Geogaphica Timisiensis, vol. 17, nr.1 - 2, 2008 (pp. 239 - 249 ) ●


Rozalia BENEDEK „ Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca,

Abstract. The recent aderance of our country to the structures of the European Union, and not only, certifies the territorial analysis, with the goal of conceiving and implementing new development strategies. These are focused on the identification of optimal solutions, but in the same time coherent; of eliminating these disparities meant to ensure regional competitivity consequently with a durable development. Taking into consideration the objectives that are followed the main bond and engine of development of the North-Western Region is the tourism being a form of active resting and being able to develop all the other branches of the economy. Another argument of development through tourism is made up of the great number of mining zones which are underfavoured these being present in the researched areal, situated predominantly in the mountainous regions, with a predisposition for leisure activities. At the present, the areal studied cuantifies partially its touristical potential, of national value resonance, these being: Felix Baths, the cave systems in the , the cities of Cluj Napoca and Oradea, these being fulfilled by the ethnographic region of Maramureş. The disfunctions are generated by the lock of connections between the different types of and forms of tourism, especially that the centres of touristic polarization the main ones power exhaust the whole potential of the North-Western Region, a series of local units being in existence (like Boghiş, Sângeorz Băi a.s.o), or areas with a potential, waiting for development initiative and the necessary finances. As a result of the study and special modeling a necessity of creating circuits and regional brands is highlighted.

Rezumat. Difuzia fenomenului turistic în Regiunea de Nord-Vest. Prezent şi perspective. Recenta aderare a ţării noastre la structurile Uniunii Europene, şi nu numai, certifică analizele teritoriale, în vederea conceperii şi implementăerii unor strategii de dezvoltare, axate pe identificarea disfuncţiilor şi a soluţiilor optime, dar în acelaşi timp coerente, de eliminare a acestor dezechilibre, menite să asigure competitivitatea regională concomitent cu dezvoltarea durabilă. Având în vedere obiectivele urmărite, principalul aglutinator şi motor de dezvoltare al Regiunii Nord-Vest este turismul, fiind o formă de "odihnă activă" şi în măsură ca să dezvolte toate celălalte sectoare ale economiei. Un alt argument al dezvoltării prin turism îl constituie numărul mare al zonelor miniere defavorizate(10), prezente în arealul cercetat, localizate dominant în zona montană, predispuse la desfăşurarea activităţilor de recreere. În prezent, arealul supus cercetării, valorifică parţial potenţialul său turistic, de rezonanţă naţională (şi nu numai), fiind: Băile Felix, sistemul carstic din Munţii Apuseni, oraşele Cluj-Napoca şi Oradea, fiind întregite de zona etnografică a Maramureşului. Disfuncţiile sunt generate de lipsa conexiunilor dintre diferitele tipuri şi forme ale turismului, mai ales că centrele de polarizare turistică, principale, nu epuizează întregul potenţial al Regiunii Nord-Vest, existând o serie de unităţi locale(Boghiş,Sângeorz-Băi, Rodna etc), ori arii cu potenţial, în aşteptarea iniţiativei de dezvoltare(podgoriile, zonele urbane şi periurbane etc) şi a finanţelor necesare. În urma studiului şi a modelării spaţiale se evidenţiează necesitatea creeării de: circuite, branduri regionale etc.

Key words: tourism, disparities, durable development, regional brand Cuvinte cheie: :turism, disparităţi, dezvoltare durabilă, brand regional

240 ● Diffusion of the Touristic Phenomenon in the North Western Region


The phenomenological approach of tourism constitutes a strategic necessity, because Romania’s shift to the market economy (1990) and, afterwards, the adheration to the European structures (2007), without a full integration unfortunately, generated new opportunities for the socio-economic development through: opening borders, increasing competitiveness –that imposes quality and attractive prices-, possibilities to access pre- and post-adhering funds etc. This phenomenon, with a good organization and management, could rebalance economy and even retrieve losses determined by a slow reaction to the existing opportunities and also to their associated risks. Another argument lies in the definition of tourism itself: a synthesis economic activity in a continuous evolution that implies a movement of people with psycho-somatic recreational purposes, through relaxation and active regeneration, and, at the same time, for culturalization, whose duration and distance (from the places they normally live) depends on the disposable income, preferences and disposable time. In time, in Romania this activity could turn into a social necessity. From a structural point of view, the phenomenon of tourism includes a spatial component, a human component and, additionally to the latter, a sensorial component, pointed out through local or areal concentrations, along the seaside – anisotropic concentration, Prahova Valley, Felix Spa, the monasteries in Moldova, locations that also constitute leading tourist destinations in Romania. The North-Western Region, even if it represents only a decoupage of the country’s reality, it faces the same socio-economic deficiencies as the whole it belongs to; the disparities „directly perceived” at the level of the tourist phenomenon are simultaneously felt and reflected in the case of the entire economic sectors. As a consequence, the main objectives of the present approach are as follows:  Identify and spatial locate the potential tourist objectives, as well as of those already functioning;  Underline the discrepancies between counties in the North-Western Region as regarding the tourist phenomenon;  Set up some managerial measures through which these discrepancies could be decreased.


The geographic space and its components hide various tourist activities that could be valorized through the creativity and the financial force of the „socio-economic” component, because „it introduces to the economic circuit new perspectives as: landscape (whose „consumption” could be done only in situ), population’s hospitality, solicitude and information (geographic, cultural-historical, gastronomical, artistic etc.)” (A. Gheorghilaş- p. 2, 2oo4). Structurally, the tourist potential of the North-Western Region includes a cumulus of representative elements belonging both to the natural and human-made systems, each of the 6 counties participating with specific and implicitly attractive features, the reason Rozalia BENEDEK ● 241 being the particular geological and historical evolution framework of each territorial unit, sometimes different, other times identical, the consequence being the preservation of some individual geographic characteristics. 2.1. The recreational potential of the natural environment Morphologically speaking, the analyzed area benefits from the presence of the all major relief forms, through a harmonious between mountains (28%), contact units – hills and plateaus (30%), plains and large river corridors, preferred by human settlements (42%) (PATR, 2004). As regarding the orographic aspects, the different conditions of paleo-geographic evolution are mirrored in the partial spatial presence of two segments of the Romanian Carpathians:  The Eastern Carpathians, with the Maramures sector and the Transylvanian sector, the highest altitudes are reached in the Rodna Mountains (2303 m) and in the Maramures Mountains, formed mainly by crystalline rocks. This is the central strip of the principal division, the glacial relief being also present here, with its valuable landscape features, together with the low altitude volcanic range (Oaş, Gutâi, Ţibleş) in the West, bordering on two sides the Maramures Depression and then continued with the Calimani Mountains, where the preservation of the principal and secondary volcanic cones provides with important touristic and scientific value. Lakes were formed in the glacial circuses, with clear and cold waters, the Iezer glacial lakes impressing through its shape that reminds the shape of the country. In the Rodna Mountains, the karstic relief is also represented with caves (Zanei, Tausoarelor) and karst fensters (Izbucul Izei). As regarding the volcanic relief, the general aspect of cones and craters were reshaped through erosion, generating attenuate or „soft” ridges, dykes, the most spectacular one being Creasta Cocosului that „guards” to the North the former mining town of Cavnic, necks, lava plateaus etc., all of these landforms being somehow screened by forestry vegetation. From the administrative point of view, these relief units belong dominantly to the Bistriţa- Năsăud and Maramureş counties.  The Western Carpathians are represented in this region by the central- northern sector of the Apuseni Mountains, including their prolongations to the West and the interposed depressions, symbolically called „gulf depressions” - Beiuş, Vad-Borod etc.-, and belonging mainly to Cluj, Bihor or Salaj counties. The highest altitude is reached in the Vladeasa Mountains (1836 m), with crystalline structure and with an important role in blocking western oceanic air masses, favoring in this way the appearance of Stâna de Vale climateric and winter sports resort, location that also represents the Romanian pole of precipitations. Besides, the heterogeneous lithologic constitution, with alternations of hard and mild rocks, has generated a very picturesque karst relief, with endo- and exo-karst landforms: caves - Peştera Urşilor, benefitting from modern arrangements, Peştera Vântului and, even if it doesn’t fit territorially into the analyzed area the Scărişoara cave and glacier. The attractive potential of these caves, through representative fauna and speleothems, is increased by the relatively facile access, the proximity to some important towns (Cluj, Oradea) or to therapeutic or recreational resorts. In the Territorial Arrangement Regional Plan (2004) the studied territory is referred to shelter 5000 of caves. 242 ● Diffusion of the Touristic Phenomenon in the North Western Region

 The two principal mountainous divisions are interrupted by some „hidden” mountains, with collinar aspect, known as the Intra-Carpathian (Măgura Şimleului, Măgura Ţicăului- that could be used as belvedere sites). The mountains could also stir interest through other parameters as slope inclination or altitude, that could be both a restrictive or a permissive factor for activities as alpinism, mountain walkings, winter sports, and in association with other natural components – climate, vegetation, fauna etc. – determines a landscape vertical distribution on different layers. The tourist potential of hills and plateaus (the Western Hills, the Someşan Plateau, the Transylvanian Plain) surpasses that of the low areas – Western Plain – through a more diverse landscape, but inferior to that of the mountainous regions. The tourist valorization of hydrography in the studied region is sustained by the presence of thermalism features in the Western Hills and Plain, of a high level of mineralization (the mophetic area of the volcanic mountains Oaş, Gutâi, Ţibleş – carbonate and bicarbonate waters) and of cloro-sodium waters (related to the salt deposits in Maramureş and in the Transylvanian Depression). Besides, hydrography could benefit from its important esthetical value and from its recreational potential: rafting – on rivers as Crişul Repede, Bistriţa, Someşul Mare, fishing, small boat adventures, sunning and bathing on the other rivers or lakes (Cefa, Ţaga, Geaca etc). The Northern Transylvania, the name under which this region is promoted by the North-Western Regional Development Agency (, distinguishes itself among other regions in country and abroad through number, quantity of reserve and chemical diversity of the existing mineral springs, this aspect constituting one of the principal competing advantages of this region. Within the context of an increase in the demographic ageing, in the daily stress – with repercussions upon health -, of a reduction in the working week, the profitability of this resources’ valorization is sustained by a few aspects as: the rapport price-quality as regarding offered services and touristic units’ equipping that affects seriously the touristic sector’s budget and which is sometimes affected by overcrowding (Felix Resort) or by deficiencies in applying sustainable development principles. The biotic component contributes to the tourist offer through interesting flora and fauna associations that addresses in principal to the scientific tourism, but not exclusively. Within these „uncontaminated” areas some protection regulations have to be obeyed, many of them being declared natural protected areas, in principal because of the rarity of the existing species. The studied region shelters 169 of such areas with the following distribution: (64), with a total surface of 3o 867 ha, 8o% belonging to the Munţii Apuseni Natural Park, that is also extended within the limits of the ; Satu Mare County (7), with a protected surface of 6 465 ha; Maramureş County (35), 198 191 ha, including the Comestible Chestnut Trees Forest, Creasta Cocoşului Dyke, Munţii Rodnei National Park; Sălaj County (15), 517 ha, the most famous being the Grădina Zmeilor Geological Reservation, Barcău River’s Springs, the Sapropelic Swamp in the locality of Iaz etc; Bistriţa-Năsăud County (27), 38 282 ha, the most representative being the Munţii Rodnei National Park; Cluj County (35), 198 191ha, with Fâneţele Clujului – botanic and geologic reservation, Turda Gorges (source ARPM, 2oo6).

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Table.1.Existing and proposed tourist sites within the North-Western Region Regiunea Nord-Vest, obiective turistice preferate si cele cu potential

County Bihor Cluj Maramureş Proposal for other counties (BH) (CJ) (MM) Bistriţa Năsăud Satu Mare Sălaj Tourist sites (BN) (SM) (SJ) and types County seat Oradea-airport Cluj-Napoca- Baia-Mare Bistriţa Satu Mare Zalău airport Mountains Bihor Mt., Gilău Mt., the Rodna Mt., Ţibleş Călimani and The Oaş Plopiş and Pădurea Craiului Vlădeasa Mt., Mt., Gutâi Mt and Rodna Mt Meseş Mt. Mt. and Codru- Muntele Mare Mt. Maramureş Mt Mountains Moma Mt. Lakes Fântânele storage Baia Sprie, Firiza, Colibiţa Călineşti- Vârşolţ Dam lake Lacul Albastru Oaş Natural Bears’Cave Turda Gorges, The Valleys of the Munţii Rodnei Chestnuts Tusa – monuments from Chişcău, Tureni Gorges, Vaser and Vişeu, National Park Forest- Barcau Meziad and Someşul Cald „Dealul Florilor” Micula, waterfalls Vadu Crişului Gorges Natural Park Runc Caves, the Şomcuţa Mare Forest Karstic Plateau Historical The ruins of Cluj- the Baia- Mare- ruins of Bistriţa town’s Carei – Şimleu- vestiges and Oradea and fortification and the fortress centre Karoly Bathory archaeologi Biharia Fortress Romanian Fortress, Fortress, cal sites Orthodox Church Ardud Nuşfalău- from Mănăştur; Banffi Castle Dej and Gilău and the Roman castrum; tumular Turda- Potaissa necropolis settlement ruins Churches The Romano- Cluj- the St. Wooden churches, Maieru, Şanţ, Satu Mare Nuşfalău and Catholic Michael Church, Moisei, Rohia and Colibiţa Cathedral with the Monastires Cathedral- The Franciscan Bârsana monastires Acis unique Oradea Church and underground Monastery etc church „Inima Sfântă al lui Iisus” etc Monuments The Tailors’ Wooden churches in - - - Bastion, Matei Ieud- the oldest in Corvin House, the this area Banffy Castele- Bonţida Museums The Museum of Cluj- The History Baia - Mare Minerological Museum, Ady Endre Etnographica the „Crişurilor Museum of Sighetul Marmaţiei- Communist Prison Museum l museum Land” Transilvania, The s.o Pharmacy Museum, s. o. Source: „Romania Tourist and Road Map”, 2oo7, processed and supplemented

2.2. Suitability and valorization of the human-made potential This aspect is characterized through a large typology of cultural and recreational resources most of them found in the region’s museums, being related to the continuous inhabitance of this area since the Neolithic era (archeologically proved). Besides, it is also worth mentioning the relics of the following historical periods during which specific arrangements were developed (related to outmoded practices, customs or beliefs). 244 ● Diffusion of the Touristic Phenomenon in the North Western Region

As a result of the specific territorial organization and arrangement and in relation to the tourist demand various tourist products developed in time, among which we mention:  Fortified settlements, castles and lordly houses;  Churches and monasteries;  Public or private edifices whose architecture corresponds to their construction period;  Resorts, recreational areas;  Zoological and botanical gardens etc. The spatial representation of the potential tourist attractions (see the map – Annexe no. 1) and of those being already exploited outlines a concentration in the main low depression areas where the most interesting and valuable aspect is the preservation of the traditional way of life. The urban centres, with the specific architecture that give hints about the past, but also well integrated into the present, represent other concentration poles. The table presents in a synthetic way the most important tourist sites, differentiated on counties, in the same way they appear in the annex of Romania Tourist and Road Map (Niculescu Printing House, 2007), with some additional information meant to stir potential tourists’ interest


These disparities are reflected at the level of the elementary infrastructure (roads, accommodation units, tour operators and tourist/technique information centres) and of the tourist integrated components. These elements could at their turn constitute the genetic factors of these differentiations. The tourist specific material infrastructure represents an essential factor that significantly contribute to the transformation of places or sites with recreational or leisure potential into marketable tourist products and, at the same time, they provide resorts or settlements with personality. With all these, the tourist material infrastructure constitutes only a secondary offer of this activity. These arrangements could be classified after their destination into: accommodation, therapeutic, sports and recreational, commercial (for selling handicrafts or souvenirs), tourist guiding or informational tourist units. The accommodation units (543 in 2006), with an increasing number in comparison to 2005, are territorially concentrated in Cluj and Maramureş Counties, rural pensions and hotels being the best represented categories. The typology and dominance of the accommodation units in these two counties, underlines their tourist specialization: rural tourism in Maramures (Iza Valley, Vaser Valley etc.), respectively cultural and business tourism in Cluj, the town of Cluj-Napoca being a prestigious university centre and the a real promoter of the economic regional and national development. Rozalia BENEDEK ● 245

The most defficitary counties at this chapter (as illustrated in the following diagram) are Sălaj, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Satu Mare. This aspect is not determined by a defficitary tourist potential, but rather by lack of initiative in this direction, with a possible explanation in a tardive constitution of this activity sector in this counties (included into the 70’ five-years development plan), being somehow „obscured” by the already famous tourist brands in the other region’s counties (this is also the probable reason why these counties were not included into the small guide of the tourist map quoted in the table). The three above-mentioned counties (Cluj, Bihor and Maramures) gather 80% of the accommodation units in the region

Cluj, 27% Maramureş, 12%

Sălaj, 3% Bistriţa Bihor, 15% Năsăud, 5%

Fig. 1.The repartition by counties of the accommodation units within the NW Region (2006) Repartiţia pe judete a unitatilor de cazare din Regiunea Nord-Vest (2006)

Another cause, this time general, is the delayed privatization, preceded by the collapse of the small resorts and being determined by procedural or investment delays as well as by labor emigration that reduces investing initiative and tourist demand. The average length of stay, according to INS data, was of 3.3 days, this value being surpassed in the case of therapeutic resorts, especially the modernized ones (Băile Felix- 13 hotels, 4 pensions, 1 Mai – 1 hotel, 8 pensions), where it reaches 8.1 days, because of the increased number of potential tourists this type of tourism addresses to. The access to these resorts and tourist sites is rather difficult, because of the circulation infrastructure deficiencies, both qualitative and quantitative (defficitary connections especially with the mountainous areas - Apuseni Mt. (Băişoara, Vlădeasa etc), Maramureş Mt.). According to INS, only 27.2% of the existing 11.858 km of roads were modernized (especially the European roads – E60, E81). Another problem is the lack of town roundabouts in order to mitigate pollution and overcrowding, while, in rural areas, the lack of roads or pistes for animal traction vehicles, agricultural vehicles or bicycles. This problem, in spite of some attempts, has not been legally established by now. In the future, the construction of the „Transylvania” Highway and the modernization of the other existing roads would constitute a real opportunity for tourism 246 ● Diffusion of the Touristic Phenomenon in the North Western Region development in the region (travel duration shortening), the present precarious infrastructure determining the isolation of some tourist attractions (Băile Boghiş, Ocna Şugatag, Sângeorz Băi etc). The region’s railway network represents only 4% from the national one and faces important problems because of the decreased passengers’ number, the main cause being the disadvantage of the travel duration. The aerial traffic is provided by 4 airports (Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Baia-Mare and Satu Mare), with an obvious prevalence for that in Cluj (80% of the total passengers). Another important component of the tourist phenomenon is the specialized and qualified labor, whose preparation could be achieved within the existing specialized universities (Babes-Bolyai University, University of Oradea, private universities) or within some professional schools, specialization „tourism and public alimentation”, the highest number of graduates from such schools being reached in Bihor (14%) and Cluj (10%) counties. In 2005, only 1.12% from the total occupied population was involved in tourist activities, the dominating counties being Bihor (46.000 persons – 1.6% from the occupied population), Cluj (52.000 persons – 1.68 from the occupied population), while in Sălaj and Bistriţa-Năsăud only 0.8% from the working population perform tourist activities. Beside these tourism qualification forms, other specialization courses organized by the National Centre of Tourist Education are also available, having variable durations and covering instruction for all tourism functions and especially aiming at adults. As regarding the rapport between Romanian and foreign tourists, the average value is 3.54 Romanian tourists at 1 foreign tourist. The maximum value of this indicator is reached in the Bihor County – 5.15 \ 1. An increase of the foreign tourists number has been noticed lately, but evidently inferior to that of the Romanians travelling abroad, the reasons being the more attractive tourist offers (also financially). This aspect determines a negative tourist balance whose recovering necessitates adequate strategies. Under the management of the County Councils, the Tourist Information Centres couldn’t accomplish their tasks – information, guiding or cooperation. There are also good examples in this respect, one of them being the tourist information campaign initiated by the Cluj-Napoca townhall, through which tourist information points were set in key tourist sights and where tourists are provided with information and assistance both in Romanian and in widespread foreign languages. The rural tourism is managed by ANTREC, an association that promote rural pensions by counseling them in organizing attractive tourist activities. The number of the registered pensions continuously changes, because of the lack of motivation (reflected in a permanent or temporary cessation of this activity) of some pensions’ owners.


Before trying to identify the best solutions to eliminate these dysfunctions in the tourist sector, a SWOT analysis of the regional tourism was elaborated. This analysis is mainly based on the aspects already mentioned in the previous paragraphs: Strong points: Rozalia BENEDEK ● 247

 Strategic location in relation to tourists emitting countries and to the main communication ways;  Increase of the tourists’ number in 2006;  Presence of balneoclimateric resorts and of a large tourist offer typology;  Harmonization of the national tourist legislation with that of the EU. Weak points:  Reduced „low cost” accommodation units;  Degradation of the cultural heritage;  Environmental degradation in former mining areas;  Re-orientation of the internal and external tourist demand;  Lack of co-operation between tour-operators;  High costs versus moderate quality services;  Low average salaries (2oo-25o€) that do not stimulate large-scale tourism;  Defficitary promoting and information system. Opportunities:  Access to F.E.D.R funds  Inter-regional and trans-frontiers cooperation;  Modernization of resorts and recreational areas;  Increase of the buying power in Romania;  Important resources for the agro-tourism development;  Diversification and quality increase of the tourist services that would help in regaining tourists previously attracted by neighboring countries as Bulgaria, Turkey, Czech Republic or Hungary;  Return of the Romanians working abroad. Threats:  Delays in implementing strategies;  Absence of a tourist marketing system;  Disorganization of traditional communities (A. Tripon, 2oo6). Taking into account the above mentioned aspects, some major development strategies could be outlined by identifying areas with specialized and complex tourist function which could constitute the main target points of the regional economic development strategy and the most efficient way to eliminate inter-county disparities though interconnection. These areas are also very attractive for investors. In order to increase the local tourist circulation and to attract tourist flows from other European countries, especially from neighboring countries, the following measures have to be implemented:  Instruction and training of tourist staff at European standards, but also educating tourists towards sustainable development practices. In this respect, beside the modernization of the therapeutic resorts, a diversification of tourist products is necessary (business or wellness tourism offers etc.), so that tourist seasonality could be eliminated; another proposal is related to rural tourism units that could attract tourists by using environmentally friendly equipments and techniques (renewable energy – solar, geothermal etc.).  Providing tourist locations with high quality access ways; 248 ● Diffusion of the Touristic Phenomenon in the North Western Region

 Arrangement or re-arrangement of some intensely frequented tourist routes, integration of some less exploited mountainous units (Pădurea Craiului, Ţibleş or Vlădeasa) into the tourist circuit by implementing the required infrastructure;  Inter-county cooperation between resorts in order to promote joint tourist attraction actions related especially to environmental protection, pollution factors control, preservation of some valuable elements as natural resources, historical monuments, ethnographic or folkloric values in each tourist area;  Development of the peri-urban tourism as a stringent necessity towards providing recreational possibilities for low-income urban population;  Creation of a rural tourism system within which students from families with reduced financial possibilities could benefit from a „holiday in the country”;  Promotion of an esthetic integration of rural and urban settlements into landscape through initiating contests as ”The most beautiful street \ locality”, „My dwelling is a flower” etc;  Development of specialized tourist types as: viticultural - Şimleu, Carei etc., religious - Nuşfalău, Bârsana, Nicula, Ciucea, Muntele Rece, Salva, Bichigiu, Strâmba, Bălan, fishing, extreme sports (paraglide, delta wing, canoeing, motocross) - Biharia, Ţibleş, Rodnei Mts., winter sports (ski, bobsleigh, luge) - Rodnei, Ţibleş, Gilău-Muntele Mare Mts. etc.  - Introduction of some thematic tourist circuits with wide addressability as: „Salaj and Maramures Wooden Churches Circuit”, „Roman Castrae Circuit”, „Medieval Castles and Fortresses Circuit”, „Memorial Houses Circuit”, „Salt Mines Circuit”, „Tourist Speo- circuit”.  - Arrangement of some traditional peasant dwellings (architecture, costumes, food, music) in order to valorize and benefit within the tourist programs from local mythology, customs or traditions.  - Setting up of a Regional Centre for Tourist Information and Management in each important tourist area (Cluj, Oradea, Aleşd, Beiuş, Zalău, Şimleul Silvaniei, Satu Mare, Tăşnad, Negreşti Oaş, Baia Mare, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Vişeul de Sus, Tg. Lăpuş, Bistriţa, Năsăud, Dej, Huedin, Turda).


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