Presented by Japan

the 49th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation, Asia and Pacific Regions

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 1 DP 2.2 a) Relocation of the Relocation of the airport to establish new airport in non-noise sensitive area, such as off-shore or rural area.

Nagasaki Airport Kansai International Airport

Opened in 1975 as the first Offshore Airport Opened in 1994 as the 24 hours operation in Japan, Runway Length : 3,000m Airport Runway Length : 3,500m and 4,000m

2 D Runway of International Airport

3 Pier section and Advanced technology

Cover plate

Stainless lining

Electrolytic protection ●The pier section consists of 198 steel jackets in total. ●A stainless steel lining and electric anti-corrosion are applied to major components of anti-corrosion Joint of "Pier" and "Reclamation" technologies. ●For the joint part of the pier and reclamation elastic structure is used, which follows the large movements caused by an earthquake and absorbs seismic vibrations or temperature- dependent shape changes. Detail of Joint Structure 4 DP 2.2 b) Improvement use of the airport Example Procedures of noise abatement by Aircraft Operation

Good for Noise problem. Bad for Fuel consumption /CO2 emission.

PREFERENTIAL RUNWAY PROCEDURE Low Traffic volume airport only. Max tail wind component 10knot, depend on aircraft operational limitation. .

Traffic pattern, Circling approach , RNP AR approach are useful.

5 Noise abatement technology by using Flight Procedure

Concept of Continuous Descent Operation (CDO)

Tokyo Bay

Engine idling operation is ideal.

Aircraft Flight Path

Noise RNP AR Approach at Tokyo International Airport

Conventional approach CDO approach RNP AR procedure has designed within Tokyo Bay for noise abatement to residential area. 6 Using Low-Noise Engine to decrease noise effects

Boeing 787 New Engine

fan compressor Combustion Bypass airflow gas

low bypass ratio engine High bypass ratio engine (Low Noise Type) 7 Noise-proof Walls

Large type Noise-proof Walls Noise-proof Walls (Osaka International Airport) (Osaka International Airport)

Engine testing place for Aircraft Noise-proof Walls for the purpose to shut noise in airport

8 DP 2.2 c) Measure for surrounding environment of the airport to improve sound-proofing ability of residences surrounded , to move residences strongly affected by airport noise, to promote relocation of residences surrounded the airports, so on

The Image of Measure for surrounding environment

 Grant for  re-development  Grant for installing air conditioner relocation ◎民家の移転補償 of ◎再開発整備事業 ◎民家のエアコン・防音サッシ等の projects and 防音工事の助成noise-proof sash at school and residences  Grant for installing air hospital conditioner ◎学校、病院等の and noise-proof sash at エアフロント・オアシス エアコン・防音サッシ等 school and hospital 物流施設兼店舗 > Grant の防音工事の助成 for Joint Use facility ◎共同利用施設整備の助成 防音林  surrounding development ローカライザー ASR environment ◎周辺環境基盤整備事業 improvement 給油施設 エアフロント・オアシス 消防庁舎 projects 都市計画緑地 着陸帯 WECPNL95 (第3種区域) B滑走路 高速脱出誘導路 グライドパス 概ね WECPNL90 WECPNL70 (第2種区) 大型防音壁

WECPNL75 バイパス誘導路 誘導路 A滑走路 平行誘導路 都市計画緑地 格納庫 (第1種区域) VOR/DME

貨物ビル 防音壁 ターミナルビル 運動施設 管制塔 Fostering project of buffer ◎緩衝緑地造成事業 green forest Subsidy Granted Project area 補 助 事 業 Project under the direct  Grant for failure of getting control直 轄 事 業 of government ◎テレビ受信障害対策助成 television broadcasts

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 9 Example of Measure for surrounding environment of the airport (1)

Buffer Green Forest Area Air-front Oasis ( Airport) (Osaka International Airport)

To achieve environment protection by means To achieve noise mitigation, fulfillment of of setting buffer green forest area to some preventing disaster function and comfortable extent between airport and residential area life environment by utilizing site of relocation compensation effectively 10 Example of Measure for surrounding environment of the airport (2)

Re-development Projects (Noise Matching Facility)

NAFCO - Large Home Center Store AUTOBACKS – Large Car Supplies Store () (Osaka International Airport)

Construction, Administration and Operation of facilities which have little concerns of receiving disturbances to its function from aircraft noise. 11 Thank you for your attention.