The Origins of U.S. Citizenship
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The Origins of U.S. Citizenship: Blood connection is the largest and most central block in the foundations of all natural groups, -from ~What the Supreme Court Should Know But Doesn’t families, flocks, herds, prides, tribes, -all the way up Maybe in an unforeseeable future the U.S. Supreme to nations. Nations are structures built atop of coun- Court will accept for adjudication a case requiring tries which are their foundation. establishing the meaning of the phrase “natural born Countries pre-date all nations and are more organic citizen” as found in the presidential eligibility clause than structural and it’s because their composition is of the U.S. Constitution. If that ever happens, the essentially the land of a group and the people of the outcome may prove to be completely wrong if the group, including their leadership. following facts are not presented and accepted. A But nations are something else. They are com- true and correct presentation should go something posed of the country and the government legal struc- like this: ture built atop of it, -which is the floor of the nation. Your honors, The question before us is “who is a natural born The government and its laws are not organic or citizen and who is not?” For answering that question natural. They are man-made and changeable, but allow me to pose a question to you: countries only change by war, and great natural cata- What is the legal basis of your authority to find clysm. someone in contempt and violate their constitutional Nations include in their floor of law a means by rights by throwing them in jail for an unlimited which outsiders may be allowed to become members period of time without trial or conviction of anything? of the country and thus be recognized as citizens of By what law do judges possess such authority? the nation. To become members of a country, outsid- ers must first be given permission to dwell within it. Answer: by no law whatsoever. So then what is Nations give that permission in the form of granting the source of such authority if not law? It is a source permanent residence. With that grant, the outsiders more ancient and fundamental than any law ever writ- are not compelled to leave the country by a certain ten because it is a necessary element of the nature of date, but instead are allowed to stay indefinitely. all societies, -even the barbaric, and that element is the need for respect. After they have stayed for several years and been No family or society or nation can exist in a state law-abiding members of the society, they are allowed of order without respect. It’s influence must be pres- to petition to become more than just members of the ent or chaos and anarchy result. society and country but also citizens of the nation. It began with respect for fathers, and alpha males, If they fulfill the requirements for citizenship, they -extending to respect for leaders of clans and tribes then become a part of the floor of the nation via its and eventually kings and high priests. Respect for naturalization law. But if they become a citizen of leadership was and is the glue that holds groups the United States in particular, while they were once together. It binds the elements of the foundation to perceived as being a plank in the floor of the nation, each other. But there is an even more fundamental in fact they became more than that. element that glues groups together, and that is Planks can be removed and tossed out, but the “blood”. foundation stones cannot. In America new citizens do not become planks in the floor but stones in the In a civic-political sense they are all identical twins foundation. They cannot be removed and tossed out or clones. Those who were born as foreigners via because they are equal in all regards to the natural birth to foreigners have been separated from that past members of the country who are the natural citizens and that fact and have become new natural citizens of the nation. like their native brethren. That legal fiction is what protects their equality and They are not equal like fraternal twins are equal, equal treatment under the law. By it there is only one -the same but separate and distinct. Rather, they are form of citizenship [natural citizenship] and only one indistinguishable in every way because they are iden- form of American, not two. tical in essence. They are one and the same as the natives of the country by the American doctrine of If there were two, then one of them (the original, Citizenship Equality. native, citizen-born members of the nation) would be seen as having greater natural rights than those made By it all citizens are of the same nature. That nature into citizens though having been born of alien outsid- is not a legal nature but a natural nature. All natural ers or even born as aliens. citizens are organic members via blood connection. Not all nations embrace our American fiction of That is what makes them all citizens by nature. law, including at one time the former United States of How can foreigners become natural citizens? By America. natural-ization. They are made natural, -or natural- Do you understand what has just been explained to ized; -not citizen-ized. you (excluding the last sentence)? Is it not fairly By our widely unknown fundamental American simple to comprehend? Could a child not understand Natural Rights philosophy, they are not made into a it? A simple, fair, innocent mind can understand it, member of a second class of citizens but are adopted but self-important, elite, privileged, top-of-the-pyra- into the only class of citizens existing, -which is the mid wealthy & powerful alpha-males in government natural class. And then the fact of their adoption is were incapable of understanding it in America for essentially buried and banished from thought and rec- nearly a century of Congressional law-making, execu- ognition. They are accepted as new members of the tive branch administering, and judicial branch adjudi- national family as though they were and are such cating. from-&-by birth. They had no idea of the truth that has just been That view of them is a pretense of egalitarian explained. They thought that (-like other nations) democracy. [egalitarian; e·gal·i·tar·i·an, adjective: America was not so egalitarian in it fundamental phi- 1. of, relating to, or believing in the principle that losophy and that they had the power and authority to all people are equal and deserve equal rights and treat naturalized citizens differently, -as though they opportunities. ~ "a fairer, more egalitarian society" were merely planks of the floor of national law and not stones of the foundation. They thought that natu- Egalitarian democracy embraces, practices and fol- ralized citizens were second-class citizens created by lows a blind-folded view of the nature of all Ameri- law-makers and thus still subject to their whims and cans. By its fiction of law all Americans are not just preferences. They thought wrong. brothers by name, or by adoption, but by blood. They They felt that just as they had the power to give are blood brothers and blood citizens. citizenship, they also had the power to take it away. They failed to grasp the fact that America does not ing discrimination and looked at the underlying create new naturalized citizens. It only creates new reason why that ban on discrimination exists, (-the natural citizens and they are all stones in the founda- fundamental reason that is not a part of the floor of tion of the nation. They are considered Americans by the nation but is a part of its very foundation). nature, and not by mere permission. That foundation is built of Natural Rights and natu- But eventually they were put in their place by the ral members. The first tenant of Natural Rights gov- Supreme Court. It only took four generations of bas- erning a nation is and must be based on the belief that tardized laws, regulations, and court opinions before all men are created equal, with no superior and infe- fundamental American values were finally acknowl- rior classes. edged and given preeminence over the matter. A confusion exists because of conceptual ambigu- ity surrounding the nature of citizenship and citizen- How did that come about? By striking down the ship terms. The one regarding the nature of American basis of the so-called Bancroft treaties which allowed citizenship has been cleared up, but there remains the governments of treaty nations to strike the citizen- another one which normally would be irrelevant, or, ship from their naturalized citizens if they returned to as in dictatorships, non-existent since they do not their homeland and lived there again for two full have an office of a freely elected President who com- years. mands all military forces. Other nations had that authority but the high-and- In America it has always been non-existent as an mighty leaders of the United States did not possess issue because no President in U.S. History (until that authority because of the American doctrine of Obama) was someone who ran for office as the son of CITIZENSHIP EQUALITY. an alien and thus the subject of a foreign power. By it, naturalized citizens were natural citizens, -citizens by blood, by birth, and were not in a second- Those who are ignorant of the truth and cling to the class category that gave the government the power to faith that Barack Obama is a legitimate President do treat them differently and discriminate against them.