Seas Beneath

Seas Beneath

lliliiitill A Weekly Newspaper Published In The United States By Fox Film Corporation In The Interest Of Sales Promotion 1931 No. 32 . t santa cru'L nat\'l\\esS 1)0\-p\\f \:ndS_wn\\e ~ et \n tne can. at':I ~b\'l\er~ed, outside escort -wa\ts, s • tO• oa<b°'· .,\ng oi tl" ,~,.... ers argo . ~M o\\a<\oU\;~':e S>"ta C<U' ... 9'-' ~\ l ~ C. e-''t disguisedpat-too\'l\· gobs et\ng pet-ween ~~· g ~_..a. le""ta\ 1\ t1\ '. o:f.~'... ·:~r~ , ,~f;~;·':;,;i. :.~:·:~ '0 .. .I• "'''' "'"· . Jo"" drll Oe ,,.~ :I '"' "''' "" • an• 0,h frt 0 ---:---- s heduted L~~'".,!''~~u:.'C:!J~_';;d ~;;.~; d d \'l\at\ca\\':1 de-p\ct- w rld prent iere c N f Getl113;(\ n eat\\l~~ e />. 11\ el: i ca n . "\1\\1\d\':1tO• lo1b "'.an ...i:a d"entui: . '"es wo"'°"'ot 'dat- 0 • • ' s"u"°""s"Q ic1on"·s o ,.,• .,,. '~nJoOngg ':louthSd' ?o< 'al!?s~:~t1l~ne i tO< ,.oet:tn," ta \~ ed-e F0 r• .l"oo~v .,.., 'f hectJ tre, arJJ 30 canThe en es~t\ignc i;J'" e ofd{:t~Jt~gt~enM. 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"ta""10<"·" th• yon '"'·dn'<ot . ,. ,outed to go ,ut on M\«TO• L<"''"''""""~"" an ~CB,,..t .,no« .. ,th.,,,• io\\o"'° ~ ·d o aa ,.,de \n •S•" Ben••'.";, to 1"''"' ,d,_nta<,. ~~~ oi O•"'"'°'" at ~;. \n ,,,,ge oi '°'"'" b•<' ''.1i''t:';_,,. \i O~ v<\\\ "J """ "'' n\ .,,oat l "'"''d<' ,pp••'.' "'"' \a ,nan1'' "'""" 11• tM" """ "''" ' 1 """'"" w« d<•"''"' ,.,.,a. u eneatn' no~ ~o ~t tntil\\ng yictui:e, "Qet·clfoi:~nsational fot J:e~t""'O< th•' Q'Jl'\••· . t •nd\•g tM aP· "'"""'' and " ' ( \dentM wO•" b• o» ••"' '" .. ·\• d<>""'" ,to<Y ' ,o\e nd w ed ' · ot TM\' en<P"" a o0n<' \e ,n t\on oi W ,e• uut •"",~;,'':' .,;. w• •""'< •;>:. ·~';~ :~.'~: no do•"'0 · '"' ';" :;:~': ~\d p•'°~t\1 '';"~if;.• ~~ed ""'''te' "'M"'· i,eee\•<'' <nt\\• •"'d' 'd ••"'"· lt ,... "'""· ""' ':.' "' """ • •• . 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OP"'"'"''""' th•' "!'" ,,.,•- ··· "" ,... .... not '"'"' \]-Uo.•' ' "'~\. •'""'•' """'." •""~ ed \n ,unn\ng t0" "'"'"'~··",oe <''" a to'"'d .,tab\" "'"' .,,oen th•Y d"'°'" ~ "'"' L«"""·~"'••'"'""' 'tW oi O\< da•<"' theQn~ t1111e1"'"''f,;,t>o•· tn< ""wded go • '°"[n"''t\, eat«<"'"' '" '°" a ,c.ol«· . oi tn< G«"''" to ..,.,nnO~~ '?t~'s efforts to 1ntet- P""'"•"'"'"°". •"' '°""'"' · b' ·a ted w\tO , pon· W vv a"' et Ct·'-e J<e\IY ,,;-. \nte<••"""'\\1 ., "tn• '/ .,. w• otd•P•,tu •• «"'' "\] 1'2L"" tOi<""'"• " pa<'d W•• d«P'"'"ib1ih te"' op,;g0 th"' eQ'Jl<\" \J-boa\:.en' «'decid"'es' ,pp••"tdo "'".,!',"~· ,_\d\•Loclet·~O• <' ';,w:,'~;. \ ~:,_:,oi thend° see\'l\\ngl':I the sb\l\ '(las an acec~rn U\let '"°"'" "" ·" " ,.. •""... to~o • u ' ' ao~B~\.e,n.,,., •• ' """ The art'"a 1thi sout- s\ee( ·•r,ue ~ ntinited on po,ge 'l.) 0 2 THE DYNAMO January 29, 1931 ~nes From Most Thrilling Drama Ever Produced ·1 LOUDLY ACCLAIMED ON THE COAST FIRST UNBIASED OPINIONS Feminine Theatregoers Will. Find Much To Thrill The111 CHEER IT AS NATURAL In Ford'• ''aeas Beneath'' Giving the thousands of THAT WILL PACK HOUSES United &tate• Na11y- Aids smart and alert exhibitors who have lost no time in lining up (Continued from Page 1) boys, wandering a imlessly in search the 1930-31 F oxfilm program, The vivid sea-battle between the of t he enemy, wrestling with love In Filming Production the immediate tip to prepare for U-boat and the schooner's gun and of duty and desire, moves extra showings of John Ford's ; crew, with the latter getting the swiftly and convincingly. During the three months of production of "Seas Beneath," the " worst of it as the heavier German The production gets off to a fly­ United States Navy Department co-operated enthusiastically with "Seas Beneath" for youthful shells set fire to the already dis­ ing start and gains momentum as it the John Ford forces. A fl eet of three submarines and other craft theatregoers will be a step in abled ship! unfolds its 12owerful drama. In was placed at the disposal of the company along with tars. In fact, The deciding factor enter s the quick succession the spectator is the right direction, for it will U. S. Navy officers constituted the advisory board that remained maximize receipts that- will fight- the American submarine, introduced to mere boys who be­ on duty during the filming of the entire production. with only her pe1·iscope showing, come fighting men overnight, to Veterans of German U-boata were likewise mustered into ser­ benefit everybody concerned. circles into position- and a well­ the tragic and passionate adventure vice. Every member of the crew of the German submarine had If there ever were a natural for aimed torpedo ends the U-boat's of an ambitious ensign who falls served in the recent war. prey to a scheming, but charming the youngsters then "Seas Be­ career! As a result of this staff of experts, every detail of the melo­ neath" is it. The r escue of the U-boat's crew girl spy, to t he love affair between dramatic sequence in " Seas Beneath" ia positively authentic. by the American submarine and of t he commander of the American The United States Naval forces and recruiting bureaus WaY.s and means of :Qiling of the schooner's survivors by her " mystery ship" and th~ sister of throughout the country will co-operate with exhibitors showing this theatre receipts are always wel­ own "panic party" boats. the man whom he is sworn to cap­ sensational production. comed by enterprising showmen Safe in the Allied port of Ponta ture, dead or alive, to a series of and Foxfilm managers, salesmen Delgada, the German commander battles between the decoy vessel and bookers could serve t his cor­ surrenders his flag to O'Brien-and and German submarine and finally poration and exhibitors to no has it returned to him! to the hair-raising clash between greater advantage than to broad­ When Miss Lessing, realizing the the latter and an American U-boat cast this tip immediately. "Seas love betwee? herself and O'Brien, that t he " mystery ship" had been VIENNESE STAR SCORES Beneath" can boast a general ap­ is offered the choi ce of coming with secretly towing. peal, one that will grip every type him, or of staying with her own "Seas Beneath" di scloses innum­ of t heatregoer .

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