Betsey Stockton: Pioneer American Missionary Eileen F
25. Norman Mundhenk and Jan de Waard, "Missing the Whole Point 30. Lamin Sanneh, Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on and What to Do About It-with Special Reference to the Book of Culture (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1989). Ruth," the Bible Translator 26 (1975): 420-33. 31. Kosuke Koyama, "Aristotelian Pepper and Buddhist Salt," in Read 26. Donald A. Carson, "New Bible Translations: An Assessment and ingsin Missionary Anthropology II,ed. William A. Smalley (Pasadena, Prospect," in TheBible in theTwenty-firstCentury,ed. Howard Clark Calif.: William Carey Library, 1978), pp. 109-14. Key (New York: American Bible Society, 1993), pp. 37-67. 32. Ralph R. Covell, Confucius, the Buddha, and Christ: A History of the 27. Ibid., pp. 38-41. Gospel inChinese (Maryknoll, N.Y.:Orbis Books,1986):61-62;Marshall 28. First proposed in Eugene A. Nida, "A New Method of Biblical Broomhall, The Bible in China (San Francisco: Chinese Materials Exegesis," the Bible Translator 3 (1952): 79-110. Center, 1977 [1934]), pp. 36-39. 29. Eugene A. Nida and William D. Reyburn, MeaningAcrossCultures 33. Jacob A. Loewen, "The Training of National Translators," Bible (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1981), p. 1. Translator 20 (1969): 131-42; 21 (1970):10-20. Betsey Stockton: Pioneer American Missionary Eileen F. Moffett orn to a slave mother about 1798 in Princeton, New it. Betsey gave no evidence of piety, or of any permanent serious B Jersey, Betsey Stockton was the first unmarried woman ness till she was near twenty years old. On the contrary, she was, missionary ever sent by a North American mission agency at least till the age of thirteen or fourteen, wild and thoughtless, beyond the borders of the United States.' She went to the Sand if not vicious.
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