BLACK COUNTRY EXECUTIVE JOINT COMMITTEE Access to Information procedure rules – General Exception Key Decisions notified after publication deadline Project Name Key Decision to be considered (to provide adequate details for those Contact Officer Date Item to Chair of relevant Overview and Scrutiny both in and outside of the Council) be Committee informed considered I9 (Blcock 9) Wolverhampton Approval for the Accountable Body for the Growth Richard Lawrence 17/04/19 Dudley Council Project Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Richard.Lawrence@wolverh – Cllr Crumpton – 26-3-19 Agreement with ION Projects Limited (IPL), to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF), funded Sandwell Council elements of the i9 (Block 9) Wolverhampton project Cllr Laura Rollins – 19-3-19 – with delivery to commence in the 2018/19 financial Cllr Peter Hughes – 26-3-19 year. Approval for the Accountable Body for the Growth Walsall Council Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to amending the Cllr Ian Shires – 18-3-19 existing Grant Agreement with ION Projects Limited (IPL), to deliver the Local Growth Fund Wolverhampton Council (LGF), funded elements of the i9 (Block 9) Cllr Stephen Simkins – 18-3-19 Wolverhampton project – with delivery to commence in the 2018/19 financial year. A34 Corridor Development Approval for the Accountable Body for the Growth Simon Neilson 31/07/19 Dudley Council Funding Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to terminate the
[email protected] – Cllr N Richards – 8-7-19 existing Grant Agreement of £70,000 for the A34 k Corridor Development Funding project from within Sandwell Council the Growth Deal Programme.