TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, IMS Tf'd' V -i- ■■■ Ai- -^-.- iKmulioBbfr Smiting Jforallt Oet. 81, 1818 Tha Infant Janos of PngM about her, who Is convinced she exoeUsBt portrayal as Domtate Mhthsrs Chela will maat tomorrow Joins Law Firm Silver Whistle will die "douhlod up in a knot" be­ "Moon Over MuilNrry Mrsat'_____ Bill night at 8 o’clock at tha homa of cause the Bishop refuses to expend Luettgens playa iBmmatt, a tramp 11,108 Mrs- John Ikansaqa, 181 Bnmmit funds for a much-imagined needed "because being a tramp is tba beat HEATS AN ENTIRE ROOMI a r jia An8tt M U Chaptar, No. SI, Royal St Tha oo-henteM will ha Mrs. Gist Selected appendectomy. Arllne Culver is thing r a a ^ Boel Fariataau, drateM aas „ AMi Maatma, wU confar tlia Paat James Mulraady. cast in the role of Mias Hoadley, Roger Negro, and Joaeph Conti Manche$ler^A City of FlU of* Charm Maftar lUaon dagraa atltaaUtad an agreeable but vague old soul make up the rest of the cast. oonvecaUon Wadnaaday at 7:30 p. Tha BritliihrAmerican CSttb-HliUJ who la frequently under the Infiu- 'The BUver Whistle’' promlsea as. in ttoa Maaonie Tampla. H ie hold its monthly meeting tonight Community* Players to ence of liquor and who carries an to be one of the mdat delightful VOL. LXXni, N O , 30 AdvartMag sa.faga 88) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEBIBER 4,1053 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECHONS) dacraa work will te foUowad by at 8 o'clock at the clubhouse. Stage Comedy Nov. 20, out-moded ear trumpet. comedlea ever to be preeaateff to PRICE Pin cum tba umal rafraalmanta and aodal Miss Tripp is played by Bessie Manchester playgoers and should iMMtr. The All SainU Mothers arcle 21 for Nurses Assn. Quinn Bendall, the young plain­ be a "must” to all who eaJoy an will meat tomorrow night at 8 looking supeiinte^nt of the old evening of fun. R ut Matrons of Temple Chap­ o'clock at the home of Mrs. Akma Donoyan,' 85 Alton S t Take one slightly weather-beat> people's home, but who has a beau­ ter, Mo. S3, OE8. will meet Thura- ty that is obviously wasted in her Ike’s Views day at 8 p. m. in the Masonic en rooster dubbed Omar, one not A son, their first child, wu quite so honest, poetry-quoting, present position. Miss Tripp has Evasion Seen Temida. After the business meet- been long-affianced to the dull, LE T UB F IL L Y O U l in f Mrs. J. Henry Dittmeyer will bora Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ member of the Knights of the conventional Reverend Watson, Miow pictures taken on her recent ly O. Capen of Morris Plains, Open Road, compioiuy known as On Election Democratic Exile Ending played by George Walker. He is trip to California. Hostesses will N. J. Mrs. capen is the former a tramp, one group of retired men Shiriey UtUe, 180 Pearl S t the type of man kids would select ha Mrs. John A.-Trotter and Mrs. and women housed in an old peo­ to throw snowballs at. Vrad TUden. Members unable ple's home, add a dash of the "Po­ In Soviet Note Mrs. Sample, a pfetty little old A re W aited to ha present are requested to no­ The annual meeting of the Man­ tion of Twingstl," stir until well- lady—the kind shown on candy chester Garden Club is slatqd for blended and the mixture results in tify aither one of them. boxes—but with an eye for the dOMN M. HIGHTOWER f peered to ha contained In a re- Monday, Nov. 0, at 8 p. m. in the one of the funniest, merryipaklng opposite sex. la played by EVe Called for aad daUramd Washington, Nov. 4 (JPi— Robbins room of Center - Church plots anyone could ask for in ' a aahington, Nov. 4 (fPi— aatertlon of thoa# two pointa H artford C h a p ter, National Folsom. Barbara Jones plays Mrs. promptly st m t i t n i m ---------------a .^ - . ■ A _ 9 9 i _ / _ I _ a. ^ which tha Bovlota had Inaiatad up­ The White House declined Aaan. of cost Accountants, wiU^ house. Mrs. Bruce Henn, of play. Gross, a very, very old lady and a State Department officials to­ Newington, will give a demonstra­ e h a rfc- on In a meaaago to tho Wootorn comment today on - Demo- As Upset Vote Is Counted Such are the ingredients of 'The day deacribed Ruasia’t lateat hold the final session in a aeries of little senile, who is confined to her governmenta in Soptamhar: erntie victories in yesterday’s six discussion forums at 7:30 p. m. tion of Chrlstmu decorations. Silver Whistle" to be presented by wheelchair. Mr. Cherry la played note on a German conference the Manchester Community Play­ 1. A B-powor Foreign Mlnia- election! but hinted that Thursday at I.BJd. hudquarters, by Ricky Gentllcore, a dreamer of PINE PHARMAOY aa freah evidence that Mos­ 100 Farmington Ave., Hartford. The Queen of Peace Mothers Jerosne L Walah ers, Nov. 20 and 21 at the Wad­ Inaccessible, far-away places and tere’ Conference, Including Red President Eiaenhower might cow deairea a kind of diplo­ Morris Klein, controller of Veeder Circle will meet at 8 p. m. Thurs­ dell School, under the auspices of a collector of foreign stamps. Chino, which would aeek to eoae have something to eay at a Root Co., will lead a discussion on day at the home o f Mrs. JOhp F il- Harold W. Garrlty, of the firm The Manchester Registered CAU M l-M t14 matic stalemate at least for teneiona all over tho world—op- Ricky will be remembered for his mid-aftemooh news confer­ Monument to Town’s War Veterans Set Up in East Cemetery “Itocludiiig Burden Costs in In- loramo, 131 Eliubeth Dr. Hie co- of Butler, Volpe, Garrity and Sac­ Nurses’ Assn. The play is being r o d /n flo n m ufm m tU o la c ir ic parently a frea ranging nogotla- G O P Jolted State Gains^ ▼antories.” hostess will be Mrs. Robert TO- directed by Miss Faith Fallow. ence. co, with offices in Hartford and The cast is headed by the very **’Thw*wS^n?‘ lmmedlaU co m -i'^ ,K «^ many'prbWenia massi. ment by the department on the' Asked for comment, Preeldea- Manchester, announces that competent Bill Brown in the role 2. As a kind of soeond half of tlal Press aecrctsiy James C. Adeertlsement—' of Oliver T. Erwenter, the lovable ROOM HEATER Ruaalan reeponao to a Weatera bid All members of St. Margaret's JetonM I, Walsh, formerly of New for a Foreign Miniatere' confer­ ths big meeting, a conference of Hagerty aald; "It te obvious I am By R esults A re H ailed Many big sports figures will be Circle, Daughters of Imbella. who Haven, is now associated with tha glib-tongued orator of the open • Al le a ... beie’i e heeler awSteeSir been eeeeSte teen lltstfa ft ence on Germany and Auetria. But the foreign ministers of Rumia not going to do any commenting desire tickets for the fall dance, road. Fred Malin, too-long absent with the (Eiaenhower) press con­ at the Old Bam, Box Mountain firm as of Nov. 1, 1953 Iq the from the Little Theatre stage, privately, offlciala uaed aueh and tho thru Mg Wostem pow- soon. Sm Thursday's Herald for Saturday, at the American Legion • 140 leetefbaaNesteRalareeiatall sacked boa Sill affW cetaea... ference coming up at 8 p. m. practice of law. __ plays Mr. Beebe, a gentle, white- Weds Morning Special words aa "evasive . , a severe dia- ors, without Rod China, to discuss (E K T).” Of Contests B y L ead er full deUils. Hall, are urged to contact Mrs. sMeg 88 Sene naie haaties ae<ece Stee cteedeM red tys* haeMeg appointment" in speaking of it. the German question. Tho Rus- Anthony Lumbruno, chairman, by Walsh was born In New Haven, haired retired insurance company Among membera of Congreae, the son of UUlan I. and the late employe who dreams of the beau­ Anowere Went BM slau coBtsnd that work on an tomorrow at the latest. The sale ^ O V O TW ia f V W IvO R I wW W p O W m W Austrian puco treaty should go comment tended aa usual to ro- Tuesday’s off-year elec­ After eight years out in tha of tickets is progressing so rapid­ John T. Walsh, He was graduat­ tiful funeral due him as a result 8. taganBaM af tbaeghig eahida lingwalete. lacM «e eeer iiwiSlw The 18-page note, delivered yea- ftect both political ties and person­ ed from St. Petqr's Grammar of his retirement policy. terday, waa a raply to tho Invita­ through normal diplmnotio ehon- al attitudes towards issuss. tions, billed as the harbinger cold, Democrats returned to ly no reservations can be accept­ thaiiBaan* haMi reen leawetalare eieaetily. 8 h mt, at eddt laletlat nels. ed after that date. All members School and New Haven High Mrs. Hanmer is played by Ann ^ ONE GROUP OF tion which the UnU«d SUtes, Brit­ Dsmscrata JoMlaat of the on-years of 1964 and New Haven’s City HaU in A m . - - -«-a ._ a - M -a- — a.. R LL # ain and France issued Oct. 18 to of committees are requested to School. McAdams, a woman in her late .The general fullng at the State By and large, Democrats MIW 1966, wound up today with yesterday's election and made HALE'S tho Ruasiana to attand a confer- Department to that the Sovleta make returns ns soon as possible.
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