TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, IMS Tf'd' V -i- ■■■ Ai- -^-.- iKmulioBbfr Smiting Jforallt Oet. 81, 1818 Tha Infant Janos of PngM about her, who Is convinced she exoeUsBt portrayal as Domtate Mhthsrs Chela will maat tomorrow Joins Law Firm Silver Whistle will die "douhlod up in a knot" be­ "Moon Over MuilNrry Mrsat'_____ Bill night at 8 o’clock at tha homa of cause the Bishop refuses to expend Luettgens playa iBmmatt, a tramp 11,108 Mrs- John Ikansaqa, 181 Bnmmit funds for a much-imagined needed "because being a tramp is tba beat HEATS AN ENTIRE ROOMI a r jia An8tt M U Chaptar, No. SI, Royal St Tha oo-henteM will ha Mrs. Gist Selected appendectomy. Arllne Culver is thing r a a ^ Boel Fariataau, drateM aas „ AMi Maatma, wU confar tlia Paat James Mulraady. cast in the role of Mias Hoadley, Roger Negro, and Joaeph Conti Manche$ler^A City of FlU of* Charm Maftar lUaon dagraa atltaaUtad an agreeable but vague old soul make up the rest of the cast. oonvecaUon Wadnaaday at 7:30 p. Tha BritliihrAmerican CSttb-HliUJ who la frequently under the Infiu- 'The BUver Whistle’' promlsea as. in ttoa Maaonie Tampla. H ie hold its monthly meeting tonight Community* Players to ence of liquor and who carries an to be one of the mdat delightful VOL. LXXni, N O , 30 AdvartMag sa.faga 88) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEBIBER 4,1053 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECHONS) dacraa work will te foUowad by at 8 o'clock at the clubhouse. Stage Comedy Nov. 20, out-moded ear trumpet. comedlea ever to be preeaateff to PRICE Pin cum tba umal rafraalmanta and aodal Miss Tripp is played by Bessie Manchester playgoers and should iMMtr. The All SainU Mothers arcle 21 for Nurses Assn. Quinn Bendall, the young plain­ be a "must” to all who eaJoy an will meat tomorrow night at 8 looking supeiinte^nt of the old evening of fun. R ut Matrons of Temple Chap­ o'clock at the home of Mrs. Akma Donoyan,' 85 Alton S t Take one slightly weather-beat> people's home, but who has a beau­ ter, Mo. S3, OE8. will meet Thura- ty that is obviously wasted in her Ike’s Views day at 8 p. m. in the Masonic en rooster dubbed Omar, one not A son, their first child, wu quite so honest, poetry-quoting, present position. Miss Tripp has Evasion Seen Temida. After the business meet- been long-affianced to the dull, LE T UB F IL L Y O U l in f Mrs. J. Henry Dittmeyer will bora Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ member of the Knights of the conventional Reverend Watson, Miow pictures taken on her recent ly O. Capen of Morris Plains, Open Road, compioiuy known as On Election Democratic Exile Ending played by George Walker. He is trip to California. Hostesses will N. J. Mrs. capen is the former a tramp, one group of retired men Shiriey UtUe, 180 Pearl S t the type of man kids would select ha Mrs. John A.-Trotter and Mrs. and women housed in an old peo­ to throw snowballs at. Vrad TUden. Members unable ple's home, add a dash of the "Po­ In Soviet Note Mrs. Sample, a pfetty little old A re W aited to ha present are requested to no­ The annual meeting of the Man­ tion of Twingstl," stir until well- lady—the kind shown on candy chester Garden Club is slatqd for blended and the mixture results in tify aither one of them. boxes—but with an eye for the dOMN M. HIGHTOWER f peered to ha contained In a re- Monday, Nov. 0, at 8 p. m. in the one of the funniest, merryipaklng opposite sex. la played by EVe Called for aad daUramd Washington, Nov. 4 (JPi— Robbins room of Center - Church plots anyone could ask for in ' a aahington, Nov. 4 (fPi— aatertlon of thoa# two pointa H artford C h a p ter, National Folsom. Barbara Jones plays Mrs. promptly st m t i t n i m ------a .^ - . ■ A _ 9 9 i _ / _ I _ a. ^ which tha Bovlota had Inaiatad up­ The White House declined Aaan. of cost Accountants, wiU^ house. Mrs. Bruce Henn, of play. Gross, a very, very old lady and a State Department officials to­ Newington, will give a demonstra­ e h a rfc- on In a meaaago to tho Wootorn comment today on - Demo- As Upset Vote Is Counted Such are the ingredients of 'The day deacribed Ruasia’t lateat hold the final session in a aeries of little senile, who is confined to her governmenta in Soptamhar: erntie victories in yesterday’s six discussion forums at 7:30 p. m. tion of Chrlstmu decorations. Silver Whistle" to be presented by wheelchair. Mr. Cherry la played note on a German conference the Manchester Community Play­ 1. A B-powor Foreign Mlnia- election! but hinted that Thursday at I.BJd. hudquarters, by Ricky Gentllcore, a dreamer of PINE PHARMAOY aa freah evidence that Mos­ 100 Farmington Ave., Hartford. The Queen of Peace Mothers Jerosne L Walah ers, Nov. 20 and 21 at the Wad­ Inaccessible, far-away places and tere’ Conference, Including Red President Eiaenhower might cow deairea a kind of diplo­ Morris Klein, controller of Veeder Circle will meet at 8 p. m. Thurs­ dell School, under the auspices of a collector of foreign stamps. Chino, which would aeek to eoae have something to eay at a Root Co., will lead a discussion on day at the home o f Mrs. JOhp F il- Harold W. Garrlty, of the firm The Manchester Registered CAU M l-M t14 matic stalemate at least for teneiona all over tho world—op- Ricky will be remembered for his mid-aftemooh news confer­ Monument to Town’s War Veterans Set Up in East Cemetery “Itocludiiig Burden Costs in In- loramo, 131 Eliubeth Dr. Hie co- of Butler, Volpe, Garrity and Sac­ Nurses’ Assn. The play is being r o d /n flo n m ufm m tU o la c ir ic parently a frea ranging nogotla- G O P Jolted State Gains^ ▼antories.” hostess will be Mrs. Robert TO- directed by Miss Faith Fallow. ence. co, with offices in Hartford and The cast is headed by the very **’Thw*wS^n?‘ lmmedlaU co m -i'^ ,K «^ many'prbWenia massi. ment by the department on the' Asked for comment, Preeldea- Manchester, announces that competent Bill Brown in the role 2. As a kind of soeond half of tlal Press aecrctsiy James C. Adeertlsement—' of Oliver T. Erwenter, the lovable ROOM HEATER Ruaalan reeponao to a Weatera bid All members of St. Margaret's JetonM I, Walsh, formerly of New for a Foreign Miniatere' confer­ ths big meeting, a conference of Hagerty aald; "It te obvious I am By R esults A re H ailed Many big sports figures will be Circle, Daughters of Imbella. who Haven, is now associated with tha glib-tongued orator of the open • Al le a ... beie’i e heeler awSteeSir been eeeeSte teen lltstfa ft ence on Germany and Auetria. But the foreign ministers of Rumia not going to do any commenting desire tickets for the fall dance, road. Fred Malin, too-long absent with the (Eiaenhower) press con­ at the Old Bam, Box Mountain firm as of Nov. 1, 1953 Iq the from the Little Theatre stage, privately, offlciala uaed aueh and tho thru Mg Wostem pow- soon. Sm Thursday's Herald for Saturday, at the American Legion • 140 leetefbaaNesteRalareeiatall sacked boa Sill affW cetaea... ference coming up at 8 p. m. practice of law. __ plays Mr. Beebe, a gentle, white- Weds Morning Special words aa "evasive . . , a severe dia- ors, without Rod China, to discuss (EKT).” Of Contests B y L ead er full deUils. Hall, are urged to contact Mrs. sMeg 88 Sene naie haaties ae

( -J^kSeWo '"Miitidlif tHrr44»kiWt*'r4J ■„ f :-• ;* f* * *'»*T*1 =;... ^ .4 . ..V : ...... V.....■ -..\-r;.--'-^-;; t *

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDN|!SDAY. NOVEMBER 4 .196S MANCHB8TBB EVBNINO HERALD, MLNCHBgTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 , 195S Child Education Dr. Ward to Get New Bos Aterm Nimbcr Bloodmobile Fails Quotas signs oa Varaon Straat btfors aa- munist patrol detacted them and Added to SMFD Systeai Dec. 1 Cantorial Solobt Hadascah Plans tartag RIvaraida'Dr, Czech Youthi Wait poured maebinagun bullets into tha 5 0 ^ Club Phns JIN MANCHESTER rrS B’nai B'rith Award Unit Forms Here Hobart Lyacb, 36, of 50 Marshall wood whera they wera hiding. A new box alarm, tha iM th 114 Pints Danated in Visit Cake Sale Friday Rd.. who, police say, was ra- Western Freedom Svajta was hit. Bleeding badly, he Potluck Supper added to tha South Mancheater NOW FU Y IN G I On Sidewalks •poBslble for a two-car accident urged the othera to go on and leave On Monday avaninf, at tha A local chapter of tha Aaan. for n j i M B o r* s iiM iU M k , laat month that sent him and four him behiniL i l w n t o i i ' s lip n iM t Fire Diatrict alarm ayatam,* Childhood EducaUon waa fomuM at Mount Labanon Women'a Club on waa put into operation today. What had augurad to ba an ovar-, Mra. Irena A. Ilyde, David G. -SAHABA" at StSMiWBlM.. A pubUe h ta ri^ M tha question Manchaater Chapter of Hadaaooh, others to the hoaplal, was fined (CenltBiMd Frimi Page Oae) Beard Freight Car Msmbers of St. Mary's 50-50 f F l R F . l-V- ■ •'ri'' ■ ' |14 oa a charge of vlolatUm of Club will hold their monthly meet­ lAbanon Ava., Pittaburgh, Pa., Supt. of Fira Alanna Thomaa whelming aucceta^a a Bloodmoblla Thomas, Lsalla J. Ollphant, Howall a maeting held at South School yas- •t tBMaltoUod Of Ndawalka qn tha Witt hold a caka sale, Friday, from^ The three later bMrded an empty / AND MORE FOR YOUR OLD rules of tha road. The accident panions who didn't make it to the freight car and rode to the town ing Friday evening In tha pariah South HUla Lodge B'Nal B'rith, McKinney flnlahed inatalllng Day, yasterday tim ed out to be Miller, Mrs. John H. Monoghaa, tarday aftamoon. Taachtra from Binifs BMMt 1 to 4 p.m., at the home of Mrs. West as Vaclav Svajta, a aawmllt f # ^ . . 'O i nrGu M b i WASHER. REGARDLESS OF No. IBM, will praaant iU “Mai^ of the new box yeaterday. •pftk 6Hi at Tartar Street was sat occurred Oct. 11 on a curva In of 2!oasen, 20 miles south of Ber­ house. The program will open with tha moat diacouraglng failure In apd Oobaon O. Miller. Lincoln, Nathan Halt, Bowers, d n m tie n le ! Oeorge H, Marlow, 120 Plymouth hand and former ludowner, and To Moot tmorgonsy AGE. MAKE OR CONDITION tha Taar” award to Dr. W. Ralph Mancheatar'a period of partici­ Walk-ln donora, besidaa tha onaa fbr Oae. 1 by tha Board of Dtiac. Camp Moating Road. lin. The car was disconnected a potluck supper at 7 o’clock, un­ • 5 0 . ' It ia box ISS and la located WaddsU, Washington, Kaansy, Lane, tor tha benefit of tbe new Alao thla morning, Emile H.'' Cybynek Jaiwta, a factory con­ der the direction of tha following Ward, Jr., paator of tha Mount Lob- at the comer of Wedgwood Dr., pating In tha blood program, with mentioned above, included Robert Bucktand, Groan, South, and sntr apokaaman^ troller. there, and they bumped into police fVWirVT 99VWV a « • WVaVvf anon Methodlat Church of that it * M the Highland Park Medical Center in Jerusalem. Hellala, an 16-year-old sailor from patrols. committee: Mr; and Mrs, Riuwell TRADE IN NOW FOR A and W. Middle Tpka. only 114 plnta of blood coUactad Doggart, Mrs. Loretta Lupaceblao, Robaraoo ochoola ware present. This Medical Center win serve aa They gave this account of tbsir h t p M .. ,mmi city. Thla award la being preaanted Lawrence Mali os, Edward W. Oar- OR Porter Straat urged the Woonsocket, R. I., wae fined 26 on Once again bullets whissed, and Clifford, Mr. and Mra. Philip Hal- Thla number ahould .be added during tha'day'a operation. Mra. Lola Hanaalmon, presidtat BING AwwGt a focal point of a network of com­ night: lin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles, to Dr. W a ^ for hta wonderful Daapita tha aincare and enthual- roll, Everett Cole, Grace &«am, o< tha Hartford ACE, and Mias a ebarga of violation of rules of Baumer was hit in,the stomach. Nmlfar Ml$. to the liattnga of boxea in the munity health units, the first of the road. Bcliele, a naval radar After crossing the Omch border Mr. and Mrs. David Fraalsr, Ntw AiioiiiatiR tr Wriigtr Washir work and excallent leaderahip in aatie racrultlng efforta at Anthony Ralph Swanson, Wamar Hlrseh, Grayca Long, a mamber of the In­ C R O i -.TS* P*tltlofiad for the on foot, they walked to the East The three staggered to an A^^ a^^^ 4lfia Interfaith affaira.- diatrict publlahed in The Herald W s y and Mra. Jay E. Rubfnow, which Hadassah inaugurated laat operator, was the one ihotorist ar­ elav(ited railway line leading to Dr. A. E. Friend will give a talk HUBIaXfB laat night Alao to be added on Baylaa and hia commlttaa, thera Ernest Undera Jr.. William Taa- ternational group explained the CLAUOK DAUPHIN year, and which has alraady at­ German town of Rleaa. living on (BUY ON BUDGET TERMS) In recognition of, tha evant, dale. Cadorette Joaaph, V a rn a n work of the organUatfon, which ia R***(lant' told the Board last rested Saturday by polica using Berlin; And even at this last on the tour ha and Mrs. Friend laat night'a Hat la box M. Oak wera several hours during the day tracted the attention of UNESCO radar. raw potatoes and apples. There jtfigAtl J u S L . J2JUL “ “ Judge Samuel Weiaa, member of when there were more workera at Niles, Richmond Nelson, Revs Her­ an Intomatlonol group havlag m ^ t that tbara ara 66 children the-' sold a cigarette case and leg of the journey they had an­ took through Europe laat summer, t $M the executive board of B'Nai and Clinton Streeta, which waa iWlni^ north ai Uig highway who and medical circiM in India. San In another cose this morning, illustrated by many colored pic­ IS.M previously omitted. Woodruff Hall than donors. Con­ man, Taaino Sarpola, Gerald Mc- branchaa In foreign countries as Salvador, Sudan, Franca and other watch to buy railroad tickets. other clone bnuh with death. They n.n B'rith, will deliver the principal tributing to the failure were the SO Gurkln, Philip F. Picrca, Chri wall as in the United States. Bsvsr- i s y . eroea it aaveral times a day. Dorothy Mahar, 42, of 5 Courtland jumped from tha train too soon tures. 47.41 addreaa. I I I I i i JkJward Bew:h. PTA sacratary, countries. St., charged with overtime park­ It was during this traip ride Troop 1, Girl Scouts who plan BENSON'S canccllatlona on appolnmenta over Hunter, AUan Hotchkiu, William ol towns, including Hartford, Bris­ The most advanced features of that East German Police stopped (Uid found themselves In a Soviet fCMTsSin! aCs^snrfHjrSssrssB •mTsc^iS Dr. Ward waa paator of tha the weekend, and tha failure of 62 Bayrer, Mrs. Halan Zimmar, Mau­ tol, Darien, Waterbury, Greenwich, l;()^ 10^1 ■iibmlttad a map of the area. He ing, forfeited a flO bond when she sector station swarming with Com­ their third trip to Europe in the STREET TEL. MI-9-524S South Methodlat Church of Man- pointed out that tha trpffic officer madloal architk;ture will be incor­ failed to appear. them and the youths, armed with summer of 1654 have been invited loss MAIN IMS, to aaaume apiritual leader­ scheduled donors to appear at all. rice Trustantitaer, Donald Mc­ and Newington, have chapters. porated in the new Medical Onter, three pistols they had aaved since munist Police who apparently were cheater for over aevan yaara. He ahip of the Pittaburgh church, one Only 17 of the “no showe,” how­ Clain. and Clement LupSechina Tha ACE seeks to provide and the children croaa from the looking for them. to the program, which is In charge miRMONf * WRftt « asymt north aide to tba south aids whore which will place at the dlspoeal of World War n, shot it out. During of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Haruwn left Mancheater in l^tember. of the largeat in that dty. ever, were membera of the Young During December, Manchester atimulata ways of davsioping pro- If there is a door in your home the battle they loat sight of Jana­ Under a hail of shots, they fled • Sad HR! a there is a sidswalk. Conae

iH il I ■■ r ' • I * ;■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER A 19&S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1963 being penalised at the rate of 9 reason to quit fiUiiig pulptta, says aays ha haa walked, ridden h o r ^ Eighth District Tax per cent a year. Preacher of 91 back and "buggled ” over m ^ ' . - . ' ■ a i g the lUv. Itolwrt F. Rc^ie. every rural eectlon wrlthln a 100- Veterans Memorial The Nortrt End property own­ 8o Regers’ four aona got together *Hal Boyh' CoUections at 95% ers are paying a 2H mUl tax on mile radius of Chattanooga during a Grand Uat of $18,427,932 to pay Still'at PulpitB and bought' the preachar the only the past 80 or so years. for Are protection and other aerv- birthday preaant ha aaid ha wanted ••I^esa,” he said. ‘Tve worn Eighth Diatrict Tax Collector icea provided by the diatrict. Chattanooga, Tenn. (fi—Juat be­ —a new auit. Not Juat one suit, but out more shoe leather and buggy U. S. Selected Hubbies Walter Leclere announced today However, residents who are cause a man is 91 yeara old. and a wardrobe. aeaU getting to my churehea than any man in these parts.” a flag pole donated and erected and that $42,814.47 of the district s using South End sewer facilities hia autt ia pretty wM worn is no The Miaaionary BapUat miniater Ceremony at 3 p. m. to the site waa officially dedicated are granted tax reductions total­ tax money—about 95 per cent of ing $1,049.13. May Help Treasury Nov. 10, 1930. the amount collectible—haa been flliMic 20 Years Work A service waa conducted on the . In all, $45,028.57’ ia considered site that Sunday afternoon with paid in and that most o f it haa collectible and lAclhrc said late 5348484853484823482348234823534823234848532353534848232348235348535353892348532323534823535353534853 B y Veteran Field Unit already been turned over to Dis­ New York. —Should Uncle can't taka it with them, ao why let the Salvation Army Band, Mayor payments on the remaining bills • Charge It Income taxea grab it?" Sherwood Bowers, then a member trict Treasurer Howard Keeney. are still coming In. Persona wish­ Sam become a love broker? Should (rictvra Ml rkte Oae) He said moat of the tax money Thla year Georg* ha* peppad up of the Board of Selectmen, mem­ ing to pay their bllla in person • Lay-Away the government bolater Ita In­ hts campaign with a theme song, A dadication ctrctnony and tht bera of the clergy and the various was paid by the Saturday dead­ may do So at Lieclerc’a office a t come by entering the busIneM of which goes: mivtUiiir of a mamorial monu* service organltatlona tpklng part. line. Btlla paid since then are the rear of 23 Main St. "I'd Tike to b* some older wo­ mant in the memory of local vct- J O T i . arranging marriagea, which up un­ What the Veterana Field Cbm- til now haa been atrictly a free man’s darling, erana of all ware will be held Sun* mlttee. haa strived for nill be com­ . "I don’t seek to be a younger day afternoon, 8 o’clock at Soldiera > pleted Sunday. The committee will enterprise field? I lady’s stave. Field in the Eaat Cemetery. ceaae to exist shortly after the 'J eenj George Durst of Jamaica, N, Y„ I "For compantonahip, security, The brief ezerclaea planned w ill' dedication of the memorial monu­ contentment ba the crowning moment for th e ' has been conducting a one-man I ment. Members feel they have suc­ campaign for some year* for the "Are the only things a maa Vataran’a Field Committae, com- \ ceeded in- giving Manchester a vet­ Naw ShiimiHt! Nfw Colors - • Now Pattomt should really crave." p o ^ of a croup of AVorld War I erans’ burial Bite of which the creation of a federal matrimonial I So far' no statesmen'liave made Orion and Wool vatarana who have atmcgled to- town can bo proud. They will re­ n U n e n e ^ bureau "to Inaplra mature girls any serious opposition to Hr. fethar for 20 yeara to provide thia turn to the town the sole govern­ and older women to own and , Durat'a program for federal help town with a permanent memorial ment of the burial plot and will SPECIAL GROUPl operate husbands." ' for wealthy women, who need e to ita war heroea. disband. 8o far Congress and the White husband but perhato don’t know In June, 1934, the amall group of Guest speaker at the ceremony House have turned a deaf ear to It. The trouble Is that no politician ax*aervicemen. moat of whom ace will be Ool. Wallace Moyle, a mem REG. 24.98, 29.98, 34.98 >wra hie proposal, and for the life of yet has realised what a vote­ atiU active on the Veteran’a PHeld ber of the adjutant general’s staff him George can’t understand why getting lasue it I*. None ha* picked Committee, gathered together to of the.Connecticut National Guard. a government so deep in red ink up the ball and run with it. diacuaa the poasibility of aecurlng Numbered among thoae original 47 GIRLS’ COATS passen up this chance to pick up Parhams on* reason is they are a portion of the Eaat Cemetery to membera of Veterana Field Com­ some easy money and a t the same afraid to get Into the exploalve ba u a ^ aa a veterana' burial plot. mittee, who will see their efforts time pleaM the voters. arena of matrimonial relations. It Six veterana organizatlona were crowned Sunday, are Jack Jenney, COAT SETS fvjM rt wofefc r e jN * His Idea la simple and painleas. the government can’t aolv* th« preaent at that initial aeuion and Francis Bray, Fred Baker, Clar­ « « r W c « h 0 ^ y i n f Anybody wanting a mate would problem of cattle, com or butter they atill hold active memberahlp ence Petersen. William Usggett. pay a $10 registration 'fes to the crops, how could it deal with the on the committee. They include the Raymond Smith, Albert Downing, SETS k — p on Hm o federal bureau, which would then nroblem of a crop of surplus hus­ Britiah War Veterana. Veterana of. Jerry Maher and John Buehannan. Paint Useful and Lasting Items! rate the prospects-possibly ii\ a bands? Foreign Wara, Spaniah War Vet' Membra of the committee from giant catalogue—and arrange In­ How long would It be before the arana. American legion. Army Its origin until their death were Missing d atesf'^ J troductions. If only 25 million cry "parity for potential husbands and Navy Club and the Diaabled David McCann and Albert Lind' Anyone can paint with Tole Cxapt. No art lessona Thur.^day, Friday , Missing traias7 AmerUann registered each year, as well as potatoes" went up? American Veterana. ••y. needed! Simply follow the easy directions to enjoy Nothing is more this would pour a painlessly How long before the crop of spin­ It waa the object of thla group and Saturday iiritatinf than a watch that raised quarter billion dollars an­ sters would demand government to originate a burial plot for vet- thie relaxing hobby. Nothing more to buy. Six won’t keep good time. To pt». nually into the Treasury. aid, too. to help tide them through arana and the eventual erection of Gibralta’s Cow beautiful and matching designs in all three items. tect the accuracy of your watch George li convinced there are a husband-drought? by Jonathan Logan a memorial to thoae aervlcemen. m tm millions of well-to-do women In the A government-arranged wed­ have it inspected at least "fond forties, fascinating flftlea, A parcel of land, known aa Plot With each T o le CxArr metal picture-tray, metal Only 47 in this group in plaida, tweeds, bouclsS, solid tones all by famous makers lo r ding might or might not win a C on the map of Eaat Cemetery, Receives Fine Care a year. V eil do this yoM lovable sixties and aenaible seven­ politician votes If it turned out waa the deaired plot. After aeveral waste basket or metal desk basket you receive whose names we cannot mention. All with wride grow hems . . . Not every else and /ro t. You 11 he aauuwd at k w ties" who could use a good man as okay, but if It. curdled It would be \ diiacuaaiona with the Board of Belfast, N. Ireland (ft—Down on a supply of real artist's oil colors, ready-mixed color In every style. Sixes 4 to 8x with slacks, aises 7 to 14 coat alone. much belter vour watch will ail Income tax deduction, dog bound to cost him votes. S 3 nm after it is oeaued sad ailed. Selectmen, then governing body of the Rock of Gibraltar there's only and ready to use . . . a sturdy artist's brush. walker, or what have you? Another objection Is the fact a the town, the plot waa given to the one cow, and she gets the deluxe This group does not include our entire stcKk of coats If repairs are needed our expect "Husbands make novel Christ­ lot of men Just wouldn’t undergo $ 7 . 9 8 committee. treatment. Once a month a 'big The picture-tray may be hung (invisible hanger service will put thiags right. mas preaenta," he writes, and the regimentation necesury in a \ The new memorial waa purchaa- Hastings Transport aircraft of the hook is attached) or it may be used as a serving I19IN OWNIBSi wants to know what ts keeping the federal matrimonial bureau. ed a t a coat of more than $9,000. Royal Air Force flies from Alder- See us about getting the government from playing the role How would you yourself like to Funda were raiaed through the grove, Northern Ireland, to Gibral' tray (the finish is liquor-resiatant). SP EC IA L G R O U P O F 32 Reg. 14.98 to 19.98 of Sants Claus in this respect; start a coisrtshlp wearing two ing new Elgin DnraPewar blue-inked stamp marks on your sale of the lota and from yearly tar, to perform service duty for the, Mainspring lo t your watch. come Noel. \ dues paid by the membera. Coastal Command. On these flights Tray $ 2 .9 5 GIRLS’ SNOWSUITS "I honestly believe what this forehead saying r "Passed by the Site Dedhwted In 1919 fodder ia airlifted for the prise country needs ia a good federal U. S. Bureau of Standards," and Operation of Soldiers Field haa animal. Waste Basket 3 PIECE JACKET. HAT and PANTS . 9 0 matrimonial bureau to start an "Guaranteed prime by th* U. S. been conducted Jointly by the com' The cow is ownned by Flag Offi­ S2.95 F. E. BRAY epidemic of romance and inspire Bureau of Agriculture?" mittee and town officials, part' cer, Rear Admiral J. A. l^kle- Sixes 3 to 8x In red and grssn poplins, fur trim, down older women to reallxe that they Let George do It. Y«s, the famous and wantad Leratfa, hill pants, a few are poplin. Checks, plaids and wool MANCHESTER’S OLOB8T leularly George Elliott, auperinteo' wait. Before Admiral Micklewait Desk Basket dent of the cemetery, and sextona bought the cow fresh milk on The meltona . ESTABU8HEO JEWELER touch with parents and brother* that easily washable orlon and wool com­ of the cemetery. Rock waa unheard of. The Admiral S I .95 and sisters? Families thereby bination that every gal is demanding. Through efforta of the town and found a sailor who could milk and 187 Mala St.—Tel. Ill-S -M l* gutA Milieu share a little of their Uvea with eommittee, work waa atarted in donates all the production to the These are box and accordion pleated State neater BoUdlag each other. nreparing the parcel of land. The Combined Services Hospital for use To Tie Family Together Haven't you an hour a week to all-around and your choice includes Iota were laid out, walka prepared. by patients. Letter Writlag ia Beat Way devote to family lettera? If you plaids, solids, houndstooth, checks, haven't* why not borrow an hour There are two things that can from th* time you chatter on the stripes in many, many colors. Sizes 10 to happen to a family when th* telephone with acquaintances who 16. English Rib Knitted Sweater Chorg* AeeoiMts children are' grown and scattered actually mean little to you. or from over th* country and parents left th* time you spend watching tele­ alone. vision or reading? RANGE and FUEL OIL They can keep In close touch Certainly It Is worth an hour a with each other and maintain fam­ week to keep in touch through the $ 2 - 9 8 ily aolldarity, though aaparated; years with membera of one’s own they can be busy with their own family. affairs, yet still be very much a (All right* reserved, NRA Ser­ COAL-COKE family. vice, Inc.), Here’s a beauty for every gal— it hat the Or they can gradually drift stretch of elastic and will fit all shapes. It's all 2 4 H o u r Deliyery Service apart. Th* famlv feeling all but NON-SHOOTINO M IRRIFP dies and Ita membera have little In wool of an exceptionally good quality and IwheiOk commoii when they do happen to Maysvlllc. Ky. (Ah-Sheriff Ho­ workmanship. Sizes 32 to 40, in rad, black or get together. bart Colllna soon will step down white. Th* main difference between after 12 yeara as a Mason Oounty MORIARTY BROTHERS families who maintain a family law anforcement officer withput feeling and those who don’t la the ever having 9r*d hla pistol. CMIIns 315 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-3-5135 1 1 effort made to keep In contact 4 w still haa the aame cartridges In the through letters. gun.. that he put there when he Thoae who don’t make the effort went Into office. 0 claim they are busy with their own live* and never find the time to "I guess It’a just as wall I write th* newsy letters that main­ never had to shoot. I never waa a tain family tui. good shot," ha laughed. SLACKS Sport Shirts But It Isn’t ao much a question ColHns never has been shot at, E. A. Johnson Paint Co. a GABARDINES . of time, as of habit. Anv halfway either. ooES Emmim but iron intelligent adult can write *n in-' “This la a pretty law-sbtding 499 MAIN STREET . MANCHESnR a SHARKSKINS • RAYONS •SOLIDS tereeting letter In IS minute* country.’’ he observed. • CHECKS Writing Worth Time • COTTONS o PLAIDS Isn’t It worth an occasional fif­ youR HumNO's shirts! . • FALL WEIGHT Scientists believe that birds de- ' • FLANNELS •CHECKS teen minutes’ tima to keep In veloped from reptile*. • SIZES 28-42 EVERYBODY! 2 pr. $ 9 *^S $ 2 . 8 9 m i nit out uhoelt REG. $7.95 oRd SB.9S VALUES TO SS.95 can afford to buy at AU Waol Flmineis—$838 Other Weel Flannels and Onhardiiies $1238 The Most Radical limnllon Reg. 814.88 na« 11835 Ideal For Xmas Gifts! HOWARD’S - r Advance Ever in both wotbit S m for yeuraoH! PkcHO cemo Ir a n d s m H io s t "Bast Bays." . . . And, of coorso. thoro is novor an JACKETS BELTS PAJAMAS GLOVES "oxtro ehorgo" for Hio oxtro sorvieo you always ro- o n i • Water-Repellent Gaba- AND coivo at HOWARD'S. • Coat and Middy Iiarge aeleetion of Pigtex NYLON HOSIERY dine and Tackle-Twill and Cape»kin. lined and • Sanforized untined gloves; Clearance of floor samples • Quilted-lined and Pile- SUSPENDERS eotiplttoln Un^ of famous makes of a •Sizes A) B, C, D Also, wool driving gloysa ■ with pigskin palm. i l f i i s III OHi MATTRESS AND $ 1 2 .8 8 COMTIMUOUS BOX SPRINGS Reg. to 81835 Here is a good chance to $ 1 4 .8 8 8 9 « HYDROSCOPIC O r n A T l O H Reg. fl83S $ 2 . 9 8 $ 2 . 5 9 get quality bedding at bar­ Reg. 828.88 $ 2 4 .8 8 Reg. $1.50 to $2.00 Reg. 13.95 gain prices. From S24.93. > Rsg. $.3.50 to $5.00 pr. NYLONS. - • f STUDENT DIVAN » behdix Sit on it! Sleep on It! Medium firm NYLON SHORTS Innerspring ronttreiM , and com­ ! H O S E (BOXER STYLE) panion box spring on n set of S Paetels aaS Wblto. $ le 0 9 a pair OUOMATIC hardwood legs. Choice of 30” or SS” TIES sixes. The Saf Is standard twin 2 9 c sixe and can be need on a regu­ WASHSR-ORYBR lar twin bed. Regularly gWJiS for 4 Pr, S1.00 I REG. 58e to 78e Pr. 8 1 « 2 9 848.88. fer VALVE 823# 3 pairs ^ 2 *^ ^

Like ^ g ic , the new Bendix Dnomadc thoroughly ROLUWAY COTS GUFF U N K S S^DAYS ONLY wefhes end completely dry$ your clothes in e Cempiete with auttresc deaiga- FELT HATS single, continuous, unsttended operation. All you ed to fold wlthlB the frame and TIE O U S FS n e^ to do is put in the clothes and set the dials! roil lata a cleaet natil needed. * ABSORBS MOISTURE Mnttieee le reversible with cot- • MSANYWaiaS-OiriyMMM • CUANie CtOTMB-TM, Ms#k tea nsnttrees, 818-50. With in- •Plus TW * ABSORBS PERShRATION ■emprtag nsnttfces, 82435. Ad- $ 5 . 0 0 The Straight and Narrow Skel. • eSI ANTnMB-DsyaiirlwiiAy Jantnble back with laaerspring REG. 8138 to 8238* VALUE $73# ; * WIU NOT MUD SPOT ysv ilee^,. eff ^M^ie^,^,eeeib^. • sanieemia-fabiksnisdisM mnttrwai, 82935. • sarti WASWNe-Orir e«iw ... dfy, le,le, el Iswei leeiseieaees. * LONGER WEAR DUE TO In Powder Pastel Wool Dresses SMUf 'priaslsle s'eved Mfe fer e COMMSniT Autoaunc-Oee MANY OTHER UNADVERTISED “BEST BUYS" 1 ' leWee ef aei, eed weiAdey I, eveii ONLY 7 WEEKS TO XMAS - BUY NOW AND SAVE GREATER STRICTABILITY Three wool dresses that admirably axpratt tha naw fashion foal­ MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED ing .. . slim yat shapely, simple yet elegant! It's all done with DONT BUY ANY SirARATi WASHIR OR ~ OPEN TUBS, and THUR8. NIGHTS UNTIL 9 * LESS SUBJECT TO SNAGS fabr'>rie, line, and detail undarstatad rather than evardona! DRYIR UNTIL YOU S ll THi DUOMATICI * 40 GAUGE. IB DBNin 8— aiM Am iai— ni».avcesn aisMNC«m.Swain t a <— * DARK SEAM-rlsf 9UAUTY Left Above: Velveteen Peter Center; Coat style, with srosgrain Right Above: Coot atyte RitA ^ HOWARD’S 0 % HARMAC - * SIZES IVa tail ' Pan collar and trim on short ribbon trim on pockets. Sizes 12 to fringed pocketa. Sizea JOHNSON BROTHERS SSS MAIN RT. — ra O N S MI-9ASSf "DISTINCTIVI MEN'S WEAR" dolman gleevea. SizeS 9 to 16. 20. AU three in aqua, blue, gold or OPrOORC MART CHBNET UBRART lOM MAIN SntEBT MANCHESTER 944 MAIN STUn NEXT TO ARTHUR DRUO * YOU SAVE S2e ON 2 PAIR. pink. 4 Wayn to Lny-away, CImrge, $ 1 4 ^ 8 BLECatlCAL CONTRACTORS .1.1 -i:. . $16.98 C h a r g e I ' : B u i Cl Y< . I id. ■ d ! -i ( . t ... . - -

- \ - ,v

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4.1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESm . CONN* WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4.1968 thing. You a u ’t out-praBslso and Naw DsaV Pair Deal out-eemmit irouraelf in polities. It's grama.” About Town Tough in 1853 Ike’s Views going to got worse for the Itapub- "Wagner certainly Is a New PORTHIMST Ueans.” — Dealer,” he said. V • f. X ' " ' • San. ManaSald (D-Mont) said Jack KroU, director of tha CIO Mr. and Mrs- Charles N. Cole, FASfItAMI M i COKI >gr MBA I m lM On Election that "obviously the people are in* Political Action Ooasmittee which 31 Oreenhlll St., have received C0MIT0 3I0AK M r«U «ir Spriaca, Ohio— (N B A ) — dicating their dislike id govern­ supported Democratic Candidate latter from their son, Malcolm P. 'C w U T«u puw an w m liu tlo n on ment by postponement and the ap­ Adlai Stevens^ In last year's Cole, stating that he has been IC m . PM bM y'a Poliah>Ajnaricaa pointment of commissions to And presidential Mectloa, said In promoted to the rank of Pfc. He ' Bjrataai o t ChrmologyT I f not, you Are Waited answers to queatlona whan the statement: / hiia been stationed erlth the 43d •ouMa't ba admittad to tha fraah- answera are already Itnown.” "Tha results of the election yes­ Headquarters Postal section in TOMORROW People ” DisaaHaSe«” Buy TV Fndi,' ti.vuly ;iM B claaa at Antioch CoUago — iitiiii iiiiiii (OoMtinued from Page'Ona) terday are the people's answer to Ausburg, Germany, since July XM j~aari ago. Sen. Kefauver (O-Tenn) said, the high handed methods of big and likes his work and that part MEN’S SHOPS “ the Democratic victories demon­ 13th■■ ■ . _ ANNIVERSARY ... . la gatting ready for tha coUaga'a business in taking over and run­ of the country. For All Inr.l M'.'' .n municatloo, presumably w o re­ strate that the people are disaat- oantaniUhl calahratlon. achool of- ferring fo OOP candidate Paul ning the government of the'United 'flelala turned up a copy o f the iafled with the Republican regime' States. T ro o t’s acknowledged letter to locally and nationally." Pvt. Anthony H. Btebblns. son of ittat catalogue dated 1S5S. It Uated Gov. Th om o E. Dewey of New "They have expressed their Mrs. Hasel Stebbins. 132 Bissau the eatrance raquirementa, and York urging clemency for convicted Referring to President Biaen- anger and resentnlent in unnUstak- at, haa completed tha radio com­ Boat o f them would atop a 1953 labor extortionist Joey Fay. hower's endorsement of Republican abla terms. I hoM the administra­ munication course conducted by Croah eOId. candidates, Kefsuver said: Antioch's 1853 Catalogue; It would stop 1953 frosh cold Rep. Mason (R-Ill), who h o tion will take h m and change its the 9th Infantry Division Artillery There ware aome old atand-bya, "The voters made it clear that course." at Fort Dix. N. J. A graduate of Uke BngUah grammar and arlth- campaigned for tax cuts and bat* tied the Eisenhower administration ,they will not blindly follow blanket Manchester High School and a for­ AIL - CHANNtL IV aiatlc. But the hiatory requirement recommendations of candidates waa that ayatam o f Itlaa Paa- on that issue, declared tha returns I f your forehead is too narrow, mer employee of the Pioneer Para­ proved what ha and Chairman even by a President when ap­ try parting your hair on an angle chute Co., Pvt. Stebbins entered bedy*a, and nobody around aaema 100-Year Forecast: parently a party label is the only to ramambar w;hat It w o all about. Raed (R-NYl of the House Ways to create the illusion of breiulth. the service May, 1953, and Means Committee "have been reason for such recommendation." The emphaala w o on Latin and Sen. KUgore (D-W VS) said the Oreek, with an aapiring collegian saying all along.” Reed also h o sought tax cuts. Democratic victories showed a having to p a o exama on many Too Hot or Too Cold “There is no getting out of it." "deflnite trend" toward control of daaalea in tha two languagaa, o the House and probably the Senate well o Latin and Oraak compoal- Ma.son said. "W e didn’t do what we By BICHABD KLEINBB ^ "Exponential Type” said we were going to do." in next year’s elections. tHm. New York (NBA)— Weather Court bases his fla re s on a Once admitted, tha curriculum Rep. Boggs (D-La), like Mason Kilgore also declared the elec­ fo re c o t for next 100 years, whew complicated bit of business called a member of the Tax Committee tion of Robert S. Wagner, Jr. as w o pretty atiff, too. Freshmen and brrrr. 6th A n n u a l the statistical theory of extreme said, "it just goes to show one mayor of New York City indicates took oouraea in algebra, Latin and The man who makes this dar­ values, which is the work of a Oraak in the first term. Later, ing prediction is Arnold Court, mathematician named R. J. Gum- asOre exciting stuff w o salted in graduate meteorologist at the Uni­ bel. This includes such phrases —like spherical trigonometry, versity of California. Using a as "the extneme of a sample from ihetoric and belles-lettres, and matoeiMtical formula, he has pre-' a distribution of the exponential didactics. TERRIFIC VALUES IN MEN’S WEAR dieted the probable highest and type," so let’s not get involved Tha tuition for this great ad­ lowest temperatures for 100 spots with it. land o* cotton venture in learning w o $24 in the U. a. in the next century, i ITS A LUCKY 13fh ANNIVERSARY TEAMED UP WITH OUR ALTER. Boiled down, it sets forth UaUtMced whetli. beat sates, alMMMd year. The rent for a dormitory Sometime between now and 2053, . 1,.. TOY SHOW (nawt tfcU ’’vrekoasc" w aawihsAt HON SALE. A eombiiiatioa tliot brinyf yoM tli* best vdiiM yoH'v* room, according to the catalogue, the m e i^ ry in Death Valley. ’iTMaavo woesuat". Oace ia ymm mu, w o $8.50 per term, and there were Calif., will bubble up to a tepid IM i they cease eaceuive wear M dtH sad •Y«r seen In mnn't wnnr. Wn'vn q s t to movo enr stock info yoor knnds., three terms a year. Food, at the degrees. And the coldest we’ll see, weather), you can predict future SPECIAL SALE iNtriog pam— tcnilc ia Mow earn, had to moho room for eorponlois. oloctricloni. mnsons now ongngod In bwEd* Oommoo Hall, w o $1.25 per if Court's computations are cor­ extremes. Ckiurt Ukes the 30- Sunday, Nov,. 8 mciing, acciowt! Gat s m w i m « B e week, but "owing to the high rect, is a brisk 04 below, which is year period from 1901 to 1930 ■iiaaga by gening a aafciy ebeeb ap kad Ing « 30 X 45 foot oddltioo to flio roar of oar proioat slora. price of provisions, soma advance expectable in northern Montana. and applies the theory to predict :eireciioB ea oat iadattiy-afproosi u en this rata may be neceMary." The Montanane can hardly wait. the coming 100. FROM 2 P. M. to 5 P, M. COME IN EARLY TOMORROW! . . . for tliasa ood boadrods of oHiar CMfae or tea w o 25 cents a weak -Court eete forth hie conclusions He carefully points out, how­ 100% Wool Sweaters "Lodqf 13th" boys! extra. ever, that the computation is MPM in an article in the American AT Tha catalogrue, which w o one Geographical Society’s Geograph­ purely mathematical and cannot " H i t A e d d M f fh a t DRESS SHIRTS CARDIGAN and SLIPOVER large sheet, la now kept posted for ical Review. It haa ail the fas­ take Into consideration the cli­ DiMt Haaam C all the students to see. Maybe cination of a horror story. matic changes taking place. Such aome o f them will want to brush A Charming Century changes are so gradual, however, WITH FRENOH DUFFS X hp on Miss Peabody's System. Pick your location and hear the that they would only add a de­ $3-99 2-PANT worst. New England? A high of gree or so here and there. FIRESTONE STORE 107 (in Massachusetts) and a low • • • . 856 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER Olarki Moltr Silw of 36 below (in Vermont) will )>e OrigimUy $5.98 Household Hints High-Low, Low-High SEE SATURDAY’S MANCHESTER HERALD $01 BROAD STBCBT VALUIS recorded in the coming 100 years. Court’s calculations produce TEU Ml-9-$01$ The South? Up to 114 (in Arkan­ $3.9S I f you have difficulty separating some surprising results. New SAFETY lEAlUAITERS sas) and down to 22 below (In Yorkers, who swarm upstate to $5-98 your chUdren’a socks after Tennessee) make this coming cen­ GABARDINE SUITS escape the city’s summer heat, laundering, sew brightly colored tury charming. Get double the wear with these two-pant suits. will be running sway from a 107- threads on the inside of each to 'TOere is no escape. The plains OriginsUy $7.98 degree high to an area of 109- Brown, Skipper Blue, Gray. Sizes 35 to 46 in Longs show whom they belong to. states are probably the worst off, degree extremes. And San Fran­ . . . Shorts and Regulars. M ADE TO SE LL FOR with Court anticipating a high of cisco’s low of 23 is the highest To remove a coffee or tea.stain 116 along a. belt extending from $39.50. from whits cotton or linen, stretch Montana through the Dakotas, Ne­ low (if you are still following) Cwrfoa al in the nation. stained portion of fabric over s braska, Kansas and on to the Okla- 80 BOOK] 1000 bowl sad pour boUing water from homa-’Texas border, with a chilly The lowest highs are recorded DRESS CLEARANCE ARTHUR THE TOWrS REST VALUES IN height of two or three feet through 60 below in Montana and North along the northern PaciOc Coast, MATCHES TIES stain. Launder. For old stains, use Dakota. from about Eureka, Calif., on up Wools a a a FoUles.. a JetsevsJerseys X m DRUGSTORE JLV N ow $24.8i8 chlorias bleach solution. In the battle between Southern through Oregon and Washington. 2 i 3 1 * 1 California and Southern Florida, It won’t get higher than 90 there, (UlBlt t) H t MAM SIRHr AT H. JAMRS STRRT You can prevent your oven from there’s not much to choose...Los which is strictly small-scale rusting by leaving the door open Angeles will get warmer (112 to sweltering compared to the 109, Originally $14.98 GABARDINE for a while after taking out the Miami’s 99), but Miami will be a for example, predicted for the ^8 theoretically cool upper Michigan I ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY i SATURDAY roast. touch colder (21 to L A ’s 23). As PANTS s matter of fact^^>r prediction— peninsula. o n u s GRAR UP SiVERAL PAIRS NOW AT I f you spUl mercurochrome on Northern California looks like a So you’d better stock up on ■ Originally $17.98 and $19.98 whits cotton or linen, sponge' it better bet than Southern Cali­ both bathing suits and ear muffs. Throat DRUG STORE A PRIOR THAT CANT K IIA T I TOPCOATS promptly with a solution of equal fornia. San Francisco’s expectable It looks like a long, cold, hot cen­ Lozongotl parts of alcohol and water. Work extremes are 108 and 28. tury. 100% WOOL ZIP UNED glycerine into stain and continue Originally $22.98 Zip OUT the lining when it’s warm— using while color bleeds. Launder. Hang them lengthwise over par­ 33* PM ito waterproof tub beneath the folding Zip IN when it gets colder. Belted or Add a few dropa of ammonia to allel lines and, while drying, re­ top can be used to store damp­ (Limit i) rinse. Witch Hazel verse and shake vigorously for ened clothes. plain nuidcls. Sizes 34 to 46. Regulars, complete Sufflness. A GROUP OF 100% longs and shorts. $35.00 VALUE! For bast results, iron coUsra Salad bowls can be washed bul cuffs, sleeves, belts and trimmings Bab/s outgrown bsthinette they shouldn’t be immersed in first, then the flat sections of a makes a handy laundry room ap­ water or soaked ever.. Use only garment WOOL SKIRTS pliance. The waterproof top can warm soapsuds and a cloth, then OR-1-m . 90 Stock op now for Christ­ N o w $22.88 be used as a sprinkling surface for ’DoaR’s Pills A 60c rinse quickly and wipe dry. SPECIALLY PRICED Mattress pads need no ironing. clothes still to be ironed, and the mas. Valoes to 81.50. Your pet’s food and water bowle mMJui tin should be washed once a day in A U SALES HNAU-QUANimiS UMITiO p t m i L M ii hot, soapy water. Keep a rubber (Limit J ealy) mat under dishes to catch splashes. CaiRay Soap NOW 58c House's Boys' Shop la n d o'cotton 2 for $1.00 OVERCOATS Apply self-pollshlng wax to rub­ ber boots now and then to prevent 881 M AIN 8TBEET MANCHBSTEB drying out and cracking. SRHdwich RA6S&; 2!25 •1N% WOOL COVERTS- look, Momli •IN*/. WOOL TWEED . Save on BABY NEEDS • 111% »P UNED >otent WTMMN$! OLAFSEN OLEUM MADE TO RETAIL FOR S40.00 PERCOMORPHUM a ^ f o p p e r •eeoppppppp ^ ^ 0 N ow $39.88 nm tin...... a.M Vitoauas A A O.

kYm M. OlS'foW 'jl CARTER CHEVROLET WITH NTMIWI micMis •rtdt / 41! iMdt 4 2 ! I i- w s o . . . ^ * - t i r s . . . * » • • • Wsetame/ GUm Cm m IW td It lielpe< »o *T 80* Fammla GTH»t PINE QUALITY New give TW* axpetiMU* »ew M TCM Cn A p ^ e a la r a “Straight Talk” •ytiem 2-wot leuad vie®* PMi*/ A A g baailil iiem 1 1 . 4 9 ‘ S • WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS . Mat lain*. dt*fcr.,w2F eopmle. CeaUofteble. HOSIERY SieriUsed. • WITH A PANTS PURCHASE Our regular 50c hosiery. ' lONO-sinvi QQ IMWRRf About New and Used Cars Odd lot clearance. SPORT SHIRTS e UttertM G E T A B E L T AMTIZTMi Valued at $2.00 4 PAIRS Gabardines, plaids, checks, pull- overs. VALUES TO $4.95. 2 for $5*00 ^^cotton flannel shirt . . . Aail A PavnablB TmGPmM JmtM A M . GABARDINE... SHARKSKINS f o r b « y 8 YA* Mrw Otiif* '33*.St TIDY MODUS Colltgiale picked warm, rugged cettQn flpnnel T TRADE-IN POLICY Dapdarawt M X 40 PLAIDS... CHECKS $1.00 CO* CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS with e fine, wavy pih-itripe for this shirt. fmmJf G w *»'*W*-, 141 Use...diipewl Fine, soft pinwsle corduroy. Gray, Navy, Tailored it with a round collar, deep pockets Red, Maroon, Maize, Green, White. TIm prlc* «f « msmI cor Ro m not dwoys tal tlio that button shut, bnug borrel cuffs. Result'—o Small, medium, large and extra large fol story of thot cor. WhM yoo oak Cortor to rtc- 10 Hair sizes. A $6.98 V A L U E ! manly new sports shirt your boy con wear now, CHEESE ooiw od o med cor yoo wM fo sbowB o cor tliof Pins CLOTH •nd oil through the Khoot year. It's looks, seoods ood fMit yood. 2 for *9.88 giiea 89 to 48. Regulars aid shorts. Small charge for altiratioBs. With or with- Sonfbrixed, of course, for carefree laundering. 2 1 5 23 aut pleats. ODD LOT JACKETS m wool shirts E'V-' Red, kelly green, vonillo, royal blue in SoBC used ears cost more than the Carter haa an appraiaal policy on Extra fine quality wool sp<^ shirts. Reg. $1728 pltu tax of the new 1953 trade-ins deaignigd to save yon 1 LOT 100% W OOL ROYS' PANTS — ^AME PRICE! Green, maroon and navy. A $7.98 lixet 10 to 30. NtkH Peck ef TWO Om w ^ 2-TONE SATIN QUILT Chevrolet and yet yon get less value money. Carter haa- the GMAC M $fceepw##l—Weed _ _ VALUE. dollar for dollar. When looking for flnance plan available for you if LINED JACKETS Marwan and Gray, and Brawa and Tbs $2.95 a car aee 6u rt«’ Chevrolet. See the yon wish. 100% WOOL • % 1953 Chevrolet or any of the wide $5.88 SweWMCbwM MEGCLAB PEICE 818.N seleetioB o f nned cara Carter haa (UaUtdpedn)..,. |SwvWM4CMaM 1 1 C r for yon to choose from. 4 ‘ ! ^ (tjaillaely).. Jll I COVERTS Hoadquartors For Boy Scout Fh«M I NOW $4.88 GABARDINE M i-M m 100% W OOL LIQUOR DEPT. OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. t o II P. M. nra-coLLAB a n d b k o c l a b ROBES Fquipment PARKER’S RESERVE 2 i? o?* "08‘TON WINES. A U WaalwMe gabatdtaaa ia aaUd cal- 86 P r o o f ...... Fifth GRAYFLANNELS 2 e 9 8 Pert. Sherry. Muscatel ...Q L 9 o C QUILT UNER MGKETS CALVERT RESERVE M lAiga aad Extra Lnrga. GRAND MacNlSH m Largaa aaaortment o f coloraeolora ia the .coverts,.cover! and Yarying ahadea o f gray. NO CHARGE VAUTES TO 818M Blended Whiskey ...... Fifth 4 e 2 7 SCOTCH WmSKEY ...Fifth 5 u 7 9 P O BA > LTE------R A in O N S on theae eeverta . and flannel^ . B A R C L A Y ’S M PARKER’S GIN NOW $9.88 Twrilh Vilm! $7J$ STRAIGHT BOURBON. Fifth 4 e O d fflinassoN •® ...... Fifth 2 « 9 8 c . = z = lJUEN STJlMPa. REDU. K irs SHOPS, M 7 UY-AWSY HOW FOR OHRISTIUS — DSE MMOHESTER TRUST OOHVEMEIIT MURIE tUUI

— ™

--•i'.d n. . .T' • V.

MANCHE8TEK EVENING HERALD, UANCHESTBR. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 .196t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4.196S administration, which nwlly In­ upon tha unoorroborated word* of 10 mlnuten in length and 488 pris­ Olympic Sports Council wants an tends a new brand of aoeoaipUsh- formsr Oonununlsts." * Red Interviews oners were interviewed before 3 eligibility rule clarified before It Ynu CsnU Buy BETTER Auto Insarsncs EUington Robert Maalnda, Scout troop tioned St S t Fniaets of Assial ment, must operate. Normally, it All this is quite enough. In one p. m. prepares to enter teams in the 1064 EsEXfaf chhirman, sold that details will be Church Hall from 1:46 te 6;S0 would be conceded that the why, to promote new seal in Oon- Wednesday tha Indian chairmen Aslan Games. The rules stipulate announced at a meeting tomorrow p. m. tomorrow. Appointments are appeared extremely reluctant to TB* fruition period of the Eisenhower gress for an Investigation of Com­ Are Protested that only persona of British ni WHY PAY MORE? Adult Graup Plans by Robert Stalger, Scoutmaster, availal^, especially between 1:45 oo^ rwa interrupt Red explainers. tionallty with five years residence New Postal Route end 3:M p. m., but sll donors will administration still lies ahead, and munism in (he churches. For this ALLSTATE'S LOW M TIW A lte W Ladlea Aid Te Meet . Tha number of prisoners choos­ in Singapore can be entered. The YOU’D EXPECT FROM TOE FO U TO BD RT The Ladies Aid will msst Frl- be welcomed during the Bloodmo- that, so far, it has really had time letter sounds as much like sub­ By UN Teams ing Communism Wednesday was fear in Singapore is. that the rule SEARS. SEE HOW MUCH YOU 8AVE> PHONE OR YISIT Pot-Luck-Supper Covers 23 Miles dsy sftemoon'kt ths home of Mrs. bUe vM t Arlhir ih if I VSIm. only to begin to seise Itself of the version as much truth does nowa­ smaller than on any previous day, will bar British servicemen from YOUR ALLSTATE AOENT TODAY .... WsUman. Burnham on Long Mill Appointments may be made ■OUESS A -IL IIIl...... but this had been mcpected since the games. These servicemen are VMind«?'<>etab*f 1. i m problems with which it intends to days. (Oontianed tram Pnge One) Klllnston, Nov. 4 (Spocisl)—Th# Wapping, Nov. 4 (BpecUl)—The Rd. The assisting hostesses will bc with Helen Curtin, Hartford, 23 pro-C6mmunlsta were removed among the colony's best athletes. Mrs.*Ruth'snd Mrs. Gladys Bum- S-1S66 or Mrs. Margaret Burgess, ■mlBf ExmM deaL In so far as this element Is But perhaps, in another way, from the compound Monday while to Stwly formed adult group has new rurel service route, RFD 1, ham. lildaji. BnUnd at tb* important in the present rebellion, and in other forums, this letter dian tent chairman called a halt to Wapping, will cover the northeast Mitchell 9-6803. Indian guards were screening When removing stains with msda arrangements for a. potluck 7S Deaera Needed SI.0CR W9«, it raises the po^bility that the will strengthen and give courage the Interview, section of South Windsor, Inclnd- Red Croas chairmen Frank prisoners during a murder investi­ cleaning fluid, Srat carefully supper and social program at tpe ing the Star Route that operated Maaeheeter Evearing Herald rebellion itself may be regretted. If to the spirit of real Americanism During a one-hour Itmch re­ gation. ALLSTATE church Saturday at 7 p ,m . The! Masinda, said Monday that 75 brush the spot to remove loose between here and Bucklaq^ Fred more blood donors are needed for Wapplag eerreependent Mrs. Aa- •TssnyfflAS" - and when accomplishment does in which It Itself was written. cess Lt. Gen, K. 8. Thtmayya, In­ surface dirt. Use only clean, soft INSURANCE COMPANY mrts will do the cooking and the Tommcl is the new carrier. nle Oemaa, telcphena Mitchell Tmt •••••••»•••••«••••••••• QUESTION EUOm iLlTT boys will nerve the meals and clean South Windsor to meet Us quota Koolkfl ••••••.••••••••*•••••• 1*2 begin to appear. dian chairman of the Repatriation cloths and do a minimum of rub­ The route will cover approxi­ of 150 pints. Msainda said nearly 3-4419. ••••a»##•••••••• We can do no more than list ‘‘All Ronds Usd*? Commission, conferred with his Singapore (A)—^The Singapore bing. up afterwards. All local young mately 33 miles and will servt 300 donors are needed If the quota n# JCOBtll «•••••••••••■«•••••••••a«*a*»«••••••••• tent chairmen. He refused to say ,1 adults ara welcome, nsarly 306 box holders. The rouU ••• aaaaaaaaataaaaa such poaslblllties. And we doubt j The Junior Fellowship meets at Is to be reached, since msnv per­ tia Copy aaaa*aa«aaaaaa« Many Americans, perhaps, have whether he gave them special in­ was sstebllshsd' after a survey by sona may be rejected for health very much that anybody else can structions but afternoon interviews ; the home of Harold Robinson on Foetal authorities to rcllevt the Itchy Pimples boon wondering why the King and : Job's Hill Rd. Sunday at 4:30 p,pi. rsaaons. To date, about 100 donors home COMfOPi YIU aamjvfATliD.fMiM do much more than engage in such Queen of Greece are visiting us. appeared to move somewhat more dverburdened service on RFD I, have made appointmenta. Tha Aaieelatad Fnaa U cxeluatTaly tentative speculation. rapidly. > Harold Robinson will bo in charge South Windsor. U m bloodmobUt unit will be sta- Kill Romance aatltlad to Um ma ot tapnbUeatloii o( The answer is, of course, that we Thimayya conceded the long ex­ , of the worship and recreation. Since the old South Windsor Many shattered romancee may S iM M diapatebaa eradlM to It. or There Is only one thing of which are the center of the world, that, Jana Clapp wUI bo tha modem- MORIARTY Bros. aot otherwlaa eradlUt; In tWa ^ p a r we feel really sure. That is that planation sessions were a "serious route was started, more than three be traced directly to ecratcblng of aad alao tha local aawa pobllahad nara. in spite of ourselves. Because we problem.” .' tor of a panel' discussion on the yeers ego, four increaaes in serv­ skin blemtsbes. 'Why tolerate itch­ All liahU ot republleatlon ot apodal there is no cure, for the Republi­ ^ “Christian 'View of Comic Books." 3 I S C i N I 1 w St hold the power, because, even in ’*■* ss'd the Indian chairmen ice have been granted by the U. S. ing of pimples, a ^ m a , angry red diapatebaa harain ara alao raaanrod. could walk out themselves if they 'the Senior Youth Fellowship Poet Office Departn)ent. cans, or for Eisenhower, in any our most benevolent and demo­ SIGNS btotebes and other irritations when m il aaralea dIant ot N. X. A. Btrr- nervous, emergency shift of effort, feel the Communist tactics uii- ' will mMt Sunday at 6:46 p.m. at ScMita Te See Yale ALL UNIM you can get fast rclisf with sooth­ SILENT GLOW cratic use of that power, we are Ju'Uficd. The rules provide that < the church to go to a special meet- Members ot Troop 62, Boy ing Peterson's Ointment? 45c all OIL MIRNERS ^tibllabara Rtprcaantatlraa: Tha program and purpose. That would still the center of empire, the prisoners must listen to the ex­ j Ing at the Union' Congregational Scouts, will bavs an op^rtunity to ED’S SIGN CO. Julliia Matbawa S ^ a l Acaoey ~ Now merely add to the strength of all druggists. One application delights Tork. Chlea(o, Oatro't and Boaton. crowned heads we support, who plainers unless Red tactics are in- Church in Rockville, Young people attend the Tale-Temple football or money refun()ed. Also for tired MKHBIIR^ AUDIT BUItKAU OF the impressions which may have numane. from surrounding churches ara Mltckdl 3-t268 TsI. Mltckdl 1-S13S CIRCULATIONS. reign by our will; quite naturally Fred West HI (right) la being held at Chatham, N. J., on charges In the slaying of the father game Saturday a t New Haven. cracked feet. played their part in the recent vot­ Will Be Returned i . coming together td worship and come to pay homage to us. -• plan some Joint programs for of his girl friend during an argument. Authorities rsport the trouble began with a discuaaion betwsen Tba Barald Printing Company, Inc., ing. The only response to such vot­ Thimayya said the 198 prison­ .i- '.itW' tha youth and Charles Bevilacque (left) over permission to taka the girl, Lola Ann BevUacque (cen­ aaaumaa so raaponalblllly tor The present King and Queen of ers -who were not interviewed •V.-i »' 'special eventa, typographical arrora appearing In ad* ing trends which is basically sound ter) to Jhe movies. In the charging ths 17-year-old boy with atrocious assault, police reported that Tonlaemanta and oUiar reading matter Greece are in office, primarily, Wednesday will be returned to l ! ^ f ■ CSMvaaa Meetiag Set is for the Eisenhower administra­ * I i All canvassers, who will be tak> the girl's mothsr and brother, a cerebral palsy victim, were wounded in the shooting but are la good la The Xancheatar Evening Herald. ° through the decisions of Winston their original compounds and will condition; ' • tion to . keep on trying to do the be subject to call later. i'tn g part In tho United Church Dlaplay acTartUIng dosing hours: Churchill, who made, during the For Xonday—1 p. m. Friday. kind of Job it has set out to do, to In a flimsy hut a few miles away Canvass on Nov. IS, wilt meet at For Tuasday—1 p. m. llonday. war, the choice between a royal U. N. and Communist diplomats :: Jthe church for an orientation ses­ ly and hospitable during his visit women have been seitt to South For Wadnaaday—1 p. m. Tuesday. persist in that effort even while met again to arrange a Korean sion. Neods this year will be care­ Rockville Ha lias spoken before Philippine Paciflo Republic. Your oncG-a-year opportunity to stock up For Thuiadar—1 p. m. Wednesday. fainthearts point to the election Greece and a democratic Greece. fully dlscusaed. It Is important that For Friday—1 p. m. Thursday. Then having put them in office, an peace conference and again made Rotary Clubs and to seveat 4-H Funds for Thrall's trip were For 8aturda,y—I p. m. Friday. returns, and to bring home, in nor­ no progrcAs. every canvasser be present at this Thrall Drivee groups. Leaders In 4-H Club work raised In part through contribu­ daaaHlad deadOM: tO:M A SA aaoh mal timing, those accomplish­ act which made a revolution in The Reds told U. 8. envoy Ar­ ; meeting. In ths Phllippinss say that some of tions to this project, which was ot pubUeatlon ascapt Batorday — Greece Inevitable, Britain be­ ■MqnetHeld for tho family* .eoncl pocket o^savingsl f z ments which it can achieve. It thur Dean he has failed to "ad­ his suggestions have resulted" in start^ to encourage better undcr- queathed them to us, in a quick Thirty Sva members of the Water Buffalo the planning of new 4-H projects cannot hope to redeem itself by vance anything useful" In pro­ staiiWng among tba rural sroung Wedneadsy, November 4 shuffle which left us with re­ posals to get the talks started. /^’Ftlendinlp Class enjoyed the an' for use there. people ^ the world. John D., Bris- changing its course. It can redeem Dean told newsmen later he nual banquet held in the church In .Thrall is visiting ths Phtlippins aoe of Lakevliie is chairman of the itself only by proving that it has sponsibility for defeating the revo­ still Is hopeful over prospects for Monday night. Entertainment fol' 8aTagc->And Premature lution, which the Communists had -L lowed the banquet. Islands as a participant In tha In­ Connecticut International Farm been heading in the right direc­ a truce conference and indicated Rockville, Nov. 4 (Special)— ternational Farm Youth Exchange Youth Exchange Committee which In the preddential election of a tion all along. We think it has been quickly captured. he may suggest to the Reds that project This is ths first year that handles the fund raising phase of Since that time, Greece has been problems which have stalled the i MaMWmter E v e ^ g HeraM EI- There's quite a difference between year ago, it was clear that the peo­ heading in that right direction, $>Ungtoa oorreapondent, Mre. O. F. working lii the (Tonnecticut tobac­ youiy American farm men and (he program. something like a 49th state. On the preliminary talks be turned over ple of this country voted for basically, and that present po­ Bcm ttiepheae Keekvilte S-tSlS. co fields and driving water buffalo M(f CSm m trem wr wremlo to subcommittees for simuitan' wsntimit siam&ut me surface, perhaps, our diplomacy on farms In the Philippine lelends. Dwight D. Eisenhower rather than litical Judgment on it Is prema­ eous discussion. 0§t ■Morfiwwfs e v e r with Greece rests on that philoso­ The Commuiiists have asked to But that's Just tba transition WU- for tha Republican party. It could ture. lism ^ r a l l of Vernon lias gone normally have been expected that, phy of "consent” Secretary of interview about SOO Chinese pris­ f'Gel.Wetl’ Cards State Dulles extolled the other oners from compound C23 Thurs­ through since leaving hera in Sep­ NEWI IMPROVEDI for the future, if he did what the The Presbyterian Letter day. tember for • 6-month’s stay in the Mer« warmth... gracHor woor people expected him to, and the day. But we have a nervous habit One explanation session which If Make CO Popular niUlpplnea, Republican party played along In its letter issued to all its 8,- of contracting our purse hand lasted (or 3 hours and 23 minutes A report from the Uni'ted States fairly well with him, there would 000 member congregations in this when things displease us, and re­ Wednesday ended when the prison­ I* With V. B. 45th Division, Korsa Information Service reaching Uni­ er said he would return to the BOYS’ ’WEARITE’ be a consolidation of his personal country, the General Council of laxing It again when political OP)~Firat L t Alfrsd Delatorre, versity of Connecticut 4-H leaders developments Inside one of the Reds. commanding oAioer of . E Oem- today says Thrall has made a strength into a party strength. the Presbyterian Church has said Meiserling said the man was pale countries with whom we are co­ pany, ISOth Infantry Regiment, pleasing Impression on tbs Filipino UNDERWEAR Now, one short year later, there some wise and notable things, in­ and shaking. - bHievee that men of his. unit need farmers be has lived and worked JbjUt joinM vu Is a violent wind of reaction loose cluding one short epigram which operating in that atmosphere of “They terrified him." the U.N. ^ more than good doctors and medl- with, alnco arriving in their observer said. "The (^inese kept In American politics. Its existence can stand as a summary of its consent please us again. • cal care while recovering In hos' country. i O u t P c K ^ Thus we closed our hand against saying ‘why do you want to go to cannot be denied. It is as savage a mood and purpose:* Taiwan (Formosa)? Chiang Kai- ^ pitals ' from batUe wounds ant "We have never seen such a one regime in Iran, but opened it shek could not defeat us with mil- lllaeis. simple and unaffected young v i e^T^AlR jdUfU reversal of form as has ever “In human conflicts there can Recently Delatorre, of Pueblo. American as this young man," la developed in so short a time. It be no substitute for negotiation." immediately to the regime which lions of men and good equipment. soon replaced it. Thus we shut the Some day we will come to occupy Oolo„ ordered a batch of personal tho way one Filipino farmer put i t comes before the Eisenhower ad­ We are glad somebody has been Taiwan and catch you if you go "got well" cards from the states. "He is eager to try his hand at. ’ X o a /a y a t 5 7 ^ ministration has had an opportuni­ that bold, to substitute the word hand against , and opened it there’.” He sends them to all his men In anything and even wanted to try ty to do more than begin to pick and concept of “negotiation" for again \vhen Israel promised to be Several strong protests were filed Army hospitals in Korea and Ja­ managing a difficult Carabo (Wa-^ pan. ter buffalo)!" up the problems it must solve. And the usual word and concept of good. Thus we opened the hand to by U.N. observers because Chi­ WERINER*e Bolivia, the other day, with open nese explainers told prisoners "we Now in Progress--Watkins Ha gets an average of a half Other farmers said that they are Mother, you don't have to pay high- It is not merely a question of peo­ "victory." We think the change ■■ SHOE STORE * announcement of Ui4 fact that only will occupy. Taiwan (Formosa) dozen answering letters each week highly pleased to have Thrall as a ple voting as they did a year ago, substitutes a striking truth for a soon.” —but not all come from his men. guest, sines he lus shown a slncers MANCHESTER •r prices to koop your boy hoohhy when they were enthusiastic about striking claim. good little countries could expect Formosa is the seat of the (Chinese } Some come from bedsl(]e buddiaa dealro to live with them, share and worm I Now get dosar-knit, sturdier Eisenhower as an Individual and our help. Nationalist government where most of his men. Most of them ask how discuss their problems, and work The whole letter, however, con'^ balky Chinese prisoners loudly they can get a tranafer to DelS' toward creating a better under­ coHon at Grants unusual savings indifferent to the other candidates tains more than one bold, central We do not Intend to be over­ bearing. We do not intend to dic­ and profanely tell the Reds' they torrs's company. standing between the people of the price. Firm alasHc waist. 2 .to 14. of his party. They actually have, in affirmation. want to go. United States and the Philippine PoAMmCgi to the valid teats that have now beeh It also concerns itself with two tate. We are in a benevolent mood, An American obseiwer in an­ Gummed tape is very effective Islands. made, voted against the Republi­ main dangers it sees developing in which respects the freedom of de­ other tent, MaJ. John M. Klernan WAREHOUSE In removing lint from felt hats. Ptada Hosta Friendly of Ozark. Ark., said "the thing can party and its candidates more American life. cision for other peoples. But it Just Jersey dresses and blouses, even Thrall told reporters in Manila BO happens that, w'hether we like that seemed to influence the In­ rugs. that he has found his hosta friend than they used to before Eisen­ One is the modern inquisition, dian chairman is violence on the III ’ it or nor, whether we Intend it or MIN’S 'WlARirS* hower came along. They are not which it describes as follows: jKu-t of the prisoner. If tne prison­ MEN'S 9,49 merely confirming their voting not, we do hold power, and are the er is not violent, the chairman is "Treason and dissent are being inclined ^to let the Communists habit of a y^ar ago, when, ob confused. The shrine of conscience center of a world empire, to all PRINTED P J’S the paVts of which ouy : sentiments take as long as they want." vioiuly, they did not like the Re­ and private Judgment, which God Wednesday, when North Korean $1 V a lu . / r EACH and instincts are important, and CLEARANCE Sanforfsed coffait tlvittitl publican party and its lesser can' alone has a right to enter, is be­ prisoners were interviewed, Indian dldates too well. They are now ing invaded. Un-American atti­ that is why crowned heads visit tent chairmen cut interviews off as soon as it became apparent that evidencing a positive rebellion tudes toward ideas and books are us, in a never ending cavalcade of ANNOUNCING Mid-hMiflth SHORTS----3 0 4 0 tributary splendor. a prisoner definitely was anti­ Hsre at Watkins wa’va changad our Main Floor display . . •gainst the Republican label. becoming current. Attacks are be­ communist. As a result the ses­ Cap.9lom T.SHIRTS_S4"44 The question is why this could ing made upon citizens of integrity sions averaged slightly more than moved all bedrooms to the third floor . . dining furniture to Grants 'Fennioigh' comfort PRINCIPAL AT WORK f take place, and the first thing to and social passion which are ut­ tha basement. „ Now wa'ra shifting warehouses, finishing s USE CREDIT COUPONS tailored coot stylo, hoot Harrisburg, Pa. (P)— Pupils of petterni and colors, A-D. admit is that nobody really knows. terly alien to our democratic tra­ the Edison Junior High School rooms and carpet workrooms for more efficiency. All these The beat anybody can do is to list dition . . . have their ears tuned for the Cff»etlv0ty M*ll0V0$ moves have disclosed one-of-a-kind pieces and groups, and BOYS’ 8-16----- 2.69 some of the poasibilitlea. Some of "There is something still more sound of a football whistle. Eu­ discontinued patterns, that would be batter off getting lov­ I these possibilities we respect, and gene E. Miller, principal of the nw DODGE^naias kerlous: A great many people, ITCHY HIN RASH ~ others we do not. They are, in no school, uses the whistle to signal EImm4 BOW from •m* ing care in homes. So we've gathered them all together in our within and without our Govern­ the time for changing of classes WrrMiiM, itekr. tkTu wm. BRIUIANT NEW DESIGN ODENS NEW TRUCKING particular order of Importance, as ment, approach the* problem of Mf«r. If ymt Mfl*r frMn eeswiiB. vacated Basement Warehouse for immediate clearance. But while the school bell system la BiMtfM pirntlM. «f ptliBr follows: Communism in a purely negative out of order. On Saturday after­ •fttniBlIf CAM*d ikln »cAlp IrritAtioM we have to move everything within 10 days because our car­ 1. The voters of last November noon Miller uses the same whistle Anywktrt Ifpm bMd to top—Wpiid«r $«>«• way. Communism, which is at bot­ rtllAVM Hclh'nf proHipttf, 4«ifrpn mptf pet workroom is waiting to move in. So prices have been cut $11 thiir spicticilir liw-kiilt liiis! Tist-lrifi thiir ifficiiit, piwirfil iiiiiis! expected all kinds of cheap and tom a secular religious faith of in its official capacity, at college kpctoriA •• cPiifAtt, ttpton IrritotlpB. And easy miracles, which have not and professional football games. prpnipfM iMAliAf. WpBdAT SaTva ti vklto, •to tha bona. Here's part of the list. There's leads more! All great vitality, is thus being dealt frAAMitM. edprlew—dew eef iliew er Chick thiir sipiriircMifirt Mi mibility! transpired. Ihey were foolish with as an exclusively police prob­ itoiA. U«e If witk ce«fldei»ce—tf it Mfe subject to prior sale. All sales final. The old-fashioned rag rug braid­ toe cMIdree AAd deUcAte ikiii. ^ArAH- enough to believe some of the lem. ed in bright-colored wools is stag­ toed to do tvArytklnf wa $49 or yovr ing a comeback in modem inter­ NiORAT kAck witkoof eBttfioA. Wondw Once again Dodge is first with the features promises the more glib Republi “As a result of this there is you want... in a great all-new line of trucksi \ c a n orators were foolish enough to iors. The gay colors add warmth SaIea. Jert or Ttikti. And V'o'^dAr Soap. growing up over Communism a New, low work-saving design saves you time th ^ e . Having voted one way for and softness to the somewhat 8old hi Manchester by Arther, fanatical negativism. Totally de­ severe lines of contemporary Weldon and QnlnB Drug Stores; 5 % and and effort I Sharpest turning .of any trucksi c l^ p , unsound reasons, they are void of a constructive program of homes. or your hometown druggist. Deduct from these prices for Cash Carry! Lower running boards for easiw entry! Lower BOW indulging in a cheap reaction. action, this negativism is in danger hood for greater visibility! Lowest center of The akV .is not made of pie, and of leading the American mind into LOUNGE CHAIR $49.50 FULL SIZE BEDS $72. gravity for extra stability, safely, handling eaxl they araN|isillu8loned to find it a spiritual vacuum. Our national Reg. $75.00 Modern Lounge Chair in a combination NIWI Over 7S extra-valve featvrael out. Wo don’t like to believe that ‘ Reg. $97.00 (3) Statton Solid Cherry Trutype Pos­ house, cleansed of one demon of green-and-gray dama.4k and plain green texture. ter Beds. Each $72.00. Big, one-piece windshield! Total cab vision Americans vot^d that way, but would invite by its very empti­ area of 2261 sq. in. . . . more than any lead­ they may have. ness, the entrance of seven others. COMMODE END TABLE $14.95 FULL SIZE BEDS $64. ing make! New, easy-chair seats! New cab 3. The lack of oasy miracles In the case of a national crisis this Reg. $29.95 Modern Commeide and Table with two Reg. $85.00 (2) Statton . Solid Cherry Trutype sealing'against dust, drafts! New unmatched has convinced voters bq a slightly empUness could, in the high-sound­ drawers; blond oak. Spool-style Beds. Each $64.00. maneuverability! Increased G.C.W.’s! Shorter more thoughtful level thgt Demo­ ing name of security, be occupied tractors make 3S-ft. trailers legal in any slaici Coxy cotton Nannol / cratic policies were not, after alt, with ease by a Fascist tyranny. MODERN SOFA $169. BEDSIDE TABLE $32.50 Power Steering available in 4-too modelsl as bad as they had been painted. The second sharp danger the Reg. $245.00 Two-Cushion style in persimmon tex. Reg. $65.00 Genuine Mahogany Sheraton with shelf ■91 Tm gM N|lM kH|d Is sdditiM Is ftwsst Ft V- Sonferixod flonngll In its early experimentation to­ Presbyterian letter recognises is tured cover' foam Latex seat cushions. Slightly shop- and drawer. Oodgt sow sSsfs pewsiful ssw V4 ssgissst Avsil- CHILDREN’S SLEEPERS Extra fully 'vtl ward different kinds of solutions that of the departure of truth marked. sMs is Ui-, 2-, snd 2Vi-los stmMs .; . itssdsrd is to. our problems the Eisenhower 2K-,3-,ssd3V)-tM! Sst us tor Irss bsskM ishsw fifom our midst, which it describes DRESSER BASE $79. Dedgi ssgists giw stars poasri administration has come to many as follows: LOUNGE CHAIR $59.50 Reg. .$110.00 Henredon Genuine Mahogany Hepple- WOMEN’S GOWNS an inferential admission that what “The state of strife known as Reg. $110.00 Modem style in brown textured cover white Hweil-frpnVflaring legs. 32),^ inches wide. Rag. $1.00 the Democrats had been-doing was 'cold waf*.’ in which our own and with foam Latex seat'fcushion; blond wood base. BEDSIDE TABLE $28. cither sound or unavoidable. The other nations, as well as groups Our bost loiter it priced lower than tverl budget, taxes, farm problems, the SLIPPER CHAIR $69.50 . Reg. $56.00 Mahogany 18th Century with turned %^ithin nations, are now engaged, is Reg. $110.00 Armless Slippy style vrith button- legs, drawer and shelf, Scoop up enough to lost (til winter. 1 pc., Rag. 2.39 Korean war and other items in producing startling phenomena - button front, pla*!i< beck, fotteli. 2 to I. foreign policy have all produced trimmed seat and back; green textured,cov?r. r and sinister personalities. ' some degfee of such an admission. COMMODE END TABLES $37.50 Ceiy comfort on bluttry nights. Soft cot- In this form of warfare, false­ MODERN END TABLE. $14.95 fen flannel in delicate pastels, keeps its 61 3. There is a reaction to the hood is frequently preferred to Reg. $75.00 (2) Semi-Modem Tables in light sienna .■oys' oml Giris' l.fS PAJAMAS personnel of the Ehsenhower ad- \ Reg. $29.95 Modem Table in blond oak; shelf and mahogany, with two drawers; gold-tooled ydlow forever. Sizes 34 te 40. Slock up , . Save, fact if it can be shown to have drawer. leather tops. Elach $.37.50. 7we piece cette* .flannel in goy. prints— miniatraUo'n, and fo the mood this greater propaganda value. In the pants hove eteslic beck, bond front. 4-1. g C O nO N KNIT lA L P J.'s 2.98 personnel has brought to public interests of propaganda, truth is COCKTAIL TABLE $26.75 service. Some of our great busi- C O C K T A l( TABLES $25. deliberately distorted or remains Reg. $5.‘>.50 Semi-Modem style in light siannasim m a- Reg. ^ 2 .0 0 (2) Modem Blond Mahogany Tables nasamen who have come to Wash­ unspoken. The demagogue, who hogany with yellow gold -tooled leather top. with tooled tan leather tops. Each $26,00. ington have been tactless, rough lives by propaganda, is coming in­ and dumb, in a public relations to his own on a naUonal scale. Ac­ MODERN END TABLES $23. END TABLES $19.95 GIRU' 2.98 TUCKSTITCH. MBsa. Not knowing the ropes of cording te the new philosophy, if Reg. $46.00 (2) Semi-Modem Tables in light sienna f Modem End Tables in light harvest * SLEEPWEAR PANTIES poUUcs or of pubUc relaUons, they what is true ‘gives aid and com­ mahogany with yellow gold-tooled I^sther tope. Each finished mahogany. Each $19.95. have been producing some of th a t' fort to our enemies, it must be sup­ $23.00. Tkey're Sortferfsedf Reg. 49(, Ibis ft our very same confusion which used pressed. Truth is thus a captive in NEST OF TABLES $33.50 You pay mere eftewlieref l^esf p^ce everf to be attributed to Democratic the land of the free. At the same TWIN BED $41.50 Reg. $49.M (2) Nest of Tables in blond harvest bureaucrats. And some of these time, and for the same reason, Reg. $59.96 Colonial Solid Maple Poster Bed. mahogany finish; tan tooled leather tops. Each set Mg-tlme business executives have includes three tables; per set $33.50. great words Uke ‘love.* ‘peace,’ FULL SIZE BED $35. bcought with them an atmosphere 'Justice,' and 'mercy,' and the ideas 9 7 ’ of tuthlaaanses which may not sit which underline them, are becom­ Reg. $46.95 Colonial Solid Maple Paneled Bed. SLIPPER CHAIR $69.50 wrtl with ordinary Americans. ing suspect. Reg. $99.60 Amless Slipper Chair style, button- Save mere on worm gowns WeighHett combed cotton 4. Eisenhower himself is too TWIN BEDS $35. * koopt you weft fortified “Communism, as we know to Reg. $46.96 (4) Colonial Solid Maple Paneled Head tnmmed seat and back, fringed valance, green tex­ and pajamas. They're full eaay-gaing, too rsluctant to face our sorrow, .U c«mimltted on prin­ tured cover. NIWI lv«H grBotor velu m * . . . y«t stW cut for easy steeping com- against winter's chills. tto thoraa of inevitable dedskms. and Footboards. Each $36.00. ciple 'to a philosophy of, lying; fort. Cheoso from pastel Fosiels. SmoN, AAed., Ig. who do not expect him to EMPIRe 's IDE c h a i r $24.50 . prkod wMi tfi« lowast. SU THEM TOOAYI d^nocracy, in fighting Gbmmu- BEDSIDE TABLE $32.50 fiorol prints. Sixes 7 to 14. Ixtra Sim X. n ------S7l every problem overnight still aism, is in danger of succumbiag, muilifl upholstered Reg. $42.95 Colonial Solid Maple; chest style with seat and back; solid mahogany. / to assert a more through fear and in the name of three drawers. of leadirsblp, par- expediency, to the self-same LAMP TABLE $16.50 philosophy. . . S5LIMENE, INCORPORATED Use Crfdit GIRLS, & 9f VESTS, combed cetton.^-cep U sg C ra iH Reg. Mahogany Duncan Phyfe Table with “A painful UhistyaUon of thU hexagonal nmmed top; pedestal base. * dsvclopmsat is guU men and wom­ 434 CBNTN SIREH G miPH6NBM4'3-S101 bs pobUdy J d (U to k » d t4 STUDIO COUCH $64. _ ' W .T . 0>! A N T CO liala4 L.J $9B.00 Couch.in green damask; Mnggd.

-a-* W# » a • ' ~ S'*" dl ^ ^ ► e«a* ICHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 ,195S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 .19M •4- Playan attending will are on dtsFlay at tha wrbidow o f ton had atappad off at tha Whltd World Community Mra. Nettleton Qaita Rockville>Venioii their owm ca#de. T be corn- The Harald offieo a« Maifcat BL Ready for Global Cruise to r s fill Eight Posts Hoiiaa for a chat and Kla«nhow«f Arab-Asia Council member* Include: Mlae ‘Niek" Kohock. a eatebar who Poet Held Since 1920 GO PJolted had. poaad for a picture slrtth WE HAVE in odcate Dubay and Mra. Josaph w4nt from the Hartfitrd High Program Friday T roiut Plana Tunisia Bid P. McManua (oaachairmea), Mtxa School to the Pittsburg Pirates■ 1this Mrs. Emma toron Nettleton, Reaulta In mayoral ^-Hlectlona Berger Seen Set to Seek Minnie McLean, Mra. Oerinna past year, will ha ona of the spsah- &h^unicipal Committees 14 Huntington St., prominent were aM tty: Democrstklc galne in "World Community Day” will By Results ,lpenc]}OOP by John B; Wells of West Hart­ ity Day. ‘W o Will Build Peace,” BY INTERNATIONAL nial city election, Tuaaday, Dec. 1. be given by Corporation Counsel Bt, retired vice-president at the and 54,372 for Clifford T. McAvo^^ dUngo and raffles, mittee last week. But the 29-^ luhcbcon held at the> HoteNBondHoteNBoni ford, adjoining the Zahner prop­ will be illustrated by a aerlaa of Mrs. Nettleton was named to vote It mustered gave clear indica­ Robrtt J. Pigeon regarding tha Hartford-Connectlcut Trust Co., the Board in the fail of 1920, American Labor Party, ’ Mcyndr'a election In New. Jer­ Berger will be ahootlng for hlf- in Hartford. SAdlak told fellow erty on 'Union St. attached, claim­ tableaux by ladies o f aavaral o f was named to fill the post of Jo­ sey climaxed a alx-mnnth cam- tion it would fare badly In the As­ iropoeed sale of the Rockville bark when "there was no 'Virginia, which President K lim - fourth conaacutiva term, having Republlcana there waa no raaaon Vater and Aqueduct Oo. ing 12,500 damages. Several tha churches, with Mra. Florenca seph Luts, Town Planninf Com- pain In whieh he rose from vir­ sembly unleaa dryatlc changes drat been elected in 1947. Mra pasteurization of milk In Man­ hower carried for th» <}CfP last involved in many of the current At the last meeting of the Coun­ months ago a shopping epnter waa Wood aa leader and Mrs. Ruby musion chairman who declined re- tual political abscurlty. The 45-. were made. Moran waa alao elected cIMr clerk chester. year, gave Republican D^ltoh n big .tax lawa. He aald correctlona will cil, Pigeon waa autborlaad to started hare, with exeavntion made Van Slckl* as narrator. Mra. ■mnlnatlon. year-old bacheloir . country lawyer (kimmlttMi Waters Rt4ialve In 1947 for a 2-year tentt, and did be propoeed during the coming and than tha work stopped. Th* Mrs. Nettleton assisted in vote but not big enough. Nearly Aa it was, the Political Commit­ N E W , secure details of a possible sale of Elsie austafaon, accompanied by Rofcrs served with the Hartford had pledged a cleahiip of crime and not aeak ofllca in 1949C ■eeaion o f Congress atai' plaintiff claim* aa a reaiiit M tlto BANTLY bank for almost a half century. He , selling the idea of paateurlzA- complete returns the ntate'a tee voted for a watered down ver­ the company, should tha d t y be Mra. Maud* Rloppenburg, will be corruption. Sha waa aucceedad by Mra. Mar­ January. excavation and diacontinuanc* 'of also served the town a*-a police' tlon to reluctant local milk 1.8J5 polling plaMa ran: 219,653 sion of the original Tunlalan reso­ distinction Intereeted In Itc purcheae. th* soloist. dealers. Later she was active for Stanley. 175.505 for DaltcAi. ceeda Republican Cliffotd B. Case garet Keman wbo aarved for over Speaking on the farm contro­ Tha suggested sale was brought the work the plainUITa driveway Tbe local group wilt also par­ OIL c a commissioner. ceeda Repiillcan Clifford 9, Case lution. It refused to tell the French a year when aha realgned to ba- versy, Sadiak said party members Worked Tofether here as milk inspector, arising The reaulUI of these big three they ought to end martial law, es­ IJP>' out at the hearing held In Hart­ and land are atarting to esva in. ticipate in the "Help* for Home*" sometimes st 4 a. m. to take and the .boat of other sections In OongMas. Case realgnM laat for your homo roine aaalataHit clerk of the ToUaad | should not be concerned about the ford la regard to a proposed In New SyateM Starts project,, to eend needed Iteme to t iL . MI.9-4891 Albert T. Dewey, 54 Robert Rd., summer to head a Ford Founda­ tablish civil liberties and start County Superior Court. Mra. Moran < political aapecta of tha problem, named last night to replace Robert milk samples. around,- the country drew such talka with* a freely elected Tunla­ crease In rates by tha Aqueduct Th* new Intercommunication make more comfortable the • r M I-9-4m comipents' as these from party tion project, wa* appointed to complete th# fHa ■aid Intelligent le^alatlon Company. ■yatSm wa* used for tbe first Urn* homes, camps, makeshift aheUara Hathaway on the Development lan government, aa the Areba and Now itelnlau . . • terifl" of office, and wax again Commission, also Is a retired le x e rs ; New York's m y o r la the son of AAtnna originally had Intended. would depend on proper and full Thera la much land, as wall aa en Monday. The rooms In th* Cast of people in other lands. A sp*' Chairman Leonard W. Hall of the late Sen. Robert F, Wagner luxurieut solid elected for a 8-year term in IMl. Investigation of the problem. water right involved outside of School Building whieh ar* used clal offering will be taken to buy Hartford-Connectlcut Trust Co. Last year the United States '' Although It could not be con­ RANBE AND FUa vice president. Rogers and Dewey the Republican National Commit­ who wrote the early New Deal'a metal that To llerve Ox Cancer Unit' the city and town limits. If the for high achooT claaaaa are wired these needed home-making ar helped put (|irough a much milder firmed today, reliable aouroea in­ were schoolmates in local schools tee—"there la no question about It Labor Relatione Act . of 1935. resolution on Tunisia than the cur­ Addison Dussln'ger and Wsrren City Council should approve th* and connected with th* apaakar Irving Johnson^ captain of the 96-foot aalling vessel. Brigantine ticlea. Board Votes never waort out, dicate City Trcaaurer Robert Fouy OIL DISTRIBUTORS and worked together at the bank. —4W of today we are In trouble Young tVegner, 44, had defeated rent one. It expressed U.N, confi­ Thumauer will serve on the Cam­ [lurchaae of the company. It must ■yatem in th* Sykaa Building. This Tankea, stands on the deck of his ship with crew member* at Glouces­ Herald Piiito. will not acek re-election on the Terms for both men end in Nov. Thomas J, Rogers politically, deapitq an excellent Incumbent Vincent R. Impellltteri dence that France would try to ad­ never tornlthat in paign Planning Committee of tha M acted upon by the citlaeni at a allow* the period ball* to b* rung ter, Slaaa. They are going on an 18-months global cruise. The crew Th* most suitable perfumea for Democratic ticket. Prominently Connecticut Division of the Ameri' 333 Mate StiM t 1955. Contract for showing in Virginia and aeveral In the Democratic primary for the vance the rights and liberties of normal UM, with a city masting. without disturbing th* grammar la composed of flve women and 17 men. wear at the office are light floral Gustave A. Peterson, .54 Robert municipal races.” 840,000-a-year mayoralty, Tunisia. mentioned a* tha Dmnocratie can Cqncer flociety. Joining 25 Coming Events school cUssea. and crisp spicy scents. toh vsivat tiniih (Thoica for trea*urer,la Abraham other State civic leaders in engi­ Rd,, was named to succeed Wil­ .Mitchell Jubilant Virginia's victorious Stanley, 63, The Assembly iklao wound up de­ * ** Burpee Women's Relief Corps Inatruetor Bpaaha Brooka, auperlatcndant of the neering the annual April Cancer Ospt. Chartea F. Bunnall. Jr„ In eiater in Germany. The funeral wiO em submarine, says the Electric liam A. Steuk on the Zoning Board Sewer Lines Chairman Stephen Mitchell of had campaigned* largely on the. bate last night on Red ^charges it mod* to tho/ wrlll meet tonight a t 8 p. m. In tha the Democratic National Commit­ . American Dyeing Corp. and alao a Ortva in the state. ■pcctor and Inatruetor with th* be held tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the b

■■-A ■■ 'i » •* J - i ■ T ■ * ' ' ' r ■ ^ s

MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 .105S MAMraa w nett BVENQCC^KSBALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1968 I iinmli- bow and arrow. Ha talkad with with the "old- hands" when it German detachmenta in north- datphla and workad as a Uto aattsr W H IT M A N 'S Drive-In Theater Young Soldier comes to describing battle i esstom Italy and thrsataaad home­ bMort ha wai'draftad this year. fiarce. primitive tribea «*vtr WBIIR— W IM T -ISSt Grocers in War ventures. land eoUaboratora. tore viaited by anyona and took * COIN POLOHH. Finds picturMi and mada topa racotdlngt WDRtH-1 Rmio Skywateh Schedule Is Old Veteran Pfo. Gasper Damalo, M, of Phila­ Taro years later at 18, Demeio BOW AND ARROW RXFLORBR ^ E H COIN AFFRAISXL On Toodlifters' Replaces Church New Tork UP)—An American of Uitlr atona age dances, c e ^ W f lO -lfili delphia, went to war at U pa an had risen to a rank compared to monials wid cowplttsly iisksd Italian guerrilla fighting Omrman the American Army's company ex^orer. Dr. Harold E. Anthony, HOMY SHOPPE Tbonday. Nov. 8 Hickory, N.C. (*)—Whin SB With U. 8. 4Bth Division, Korea recently penetrated the remote tsnee. Ha had a tough Job explain­ The foUowliig program sehoduloaU*i OaktaBd, <3alif. UPt-Orocara to Freedom Naals. In he Joined executive' officer. After surviving ing what waa to them the super­ Car. Ceater aad OrtewaU M -m u Waick Midnigbt-2 rn.ro. , ...... Votaateera Needed dpldemle catiaad closing of OMsu* UPt—A young Itallan-Amerlcan the Garibaldi GueriUar Raslatance the Nasi occupation and four years and dangerous Junglas of Otntral arc sut^lcd W t>>* f*4io maaaga- n y«l Top Tkl* hava daclarad war on "foodllftors." .. Floyd Chapman ba O w nty Sunday schoela High' Brasil arafwd with nothing but a natural miratery of a compass.. Biants and era aubject to change 2 a. m.-4 a. m. ... who Just has Joined the 4Sth Dlvi- Army, named after the early Ifith of war, Demeio came to the United without BoUco. ThClr thafta in thla araa hava 4 a; m.-$ a. m...... Vohsataara Npaded land Baj^ist Church hors fouad aa ■ ftn u f DumnDT ^Motion of politics. But there were sloB In Korea can hold his own centui^ Italian patriot. It^mrassed States in. IMO. He lived In Phils- mounUd to moro thaa $1,606,000— ...... Hannan R. Gunther, Jr. out. Tha pastor, tha Rav. Rogar R. ‘ (NBA) — Soviet Prouder many things he understood. 4i' $ a. m.-O a. m. .. . - Polka Hop 1*1Ilia- a lot Of grocarlaa. t a. m.-Noon ...... Mr., and Mrs. Willard Small WUliama Jr., got a local driva-ia One day the voice told of a young Md lt*v«« WHAT—Niu Watch ...... Rhode K. Bockus, Ruth BogUach thaatar to let hla church hold Polish airman who escaped to Den­ icebox MaUa** WTl^IUport from Whit* Houa* Orocara haietofora marely hava Noon-3 p. m. ... w n c—»ack*u_.»ackw*a« Wit* WTHT--Prrd, Oliva Chartiar Sunday School and praachlng mark in a military plane. The es­ \WTilT—Couatry Mwde 8 p. m.-S p. m ...... Ann Maiaon servicfa there. ■ad ovoB death—to evade the tone caped pilot waa acclaimed by the wdRc- hmuui am* riisbt Sympaeay amaU artlclaa off ahdlvea ai ' ...... Harold Glean, Michael Glean raeeh of Maleakov'e eecret poUee. frM world. Another airman es­ ' woSs-Jaek 0*wn*r Ui ceuntara. 8 p. m.-t0 p. m. . The roof of the projection booth WHAY—N*wa 10 p. in.-Midttlght...... Mr. and Mrs. York .8trsn"feld and coneeealoa stand subatltutad Tonaf WUdak walked tor two caped. Then a 17-year-old student. *'sliuY-fl0 Pjita Hop But tha loaiaa owuatad toe high. Voiuntcers''msy register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Munici­ dejn and two nights, without -food Xbey, too, found freedom in a new Tho Baat Bay Orocara Aaan. pal Building, Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdsys, and Fridays for tha puIpiL * or Beep, to make good his eecsna world. ^ "-;rUi Council •tartad a campaRSt agalaat food- Tha Sunday School laaoona aad from Red to West Berlin. 8S4-m TEL. m -I-filfil rmpbear tifUti. Special dctoctlvaa were em­ from 1 ^ p, m. WUilama' sermons wars carriad to I t waa then that Wladek decided fiS4-fiM TEU MI-S-81fil It Twice he was neerlp caught ^ the to make a break for freedom. He MAIN ST. MANCHESTEB MANCHESTBR WDIII^Ho^AUl* J y-HU# Waleh ployed, and aascaa and daacrip- cars through tha movls public ad* Reds. But the terror he left behind told ho one of his plans. Not even MAIN ST. WONfi-Jack Oovatr TO—H*»* tlona of known offandara ward ksep it open aa long as Miss Kelley stricUona requlra that tha principal dreaa syatem spaaktra. drove him on into the unknown. his beat friend knew his secret in'—VisiMiUBO ftleced on Ble* wanted to teach there. She has of tha account—knfton aa atata *’WHAT-S10 Polto Hop . _>BC—Now* trust funds—ba kept Intact aad not Attendancs avaragad about 300 When he finally found refuge thoughts. Quite alone, the decision WOe^Roeerd Revu* WON8-N.V* Henoaferth thay wUl ba brought been its only teacher for 47 years. •Itottar thaa normal," WtlUams In the U. 8, escapee camp close ripened in him. W|CWa-Juk«lio* MaUa** to trial on potty theft ehargaa. Hsr pupils, about 20 of them, used for general operating ax. smo--WMd», Bmwa III pensea. reported. to Berlin's beautiful Wanae^ Lake Though the Polish-German fron­ wriIT->ro* oi^r^ J y-NIU Watch ConvieUca can bring fines of $800 range from Rindergarten tots to he was a hungry, tired but happy tier waa guarded day and night by WDBC—B*c«to fi»M>P J c —New* of w ^d or six month Jail torms. fourth graders. Miss Kelley, 67 youngster. Russian troops and tanks little WOM»—J*ck DowB.y rHT—SporU years old, started her own school­ Kaep a caka of unwtappod aoap In your aultcaao to prevaat a muaty I first met Wladek shortly after Wladek found It relaUvely easy to ■CMOOUIOVfiB fiTATS ing there aa a first grmds pupil. FOB A DOOO Binr IN be reached safety in West Ber­ crawl under the barbed wire fence. *'{fcAT-ei# Polka Hnp jiie - odor, lin. He was a sullen, silent little WCCC—lucord R.VU. jniAY-NlU Watch New Cknaan, Conn. UP)—Aa long SS4-S38 Only after he found himself in WKHS-Juk^x MAUa** ■AVINOS BALANCE DEBTS )xv> like a hunted little beast. He East Geimany did Wladek realise WTIC— ■a Miaa Mary J. Kallay wants it, Advertisemant— VENETIAN BUNDS NDUN ST. WTHT—Jo* ClrairiGImnd thara will ba a little rsd achool fit. Paul, Minn, (R-Mlnnssota Is O al was frightened. He relaxed a bit that he waa in trouble. East Ger­ WDK^HMiord------^ gl„,pShop WONS—strictly Jon and even became friendly when many, dominated by the Reds, [ Dovaey house ta New Oaaaaa. Ik e hoard in dabt to ths tuns of about $113 Bedn up on Box Mountain lata- Arrow fWadow Shade Oempaay X told him Iw aa an American. WONf-J*rii Dova«l j | u.— Y- Nil* Watch of edueatioB had talked about mllUon but has a savings account lyT You'll want to go up aoon for S4S N. Malp St. 3to waa still hosUle territory. WTIC—guy I Wladek and America, it seems, For two days and two Bights WHAT—W**t*ra_0*r*v*n>ra Oar eloalag I t But to many protaau with a healthy halanca of more big doinga. See Thursday's'Harpld 1U. ia*S-SM7 were old friends. WCCO—R*Cordd H«»u»lUvu, WPRC-MMtl reUad ia that the beard ogrsed to than $333 mlllioo. CbnstituUonal re- for full details. Wlfdek tramped through East WKNB—N.W*: Mi-'* WONA^tiTclIcily Jus **Tour Oooatry b Free” Germany without food or sleep. WTIC-Jurl Waia• i J a ^ "Why did you escape, Wladek? WTHT—Jo* OIr—Mraad Z asked in Polish. On the morning of the third day WDRC—B*cordrd Shop he passed a farm house, and WONS-Bobby 'mwmmm *'I wanted to get to America,” he smelled freshly - baked bread. replied without a moment's hesitS' *‘wHAY—WMiem Caravan tlon. Hunger overpowered him. WTIO—Front------w ... ------“ Tg* Parr V *11 Oblivious of the risk, Wladek WTHT—Jo* O lrfid GET SET FOR WINTER "Why America?” made the sign of the cross—as WDRC—R«»rd Ihoa "Because your country Is free.” V WONS-Bobby Bonaoa TEL. Ml-MlSt The boy had no romantic noUena his mother taught him to do on BM*m about the U. 8. Impwtant occasions—and entered *'WHAT—Wo*t*r« Csravan MAIN ST. MANCHESTEB the house. WTIC-&or«iM J«5«* He never read Fenimore Cooper WTHT—Jo# Olraad er Mark Twain — American au­ The surly old German farmer WDHC—M .m ory LaiM thors once beloved by children in who greeted him could not under­ WONS—Wild WU U kkek stand a word of Polish. But he l:tf— Eastern Eurmw, but now strictly so


\ • .A '■ ■'i.VWJ-r;- .^A-/ ' s - ..^.^ ' .. > .-‘/ .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBSt 4 .195S Section Two WEDNESDAY. NOVEBIBICR 4.1968 dtanri|«Btfr TEtmtltig l|cralii WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4.1968 ago Air Force offleor purple. The for tightening up progreaa pay-* Datroit to taka hla Job ha aald to ing ha has Bothlag to wony about otberdayotaicokteU p ^ y anAF mehts on their work ha actually a frland: the auccMa of the trip. . CLEANING AND Hrin *'WittoShow: colonel remarked: laughed It off. Ho axplalnad to the ’Tm rtsklng falluro for tho first ”At first wo thought WlBon was preM that tha net affect of the Umo In my life.’’ Wo6d-gralned paper platea aoako Turkiih College Girls Leara About Democracy luahUig lu around rather ruth- new order waa far leH draatic than If tho new model WUaon holds handaomo basoa for fan fruit, loaf SEPTIC TANKS mi CESSPOOLS Aj^^cciates Help by Ui S,, saaly. Today, I think, ho was push­ the plane makers had claimed and tha road tho way he’s now travel­ or gourd arrangtmonU. a amnlsatiea Of TBAINBD SEWAOB SFBCSAUBIB To Set 4]D Model Wilson ing us in tho right direction. He that hla plan was to Improve busi- UMohhtefyu-BBBUUi A has taught us plenty about produc­ ncM procedures. Most people lob at a LOW^TmOE- tion and better business methoda” agreed with him. ------FoF )^'lLlrOOIJCa.ASLABraK - fsltnad modsl of Secretary of Do- Top generals and admirala are Wilson demonstrated his im­ Naomi Foster Reports on Return Home ' , ‘ WlMmegtim (NBA)—A on*- feiuie of intense testing and developing When Wilson took over at the means of delivering hydrogen and YW KNOWN QUAUTY SMCf IMff Izmir School ing In Manchester as part of the over the world's toughest person­ Pentagon- ho had the reputation of atomic bombs. I SEWAGE DISFOSAL COMPANY Spiritual Life Mtoaloa now being ality proving ground—the Penta­ having more administrative drive Remodeled Bxterler By r m il t w . B u rra conducted in over 800 Methodist gon. Inside reports Indicate that than anyone in indtiatry. In Wash­ In the early days of hla Penta­ A feeling of admiration for tho ChurchM in tte Boston area. Wilson himself recognised as one ington, however, he (Hscovered at gon tenure, Wilson was some­ T B U Mitewn g.fllOS—is a -in PEARL 8T., MANOHEBTKB Dr. Denman declared, “We aay of the best brains in the auto in­ first that there was both slippage what shy, suspicious and oven United Btates and appreciation we love our children and wa want TIm m h a l f raiCE spt- dustry, did most of the engineer­ and grinding In his gears. snarling with the preM. It took a for the aid ^ven to their country them to hava the best, but we tell doll ora CMrtoMy braif- ing. Here are the details: He didn't mesh too well with charge Of TNT to get him to talk la found In Turkey today, but them short. Wa feed ttelr syM and some senators and congressmen. to reporters. .anti-American feeling and fM r of minds and souls with the trash ing o«t sonwtom* rad ^vdu«s Bettor Vision He euccumbed to some of the tbpt so often invadM our homse A few weeks ago WUaon’s GM Now Wilson meets the proM American policies are prevalent !■ tfw froirad food Hm . successor, Harlow H. Curtice, vis­ town's social life, thinking it was once a,week. He smiles, jokM and ATTEND THE by means of talevtoon. We set ter­ ited him sad asked how he was Important. seems honestly to have fun doing throughout Weytarn Europe. rible examplM before them our­ Bale atarta Thoradagr and coa> doing. Wilson replied: Today he's taking it easier, and it. He's confldent. Arm and really This is ths opinion of MIm Na­ selves, and at tte church we often ttanea while atock laata oa "Well rve learned that it's fairly getting a lot more mileage.. Me informative at thoM aessions. His omi Foster, daughter of Lucius give them tha dirtlMt, dlnglaat theaa four Items. Every Item at has found that social life here is Foster, of Oakland Rd., Wapping, room in-tha chiirch for a nursery exactly half the regular price. easy to take a lot of .tho foolish­ former shyness has gone. ness out of defense programs. But largely bunk. And the other The day last January he left Spiritual Life Mission formerly for many years a resi­ The status of women has been greatly improved In modem Turkey, with an opportunity for an while adults maka uaa of tte moat rve also discovered that it's damn week-end, while visiting his good dent of Manchestetr, who raturn- aducatlon and then earning their own living being given to more and more girls. These girls at the attractive rooms. TIm m TWO TURKEY difficult to put good sense into friend, radio and TV star Arthur AT THE METHODIST CHURCH id to this country laat month Amerlkan Klx Kolejl in Im lr. not unlike their ^ te r a in American high schoola and colleges, are mem­ We set poor examplea before them.” Godfrey, at Leesburg, Vs., he Mid: after spending live years in Tur­ them. We teach them to uaa SPECIALTIES poelwd by key and then three months trav- bers of a planning ■ board, conducting thair own meeting and learning tha democratic way of doing At an early press conference "I now fall asleep as soon as my things. profanity and to lie. We tot them REDER'S 189S HOUSE head hits the pillow and can forget There is an IN YOUR NEIGHIORHOOD allng In western Europe this aum- us stand In church and say Wilson made some very snide re­ mer. OF WILUAMSTOWN. marks about the military research ail about hydrogen and atomic that wa teUeva in God and Christ, bombs.” THE OFFICE OF A teachar for ths past flva ysara not been trained up until this time, such a foothold there because and tte Church and yet we live MASS. programs, charging that there was so the daughters of better claaa there are two million unemployed Gibbons Assembly a lot of "boondoggling” in them. Bettor Pickup, RMo November 1~8, 7953 In tha Amerlkan Kta Kolaji, Is- UvM la our honiM that tot tte . Wilson started his tour in Wash­ DR. ROBERT S. SMITH OMEGA mlr, Turkey, and having taught families do not enter that profes­ in the country, mostly in the children know that we did not At a recent coirferencj be ad sion. Thera is, on tha whole, more south, whereas in the north, which TURKEY VILLEROY mitted: ington on a very bumpy road. First PREACHING SERVICES 7:30 P.M. DAILY thera previously for a threa yaar ^ : Holds Initiation mean a word of It. it was the jolt over Mle of his 531 EAST CENTER ST. term, UIm Foster has had ample freedom for women in the cities la mors prosparoua, it is not as “We send them . to Sunday "Thera was soma waste in the than in tha villages. Conditions ara strong. Turkey patties wlOi a da- research program. But research GM stock. ‘Hten it was an endless ON THE opportunity to become acquainted School, for wa say wa want our IMaas aauee. Sale Priea *V 7G HAS RESUMED Self-Winder with the country and its people changing rapidly throughout the Gibbons Aarombly, Catholic La­ is the only answer to keeping series of Jars over budget prob­ country and more and more wom­ Mentioning the other countries children to have a religious train­ ahead of the Russians for the fu lems. He took this rough ride hard, as aha has dona consldarabla trav- which she visited, she found that dles of Columbus, at its mMtIng ing, but our examptoa ara so poor APPOINTMENTS aling about. en iare now being employed in fac- TURKEYAUKIN8 ture. And we've got to keep the cloM friends now M y. HOLY HABITS toriee. Austria la poverty-stricken, but last night in the Knights of Co­ that they quit It and never go to present program going strong.” Now, however, he has developed Admired by Ihwka like the Swiss, the people are very, lumbus Home, initiated a cl church at all just as soon aa they DeUdons turkey meat with reg> a much superior shock absorber for youl Turkish students love to corre­ very neat and clean, and are hard Im|iroved Power Steering OF THE SriRITUAL LIFE She hM found that, thanks to Camel trains, reminiscent of the old Turkey, are still ssen In Tamlr .and othsr parts of tbs coun­ spond with American students, but of nine candidatM. are old enough to have theUr own niar Bader’s special a la Six months ago the word "Wil­ system. When a group of alscraft Marshall Plan Aid, tha power of try, although Westarn civilisation, with Its greatsr uaa of tha machine,'^Is rapidly making inroads on workers. way. manufacturers lashed out at him ara rather amased that they should Mrs. Antonio HenriquM : ktag sauce. Bale prioa ture of the county. them In the hands of private Indus­ Not many go Into nursing aa a taken hold of southern Italy al­ moist soap lato tha cracks between the hostesa committee served re­ rltatlon when ha wears wod Quintostonco of ulegoiKO coots with bpouHful day ond night monnm. Curlicuod servicemen whq. served In Europe profearion, bowsver, aa they have most 100 par cant. It haa taken the boards. freshmens. during World War II and who want The language of the country la tries, but this cannot bo done with­ sweaters or snowsuits. Turkish and Ataturk triad to have out Oie help of inrlvate foihlgn capi­ to revisit soma a ths places they tal. Gradually laws are being Komofrosts. . . fiottor, moro froetod, for Doftor than over boforo. Those, with saw then.” It purified and put It Into Roman Script. Certain Persian and changed to permit the entry of Many of these American travel- ci^ltM of this kind. leaner linos ond bock fluidity... In paler colorings ond softer •ra, however, have not been versed Arabic words wars thrown out In ths proper attitude for touriete and tha pure Turkish word sub- stitutad. The committees which reUgton could not ba taught in the tints, .orooltogothor bvtoltogothortho14-kerot traveling In a foreign country, al sebooto at Turkey, but since the \ . though many of them are fine “un he set up to work on the language Democrats have coma Into control official” ambassadors. One aolay. are atUl functioning and once a It may be taught In tha fourth and look of tho irintor suoeon. SizM 8 to 16. demanding traveler can aometlmes month they send out a list of fifth grades in primary schools to prwe it today f The existing new undo the good wrought by a bun words to ba used. Ita own constituents. That is. Mo- lofti Notvrol, grey, blue ond pink. dred good travelers. Some problems hava baen era- hammadism may be taught to Mo­ Compered with Europeans, Mlaa ated by the eetabllahing of this hammed children. Aaw, pure Turkish language. It Right: Pink, btuo, strawberry, Foster believes that tbs Turks are Education la required through the better off than the people in many has been necessary to tranalata primary school, but there ara not European countries. This she their literature from the old yet enough teachers to taka cars of groy and noturol. attributes partly to tha fact that Turkish to tha Roman letters, and tha demands of tha entire country. tha growing season has been much tbs young people do not know the 18 -AMerlcaa Tenchera better in Turkey In recent years literary heritage of their fore­ Tha school at lamir where Mlsa and also becauaa the farmer haa fathers. as it' is written in the old Foster teaehce, Amerikail Kix to pay no Income tax, aa ths city language. Kolejl by name, haa 15 American dwellera M% liv e U VlUagM teachers and 28 Turkish teachers, $65.00 Through Marshall Plan Aid Largely ruraL Turkey haa about with about SSO pupils. OMy about many improvemente hava come to 40,000 vUIagea and about a doron IDSON HOMET 35 of the pupils are boarders inas­ OTHER COATS the country, such aa the inersaae cities, of which lamir, an- much aa thare is not enough hous­ Nothing couM outpoiform it btforo—■ In the number of .tractors. In elant Smyrna, where Mlaa Foster FROM $29.98 ing space for more. The acheel has Nothing con touch It now I To SI 19.95 Instant Action Engines with Super Induction Gain National Acclaim IN FIHED why oo«l'it lira or BOXY STYLES HMESITM KCMLINIimM tvm t bottor...loBt< longor iM t'Vnraii cost* lott.in tho long run Ntw nitht--Limt S/yting for Ott FoMou* Hudton Honwt 8tim . Naturally H’a ths aamfl in das and weight, but thousands call 'blue oonl’ Uw fligpest ton of coal in town. They'vs Mopo and more people are trying—are ftnind It’s tops in comfort, aatisfocuon, buying the fabulous 1964 Hudson Hornet FomouB Running Mateo of the Hornet L«ad a **dotible life^ with •conomy. Needs Isa attantion, too. They’ve found, when you step on it in a E v a y 'Uus coni' daator is a oiialidsd Hocnat, eomething happeoe . . . inetantly! this heautifully styled new hating expert... oifoa fa n navies on WW HUDSON Hocnst-Iiks ps^acmaaca ra w HUDSON Smash kit to ths Isw- h a tin c psobfams. Get tha le d in ooel... H w new 1954 Hornet haa all-new etyling, new in tte lowaat prioa field: msdinm priea.field. bmt in aervia. Always spsdfy 'Uus cempset, scoBomiesI, • intwior luxury, power ■taering*, power braka* Graater power and laxary coal’— n o G M TON o p c o a l in to w n ! JET ' sssy to hswdls; seats six. WASP at a new law pries. $2 2 9 » and ezdoahre ’Twin H-Power*, to make driv­ OtMNANY COAL MIOHT DR 0 0 0 0 . ing thia'car the inoat eidting motoring known! YOU KNOW *Moo float* » OOOD Cans in; try a Hudson Hornet today. •OstoMl at MS HIDE-A-BED sofa B8CAUM ITS TRAOIMAKKra.., b l u e c o a l ' APARTMENT SIZE $21f.50 TBiriD ilM . F ^ YOUR FROtlCTION CBU YOM AtTMOBUtO Wtoa eeaT •BAUB VraB IB USVBB BliBW You naod never npologtee for one room that aervM falthfnUy M hanra a day—If It givea no Unt of ito naendlag neefolneas. n ils lovely ShnuMno aofn McCLURE AUTO COMPANY, Inc: iHnglrolly tranaforaw Into a fnll atxe bed with a THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. MARLOW’S rMififtablii fnU else Inneeapilnr neattraei. Ooum la and aoo thlo new Tuxedo style. Fabrle is haadaaaw m Nortli MbIr Stt Mandaster, Coaa. P l ^ MIteiMB f-525S heleo aC gray, green, ooral. 373 MAIN STRECT^ M A N CH ISTai 1.1II ■ ii.i I t .1 k , 11,. (. A M M L F O U T O r F U 1 L BUYING


chains, etc., which may bs ploked John & Burks Funeral HomA 37 up by the shopper Who purchases a ist Om tar B t. with ths Itav. Ciwkett Rules Directors J^ile Ending Wife Follows Holiday Bazaar shopping bag and then fills it with Clifford O. Simpoon, mlnlater of whatever aha deairea. tho O m tor Oongregatlonal Church, MfiTB, WOMERt, CHIIOUEITS ‘an A nursery for young chOdren offidatiiig. Burial will be In thd Met niegally Last Night' r 'As Upset Vote Is Counted Instructions^ Attracts Crowda was provided all day, so that Bast Cemctsry. mothers could shop while their 'Hie funeral home will be open «"lMFBNTy WEBB-TOYS ______•) children were being well cared for tho convonlence of frtendO The meeting hrid hy ths ^ aaehusetts mayors were voted out Cetatcr Church Event may most Fnoay. tho issstlim day ST for, and this afternoon from 4 to 9 from 7 o'clock tonight until tho j^fiWM of rtporU that thro# vot- of oMoe yesterday ae ballots were Causes Blast o f Dbeeters last night was Ulegsl GARTNER’S a special diildren’s party was hour of tho funsraL uiMler ths pnsMt aaf n u 777 tn f tnachiiiM jammed. east for mayors la 27 Bay Stats To Conclude Tonight and tho actions taken during it Ify ail the aetlona R doesn’t always pay to follow held. The youngsters also enjoyed last TIm roaidt In Hartford, oporatinir municipalities. pulling items from the wishing murt be ratifled at a legaUy con­ n l^ t. aince IMT under a councU-inanacer The defeated mayors are: An­ a husband's instructiiBns. With Turkey Dinner Taka yesterday afternoon, for well, and a game room for older vened meeting. Town Counsel Rule 19 provldea that ‘ nwiil fo m t t (oremment, had political drew J. “ B ossy" Gluts o f Newbury- boys and girls, opened this after­ menu to the rules shall, ho si^ dgnUicance because of the person- instance. A Blas|d Street woman Festive decorations and a gay F u n e ra k Chsrlee N. Crockett ruled that to- port, Gabriel G. Morse of Gardner, noon, to continue for the duration mttted in writing at any tagular This Is Our Firish! We’re Through! This Is The End! We’re Leaving Manchester Ferever! al Intervention of Democratle called tor help from the fire de- holiday spirit, in keeping with the John M. tynch of Somerville and of the fair. ^ ^ rectors Matthew Pston and msetlng o f tho Board, and shall Oiairman Bailey. Pierre Drewaon of Northampton. partment and Oompanies 3 and 8 of 8 time of year, abound throughout Much of the success of the fair Helen FlUpatrlck refused last ha adopted hy a majority vote of Candidates bached by the Demo­ Drawaon, a Republican, was de­ the SMFD responded gbout 3:15. Funeral aerviesa for Mra. Han­ the Center.Congregational Church is due to the hard, unstinting work night to parUdpate In any vMss, tho wholo Board, at tha aueoasd- cratic organisation, in oppoaitlan to feated by Democrat James OahU- She said her husband always told nah Noonan, 12 Jenson Bt., wert the Citisens Charter Committee, her that if anything seemed wrong today, M chiirch members and of co-chairmen Mrs. R. B, umdia assorting the meeting was Ille­ Inf meeting." lane in a partisan election. Draw- and Mrs. W. J. Field, and their held this morning at 3:30 from took control of the city council by with the fUhnaca to shut oft the friends throughout the town com­ the T. P. HoUoran Funeral Home, gally called. ^ In changing- «*•i ^ t s . • §-4 margin, and named one of son conceded defeat whan ha was switch. She did, and a minor ex­ corps of boothchalrmen and work­ the Board meimerely voted by ma­ trglUng CahUlana, an auUAnobUe mence their Christmas shopping, followed hy a aolenui roqultm Crockett’e ruling le that the their number mayor, a largely plosion resulted. ers. meeting was lUegal because the jority to meet on 'Rieedeya. dealer, 9,980 to 9,060. Maas In St. Bridget'a Church at bonorary poet. It turned out that oil burner man eagerly grabbing up the many bar­ Directors, at their- Oct. 29 meet­ Since there ora clear majorities gains offered at the "Holiday Ba­ 0 o'clock. About half of Oonnecticut’a bill- The other three were defeated in were cleaning the burner. The Hie Rev. Theodore'Gubala was ing, failed to euepend the Board’e on aU votee taken laat al|^t, it lion voters were eligible to ballot non-partisan elections. woman heard a noise Ifrom the cel­ zaar." rule 19 when they changed meet­ appeara unlikely that Orackett'e Sponsored annuaBy by the the celebrant, the Rev. Robert yesterday and approximately 80 GlUis, now 87 and no longer the lar, ran downstairs and threw the ing nlghU from Frldaye to Tuee- finding will change any a ( the Women's Federation of Center Obituary Carroll, tho deacon, and the Rev. per cent of the eligible did. Sery campaigner he once araa, suf­ switch. It BO h a m n e d the switch James Hmmtna, the aubdaacon. di^re., ______Board's aetlona. New Haven reported a record fer^ his seventh defeat for the was already OFF and she flung it Congregational Church, the fair this year is even bigger and better Mre. Arlyne Garrity was orgsnist municipal election turnout: 7S,000 Newburyport mayoralty at the on, causing the oil still in the cham­ And sololsL or M.e per cent of an eligible 87,- hands of Henry Graf, Jr., 44, a ber to ax^ode. However, firemen than previous fairs and offerO the A C to ua u a 1047 ragged no dam^e. usunl booths as well as new ones. Burial was In S t Mary's Ceme­ r l^urc |.f«dtrsl grand Jury invaatigating 7W. The race in that city, howeyer, political newcomer who drew 3,871 Deaths tery, New Britain, where Father was considered the hottest in the votes to GUlis' 2,870. Gillls has was caUed to Bush Hill The bazaar opened at 10 o'clock Carroll road ths committal serv­ OeM ■arvlag M Taara state, ' ^ served 6 ve terms as mayor. Road for a woods fire about mid­ this morning and will continue Called by Probers night while Co. 3 extinguished a throughout the day, with a turkey ice. Gold is aarviag 30 y oa n aa a Elsewhere in the state, Republl- Morse was set back in his bid Bearers were Daniel Miller, Wil­ ' cans kept a hold on the four Fair- grass fire in the woods behind S. dinner being served' tonight, fol­ Thomas M. Benson, 66, o f IS eonfeeaed member o f tha aome for - a third term as mayor of Alton Street at 10:30 this morning. lowed by an entertainment put on Auburn Rd., died last night at the liam Egan, Edward Kelly and (OmilmmsTnm Pago 6 m ) atom, epy conspiracy fOr which field County, towns o f Greenwich, Gardner by City Councillor Ulrlc Chief John Mers of the Man­ by some of the members of Inter­ Mancbeeter Memorial Hospital. Raymond Davie. JuUus Itosanberg and his wife, Westport, New Canaan and Fair- O. Fredette. The vote was 4,402 chester Fire Dept, issued a warn­ mediate Girl Scout Troop 7. Under Ha was bom in Glasgow, Scot­ man to appear in closed eeesion be­ Ethel, died la tha eleetrlo ahalr Held, where first selectman was the for Fredette against 3,501 for Igra. Lney A. Tneker highest prise. The OOP margins in ing against outside, open burning the direction of Mrs. Ralph Lund- land, and had lived here for the Isat June. Morse. past 44 years. A bsher by trade, A committal service for Mrs. fore us.. ; these towns, however, were small­ today. Because of the Increase in berg, the Girl Scouts will present The McCsrthy subeonlaalHea had wind velocity. Chief Mers Indicated he was formerly employed at Liucy A. Tucker, a former resident An oflicisl reached at ths Technl- er than the 1091 returns. Lynch was defeated in Somer­ a one-act play, a fairy tala, “Nlm- plshned to call anotbar mambar ef In the city of Norwich, nine ville by a comparative newcomer this is poor weather for burning. blewit and Flngerkin.” Brown Thomson, G. Fox and Oo., of South WUlington and widow of flex plant, who asked that his His remarks were timely, inas­ Newton-Robinson, all of Hartford, CTIarencs Tucker, who died in the epy ring, David Graanglasa, councilmen were named in a non­ to politics, William J. Donovan, Two of the new features offered name hot be luwd, said last night here queatlonlng on Friday. president of the Board of Alder­ much as the MFD had to douse a and the Davis Bakery of Manches­ Whittier. Cailf.; wUl be held to­ tor partisan election. Six of them were this year are the children's ex­ he spoke for all who knew Broth- However, tbe aubeonmlttaa aaid men who Was elected to the board grass and leaves fire on W. Middle change and the toy exchange ter. He had retired from the bak­ morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock In favorable to the Citisens Commit­ man at the plant and had complete yeeterday it will quaaOon him tee for Better Norwich Govern­ in his first bid for office two years Tpks.; yesterday at 5:15 p.m. booths. At the former booth go^ ing trade, but for the past six the Buekland COmetery. H ie Rev. ago. DonovM polled 22,617 votes caused by flames from papers months had been custodian of the Kenneth Teed of WUlimantle will confidence In him. iomatima next waok at Lowlahurg, ment. an organisation backing used children's clothing may be ob­ Pa., federal priaon, whara ha ti while Lynch polled 14,920. The lat­ being burned in an incinerator were North End Branch of the Man­ officiate. Brothmsn could not be reached the council-manager government tained at nominal prices and at the •erring a 18-yaar aeatanca. adopted two years ago by the city. ter was seeking his fifth term. blown into a pile of leaves nearby, latter, used toys and games, also chester irust Go. An ardent sports She was. bora In Manchaster at the plant. Stamford voters re-elected Dem­ New Bedford's temporaiy may­ spreading rapidly. in good condition, are on sale. fan, he played rugby and soccer Nov. 16, 1969, the daughter of McCarthy's subcommittee hat ocrat Mayor Thomas F. J. Quigley or, Francis J. Lawler, appointed to Other booths Include the soda, while living in Scotland, and was Samuel and Uretta Jeffery Rey­ bw n probing sllaged radar eapion' for a second term. His victory mar­ the post when Mayor M w ard C. samples, bakery, paper, candy, a great baseball fan In this coun­ nolds. She leaves a niece, M n. Ira ago Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Tbe gin. however, was slightly narrow­ Peirce was Jailed, lost out in his Building Permits kitchen cupboard, ^ft, white ele­ try. F. Wilcox, of Merrow, and a ^ 1 has been holding cloeed Public Records er than his hiitial victory in 1051. attempt to win his first full term. phant, post office, wishing well Ha leaves two daughters, Mrs. nephew, Howard G. Reynolds, of Bgs here. Republican Mayor Raymond E. Lawler was defeated by Arthur and apron booths. WilUsm R. Greene, of this town, Eagleville. Hie group'! Inveetigstori esy Total at $479,184 they have been given itstemente Warraata* DaMI Snyder of Waturbury became the N. Harriman, 71-year-old former At the gift booths, many lovely and Mrs. Terry P. MeSweeney, of Bella Wallins to Gootge H. Srst Republican in city history to mayor, by the margin of 23,366 to handmade articles are. on sale, Gslifom is; three sons, Robert D. QUEEN SEEKS REGENT by atom epy Harry Gold in which St. James’ new $240,000 church Abraham Brothmsn was portrayed Buckley and Eva W . Buckley, win a fourth term. Snyder, polling 21,884. such as knitting bags, luncheon Benson and James E. ^ n son , both lAsdoB, Nav. 4 <#>—4$oeeE property on N. School tt. almost 24,000 votes, led his full Harriman served four terms as now being erected on South Adams cloths, dust mitts, handmade Sisal of Manchester, and Harold D. Elizabeth, n, today asked Far- ae a mamber of a Soviet epy ring party slate into ofllce. He defeated mayor but was defeated by Peirce St. boosted building operations to bags imported from India and Benson, of Blast Hartford and 11 llameat to designate her hoa- of a decade ago. B in at la lo William St. John (D) and Anthony on a recount in 1951. Peirce was $470,184 during October, according hand-painted items. grandchildren. baad, the Duke of Edlaburgh, as Brothman, 81, eerved a 2-year Michael and Roaa Carra to Ruth Martino, Socialist-Coalition.. sentenced to four years in the to Building Inspector David Cham­ At the ice cream comer, de­ The funeral will be held tonu>r- a possible regent In plsee of her ■antenca after hie 1091 conviction L Fair, Meat and Grocary Store State Sen. Henry D. Altbbello, House of O>rrection last May on a bers' monthly report. signed to especially appeal to the row afternoon at 2 o'clock at the sister, Prineess Margaret. on chargee of obatrucUng Juetiee and equipment at I B. Mala BL Democrat, became Meriden's new charge he conspired to Impede a The report showed that permits young fry, various kinds of soda, mayor by a S,S00-vote sweep over gambling Investigation. LAwler, were issued for 13 dwellings total­ dixie cups of ice cream, chocolate Republican John J. Curry, a re­ then president of the City Council, ling an estimated $100,350, nine milk, ginger ale floats, etc., afe tired businessman. Incumbent was appointed to complete the garages, $0,850; 43 additions and being offered. A variety of de­ Mayor WilUam J. CahtU, Jr., a term. alterations to buildings, $76,084; licious home baked goods is on INCLUDING SPECIAL PURCHASES AND MANUFACTURERS'CLOSE-OUT STOCKS TO SUPPLEMENT OUR GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Democrat who declined fenomina- One of the highlights of the elec- two miscellaneous construction sale at the bakery bMth, and a tion, won in 1091 by less than 200 Uons came in Westfield where for­ Jobs, $300; and for three affidavits delectable assortment of candy is ) I votes. Altobello's victory was a mer Mayor Alice D. Burke, 41, the of additional buildings $1,900. being offered at the candy booth. boost for the Democratic party only woman aver elected mayor of Kitdwa Cupboard Popular Buy for NOW! B u y tor the FUTURE! Buy for Extra SAVINGS! Nerer Before Such Values!! Besides New Haven, tnese were a Massachusetts city, wab returned One of the most popular booths the results: to office after two previous defeats. Allen Realty Files is the kitchtn cupboard, where Bridgeport: Jasper McLevy She defeated Charles E. Avery, a Mrs. Adcima Simmons o f Capri- (Soc) 29,426; Janies J. Whelan 20% OFF BABY CRIBS former school committee man, by Bonds for Deed lands Herb Farm. North Coven­ (D ), 11,643; Robert G. Bnmo (R ), the vote of 4,329 to 4.175. try, la on hand with free samples 11,602. In addition to the ballotilng in of gourmet delicacies and herb Evary crib iwdydtd wowb wMtbtM. H m b irfM t Waterbury:.Raymond E. Snyder Northampton—which saw a Demo­ The Allan Realty Co. has enter­ products for sale. She also has (R ). 23,077; WUUam St. John (D ), crat defeat an Incumbent RepuUl- ed into three bonds for deed in­ several books to acquaint women siii9lB ckoraBCB of baby fimitiirB ovor bdd bi PRICE-CRUSHING SMASH'S.'SS? 20,103. can—only two other cities held par­ volving a parcel of property on with herb charts, recipes and cul­ BIG Meriden: Henry J. Altobello tisan mayoralty elections. Hie in­ Center St., according to the instru­ ture. She is mpre than willing towN. W o Rood room so badly for tho oiost eooi> (D ), 11,013; John J. Curry (R ), 8,- cumbents, both Democrats, were ments which were filed in the town to answer questic^ on herbs and 382. ratumod to office in Brockton and clerk’s office today. their use. plofo ioloctioOi of toys io Moochostor that wo bovo Norwalk: Irving C. Freese (Ind), Springfield. In one, Alfred Chagnot agrees Prelerves, Jellies, J$ms and oth­ YOUU R N i 8,532; Louis J. GardeUa (D ), 8.- In Brockton, Major C. Gerald to convey the land to the real RO oltorRothfo. 195 er home-canned goo^ are on sale 892; Frank E. Raymond (R), 4,- Lucey (D) was voted into a second estate company by Nov. 3, and in also at the kitchen cupboard, as 921. term over City CounclUor Paul the other two, the company agrees well as an assortment of flavoring. YOUR SIZE! to sell the land on the condition Smort Monu oRd Dads ood tboso sooo to bo Hartford; (non-partlsani Domi­ Keith (R). The vote was: Lucey, All kinds of aprons from dainty to -35 CASUAL COATS nic J. DeLucco (D), topped list of 13.958 and Keith 11,911. City Omn that it la able to purchase the property. tea aprons to the most practical councilmanic candidates with 18,- cUlor George R. R^enbush, run of utility aprons are on sale at the c e m iR 9 to Klddlo Fair to sovo n io R o y . The two other parties Involved 840 and won honorary mayoralty ning on stickers, received 3,103 apron booth, and the white ele­ from Joseph V. Cronin (citizens votes. are Helen Strand and BHisabeth Scherbakoff, who are promised a phant booth is overflowing with charter committee), 18,714, . In Springfield, Mayor Daniel B. various and sundry types of Misses’! Women’s! Juniors’ Styles! warantee deed for the land by Dec. Stamford: Thomas F. J. Quig­ Brunton (D) was re-elected to a articles no longer useful to the ley (D), 16,707; George T. Bar- fifth term over State Rep. Wen- 10, and Ellen Price and George Price, who are promised a deed by donor but something to be desired SPACE ■ rett (R ), 15,130. deU P. Chamberlain

Girl Scouta Siog lost summer's riots In East Oer-> ic weapons to de terrible damagt G irl Manchester Evasion Indicated many, has found itself weak there! to the Weetem powers. In such a Lawrence Named Architect Martin Given and to some degree in other parts situation, the Soviet government ^inV^tu Drive; Scout Date Book By Russian Reply of Eastern Europe. * would be able to negotiate in a For Almahouae Remodeling Approval Vote No government likes to negoUste more nearly equal power position. Notes from a pooiUon of weakness. Soviet ofliciala may prefer to wait (Cootlaoed freiN Paso Ooa) 2. There probably are many com­ for that time. Sa^ Surp^s $ 1 8 7 Mark SelMdBjr, N*v* 7 plex preMema which have to be Arnold Lawrence, loopl architecti Lawrence, who aald he will l^all dance. Daughters of Isa« Mnhoney Fails in Bill to parallel in current talka at Pon- worked out between Moscow and ullBiiil Fifteen glris from Troop 57 went Who hae prepared plans for several h«gln work on the plana sftsr on an overnight at Camp Merri- bsUa, Asasrlcan Legion Home. I munjom. There U. S. and Red Chi­ Rod CMna’a g o v s n u n t. There is Coventry, Nov. 4 (Special)-^Member KxecuUvaBoard will meet Convinix Board of nese repreoentsitlves have been no need to aaeiixas dNferencea Miss Schoonmaker / / / O ] ^ meeting of Alcoholics DeroUy lAtlmer obtained the larg- tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the home Wdod, Friday, Cict. 23. After cook­ Of M.nch.st.r’. new echool^^hsal prepared plans for the six Anonymous, Hollister School, 8:80 talking about holding the Korean amounting to a ranjar split in order of Mrs. Brick Anderson. ing their supper, the girls enjoyed been appointed to prepare plane room Keeney Street School end Difisatisfied Workers aet aalee of magaalne aubecrlptlona a Scout's Own and television from for PeM e Conference. The Chineae in- to think that Soviet-Chineee rela- Brasil Student V M U p.m. 'for the tong-dieoueaed project of additions to the South and Man Guegt at Showe|7 la the recent drive o f Crade eight a set provided by Arthur England. Sunday, Nov, S An attempt by Director Walter siet that neutral nations must be Uons may be so difficult aa to Ted Simon of Bao Paulo, Brasil, turning the almehoiise into a police chaster Otpen acheols. The South present, and they call Russia a hamper the conduct of their foreign ' a pupUa of t ^ Roberteon School a graduate student at the Univer­ Saturday momilng everyone went Collection of funds for Girl wnitlon wee completed T. Mahoney to convince other di­ on. a hike over the yellow trail. A , station and court house. school neutral. Tha United Staten, oppos­ affairs. Mrs. Philip C RpberU, 129 Bteep with a total of 1187.70. Second high sity of Ooganectlcut. visited in Scout drive. Generel Manager Richard Mar­ last sprlhg, whils the construction rectors last nighY that there is ing neutral nations as such, says 3. The reins of power may atill Hallow Lane, ehtertalned with a dinner of sloshburgers, followed by Tuesday, Nev. 16 aalee were made by Suianne classrooms tliesday at the Robert­ a rest period and games, ended tin announced the appointment of the Keeney Street School "diBaatlafacUon among town work­ Russia may sit on the Communist not rest firmly in the hands of surprise mlsceilaneoua shower, re­ son School where a study of South Hollister PTA mlllta^ whist not started, although the plane are Staritel with I1S0.S5, with John what the girls called a wonderful yesterday, and today Lawrence ers and an investigation should be side, Soviet Premier Malenkov and hU cently, honoring her stater-in-law. American Is being made In social and food sale, at the school, 8 p.m. said he will meet soon with Chief I ready for approval, foliowera. He may want to feel Miss Joan Schoonmaker, whose Fardel having $115.70 and Shirley overnight. The troop leader, Mrs, mode" failed when the Board gave Many State Department offi­ lO O Ff il studies. Arthur England, and her assistant, Nov. 12, IS and 14 of Polica Herman O. Schendel and Membera of the almehouee com cials have an explanation for what much more secure before undertak­ marriage to EnS. James Michael Shirahae $115. The Anal flgurea of Personal Mentloa K. o f C. minstrel show, Ver- Town Court. Judge John 8. O. mlttea ara Diraetors Thaodora General Manager Richard Martin ing serious bueineee with the out­ Higgins, son.of Mrs, Ekiwtp C. H ig­ the aalea total $2,440.05. Mrs. Peggy LaBarron, chaperoned. they term Russia’S “ evasive" atti­ Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott H, Ayer tA planck School, 8 p.m. Rottner before drawing prelimi­ Fairbanks, Harry Flrato and Mat a vote o f confidence on hla man­ tude on a German meeting. Dulles side world, gins, 45 Bouldei/'Rd., will take Proeeeda will go toward the River Rd., North Coventry, will Nev. If-M nary plane. thaw Patoh. agement of personnel procedures. place on Dee. 5, in St. Bridget's graduation axpente and educa­ Troop is held a Halloween party told newamen yesterday that nego­ 4. The Soviet government may observe their 51st wedding an­ on Oct. 28 for the members of the Manchester Antiques Show and The estimated cost of the archl- Mahoney, who aald he was not tiations on a Korean conference be primarily concerned now with Church. tional trip fund. niversary tomorrow. Sale, Community Y, 1 to 10 p.m. tset’a aervicsa In connection with afraid to criticise Martin In hla The hoatesa used a profusion of The four puplla will be treated troop. may be part of the same pattern. Ruoirtan domestic affairs and ihay Lynette Hill, daughter of Mr. Joan Carlson was mistress of Friday, Nov. 26 Tripletwist the almshouse Is $3,500, Martin presence, joined in the vote of Beds Have Internal Iseuee with to concentrate Ha attention orange and white chryaantbemums to a ateak dinner aoon on a school and Mrs. Lester N. Hill will ob­ ( “ Harvest Hoedown” dance. confidence. In decorating her home. The bride- day. by Carl Harriman of Abing- ceremonies, and Judy MIddlebrook indicated today In a report he pre­ Hospital Notes The central Idea is that the in that field. serve her birthday tomorrow. played her clarinet and Lillian Hat- Orange Hall, 8 p. m., under aus pared for the (Committee on Alma- Earlier, however, Mahqney at­ Communists ara plagued by a Another consideration which elect unwrapped her varied and ton', area' representative o f the Miss Grace Bradbury la spend­ pices of Manchester Assn, for Help hrvadlom by ffg fW tacked wages and the system for lovely gifts while zested beside the Ciwe-Colller Publishing Co. tin her accordion while the rest of houee. PATIENTS TODAY t 142 variety of internet problems which may actually be of the highest im­ ing two weeks at the Louis A. the girls paraded for the judges. of Retarded Children. tilling vacancies. He called for fill­ fireplace. Oscar Miller, temporary secre­ Mom Room for Court ADM rrraR) y e s t e r d a y : Sam- make it undesirable for them to portance, but which otficlala here Kingsbury home while his daugh­ Lorraine Rensoni won first prize as if your blueprint ing vaconctea from within the A buffet style luncheem was en­ tary for Cub Scouts pack 67 said Nov. 26 and 21 Rottnsr said the E. Middle Turn­ ual Sweat, 42 N. School 8t.; Mrs. deal now with the Western powers seldom mention, ia this: ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lil* Abner's Daisy Mae. Some of Community Players present for a lovelier home! pike structure ''lends itself" to 'Helen Morton, 82 Washington St.; ranks instead o f advertising and on concrete problems. Ruaela has made steady progress joyed by more than 35 guests from - a Hat of over 60 boya are waiting Carleton King are vacationing In the other prises were given to screening applicants, the method this and other towns. Mrs. Edwin to become Cub Scouts. The holdup “The SUver Whistle," WaddeU courtroom pttfposes and would Mrs. Florence Ayars, 26 Trotter Speculation about internal condi­ in developing atomic weapons and Florida. Dorothy Ansaldi, Donna Metcalf Martin has put' into use. C.. Higgins and Mrs. Raymond A. la dua to lack of help from mothers School. provide court officlala with the 8t.; Mrs. Ethel Mahr, RockylUa: tions which would feed such a de­ recently succeeded in setting off a Miss Jane Fisher, a student at and Linda Renzoni. Sock and Buskin play, "Night of space that their present quarters Julius Modaan, IT Gorman PI.; Mahoney cited the position of sire for a diplomatic stalemate and hydrogen explosion. In a few years Johnson poured. and fathers as den mothers and Cushing Academy, Ashbumham, Sally Sloane and Dorothy Ansaldi assistant to the general manager. committeeman. Jan. 16," High School HaU, 8:15 in the Center Street Police station Mrs, Alfrlda Bjorkman, 34 Benton that could last perhaps for years the f i l e t s may be in a position of Mass., spent the weekend at her served refreshments of cider and Martin said some present em­ includes: Our tomorrow won't be any bet­ The theme “Indian Summer" was p.m. do not have. 8t.; Diane Fcatberstone, Ware* relative parity with the United home on Main St. H e r' brother. doughnuts, the doughnuts made by ployes workers have applied. 1. The Kremlin, beginning with ter unices we make better todays. displayed at the pack meeting Thursday, Nov. 26 Ha aald tha court would occupy house Point; Edward Bieu, 15 Rose* States— poeaeeeed of enough atom. Ensign Warren Fisher, also spent Dorothy. There was milk for those Thanksgiving Day road race, tha second fioor of the almahouae mary PI.; William McFarland, 304 *1716 General Manager said all Tuesday night at the American the weekend with his parents, who did not want cider. workers have the opportunity to sponsored by Tall Cedars, 11 a. m. on the northerly side and that if Eldridga St.: Diana Sweet, B3 Legion Hall on Wall St. with Fred­ Principal and Mrs. Royal O. apply for new jobs but most have erick Wolfe, assistant Cubmaster Thursday, Dee. 8 tha partitions and laliey coliunna Starkweather 6t.; Robert Bumea, Fisher. Troop 8 which meets Wednesday Annual bazaar and supper of St. ST E. Middls Tpke.; Denis Fra. preferred not to so far. He said In cbaige. Toung Fisher has been trans­ evenings at 7 O'clock at the Com­ wars removed, there would be euf- lew of the recent openings would The Pack Committee will meet Mary's Guild, at the church. ficient space for a judge's chamber, chatte, 11 Tanner 8t.; Christian ferred to Newport, R. I., where he munity Baptist Church, has elect­ Welgold, West Wllllr/.on; Mrs. be attractive to present workers. USE CROWN CLEANERS tonight at 7:80 here to fill vacan­ is taking an eight-weeks course at ed the following officers: Kay Girl Scouts have been singing together in troops and around offices for the prosecuting attor­ Director Jacob Miller said the cies and make plans for Novem­ Dorothy Smith, 106' Waiktr 8t.; the Naval Justice School in prepa­ Howies, president; Donna John­ campfires for more than 41 years. Now, for the first Ume, their See for youneU the twist carpetii^; ney, probation officer and court David Phillips, South Coventry; $3,823 ssdary for the poritlon of ber activltlea. ration for work as a ship legal of­ son, vice president; Helen Mageon, favorite songs have bun recorded under the supervision of Metropoli­ clerk, and a ronfarenca room for assistant to Martin would make The South Coventry Fire De­ that ha* evtrythingl Deniely.'fkeply Miss Mary Nalaon, 78 Haynes St. YOU'll ficer, secretary, and Aiiidan Shaw, treas­ tan Opera star, Nanette Guilford, shown here playing “ Sing Together" attorneys, in addition to a apacioua ADMITTED TODAY: JeancUa it unattractive. partment's public socials will be­ for one of her Girl Scout friends. Manchester Girl Scouts also love to woven from iirong S-pIy nlWrool courtroom. Comlag Bveats urer. The troop is planning a COX Constantine, Coventry; Linda Wah- Directors Harry Firato and gin Friday, at the Nathan Hale sipg and those Intermediate Girl Scouts who especially like it rre CASH and CARRY Thursday meeUngs include; At the present time, court ot- mann, Coventry; Clifford McKin­ Community Center imder the joint trip to Washington, D. C , next yarns, Tripletwist is a bear for srear Everett Kennedy voiced the Herb Class, 12:80 p. m. at the members of the Girl Scout Glee Club which rehearses at 6:30 Wednes­ flclala and the attorneys who want ney, 132 Pearl St.; Herbert Pfeif­ sponsorship o f the Are company summer, and earning money to ... and its luxurious pile resists soil, strongest support for Martin's Caprilands Herb Farm of Mrs. pay expenses. day nights at the Community Y. to see them are crowded into two fer, South Coventry; Edwin Cook, and the Center Organization. personnel program. "1 would SAVE Adelma G. Simmons on Silver St.; foot and scuff marks! When you buy amall offices. 24 Glenwood St.; Marian and Rob­ Anton M. Lassen of the Are Paint, Sholf Hordwars, hate to eee It go back to where Busy Little Sewers 4-H Oub, 6 to The Brownies of the Nathan benpfiug, Peter Rabbit; Linda The police elation would occupy ert Larkin, 12 Oakland St. company will be gmeral chairman Dutch girl; Joanne Lucas, ghost, Tripletwist you're assured that evdry the entire first floor and part of politicians have to stand up for SERVICE 7;30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Hale School held an investiture on Pohl, gypsy; Gloria Trukas, Cin­ and Deanna Hutton, grand lady. EIncfrical Suppliot, BIRTHS YESTERDAY: a son to aome employea' advancement," and Frederick G. Blssell, treasurer Ernest O. L«Doyt; Grange elec­ twist is in to stay, no matter ho«b the second, Rottner said, and the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murray, S of this project. Oct. 28 in the camping area at derella; Linda Roberts, baton Took. Flrato aald. tion of officers,’ 8 p. m. at the Camp Merri-wood, following which twirler; Susan Neiman, Spanish front of the building would be Devon Dr.; a daughter to Mr. and 4-H Ooatest Slated All Intermediate Girl Scouta many times the carpet is cleaned, komewhet modernised by removing “This Board haa accomplished 3^Vvc diseontinued our pick­ Grange Hall, Route 44A. a Halloween party was held in the senorita; Janice Benson, cow; willing to work on the Girl Scout ConMT Mobi and Mrs. Francis Warren, RFD 1, -.-not 100 per cent—o system Albert B. Gray, county club because of Bigelow's exclusive Per- ita wooden porches. Rockville. agent,. has announced that the cabin. Some parents were pres­ Kathleen Stewart, cat; Carol drive Sunday are asked to report Middln Turnpika East whereby the employe knows where up and delivery aerviee since ManehMter Evealag Herald Cov­ Not Centrally Lorated BIRHIS TODAY; a son to Mr. County 4-K Achievement Contest ent. Moore, witch; Gail Ellis, cat; at the Girl Scout Office, 983 Main maset proceu. We have your favorite he is going," Firato said. we have been unable to get entry correopondeat. Mrs. Charles Leader Fanny Lucas supervised TEL MI-3^U1 The only objection that raised to and Mrs. Stanley Nichols, Bolton: will be held at the Robertson Nancy Suhie, glamour girl; Eva St., at 1 p. m., in uniform if pos­ remodeling the almshouse for a In other matters last night the L. Uttle, telephene Pilgrim X-6S$1. the games and singing, while Woelk, boy; Mary A n iv Simmons, sible. color, tool a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd David- enongh ^elp of the type we re- Schotd, Saturday at 8 p.m. police station and i-ourt has been aon, 21 Seaman Circle. Board authorised Martin to accept The contest is being held to give Leader Betty Maiorca, who had state grants for the Waddell gnire. Bring your work in— forgotten her devil's costume, that it is not as centrally located DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: recognition to the accomplishments as the quarters they nov^' occupy. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, 75 Pleasant School and the South School ad­ and save 10%. of club members and adults who Deaths Last Night dutifully presided over the fire­ OUR ECONOMICAL I.OCATION RESULTS dition totaling $230,638.33, reap- place. However, Rottner said this is ob­ St.; Mrs. Arline Seibert, South work with them. The event will viated by the fact that most peo­ propriat'ed $5,200 for a memorial The children were dressed as Coventry; Mrs. Edith Simler, 375 also enable the public to learn By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IN SAVINGS TO YOU ple have cars or access to them Summit St-; Miss Dorothy Brig­ to veterans, postponed action on what is being done through 4-H follows: Jane Cowan, gypsy: and there is ample parking space authorizing him to Issue bonds Atlanta—Dr. David W. Senator, Brenda Harding, Cinderella; Bet- ham, 81 Rusaell St.; Carol Belch, OPEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. Club work, which Is sponsored at the almshouse. for the high school and the Kee­ Model 21C9040P 57, executive vice president of He­ ty-Jay Maiorca, little bunny; Bev­ 2 Drive F; Mrs. Mary Squatrito, largely through public funds. Tha proposal to tise the alms­ ney Street School! and instructed brew University in Jerusalem who erly Stauty, gypsy; Janice Schle- STORE HOURS: 9 to .5:30—WED. TO NOON 587 Canter St.; Joseph LufMcchtno, Among the events scheduled will was touring the United States un­ house for police and court, pur­ 120 Biaaell St.; George Findlay, 63 him to reply to a State Traffic OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 P. M. be: presentation of awards to club der auspices of the Rockefeller THURS. and FRL—9 A. M. (o 9 P. M. poses waa first broached during Wadsworth St.; Mrs. Jeanette Up­ Commiasion report on a light at members who have been most out­ Foundation. Bom in Berlin, Ger­ 0 budget meetings last sununer ton, I I Park St.; Mrs. Anna Irish, Eaat Center Street near Summit standing in their project Aelds; many. Died Monday. Dollar for Dollar Your when Martin's capital improve­ ' 10 Depot 8q. Street. W i GIVE GREEN STAMPS ments budget calling for additions DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs The Board naked that Martin presentation of awards to clubs William Henry Donner, 90, mul­ Smo/t, MohoFoey Coezole $»y«ee eon he youn at Ihit sentotJonol which have moat satisfactorily ti-millionaire Philadelphia philan­ Host TV Value Is MANCHESTER to the Municipal Building and po­ Emma Harris, 340 Porter St.; Mrs. urge the commiasion to approve carried out the alms of the 4:H thropist and for many years a steel lica station waa uhder discussion. Myrtle Rusaell, South Coventry; the light and inform the membera lew pcieel feotvrei ezdoiive $TeWAIT-WA6NE« Thunderbolt group; and recognition for club industry executive. Bom in Colum­ It was felt that the alma of the John Perotti; 26 Drive F; Russell that the Directors would not feel Choitit Itiot'f unturpotied lor power, pertormonce ond picturo budget could be achieved more OullletU, 344 Woodland St.; Roy reeponsible for any accident that leaders who have completed their bus. Ind., and in recent years he CARPET CENTER dorityl New lone eonirol. . . fixed toeui picture , . * power booffer 5th and 10th years of 4-H'leader­ lived near Lake Geneva, Switzer­ ' 7 0 I f iiconomlcally by remodeling the Matson, 54 Chestnut St.; Esther might occur ae the reeult of not ship. land. Died Tuesday. 308 MAIN ST. ^Turnpike Comer" TEL. MI-9-4343 almshouse, moving the court and Sorensen. 353 Hilliard St.; Mrs. A l­ having cme there. , . , tu« provizion ter U H l-o il youn in thiz big zereen 2i-!ndl freds Raymond and daughter. Persons Invited to attend include San Antonio, Tex— Maj. Gen. polica station into it, and then STEWABT-WAtNEt TVl See iWz oewting TV conzole lodoyl South Windsor. club members, their fan^llles and Innis P. Swift, 71, retired, com­ SpMloRsta in WoM to WoE InstoEatioM transferring some of the Municipal To remove an ink stain from a CROWN friends. mander of the 1st Cavalry Divi­ Building's acUvltlea across . the washable fabric, rinse in cool wa­ ALL - CHANNEL TV The wood, canvas, plastic and CLEANERS AND DYERS Auettoa Hale Hlated sion in Pacific fighting in World Btreet into the police station. ter, wash in hot suds, adding a Joseph Gorris is chairman of the War II and once an aide to Gen. The E. Middle Turnpike alma cord webbing that go to make up few d n ^ of ammonia. Rinse. Lion's Club auction sale Saturday John J. Pershing. Died Tuesday. i r » Vffit. Box *1’ *•. SAVE UP TO ‘ J K A PAIR I houae, which has aerved the town most outdoor furniture can If stain persists, soak in three W. H. PREUSS SONS from '10 a. m. on at the Mac Encino, Calif.—E d w a r d W. H -H J. C .MR I since 1S20, had only 10 residents kept clean during winter storage tablespoons of oxalic acid, to one Quown Barn on High'S!. Anyone Scott, 38, a co-owner of Trav- living there when it was vacated in garage or basement by using pint water for 15 minutez. Add NEAR 836 MAIN STREET 17 VILLAG E STn ROCKVILLE Tel. Rockville 5-3067 having suitable articles can con­ elodge Motel and a son of one of last month, and these have been soapsuds in a brisk ecrubblng. a few drops of ammonia to rinse MONTGOMERY WARDS tact him or any of his committee the founders of the Carson, Pirie boarded out by tha town. Always rinse well. water. which includes: Joseph Lombard, Scott A Co. dmartment store in A Qfoed gdkcHon of William Schieldge, Albert Rossi, Oilcago. Died ’niesday. Prof. Edward Minnum. Mrs. Zopp] lolo Polt 9fy(oi oro Refreshments will be on sale Of MATHER'S during the auction. Proceeds will Rm hIw M i Aivistr biciudod in fhb fi* be for the club project for the pro­ J tection of vision or eyesight of COSMETICS 4 of Riverside Park, Agawam, la children here. Dr. Lome A. Mae WE CARRY ALL 4 now located at 256 Franklin ^OfssIC 6 6 0 jrOVs Lean la in charge of publicity. LEADING BRANDS ^ Ave.. Hartford, across from the 3 DAYS ONLY Nursery Unit To Meet Art Theater. Readings by ap­ choico of high a The Coventry Cooperative Nur­ Srlhur Dni{ Storasj pointment only. Phone Hartford sery and Kindergarten Parent- 46-6785. A ll welcome. D A Y SALE M o d iw in Hools... PRE-HOLIDAY SALE dro66 d io o t nr C06> TOWN & COUNTRY WOMEN’S OUTLET AT THE i m Ib w h I d l pfIcMd 100% NYLON 100% WOOL—100*/o NYLON Need Storm Windows? for a eloan out. AN < S 7 9i206 but nef in oN CARDIGAN SWEATER; BRIDGWAY MILLS to Oylot. Como oarly SKI PAJAMAS UNED BOXER sHPi OTMMn|Mlo 3.89 • ^ . 2 9 DUNGAREES « • FOR ROYS 34-40. Reg. 6.98 Short and long sleeve. 34-40. Reg. 3.98 • FOR GIRLS • FUUY UNED DRESSY and NYLON Substitute COTTON BLOUSES BLOUSES • FORKOYS 2F o r ^ * ^ ® 0 . 2 9 # FOR GIRLS M m 32-38. Reg. 1.98. 32-38. Reg. 3.98.

FIRST QUALITY RUSCO 100% WOOL SLIP-ON 100% A L L WOOL 51 6AU6L IS DfNIER 8-16—41.98 PiMtic RUBBER FIir m I DOUBLE < 7 3 ' SKIRTS * WEIGHT America’s First and Finest Aii-Metal Self-Storine . FULL FASHIONED SWEATERS JERSEY PANTIES CRIB PwlltYtr 22-36. Reg. to 10.98. \ 2 Fo p fi. Sleeve SHEETS PANTIES SIEEPERS 6 F - SHIRTS 4For Pombination Window gives you Magic Panel Ventilation A For Tlwru 1$ no subsHtwtu fur Rusco, Hw all* Rusco Combinertion Windows and for^ 3 . 0 0 m I jN MO un n ^ l, sslf-sturing Cambinutiun Wln- •vtr tfw saeiswwl drudgory, labor, and CHILDREN'S SPECIAL > 0 0 • • w thot glvus yaw scrouns, storm sash, •xponso of putting up, tolling down, REGULARLY PRICED UP TO ■nrf wuather stripping oil in ono pumw- storing ond ropoiring icfoens ond storm 14.99 2 ’ ® •wsHylestoilad unit. Iniuy roin-pru^, LADIES* MEN'S MEN'S aoth . . . poy,for tiwmsolvos through Hors it your ciwnct to tovo up 34-40. Reg. 1.98. Reg. 4.98 MEN’S M fM fM , Ritufud scfuun vwiHiutiun. fuol tovings olono. Your homo will ho NYLON NYLON ATHLETIC up to 15 dsgroos coolsr In summor ond to o doNor or man o pair on S7 P n y Nfxt Y« MU BRIEFS .nuanrt boam owners have made over womwr in wintor. N r douMwhung ond childrsn'i fine ttwof. Don't niu a- little O', T u We. SOX SOX — w__ SHIRTS 16B6R666 Rusco Installations. They*m coaonwht orindows . . . no oHorotioo of *Wi big opportunity-got hdro to •tlew4i$HJS ALL DRESSES ON SALE Z rOf guanntosd hy tha world’s hirgost saanu- 3 For 2 For 2 For your proaont windows roguirod. ooriy whllo eoloction it lorgol tree fasturar of Conmination Wladawa. * 3 ” ALL COATS ON SALE m MO 1J0 MO • Sixes 1-6 R. J. LYONS LOCAL AGENT — TEL. MI-9-7382 NATIONAUy KNOWN EDUCATOR SHOES Thurs., Fri,, Sat, Only • With feet ARE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE HURRY AND SAVE EVEN MORE NOW! IRE BARIUn-BRAINARD CO. , n Ml/i H fOW ; M(.f H l( u t L c t ^ TOWN & COUNTRY WOMEN’S OUTLET BRIDGWAY MILLS HARTFORD I 903 MAIN ST. — MANCHESTER JEWELERS 188 M ltD U TURNPIKE WEST 188 MIDDLE TURNFIKE WIST— H L M I P t lM PHODUCTOF THE F. C RU88ELL (»., CLEVELAND US MAI^Sr. ATTHR OMTBI OPEN 9r00.9.*00. FREE PARKING. OPEN A U DAY WEDNESDAY, Op— Ddiy 9 A.M.-9 PJmL rtmPrnm § i Opw AR Boy MANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALD. MANCHESTEB. CONN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEB 4.195S ..fn-' IIANUUESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4.1968

Cii4 Scouts Sing last aummar'a riots In East Ger­ ic weapons te do terrible damage G irl M a n ch ester Evasion Indicated many, haa found itself weak there to the Western powers. In such a LawntnceNamedjSKhitect J M b ^ n G iv e n and to aoma degree In other parts •Ituatlon, the Soviet government GirfWina-M^^ine Drive; Scout D a te B ook By Russian Reply of Iteatem Europe. z w<^ld be able to negotiate in a Approval Vote No government llkee to negotiate more nearly equal power position. N otes ForAlmehouae Remodeling from a paaltlea e< weakness. Soviet officiate may prefer to wait (Continued from F s | e Ona) 2. There probably ara many com­ for that time. Sa^ Sut^ss $ 1 8 7 Mark SelBiiey, Nev. 1 plex probtems which have-to be Amdid Lawranca, loopl arehltactw Lawranca, who aald ha will Mahoney Fails in Bid to ■ Fifteen giris from Troop 57 went Fan dance. Daughters vt Isa­ paraltei In current talks at Pan- worked out between Moscow hnd Who has praparad plana for savaral I heftn * « * . o n tha p l ^ aftar munjom. There U. 8. and Red Chl- Red China’s govenmaant. Ih ere te Coventry. Nov. 4 (Special)—^Member Executive Board win meet on an overnight 'St Ounp Merri- bella, ABMrican Lsgioa Hoihe. ConviniMf Board of Miss ^Schoonmaker WOod, Friday, Oct. 33. After cook­ 0{Mn meeting o f Alcoholics Of Manchsaur'a naw «:hools. ha. n«M repraaentnttvaa hava' been no .need to aaeunm dVferencee Derotky UkUmer obtained U>e lar(> tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the home talking about holding the Korean amounting to a majar apIN in order of Mrs. Erick Anderson. ing their, supper, the girls enjoyed Anonymous, Hollister School, 8:30 baan appointad to prapara plaiu ; room’^K m n ^sfrM t School and for Dissatisfied Workers oet ealea of m afailae aubecripUona Peace Conference. Ths Chinese in­ to think that Soriet-Chinaae rela­ Guest at Shower Brasil Studeat VIslU a Scout's Own and television from p.m. „ for tho long-diacuaatd projact of ^additions to tha South and Man- la the recent drive of brade eight a set provided by Arthur England. Sunday, Nev, 8 An attempt by Director Walter sist that neutral nations muat be tione may he so difficult aa to Ted Simon of Sao Paulo, Brasil, turning tha almahoum into a polica chaster Gjaaa ’ achoola. Tha South present, and thay call Ruaala a hamper tha conduct of their foreign pupila of the Robertson School a graduate student at the Univer­ Saturday morning everyone went Oollectlon of funds for Girl . atatlon and court houaa. School addition was complatad T. Mahoney to convince other dl' on a hike over the yellow trail. A neutral. Tha United States, oppos­ affalra, Mrs. Philip a RoberU. 139 Steep with a total of 918T.-70. Second high sity of Oonnectieut, vlalted in Scout drive. Gcnaral Manager Richard M ar-! taat aprihg, white tha construction rectors last nigh't that there is ing neutral nations as such, says 3. The reins of power may atilt Hollow Lane, entertained with a dinner of aloshburgera, followed by Tuesday, Nev. 18 ■alee were made by Stisanne Classrooms Tuesday at the Robert­ a rest period and games, ended tin announced tha appointment I of tha Keeney Street School haa "dissatisfaction among town work Russia may ait on tha Communist not reat firmly in the hands of surpriae miecellaneoua shower, re­ son School where a study of South Hollister FTA military whist yeaterday, and today Lawrence | not atarted, although the plana are Starfcel with flSO.SS, with John what the giris called a wonderf)d era and an investigation should be side. Soviet Premier Malenkov and hte cently, honoring her ateter-in-tew, American is being made in social and food sale, at the school, 8 p.m. •aid he will meet eoon with Chief j ready for approvaL followera. He may want to feel Mlaa Joan Schoonmakcr, whose Fardel having 1115.70 and Shirley overnight. The troop leader, Mrs, made" failed when the Board gave Many State Department offi­ studies. Arthur England, and her assistant, Nev. IS, IS and 14 of Police Herman O. Schendei and | Memhera of the aimahouae com ciate have an explanation for what much more secure before undertak­ marriage to Ena. James Michael Shirrtiac IllS .’The final figures of Personal Mention K. of C. minstrel show, Vor- Town Court Judge John S. G .: mittee are Directors Theodore General Manager Richard Martin ing eerloua buslneaa with the out­ Higgins, son of Hra. Edwin C. H ig­ the sales total $2,440.00. Mrs. Peggy LaBarron, chaperoned. they term Russia'8 "evasive” atti­ Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott H, Ayer of planck School, 8 p.m. Rottner before drawing prellml- j Falrbanke, Harry FlratOrSiMlimt^rand Mat a vote of confidence on his man­ tude on a German meeting. Dulles side world. gins, 45 Boulder Rd., will take Proceeds will- go toward the River Rd., North Coventry, will Nov. 18-Sd nary plans. ! thew Paton. agement o f personnel procedures, place on Dec. 5, in St. Bridget's graduation expense and educa­ Troop 18 held a Halloween party told newsmen yeaterday that nego­ 4. The Soviet government may observe their 51st wedding an­ on Oct. 38 (or the members of the Manchester Antiques Show-and The azUmated cost of the archi­ Mahoney, who said he was not tiations on a Korean conferenca be primarily concerned now with Church. tional trip fund. niversary tomorrow. Sale, Community Y, 1 to 10 p.m. tect's services in connection with afraid to criticise Martin In his The hoatess used a profusion of The four pupils will be treated troop. may be part of the same pattern. Ruiaian domsstle affaira and may Lynette Hill, daughter of Mr. Joan Carlson was mistress of Friday, Nev. 38 Tripletwist the almehouee la $3,500. Martin presence, joined in the vote of Reds Have Intenial laeues wish to concentrate its attention oranga and white chryaanthemuroz to a s t e ^ dinner soon on a school and Mrs. Lester N. Hill will ob­ “ Harvest Hoedown” dance. Notes -confidence. In deraratlng her home. The bride- day by Carl Harrlman of Abing- ceremonies, and Judy Middlebrook indicated today in a report he pre­ The central Idea Is that the In that field. serve her birthday tomorrow. played her clarinet and Lillian Hat- Orange Hall, 8 p. m., under aus­ pared for the Committee on Aima­ Earlier, however, Mahoney at­ Communists are plagued by a Another consideration which elect unwrapped her varied and ton', area representative of the Miss Grace Bradbury is spend­ pices of Mancheater Assn, for Help broadUxm by fffdlow tacked wages and the system for lovely gifts while seated beside the Crowe-O>llier Publishing Co. tin her accordion while the rest of houae. TODAYi 143 variety of internal problsma which may actually be o f the highest Im­ ing two weeks at the Louis A. the girls paraded for the judges. of Retarded Children. Mora Room for Court YESTERDAY:Sam illling^yacancies. He called for fill­ make it undeslrabie for them to portance, but which officiate here fireplace. Oscar Miller, tentporsry secre­ Kingsbury home while his daugh­ is your blueprint ing vaca,nclca from within the A buffet style luncheon wzz en­ tary for Cub Scouts pack 57 said Lorraine Renxonl won first prize as Nev. SO and SI Rottner aald the E. Middle Turn­ Sweet, 43 N. School St.; Mrs. deal now. with the Western powers seldom mention, te thia: ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. u r Abner's Daisy Mae. Some of Community Players present pike structure ''lends Itself” to Morton, 33 Washington St,; ranks instead of advertising ami on concrete problems. Russia has made steady progreaa joyed by more than 35 gueits from a list of over 60 boys are waiting Carleton King are vacationing in the other prizes were given to for a lovelier home! screening applicants, the method this and other towns. Mrs. Edwin to become Cub Scouts. The holdup "The SUver Whistle,” Waddell courtroom purposes and w o t ^ Mrs. FIcranca Ayers, 35 Trotter Speculation about internal condi­ In developing atomic weapons and Florida. Dorothy Ansaldi, Donna Metcalf Martin has put l(ito use. tions which would feed such a ds- C. Hlggina and Mrs. Raymond A. is due to lack of help from mothers School. provide court officials with St.; Mrs. Ethel Mahr, Rockville; recently succeeded in setting off a Miss Jane Fisher, a student at and Linda Renzoni. Sock and Buskin play, ‘N igh t of •pace that their prcMnt qUSrtSra Julius Modean, 17 Gorman Pi.; Mahoney cited the position of slre for a diplomatic vtatemate and hydrogen exploalon. In a few years Johnaon poured. and fathers as den mothpra and Cushing Academy, Ashbumham, Sally Sloane and Dorothy Ansaldi assistant to tha general manager, that could last perhaps for years committeemen. Jan. 10,” High School HaU, 8:15 in the Center Street PoUcc^tatlon Mrs, Alfrlda Bjorkman, 84 Benton I the Soviets may be in a pdaitlon of Mass., spent the weekend at her served refreshments of cider and p.m. do not have. / St.; Diane Featberstone, Ware­ Martin said aome present em­ includes; relativa parity with the United Our tomorrow won't be any bet­ The theme “Indian Summer” was home on Main St. Her brother. doughnuts, the doughnuts made by ployes workers have applied. 1. The Kremlin, beginning with ter unless wa make better todaye. displayed at the pack meeting Tbnreday, Nov, SO He eeld the court Would occupy house Point; Edward Bleu, 18 Rose­ States—poaaeaaed of enough atom­ Ensign Warren Fisher, also spent Dorothy, "niere was milk for those Thanksgiving Day road race, the second floor of^the aimahouM mary Pi.; William McFarland, 304 The General Manager said all Tuesday night at the American who did not >vant cider. workera have the opportunity to the weekend with his parents. sponsored by Tall Cedars. 11 a. m. on the northerly aids and that if ■adridge St.; Diana Sweet, 83 Lo^on Hall on Wall St. with Fred­ Principal and Mrs. Royal O. apply for new jobs but most have erick Wolfe, assistant Cubmaster Thursday, Dec. 8 the partitlons^and laltey columns Starkweather-Jit.; Robert Bumca, Fisher. TVoop 8 which meets Wednesday Annual bazaar and supper of St. Vt E. Middle Tpke.; Denis Fre­ preferred not to ao far. He said In charge. Yoiw g Fisher has been trans­ evenings at 7 o'clock at the Com­ were removed, there would be eut- lew of the recent openings would The n ek Committee will meet Mary's Guild, at the church. flclent apace for a judge's chamber, chette, 11 Tanner St.; Christian ferred to Newport, R. I., where he munity Baptist Church, has elect­ Weigold, West Wlllirf.on; Mrs. be attractive to present workers. USE CROWN CLEANERS tonight at 7:30 here to fill vacan­ is taking an eight-weeks course at- ed the following officers; Kay Girl Scouts have been singing together In troops and around offices^ for the prosecuting attor- Director Jacob kliller aald the cies and make plana for Novem­ Dorothy Smith, 105 Walker 8t.; the Naval Justice School in prepa­ Howies, president; Donna John­ campfires for more than 41 years. Now. for the first Ome, their See (or yourMlf the twist carpedtig ney, probation officer and court David Phillips, South Coventry; 33,823 aalary for the position of ber activities. - ration for work as a ship legal of­ son. vice president; Helen Mageon, favorite songs have been recorded under the supervision of Metropoli­ cirtk, and a conference room for assistant to Martin would make The South Coventry Fire De­ that hat everything! Densely, deeply Miss Mary Nelson, 78 Haynes St. YOU'LL ficer. secretary, and Vivian Shaw, treas­ tan Opera star, Nanette Guilford, shown here playing "Sing Together” .dttomeyi. In addition to a epactoua It unattractive. partment’s public socials will be­ ADMITTED TODAY: Jeanette Coming Events urer. ITie troop is planning a for one of her Girl Scout friends. Manchester Girl Scouts also love to COX woven from strong S-ply albwool ^ courtroom. Constantine, Coventry;. Linda Wah- gin Friday at the Nathan Hale DIrectora Harry Firato and CASH and CARRY sing nnd those Intermediate Girl Scouts who eapeclallv like it r.re At the present time, court of­ Thursday meetings include: trip to Washington. D. C., next yarni, Tripletwiit b a bear for wear .X mann, Coventry; Clifford McKin­ Everett Kennedy voiced the Community Center tmder the Joint members of the Girl Scout Glee Oub which rehearses at 6:30 Wednes­ ficials and the attorneys who want Herb Class, 12:30' p. m. at the summer, and earning money to ... and iu luxurious pile resists soil, ney, 133 Pearl 8t.; Herbert Pfeif­ atrongest aiipport fo f Martin'a sponsorship o f the fire company Caprilands Herb Farm of Mrs. pay expenses. day nights st the Community Y. HARDWARE to see tham are crowded Into two fer, South Coventry; Edwin Cook, SAVE personnel program. "I would and the Center Organisation. Adelma G. Simmons on Silver St.; foot and tcui! marksi When you buy •mall offices. 34 Glenwood St.; Marian end Rob­ Anton M. Lassen o f the fire PoiRt, Shalf H obWw b w . hata to aee It go back to where Busy Little Sewers 4-H Club. 6 to The Brownies of the Nathan benpflug, . Peter Rabbit; Linda The police station would occupy ert Larkin, 13 Oakland St, company will be general chairman Dutch girl; Joanns Lucas, ghost, Tripleiwitt you're auured that every the entire first floor and part of politicians have to atand up for SERVICE 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Hale School held an investiture on Pohl, gypsy; Gloria Trukas, Cin­ and Deanna Hutton, grand lady. ElBctricd SuppliBS, BIRTHS YESTERDAY; a eon to aome employes' advancement," and Frederick O. Bissell, treasurer Ernest G. LeDoyt; Grange elec­ twist if in-to-stay, no matter hev^ the second, Rottner said, and the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murray, 8 of this project. Oct. 28 in the camping area at derella; Linda Roberts, baton Too k. Firato aaid. tion of officers. 8 p. m. at the Camp Merri-wood, following which twirler; Susan -Neiman, Spanish front of the bulldtnif would be Devon Dr.; a daughter to Mr. and 4-H Ooatest Slated A ll Intermediate Girl Scouts many times the carpet b cleaned, komswhat modernised by removing "Thia Board haa accompllahed We'va discontinued our pick­ Grange Hall, Route 44A. a Halloween party was held in the senorita; Janice Benson, cow; ConMT Moin oatf Mrs. Francis Warren, RFD 1, Albert B. Gray, county club willing to work on the Girl Scout because ol BigeloW's exclusive Per- its wooden porches. — not 100 per cent—a aystem cabin. Some parents were pres­ Kathleen. Stewart, cat; Carol drive Sunday are asked to report MiddU TunipikB Eosf Rockville. whereby the employe knowa whera up and delivery nervice since agent,, has annoimced that the Mancheater Evealag Herald Cov­ Not Centrally I.oraled BIRTHS TODAY: a son to Mr. COimty 4-H Achievement Contest ent. Moore, witch; Gail Ellle, cat; at the Girl Scout Office. 083 Main maMt process. We have your hvoriie he la going,” Firato aaid. we have been unable to get entry correspondent, Mrs. Charlea Leader Fanny Lucas supervised TEL MI.3.AU1 The only objection that raised to and Mrs. Stanley Nichole, Bolton: w ill be held at the Robertson Nancy Sphie, glamour girl; Eva St., at 1 p. m., in uniform if pos­ remodeling the almshouse (or a In other mattera last night tha L. Little, telephone Pilgrim t-8881. the games and singing, while Woelk, boy; Mary Aniw Simmons, color, toot a eon to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd David­ enough ^elp of the type we re­ School, Saturday at 8 p.m. sible. police station and court has been son, 31 Seaman Circle. Board authorized Martin to accept The contest is being held to give Leader Betty Maiorca, who had atate grants for the Waddell quire. Bring your work in— forgotten her devil's costume, that It Is not as centrally located DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: recognition to the accomplishments as the quarters they now occupy. School and the South School ad­ dutifully presided over the fire­ Mrs. Margaret Taylor, 75 Pleasant and save 10%. of club members and adults who Deaths Last Night OUR ECONOMICAL LOCATION RESULTS However, Rottner said this Is ob­ dition totaling $230,538.33, reap- | place. St.; Mrs. Arllne Seibert, South work with them. The event will viated by the fact that most peo­ Coventry; Mrs. Edith SImler. 375 propriated $5,200 for a memorial ' also enable the public to learn The children were dressed as IN SAVINGS TO YOU ple have cars or access to them to veterana, postponed action on i By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS follows: Jane Cowan, gypsy; Summit. St.; Miss Dorothy Brig; what is being done through 4-H Atlanta—Dr. David W. Senator, . and there is ample parking space ham, 81 Russell St.; Carol Balcli, aulhorlaing him to isaue bonda OPEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. .. Club work, which is sponsored Brenda Harding, Cinderella; Bet- at the almshouse. for the high school and the Kee­ 57. executive vice president of He­ ty-Jay Maiorca, little bunny; Bev­ 2 Drive F; Mrs. Mary Squatrlto, largely through public funds. The proposal to use the alms­ ney Street School;' and instructed brew University in Jerusalem who erly Stauty, gypsy; Janice Schle- STORE HOURS: 9 to WED. TO NOON 587 Center St.; Joseph Lupecchino, Among the events scheduled will was touring the United States un­ house (or polire and court, pur­ 120 Bissell St.; George Findlay, S3 him to reply to a State Traffic OPEN SA TU RD A YS U N T IL 6 P. M. be; presentation of awards to club der auspices of the Rockefeller THURS. and FRL—9 A. M. to 9 P. M. poses was first broached during Wadsworth St.; Mrs. Jeanette Up­ Commisalon report on a light at members who have been most out­ Foundation. Bom in Berlin, Ger­ budget meetings test summer ton. 11 Park St.; Mrs. Anna Irish, East Center Street near Summit standing in their project fields; many. Died Monday. Dollar for Dollar Your when Martin's capital improve­ 10 Depot Sq. Street. WK GIVE GiEEN STAMPS presentation of awards to clubs William Henry Donner, 00, mul­ ments budget calling for additions DISCHARGED TO D AY; Mrs. The Board aaked that Martin which have most satisfactorily ti-millionaire Philadelphia philan­ Best TV Value Is MANCHESTER to the Municipal Building and po­ Emms Harris, 340 Porter St.; Mrs. urge the commission to approve carried out the alms of the 4-H thropist and for many years a steel lice station was uhder duK-usaion. Myrtle Russell, South Coventry; the light and inform the members group; and recognition for club industry executive. Bora In Colum­ It was felt that the alma of the John Perotti. 28 Drive F; Russell that the Directors would not feet leaders who have completed their bus, Ind., and in recent years he CARPET CENTER budget could be achieved more Ouiltette, 244 Woodland St.; Roy responsible for any accident that 5th and 10th years of 4-H' leader­ lived near Lake Geneva, Switxer- economically by remodeling the Matson, 54 Chestnut St.; Esther might occur aa the result of not ship. land. Died Tuesday. 308 MAIN ST. 'n'unipike Comer” TEL. MI-9-434S almshouse, moving the court and Sorensen, 353 Hilliard St.; Mrs. A l­ haring ona there. Persons Invited to attend include police station Into it, and then freds Raymond and daughter, San Antonio, Tex— Mai, Gen. South Windsor. club members, their fan^llies and Innis P. Swift, 71, retired, com­ . SpgcioKsts in W bI fo WoH InsfeRofieiis irmnrterrlttg some of the Municipal To remove an ink stain from a friends. Building's actlvUtes across the washable fabric, rinse In cool wa- , CROWN mander of the 1st Cavalry Divi­ ALL CHANNEL TV CLEANERS AND DYERS Auettoa kale fllated sion in Pacific fighting In World Street into the poUce station. The wood, canvas, plastic and; ter, wash In hot aud*. adding Joseph Gorris is chairman of the War II and once an aids to Gen.. The E. Middle Turnpike alms­ cord webbing that go to make upj few drops of ammonia. Rinse. Lion's Club auction sale Saturday John J. Pershing. Died Tuesday. i . ( .. .1.: f Vvr.r. B:.: SAVE UP TO A PAIR! house, which has served the town most outdoor furniture can be If stain peraists, soak In three from 10 a. m. on at the Mac Encino, Calif.—E d w a r d W. M .,J. C .;n since 1620, had only 10 residents kept clean during winter storage tablespoons of oxalic arid, to one Quown Barn on High St. Anyone Scott, 38. a co-ownef of lYav- living there when It was vacated in garage or baaemienC-hy ualng pint water for 15 minutes. Add NEAR 836 MAIN STREET having suitable articles can con­ elodge Motel and a son of one of last month, and these have- been soapsuds In a brisk acrubblng. a few drops of ammonia to rinse MONTGOMERY WABDS tact him or any of his committee the founders of the Carson. Plrie boarded out by the town. Always rinse well. . water. which includes: Joseph Lombard. l^ a i. William Schieldge, Albert Rossi, Chlcaifo. Dlwd iHiwadar# Prof, Edward Minnum. Mrs. Zoppi NiTv ron ifyiOT orv Refreshments will be on sale 09 MATHER'S during the auction. Proceeds will RiaAtr aai k M m ificludtd in ikb §i* be for the club project for the pro­ tection of vision or eyesight of COSMETICS i ef Riverside Park, Agawam. Is children here. Dr. Lome A. Mac WE CARRY ALL 4 now leeated at 258 Fraaklln ^OfasaC 0 8 0 yOVa Iiean is in charge of publicity. LEADINQ BRANDS ^ Ave., Hartford, across from the 3 DAYS O N LY Nursery Unit To Meet Art HMUter. Readings by ap­ ckoic* High The Coventry Cooperative Nur- pointment only. Phone Hartford Arikur Drat StortiJ 4S-8785. AH welcome. ■ery and Kindergarten Parent- Am m ndium Km«Is«s« DAY SALE PRE-HOLIDAY SALE dnSCB ikOMS MT COD* TOWN & COUNTRY WOMEN’S OUTLET A T TH E o o b ond oN pHcod 100% N YLO N 100% WOOL~100% NYLON Need Storm Windows? ^ h r a da«M out. AR * S7 tisgt but not bi oH CARDIGAN SWEATER BRIDGWAY I o mylaa. Coma aerly SKI PAJAMAS UNED BOXER 3 8 9 • 2 2 ’ DUNGAREES #■ • FOR ROYS 34-48. Reg. 6.98 Short and long sleeve. 34-40. Reg. 3.98 t • FOR GIRLS • FUUYUNED DREaSSY and NYLON COTTON BLOUSES BLOUSES • FORGOYS 0 0 • FOR GIRLS

32*3Ra RCf^a'-leWSo 32-38. Reg. 3.98. FIRST QUALITY 100% WOOL SLIP-ON 100% ALL WOOL Sr GAUGE. 15 DENIER SKIRTS 8-16—11.98 Plastie RUBIER Flaiitl DOUBLE FULL FASHIONED SWEATERS JERSEY GRIB ’ WEIGHT America’s First and Finest All-Metai Self-Storins . 22^36. Reg. to 10.98. PANTIES Pwlltvir 2 For « Sleeve SLEEPERS SHEETS FANTIES A P w ^IRTS 4 For Combination Window pves you Mape Panel Ventilation AFor tfcard Is iw subsHtuto f t Rusco. Hw ull- Rasca Cambinatian WIndaws and far- . 0 0 ^ . 0 0 7 9 8 1J0 uo IJN UN so If.staring Camblnotlan Win- avar tha saasanal drudgary, iabar, and CHtLDREN'S SPECIAL. Raw HmI givns you scraans, alarm tosh, ■> axpanaa af putting up, taking dawn, REGULARLY PRICED UP TO 14.99 and waaHiar atripping all in ana parma- •taring and rapairing scraana and alarm ' Mf, M m Installad unit. Unfay raln-piaaf, LADIES' MEN'S MEN'S •ath . . . pay. far tbamaalvaa Ibraugh Haro it your chanca to tova up 34-40. Reg. 1.98. Reg. 4.98 MEN^ drarMraa, (ntatad-seraan vantilattM fual sovinga alana. Yaur banta will ba NYLON NYLON a ATHLETIC ' up ta IS dagraqs caalar in lummar nnd to a deHar or awra a pair on ^ S 7 Pny N f > f Y c 'h BRIEFS .Wnart hoaee owaers have made ever wafmar bi wintar. Par dauWa-bung and chiidran't fin# theet.. Don't SUMsum ^ W 18J88,888 Ruaee laetaBatieaa. Tbejr*ri O'. Ilf tie (J’. I Cl W n i- SOX SOX ^ Kao- SHIRTC cnaamant windows . . . no altaratian of Tbit big opportunity - g a l S X to ra sta js G ALL DRESSES ON SALE guaranteed by the werld’e largeet mana- 3 For 2 Fo# 2For yaur praaant windows raguirad. aarty whila zaiactionn it lorgallaraal I fez (aebuar e f CemMaaUea Windows. 1 1 3 7 7 • ALL COATS ON SALE 1J0 UN ia • Sixea 1-6 R. J. LYONS LOCAL AGENT — TEL. MI-9-7382 NATIONAUY KNOWN EDUCATOR SHOES Thun., FrL, Sat. Only • With feet ARE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE HURRY AND SAVE IV IN MORE NOW! THE BARlIEn-BRAINARD CO. • f,"- H H M . *l-'l f I .k atLet ^ TOWN & m m WOMEN’S OUTLET BRIDGWAY HABTFOSD I 903 MAIN ST. — MANCHISfIR J iw a iR s l i t MIbOIJ TURNPIKE WIST 188 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WKST— T IL - PMODUCT OF IB B F. C. KU8SELL .OO.. CLBVBLAND 133 MAIN n . ATTw em m OPEN 9.-00.9K)0. FREE PARKING. OPEN AJLL DAY WEDNESDAY OpM Ddly 9 A.M..9 PJkU-F i w . ' ■ 1 ' f - j ■ ‘ ‘' 1

. • ■ N \ \ ' K W ..;l. O'.(X. J

'( ■ ' ICANCHE8TER EVEININO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1968 MMieiMtaihiii liANCH EST^ EVENING HEBALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1968 patrolUni^ ovsrsaas ocean araas Dispatch Censoring Officials Deny with carrier-baaed aircraft capable Wallpaper Margin West Governors Split ___ 0 ef taking tbam to targets? Bing Crosby Scores Again In. “Little Boy Lost*’ Protest Recorded Dullsa* atatament mada it plain r y ' Storage Plans tha United States hopes to keep In Setback Fading such Information secret, or at MONDAY F in es P u erto R icans Over Gasoline Taxes (C PYsai Face Om) least doesn't have any idsa of pro­ With the halfway mark ap­ On Atom Bomb claiming it publicly. But there ars FRIDAY from diapatchas there eeemB to ba on •pies In Europe, and tha security OPEN 0 ‘ "9 proaching in the setback tourney fe c e O a e ) and he added: Taking Farm ’« T ruck « two levels, and that would saem of the secret could be difficult under way at th* Rad Men's Club "This looks like e national.trend « rte m Page Oae) there, even without official an- ■1^ at Brainard PI.. Liebe's Wallpa­ Ity fbr cerrytag the (Indian) pro­ — it looks like a DsmocraUc Con- highly improper." * .1... . - neuncensent. jvrv' Boltoa. Nov. 4 (Speci»l)-4)0-<. «wrMln*'8d*ncoBtp#rl«ncoi"»t per held its lead but the four­ gram forward tn asrving Indian gresa next year." Flanders said Chairman Balton- the Ateaale Energy Oomsslsalen some's margin dropped to $ Even if atomic bomba or nu­ ' j-s MlBM Adomo. SI, «nd DionUio Willimantlc State Teachers Col­ cltieana aa thsy do othar cltlaens," The fouthem governors took stall (R-Mass) of tha Beasts Arm ­ (A E C l. clear ahsDt for tha half dozen lege. points as Peter's Chocolate careful note of the election of 9mSs, tt, Piwtto Rican worker* at Shoppe, which had dropped to and it aaksd the Dspertment of ed Services Committse "doubUsss Flep He. 2 cuns when Wilson at atomic cannons the Arm y reesnUy \ ' Local,teachers are required to Agriculture and Dspanment of In­ Thomas Stanley, a Democrat, aa tk* Braast Pop* farm on Birch third place regained the runner-up will glvs It soms thought." latar nswa conference telksd landed in there aren't in Europe or c o T O T R T im i ' take a minimum number of credit LERMAN terior to "revaluate the maximum governor of Virginia, where Re- lioonfaln were prevented in Trial im^fi Hunt said he thought "the 8th •bout troop strength In Europs won’t ba there later, they could be courses during each 3-year period poeition. •IBS and weight llmttationa on gen­ ublicans put on their strongest jntUo* Cooft laat night. Adomo Scores after the eighth session Army officers In Koras wouldn’t nsw wsepons. Roms subs*- at air fields or atomic battery loca- waa found ^ t y on charge* of by the Board of Education. Miss eral purpose forest roads." Id in 24 ysara. Stanley had tkma tn short order. An Air Fores 1 ■ Evangeline Church took a course last night in the 30-session tour­ g be doing that unlesa they ware quent stories connected tbs two, R •■•rating a motor vehicle without On Uia gasoline tax altuatlon, I »ctive support from Ssn. Hsrry directed to do it." and ha added; •e^ng that with mors new wea­ B47 medium jet bombers tooK o ff ♦ .V t 1' in reading at Willimantic last nament were: ths chief sxecutivss ssttled on a Byrd (D-Va.l, who aaid laat year filC*^*** • Me—— and operating an unreg* Liebe's, 1,603; Peter's, 1,5M: The place to start Inqmriss pons In Europs ths United BUtee from the umted Statee and land­ latered vehicle. He wa* lined $6 on spring and two courses during the rcsohitloa' urging tha Commission he couldn’t back Stevenson, ed in England last summer in less, t, summer; one in ceramics and the Jack's, , 1,587; Coughlin's, 1,578; would be at the White House, could cut troop strength there. ■ . ••eh count. on Intergovernmental Relations t o ' Gov. John S. Battle of Virginia, where the Commmnder-ln-Oiief Some Europeans exprssssd alarm. than five houra A B47 can carry other entitled “A rt in the Elemen­ Moriarty's, 1,584; Hood's, 1,481; "giva top priority to recommends-: who also refused to back Steven- Fnea, paasenger In the farm Johnson's Paint, 1,47$; Oliva'S can speak out and put a stop to tt Ths President took the first op- aa atom bomb, the big strategic MILL ST. OFF HEBRON AVE, GLASTONBURY, i . tary School." tiona that tha federal govarnment " " l“ t year, said Stanley's vie track which waa being driven by Esso, 1,477; Minkowski's, 1,434; instantly." pertiinlty to insist there are no type aa wsU as the email tactical Adomo waa found guilty on a George Lesniaaki took a course «4B MAIN ST^TfL MI.3^IB7 tory was “ about what I expect' bombs. And it obviously could in “Reading" at the University of and Red Men's Social Club, 1,411. withdraw from the field of gasoline Hunt aaid he thought somebody ' uw for reducing American eom- 1 charge of taking a motor vehicle FOBMKBLY Meonx-OONVEBSB, Iso. taxation na recommended by the ed." He said, however, be didn’t In high suthority should set swift- t Btrangth anywhere. carry not otw but a number of ‘ '.r Connecticut during the summer regard the result as a vote against K atomic shells to fit the 380-mUli- without permlaalon of the owner and another in “ Philosophy of EM' Hatlenal Govarnora’ Conference lyi because "freedom of the prese Flap No. $ fouad DuUee and Wil- • M fined $15. Why soaub sad the Elsenhower administration. meter ( a ^ t 11 inch) chamber of 1 ucatlon." Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher •ufier hspelMsIyl KATURING A RILL UNI OP iKeeUng in Seattle." is a precious thing, and po censor­ aon in accord. Wilaon told nawa- Proaecutor Ray Cocconl aaid his A COMPLETE tlNte OP Threwn for less Battle said that in his view last ship should exceed the bounde o.’ the atomic cannon. 1 r'-t - and John Senteio also were en­ Mtdkaud RMisel week's . White House statement men, who aaked about the remarks Come In Witii A Dollar.. Invaatigation brought out the fact Itching Maanwhlls, at Hot Springs, Va., precautions nscasaary for sscurity ' rolled at Willimantlc last spring. OiMswei—rkS M BENJAMIN MOORE & CO. that Elsenhower was supporting attributed to Talbott, that " I think that Adomo originally intended to Mrs. Fisher's course was “ Hu­ Itmthm—setiat ie the etrsngth shown by Democrats reasons." Sacratary DuUca covarad that WINGS HIT HARD •R- walk to the Peace atore on Route A R T J 8 ^ ^ In yaaterday’a elacUons threw Republican candidates wherever In his dispatch from Korsa. Ran­ man Relations” and Senteio's, “ So­ ••Ory pise* of ■losisf they were running "didn’t have a pretty well" in the latter's dsnlsl. Rochester, N. Y. (P>— Tha ^ SS for groceriea. Perez was credited cial -Studies in the Elementary ssturaleil. softono. PRINTS- VARNISHES Klsqwower-aupporUng Southern dolph said new and- unraaaonable W^IiOB leplfed cautiously when Rochester Red Winge were In a with the idea of taking the truck. ■eethM sad glvM particle of effect in Virginia.'' restrtctlona .have been imposed by School.” He followed this with a M ATERIALS^ govarnora for a political loss today. Gov. Frank G. Clement of Ten­ naked if he could say flatly hitting mood during the 196$ sea­ Go Out With A Bargmn! Since driving involved a different “Seminar in Elementary EMuca- Isas-iestisg roUef. Their anti-administration col­ Army prese officers on press cov- whethar tha United Stetee had any son. Six players hit better than route than walking. Perez also Eczema nessee, who has been critical of Ri tion" at New Britain Teacher's ENAMELS leagues cheered tha state and local e i^ e of aome important naws atom bomba outaide this country, AOO. Tom Burgess led the hit offered to give directions on the Impor|«d and DoBicatie •enhower's “Creeping Socialism' events since the armistice. He also College this summer. results as indicating a trend which remark about the Tennessee Val­ Wilaon said hs couldn’t say that parade with a .345 mark. AlUe 3GREAT zouto. As a result they became lost Miss Gladys Rice enrolled at the Bing Crosby and Claude Dauphin give Christian Fourcade words might reault next year in tha elec reported both open and concaaled flatly and " I wouldn’t any tt if I Clark was next with .S3I.Charlie Before you buy any TV ley AuthoriL/ (T V A ), said he limitations on prsaa communica­ •■ th* way home. University of Connecticut this of encouragement In this engaging scene from the warm and wonderful tlon.of a Democrslte Congress. could." Kress batted A17. Don Rich­ Crossing Route 85 from Birch WALLPAPERS COLOR STYLER BY BETTY MOORE found the election results satisfac­ tions and transport, and said thera summer for bourses in “ ETinciples drama, “ Little Boy Lost," which opens today at the State Theater for Both groups, of course, were tory, QaasMan Left Opaa mond and Wally Moon each finish­ Mountain Road Extension, they of Curriculum Construction" and a t-day*engagement. ‘ See The haa beeif discrimination against That, o f course, left the ques­ were Involved In a minor accident ASK FOR BETTY MOORE’S BOOKLET aware that many atatO'and local *Tt Is not surprising that the acersdited Korean. Japaqaae and ed with a .311 average. Vsrn “ The Elementary School Child." iMuea were Involved and that no party of the people la receiving tion open, except for the denis] Benson had a Anal mark of .308. w t^ a truck driven by Adolph During the last school term. BRUSHES..TOOLS “COLOR FOR LIVING” Chinese newsmen. that there now are plans for stor­ phy and Amadon, “ Land Birds of meeting will be held tomorrow national trend may hava been the indorsement of the citizens it Playing manager Harry Walker Shnonda o f Andover. Principal Gabriel Reuben carried Randolph wrote that moat oor ing the bombs in Spain at some fu­ State Police Officer Clifford America;" LIFE'S Picture History night at 8:30 at the Community ivffrytMiiq to eew|Mefe Indicated. serves," he said. reapondenU in Korea boycotted and outfielder Eddie Mierkowics courses at New York University in Hall. The Southern governors, a dosen The governors were not so pre- ture time when U. 8L bases there Just mtaaed the "charmed circle" Bombard o f the Colchester Bar­ “ Leadership In Supervision," of Western Man." yoHr point job. the arrival of Gen. Matthew B. FREE DELIVERY strong, gathered around radios last occupl4^ with polltica, however, ars ready for bombers. aa they wound up with .399. Lou racks Investigated and made the “ School Building and Plant Prob­ Sale Planned RIdgway, U. 8. Army Chief of Manchester Evralng H era ld night in ths mountain resort to that they shunted aside their topic Did that mean atom bomba or Ortla hit .398. arrest. lems," “ Curriculum Development” The ninth annual Cbristnoas sale' Staff, in protest against restric­ component parts might be stored Other Cases Heard and silver tea of the Monday Oub Bolton rorreopondent, Mrs. Joseph listen to returns from Hew York of the day— mental health and how tions placed on news coverage at and “ Problems in College Tsach- IFItalla, telephone Mitchell 3-554$. A L L ■CHANNEL SET St sonw of the other bases which Advartiaament- will be held at the home of the City, Hew Jersey and Virginia. to deal with it. the air field where he landed. Also presented in court last Ing.” Ltrman Paint Supply — 645 Main Street They also were scheduled to ring the perimeter e f the Soviet Bight, was Woodrow N. Watne of . During the summer hs took a Misses Berry, Collins and Bralnerd When the Democrats were re Flanders said he wanted to empire ih two hemispheres? Thare's going to be big doings Advertisement- turned aa winners In all of tljeae elect a new conference chairman South Coventry op a charge of vio­ foundation course for his doctor­ at Bolton Center Saturday, Nov. study Randolph's deUUsd report Or that Dm weapona or aasen on Box Mountain. See Thuraday'a 14. Hours will be from 1 to 6 p. m. Jerry has taken to the hills.. See raesa—including the governorship to succeed Gov. Herman E. Tal before discussing its other points. lation of the rules fo the road. He ate entitled “Contemporary Prob­ madge of Georgia. Gov. Murray of Ual parts on U. S .'N avy carrtera' Herald for full detaila. waa arrested Oct. 23 by State lems" and also enrolled in the There are eight members of the Thursday’s Herald for full details. and a special congressional race in Hunt suggested that, If report­ club conducting this ninth annual Hew Jersey—a quick reaction set Oklahoma looked like the prob' Polle* Officer John Fersch as a course on “ Guidance." He |a cur­ able successor. - ers in Korea believe there are result o f an accident at the comer rently continuing work in the sale; Miss Helen Berry. Miss Eliza­ tn. wrongs needing redress or inves­ o f Route 44-A and Tolland Road. courses on college teaching and beth Brainerd, Miss Elsie B. Col­ Govs. Johnston Murray of Okie tigation, their employers might The specific charge was failure to contemporary problems. lins. Mrs. E. Pierce Herrick. Mrs. horns and Charley E. Johns of well protest to President Elsen­ nnluce speed at an Intersection. New Books Received Herbert Hutchinson. Mrs. Henry Florida, staunch supporters of the Top Area Dealers hower. • He was found guilty and fined by Fiction titles added at the Pub­ McDonough, Mrs. August Mlldner Democratic ticket In last year's He said his experienea with the Justice John Swanson. lic Library during October include; and Mrs. David C. Toomey. presidential elsctlon, said they saw In Antiques Show military convlncea him that; "Offi­ BARSTOW SAYS- The case of Arthur Viterito, Abbott, ‘*nie Inheritors;” Chldsey, As in past years, they will be h Am m I a Democratic trend which might cers don’t do things like that Juat agent o f the Brook Club, has been “Captain Adam;” Erdman, "Three assisted by many neighbors and result in Dcmocrstic capture of for the fun o f it—they do tt be­ postponed to an indefinite date. He at the Wedding;" Gibbs, “ Seed of friends who are also Interested in Congress next year. People living in or near Manches­ cause of a policy that haa been U being held under $1000 bail on Mischief;" Jones, “From Here to Bolton Congregational Church. TOVURD SHOW Gov. Theodora R. McKeidin of ter will be Interested to know that determined. It would be hard to “ It’i The Truth” charges of opemting a bottle club Eternity;” Lawrence, “Tho Web of Funds realized from the sales have Maryland, lone Republican at this several local dealers are exhibiting ima^ne officers doing those things and selling liquor to minors. Tim e;" Moore, “A Fair Wind always been used for the benefit conference of Southern governors, in the Antiques Show which will without orders.” Ibam ers Take Courses Home." of the church. SHwday, made it emphatic to reporters that be held at the Community Y Nov. CANNON BOYS* DKX^Y 1 Mrs. Evelyn Halloran. Mrs. Zyl- Non-fiction titles added were: Flremrp To Meet h.. 1 Naw ...... ■IHAb Reg.. $6.79—63 in. long...... $4.79 O N IO N S . 3fes.10e Htore. We iJao fenture FREE DELIVERY at sny« Reg. $6.98—72 in. long...... $4.98 time. Store Houhe: 8 A. M. to 7 P. BL everyd^ iMiNDRO»wr------aoniBi»raR M a LARGE FLORIDA Reg. $6.49—81 in. long...... $5.49 (Friday 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.). SUBURBAN SHOP­ FirM OuaUty dS ORANOIS ... 4ai. 3 f e 1 rJ iM W S Reg. $14.98—90 in. long...... 12,98, PING IS ’THE BEST WAY TO AVOID TRAFFIC 1 Famous Make w a ^F 1 GABAKDINE ■ TALKING SERVICE STATION HEADACHES. At this shopping center you can 1 F L X L AND LIONEL 3-CAR FREIGHT TRAIN PARO get DRUGS, CIAITHING. HARDWARE. PAINTS, M m SKIRTS ^ J 1 T W IN SIZE Y 1 5 ? ^ $ • # SAVE ON PERMANENT FINISH • Whan Cor Drivaa am D O G FOOD 3far37e TOYS . . . AND AI.SO A POST OFFICE! la colors aad CMMMHsa, Yawn Haar >«leBses Cent ter W M i Haodlight and Ramota Contra! Couplara . SLACKS W whites. 8 1 a e a «G«a and OU Maora" Ra«f Parfclwa. SHEETS ^ RUFFLED ORGANDY CURTAINS This crack fMght eeaeUU ef leeemoUre, taadar, • Hw OfMMe , MIMii K L IIN iX .. 2 pk«s. 45e 1 cotora. Keg. $2At 54-83-72 and 81 inch** tong. • Haa Rainp ta Upper Wadi UnM, Om Pumps, gsadala, tea ear, mteeee, track, traMfesmer. |R * THURS., FBI, SAT. SPECIALS 1 r For...... U R N o w ----- A H R I 1 N a w ...... m f K H L«v*l MeHU*§ AtMadeats J SW EET LIFE $2.98 Hpldt if On Our Loyowoy Plont IVAF.MILK 4 far 4fe PORTERHOUSE, SIRLOIN uid SHORT Pair 1 OSD LOTOFWOMEirS FAMOUS HIKE NEW F U I TOMATO F A ST I . Vb\ JUST RECEIVED! THE BEAUTIFUL NEW lotkisf fsr Sssuthisf DMarnir? . 3 far 23^ STEAKS Cut from heavy Wentem Beef. QUEEN TEX DACRON Comb bar bair ogoia ! MARSHMAUOW LEAN 1 SHOES t r a c t o r and a U F F ...... 2 far 3fe ef MWM, It* ill will 1 Ouaraateed value# to $M$. Plenty et narrow wMtha and aiam 4^, to 9. A ll A 1 tho M eet beela aad eolora Faenona nmkee yenH lecognlao an light. TAILORED CURTAINS liair waa't pal oat. Ground Baef (D SEMI-SWEET h ,, 4214 X 63 — $4.98 Pair TRAILER NESTLTS MORSILS SWIFTS weSt,9eMG», 42 Vi X 72 — $5.49 Pair . ' / 2 far 3fc Aaf-Teedde AcSmi ; i EMBROIDE31ED u 42«^ X 81 — $5.98 Pair N ew! Lewprioedt Loeded -CDFOaOW THIS NYLON SCARFS and Ibi with hefauee that asaka VANITY SE-TS FILLSRURY CAKE FRANKS antomatie. R O U n M A P I - 97c Each 26 in. DOLL Electric Phonognqph M IXES .... 2 pkgs. 47e Okeeelata. Yellow, White DttnfDEaE—CHAIJC STRIPE 7-INCH BEEF BURLINGTON MILLS • i x c b u i n t t o n e USE OUR TURKISH TOWELS WITH SARAN HAIR ROYAL LAY-A WAY PLAN Balh •'••••..■•••.49c • PLAY UP TO 12" RECORDS INSTANT PUDDING 10c First Quality 60 Gauge She’s cuddly soft with ierying voice, skepiBg Rib Roast ’SELECT WHAT YOU ' Guest...... 29c Vanilla, Cheeelate, Buneracetch Face Cloth . .2 for 25c 15 Denier • 71 R.P.M. CUmiKDRmR eyes! SWIFTS Buedea Buel. HOr Auw mt, WANT! A SMALL SAVE ON SW EET LIF E resMrSnrlna ■A $10.00 Value T tm ila r the Wg tracten A $9.00Thhie DEPOSIT WILL HOLD PRINTED TABLE COVERS and trailers, lasy ta MARGARINE 2 f o r 4 9 e For Your It enda.aU tha bard srark I b i YOUR PURCHASE! Eg mEEmcEb o f Una drying sad tt dries 1 Reg. $2wi9—62 X 62 ...... $1.98 NYLON 1 4 « Veal RoU Reg. $8J!9—62 X 70 ...... $2.98 ar detach trailar. All BWirrs Old your dethsa aa you want stael with saaii-pnaa* thena. dry er damp-diy. FIGURED CRETONNE < 6 . 9 5 $ 7 . 9 5 UeUted Bapply RUTTER SO U D S . . . 75e FREE FARKINi SPACE! STUDIO SETS (3 Cushions) Wosher Wiaa — Gray — Blus TETLEY TEA RAGS COMBINATION SPECIAL « I9 9 » HOSIERY YOU MUST RE SATISFIED OR YOUR MONEY RACIL ' $6.98 Set Roy Rogers* CMbaa A« Mddfoif U SALE— M far S3c 1 Ll. SW IF TS lA R Y REEF LIVER JItpla Chain'to match—$1.98 i>iOlAhMillg|KWM (Baasryn t Department) RANCH SET t in k l e T O N I Reg. $1A6 Quality WOaXH HOOD 1 L l. SVEIFTS ORIOLE R A CO N HEW 8TTLE8 IN AUTO T iL E D H O N I a O U R .... 1 0 G s.fS c FLDITY SU P COVERS AND Oeapan In Bag Werth tSe BOTH FOR 99c O l t i n $6.98-$9.98 Dhsna $14.9s4l9.98 STORES LARGE BARSTOW'S ' AMfHBt Separiofiat) BIRBSEYEPEU OUHT NESCAFI a a a t • a S1.S3 JUST NORTH OF THE POST OFFICl ______B A n e OH . Pair jf^WQJ^BBDSPREADS Your fiVesfone Deo/tr In M anchw sif REGULAR BIRDS EYE nSH STIOKS Pkg. 1ST. 1922 PHONE ML9-7234 Buy 3 Pairs for $3.00 S U F n S U D S and Saval •id MAIN n . Ta.MM.70M < i g « 9 l n i FRESH OYSTERS £xc/uihrefy Wwstinghousw MAN(3i^TEB EVENING HERALD. HANCHEITEB. OONN« WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4 .19BS M A N CtoTEB EVENING HERALb, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4.1968 70 F ar tka BtelMay Campus Classic You’ll wont tha hqHM to look rUNNT BUSINESS BT BBR8HBBRGBR DAILT CROSSWORD PUZZLE moot attrsctlvs'liest. If you jro i fO tH i, -BT rONTAINt fOZ ptanaUig now carpeting for i«er Sense and Nonsense present homo or posMbly a new Antwtr to Proviouo Punlo home In th» near future, it will la- ^ o u M > E R terast you to know that now a A cuatomer, aakad by a large groater sotectlon tkaa ever la dis­ Brsod ond M«ot She had been late every morning company to flU out a card teUing for a week and repeated wamlni^ played at 'rnE' m a n c h e s t e e them what one dominant thing CARPET CENTEE SOS Main ACkOSt gliM ntU I from the boaa had no effect. Final, Inquirer made him buy their product: Street.Now they CfcrrieOOBIPLETE 4 U d t ly the attractive, but HlOh^y IH ot CTOM diaay, atenographer waa called in “The one dominant thing that UNES of MOHAMV and BIGE- SSUte made me buy your product was LOW-SANFOBD. two of the larg­ • Repaired to the boaa' office. 4 Rout leg tt Boaa—Mlaa Bond, (growled In my wife." est manufseturers of fine carpets 7 Brother (ab.) In the world. Visit soon Manches­ • Glow ^uptratlon) I am tired of talking • I r iih ----- to you about your tardlneaa. 1 am The bee that gets the honey Coreages for the Junior Prom ter's only sto^ handling rugs and la Individual • Ocean Rote Broil “4«9'' Two-N«*dUi Two-Ton* .pirtstniaa Cards carpets ekeluaively. \ . current therefore, auapendlng 7““ doesn't hang around the hlva A different and exciting gift to You'll Ilka tbs spacious un­ With a fragrant CORSAGE de­ 13 Alwaya day vrlthout pay. When would you crowded atniotaherc . st the signed by the JOYCE FLOWER 14 Beee’ home 10 Level please the whole family la the Every household should have (v#»f eheUeH llDlrecUoii like to Uke the dayT Salesman-Yea, I got two or­ ROTO BROIL ‘’SOO” that BABBE- DEWET-RICHMAN OC>„ 757 Main SHOP at 84 Church Street featlVh tiltk ceelilKf ISThue (Utln) Sweet Toung Thing—Well. If t* ders on my drat day aa a salos- Street when you see the CIIRIffY- evenings take on a special meaning three (nops: A soft one for polished 17 Baiy gallop 4SFoIyneaian CVB8, BOASTS, BROILS and floors, a string or clothes mop for tIM vetee. eSIyfM* *•*•***•.' exterminatione^t Electrical IS Malt drinka all right with you. I would like man. _ FRIES. The motorised spit turns MAS CARDS conveniently arrang­ and treasured memories linger. Do CMI) apte# vwknr ew r ^ i cloth I Boas—Fine I What were they? ed for you on a walst-hlgn counter Jisve the order placed aa early as floor washing 'Snd a detachable iiMtber e b#»lteJWW8RUl*54*Rlfc IB Ship'* officer 30 Network to uae it up being late. roast beef, or chicken slowly for lamb's wool wax appllcstor. SlDemlgoda 44 Soon Salaaman—Get out and sUy out. uniform cooking. Chops and Steaks down the center of the store. Hun­ Mhi« i| - > Street. Hand-detailed hTVLONS WARE includes sturdy BEAN water.------Go . over Mparagua sUlka If you like this GOLD STONE BrilUant. Maaing HIM/ S Single enUtj for Infants, as well aa many two- POTS at $2.19 and the larger tng your clotl^ften. Then wipe the vegetable peeled, SUE BURNETT, MANCHESTER GOIil BEAD NECKLACE with piece effects with embroidered company size COVERED CAS­ slats dry wl)M a clean cloth. j ._____ EVENING HERALD, 1155 AVE. matching drop EAERINGS and Thurs., No^, 5 camtsole-effect under the Nylon SEROLE at $3.98. Hatching SALT If you dislike using four needles AMEiUCAS, NEW VOBK 34; N. others featuring JADE and finely t A .M . S heer. bodice, and with full If He Playa Golf $'• cut CAMEOS are displayed. A * PEPPERS also INDIVIDUAL to knit a pair of gloves, this is the Your /family will love frank- Ha’ll thank you over, and over BU G S B U N N Y "Chroiimpun" taffeta skirts, BAKE A SERVE PIECES of pattern for you. These are made aa______Baslo. Fdshibn for 'S3, Fall and FLORAL FIN with matehing ilack velvet sash with pin-on roae- furterF^ituffed with maah^ i •^i'L thoughtfulness. Winter, is a complete guide in EARRINGS gracefully twirled into smart Rubel design at HARRI­ on two needles and In two colors. toe^ Season the potatoes GOLF CMTBS or a set of 5 or 12 hud posy. In alsfs 1 to 5x and SON'S 8«5 Main Street. (They'are every bit as good-look­ mldced parsley, grated onion, planning a prxMlcal, sew-simpic a leaf design with sparkling rhine­ 7 to l4 all dresses look so lovely GOLF BALIJI gift packaged hi wardrobe. Gift pattern "printed In^ stones in a sterliag settlag would ing in one color.) jopped pimlento; pile them Into Humidors or Jewelry Boxes are and fragile but thanks to the Pattern No. 5838 eontaina knit­ the split wieners and heat in the s'de the book. Seiid 25 cents to­ be fakhlonabte accent fori any cos­ LET US FILL YOUR Always wash your kitchen siiggestetd by the NA.SSIFF day. modem fsbrlcs they sre so easy knives separately. If you put them ting inatrucUona for small, mediu^ oven or under the broiler. Serve tume aa wotiM be the Blue lee and to launder. Priced at 5i-88 and ARMS OO.. 1015 Main Street. Use Rhinestone Earrings with match­ in a dishpsn with other cutlery, and large sites; material requ|tv- with hot sauerkraut! the LAY-AWAV-PLAN. A small 15.98 w’hy not pick out your fa you may give yourself a nasty cut. menta; stitch llhutratlona an^fin- Fabrics b.r the Yard ing Pin designed to flatter. vorlte soon, using the convenient Ishing directions. Gift Suggratloaa deposit bolds the selection of your choice. ' A t the MONTGO.MERY WARD LAY-AWAV-PLAN. Shaking and jarring an electric Send 25c In coins, y o ^ name, Whether sewing Is her hobby or fXlMPANY you’ll find quality Pouring hot water down 'the toaster to remove crumbs, never address and the Pattern Number If she prelers to manage the Fabrica by the yard for year drain of your kitchen sink after If you are thinking of using t>,«aiwnrRl A small reamer that fits over a -— •'V does this utensil any good! Keep a to ANNE CABOT. fflANCHES- 'uP »“n

,V.7 f'WT

M A N (» E im KVIHINO MgRAUL ,liAKatt«r>|L,OtMOI. WEDNESDAY.! NOVEMBER 4.1958 IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEfl 4.1958 fr Rec and Y Senior Basketball Leagues 41 Yurt •! Batktiball Seek to Move Ciremts Jerry Goodrich Paces Sacrifice Fly Back West Forces East Teams Indians Edge Meriden on< Second Period Score^ To School Gymnasiums Y Duck Pin League In Baseball Book To Change Court €tyle By BABL YOST towners. Spectator Intamt fall Bob Thomason High's Grid Streak ‘ Br b a b l t o s t I This la the third of four atorlea All members of the Rec Senior | off and for many weeks ths Iaa«ue Harriers Trounce New York, Nov. 4 —Harvard re­ Mancheater ft 1 0 SO score after the catch will nbt count: and A1 Dark of the New York End Y this scLrn. w h u J ^ w =rh?i^iidlngs'‘{^‘ eeeond la oaeh of Mancheeter Start SurprifiCfi ford 4-2. Milford to ranked among by Vic Taggart at 123.2. Vic la the aa a time at bat against the hitter. | Giants had been taking a manlag game began to change. But first Hiomason, who saved the/Phila­ Coach Whitey Piurek baa a good gained two highly regarded play- HaU 4 1 1 0 let me tell of the last few years Mason will serve In a caparity ‘S .m m t S Hlgh'a pravloua ei|dit eroae coun­ Dartmouth Coach chib, deepite a 2-3 record. the top 10 teams In the state. Baa- Bristol 0 I I S defending champion. Rounding out Some experts flgum this can add start from short left field. delphia EiMlee from ths depths of ore, wlngbeck Bob Oowles aad the top ten are:, Charlie Varrick of the Original Celtics who never Yor tho Rgc UfjpiirtiTiEnt iit Bnfi Tai* hiffh Ecliool 9tu* try meets, posted the beet time; despair after being stefih^ly Ig' Boot thlag that caa ha saM of sick stopped them 26-14. Mariden 0 4 1 1 aa much aa seven to 10 points to Removal of the mandatory 90- 'School Street building at the East present both buildings ars quarterback Jerry Harsh, but lost 122.2, Ed Ko%'ia 119.8. Spud day suspension against a manager did get a chance to play the game over the Charter Oak coursa yes- - HaMver, N, H. — (NBA) — nored for three games, is tupfiten ths flaUera to that they have iai- Frank Birmingham, scholastic Bchmelake 117.4. Pop Gleaaon the batting averages of power hit- 1 aa we know it today. Bide. , taxed to capacity, - Steams------reported.- peeved tweawideaely elaee the he- sports editor of the New Haven BIU Frate, Ita place-kicking guard, By HAL irUBXlNaTON ters. The o%’rrall figures for thei who orders his team off the field terday afternoon elii|M Dick Howes' The reaulta a t two-phUeon ing ths paastng tu O u M p of while holding a.secret practice for 117.2. Vic Abrallla 118. Fred Mc- and forfeits a game. Dixie Walker Comparing the Oltica with to­ All three men, Conran. Mason feothaa, leaMfies Tnaa Mo- aovoland’s OttojOrebam la the ilag at Hw eeaeea. flM y drep- RegUter, writes that the line to big Boh Buckley booted homo • major leagues In 1989 when the day's Minneapolis Lakers would LAST YEAR the Rec Senior and Steams, feel that there U a winning effort In 1950 aa the In­ a fl-d daclelea to aseaad yeah- and the backs experienced. He says the Princeton game. i thrilling aolo flight goal In tho Curry 115.4. Jerry Smith 114.10 did this several years ago while dian Harriers numbered Hartford lAughry, win Hager praetleally National PMtbaJr L«y[ue. and wait Kompanik 114.7. rule was In effect didn't show any be putting one type againat an­ League, which' at one time was sufficient number of young men In echetostte. peB WUhur OSes West Haven haa a much better Frate suffered a fractured fibu­ ' second period nt ML Nebo Plaid marked change. The National managing Atlanta. The punish­ conaldered the faatbat in the area, Public High School among Ita vic­ awsugh Mm enure 1968 eeaeon. t L mil iMto^ n A i atettoUM la on the last play of scrimmage Pagani’a Conatructlon of Rock­ ment now will be up to the league other. The Celtics played posaca- Manchester who would like to play “ The moot surprtoing thing th aga. Two weehe age. team than the record indicates. yesterday afternoon and Manchea ' League average ivas up five points was composed of several teams tims, IS to 87. The gailora apparently do a lot of with the freehmen, who demon­ ville. paced by Goodrich, Schmelake president. • slon ball and the Lakers stressed In either the Rec or Y Leagues, or to Mw laahUlty ef as numj moved the is- High held Creee to a 9-2 trr Hlgh'a soccer club wrapped up over the year before; the Anaerl- from nearby communitica, includ­ in the propoeed Church and Duety Cleee roaried arouod the 2.7 passing. Quarterback George strated the Tigers' single wing at­ the OC3L tiUe, iU fin t alnoe 1027, and Gleaaon, are aetting a hot pace Ruled it unsportsmanlike con­ height and speed. If the Celtics plajehi te play geed hatl dlvtdnnl oenipeltMea with Friday, Weed Havea with 11 wina and but one defeat. etia League dropped two points. had to run they'd run. ing Poquonock, East Hartford and circuits. TTie Rec and Y Leagues miles layout In 18:51J. Howos heltad Heiadea lt d . Hartntann threw two for touch­ tack. Reports were that Captain defeating Meriden 1 to 0. The sacrifice fly rule was the duct for a fielder to take a position Wethersfield. In addition, local­ course record la ISilT.U waya,** anya Uw DarUnauth l a dfi nitimphi far Dick Clasbye shoulder injury The defending champion Manchea- in the line of vision of the batter When the great professional would be considered one-two with • • • eiioch. Coach Piurek scouted the Man- downs against Hamden. The game concluded one of the ter Motor Salea (9-3) hold down major change announced yester­ American League disbanded In ly sponsored teams fielded squads the better players in town {wrform- •Iffit chester-MtU game fiaturday and. West Havau bolda second plaee would not prevent him from start- moat aucoemfut seasons for tho day at the end of a two-day meet­ and purposeVy attempt to distract MANCHKSTBB PLACED five -A 1st ef Mm ndatakes ma yard average Ing on Saturday. aecond place. Rogera Corporation the batter. ^ I s was an old trick 1910 the Celtics reorganised with which were sprinkled with out-of- tng in either loop. In a letter received this morning, la the New Haves District League. locals who finished up with eight ing of the Playing Rules Commit­ town performers.- The V League Toontght teams Interested in Join­ men among the first six places, la early gam as was fine te the "Manchester looks excegsd- Oraas has already waa the title Holy Crooa’ Ctueadere, haaSaa wins, a atagle loas and a Ua. (7-5>, Renn’a Tavern (5-7), Don of Eddie Stanky, now manager of Dutch Dchncrt, Fnvey Banks, Pete oe et tho f aurth gasM WiUia Oarage (2-10) and Club tee headed by James C, Gallagher Bnrry. CnrI Husta, Nnt HIckey nnd also listed entries from.Blast Hart­ ing the Y I-esgue will hold a meet­ losing only third place to AlUn fast that n let ef the beys Ingly jpod." He stoo added that wltheut a loea. HiUheuae aad West la thrir laat three stotto, are atlfi s s s of the Chicago (hibs. The commit­ the St. Louis Cardinals. asMea. haa had ealy fear la a alump aoeordlag te Dr. EdS Chianti (2-10) follow in that order. myself. . ford, Wapping and Rockville. ing at 7 o’clock at the Y on N. PTaaier, who flnishod aecond to simply dida't have enongh et- West Haven to playing In a rough Haven wIB deride seesad plaee In BVCKIHT SOOBHD from hto tee includes three members from Y Director Bill Stearns report­ Main St. Tuesday night a meeting cloM Thursday In the UConn perlenee far twe-wny feethnlt.!^ paeees laterespted aad hto per- Andereoa. After he gave them The pace-aettera from Rockville MISTAKE WON BALL G.\ME We are strictly a road team HANK LVIHETTI loagu*. compoeod of teams the llkee the aaaual Thaaksgivlag momiag outside right podiUon, ■tde-tooUag are averaging 116.27,-per atring. the National League, three from playing four months each winter. ed that plans are underway to or­ Is listed at the East Bids Rec for Eeatem Scholastic Invitation eeatain ef eempleUeaa to a high ofMIlUieuee, Notre Dome, Milford. dash la Yale Bowl. loug forward paqriag aeriatmat the American and three from the Lincoln, Neb. bP)—This is about Showed East Some Tricks againat the freahemn, he said, “N the baU past Dick Clark, MarMan one pin better than the Motor (Jur manager, Tom Humphreys ganise church and Industrial managers of prospective Rec Sen­ championship, Reg Turkingtoa waa / ddfi. Bridgeport Central and BSselek Manchester's final home game gMlle, who put on a flrgt clam minors. a mistake that turned into a bit second while Olonn Bradley, Bob Graham still holds Uie lead with left much to ha desired.' Salea' 116.26. of good fortune and won a ball of Chattanooga, booked 100 leagues. Meetings for these ior League teams. All local teams and ^ o se . "Our competition to s could be Its biggest test. exhibition of goal tendinf la tha Taggart’a 419 la the beat triple The committee also favored the Stanford tram, roadwMl by John proposed leagues will be held in are invited to attend either meet­ Vinton and Oeorge Long captured >rse than co-favoritee'' In the 84 completed of 182 paasea, for Boston University, which facm hitters on, two other points. It game. Lincoln was playing Pueblo games a season, every one with Holy Cross this week-end, put on game. while Goodrich’a 178 ia the beat Jerry Goodrich a penny postal card. He never Bunn, came East and played In the near future. ing. Teams may be entered in only fourth, fifth and sixth pTacca state meet Monday in wddletown. 1,385 yards and five TDe. Hto per­ . The scon to not Indlcativo of the turned down a propo.sal to bring in a Western League game when This was the eighth straight duel The focal layveaa also scored a highly satisfactory aerial work­ aingla effort. Pagkni'a hold high a Lincoln outflelder was Injured. had a telephone at home. Madlaon Square Garden where It Interest in the Rec League one league and individuals may centage to 63.6 end hto averaged auperiority over tho Meridon atall- back the spitball and It approved snapped a 4.1-game winning streak slopped off the past several sea­ only participate with one team in meet victory for the charges of over ths HPHfi JeyVeea, 21 to 84 yardage gain per pass to 10.49. out with Johnny Nunalato an< team aingle and three atring marka the use' of “harder" and "softer" Manager Walt Linden sent In a In 1935 Ted Collins became Tom Oastall (lassing in impraaaive warU. With Um exception of tha with acorea of 636 and 1806. Robin Roberta of the Phillies re- interested In the club and we of a great Long Island Dnlverslty sons when Manchester players any of the Rec Department spon- Coaches Pete WIgren and Oil with Roland Birme of the visitors Additionally, the tncbmperable first quarter la which Mandtcater bats. sub to run for the injured man but Hunt. In each case, the Indiana taking first p l ^ . Clarence Mlko- fashion. Tonight Paganl'a roll Renn’a, ceived a bonus of S25.000 for sign the sub was waved off the. field. played one year aa Kate Smith’s team, 45-41. were bypassefl in favor of out-of-' sored■ ■league!) (S. Otto has regtotered six touch­ The "harder" bats are laminated scored decisive wins. Against lelt led four xMencheater runnere downs ss a ball carrier. Norman Joe Mattallano, a Junior, Don WillU facea Rogera, and the ing with the club in 1948. --strips of wood glued together. Linden had forgotten to list him Celttca. It caused Cdllins no end Stanford came here with Hank •^BOWLING been selected to fill In for Injurod Bristol. HarUord BuUceley and acroes the finish line in the next Van Brocklin to the third top Motor Salea roll Club Chianti. The "softer" bats, made of soft on the pre-game roster. So pitcher of pain each time he tried to Luisetti and he W’as throwing center CHiff Poirier when Boaton The flrat home run by a major Andy Bush was pressed into duty. locate our manager. Collins and them in with one hand. The In­ Middletown, the locals scored 16- four poet____ paeaar In the league with 185 wood, are said to be useful for 40 shutout victories, winning the Q>Uege tangles with Wake Forest. The Big One The tallest fighter in ring his­ Bush, making his first appearance Kate Smith, whom he managed, diana also had Art Stoefen Who Varsit/results: Close (M), Tur­ thrown, 82 completed, 1,423 yards aLormtxra leaguer under the lights was hit bunting. OUT OF DOORS with first five placea, CaCfiCR LKSOCB But Coach Mike Holovak has tory was Henry Johnson from The committee, meeting for the as an d^flelder, made two nice used to spend Saturdays and wofild dribble the ball into a cor­ • • • kingtoa (M), Fraxler (H ), Bradley gelned, 10 TDe, a 52.9 percentage gsadleas Laacea 8p^* .... warned big Frank Mono, who haa Ottawa, Canada, who fought be­ by .Babe Herman of Cincinnati ner away from the basket and ( M l / Vinton (H ), Long (H ), aad an 9.19 yard average. m . Jaha't <4) NriaMi ... first time in more than two years, catches. Then he hit a homer to Sundays with us. But Collins a been converted into a tackle, to tween 1898 and 1900. He was seven against the Dodgers on July 10, always had a job trying to find then hook the ball in. We u-sed FBIDAT APTEBNOON, Man­ Bernard (H). Frank (H), Sherman Joe (Jet) Perry of San Pran- 8. O n y b ...... IM US 1935. tightened a number of other rules win the game. chester wUl be heavily favored to H. Ortyb...... 117 ts 1 Total...... polish up hto enapperttack tech­ feet two and weighed 265 pounds. out where we were playing. to think that such a play was (U ), Howard (H ), MacArdle (M). deco has a 139 yard ground gain­ gawIMownkl...... 99 ei nique for the Deacons. capturo the CCIL championship OmU (H), Doyto (H), LoetoskI ing edge over last year's cham- r . httbaclta...... 120 M it Crran .... Around Wednesday of each suicidal. A. Rutocha ...... 114 101 It Rmrk- ... Still elated over the upset vie. week Collins would wire Humph­ New York fans were left gog­ I M i meet over the New BrlUIn Teach- (H ). Tuohey (H). plon. Deacon Dan Towler of the Dummy .. ere College course. The Red and tory over Tele, the Dartmouth In­ reys at his home and the manager gle-eyed at this atrange yet ac­ Jayvee results; Siroto (H), Loi Angeles Rams. Perry has car­ Totela ...... MO MO tlO BebnUdt .. diana displayed marked improve­ WhiU thin clads wiu rank no ried 104 times for 532 yards and taaaaS CaagM (S) McMullen would wire back the location of curate ahot. The ESst had Ita To Chop or Not MIkolelt (M l, Eckler (M), Me- X. Vlltnrr ment In every department aa they our weekend games. ears pinned back with the result Keough (M l, DesRoelcra (If), a 5.1 averafie, while Towler has J. Vlttnrr Totals concentrated on this week's game At best it was an exhibition that the East had to change Its Medelrds (H ), Coleman IM), Hug­ netted 399 yards on 79 runs for a OMUlcb .. Sicholtsrr with Columbia In New York. Coach receiver for the , team. Age ran out on all of us. style of play when it learned that By WARBEN PAGE I gins (H), McFarlln (H), Goulet 5 yard average. Fran Rogcl of McCurry . 7\iu McLtaughry now feels certain footbaU team to play­ I quit playing at the age of 39 smarter basketball was being IHI, Barrows (Hi and Vltkua (H). Pittaburgh to third with 376 yards Cotton...... hto passing game can he handled Shooting Editor I SOS tM lt92 Ch-rmuk .. er-coach Frank Toro. Tha for­ in 1936 and went to St. John’s in played in the Mid-West and Far SAVE S0% tied for 10th place. Wing (H ), on 93 carries .for a 4-yard average. Toula .... Gilbertson . by both Bill Beagle and Leo Mc­ mer West Point freshman aad Doc came in with his pump gun 1 ■ H m psiat aeertag leaderaMp to l,nkint .... Brooklyn where 1 coached 11 West. In his hand and a woetMgone ex- | Kockalis (M), Clarke (H), Wil­ Kenna, hto sophomora quarter­ Teachtn CoUaga star will be in ON Tmp WEAR held JelBtly by Otevalaad’s Leu It) Harry...... backs. ye'ars. liams (M). 1 1 1 action Sunday afternoon when the TOMORROW— Mow game wna presalon on his face. "I can decide ■ Oreea aad Oreea Bay's Prad Oeae, Kelaoa ...... I When I went to St. John's the whether to give a’ guy penlrlllin or ! Hri*...... w T o ta ls...... Brown, which came out of Its locals meet the Middletown Blue i gMM started to change. A great speeded up. eaeh with 47. Bea Agsjaalaa of L m ClUlord ...... 137 27-13 Princeton defeat' in fairly aspirin, but I'm \ darned if I can ' Frait |ii AliiimMt Count Turf, winner of the 1851 Walther ...... 122 -Dummy ... Jackets at 2 o’clock at ML Nebo. Kentucky Derby, waa retired in Aagrtoe . foltows with 45. Pat iHonralh ... good physical shape, has regained Goat soered by, Budday. decide how long this gun barrel - Brady, Plttshurgh’a heeaslag! Haases ...... IS should be. ' July because of e foot injury, suf­ gGIblln ...... Sandy Kessaris, the halfback who SobstiWtas; itoaehestar — gehidts. 9LLLIRUNO AT fered while .winning the Question­ puater, sMU tops the hoeters with tetau ...... ,...*M7 S24 tl2 ISM Locka-nod . has been idle for the past two up to the Wesleyan gams with Baekley. Falgr, gearry, Johasoa, Der- Announce Meeting I like this old comaheller better ' a*. MatbaSIst Xa. 1 )0) •eaudiens m*r. McConnril. Last Night*8 Fightf naire Handicap. a 494 average. ' It 101 2M _ , , weeks. He to expected'to give the four victories, a tie and only one Mcridca—B«sl. Spancer, CuaauUL than my left hand," he went on, i In other departments, Don ^ KIcbntand ...... 93 400 13U lots. But, according to coach Len and whije I bought that flossy ^ Mercer ...... 91 91 90 MS , ToUls Bruins added punch for Connecti­ Dates for Cagers mNOHESTER Stoneatfer of the Chicago OardI-. Browa...... 110 99 97 cut. Watters, credit for that impreasiva waa cautious, tight and atiU try­ Los Angeles—Ramon'Tisesreno. double for quail It never haa shot The tost bare knuckle champion- AnOerson ...... ?t ms 109 30S Bhip fight waa fought in RIchburg, nato again leads the peae receivers j IS lU 399 After toklag Us first 19il record belongs to the entire squad. ing to ahaka the effects rif tha 141 >4. El Paso, knocked out Joe quite as welt for me. I jvist want with 33 caught for 435 yards and! Banlu ...... lOS "Our fcllowa Just won't stay Fisher, 141, Denver, 2. Meeting dates have bfen set for to rig the slide-action so I can use MOTOR SALES MIm , July 8, 1889. John L. Sulli­ feat from Bhede lalaad last Sat­ lorn to Hall Saturday, the Indian van defeated Jake |CMraln In 75 oiM touchdown, Woodle.Y l Bueklay W9m Individuato who rs- Houston, Tex.—Henry Luera, Senior League managers will meet Rechicher, both of Baltimore, ■< draft plana fos a propoaed New speedy bail-carriers while coming berth. lop out where the dtieks are. share the pees Intcrceptloa leader­ I-oomia .. .TTTrr.... 90 90 In la n d Profeuional Leagua. ived ptotoss from th# ptoyara 125, Houston, and Bobby Garu, at 7 o’clock at the East Side Rec. remember last year the mallarda 6w« bm9 Haufo ...... lot tt after the crown had been wen. ship with six each. It 99 Mancheater will be represaated. ji-lW. Corpus CSirlstl. Drew, 8. Junior League will play on coming Into the romflrida never ^Safe-Buy* 91 — There wem 24 men on the firid _ eed .... Sacramento, CTallf.—Bolo Mon- Wednesday nights. Intermediate would swing Inside of 40 or 60 a gun acts like a hose -liozzle to Johnson ...... n 111 BOOEB TUBKINGTON who during the game, including the two SLACKS ‘ tes, 137. San Joae, (Talif,. stopped Leagiie -on Thursday nights and yards. . . MeConkey Newcomer Andrews Boxes referees. One of them. Hugh Greer, speed up the ahot string, it has has been running one-two with. Johnny Ephkn„ 136(4, Sacramento, the Senior League on Tuesday And there is a problem which been proven that on^-thousandUi Totals .... 479 sot 1470 Pete aoee during the Manchester now basketben coach at UConn,. «• nighU, and Friday nights, if necet at one time or another hss beset of an inch of choke constriction COMPLETE High cross country season to not coached tha Indian* in 1937 when — Yolande' P^om pey, sary.x every shooter of single-barreled means about one/foot per second Coster CaasM Bn. rclsted to Hal Turklngton. scho- Davey in Detroit Bout they captured the OCIL title. • FLANNELS 161(4, Trinidad. knockeirmv Interested In entering any schnozzle or multl-piiirpose muz­ of guns either in the choke or baclt CraadaU ...... ^ _ member of the Advisory Park and A1 Andrews gets his crack at the gS-2-2. for the state championship: 1 Grange of Illinois took the opening of the leagues may contact Tommy zle attachment. Their big worry, In the boMmlght mean jnore speed SERVICE Reereat on Commission. He re­ gold and glory strung across the The winner wlU meet Billy Gra­ evenings at th^ East Side office. Brother's "Sofe-Buy" Used Cars* Totals ...... 471 4tt ISIS ham. high-ranking New York wel­ kickoff and jsn 95 yards for a nine times out of 10 is how much differenee than their b a r r e l M. Junes Bo. I places Bill Sacherek. national television cable tonight CaOege bnB is Regularly $13.98, $14.98 and $15.95 X. Uipacchino ...... IM 94 300 ter contender, here Dec. 2. touchdown. shot velocity, how much killing lengths anyway. M 173 when he meets Chuck Davey In se. nmpim, ' ______i ------range, they’re going to sacrifice (imtributed by NEA Kervtce) Xborsv ...... 77 If Andrew! loaea. he can go back Rlldebrsrd ...... lOS 77 279 MERCHANTtr FOOTBALL Olympia Stadium. to the email clubs for more experi­ Judge. M’s Oh chopping a w-lnch barrel back • C L E A N IN O H tiid le ...... 94 — 170 James (Red) Smith. Duke half- team will practlca tonight and Fri­ ence. If Davey loaea, he can Just nl football, except for Iback, is a major league baseball Sports Mirrot more convenient length, This Week's Specials J. Lupscclilnfl ...... 94 91 399 day nights at 7 o'clock at the West The 10-rounder, starting at 10 of a m ai afOctal knouw as O n jB o a ...... — *2 IN p. m. (EST). will ba telcvtoad call It quits. It's doubted If he'd prospect. He's a left-handed hit­ the answer la very little, • REPAIRING Side OvaL Players arec asked to get any more "b ig " dates for a ting outflelder. _ -Uj a practical sense. T^ TotaU 443 bring full game cquIpmenL around the country. It also will be Q. What ara tha dutias od the $ A .9 8 TODAY A YEAR AGO— The brosdcasL long time. P. O. A. proclaimed Juiiiu Boroa hard-working balUsticians In W I N I BUlOK 714 SEOMETTC • R E C O R IN G safety man? the “professional g o l ^ of the DuPont laboratoifea d o w ^ at Teayto Betk BiMtani It) JACK CUBBY, former basket Aadfows, tatmer Fifth Aney A. He to the laat atoi BCWtftNG Bhfito. heater, dyaaflew. Uevott ...... g N M chsmplea from Supertor. YYto.. Penns Grove, N. J.,;aiid more re­ ball player In Manchester with the tha goal aad the eatrtor, year.” Prompt servlee tor aB amhea 9. Weiss ...... *7 S fi FIVE YEARS AGO-Jack Km cently the Remlngto(r^xperi A real hoy a t ...... $695 T. Weiss ; ...... _ 17 N old company G team, lost out In earned this shot at the Mg ttoM, hiroar eperially staffed tadia the race for mayor yesterday in aad Mg amney, by eutpotottog mer waa ranked aa No. 1 pro ten­ mentera who checked Ole 'early KKC: LKAOI’ K T17 be snm e f tocfctoa aad i Regularly $18.95. $19.95 and $22.50 figures against the performance Of Arm.ry Tam a (I) Total Meridon. Davoy la a eae sided Ifi-riuMdir to with the oarrier, whe trtos to MMft nis • player in the world by the ...... ;i3 i4< im IM I HUDSON MOOR SEDAN ter repair dapartaMat. Bo. MtShodItl Bb. t «4> Professional Lawn Tennis Associa­ to d y ’s powder nnd /wada, have Faffri^ ...... mi tr M »:i Tjrtar ...... N 97 N Sagtoaw. Mleh„ SepL 14. He fleer­ and dadge er ent-nto hlsK An­ BM M U I aa Vea aa a a a a e a aa a a R R sT w ed D en y far aa right-oonat to tion. come up with scientific numbers ...... 135. ms JJ» MCI Badto, heater, A real hargala. $795 COON HUNT to listed Saturday other Ini^rtaat part ef hi proving that the velocity loss is of darnolA ...... »2 w ns sw I Manas ...... N lO 117 at d p. m. for members of the Man­ wtoatog nnaalmoualy. is recetvtog and returning TEN YEARS AGO — Dikle Polmaliy 121 412 lit 2S2 Sspp*.I ...... M wa Walker signed for 1944 with the no practical account. H. llMm4f ...... lit M m as> chester.Coon and Fox Club. A din­ Fast on his feet but Hght with Q .: What la meant by the neutral BROWN- A. Holmes .. —, 100 nt « t By BED ORANGE Round Dodgers. Actually, if we assume that ToUlt...... 'S kTSs I ti «7- ner will precede the hunt at the his punches, tha 33-yaer-old An- Q. :Safety man, waiting for punt, tone? What happens If an inallglMe we're going to use Identical ahells 1951 PLYMOUTH DELUXE ^DR.SEDAN North Coventry clubhouse. drewa started hto pro career In goes beyond the neuUrfil zone dur­ 1 Trip TWENTY YEARS AGO— Bob Isam.rtirFUX ...... 132 li» TM 31V, Heater aad delmater. TotaU...... ~ m "iS "iTi itoi sigiiato for a fair catch. Despite Tax Extra Dunlap, Oklahoma halfback. and that the degree of choke at Marlin ...... no i«7 BEAUPRE July, 1952. He picked up $50 for tlus, a charging rival tackier nalto ing a forward pasa play? each barrel length is going to be ...... ms 13S N 35r- Iremacnlatc thraugheut; ...... $995 soel.Lribowa )t> ___ BEST BOWXJNO scores tost hto fIn t effort. Tonight hto purse A .: Tha aeutral sene to the Ene Bus hrs. 8:88 a.m. TravN Agency Bcored two touchdowns In the ______.. .- . H#dluo4 ... him after he haa completed the th« Mme. for each inch of barrel ] • * ...... ms ns 129 3S2 Norm ...... IM tan lit w night: Rec Lesgue—A1 Roberts ef scrlnunage. the length ef Bm Sooners' 20-0 victory over Kan 99 — mo lin bMOpponteD Oustalw ...... in lit lOi ^ mey kit 89.000. catch. What's the penalty'? Chamlxra ...... * — 10$ 122 331 TWO TO CHOOSE FROM Bsnsan ...... lat Hi 94 3tt 146-368. At WUhelm 135-369, Stan Davey, of course, to a familiar bnU. An toeiigtMe meetoer to al- 3iB EAST CENTER ST. Andtrso ...... 09 in 109 3» Pollnsky 852, Andy LamourSaux A .: The kicking tonm to charged towed to naake hto InHtol charge ef Both groupa waiat nizea 30 to 44. figure to milUons of TV vlewen. Hh a U-yard penalty from the per second, average shot speed IVtale ...... 651 T t$ SH 1494 1M7^R0 MOOR SEOSNS, JMsseo ...... 104 in lit 3t4 356. B TotaU ... loa sat ill «i7i DiR.llii ...... 13.1 130 193 996 ANNUAL TBOPHY Night wlU Umee hut haa been far from bril­ worth calculating; the differenee Hmn>lil . 109 115 93 316 liant. He stopped Sammy GiuUanl. in penetration ean’t very well be Abraltl! . *4 123 136 363 IM I OHEVROLCT 4-DOOR SERM! be held tonight s t 7;30 st the measured. Actually, tho«* 25-80 SrJnr ...... 10* 113 346 WORK OLOTHES .“ ffTfto’" - Mancheater (Country Club. outpointed Sammy Mastraan and CorrenU ...... M3t 114 949 mark A hargala at j . , ...... M IM then loat to Andrews. fret per second are leee thaa the n t $89$^ ...... l i t 90 SPORT SHIRTS 101 STAN OBIFFIN, Merchant Davey was a 8 to 1 favorite In variations in ahot spred you’ll get Total! ...... 'w i m 901 1797 Fmt Pfiinten, Reg. $3.98 Reg. $4.98 from shell an out of the aaiae ...... Ill 94 halfback from Hebron, haa 18 hto first fight against Andrews, box, all fired in the name gnn. Walt Dukes, former Seton Halt 1H1 FORI 'rUROROUSTONIAR.SEMN CfiricBtdrPa Plnmbtri months more time to serve In the biuy small chib fighter. Thto time NOW NOW Bhot shellf Just eaa't . be loaded basketball star, toured Ihirope and TMSU i l l 479 iOa liN Air Force. Stsn enlUted for four Davey will bs favored again but SODiO UiD iMAtGffe e a e e • a e a e « • e e a a e e a • e « s e e e e e s that daoe. North Africa last summer wlUi the . •W**U‘ * ss OSS yean. only ny the sUmmest of margins. Furthenpore, since (he choke in Harlem Globetrottera. firitort ...... '2 ! ! ss Andrews, whose leoard to 22-4- n n f f b v f l u Ss! ^ ' . ” " :I I :I " !:‘ II m m aS Walter Schuster of Chicago was 1. says *T licked him before. ■ puroy ...... president of e bowling league''for I caa de It agato.’’ Davey’ a sMy IH I WlUYS RERO-WINQ M R . SERIN ^kttCklBS •eessetseosse 101 pre-fight eemmMit was: *Tto Orlgfaml Mae palaL Heater aad fiefreator. Oaa C | O O S 30 consecutive years. loa 4N 4H 1497 tavlag averdrlve. Drivea aaly Iftfidd mWee...... ▼ 9 ^ Faff TstaU G e o i^ Kell of the Boaton Red ” toi\ey has werked hard fer thto TWO SH IRTS TWO SHIRTS NOW IS THE TIME fIghL He’s '.jexed aver 60 reunde. FOR $7.00 Ms. .RaMweist Mo. 1 (t) Sox hss hit over 300 for the last A SPECIAL PURCHASE MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR $5.00 TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR It. Brows ...... 94 U 171 eight seasons. tempered to enly 2fi to the flrat IM I MEROURY 2 aid MOOR SERINS Mority ...... loa — M l FOR US TO MAKE THIS STARTLING OFFER: Badto, hsaSsr, avardrive. Asqpr9aaaat e f eatora. K Chsspslt ...... lOI 97 tM $995 Nswrasn ...... ijl. 110 tm aat ChsnJUr_ _ ao 107 as: AMESITE 1ISI STUIEBIKER OHIMF. M R. SH IN = iS to ^ TotaU ...... an IN 4U UN Badto, haator. averdriva. 5995 TUXEDI lUs Lolbsisa (1) Beat eevara...... T. Hsmptaa at 91 41 aa4 BOWLING DRIVES P. tismsua ...... iM M 107 an OFF Kentals ...... lai no m an >14 ijo n a> • EPnCIENT GUARANTEED IH I MEROURY 2 m i MOOR SERINS M. KsmptMi IM O N A1 L SOB SNO-TMES RELIABLE WORK MACHINE SPREAD St af asters, LEAGUES TstaU...... 4N IMi H URRYl UMITEO QUANTITY POWE|l ROLLED hsator aad avsrdrive. $1595 N o th ia c t0 fitad sway for » wo guppljr jrev rigllt oat COrNTBT CLOB WOMBM Order yoar ’5S-*54 bowliiir WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Bsritt <9) trophids BOW. Frtt eaU* SmaD Buy IH I MEROURY aid UNOOLNEXEO. M R S of oar own otock. Bostwlek,.....^T7. 79 77 U t.00 X 16. Lifit $22.65 ...... SALE $ 1 3 .5 9 * AND KNOW HOW— DON’T DELAY-CALL TODAY Aum v n . ' i ...... m ta. « locM opoa roaodsL Medium Several 2-desn aad 4-fiesra. Law aytoaga. Ntw m t laetory gnnraalM. Toxodoo, Catawayfi find fiD Dummy ...... 79 79 7] TkeM M i who Carrs says: 9sM at a great yedMeitaa la pftoc. At These TERMS UF TO M O N TH S $800 foroud ftcecfifiorififi. 6;70 X 15. Lifit I24A5 I « e • a a I 8 * L X $ M . 9 1 » Low Prices U Save ap t o , , , ...... 12 Hoar Enfraving Strvieo PLACE YOUR FREE TstaU 197 an 1917 Pars (ll_ O m n S O B ORDER NOW ESTIMATES REGAL l/j; M r S E H O K Shoor Jewelon W H IT E SEAL t07 MAIN STREET THOMAS COLLA TstaU M A N C H IS n R CONSTRUCTION COMPANY M I-8 -im fT T M A M S Y . f i t CAI$TAII$ B I0$. BI$TILIIR« CO.. INC.. MCW YORK. N. T. m 9 PHONE MANCHmR. MLf • O 9 e e 9 90994 oEG ^3 Gm •IINOCB «Nt$REY. M NOOF* 7 2 » 4RAIR RERTIAl EriMTS N A M G B ltllR .EVpNXNO HERALD. NANCHERtEB, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVENBEB 4.1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i, IM S ^.jlipwwa H«EB9s for Bald W aBted-ileal Eitato 77 W sBtii -Real Bstete ---- - HwwthoWI Gee*# >1 w itM Jinl' n BnNM tar .Ell* 78 BcrvlcMi Offarad IS I t - A Hs||8 WaatM - MsU M ArtidesferSale 4S ta r E iE i 14 HAWmCHIMB W . — tn m 9 IF READY to hoy, adl, axehai«e ARB YOU HXADY to « AR T W' AvtoawWiH tar SM* 4 s e v e r a l CKX» w rM tniiwra hooMr Wa, horo boyan S MONTHg AGO itooi^ji^ Rwr. - BOUND VALUES rooms, hot water hest.ruhber tUa real eotate, morigagea arraagad. YfijB oAnTij-AT! »M» lour door POWER BURNERS aa« Range ROOWBtG BpielaWMBgltt a l u m i n u m toft at tow mprteaa. icia. From |M .pp. kltehaa and hath, tomt in draw- Cbnnult Howard R. for 4. 9. 9, r-nam aiaglM St - ■ ■ H ialy MA*. 8W9 teixfltoa. Oatto Oo.. i Y e s ! W IU G IV f Mdaa. Ony. Low allM f*. An Bamara axpartly daaaad and Ing roofa o f aU feindr " K m p ’s.in e. MAHCMH0m--Cape 0*4, feur a. tally 9 t ,m eadi down OaU Aganey, MltdwU 9-UF ______— . MEN COMBINATION TO* CMB tMBMa MB moat iMfw ear for a aervload. Let na awvlee and re­ roofa. Gutter work, ATTBAOSWA' raiEBA, BVG 9MM OMe i r t ^ 8~804e,aventoga. 9*199, avontafa 9 * m WINDOWS and DOORS “Colerlo” Comb. Range tfwmn u ii Kitchen table, lour tor aOtttaU i-*9«*. price, ca n PL a-Tiaa. pair your wadilng machine or re- cleaned, rmalrod, St yeara* Telavtotaa Bat tura, v a r * hat watwheeM C aU dty utU l^ Mgemtor. Metro Service. Mltdt- partonoa. Fraa aatiwiataa ObU WANTED chairs, combination radio-phono a'se Near hua Una. FUU price $10,900. DEU IO^ BY.—Lovely four rom 6 10 0-M AMD M4HU6 lU virtiN iiM te TRIPLE TRAGH snd “PhUoo" Raf. gr^ . la good condlttoa: k t ra g fsv * ChpeOBd.expaadahtetodx.Ftre- OLIVER’S PERSONALLY eU94)8SS. Hawley. Mancheater Mltdtell Bedroom Su|to CAPE COD—six flalifiad raems, t (XASSimSD ADVT. S-8S61. DOUBLE TRACK i fiBATE P DQfUEUt toria jdaee. hot water beet, d l homer, rellabis aervlce. Immediate atten­ SELECTED USED CARS We hgve uie for out full­ Zirlng Room Suita nice condl UOn, oU haat, all oily tion. MI. 9401*, evMUnge ML WANTED GONDER'S T.V. Service, available 818.96 snd op MSbamwsliat water, 9 lot, dermers, ohimlmun eUHng. Anttor FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR DBPT. HOUI» „ any Ume. Antenna converahma. Dlnatta Sat peat lenea, oombtnatloo aeraans s-Tsrr. time service station man. Lampo, TkMao, Dtohaa lisehlBery sad 1M b IS OOVENTItY—Four rooni fiinitoiMd|Hte drive. FuU pries 8dS A .M .te4:» P. M. CENTER MOTOR SALES Philco factory aupervtoed aervlce. Hestinr—Phmibiat 17 si'srasa'sars aparimeat avaUabla today. Ooople BOLTON—Two alee small coun- and otorm windows. Loige lot, All types of Real Ee- REGARDLESS OF AGE, MAKE OR OOND1TION SEAR OF POST OFFICE ig, Mattrooa Unotoum geoCT after 7. aieo ooetlon. Sao R and commm, CASH W Am N G.for a y tap# real Tel. MI. 9-1486. tXNNOX Fnmaoea and warm air Hours: 6 P. M. to 1 A. M. P A R A M O U N T ITB BUT-Sril-Trada-IUnI powor pcafarrsd. John B. EtoodU, ltool>| hemaa tq ehaeaa firem. Oae at astote you have to oall. n ist and tAte, eepecisUy single and Spare Maple Bedroom Set W , GMoa *1., So. Oevaatry. CoU IUA09. Wm. GoodchUd, Sr., Itool- , COPY CLOSING T M SAMPLE BUYS HAROLD A SONS Rubbtoh re­ beating. Earl Van Camp. Mitchell ENGINEERING CO. Maytag Waohlng Machine mowsra. chain m an, tUlan, gar­ ifglVLY bEOnUTEbt, ' tha attar at $e,700. Atoo oacond mortgage money avoUabto. 1961 Chevrolet De Luxe 4-Dr.— den tractors, outboarda. jwirar mom raacli with ovary- tor. MI. 8-79M any time. 2 fsinfly homes. Many fOR CLA8SIPIED AD^T. moval, also celtora claaneo. Call 9-6844. ALSO: 41 Osk Street All In Storage Now jy fumtohad and opactous rooBQ ^ Q pvhtty. P t 3*981, Atoo ItoUngs wanted. CoU The Tutone, fully equipped, many tools. Terou arraagad. GaalM ttln t ter 118 JOO. Johnson Building Company, 963 cash buyers da our liet- TRADE IN NOW FOR MON. THRU FRl. MlUdieU 9-4084. Tel. MI-S-8177 IF TOU ARE GOING fiM meat complete Ughtheua*^ extraa, one local owner. GUARANTEED PtamMnf and HOUSEKEEPING Equipment Oo., 88 Mala S tfitl, iifri-g MelUtfia av^eUe la w e havO many aaere ttoUago. 78 Main St. MItchM S-7438. Bvanlnga 1 0 d 0 A .M . heaUng. Alterattana and aaw W*Bted1>Bent 68 Lots for Sate, MRchaU 9*0U. Terms arranged.' Call I960 Chevrolet Fordor De Luxe RAXBO and T.V. Servtee. AO work Full-time oil truck driver. AND GOT A GOOD JOB HaadMator. You wtUmarvd at fbny guaranteed. 88 per hmae work. Parma gtoaa Haetrte and 86 Months To Pay the iiUanllnaai of thto buildiag. W AW riS^ eir 9 room unfiirnlilfidi CaUThe gATURDAY > A. M. Model—Fully equipped. Lue- gac water beatera aoM and In- TOU CAN TAKE OVER Meslcel Isstnie E b IS USTINOa WANTED — Btllgte, can for T.V. 81 per houae can for R ig h t prop oeition f o r th e r ig h t LADTS FUR Coat, otoa 44, dyad UNPAID BALANCE Childran accepted. Oeotral, Priced apartment by thraa adults. OaU ELLSWORTH MITTEN DOUBLE LOT 100* x SOT, eo Imka ACB REALTY CO. ANiwim P H I L C O troua black flntoh, white wall otalled. Time paymanta oiTiM aS two-famUy, three family. radio or aave 8 and bring them to muakrat, 869—alao waohlng ma- MONTHLY p a y m e n t s MAGNA kUDOnUCle u D o m ic Hawaltoa •e reoaeoabie yw’U gasp! Be M ltclidl 9-4*78. A G E N C Y SL Cau MI. fi*409 after * p.m. TOVB OOOnHATION WIIX tlrae. Looka and runa good 17 Maple atreat. CaU MltdiaU SkHlay Brothara, Mltchall S-STIS m an. rty. Have maay cash AUTOMATIC DIFROST RIFRIOIRATOR chlru (EHy), good order, 880. Td 819.14 guitar, inquire ti Drive A, SUvar w re and aee thto eoe. Mrs. Dor- R ealtor^ buyers. MItcheU 9-2892 n AnWBOATED aa new.. 94886 or M R d itf 94716. My, 14 Arch St______LOT FOR SALE. AU uUUUm , SO X 8lortgag«a arraagad. HEATING From ▲ to S Oonvor- ML 9^7434. TAKE ALL OR PART Lana Homes. can Oeorge L. OrariafSo, 194S Chevrolet Aero—Tutone gray- aloa hnmara, boUor-buxnar tmlta, Phone Me Immadiataly BoAncss ProfortF MI-S-6980 or lie. Hiada trzM. Near Parker and (BU Y ON BUDGET TERBIS) Dial MI-3-5121 COMPLETE Hand and power lawn Apply to Mr. Sheridan TWENTT NORTHERN cedar pools, SPINET PIANO, laoa than ana year Bast Owter Sto: 8M00. CoU MI. Realtor, MnehsU 9-0*7*. 109 black. An immaculate car, mower aalea and aerviee. Motora completa boating ayotamo. SU HARTFORD 9-088* f o r S s l* 70 Mr. Whitchar MI-9-9381 Henry atracL alao Includea now Urea. See work guarantood. Tima paymanta 7 foot long, from 4 to • inchaa dia- AFTER 7 P. M. 48-4690 rid. Moviag^out I t tom._Sacrifloa, Boarder* Wasted 69-A *•7*90. OONUDERXNO BELLDfO h m ^ and overhauled. Fiek-up and M O R IA R T Y hiatar. IC . 9-96H. 8378 caah.( Wrrrita Box B, Herald. YOUR PROPERTY T thto one today. dellvary aervice. Glhaon’a Garaga. nrrangad. Mortorty BroUiora TaL See It Day Or Night ynUL IKJARD OhUdron. Agaa 9-10. 8800 380NTHLY incoma. Piofaa i ______nnma Hesrb mdlant ht Without obHgatloa to you. wa Mtt^iSS40U. MltcbaU S-618S B R O TH E R S BEAUTIFUL Sdectloa of w od ram If you hava no meant of trana- MUSK batrumantal rentaL Com­ only reUaUa parsens ra^y,. PL offieoa upolalrs. 8 stores and tlto hath, 114,800. Owaar Hartford Loat and Poand PRE-WARS ? —YES porUtlon, I’U aand my auto for SEbariMUl fe r Sale 75 will omcotoa or Btaka you A PLUMBING Shop at your door. nanta at lew prlpoa. Also rug w od plete line of IHstrumaato. Eantol 3-6074. 9*160. . Greenlease Judge offer’ for’ preproperty. See ua batero BENSONS '48, '4L ’40, *89 Chevrolota WUVDOW SH A im made to order 801-S15 Center Street and Instructtona in braiding ruga. you: No oldlgationi ^pUod to purchase prica- Ran- platoly redaeoratad. Room for 108T -P A 88 BOOK No. 449B3. and inataUed. Venetian bUnda No timo loat. Naw work, altera- axpondon. For turtber detaUs and Two BEDROOMS, 1*' Uvlng room, you oelL 1085 MAIN STREET TEL. MI-9-5S48 Notice to hereby glyen Paaa 1940 Ford Coupe CaU RockvUlt 94766. A——L"" E"'-E '~R—-T— S rasenttiw toM* mtlra.gwaggH, Located S^9la 8 . __ One year old, five room cantor Se deathb :penalty for kidapera la album of areddinc plcturea at DDflNO ROOM aat. toMa, huffat smaU town. 18 mltoa from *rs»u|7NREE BEDROOM ra a tt, oil hat hallway ranch, may ha expanded 81.795, 8190 down; 1988 Dodge Woodworking Shop. Pilgrim S to r s M WANTED— PART TIME gtocary Ues fumtohad. Ideal for twh Ml.... MM-.I MIa Mitt. Mtoaourl. Bale'a aweater counter Saturday aedan 81.996, 8890 down. Balance 8 and six chairs. CaU after 6 p. m. ADDING MACHINE. couples. CfU Ml 3*634 after 8. cheater. Books opan to prindpato.' water heat, file bath, ptetum wta- to savm rooms. O^n stairway, The action came ahorUy after the afternoon pleaae call MI 8-TO19. 84896.______clerk for mornings and aftamoens. Sundatrand electric, heavy duty, pUetorad waUa. fuU edtor, firepisce, metal combination win­ yoara. Cola Motora 9-0980. AUSTIN -A. CHAMBERS CD, Ap^y Knarfs Maikat, 083 East BoUdiitf Bbterlab 47 Hartford 7-0578. Goodutroa forlur two partners.pvuivr,. Sacrificesoci I nation was shocked by the odbue- When You Thiiik MANCHESTER T. V. Service, 10-key, 10-criumn, on pertatila HEW THREE ROOM fumtohad | price tor aU, 816,000 plut stock.! si many trass, eentraUr leeatad. dows, 100 X 300 loL 458 merigaga Uon o f l*-year-old Edward BULBS local and long dtotanea moving, Mlddla Tpke. radio and T.V. i^adaUsU alnea packing, atoraga. CaU MItchdl Canadian Framing and SIMMONS SPRING and mattreaa stand, fine condition, M60. Phena ep^menU Adults praferred. MI. RaaaoaShla down payment, bal- Near hua and ached. #18,400. Cart- may be assumed. Only W,900 Cudahy, Jr., son o f on Omaha, AanoncsBieim IMT BLACK Chevrolat aedan. Call for douUa bod, 81> complete. MI. MI. 9-1369. ton W. Hut chin*. ML 9*188,'^ down. Warren B. Howland. Real­ 1934. House aarvlee caU 88.60. 8-6187. Hartford 6-1438. Sheathing ...... per M | 99.60 8-4647. ance on mortgage. U you wiwant a I Neb., packing company oxecutlve. TRADE-INS accepted for Sunbeam, Ml. 9-4646 after 6.______MItcheU 94160 day or night. HIGH SCHOOL boy wantad fOr af- 8-8140. good paying huainaaa this to it! tor. PheM MItchaU 8*900 u p Cudahy, hrid two days, was re- MANCHESTER-Paduga DaUv- Weatem FranUng— time Schick or Remington electric 19a. 8-8738. PERSIAN LAMB three quarter Juzt compietM, «8 Lpdall St. SOUTH COVENTRY Y U n k o( and Spruce.______length coat, $80. Con be oaan at iTORE-GREEN RD.—Naw huU^I to atate charges. The jury trial BEFORE TOU Buy a used car Phone MltrdreU 94788. opectolty. MltdMll 9-076L ter. 18” Colorad Shakea per aq. $ 18.80 KROLL CRIB, maple, tWo drop near Parker SL Six large reema, Cape Cod with three bed- Sbaathlng 1 x 8 1806 Hebron Ave., Otoatoabary. ing. 10058 Iocs tlon. Plenty or park­ before 7*-ycar-old Judge Reevea See Gorman Motor Salca. Bnlck rides, youth bad stoa. Excellent f o r Sale 781 two lavatoriae, ecramle tUa dawn' roomx. G il heat, fireplace, ga- will be held imdar the federal kid­ P e n a a s la FURNACES Vacuum cleaned, oU WANTED—Boy for Sundays only, condiUen. Reasonable. MI. 3-8731. ing. Suitable for inoet any type Salea and Servloo. 3S6 Mam homers sarvieed. For axMrt and Painting—Papering SI to wash paaa. Pina Pastry, 4 T. L ..Lb ...... b . p a r M 8 97.00 business. Phene Ml. 8*371. MANCHESTER—7H room colontol, *teirs hath. One bedroom..M WM down.— Atefifiite drive, eomplete- naping law. THE PROSPBX7T Hin Scboid for atroet. M ltdiell 9-467L Opan ave- prompt oarvlca caU Bon Cart- Center Ptuah Doors— WEBtad—ToBag 18 to^^e' fmlTt W^tni^t Uto||y l* n d * « p e d . S torm s w h a ^ Only s Jury con recommsnd ths young children. Trane portatlon nlnga. PAINTINO, Exterior and Interior, FOR SALE—Waotlnghouse wringer ONE ROOM office for rent, second fuU baeement, fuU hath, l extra Hyadaths, Daffodile, G rap * wrlght MItcheU 94446.______type washing machine, 8>0- 8U. laiga garage, nice heater, and nndldoor*. COTveniently locatet maximum penalty of death under fumlahed. Mra. la la Tybur, direc­ Pburhangliig- Ceilings reflntoh- Clear Stain Grade . . .av. 8 8-95 floor. Apidy W. O. Otonney Oo., rsUing, braesaway, garaga the federal statirte. If the Jury re­ HyadnthB, SdUoa, S a ow tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5787. a n t iq u e s Refinlahad. Repairing ed. WaU paper hooka on requast. Preasura Type W lad^ 8-7876. USED MUSKRAT trap. Can ML 336-NorOi Main St. ' good size lot. 817.800. E A E Agen­ amasita driva Near bus aarvtca, near school, bus, atoreg and SitBstkms Waated— cy, 110 Main fit. MI. 9*197. jects the death penalty. Judge Drepa, NardBBi and the ftd- Auto Accsssorlcs Urea t done on any furniture. Tleman, Estimatea ^van. Fully iiwurod. A 9 X 16 NEW Rug, exquisite, a 8-6064. ■hopping cantw, grads aehodl, n*w lake. Home in excellent con­ Reeves will determine the MRS. ZOPFI Reader and advtoor of 189 South Main street Phone CaU Edward R. Pries. MRchaU FeBwI* 88 Framee—aat up . . .from 8 17.00 THREE 670 16 U. 8. Royal white- sculptured 9 x 13, sacrifice, 888. Legal Notice I MANCHESTER—7 room Cape CodI high school w d awlmmlng peri dition. Immediate occupancy. •entcncea to be given. lowinc branda of toUps: Dar­ Blveralde Park, Agawam, to now MItcheU 8-8648.______9-1008.______^______COhiplete Una of BuUdlng Hartford 46-4893. Sydlee, 961 Weth­ During yesterday's arraignment located at 2M Franklin Ave., wall Urea. Excellent conmUon. MI. WANTED—To care for chUdren In SMALL CEMENT mlxar, 1-8 brick front, large lot, garage,, city acroaa the stmeL Lot 9F x 400*. Tel. PI-3-6082, week days to win Single Early and DenUe registered home, weat aid# of Matariato at Whotoaala Prlcaa ersfield Ave, C-l. yard*. Call MI. 9-7676. rlORNBLOWER A WtXKX water snd sewtra, flreplsca, oil U. S. District AttMuey Edward L. acroea from the Art Theater. 9-9469. _____ DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, INTERIOR and exterior brudi and Cerilflcsteicst, of Limitedlimited PsrtncrXilpPartncrtoli (approx, ona acre). City water ;30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m., ficheufler, who haa asid ha uMl seek Early, Penret, ^tankaL Red Beadinga by appointment only. copied, vacuum deaners. Irons, spray printing. Rantal of spray town. Phono MI. 8-S074. The undeivisned. bsvlna lorraed s hot water. Priced at 810.000. E. A LIFETIME Battarias, self-charg­ LAMPS Galore at Benaon’a. Good B Agency, 810 Main St. MI. 9-639T. and oawars. It you w u t and esn Saturday and Sunday, PI- the death penalty for the pair, Phone Hartford 46-6785, All wel­ guru, etc., repaired. Shears, equipment. T. J. McKinney Paint­ NATIONAL BUILDERS buys In TV lamps, table lamps, I.iinitcd Psrtnertalp under tb, Iswn of Emperor, Cottage and ing. 6 yaar guarantee. 139.96 any WANTED-Play pen, good the SUM cl New York, end deilrtng to afford a bMutifuI 8*0,000 home 2-6342. called the slaying '‘brutal and cold come. -______knives, mowers etc., put into con­ ing Co. MI. 94106 - 94016. WILL CARE for children part bridge and floor lamp#. If U’a a do bulla.M Is tiM SUte of Oonnectieut NEAT AS A PIN—Two yasr old...... __ B reed er. car. Let us damonstrate. Budget SUPPLIES tlon. Reasonable. MI. 8-6346. «i • UmiM PnrtaenlUp, hereby cer- blooded.’ AOOOUNTINO-Bookkeeplng, atate the cost. Cola Motors, MItcheU dition for coming needs. Braith- time, evenings. CaU ML 9-3186. good buy you’U find It at Benson’s, Cape Cod, alx rooms, two unftn-1 Ideal leoation, hero It to. Ra- The child wsa taken from the waita, 63 Pearl street 430 Davenport Avenue Inc., 1068 Main St. Ufy • tohad, vasUbula, open ataliwsy, I taH price 119,000. Actual Fodaral BOLTON—6-roora Cape Cod, fire- and federal taxea. All biialneaa 9-0960.______Courses and Gasses 27 R.N. DESIRES poritlon In phyri- New Haven, Connecticut L The nsm, of lh« firm under which private school in Kenasa City, Mo., and indlviduala. TeL ML 8-7891 R oobib witboEt BoEtd It th, Pnrtnertalp In conducted In Horn- fireplace, ceramic tUc bath, nlcsl Housing AdmlatotrsUon spprstosl |tece, oU hot water best, fuU abed Sept. 38 and driven acroaa the MOTOR SALE, naw motor guaran­ MANCHESTER Welding Service clan's office aa miroa and socre- Trieiriioae sTate 7-8897 BENDDC DELUXE automaUc hlower a W„lM. dormer, open stairway, combina­ any time. IN 8 EVENINGS per week we can t. Th, pruiolpnl r i s e of huaUenn U kitchen, fuU bsoement, hatch-1 may be carrying top atsbe line into Kansas where he tee, 1056 down. Chevrolet, Ford, Portable equipment General teach you Ramo-Electraiilcs-TV tary. Has had 3 years’ office ax- washer, used a abort Ume, in good LARGE ROOM next to bath. HoUy- 2. ~ copitor tion storm windows, insulated, welding, bdler and furnace weld­ perienca and 8 years hospital serv­ working eondlUon. Price 8*6 •t_ 40 WsU. etrntt. Boro<^ of X sntel- way, bet water haL was slain. Crossing of the state AMARYLLIS BULBS, HYBRIDS RIDE FROM vlctalty of Eaot Mid­ Mercury. Dodge, Plymouth, repairing by our “Leam by Do­ wood aection. Oenttoman pre­ un. City. County nnd 8U t«.ol N«w plumbing, metal I m ortax s oemmitmOnt o f S14JM)0, plaatered walls, fnU cellar, trees, line permitted fedm l authorities ing. MItcheU 9-165g or MItchdl ice. CaU MI. 8-8038 between 9 • )3 DiSBIOEdS— WStChCE— Kemp's, Inc. ferred. Ml. 8-7397. York. The offlc* nnd plr“ilnce of-* Witfn-M S-4 acre, only *10,600. Carlton W. dle Tpke. to Hartford, Saturdaya, 8134.66. Pontiac, Bulck, Olda- ing” method. EnroU now at “ Con- doors snd windows, shed dormer, Ilf' your Ineomo qusllftoa. For dol­ to enter the com. mobUa, 1174.96. Cola Motora, 9-8763.______a.m. J tw tlr y 48 tn epaneeticut 1* ni 76 Posrl atrfto«.| Hutrillna. 9-6133, 9-4604. 94. Mt. 9-4006 after 8. necUcut's Oldest Electronics FLORENCE CombinaUon gas and TWO FURNISHED rooms With LUrltprd.; City water, sewer, aklewslk. 70 lar value, better check here. Shown The boy’s body .was found In PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS MItcheU 94980. TYPEWRITE"‘JB and adding ma­ School'* for claos starting Dae.-1, oU range, A-1 shape. White, The nsmrn nnd rropMUra pUcot ft X 185 ft. 'wooded lot Priced lime-covered grave in the.yard of RIDE WANTBD--From Weet Mid­ 1951. CoU Hartford 6-1680, or writs UDONARD W. YOST, Jowelar. ra- kitchen priviU i^. Call after 4. •I rMldtoee of ton Oenernl Psrlaer* by appointment ROeXVILLE-S-famUy 4-4* 3-car dle Turnpike to Proopect Street, chines rapaired and overhaiUed. Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 MUra, adjusts watebaa axpnily. chrome pipe, 8*8. Barstow’s. MI. 3-8841. to Mil at 813.900. W siren E. Mrs. Hesdy's SL Joaepb, Mo„ for fuU Information. New England *'ciurl«n T. Lornrlna. Park Howtond, Realtor. MItcheU 9*600 garaga, aU city convaniancea, Eaat Hartford. Houra 8 to 6. CaU BUDGET TOUR TIRES Work guaranteed. MI. 9-8418. Raaacnabto pcieas. Om daQy. good torimia. SUJOO. George A. boms OcL 7, the day after she and Pay 80c Weekly Technical InsUtute, 198 TrumbuU THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet WHITE BENGAL combinaUon SINGLE ROOM for rant. Nswto nu». N«w York, New York: Anlph a y Ume. WILLIAM G. MdKINNEY PARKER LAWN SWEEPERS - RUBBISH BURNERS MI. 9-8631 after 8:80. St., Hartford, Conn. Thuraday evanlngs. 139 Spmea Horablowor. 7 Loutnbura Atunrn, Coleman, Broker, HartfonTConn. HsU were arrested in BL Louis. Of Center, 996 Main St. Mongrel pup- kitchen stove, four gaa and two oil fUriilahed. Gehtleman only. lO . ton, Mnusebunotu: Pm I X. Bkiooffc tha record 8600*00 ransom paid, Permsylvanla Rayon Deluxe cuah- atraet. MUdmU 9-43*7. with top covars. A-1 condlUon. 9-6047. SDC ROOM Cape Ood. Large lot. I *rsL MI-9-414S Trust Oo. Bldg. TeL RockvUle WANTED—Ride from Hacknmtack Household Services plea. Turteto, mtmkaya, hamstora, 171 Leho aaoro D rir^ O lIo w . 5-40H or 9*710. approximately 8*00,000 was re­ St., to vicinity SUte Office Bldg., ions. LUetlma Warranty plus Life- tropical ftoh, tanks, acceaaoriaa, Reasonahle. CaU MI. S4W3. Prrey W. Brown. 3004 Cheotaut HlUi AU uUlitlda. Four bedrooms SmsU | time Road Hazard guarantee. Offend IS-A Bonds—StockiH- LARGE FRONT Room on Waat Drive, atvelnad HelghU, CI«v,Und. down psymont. Long term mort­ covered. A March to otlU underway UNDERBROUND BARRAGE RECEIVERS HarUord. Houra 8:80 • 4:80. Phone guaranteed singing canarias. Oxi' Psd End P*9l 49-A Ohio; James J. Phfln^ Jr.. Metnmora, SOUTH OOVI^ITRY —Four room* for ths remsindsr. HsU claims 6.70x16 ...... 818.96 WEAVING of bums, moth holes Mortgages 81 USED O.E. REFRIGERATOR, ex- Side. Gentlamen preferred. ML MIchlsnn: Joseph T. Walker. Jr^ 3H gage. SeUla price til JOO. Phonal LYNESS ST. — Charming fivs MI. 8-7948.______necticut brad parakeato. CaU Ml. ceUent mariianical condlUon, 880. _ _ ___ large pine paneled Uv- was lost during s drinking sprM 7.10x15 ...... 817.95 and tom dothing, hdaery runs, 9-4178. Open aU day Wadnaaday. DRY HARDWOOD, furnace, fire­ 8-4401. Hammood XtrMf, CheeUnit HUl. MaiA Barbara Wo7. llllnolni Gtoraa L. MorrU, 1* Horodllh lot. Large Uvlng room, f ' M8 acres, atodern *T feel ahe undaratanda the na­ VACA’nON traUer 16’ , Kit Compan- FOR TbUR Rug cleaning and MItcheU 9-0481. fireplace or furnaces. CoU Leon­ coU. 88.60. MI. S-I9S7. Rond, Oyorhrook Hllln. J^nMylvsnle: *0 X 180. Price IITJOO. We I960 FORD Custom aedan, rado, from our five cent High Grade Nut ard GlgUo. ML 3-7068. Jsraen J. WsUOA S*®i A»o- have s three year old Green rumpus room snd laundry ■rtaalaii woB. oak ture of the (guilty) plea and Its heater. In exceUent oondltian ion, sleeps four. ExceUent condi- shampooingipoolng caU______Manchoster__ Rug __ machines in this area. No aelllng’ TROPICAL FISH, new ehipmeat SINGLE ROOM. Heat hnd hot full conaequences. She to willing SALT HAY Uon. Wul sacrifice, 8960. MI. ShampoobB Oo., MItcheU 84663. NORGE Rafrlgerator, Thor spin w ater.. OenUeman or woman. Manor ranch without bsMmsot, msnL Overatoe garofo with floora, air condtUouad bmlt, aehori throuihout Priced right to To qualify for work you must have Just arrivad. KtUy'a Aquarium, 89 CANADIAN HAY and straw. AU snd with radiant hssL Prtesd st smssUs drive, outside ilreptoeo, bus atepa at door. Oatt o#nar, to pay the suprenu sacrifice os her -Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 8-80M.______■ Work guaranteed m u pick up dry wariior. Easy spin dry wash­ Charter Oak St. CaU MI. 9-7317. B?o5i»llKr Now YorP Hiwry Hom-I For Mnkhing a ear, referencea; 8640 caah, i Sunoet St. Open ’U1 9 p. m. grades, any quantity Paul 8. er, Glemraod eil-gaa combination blowor U. » Oydo fitroot, Chosmul 818,900. Owner also tnunferred. near school. TeL Ml. **9*4. Moaehaator ML ***33. debt to ■odaty.’' Main. and deUver. cured by inventory. Devoting S^endal, 187 Gardner S t, Man- HIU 47, ICsaaSchuotlu: M ph Horn- BUFF COCKER Spaniel, male, 9 range, Tappon gaa range. Gaa WANTED—Ona gentleman to ahara Escott Aganey. MRcheU 9-7MS. Anto Driving School 7*A houra a week to hurineas, your end diester, Ooon. nona 9-0465 ray MX room fumlahed apartment blowor. Jr- Hlhcrrnl_iPnrk. ■Umterd BRICK AND Ihingla Cape OodT $5 DOWN and drive out with good months. Gentle dtopoaiUon, houaa- kitchen heater. AU items priced Coninic c t i^ Harry W. FuceotU. tW FOUR BEDROOM crionlsl. centerl^yasrs young. • nom a, 3 imfinlal tranaportaUon. SmaU monthly pay- Building— Contracting on percentage coUectiona wiU net for quick sale. LaFlamme Appli­ CentraUy located. Call MI. 8A4U. IarV*i^ _ S ro Drhrf, g n e ^ 11. nitoola; SAKRETE 34 DEPOT s q u a r e —MANCHESm AUTO DRIVING Instruction. AU up to 8400 monthly, Increaaing ac­ broken. Inoculated. Champion ___HRroMId ritu . CsMor. Z»~Ow«T| Aronuo, haU, 38 foot Uving room, fireplace, ad. S-car garaga. Yeungatow jnento—you tell us how UtUe. cordingly. For interview, include podlgree for breeding. ML 8-6000. Gardtn— Fans— Dairy ance, Watkins Bldg., IS Oak ft. ROOM FOR genUemon. AU Im- l.onodo«rtiOt Pomujrlranla: TrloUa Aj»- exceUent coniBUon, oU steam hast, cabinet kitchen, acreen. hot water X k^las Motors, 833 Main. laaaons on insurad dnal-conttol CARPENTER Work. Free erii- Tel. MI. ^ ^ m . Irll, A Plonapont WroolJIrooWra, Now car. Capahia anarianesd instrae- mates. ReaoonaMe rates. No Job phone in application. ^ . ______PradE dE ______60 provemento, privata entrance. ML York: joootli Qlmma. fOO I^ k Avrauo. fully Insulated, Rusco storm win­ hast, fire^sca, 90 x UO lot. A real Lew. dows, copper plumbing, garage, nice home buUt by AnlaU^ fairly ANOTHER SPECIAL AT 1940 FORD, 19M FORD, 1947 Cbav- tor. Ooranar Auto SdMoL MItch­ too smaU. RockvUle 54111. WRITE BOX K RABBITS of aU broods. MI. 9-6661. ONE FLOOR model Ironrite Ironer, 9-6140. Now Vork. Now York: WUlUm AVa-- rolet—your choice 8486. 1961 Chev­ eU 94010. No. 1 GREEN Mountain potatoes, lor. Jr.. 1 « Birch Btrool. W taao^ smesita drive, traea, near priced st 814 JOO. Warren 11. How­ ^ MANCHESTER CARPET CENTU WE CAN BUILD von a garaga e]o HERALD dallvered to your door. Oritora new never need, to make room, eo- ROOM FOR Rent. Heat and Jtot llooU: Ooeoao T. Pljmn. 11 pevU A'iv'J: ls :^ , Realtor. Phone MItcheU rolet 8U98. Deluxe model 3-door peeUUyly priced at $160. Kemp’s, iiuo.. Now Boriwilo, B^llo. NowYork;No^ork; Thomw ’Tboni Carlton W. Hutchins. ML 0*183, / BeoxtlfOl Phnh Cotton Breadleain Carpetiag. Ideal 1900 Chevrdeto (8) 8908. 1948 BALLARD’S DRIVING 8CBOOL- for 8980 completa. U y w need o m received. CoU Hathaway. ML water. Near Center. Gentleman R Gsnnott, Mslostoas irsrm. W s y ls ^ MI. 9-4*64. S-980C any Ume. fer won to won eovorlog er rag alaee. 13 ft. wide ood “ Manchastar’s oldest” Owner- Eatimataa also 9-1160.______-— - Inc. preferred. 87 FoeUr St., or MI. Mssasccbusolta; Pkih H. Dsrlo. M Chevrolet FleetUne Fordor 8796. PoBltry EBd SaptUcE 48 aurroy l M » Olenvlow. Illinois: tsithor avalloMe la a«ft ahodee of greeo, Let’s aca you heat these prices. Oertifled by AAA and Board of glvan on large garages, traaia- Help Wanted—FcEUda 85 THOR AUTOMAGK washing ma­ 8-6U1. PfiaUOMfi ST. — DealraUa honta. |]gAN(aiB8TaSt—*-raom bungalow, Education. Wa offer tratadM, ox- ways, porches, dormers, etc. For WELL ROTTED cow manuro rec- Drsrbora. 716 VeUoy Rood. Gloocoo. II- tjsrga UVlng room, dining room, full hoMmant, corner lot, 4 rooms gray, beige and etoaaama. A T C Dmigtos Motora, 838 Mam. chine, pmcticaUy new, 880. Set of llnoto; Liouls J. Crooo, 1001 Jacksos Bag. 8CJ8 aq: yd. SALE ...... ots#0aq.yd. periance, latoat methods. 3Cil< fuU paritculara, caU W. O. Me- EXPERIENCED SaMa dark. Air- onmaaded for dried out towns. china dtohaa. chairs, various LARGE STUDIO Room, complete Arfnuo, BI»or imroot. Illlnolo: Harry kiuiim and breakfast nook, oacond down, two knotty pins rooms up. SOLIM ENE, INC. 1943 CHEVROLET club coupe. 9-3 NaUy A Sons. TeL MltriieU *W*8. oondiUoaed store. Apply in person. 40 LAYING HENS, one year rid, 83 Alao hishtond tap soU. Orders tak- houeckeepbig faculties. Idsiu for A Troos, MO-Voracn Avosuo.JJIowMi*, floor. Two large and 1 amsU bad< CentraUy located. An excellent MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER aacb. 613 Keoney St. aa for deUvary at your conven- houaehrid items. CoU PI. 8-7719. ainitto person or working ooimle. IlllaoU; HatfloM Bmlth, m Plao Radio, heater. In wonderful condi­ Mariow’a 6lrool. Wlsnotko, DllnoU; CJlflos P. rooms, fuU both, ahowar, ate., value St tUJOO. E A E Agency, SfiS MAIN ST. AT MIDDLE TURNPIKE tion. Formerly owned by young MORTLOCK’S Driving Sebori. Loat gPKCIALIZINO in custom buUt ga­ tones. CaU Lecnard Oiglio. Mitch GENERAL Electric f toot refrig­ Private home. CaU ML 8-7793. Welker. Jr.. Eotsto Lime. Off Old Mill IsMo cloatta, many other daair< *10 Main fit. ML **3*7. PHONE M1-9-48U MANOHE8TEB INVITES YOU TO SEE confidence quickly restoged by rages, Stanley overitead doors, SHIRT. PRESS operator wanted at TEN UVE Toulouse geese, six aU 8-T088. Rood,. Lake rBroel. minols;- John J. 1^ featurea. AU ooovenleneea. lady in town. Douglas Motors, 333 months rid. B. J. BOgiii. Glaston­ erator, tn fine condition. Must be Opex Thatm. ood Fri. t AJI. to t FJI. ■kUled, courteous instmetors. En­ camneto, Uoefc tUe ceilings, ol- New Model Laundry. Apply In Hoflsahidd Goods 61 aeen to be epprecUtad. Special LARGE FRONT bedroom wUh Msrkiisni^tM N. Lake Ohoro Drlro, fitoceltent location. Reaaonsl 1*3 UNNMORE DRlVE-filx room Main. teraUona, additions. CaU Frank poraon, 78 Summit St. bury 8-3988. kitchen privUegea for couple er Chicsso, nUnolo. dorsed teachbw methods Inauree price of 878. Kemp's-1*»®- Ralph Horsbtswer. Paul . priced. Suburban Realty Co, 1 Capo God—3 imflnliliad. One car SERVICEMAN .Going ovoraaas, safe drivtog. Results guaranteed. Contoto, ML 8-8833. two girto. Near bus line, biqutre P*rey W. Btootil James J. Phelss, 8*315. garaga. Built 1*4L Raereotien DO YOU NEED extra caah for BROAD-BREASTED Bronze Tur­ 14G Garden Drive after 8 p.m. Jr., snd Paul H. Dsvta ara both SpMUl must aeU 1947 Plymouth 4-door MItebeU 9-7196. keys, freah frozen and freah killad, CLEARANCE USED FURNTTURB bought and room, oil hot water hoot, full in­ deluxe aedan. Newly overhauled nr YOU INTEND t o " b u il d Chriatmaa? There’s stUl tlma to sold. The Woodahsd, ll Ma Partners and Oeneral Paiiaam. Ac- HOUSE FOR Solo at M Norman sulation, otorm wtodowa, acraaaa, FOR SAFE and Oourteous Auto your-new-homs or do any repair- earn it by showing our Christmas 10 to 38 pounds. Schanb’s Tttrkay ONE OR TWO rooms available, rnrdlaaly. they are Special Partaera St. Seven room single, anglne. New battery, good tires. Farm, l is HUtotown Road. atreat TaL MRcItaU 94184. nnly aa hatweea Uiemselyes and other vonetion hlinda, omaaita drive. CaU MI. 9-7113. Driving Instruction with Insured ti^, see William Kanehl, Oontrac- toya and glfto. Bo a homo denum- AU Giu Ranges single or double, kitchen privi­ Partners. , automatic oU heat. In good condl­ Nice yard foncad and hsdmd. / dual control car caU Larson Driv­ tor and Builder. Phone MItcheU strator now. MI. 8-7507. Substantial Saving For You rrs BENION’8 In Manchester for leges. Tel. MI. 9-8136. The Partners abora named ara ril Uon. MI. 9-566S, or MI. 9*615. Pries 811,900. Bxehmiva with A va 3968 DE SOTO, custom Ftredome ing SchooL Phone MItcheU 8-7778. authcrlssd to transact the Partnership HOUSEWIVES anxious to earn 81 Artidcs tar Sai* 46 chroma kitchen eat buys—let us buelaeaa and sisii the firm name. Tyler, Realtor. MI. 9-440*. ) ll H R >\ It [ eight, tutona gray, four door 9-W78. Complete lin e Of Furniture show you what 880 wiU buy tn 6 The name ass piMa st resideaea o(| aedan. 4,070 mUes. ExceUent con- GENERAL CARPENTRY — Al- to 83 per hour without canvaoeing. pc. sou. Torma. Benson’s, Inc., the Special Parinera who ara net also Legal Noiiee DRIVING Instructions from your tcratlona, oddiUons and new Write P. O. Box 661, Hartford 1. For The Entire Home General Partners are: COLUMBUS STREET S P [ C I A I I SJ diUon. CaU MI. 9-1138. BOOK OF KNOWLEDGK-naw and 10*5 Main St. Alfred R. Meyer, Hurt Towers. G r e ^ GARAGES homo. Dual-control Insured car, conatrucUon. Dormers, porches, Conn. and T V UMITAnaN OaOEB Only A few of theae deair- unuoad. ML 9-6018. wich. Connactlcul; T. D a ^ y Everett. AT A COURT o r PROBATE h*U| standard or automatic. CaU Man­ garages and rooms fijnlriied at ATTENTION Ladtosl SUp-covars ftO Park Arenu^ Naw York, New* at MuichvMar. within and rar ths Bble room ranch) homeg 1963 FORD Custom line. ExceUent chester Driving Acaefemy. PL SELLING season to CHAMBERS FURNITURE York; Henry B. Dearhora, 3 M Eseter Distrief of MSacbsslcr. bn ths 90th raaaoaahle pricea Workmanship Ve n e t i a n b u n d e and dnpas cuatoa made. Re-up- _ 1963 left. Sensibly priced 4t $12,- condiUm. MI. 9-8679 after 0 p.m. 3-7349, ToU free. guarantaed. Free esUmateo. hero. Capitalise on thto demand hototaring. Beautiful fabrics, Place. ianU Barbara, C a llf^ la : daylay brof Oetobvr.Oetol A.D. by being an Avon Representative Hto lMst QnaUty Only At the Green Arthur W. Waketey. 2M Leicester Road, Prvstnt, JJOHN J. WALLETT JudfS. 900 w h ich in d u d e s a G E r a n ft '. 'v : ■' Robert M. Alexander. Telephone in your neighborhood. Write Mra. Also ReeondHxmtw prints, atripaa, soUds. Expertly SAV^ME Kenilworth. Illln ^ : l a ^ C. BUUm. Bststs__ of! Hllms. J. Andsrson. tats nf ^ tch eU *-7716. Hours: 9:30 M. to 5 P. M. flntohed; {* down. $2 weekly, Jr.. 101 Aator Street. Chicaco 10.. g- Msachbstsr, In said District, dscrsacd. and a GE refrifcrator. (8l2y- Garages—Sorvic F. H. Frawley, North Briuiford, Thpas and Cords by Yari oU: Herbert I. Markham, IM l B. On motion of Inoi Vna Camp e f aatd Homes. Conn. 7:30 P. M. to 8:80 P. M. hnlance one year to pay. . CaU rcheiter Avenu^ Chlcafo l7,.IB_lnole: Manchsstsr. sarcutrix. 600 without appUances). S torsg a COB Mrs. Pinto. satobeU 9-7868. ORDERED: That, aix months from ALL KINDS o< carpentry V W t th e Saa D. ytaacia, 1 Model home by appoint­ 3947 BinCK Sedan, 8490. Heater, Reasonable rates. IctchaU *-4861. F1NDELL lora oa ment Hotel, 106 1 . ------^ „ tbs 90th day of October. A.D.. 1963. ho TWO OARAGES for rent. Could bo EXPERIENCED Counter girt, part HI I isn i BOTTLED GAS Ponfield water Employmoiat Chicaao, 11, lUlpoU; Arthur q . Ult nnd ths asms ars UoiltM and allovsd, ment at anytime _ and every radio. A real nice car No down used for storage. 678 Center St. heater. About t year# rid. Good IIJIN . Woodhtaa Avenue, Oak P«m . for tha crsdltsra within which ts hringin j , w payment, 839.90 monthly, COle nine; Apply 350 Hartford Road. 4jW Boot MIdito Tnrapika BABY DELUXE spin dry waohar, Rlinoiat Hanrr E. Greene, R P .p . No. In Uislr ctalran nsatatt said rstatr, and b U n d B y BltCrBOOn. ImfidHvwIMM Tel. MI. 3-5694. 860. Barstaw'o. condition, 880. Phone MI. 9-S683. O ffic e CrstnordsvUle, Indiana: PrM kllnB. the said sascutrlata dirretsd to el*sl _ ■ _ . Motors, 430 Center. noristo-i-N om riis vans. 1069 fi. South Bhora Drive. WOMEN and girls to assort and OmutA-DX WALT power tods and PRATT A WHITNEY caao 49. nitaMta: Mahhm O. Bradlty. 70 — T. J. CROCKETT. Broker COT FLOWERS, chrysanthemums, oUa shade tobacco. Steady work. acceaaortoo. Salas, sarrtca, demon- kX. Waltou Place. Chtcaan Id IlllnoU. GARAGE FOR RENT at 80 UUey AIRCRAFT byepuMh^sa a copy of thta order ta| 244 Ib io Street St. choice varieUea. Comer of HUla- Wetotone Tobacco Oorp., . 374 stratian. Ttrma arraagad. Oapttd 4. Tha Partnership buatnew la s aen- tolaa — ------newapaprr ------bavins_ ------> ctrcutallon — In town Rd. and HUL St. ML 8-8188. Broad St. aral security buslaaas, Inchidiaa actlnaliaiaisM probataprebata district, wjihinwithin Mtea daysdam - Phone MItcheU 8-6416 introducing tlie New D o d g o Equipment Oo., a JCaUL St so broker, dealer and underwriter, s m (nun the data of this order, and return Uie buelneea of acting as s broker In | niSita to this, cMri of_the noUce given. Ritoidence, MItcheU 9-7761 I M otoreydes—Biajrelaa LOA3C. Dork, licb enttivatad gmda commodlUea. . ^ ^ ^ JOHN J. WALLETT Roofing—-SidlBg Help Wanted—Hal* 86 No; 1 a CO. yard. Grade No. 3, a Bight Bsw to aa 1. The aiDOunta of capUal turnleh^ iMANCHaRKK—Maar Park t« NEW ! MF DOOM mm cu. yard. Ddlvaied tn tmett lOaE exeeUeat thne to and actually eentrtbuted by tha Special AT A CfTORT OF, PROBATE h*l6 roatlooal gnuaffi, toia aad ataraB. FOR GU ARiSiiSroRO oiil^ p e r s o n a l Partners whp ara net,alto General at ffaheheeter, within------nnd^ .for Duplex e * . BteoaoriXl hast' JBC DOME m SuSIl WIIK TWO OnttS* bicycles, good condl-. THE FINANCE COM­ leto. Screanad aoad, atone, fill and Partners are. raapacUvaly, aa follow Dtatrict of MancheMer. oa tha ocLOja tioa. 834 each. MI. 8-7480. stay on In any kind of storm, and PANY, WUI employ several men aa gravel deUvared. Order now. Nuea- g^*J*^at *tha Altrsd R. if e y c r ...... •••••HW.OOO day of October A.D.. 1963. wiring, eoMsr tuMag; hazdwaod guttera conmictors and roof r»^ branch manager trainees. Must ha dorf Consliudlim Go. Pkena A lreralt* Wa P. Dnwi'£7 ■▼"rit 300.000 Preeent. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judf^ floora, goM roof, aaww point p a b » (toU Coughlin, MItcheU high stkori graduate, coUoga train­ Hvnry B._ Durborq tz jw Batata of Srauel J. Btllotl. tala ef and won maliitalnad. Prie# iiathM Now neoha MltcheM 9-740a.______have OMra Jaha— Arthur W. Wokclvy . ieo.ooa Manchester In Mid dtalrict. deeeneed. BOTS 88” English hlcycla, excel­ 8 ^ o r ing deatrabis. Age 33 - 39. Must Bead a wider va­ iM oc C. Btatoe, Jr. . 10.000 Upon application of Robert 8. Elliott, 818,909. ItoMtt Agency. Mlteh lent condition, 830. Cril MI. 9-7644. have car. Ihto pMltion offers a FIEU> nO M B tor firaplaca and ra- Herbert 1. MArkhom 100.000 penylaa that lettere of . admintatraUoa grlfitl. RAY’S ROOFING Company. Ont- riety ef aUas — Dean D. Fmncta . . . . 100.000 he granted amn on said eeute, aa per BiUendld opportunity In the oonsum- tataiiag waUa. M. Fbanch, Ooven thaa In a leag, tm HP. tod law v-a Owhe tar wotk. roof and dunaey ve- er finance field. Salary • car allow­ try, rtlgrim 3-7iet______Arthur O. Ully . . ; . . . 46.000 ■"on on file, 11 it 133 CANTTOtBURY BL Neal, cam- paira Free eatimatea gladly ieag ttoM. Ufa a Henry B. Oreeoa 96.000 __.JEHBO: That the forefrina^aw fortabla home of alx ftatohod DODGE Bosiaasi Sarvices Offered IS ance • insurance. -tadkli .auliB -B. Bvnaa- pHenttan be heard and deternftaed at MW given. Ray Hogenow, M fidiril ROYAL AND Smitb-Corana port­ zaal ifpirfimlty Mahlon O. BrmUey S;SSi the Frohata office In Manebeetar In rooms. Full baMmant with play­ Other benefits include group life far awa wha fumlahed 9-3314. Ray Jadaon, insurance, vacafion, Uharal savings able and standard typawritara. I. Tha amount of teiiial cat aald Dtalrict. on Iho tOUi day of Noy< room. Immadtoto occupoocy. NO DOWN MYHENT _ I RUBBISH REMOVED. Idl. 9-3666. have wanted Mw and actually contrtbntaelied by inch Spe- tar, A.D.. 1969. at ten p'ciocl^ and reUrement plan. ^ly m ilroi o€ wiirTitiioo ctal Partner who le xIm a General-----— fb^renoon. and Ihnt notice be afyen tq| 811 JOO. ModaUiM InUth, Realtor. TAKB A ««ROAD TFiT RIBB** F»R FtOOF OF IX F IA VAGEBI Ajqdy * a.m. to 5 p.m.,- Monday aold or rented. ItogMlra on all aeexrity and nd> Partner, an-hta contribution on a Bpe- all peraone Interested la said estate of Tol. MI. *-lttt or 8-487*. FmST PAYMENT NEXT APRIL If S4 I ROOFINO, SidlBg and carpentry. aukeo. MarloWa etal Partner, la: the pendency ef anM npplIcnUon nnd I ______WIRING INSTALLATION of aU Atterottons and addittona OaU- thrmii|% Friday. Ralph Homblower me UmijM RUfifiKLL BTRSEF-Bix remiM. off S YEARS TO PAY typoB. No Job too Oman. Pater Inga. Workmanship guaranteed. B A lL E rS Aatlqna Shop, m Main Paul' 411 B, B. Iklaner ~ ...... to.OOOto 'Jto_orter,ta| flreplaca, baUi ■acand Evening hours by appointment Percy W. Browa ...... 1S-SS2 ■ some newapaper bavtaf I lO-YEAR OUARANTEE | BET OUR BEfiL ON A 1IM BUHE Pantalnk, 40 Fostoratraet Phooa A. A. Dloa, lac.. 3W Autumn atreat MRdieU 8-8008. Moderatoiy James J. Fhetaa, Jr...... 940.000 I In ' dlttnct. at least five days floor, lavatory fifst, copper pip­ street latobeU 8-48*0. . 90* MAIN STREET priced items In diina, gtooe, tln- Paul H. D avie...... 76,000 twe lbs ddir of anid h es^ ^ .te'PPearj ing, bouas to fully inaulatad aad MItcheU 9-7808. ^ 7. Uta Partaerahip cohunencM Ocl^ If they nee ennaa at. aald lime and| I FREE INSURANCE PLAN I WE ARE SOLD OUT ON THE 1958 DODGE MODEL, BUT WE ARB amre, pewter and funntare. tor 1, 1969 aad ooaunuea to and tnclud- place and be heard retatiye thereto, location to vary daalrahto. Furtbar MANCHESTER Roofiint A KOiag M«X!HANIC- Good w a^ an NOTICE and make return to thta court, and datoito by calUM Raohan T. Mc­ Ir UILT TO MEET ALL OUILOINO CODES STILL GIVING TOP DOLLAR ON THE NEW 1964 DODGE. Why hoy a Oo. AU tgrpea of- roofing and potot- working condUtoao. Opportunity SQMETHINO NEW, eomethtoH POSmON VACANCY ^ tRlIOM^lJSSEOr.^ undeij malltaa In a refiitered letter on er Cann Agency, ML 8-7700. 1953 BMdd when for only a few doUatB arorc yoa caa owa a acw, ’64 Dodg*? decorating. Raaapnable for advancement Must ha rem en f areat See the new tripte-eUde I fora Iwyember 4. IWA a of Ibl Free eatimataa. OaU FOR uJEnU^Sy ^ fo r tiS S . 1*3. I aider to Robert' Elilbtt. MeOoanUta I te o te ill m d h m mm away for yaw la ainct or mm \ In moot C999B, yM caa bay a ’64 amdcl froai SoUmear, lae., for tha laBM otbto and steady. Others do not ra- S D N O t CLERKtSTENOMAPHER Chnilen T. Leverina. ftalph UoraWove- koM, 90S Main S t .^ c e t 8prtasfleld. SUPER' 16 foot ranch, awooping also doors at great savings, GOOD JO B S ar, Paul B. Sktaasr, Farcy W. Rrpem. I Maaa: Robert R Ettlott. IBM Mai^ vtawa, two firoptaoaa. 39 ft. tiring I ipMialy 9wtoe4 awn wM aracl fw you , tarnytma fnsai | caah difffinecc as yoa woaM-a 1968 bmmM car tdMwbcra. WE HAVE A PLANNMC AND ZONINO DVT- ChartintrFbi^~ aa R. FerrUa, Pbul Paul J. E a a^ l' -----Otta- leare Ave., -Detroit . H...... Mich.: Mary J. tor fires demawetrattow. 8UI G O O D P A Y room, picture wfatdowa, aittotlc ■I rotogroef noK Wa Iw64 oBywIwro I FULL LINE OF THE NEW ’54 DODGE CARS ON DISPLAY AT ALL ■ky. MUdmU 9EQ0S. Otasehroah.laaehronh. Jr7, Jr., Charlee R .1 aaratnL Oooraer. 11641 Hartwell Ave., Detroit ponaiing, dining room, two largo GREAT EASTERN rd O. McDoonell, 'Waiter M. Olb- MJeh.; WUttam J. EUtattT M4 Clay , K Y, K A «N D FOR FIR FOIDM | TIMES. WOUU> YOU Chong# Joha tor 830 a SALARY RANGE $274343211. oward B. Buhee,Oeoree L Mae- a . tiiii Baltimore, MIckrTThomaa J, Mdrooma, porc^ full collar, at- ROOFING AND day from the very atari, guaran­ SAMPLEt, edd tots, can^latiana ch eck — . W l T . B a ^ BroiMn. 60 Bast Ataord 91., Jprtamtachad goragd. Rxcdilaat loeatton. teed commtaalon and expenaeat If of fine queUto eweaters at taw For: Job Deserigtkm, Miahasm QaaUficatioaa fleldTltana.; Sara R Kreaa Otlta^ DON RYAN. il Oakdale Rood i FOR THE DEAL OF THS YEAR . . . SB OONSTRUC7nOt4 CO. Harold rlllr, Maae.; BItaabelb L. ThIbeauH. I* Carttan W. ^ I cWm . ML 9-fiUS, I have a parmaaant opportun­ miU prloM. RataU Solezrooaa, Applicatkm F o tsm ______ntell. taaac_ C. eSMetant It., Ware. Maaa.; Andrew WatterafIMd — PtMoo R tfd. 9-4099 24 Oak Street ity for you sarving aatahUmad cue- Maachester Rnittiag. KUto. Open itron. Jr.. MaihartJ. Maiidim Daaa Lamy. R.r.fi.. Ware. Mam.i Robert Reprwaatlag tomara. Writs Box JX, Herald. 9 to * p.m. PRATT A WBITNET PraaelA Arttmr f t HHt. Jamaa J. Lmwy. o-e XltaahaUi L. ‘ndbeauttraf |KANCHB8TER:-T1ito warit’a ape- CTimtiwI at. Wafa, Maoa^ Jemima Q. . rial. Four roeni Capa Ood, oil RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS CABDCET Biacitrie in n er, 8TS. tttt A I R C R A P f Adame. 3T HariiaX 8L, INtateg HI" iNNING o^ZONING DEPT.I Dtototoe e« Um tel-AlwtoB Qlmma. . hrira_ and beat, inaulatad, on city nttU ATLANTIC COAST ■ PAINTERS WANTED, Mr.'SUvar- 1^1 y %*too $12i* ~ Oanaatt! Tinitton WlB*9,fiiaaMti Stir* oteln. Briton. aooetora, toy ben e, afcatee. TU. LSBaza cqnr-Am i SOLIM ENE, INC. oolUat coodHton'tMMg .jhto ML 9-3434. MUNICIPAL BUILDING WANTED—' .NemrbM MgklM F to e 9948 MIWIU. A9I,. NAH9IB. * * 8 0 .^ ^ S I4 -wm. MhMIOl dark. Good wortring 0004 FOUR JUNIPBR. U ArbervEae AccegUd Vatit S :trp . N. and good TMar Muuba. Eeaaonebla. Uaa ha ' i A i n i tor, MX. teataaOotp., at U Sa. Bawthenait. aft >IL 9*m L p.m., ar call ML 9-T73E - 4 __ . \


Roger ■..C srlock , aon o f Mr. Tha Baerad Heart Mothara Cirda v'vT"-'..*- «n d Mrs. M. K. Oarlock o f 84 Dear- will hold tbalr^maatlng tomorrow JoiiiB Cancer Unit i Work on Afghan 7 field Dr., la among the 875 mem­ night at 8 o'clock at the home o f bers of tte freshmen class at Col­ Mrs. Barnard Sharldah of Habron For Vet Hospital , iftnij»MtUr Lodn 1*0- 78, A. F. gate University, Hamilton, N. T. Rd., Bolton. Mrs. Charlsa B. Ubort, 18 Ox­ X ’ a Ant. wlU boM aa •Bwrgmt ford St., will serve on the Cam­ X^ conunimleation at Maaonlc Ttmple Mrs. U R. Haling of Mountain Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid So­ paign Planning Committos of the Sunset Council, No. 48, D sg rsf Manehuter^A C i f y o f V iilo tc Chmrm ' Uaiicbt fo r Uia purpoaa o f con- Rd., Glastonbury, announces the ciety w ill meet tonight at 7:30 in Connecticut Division, o f the Am eri­ at Pocahontas, in compliaacs with - f- dtieUnf a Maaontc fu n «r*l atrvlce birth of her third grant grand­ Um Sunday school room. Flpal can Cancer Society, Joining 24 a rsquast of the Great Pocahontas for'tba lata WlUUm J. Robb, who child, Wayne Henry, to Mr. and pla^''VVni be made for the an­ other state civic leaders In en­ at a recent meeting is working on VOL. LX X m , MO. 81 ASveHMng sn Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1958 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE G tfina waa a nainbar o f St. John’s Lodfc, Mrs. Henry Paquette of West nual Christnoas sale the latter part gineering the sumual Ap'Hl Cancer an afghan to be sent to the aew Cornwall, Vt. Mrs. Paquette is the o f this month. Mite boxes which Drive in the Stale. Veterans’ Hospital in West Haven. No. 8, af Stratford. Lodfa will A ll Councils o f the gtate are en­ epan at 7:18 o’clock, and the sarv- former Laura BuUar-ot-Glaston­ #ara overlooked at the last meet­ The first meeting of the commit­ bury, ing may be turned in tonight. A so­ tee takes place in the New Haven gaged in this worthwhile project. tea will be hbl4 at Holloran Broth A donation of money waa voted Nobel Prize Awprds a n Funeral HOme at 7:80. cial time with refreshmenU will Lawn Club. New Haven, on Nov. follow the business session. 12 . as initial planning for the year­ to the local Red Cross to fUmiah ICC Calls Hearing r r " Members of the British Amer­ Christmas packages for service Tha Man’s aub of tha Center ican Club w ill meet at the club- ly appeal Is put under way. Coming under discussion at the men on the high seas. Ctanrrasatlonal Chur^ will hold rooms tonight at 7:30 and proceed Mrs. George Marlow, president Wenonah Ruth Staples and her a supper meeting Frid^jt nlgbt at to the T. P. Holloran Funeral of the League of Women voters of session w ill be an analysis o f cam­ committee announce a rummage Home to pay their respects to the Manchester, announces that there paign quotas for local communi­ Dean Tries New Plan S:S0 in Woodruff Hall. Arthur H. sale fo r Monday, Nov. 18, in Otpf^ailroad Plan Anderson, medical m 1 a s 1 o x a r y lata WiUiam J. Robb. w ill be a meeting for new members ties throughout the State, reports Tinker hall. In connection with the from Africa, who Is home on’fpr- at her home, 120 Plymouth Lane, of local campaign chairmen - ap­ next meeting. Mrs. Staples stated loufh, w ill be tha (uast spaakar. Chapman Court. Order o f Ama­ tomorrow at 8 p.m. Mrs. John P. pointees made to date, and con­ that her committee bope^ for a ranth, w ill meet in the Masonic Cheney, Jr., membership chairman, sideration of major state-wide variety of salable articles, includ­ JFo Buy B & P Line A daughter, Fatrlcia Anne, their ’ibmpla Friday at 7:45 p. m. It and Mrs. W illiam Stuek, co-chair­ special events. Judge Charles R. ing clothes, dishes, furniture and second child, waa bom at the man, will discuss the purpose of Ebersol. State Campaign Chair- w ilt'b e "advance” night and the other items. They may contact ' ' . ' Hartford Hospital yesterday after­ ottieers are requesed to wear their the league, its activities, and its maik fo r 1954, w ill preside at the her at 14 Main St., Mrs. Flora ^ noon to Mr. and Mrs. Walter white g o .^ 8. After the meeting opportunities for activity to new meeting. Grade, 94 Center St., or Mrs. John Washington, Nov. 6 (4V -Ths Interstate Commerce Com- To Spur Korea Talk ^ckus, 55 Woodland St, freshments will be served by members. It is hoped that all new Dr. Robert M. Rayburn, 1953 Buck, 187 Woodbridge St. / mission (u X )) called for oral arguments today on a modified Mrs. Russell Stevenson and her members and any other Interested campaign chairman fo r Manches­ Mrs. Charles E. Ubert reorganization plan for the Boston A Providence Railroad Tha annual fa ll tea to be given committee. members w ill attend. ter, will address the group, speak­ by the Greater Hartford Panhel- ing on the subject "Paint The Corp., (B & P ) a plan contemplating ita aalc to the New York, and Warren Thumauer, both of NEW! New Haven A Hertford Railroed^* lente Assoc, will be held at the Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. R.. Mother Cabrini Mothers Circle Town Day.” the special window- Trouble in Trieste home of Mrs. William N. Seery, 58 Rockville. Co. will meet tomorrow-night at 8 will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at painting event which was so suc­ csid FcdRf Cowp—y \ ^ Tho hoarlng beforo tho full com: Soviet Note R ed Reply Orchard Rd., West Hartford, on o’clock at the home', of Mrs. the home o f Mrs. Harry Smith, cessful In Manchester’s campaign Advertisement— mlaeion la on a propoaal aubmitted *naesday, Nov. 10, from 3 to 5:30 Maurice Trustenitser, 22 Phelps last year. 848 Bread SU-TM MI-t-S881 Broad L(wp Cotton Rugs 101 Middle Turnpike, Eask Mem­ OPEN EVERT EVENING last Aug. $1 by IOC Examiner Har­ Ike Sticking p. m. All members of nationally Rd. A program entitled' "Our bers are reminded to bring articles Other area citizens who are The Old Bam on Box Mountain U N T IL t vey L. Wllklnaon. It takea into con- Is T erm ed organised sororities are cordially American Heritage” will be pre­ for the auction, a feature of the members of the campaign planning ain’t what it used to be. See Bideratlon objectiona rsiaod to a Is Expeeted Invited to attend. sented by Mrs. June Yeomans evening’s program. committee are Addison Dussinger Thursday’s Herald for full details. previous reorganisation plan by the Park, soprano soloist, and Mrs. FOR E'^RY ROOM trustee and security holders of tho T o Course Hazel Driggs Lockward, dramatic 44-mUe road between Providence, Impossible’ reader. ’The hostesses w ill be Mrs. R. I., and RaadvlUe and Boetoa, T om orrow W. Wallace Jones. Mrs. John Hay­ He Charted Eeraike (right).has wea the 1888 By JOHN M. HIOHTOWEB FO R S A LE den and Mrs. Maurice W illey.. » Ortglaally Ceaeldered NoM Fite^or Zstalke pertOcM the "Zeralhe Oatvaae- Psnmuiijoin, Nov. 6 (ff)— IN THE HOU^ WMhington. Nov. 6 (/ F i— Objections to tha original re- extreaiely weak deetrleal eorreats sad Is aaed U. S. Envoy Arthur D m IQCO The Holy Angels Mothe'rs Circle organisation plan, ordered by tho' Wgghington, Nov. 6 (>P)— tho werM ever. adeaUat Henaaaa Btoadihger (left) Is Russia’s newest note blocking suggested to^y thst top Al­ will meet tonight at 8 o’clock at A new closely pecked low loop rusr fringed on both ends, President Eisenhower, con X IOC to be effecUve on July L1 $, -, 18U,---- ., m t the prtae far chearistry. Btaadlager'e a Big Four foreign roiniaters lied and Communist diplomsts the home of Mrs. Jane. Reale. 11 . were considered by the U. S. Die- [ ceding he i| not COm ig a( aawreaieleralar ebemletry sad the cya- meeting on Germany waa re- Bonner Rd. Tha co-hostess artll be latex backing, non skid, easy W clean with carpet sweeper absndim temporsrily efforts trict Court for Meaeachusotte. On h sp p y over Dortents ol Is the basis ef the UMdera ptaettae laSuetiy. leaaed today,jwinting up why CHEVROLET Mrs. Muriel Oliphant. Beat The Cold Rush Feb, 88, 19U, the District Court ■■ to arrange s Korean Peace or vacuum. \ Judge (Ugapproved that plan and ocratie resurgence at the Preaident Eiaenhower and Conference and turn over 14,000 MILES aent ths case book to the IOC for I>oUs, vows he is sticking to Secretary of State DuHea ap­ to subcommittee disputes the political and tegislative Ths north wind may blow, but nary a draft further action. parently are despairing of which have stalled the pre­ Call MI-9-5592 9 BEAUTIFui COLORS Today'p argumente aro on the course he has charted. negotiating major world prob- plan evolved by Wilkinson on tho liminary talks. The Job of his admlalatratlao, he Britain WiQ Restore lema with the Soviets any AFTER A P.M. Whitman, Sehrafft, P. B B. 4 penetrates our coxy coats. Each colorful, basis of further hearings held In told hie newe eonfersneo yesterday. The CkKnmuntets promptly said Gandy Cupboard ^ Blue Sky, Leaf Green, Angel Wnitc, Wine, Pearl Gray, M ay, June end October of 1981. Is to provide a dynamic and for­ time soon on an acceptable "no,” then agree to think about It sturdy garment is interlined or insulated to The present plan Is for reorgan­ ward-looking program for tke basia. overnight, They promised an aa- . Arthur Drag Stores 4 Dusty Rose, Hunter Green, Sunset Gold, Siren Red. ization of the Boston h Providanco country. Ho said tha edmlnlatra- For Moscow not only swt up ” im- swer at l l a.m. t^orrow . through aalo of Its proporUss, Vast Meat Industry Seeitens WonU Be CSeead Read Herald Advs. give little outdoor-lovers the most warmth tlon wUI eontlaue toward that goal, poaalble conditioas” ea the Presi­ which coneUtute an Important seg­ bellevlag that la the long rua It dent put. it. The Sovleto also rs- Dean, noting tha high level nego­ tiators have got nowhere, Md with least weight. / ment of New Haven’s main lino be­ wlU win. vertod Jo eome of tha language, tween Boeton and New York, to London, Nov. 5 (ff)— ^Primefturnover of tho moat Industry Is auch as talk o f ’’the tbreet a newsmen he felt staff advlsera 24x3*SIZE ... S [.9 8 \ $2.98 Vslut f l eenhower declined to appraise more than 300 million pounds (840 ot New Haven Co, tha resulte of Tuesday’s electloiM, Minister Churchill’s govern­ w world war,” -which waa fa ­ could have a "freer exchange of. The Boston * Providence is million dollars) homo producsd Ideas." They presumably - would which Included surprise Democrat­ ment announced today it will vored In the later years of ths Steel hetmeteS poBoe drag a twn iiS rteter Into btaiquartore hi eomprlsod o f 237.32 mllaa o f track­ and more than 200 million pounds atalintst period. meet in cIosmI seseiona % ic victorias la New Jersey, In tarm i restore Britain’s vast meat in­ (BSO million dollars) Imported. Trieste. Tw* (heewaad sheoUag Italiaas riaebed with pallee In yoii^il be well dressed In age, car repair ahopa and other o f reeeUoR to hla admlnlatratlaa's B ^ fo l Era Ended Doan said the top delogatea now property at HeadvUle, terminal fa- dustry to private traders next ’’Under any rationing and al rioteos sbaervnact ef toe aaalveraary ef toe en t^ ef Itallaa treeps ’alt like bumps on a log" and 27xS0SIZi ... $ 2 -9 8 \ polidea or actions V . fl. officlala. who havo boon lato Tileate after Werid War L (N B A Badle Telepketo). $3.98 Valuh cilltiea at Providence, Back Bay summer and simultaneously location ayetem it la Impoaslble In studying the 4Jk>0-word document havo give and taka” tn tholr W| He told reporters he Just didn’t a trade of this else and complexity deliberation n StaUon in Boeton, one-half o f tha know, and they would havo to do end rationing and price con­ since yaeterdey morning privately to study Individual consumer de- The envoy also said the lower- capital stock of tha Union Freight their own analysing. trol of meat and bacon. suggested that It marke the end ot Railroad, and other mlacelteneous msuid to the extent that the large a brief but hopeful era In Russian level negotiators iqlght divld* up BOTANY! 500* Laat Sldraaihus Befere Ooatrol over tke aaaat iadustry number of private traders did be­ physical properties and invest- with one group debiUlng tho time The president volunteered, to — Including buying and aelllng — fore the war., relations with the West beginning 34x40SIZE ... 5 4 -9 8 $5.98 Valus mente. I t owns no equipment and with Joseph Stalin’s death laat Pro-Italy Students and place for tho conference aad open the .news eonference, that he waa imposed as a wartims meas­ "When control was Imposed at enothor threehing out too' major hae been operated alnca 1893 by ure. But It waa eoatlnued by the AprlL WORSTEDS the New Haven as part of Its sys­ was not completely pleased end the outbreak of war it waa clear­ iasuo—who w ill attend. happy with soma o f Tuesday's postwar Labor govonunant, whose Despite various Moscow poace tem. ly understood that the private The preliminary talks to ar- Suits built on a lolld b in of Green Stamps Given With Ciish Sales ■tete end local election resulte. But leaders clalsMd the government traders would have their busi- gcaturss, thsso officials said the tailored by Under the reorganisation and could do tho Job more sfRclently noto demonstratsn clearly that rango the peace parley have been q u illty...tlN t rttiin tlw busuty purchase plan Now Haven would be added, giving reporters pormis- neasea returned when the need for Stage Trieste Riot aion to quote him directly la this oeoaomieelhr than private control had passed. And this ob; Ruasia’s Malenkov government stalled from tho start* over Red of thiir flits fibricl and dhtin- lesua. and deliver to the Booton A Inataaoo: presently has no intention of ne- inalatanco that neutrals b* invited Providence trustee $3,039,213 face ligation must be honored.” DAROFF guithid itylinf Mason after h o - " I have lost aklrmiahea before." Argentina Is the largest ex­ goUatiiw on any terms acceptable and that this question lead toe value o f Its Srat and refunding to the Weat. Trieste, Nov. 5 (ffV-Polics opened fire on rioting pro-ltslinn agenda for to* Panmunjom dis- ton...handtoiM w ill that man bonds; 11.487,520 face value o f its Taking up the artUtary analogy, Canirchlll’ B OOnservativa party porter of meat to this country out­ ■flM JM 'HALdea a reporter asked whether be in­ side the British Commonwealth. One conclusion o f U. 8 . oCfleisls students in this disputed Adristic port city today. It was the cuaatons. for only value St idhtiantlent: Ipcome bonds, and $1,487,820 face ooaeteteatly opposed tbia Idas. An- is that obviously the world la In But Doan, speaking for tho na­ • M A N C M r m value of Ua preferred stock, plus ten d ^ to win the war—preeum- Bounciag Its future ptens, a gov- Britain imports moat of her bacon second day of rioting here by pro-Italian demonstrators. Be­ aUy the JS84 Congreastonal elec­ smmant white paper etated; from Denmark. fo r ea Indefinite period o lf oontln- tions which fought against too 1. lO TAS T-far fabric that’i tha such cash as would have been pay­ tion*. uing tenaion ai»4 there is no hope fore resorting to gunfire the motorized police used tear 'gas Rod armies in Korea, Inalsta only able for Interest and dividends on ’The Ministry of Food wlU con­ The white paper promised and clubs to break up to * rloUng.4- ■■■ ■ ■ ■ tool el tha luitl He never went In a war to lose farmeri and cattle raiaere a guar­ to he found—^with tho excoptioa of to* belUgerente aad poastbly Rus­ * 6 5 Winter's tho •ecuritisa Issuable under tha tinue for aoae time to eome to oontlauiiig otforta for a Korean The Btudeate hurled bricks. ' sia attend the conference aad plan as If auch securities had been one. the Praeldsnt replied. Import bacon, but will not trado anteed indlviduel price on each At an* point, poUc* weat after 1 M R O fF-fe r lallarinf that'i transaction and a collective guar­ eonference for any aorlous nego­ wants tha first order of buatneae Issued Jan. 1. IMO. According Quaetioniag oaaM back time and in Mast, and IS M win tbua sao tiation with too Rueelane. students who had seogfat refugs in Warning Given here to be a dacialon on time and tha ultioNta In ityla, lit and Favorite to Now Haven’s computattons again to poUUea. apsdBeally to tho end of rationing." antee of a, eUndard priqq to tho Iht. that tHeoi too. every Item In place for tlib conferenca.. . . saarl about $S,S6SJ42 would have boon thaaltettaas ar Tuesday. In cated ia a atatoMSMt he issued y«a- L Stanton Babcock, a senior ad- Dish Towels against the New Haven or Its This showing tn hoavUy popu- former truatees. or tha Old Colony Marcantonio Resigns into the councils of the great PoUc* took several of too ring- Israel and neighboring Arab Statea viaor, to represent him at lower i latsd eastern areas cam* at a powers. These ware toe "impoe- leedera into custody. that America cahnot bear indefin­ level meetings If they are held. $49.98 to 15 9 .9 5 Railroad Co., (from which the New time when most poUUclana war* Today’s damonstrations, follow­ Haven took over a lease on Boston sible conditions” which toe Preal- itely the financial burdens imposed The Communiate called an hour- saying there were deflBlt* dsnt denounced. ing the violonco yesterday in which by their failure to agreo on a aet- long recces to muU over Dean’s of oppooltlon to tho admlalstre- Labor Party Positions Ill sweeping references to prob- IS Btudente were injured, began tiement of too Palestino rofugoo proposition. Their first reaction 3 ^** (Osatteued on Page Three) tion in Midwostem and aouthom calm ly enough. lema aU over the world, tho 8oviot question. definitely unfavorable. If not i farm areas. Students skipped clemee and be­ Nsw York, Nov. 5 — that efforts for Indepoadeat peliU- note touched on negotiations for a Tho warning was voiced hy U. 8 . aa outright rejection. These factors seemed to viuiy Korean conference and etiUeixed gan gathering in Trieste’s main Delegate James P. Richards, a North Korean Foreign Ministry political observsrs to add up to Vito Msrcanttmio has quit the eal action aro impossiblo and hope­ streets, waving Italian alnd Trieste less today through ths ALP." the United 8tatas for "rejMting Democratic Congressman from covhciJlor, Ki 80k BOk, epokao- Test Air Attack a gloomy picture for tod Rapub- American Labor party tho partidpatlon of neutral coun- flags end shouting "Viva Lltalia” South Carolina, in speaking to tho man fo r the Rods told Dean hto Ilcana, facing a flgbt to retaia or Paction Flirted and "V iv a Trieste.’ ’ (A LP), of which he was New Th* 50-yoar-old lawyer aald a triaa tn the Korean conference.” SO-nation Special Political Com­ side fools tho agenda "must be widen their narrow niargliui in toe Russia contended that tola ”makca Their numbers grew until they mittee. settled” at the top level. Reveals Gipital Senate and House next year. York State ami New York faction in too left-wing party reached about 8,000. Tboy con- flirted with Democratic and liber­ to* partidpatton of to* UJB.8 JI. Richards urged Israel and the Tha Red delegate callsd it "In­ ^ Whether Tqeiday’e raeulU really County (Manhattan) chair­ la tola confsrenoe impossible.” vergod on largo Barrlera, a cen­ Arab nations bordering on tho Jor-: W H AT A VALUE! al party caadidatea in to* electiaa tral Trieste aqusur*. There, Tri­ appropriate" to refer tho dtoputa foreshadowed a national trend to­ man. dan R iver to Join in tho in ii^ tio n to staff wsricara. Needs Shelters ward too Demoerdte was a matter Tho laft-wlag former Congreae- instead o f ccncentrating on sup­ este's British-trained Territorial i m Page Ntastocn) PoUc* began trying to disperao and hydroelectric development o f But Ki promised to givo to* Purv lintn dish towels In multi-color stripoa or borders in nd, of debdte. Anyono talklag to a man said la resigning yestordey port of McAvoy. Ho added: the river and help the 800,000 refu­ "W o aeeertod . . . that the A L P them. Idea further study and "comment blue and grssn, lSx30 aiss. j I Washington, Nov. 8 (»)—Preol- deaen' poUtlolaiM would gat a that because of en internal flght gees driven from IsraeU soil by the on it tomorrow." dent and Mra. Elsenhower and dadin qxplanatloaa. Osrtalnly there to* A L P .“ is end w ill continue to would cease to exist as as effective Tha police, many o f them in Red Palestine War. poUtlcel party unleaa it received a Dean opened the lOth meeting thousands of government workers was no on* clear issuo running nothing ols* hut a preaeure Editors in Split Jeeps, carried riot guns and tear He called on Israel to start by telUng to* Rads "It to a mat­ Bcrambled fo r aholter today tn a group;" minimum ef 100,000 votes for Mc­ gas bomba Thoy did not uso toe thinking about compensating to* guns or bombs. ter of keen diaappointmont to me RES. $1.29 I mythical air raid on Washington. (OontoMNi an Png* Nln*) The A L P , which has boon rapid­ Avoy. Tho fact that McAvoy re­ refugees for thslr land or aUowing w* have been unabl* to agre<* ceived 84,872 vote* proves that we ' The Btudente withdrew to two The White House bomb shelter ly dwindling in strength for aev- On News Play them to return, aaaerting It would on arrangements for too pease apparently provided safely, but the eral years, deUvered only M.872 could have received 100,000 votaa. mein squares near to* dty’a water be in the best Inteteste of both Girls' CANNON CARNATION PAHERN front vrtiere they began stoning conference. ^ drill demonstrated that much of Veto*—about 2.8 per cent of the if w* had had a united campaign. Bides if something were don* aa The deadUn* recommended fii tha military commwD in the Pen­ total o f more than two mlllioo— "The law raquiraa that to* ALP the potte*. The poUce drove into soon aa possible. McCarthy Gets the rioters, aWhiging their cluba tagon and much o f Congrese’ legle- for ite candidat* for mayor at must recaiv* BO,000 vots* for The renigees are now boing aup- (OentouMd *■ Pag* C o a ls \ ^ Bath Towels latlve machinery might have been News Tidbits Tuesday’s oloetion, Clifford T. Mc- governor in 1854 to remain on to* One group of students stoned pUod with nocoasitles through a wiped out in any real rain of Avoy. ballot. This cannot be achieved, for Chicago, Nov. 5 (g)—Like many and overturned a British Army CalM froBi AP Wlrss 900-milUon-doUar U.N. fund, do- bomba. Marcantonio. sevoa times a Con­ too minority sUIl Insiate, too psopl* vriip read their, newspapers. Jeep in a aM* street. Tha driver ran aignod to koep them going until The nlert was generally ignored gressman- In 1SS4-50 and one* a debate still oontlnuaa. the pous* IB America’s editors have widely to safety. mid-MU. Tho bulk of tho money Sixes 7 to 14 in red, at the Capitol building and the >tont pohUcal 8gur* in East Har- aUll divided.” varying opiatona on handMng too Fighting and demonstrating eras contributed by the United 9 9 ^ ea. adjacent Senate and Houae oSIce President Eisenhower’a armis­ m, said in his parting statement: Marcentonio aald them waa no newa - ended shortly after noon and calm SUtes. Biilletins green, tan and tweed. hUlldlnge. tice meeaag* urges Americana to *T believe in independent politi­ This waa damonatrated Wednes­ retumod to tha city. U. B. wni Back ProJert At the Pentagpn. Secretary of dcdleeto tosaMshroe “to too task cal action and I sincerely believe (OentoMad'^ Pag* Niaa) day when news executives attend­ A U. 8 - Army apokesnun said Richards aald the United State* from the AP Wktm Heavy weight Cannon towels in the popular Camatloa pattern Defenao Wilson and othar top offl- of promoting with fsrvor and seal ing to* annual meeting ef tbs As- today baehdor oRieor* kr* replae- gave fuU backing to a Jordan R iver a permanent peace among all to* $ 1 6 9 8 . . clala, military and civilian, ware ae^tod Press Managing Editors in green, Samlngq and blue. ushered Into the Air Force cim- pMpIea o f tha earth.” . . , U. 8. Assn., discuased news coverage of m Png* NIao) (< an Pag* Nias) EXPLOSION KILLS WOKKES mand post, two Boors below ground Budget Bureau orders federal agsa Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s activitiea North Havea, Nev. 8 (P ) Oaq lovci. TTm Dofenao Department did else to put their licenalag activities Dionne Quint Enteni Quebec (^nrent and toe Kinsey report on "Sexual en a any as yen ge besia aa waa killed aad twe etoen SCALLOPED AND FRINGED / not follow tho traditional poUcy of Bohavlar of tho Human Female.” were lepevted to have been to- $19.98 dispersing Its offlclals in the simu­ U. N .’s SO-natton PoUtical Com­ Tho evaluation ot too Kinaey Jared eritleaBy. la aa expletoea lated air attack and one Imitation mittee vetee to drop diaenaalea of report ranged from Pago 1 newa at a Jaak yaM here this BMra- bomb burst was within 2,500 feet Chinee* Netlonallat irregutera in story to a publicity plant .not Surgeon General Sees tog. Neae was H iatM iL Neigh* ' Hobnail Coverlets ot the building. Burma for at least three weeks . . , worth newspaper qMo*. Mrs Mid they hebeved aa a e e^ Altogether, the drill called for Rap. Daniel A. Reed (R-NY) has McCarthy waa described aa a InadMoa chat with President BZtL229 880,000 adults and children to ."Cheap demagogue" by one editor, Public Health Victories U ko part. In federal buildingB and Elsenhower end says it has nothing while another aald the IFlacenain POWBK PLANS PASSED schools ' to do with their dUferencea over RopuWean haa made aignifleant Preteen Sizes Reed’s Inslstanc* on cutting taxes. . Waahtagtoa. Nov. S (P)~ $ 6 ’^^ A t tho W hite Houao, tho first revelations aU newqmpora have Weehlngton, Nov. 8 (P)—Sur-iora’ rostrum with Dr. Scheele at FrealdMit Etoeabiwer today alert a "yellow warning" — Austrian government epokes- not fuUy treated. geon General Leonard A. Scheele 1 the conference, COMPLETE UNE OF WOOL 1 0 to 14 in red, gray, man aaya ’s main radio sta­ denned to* way far c*aetfao> Bounded at t:10 a. m., EST. Tha Sam H. Day, of too New York pre^cted today that pubUc health Rockefeller, fllUng In for Sec- ttea ef to* 88. lawrM ie Blvav warning signal was trenamitted tion RAVAG has been instructed brown and tan. Dainty hobnail coverlet# fo r twin or fUU bod si: tn white, to Ignon Devlet osneoreirtp in fu- Journal American, said his news­ victorlea over communicable | retary Hobby, said In hto power project by toe State *t from (nvU Defenao and m ilitary paper played the Kinsey Report diaeases. like smaUpoif, wlU be fol- j that state-federal coopen^ New Tech and toe TWEED and GABARDINE pink, ligh t blue, yellow, red and huqter green. faculties. turo . . . U. 8. Army in E u r^ pellry whereby on Page 1 to giro the public the lowed by preveaUon of non-com-' must be continued In toe Mid of Provlaue ef Oatarto. The pnej* 4 For tho next 80 minutes it was newa He said toe reaction to read­ muntcebls scourges like cancer and public health. But he aald fed- set has aetolag to de wHh eea* prstty much business as usual at more troops stationedoned la Germany may have their famlllea Join theaa. ers was evenly divided. * f“ ?***T’ 1 .... ***** 8n*actol as well as tech- ef toe matrsreidal » I 5 “ - U. 8 . A ir Force Chief Gen. N a­ Ed Dooley, of tho Denver Poqt. Dr, ^ **1 *. In a prepamd ad- ,ucal, must be accompanied by a iMway. PLAIN COLORED PERCALE (OeatiMMd su Page Tea) said he regarded to* Kinsey Re­ drees, told a < ^ e r ^ of ^ s , minimum of federal omtrol. than Tertnlng says U. H. win and territorial health and hoe-' ply advanced types of Jet alrcraih port as legitimate news for his Ha said a preaidential commto- MOSSADBM TBIAL SET TOPCOATS readers-sUthough ’T don’t think Dr. pital authorities: sioa, now studying federal-sUta ’ $2 5 .0 0 to AUied natlooa ”Juat as soon as "The nationwide research effort Dust Ruffles Ducks Lack Home; they are available” . . . U. 8. Kinsey’s was a acientlSc J(^” relatlosiships. kbould com* up with Erig^nMaJto*AaanMieA S s f Book Celled "Dsageteue" . . w ill inoduce eoaoer than we findings to help point ths way to Minister to Budapest Chrietlaa M. think fladinga catoible of turnlag SIZES 35 fo 46 Ravndal says ex-Pr*ml*r Rakoal He said the book was more dan- solving the problem of inter-gov­ Agency Concerned B*roua to to* public morsla than public health wont' upside down. ernmental health programs. fetnwr ta^Sr^ is sltll tep maa In Red-HungaryUd-Hungei On V erge AdvaacM although no longer oCflcteily "Tobacco Road.^ mt Dr. Eliot reported that from Girls’ Dept. Second Floor M ’95 ea. But aom* editors didn’t print "M edical research U on to* 1840 to 18M to* federal ahaia of Hartford, Nov. 8 (g>—Wanted: government. verg e o f remarkable advances ia ipacious bom* for couples to rale* New York State Democratic newa stories on to* rntort while funds spent for maternal and child otoere said they carried only brief our knowledge o f chronle dieeaaee, Baalth dropped from 48 per cent and up large famlJUae; anywhere in Con­ Oiairman Richard M. Balch says viral dtoeasM aad meatal dleeaeee, $45.50 Pretty Concealment SOUd colored du«t ruinea In rose, blue, green, yellow and all necticut suitable; reply to nearest voters of his state "ordered a etorics on inaido peg** witbout to 28 per cent. EW te ME IN BLAST oomplainte frean tosir reedera as wan aa la our basic uaderstand- *nM conchiaton that w* draw White. duck. eweeplag laveaMgatlen of Dewoy- Arch W. JarreU. ef the Grand lag o f the human organism and ita If you can’t flnd-a duck, notify lom la yosterday'a election’’ fUncUonina. . . fretn toto," ah* aald. "to that fed­ Green Stamps Given With Cssh Ssles Tetend. (N ob.) Independent said his eral grants have dawly-gKved to today to the Maternity Druses Allan Sttidhohns, coordinator o f Soviet Rusela agrees to 'A goal of public health la federal projects for the northeast­ ■ewq^aper didn’t use a story on draw out addlUonal state and local Gmn Stamps Given With Cash SsUft^ scientific and tochnioal aid to Pe- oommonicabl* d isM H control has ern regloa. V. 8. Fish and W Udllf* Mnd under agreement aaad* in it bscana* T t ssmiiS to me on to* funda.” Service. . verge of freq nSvertiaing.*' been at least jto reduce a qwcillc Dr. BUot aald the StodMhuis la suBowhat oowcem - DlBwieriag too handling of stor­ tofoettoa to maaaigaable propor- made "excellent pHstaaff* in re- SSLst^y^^ $8.95 and $10.95 ' South Korean gevammsat may u. We are now leenitog iww navy and black. ^ ^. •d ahouthonoB for ducks la Con» court martial SS ROK sotdters ies on McCarthy's acUvittoa Rich­ d u ela r tha atmutaUty rate lU S E s S O N n*cl|iML:Wi says: freed in prieaner e f war < ard F. Pourade, of to* Saa Dtego, to accompUah the aaia* g ^ ia aawboRi infante aad toekr (Calif.) Ihrica. aald: Lswr waterfow l taa- as "vIsMMs f< ' a n . bat toto to only a :i N cs. " I don’t think all toe newepapen Nriaoa A. -RodufaUaci aad FaiUa maternity skirts In black and navy. $5-98 T i n J E M H A U m _a hsnM, a place O n . OaorES C. "The dl^aiity ia awrOREEN STAMPS ihejWHALCk have fuUy treated to* aigniSeanoS aeeretary of HealthrEiIncattow- teh ty between whore togst ttees sfusr* ■* hat of to* reveleUona mads by Mc- WeKara. aad Dr. Maitoa M. 0O8M stotes to driat ef that department'a Chlt- T 9)* ' SB i N k NMJt k’s ^ p sa u . t

o n --.J