Nominated for Miss Moravian the Spring Festival, Sponsored by the Women's Activity Com¬ Mittee, Will Take Place on South Campus Sunday Afternoon, May 10, at 2:00
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Cbc MORAVIAN GqmentanCOLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXVII Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, May 8, 1964 Number 9 Ten Seniors Nominated For Miss Moravian The Spring Festival, sponsored by the Women's Activity Com¬ mittee, will take place on South Campus Sunday afternoon, May 10, at 2:00. The highlight of the afternoon will be the crowning of Miss Moravian. Ten women from the list; Kappa Delta senior class have been chosen as Triangle; Ep- silon; Phi candidates for this honor. They Alpha Theta; Benigna are: editor, 1964; Board of Communi¬ cations, secretary; CUB House Barbara Finn, an English ma¬ Committee; Alpha jor from Hellertown; Dean's list; Epsilon Pi. Barbara Finn Sharon Triangle Honor Society; chairman Yaeck, a political sci¬ ence major from Emmaus; Polit¬ of CUB Program - Lecture Com¬ ical Activities mittee; Political Activities Club, Club, president; Inter-Sorority vice president; Blackfriars; Alpha council, president; Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Pi. Pi, president. Kathy Zanelli, a history major Linda Garo, a history major from Dover. N.J.; Choir, vice from Somerville, N.J.; CUB Pro¬ president, 196 3-* 6 4; Kappa Delta gram Board; Spanish Club; WAC, Epsilon, vice president, 1963-'64; president, 1963-64; Phi Mu Ep¬ CUB House silon. Committee; Phi Mu Epsilon, recording secretary, 1961- Joy Johnston, an English ma¬ '62; vice president, 1962-'63. jor from Winthrop, Mass.; French Miss Moravian and her court Club; USG representative, 1962- will be attended by an Honor 63; treasurer, 1963-64; Comen- ian; Campus Christian Associa¬ Court, consisting of the two wom¬ en from each of the three tion; Alpha Epsilon Pi. upper classes with the highest scholastic Pati Long, an elementary edu¬ record. From the junior class; cation major from Linden, N.J.; Helen Kovach and Joan Bobek. Linda Garo Triangle; USG, Secretary, 1962- From the sophomore class: San¬ '63; Alpha Epsilon Pi, treasurer, dra Grube and Marlene Aglinski. 1963-'64. From the freshman class: Judy Judy Morecz, an education ma¬ Derk and Carol Kriebel, Judith jor from Bethlehem; Triangle; Reynolds, and Ellen Stets, the last French Club, president; Political three all having the second Activities Club; junior and senior high¬ est record. class secretary; Kappa Delta Ep¬ Escorts for the senior girls will silon; Blackfriars; Alpha Epsilon be Ted Bowman, president of Pi, secretary, 1961-'62. USG; Andrew Semmel, former Pat Schillinger, an education Lecture Series president of USG; Vince Seaman, major; Kappa Delta Epsilon; Phi president of SPO; Gary Hart¬ Sen. Clifford P. Case of New He has been among leading Mu Epsilon, president, 1963-'64. shorn, president of OGO; Bob Jersey took part in an afternoon statesmen who have attacked the Donna informal Stadinger, a history ma¬ Houser, president of TKE; Harry discussion period Mon¬ handling of the Bobby Baker in¬ jor from Quakertown; Triangle; Smith, president of APO; and day in connection with his visit quiry. His endeavors along efforts to Moravian Kappa Delta Epsilon; Pi Delta John Griffith, president of Pi Mu. College to deliver to safeguard the integrity of gov¬ Epsilon; the finale in the Comenius Lec¬ ernmental Benigna editor, 19 63; Dr. Gaumer will be the speaker processes in both the Board of Communications; Alpha of the afternoon. The Moravian tures series Monday night. legislative and executive branches Epsilon Pi. has College Band will provide the mu¬ In addition to the public lec¬ placed him in the public eye Joy Johnson on Janice Whitfield, a history ma¬ sic. Punch and cookies will be ture at 8 p.m. in Prosser Audi¬ many occasions. jor from Rutherford, N.J.; Dean's served after the ceremonies. torium of the College Union He is the author of a bill re¬ Building, he also spoke at a cof¬ quiring top officials of the gov¬ fee hour at 4 p.m. in the Brows¬ ernment, including members of ing Library of the College Union. Congress, to report annually their assets and liabilities and the The lecture was the fourth and sources of their income as well final in the series this year and as to establish a commission for was made possible through a making recommendations to Con¬ grant to Moravian College by the gress on questions involving con¬ Sperry & Hutchinson Co. Lec¬ flicts of interest among members ture topics were based on the gen¬ of Congress and related issues. eral theme, "Responsible Citizen¬ Other speakers in the series ship in a Democratic Society." have been columnist Max Lerner; Sen. Case has figured promin¬ historian - author Henry Steele ently in current national affairs, Commager, and Yale philosopher serving on three leading Senate John Wild. Dr. Daniel Gilbert, committees, the Appropriations, chairman of Moravian's History Armed Services and the Aernauti- Department, conducted both after¬ Pati Long Pat Schillinger Janice Whitfield cal and Space Sciences bodies. noon and evening sessions. Bulletin Yesterday, long after the Oomenian deadline, it was announced that Miss Sharon Yaeck was chosen Miss Mo¬ ravian. Her court includes Janice Whitfield, Pati long, Judy Morecz, Pat Schilling- er, Kathy Zanelli, and Bar¬ bara Finn. Judy Morecz Donna Stadinger Sharon Yaeck Kathy Zanelli THE COMENIAN May 8, 1 964 Page 2 Wit Over Aridity C.U.B. News One Man's View by Pat Erskine by Craig Van Kouwenberg Did you ever walk into one of Dr. Burkhart s ' World Lit. final If the qualifications of a good United States Senator include Friday, May 8 exams without studying the quotations? Well, that's the way I the 3:30—Last showing of the last ability to evade questions or flatly refuse to answer them, the felt when they told me I was the new editor of the Comenian film in the International Film Se¬ Senior Senator from New Jersey, Clifford B. Case, is eminent¬ starting this week. I had one week in which to get the Comenian ries: Calle Mayor (The Lovemak- ly qualified. into form. er) in Spanish with English sub¬ To give a case or two in point— Referring to a recent TV drama Friday morning, not as a sheet in Conclusions? Our policy is one titles. Starring is Betsy Blair, a question was asked from the where the question of admitting which to wrap garbage, but a of dedicated service to you and winner of the Critic's Prize and floor concerning the practicality news correspondents to foreign campus publication in which you countries was the guy next to you. It is our opin¬ a special Citation from the Ven¬ of the actual enforcement of the brought up, as well can find news, sports results, and ion that the Comenian is the stu¬ ice International Film Festival. civil rights bill presently being as the more pertinent question of entertainment. We intend to con¬ dent's newspaper. Therefore, we debated in the Senate. The answer the U.S. actively preventing any tinue with the popular "Gort" 7:00 P.M.—The English film, must publish a weekly paper for was that the bill must be enforced of its citizens from going where strip. Next week, live and in color, "Privates Progress" will be shown with "... wisdom, and when they wish, Case re¬ you, the student. It must contain in Prosser Auditorium for the compassion, comes episode one of "The Life and all the rest of it . Case sponded that it is a " . very something for everyone. It is not benefit of the John Fitzgerald and Legend of Harry Glick," a also said that it was a tough question . .". He also my personal belief that the only KENNEDY MEMORIAL LIBRA¬ "very wise satire and play on words of the responded that he did not know thing a college student is sup¬ RY Student Fund. The film, bill," and that "we must make life of a college student in the posed to appreciate is a scholastic Southern courts inforce the bill." just where he would stand if he Early West. It is a hideous col¬ sponsored by USG, is a full-length Fine Senator had to face the question as part thesis or a review of the religious satirical comedy. The public is Case, Now please lection of non - college material of his Senatorial duties. symbolism of Lord of the Flies. invited. A 50 cent donation is tell us how we are supposed to do compiled by Mr. Glick in a "recol¬ I know I can write a complex this. Be a bit more precise. Stick If Senator Case does not know lection in tranquility" over two being asked. analysis of literature or world af¬ your neck out, get it chopped off his own mind after the long per¬ pizzas and a bucket of that un¬ 9:00 P.M. — Liturgical Jazz fairs with the usage of expensive if you must, but take a definite iod of time this problem has been mentionable foaming brew. We Program in Prosser Auditorium and unknown words. I don't have stand! batted about now, when will he? feel that the Comenian needs a sponsored by the Freshmen Class. to prove it to you. Life isn't all It was suggested by a question¬ When will the man take a stand page or two of totally irrelevant The all-student group of perform¬ existentialism and symbolism. er that it might be best to prepare on any topic that does not give and non - academic material in ers is headed by Bob Miller, a Southerners for total integration him immediate popularity with I am told that the Comenian which you can escape the daily Lehigh Freshman, who composes gradually, not slowly but grad¬ his voting constituency? has risen to a height of dryness toil of hourlies and lectures and the music for the group.