Death on Highway Every 10 Minutes Bouhdup Lvhnumba Seeking
Arerage Daily Net Press Run The Weather gor the Week Boded reteeset of \ Jam 4th. U60 '■ 'W Oleor, >oC M eoel h 13,125 Imr hi SOe. Vhlr and a - Member of the Aodlt WeBm oday. Hl|h id t» Sd. BureM o f Ohroalatkni Mancheaterr^A CUy of Village Charm VOL. LXXEL W . 287 (EIGHTEEN PAGfeS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1960 (OhMOifled AdeartWag oa Vage IS) PRICE FIVB C E N n Piece of Bone Identified State News Vermont Fire Bouhdup Brother, 2 Sisters '' Threci Burned By Flash Fire Thompsonville, Sept. 6 {fP) From —A woman' and two children mg on were hoapitalized today with bum’s after they were trap Richford, Vt.,'Sept. 6 (/P)—fed V The death toll in a barn fire ^ of ahock. ped in the cellar o f a Concord Wifh his sisters. Donna, 4, and Drive home by a flash fire. Sunday morning rose to three Pamela, 3, and his parents, Mr. Mrs. Jane E. Mullen; h e r . 10- Fear World War IH today when doctors definitely and Mrs. J6hn Vashaklllfski. he year-old son, James, and Brenda determined that Danny Vash- had come to make a Labor Day La Fountaine, li , a neighbor, were akalifski, 8, Marlborough, weekend visit with Mrs. Vaahak- in the, cellar While Mrs. Mullen illfski's grand-uncle, Claude Gross. was ddtng a laundry. ’They were, Conn., died with his two sis The children had gone to a hay trapped b y ' deniSe smoke and In American Policy ters in the flames. loft in the bam Sunday to see a flames when ^re broke out..
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