Chronology of Legal Reform (May 1911– June 1940)
A PPENDIX I Chronology of Legal Reform (May 1911– June 1940) Second Majles (November 15, 1909– December 24, 1911) May 12, 1911 (Jamadi Avval 12, 1329q) Registration of Documents Law (replaced by the law of April 11, 1923). June 6, 1911 (Jamadi Dovvom 8, Examination Law for Members of the Adlieh 1329q) July 18, 1911 (Rajab 21, 1329q) Law of the Establishment of the Judiciary, the Shari‘a Courts and Justices of Conciliation (Qanun-e tashkilat-e adlieh va mahazer-e shari‘ va hokam-e solhieh; referred to in the book as the “organic code”). October 4, 1911 (Shavval 10,1329q) Imperial rescript (farman) establishing the Ministry of Justice. November 10, 1911 (Dhu’l Qada Law of the Principles of Civil Trials (Qanun- e 1329q) osul- e mohakemat- e hoquqi). Parts of this law were amended by the laws of June 23, 1923; the special powers granted by the law of February 17, 1927; and the laws of March 20, 1928, January 1, 1929, March 17, 1930, June 24, 1930, and November 17, 1931. No Majles: December 25, 1911– December 5, 1914 August 22, 1912 (Ramadan 9, 1330q) Law of the Principles of Criminal Trials (Qanun- e osul- e mohakemat jaza’i); passed by decree after closure of Second Majles. (continued ) Source, except where otherwise stated: Majles- e Shawra- ye Islami, “Samaneh- ye Qavanin va Moqararat,” available at http:// rc.majlis .ir/ fa/ law. Accessed March 2009. This website is an electronic version of the Majmu’eh- ye Qavanin- e Majles- e Shawra. It is particularly useful for its annotations, indicating when a law was revised or repealed.
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