· the production was made with full naval crtainly, "Seas Beneath" is cver vthing r ig ht- and in a fas hi on that covers him with coope ration a nd both Ameri can and ex­ promised- a nd more. g lor y. W e saw hi m wo1·k on "Seas Beneath" Cerman na~ a l men saw to it that the techni­ It ·is red-blooded, powerful, romantic and a nd it was an ins piring s ight. cal details of the hunt a nd the exciting three- thrilling ly told from beginning to end. It J ohn Ford knows humans- jus t as he cornered battle in the climax, are a uthentic. is alive with momen ts t hat sweep t he s pec­ knows box office values. tator off hi s feet. It can boast a Jove story Congratul ations- to put it mildly- arc t hat arrests and holds undivided attent ion. certai nl y due him. The Romance Of "Seas Beneath" has depth- a nd, what is more important, it can cla im an ente rtain­ Geor ge O'Brien,--as fi nc a lad as t he re is Lowdown On ment quality that is going to carry it to a nywhe re. All man- athl etic, handsome Mystery Ships xtrcmely profitable heig hts. and what a n actor. Showmen, who g uage values by what pi c­ In "Seas Beneath" he does admittedly the tur es produce in the way of profit, welcom fi nest work of hi s car eer . He lived his role. REATED during the war as one of th e John Ford "Seas Beneath" with wide open arms. For H e loves t he sea-and one who has seen many desperate atte mpts of the A ll ied Lh is attitude there is a perfectly g·ood t he John Ford production need not be told C navies to co unteract the U-boat men­ r eason. that. You see he loves it. a ce, '"myste ry shi ps,'" or '"Q-ships,'" as they Born in Portland, Ma ine, on F ebruary 1. In t his case the "good reason" is obvious As the command er of t he " mystery s hi p," were a lso kn own, are officiall y credited with Ed ucated in t he public schools of t hat - "Seas Beneath." George O'Brien co mes t hrough with a per ­ sin king eleven of the 200 or so Germa n sub­ city and g raduated from t he U ni ver s ity of The wriLer has seen "Seas Be neath" no formance t hat is goin g· to f urt her enbaTlce ma rines that succumbed to th e Allies during Maine at Orono. -- less Lha n fo u-r time:;; t hrice aL Lh e ::;L uuios hi s box office value and increase his already lhe confli ct. Originally intended g-oi ng into business, and th is week at the Home Office. powerful fol lowing. While this proportion is not large, it but the success of his older brother, Francis In fact, we s pen t a week with t he John He and Larry "'Ken t-who, by the way, must be remembered that more tha n Ford, then acti ng a nd directing for U ni­ Ford co mpany out in the Pacifi c where the was hi s buddy in his world war days when 5000 Allied warships ranging from the versal, broug ht about a change of heart. production was made. We have watched it both ser ved in the navy- are natural "pals." big battle-cruisers to little trawlers a nd On getting· hi s diploma, obeyed Greeley's develop from a n id ea into one of t he fi nest Ther e is every evid e nce of a perfect under­ drifters were largely occupied in com­ a dvice a nd headed West. productions this corporation has released. standing between them. bating the U-boats, while there were Took a minor job at U niversal to get "Seas BeneaLh" is for men, women a nd But it is Geor ge O'Brie n who dominates. only 180 of the "mystery ships" all told, experience, a nd served in various capacities youths who want t he most for t heir mo ney, H is love scenes wit h Marion Lessin g are a nd many of these never got an oppor­ before he became assista nt to hi s brother. for t heatregoer s who shop for ente rtain­ r ea l- man and woman thinking the same tunity to get into action. Subsequently developed into a :fu ll- fl edged men t, for showmen who know a good t hing t houghts and cravin g possession of t he same As Cordon Ca mpbell , the most famous of director on hi s own acco unt. wh en it co mes along- for showmen who by thing·s . the "' mystery shi p' " comma nders, points out Directed nea rl y 50 pict ur es for U niver sa l, getting proper ly behind it, will clea n up. Then t her e is Mal'ion Lessin g. She was in hi s book. th e ve ry knowledge that such rang ing from s plit-reel shorts to ser ia ls Her e is e nter tain men t- en tertain men t brought to Hol lywood from the other s id e shi ps were opera ti ng in the subma rine zones and fea tures. that wi ll st ir up word-of-mouth advertis ing· for "Seas Beneath." The g irl who played compell ed a mu ch greater caution on th e part Got a n offer from Fox Films in 1919 to t hat will bring them into t heatres in droves. the feminine lead in th is production had of t he U-boat capta ins, a nd thereby undoubt­ direct for that or ganization. It packs a s mas hing story- one of men to speak perJ'ect Engli sh and Ge rman- and edly saved ma ny va lua bl e me rcha nt vessels H as bee n with us ever s in ce. and women torn between love and duty, of at t he same time look Teutoni c. t l-.at wo ul d otherwise have been vi ctims to th Has made 29 feature productions for Fox, men a nd women who a ct li ke r eal humans, And Mi ss Lessing fi ll s t he bi ll very nicely. undersea raid ers. including· four Movietone a ll -talkers. of mer e boys who become me n overnig ht­ She is a charm ing persona lity, who co n­ First bi g s uccess was "Cameo Kirby,'' of thrill s the like of which you have never vinces, whom you take to t he minute you YSTERY SHIPS'" varied from bi g whi ch lifted Joh n Gi lbert to fame. before felt. meet her. 16,000 to n passenge r steamers to Other outstanding productions include S he is beautiful to look at- and her M little schooners a nd sloops. Ea ch " The Iron Horse,'' "3 Bad Men," " The B lue "Seas Beneath" opens at t he Roxy personali ty co mes r ig ht off the scr een into o ne, however, had a heavy a rmament of Eagle,'' "The S hamrock Handicap,'' " I:ig·ht­ t heatr e in New York this week. t he heart of her audience. nava l guns cleve r.l y concealed in fal se deck­ nin'," " ," "Fout· Sons," It wi ll not be generall y r eleased unt il H er s is a n auspicious debut. houses or behi nd fo ldin g bul warks, and as "Hang ma n's House,'' "Napoleon's Barber," March 29. But between this week a nd She not onl y li ves up to expectations, but the war progressed and the U-boats were " The B lack W atch,'' "Sal ute" a nd " Men March 29 you are going to read and hear genuinely surpasses them. fitted with la rger guns, the innocuous-looking Without Women ." a lot about "Seas Beneath." '"Q-ships'" likewi se mo unted bi gger weapons. Co uld probabl y cla im the t itle of Holly­ You are going to hear plenty about th is But, then, t he cast of "Seas Beneath" is At first these vessels followed a regu­ wood's champion s moker. powerful drama because it is t he most surefire. Every character is perfectly cast. lar progra m upon the appearance of I s never seen without his pipe, which is ambitious-a nd successful- e ffort of its No less than three wi ll emer ge with greater the enemy submarine. A " panic party" usually running under forced draft. kind. No more heart-tugging sea drama has honor s t han they a lr eady possess. dressed to resemble regular merchant Never smokes anythi ng else. Doesn't care been r evea led. Ther e is Gaylord P endl eton ! Now t here sailors, abandoned ship with much haste for cigar s and abom in ates cigarettes. "Seas Beneath" dares to present humans is a " fi nd." He has impressed everyone who a nd confusion, leaving, however, naval Very fond of mus ic. Doesn't play a ny a nd material things exactly as t hey are­ has seen "Seas Beneath." gun crew securely hidden aboard. When instrume nt, but attends philharmonic and as they existed and as t hey would undoubt­ To be s ure hi s role is not an extrem ely the submarine came close to. si nk the other concerts regula rl y. edly exist today in the same circumstances. important one, but he enacts it so s incerely ship by shell -fire, the false coverings M;,i.rr ied ; has two children, a boy and a In its straightforwardness, its gripping and e ffectively t hat it does become one of on the guns were dropped and a deadl y g irl. s ituation, its frank romance, its expose of the most promin ent features of the pro­ fire was poured into the unsuspecting R eads extens ively, mostly hi story a nd huma n reactions to cir cumstances that seem duction . U-boat. biog raphy. Not gr eatly inter ested in fiction , to indicate naugh t but certai n death, its H e has a manner about him t hat makes Du e to premature a ttacks by mystery unless it deals w it h a s ubject in w hi ch he r ealistic acti ng, its w holesome humor a nd him a natu ral with t he women and young shi ps'" tha t failed of their purpose a nd al­ is interested, or has picL ure possib il ities. its melodr amatic sweep, "Seas Beneath" folks. lowed th e submarine to make good its es­ Has no pets. takes its place with achieveme nts that hav H e is a complete success- an"d is respon­ cape, th e warnin g was carried back to Ger­ Is a n arde nt golfer, a nd plays every day made this gi.·eat industry what it is today. s ibl e for no little of t he pathos the picture many and la ter the subma rines remained when not worki ng on a sto1:y or a P. icture. owns. unde r the surface and used th eir torpedoes, Co ns id er s swimmi ng his alternative s port. "Seas Beneath" possesses strong appeals or retired to a long di stance and shell ed th e Gene rall y wear s his oldest clothes when Lo t he feminine theatregoer s. It has a Warren Hymer, too, is in the cast-and target with little danger from return fir e. working. heart- and a bi g one, too. hi s na me is synonymous with laughs. By loading their own vessels with a cargo of Favorite costume s:ons ists of a sweaLc r , You will see scenes that w ill g ive you But he has a confederate in "Seas Be­ wood or other bouyant material tha t would ancien t fl a nnel trouser s and still more thrill after thrill. You wi ll shed tears­ neath," who is a natural. H e is none other keep it a flo a t when torpedoed, the All ies still a ncient tennis s hoes. and man y of t hem. A nd you'll laug h a nd than Walter C. f(ell y, internationally known ma inta in ed th e usefuln ess of their '"Q-s hi ps" Democr atic to a deg1:ee. Has no illness la ugh. on the vaudevill e and mus ica l comedy stage to some ex tent, but not as eff ectively as in about a director's dig·nity. On friendl y "Seas Beneath" is box office because it as the "Virg ini a Judge." the ea rli er period of the war, as unless th terms with ever ybody. Is g-e ne rall y call ed furnishes t hat which theatregoer s buy Kell y's pe rfo rma nee is one long la ugh U-boa t ca me to the surface within fa ir ra nge. "Jack." entertainme nL. And what enter La i nm e nt ! a f'te r anothe r. the co n c ea le d g uns were in1pol e nl. N otable abi liLy Lo co ncen trate. Listens ertainl y no talking production presented As Lh e old seaman w ho b o a ;; L ~ su pc r­ inLcnLly to whaLevcr is be in g- sa id , r egard­ to date can boast more dramatic scenes t h a n naL u ral f eat::;, he i ~ a knockou L. NCLA ND a nd France sha re the credit less of a ny co nfu s ion about him. the batLl e- aL close quar ter ;;- bctwccn You're go ing· Lo sec a loL of Kell y in the for inventing the ""mys tery sh ips,'" as Appears to work le is urely, b uL is actuall y " myste ry shi p" a nd s ubmarine. f'utu re. E each set one a fl oat in Novembe r of 19 14 , one of the s wifLesL directors in Hol lywood. That the U ni ted States naval offi cers at '\ H e is des ti nccl to be a greater s uccess on shortly a fte r the outbreak of hostil iti es. By Seldom s hoots more t han one or two "takes" San Diego, Ca l. , should cheer "Seas the aud ible screen than he h as been behind using a n Alli ed subma rin e in cooperation, on any scene, and usually co mpletes hi s Beneath" as loudly a nd as e n t hu ~ ia st icall y the foot! ights. keepi ng in ve rbal touch through a n under- pi ctures well under schedu le. January 29, 1931 THE DYNAMO 5 ' '

'SEAS BENEATH! MONEY SHOW! SHOUTS HOLLYWOOD EDITOR What Hollywood Daily Reporter Has To Say Of Ford Ace·

George O'Brien gets a real break in "Seas Beneath." As a red-blooded adventure story, with plenty of comedy and darn near a tear or two, the picture is entirely seaworthy and packs a wallop that will go over big with anybody but a few of the highbrows. No d omestic tangles here- not a great deal of sex either; but gobs of exciting entertainment and suspense that make you impatient for the grand climax. The United States sets out to sink the most dangerous of German submarines in war times, by loading an old schooner with a crew and sailing it to infested waters. As George O'Brien in the part of Capt. Bob explained the plan to his decoys, the enemy U-boat was to b e d rawn within gun range by the hoax. Naturally, the schooner carried a concealed weapon and a few able gunmen. Just to make the going safer, the U. S. boat towed along a private submarine. The American ship drops anchor at San Esteban to take on supplies. Enter the enemy, and the sister of the enemy; the love element, and trickery. Skip a few adventures and you come to the big scrap with the mysterious Yankee ship shot full of holes and the U-boat going down. This story is more original than most and a curious mixture of box-office appeal. It is sustained by its wholesomeness throughout and helped by considerable good acting. There is a tendency to go into draggy details ( such as the loading of ships) in one or two spots. The photography is quite good. The cast is well chosen. George O'Brien will win friends anew in his navy hat, and Marion Lessing makes an attractive fraulein. Gaylord Pendleton, as Ensign Cabot, won't be out of a job for some time now. He is just the type. The picture is a change, and a good one, for George O'Brien from the outdoor hero types he has been portraying, and the story h~s all the elements necessary to hold the kid following that he has built up through the series of westerns he recently completed. Packed With Grippingly Dramatic Situations mont hs' vacation he and John Ford ar e now enjoying in t he South Seas certainly was merited, for the ap­ peal and dramatic value of "Seas I Who '.r Who In The Ca.rt I AS COMMANDER Beneath" is so tremendous that comparison of their work in the fu ture will always be made wi th GEORGE O'BRIEN WALTER McGRAIL their current smash. Another character of "Men Without Women" is "MYSTERY" "Seas Beneath" climaxes for One of t he most popular actors on the screen, reincarnated in McGrail's "Cobb," as the handsome or O'Brien what is indeed a most col­ O'Brien is at his best in "he-man" roles of romance lady-killer of the former film comes back to the orful and meteoric career. Playing and adventure. In this picture he has exactly the screen as entertaining as ever. This time he has an important part in his success, right type of story for his talents-a breathless and the part of a navy C.P.O. with t he gun crew of the however, has been none other than realistic narrative of submarine-hunting during the schooner, and gives another of his memorable per­ SHIP, O'BRIEN Ford. World War intertwined with a "different" kind of formances. He has appeared in many other Fox That O'Brien appears to be so love-story, and he makes the most of the opportunity productions, including "Last of t he Duanes" and thoroughly at home in "Seas Be­ with a performance t hat is unquestionably the fi nest "Week E nd Wives." neath" is accounted for by the fact t hing he has yet done. A " discovery" of Director IS SENSATION that he served in t he navy during Ford's, who chose him when an unknown for the LARRY KENT t he recent world war. Through co­ leading role in " The Iron Horse," O'Brien has since incident Larry Kent, who plays his climbed rapidly up t he ladder of fi lm fame with his As O'Brien's second in command of the dis­ Credit George O'Brien with superior officer in "Seas Beneath," work in "Sunrise," "True Heaven," "Salute" and guised schoone r , Kent give s an excellent por­ achieving the greatest triumph served actually in a similar capac­ many other noted offerings, including t he recent trayal of the young n a val officer. Formerly in of his meteoric career in "Seas ity wit h George in t he war. "Lone Star Ranger," "Last of the Duanes" and the navy h imself and an enthusiastic a mateur Beneath." That it is O'Brien at Following the strife, O'Brien re­ "Fair Warning." yachtsman, Kent makes hia part thoroughly r eal­ turned to his native city, San Fran­ istic and sea-g oing. H e last appeared for Fox his best will not be disputed by cisco, went to college and entered in " Hangman's House," hut r ecently returned those who will see in this great­ motion pictures as an assistant MARION LESSING from the South Seas to play in " Midstream" and est of dramatic romance of cameraman for Tox Mix. Later he " Z e ppelin." played a few bits a nd was finall y Although Mias Leasing has appeared in many fighting men of the deep. He chosen by Ford for the leading role s hort subjects on the ta lking screen, she plays is master of every situation, giv­ in " The Iron Horse." Since then her first feature role in " Seas Beneath" a s the GAYLORD PENDLETON hi s climb up t he ladder has been sister of the U-boat commander and a secret ser­ ing a performance that will add vice agent for the German government. Edu­ A young stage actor who proved his screen ability millions to his already vast steady and firm. in his first two talking pictures, "Manslaughter" and But, bear t his in mind, George cated in Vienna and this country, her already army of admirers. thorough knowledge of German waa increased by Ford's recent "," Pendleton has a O'Brien's greatest success is that memorable characterization as the young officer who Not since "The Iron Horse," also which he is definitely assured of re­ three years of theatrical work in Vienna, which brought her to starring roles and then to play in atones for his susceptibility to feminine wiles by his made by John Ford, has O'Brien cording in "Seas Beneath." desperate attempt to destroy the German U-boat so completely distinguished himself "These Daya" and " Fli.ght" on Broadway. With typical Saxon coloring, she is perfectly cast a s single-handed. His work in this film will bring him as he does in t he role of t he Amer­ national screen prominence. ican commander of the "mystery the g irl who is torn between love and her war­ ship," the man who is torn between Femmes Sure To time duty, and Fox Film officia ls predict a sen­ love for a German girl and duty. sationa l care er for her b eauty and dramatic ta l­ NAT PENDLETON How he remains true to his trust Get Many Thrills e n ts. Scree n fans will remember Nat as the husky and retains the love of that girl, mate in " The Sea Wolf" and a s the lifeguard in notwithstanding the fact that he WARREN HYMER " The La ughing La dy," a s w e ll as for his work in makes a prisoner of her brother, In Ford's Opus " Fa ir Warning" with O ' Brie n . A former wrest­ gives him the opportunity of giv­ The many t housands who roared at Hymer's ling champion a nd one of the strongest m e n in in g- a remarkable account of him­ (Continued f?·om Page 2) "dumb" comedy in the Tole of Kaufman in :F'ord's pictures, Nat has an opportunity to display his self. the matinee showings and at the earlier "Men Without Women," will have an oppor­ tunity to see this remarkable comed ian again play muscula r prowess in m a ny of the scenes of the. Realizing the fact that O'Brien same time aid in SRO-ing the night p r oduction a s w e ll a s to play a promine nt part ~ was giving such a spectacular per­ perfo1·mances. This phase of Kaufman but in a somewhat different setting, in this formance Director Ford wisely "Seas Beneath" is one that vibrates picture. He is still the same thick-headed but de­ HENRY VICTOR give him what amounted to practi­ with youth, desire and adventure. lightful gob, this time as a member of O'Brien's gun cally a free rein. The result is this No male star has attained the crew aboard his "mystery ship," where he adds im­ An English actor of note, educated in Leipsic and powerful entertainment. O'Brien heights reached by Gaylord Pen­ measurably to the hilarity of the film. His latest with an extensive acquaintance with the British and has come through with more than dleton as the young ensign who success was as Dannemo1·a Dan in Ford's recent "Up German stage before coming to this country, Victor flying colors; he definitely estab­ falls victim to the seductive in­ The River." gives an impressive performance as the commander lishes himself as the king among trigues of Mona Maris. How this of the U-boat and Miss Lessing's brother. He has played in talking pictures both here and in England, stars depicting his type of roles. ambitious boy, just out of school, WALTER C. KELLY He makes the most of every situa­ innocent, fall s prey to this beauti­ his latest role being in the Fox Movietone production tion. ful charmer is in itself a love story One of the most famous va udeville a ctors in "Are You There?" Therefore, no small share of the that possesses extraordinary fem­ the world with h is " Virginia Judge" a ct, which credit for the success of "Seas Be­ inine appeal. h e has played over a ll the big time circuits in JOHN LODER neath" should go to O'Brien. That O'Brien's love for Marion Less· this country, Europe, Austra lia, India and Africa, Another w e ll-known British player and for m er he swept even Messrs. Sheehan and ing is sweet and dramatic- the un­ Kelly makes his feature film d ebut in this pro­ British officer, a note d ling uist, Loder is per­ Wurtzel off their feet by his re­ dying love of a man and a maid, of duction as the big, bluste ring Irish C .P .O ., whose fectly cast as t h e fi rst officer of the U -1 72 a nd t h e markable performance is also to his a man who has roamed the seven constant feud with Wil'ia m Collie r , S r., p r ovid es fi a nce of Miss Lessin g. H e h as a ppear e d in many credit. No star ever worked seas only to fall in love with tht> many of the come d y m omen ts of the p icture . A s E n glish and German film p r oductions a s w e ll as harder on any picture than did he sister of the man he is sworn to a n a c tor a nd w r iter K e lly will h ave a prominent in " The Doctor's S ecret ," " Unho1y Nigh t," "Th e on "Seas Beneath." The two- capture- and kill, if necessary. part in many for thcoming Fox fi lm o ffer in gs. R ack e teer" a nd " A re You T h e r e?" 6 THE DYNAMO January 29, 1931

II' JOHN FORD'S ROWLAND BROWN'S SEAS BENEATH SKYLINE* A sensationally thrilling drama of daring men, intriguing women, U-boats and A romantic drama of a power-drunk underworld "boss" who sobs hi s way n "mystery ship," starring into society and then tries to go "high-hat." Ba sed on a story by Courtenay GEORGE O'BRIEN and Brown who wrote "Doorway To Hell" with with MARION LESSING, VIENNESE STAR; LARRY KENT, WARREN HYMER, WILLIAM COLLIER, SR., MONA MARIS, NAT PENDEL­ TON, WALTER C. KELLY and GAYLORD PENDELTON. Marguerite Churchill, Sally Eilers, John Wray (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 29) and Stanley Fields 'S (TO BE RELEASED JN MAY) WOMEN OF ALL NATIONS FRANK BORZAGE'S They' re back again I The dame-chasing, scrapping but lovable rascals- Flagg and Quirt-with new scorching mammas, funnier adventures, greater con­ DOCTORS' WIVES quests and a million and one laughs. With The drama of a doctor, h:s jealous wife and beautiful, but intriguing and love­ hungry patients; adapted by Maurine Watkins with Cecilia Loftus, Victor VICTOR EDMUND Varconi, John St. Polis, Paul Porcasi and co-featuring McLAGLEN LOWE WARNER JOAN EL BRENDEL, GRETA NISSEN, Many Others BAXTER BENNETT (TO BE RELEASED IN MAY) (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 8) ALFRED SANT ELL'S HENRY KING'S BODY AND SOUL MERELY MARY ANN Destined to be the most talked-of melodrama of 1931 , revealing a strange and new love between a boy and a ma id- introducing the screen's sensational The second co-starring veh:cle of the acknowledged world's most popular " find "- yo ung stars in a love. drama patterned to top "The Man Who Came Back." A ga la Spring cleanup with ELISSA LANDI JANET CHARLES in a marvelous cast including Humphrey Rogart, Myrna Loy, Donald Dillaway, and many others-and starring GAYNOR FARRELL CHARLES FAR.RELL (TO BE RELEASED IN APR IL) (RELEASE DATE: FEB. 15 ) JOHN G. BLYSTONE'S WILLIAM K. HOWARD'S MR. LEMON OF ORANGE MORE THAN A KISS Eddie Cantor wrote it! What more can one say? It is alive with bell y Lynn Starling's breezy farce wherein a husband wagers with a bachelor laughs with the new comedy king playing a dual role-and what a romance that he can not win the affection of his wife, with it di scloses. And it co-stars EDMUND JEANB+-'i:E- EL BRENDEL - FIFI DORSAY LOWE MacDONALD (TO BE RELEASED IN MAY) J. W. Kerrigan, Roland Young, Una Merkel HAMILTON MACFADDEN'S (RELEASE DATE: APRIL 5) HAMILTON MACFADDEN'S YOUNG SINNERS The most widely di scussed drama, i~i ~ir'ed by unconventional, defiant and CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES ON restless youth, is even greater on the screen. With A su refire adaptation of Earl Derr Biggers' story, a drama replete with DOROTHY JORDAN romance, thrills, chills and laughs, revealin g the adventures of a Chinese and a crackerjack personality cast headed by THOMAS MEIGHAN. detective, with a cast inclu ding (TO BE RELEASE JN JUNE) , Marguerite Churchill SIDNEY LANFIELD'S John Garrick, Warren Hymer, Marjorie White (TO BE RELEASED JN MAY) 3 GIRLS LOST GUTHRIE McCLINTIC'S What happens to three country girls seeking to conquer a big city- Chicago no less. Based on the Chicago News story, with ONCE A SINNER Loretta Young, John Wa vne, Joan Marsh, The sex side of " Big Business" with a go ld -digger sacrificing a million dollars, an apartment on Park Avenue- and fa ll ing for an egotistic youth from the Joyce Compton and Many Others sticks. Starring (TO BE RELEASED IN APRIL) DOROTHY MACKAILL BENJAMIN STOLOFF'S (RELEASE DATE: JAN. 25 ) SEYMOUR FELIX'S NOTEXACTLYGENTLEMEN Here's a heart-tearing drama of the outdoors, the story of three tough GIRLS DEMAND EXCITEMENT hombres who stake their all uniting two sweethearts. And look at this cast: 's exciting, surprising comedy drama of co-eds and under­ VICTOR McLAGLEN graduates, with a cast including VIRGINIA CHERRILL, , HELEN J E ROME EDDY, MARTHA SLEEPER and many others. Fay Wray, Lew Cody and Eddie Gribbon (RELEASE DATE: FEB. 8) (RELEASE DATE: FEB. 22) DAVID BUTLER'S CHANDLER SPRAGUE'S CONNECTICUT YANKEE THEIR MAD MOMENT A Movietone adaptation of Mark Twain's classic jammed with endless Based on the novel, "Basquerie," co -featuring hilarity and the incomparable "cracks" of WARNER BAXTER, DOROTHY MACKAILL (TO BE RELEASED JN APRIL) Also, Maureen O'Sulli van, Myrna Loy, Frank A lbertson and 5,000 others (RELEASE DATE: MARCH 15) * Tentative Title