Wednesday 31 July 2019, 9.30am

Walsall Council Conference Room 3


VOTING MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Councillor Mike Bird, MBC - Chair Dr Helen Paterson, Walsall MBC Councillor Patrick Harley, Dudley MBC Kevin O’Keefe, Dudley MBC Councillor Yvonne Davies, MBC David Stevens, Sandwell MBC Councillor Ian Brookfield, CC Tim Johnson, City of Wolverhampton

NON VOTING MEMBERS INVITED GUESTS Ninder Johal, Black Country LEP (sub) Lara Cragg, The Black Country Consortium Ltd(sub) Alan Lunt, Dudley MBC Alison Knight, Sandwell MBC Simon Neilson, Walsall MBC

1. Apologies Stewart Towe, Black Country LEP Sarah Middleton, BC Consortium Ltd

2. Notes of Previous Meeting held on 26 June 2019

19/0049 It was resolved that: The notes of the meeting held on 26 June 2919 be confirmed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising from the notes of the previous meeting. None.

4. Declarations of Interest None.

5. Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985 (as amended):

19/0050 To agree that the public be excluded from the private session during consideration of Agenda Item 7 - Black Country Local Growth Deal - Very Light Rail Programme Changes

6. Black Country Local Growth Deal – A34 Corridor Development Funding (SEPPL14) – Project Withdrawal

Simon Neilson was present and referred to the report previously circulated that explains the A34 Development project was approved at the March 2018 Black Country Joint Committee for a sum of £70,000 to be spent in the 2018/19 financial year. For the reasons contained in the report, following on from the approval of the project, it has been agreed that the WMCA will now fund the full scheme and this BCJC 31-7-19 – PUBLIC Draft Minutes Page 1 of 2

Development Funding is no longer required. This will create a further £70,000 capacity within the Transport element of the Growth Deal.

Cllr Bird referred to ongoing conversations with Sandwell and the CWG2022. He had made it clear that the consultation for removing the fly-over is flawed. From a Black Country point of view, there are many people that use the fly-over and if 4 to 5 projects on A34 will all be running at the same time Black Country residents will be disadvantaged.

Cllr Davies agreed and said there would be detrimental effect on residents and can only see that this will make it pretty but nothing else.

19/0051 It was resolved that the BCJC:

approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to terminate the existing Grant Agreement of £70,000 for the A34 Corridor Development Funding project from within the Growth Deal Programme

7. Black Country Local Growth Deal - Very Light Rail Programme Changes

Following consideration of the confidential information in the Private Session report

19/0052 It was resolved that the BCJC:

2.1 approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to terminate the existing Grant Agreement with Dudley Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Hub to Home Transport Innovation Centre and Test Track Project: Very Light Rail and Autonomous Technologies project and instructs the Accountable Body (Walsall Council) to inform Dudley Council of the decision.

2.2 approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to enter into the appropriate Grant Agreement with Dudley Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Hub to Home Transport Innovation Centre and Test Track Project: Very Light Rail and Autonomous Technologies project - Development Phase, totalling £1,145,747, for works carried out during the 2017/18 and 2018/19 LGF programme periods.

2.3 notes the approval of the Black Country LEP Board held on 22 July 2019 as detailed in the Private report. An amendment was moved by Councillor Bird as Chair and duly approved in the Private Session

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Grant Agreement Approval

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approves the Ultra- Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) Transport Development Funding Project, within the Local Growth Fund (LGF) programme.

1.2 This project was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on 7 of August 2019, endorsed in principle by the Working Group on 8 August 2019, approved by the LEP Board on 20 August 2019 and ratified by the Working Group via email on the 3 September 2019. The Advisory Board endorsed the project via email on 10 September 2019.


That the Joint Committee approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Wolverhampton City Council, to the value of £130,000 , to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Ultra- Low EV Transport Development Funding Project, with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

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3.1 The summary of the proposed project is provided below:

Ultra Low EV Transport Development Funding Project - £130,000 in 2019/20

Funding Breakdown 2019/20 2020/21 Total

LEP Funding £130,000 £0 £130,000 Applicants own funds £30,000 £0 £30,000 TOTAL £160,000 £0 £160,000

3.2 The UK’s transportation sector is responsible for 27% of the nation’s carbon emissions, 90% of which come from road transport. Since the introduction of the 2008 Climate Change Act, which binds the UK to 80% reduction in carbon emissions based on pre-1990 levels, the transportation carbon emissions have increased whilst other sectors have made significant reductions.

3.3 Public health impacts of air pollution have economic costs associated through increased health care costs and loss of productivity which, if left unaddressed, will continue to grow as the national population increases further exacerbating the problem. EU directives as well as national law, require that the government addresses the air pollution in urban centres, and ensures levels are kept in compliance with the law.

3.4 ULEVs are at the heart of the government’s ambitions to decarbonise the economy and form a major part within the industrial strategy linking clean growth and future mobility objectives together. ULEVs are considered as a cornerstone by which significant progress in carbon reduction and air quality improvements can be made, in line with decarbonisation of the UK’s energy mix.

3.5 The West Midlands strategic transport document, Movement for Growth, indicates the need to decarbonise transport by promoting the use of ULEV’s to deliver on two key environmental policies:

 ENV1 - To significantly improve the quality of the local environment in the West Midlands Metropolitan Area;  ENV2 - To help tackle climate change by ensuring large decreases in greenhouse gas emissions from the West Midlands Metropolitan Area.

3.6 Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) are working closely with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and constituent local authorities to develop a West Midlands ULEV strategy. The wider West Midlands region is a centre for research and manufacturing in the automotive industry, and promotion of ULEVs has significant potential to contribute to the local economy.

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3.7 In order to address local constraints and meet national policy objectives around climate change and local air pollution, City of Wolverhampton Council are working in collaboration across the Black Country to deliver a sub-regional wide ULEV programme that supports locally aligned objectives as established in the Black Country Core Strategy and individual council plans. The programme’s overarching focus is to support the accelerated carbon reduction across the Black Country faster than the nationally defined targets and maximise the air quality potential of the area to achieve optimum public health benefits.

3.8 Thus, the primary objective of the programme is to accelerate the uptake of Ultra low emission vehicles across the area and across all sectors through introduction of overarching policy, targeted delivery of key infrastructure, and on-going marketing and promotional work.

3.9 This bid will help to support the development costs for the initial phases of the programme as well support full business case development to support an application for larger funding opportunities via other funding bodies, such as central Government, the WMCA and through European Grants. These larger bids will be instrumental in delivering physical capital assets in the form of charging and energy infrastructure as well as smart innovation projects that will help to strengthen local economies.


All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will be covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme. This includes use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29 th October 2014.


The appropriate Grant Agreement will be in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.


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None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance officers at City of Wolverhampton Council were consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

 August 2019 FSG paper;  Initial Proposal - Ultra Low EV Transport Development Funding.


Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

I. Appendix J8 – Accountable Body Stage 2 Due Diligence.

Contact Officer & Author

Stuart Everton Mark Lavender BC Director of Transport Joint Committee Programme Manager City of Wolverhampton Council Walsall Council Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01902 554097 Telephone: 01922 654772

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Approval of the Changes to the 2018/19 Growth Deal Year End position

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) endorse the estimated expenditure and output profiles for the Growth Deal projects in line with 2018/19 year-end claims.

1.2 This request was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on the 7 August 2019, endorsed in principle by the Working Group on 8 August 2019, approved by the LEP Board on 20 August 2019 and was ratified by the Working Group via email on 3 September 2019. The Advisory Board endorsed via email on 10 September 2019.


That the Joint Committee approves the current position of the Growth Deal Projects, reflecting all changes to the Programme (Funding and Outputs) throughout the year and, to maximise the 2018/19 Growth Deal allocation expenditure, requests approval for various changes detailed in attachment 1 of the report.

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3.1 The report details the current position of all Growth Deal Projects, reflecting all changes to the Programme (Funding and Outputs) which have been considered and approved by the LEP Board and Joint Committee throughout the year, plus some additional changes that have been reported since the LEP Board meeting (22 July 2019).

3.2 The 2018/19 Growth Deal support approved by BEIS for the Black Country LEP (BC LEP) is £19.53m. The original profile was £33.79m, however, due to changes with the M6 Junction 10 major scheme and the reprofile of the allocated DfT funding, this has been reduced to just short of £20m for this financial year, to support all of the allocated projects. The report details the current position of all Growth Deal Projects, reflecting all changes to the Programme (Funding and Outputs) which have been considered and approved by the LEP Board and Joint Committee throughout the year, plus some additional changes that have been reported since the LEP Board meeting (22 July 2019).

3.3 Following the Q4 Project Reviews, the final year position for LEP Board and Joint Committee approved projects is profiled below. The spend target for 2018/19 has been achieved with the final figure being finalised at £19.53m.

2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 TOTAL £29,950,000 £45,951,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

*It is to be noted that this figure is based on the contractual commitments deployed by the PMO and the Accountable Body. This figure will be revised after the final June claims have been submitted and approved.

3.4 As the programme is approaching its final 18 months, the Accountable Body and the PMO, with guidance from BEIS, have undertaken a thorough risk analysis exercise of all projects which has resulted in a number of actions being taken to ensure the programme is fully committed and able to achieve spend and output targets. A list of criteria was agreed and applied to assess all projects, such criteria included state aid eligibility and Black Country Joint Committee approval. In addition to this, any ear marked funding has now been removed from the programme.

3.5 Transport remains the largest risk within the programme, with the spend vs allocated funding closely monitored to date. A number of development and access projects are nearing completion and are expected to close in the coming months. Any unallocated transport funds have been reduced and assigned to a number of smaller schemes. It is expected that any unallocated transport funding will be fully committed in 2019/20. Major schemes such as M6 Junction 10 are expected to start late 2019/20.

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3.6 Output targets are tabled below with the current forecast and actual figures delivered to date. Jobs Created and Learner Assist numbers continue to exceed the projected target, with the Apprenticeship figures having been included in the Jobs Created total. Delivery of high quality Commercial Floorspace has been very successful to date through the Local Growth Deal fund, again targets are expected to be over-achieved. Business Assist numbers are relatively low compared to other outputs; work is on-going to drive forward improvement on these figures.

Jobs Housing Business Learner Commercial Created Completed Assists Assists Floor space Target 6,384 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244 Direct 7,647 1,664 2,401 12,730 216,646 Forecast Outputs (see attachment) Indirect 886 1,180 11 274 53,054 Forecast Outputs Total 8,533 2,844 2,412 13,004 269,700 Forecast Outputs Actual 4,327 704 407 78,324

*Includes direct and indirect outputs as well as outputs until 2025 *Outputs are subject to validation by the Accountable body

3.7 Delivery of the residential schemes, to meet ambitious housing targets, has been a challenge for the LEP, however, recent discussions with BEIS and knowledge sharing with other LEPs have provided valuable insight into how Housing outcomes can be captured. All initiatives led by the BC LEP such as Site Investigation funding and the Garden City panel have provided Housing and residential led type outcomes that can be included and counted towards the targets for the Local Growth Deal, this is to be confirmed in writing by BEIS.

3.8 The BC LEP has been supportive of private and public sector applicants coming forward for Site Investigation funding and it is expected that all funded Site Investigations will complete before the end of the year. Analysis of all site investigations and development funding is underway, with the Accountable Body assessing all contingent liabilities. There is potential that should any funding not be capitalised before the end of the programme, there may be clawback for a number of projects.

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3.9 A number of skills capital projects have been funded through the Local Growth Deal fund and have been successful in their project delivery as well providing a high-quality educational offering to the region. The Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills (ECMS) has been completed, launching four successful locations including the Springfield Hub, with the final project snagging to be completed before the end of 2019. Dudley College completed the CABtech project in 2017-18 and continue to deliver skilled apprenticeships with the funds awarded and drawn down. It has been agreed to remove the revenue match funding for Dudley College from the project as an output but keeping all the original outputs such as apprenticeships and learner assists.


The costs associated with this development work and the delivery of projects that form part of the Local Growth Deal are covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme.


For new grants, the Accountable Body (Walsall Council) will enter into an appropriate form of Grant Agreement which will include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee. Where Grant Agreements have been completed by the Council and the Grantee, these will be varied using the agreed change process within those agreements – that Grant Agreement Schedules are revised and re-issued to Grantees at the beginning of the new financial year, with all changes from this year-end report, and those approved throughout the year.


Risk is being managed through the on-going assessment of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance Officers were consulted as part of the development of this report.

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Background papers



I. Growth Deal Project Outputs and Grant Allocations.

Contact Officer & Author

Sarah Middleton Mark Lavender Chief Executive Joint Committee Programme Manager Black Country Consortium Walsall Council The Deckhouse, Waterfront West Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall DY5 1LW WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01384 471102 Telephone: 01922 654772

Simon Neilson Executive Director – Economy and Environment Walsall Council Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01922 652004

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Attachment 1

GROWTH DEAL PROJECTS Outputs Expenditure Comm Apprentice Floor Jobs Houses BA LA 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL ships space (Sqm) City of Wolverhampton College Relocation - Development Funding Reported 310,000 310,000 Walsall College - Improving Engineering Capacity Reported 247 759 207,128 207,128 Reported 355,600 355,600 Chances Glassworks Change 0 0 UoW Apprenticeship Hub Reported 715 150,000 50,000 200,000 Music Institute Development Study Reported 80,000 69,997 149,997 Very Light Rail Development Study Reported 150,000 150,000 300,000 Walsall College IT Academy Reported 500 147,767 147,767 Airfield Drive Reported 5119 370,993 370,993 Halesowen College - Access Centre for HE Reported 10 0 515 700,000 700,000 Dudley College - Specialist Equipment for HVM Sector Reported 215 0 104,400 104,400 Reported 204 986,748 716,464 726,779 0 2,429,991 Dudley Brownfield Land Ph 1 Change 204 986,748 716,464 414,977 311,802 2,429,991 Pensnett Estate Extension Development Reported 20061.5 1,477,368 1,477,368 Walsall College - Additional Engineering Equipment Reported 200 365 149,250 149,250 Dudley College - Construction Apprenticeship Training Centre Reported 0 200 415 507,247 92,753 600,000 VLR - Test Track and Innovation Centre - SEED funding Reported 637,814 198,914 836,728 Reported 2,024,655 2,230,195 0 4,254,850 Managing Short Trips Tranche 2 Change 2,024,655 2,161,122 653 4,186,429 203/204 Wolverhampton Street Reported 342 145,947 145,947 City North Gateway Phase 1 M54 Jct 2 to Springfield Lane Reported 2,319,080 1,031,920 3,351,000 Reported 45 340 0 205 5784 838,826 10,991,699 6,663,718 18,494,243 Home to Hub Test Track & Innovation Centre Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre Reported 19 390 70 1000 929 722,999 722,999 Walsall College Digital, Constuction & Engineering Expansion Reported 532 442 500,832 483,168 984,000 Reported 4436 954,812 3,037,351 5,504 3,997,667 i9 (BLOCK 9) Wolverhampton Change 4436 3,992,163 5,504 3,997,667 Reported 105 1,698,000 0 1,698,000 Woods Lane Phase 2 Change 105 0 1,698,000 1,698,000 Church Square Appartments Reported 4 123,121 123,121 I54 Western Extension - Access Package (LTB & Accessing Growth) Reported 238,305 4,261,695 500,000 5,000,000 Reported 275 10 325 830,939 2,881,161 2,222,000 5,934,100 Halesowen College - Business & Construction Management Centre Change 275 10 325 176,565 3,535,535 2,220,000 5,932,100 Hatherton Street Phase 2 Reported 1526 799,819 799,819 The Leather Industry Reported 9 450,000 450,000 Reported 328,000 1,212,000 8,703,000 10,243,000 Birchley Island Main Scheme Change 0 0 8,084,612 8,084,612 Reported 1,944,722 0 1,944,722 Phoenix 10 Change 1,222,042 722,680 1,944,722 Home to Hub & Test Innovation Development funding Reported 838,826 306,921 1,145,747 Reported 28 175 128 255 7981 3,520,000 0 3,520,000 SOABE (School of Architech & Built Environment) Change 28 175 128 255 7981 731,470 2,788,530 3,520,000 Reported 3,493,043 926,957 4,420,000 Springfield Phase 1 Change 3,485,412 934,588 4,420,000 Reported 132,307 367,693 500,000 National Brownfield Institute Change 0 500,000 500,000 Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme Reported 58 308 124891 2,630,000 6,370,000 9,000,000 Birchley Island Development Scheme Reported 2,008,388 2,008,388

Page 2 Attachment 1

GROWTH DEAL PROJECTS Outputs Expenditure Comm Apprentice Floor Jobs Houses BA LA 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL ships space (Sqm) SITE INVESTIGATION Popes Lane - Site Investigation Reported 54,290 54,290 Pensett Estate Extension - Site Investigation Reported 41,165 41,165 Parkrose industrial Estate - Site Investigation Reported 53,994 19,170 73,164 Challenge Block - Site Investigation Reported 0 21,092 19,908 41,000 Moxley Tip - Site Investigation Reported 88,600 23,298 111,898 Reported 990 115,729 0 116,719 Shidas Lagoon - Site Investigation Change 990 77,528 38,201 116,719 Bourne Street - Site Investigation Reported 63,565 63,565 Wharf Aprroach - Site Investigation Reported 25,898 25,898 Bull Street - Site Investigation Reported 34,761 0 34,761 Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme - Site Inv Reported 20,148 3,821 23,969 Former Reedswood Golf Course - Site Investigation Reported 9,330 9,330 Music Institute and Student Accommodation - Site investigation Reported 32,579 32,579 City Learning Quarter - Site Investigation Reported 120,000 120,000 Reported 43,278 96,479 139,757 Former ST Works - Site Investigation Change 43,278 56,980 100,258 Springfield Campus Remediation - Site Investigation Reported 83,195 83,195 Reported 64,400 0 64,400 University College Dudley Change 38,931 23,160 62,091 Sandwell Residential - Site investigation Reported 44,808 44,808 Holloway Street, Gornal - Site investigation Reported 43,235 43,235 Reported 69,059 69,059 Urban Village East - Site investigation Change 58,225 58,225 LTB M6 Junction 10 Reported 99,863 200,000 299,863 Wolverhampton InterChange - Commercial Gateway Phase 2 Reported 4,367,751 4,632,249 9,000,000 Birchley Island M5 J2 Reported 100,000 100,000 A4104 Pensnett High Street Reported 0 2,348,432 1,451,569 3,800,001 Reported 30,000 66,228 53,772 0 150,000 A4123 Development Works Change 30,000 66,228 15,888 37,884 150,000 Dudley Bus Station Reported 157,677 42,323 200,000 Reported 120,000 107,500 70,000 297,500 Mill Lane Bridge GRIP Study & Line Aqueduct GRIP 3 Study Change 120,000 95,750 81,750 297,500 Wolverhampton to Willenhall Metro Extension - Dev funding Reported 150,000 10,550 160,550 West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Sandwell Reported 40,000 40,000 West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Walsall Reported 40,000 40,000 Reported 63,877 26,123 90,000 A461 Corridor Improvements Phase 2 & 3 Change 63,877 19,787 83,664 Bloxwich Mitigation Package Reported 100,000 100,000 Birchley Island Transport Development Funding Reported 150,000 150,000 Reported 74,334 75,666 150,000 Dudley Town Centre Infrastructure Improvements - Development Funding Change 62,948 87,052 150,000 Reported 37,500 37,500 Black Country Train Stations - Walsall Change 17,300 20,200 37,500 Reported 69,000 69,000 I54 Western Extension Transport Development Funding Change 63,213 63,213

Page 3 Attachment 1

GROWTH DEAL PROJECTS Outputs Expenditure Comm Apprentice Floor Jobs Houses BA LA 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL ships space (Sqm) Sustainable Transport Scheme Development Funding Reported 40,000 40,000 Major Road Network Reported 250,000 250,000 Reported 875,450 875,450 LTB Unallocated Funds (Aldridge Station) Change 637,572 637,572 CAPITALISATION OF RESOURCE Reported 263,049 300,572 196,110 219,595 181,000 181,000 1,341,326 LEP Programme Management Change 263,049 300,572 196,110 135,239 181,000 181,000 1,256,970 LA Programme Work & Development - Dudley Reported 142,889 249,866 248,754 641,509 LA Programme Work & Development - Sandwell Reported 25,364 5,707 6,500 37,571 Joint Committee Expenditure - Walsall Reported 126,223 195,661 175,000 230,372 175,000 175,000 1,077,256 LA Programme Work & Development - Walsall Reported 69,995 250,000 250,000 569,995 LA Programme Work & Development - Wolverhampton Reported 179,215 250,000 250,000 679,215 Black Country Transport expenditure - Wolverhampton Reported 213,042 214,715 250,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 977,757 Programme Technical Advice - Property Reported 42,955 21,303 40,216 135,000 120,000 359,474 Programme Technical Advice - Legal Reported 14,388 7,765 33,000 35,000 90,153 TOTAL Reported 2,006 5,641 1,664 2,401 12,935 222,430 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £32,223,122 £40,098,541 £41,826,496 £39,934,353 £230,334,469 TOTAL Change 1,961 5,381 1,664 2,401 12,730 216,646 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

Growth Deal Commitment 6,384 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244 Variance to Contracted Outputs +Over/-Under 958 -872 -799 3,746 177,402

KEY Reported = Position previously Reported to the BCJC Change = to be approved by Joint Committee

Page 4 ITEM 8






Black Country Local Growth Deal WOODS LANE PHASE 2 (SEPPL103)

Amendment to Existing Grant Agreement

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approve the Change Request for the Woods Lane Phase 2 project, from within the Growth Deal Programme.

1.2 This Change Request was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on the 3 July 2019, approved by the LEP Board on the 22 July 2019 (Ref. minutes 112/19) and endorsed by the Working Group on the 8 August 2019. The Advisory Board endorsed the project via email on 10 September 2019.


2.1 That the Joint Committee approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to amending the Grant Agreement with Galliford Try Partnerships Ltd to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Woods Lane Phase 2 project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2.2 The change relates to re-profiling of the approved grant from 2018/19 to 2019/20.


3.1 The Phase 2 project will deliver circa 105 new affordable homes on land cleared and serviced by Sandwell Council with previous Growth Deal funding.

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3.2 Galliford Try are aiming to address the financial deficit of the project between the costs of assembling land; constructing new affordable homes for transfer to Accord Housing Association; and lettings within the Affordable Rent tenure that are founded on piled foundations together with a substantial retaining wall to the western boundary of the Phase 2 development area.

3.3 Sandwell Council have granted hybrid planning consent (including outline planning permission for up to 350 new homes for the wider Woods Lane project area) and has been instrumental in providing land that can be taken forward into the Phase 2 project for delivery of residential accommodation.

3.4 Galliford Try are now onsite and making good progress, the finalisation of the contracts has had a delay in the claiming of the grant funding in the 2018/19 financial year. A Change Request has been presented to re-profile the Grant Award into 2019/20. It is still anticipated that the new housing units will be completed by December 2021.

3.5 A summary of the proposed change request is detailed below:

2018/19 2019/20 Total BC LEP Funding £1,698,000 £1,698,000 Match Funding / Leverage £6,640,000 £6,640,000 New LEP Profile £1,698,000 £1,698,000


All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will be covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme. This includes use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29th October 2014.


The appropriate Grant Agreement is in place, which includes all necessary conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.

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None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance officers at Sandwell Council were consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

 July 2019 FSG paper;  Woods Land Phase 2 Change Request.



Contact Officer & Author

Dr Alison Knight Mark Lavender Executive Director - Neighbourhoods Joint Committee Programme Manager Sandwell Council Walsall Council Freeth Street, Oldbury Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. B69 3DB WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0121 569 5030 Telephone: 01922 654772

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Black Country Local Growth Deal SANDWELL AQUATIC CENTRE (SEPPL93)

Grant Agreement Approval

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


This report should be read in conjunction with the associated Private report and its recommendations.

1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approves the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project, from within the Growth Deal Programme.

1.2 This project was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on 3 July 2019, approved by the LEP Board on the 22 July 2019 (Ref. minutes 123/19), endorsed by the Working Group on the 8 August 2019 and endorsed by the Advisory Board via email on 10 September 2019.


Note: Following consideration of the confidential information in the Private Session of the agenda:

2.1 That the Joint Committee approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council , to the value of £5,000,000 , to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2.2 Notes the withdrawal of the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project, to the value of £5,000,000, from within the Land and Property Investment Fund.

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3.1 Following on from the BC LEP programme funding proposals, it is recommended to transfer the Sandwell Aquatic Centre from the Land & Property Investment Fund (LPIF), to be funded through the Local Growth Deal Programme. This enables the LPIF programme to deliver all of the committed projects within the first tranche of funding.

3.2 The summary of the proposed project is provided below:

Sandwell Aquatic Centre - £5,000,000 in 2019/20

Funding Source 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021+ Total

LEP Funding £0 £5,000,000 £0 £0 £5,000,000

3.3 The applicant, Sandwell Council (SMBC), is requesting £5,000,000 of Grant Funding from the Black Country LEP to assist in the delivery of the Sandwell Aquatics Centre, the venue allocated to host the swimming and diving events of the 2022 Commonwealth Games being hosted in and the wider West Midlands region. Londonderry Playing Fields have been identified as the site to accommodate the proposed Aquatics Centre.

3.4 The Commonwealth Games (CG2022) and its wider economic and social impact can support the strategic objectives of the Black Country LEP and Active Black Country through providing a catalyst to drive transformational change across the Black Country, with wide ranging benefits across the Employment, Skills, Business and Place agendas, these include:

 Maximise the economic opportunities of CG2022 by supporting businesses across the Black Country to secure economic benefits and growth;  Growing the visitor economy across the Black Country, utilising CG2022 as a stimulus to increase the profile of the tourism offer and attract additional domestic and overseas visitors;  Utilising the development of the centre and future usage as a catalyst to increase skills across the Black Country in key strategic priority and enabling sectors;  Hosting swimming and diving at Sandwell Aquatics Centre will deliver a lasting sporting legacy for residents of the Black Country;  Raise the profile of the Black Country to international audiences as a great place to invest, live, work and visit;  Utilising the Commonwealth Games as a catalyst and inspiration to get more people physically active and healthy.

3.5 In addition to the grant request from the BC LEP, the project will be funded through contributions from SMBC, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), and Sport England.

3.6 Overall, the development will provide over 16,000m² of new leisure floorspace which will include:

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 50m competition pool;  Diving pool with 10m platform;  25m community pool;  Dry-dive facility;  10 court sports hall;  3 dance studios;

 1 group cycling studio;  Fitness gym with ladies only gym.

3.7 Whilst the project does not provide the traditional “value for money” measure in terms of direct outputs relating to the Black Country LEP’s Strategic Economic plan, it is considered that the potential wider economic benefit the proposal could provide to the area is the main benefit. It is considered that the investment within the area (surrounding the proposed site) would also be required to fully capitalise on the economic benefit derived from this facility. The project is also a key priority as part of “Birmingham 2022” which is within the WMCA’s strategy for the region.

3.8 The outputs are detailed below, it is noted that they will be achieved after March 2021:

Outputs Metric 2019/20 2020/21 2021+ Total Jobs Created No. 4 20 24 Commercial Floorspace Sqm 16,058 16,058


All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will be covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme. This includes use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29 th October 2014.


The appropriate Grant Agreement will be in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.

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None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance officers at Sandwell Council were consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

 Sandwell Aquatic Centre Full Business Case;  July 2019 FSG paper.



Contact Officer & Author

Mark Lavender Dr Alison Knight Joint Committee Programme Manager Executive Director - Neighbourhoods Walsall Council Sandwell Council Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. Freeth Street, Oldbury WS1 1TP B69 3DB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01922 654772 Telephone: 0121 569 5030

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Black Country Local Growth Deal BIRCHLEY ISLAND MAIN SCHEME (SEPPL121) - Change Request

Approval to Amend Grant Agreement

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


This report should be read in conjunction with the associated Private report and its recommendations.

1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approves the Change Request for the Birchley Island Main Scheme project, from within the Growth Deal Programme.

1.2 This change request was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on 3 July 2019, approved by the LEP Board on 22 July 2019 (Ref. minutes 124/19), endorsed by the Working Group on 8 August 2019 and endorsed by the Advisory Board via email on 10 September 2019.


Note: Following consideration of the confidential information in the Private Session of the agenda:

2.1 That the Joint Committee approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to amending the Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council to create a Development Fund phase to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Birchley Island Main Scheme project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

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3.1 Birchley Island provides a link from several locations in the Black Country to the national motorway network (M5), making it a vital asset for many local and national businesses in the surrounding area. It is also part of two major arterial commuter routes passing through the Black Country and Birmingham.

The junction suffers from considerable congestion, particularly during peak periods and offers limited or no provision for pedestrians and cyclists. This lack of provision also results in severance and a low level of service for bus users interchanging between services.

3.2 Given the above circumstances it is proposed to carry out a major at-grade improvement, which will increase the capacity of all approaches to Birchley Island, provide controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings and dedicated pedestrian/cycle routes. This project will improve the island to a standard that will allow it to operate with significantly lower levels of congestion and improved journey time reliability. This will reduce costs to existing businesses which rely on it for access to markets. In addition to this, it will also make those areas more attractive to investors who require good access to the rest of the country via the motorway network. The scheme should therefore safeguard jobs and potentially stimulate new employment within the surrounding areas.

3.3 To date Sandwell have been awarded £250,000 of development funding towards bringing this capital scheme forward, this has been committed from the Growth Deal Transport allocation.

3.4 In order to continue to support Sandwell Council with the CPO process and placing of the statutory orders, a change request has been developed and proposed to split the already approved Birchley Island Main Scheme into two phases. The new development phase has been requested as a new separate Grant Agreement in a separate paper to the board for approval.

3.5 This proposed change will:

 Separate the funding currently allocated to the Main Scheme;  Reduce the current Grant Agreement for the delivery of Birchley Island of £2,008,388 in 2019/20.  Remove the 3-month Grant Agreement Sign Off condition.


All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will be covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme. This includes use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the

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delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29 th October 2014.


The appropriate Grant Agreements and Variations to it will be in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.


None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance officers at Sandwell Council were consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

 July 2019 Funding Sub Group Paper;  Birchley Island Main Scheme Change Request;  Birchley Island Development Phase Expenditure Profile.



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Contact Officer & Author

Stuart Everton Mark Lavender BC Director of Transport Joint Committee Programme Manager City of Wolverhampton Council Walsall Council Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01902 554097 Telephone: 01922 654772

Dr Alison Knight Executive Director - Neighbourhoods Sandwell Council Freeth Street, Oldbury B69 3DB Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0121 569 5030

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Grant Agreement Approval

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


This report should be read in conjunction with the associated Private report and its recommendations.

1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approves the Birchley Island Development Phase Project, from within the Growth Deal Programme.

1.2 This project was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on the 3 July 2019, approved by the LEP Board on 22 July 2019 (Ref. Minutes 125/19), endorsed by the Working Group on 8 August 2019 and endorsed by the Advisory Board via email on 10 September 2019.


Note: Following consideration of the confidential information in the Private Session of the agenda:

2.1 That the Joint Committee approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Birchley Island Development Phase project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2.2 This request details a creation of a new development phase Grant Agreement for the scheme.

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3.1 Birchley Island provides a link from several locations in the Black Country to the national motorway network (M5), making it a vital asset for many local and national businesses in the surrounding area. It is also part of two major arterial commuter routes passing through the Black Country and Birmingham. The junction suffers from considerable congestion, particularly during peak periods and offers limited or no provision for pedestrians and cyclists. This lack of provision also results in severance and a low level of service for bus users interchanging between services.

3.2 Given the above circumstances it is proposed to carry out a major at-grade improvement, which will increase the capacity of all approaches to Birchley Island, provide controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings and dedicated pedestrian/cycle routes. This project will improve the island to a standard that will allow it to operate with significantly lower levels of congestion and improved journey time reliability. This will reduce costs to existing businesses which rely on it for access to markets. In addition to this, it will also make those areas more attractive to investors who require good access to the rest of the country via the motorway network. The scheme should therefore safeguard jobs and potentially stimulate new employment within the surrounding areas.

3.3 To date Sandwell have been awarded £250,000 of development funding towards bringing this capital scheme forward, this has been committed from the Growth Deal Transport allocation.

3.4 In order to continue to support Sandwell Council with the CPO process and placing of the statutory orders, a change request has been developed and proposed to split the already approved Birchley Island Main Scheme into two phases. The new development phase is requested as a new separate Grant Agreement.

3.5 This proposed change will remove the 3-month Grant Agreement Sign Off Condition.

3.6 The New Development Phase Growth Deal profile:

Funding Source 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021+ Total LEP Funding £2,008,388 £2,008,388 Total £0 £2,008,388 £0 £0 £2,008,388


All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will be covered by allocations from Government associated with this programme. This includes use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29 October 2014.

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The appropriate Grant Agreements will be in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.


None at the time of drafting.


Legal and Finance officers at Sandwell Council were consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

 July 2019 Funding Sub Group Paper;  Birchley Island Change Request;  Birchley Island Development Phase Expenditure Profile.



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Contact Officer & Author

Stuart Everton Mark Lavender BC Director of Transport Joint Committee Programme Manager City of Wolverhampton Council Walsall Council Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01902 554097 Telephone: 01922 654772

Dr Alison Knight Executive Director - Neighbourhoods Sandwell Council Freeth Street, Oldbury B69 3DB Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0121 569 5030

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Land and Property Investment Fund PHOENIX 10 – CHANGE REQUEST (SEPPL89)

Key Decision: Yes Forward Plan: Yes


This report should be read in conjunction with the associated Private report and its recommendations.

1.1 To request that the Black Country Executive Joint Committee (BCJC) approve the Change Request for the Phoenix 10 project, within the Land and Property Investment Fund (LPIF) programme.

1.2 This project was endorsed by the LEP Funding Sub Group on 7 August 2019, endorsed by the Working Group in principle on the 8 August 2019, approved by the LEP Board on 20 August 2019 and ratified by the Working Group via email on 3 September 2019. The Advisory Board endorsed via email on 10 September 2019.


Note: Following consideration of the confidential information in the Private Session of the agenda:

2.1 That the Joint Committee approves that, only at the expiry of the Black Country Enterprise Zone on 31 March 2038, should a surplus in business rates receipts be generated from the Phoenix 10 site, then this is to be split between Homes England and the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership, in proportion to the final investment made by both parties to the Phoenix 10 project.

2.2 Approve the approach to the apportionment of project outputs, such that the total constructed employment floorspace is split between Homes England and Black Country LEP, in proportion to final investment in the Phoenix 10 project.

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2.3 Note that the only direct output of the Phoenix 10 project is land remediated and that the outcomes of the project are indicative at this stage and will be determined once occupiers of the development have been identified.


3.1 The Phoenix 10 site in Walsall is the largest employment site in the Black Country and one of the largest brownfield employment opportunities in the West Midlands. It is part of the Black Country Enterprise Zone (BCEZ) and is located near to significant investments that the Black Country LEP and its partners are making in new transport infrastructure. This includes the M6 Junction 10 improvements and the re-opening of the Walsall to Wolverhampton passenger rail line which includes a dedicated railway station at . This station will serve the Black Country Enterprise Zone sites in Walsall and link the area to Birmingham with a commuter time of under 20 minutes. The WMCA and the Black Country LEP (BC LEP) are supporting this through funding towards re-opening of the rail line including the acquisition of land for the station at Darlaston, working closely with Walsall Council and other key partners including Network Rail.

3.2 Following on from the BCJC project approval, a paper was presented and approved at the November West Midlands Combined Authority Board, detailing the following key points:

 Noting the approval by the BCJC in September 2018 for Grant Funding from LPIF;  That a derogation is provided in respect of the Phoenix 10 project with regard to the Commissioning Framework for the Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund (approved by WMCA Board in September 2017) in recognition of the fact that the outputs from the project will be delivered outside the agreed timeframe (March 2021);  The consent to derogation is specific and exclusive to the Phoenix 10 project and does not set a precedent for any future decisions.

3.3 The BCEZ has the ability to provide significant industrial floor space as well as providing a flagship location for inward investment. The successful remediation and development of the Phoenix 10 site will generate major benefits while also acting as a catalyst for further investment in the wider area. The landowners, Walsall Council and Homes England (HE), have selected Henry Boot Developments Ltd as their development partner following an OJEU compliant procurement process.

3.4 Funding Phoenix 10 from LPIF will release value back to the BC LEP through the retained BCEZ business rates receipts which can subsequently be re-invested in key priorities. Whilst the value of these receipts is considered to be significant over the longer term, precise details about the specific investments, which this income will fund, are currently under review as part of the Black Country pipeline.

3.5 Following the site remediation, the output from the Phoenix 10 scheme is anticipated as:

• 18ha of remediated land.

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With the outcomes as:

• 57,575 sq. m. of floor space (comprising of 7 units); • 1,100 full-time jobs; • 1,000 temporary construction jobs.

The direct output is remediated land, while all the other impacts listed above are outcomes. It should be noted that the outcomes are indicative at this stage and the scale of these will ultimately be determined by the specific occupiers that are attracted to the site.

3.6 The BC LEP will see a return on its investment in the Phoenix 10 project through the retained business rates that will be generated from occupation of the completed development. HE is seeking to secure a share of the business rates generated to secure a similar return on its total investment. It is proposed that should a business rate surplus be generated from the Phoenix 10 site, only at the expiry of the BCEZ on 31 March 2038, then this surplus is to be split between HE and the BC LEP proportional to final investment in the project.

3.7 In order to support HE in meeting its’ agreed Government approved targets, they are also seeking to similarly share the outcomes secured by the project. However, it should be noted that this is limited to the built floorspace created and does not relate to other outcomes. On this basis, and based on current investment levels, the apportionment is set out in the table below:

Black Country LEP 45,485sqm Homes England 12,090sqm Total 57,575sqm

3.8 Walsall Council, HE and Henry Boot Developments Ltd are currently seeking to finalise the various legal documents that need to be executed in order for the scheme to commence. It is anticipated that this process will be complete in September and a follow up report to the LEP Board is proposed to provide further information on delivery of the project, the project programme, and the costs associated with this.


4.1 In the event that the scheme does not complete and outputs are not achieved, but grant has been paid to the applicant, the Accountable Body reserves the right to claw back the grant from the applicant. This will be covered by provisions in the Grant Agreement relating to claw back, plus additional security will need to be provided by the applicant.

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4.2 The proposed split of surplus business rates and outputs will be incorporated into an appropriate form of contractual agreement between all parties. The payment of the HE share of the surplus will be reflected in the Black Country Enterprise Zone financial model.


5.1 The appropriate Grant Agreement will be put in place with the bidder, by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed on by the LEP Board, Joint Committee, and agreed with the Accountable Body (Walsall Council).

5.2 The proposed split of surplus business rates and outputs will be incorporated into an appropriate form of legal agreement between all parties.


Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or agreed with West Midlands Combined Authority and put into place by the LEP Board and Black Country Joint Committee.


None at the time of drafting.


Legal and finance officers at Walsall Council have been consulted as part of the development of this report.

Background papers

Copies of the following supporting documents can be provided on request:

• Thomas Lister Independent Property Evaluation & Recommendation report; • Phoenix 10 Full Business Case; • August 2019 FSG paper.



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Contact Officer & Author

Simon Neilson Mark Lavender Executive Director, Economy and Environment Joint Committee Programme Manager Walsall Council Walsall Council Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall. WS1 1TP WS1 1TP Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01922 652004 Telephone: 01922 654772

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