Arerage Daily Net Press The Weather gor the Week Boded reteeset of \ Jam 4th. U60 '■ 'W Oleor, >oC M eoel h 13,125 Imr hi SOe. Vhlr and a - Member of the Aodlt WeBm oday. Hl|h id t» Sd. BureM o f Ohroalatkni Mancheaterr^A CUy of Village Charm

VOL. LXXEL W . 287 (EIGHTEEN PAGfeS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1960 (OhMOifled AdeartWag oa Vage IS) PRICE FIVB C E N n Piece of Bone Identified State News Vermont Fire Bouhdup Brother, 2 Sisters '' Threci Burned By Flash Fire

Thompsonville, Sept. 6 {fP) From —A woman' and two children mg on were hoapitalized today with bum’s after they were trap­ Richford, Vt.,'Sept. 6 (/P)—fed V The death toll in a barn fire ^ of ahock. ped in the cellar o f a Concord Wifh his sisters. Donna, 4, and Drive home by a flash fire. Sunday morning rose to three Pamela, 3, and his parents, Mr. Mrs. Jane E. Mullen; h e r . 10- Fear World War IH today when doctors definitely and Mrs. J6hn Vashaklllfski. he year-old son, James, and Brenda determined that Danny Vash- had come to make a Labor Day La Fountaine, li , a neighbor, were akalifski, 8, Marlborough, weekend visit with Mrs. Vaahak- in the, cellar While Mrs. Mullen illfski's grand-uncle, Claude Gross. was ddtng a laundry. ’They were, Conn., died with his two sis­ The children had gone to a hay trapped b y ' deniSe smoke and In American Policy ters in the flames. loft in the bam Sunday to see a flames when ^re broke ... Fire­ A radiologist at Kerbs • Memo­ litter of kittens. Shortly after­ men said an overheated csm of rial Hospital, St. Albans, studying ward. the stnicture was enveloped kerosene caused the blaze. Moscow, Sept. 6 {/P)-i-Two young code clerks from the su­ a bone fragment which had sup­ in flames. Frank Boyrys Jr., 21, who was posedly come from the Jaw of a Searclk of the wreckhge had dis­ working across the street, reS' per-secret U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) turned up dog, discovered fillings In one closed only the girls’ bodies and cued the- woman and children. All in Moscow today with tales that the United States is spying .«iopth. the seared bone fragment, identi­ were, taken to the hospital in even on its Allies under a policy they feel will,lead to World Dr.'Richard Woodruff, who had fied today as part of Danny’s Springfield where . their condition War III. ■ ■ been Investigating the deaths, con­ body. was listed as fair. tacted a dentist in Elaat Hampton, BernOn F. Mitchell. 31, Eureka, Calif., and William H. Mar­ tin, 29, Ellensburg, Wash., announced they have defected to Conn., who said he had installed $ l Million E^aze corresponding fillings In the same, School Opening. the Soviet Union and intend to become Soviet citizens. molar In the missing boy’s jaw. Greenwich, Sept. —Fire of­ “ We would attempt to crawl to the moon if we thought I t . Because, the bone fragment was ficials were searching' today for at first not believed to be from a Pages 8 and 9 the cause of a flr^which destroyed would lessen the threat of an atomic war,” they said in a human body, and no other identifi­ the clubhouse of the Greenwich statement. able trace o f the 8H-year-old boy Bolton Bus Routes Country Club yesterday and The Russians put the two on display under television lights could ba. found. State Police had caused damage estimated at near­ in the gilt-ornamented Journalists Club. From a platform the planned a search with blood­ ly |1 million. hounds today. They had theoris- Page 8 Forty-two residents of the club­ two detailed the two complaints against the United States house were driven from their beds and spilled to newsmen what they said were NSA ccnnmuili- when the fire broke out before Cations-intelligence secrets. They said the United States h a l dawn. It raced through the club’s dining rooms, a ball room, club broken the codes of friendly nations and even planted a spy offices, and apartmenta and rooms. in a friendly embassy. Death on Highway Three firemen were injured when William H. Martin, left, and Bemon F. Mltohell; center, appear at a prew conference today in Moa- Jtitchell and Martin, bachelor a wkll blew out ahortly after they cow. They are defectora from the U.S. National Security Agency. Man at right is unidentified. friends since service in the U.S. Pair Left Cuba Navy, >^fused. to tell how they got had arrived and another six (AP Photofax). - , . were overcome by the dense smoke. to Moscow Jrom NSA headquarters In Soviet Ship Approximately 100 firefighters were at Ft.. Meadk, Md. They are known Every 10 Minutes at the Scene. Leaders Fire Each Other to have come by way of Mexico Forest Da'vii, general manager Hurricane Still City. . , Washington, Sept. 6 (JP)—X of the club, said paintings by ‘‘That might prevent.others from R u ^ a n trawler is reported to taking the same rout^” they said. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4motor vehicles were on highways American artists valued at a total ha've smuggled two defaetinF of $80,000 were destroyed.' Other The two left Ft. Meade late in Traffic ...... 414 during the. holiday period. Threat to U.S. American code clerks to Uia The NSC said the normal traffic less valuable works were saved. June on vacation, ostensibly to Boating ^8 Lvhnumba Seeking visit relatives on the West Coast. Soviet Union after picking than ’ Drowning ...... '...... 80 death toll for a ncn-holiday week­ Da'vls could not name the paintings last night. Miami, Fla., Sept. 6 (A*i—An They never reached the coast, up secretly in a Cuban port.' Miscellaneous ...... 00 end at this time of year would be This was disclosed today an 330. The Associated Press, for com­ An adjoining building which ominous slowdown in the forward Mitchell anil Martin professed to houses handball and squash-courts movement of hurricane Donna, a believe that U.S. policy may lead to« Wfhlte House, Pentagon and Total ...... 613- parative purposes, counted acci­ State. Department ihet.ww1th a dent deaths during a 78-hour non- was saved by firemen. Heat killer atorm with 70 deaths in its to World War III.They coihplained ^scorched the paint of the golf house wake, indicated today that the chiefly of American reconnoisaance somewhat embarrassed official Traffic accidents during the na­ holidiU^weekend, Aug. -19-22. The silence the news Moscow had tion’s Labor Day weekend killed 200 feet away but firemen doused United States mainland still may flights ovei: Soviet territory and the resultRk*389 deaths on the high­ unveiled the pair at a news con­ an Average of one person nearly ways, 34 boating fatalities, 61 it in time to prevent it from burn­ be in danger. rim of Red China, but aald noth­ Leopoldville, The Congo, Sept. 'I'capital, It appeared that Lumum- ference with a flood of ^>y ac­ every 10 minutes. ' dupwnihgs and 90 killed in mlscel- ing. A decrease in the forvyard move­ ing about the May Day U2 flight It was the third time that the ment of hurricanes often means 6 (,'P)—The United Natioiis took toa was still in authority. for which the Ruaaians gave Fran­ cusations. The toll, with final figures still latiedlM accidents. The total was over Radio Leopoldville today Reports circulated that Kasa- to come, passed the. 400 mark at 674, clubhouse had been destroyed by a change in direction, said ' chief cis Gary Power a 10-year sentence. Responsible authorities, who flames. ’The first fire was in 1907 atorm forecaster Gordon Dunn of and bapneid all broadcasts ■vubu also summoned cabinet mem-, They said one of the reasons reported how Bernon F. MitcheiU the end of the 78-hour holiday The measure was taken - as bers to his residence. period at midnight (local time) (Oonttnued «hi Page Four) and the second in 1927. The build­ the Miami Weather Bureau. they left the United States was and._.Wllllam H, Martin got to ing destroyed yesterday was begun Earlier, the 125-mile-aJi-hour part of the U.N. mandate to , Neutral observers In The Congo persecution there of persons who Russia,' said government agen­ Monday. It was short of the Na­ maintain peace and 'order in the tional Safety Council’s pre-holiday in 1927. hurricane had edged slightly to­ capital doubted that—in view of do not believe in God. They at­ cies knew about the voyage ward a more northerly direction. nation, tottering on the verge of 'the growing chaos, flaming civil tacked what they called harass­ ahortly after toe trawlers left estimate of 460 and the record La­ civil war. A t the same time the bor Day toU of 461 ait in 1951, If continued, this gradual north­ war In secessionist Kasi- province ment of those with unpopular pbltl- Cuba. Si»gle Traffic Secrei^'ltiile U.N. Congo command announced But the council said late re­ ward cun’e ■ could keep it away pnd increasing economic troubles ical •views. Hartford, Sept, t iti — Deputy It has tightened control over all ports may boost the final- count to Mayor Dominick J. DeLucco today from the mainland. —that, parliament would give ‘Talents of women are encour­ Its estimate and possibly set a "It will be impossible for an­ airports serving its operations. Lumumba the confidence vote he Death in State called for the lifting of the secrecy All civilian traffic was halted. aged and utilized to a much great­ record for the holiday. which is surrounding the city coun­ other 24 hours to say with com­ seeks. er extent in the Soviet Union than The Associated Press count of cil's 3-member TVaffic and Public plete assurance that the southeast Leopoldville, The Congo, Sept. 6 The Senate has been particu­ in the United Statea,” they aaid in accidents^ deaths since 6 p.m. last Oyer Holiday Safety Committee’s probe of gam­ coast will not be hit,” Dunn said. larly critical of the volatile pre­ a statement. ”We feel that this \ Bulletins Friday until iMt midnight showed bling and other criminal activities “ Until the .steering of the storm (/P) — Premier Partice Lumumba called for an emergency session mier’s dictatorial policies. enriches Soviet society and make.s from the AP Wires 414 in traffic. 28 in boating, 80 as related to the police department. is clarified, interests in that area Lum.ufhba’s government con­ Soviet women more desirable as drownings and 90 from miscellan­ BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS should keep" in touch with the ad­ of parliament today to seek a vote His atate'ment.closely follows one tinued to control the national ra- m ates... eous causes. The over-all total The massive fiow of traffic into visories.” of confidence in a .showdown for is.sued over the weekend by an-, network, but It appeared that “ It Is a difficult and painful ex­ was 612. and out of Connecticut during the other comjnlttee member. Council­ A noon advisory placed the power with President Joseph REPORT ALCATRAZ TROUBLE Kasavubu. / ^is appeals and pronouncements perience to leave our native coun­ In las£ year’s Labor Day holi­ Labor Day weekend has added man J ^ h C. (Hark Jr., who said storm center near latitude 21.6 were not heard beyond the Imme­ San Finncisco, Sept. 6 • . only one traffic death to the north, , longitude 68.8 vvest. or Lumumba acted after a of try, families and friends. Yet we day period, also covering 78 the seMlona should be open to the diate Leopoldville • area due to Trouble was reported today at hours, there were 438 traffic state’s record for I960. about 126 miles east of 'Turks Is­ events In which Kasa'vubiiwwit on felt that the United Stales gov­ press. technical difficulties., Alcatraz^ the grim federal maxi­ deaths, 29 persons were killed in This showing, an exceptional land in'the Bahamas, and 725 the air in a dram ati^m ove last ernment, in carrying out policies mum security Islmtd prison in Committee Chairman George J.^ Lumumba .went on the air ifor dangerous to world peace, should boating accidents, 62 others one in comparison with other ^ Ritter was not available for copr- miles east-southeast of Miami. It night and annmir^d the- fiery San Francisco Hay. Warden drowned and 84 died in miscellan­ day holidays in the past, womd was rhoVIng toward , the west- •premier's ouster^.Tne latter coun­ nearly an hour late last night. He not be allowed to rely on the these Paul J. Madigan’s office would ment. His law office reported that accused Kasavubu of "treason” emotional attachments to guaran­ eous accidents. The over-all have been even better but^for an Ritter was out of town and not ex­ northwest. tered by taklpg'^over the network not Immediately explain what accident . that occu rred/on the and said he would choose the tee the loyalty of Its citizens.” toll of 613 compared with the rec­ pected back until the middle of the If the present path i'S-continued, and annojirtcing he had fired had happened, except to confirm ord of 658 set in the 1951 Labor most hea-vlly travelpd^ street of Donna may pass to th^ east of the Ka.savubU as chief of slate. "democratic way” to stay In of­ Discussing U.S. hostility to com­ there had been a “ demonatra- Day weekend. Hartford, the state> ^ rgest city. afternoon. Bahamas. ^ fice.' munism, their statenient said: The committee’.a speOial counsel. (^aiming they have the support tion.” MadJgan’sdJga said ha , The nation's highways were jam­ The injuries /that caused the. ‘•Hurricane force winds (at leist Lumumba appealed to “youth "Perhaps U.S. hostility toward Atty. Jerome E". Caplan refused to •qf''The ■ Cbngolese anny, Lumum­ was preparing preparlr an announoe- med throughout the long weekend. death yesterda^’ of John E. Igoe 74 miles per hour) extend out 85 ba’s supporters Issued the call to and workers of The Congo” to de­ communism arise- out of a feeling raent. One source close to tbs The weather was -mild, ’in; tnost Jr., 22. West Hartford, wer.e sus­ comment or discdss- the commit­ miles to the northeast and 45 fend the republic, an.d then came of insecurity engendered by Com­ tee's activities. botKhouses after an all-night cab­ prison described the trouble as areas. It also was the last weekend tained Friday evening. Police said miles In the southwest semicircle,” inet Session over the new crisis. the call to convene parliament. munist achievements in science, a work stoppage. He said most holiday o f the summer season and Igc^had been involved in a 2-car DeLucco said that the commit­ The sprawling ■ army Camp culture and industry. If this Is so, tee was scheduled to meet thls- A govh^nment communique said of the men refused to leava millions o f motorists headed for ^ tision on Main . Street and was (Oonttained on Page Ten) their cells. Iliera was no rtipor% Alnick by a passing car as he afternoon in Caplan’s oflBce. the cabln eC 'a^ backed up Lum­ recreation and resort areas. The umba’s action vn stripping Kasa­ (Enntimied OB’Page Five) (Omitlaned on Page Ten) of violence. — NSC estimated some 73 . mijlidh stood in the street to show an " i’m going to recommend that these sessions be open to ,the pub­ vubu of his office kn^ accusing him investigating officer the point of GUNFIRE IN CONGO o impact. lic,” he said. of treason. ' -x ’Two otoei* violent deaths were "From the first I have been in ■!Ph« communique called! on Kennedy Complains Leopoldville. The Congo, SepL recorded in the 78-hour period th*f favor of open meetings and I said NeWs Tidbits United Nations to respSet the 6 (JV-Ounflre broke eat ta toe SikorskyUnioii cabinet's- decision. Kasavuou p>e- city today after several hundred began at 6 p.m., Friday and ended so ndien the council voted to give Culled /Yom AP Wires at midnight last night, but thp'** the committee subpoena powers vlously h)id^ called on the United Congolese sped toward the real- End^ W alkout were not in traffic. and hold executive sessions.” Nations to restore order in the denre of Premier Lnmuinba In addition, one Conne.cticut The secrecy rule "was adopted at strife-tom Congo. \ Soviet Planes to Congo clamoring for his death. A grim Pennsylvania Railroad awalfai While the government announce­ convoy of. 12 police vans and answer from two striking unions >*tra’tford; Sept. 6 Unipn- (Conttnued on Pago Five) (Continued on Page Ten) ment waa being distributed, steel- Jeeps rushed to meet the anti*. ued workers who began a strike on Its'bffer to submit to "final, and Lumumba demonstrators, ’.t^e binding arbitration” three issues helmeted Cohj^lese soldiers with .ualnst the two Sikorsky .^ircraft fixed bayonets marched up and Refuel at NATO Base headlights of the vehldes flashed ' 4 it says are blocking settlement of In the falling dusk. jUvislon plants of. United Aircraft a 6-day strike. . \yestinghouBe down in front of Lumumba’s house. Corp. will begdn registering to re­ Electric Corp. proposes a new 3- Pocatello, Idaho,. aiepL 6 (JP> ^said* that ‘ T o assert leadership PLANE HITS FOOTBALL FIEUk year agreement to 'four unions Behind the muzzles of British turn to work here tomorrow — ^ Cuba Seen — San. John F. 'Kennedy aald abrohd requires that we aseert with which it bargains nationally. machine guns, Ghana, forces of the Chester, Ps., Sept, fl (>F>—A 4* exactly. three months to the day U.N. Command tensely guarded today he ia aatiafied that Ros- leadership at home.” seat, -engine alrpliOM lost from the begining of their walkout. The. Rey. Charles H. Hall of aian planeS flying to The Con­ “ It requires that we move ahead Nashville, Ga„ New River Free the house of Kasavugu. overlook­ a uing and crashed on ‘lootbaU The men voted 1,067 to 329 SUnV.. ing the muddy Congo river, go are not betogj refnled in on every front and on every fron- field of Pennsylvania Military In Diplomatic Break Holiness Church, where a man re­ tler,”i he said. ‘A nd tve have not Aky .to get back to work, although ceived a fatal rattler bite during Lwnumba (Was plainly deter­ Athena, Oreec’e, TSlth .NATO College today while the football they still do not have the new con­ mined to keep his job despite help". . been !: moving ahead in riecent teism practiced. A t least two a snake handling ceremony, has years.” '■ .^ ' tract that was the purpose of the Havana, Sept. 6 (/P)—A- bitter^in opposing a Cuban resolution been arrested under , a 20-year-old Kasavuba’s charge that under the The Masaachusetta Senator bodies—of a- man and a womaa atrike. exchange between Fidel Ciastro’s State law which csoiild bring the premier’s leadership The Congo told a -news oonferenoe here ..As Ichalrman of the Senate Fbr- — were In the planb WreckagOk which would respect the rights of (Hgn I Relations- subcommltte on Workers a.t five other United Cuba and Argentina sparked pre- the (2Uban people to rule, their death penalty. . . . Probate of will wag plunging into fratricidal strife today he had been aasared by No football players were hurt, Aircraft plants in' the state joined dfictions today of a diplomatic won destiny. The Cuban resolu­ o f Margaret Sullavah, lat^ Arn'crl- and' Sliding toWard the' Soviet bloc. Max Krebs, an assistant to Africa, Kennedy felt it was proper although a wing narrowly missed the Sikorsky strikers, who are break between the two Latin tion, which was defeated, charged can film and stage actress, shows As dawn broke over the tense Secretaiy of ^tato Christian for him to c^I for information two running for a ^asis. OoreneP ■ members o f the United Automobile American countries. the United States uith ecoimmlo she left ap estate in Englam) of A. Hertei', that the field at from the state department. Francis J. Catania said toera Kennedy said in a statement that Workers, In the walkout on June 8. Cuba’s Foreign Minister Raul aggression. * $7,997. . . \ Washington trial ex­ which the Russian planes were was a possiblllty there might bo But the Sikorsky workers , were Argentina’s action, Roa declar- aminer finds Bridgeport Brass Co. refuted is under control o f the ho feeia the Russian flights could two iporB bodies, but he ordered Rqa brotfght the Issue t o 'a head hsve s single burpose—“to bring waging the strike alone these past last night. In a sharp jjote to to, .constituted “ an act o f inter­ has engaged In unfair labor pracy Backers Pay Greek government. the wibekage left Mane pending four weeks. Argentina Amba8sador^.Julipi A. vention and aggression against ttces in two counti at its Moultrie, the Cold W sr to The Congo and arrival of Civil Aeronantteo The seven plants employ about Amosedo, he flatly 'rejectedAr­ the sovereignty and free determin­ Cra„ plant but nojLin other alleged By IHE ASSOCIATED PRESS to undermine the freedom and ne\v- Board investigators. 81,000 production workers. In the- gentina’s protest over his recent ation .of our country.” instances. Last Respects Sen. John F. Kenhfcdy, continu­ ly won independence of the African people.'- ...j SHOWDOWN PREDICTED early days ofj the atrike less than attack on the govemmen,t of Pres­ Roa said he i«ject«M!l toe Brazil­ Leading British sociologist says ing his sitijek on President Eisen­ one-third of them showed up for ident Arturo Frondlzi before the ian note because he sought a Mrth control apparently Is firmly “We must not allow our NATO ‘impel. Formoss, Sopt. 4 (AV— work, some b^ause of active par­ "Judgment which corresponded esfabllshed in most Western so­ ^ Earl Long hower’s foreign policies, complain­ bases to (become an unwitting'In! Organization of American States ed anew today that Russian Chlang Kai-Shek predicted to­ ticipation In the strike and others (OAS) in Ban Jose, Costa Rica. to concrete facts.” ' ‘ - cieties in defiance of church oppo­ strumSnt'6f such an effdft^an ef­ day a showdo^'n -will comio In to t planes bound for The Congo are fort which is being carried on in becauM thsy weds unwilling to,: or Roa also qent a note^milder in There was no imroediate tom- sition and llsgislation. . .. J. Robert Baton Rouge, La.. Sept. 6 (IPf— peri er straggle between Mao To­ feared to, cross toe picket lines, ment from the Argentine or Bra­ Oppenheim^r,'ona of the creators bplng ■‘allowed to refuel at a NATO defiance of the United Nations, of tone-T:brushiitg aside BraziTs pro­ ■EJarl Kemp Long returns, today to. bSse in Athens. - ' 7 lling and NlUta a Khrushchev * ^ - All plants rei^alned opbn ahtf tests agalnstii hia attaelc on Fbr- silian envoys. of the atom bomb, does not plan to the state caplloI^he,_aIternately Wdrld opinion and of the hopes of within six months to a yeaiw the number of employes eomh^ to visit HtroshlMa, where the first A- Kennedy kept up a tattoo of at- all'‘of those who- wish for peace,” efgn Minister Horacio Lafer. Prime Minister Castrp's regime dominated or t r i^ to dominatel \tackfl on Eisenhower’s leiulership The President of NatIdaalM work climbed steaeUly. Early jp Continued its property seizures. bemb was dropped, during his vfslt for ^dmpst 30 years. he aald. ■ China forecast |hv 6<>vlet Pro* The .exchange wqs prompted and foreign policies as ■’he pushed, ‘‘If further inveatlgation shows July, when the strike was sUll in when Doa launched a biting at­ It took over a multi-million dol­ to Japsn.,^ His, seemingly boundless energy mler will win, ,The Prestdeat The! body -'of John' Cardinal his Democratic presidential; drive that tola report is apcurale, our effect at all seven plants, the com­ tack ‘ on Argentina and’ Brazil at lar plant here ytotjirday that turn-, stilled"forever by a third hiart into the mountain and . Pacific said in an intervew with toe Ao* pany announced 17,000 wprkers ed out Ui8 ;.Latin-Ammcan edi­ O’Harg lies la state at the Univer­ atjtacik that struck him down yes­ government, owes the 'American soclated Press: “I iM«d|kA toot in San JoM after they joined 17 other Nfirthwest states today. peojile a full explanation of this were showing up dally and an- DAS nations in a censure- of Cuba tion of Time Maguineand the sity of Notre. Dame, where he terday, the 66-yfcar-old patriarch' the' next six months ;to n y w i ^ n t 31 years as student, teacher He charged last night tost IRus- sltuetion—and an explastation of _ Bounped plans to hiceireptacements for agreeing to accept Soviet mil^ Spanish language Nitloh of Read­ of the state's flrfit political family sian planes bound' on infilttotion Kbrmdichev will succeed In jgain* . for toe strikers. I.J Itory aid in event of a U.S. at­ er’s Digest r and administrator. . . 'U.S. Com­ was to be borne ftxnn, Alexandria, what is being done to keep Russia , Ing complete, control evor - too' missioner of Education says 800,- and subversion missions to The .T he first break in the strikers’ tack. = Following a fsfniliar pattern, where he died, to the capltbl he from establiiMng a new satellite, . Chlneoe. Conununlsts, ot wiheh 000 pupils will be taught in shifts Congo are being allowed to use tola time in the heart of Africa,” united front came Jply 13, whto Roa countered , -toe Argentine workers’ militia took control after ruled during three terrnk' as gbv- the NATO base. . i time Msm will be fomed to sdmtt . worltora a^ the North Haven.Pratt protest!'by declaring it was Im­ plant employes complained against this school year because nf a ha- emor. Kennedy said. , i. It and tausefcle .uiMler or bo over­ ttpnulde shortage of 182,000 elSss- The Democratic noiplnee wired A Whitney Aircraft plant,' mem­ possible! that he. had offended the the management. There h e w;aa to. lie In state 24 Secretary,of State Christian A. 'nils ci>mplaint fitted in with thrown. . .Mmo will eltoer go to rooms. bers M the'UAW, voted to accept a dignity of the Argentine^ people Time representativies said the hours, until noon tomorrow, Fun­ Herter seeking a telephone inter­ Kennedy’s often-repeated conten­ . his knees or Isp llquldsted." Navy-enlisted man who single- contract offer''from the company. since "the-fdignity of the Argen­ magazine’s Latii^-Ame^trican edlllbn eral services were set for 2 p.m. view to explore the administra­ tion that the. Eisenhower adminis­ handed flew a 4-togine patrol Next ^ere this strikers at toe Ham­ tine people was idefendto -and hon­ probably will be pubUshe.d in an­ tomorrow . at the First Baptist tion’s position on this matter. tration has not been on ita toes in d o n n a DEljiTHS A T 41 ilton Standato Division plants in bomber Ipajtway aerbss the coun­ turning back toe wUrld threat pf ored in San. Jose by' the delega­ other cemntry. .Church. With wha$ to hint was a highly San Jasn»\ Paerto Sloo. S e|% Windsor Locks and Brood Brook, tion of Gubajand not''by tot dele­ The government also took over try, la back in Norfolk, Vs., mum. The former governor’s widow satisfactory topnd of Labor Day communism. nembera of the International Aa- confined, vand faeinii the Vice President Richard M. Nix­ • „t (AV -D tw pNrfar IMods saf^,. gation of Xtyentina.” toe flO million Bank of China announced today burial will ba in campaigning in Michigan behind high tides t ^ a heavy toH h e ^ , ■ociation o f Machinists, who ac­ Argentlna’|i bebavridr at the OAS Navy eMls admlnlstMtlve action on. was cheered by the word that Branch in Havana after !msny de- Wlnnfleld. him, Kennedy-stepped up to stap yesterday la toe walco of le cepted a contract Aug. 8. \ conference demdnstrated, . ,Roa . . . Hartford, police eay two ob he' may be able to leave Whiter pbsitors in the Chinese colony tried The body will lie' in state at the cato pitch his charge that the Re­ cone Dooaa. Ctril Defease >The lAM members at the Pratt icharged "its frank adhesion to in­ to take out' their money. Four jects that fell flaming from the publican administration has sur­ Reed Army Hospltal| ofi'B^Uirday First Baptist Church in Winnflcld elals apM to((ay. They Aj Whitney plants in East Hart­ terventionist and aggressive ma­ Cuban militiamen who fare bank sky and plowed into the back yard from fi p.m. Wednesday td 8:30 rendered first place in the world Instead of Sunday. Doctors re- od U persons wpvh to ford and Manchester ratlfled * new, neuvers planned and organised- by, employes sUged- the takeover. af an Edgewood ' St. apartment, to the Soviets snd is stsndln$( mo­ portfd he was maklhli * fine Ire- a.m. 'Ihursday.' T ’Onf he mMag la the ana of '•Creement Aug, 9, leaving only thd toe U.S. government pgalnst -i: ^ is move had been expected 1 will be sent to the National Aero­burled in ,a. plor of ground tionless at home. oovery from the knee infection Cuba. nautics and Space Administration In an address prepared for a iCeiMfiffMd Ml FB(^ B ow ) He 6aid Axg«nUna had ' Ja WastalBfteig' . . .(* ‘ aa Phga Vavr). ralfy Kt Poeatello,^ Idaho, Kennody - r-t- 'A\ 'I. \ / V ' V r ■ I \

■ "■ •• ' ' ' ■'■ '■■ ■ ' V ■ ' . ^ ■' " ' -»'!<■ \ KAWL'HESTER HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER « . 1960 P A < fAm rm IMITCHEaTER''EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER U, IMO paortmenta and public woilu dl- flxturea tor tha up*«c^te display It after that Y9 5 the weekend with" their daughters, 8:00 Big STheater dp’ progreii) s t U.S. Marahal . -many innovations In the store’s re­ Been Named ••• You may justify a bid or a play thlfika Mancheater haa *‘{he hlceat ( First Show (in progress) 22 FiUn e y wo repinoovriO I unusual. The diSc is "I’ve Got a In one of two ways: either It wtas . :I«I» achooia I ’Ve aeon anywhere,” out- Stephanie, 4, and Le^ Ann, 3 after Early . Show (to progress) 30 :00 Rifleman modeling program which has been mlnlmnm cast, Prstnyt ss^ffsst Right To Sing The-Blues,” newly theoretically the best available ac­ ♦ A K J a ta n d ^ parka, and an attractive temporal^ residence in Rockville. Big Picture U Mystery 'Thsatar in progress since early spring. This BY issued by Columbia. -The orchestra « Q 5 4 Quick Draw UcOraw 8 1960 Summer Olympics tion or, as a practical matter, it- downtoi^area.. They came to Rockville after cartoow Playbouss .. 18 Where Were Y ou?. Is tha first time Watkins has had JOHN GRUBER is directed by, Luther Henderson, WEST EAW ‘Tt’a a very nice town," la the Chester Langtry, deputy director Brave Stallion * 40 Richard Diamond 10. n a department devoted exclusively B IN G a LOZIER DRYWAIi happened to work. Y ou cant, say A 10 742 a *A K Itl EVERY WEDNESDAY which Is not unusual, but the fea­ much for a pipy that falls short opinion of the Sl-year-oId aide. of the Fublic Works Department, 6:30 Rollie'Jacob's Clubhouas 22 :30 Arthur Murray Party (C^ to the' display of home lightingt T O . Ml 1 A U * toh, I’m oofTstantly siirprised at tured soloist is Eileen Farrell, of Janq Maiin, daughter 'Of Mr, luid Mra. Wallace N. Merrill, 114 Hia conatdOred opinion Ariaea Joe Palooka 18 7:»6 P.M. ' Labqr Day haa crtme arid gone, . both In theory and In practice. chose Puas following a competi­ .The Living Word S3 'fbe Comedy Spot t i and It required the building- of all persons. Orchard St., Ellington. She w4a born Aug. 17 at Rockville City from a profeaslonal engineering I The Pendulum ' and for many people this signlfles the number Of people who say, “ I ' East won the first trick with the tive exam for the engineer's post. News. Snorts and Weather 8 tiered cabinets, platforms ant^other Sponaori'ed by tha Hospital. Her matetual grandmother la Mri. Iva Morgan, South background in both ' New York . 32 colt 45. that summer ia over, regarrileaa of hear ran have a mighty good or­ Oddly enough, this famous op­ jack of spades and continued with Commenting favorably on Man­ 8:48 Huntley-Brinkley 10 JO:00 I Led Three Lives v n v POSTp< 7656 thauequinox and the, ecliptic. If eratic star dbes a good Job singing China, Maine. Her paternal grandmother la Mrs. Mina Merrill, State and Florida, In Garden City, Douglas Edwards -. 12 chestra in Hartford,” or words Ho the* ace. South ruffed and started AS chester schools, parks, and recrea­ John Daly 8. 63 Dtajmrsis: (Tnknowii summer is over, it foiiows that fail a bunch of fine* old "standards." ■Windsor, Maine. She has a brother, Harry W., l\i; an'd a siatar, N.Y,, Fusa waa towh engineer for. 3 M Squad 10. At that effect'. There are even' peo­ on a Campaign to catch East In a V A Q J 9 7 S / tion facilities, Fuss especially 7:00 Deatr-Valley Days I've Got s Secret la at hand, and that winter Will ple in England. and Aua- It was a wrench for me to hear Margaret Ann, 2’ i. . four yeara and wag a design en- likes the location of Center'Park Movie at Seven 18 GIANT DISPLAY a a * throw-in. ♦ 7 5 2 4 Phil Silvers 8 Alcoa Presents ADVANCE CATERERS not be far behind. Iria who make .Similar remarka. her in this medium,, and I'm not AA62 f ' gineer for the Florida tSghway De­ in the business area. "It does a 10 :30 Walter Winchell Fils are the aeasnn.s of the MORE ^ , partment, living in Tallahaaaee. Tombstone Territory , 10 -Duffy's Tavern 1X8 Naabue Ave., Olastonlrary .‘5(1, you see the Hartford Orcheij5 sure I like • It even If she is far Allan Brett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kellner, 52 'Vlllaga Declarer took the ace and king iMt Smrtk Wilt N««h' lot for the community,” he says. -Whirlyblrds 12 Medic School Supplies yejir that constitute the nmsicaj tia is gaining world renown. and away the best performer of St., Rockville. He wa.s bom Aug. 31 at Rockville City Hoapltal. 14 2 86 Pan 4V He wag a cpnaulUng engineer in Duugtas Fairbanks 53 Johnny Midnlsfat 10. of trumps, ruffed dummy’s last Clarkson Graduate 22 Free bos leaves eorner of Can­ season. Greater Hartford lias an jazz lyrics of any operatic diva to His maternal grandfather Is Frank Rawlison, Saratoga , Springs, Fort Pierce, Fla., before coming 7:15 Film Markham tor and Main Sts.: at 6:80 pjn. excellent musical aenaoii which The (,'onnectlcut Opera Aasn. la sjiade, cashed the top diamonds, here tb take the reina from retired The softspoken engineer- - was Huntley-Brinkley • ■* 30 June Allysoq Show not as widely known, since they do .dale. N. Y. His paternal grandfather is Henry Kellner, Catsklll, N. Y. and led dummy’s Jack of diamonds ^ taid — 4 2 captain of his football team, a 7:30 Laramie 22. 30 ;0O News. Sports tc Weather ARTHUR DRUR many fail to enjoy to the town engineer James Sheekey last dUp thlB ad for Free game card not make recordings, but per- Her .performance is Sincere! He has two brothers, David C., 11, and Mark Anthony, 4; and a. tn the hope that East would have guard, in high school in Auburn, Four Just Men :16 1960 -Summer Olympics extent. In Manchester,, we have the which Immediately sets her apart sister. Sherry Ann, 4. July. Bronco " " 8. 12. 40. 63 Jack Paar Show il: ., Community i'oncerts .series, and formaneos at the Biishnell meas­ ' a a a y a — to win the trick. One Manchester prpblem that’s F.Y., his, home town, and at Miss America Parade 3 World's Best Movies i a a g s ure up to the very best In Operatic from the other prime donne who South caught Oie wrong fish. with the king, and you discard a Clarkson College, Potsdam, N.Y., 77 Sunset Strip 10 11 :46 Starlight Movie 'Btere are .similar senes jn Hartford club or a diamond. been getting hia attention ig con- News standai'ds; eipial to performances have essayed the field and who in Michael Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Wnuk, 22 Weat was able to win the third tred of storm water drainage. Fuss -which he..attBnded on an athletic 8:30 Wyatt Earp ftont*wfcaal’ an^Storrs. Kurther, Hartford of- Let East try to wrlggla out of Maliv l.oves of Dobble Gillla .3, 12 Premiere i X tathef brief hul,_exceilent. in tlxiae Kuropean citie.s which are "Changing geara" have adopted a Prospect St , .Rockville. He was bom ‘Aug. 16 at Rockville City round of diamonds, somewhat to emphatically endorses the storm scholarship. A member of Sigma NBC Plavhouse 10, 22. 30 :60 News 4 W eattir opera s^.soil. and a. somewhat more not famous world Capitals of mu­ haif-aerloua and half-patronizing Hospital. His maternal grandparents are M r.. gnd MrS. Julius hia surprise. He returned the ten that oite! If he returns a club or dnun propouda that Town Directora Delta fraternity, he graduated High Road 40 ;00 Late 14**4 ' i . extended symphony series. sic.^ In fact. I've heard poorer per­ attitude. Futher, Miss Farrell Ursin, Tolland. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis of clubs, and South had to lose a diamond, you get a free fi- are expected to. restore to the vot­ with a bachelor's degree in civil SEE SATUlCtDAT'S TY WEEK FOR c o m p l e t e USTINO The lasit'Mco are local enter­ formances in New York and i?aris. sings with true appreciation of.the Wnuk, Rockville. He fiaa a brother, Andrew J., 2H : s«d a sister, two club tricks. Dowm one. - . - ness*; if he leads a spade, , you ing machines Nov. 8 following their engineering iq 1951. He did gradu­ Andrea, 4. . ■ • . • surface drainage control, Fuss prises fcatTinng local musicians idiom, and certainly demonstrates ruff in dummy. aAd,-discaRl a loser defeat by voters last May. They’re plans to work up, in conjunction ate work in Brooklyn Polytechnic So, why not ta-ke advantage of the validity of the title. "Tve Got a. , a a .- a • Simple Finesse Works from your hand. ' and featuring imported ■'guest” the many musical opportunities "Very clever,” North, remarked. "apraiy needed," he says. with the planning department, a and took courses at Northwestern F.E.BRAY avtist.s. Both Hie mighty good ex- A Right To Sing The Blues,” Wendy Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Duel], 77 Dally Qiieatlon Wants Master Plan topographical map of the town University in traffic engineering. Madio ^ during the coming season? "Live'' Still. J can't say I'm enthused. "Any halfwit would take the amples of their types and they de­ performances are Infinitely to be I.aurel St. She wa's. bom Aug. 16 at Rockville City Hospital. As dealer, you hold: Spades—g; . In another step toward better from which a master drainage In the Army from 1951 to 1958, Silt maybe Im an old fudd.v-diiddy. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and- Mrs. John P Houston, simple finesse, in diamonds and (lU a Hating Inoindea ou!y those aewa broadcaJta of 10 ar ISHolanta Watch and Jewelry /Repairing serve your support and patronage. preferred to radio and recordings. Hearts—A Q J 9 7 6; Diamonds— plan can be derived "to save dupli­ he was commissioned a lieutenant ■you’ll have to hear it .voiirself; and West Haven. Her paternal- grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Henry make, four hearts.. If you’d studied in the Corps of Ekigineers after length. Some etations carry other ahort MWaeaata). bowL StnsdiTy con* i Toil'll get full value for your 'fear'Tyourself away from the TV long enough you Imlght have found 7 6 2; CTubs—A 6 2. What do you cation and waste” in installations. At R«aiomibit Priett wracssi. 1*6^ HSsaedi ‘ make up your own mind. „ Diiell, Tolland. She has two 'bmthers, Craig, 6V4. and TlmotKy, Oflficers Candidate School * and WDBU—136# 8:00 News money, and at the same time, you a few times, and go to a concert. a way to go down two." say? The Engineering Division inspects 8:06 NIghtbeat will help the prestige of 4’ 4 : and a sister, Laurie, 2'4. taught military road design at FI. 6:00 Jerry Bishop Show In Manchester, we re going to And poor South couldn’t defend Answer: Bid one heart. You and approves drains and also 6:05 Today on Wall Street ll'.OO News Prompt ^rvie* — 2 WcitchinalcRrs U1.00 tfartford throughout the world. / Belvoir. Va. 6:10 Art Johnson Show 11:15 Sports Final have a syniplionie orchestiSi. loo himself. A simple flnedle In dia­ hava 11 points in high earda^ and streets, curbs, and sidewalks.In 11:30'Starlight Serenade MANCHESTER’a OLDEST ESTABLISHED JEWELER ^ tVhen I go to New York or B6s- Lu-Anoe Ijclgh. daughter of Mr. an^'Mr*. Sheldon Haas, El­ In Washlngrton, D.‘C., he met the 8:06 Raynor Shines I don't know how good it w'ill Herrinanii Goinjj monds would be the wrong -ptay, 2 points for distribution. This is new subdivisions—a key job In the 11:05 Spotlight on Sports ' w por—141* 787 MAIN ST.— STATE THEATER BUILDING lington. She was bom Aug. 12 at ROckville'dly Hospital. Her-, future Mrs. Fuss, a student at WELBON IRUE 10. be, but it is shaping up in fine maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth-Jjoff, Ellington. but It W’ould work. Souths at­ ample for ah opening bid when overall government t-esponsibillty 11:10 Raynor Shines 6:00 News. Weatner - Store Cloeed All Day Wednesday Until Oct. 1 to see that , town g^rowtJi is kept .George Washington University and 1:05 Sign Off 6:15 Conn. Ballrooiit style. .Membership has now pa.ssed' To West (^riiiany Her patemsi g ’teu'Inu’ ther Is Mrs. Helen Hsas, IVlnd Gap, Pa. tempt at an end play was the you" have a magnificent rebld- 7:00 Ray Somera clerk for the FBI. The two were WBAY—*11 / Ml MAIN ■T.-Ml the 60 mark, at least In Intentions. She has two brothers, Wayne, 4, and Daniel, 2. wrong play, and It didn’t work. dable suit. to standards. Fuss also intends to 11:110 News Om m b Vvii i GT-T • revise records-keeplng procedures. married on Valentine’s day"; 1954. 6:00 News ll:10 RHy Somers It may shake down somewhat • • • • • ■ r- (Copyright 1960, Goneral Fentares 6:30 John Daly Sgt. l.C. Robert H. Herrmann, It Is correct" to try for an end He wants more use. of filrfi for 12:00 Del Raycee Bhow from this figure after the newneaa Carolyn Alire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Blinh, Cofrp.) Fuss keeps up a hobbyist's in­ 6-.4U Big Bhow LiHsett Special ;aon of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Herr- play, but there’s no rartainty you maps of streets and- other data terest In simrts and was active in 7:00 Edward P. Morgan ^ WIMF—12N I 1 i’ ‘ii ' I 'a>!lii-pilr!t:i!!-|i.^i!Hiiiii!| wears off, but then again it may 18 East St., Rockville. She was bom Aug, 15 at Rockville City 7:15 Big Show 6:00 Ftnanolal News ...... ' mann. 612 Center Bt., food super­ can catch East with the third the division must maintain. Little.. League in Florida,''but 6:05 Showcase and News In size as it becomes bel­ Hospital. Her maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Arthur Drumm, round of diamonds. You are cer­ 11:30 Public Atfaira 7:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. ter known! _ visor for three years at Nike sites Great Barrington., Mass., and. her maternal grandfather It Wal­ Regicfnal 8 Along with these special proj­ .doubts he’ll have the time nbw. An­ 12:02 Sign Off 7:15 Evening Devotions tain that you cgn catch him with other of his hobbies is radio. WTIC—ISS* In Rhode Island and southern lace Hotchkiss, Torrington! Her paternal grandparents are Mr. ects. routine tasks that keep Fuss 7:20 Showcase and News The first rehearsal and organiza­ the third round of spades. and his 8-member staff busy from 6:00 News 7:35 The Army Hour tional meeting will be next Mon­ Massachnsetta. will be transferred and Mni. Raymond Blinn. Rockville. She has three sieteri, Chris­ Hence the correct play is to 6:20 Weather anS ^ o rts 8:00 News —v- tine, 6, Cheryl, 4. and Cjmthla. 2, day to day include preparing Smallest land of'U.S. Sovereign­ 6:$0 Album of the Day 8;06 Tile World Today ' day ev^iiihg at the high schriol soon to the Fourth Quartermaster draw trumps with the ace and plans, such as those for storm ity as Kingman Reef, soiith of 7:00 Dick Purtejl 8:30 Showcase and News band rooin. We ll know more about Battalion, Lelpheim, West Ger­ king and then lead the queen of drains, preparing estimates, sur­ Hawaii, which is 150 long by 120 7:25 Summer Oiymplcs .. 11:05 Music Beyond the Stars jilil spades from dummy. East covers 7:30 News 12:05 World Newt Roundup many Theresa Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Couture. 66 ENDS TONIGHT mndew shadM of lovely Du Pent veying, and helping other town de- feet wide at high tide. 7:45 Public Service Program 12:16 Slgnoff Guaranteed A Manchester native, Sgt. Herr­ W. Main St., Rockville. She was.-bom Aug. 11 at Rockville City 614 Students ^eatlae" a n easy to wash. Will mann ia a career serviceman. He Hospital. Her maternal grandparenbs are Mr. and Mrs. O. Du­ "THE YOUNG LIONS’* leokHkeacw. Won’t craek, fray or k To GIvi V'oii piaiiel*. Available ia many attrac­ A Very ’ ; haa been atalloned in Anthony, puis, Springfield, Mas.s. Her paternal grandparents are Mr.' and An estimated 614 atudents -will Marlon Brando I R. I., and haa had the reaponslbll- ■Mrs. Romeo CouUire. Ludlow, Mass. ^She has a brother. Roy Ed­ tive eeiora. Just call ue. we will be illHl Enjnyabls THK OFFICE OF attend the opening day of RHAM "HONDO”-O olor glad to BMaeure your windewt and Smoke. ' Ity of ohtlilnlng the matertala sent ward, 2; and two sisters, Donna Marie, 5, and Joanne Frances, 8T High School tomorrow which Is MAOTICE-z * • John Wayne give you a free eetimate for new ' TECHNICIANS ARE NEEDED in Znds OF A NATIONAI.I.V DK. 1. KOVK to aites in Coventry, Foster. Norlli entering its fourth year of opera­ ^ontiM.” has a staff of Highly Qualified Smilhfleld, Briijlol, Rehoboth and W'Inthrnp Sears, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop S. Baker. Wil-, tion. a d v t c r t iSe o c ig a r STARTS TOMORROW! STARTS TOMORROW DOMESTIC WHICH SELES FOR 10c PODIATRI.ST- Swanaea, R. I, He expects to be son Lane, Vernon. He was horn Aug. 9 at Rockville City Hospi­ Incoming -atudents have, been SCHOOL TICKETS ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIAL CHFROPODlS'r abroad for the next three .veara tal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roger Packard, notified by mail, of thrir h'oin'e- Sfidi&v DUPONT Reg. S4.75. with temporary dulv at Leiphelm, I-eominster. Mass. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Mary Baker,' room assignments and welcomed INCREASED RATE OF FARE “ I.CARN BY DOINa" TRAININQ Shoe Experts Box 50. n . 7 9 15.'t MAIN ST. according to his official orclers. New Bedford, Mass'. He has two sisters, Brenda, 5, and Lora by. Principal Aram.Damarjian. EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, SE^EMBER 7, 1960 slso EVKNINa 8ERVI0IN0 OOURtB. I' \. 1 For Zftc Sgt. Herrmann will take hia wife Ann, 2.. -v Hot lunch will be served each im fflNE. PerfactoB and Fanatellaa HAS RFSUMKI) luid two dsiighler.a. Ronnie. 12. ami day, • beginning tomorrow. The Ttn nO ) To m Rid* Tickets— $1.00 FALL TERM STARn SEPT. 2MNR0LL NOW! ■, 11, with him abroad. Hi.s .lohn Paul and.,lames Charles, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ menus for this week are: Tomor­ i i OFFICK HOURS wife, fonneriy of Spartanburg, mond W. McAllister, Campbell Ave,. Vernon. They >yere bom ' row, ravtoli with- iheat sauce, cu- GanffC<:licnii Olficit iC/ccAoeto'i S><. ■Jtoal LIGQEn DRUG 8:00 6:25-10:28 r ■ MI 9-4611 ,S'.C., has been a practical nurse Aug, 22 at Rockville City Hospital. Their maternal grandfather cunlber wedges, and pudding'with E. A. JOHNSON SILVER LANE BUS LINE, Inc. NBV/ ENGLAND AND A TREMENDOUS STOCK OF PARKADE at the Hillside Nursing. Home, is Eugene Pare. Rochester. N. H. They.have two sisters, Janet whipped tppping: Thursday, beef MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT • ENDS TONIGHT • Co-Feataro—"Counterplot" iiiijj Riverpoint, R, I , for two'years. Marie, 5, and Linda Gall, 2'4. and peppCr steaks, potato chips, "The Apartment” 6:16 School tloketo will not be S4x»pted on speclai bus to and from TECHNICAL INSTITUTE carrot and cole alaW, and apple ' Forrest .Tucker: PAINT CO. "House 7 Hawks” 6:80-10:15 m MAIN CT„ MAN0BB8IEB MDuohester High School. 5 6 UNION P L A C E , HARTFORD JA. S-3406 iii Todd Rohert, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Bertsche. 58 crisp; Fridgy, tuna bioats, potato SIZES AND WIDTHS Spring St.. Rockville. He was bOm Aug. 22 at Rockville City salad, and gelatin with whipped Boarcl Consiilcrg/^ Ho.spilal . Hi.s maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton topping. Milk is served with all Kide.s lu School Carte;-, Vernon. Hi.s paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs." .meals. Students lunches are 35- TO FIT CHILDREN PROPERLY Robert Bertsche, Rockville. *' cents each. _ , STARTS Milk served In the' cold lunch M AN Sm iDi MR. AUTO WASH The Board fit FeliicaliOn will Brian Peter, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Frank .7. Moseley, 85 Brook­ cafeteria will cost only four cents L«ICT.»H2.WtUJtMIITICitT:i^ TOMORROW hold a apecial meet ing tomorrow field St, He was born Aiig. 27 at-‘Manchester Memorial Hospi­ this year. Other foods will be niglH at R n'riiork in the North tal. His matemsl grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl S, Arn­ served a la carte, but there will UST CIUliCE! BUYIHEYEARS BESTSEUER RIGHT NOW! .lunior Higli .School lo dl.sciiss'lius old, Ij’nionville. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Glsdys Mose­ be ho soup and sandwich lunches. New England’s Mojit transportation for pupils at that ley, Hartford. ' He. has a brother, Steven, 2lii\ and a sister, Ver­ The new cafeteria manager-cook school. onica, 11 months. is Mrs. Janet Jurovaty of Andover. Modarn Automatic William F. Hankln.son. .lO.S Oak­ ***** ' land St , ha.s joined with .">4 other Joseph Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lea, 109 Grand­ Manchester Evening Herald An­ IWfMNMa-FRfNffVWeHAN parents lo-l-eriuest the bus trans- view St. He was bom Aug. "27 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Car Wash dover correspondent, Mre. Paul- D. IMMBrMuM . 20, portatloh. pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfanttlehl, telephone pngrlm X- Hicking, South Coventry. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and He claims that close to 200 chil­ 6856. ^lus ■"TRAFPEO IN TANGIERS” ^ Simonizing and dren would he eligible for bus Mrs. Frederick Lea., 113 Eldridge St. He has a .brother, Albert SHOE (ransporlation. 'I’he ruling of the Nathan. *«**'*' ENDS TONIGHT—ALL IN COLOR! Motor Cloaning Board of jOducallon on junior higlfe "THE BRAMBLE BUSH”—“ANGRY BED PLANET" srjiool pupils Is I hat, seventh and Jill Paige, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,'John J. Jeffers, 52 Linn- Shoes for BOYS Shoes for GIRLS * Intorior Shampoos eighth gradera are entitled to bus more Dr. She was born Aug. 31 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ EASTWOOD iramiportatipn If they li,j;e' a- mile pital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. and three quarters o f more from Dolan, Glastonbury. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. John' \ THE YEAR'S BIO ONE!-, * Foroign Cars their schools. Jeffers, .34,1 Garden Dr. She has a sister, Robin, 1. ***•*. ^ ; "THE APARTMENT" !:p lack Lemmas - Shlrlex MacLsIst FALL REGISTRATION Washed Exportly Craig Rolterl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Halstead Morrell, 615 Fred MarMHrTS.T uiiit • Griffin Rd, He was born Aug. 29 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ *:•# »•••••« Your Chevrolet dealer is getting ready right now for the complete selection of styles and models to choose from, EYX ORMNG ------pital. His maternal grandparents are ,Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Aleo Gertrude G. Tyler Adams, New Bninswick, Canada. His paternal grandparents are FREE DELIVERY "TIm R b s Mb s s Y«ars" new '61 models. He’s making room for them this instant, ,now’s the best-ever time to buy a new ’60 Chevy uidRave — HOURS — •Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrell. P'ort Fairfield, Maine. He haa *;ie-ll:e{ three hroUiers. Charles, and Dudley, both 18, Gregory, 9; and a SCHOOL of DANCE with eye-popping deals on all 1960 models. And with a money like madl ^ 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Daily LIGGEH DRUG sister, Ksthleen, 5. ’ 8 A.M.-l P.M. Sunday A t Th« PARKADE MANCHESTER.' SHOFPPINO PARKADE WASH RATKS Water Firm Seeks Authority Room 116, Rear, o Alr-Oondltloned Stiidie S2.00 per wash. .?a.0fl for 8 washes. (Save (2) ENDS $18.00 for 12 n’ashes. (Save |6) To Issue $ OO^() Ajl. Stock TONITE _AII Types Of ^ __ .t doneini i$ for ovmjone* CARTER CHEVROLH C O M P ^ INC. 5..‘ KlDDtiE a cm w RATUROAY a t t pjml, , . “PSTCWO" M Stis-xm^tu MAIN STRiET Ml f e s a i i MANCHOm,leONN.

■■ ■'

' J it' ■ . V,

. V' ,-t. ■ >• ’'I ■ ' 1 ’ ■ ■' A’ . ' t B1ANCHEST£B EVBNlNa ^EBALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY.' SI^TEMBER 6. 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING ITERALD, MAlWCHfeST^, C O m , TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, I960 p A Q B f t n m Fundariburk said It was likabr Rap* Damooratle runoff in, the 0th Oeo- may hav4 to do with eoiukfiiOatton Roekvttie-Vemon HaroM MeSwasn. defaatsd a t re- gnsalnnil District B S m M O O R Leaders Fire Each Other Single Traffic GOP to Act of tosrii and Bl(hUi Dietribt fire Sikorsky Union Backers Pay nomination by Long, Aug. 37^ In the first primary, he had -run CAMKIDGi FtN: in a ^ and sewer eervlces. Shea, In a nearly-4,000 vote# belund speech to -Republicans .last -winter, on wwUd be manttonnd. 1 ,9 S Dtiv^ Blames In Ataoumdrla yesterday, ecewda But in ia c a m p i ^ that vrould have DeatK in State On Platform called "for a. positive ataad on our Ends Walkout Last Respects of aupportars who had amok with been ateenuouB for a far younj^ platform” on this lotigstanding Is­ Bee for Crash Long even when ho was called niAii, and for one In |fd6a health, D f ^ - I RICHMAN In Diplomatic Break sue In the lnteredts„of attracting lO O U l The 1980 Republican platform Industry. eraqr. fkx^ad to aao his body M he stwnped oeasdessly through his TO? MAIN MAI STREET Over Holiday Every 10 Minnies (Oofittamed from Paga Om ) An 18-iyaar-old Rockville -mo­ To.. Earl Long ^11 b e‘voted at a special meeting He also called then for. better it lay in the back room of the fu- horns'district . , (OeaUaaed fram Fag# Oae) torist blamed a baa for causing an of the' GOP town committee water service In the North Efi' neral parlor. - The ^o rt waa'iUccasaM. Long (Qoiittaited (roM Pag* Ony> V _ _ _ _ Sikdraky strikers hara and at a aeoi'dant ha was Involved in yea- (Oofttaoed from Page One) won the nmott primary By 4,(W more use of Globe Hollow li Charter Oak BL; Mrs, Marie Dal­ Clad in a Uue-bladt suit or­ sine# Castro announced last Fri­ ■Wednesday at._8-p.m. In the Whlton highway Improvements, Im­ (OoBttanMd t n n Faff* Om ) smaller plant in Bridgeport. terday afternoon. dered by hla wife, he lay in a votes. But as the returns c a m o ^ day that his governnlent was LIbrarj' audltorhlm. ton, 54 Chestnut S t ; Mias Marie In July, Bome of the non-strikars he tidnated to the city of Winnfield resident was fatally Injured by a News Tidbits proving the town watebBfstem In James P. Marsh, 1 Ellington heavy bronze casket as an ever- be was already 111 having saflerad car litxNew .York and three Con- breaking off. relations with Nation­ O.T.C. The NSC wportedtat we«k that Wilson, HebronS Mrs, Fdlth Shel­ at Sikorsky petitioned the Nation­ a heart attack the night before. He The meeting was ahnqunced to­ line with fire underwrit4rs’ recom­ Ava., told police he was driving several ihoiaths ago. increasing crowd came to bid him (ConUnned from Page One) nectlcut youngsters died In a flam­ alist China and would recognise CulM from AP Wire# mendations. .He sJ4o mentioned { tO,B40 paraona were HiUed In mo- don, Andover: Charles Joy, 58 al Labor Relations Board to con­ ond the ministers.” Article 26 says day by Atty. John F, Shea Jr., west on Union St. when a bee flew The plot Was >the original home­ fa iw e ll. had bad one attack In 1980. ing barn Ip .Vermont. Red China. ,; strengthening jilM Development SURGICAL tor vehicle accidents In the first Walker St.; Mrs. Laura Cone, duct ah election to determine . Even after Long was admitted to (i// J/rn" that "the chief of state commands town chairman, who also said' tl>e I in a window of his car. Marsh’s stead of his par«n.U. Long donatsd Along Svitb Ills political associ­ Lsopoki n , where the July army Besides Tgoe. those who died ac­ The Nationalist Uhlnese govern­ Sept. 13 primary will be discussed Qommlssion'jp-'liand In attracting I aeven months this year. That aver- WilllmanUc; Mrs; Joyce Hotting, whether the U AW still had the car hit a car owned by Dorothy ates caifie the. common people, the hospital, and rumors got around the apmed forces.” Death toll .In ERPM gold mine Coventry: Loo Braaauskas, 55 mutiny flared up aJid swept The In his radio appeal last night, cidental deaths in Connecticut ment is a, major stockholder in the and that endorsed candidates not Industry tiyrtllowlng It to acquire SUPPORTS j ages nearly 100 persons a day. backing of a majority of Sikorsky M. C«wding,' parked at 148 Union the plot to the town., as a memo­ some Negroes an^ working people. he bad been stricken, his doctors shaft collapse at Boksburg, South North S t; Miss Donna Robb, 13,0 ^Lumumba antjounced that he com­ were: bank, Chinese officials here said known to all committee members options^dm desirable sites to keep I ------workers. The company immediately rial to them. The man they came to see and and the hospital refused to con­ HEARING AID Congo, remained quiet. Living in Africa; mounts to at least 15 as Park St.; Gilbert Clayton, 80 St. mands the armed forces.” ^ , Mrs. Matilda Newman, 89, Phil­ they were, willing to hand over tke will he introduced. . . thejwwsts from skyrocketing when Fitted to your ' Chicago, Sept. 6 (/P)—Traffic ac- said It would conduct no furthe'r Marsh is charged with failure to Graveside services are ' had a reinarkahle political career, firm or deny them. the giant camp were an undeter^ adelphia. who fell down the base­ two more bodies are recovered ! cidents kUled more than 400 pet- Wells S t; Mrs. Vivian Barnes. In his radio appeal last night, bank to the Castro regime, but that One plank m the OOP platform panies showed Interest in them. Doctor^t EXACT negotiations with the union until its pass the left and is scheduled to uled for 11 a.m. (CST) ThurMay. even by the standards of Ixmsl- Dr. R. V . Parrottf Long’s per­ mined number of Russian and sat­ ment steps of a North Haven under their orders they could not . . . Flnch-Tregoff miigler trial • sons during the Labor Day week- Amston; Miss Janice Tolf, 81 status was cle,ared. Lumumba announced that he 'Am- appear in Rockville City .Court There MdU be eight paUbearera ana. < sonal pbyalcian, said yesterday this home In which she was ri.sltlng surrender it to the Reds. reatlmes In Los Angele.s with Dr. •perificatioriM y { end but the toll in the nation’s five Teresa Rd.; Jimmy Martin, South- The election has not been held ellite personnel b ro u g h t/lo The mands the army. Mondayt at the -funeral, among them Earl In and out of the executive man­ had been a t Long’s request In explaining its action against Saturday night. Bernaid Finch scheduled to teaUf.v r biggest cities numbered only 10. ‘Ingtbn; Marcia Benoit 47 Ei Mid­ yet. • ‘ Long’s nephew, U.S. Sen. Russell sion and several mental, hospitals, Death came just when he seem­ Congo by Lumumba. ^ about the summer night his es­ BAdL SUPPORTS dle Tpke.; Linda Orfltelll, 9 War­ Rockville police Sunday arrest­ Kasavubu, the Lumumba cabinet TTieodore K. Lynch, 23. Dallas, BRITISH, RED TANKER DEAL { Los Angeles led the big cities This Inability to bargain pr sign B. Long, D-La., son of Huey P. he had^apped his long yCars in ed to be gettog better. Mrs. Long Kasa-vultu’s dramatic announce­ tranged wife was fatally shot. ABDOMEN AL, 8UPPORTB ren St.; Mrs. Elsie Custer, 20 ed a 16-year-oId boy, and the qumlity cited Article 20 of the fundamental, Tex., \vho s\iffered a fractured Lodon, Sept. 6 iFt — Shipping . with, four traffic fatalities. Call- a new contract was one o f the nm- Long. the lim eU ^t just 10 daya ago, said she j» d been told he had spent ment last night came while the Jordan's-King Hussein, tells his i fennia' topped the state totals Westfield St.; Ruth Rogowskl, owner of the car he was driving. law which says: “No act of the skull yesterday morning while sources reported' today that two Ma t e r n i t y s u p p o b i s Jor arguments used by union lead­ when he defeated MeSween in a a good night Sunday. FR BM iait country was plunging deeper and nation the bomb slaying of Pre- [ w itt inore than 40 deaths on the Wapplng; Frank Mlckewlcs, 120 Richard J. Heyer of 9 Mountain Although most of the talk chief of state can have effect un- swimming In Long Islahd Sound deals havq been concluded for the KNEE SUPPORTS ers as they urged the men to isnd throughout the statf was of dla- deeper Into the Soviet orbit. mien Hazza Majali a week ago LIGHTS Avery St; Robert Buckner, 7 Lin­ St, was charged with driving an •less It is countersigned by a min­ at Madison near his family's sum­ shipment of Russian oil In British ELASTIC HOSIERY I hi^ways. ^ * the strike. belief at the eudden death of Ole ■ only S B B ** While soldiers sent by Lumum­ was “a crime dir«^ted agalnst-the ! New York City reported^ two coln St.; William Esilger. 33 uninsured motor vehicle, and Jo­ ister Who by doing this takes the mer home. Police said Ljuch, son tankers. need to let street lights bother your sle« >ing The proposal put before tham seph A . Cyr, 37, of the same ad­ Earl; an he was affectionately ba fought with flames and gun­ of Theodore F. Lynch, chairman people of Jordan and the Arab na­ 4 -RIB f r a c t u r e . s u p p o k t b 1 persona killed in motor vehicle Grant S t; Mrs. Frances Grindal Sunday was not a new contract of­ NOW IS IBB mop VO responsibility." Thp companies reported In­ i accidents tompared to eight last dress, was charged with allowing known, a note of realism c r ^ In fire the fierce resistance of hos­ The cabihej charged that Ka­ of the board of the Martin Fire­ volved arc 'Cahibridge Tankers tion as a whole.” . . . Hendon hours. With Findel-made Kirsch 'Vertical Metal PRAOTION APPUANOEB and daughter. West Wlllington. fer, but a suggestion that they end among 8th District political lead­ tile tribesmen In Kasai province, arms Co. and a former state sena­ ! Labor Day. Chicago and Phlladel- a minor to operate 'an uninsured REMOVE UNWANTED HAIR FOREVER it Haw Sh IRi I savubu violated the law. and London and" Overseaa Freight­ Chubb, 86, of West Orange. N.J., Slat Blinds you can make your room as dark as CERVICAL COLLABR DISCHARGED SUNDAY: Mrs. their walkout, return to work, and ers. They must select a successor Soviet material and technicians The cabinet’s decision was con­ tor. apparently hit his head on a ers. I phla each reported no traffic motor vehicle. Both are scheduled , ★ 4 NissiW twaslmwl prominent Insurance official you wish, yet have proper, ventilation. Call MI 'c e r v i c a l b r a c e s Margie Gentilcore, J90 Maple S t; await further developments. to^ Long as Democratic candidate Lot me tree you of Eds social handicap poured Into The Congo. It was no veyed to' U-N- headquarters in The rock slab used to bolster a wall In at hla avmmei; home at ' death. In Detroit, th# Motor City, Lisa Bahner, Hasardvllle; Anthony This arrangement was worked to appear In court, on Monday. These would be the first large 3-4865 for a demonstration and priceL SPINAL BRACES two persons were-killed In traffic In other police accounts, Rich­ for Congress by Sept 20. ' fo m e r. Aly medtoaSy V P nyed meteod T t Raw iasary Swsr laWMil secret that with the help of So­ Congo In a letter signed by the water. Dartmouth, Maas. Bayles, 90 Woodbrldge S t; Mrs. out recently by company and shipping agreements with the So TRUSSES T mishaps. . ' ard F. Grumbach, 20, of Broad Among those being mentioned ti Mf6b peroiftiNOt AM will ttot mar toe viet planes, and trucks Lumumba Lumumba. " A Lakeville man, ''Grgon Reed,. ,Viet ...... Union...... since- the annoiince- Gladys Rae, South Coventry; Jean- union officials at a meeting with were Mrs. Blanche Long, his ! i u r % f l o T r ^ « h t l y hair on your Detroit family of presumed Brook, was charged Saturday with . 'NR was planning to move his fledgling “ The measures which the gov­ 79, waa killed Saturday-.^^jight...... I in July by Standard Oil of killed when their/dSurnlng plane HERNIA SUPTORTS Ine West, Coventry: Mrs.' Helen Gov. Rlhlcoff. . estranged wife; former State Sen. 1 Toronto, Sept. 6 tTi—Fifty-five failure to carry his registration; face vMI your good looInT MROimAIW’* army to occupy the defiant .ses- ernment has just dejided on con­ when hit by a car as he walke^lNe'New Jersey that It would “ take cra.shes and explodes In Lake Grabowskl. 378 Hartford Rd.; Lest Thimsday, the inen ^pumed Speedy O. Long, a distant cousin; along a road near Millerton. N.. Y„ FINDELL MFG. CO. persons were killed on Canada's the proposal at a mass meeting, and John Shea, 23; of 118 West sionist Katanga province without form to the dispo.sitions of the con-sideratlon'’ when charter- Michigan near Chicago’s North ! roads during the 3-day Labor Day Thomas Welles, East Hartford; Charles Riddle, chairman of the MARY C. WARD. R.N. ^ a community jiist across the state ■ jng tknlc^s whether owners had mcbicflL Alan StrlmaltU, East Hartford: voting 1,161 to 506 against It. Main St. was charged yesterday whose riches The Congo would be fundamental law which serves as Side bemjh . . . Businesa spend­ 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER I weekend in one of the highest Democratic State Central Com­ CerOiled Bleetrolegtst Quinn’s Phamasy 1 contrACtefT'"to, rarn'^ Ruflsian oil. Mrs. Katherine Kentfield, 3 Cen­ Union leaders whp spoke at the with obstructing a driveway. doomed economically. ' our constitution,” the letter paid. ing fj>r new plants and machine.^ PHftBfnflCY I holiday 'highway toils, ort record Grumbach , Is scheduled to ap­ mittee; and Mrs. George 4/>ng, 674 CENTER 8T. — TEL. Ml 9-260? head, succeeis in grabbing power “You undoubtedly know that'll . Connecticut State Police had ^ The announcement'was made af- Venetian Blinds, Repairs, Repair Parts t A survey from 6 p.m. Friday to ter St., Rockville; Mrs. Georgia gathering were divided, some urg­ widow of Earl’s brother who rep­ An Work Ry Appotntmeat Phono Ml 3-4136 abont 200 regular troopers snd ^ I t*r the Fidel Casffb-gpvemment expected to fall abort of earlier HMM9i.ltMMHLA9. MLO-tedO ing acceptance and others recom­ pear In court on Monday and Shea over the gtrlfe-tom • nation, it 1s was the government pre.sided f midnight Monday showed at least Jeffers and daughter, 52 Llnnmore resented the district until his Bkea OonsnitatloBa large force of auxillarlea/on d:ityj of Cuba seized foreign dlU refin- .«4»ilmatea for the >'*ar, although 844 MAIN STREET mending that the strike continue. on Sept. J&. / 878 MAIN ST. likely that KaUnga’s Premiet over by me which made the appeal 79 persons died in car accidents, Dr.; Mrs. Patricia Devaux and son, death three years ago. from noon Friday until the home-j still 12, per cent above last year. 40 Thomas St., Rockville; Mrs. This situation reflected the slx- Molse Tshombe and Kasai’s seces­ to the United Nations to obtain drownlnga^and from other acci­ Committee Chairman JeSse sionist leader Albert Kalonjl can ward-bound lines of cars dwindled ' ' x o details of the Cambridge dental causes. The ' 1959 Labor Heidi Tarca and daughter, R t 44A, to-flve feeling against the propos­ Swimmer Killed military aid and technical assist­ away last night. al that existed In the union's l i ­ be brought back into the fold. ance for the economic and sociaP deal have leaked out. Day fatality toll was 74. Vernon ; Mrs. Caroyln Bell and , Tlie.v made 604 motor vehicle ar- London...... and Overseas hs« a ■Tbi highway death toll equaled son, 27 Ashland, S t; Mrs. Janet man negotiating committee. But Kasavubu ia the leader' of the development of the country. I'^sts during the 84-hour period. Of jfl* * t‘o r le tankers Madison, Sept. 6 (Pj — Theodore Abako party which dominated moat of them the 1958 count of 55 and far ex- Minlcucet and son, Brookfield Rd., the next night, 'the committee said K. Lynch, 23, son of the chairman “ I am asking United Nations, 160 were for .speeding. In under 20.000 tons. elMded last year’s' 43. It also Boltonf .Mrs. Marcia. Thayer and the matter would be put to a vote solidly the vital Bakongo area be­ authorities to kindly Oonform to addition, they Issued 3,113 wi'itten of the membership again Sunday. of the board .of Marlin Firearms tween Leopoldville ..and the sea. Reports in the Baltic exchange j ^-' topped the pre-holiday forecast of son, Glastonbury; Mrs. Marilyn -^he resolutions of the Security warnings knd investigated 82 acci­ —th/s London “market place” At the second meeting, the lead­ Co., was killed yesterday when, Abako strongly believes in a de­ 60 by the Canadian Highway Safe- Aramlnl and daughter, 10 Rknge authorities said, his head struck a Council. I am asking them equal- dents that resulted In injury to 46 where .shipping deals are transact- ! '' Coutujll, Hill Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Joyce ers explained that a majorly of centralised federalist system. ly* to continue the mission which persons. ed—said the company has con- [ the committee now favored • ac­ granite slab which reinforced a Some two weeks ago. Abako Newfoundland • was the , only Recck and son, 170 Oak St.; Mrs. beach wall. they have started and to pursue traded to a million tons province which recorded no acci­ ceptance. With the company Vice President Vltal-Moanda said Lana Morrell and son, Wapplng. A medical examiner- said death it in close and frank cooperation Don't Slam the Door of Black Sea oil diii-ing a 2-year 1, '< dental deaths during the - week­ - DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; steadily hiring workers to replace his party plan,ned to get rid of 'with the only^.c^ntral government Tack H4 inch piece's of sponge period. According to Baltic men I end. and Manitoba was the only the strikers, the eitua-tlon Was was caused by a compound frac­ Lumumba when , the parliament Mrs. Carmela Lankford, 41 GraSit ture of the skull. Invested by 'the parliament.” rhoulded weather stripping to the rlhe Riissians sre willing to psy other province without a highway Rd.; J. Martin Vlsny, Coventry: without hope, they said. cohv'ene.s. top snd bottom of a screen door j twice current market rates for fatality. Some In the audience jeered at Lyhdh, who had gone on a mid­ FALL... If legal mean.s fail.._Moanda aaid, The j^e^clion of U.N. officials Mrs. Lula Connors, South Wind­ night sirim. Was reported missing jam to stop, slamming doors. the tankers.' , this advice, but when the ballota “we will do It by force if neces- was .MOt known iniriiediatelj’. Ka- sor; Tracy Smith, Cross Dr„ Ver­ by a younger brother, Barry, The Brings back old habits . . . siich as '^Back to School/' indoor Hobbles non; Gustav Magnuson, 87 I*lym» were counted the result was a ■ar>-.’’ MA*nbu's appeal last night was brother had found his trousers and outh Lane; Donna Hewitt, RFD 1, three-to-one decision to go "back Communist ob.aen'ers watche^d ■generally greeted ■Wuth a sigh of shirt hanging on a fence near the Rockville; Stei>hen Trlnks, 87 to work. and LISTENING to GOOD RADIO. the developments Icn.sely. “It i^foo relief by most U.N. officials whose Hospital Notes family summer home at 14'Middle Grand Ave., Rockville; Debra Wages were not an Important early to say anything,’’ Yugo­ relationship with the Lumumba Beach Rd. Darkness hindered a slav diplomat ob.seivei^-^' authorities has been strained. ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. RIoux, Elllns^n; Joseph Kra-wskl Issue In the strike. The unions For the best iW^Music for your Foil listening. ^^^et your dial to the DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER sea rch by state and local p6Uoe. All alrporl.s andAhe ferry to The sudden turn of events Jr„ Wapplng; . Mrs. Margherlta demanded stronger seniority pro- The body was found three ‘miles Helen Noryk, 37 Crescent Circle, Braasaville acrosa-The Congo-river caught the U.N'. in the middle 186 W. MIDDLE TI^RNPIKE—MI 9-82(>S Rockville: Guy Champ, Ellington. Tripp and daughter, 387 Hilliard ’Visions, automatic pay raises In­ away at Hammonassett Beach St.; Mrs. Joanne Roy and daugh­ stead of a merit pay system, some GOOD SOUND 1230 KCs were guarded^b'y United Natfons with observers wondering which ADMITTED .SUNDAY; Mrs, State I^ark several hours after side it will deal with. Under basic ter, Glastonbury; Mrs. Julia Brlt- form of union shop, arbitration of Lynch had been reported missing. troops and in and mit of The Evelyn Hedberg, 79'Ridge St.; Mrs. Congo waa halted. Congo lad' - still not ratified— REGISTRATION ■ Grace Jesanls, Glastonbury: Wal­ nell and son, 424 W. Middle 7Y>ke disputes not governed by the con DISCHARGED TODAY: Thom­ There was no imrhediate reac­ the president can dismiss,the pre­ lace Shearer, Cider Mill Rd., Bol­ tract, and the right to check.Into as West. Coventry; William Henry, grievances on company time and tion to the cabinet's decision from mier; But this legally could prove '^7 ton: Mrs. Patricia- Hlltgcn, Wll- meaningless. TUESDAY to FRIDAY 99 White St. property. 7 NBED Kasavubu, who remained in his llmantlc; Louis ,Dubuc and Mra. Ciril war is raging in the south- 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. Delta Dubuc, 83 Mountain St., pallatial home. Article 22 of the fundamental ea,st where Lumumba forces are RockvllIe.„ SCREENS ’ trjdng to quell secessionist move­ LESSONS ON ACCORDION. PIANO. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: law, which so far ha.a not been ap­ OR proved by parliament, apecifips ments. Hundreds of tribesmen, sol­ Mrs. Mary Segerdahl, 261 Spruce diers and armed civilians are GUITAR. ORGAN St.; Mias Doris Carlson, 53 Walk­ that the president of the republic COMBINATION reported to hav'e been killed. er St.'; Charles Young, RFD 8, . “ names and revokes the premier, ■Vernon; Robert Kippax, Wapplng; - / ■ ^______: Mrs. Margaret Johes, Coventry. SCREEN DOORS? f^4adies ADMITTED TODAY: David McCann, 72 BlrcL St.; Mrs. Fay CALL LaBarbera, 19 Foley St. BIRTHS,SATURDAY: A son to M r, an(J • Mrs. Douglas Wylie, R u s c o Storrs; a daughter to Mr. and Four Models to Choose From. Mrs. Robert Maurice. Range Be Sure — Bay Reliability. X Hill Dr, Rockville; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter. Tedfordi 25 Rack From Vocorion? R. G. KinLE Lilac St. BIRTHS SUNDAY; A daughtef This good Hmt fo buy Ml 9«4>4A8 to Mr. and Mrs. Georg* N. Simons RepreaentlBg Jr., South Windsor; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Don> East o u Mh e r l a n o f a r m s Barflett-Bralnard Prodocts Co. Hartford; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 689 New Park Ave.,. For WINFormotion it is at 1230 you will find... MertiJl Lyons,-Ejllngton; a daugh­ Weet Hartford—AO 8-4476 ter to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond j u e MILK H4rdy. 82 W f Center St, THE ONLY STATION IN THE AREA THAT EDITORIALIZES READING BIRTH.S YESTERDAY: A daugh­ 7 ter to Mr, and Mrs. John Foley, Ayffo^lf family savings: Advertisement WINF features a new editorial each day Sun^y thru Friday with short punchy edU 82 Trebbe Dr.; a daughter to Mr. FOR EVERYONE ahd Mrs. Carl„yillault, Hebron; a 10c o quart. . . THANK YOU toriali that have a purpose. (Students included) Get a free gold-plated "Journal” chann *«y*' daughter to Mr^ibnd Mrs. Edward Mullarkey, South Windsor. 4i0e a day . . , MANCHESTER • - , x . BIRTHS TODAY; A daughter to THE ONLY STATION IN THE AREA WITH A DAILY LIBRARY PROGRAM **Nsver omderastinMae”^ poirer of t ironan". Just te8r,' teacher at Wllllmantic Teachers Daily Monday thni Friday 12:05 P.M. and 6 :00 P.M. from Mutual. / : The Paqei of Your College, concertmaster of the 4k SAVINGS and LOAN ^ _ Warner foundations, Eastern Symphony, and director of the Wllllmantic City Band will PASSBOOK continue with us. Instruction of THE ONLY "HOMEMAKERS EXCHANOr^ AN INFennorioii F R O ^ M Richard J. Risley all popular , band and. orchestra In- It’s a story you author ' Designed to aid the housewife with her daily household problems. Monday thru Friday drawing fpr sttuments, piano and orgaiv/wUl yourself — a stor^'.that x ; continue. ^ ' ' 1^:15 P.M. gets more interestiiig aa As we are the only firm In this you see your,--^tlaving8i' wdrner wardrobe area tuning pianos electronically, M'ai.atline Pantie in cloud- OTOW. Avei-age Length Girdle C with It will be necessary to add anoth­ LOOKING FOR A JOB? UstM fe Hi* JOB REPOR'^ walat-whituingg S)Sta-Up-Top. Here are tom e of the womier-'woTlcing ‘Double light power net with* satin er piano tuneri* We have always InTvt wlimmin4ralimmini; powernnvt'* net with’' elaayc i ra.\x>n-nylon-rubber- Play’ styles with prisa-cross that pat the O R A N G E H A a taken pride In' being the oidy A public service program to help those lotddng for employment daily Monday thru Fri­ fiattening and firming aalih cottorli front and,back pan­ music store' in Connecticut to car­ day at 1:00 P.M. . . ela.atic' front and back pan- . hex on tummy bulge. el!!. soft jeraey crotch. .Sizes _ ^2 E. CENTER ST., MANCHERTER ry all makes of name brand bail'd, ela I ravon-nvlon-cotton-rnb- S.M.L. • 4.5.95 and orchestra Instruments. Our ben. Sizes S.'M.L. '46.85 stock of more than pne /hundred N. thousand copies of popular sheet A hew picograni that looks out Into space starting September 20. “ Yon : I Age of Sdenbe” by Dr. Arthur L FALL TERM CLASSiS ^Usic, methods, instruction books Berman, dally Monday thru Friday, 0:55 pan. H u rr y . . . rto r r y . . . C o n t e s t y o $ e s Sept. J17th 'iuid song folios fls believed to be one of the largest In the state. Our NOW FORMING band In'etrument repair - depart- men,t. 'the only cme In Eastern There are dozens of newscasts broadcast daily, albpg with sports programs, featurettes ^ All Taught By Mr. Wsley ' Coniftctlcut with factory trained V-l- repairmen and factory tools and and plenty of FINE MUSIC to help keep yPu well INFormed. ■ ■ r .t -• Ballet • Toe • Tap a Acrobatic •.Modem Jazz equipment will continue to give Ti^ce" th4 flattemhg .., twiej the fottering twenty-four hour service on prac­ • Baton twirling and Drill •BaHroom tically all repairs. '] CIcHsGa for cA Before opening our M ^cheeter store, we asked many of our Man­ ■ ■ ■' ' ■ !:■' 1' ' ■ '■■■ SomiblBK Nmr! Irlih Sb|i Dsiieli^g' ogM, Syoorsondup r chester customers' who i^'gulariy came to Wllllmantic.-16 purchase . doufallw play musical supplies, v^LYheiy would FOR INFormation TUNE TO consider a good location. We were told to avoid Main St. because of '/■'[. - ; b y " T SreCIAL TA^ CLASSES JUST . FOR BOYS the parking problems, and to stey- away from > the Shopptor centers w ia r n e p ’ 8< because of (he noise and confu^ ,, SAVE REGULARLY AT MANCHESTER’S OLDEST FII^ANCIAL INSTITU'HON Sion. We therefore choid'our pres­ ent location at 99 Bummer St., a For real alimmifig, hidden criiw-erow • Special Rates ForFamiUes WiiH 3 residential section! with, tts'peace, aulet ahd always ^parking at the elastic under an already eontrolling ^ Or More Children Attending The Studio 4oor. W e were asked to open; eva-- ■V.w nings. Upon this adVlce we choM aatin elastic front doubles'tummy^’ ’ I'j our present hours of Tuesday, p -v! ‘ ☆ t St * Sihcrii dcniMf to insura mor* porsonol otfontion for oH pupils Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ^ control I Strong leno elastic pares your , 1 9 p.m., SatuHlay, 9:80 8 1 7 un tin .1' p in ., clo Monday!. 1 . j^iiptinje... aatiii elastic alima in hack. . • REGISTER AT THE STUDIO ON SATUROAY, SEFT. 10 i^ E E N ^ O A.M,^ W e vrill on^ue our tong rela- SAVINGS tlonahlp wl'ih. Janasen and Lester "It , For pretty flattering under all your , 12 NOON: 2 F.M.^ F.M.,T or CALL PI 2-A8M ANYTIME Betsy Ross pianos, twp of the old­ est ahd best known piahd manu­ anU LOAN . fa|ihio|ns, come in for your facturers. as well as the famous A S S O < 1 \ I I N .5****™^ York where he completed an extensive course In Thomas eleotronlo oigan. W e are Dojiihle Play today! Teaator, EducaUoi^ Ale with th* JuSe n^rlor Dnnoem, with Peter Oenero (^ o u a looking forward to serving musi­ ^.ebere^M W r) aBd aa


tha dMnatUedntaraSta of our suffar Sonator from Chnnactlcut was the attack, so that ha was entitled to aganda’ was a weak and uhreaUs- tie way of meeting the challenge Johnson-Hunter MotyckaffRehnberg Kerr-Cjonnolly : IHiin^nitpr spectacular trademark o t a Ropuh- a frea -readjustment ^ Ms posi­ prodtiean ret tanflad with forairn. Connecticut tion. But, in any case, a kindly posed by Rusaia' in the world to­ policy Idaolory* llcaii Senator from W'lsconain. Pro­ commentator does not try to hold day. ■sr , The wedding of Miss Joan Carol : Miss - Joan Mary Connolly and EopMittd J|i^raU|i Wa want )|owa to Cbata Rica, gram listings sometimes -merely a politician to a posltioh which Is Since he thus proclaimed a ipind INVITATION jjjt of hie own, and asserted it in' full Hunter, Hartford, and Richard William Donald Kerr were united and, with our diplomacy, took an confiiee the progress o f the ^ame. Yankee palpably beyond' the pale, which Noring Johnson, Manchestor, - was a te . awarenecs df the risks Involvtsd, A warm welcome awaits any investor In marriage Saturday morning at unuBual !aad in hamlaphara action defies the routine mass surtace solemnized Saturday afternoon at By A. H. O. verdict on .the issue Involved, and' we now feel that he has.balanced the Church'of the-Assumption. oatracisinr tha Trujillo dictator- our new office. Drop in, won’t you? the Memorial Baptist. Church, Which, moreover, since it con­ the moment Of retreat tWp years to The bride Is the daughter of Mr. ■hip in the Dominican Rapubllcr A T hought foil Today Hartford. , JhiMlakara- W e have, after a long wait, dis­ cerned sometMng Communist, ago, and we offer Mm up to Sad- . The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connolly, 18 lbaa44d October 1. IWI Wa dellharatbly intended to prove. Bpraaorad by the Maaohsatet lak, as an obyioualy dangeroua covered a way to *ven a certain might even prove poUtlci Open Thunday evenings 6:00to 9:00p.m. and Mrs. Janies A. Hunter, 66 Falrvlew St. The bridegroom is italMd lT«>7 BrVUng^ BxccDt In Coata Rica, that we could he Coaaefl of CbBrcbcia Kowalski could not be 'acter who, if reelected, might 'Montrose St.,, Hartford. The bride­ the son . of Mr. arid Mrs. David score Tslth Congressman-at-large havaa mind of hla own again sonqe and Saturday until noon. 's cad BotMdy* . *t u « Juat a* unfriendly to a dlelator- particularly. If he chose not to groom Ijj the' son of Mrs. P. Ru­ l^ rr, 30. Jarvis Rd. i{tHd al ' HMCBctlcr Conn.. Frank Kowmiaki. What we have have a mind o f his own on s'uCh timeJ /■ amm Mall lUnar.______ahip of tha right aa Wa are un­ '•Faithfulness is consecration in dolph Johnpon, 88 Linnmore Dr.i The Rev. Francis T. Butler of overalls. It is the steady accept­ been owing him, for 'almost two an issue, not after he had realised Manchester, and the late Mr. John­ the Church o f the Assumption, per­ friendly to a dlctatorahlp of the SntSCIUPTIO'N RATES ance and performance of the years, is a certain mbumful chid^ what the price might be.' W e son. formed the double ring ceremony,. _ ParAbU la Adrane* ^ left. We did pretty well, with tha PTOfAM & CO. aa fa a r...... **S'SS common duty and immediate task Ing. What makes It :posalble for tucked the incident a:way in our Mombori Now York Slack iKehengo The Rev. Hal M. Helms of Me- Mixed baskets oif white flowers Hoatb, , taa aaa A aa ad a^aa a f tw diplomacy in Coata Rica. without any reference to personal us ndw to deliver on this-old ob­ files. • morial Baptist Church performed iprned the altar. Raul Chetelat ^ la Mentlu The ether day at Washington, MoDtb .. aaaaa-daaaaaaaaa Meanwhile, however, there waa prefercnces--because it is there to ligation Is a new and fresh op­ the ceremony. The church was wM'^jrganist and soloist. a«aaaa«aaaaaaaaaaaa' hqu'ever, Congressman Kowalski The Rl lAtT aW KI tt. • MANCWfTia • THi Ml 84151 decorated--With white gladioli and Pa^]' .... ?! a tMf and. ot policy hack home. be done-snd so is a manifestation portunity for a gentla baiahejng QlvelKhi marriage by her father, Ilafla Cepr of the will of God. Only who compliment. "x. walked right up to a somewhat chrysanthemums. the brideXwore an Alencon lace Earlier in the aummer. when we JamoM T. stair ' • Kob,art H. Slarkol MEMBER o r try to live near God and have Two yearsin the course of' ir issue, with eyes open, and W A T K lN fS TTie bride was escorted by her and .silk ori;anza gown designed THE ASSOCIATED PRttSS were primarily ahaorbed In the formed a habit of faithfulness to V campaign Just around' the father. She wore a taffeta gown with a fitted bodice, rounded scal­ Tba AMOdatad PreM U txclualTalT .his original campaign' for his pres­ antlUadto tba uia el rapublieation of question of'how to atop Cuba from Him In the small things of dally ent seat, Kowalski answered one S r, and made his choice, be­ OALLERY with long sleeves, Sabrina neckline loped neckline, am l^hort sleeves. ail fiawa diapalchta orawtad to U or turning into a left wing dictator­ life can Hope in times of need for of those questionnaires every tween thd routine and a mind of trimmeji with lace and pearls, and The bouffant skirt waSsrtyled with Bot etbartrlaa ereditad In tbit oapar thst specisl light which shows us his own matter which had a a'Tull skirt with pearl and .lace ap­ am alto tba local naar* pabllthed bnt. ship, we took out-.-artificial sup­ candidate receives from all kinds P fe tu re Alencon larc appHquea"^n the All rlghta el rapublicatlon el tp ^al our path. To do as well as We can of organisations. One'^of the ques­ connection with Communism. He pliques. The skirt terminated In a front, and was trimmed with a dlapatraaa barein art alto rtitrrtd port purchnne of Cuban sugar the job Immediately before us is wound up beihg one -. o t three F fM im iK f chapel train. Her fing'ertip Illusion' tions Included concerned the issue x' r-i.. large organza bow at the backspf Pull tarrlca ellani of R. E. A. Sara* away from the Castro regime. We the wsy to lesrn what we ought of the pos.aible admission of Com­ members ot the'' House voting ^PrintBr Psintin^s^ veil was of lace and pearls. She, the waist. The skirt ended In didn’t think, or care, then, that to do next." From Evelyn Un­ munist-China to the United Na­ against a biU which Had 89i mem­ carried a bouquet of white chry­ chapel train. Her Imported finger­ *'l*nSltbara RtpraienUUrat: tba 15 OAjc t r . derhill tions. and Kowalski's answer fell bers for it. Th# bill was ^tighten­ santhemums and stepbanotiii. tip English illusion veil was Jullua Matbawa Spaclal Ageaew — Kaw this action, in the way it waa*done, Jk' Tork Cbleaito M w lt and Bpatm. Submitted by the somewhat short o f the usual rou­ ing' the regulations for the'admis- T t L 3-5171 Mrs. James R. Evans. Glaston­ caugl^t bv a queen's crowm of seed id MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU O f would have the result of increas­ Rev. John R. Neilbert bury, ja^as her sister’s, matron of ■ -tf- , tine response by politicians to sion of Russian printed materials pearls.' She carried a cascade bou­ '/h,: CIRCULATIONS. • ing. our augar purchases from the Community Baptist Church in^o this country, and what seemCd honor. She wore a-belgo poau satin such a question. In fact, when his quet of 'wliite split carnation.# and E "IT S - Tba Karald Prlntlrg Company Iim.. Dominican Republic. answer fell into the hands of Re­ to aiinoy Kowalski was the Idea street-length dress of princess de­ >t no financial raaponalbfllty for babv plnk\oaes. > adaumat no The obvious thing to do was to publican campaign strategists that anybody, professor or other­ sign, with a scooped neckline and tTpearaphtcal arror,» appaarlnd In ad. elbow-lCngth .sleeves. Her flowers Mis# Donnh Wr'ubel, -'4.5 Edmund rartliamanfa and otbar rcadina iMttai just s few days before election In wise, who wanted'to study such VACATION change the sugar law again, this Aiipuslana Church were bronze color chrysanthe­ SL, was maid of hortor. She wore in Tba Mancbaitar. Ertnipa Harald. November. 19.58, they - Speedily in­ Communist materials in this coun­ time to elimlnata Trujillo too from mums. m r a pink balle.lna-lepgth dre.## o f silk Dlaptap BdTartltlnii cloatni bourn: terpreted it aa an answer which try would hsve the stigmia of- re­ OVER? organza, de.slgned with a fltted the beneflU of oiir augar purchase N otin g C enlciiiiial Bridesmaids were Mrs. John A. ror Hmday—1 p.m. was soft on Communism, and de­ ceivin g mail' stamped "propagan­ bodice, rounded neckline, and bouf­ kiaadai^l p.m policy. That seemed an obvious, da." Ross,, N. Y., and Mr*. ; v P ot ' fadaaaday— 1 p.m. Toaaday. , nounced an,d challenged him for Robert C. Heavlsidps, Vernon. fant skirt trimmed with leaf petal# For ' burada.T—1 vp.m Wednaaday ^ logical thing to do, until It ran into A program in observance of the As he becams one of the three and a white velvet #ash. Her pic­ For YMay—1 p.m. Thuraday. centennial of the Auguslana Lu­ They wore gowns identical to that the domestic ^ sugar Inlereata In Perhaps we did Kowalski an In­ against the 394 In the .House, ture hat of silk organza waa trim­ SaWfday— p m. Friday. theran Church wlll bc presented at Kowalski said he realised that "a worn by the matron of honor, and Claantflad doadllna . 10 30 a.m aaaS Congress- some of them, it is also justice then, and still do him fine, carried bronze colorj chry.santhe- med with daisies, a large bow. and day of publication ancant Saturday— the first fall meeting of the Eman­ bift bur impreasion was that, political vote would have been streamer.# dyed to- match the dress. > Am______^ true, admirers of Trujillo orr the huims. uel Church Women tonight at ":dS 'faced with this hot election eve 'yes' but I couldn’t Ho It as a jnat- She carried a Ca.scade of dusty basis that he, ' whatever else he o'clock in Luther hall.' ter of principle." The bride's mother wore a ToMday. Baptawhar S challenge, he turned swiftly and brown and white silk dress. The plnk'snlit earnatlons and mixed '\ may be. la at least no Communist. The program will Include discreetly and attempted to elim­ He added that he thought that wh'te flower.s. Swedish music and a film, "His Lridegroom's mother wore a royaj Whers Chsins Survive ,But mainly because our domeS- inate. for the moment stamping Russian materials "prop Brldesmaid.s^Ayere Miss .Marion Kingdom Is F'orever." Mrs. Cleo blue faille dress. Both wore white tirsu gsr Interests want us ^o buy any auspicion that there ch ry san them u ms. E, K'crr. ,30 Jarvis Rd... sister of the Tt wb* a maaauramant of Amarl- McNiesh will have rhaige of de­ any aoftneas, or eVen any bridegroom: Miss Heather Stewart. up some Trujillo sugar, afid thus votions. Mrs. Harold -McIntosh and A reception was held In the eaii progress in the sorial-eco- range common sense, in 97 Holllslc" St., and Miss Terry Mrs.. John Miller are -co-chairmen church parlors after the ceremony. Bomlc field that almost none of prevent It from, being dumped on tltiide toward Commiinist China. FOR SENT Mostoni, „17R Garden Dr. .Itinlor of the refreshment eomrhittee. All S and Id nun. Movie Projeetore [ For a wedding trip to Niagara the world market, where It might We have never chided Congress­ hridcsniald was Miss Elizabeth tha traditional IJahor I)ay oratory , women of the Emanuel Lutheran —eound or silent, also 85 nun. Falls and Canada, the bride wore yesterday concerned itself with the ' depress prices, our Congress has man Kowalski for his strategic a brown tweed suit and brown Burzinsky. A.storia, 'L. I.. X. Y „ Churrh are Invited to the meeting. slide projectors. cousin o f the bride. without agreeing to retreat. One possibility was that accessories. The couple will be at Hi'- special or comparative status o f ; adjourned Burian-Mons „.They wora turquoise gowns and Karen Studio JU DGE Mr.NOER DIE« his own real position had been WELDON DRUG CO. home in Angola, Ind., after Sept. r i , labor In the American way of life. give the President the clear MRS. RICHARD NORING JOHNSON headpiece.# sfy^d the same as the MRS. WILLIAM DONALD KERR Ansonia, Sept. « Vl stitute, Hartford, and is attending of Larclpiiont, N. Y., became the of Psi Upsilon fraternity. Alcph wore a medium blue silk dress with The bride is a 19!59 graduate of Instead, it was an oratory which Unless the President can wiggle Munger. 85, died Saturday night ■ 'T '--- . Frederick. Sch'nieder, 47'4 Charter at his home after a long Illness. pleasant and easy. The 4 ^ 3 .7 6 9 7 is very high. .41 fred Feltman ' at the Larchmont Preebyterian lips Academy at Andover, Mass. A reception for. 200 guests was groom was graduated from Man­ Junior ii.sher wa.s Kevin Connolly. held In the, afternoon at the the'polltlcal speeches addressed left winger,.in order to fatten up four grandchildren. Church. * chester High Schpol in 1955, and Is 18 Falrvlew St., brother p f tlie Knights of .Columbus Home. The employed as an aircraft mechanic ,to labor audiences, concerned’ Tnijlllo, the right wing dictator: ;p YOU'RE OUT OF TOWN, The bride Is the daughter of bride. hall waa/decorated with mixed at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. He themselves primarily with the 'This conlradlcta, rather than sup­ .-'"CALL SEALTEST COLLECT Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Rehnberg. The bride's mother wore a rust flowers. Fpr a motor trip to Los was in the U.S. Marine Corps and ports, our diplomatic course at the - Wedding 205 Hammocks Rd., Larchmont. silk organza dre.s.# with lace over­ Angeles. Calif., the-brldf wore s held the rank of corporal when he question of. how to malntsin and Um The bridegroom Is -the son of Mr. hemisphere session in Costa Rica. | CHILDREN’S3' BOOTERY skirt, hat and shoes dyed to match brown sheath dress, heiffie acces­ was discharged .Jan. 20. prtomote the general economic Your and Mrs. Joseph Motycka, Follg Weddings health oil the nation. Both polltl- Castro; and even Trujillo, can | MANCHESTER PARKADE Krol-Dupont Farm, Coventry. C h a r ^ P lo n The r 4v. John D. Regan offici­ girl was Miss Leslie Wilson, cousin Barry, Springfield, and Donald C. DeSantis. Brockton, Mass.; Miss dans and labor leaders had recom- point to thla contrsdiclion, and 'The Rev. Davijl Crossley per­ Open Mon., Tnea'., Sat. 10 A.M. to 8— Wed., Thnra., Fti. Mil 8 of the bride. Hicklon, 8 Green Rd., Rockville. Nancy Nowers, .Medfield,, Mass., \ each gloat over it in his own way For ated at the' marriage Saturday formed the ceremony. Lynn— Foots rtiendatlons and formulas whl'ch morning at St. James’ Church of The bridesniaids wore dresses in The’ 'bride is the,-.daughter of and Mrs. Richard Volungis, W il­ and for hla own ends, all hecsusc, Dolivtrits Given In marriage by her fa­ Miss Cynthia Ellen Jane Pools, derived from their partlnilsr pur­ Miss Joyce Anita Dupont and ther, the bride wore a gown of maize, pink, arid nile green ' de­ Mr. and Mrs: RichaVd L. Barry, mington, Del They wore olive - in a democracy, augar cane can Manchester, and Lt. (j.g.) John signed the same as the maid of 163 Gilbert Ave.,' Springfield. The green gowns designed like the pose or point of View htii they j Juat telephone your order for Richard Robert Krol. off-white silk mist with a bodice , honor's, and accessories in differ­ bridegroom is the son of Mr. and poeed as experts on a common! lobby itself the votes which enable .The bride Is the daughter of of pearl-encrusted Alencon lace, Brownell Lynn, Staten Island, N. matron of honor’s, and carried drug needs and coametlca-—giv­ ent colors. They carried colonial Mrs. Harry Hicklon, Campbell yellow gladioli cascades. problem. Not hmv to win for la -; It to veto a foreign policy prln- j T h e Dank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY Mr. and Mrs. George Dupont. 117 a bell-shaped skirt and chapel Y., were-married Aug. 6-in a u|ilU ing your Charge Plaa oumben Ridge St. The bridegroom Is the train.’ Her' headdress was a crown bouquets of while carriations. The Ave., 'Vernon. bor a larger share In the fruits of. riple. But don't sell democracy ’ tary ceremony at the South Meth­ The bride's mother wore an aqua son. of Mr. and Mrs. Majeome- flower girl wore a sirilllar gown of The Rev. John Nicholson of Our sheath dress ot silk organza and short juat becatiae It c,an, on o c -! uM ot seed pearls and lace with a odist Church. Get pur economy, but how to keep the . Adair, 144 Birch St. a longer length, I.aidy of the Sacred Heart Church, lace with a bow at the back of. bouffant illusion veil. She carried The bride is the daughter of ^economy as a whole operating so ^ caaton, gel' Itself al! twisted up. | Immediate Father Regan celebrated the man was Harlan Lynn, the Springfield, performed the double the waist, matching hat, white ac­ bouqijet of gardeniks and Mr. and Mrs- David Pools, 14 Even embarraaament, along with nuptial high Mass. Organist waa bridegroom's brother. Ushers were ring ceremony. Raoul Po/hler was cessories, and a corsage of pink that the good life for labor-and Delivery stephanotis. Welcome PI. The bridegroom is Mrs. Ralph Maccarone, and Harold Fajlon. Joseph Vorback, organist, and M r.'*. H'elerie . Dii- IFliaman roses. The bridegroom's everybody..else could he maintain­ freedom, becomes an asset, and Miss Diane Thomas of Green­ the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Max H, EXTRA EARNINGS! George Vince was soloist. wich, Conn., was maid o f honor. and Ira Jacobson, alt of New Lon­ fresne, soloist, sang' "On This Day” mother wore a blue lace over taf­ ed—that was'the question discuss­ there w ill come a day when we, ' Lynn, _ Clinton, Iowa. Given in marriage by her fa­ Bridesmaids were Miss Patty don; William Parish, Waco, Tex.; and "O Perfect ixivc." The altar feta dress with matching jacket, sUll a democracy, will ha buying The Rev. Percy M. Spurrier of ed. j ther, the bride wore' a ballerina- Laux of New York City, Miss Louis Bragaw, Washington, D.Qii flowers were white gladioli. beige accessories, and a corsage ot South Methodist Churcjl' perform­ I f American labor, readers,, yes­ sugar from-jomethlng other than ( Deposits made Wednesday and Thurs­ length gown-'of rosepoint lace. The Hartley Carson of Westfield, N. and Terry Grant, New York City. pink talisman roses. ed :the ceremony. Jack Grove was The bride was given In mar­ terday, had had the Instinct to. dictstorahipi ln'"hoth Cuba and the ^ (ffjMarCs gown was designed with long ta­ J., and Misii Dorcas McDonald of The bride's mother'wore •*- blue riage by her father. Her floor- A reception for 250 guests was PRE.SCRimO.V PHARMACY pered .sleeves, a scalloped neckli'ne, organist. The church was decorat­ flowered sheath dress and the Btlrk to their old time crusades, 15omlnCsn Republic. Chattanooga, Tenn. length gown of silk organza was held at the American Legion home and a bouffant skirt of nylon taf­ ed with white carnations- and gyi^ bridegroom’s mother viwe a royal ' 901 M AIN AT.— Ml 8-ilS2t day tcill earn dividends from Sent. 1 All attendants vi’ore, matching designed with a Sabrina neckline, in Indian Orchard, Mass. For a they eoijld, of course, have found j feta and lace. Her, shoulder- sophila. / blue lace dress. Both nsothers had gowns o f .pale blue chiffon taffeta embroidered bodice, and a but­ wedding trip to northern New Eng- some lingering exceptions on the length veil was attached to a se- Escorted by her father, the white accessories snd wore pink Proirrami/^fol- Miirh Help with sweetheart necklines and terfly bow at the back of the lanckand Canada, the'bride wore quined crown. She carried a bou­ bride wore a go-wn of white’ br- rosebud corsages. American scene. But for any real bell-shaped .skirts. They carried waist. Her headpiece was a pill­ a'green sheath with a bolero jack­ Toil Certainly do need^to have Current annual dividend quet of white^rose.s and ivy. gandy. Embroidered organdy ap­ and shocking gnat for the mill of flowers of blue daisies and white A reception and buffet dinner for box crown 'with pearls and irides-. et, beige and brown accessories, ■ Mrs. Phyllis Eichner, Coventry, pliques edged the cuff, the scoop­ 125 guests wna held in the after­ argument shout the exploitation of 'program listings for the nSrh^a carnatlona. cent aequins, and an Imported silk snd a corsage of cymbidium or­ was her sister's matron of honor. ed neckline, and the three-quar­ noon and evening at the Elks Club. end numbers snd psrties of the Mrs. Rehnberg wore a pink silk illusion -fingertip veil She car­ chid.#^. The couple will live in El­ man by man: o; man hv cjipiLsl, or She wore a peacock blue ballerina- ters-length sleeves. The empire bo­ Tony O'Bright's Orchestra provid­ lington after mid-September. political players these days- and AS ADvmRTtsmo m t h e S a t u r d a y s v E M m e p o s t chiffon dress with Chantilly lace ried a cascade of white roses. man by the afate, they 'would have length chiffon gown, a blue crown dice was accented with similar ap-, ed mu.sic. White streamers deco­ bodice arid “cymbidlum orchids. Mrs. Hicklon attended Technical even then'll la pretty easy to get and veil, and carried a bouquet pllqued motifs, and the full skirt rated the hall. For a wedding trip Mrs. Jean McMahon of Wor­ High School in Springfield, and the had to go abroad, to the-flaws near The bridegroom’s mother wore an lost Rometlmea, In fart, not even of yellow roses and carnations. swept into a cathedral train.. Her to Capo Cod, the bride wore a cester, Mass., cousin of the bride, University of Massachusetts, and to slavery In th* supposed eco­ amethyst peau de sole sheath the pla.Nera themselves seem quite Bridfesmaid.s were Miss Mary fingertip veil of imporjed illusion 3-piece blue cord suit and white ac- was matron of honor. She wore is employed by the Eastern States nomic, liberation of f ’ommunism, avings anchester with orchid corsage and purple ac­ Jane Krol. 144 Birch St. .sister of fell from a-croWn of orange bloss- ces.sories. The couple will make a blue silk organza cocktail-length Farmers’ Exchange Inc. at the aura of who they are. and what cessories. to the almost un.helievahle failure the bridegroom; and Miss Joan soms. She carried a cascade bou- their home in Staten Island. N. Y. gown with a velvet inset in the Feed, Center, EUllng^on. partr-, and what principle they are MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH A reception for 200 guests was of capitalistic economy in spois Bclisle, Willlmantic. They w'ere qtiel of white, rosea and steph­ The bride is a 19.57 graduate of bodice and a velvet bow. Her Her husband attended Rockville 9 23 M a in S t. 285 East Center St. Manchester Parkoctr held at the Westchester Country playing for. dressed the same as the matron anotis with gypsophila. Manchester High School, and will flowers were a cascade at - pink schools, and is employed by the like Cuba and the Congo to declare Cor. Lenox St. West Midcttc Turnpike Club. For a wedding trip to north­ OPEN THURSDAY of honor. Miss Elaine Pools, 14 Welcome be graduated this month -from the gladioli. f State Highway Dept. He la a vet­ visihle dividends for Its human Ini- Thiia .aenatnr Kennedy, up In ern New York state, the bride Michael Pasterezyk, Chicopee, P I, sister of the bride, was maid of Joseph Lawrence School of Nurs­ Brtdeamalda were Mra. PatiK k eran of the Korean War, Maine and .New Hampshire the EVENINGS 6 to 8 BOTH BRANCHES OPEN FRIDAYS to B p.m. wore a blue wool suit with match­ gredlents, to all the regions of thi Mass., was best man. Ushers were honor. She wore a white dress of ing, New London. The bridegroom other dav! had some hangover In- ing feather- hat. attended Clinton Junior College, w-orld where tha dork la still so Robert Moore, and Ronald Dupont, silk organza with'a scooped neck­ ALWAYS PLINTY OP FREE PARKING Clinton, Iowa, and is 19.57 gradu­ far hack thst taklnf cheapest la- ' "tin'-t to remJhiber thst he wrs brother of the bride, both of Man­ The cotlpfe wUl live at Pine Hill line, a. blue cummerbund, and blue a ate of fhe .U.S. Coast Guard Acade­ chester Apts., 709 Traphammer Rd., brocade along the bottoni of the bor for granted, without recognl-i representing the psHy my, New London. He is commander Ithaca, N. Y., after Sept, 20. full skirt. She carried a colonial tlon of even a need for change, ti • w IiIcJt- onre boasted F r^ k fin !>. Tha bride’s mother wore a green of a U.S. Coast Gttard patrol boat and fawn broc.adc dress, fawn ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Motycka will both bouquet of white carnations. ■till the rule | Roosevelt and Cordell Hrlfl, so that in Staten Island, N. Y-. r cessories, end a yellow corsage of |be seniors at Cornell University Ip Bridesmaids were Miss Priscilla In the extent of this problem he elinilnaled, from,X|a prepared September. Mrs. Motycka is a Do YourWeekVWaistr ROYS and GIRLS... baby’s breath. The bridegroom's Prentice. Boitim; Miss Gail Vis- Hickton-Barry As It Still exists among w hsi may j text, a, blunt slaifioienl to the ef- / ■ FairbankB Studio mother wore an orchld'satin sheath home economics major and a mem­ gilla. Westerly, R.I.; Judy /-■ well he an actual'majority of the . ^♦'’ 1 tha'K.w-exWO'ild employ "full MRS. RONALD LEO LARCHEVEQUE. with a chiffon train, matching ac­ ber of Kappa kappa Gamma soror­ Johnston, Marisfleld; Mis# Janet dur lady of the Sacred Heart SsH Nychoonatysis^Ceuld Bs i- Church, Springfield, Mass., waa world's population may be seen i o1 vi^kmhle weapon.a against cessories, and a white orchid cor­ ity. She was graduate/1 from Meadnis, Ne'w London; and Mi#.s sage. Mamarpneck, N . Y., High School. Joanne Barry and Mrs. Priscilla the scene of - the wedding Satur­ IN THIRTY MINUTES! Mlsa Louise Juliet Blain,. East^‘ Imports " rompet'jnj: with Ywiir Sedyotton In Hw WoHd’i Rot Roes . A reception for 150 guests was Mr. Motycka is studying mechanl- Ather, both of MapCnestcr. Flower day morning of Miss Claire M. of our times, tVe suppose A m e rl-| th R ^ o e snd textile Industries of Hartford, and Ronald Leo Lar- Mts., the bride wpre a moss'green held in the afternoon at White tweed suit and brown accessories. aan labor leadera, without too e reg'ion he'happened to he vistt- Soyt WINord B.^R^ers cheve'que, Tolland, exchanged wed­ Eagle Hall 69 North St. For a mo­ The couple will live at 37 Rector tor trip to New York State, the OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY much quarrel from anyhoit;-, co'u, Tlist phraser" apparently, ding vow.s yesterday mbrning at St., East Hartford,,beginning Sept. J''-'' bride wore a beige dreqs with a date the real .."emanripalio^r'^of aeehied a little rough in- 11a-d«- 1.’ Automation and the rapidly Increa-sing-pppulstion . have S t.. Francis of As.slsi Church, 24. " lace top and nylon skirt,'befge^ac­ South Windsor. Amenran labor wil.hTn Iha^present f>»rture from hlalorir Heiuorrallc' , created a new challenge. Bi’ery time'automation advances The bride is a June'graduate of cessories. and a white orchid,cor­ The bride is the dfuighter of Mr. - 7 DAYS A WEEK ecntur.v. That waa the .ci'iiminalion trails prinnples. Hut .Senator, there af# fewer jobs. With the rapidiv incheasing population East Hartford High School Her sage. The couple, will be at home t h e « are more people for the fewer jobs. and Mrs. Louis Blain, 102 Birch- husband received . his bachelor of q^majiv c.entunea^''^Veatern civi- Kennedy. In what he did actually Sept. 11 at 81 Chestnut St. UTiod Rd., East/.Hartford. The science degree.In business at^min- "The bride is a 1959 graduate of PHILCO iENDIX WASHERS i : . teali.on, and o r d e r l y two cen- came to approximately the 2. EdTic’at'iOn.^ elementary, or high, alone will not solve } 'first flem orrst' In he de- Now you can get top-qM>Bty *uto mkiranee. . . from ■ * tlal Mass. Music wss provided by Ooubl4 Load . lArger portion of the'wnejd lodsv. ‘ terted In s deaertiop of the free . quarterly __ ■ man you know.. . at a ynoii you Mn afford. Just . _ , ■ j, t)on't be a goi-mandizer. Your boss may ask you to ithe St. Francis Choir. /- (Brifish'AitMdean Club) ^ The time, we took la not ayai)- trade, pnnr.iple In the past dei-Rde V-lunch and If you use your elbow# for.cnitches to slop all Escorted by her father,-the bride ifcTypioal Qusuriarly Ratae see the iVtna Casual^ afwit'ia year eommimity and ■hl*; The_lei,p others miial some­ nr ao, the great defection front the • W I L L A P D i k ' k O fv P D C **’* eat like a pig—bov— the boss will not wore a silk gown designed with 50-LB. COMMERCIAL DRYER ' for a elaaa lA , I960 Ford ask him about new Aate-RMa, .tha policy that aavet * . iR V w C K A give you a tumble for a promotion. a Titted Ittbdice, Sabrina neckline, how- he helped to Tuake starts principles of Hull has occurred Fairlaaa .with $50,000 yon money in two ways. and short sleeves. The bodice wa.s T«achinq • J much further back than we weie among I>emoi'rala In hla own bodily, inlqrv apd prop- ■ ? ’ everj'-day emrteay la the least expensive but n)ost important asset .vou can de­ velop. It doesnt mqke you a sissy to say good morning, first to your parents, later to vour teacher of reembroidered; Alencon lace and ,when we made , our signifn-ant I erty.'ttiMate iiabilily, First, Auto-Rite rewards a pood driyin^ record isith DRY 10c-10 MINUTES Soiithjand aa that region turns V $3.oq0 aaedirai upenat, yid a pleasant ^M lln g w i^ a smile for everyone during the day. But don’t overdo it for four- Iridescent sequin trim. The prin­ ★ TAP I ★ tALLET ,_move„>The accommodatioji_tif the ■pecia] loww rstea. Seaoa(Uy» it elimipitea oodtly fliishlngjif any kind la palpable. mors and piore from ila a’grlriil-j ^ $1,000 accidental liaaUi, i . cess-style front - of the„ gown waa ♦orld s economy, the w orW i 11 v- tUril economy lo one: winch In- $20,000 uninaorad ase- duplicatint you BOWBrn “package *** a S)r Waiter Raleigh by throwing your coat In thie mud for Milady to accented by Teembroldered Alen­ The only wnahiug machine maniif«c|liired that pre* con lace, and the botiffarit skipt ( ★ TOE ★ MODERN JA Zt "IJJg, snd the world s mind to sut-h cliniea a gro.wing degree -of Indus-1 tarlst proieclioa, $100 psotaiition’* in ■ianpH7«^-to-todd tanns. Low quM- walk over but you sure nniSt respect your parehte, your teachers, your boss and everyone with dadtirtiMe oollisioa, $35 whom you work if you are going to amount to anything. : terminated in a court„ train. Her ^ change will ha an Intncxta, d iffi-; trialliaUon m j ' pGjrfBsnVp ioo$ w na no onmoo CBarfO* 1 ★ TEENAGf ofMl ADUlT enaka your clothes and gives you 3 separate rinses. towing and labor enot, 7. More than 30 years ago When I was as particular about my personal appearance aa, I 'headpiec^ was a-flnger-tlp-length ^ I L monstrous process and yet 1 And, not long ago, fjovernor’l and arigal valoa . Talk to your JBtna CaauaHy AfMIt todoy. Aik ajlp-to- dayly the mother of a girl 1 w m .dating said: "Don’t ypu.know that fine, feathers don’t make ma' fine '"'J* Veil caught by a epowh of pearls lA U R b O M v ^ do not dare tr>' to take It too Rlhicoff, .who, as a Gongreaaman, eompreheninVe 5rs' and lihn j ^ show you how you can aawa RMMwy w itii birds • a!nd crystals. She carried a cascade ( ♦heft. *- rds? and j l YepUeAt No. biit they, have a heck of a lot to do with it.” Adherence to tl«.,that nils...... YOU CA K Wa s h • 5 SHEETS I ^ ilowiv , ■poke valiantly for tree trade j 'qub^ Autd-Rita4nimnM...aBd |$t P A ' J . I have been president of ijO corporations and I foolishly left school at 14t o f white roses and carnations. 1. Amencan labor 'lagders had an principles aried. as Governor; In ' PsTBcnal’S$ryk% too. - I'- With today s competition I would probably have twotind up being a'janitor. ' ‘ , ' I Miss Jeannine. Blain, East Hart-. •SLIPCOVERS • REDSPREAOS Hartford, vyas her sister’s maid o f # sy time of it yeaterdsy disquas- beh*(f of gieater proleilrion, for ■ ■ 8’ Don t take a drink until you are 21. And, th*en 'don't drink a f all. 5’on’ll Save a lot of money Classes Start 1 through- lif.f and man.v, nu^n.v diseases directlv caused b,V liquor will bypass voii; - And why after honor.' She wore, a blue taffeta • 5x9 COTTON RUGS - • DRAPES^ iSg. with their own econoAiiCj ex- the typewriter - 4niluatr>’, whlqh. sK. your first cigarletle which ■—-t— •'------*--■ - -- * • - gown with a purple velet Vraist- UNIVEftSlTY- gyrtise. th# national welfaril in happens to be IrK-aled In his own Qst jklM iM lf abs«t HUs |MNcy wMi Hm sake never go band. Her headpiece was a cbown September 19 ^ t^lch they have an ayi-epled ahafe capital ciiv And it la to be noticed: ! won-ah seeking of violets with a blue veil.-She|<^- EVENING COLLEGE M d title. Yet l.hey, atpl the . poll- over the years, ihal jhe t^ongreea- fhe 'got the' Tied a bouquet.of purpl^’and yellow ,f tlclans who shpred piatfomiR^wIth ,man frop). t'omie-uicui s western' *1 ^ wrote a magazine ai-Ucle. on "The Agony of GetUne 1 Started " Eiehty per. kstcr'S.' i I ■ I- ' / No WailHng . Bridesmaids were Mls.s Yirmnla FqR furlher, information and regiatra- them, and all fof us, havii aftTi'h- ditfiricl, w hsiew r hia pqlltlcai. lai cent of thewiirldis^lcken W that affliction. You have to V t Up fe-wav ho why pray for t^ t REBISTRAtlOM SEPTEMBER 8 4 7 J. h e v W e t to, work late even if you * n , get ^n equally idiotic ,'Xrlend to . McLaughlin and Mlsil Joan^^^on- tioR , .y. CALL . i drived burden tpo^ us the .burden bs^is, usiislly ,fn|lowa whatever tar- overlook your tardiness. Anyone who develops the habit ^ of . i n^lly, both of East Hartford. .They W^iMalyi 9 am 1 8 piii Baturdwi 9 am • 12 noon 28-Double Lood Washers qf Ml- thOM people In the w orld Iff policy fl,t the Imme- t^ ln e a a or Amnlng Into hla plape of emp oyment to get under the wire isn't worth his salt and, ■ |worc, lavendar taffpta i,gowns with maks and live or dit the diate needs of industry, in the city worse, he is a menace to the morale of Ms fiellow employes, . purple velet waistbandk crowns-of Mme sum of money in a year an of Wat.erbiiry R with no prospect of advaricement. And neyer violet# with purple'veils,.and they EMOINEERINO j 16 DRVERS V carried -I baskets of - yellow a-nd American can mak» in a ,y *iek. look t.^ re at a Job which might hurt your repi|tatlon. * ■ BUtler 9 # 1 1 It 1r nor only on ai|< h an-’hlslorjr ■'^purple asters., ■ - i. Gouraes In El#qtr^,l Engineiriagt Mechanical R E A L ESTA'I you 8 «t'^ enough dhd.haVe money enough' to play-thtthe slock -t-' jaaue;aa the tariff that party per- rSMitH Flower glri was . Miss Linda . Engineering (CfeWal, Aenn»auU|bi»lindu«jtirlal \ ■ ’'-'v ^ auccesa and proiipeilty, Bejhg a good poker pMyerl^knowiiknowing how Sugar Quie Diplomacy tsemek, tToUand, nlece-of'the britle- Mum. ms 1$ on the' Adviaory Board of tile ^orm ^ce aeeina to be leaving the INSURANCEANCE WCORPORArtD to ahMt crapi pleying ^ e horaea, evAn if tempoiiarily ,a.uccesaful, will eat Into yt>ur self-respt . erTtol) l$ad to s degrc«oreertiil|cate. • ■ 1 i ....■^s- -. . pOne of penalllci of hainjg a yolir hose'sboiBS s Appraisalof4pprGl9ffil of you and ' Uim ^nore damdamaging ag^i; th&nthan cflncar.eVneer.’’ •> . greomr she iyas dressed this some Nsttonel AaeoetoUto e( Deiito u d AJtlUeted tradljtienai partj’ jabeli. One ca^ 'as the maid o f h'ohor. I Classes begin Mopidajr, Septemtor 19. ?.‘j* * « n g fd r lying w iilbrand you and even cheating on dimocracy is that public (aSues. alao jramemher ^hen the RejyiWi- SM MAIN STh ailOlINO r U M * —YEU Ml S-5S41 your marks in Raymond Gagllardqne,,Mahches- MMester Gohooi litarta yotf off in later life on the wrong foot. a ArtUite. Legt aeeaim.atodlad Cleaeie B ^ l^ e n - dbd poUtteat presaurca can get can')>arty belleiled in strong cen- /' * "INSVRANSMirm^lNCE ifir te r,. served as best man. Ushers . HILIYM COUEGE BO LDING , t .' V ‘ 13. Now!V# I'i Todiy, .ir’ W you‘ * ...... must. -'-vaavstart to 1.3,/ builda/MeilS theme 5foundation WlllStin IIUII lUFfor -the abOVeabove do’a dnd doh’ts. A 'fe w I0xed' up, spmstlmaa leaving tba were Robert- Stone, New Jersey,^ der femoua lUiaalea bellertna—51#rguorlto tralitced government and dhe IJeiii- . _i u . *5*“ *®!’ '" .y " ‘"' l°*». with your fellowman./'a leopard Idoea not NUPSON ST,. HARTFORD 1, CONN. JAckwil 7^161 Rjition. ftaelf in a vi,ilnerable poai: ocrla^lc party' Itilleved in' alate'a : J J*" P"y*t*K t®®*! money to write, and publish, the above, Decaus'e a teen­ in d Bernard Johnson, Manchester. Froman. A reception for 200 guests w$t wMrti la*‘not a trua raflectip r i^ (a er, for that m,at ter, when j ..RdB nting: A e i^ C M u a lty and furaty Company, Hartford,'Coim. ager Mkett me the other day how he Could add^tp Ms,pchoollng in preparation for life. Your par­ ents and school counselor can glvs you | bettor guidance, il you heed them, but, at least I have tried. American Club, ^ V m m l policy er latant. th f ^ypa ot apaaeh now being da- j told / VVILiLARD ROOHRS. a B u tu a m o tha eanmony. -TUa >• has happanad ' toffulariy by a D am ee^e* ip p iilT |

- f - ' .V *7* ■ \' '1 ■' ; ' / • / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER: 6,. 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MAi^CHESTER, CONN^ TUESIVAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1960 P A G E S IG H T • , ^s. 0 S t James’ School Bolton Barnard Roimdup Cafeteria Public School Bus Schedule ■ i-S < Appears Sept. 16 t Calendiar Drive Saf ely^ dassroom Assignments Bus liats have beW -g^iaed for^Hoffman, Caatle, Hilliard (542 to<9Apts. Arrive Waddell 8:35 a.m. Wed., Sept. 7— School opens The Heriald will carry a Prices Are the iomlng year by thenBqard of 546), Center (806 jo 867),,Falknor, Arrival tiollister 8:40 a.m. Return roundup o f stoiles on Bernard Wed., Oct. 12— Columbus Day 'Education. Love Lane,. Olcott, B. Adaiha, Hollister 3 p.m. Return Waddell Tues., Nov. • Fesrt o f A ll Change Under New Pltin Jqnior High School Friday, Thomas Trebhe. Starting J'iSO on All cafeteriaji in the MAncheater Pupils In Grades 3, 2 and 3 whor 3:05 p.m, Saints. Sept. 16. This will enable stu­ live a mile or more. flom their Olcott, with afops at .S. Adam*, . Bua' No. 8—Includes all students " "It is not enough to -^tmzcb a public lohool syatem, except Bar-, Fri., Nov. 11—'Veteran* Day dents and parents to know ■school may ride the bits.-Pupils in .Falknor; Falknor anjl'Center; Cen­ from 710 to 742 W. Middle Tpke. child the proper way to use oUr what the bus Schedules, class nard Junior High School, w ill be* Thurs. and Fri-, Nov. 24 and BtoartmenUUMitlon ot OradM^cluded: .itilde* Marie, daughter the'^WUrth, fifth and sixth grades, ter and'Carol; IWHard and Duval. Starting 8:20 at Dover and W. Mid­ stbeets, only to have the jrouhf• T and 8 at the Elementary.. S^tiqol Of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fontanella' hours and eating jurraAge- in full operation the first day of Arrival '7:5d '0 Jtl Return 2.35 p.m. dle Tpke. with stops at 23 Engle­ 25:^Thankagivlng must live a mile and »-quarter or Thurs., 'Dec. 8— Feast o f the stqr moved down by some A i- haa resulted in major reshuffling 6! Cider Mill Rd.: Vincent Rich­ ments will be for all classes, Bus N o,/'8^Includlng Bruce, wood, 52 Wedgewood. Arrival Wadr school. Thb cafeteria at St. James* more. •' ilmmacHlate Conception ■ of room assignments especially In ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. VincentV beginning Monday Sept. 19. Seventh and eight graders must Lakewopd; Nike, HlllcresL Charter dell 8:40 a.m; Retih-n 3:05 p.m. ; i patletit and careless mo^rist,*’ Szwed of East St., Hebron: an'): a.m. Return 3 p.m. on the sidewalke, to cross strqats may call at the funeral home to­ tical "psychologist” as close to you Money fo r the nexL,week’s meals order. The bus routes for Bowers 'Tpke, with stops at Glode, 1533, Lincoln MisS Perry, Room 5; Mrs. Marks, only at-the proper crosswalks, to morrow from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Vice Principal will be collected each Friday In and Robertson have been combined, Meekville; Windsor and Burnham, Bus No, 15 — Starting 8:15 a.m. Get Assignments Room 1: Mrs. Garland; Room 3, as your child's school. It Is his obey signals of officer* or traffio Public Records, Allan L. Cone Is ■vice principal Verplanck, KeChey S t, South, as have the routes for Hollister Buckland School; Tolland Tpke. at 797 Hartford'Rd. with stops at Mrs. I^otter, Room i: Mrs. Mc- teacher. lights. They m ust'be especially Warrantee Deeds': Homer A. and of Barnard Junior High School. He Robertson, Hollister St., Lincoln, and Waddell. with stops at N. Main, 810, 509 Garrah. Room 2: Mrs. Patrick, . The average elementary lecher, 194 Bidwell; Packard and Over­ The achool patrolmen and wom­ warned of the danger* of*carelesa Geraldine S. Fagley to Robert A. is a Manchester native, and has Manchester Green, Buckley and The first stop listed in ehch sec­ and 317 Tolland Tpke.; Deming land; Wetherell at Server, 291 Room 7: Mrs. McCairtck. Room en who will guard children cross­ disregard of such precautions.” and A lla M. Lane, property on during a 30-year career, will live been' acting vice principal for the Nathan Hale Schools^- tion is where the bus w ill he at the with slops Avery and Baldwin; Wetherll, Waddell Heights, 260 11: Mr. Sentelo. Room 8: Mrs. In regard to the safe'ty of older Cider Mill Rd.; Arthur N. Shepard with, work with, and iQve more past several months. ______Money for the next week’s start of its run. 393 Oakland. Arrival 8 a.m. Re­ Wetherell; 286 Bidwell; Hackma­ ing streets this year have received Fisher, . Room 9: Mrs. -- Wright, children. Reardon said, VOlder chil­ to Charles and Donna L. McLain, than 3,000 children. meals will be collected each Mon­ turn 2:35 p.m. tack and Niles; Pro.spect and Farm their a.ssignments from Police Room JIO; and Mrs. Barton, Room Bowers and Robertson dren also must be reminded house on Box. Mountain Rd.; Law ­ Even before they start their day in Buckland, Bowers, Waddell, Highland Park Dr. Arrival 8:40 a.m. Return 2:45 that Bus No. 7 — Starting 8:15 a.m. Chief James Reardon. '(they are back in school, and th at,. 18. rence and Rose Fiano to Harry teaching careers, teachers receive Washington and Highland Park. Bus No. 13— Including Birch Mt. p.m. , Busy Firemen Mass to Precede on Parker St. -^ith stops at 775 ^hey have already received with great numbers of Good Jr., lot on Volpl Rd, exKtnsive training In child psychol­ Students at the Junior and senior Rd., Butternut, Carter, Gardner, South pupils on Firemen answered three calls In and 872 Parker and Tolland Tpke.; the streets at certain times each Certificate of Distribution: ogy. They learn to recognize the high schools pay fOr their, meals Highland, Mountain, Porter, .- ■Bus No. 6 Starting 8:10 on their last briefing from the chief about eight hours Sunday. Their Opening of School 17 Deming hnd Baldwin and Dem- day, careful observance of tha good Estate of Lois Grezel to Celestlfi danger signals of potential delin­ as they buy them in the cafeterias. Spring, Steephollow, Waranoke, Spring St., with stops at 173, 2.50, and are ready with watchful eyes, t call came at 11:50 a.m. for ipg; Baldwin and Elbcrta. Arrival travel rules must replace the In­ Grezel, house and lot on Notch quency. They learn- that a reading Lunches are 35 cents, including Wyllys, Fern. Starting 7:25 a.m. 317 Spring; Gardner at Spring and ■^freshly pre.sscd Uniforms and a chimney Are at he home of The school year at St. Bowers'8:40 a.m. Return 3 p.m. on Fern with stops at 288 Fern. dependence and freedom o f the Rd. difficulty may be the result'of an milk. A t the senior high, the a lag Bu* No. 14— Starting 8:15 a.m. 241, 307, 575, 516 and 464 Gardner; couple of extra ti.ssues in their rCharles C. Church on Watrous Rd. emotional problem. . . . and how James’ School will begin to­ Gardner; Spring with stops at summer days.” Bulletin Board carte items are soup, 10 cents; 288 Fern; S. Main at 635 and 375. pockets. Which occurred when a Are was morrow morning st 9 o’clock on Highland SI. with stops at 144, Gardner, Highland Park Storej He concluded with a reminder The Board of HMucatlon will to recogmize a gifted child behind sandwich, 12 to 17 cents; Icectea •Arrival 8:30 a.m/Return 2:45 p.m, lit in the Areplace. Fire Chief with a Mass in St. James’ 215, and Spring: Birch Mt;~Rd.' at Highland; 441 and 738 Highland; The patrolmen, will be on duty at that motorists are obliged meet tonight at 8 p.m. in a special a smoke screen of apathy. They cream, 6 and 10, cents; dessert, 8 Washington ^ New Junior High Awhits Pupils by law Peter Maasollnl reports that there Church. Pupils are to go di­ 738, 451, 329; Ferguson and Moun­ Birch Mt. Rd. with stops at 62Q, most schools from 8 to 9 a.m... to stop when a school bus st^M, session to consider financing of The Transformer Goes Here learn what characteristics' a child and 10 cents; and milk separately, Bus No. 5—Starting 8:10 a.m. ■New desks, new books, new globes in a new building. A classroom in the North Junior High appears to be some blistering of rectly to the church. Follow­ tain; Highland Park School; Por­ 451, 329, 273, 148 Carter; Porter from 11 a.m. t o jl p.m. and from whether It is in- their lane summer maintenance projects. N o bomb ahelteiv that large hole behind the Barnard Building o f Barnard Junior High School Is reveals at different age levels. 5 cents. ’ at 250 Spring; Gardner with stops Schqpil waits for the students. Like the dependent clauses that 'cannot stand alone on "the chart or u o paneling around the Areplace and ing Mass, they win, be grouped ter and Pitkin: Pitkin and E. Cen­ anti Wyllys. Arrival 7:55 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 'The patrolman at lane. The Country Fair conimlttee of one of the reasons the school isn't opening Thursday. That's where the transformer goes, or will From their extensive knowledge The Herald will, again publish at Spring, and 241, 307, 606, 516 in the foreground, the fine plant cannot bestow an education until there are students on which to minor smoke damage. according to classes and will ter; Parker and E. Middle Tpke. Return 2:30 p.m. Highland park School will be on “ I hope all citizens will take this Sf. Maurice Church will hold Its go when it gels here: Sept. 23, to provide electrical power for the Barnard, Franklin and East of children— a combination of their the school menus each Thursday and 440 Gardner; 635 S. ,Maln bestow it, and teachers to do the guiding. (Herald Photo by Ofiara).' ■ A t 1 p.m.,' the Aremen were proceed to the school. Arrival Bowers 8:40 a.m. Return , Bus No. 13— Starting 8:05 a.m. duty In the afternoon from 2:15 very seriously throughout the «n- final meeting tonight at 7:30 at Side Rec Buildings. (Herald.Photo by OAara). practical experience and broadf during the school yea’r. trip 3 p.m. Hlllcrest and Bruce; South School. called to wash gasoline and oil off t 1 n 1 n g America’s teachers, on A.u,tumn with stops at Glen- to 3:15. The high school patrol­ tite year,” he said, "and cooperate the Tolland Rd, home of Mr. and The menus for Thursday amd^ Bus'No. 9—Starting. 8:15 a.m. on Arrival Washington 8:30 a.mC Re­ the highway following a headon through the National Education wood, 91 Autumn, Ashworth, Oak, man will be on duty from 2:30^. to with our poHce department to Mrs. William Minor, co-chairmen Friday .are the following: / Oakland with stops at 265, 321, apd turn 3 p.m. collision ori Rt. 6 near Munson's Assn., offer the following prac­ 169 Autumn, E. Eldridge, 261, 281 3:30., make this a no-accident year.” of the event conducted Aug. 24 . Elementary / Lillian, South, Gle.ason: Concord at Bus No. 16—Starting 8:05 a.m. Students Told ' Candy Kitchen in which Ave peo­ tical pointers to parents; and 325 Autumn; Highland with They are Ernest Bengstoft, 37 NEA Studies Thursday: Chicken salad sand­ Deming;- Deming at Elberta; El­ at 828 Hartford Rd.: Hillstown at ple were hurt. The story ot.the 2 to 5 Year Olds stops at Garilner, 172 and 215 Ridgewood St., who will guard accident'appears elsewhere, in this Advertisement— Bolton School Buses wich, sliced tomatoes, flavored bcrta at Avery; 125 Avery; 31'7 and Highlandi Highland Park ' Store. 324 and 444; Bush Hill a t-260 and Teachers pan usually “spot” Hilliard St. and Broad St.; Charles Clean range and fuel oil — cour­ gelatin with whipped cream, milk, 495 Tolland Tpke. Arrival Robert­ Arrival 8:25 a.m. Return 2:45 371; Keeney at 459, Erie and Bid- To O b serve issue of T^e Herald. those youngsters who have had Prohlems of Beecher of 74 Ardmore Rd., at The Aremen.performed a similar teous service. McKinney Lumber, Friday: Toasted cheese sand­ son 8:30 a.m. A rriva l Bowers 8:40 pjfir well; Bridge and Avon; Keeney Stations Listed few opportunities to play with P o r te r ' St. and School St.; Dori task at 8:05 p.m. when a car M I 3-2141 or M I 9-4818. : Elementary achool hours Ihlss-Bolton Center^ Rd. at Notch Rd., wich, vegetable Sticks, peaches, a.m. Return trip Bowers 3 p.m., Hollister and Waddell and Francis; Hackmatack at But Teachers Familiar children their own age. P r e- Fire Cautions Daley of 10 Pine St., at Center St. turned over on Lake St. near the year will be 9 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Notch Rd. at Rts. 44A and 6. Rt milk. ' Robertson 3:05 p.m. Bus No. 2— Starting'8:15 a.m. at Primer, Judith, Prospect, 97 Hack Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ 44A at Keeney Dr., Rt. 44A. at schoolers who play with other chil­ Poor Student Buckland and, Adams St.; Herbert Gobell of Mancheeter town line. except for the first day, tomor­ North Junior 23 Englewood: 56 Wedgewood: W. matack, and S. Main. Arrival 8:35 While the North Junior Hlgh*nurse; Miss Hazel Hooey, the For Students^ ton correspondent, Mrs. Louis C GIglio farm, Rt. 44A at Cider. Mill dren before .school starts adjust Bus No. 10— Starting 8:10 a.m. Tmvn Fire Chief W. Clifford 10 Ferndale Dr., at Spruce St. Baptisms Recently more quickly to school life. I f yoiir Thursday: 'tJrinders, potato Middle Tpke. and Edison; Parkade a.m. Return 245 p.m, dental hygienist; and Mrs. Bernice DImock Jr.', telephone Mitchell row,' when school will close at Rd. This bus will be at the high I f your child Is intelligent, but aLTolland Tpke. and Globe Lane Mason arid 8th District Chief John School will be totally niSw. to the and Nathan Hale School. Three infants were baptized at child has had few chances to play chips, ice cream, - Rich, the secretary, also served at An orientation session for 2:30. , school at 3:15 p.m. for the return not so successful in school as he with stops at 1533, 1444, 1343, and Mens caution parents and stu­ seventh and eighth graders attend­ St. Maurice Church Sunday. They 9-9828 with others. Invite children to your Friday: Toasted cneese sand­ Barnards - Also, William Griffin of 90 Henry freshmen at Manchester High For the first three days of trip. should be, he may be what edu­ wich, tossed salad; fruited gelatin, 1270 Tolland Tpke.; Burnham at- dents on what might happen if ing it this year, many, of the teach­ St., at the Cenjer; Robert Kiernan High School Bus Routes home .. i or take him to parks and cators call an "underachiever.” As 249, 327 and Croft: Croft-And Mef- they ignore rule.* of fire safely In ‘Fiirined Out’ 'Teachers School will be held tomorrow at Slate College: Mrs. Louis M. Tan school, students must carry their playgrounds. milk. ^ ers vitll be familiar. The "'farmed oiit'V teachers were of 46 Strickland. St., at Main Route 1 of the regular high such, he and the thousands of Senior High fertt 368 Windsor. Arrival 8:25 a.m. Tech School the home as w eir as at school. 1 p.m. aey, Pembroke College. Brown lunches. Milk for lunch will be I f your child is accustomed to be­ Some have been tapped from Miss Jean G'imalowski, Mrs. Lil St. and Hollister sJ:;.^Fre'd Mor­ Bockvill^-Vernon school bus runs will leave the Gig- others like him have recently been Thursday: Barbecued meat on Return 2:55 p.m. ‘Fire safety in the home is very University: Mrs. Rita Cyr, Gor­ sold each day at four cents a ing away from honie and mother, the faculty o f Barnard Junior lian Segar, »Mrs. Carol Lenihan; rell of 239 Henry/.St.. at They are .to report tO their lio farm on Rt. 44A at 7:15 a.m. analyzed by teachers, psycholo­ roll, potato sticks, buttered wax Bus No. 10— Starting 8:30 a.m. Important. Homes where working ham State Teachers College; and bottle, and students are a.sked to he will find,it much easier to ad­ Calendar High School,- some have been Paul Finkbein,- George C.soiiette, Princeton St. and E. Middle!Tpke.; pickup stations where they will and make the following rtops: Tol­ gists, curriculum supervisors, and beans, bread and butter, milk. at New State Rd. and Hilliard parents must leave for business Blaine H. Girard, University of bring the correct amount each day just «to school. Kindergarten and brought in from the “ farmed out" Robert Kudra, James Camarata. William MeSweeney of 26 Elrri -St, be given handbooks, Instruetlena land Rd.' at Plymouth Lane, South guidance counselors. I Friday: Tuna salad ori roll, po­ with a stop at Adams and Hilliard. before the student does need strict at Hartford Rd, and Prospect St':-;% 3,5d0Pupils Connecticut. to pay for the milk. The hot lunch first-grade, teachers suggest that Wed,, Sept. 7— School opens classes in the elementary schools, Miss Gen'eva DeWqlf.'Mias Hannah -And maps of the school.' Memhiirs Rd. at Methodist Church, Rt. 44A Their purpose? To discover why tato £hipa, cabbage and carrot A rrival 8:40 a.m. Return 2:45 p.m. observance of good fire safety by Louis Pacak of 819 Center St., at From other Connecticut com­ program will begin Sept. 12. 'you leave him with friends or rela­ Fri., Oct: 28—Teacher’s Con­ and some have been signed up Jen.sen.and Nell Lawrence. oP the Student Council will be on munities: Miss Nancy A. Blair, Children who cofric to opposite Notch Rd. bridge, Noteg' people of sirnilar intelligence often sajadi milk. . Buckley the student. Center St. and Falkpor Dr. tives occasionally, before school Bus No. 1— Starting 8:15 a.m. vention permanently from the ranks of Mrs. Mary Lou Leonhardt'is re­ hand to, welcome Uiem' and answer New Britain, and Roland F. .lohn- some means other than school bus Rd. at Mannlse bouse, Rt. 6 at Va­ differ widely in school achieve-^ "Before leaving for school, he or Set to Enter starts—for several hours, a whole on Finley with stops at 84 and 55; Fri., Nov. 11—Veterans Day substitute teachers. turning to teaching after four Also, Anthony Pyka of 72 DOane questiorih. drow, Stafford Springs. Wllllman- should not arrive before 8:30 a.m.. lenti house, Rt. 6 at Steele’s Cross­ ment. she should be sure that all cooking day, or'overnight. JLea'vlng - home E. Middle Tpke. at 1082, 1063, 1016, Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 24 and Thooe who have been on th4 years. She taught .,scionce at St., at Green Rd. and Princeton An Rsserribly will be held In the tlc State College; Miss Evelyn N. the office advises. Parents are ing Rd., Rt. 6 at South Rd. Rt. The National Education Assn, 25—Thanksgiving and heating appliances have been to go to school will come as a pleas­ 940, 865, 779. Arrival 8:35 a-.m. Re­ Barnard faculty are Mrs. Mabel Barnard. Mrs. Stanley was a .sub­ sf.; Frahk 9hlsh of 46 Foster St., auditoriupi whbre they will be Town Schools Hapson, Ellington, Miss Eleanor C. urged to Instruct children to walk 6 at Stony Rd. / has been conducting a special Fri., Dec. 23— Christmas va­ placed in a safe position. Route 2 will leave Uie Negro ant experience rather than a CJieneyTech turn 3 p.m. . . Adamson, Mrs. . Ruth Stanley, stitute teacher at Barnard last at Park St? and St. James St.; welcomed by the hew principal, X. Pan^tepn of Manchester, and Ed­ on the left, hand side of the road, Barnard Principal project on the academically tal­ cation begins at 1 p.m. "In homes where the student is farm on Rt. 85 at 7:15/flnd stop on psychological shock. Bus No. 11— Starting 8:10 a.m. Storrs Olds, Mrs. Lau ra. 'Vellc, year. ■< Thomas Smith' of 30 We.slland St,, Raymond Rogers Jr.,' and by It'a back to school tomorrow for ward G'.‘- lengthened by 16 minute* In all Cider Mill Rd. at Lake St. days and Wednesdays from 7 to The faculty of St. James' School Thurs.. Sept. 8—School opens St.,' at the South School; Mrs. Sophomores, junlore and seniors Miserlcordla College; and Miss naied .stop on lime wWyMoX. be At the Bower.s School, they are may be a slow developer. Look for yeay; During the period of Investl- turn 2:35 p.m. former supervising principal of his Way to school saw flames spurt­ schools In the system. Starting 10' p.m. They are intended, to'Sup­ will have six new Sisters of Mercy Poor spelling can pullp\i\\ down Fri., Oct. 28—Tcachcr.s Con­ Ailnc Fontaine of 58 Willard Rd., should report to achool Thursday, .Tiidith r>. ■young, Bar Harbor, transported; puplLs a r^ perrrtllled . Elementary School Buns Miss Roberta Lockwood, Miss ways ta help anff encourage him. g^lon, teachers visited the home Bus No. 2—West Side, including the Bellport, N. Y., school system ing from a roof of a house. He ran tlmea vary according to bus ached- l i to 17 Year Olds plement trade experience in car- and one new lay member. The to­ your child’s grades in social stud­ vention al Buckley School; Mrs. Mary at the u.sual opening hour, 8;p8 Maine, l.’niversity of Maine. to travel only rin the bus assigned There are 11 elementary school Celeste Pellettieri, Mrs, Merrild m each child. One of their observa­ . Bank, Campfield, Cooper Hill. Curtis will succeed Arthur , H. II- to the door and warned the oc­ uJes. Students In junior high school ■pentry, drafting and machine tal of 11 Sisters and 3 lay mem­ Fri., Nov. 11—Veterans Da.v Vendrillo of 67 Alton St., al Proad a m. Vice Principal George Em- to them; and that elementary pu­ bus runs. Route A will start at Richardson, Mrs. Sally B. Wad- tions was the lack of any kind of Cornell, ■ Courtland, Fairfield ling, who retires during the com­ cupants that the house was afire. ies, reading, science, and other Hours are as follows; Rockville want to know the "why” of whitt work. bers is two more than last year’s ing school year. Thurs. and FTi., Nov. 24 and St. and Woodland St;; Arthur merllng suggests the stude)rta az* pils who take an ytarly'bus In the 8:20 a.m, on Tolland Rd. at Lee’s man, Mrs. Helen K. Wanat and reading material in many of the Palm, Slimmer, West, Westwood, Prompt di.scovery and the immedi­ school subjects, say the nation's High School, 8:10 a.m. to 2:2.5 and make stops on Plymouth I.*ane Mrs. Barbara OlafSson. they are learning. Teachers /ad­ Classes in carpentry ■will include, total of 10 Sisters and 2 lay mem­ ate sounding of an alarm .saved the 2.5—Thanksgiving Seymour of 45 Brookfleid St., at rive early. (Freshmanalsoreport). morning will t ^ e an early bus hpmea. In dthefs, they found these Cooper, Division, Emerson, En­ elementary school .teachers. Many p.m,; Sykea Junior High SchoOi. Several Showers at Tolland Rd. and at Llynwood A t Buckland, they are Mrs. vise parents to encourage ^m ily underachieving children had never millwork, house framing. Interior bers. . house from extensive damage. Thurs., Dec. 22--Christmas Broad St. and Windemere St.; and The following are the pickup home in the afternoon. sign, Lincoln, Lyness, McKee, who was a permanent substitute teachers mark down book reports, 8:25 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.; Northeast Dr. / Glad.vs G, Jones and Mrs, Mar­ discu.^20, A-Ralla; 222, Balle- st four miscellanepus, one personal bujlCs are estimated and may have at Pine and Division with stops at grade, and Sister Mary Florine, ter M a ry, Isadore,. fourth grade 3,000 English root words that 10,154 Enronm enl Hale Street Kindergarten, 8:30 to tion and at Howard Rd., and on arty, Miss'Nancy King'and Mrs. ly; and to check''facts. tional disturbances. basic circuits, electrical code, ele­ students acquainted with the pro­ Mon., April 24 —Spring vaca­ Blak;/'249, Bian-Carl; 226, Caro- y f he readjusted. For the W; Center and EhnerSon; on Camp- eight grade. Sister M ary Pius and Mrs. Cor make up 98 per cent of the word.* 11 a.m. and noon to 2:.30 p.m.; and one kitchen bridal showers. Vernori Rd. at Barron’s. Heming- Virginia, W. Fay. Teenagers ^ t e n discuss their Less Mature mentary theory, house wiring and per exit to iise no matter where tion begins, Cote; 229, Cott-Dol; 239, Don-Felb; .week pupils are advised to be at field with stops at-Summer, West- The new lay faculty member is both adults .and children use In In Town Schools Hale Street, Building A and Maple TTie bride-elect,-dsughter of Miy way's and the Hathaway drive. A t Verplantk, she Is Miss Llta life- plans/''with teachers And ■Underachievers are .Usually-Usa -motor control circuit. Classes in nelius Foley, fifth grade; and Sis they may be in the building. Mon., May 1—Schools r£Q| >31, Fell-Glo; 232, Glp-Haw; 235, their stops at least five minutes' Wood and Coopep Hill; Dudley and Mrs. Leona Sclialler, first grade, ter Margaret Francis, slxtJrgrade written expression. Street kindergartens, 8:30 a.m. to and Mrs. Ludwig B. Hanaen, 92 Route C will start at 8:20 a.m. Capobianco. friends, ratner than with parents. mature- lack, self-confidence and machine will include bench work "Upon the sounding of the., lire Hay-Hun, 241, Hur-Kelle,"242, Kel- 11 a.m. and noon to 2:30 p.m.; early. Foley: W. Center and^McKee; and About 20 per cent of these Tuesday., May 30—Memorial Waranoke Rd., will be wed to Wil­ on Rt. 44A at Hbwarth’s and stop A t Washington, they are Mrs. Don't f ^ left out and resentful have fewer real and deep Inter- layout, general practice, basic alarm, all persons within the build­ The estimated school enrollment ly-Lata; 243, Lath-Maia; 245, Mali- Buses will leave the high school Center and Dougherty. Arrival Day Street Kindergarten. 8:45 to liam Mlphael Kelley, son ry' Mr. at Keeney .-^Dr., North Rd. arid Helen Lunsford and Mrs. Helen S. if this/happens to you. eats compared with high achieve­ Tathe and milling work and theory. ing are expected to take position words don’t follow the regular al- in the Manchester public school McNa: 247, McNe-Mor; 248, Mul- 11:15 a.m., and 12:15 to 2:45 p.m. five minutes after dismissal o f Scniton. 7:45 a.m. Return 2:40 p.m. Fri., June 23—Schools close. and Mrs. Thom u F. Kejley, 24 Pepin's Grocery, and on Fernwood Vlgft your youngster's -^teachers ment young.stgr.s. / There will also be elass in shop and leave the building as instruct phkbetical (rules, and these are Pap; 251, Par-Pro; 258, Pur-Ryd; school. .Beglning Monday, a bus A t Waddell, they are Miss Bus No.. 4— Including Crestwood, system is 10,154 students/ Cafeterias will be open tomor­ Drescher Rd.. S atu rd ay'^ 2 p.m. D.r. at South Rd. anji counselors, and- flnf! o'b, how Underachievers have less drive mathematics for carpenters, elec­ ed and remain outside until it has probably the ones that are giv­ 264, Ryl-Smi; 262, Sno-Thiy; 286, row. will be available at about 3;.5() Linda Brown. Mrs. Danielle D. Deepwood, Deerfield, Devon, Ed- The, estimate is baaed (^i the at ,St. Mary’a Eplscopaj-Cffiurch.' I li can help him make these Im­ or determination to achieve- than tricians and machinists. been determined that it is safe ing your child trouble. Tes-Vey; 268, Wad-Z. p.m. for studenla who remain for Route D starts at 8:40 a.m. at Cohen. Mrs. Mary Gamache and iniind, Falrvlew, Llnnmore. ’ St. Supt. of-Schools Raymond E. Mrs, Gordon ■Fngg,/82 Adelaide portant decisions. Turn/ ‘r to out­ the high-achievement group. Boys For further information con­ to return to the building.. NEA Suggestions First‘World’ Due number of pupils who attended Sophomoree z'' extra-curricular actlvitic.s and Gru'den^s on Rt. 6 and stops at Mrs. Shirley Segal. John (24), Edison, Englewood, Hours Here are ways, suggested by Ramsdell announced three- changes Rff., was hostels aUthe latest nils- who succeeded best in schooi have "Do not play with fire alarm Steele's Crossing Rd.. Valentines; A t Hollister St., sh6 Is Miss siders fo r advice Is normal' at these tact Lennart C.-Johnson, director achool last year and the number Room 128. A-Rag; 118, Eaj- In the bus s'-.hedule today. Bus 8 on' eellaneous bridal ,ahower aUended spci'lal help, Monday through usually had early home training in Wedgewood, Ferndale, Foxcroft, signal boxes on the street or in- the National Education A.ssn., in III Herald Friday Elizabeth Elder. ages. i . ■ of the evening school division at who have registered'-junng the Blan; 121, Blaz-Dyr; 122, C-Cbnl: the 8 a m. run'to Northeast School by neighbor* ^ d friends. Other Thuriklay. When students first re­ and Robinson's, on South Rd. al independence, ■'.s e rf;.reliance, and - Fulton, Jqnils, Morse, Salem, W. which parents pan help their chil­ A t Barnard Junior High Syfiool,. Cheney Tech. the school These boxes are to- be summer. ^ ^ . 123, Conr-Dem; 131, Des-Fag; 132, W ill Include kindergarten pupils; quire this' servU',e. the bus driver Duncan's, at Nichols’ and Stony Middle Tpkev.^(522 to ’716), Adams Bowers: Morning Kindergarten,^^iades 8:45. Lunch, Grades 1, dren improve In spelling; mlscellaneoua/Shower* were giv#b they are Mrs. Margaret H. self-direction. Mkriy h4d, been en­ used only as a means of evacuat­ The first edition of the High The number of students at "XJan- Fan-Gal: 133, Gar-Gre;. 228, Grl- “ Bus 18 a t '8:20 a m will slop_ at by Mrs, Raymond Robinson .at her should be Informed so the bus can Rd, (482 to 523), CMiter (531 to 769). '8:45-11:15; afternoon kindergarten, and 3, 11:25-12:05; Grades 4, First, make sure that your child Churchill. Miss Bernice A. Hall, couraged before the a g e 'o f eight ing the school building and calling School TVorld for tiii.s school year chestcr High Scjiool Ls estimated Hel; 233, Hen-Kac; 246, Kar-Lana: Phoenix and 'J’ankeroosan, Phfienjx be assigned to begin the late run. Route E begins on Watrous Rdl Pupils Must Have ; Starting 7 :35 a.mi^at Edmund and 12;15-2;4,5. School opens all grades and 6, 11:50-12:30. Dismisi _ has no physical handicaps which cottage. Iq/Coventry for reiatlvea Mrs. Barbara Martin, ^ r s . Rose to find their way around thA city, the fire department in case o f fire will appear Friday. to be 2,536. Bar­ 148, Land-Mac; 152. Mah-McN; — and .Maple. Church. Washington, It .should be. underslod*!, .school at Donley's at 8:40. a.m. and stops , Stone; Llnnmore with stops at 8:45. -Lunch, Grades 1 and 2,-11:15- Grades 1, 2 and 3, 2:30; Grades j4 may be holding him back- a and frlenda: by Mrs. Fred Klnne- DeBartlo, Mrs.' B. Kline, to try new thing.* for themselves, "Sounding of an" a 1 a r hi S ta ff menibei-.s reported to nard Junior High School,! wpep it 1.54, M-cV-Mcr; 204, Mufi-Pei: 203 and Phoenix ami Warren, and ar- giui p/ Mancheater and Mrs. officials note, that this bus Is pro­ ori Brandy St. opposite Wllltam- Shots for Polio to do well, in competition, and to Some Tasjis ■ Crestwood,afid Adams; Edison and 12:15; Grades 3 and 4. 11:45-12:45; 5 and 6, 2:45. or fire drill that has had a prior speeph defect, faulty hearing, or Bon’s, on School Rd. at Shensle'a, Richard Schleicher, Miss Gertrude ■Whitney; Foxcroft and Deerfield. Grades 5 ahd 6, 12:15-1:15. Dis­ Nathan Hale;, Morning kinder­ school early "in order to put out opens, will-be 1,300. Per-Que; 208, (Jul-Rosc; 270, Rosc- ' rive at l^a'ke St. scliool at 8:40 a in. Charl^a F. Rogers o f Wethersfield, vided only for students who re- A. Brown, Mrs. W. R. Grey III make their own friends. prior warning could hav a serious poor.visioni I f you suspect any­ Children taking thla bus , in the msln for sehixil actjvlt.y oi* work. ori 'Hebron Rd. at Webster Lsine, Arrival 8 a.m. Return 2:35 p.m. missal. Grades 1, 2 an d'3, 2:46; garten, 8:30-11; aftfm oon kinder­ thing o f thjB sort, have him ex­ The Worlfir containing The number at the North Junior Scrl; 213. Scru-Sofri; 211, Sp;- aupfe of the bride-elect, al the' and Mrs. Florenp^ Levine. A ll children In the Manchester . What can be -done to help bright reaction. The student has no,way morning will nde.hus 17 home. thel Dixon driveway, Fiano’s, Ha­ In Henovation - Bus No. 5 — Including Spencer, Grades 4,'5 and 6, 3 p.m. garten. 12:10-2:40. School opens amined imn)edla(ely. news of the sthool affairs, i.s pub-; High will be 750, and therq/will be Thom; 219, 'Thor-Vlb; 271, Vin- home of Mrs Finnegan, 59 Benton Howell Cheney Technlral .School A t the Noflh Junior- High public school system and at St. underachieves live up to their high of knowing that there Is no' fire S tartin 3:10 it will sto[>~al gen's, School Rd. and at Sheri- , Hlllstown, Woodslde, Bush Hill,' Buckland: Kindergarten, 8:45- all grades 8:40. Lunch all grades Have him make his own dic­ lished each Friday In Tile Herald.' 5,668 in the elementary ^h ools. Wll; Library, Wln-Z. St., and by Mrs. Helen Wright, 49 will open tomorrow. A speclsl bus School, they Are Mrs. Misry Loti James' School have had at least potentials? Bilucators are Work­ and, in. his eagem eu to leave the Warren Ave., Phoenix.■* Washing- dan'a. ■■ Keeney, Avon; Bidwell, Bridge, 11:15 School ppehs all grades 8:48. 11:30-12:35. Dismissal, Grades tionary of "dembnJ’ lyords -. tlmt Perkins Ht. route will be run fo r lech .students Ijconhard't, / ^ rs. Ruth Stanley, three polio Shots, and must be ing on thdt problem, one of the building, a slip or fall could cause ton, Churgh Maple anil Phoenix, Stdl Undone Diane, Frances, Hackmatack, Mb- Lunch, all grades, 12-12:30,; Dis­ 2 and 3, 2:45; Grades 4, 5 and 6, plague him.-Get nim a scrapbo^ Coihoal eases at a . persona I show­ for opening day. The school will Route F begins at the Negro Mrs. Evelyft B. Lang, John Garop- able to produce proof of such im- most important and difficult ones a chain reaction, especially If it land phoenix and Tsiikeroosan. er were Mrs. Donaid SuIIIv(in. who- rldsc at lioon on the-first day aiid farm, at; 8:20 a.m, and stops at polo, Gepl-gp Wood, Xlris. Jean Dut­ to solve In 'eyery school. ■ Cann, Niles, Packard. Progp.ect, missal, Grades 1, 2 and 3, 2:30; 3 p.m happened b.n a stairway. and have him deviote one page to miinization. egeh alphabetic'^:!! letter. As he . Klndergarien hu* to Lake ,st. will aen’e as matron of honor; sludcnt.4 will be picked up st that Hoar's nil Rt 8.5,-on Lyman Rd at ton and Mrs: Dorothy ‘Graham. They do say this: .The under­ A few “ odds an,d ends’,' remain Norwood, Arvine, Sunset,Spring Graders 4,. 5 and 6, 2:45. North Junior: School opens 8:15 "Do -not go off- into secluded I»upll8 who are new to the sys- Lunch in waves . from 11:09 to masters the "demon," he enters it Bthool—But 17— 11:30 in Mias Donna Rohb and" Mrs,-IJavld time for-the return trip. Hammond's qnd at French Rd., on A C Manche.?t!8r . High School, achiever in, high school should be to be done in the elementary (32('to 60), and Village. Start­ Budkiey: Morning kindergarten, places to sneak a smoke. Use the tctti''musl; have: had: at leaa;t one 12:32. Dismissal 2:25. on the proper page. TaJrottvJlle Wt Main, Welles and Hanaen, biith. of Mst'^hester and A ft'er tomorpow, technical school French Rd. «it Jarvlk' and Mlche- they arc MLss Mary Fajg'nant, taught the learning skills he failed school renovations; . but nothing ing ,7:20 a.m. on Hlllstown 8:4p-(l:10, afternoon kindergar­ area' that Is set aside for* this shot, and must obtain - the other Orford Village: School opens play Word Games Taylor, Taylor, Elhi .Hill, Phoenix, both brldeaiiialdfl-to-be. Mr*. Hpn- sluflcnls will ride the to the wicz’ and on.'Rt. 85 at Loomis Rd. Oiiy Scribner, Mrs. Marjorie G. two as soon as possible. to' acquire in earlier gfade^. that will Impede the start: of Rd. with stops at Spencer, ten, 12:15-2:45.. School 6pens, purpose or leave the building. 8)45. Lunch 11:45-12:30. (Dismissal "Let Us be alert to the dangers Give your child the fun of adven­ Waahlngton, Lake St. Arrives at sen ,U aister-ln-Iaw df the brlffe- high *che~ picked up at 3 p.m. at lywyer's and opposite Varca’e, on The, new 'special teachers are are also compulsory. tently interested In him as’ an in­ Jljtmes / Perry, planniM cdor- _ matack; Bridge and Avon; Hack­ 12:30. Dismissal 2:45. French Rd. opposite Souer's, Flora 2:45. School opens all grkdes 8^45 fort on the part of ail of us, we ing ones he comes across. Play ,-,.1 be'altered after, tomorrow to work St, at the technical school for the trip Miss Gail'Creighton, mtialc; Miss Dr. Joseph Barry,, school dividual, and y/ho accepts him as a dinatpr.-said. today the! painting matack 'at Prospect and js. Main. Green: Morning kindergarten Rd., opposite Calhoun's arid! Clark Lunch all grades 11:30-12:30. Dls can save lives aind reduce the fire games ^Itb wordp. put Aaws, He urges pupils fo be ' Mrs. John Trotter, 15 Bigelow home. Betty T. Baird and Miss Sally physician, suggested every child bright and able person with a need has been completed in aV pupil- . A w lve 8 a.m. Return 2:35 pjn. 8:30-11;, afternoon' kinaepgarten Rd. at Cormier’s. / missal, Grades 1, 2 and 3, 2:45 toll." Oral riddles aije fun. For ' ex­ at their. bUa stops 10 minutes,St., enterlslned st s kitchen show- A special bus rxiule will be. run Frobisher, art: Mra. 'Phyllis 'Car- be examined by the family doctor for special help. occupied : areas wjth ’.the ex­ Bus No. 7—Including Duval, 12-2:30. School opens alPtgiiades Grades 4, 5 and 6, 3 p.m. ample :,|‘‘I ’m thinking of a four-let­ ahead of time. aitended by primary Sundsv tomorrow for technlral stlidenls. Route Ij^ starts, at Lake 8t. at riere, speech and hearing; and as near to the opening of school ception of some awirwells and 8:45. Lunch, Grades -1, 2 artd 3, South: Kindergarten and'Grades ter word that means sharp (.kbeni. To be eligible for transporla-IScfioolfeachersof.St.Marv'sEpIs'- It will leave Negro's farm at 7:15 Goodwin Rd. at 8:10 a.m. and itopa Mrs. Brenda S. Rafferty ^ and as possible. (Some Mapcho|ter auditoriums.' I • F- -i../ 11:30-12:15; Grades 4, 5 and 6; tlon.--elementary pupils from,kin-.copal if.'hurchr where Miss'Hsnsen | 1, 2 and 3. School opens! 9. Lunch What ial.the word andlidw do you a.m. anil make the following slops: at Box Mountain I Rd.j,, Cider Mill Henry-*J. Manning, mentally re­ pediatricians, however, have a Thefe can be done, after the / 12-12-45. Dismissal, Clrades 1, 2 dergarten to Grade 6 must live ! is slso) a Sunday School teacher 11:30-12:15. Dismissal 2:45. spell It?” Orv ask him how many liinday Rchof Hebron Rd,..,,al Costanzo house, Rd. at Arthur Fish's, RtS.''6 and tarded. - ' long -waiting line for appolnt- start'O f schooi, on weekends and - and 3, 2:30; Grades 4, 6 and 6, one mile or iiibie. from their ij*- Verplanck: Morning kindergar­ "happy” words he know* how to Krcm ti ltd! at Deming, Rt, 85 at 44A opposlie the Red Ember. * m ^Ls.) ' i school-vacations. 2:4.5. - aigned schools, junior hlgli’’ and ■■■ ten, 8:45-11:15; aftCriioon klnder- spell (gav. cheerful, merry, smile, n ..V Birch Mt. Ext.. Bolton Center Rd. Royte .1 starts on Camp Meeting Highland Park; -Morning kin­ aenior school pupils one and ope- .'pie school syst'iem sees to' it that The electrical work Is finished ' garten^- 12:45-2:45. School , opens jolly). How many "sad’’ 'wo'rda? at C la r k Rd.,' Rt. 44A (iptjnaltq Rd. at the town line at 8:20 and eviry ,pupil’s e y ^ . and ears are except for testing and corrective dergarten, 8:30-11; afternoon kin­ half miles or more away. Ormibihatiioii >ihreB«l at Reopell’a and Clark Rd: - at Dismissal,' Grades IR . 1C and WadHell; Morning kindergart S^'T^ya school wiTTnot be Meld are at I2:.30 and stop ,at achool Bogush's. keep their children home if ii cold be installed.]' Partitions for the 8:45-ll:15;aftenu|on' kindergarteh and that the .pote is legible. as foUOws.diOct. 28, teachers con^ on New ^tate Rd. was leveled by' will Hebron Rds.. Deming Rd. al Dt; runny nose Is evident. L, ' rest o f the scpools are due to arrive Hadden 2. "S. and Smith 3, 2:15; Observe how avldlv jrour child , Route K begins at 8:40 on 12:15-2:45. iSchool opens all gra d ^ ventlon; Nov. 11, Veterans’ i Dayi French, Rt. 85 nl Bircli Mt.jExt., Any child v/ho Is-absent because any day, and' will be installed over ■ Grades 4K and 5B, 2:30. watches television commercials, fire just wfbre dark yealerdny. liolton Celnler Rd. at 'Traygls’ ‘and 8j45. lainch, Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 ■ NPV.-48 and 37, elementary report When 1 (he l«eBel’s Spotted the of a contagious disease should' the weekends they arrive. - i Hollistef'-St.: Morning kinder­ 11:25-12:25; GradOs 5 and 8, 11:50- and turn this Interest Into a spell­ card conTerehces; Nov. 24 and 25,' stops on 1 Bolton Center at bring a note, from his doctor when The old partitions are still In, garten, 8:45-11:15; afternoon kin- ing game. Ask him ilo name, the ■ftfe at 7:20, : names .already en^ Miner's, ^ llo n Hill Rid. at ^ a y- 12:50. -'ftever was any ^ a y ’'Tor "form ir Probate Judge needs to be tested and checked Keeney Si!.:. Morning kinder-; -Play word games (vlth hliA,' to 30. spring recess, and May 30, OPEN .Notch' Rd.' at Willlameon'i and 3 ,11:25-12:30; Grades 4, 5, and ( hahee of saving the'garage. How­ IMwaril W. MoPadden, 58, who out. This, can be done after thb gqiiten, 8:45-11:15; afternoon kin-' 6, 12-12:55, Dismissal all grades such as Ghost. Junior Bcraliblh,' Memorial Day. stops at Thorp's, Rts. 6 and 4i< Anajgrams; Hangman. ever, firemen contained the flam ' died of; a heart attack Saturday. start -pf school. ■ ':, dergarten,' 12;20;2';50. School 2:45.' ' ■ I \ ... New feaeiiars Added ' the Red Eipber, at Porcheroh Give him his own dictionary.' enough so that the house, only MePadden bec«me'':the-.first Dem­ On- thd Barnard Junior High opens a ll' gradbs‘ 8:45. Lunch, -I The is new teachm added to Holton Center Rd. at Rts. 44'A and Howell Cheney Tech: Sqhool Hq will use It faithfully, If you feet away, wM not damaged, 6,.opposite Wiiltame Rd„ oppdilt* ocrat to win the .probate , judge School renovations, P'arry ssdd It Grade 1, 11;20-11;50; Grades 2, 3, the atair are: From I^ k V llle and opens 8. Lunch 11:4lM2:15. Dis­ Idve him the good bxatnple of nearby car was also saved. post in more than 75 years when looks as though tha'new deadline 4 and 5, 12-1. Dismissal, Grades 1, Varoon, Mm. Helen A. Abuza, DImock Lane and at Birch M L Kxt, missal 3 p.m. looking up the spellings of words. No eetlniata of the damage la he was fleeted in 1936.' He wa* Of Sept.. 1:9 can be met if-nothing ot Connecticut: Joaeph til Principal goes' wrong, * MHS\Principal 2 and 3, 2:45; Grades 4 and 8, 3 Manchester High: School opens Hollister Principal^ Avoid "baby talk" wim.jfour avail|tble, and the cause Is un­ PalntlAf Aids defeated in. his bid for reelectlon p.m. ' j- Trtnlty College; liftas A. Hyatt SuUlffe is principal ot The mein swi^h gear arrived A . Raymond Rogers Jr., 35, la 8:06. lauu|h periods In waves from Mrs! Florence Wo6d4 Is the. new pre>schdoler, or flrst-greder. It known. A new cover for a paint rollet NewPrineipal In 1938 hut won 'the office jagaln. rRodon and Leoiwrd Rp- the new Nhrth Junior High School Thursday along with some 'o f the the new principal of Manphertcr Keeney Annex: School opens V. 1.1:56 to 136. Dismlssa!l 2;36. prinetpsi o f HoUiRter 8 t School, may be. great full fo r parents and ellow That Means St^p Town Co. 1, Engine 6. and two can be made by using an old terry in 1940,' ectrvice another two OdohacUeUt State Robert Helna la tha nbw principal He la former principal of. Barnard electrical, panel gear. Theae are High School.!A former assistant Dismissal 1:30. St. Jamies’ ; School opens 8:30. i^ e has taught at four local doting uncles, but It's no help!to If ybu'rs wondering where yellow comes from. It’s hero. !en era putting the 9 1ocee o f apparatus from the years. Ha V m appointed ijeputy Odtege; Miaa Patrlcik M. Smith. cloth towel. It gives the paiiit a of Btickland School. H « was a alxth Junior High School; and has been two of the major, obatadea to principal o f «4w ton . Mass., High Lincoln: Morning kkndargartein, I ^ c k 11140-1. Dismissal 2:80. schools, and was taacher-prtncipal your child In'.iehool. Make sure touches on the sdhool busea owned by Blmer Thrall. Thurada; 1 pleaslftg, rough t s x ^ u r a that proaeeutor of (h* 8tr|itford Town mornlngi a*. wuifL t i :X: |I. Rabsrt T, neaptou Mra. Diatrtot ittgpoed^ to th« I teacher tha KoUistar St. */ mwnber of ithe^ Manchester prpjtit'ilt will take some time te ' lohool. Rogers succeeds XMtion ^ 8:'45-ll:15g afternoon, klndergar- Lunch hour may hs changed when at Robartson 8ch6ol until t o a^ he beftra all wbrda claarty and lock, those buiMa | wtU be rtttunlng all over Mancheetes* fiber to a t (» when you to *4 a drive Careftilli/ doean't tha apotal >1 VntU IMS anwlntihtot. Ck>uit In ltS6. school system atnea 1^40.' Mrfagr T.|0 aiiaoa, WUlimaatlo dhow up instaiU.tllam, however. In u e |K>st .. i 12-2:'B■s I' V Kriitoff, and Rodnay Ward. Hurricane Still anotlUfh ItIntereet waa evidaxeed to man, 88 'WHndaor Ave.; Tei A n d o v t r stocking could at»4 from Scratch. 2 Code Agency‘ Defectors State News New Plan on Paving Dalagatlons from the VFW and RockviUe^Vernon aehilamde one. Staves, 10 Jsicob S t; Mark Ritch­ Pottarton added; Kuelil to Serve DA'V auxillarfts callad at tha Approve Teak ie, TDUand; Magdalen Liberty, Oam ll Reads. Ofltoers i- fuh'er'al home Sunday night. Threat to U.S. Dr. Franov H .. Burke, dty. ,Tolland; Ruth Brtum, 2* TUoett Lidke Assii. P la ^ WUaon Carroll heads., the new . On Reserve Unit '•.r Say U.S. Spying on Allies IWHi. WUliMn C4rr»n II ■ I ■ i iM « health effteer, haa given permU- Ava - ■:■■■■ data of AUPOA oflSeOra for the a s R'oun Word 'hM been received of the HertMui H. Tomlindon aiem tor a aej^e ta u at a house Births ybstordur: A daughter coming year. The unanimously Funeral srevlcea for flerhert H> (Contirinod frdm’ P sca ^ e ) Hiiiivmer, Lipka Ready Repairs to De»h Anhy Raaervlit Donald K. XMhl, (Omtinned from P are Otic) death In Dillon, Montana, of Mrs. .11 i.n.. — to be ballt ton 'Vemon Ave., by to Mr. and liCra. David Hyde, BU- elected elate Included Carroll, ptoM aglai William Carroll, formerly of Man­ Tomlinson, Sullivan Ave., South 16 N. Elm S t, haa baan alaetad to r the advisory said. "Gale ' force Bllow Bulldera. Ingtonr- a datightar to Mk. and president; .Walter Ford, first vice (CooUntted from Page One) Windsor, were held Saturday after­ Spaald^ tor the Andover lak e the executive eommittOe of the 70th iueh fecimg* (vf Insecurity sro a. Peer Cavort a _'nir -1 '■ 1-- A new paving operation hala^roads. At a cost of $44,450, the F. chester. winds extend outward 180 miles Dr. Burke at flnit refused per- Mra..rinton Seja, Sktanar Rd„ preeldant; Mrs. Benjamin San Gia- hiqrtfvUtiwMwiaiiHdl^ been proposed for this year, .under S. Kapla Co. put down 7,000 tons Mrs. Carroll was bom in Man­ noon at the Wapplng Community to the northeast and 85 miles In mlasiOB for the aeptie tanK but Broad Broolt Manageawnt Aaan.,- Russell Pot- teomn, second vice president; and Training Diviaioh’a chapter of tha 84 GOtWAT ffmiBrE . poor excuse for endangering w'ortd the first committee meeting held Church. The feev. Roy, Hutcheon of­ To File Primary Papers behind closed doors guarded by a which ..the work should be done last year, much of it on heavily chester and had lived in Montana the southwest semicircle. changed hia mind after It waa Admiaaions today: William terton aaid Saturday, that plana gdward Fisher,’ Dr. John Shoukl- Reserve OlBoert’ Aash. nou Ml 8-0150 peace." , On Wiet Lawn traveled outlying' roads in south­ for many- years. ficiated. ‘Mrs. Ann Dinslow was leafnad that it would be neceaaary Major Kiiehl was sleeted a t F t Rep. John W. McCormack D- police. lieutenant last Wednesday. by a town crew rather than a "Little change in size or inten­ Zanka Sr., 41 Dart HUl Rd., Wap- ara now bring drawn tor work on maa, and Mra. John KeefCe, three ' MI 8-8080 Afito 0 F J t. It states "no disclosure of any of west Manchester, " Survivors -include two daugh­ organist. sity-is expected during the next The twQ Vernon Democrat! who ? ’ .Hpun5^ took out petltlona for a primary "the first bring that it is a aerv- pipa to tha pron^y. Miss Barbara Ersklne and her sion with headquarters In Weat of .the John Wiet home at M paving would be put down in A year’s paving,hl'atead -of a con­ brothers, Maurice Madden of Man­ Coventry. Bearers were J. A. Ken­ for tha Democratio nominatlona to ice for the entire area govetned No deoiaton haa been reached dover Lake dam. An aatimata on Hartfffd is currently undergoing friends, had taken with them sion shall be made by anyone." chester, Frank Madden and Jo­ ^'Small craft from Hispaniola father, Charles Ersklne, will con­ ,.,rark St. was shocked—if not "apotty” fashion rather tlian oh tractor woyirf avoid the high con­ dall, F. B. Stoddard, R. 'V. WiK the General Aeeembly will file the by the Town, and the sacohd and in a aUnllar ease on Hartford the cost la axpeotad aeon, ha told tinue to serve iu secretary and its annual 2-week training en­ "valuable, cryptographic informa­ whole streets . seph Madden of Dillon, and 10 easti^iard through the Virgin Is- ' exactly shattered — by the tracting'costs that would be in^ Hams, P. W. Roberts, George E. petitloni tomorrow morning. more practical is that fbere is no Tpke. where tha lodal. JehOvah’a members of tho Andovtr lAke treasurer, respectively. Ersklne campment tion" concerning ,«ccret codca. Arton Stmpected Chester Lqngtry,' deputy direc­ grandchildren. Donahue, and Asher A, Collins. lands should remain in port un­ Wltnesaea> .are planning to erect Tolland; Charles Kinney. 2 Ban­ The top secret agency with which diacovery of deer cavorting on volvcd In "spotty" paving, aceprd- location in the City which can be Property Owners Assn, .at their an- and retiring president, John Mc­ tor of public works, said today ing to Langtry. The’ Highway^ Di­ ' Funeral services were held to­ til -the TMgh seas subside. Small - Atty. Harry Hammer and EM- a church. It will be neceesary croft Rd. J, they wnrited.was a defense unit the lawn Hartford, Sept. 6 — Kire of- used as a dump." i mud meeting In the Red Bam. Laughlin, each received a rising PINE hia proposed program Is aimed at vision crew that has been working day with burial In Dillon, Mont. Mm. Mary. Ledoiix craft in the'extrem'e southeastern ward R. Upkn said thia morning to, lay aboiit SOO feet of pipe in Diachatged S a t u r ^ ; Bmery engliged in intercepting .ra d io Mrs. Wiet spotted three flcals said they are Inveatlgating they have received more than the The Mayor riSo said a form of This BOluUon, Potterton said, ap­ vote of thanks for their excellent ‘■statutes ’ and remarked that the possibility of arson in a fire making the town’s $78,000 State in the southern. part of town has Thi funeral of Mrs. Mary Le- Bahamas shouM^ot venture far this case. Breau Jr„ 19 Chsstnut S t; Mrs. Hadassah to Hold PHARMACY .signals and in.communi,ralions in­ John Arthur Corbin from port. Shippiqg in the path required number of eignaturea. government for the entire com­ pears to be better than the method services, the neighborhood boya were up which ^severely damaged the aid allocation stretch this yealr iti been specially organized for pav­ doux, OS' Pipe St., was ^eld at the munity nsuSt be found whlrii will gnalor Women Make Plane. Leon Baaaett and daiud*ter, Bgypt telligence. \ \ correcting "the roughest spots” Rockville — John Arthur Cor­ of this severe hunijcane should Both eaid reeponse to tha prima­ The executive board of the Ver­ Rd., saiington; Mrs. Edith Emory, of dam rapatra first contemplated, George Hannon will be the 664 CENTER STREET to some trick. Canada "^Dry Bottling Co. of Hart­ ing, he added, and can put down John F., Tierney ■ Funeral, Home,' be acceptable to the great ma­ ALPOA representative, to the New Member Tea At today's news conference^ they on heavily patched roads. 100 tons a day. The town has a bin, 01, of 39 Pleasant St., died exercise extreme cautlom" ry hae 'been generally aympathe- non Area Junior Women’s Club 67 FrankUn S t since It can be worked on during COR. OF ADAMS Wiet grunted without looking ford. Inc., Sunday nlght.^ 219 yiff'Center St., .Saturday morn- jority of cUisens. Any form that the winter. Methods discuaaed ear­ Board of Management. complained chiefly of overfjigttts up from his newspaper. He said most town roads are paver purchajied last spring. .this morning at Rockville City ingt'followed by a solemn high Movement during theNjext 24. tic. will .meet tonight at 8 o’clock at Discharged Sunday: Kehneth Pnviet-tern'Iory - h\il not the 1^2 "We are suspicious of Us origin." will eliminate the present three lier Involved working on the lake School BOard to Meet A tee for proopocUve members TEL. Ml 9'9814 When one of the stalulea said Capt. Joseph Curtin of the of surface-treated gravel no longer Compared'to last year's, this Hospital after a short illness. -Mm s of requiem at St. James’ hours is expected to be toward the In the Sept. 29 primary they are the home of Mra. Ronald A. Ko- DallaCorte, RFD 2. flight. . . add of alleged lies ahoiit adequate for heavy traffic. He \yas born Oct. 12, ■ 1868 in' ‘attempting to unseat Incumbent "governments will be an improve­ side of tho daan, which would have The Andover Board of Edueatlofi of the Manchester Chapter of Ha- grarefuOi' n'reled 'round his city fire marshall's office .yp.ster- .voar’svib'st would not Involve any Church. ^ west northwest to northwesb^at . ment over the present system, ha zuoh. Valley View Lane, Discharged yesterday: Clayton thg flight,' and .alleged spying on paHner.'i Mrs. Wiet ex­ .. "We )\ave an abhormal number dollar sayings, Langtry added, but Rockville, the son of the late-dohi laU-dohn about 10 miles per hour, whldli. ,Rep. Raymond Splelman of Ver­ Arrangements have been mXdii to be done before ice formed will meet In the elementary school daasah will be held at the home day. "There are indications there The Rev. Joseph H. McCann was said. M olntm,. Sunny View, Vernon; Potterton aaid that no definite at 7:30 p.m, today. School -will open Prescription Ameriea's own Allies. claimed : , ' of .road failures,” he aaid, .shown would hayc the advantage 6t cov­ and Nellie Carroll Corbiip^e had celebrant, assisted by the Rev. would take it about - 100 miles' non, and Rockville tax collector for the "Fall Fashion Frolic," open of Mie. Jay Goldstein, ehaptor They said the T’2 did not enter could have been two separate "We should agree on a new Mrs. Clarenca Krilner and aon, 52 data can he given na got on when tomorrow for elementary and high ''.Toh>v, those are deer!'* by potholes and in some' places ering manKsmallcr areas. lived In this city pY»^iica.\\y all John D. Regan as deacon, and Rev. northeast of Turks Island this X .Gerald All***- who werc/given the to the public, O ct 6 at the PAC pmident, at 218 Mountain Ri Into the question bccaii.'e they had ffres.” . , charter as eoon as poeribla, and ViUagb S t the work will begin, but the Aa- school atudenta. S p e c ia lis t ‘'They're big dogs, dear,” Firemen at the scene said the ’''complete dl.stintegration of the B trm a Involved all his life arid w as^ mason con­ James T. O’Connell as sub-deacon. afternoon. party nomination*" by the Dem- have legislation enacted to facllN Club in Rockville. TTiursday at 8:30 p.m. made their pla 9 t o d r fr r t more miimblcd'^iet without looking The " program., covers work on ^.ocratio Town ConUnittee last aoclatlon la hoping it will be this Mrs. Alvin J. EUrschfeld, mem­ blase apparently began in the one- surface pavement." tractor for map/'years. Mrs. Ralph Macca'rone was ^ or­ The hurricane aiyept across the_ tate its adoption. Prior agreement The first meeting of the club AdvHrtiaement— than a year ago. , ing up ■from hia Herald. The proposed program . would these streets: He is suntiked by his wife, Mrs. Leeward islands, killing fiye per- - Sji^onth, in a 3-\yay battle. will be held Sept 18 at tha Lot­ year. Advertiserinent— bership chairman, la in charge of Tell Your Doctor To As TV cameras whirled they of­ W h^ Wiet finally consented story rear section of the building ganist and soloist. by governmental leaders is essen Clean ranga and fuel oil — cour­ Sines tham was a quaatlon of Clean range and fuel oil — eour- arrarigementa, aaslated by Mrs. and spread to the upper floor of the be an expansion of a present op­ Buckland St., noK^ of the over- Sadie Rpdman Corbin; a son, John Burial took place today In St. sons at A n^iU a and two more on Atty. .Hamfaigr dispute! a claim tial to avoid the problem of people tie Fislc^ Memorial Building In Phon o U s fered what they railed proof that \nJv.,, The last statement evidently re- lozie; 124 Orchard S t; Helen Grin- Vernon and TaloottvBle aewe Is this was known to top oflTi- jalopy earns down Ihevstreel' pect the fire in the, second story ,50-foot lengths or on onc-half the Rd.; Francis Dr.; Green RdN^fSm from the city and from the to-wn. handled through Ther Herald’e to get the State Game Commlselon Andover oorreepondent. Mr#.’ Peal interested in attending the tea OBAROE PLAN FOB TOCB ma.v have been a separate blaze. Rockville; three grandchildren and er, and Maurice Fisher. few houses were left standing at : Atty. Hamrher, Incumbent, wqs lerred to Fire District residents, askl, 96 Spring S t; Vema John­ PRESCRIPTION and the deer took off, headed road aurface. The crew has laid Oakland St' east; Heroy Sufi^igh Barbuda, another of the Leeward ston, RFD______2, Rockville. Rockville Bureau, 8 W. Main S t. to come in and uae rotenono to D. Pfienatlelil, triephone Pilgrim may call Mrs. Hirachfeld, 01 ctals. in the dirertirtn of the Chehey Capt Currin said Hartford Police six great grandchildren. pbsa^ over for renomination many of'whom favored consolida­ Mountain Rd. Thev said the United .Slates had aboiit 400 tons In this "spotty” St., west of Pine St.; 6tidson Funeral services will b« held Islands. tion, but defeated the consolida­ Admitted yeaterday: Joseph R<^' telephone TBemont 5-S1S6. get rid of the blue gUla. Then the 2-0886. planted a rode-jdrd-'U spy in the lawns have been called into tb^ inveatiga-'ion since last spring in the Keeney St., frorh^-wetherell ti ' Mrs. Mary A. Seelert The hurricane veered, to the partly besause he haa moved from tion. / Thursday at 1 p.m. froin the Ladd tion charter at a referendum in Turkish emb^atfv ipre.siimahly in Wit, who is executive sec- , southern town. Hackmatack ' Kerry St.; Funeral services for Mrs. Mary west northwest last night; sparing ' ' the city to rural Vernon. ^ An unofficial estimate put dam-' F^uneral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. July. . Washingtcml and wa-.s deciphering ret ary of the Chamber of I^angtry said doing all the pav­ Lenox St. at DUrkih and the bot­ A. Seelert,' . 21 Perkins-St., were Puerto Rico from devastating Mayor Wrtleu on lobq^tlea Commerce, has not yet figured . age at more than 1200.000, It was The Rev. Paul Bowman, pastor held Saturday afternoon at St. Mayor Leo B. Flaherty ori eent Pool Cloeea secret i^ssaget; of more than ing this year under this method tom of thp-mlll; Linnmore Dr. at of union Congregational Church, winds. The Horowitz Pool at Henry out (iny promotional value in mkde by the owner of the plant, would two things: A dam sSt;; Ludlow Rd.; Main St, Mary’s Episcopal Church. The Rev. a follow - up letter to membeta of eourilries at a dost of half a hil- deer s few blocks off Main St. will officiate. Burial will be in Force of’ the/winds had droppert Park was closed at 5 p.m. yeeter* V. James Cavallarn, 1. Give the public better mo­ and Middle Tpke. intersection; Alfred L." William.', rector, of­ City Council over the'^i -llnn dollars a year. He's working on it. Grove ^11 Cemetery. from 160 miles, an hour to 140 day for tha season. ■ Thev said Britain and Panada ______toring ,jtal after a la acheduled to start todajK.^ times stiimblKl over a word or mander. suggc.stcri that hi.s per- | ly escorted off“ the ' prerpisc.s by year; he saijU adding that high­ been put into use on these streets: it is too early to say if it will miss meeting Aujg. 15. Henry Park. Thrite will not beta sentence ronstiHmtion. B.idwell St., Chestnut St., Con­ long illness. the coast entirel.y. In his lawat letter, the Mayor senior tournament, because not sonnet refiain from comment. The 1 Marine sentries, way ffi'c.wst itood by lliscoiirage'd He was bom Oct. 5,\1881 in Miss Peila Wins JO ^ r \ After Soviet, jhiirnalists laugh- two said it wa.s clear that if the j TTie group was protesting Po way Rd., Emerson St.; Harrispn In its earl.v stages, the hiirrl- • said tha conununity must find a I r ■ 5ii a.v ear^-knocked the patrh out of German.v, the son of the lace Her­ ad and applaiideit^^^ime of their C-I.IO had been, on a scientific laris-ftring submarines. A spokes­ St.. Lawton Rd., L 1 n d e n St., cane was blamed for knocking way to consolidate the Public ^ o n after It was put in. Myrtle St., Olcott St., Raymond man and Emilia • Preuss and had Trophy at Goshen replies to Aniericarh journalists, flight the N.SA would have had man aaid it was hoped their show ngtryA proposal differs from down a French airliner near, the Works and Police Department un­ OPEN both grew more at ea^ and al­ nothing to conceal. Mitchell said' of civil disobedience would pro­ Rd., Richard Rd., Weaver Rd., lived here moat of his life. He Was African coast with the loss of 63 der the ToWn government, the past paving programs iindeC which Wetherell St. at Bridge St., Win­ a retired overseer In the local Miss, Rosemarie. Pella wort the 8 AM . to 9 pjyl. APnJANCE VALUES... most seemed to be. enjoying their tha; nevertheleas NS A employes voke arrest. He said the Sub lives. Town must operate a dump, and a a .State-hired contractor, paid ter St., and Wyllya St., Work is un^ textile mills. grand' championship ribbon and role in the hot klieg-IighIM room. did discuss among themselves the base had been alerted of the new charter should be agreed upon SUNDAY. 8 A.M.i-8 P.M. Their sharpest tii.ssle\ vvith with the town aid funds. pavCd derway currently on Bigelow St., He was a member of the First trophy in dairy fitting and show- po«.'ibility of far-reaching conse­ group’a intenaiona. tjie whole or long stretches More than two billion pounds so legislation cap be enacted for American reporter.s t the -Goshen Fair over of candy are ftinsumed. In the —PINE-PHARMACY— of relatively heavily traveled Summer St. Its adoption locally. one asked them where they were gate of the base despite iin order erhood. He was also a member of the Labor Day weekend. United States annually. / "The first thing wa should do," 004 CENTER ST. Jiving now and what they wei^q -Martin said that a high official, ’ She yfa.' one of three members otherwise iinidentlfled, told him to halt from four Marine sentries. t)ie Rockville Lodge of Approved the MayorJ said, "la attend tha Order of 'Red Men. of the Manchester 4-H Dairy doing, Ijje plane carrieil Inatriiments and The Marines then took them to .a Town Budget hearing Thursday, "WJiy do you wish to know?” building where they received cop­ He I* survived by his wife, Mrs, Club to tAke honors. Miss Peila At this hearing we should Insist replied'Martin to the applause of electronic experta for close-range Half Million Cut Expected was also thq blue ribbon winner FOR Iraeking of Soviet radar stations.. ies of federal lawa dealing with Flora Scheibe Preuss; a son. Ray­ that special services "exclusively Foviet joiimallsls. of the Holste'in senior class and He said ihis olflcial told him that treapassing on government prop­ mond of Lima, Ohio:'A daughter, for the rural area be sharply cur­ They declined to reveal flieir erty. Mrs. Julius Beer of Rockville; six reserve champion of the junior SCREEN PORCH RUG and dace of'residence and said'that he plane had deliberately- crossed In Green Manor Assessment tailed. The most obvious service the Soviet-Tiirkish frontier. He TTie Marinea drove them to a grandchildren, one great grand­ show. She also placed first in the OR which can; be assumed by the Fire ff anyone, especlallv relatives or_ open show. \ said it should be clear even to the rear gate aeveral miles away and child; and- two sisters, Mrs. Clara District is police protection. This LOOK HIPE FIRST UPHOLSTERY friends, wanted tr> visit them releaaed them. Two cars drove T ie Board of Director.' la-ex-''assessm ents against the various Weber of Clearwater, Fla. and Miss Barbara KeiSh placed swch a visit would have to be ar­ layman that such a flight had no JALOUSIE ^year we paid $160,000 for our own the Pacifists back to the main peeled to be told tomorrow night Green Manor properties was $7,-' Mrs. Gertrude Kingston of Rock­ first in the Ayrshire qpen show ! ra n g e through the Soviet gov­ hearing on finding out if the Soviet gale where thev once again en­ ' City Police and Public Works while t.imon was planning a ailrprlse at- of the settlement of a .'erica of 18 009.010. Settlement and probably ville. and won junior champ^nship of j . we were paying $95,000, 60 per cant ernment tered the base. The Marines the Ayrshire breed. , ENCLOSURES CLEANING They parrieil questions as to taek but onl.v to sniff out its de- reduce this figure to about $6,450,- The funeral will be held Thurs­ - of $168,000, for these same services drove them back to the rear gate. tax appeals brought against the 000. John Peila placed second in the , their feelings about aliegefl Soviet fen.'e m.'lallations. day a t 3 p.m. at the Ladd. Funeral Vour Best Buy Is in the rural area. The four were Victor Rlchman. town during the three years Aa.'fissor P. Joseph Murphy to­ Home of 19 Ellington Ave. Biirial junior Holstein class and thlh^ in ■ TEL. Ml 9-1752 »py operation,'. Not; woiilil lliey Me said that a speech by. Sen. 20, and Peter Friedlandcr, 19, both Reliability snd Experience The Miayor said a method of bv Green .Manor Constniction Co. day is compiling all .the figures in­ will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. the,open show. Miss Keish plaCerl - make a direct reply whrri asked Miiherf, Humphrey (IJ-Mlnni, sup- of New York City, Max Sandin, 71, eonsoUdaiting public works and or NO PAYMEIfTS whether serrei .Soviet rne.'.'iiKcs porting the Stale Department; ver- and various associat’cd corpora­ volved in the tax case and is ex­ Friends may' call at the funeral second with a junior yearlinjj Ayr\: Call police should be found, or the Fire C l e v e l a n d , Ohio, and Torvald home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. shire. Ml 3-5747 Were among ,lh(>.-e whii h the Umi- 'amn was what got them worried Faegre, 19, Stoddard, N.H. tion.'. pected to report exact figures plus R. G. KIHLE District khouM set up Its owii UNTIL NOVEMBER ed States had heefl mK’ce.'.'funy and i aused them to seek the ap- A handful of pacifists lingered the anticipated tax revenue to the separate services. "Either of these deelphering. pointmenl \vilh the unnamed con- According to the informa­ Board at its regular meeting to­ Frederick WIttkofskI \ Ml 9.0448 altenuutives will require revisions around the gate of the base carry­ tion available today, the .settle- morrow. Frederick, 85, for­ The pair also lejected altem|il.s ^ gre.ssman in order to set the Con- ing signs . mlssllc-firi,hg Personal Notices \ Local Agent For to the existing forms of govern­ Garner's to rieterniine how long Ihey'^ had gr.ess right. ments will re.sult in roiighl.y a .Settlement of tlje'series of ap­ merly of'Manchester, died last Fri­ ment, he said. H UHISUOI.I) ST. subs snd nuclear testing. / .$.')00,00fl reduction iiy the .3-.vear been In the Soviet Union, .saving .Marlin said thev diacussed Hiim- peals centered on the foiii; named day in Oakland, Calif. RUSCO As for the dump, the Mayor \V<- iJO/.' Urt'cn ,St;un[>' thal to tell this might give away plirey.'s statement with this con- aggregate of a.'.sesamenla against properties because the.v represent He was bom in Germany and again made it clear the Town the Green .Manor group. in Memoriam And the route they took to get lieie gipaamap. e.xplained the real mis- - ~ Trooper Suspended the greatest amount of money. had lived in Manchester for 25 In lovinR memory of I>iinftrd W. -should opera-te it. "There are' two When an Italian co m e.«|iondeiit ' aion of the C’-I.K) to him and told B rid gep ort. Sept. 6 i/Pi - A According lo Town Counsel years before going t o ’ California Lawlipr who pAasf>d away 4. 1 Bsrtlett-Bnx^ard Prodnete Co. suggested that their de.'irc for ' him how dangerous' such flights Phiiip Bayer, the settlements were with a niece, Mrs. Dorothy Der- BIG FAMIIY SIZE L k---. - ■: eharge of hrlbe-laklnff that has re­ Gone but not forgotten. j 589 NeW Park Ave., ^ -CYCt£ ificreev on thi^ poini rniglit have j were to world peace, sulted in the suspension of a stale reached on four major propert.y 'noskl of Southington, Conn. He WeXl HartfoVd—a 1> 8 ^ 7 5 1960 Wife Mary, children and * 5 something to do with secret .Uo- M a i tin said thevwere internipl- areas: The Manchester Parkadc, was a veteran of the Spanlsh- jfrandchildren. j polireman was to be dlacusserl at a X. viet acttyilles. .Martin bristled and-H when William' McComber,. as- meeting here .thda'y by State's At Green Mn^nor Apartments, huildu About Town American "War, and had been a A^nMMMdMrir AUTOMATIC replied, "^'e have said all tliat '.vejHisiant secretary of state for con-j torney I.,oren Willis and top stale ing.s aniT property at 342 Broad Miss Patricia Vicorito, 127 carpenter. will sal.Vj'khoiR out arrival m the 1 gressional .affairs; phoned and ask-j polire officers. St., and' a .mill building and prop­ Brent Rd., and Miss Gloria Rut- Mr. Wittkofski is survived by Former Cheney Milli GENERAL # ELIcTRIC Soviet t nion " (.q the congiessnian .to refrain; The stispemled trooper, Thomas erty oil Pine St. occupied by Man­ sky, 35 Irving St., sailed Saturday several nieces and nephews in the Hartford BLEACH Marlin had a.< icw cut, Hi.s from furl her discussion. ] F. ,8eianna, .lO,' Bridgeport, alleg- chester Mode.s Inc. Manchester area. nn the S.S, Queen of Bermuda and Pine St. rreen eyes were led-nmiued ami ||r quoted a hij;h but unldenli-! ediy aerepted a $10 pa.yoff Satiir- /In each case, Bayer said, agree-- for a vacation in Bermuda. Funeral services took place to­ REMODE M.mchester, Conn nts norrhally reddish complexion ■ ii,.,| official of the NSA as telling |^da.V’-. A .Slate ■ Pofie’e sergeant In rrient was reached pn the .a.-wess- day at the Ellis-Ol.'on Morbilary Why waste your fur coat for DISPENSER was pale. He.wore a black .and >*el- .Mitciicll that the United Rtgtes [ civilian clothes, and an -.unmarlteflinonts of each .year for which the in Albany, Calif: The Rc'>. Ra>^ FREE PARKING 11 Cu. Ft. low tie with ,1 bio'.' n .suit contmuoiisly violated thq hoThders car was used ar; bait in a scheme to Mr. and Mrs, James J. Greene, one cape? We can make 2' company entered appeal.'. Some of .59 Walker St., have won prizes mond Baines of Westminst ■ Pres­ capes from your coat! Parcel Pickup to Tttf/tfi Mitchell, w'th nti’ -hi fi'.vn i.uil;,'|Of Red China on lnle|ligcn're mis-i check Scianna’s conduct, the appeals date back to 1957. • byterian Church of Berkeley. hair thinning in front, \yorc tdack- sions. ' ■ The sergeant deliberately exceed- in the "Fia.'h For Fun" nation­ Your Car! According In other terms of the Calif., officiated. After cremation, rlmmed glassi',' lind Ins small .Miuhell told newsmen "We | p<) the speed limit and was stopped wide photo contest sponsored by N ------1 .'ej,trcmenl, Creen Manor has the General Electric Co. Mrs. burial will be in Golden Gate Na­ GAPE • STOLE /# /////> noiilh was put'ed iie smoked Uiis- Ik,pc the American public will ■ by .Scianna. tional Cemetery, San Bruno, Calif. OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY- 10 A M. to 10 P.M. Automatic Sian pap'llosi, a foim of cigaictli’ liriiig • piesauje on the United'' 'sta te Police Comniissioner la'O, agreed to drop other appeals and Greene won $10, and her husband JACKET with a long caidhoaid tube, and Slatc.s government lo end these 1 Mi,icahy said .Scianna .'accepted the ' has also agreed to^pa.v judgment W'on $5. co.sts and intere.s'l charges to wore a gray suil witli a pale gray fiiglil.s, .since a siogle imident n r.jjo anti let the "speeder'' go With :.^^ach $ 1 ^ tie striped in red and tdai k, iiiisii'hik'rslanding could be the,|o,,|y a warning. Me was immedi-' date. Payment of\ these Members of Hose and Ladder F u n e r a l s Specials for Tuesday and Wadaasday GENERAL® ELECTRIC Although they dei imeil lo niv lau^e'of war; " ’ lately auapend"d. is In he rriadc witXjn two Weeks Co, No. 1. will meet tonight at 8 after the Hartford Couhiv Court Defrost Whether the Uiii'.ed .States -had . The two said they believed the . Mulrahy said the teal was set up o'clock at the fire house, Fflne St. Ernest Copping broken Soviet cphci s aii.l’ i oil. .^--Sovicj Union haa ahpwn great because, he had received word that of Common Plea.s ha.s entered a and Hartford Rd. . Free Estimates Funeral services for Ernest Cop­ they were niojc cooperative wticp-jT j|orehc,u am c. toward these recon- Scianna Terentiy took $5 from a formal judgment, ba.sed on the In Your Honje COLONIAL'S 9UAUTY correspondent for -tlic .Soviet ^^iv- n.sissan're flights. settlement. ping. 852 Vernon St., were 'held 4- New York motorist‘whom' he ;had The executive board of the .yesterday afternoon at the Wat- Tel. MI 4 - 0 9 ^ \ AUTOMATIC WASli emment paper Izve-tia them stopped fni;,Speeding on the park­ Bayer said tnda.v the solllemcnt Ladies- of the Assumption will kins-West Funeral Horiie, 142 E. REFRIGERATOR to specify nthej , I ountjef^ whose way. ' appeared to be a good one for the meet tomorrow ^ t - 8:30 p.m, In secret messages h.avc' —-de­ Center St.i with the Rqv. Robert Stale's Altoriiry Willis reitom- town. Had tile appeal.' been taken the church hall. K. Shlmoda of Talcottville Congre­ ciphered by the NSA, mended that .Seianna not' he ar­ all the way through the court.', he ", 'f lit'key. Kran. e, the Records gational Church officiating. Fred­ CANNESHli N o r m a n 's rested before further Investiga­ said, the ju’dgiuehts would have Manchester libraries will be open eric E. Wernef was organist. ■ United Arab’ Republic. -Yugoslavia. I tion of the case and today's ron- le.'ultert in at least thji current re- COLD FUR and Urugua V,” Miti hell-1 Uarranlee Iteeda on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Burial was in Mt. Hope Ceme­ FREEZER ferenre, duclions in assessments and might beginning this Saturday. The li­ tery, Talcottville. Bearers were L o w P r ic e •Sid. adding, ' Tha' Is'enough to i ■'ohn ,.M. and Cynthia M'. Cough Seianna whs a.ssign'ed to the give x-'general pic’ure" \ ’; iin to David W. and Mary/Beth have .resulted in greater ones. braries haye .been closed Saturdays STORAGE m i d e . < The aggregate of the - origitial for the glimmer. In-response to a question from !* property at r87"pf(nrV’ron ! 10 to 14 LB.- O n l y . . •... a a'''rorresiipnm;ent for tlir Soviet ; ■ • ,■ . / / .| “V - — ------■—-yvT-”-- - * Communist party organ Piavda.i Green Maiipi; Uonalructlon Cp 2.00 Avg. they said all their allegations that i I"'" I'' .Malaijm G. and Betty R. W eekend .Craslios the United S'ltes i.s u-ung liuitiev c^ 'arn ei, property o" fScoU I'>r, CLEAN and GLAZE fiorm ah's Low Price snd military a,d to imi.iHpiilJle amt ' ' -tluRrialm llenda ' " Bpiii”; 3 Arresl.s overthrow other, govci ,ime,ii s i\a,«- -Remi .N.i-rtylanriei to Michael B. $3.00 baaed qti an mfoi matmn ,le. tme .and Doinlhea .M. Murphy, proper- THINLY SLICED (or) whlch they and .dioiit I'lU ottK-r ty on. llackmataek St., l.rf>bor Day 'weekend .accidom.' BY THE.jGHUNK. .Lh. f 4b in Manchester resulted !, in fmir personnel of n.e ;>.ua were givei) t'amilloi' Uambolatl to Krajik — ------— ^— ahnrlly after Is iitg rmpi.,j([,| ^Uambolaji, property rornrir of persons'dnj'iired and four iarresle 5 ICKEN concerning American |ic>licy Snd ‘ . ' . . . John Ji .Moore, .‘Ifi, of 352 (>nler i..' was that Hie exei iiiive | . , , „ , , . .St, who suffered a clii hioiilh and fGS or i branch did not take the Uongress Rotlner for I d a scalp: and Mrs. loicy Bnynlnrv, 66-. ***<«st Into Ita 'cwildcnce . M'uem y Sullivan against George of 17 Pearl .St, who twisted her Lb. Askp'd to >ident1fv.the. congiess-! Sulliva^, »l 74 N. lit Has CENEML nerk. y ‘ Winjlow Shadi» man, .Mitchell ihplied: Adams S t $25,000. All but Mrs. Boynton were'tak- BREASTS ”I ..prefer not to'mention hia , rTertnlnatlon «f ('at ; VENETIAN RLINbS TOMATO O z . Foviet Union, nrp Comiftilni.'t^ Hartford and" .Susan -Kale Howes, with driving a motor- vehicle 14 ■SIZEOVEN Iwhile tinder the Ihfluenee of li­ Bring your"did rollers in ‘’eiieve it ig"" ^ * h " - . , 'I ’ ’ . , « r i.’,fi Deming S '. .Sept.'10, nbo save S5c per fhade. B o t. • (They said they had ' kmiwh of iXfpd Congregational Cljurrh. quor or drugs. He polled $‘200 bond for'court appearance .Sept, euch flights sinqe 1952 when they John fllyde VaiiHo.useri of 119 IP. ' CATSUP ■weri, stationed as p’nmmiinlcstions Broad St. and Beveriy - Foley Of, teimniclanir' at the Ksnasea base Hartford. .Sept. iO. ’ ‘ ! Others arrested over the week­ -ne^r "Kokohama In Ijapan, iThey Kmil Vin'renl Dielr. of 28't Cen­ end," in eonnectl'o'n with accidents, eppareh'tfy 'f^fferred W 'lie Kami-' ter ,St... *iiPE THEI-^ M at .317 S. Main St.. $3i000. NprtSI)tfleld> Ataas.. Sept. 8 from TVriiey Into Soviet Armenia UP)—Two Hartford, Conn., men' FAcraavnu^tHoiiato lMl|as 1 jBemia, atterationa to nevar retumaB’. The UiiiUd ware held for the grand Jury i claioled it waa ahot down at 29-31 Pioneer Circle, •ENERAL^ijOIMO HI a a cle n j^ miaalon dur- ^ today, oa eharfea of burglary JU O H N SO N FREE DEUVERY aBd tbeft of anreotlca from *n P A M t T M ...I- ell H AeeWntally xrpaaed Da^d Cj^kshanka; addltiop to East Ixiegmeadow drug store. MaiicheBter Shopping parkadt, Middit Turnpik* W. and SALES aril SERVICE bonier. . The Sov et Union house at. 14 NUea Dr.. $25*). ' Boba Maniva dr.. $5, and R.f'. PAINT CO. FREE FARKHW ly said'that the; blane bad : O- y. Erlandaon for f^bert Al­ ?Afph, $1. were arrested Sunday Kruad Si.. iManrhesler; Ooen Mondhyk Ttiesday, 10 A.M. to len, conversion'of ceramliji shop night looting .the store, They 6 P..M.-rT-.Wediienday> Thuraday, Priqay/'9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 72.1 MAIN ST. bell seld that in February af 117 New BolUfn Rd. to. dwall- wsra'beld lB'fd,000'aacb In dia- Saturdaj, 9 AM to 6 P.M. iPitGNE Ml 9-4501 V n - 1 ^ , UfiOO. tftiBt cetirt. " V OPEN DAILY 9 A M. to 9 P.M. 44\5 HIARTFOR •ir- TriplmB aiMip Bpihmfltlee Onateo—IM M arim SfaHek Moiriactea f ‘ i M ■ AH - « I . .¥ -f- .'V-A:/ i .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., IT^SDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 19^0 PAGE m in m p r ' ISTER EVENING HERAtD, ICANGHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, SEPTEBIBER 1960 f j u m r m v v Mrs. Robert Craig, T3 Over­ police Sunday ^ d brought to Kennedy Complains \ South Windsor look Rd- ■ Manchester wMr* he is eharged Wapping fa ir exhibitors May Police Arrests with breachydf peace. He ■was ar­ INVESTMENT PROBLSM9 I ZKNOW.KIl’ AMMN'IHESE______j « i THtfWTH'THlRP. 'W HERE'S obtain entry numbere before fair rested on/a warrant Issued by JKHCWl JAC3RBAAORE Vw------nK*m A N ^ THE . t»m Fire Destroys time- .by contacting Mr*. Hannah Raymond G. Stone, 33,j of Fitch­ Asst, ^seeutpr Align Thomas Oar efflos Is ap*a Hrarsdsy svM lsgs from 7 t* • tf’etasIF 1st rCVBRTHJ^ CHERRV7 , N^,MA3«?— You'D MMOL' Antwar to Pravteua Punia Soviet Planes to^ongo Williams of 1758 Tolland ^T^e. burg, Mass., was arrested ^uitday for an/^offehse, committed on or yoor eonvsnisaee. If yoo prsfsr. w* *MH lunra sea *f « n eepeMs' Manchester.- . and charged with speeding , on Rt. about July 13. Willett Is ’.being rsgtitsrsd rapraseBtaUvss esil 9b F*e< ■* F*w Bne»*iln»i, t*i LMOieMONSy i«n«MXlMO Ugindory King Pastor Reelghe r ^ d ior court appearance tomor- OALYtAMOItMO S9 WMT FOX' X/Sio^ flA6 j Brdgard Barn 15. Stone posted a $35 bond for MsIst yoa. Whether year prohlem .tarrMre* aastheBssSfl #r * OO^LpnON OFIMft (M ce WMM ujonrSuMegyirtTH*^ ( Rev.- R| WlnthrOp -^Nelson’-Jr.,, court appearance Sept. 17. ^^n»w. milliim GoUars, ws have tMs fsellitle* to tosder yes eomipilate .ACIOSS dExealibut at N A TO Base pastor of South Windsor’s First John E. -Rust Jr., Andrew A. Dsvle, 49, of Kelly •enies. ^m srO \A lt0 HUXDLSD , waa Fire roared through a hay- CongregAtloiial Church, recently fora, waa arrested Rd., Vernon,' was grreeted early IZMgwdarr Bword filled bam with two attached silos announced his resignation In a let­ noon and, charged with ______last Mght and chariged with driv­ refABTWimi Britteh tulcr, 8 Employ iOanttiaed frem Pm ;* On*) on the Earl Brogafd farm on ter .to church members. a motor vehicle with jMfective ing while under the Influence of to iTW-rRAOC RSCORD- King----- at best ‘‘four more years of back­ Shearson, Hammill % Co. 6FaaI regret ing and'filling.” He added, “at the Clark St. Saturday afternoon, - In this letter the pastor said, equit.. 4ent ■ patrolmainiuj'Raymond liquor or drugs. Patrolman Ren- S-— ISUrOrttlfWWOM© 7 H« foundwl 7Sharpar that hoapltaJieed him.* week ago. completely destroying IL Brogard he will.accept a csfF to become the Peck said h# noted ..dine varloue old Roberts said he saw Da'vis W— v««o» r* ti>* — a of J Nixon, who haa been working worst—and far more likely—it S Feminine would lead to depression and to succeeded In getting all 37-,em^ second pastor of a'oiewly organized deficiencies ih c lu ^ g no tali walk from a North End restau­ 91S Mebi SlTMt MemehMtor * MlletMn S . i m tho Bound nltkname on campaign plana from hia hoa- and young stock out of tim stru^ church north of St. Paul, Minn. lights, no'hom ana no sccblerstor rant. in an unsteady manner, t* vTablo piUl bed, plana to,leave next Mon­ real disaster.” • Devotee Truman spent seven hours in ture before It became' a biasing \ Bom iH Hartford, he received hi* pedal. Rust M^a told to appear hie car. Roberta told Dsvfs net to II Color lODamed day on a 9,000 mile . campaign ehrly education in West Hgrtford in court tomorrow. drive hie car, but after eittipg. 28 Sneer (Scot) 43 Grafted (her.) this north-central Indiana city of inferno.- , . „ UMorofaeUt 11 Pay notice awing, . • , . Brogard aaid hik was feeding the Bchlwls, was graduated from the . Henry ,2. Baranowski, 28, of there for 26 thinutea Davis startM ISFcftert II Very (Fr.) 37Uxard 451/>hcngrln*8' Kennedy also campaigns today 40,000, which had not been ■visited Hartfor^was arrested yeaterdayten to drive off. Robert* stopped him bride by \ president, former president cows when he' eaw smoke coming Loomis School In Windsor, Harv­ 16 Dinner courM ip Overtime (comb, form) [ and arrested him. Davie waa tak­ 48 Demeanor In Spokane and Seattle, Wash. He from the^ top of a stairway lead­ ard college and Yale Divinity snd chiidrgt Tged with intoxication. He 17 The (,b.) IS Ripped will make speeches tomorrow in or presidential candidate in 28 is belnihg held in' lieu of $25 bond en to this police station where he ALLY OOP BY Y. T. HAMLIN UattMliora j i w«rt«rn SO Bleckblrdc 47 Conelualona years. • ing to the loft and heard tlte School. TOV Oregon before leaving Portland crackle of Games. He saidXhis new church after fim/cburt appearance tomorrow. was examined by Dr. Nicholas YES, UMPA, ANY/...ANO yVlfP DO AAW.OCXJLA, liiatho-L-c andoturo SlDlepatched ■40 Drink made Everywhere the 76-year-oM for­ / Kenneth J. Willett, 35. of Rocky Marzislo and Sgt. Walter Fergu­ MILDRED i. COLEMAN 37Penetratee with malt by train for a 2-day whistle stop Firemen were called to the November ^11 be the Parkview ■THIKilS TO KEEP/ WELL Tt) kEEP HIS \ yOUVE GOT 18 Etemlty j j a tn u fruit touR down through California. mer Chief Executive went, crow ^ Congregationa'K at' White Begr Hill, we* arrested by Rocky Hill son. Davis is due in court Sept. 17. HIM AWAY / OTVAl. HIGHNESS THE YOUNG SO Lordi (ab.) as Tima of yaar 38 Olympian god BO Scatter, aa of waving, smiling people, Ap­ Bcena by s neighbor, whose young A SAFE DISTANCE ) LADY ALL |1 He enjoyed a 34 Natural , 40 Butterfly hay , 1 Thousands turned out yester­ son saw clouds of smoke and Lake, a suburban community 12 Voice Teacher rROM THAT day to greet Kennedy at Detroit peared. 'Vigorous as a 40-yeir-o!d, miles north of St -^aul. ^ PREtWDRY FROM HER .TOO, / WRONG- good tilUng aptitudo ^ 41 Exclamation 62Aga Truman smiled back and' returned sparks from the bam. f=EMALE- I THiNR! — • IS Culmination 42 Dearth 53 Rodent Flint And Muskegon. Mich. He contended the Republicans weYe e'very w av e.^- Use of all South Windsor’s Tite Alancheeter Evehlng' HerAld Formerly of New York. Boiten and Las Vsgas, will teach ve4ce ISClaaalfy Hi’s cheerful mood changed only equipment prevented the Bro­ ISLariata 1 1 r r r r r r .stifling economic growth and fail­ South Windsor rorresWndent El­ to serious minded and talented students, both adult and children. 1 i - r 4 r 4- when discussing the Republicans. gard home from becoming ignited more Burnham, telephone Mlteh ing to provide proper leadership. Mrs. Coleman has'performed in Opera, Operetta, Coneort, Mual- 14 He never-Torgot why he’d come by the blaze. ell 4-0874. SSIwflated r r ' "Under Republican leadership." eol Comedy, Radio and hoe been a winner in many Major Voice 34 Lament he said, "this country is standing to town—to help elect fhe Demo­ Hose lines were mn shout a I . . I J 1 . 11 38 European II II still, here In this country, and cratic ticket.' quarter of a mile to a brook on VA Ex-:in>i: d ie s Conteetz. From this wide profeezional experience and back­ flnch At the luncheon in his honor. Deming 8t. West Haven, 'Sept. 6 i^V—’l - ^ r . around the world.” He claiiMd Brogard estimated his loss, ex­ ground her aim i.s to tesch -pupils correct singing technique. IBAngar IT" is ' that a lag in economic gromh Truman warned the audience, "If Lewis G. Beardsley, 71. who re^. MOuUalaaa w Indiana votes for the Republicans, cluding insurance Coverage, at |20.- tired as nymager of the West H*- 2l' during the Eisenhower admiiiistra- 000. He said value of the hay, ex­ SOEmpUlant tion. has cost the average family you’ll get what you deserve.” And ven Veterans Administration Hos­ A New Dining ixpirinnett For information in regard to an audition, telephone 41 Revarwtlal at a news conference he' recalled. cluding harvest labor, was $3,- pital in December 1958, . after t r t r 9 N II $7,000. And he called for prompt 000, and that two new milk-c/oler fear 1 _ | 1 action to solve, the problem of "The farmers voted for the Re­ nearly 38 years in federal service, TRemont 5-1050 or write P.O. Box 97, Ellington, Conn. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 44Pinnade f r \ publicans And they got’ what they storage tanks valued at 32<000 and died yesterday at the hospital. WEDNESDAYS ARE FAMILY NIBHTS 48 Dutch unde automation. a 35.000'barn cleaner were lost in ■ 1 Sen. London B. Johnson, Ken- deserved.” ' , ■ \ BiBB M 3:08 P.M. a Woolly w \ * He refused to backtrack on the blaze. He said he will sell U-. BY AL VERMEER 81 —->-,wae the •vi 1 nsdy's “running mate, apent the dairy herd at auction Immediately. PRISCILLA'S POP m * weekend at his Texas ranch near statements he'd niade before the w loM of hU R Democratic convention in opposi­ Cause of the blaze has not been ''rOLJiRE LUCKY YOU NEVER HAVE T O \ nSrhapeZ court 3 'Austin. He will speak Thursday In determined. OUVERl YOU, LEARN HIST13RYAND . b u t has «h * B4Hom H Boston and campaign Friday in tion to the candidac^i' of Kennedy, School Menus Notice ALL YOU $ rDON'T WAVE SPELUNe-ARlTWMETIC SBXxpunged Hartford, Oonn., and New ‘York saying, "I’m from Missouri and I ev«r (earn«d have to be shown.” The following is the luncheon TO <50 TO^ 3 A N D l o n e l i n e s s .88 Ridden by n IT r r i r City before returning to Washing­ menus for the Union, ' Pleasant WE HAVE DAILY ,«CHOOl.i •GEOaRAPHYi 9 t hie knights Mi “He showed me.’ Valley and Avery St. elementary 41 ST ton on Saturday.^ PEE STDevlU . Henry Cabot‘'*Lodgie, Nixon’s schoola; Wedneaday, frankfurt on DELIVERY TO THE CAN EAT PERSON DOTTN 14 n running mate, makes the first for­ h>ll, potato chips, buttered com, 1 Things dona mal speech of his campaign today fmlt: Thursday, hamburg gravy vV In the high school at, Ablngton. Riiles^ Ammo^ on 'rice, totnato and lettuce, but­ '"SStaggar U ■ 1} OLD FA Sm oN E p CHICKEN . SOUP • Snare Pa. Accompanied by New York’s tered peas, roll* and butter, gela­ BOLTQN (3ov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Lodge tin; Friday tuna and macaroni Cam psdgnedover the holiday Knives Stolen salad, buttered green beans, sliced SOUTHERN PRItp CHICKEN weekend At beaches in the New cheese, peanut butter and jam SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O'NEAL 'York are*. Thousands of bathers sAndwnch and fruit. Milk is served AREA SPAGHETTI—FRENCH FRIED POTATOES tMAIASVIfiLb 'W N W O W A S r greeted them as they toured by From King^s with all m.eals. TOSSED s a l a d NEOEOLITAN VNgOWAtiWiRTtfiAMPi ATrW'noN’foMffl helicopter-Mihaking hands, pat­ B^leUn Board ■ BREAD sad BUTTElL-COrrEE OR TEA ■ '%ffi ting babies Uid munching .on hot Seven high powered rifles, valued Evergreen" Wood Chapter, OES, PINE LENOX A-* riLiUf.iMLr»eimt "No,” came the. answer. "It's deterr^ine if any other gun aeees- \ AOeSOBKHCTHEKSDWK-WATSSD I Henry Cabot Lodge.” aori^ were taken. morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of 0 C&© ♦ o o "He's on television?” she asked police discovered that entrance Former President Harry S. Tru­ was gained through e storeroom CJWMCTBL?? man spoke St Marion, Ind., in be­ window, on .the west side of Food You JLKTSmRQU AMD half of the Kennedy-Johnson .tick­ King. >> : v"v , SMRBOFPMIDSMCS et, He said continuation of a Re­ From Food King, a low partition publican administration probably was scaled to get Into the lower f ' l r ' ' Hot 60 f would-lead to "depression add real floor of Kings. Lodn.% long FV N 'disaster^” Sgt. George McCaughey and Pa­ SAM"” Trutnan, who opposed Kennedy trolman William Cooke believe the 1'' prioY'. to the Democratic conven­ stolen goods were removed from tion, s^id the nominee "proved to the store by the same route that my satisfaction that he had what entrance was gained, as a box of ♦ 1«WHN«AW. TJI.IMl.mKW*.—. It takes to he a winning.candidate .22 calibre bullets svas found in tall and a good president—a lot of grass near the window: JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD “Well, the boy* 1 know are'all alike—brokar honest, oldlfhsMoned courage, for A long Scrape.I mark on s dirt or>« thin^ and the vital quality of path running alongside' the build­ BUPPy, THERE AREN'T MANY .WHEN I SUP you FHJX'B forceful,/forthright leadership for p i o j m ^SECRETS IN A JONT LIKY. mUGHTER'5 NAME, AND WHERE VPU ing Was believed made by pulling a CAN FIND HER....'AND DON'T another.” box filled with the stolen objects WHY SHOULD I BEUEVC THIS.' you DON'T HAVE Truman said election of a Re YOOf XXI WON'T EVEH fclEVE ME- lOCtT^AT IT TILL VC away. ' >! •fVE ME >rXIR NAME ^ ■ OUTSIDE.' LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON publican ticket Nov. 8 would mean The investigation Is continuing. I --- Have You An Event \

Caaf>Wd^^ Feature Scheduled That Calls tCWwWfctMltivA For Food? ^ J » B. C. BY JOHNNY h a r t i i L It may be a wedding, a banquet or just an informal BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE v'' vto MaV& U? WAipWir fOK get-te|rether of a society, lodge or some friendly group. lAAMKIVIDS MWr HOPf KR ntlIMM WCMORS ON * BlIAK BTRIP OF AOIQM CQM1L. L-niDSFEISMCC; ANTI-Tl:>N6 >U&©iROUpe njKcvAtrnv iy h op the WE ARE PR^ARED TO SERVE YOU ' — ■' ' ...... " ■ ...... —— -..r.ii...... ^ IDLY cuRvow... Nv vmtes TMBftE,PA^S • . ENI^VMENTS. ; TO YOUR COA^ETE SATISFACTION Our Catering aervice is s e t'^ to be flexible enough to ^i r h i 'T-n n i h o ' acebmSnodate any isize gatheniig. Why h o t call ub and A talk over the details? ' ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR G a r d e n G i i o v e 5^- ' PHONES Ml 3.7364 - Ml 3.8383 MODEL 45D $ 7 9 9 5 MORTY MEEKLK BY DICK CAVALL ONWVf WL.-T1* MS OF THE TREE WORLD ARE ON itS SPECTACULAR KWEVEMENT5. X CONTMINO BUT COMB© THE IN GOLD OR nr TOO MUCH RRGTCOLOlSthC J S tiJ SItVER FINISH MICKEY FINN BY l ANK LEONARD (ZIOKTNOW.*. BUBTBR, ANQ i.' /'V f OUTM3UCO/ SOY-O-BOr' WHAT ’YOU'RE GOING 1 VOU MODEL 400 A SURPRISE THAT J IT EKPU/RINS TO TELL { CALLING I KEMEMBER, . N'T WORRY, > WAS-'-GEEiNS" / EVERYTHING, BRENTWOOD FOR UROER OIPRETA—NOT 'F —I KNOW 1 HER SITTING \ AAlCHAELj TONIGHT? y GET TO A PHONE.l AREAS A WORD ABOUT TO KEEP M / thTre with HIMI HERE TH SHUT' " M 59” O F MANCHESTER o m^BC9BCwS HIGHEST POLLEN REMOVIU I'’'*"?'' 'V-I' HIGHEST AIRBORNE BACTERIA - I - . 5, REMOVAL! L. Oitt»HraiM««- TM.a«i-UAe»»-e*f. HIGHEST AIR CIRCUUTIONI BY LESLIE TURNER c a pta in easy 4 COMPLETELY PORTABLE! OURMIUTARV pouca, j ALSOTHB tJEFuTSSt .PERMAfS. TtVL UPR ADIWCK MR. ABERNATHY •> AND WHAT wen p e c a n / HONSHU HIGH* 0 5 BY UAI,s|l'ON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY T1«JAI»ANE5B. IMV mTROL NO ALTERS TO REPLACE! W tica ARB PUT* v****^** ^ cu n eV mna WATCH 'ORNINa. THiy Or bk r r jih e water is much ALLROMISt CAITTIBttWNO /y\ Tooex^iv! IW0ULDN*r6O iTINaALWAVMLASLeT NOOZdNE-PRODUCINGTUBES! LElbfiOFORADIP, 1 I MIN TO SEARCHING COLONEL! MR.ABemMrH-11 SWMMINS7D0AY FDR , THE ENTIRE MOONV ANYTHINGla PORTUCKERlv Recopimeaded .fsr' relief of hey fever, “ NT siniu, uihms and other airborM slltr- S t giei, MICRONAIRE tiyes yw the a iiti ct>ml0r$ ol dusUfrtt, nict-irt* sunoundinfs. TTtpt'ntn miervfeopie - m )) intpuritiet ihtt slip tkrouth filur eis- Yoti never eaw a i^appier kid then when he heai^l that he’d been aooepted -- ehints! At the ierac time. MICRO­ NAIRE (Model 400) cireuUtw matt Why settle fpr anything to the one-ooUege he'd set his heart on.; A'pretty fabr halfback, e better jthan averege 'than 460 cubic feet per ininatc of ■ 4r* - . . _ i'.' ' i ' ' ; cleaner, purer air.' Uie effactivtiy in ' ^ student, al^air for arnateur th^trioals: he’ll gietja lot ouyof ooUege . .. '"every room! U*e with egntdeau,for leading itlerlirts haVe called MfCRO- ' l>ut the best sleep? and will give a lot, too. And his newjHartford National ohedking account . NAIRE’S method “ihe moet ROcical”. JEFF COBB BY PETE HOFFMAN I i s a lino first etep in learning how to manage m(^ney and live on an idlowanoe. « ' ' •' L THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS Corns in tor Free Domonstrationl i. VLife!'Lif# Is!i topfop Ihort"ih o rf as the ;saying goes, to I " f Matter of fact, ho’e almost ae plroud pf seeing name on . - '• ■■* 6* *!£«« VDotet (rtCiUt.''l C300L0 IT BS B 6 a o « yOU TALK SO ’^MBPSE.SD, Bl(r,tHCV • ' ' ■ '^^'s $)eep bn lumpy, —V— VI H WHOAJUIOUS ' MUCH ABOUT YOUR riA U S ,^ CK- ,A«MVaRVIN6S' ■ trV tiir .get a|qood night's those Hertford^ational ohec^ ee he is 9^ ihet letter frpm the deent AS I

.• - V ' ,L' ...i ■ ,;|- H'l- .' ''I,.

1. If;

■V' ' MANCHESTPEt EVENING HEEA^^, BIANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER A 1960 /' ' FAGBiXnm I ■ II.I.'-M II ■ • 'n |*AG£ FOtlRTEEN BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,' MANCHESTER^ CONN., TUESl^A^ SEPTEMSEft IV 196Q Surprise Team of Year, Win or Lose THE Flag Races M agic N um bstJ 7f c i r M r s t F l a g i n 55 Y e a r s ( Herald Hulking A1 Oerter V «jr At•'r* ■'Glance - Pirates Eiid>Spahii’s Streak EARL YOST i Sporta Billtor As Rafer XTow Vnrlf «!pnt 6 ^ SENATORS 4-1, ORIOLES 0>S—Airmingi — an Infleld oilt.and Cleta nrirdpfi ' « i i i ^ O r i o l e s ' troubJes began before Boyer's single. Jim Coatis.. (11-3) N ew Y ork , Sept. 6 (/P)— ♦.r—Strbouis moved into a tl« wdUi^Btics, 0^ against Spahnle 1 a s t*the nightcap against ^ y * a d e c^ Sunday ❖ sport was revived six years ago In Thie Bdllirhore Orioles, sur W. L. Pet. O.RT.P. St. Louie then tied it In the eighth Manchester and for the .last two Rome, Sept.<6 (AV-^ulking they left, home for Washington. won It, shutting put Boston 6n,,one With the next to last mile Milwaukee by winning 2-1- In 10 year, are 3-1 against the NL's Church with my family is al­ prise team of the year, win or Robinson stayed behind In a hos­ hit-for fivinhnTngs-In relief o f ’Sob PIttaburgh 81 51 .614 — 22 on singles by Joe Cunningham and years he led Watkins entry . . .. A1 Oerter of West Babylon, .Milwaukee ,74 37 .565 6)/,. 28 post on the pennant path be­ ''at Chicago before playing premier lefty -for the season- and ways the first event on the Sab- lose, lost half, of their Ameri­ pital. heeanse of a sore throat and Turley. a 4-4; 10- tie with the Cubs. are the only club he hasn't beaten Boyer and Walt Moryn's force out Speaking of Watkins, Bruce Wat­ N. Y., led qualifiers in defense Three GoldMe^ ^ Louis , 74 57 .365 6 ',, 28 hind them, the Pittsburgh Pi­ bath and we were at Mass at the fever. Then Woodling. who like Boston tpdk a 2-1 .lead In the The setond game at Wrigley Field, as a starting ‘. Pittsburgh against Glen Hobble, third Chi* kins, sponsor, captadn and star of his Olympic discus cham­ can League lead in the Labor Remaining Games rates .still have a 6 (a-game bulge usual hour andl back home by mid­ Robinson has swung a big bat for nightcap On Carroll Hardy's first only major league park without -is 24-40 against Spahn lifetime, cago pitcher. spiker of the team bearing his , Day firing, and yon can .blame ^ _ ^ ...... PlttMmrgh (22); At Home (14) In the National League race. And morning . . If was a great day name phoned to report condition­ pionship with a racord-break-- the Birds, found he aggravated a home rtin of the season and an lights, was calle(l because of dark­ and hadn't beaten him three times for a swim but it couldn’t be fitted ■ grhln injury in Sunday’s game w / — sa. MHwankee (4), Sepl. 6, 80, they did it the hard Way, by beat­ ing drills would start after Labor ing toss today but world rec­ it on one of three things, or RBI double by Lu Clit|toh The ness. in one season since 1956. REDB 9, PHILS 2 — Cincinnati, into our schedule so instead a For U,,S, Fighters Oct. 1. 2; va. St. Louis (I), Sept. ing Warren Spahn.' Day for all hopefuls. Not being ord holder , slipped all three together: S>w I’ ork Woodling played Yanks tied It on Tony Kiibek'S In. the nightcap. CIhuck Cettler quiet day around thq house was 7; vs. Chicago (4), Sept. 0, 10; II Cincinnati walloped Philadel­ eliminated by PitUburgh’s v lo under contract, I will be a free back tO' second after six events of 1. lUneas and Injury. ' the Nats, biit was O-for-5 In the eighth, off Ike De- The Bucs, playing .667 ball (10- phia, 9-2, in a night game. San' banged three doubles as the Braves lory, tagged'loser Robin Roberts spent except for the blafe of Mef 2. \ let doM-n by the baby birds, the Orioles ( 2 ) ;.vs. San Francisco (2), Sept. 5) against Milwaukee, ended Agent until the league orgiutizes the grueling 10-event. . lock, and won It with two out in 12, 18; vs. Los Angeles (2), Sept, Francisco made it four in a row Came back behind a seyen-hit (9-14) and two^'rallevers for 17 Allen’s or Curt Oowdy’s voice while Oerter,, leading a three - mam Rome, Sept. 6 (yp)— “ Three-for-three,” yelled United Stlitee and/or needed in the opener While Har- the ninth when losing reliever Mike .Spahn's winning streak at six with pitching job by Bob Buhl tl4-8) hits. Including home runs by Frank describing Yankee and Red Sox . >s.- Bill Skbnaaki phoned to 14, 15; vs. Cincinnati (J), 8ept. over Los Angeles, winning 12-8, talk football amd 1-enny Yost, the American ad .ance into the discus Boxing Coach Jules Menendez as he ushered his three Olym­ 8. No leftip by Ihe Washington, KllleWrew and Reno Bertoia Fornleles (B-.l) hit Johnny Blan­ a seven-run fourth inning for. a and whipped Harvey Haddix (10- Robinson (No. 27), Billy Martin baseball actibn for radio listen­ 27. Away (8) — Clnclnilati (8), before the D ^gers won the sec­ jeweler, Inquirkl about dates for finals, nurled the' disk 191 feet, pic Games boxing gold medalists to the'dressing room. Men­ Senators. '■ crashed two-run homers for Wash- chard and gave up singles by Gil 9-7 first game victory in their 0). Cottier's first two-bagger, a and Vada Pinson. Bob Purkey ers.. ^ i s . was the final day of the 8 % inches*—smashing by more W"ith third baseman Brook# Repl. 16, 17, 18; PhUadelphU (2). ond game of their twi-night dou­ remaining Sox baseball games Ington. Lefty Chuck Stobbs and McDotigald and Joe DcMacstri. Labor Day 'doubleheader. The bleheader, 4-3. single by Biliy Bruton and a went all the way for his 16th vic­ vacation period and the rest was than six feet his Olympic mark endez, from San Jose, Calif., saw each of his three finalist! Robinson ill and left fielder Gene Sept. 20 (2); Milwaukee (8),S«*pt. . . . Another'hqt, humid day and Country Club Hal Woode.shiek hlanke,i the Bird.s B|anchar/I had homered for the Bra-ve.a bounced back, Wdnning 7-1 double by scored two tory although allowing 13 hits — welcomed, not that we did too of 184 > ICJi - set in winning the rack up a gold medal finish in the<*> Woodling hurting, the Birds split five hit.« Stobbs ('allowed 28, 24, 25. in, the nightcap, but the split after work I headeil for the shore grueih\g 10-day ring competition. first run Bohhy Shant* l-S-4) was Milwaukee C23): .\t Home (15) runs that clinched it in the third all singles. He now has beaten ' much during the week but the ride event at Melbourne in 1956. ' SWEEPSTAKES, BLIND BOGEY night," said O ook, “and I wouldn’t their doubleheader at \\ ashington. • (),rre hits and striiek out seven ■the winning, pitcher in relief. I dropped them Into a second place PIRATES 9-1, BRAVES 7 -7 - inning. to Cooperatpwn, N.Y.„ on Friday but plans for i swlm'wrerc shelved — vs, San Francisco (2), Sept. 7, The Pirates, down quick when every club in the league. Advancing -with the former Class A—Lee Terry 73-2— 71, America’s three finalists—flight- have cared a bit. ’ ( losing 4-0 before rebounding for a before giving In to a,n asthmatic tie with St. Louis. and back..the same night/mornlng, because of inclement weather in 8 ; vs. Los Angeles (8), Se,pt. 0, 10, Bid Mathews' ,32nd home run • « • Kansas star were Tom Faulkner 77-4—73, $ked Ho­ middleweight Wilfle McClure, To­ ” I had the decision, and the 3-1 victory behind Skinny Rrown a attack in the seventh inning. Youiig C/ARDR 2-4, CUB.S 1-4 — The was tiresbtne. especially when I Westbrook. former Southern California great . aV s, w h i t e s o x 7 — The A's 11; vs, Chicgo (2), Sepl. 14, 15; That klgo dropped the Pirates' counted three Milwaukee runs in mans '80-7—73. ledo. Ohio; Middleweight Eddie medal was around my neck. three-hit pitching \ . j pteye Barber (P-.*)| was the loser. bangedxioser Bob Shaw (12-12) magfc number to 17 in pursuit of Cards w'on the first game on a ^ GIANTS 12-8, DODGERS 8.4— wont out of thb'Way at least'50 from Manhattan Beamh, Calif., and Crook, F ort' Campbell,- Ky., and vs.. Philadelphia (8), Sept, 16, 17, the first inning, took an 8-4 lead The Dodgere had'15 hlU including Class B—Jerry Beaulieu 80-10 "But I thought I.had the fiiy It could have been a let dowrKby i jjjving up Killebrew's 2.1th horherjUi that final ,milv.^post—the game walk, George Crowe's pinch miles on the trip ^olng . ylNiuch Thursday . ick Cochran, former Missouri ace —70, Ed McNamara 81,-U—“^O, light-heavyweight Cassius Clay, ae Birds, after they had swept' ' and DickXDonovan, first of five 18; vs. Cincinnati (2), -Sept. 20, when they shelled Spahn In the four home runs. In the opener, but beat all the way, boxing htoi to* the Birds, after they had swep^j first Inning, White Sox rHievers. for seven runs that clinches theif first flag in 33 double, a hit batsman and a force- reading to get caught up on, back Busy day was .on the schedule 'em Brookfield, Mo. Babk^ hit Vln Boggdnl 79-9—70, Joe Madore Louisville, each racked up decision side while he was swinging thbia three from New York and knocked \ . ■l.- 21| vs. .Pittsburgh (3). Sepl. 28, fourth. Don Hoak's 15th home run, also committed four errors. Stu in the first infipig on seven hits, years. Any cbmbinatjon of Buc out grounder by Stan M u s 1 a 1 IsBues of my favoritp''newspaper, and as it turned out it started at 1 7 8 ^ ^ % and Cochran 176 - 6 %. 81-11— 70. wins for his gold medal. big wide punches.” the Yankees out of first place. Or ^ ^ h e B.rd.s barked BrowP, who 24, 25. Awav (8) Pittsburgh (4), with a man on. and Dick Stuart's Miller 15*5) won it in relief for four of them doubles. ,Ray Herbert victories and Milwaufeer or St. against reliever Don Elston (8-8) .plus mail and these-small matter's 6 amd 18 hours later I wi(a Jiist None'^ressed himself since all Class C—Vito AgosUnelll 81-16 Italy, with six men’ in the finals, Clay, a 5-0 aweep winner on the tt rouM have been .lust another- Sept. 8. .30, Oct. I. 2; SI. Louis I 8th, a thi^e-run shot off re­ the Giants, who scored five runs turning off the light. D ue'to the shutout until the ninth inning while (in .H i was the winner. ' Lolii.s defeats totaling 17 disposes in the 10th. Lindy McDaniel -von Were attended to before the bed- that was required was to top the —65, George -McLafferty 83-16—^ also wound up with "three gold judges’, cards, pounded out a bloody round for th« fourth place Sena C D , Sept. 12, 13; Philadelphia CD, liever Joey Jay, put it away. The in the first inning, three on Wil­ Olympic Games in Rome, daily qualifying standard of 170 - 714 winning, his 11th, with a ellnching ■Sept. 27. 28. of the runners-up. it in relief of Larry Jackson. St. ,. time hour. 67. medal winners. and Russia win for the light-heavywei^t tors, only club witn tin edge 110-71 * * last three runs were unearned. lie Kirkland's home run, to beat sports wire has been later thim Twenty-two Jot the 36 entries made pair of b u n s the fifth off Pedro TIGERA 4-2, INDIANS 8-4 Louis led. on Key Boyer's 29th Low Gross—Lee Terry, 73. each won one. crown over Poland’s Zbigniew « - over Baltimore St. I.a>iiis (-23)!'At home (9)*— The magic number is 13 agalnSt Fred Green (7-4) was the winner, Stan Williams (12-8). Monday usual and. the regular routine ham it into the final, including such Blind Bogey—Tom Faulkner, Rartios (10>14i Ron Hansen's 20th Home runs by Charlie Maxwgil and vs. Milwaukee (2), Sept. 12, 18; fourth- place Los Angeles, - and 10 home, until the, eighth, when two McClure won a 4-1 edge In out­ etrzykow^ki. Whatever the reason, that first although pitching only the fourth Rookie Juan Marichal then lost been altered. . .However, by 11 challengers to U.S. discus hopes 77. home run 'a.^ walk and Jackie Norm Cash packed away th e^ en - vs. Clnrlnijall (1), Sepl. 14; vs. against fifth place San Francisco. walks and Richie Ashburn’s single Back at the old stand, corner of pointing Itably’s Carmelo Bossi. ” I didn’t want to give tht'se game defeat chopped the Blrda' inning, in relief of . starter Bob his first in the majors, after win* o’clock all was well and I motored as World Champion Edmund Pia- BEST 17, BLIND BOGEY winning streak, at seven and whit: Brandt's single'did it er for the 'Tigers and .righthander San Francisco' (S), Sepl. 16, 17, The other three—Cincinnati. Chi­ FrietM, gave the Oibs a 1-1 tie. The Herald reserved for the Sports to. Fairfield University, upon invi­ Fans booed the verdict, and Mc­ Judge? any room to do any extra Five w'alks helped the Cubs ning fovir, on a wild pitch in the Department, after a week’s ab­ towskl of Poland, Jozef Szwec- Class A—Jim Horvath 65-3— - thinking,” Clay said a* he peeled tied their edge to one game- over Bill Fischer .(7-61 although -loser 78; vs. I.OS Angeles (.3), Sept. 10, cago's Cubs and Philadelphia— Spahii. pow 17,-8, had won nine tation of Fairfield University and senyi of Hungary, amd VliMlimir 62. Clure said he was a little surprised tie Yankeas, who took a ^palr of VANTiR 8-8 R E ^ RCTX 2-^-The Mildest Grant (9-7) and 0on New- ^ 2 1 . .Away (IS) — Pltls))urgh wipe out a 3-0 Card lead With nightcap. Roger Craig (7-1) NW’on sence I found much work to be the New York Giants, to see the by the win. - the bandages from his hands. have.been eliminated. of 10 decisions since July 9. The four runs in the sixth inning of Truseuev and Kim Bukhanvov of a a s s B—Bill Butler 78-11— 67. 3-2 decisions from Boston.' Yankees had to come from behind combe allowed only four hits, The (l)V Sept.-, 7; at Philadelphia (.3), his sixth in a row. done, as is always the case, and an Giants'in practice, to Udk with ■What does the future hold for accumulation of mall was neatly Russia. Class C—Paul Dutelle- 74-:14— "I was just too tight to that first America's three newly-crowned The third place Chicago White In'both games against the Red Sox. Indiana got the edge In the night­ Sept.'O, 10, II; Chicago CD. Sbpt. the coaches amd players amd to Also making it was Adolfo Con- 60, John Relder 80-18—62'. round, and Boss! was Hard, to get Sox. four games behind. lost 8-7 tn They ended their four-game slump cap on Woodie Helci'a two-nin hom­ 23, 24, ^:S| Los .Angeles (8), Sept. stacked on the desk to be sorted .. luptih on the picturesque campus. olyrtipic games boxing chaifipione? Phone was busy and one particular solini, who won the Olympic dis­ Blind Bogey—George Whaley, to with his style,” McClure iaid. McClure does not anticipate a single, night game at Kansas and beat Bill Monbouquette (13- er off Paul Foytack (2-10) in the. 27. 28. '20;\San Francisco , (.3), It was a longer trip than antici­ cus gold medal for Italy in 1948 95. 10) with three runsin the fifth in­ caller, a female, had p discussion pated, Just 70 miles from 13 "I just couldn’t get in a good turning professional because of City. Cleveland and Detroit split, first Inning. Barry Latman '(.’i-ri) Sept. .30. Oct. 1. 2 (St. lyouls has ' Davis Qualifies SELECTED NINE, BUND punch in the first two rounds,” the ning or the first game, scoring on Major League with her husband and wanted this -Bissell St., but it warn well worth brittle hands. the Tigers winning the opener. 4-3, w'as the winner He allowed five tie game fo play off at Chlcag -. of Philadelphia was BOGEY slim Ohioan added. "Then Julie MIekey -Mantle's double .— New question to be answered: “ Whom the effort. Dinner was excellent, Crook iiolds no ambitions ' for and the Indians winning the sec­ h its.on e Rocky Colavito'a 28th Date to be announced). among the qualifiers for the after­ Class A-t—Ev Kennedy 29-1—28, told me I had to go real big in the ond game, 4-2. York's first extra — base hit In 43 home run. = L e a d e rs = = did Jane Russell marry,/Bob and I had a good opportunity to noon hop, step amd jump finals Slender,, shows form which has already Willie Ol^sinski 30-2—28. turning pro. He's a career Army Waterfleld or Tommy Harmon? I talk -with Andy Robustelli, Rosy third, so I did. And I pUlIed it out.” man, with 10 years in the Service AMERICAN LEAGUE with 51-3% in which Jozef netted' United States two Olympic gold medals in wom­ Claus B—Bill McGurkln 31-6— Cook, 31-,year-old Army ser­ AMERICAN Ij;AGUE said It was Harmon.” The answer Grier, Framk Gifford, Kyle Rote, Schmidt of Poland established an 26, Joe Grezel 33-7—26. to his credit. W. 1,. Pet. G.B. T.P. was Waterfield. "Now," the caller en’s 100 and 200 meter dashes. geant, stood Impassively on the Clay said he has no Idea of what Batting—Runnels, Boston. .333; who spoke in Manchester last Olympic mark of 53-11%. Claus C—George McLafferty Baltimore .80 .54 .507 — 20 said, “I’ll .have to wash and wax dais to receive hla gold medal for he’ll do with his boklng future. Smith, Chicago, .319; Kuenn. winter, Coach Jim Lee Howell But all was overshadowed by 29-8—21, George Biidd 33-9—24. New- l ork . 77 5.3 .502 1 24 both cars. I don't know whether to Pat Summerall' and Sam Huff, Just scoring a decision over Tadensz • The lean Louisville battler, who Chicago . . . 75 57 .,^508 4 22 Cleveland, Sievers., Chicago, 313; the tremendous duel underway in gold medals In track and boxing Low Gross— Sher Ferguspn, 70. A.5IERICAN LEAGUE thank you or not!” . . Yale press to mention a few. The weather with a minimum of surprises or Blind Bogey—George Slossberg, Walasck of Poland.? has.been likened in appearance to Remaining Games: - Minoso, Chicago, .309. the- decathlon between. America’s Close Ousted He smiled only when Avery Parkade 10-Pin Bowling Lanes Monday's Results pass for the 1960-61 college year warn perfect—for tadcing pictures, Johnson amd his buddy from upsets and stood right' behind the Oeorge WheJjy, 100. a young Joe Louis, has said In the Baltimore (20): A( Home (2) — Runs—Mantle, New York, 104; arrived from the office of Charlie and I tried out both my cauneras, Brundage, International Olympic past that he would like to turn pro vs. Boston (2), Sept. 20. 21. Away New York 3-8, Boston 2-2. Sievers, Chicago. 83: Maris, New UCLA, C. K. Yang of Formosa. Russians in the unofficial team SCOTCH BALL Loftus, without any question one black and white film on one and Showing the exhausting strain Placing ninth In the third Committee president, placed the "When somebody comes up 'with, (18) — Cleveland (2). Sept, 7; 8 ; Washington 4-1, Baltimore 0-8. York, 81: Aparicio. Smith, Minoso 35 mm. color on the other. . scoring race. Low net—Dot Ballaieper, Will award around hie neck as fan? Detroit 4-2, Cleveland.S-4. of the finest sports publicists in the of yesterday’s first five events The Soviets had 385%. points to heat o f the 1,500 meter run Noel 69, Bud Simon, Isabel Parciak a contract full of money.’’ He said Chicago (2), .Sept. 0, 10; Kansas and Landis, Chicago, 76. country . . And Ken Parker sent Dinner table neighbors were gaun- Saturday, Manchester’s Pete lustily jeered the 3-2 verdict. he does not intend to be around to Ready for Ambitious Campaign Kansas City 8, Chicago 7. although he is the bigger man America’s 355%. 69, Tom Faulkner, Melissa DeMar- Clt,y (1), Sept. II; Detroit (2), Runs Batted In—Maria, 97; word T r i n 11 y would host the my Cohen,of the Bridgeport Her­ Close was eliminated in the - Boos Didn’t Bother defend his Olympic title in Japan W'. L. Pet. G.B. Wertz, Boston, 93; Minoso, Chi- physically, Johnson could do no -But the U.S. trouble there’ lies tin 72. .Sept. IS, H ; New 5'ork (4), Sept. state’s sportswrlters Sept. 12 at ald and Howard Holcomb of Tor* better than 15.3 seconds today in Olympic Games. The former “They could have booed all in 1964. Baltimore ...... 80 ..597 cago,\92: Sievers, Chicago' and rington and my son Dean. . in the fact that the USSR now Low gross—Bill Alien, Betty 16. 17. 18 (2); AVashington (5), Hartford, this will formally start the sixth event—the 110-meter Manchester High and St. Benton 86, Willie Olekslnskl, Peg) "By EARL YOST >ly-resiMraced and new wood has Sept. 2.3. 24. 2.5. Oct. 1, 2; Boston New York ...... 7 7 .592 I Lemon; Wa.shington, 37. Back home just in time to change goes Into gymnastics where they John’s University track and Chirago ...... 75 the weekly. Monday noon luncheons hurdles. When Yang did 14.6 he will qndoubtedly pile up a bundle Stevens 86. beepAlet (rut jn all beds. Bnmswick (2). Sept. 27. 28. ..568 4 Hits—Smith and Minoso, Chi* with state college coaches . . Jeff clothes in order , to look present­ cross country star haul a 8:50.2 Ready, to roll. That’s the picked up a whopping 923 points of *rfiedals, also in wrestling and BEST i^ALL FOURSOMES 10—77; Ted LaBonne 65-20—75; Wsldman, 4 and 8. Girls Junior— dii^-klng pins are featured. New 5'ofk (24): At Home (tO) W’ashington ....67 .504 121/, cago, 158: Robinson,- Baltimore, Koelsch, still a number and out of able and to keep an appointment clocking. Uncle Siun’s other way things stand at the Park­ Macaione reports that he will' Cleveland ...... 65 .496 13'/, at the Country Club at night, for a "six - event total of 5,515 shooting, whereas Uncle Sam has Low net—Art Brickley, Herb Lou Gklasso 81-6— 75. I>slie Haas defeated Joan Marlow, —vs. Boston (1). Sept, 6, SO, Oct. 1.57: Runnels, Boston, 153; Fox work at Hamilton, reported a town Johnson’, With 740 points -for the two men in the event, Dyrol ade Lanes, as Manager Roger /farry a complete line of Bmn#- Detroit ...... ,.61 .462 18 A fiqe discussion group before the nearly finished big scoring. Carvey, Bob McOurkin, Vito Agos- P’lA.OT'OURN AMENT I. 2; \s. RalHmore (4), Sept. 16, Chicago, 14,5. baseball series was “ in the talking hurdles, had an overall total of Burleson and quali­ 5 and 4. M a c a i o n e enthusiastically wick bowling equipment, includ­ Boston ...... 57 .4.32 23 Double*—Skowron, N»w York, session, with comments on long Major Interest fied for the finals in which tinelli, 58; Henry Rockwell, Stan Markowski won, six feel 17. 18 (2): vs. Washington (2 ), stage" between Moriarty’s and 5,387. George McLaHferty, Walt Fergu­ Finals in the Men's Club Cham­ looks forward to the second ing halls, bags and shoe.«. •Sept. 20, 21. Awa.v (14) -— Chi­ Kansas City ...46 .34888 29; Freese. Chicago and Allison, Clarke’s Insurance.,. Tanned Tom­ ball hitters and the Olympics, in­ held the major Herb Elliott of Is from pin on 19th; Loii Becker, 24 pionship will be staged Sunday cluded Rocky Alexamder, Mike Russia's Vasiliy Kuznetsov had interest * son, Phil Hunt 68. Already 18 leagues have been cago (2), Sept. 7, 8; Detroit (2), Today’s Games Washington, 28; Six player* tied my Kelley, lifeguard at the Elling­ moved up to third place but with favored. feet from pin on 19th; Larry with Stan Markowski playing Ron­ season of 10 pin bowling in Boston (Muffett 4-2) at New Sibrinsz, Vic Daley, Charlie Davis Wilma Rudolph, the newly Ia>w gross^BlH: Carlson, Mau­ Scranton, 100 yards from pin on Manchester. Tonight officially signed up, each to roll .35 weeks Sept. 9, 10; Cleveland (2), Sept, II with 27. . ton Ridge Country Club, stopped 4,812 he had a long way to go rice Wiilev. Bill Prindle, Tom nie Lo-ws. or more The lane -manager aaid York (Grba 3-.3I. Triples---Fox. CTiicago, 10;^, Rob­ John Rieder, John (My Friend) crowned 100 meter Olympic cham­ 19th. marks the start of seasrin actlvl- (2 ) ; Kansas City (2). .Sept. 1.3, 14; at the desk to report results of Munger, Sked Homas, Lee Terry. to catch the two leadeps. Russia’s Nina Ponomareva With a Stanford 67; Willie. Oleksinaki, MIXED SOOTOB he expected lo-doiihle the number Cleveland (Locke 2-4) at Detroit inson, Baltimore. 8 ; Aparicio, Chi­ pion; added the 200 meters for a HOLE-IN-ONE CONTEST tlei when the Inter-Church League Boston (.3), Sept. 23, 24, 25; 55ash- weekend swim carnival . . John Bob Cappallo, Jerry Beaulieu and The four events remaining in record throw of 65.10 meters (183 Bob McCann. Joe Barre, Tom Low net, Fred' Meurant and Loll of leagiiei^that used the facilittes Ington (.3), .Sept. 20. 27, 28, (Burnside 7-7), (N). cago and Bertoia and Becquer, Rleder o f the Country l^lub phoned the decathlon—the discus, pole rare double and she did this, rac­ Jack Rusher, nine feet from pin. flpee away. Chicago (Score 4-0J at Kansas Joe Handley. . .Coming Man­ ing into a headwind that preceded 6-U Ft). This broke the old Olym­ Kearns, 68; Ted Zemke, Jerry Bantly, 44-11—33; Ted LoBonn* a year ago , in the maiden season rChlrago (22): At Home (14) — Washington. 7. with an invite to break, bread and vault, javelin amd 1,500 meter nm Beaulieu. Ray Warren, Don Car­ Match play vs. par: Lou Becker, Macaione, Iff his. second season City (Garver 2-7), (N). chester Open, Sept. 11-12, was the a savage rainstorm. In spite of the pic mark of 176 1-3/4 set by Olga and Norrha Chase, 51-18—33; AI as manager, reports Bemte of opera!(oh. \%. New York (2). Sept. 7, 8 ; vs. Home Runs—Maris, New York, eat steak with the Tournament all will be contested before 'tjie penter, 68. . * ’ 2-up: Stan Markowski, 1-up; A1 Only Games Scheduled. topic of discussion at the dinner wind, she beat out a brilliant field Fikltova, competing as a Czech in Hajjrand Bette W olff*, 64-21—38: Niiraery Available Baltimore (D , Sept. 0, 10; vs. Bos­ 35; Lemon'. Washington, 34: Man­ Committee Thursday night at the day is over. Grothier, 1-up. Olovlno, former professional bese- board amd volleyball. I didn’t m 24 seconds, remarkable time un- 1956. Married to America’s ham­ Tm Bantly and Edith Zhbrow, ball Umpire, would move up as his ton (2), Sept. 11 (2): vs. Washing­ W ednesday's Gaines tle. New York., 31; Colarito, De­ club, the Manchester Open details Ellington Ridge Kickers—Frank Sheldon 97-18— Evening Shifts will roll at 5, 7 Baltimore at Cleveland, (N). know that the club had so many Unusual Fatigue oef the circumstances, if short of mer thrower, , after 63-18—35. ton (2), Sept. 1.3, 14; vs. Kansas troit, 28; Sievers, Ch*'’*8**' ** to be announced . . Back in shape Johnson usually is stronger than 79; tois Bantly 106-27—70; Jack right hand man this season and 9 o'ejock and morning leagues .New 3’ork at Chicago, (N). volleyball players but Joe Hamdley her Olympic mark of .23.2, that, Olga became in American, Selected 12 holes, 1/4 handicap: Glovlno -wUI serve offlctally ss as­ Ctt.v (I). iSept. 21; vs. Detroit, (2), Stolen Basetf—Aparicio, Chi­ to try volleyball at night and I Yang in power’ events like the MATCH PLAY VS. PAR Hunter 103-30—72; A1 Grothier 84- at the convenience of the howlers Boston at Detroit. (N). insisted that he could get up a If the 5-foot-ll Clarksville, Tenn. competed here with the U.S. Team, Stan Markowski 44. sistant manager. Nursery will ho supervised by Mrs. Sepl. 26, 27; vs. Cleveland (,3). cago, 41: Landis, Chicago, 22; feiund that my timing wasn’t too team that would beat amythin; discus apd javelin, but his hurdles but failed to reach the finals. Top Tom Wolff, 3-up: Rod Midford, 12—72, Other key men at the 82-)>ed Sepl. SO, Oct. 1, 2. Away (8) — tVashington at Kansas City, (N ). Piersall, Cleveland, 18; Kaline. De­ far off'after a" two-week period of around. . . Happiest fellow aroun performance indicated unusual fa­ Girl cab -anchor the U.S. success­ 1-up: Jack Rusher Jr.. 1-up. .lUNIOB CHAMPIONSHIP Kickers; Merrill Rubinow, 87* Shirley Midwood. fully in thb women’s 400 meter re­ American Jn the discus was Mrs. lanes will )>e Bgster Keeney. lane Civic or fra'ernal groups sre in­ Kansas City ( 1), Sept. 6 ; Detroit NATIONAL LEAGUE troit, 15: Minoso. Chicago and rcecuperation. . * . the club was Wee Willie Simpson tigue. following yesterday’s drawn , Lo.s Angeles, in Kickers — Lew Cianciulli 87- Jimmy Rusher defeated )3tU 15— 72,’ Lou Becker, 80*S—74. maintenance; George Smith, ma- (4), Sepl 16. 17, 18 (2); Cleveland Monday’s Results Green. Washington. 14, who authored am 83 round, one of out program that stretch'ed from lay— and she thinks she can—it’ll vited to free bowling and fre'e in­ be a third gold medal and an all-star sixth with a throw of 168 3-%. cltlnee; Bill Edwards, custodian; (3 ) , Sepl. 2,3, 24. 2.5. Pittsburgh y-1, .Milwaukee 7-7 . Pitching—Coates, New York, Tuesday the best , dawn to midnight when interrupt­ structional periods. Arrangements performance equivalent to the . Pennsville, N. J. the HeS>y (Hank) WIttke, control nray he made by phoning Macaione. SI. Louis 2-4,"Chicago 1-4 (First 11-3, .786; Broyn. Baltimore, 11- Vacationing Cy Perkins, man ed by a sudden and violent rain­ behind the' Inter-CHurch 10 Pin Friday storm. great Fanny BlankeTa^-Koen of Hol­ record holder, and Ron Morris, deiflt ; and BUI Duncan, a jack -of/ Popular the last two Saturdays game, 10 Innings; Second, Called 5, .688: Perry, Cleveland, 15-7, Burbimk, Calif, qualified for the After 10 Innings, Darkness) League, visited before 8 o'clock. of Memphis, the land a dozen years agd; all trades. The laUer attends Ire ROGER MACAIQNE were free periods for youngsters in .682; Estrada, Baltimore, 16-8, Weather waUi comfortable for pole vault finals but Dave Clark, .San Francisco 12-.3, 1-os Angeles He reported the league had in­ only other U.S. decathalon entry Skeeter Rudolph’s triumph came Porter 8

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONl^., TTJBSDAY, SEPT^MBNR 8, 1960 N f . SIXTBIM MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1960 BouMhttld Goodg 51 Afiartmsnto— f la t » ^ Houses for Sale 72 Rouses tor Sale 72 Housea for Sale Houses for Sale 72 W>ntod««-Jto>i liBtato 77 C olum bia' Doga , I BM P—Pets 41^ Tansnentb BoimeM SienrlcM Offend 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY umI-SHORTEN Galrden-^rFacm—OalrY NORGE ELECTRIC range, good 59 ROLL STKe ] ^ —Large 10 robm -BOL'TON-'l^te . ia a > beaut! SOUTH WINDSOR. FOR BALK—7 room house w i^ IF YOU.WIBH lal sendee, Products 60 condition. Owner transferred. $60. MANCHESTER L,'Daiuxs 4 room singte home,; 6 bedrboma. new $12,900 ranch 'near Bolton - Center extra lot foi parking. Ideal loom- call Joesph A. Barth, ir, Ml State P|*4 M A M RUBBISH REMOVAL Serv­ AKC SPRDIOER Spaniel piip. EX- MI 8-7145. ' , Road, endlQsed breezeway and at- tlon for profi lU man. MI 9-6820. ceUent huntinr stock, lovable pet. wariment In modern brick build­ G.E. furnace, economical' Heat, Very, Spacious Deluxtf Home ice—fMldentlai, commerclnl, in- good condition thrpughout,; large tfsched garage, aluminum com- 'Ohiu-ming 6 room Colonial on one 3-7922. Reasonable. R 2-7834 CONCORD'g r a p e s . Philip Farr, n in e CAPE COD Self atoring ing, Excellent location. Available diutrlnl. AtUca, cellnro, yards, in- C ossiP coMMKTTumxBmmmair SuTfHOUlO MB&T,jMBe ONKOPMIS OMM Oct. 1. Rental ‘$186 monthly. Call playroom over deluxe 2-car ‘ ga­ -bihatlons I throughout.. R. F. floor, *'4 fireplaces large country dnomtor-cardboaid drums. Lnwn 1)16 OIPT OM CiffiN COMMCEIHIOMII- 127 Charter Oak St. MI 9-9048. wooden combination screen and Dimbck Co;, MI 9-6246, Barbara SOUTH, WINDSOR—G tCMe ficatis. VOM; CML out 1MC MLITIAf WANTBD-41pme for kittena, 2 tan storm windows assorted sizes, '$46. The Jarvlg Realty Co., MI 8-4112, rage, nice yard. Conveniently lo­ kitchen With fireplace, atalnless —644 room rsnch, garage Coventry monrtaif. Ught trucking. Ml S-97S7. and whUte, one Mack and white, TOMATOES—Pick in your own eon- cated. Can’t 1>e beat for the price WoodSt MI 9*7782, Johanna Evans, steel sink, dishwasher, etc. Loads - To Ybu|ig BU 9-9410. Ml 9-6658. fireplacee, aluminum combina­ one calico. MI 9-1467. talners, 60c hklt bushel'. 487 Clark EXCLUSIVE NEW 3t4 extra large of $17,900. Vacant/^Call today, of cabinets, large dining- rdom,‘ tions, lot 138x2?6, set high on a SUPERIOR PAVmo OO.-Ameslte rooms, heat hot water, stove, re­ Gerard Agency, MI 8-0866, MI lO rvln PAlme'r, p n o u m tjm i St., Wapping, off Route >0. n—MAFCHEisiTSl N w new built-in hutch, china cabinet, -2 hill, oVer 1100^. ft. of living area. s e s Listed driveways cbnstructed, t resur­ frigerator. Many extras; Adults. 9-0626. full ceramic baths plus lavatory the State Young fUpuUleta (SUk . faced,, sealed. Reasonably priced. Musical Instraments 53 MI 9-67150. Junior High School, immaculate 6 -Priced in the low 20s. Home Find­ Ml 84616, i w c u f m ' ’TWO COTE klltena reiady to leave PEACHES, ELBERTA. Pick your off kitchen. Pine . paneled, den, ers Realty^Co.. MI 4-1531 or Ml tree Show ■will make .hte first visit to tog.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTI8MENT DEPT. HOURS. home. CM] MI 9-4962. $13,200—LARGE S bedroom ranch,' rbom Salt'Box with breezewayand walk-hp. attic, 8 large therirtt^ane ICMCillTEM own, $1 basket bi your own con­ a m p l if ie r —30 watts, Danelectro attached garage, near bun line and ■8-8710 any time'. Columbia Young RepuMiegno Ctob tainer. Novell! Farm, Mountain fireplace, etorme, garage, freest picture windows. This lovely home 8;15 AJL to 4;30 PJH. S'KEjq EJSTIMATES—Prompt serv­ pioneer. Model SOA, two channel, Shopping. Owner moving—selling Thursday night, when they nW6t Road, Glastonbury. TWO ROOM apartment, heat and paid $15,200. Carlton W. Hutchins, features many unusual and unique ilOLUN G PAR K -^ room Cape. The clashes of the 4-H'Tri*Tbwn in Yeomans Hall at 8 p.m. UttSKf ice on aQ types of electrical wir­ six Input, separate base and treble hot water. MI 9-1683, AD 3-4793. m 9-6132. , for $14,900. Call the R. F. Dlihbck #REE, PAIR tiger kittens, house- variable vibrato. Cost $210. Like features, 5 minutes to center of 144 baths and garage. Call owner Horse Show at 10 a.m. Sept.' guests at this m e o tln ifW ill. bo . COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ing.. Licensed and insured. Wilson broken.'MI 9-2901. . Co., MI 9*5245; Barbara Woods, MI Electrical Co., Manchester, Ml new. Sacrifice $126. MI 3-4289. Manchester, MI 9-'0458. Tolland County Agricutural Centi prace Beely-Brown, caridKwto ' MOMDAir Xhni ililD A y ItiM AJH.*."4IAIOBOAI 9 Flowers-^Morsery Stock 50-B FIVE ROOM rent available, on MANCHESTEIt--New 6 rtom Gar­ 0-7702, or Johanna Evans, MI in Rockville have been listed by 9-4817. GlastonMiry, ME 8-7876 bus line, oil heat storm windows. rison Colonial, IH ceramic baths, 0-6663. • Priced at $35,000. fortlacob- lovely home (circa 1740), 9 rooms, One six. room Cape, four roorti stalled president, will p r^ d e- Uoa. The HonUd la mponalble fdr only ONE Incorroct liances. New 9x12 vtscose ruga, chester, Ml 9-5043, V— MANCHESTER—Keeney St. mNew Custom Built Ranch under, another entitled road hack. The. Rev. George K. Evgrii, min­ Reward. cilities available. Central. Children REDUCED TO $12,500—8 room ANDOVER LAKE—Two adJoUilpg LOAM—s a n d —stone — Gravel brohse^brass dinette, and chrome accepted, limited. 14 Arch St. Mrs room modified Cape with breeze­ Others are western pleasure for 14 ister. is attending the,21Hit meet­ 1964 4-DOOR Dodge sedan, excel­ TV SERVICE — Potterton’a aU Fill and Amhslte. For prompt de- MAIN STREET—Binding for com­ ranch, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, Home lots for sale. Marion E. Robertson, FOUND—One mongrel brown and Moving— Ti’ackin8’~ Help Wanted— Fcmsle 35 Help wanted— Male 36 kitchen'aets, inattresaes. 'Tm D orsey,,. way and attached garage, built-in broker. Ml 3-8983. years and over, pole bending, trail ing of the Ge.neralxAssoClatlon at white, female. Call Lee Fracchia, lent condition, $225. Call MI'3-*057. makes. Highest quality guarai Uvety call kO waiter P. brand names'at 30% to 40% off. mercial business or offlee uae. steam heat, large enclosed sun- range and oven, large w'ell land­ Three bedrooms, attached ga­ Hartford Semiimry FCundation to­ Storage 20 rage, full cellar, fireplace-, large horse, the last round-up, slock Dog Warden, MI 3-8894.______work and parte, over 47 year EXPERIENCED Office girl want­ THERE IS A future full of oppor Miller, Trucking. . Credit terms arranged, LeBlane PLEASANT ROOhf. gentleman, Will subbivide. Ml 9-8229, 9-6. porch. MI 9-1123, MI 9-3258. scaped lot. The condition of this THREE B ZONE lots With city perience. Fam for aerriee since kitchen, bijjlt-in coyal pink stove, seat, jumping and consolation. day. Tom orrow/le will attend the AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Oo. Local- ed. Preferable credit experience. tunitles in FuUer Brush route Furniture Hospital, '195^ South St., separato entrance, parking. MI home is like new. Priced $17,400. water. Union St, 'Manchester. No advance entry reservations 32ril Pastorfr Conference at Hart­ f o u n d —One Beagle puppy, black, Trailers 6-A 1931, Phone MI 9-4687 for best TOOh AND equipment rentals. S-lOlS w Ml 9-2951. PORTER STREET SECTION blrchwood cafeinet.s, double sink. moving, packing, storage. Low Salary commensurate wito exper­ sales work. Retirement, hospital' Sales and service. AP Equipment, Rockville, TR 5-2174. Open 9-9, « Call the R. F. Dlmock Co.. MI $2,800 each, m 9-6465. are neccasar.v.' The entry fee will ford Senitnary at 9 a.m. white and brown, female. Call I>e service. Saturdays till 8. STORE OR offlc^ corner Spruce House is very tststefully decorated THREE ROOM Roycraft trailer 21 rate on, long ffistence moves to ience. Box N Herald. izatlon, advancement. Married, 945 Center St.^ Ml 9-2052. Open and Eldridge, MI 9-2360. SENSIBLE INVITING HOME 9-8245, Barbara Woods, MI 9*)7702, be $2. Further details may he had ’n ;/C hancel Choir will rehearse Fracchia. Dog Warden, MI 3-8594. car. Call Ml 9-0090. n ic e l y FURNISHED room |n or Johanna Evans, Ml 9-5653. in colonial decor. Picture bay win­ ANDOVER—Wooded building tot foot 1950 model. Reasonable price. BXAT FINISH Holland window 48 states, l a S-OiST. evenings. 4- dow in living room. About three locally by contacting Mrs. Coiu li, cial music .for the dedication WORfclNG COUPLE with two 8-PIECE MAPLE living room set, large private home, spacious Five bedrooms, recreation room, 125x250 feet. Whales Rd off Route FOtDfD—One black and white Very good condition. Call Ml shades made to measure. All closet, tile bat|}, parking. 316 STORE FOR RENT suitable for mlnutee from exit 94, Wilbur Mrs. Robert Doggart or her daugli;^ omorrow at 7 p.m, and the Senior achool age children desire re­ FULL-TIME MOLD makers and CLOTHESLINE poles instaUed. Old 3 months '^old, $175. White sewing any business. Ideal location for G.E. heating system. fireplace, VI— rBOLTON—New. 8 room cape, 6, $700. JA 2-9782, 9-6. MI 3-4921 beagle, male. Call Lee Fracchia, 9-1555 evenings,6-7 or Saturdays metal Venetian blinds at a new liiachine, maple desk model $160; Spruce St. Cross. Immediate occupancy. ter, Barbara Doggart. Choir Friday at 8 p.m., both in Painting— Pai^rlng 21 fined housekeeper with A-1 refer­ machinists with job shop exper poles reset. Kelvtnator rtfrigera- dentist, near Parkade. Call MI sunporch, 2-car garage, VA baths. living room with paneled fireplace evenings'. Dog Warden, MI 3-8694. ______lo\/ price. Keys made white you ences. Excellent working ‘condi­ lence. Phone Mr. Kirk, M l 8-8126. studio couch type bed, , $20. MI wall, formal dining room, custom Price $16,500 Gale Elected the church. • wait Marlow's. tor and kitchen table for sale, MI NEWLY DECORATED room in 3-6802. Priced right. $19,600. Shown by ap­ LOTS; CENTRAL B zone, all Richard Gale has beci/elected The readies Society will return Auto Driving School 7*A EXTERIOR PAINTINO. Fitee esU- tions. Phone Mrs. Frank, at MI 9-1363. 3-2509. \ pointment. Gregg kitchen cabinets, rolled for­ 3-1518 for interview. After 6 p.m. DRIVERS for school buses—Man­ private home, shower, parking. HALL FOR LEASE—Second floor, mica, 114 baths. 3 large bedrooms,, 5AST HARTFORD utilities: choice lot, in, Rockledge, president of the Duffy^s organiza­ to its regular schedule Thursday ArunmnceniCTta WEAVING of Bunia moth holes mates. Very reasonable rateA Call A SUPER ^ALBERT VALUE Ml 9-8354.. EARLY’S DRIVINp'Sehool—Oaaa- phone MI 9-61S5. chester and Vernon, 7 :30-8:80 k.m., NINE SELF STORING wooden nicely decorated. Dance studio, of­ walkout baaeme.nt, ope . acre hvo AA zone: one on Beelzebub tion. Others e le ct^ 'a re ; Bemard with a meeting in Yeomans HaM, and tom clothing hosiery runs, MI 8-0494. 2:16-3:30 p.m, Good opportunity E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-q Convenience, comfort, low taxes. room and road instruction. Stand­ h; dbags repaired, ripper re combination screen and storm fices, club rooms. JA 7-1372 after BRAE-BURN REALTY wooded lot, fully landscaped, ame. All yours in this three bedropih Road in South Windsor: wooded Brown, vice prgsment: Eail Ixiv- following dessert lunch p ‘ 1 pm . PHILOO-BENDIX 16 lb. waab. 35c; REFINED c o m p a n io n for mid­ for extra income. Call MI 8-2414, 8 ROOMS TORNITURK r o o m FOR RENT, b'atkry heated, ard and automatic, dual-control placement, umbrellas repaired, windows assorted sizes, $46 takes 5 p.m. aite drive. Selling for $16,800. Call ranch with screened covered terr acre-plus lot.s In Bolton. T. J. ell, treasurei/and, John Ohlund, which will he served by the Of­ dry, 10c. Lucky Lady Launder- dle-aged woman.*'Prefer living in, MI 8-2818. BRAND NEW kitchen privileges, parking free, Crockett. Realtor, MI 3-1577. cars. Day or evening appoint' men’s shirt dlars reversed and PAINTlNa INSIDE or out. Good all. BU 9-9410. MI 3-4451. M 3-6273 the R. R. Dimock Co., Ml 9-5245 race, large corner lot. Many.Oxtras secretary. ficers of the group. / center, 9 Maple St, aeroea from excellent quarters, light house­ ONLY $810 , COMPLETE air-conditioned barber or Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702, ~ 'Radar Picket Ship —— menta. Call Ml 9-8876. replaced. M||rlow’s LdtOa Mend­ work done reasonable. Ml 9-0726. SHOE SALESMAN, part-time for including wall to wall carpeting, BUILDER'S special—Many choice FMrst National Store. Open 24 work only. Write Box X for Inter- CXNE-HALF h.p. motor 220, $10. $18.00 DELIVERS shop for rent. Fljlly equipped. Ap­ Manchester—6 room adorable Johanna Evans. MI 9-56S3. Wllifam L. Roharle, comnii3sai'.v- ing Shop. Thursday nights and Saturdays, TWO WELL furnished rooms with draperies, Venetians. .-S^ubstantial areas in South Windsor, Vernon, . 5fanch(nter Evening lleraU Oo- hours. MORTLOCK’S Mancheator’s lead PAINTINO AND rvleWv Four official Soap Box Derby $11.72 MONTH garages. Reasonable. Gentlemen ply Marlow’s, 867 Main St. ranch with full cellar, $15,900. seaman, USN, grandson of limibla correspondent Mrs. DeanM satery and commission. Apply Mr. 12-Piece Bedroom v n —MANCHESTER—Near Keeney 4% mortgage availMile. . Reason­ and Ellington ready tor develop­ ing driving school. Three skilled DICR;’B WEATHERSTRIP Com­ Good eleu) workmanship at rea- wheels and ajdes, $10. MI 9-0178. preferred. MI 3-8958_ able occupancy.^ r. and Mrs. Wiliam Roharle of R. Tuttle, telef^one Academy courteous instructors ' Class room pany doors and windows, custom aonahle rates. 30 years in Man­ WOMAN-—For babysitting, vicin­ Draizen, Morton Shoe, 7 ^ Main 14-Piece Living Room Manchester-?-family duplex, Street School. Beautiful L shaped ment.' Home Finders Realty Co.,- Personals ity Spruce and East Center Ste., St. /P r ic e $14,800 MI 4-1531 or MI 3-6710 any time. 11 Woodland Rd.. is serving aboard 8-8435. Instructions for 16, i? year olda. work guaranteed. Call collect WU chester. Raymond Flake. Ml 10-Piece Kitchen FURNISHED BEDROOM on bus Rouses for Rent 55 and 8. excellent location, full price, ranch, 244 yeara young, extra the Atlantic Fleet radar picket Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director UmanUc HA 8-U96. 9-9287. ^ood hours; M l 9-1184. MATniESS and box spring, excel­ Free storage until wanted. Frea line, Depot Square, business $16,800. large living room with fireplace, VACUUM C1.^EANICP-S repaUwd U> CAREFULrbiNGLE man on i>oul- LARGE 8 room_split level with SOUTH WI^^DSOR ship USS Hawkins operating out of Driver Education. Ml 9-7898. lent condition. Phone MI 9-9577. delivery. Free set-up by ,our relia­ block, adults, free parking, ac- three twin-sized bedrooms, larfee of Mayport, Fla-. - my own home shop. Forty years SEWING MACHINES repaired, all EXTERIOR AND Interior painting SHIRT PRBSSER—Wanted. Ex­ try farm. Experience desirable. ble men. garage including playroom and wooded lot. Priced at $18,500. Call Lovely tree shaded road. S bed Resort Property fM' Sale 74 Good wages, room, board. Phona - commodates one or two, weekly or Manchester—8 yoom cape with The Hawkins la used as an air Sonlers Vbulh factjry experience. All makea, PREPARE FOR driver’s tatt makea. Free estimates, pick-up, • and paperhanglng. Wallpaper perience not ne^epeary but help­ SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT washroom, 6 miles to Hartford or garage, vacanO$13,200’. The R. F. Dlmock Co.. Ml 9-5248, room custom built home, large low rates, free esUmatea, free ful.. Automation hqachine, go^ evenings. PI 2-6658. ihqnthl.v rates. Tel. Mr, Keith at LAKEFRONT property — Choice defense ship for the attack car­ Ages 16 to 60. Driving and claaa delivery, low prices. City Sewing hooka. Guaranteed workmanship. LOAM AI«5 flU. Woodrow aifford, ^Phone For Appointment MI 9-8191. Manchester, $145 a month. Im­ Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702, Jo­ modofn kitchen, two ovens, formica pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, Reasonable rates. Fully insured. starting wages, insurance l ^ e - MI 8-6712. lots and cnltages still available. rier striking force, anU-subniarine Liable in room»^ Three Instructors. No wait­ Center, 4 Charter Oak Ave., Hart­ ACCOUNTANT — Preferably one Samu^. Albert, totd. CH 7-0881 maculate condition. Sign one year Rockville—4 room ranch, flill cel­ hanna Evans. MI 9-5653. counters, laundry area, raised Home Finders Realty Co., MI JA 8-5409. ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ ford, J^A 2-0476. Fast and courteous servics. Leo fits. Apply in person. Fisher Dry After 8 p;m. CH. 6-2481 MODERfJ—Newly fumislied ttvih lease or better. MI 4-1462 ahy lar, basement garage, country at­ hearth fireplace with built-in book; warfare defense and surface, and my. t - 2-7249. J. PeUetier. Ml 9A836. Cleansers, 325 Broad St,^ Man­ who has had experience with 31” PHBjCO Console TV set, VHF- VIH—BOLTON. 5 room ranch near 4:1531 or Ml 3-6710 any time. shore engagements. Deaths of Two CAR POOL or ride wanted from mechanized system. Ask for Mr. If you have no means of transpor­ bedroom. With private tiled bath time. mosphere, $12,900. cases, walkout basement with extra FURNACES cleaned by licensed chester. UHF. Excellent condition. MI tation, I’ll send my auto .for you. and shower in quiet neighbor­ Manchester town line. 8 bedrooms, large windows. About one acre. Oak. St., Manchester to Hartford. LARSON’S, Connecticut’s tint il- EXTERIOR and interior Murphy, Rockville, TR 6-8388. 8-4018. oil burner man. Also trailer beat­ No obligation hood. Convenierit\to new .Junior BOLTON L A K E—Attractively extra largo lot, $15,000 R, F. Convenient to parkway. Short drive Wanted— Real Bstate 77 Advertisement— / A Somers youth, Perlln A. Hours 8:30-5. Ml 9-0152. censed driving achool trained — Ceilings reflnlahed. Paperhanglng, WOMAN EXPERIENCED, reUisble ers. Reasonable. M3 4-0095. BE YOUR O'WN boss running i High and High School. Parking, furnished 3 rooms, winterized ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor Dimock Co., MI 9-5246, Barbara to Manchester. Clean range and fuel oil — cour­ Parker Jr.. 18. has been found ro- Certified and approved Is now of Wallpaper hooka. Estlmatea given for housework once a week or tvto AMPLIFIER—80 watts, Danelec- A —L— B— E— R—T— S cottage, all electric kitchen, Woods, Ml 9-7702, Johanna Evans, RIDIDR8 WANTED, vicinity Gulf Service Station. First-rate in- fro Pioneer. Model 30A, two chan­ 43-48 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD additional conveniences. Open to Price $19,000 ARE YOU CONSIDERING teous service. McKinney Lumber, sTMinsible for the deaths July 1 ®f ferine classroom and behind Fully covered Iqr insurance. Call half days, steady. Call MI 9-6100. beautiful lakefront, 20 m^outea MI 9-4543 MI 3-7357 KH 9-5653. MI 3-2141 or MI.fl-4818. Travelers. Working hours 8;18' wheel lnatrU'.:tlon for teenagera. Buildlng-Contractltig 14 Edward R. Price. 6Q 9-1003, \Mme, interesting outdoor work, nel, six Input, separate base and Open Nights till 8—Sat. 6 p.m. discussion. Ideal for working SELLING YOUR two other \*ouths who were pas­ choice going station located at to Hartford. Sept. 16.rJune 15. For more information' on above 4:80. MI 3-7731. Ml 9-6076. treble variable vibrato. Cost $210. couple or teachers. Referejices Keeney Street—8 -room Colonial XrVERNON — New 6 room ranch PROPERIT? sengers In his ear when it crabbed ALL TYPES of carpentry work 68 \Oakland Street, Manchester, LARGE CRIB—Mattress. . baby required. MI 3-6913. Inquire LIvnwood ' Drive, lot 24. please call Manchester Evening Herald Cnv,. KEY PUNCHERS— ' Like new. Sacrifice $125. MI MI 9-0832.' with two extra lots, can be with attached garage, built-in into a bridge on- Rt. 20 In Somers. WANTED — Ride to Willlmantlc done, Alteratlona, dormers, roof Courses and Classes 27 Conn\ No experience necessary. 3-4289. clothes, men’s suits, shirts, coats STEPHEN ROSE MI S-7308 We will estimate value of youf entry enrfeepondent, F. Pauline The., victims were John Mo- State Teacher’s College from No. bought separately. Btove and oven, one acre wooded Garage—Senicb—Storagb 10 Inga, porches, finish upstairs, base­ Gulf WIU train you and pay you and skiris. MI 9-5459. lot, 2 fireplaces, near new Vernon property without obligation. We Little, telephone PI 2-62SI. Ritchie, 17, and Holland E. Worth­ Coventry. Cali PI 2-6070. AIRLINES TRAINING and place­ whUe training. Financial help for ROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman. VERNON—For rent' with option to ments and garages, etc. Call MI . Experienced Alphabetical buy''custom built 6 room ranch, 4 South Side—Duplex 6-8. Excellent Elementary/School.. Selling for J. 'V^^ATSON BEACH & CO also buy property for ccJh. ington.- 18. both of Somers. STORAGE SPACE for furniture or 9-6981. ment for hoetese or ground work. qualified him. Write Gulf Oil ASSORTED amplifiers, turn tables Call MI 3-5838. value. Member Multiple Listing. AOOIDBNT TOTAIJl According tb a finding by Tol­ GRAY SOFA BED—$15. Tele­ years bid, basement garage, on $17,900. R. P. Dimock Co.. AH 21 Central Row, Hartford merchandise now available at Must be High School graduate" Permanent or temporary, part Corporation, 165 'Whitney A-venue, and speakers. W 8-4289. 9-5245, Barbara Woods. MI 9-7702, land ' County Coroner Bernard Automobiles for Sale 4 W. F. DION Construction Company Write Box 484A, East Orange, vision antenna, $25. MI 4-1239. MAIN STREET—Heat, hot water, bus line, near schools and shop­ Hartford, Sept. 6 «VPi--The State 82 Pearl St. MI 9-5700. New Haven, il, Connecticut, or JohanPa Evans, MI 9-5653. JA 2-2115 STANLEY BRAY, Realtor Ackerman their deaths wr, 36 ft. aundeck with action, fair appraisals. Call on Wes CHAIN SAW work — Tree! cUt. dren desperately need 5 to 6 room BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room -Cape RAY’S ROOFINa CO., ahlngle and good working conditions. Willie’s 681 Main St. FROM AS l o w ’ AS $8.50 EACH kt^ve. Call MI 9-7737 from 5-7 p.m. patio beneath, stone terraced rear wall to wall carpeting, rear porch Smith, Bill Rood or Jack Crockett 1945 FORD >/4-TON plck-up. excel Reasonable rates. Call R St-7688 bidit-to rOofa, mttter and conduc­ single house or first floor apart­ Green Manor—6 room ranch in A-1 BnsliiesB Opportunities 32 Steak House. MI 9-8061. Ceiling Tile 9t4c Ft. ment preferred. Reasonable-. JA yard, nicely landscaped and two-car garage, shaded lot, large at the T. J . Crockett Agency, 244 lent condition- $250. MI 8-2509. between 1:80-4:30 or any Urns tor work; roof, chimney repairs. YOUTH—Full-time for general drug SECOND FLOOR, large 4 room condition,, attached garage, nice fenced. Near schools, churches and Main St., MI 3-1577. Saturday or Sunday. Ray Hagenow, M3 9 -^ 4 ; Ray OPPORTUNItYTN Manchester, SCHOOL DAYS could be your Western FramlngTruckloads INVITATION 8-0152, lot. A reaaonable offer ^11 ^ cafe style recreation room with store work. Experienced pre apartmmt. Electric refrigerator, shopping areas. Possible 444% bar, tile floor, - cedar , .paneled Jackaon MI 8-8828. full or part-tlme^wlth fast.cutting golden Dollar days. Make those ferred. Driver’s license essential. from $97 Per M stove and-licat included. Connec­ considered on this one. mortgage, 47 Hilltop Drive. Call SELLING YOUR home?77 For 1953 8TUDEBAKBR- $95. Call NOW. BEFORE the rush atarts, la t b id walls, inriiref't lighting. Price Clarke Floor Sanding Machines. extra hours pay Extra dollars the Miller Pharmacy. No phone calls Knotty Pine 13%c Ft, A tion for washer. Garage If desired. Farm and Land for Sale 71 owner MI 9-9593. Price $20,500. ■ courteous aqd industrious realty MI 9-4266. the time to have that gun put in A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, aiding, Low priced. Phone\.ACademy Avon way. Our Christmas Gift East Granby—Six room oversized $15,900. Philbrick Agency, MI service, call Ed Quatrale, Real please. Clam Shell Casing 6c Lin. Ft. .Sealed bids will be received at the Marion E. Robertgon Broker, MI 9-8464.. shape for the coming season. painting. Ca' ’aroenfry. Alteratlona 8-3554 or write Box 42, Columbia, catalogues are the most bMUtiful Office of the General Manager, 8-5953. BOLTON CENTER—110 beautUul Cape, full abed dormer, 5 minutes ROCKLEDGE^—644 room cape Estate MI 9-8164, Ext, 35 or TR 1957 AUS5TIN HEALY—106. ,Uke Bring it and your mower, shears, and additions. Celllnga. Workman- Conn. \ ■ ever. Just show them and they will Oak Flooring from $185 per M from Kaman Aircraft and Com­ full baths, tmilt-in oven and new, 'white, two blue stripes, 41 Center Street. ManchesteV, acres with 3500 feet on s'tate roads 0LJ>ER HOUSE on Russell St. 8 5-6360. knives, locks,, keys, etc. to Bralth- ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. sell for'you. Look Into this un- Salesmen Wanted 36-A Prefinished Mahogany Panelinir SIX ROOM duplex, centrally locat­ bustion En^neering. Excellent range, enclosed |)ofch, one-car gal “ 'tires almost new. M 3-7666, AD- Connecticut until September 14, with 8 room home.' Reasonably 'fbomg and enclosed porch, ga­ walte. 62 Pearl St. MI 8-4860. RESTAURANT for sale, prlceld , equaled eaming opportunity Uo- 31c 8q. Ft. 1960 at 2:00 p. m. for Alterations ed, oil heat, A-1 condition, $70. priced for quick sale. J. D. Realty, value, < * rage. There are many extras go> 3-6854. right. Excellent location. Easily PAINT Manufacturer’s Repre- rage, and tool shed, aluminum day. Call CH 7-4137. 1x10 Pine Sheathing $89 per M and Improvements to Heating Adults only. Box J. Herald, x. 470 Main St., MI 8-5129. Keeney Street — Two apartment ing with this house that makes storms and_ acreeris, Venetian TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ COUGHLIN ROOFINO Company, financed. J. D, Realty, 470 Main aehtative wanted by prominent for comfortable living. $23,900, 1947 CADILLAC—4 door sedan, Dlaappearing Stairways System Police-Court Building. house with 22' acres of beautiful blinds and'carpets Included. IjoI chines—r ^ i r s , sales, asrvlca and Inc. Aluminum sldlug, asphalt, St., MI 8:8129. SALESLADY manufacturer for Hartford area Philbrick Agency, Ml 9-6464. good condition, new motor. 1&47 rentals. Ml 9-8477. aabestoa roofing. Also ^uminum, - territory. Sales experience re­ . Each $28.96Bid forms and specifications are' TWO ROOMS furnished, an utlll: Houses for Sale 72 land. Could be 27 bulging lota. 80 ft. front X 148; Trees, ishrubs, Plymouth coupe, new tires, $35. ;aivanlsed or coppsr gutters and PACKAGE STORE for aale, grosa- available :at the ControlleriB of­ ties. 105 Birch St. -k Reasonably priced. MANCHESTER - ,6 room briclt and flowers galore. Call owner af­ COSMA APPLIANCE SERVICE. with a l^endly personality for quired. Established territory. PAT ’N TOTE MI 3-1451. eadera. Ml 8-7707. Ing $30,000. Ceiftrally located. Starting base pay $300 monthly, fice, 66 Center Street, Manchester, 60-62 PORTER 8T. ^ ceptionally ranch, enclosed ^reezeway, 2-car ter 8. MI 3-8835. Repairs all make refrigeratora, f women’s specialty shop. Salary, Connecticut. Nice 6 'TOom brick ranch. South Good ^tentlal. $7,000 plus stocky full-time, five day^ week, liberal bonus, and car allowance. Ex- SPACIOUS NEW ,6'room apart­ large two^famllytwoifamlly now vAcant, ex- garage, one year old, quality con- PACKARD IJiKL—'Patrician. 4-door freezers, washing machines, :y- NATIONAL LUMBER, INC.' Town o f—Manchsster. ConnecU- Windsor. Excellent financing. n 2 w ~5 r o o m ranch featuring dlscountx, exeeUeni worklnLg | cellent advancement opportunity. ment, aecond .floor, stove, refrig-^ T'ellent 'Ctmditlcm Newly redeeorat-i atrOctlon exceptionally desirable sedan. Immaculate condition. era. ranges, oil .and gas burners. Roofing and Chimneys 3-5129. 881 STATE STREET cut erator, heat- luid hot water fur­ Priced for quick sale. Off A v6^ Youngstown kitchen, baseboard Ml 6-0883. AH' work guaranteed. conditions and opportunity for ad­ State ag^, send details of educa­ ed. Priced r ig h t;9 -6 2 2 9 , 9-6, Street. locatiomwlth a view. Priced In the Original 40,000 miles. BU 9-3419 or Richard Martin, General Mana­ nished. Connections for washer hig}i tOs. Call for. appolntihent radistloir.. ca'kt Iron boiler, tile MI -4-0355. ROOFING — Speclalixing repairing PASTRY SHOP for sale. Low rent­ vancement. Experienced preferred, tion and experience to Box L NORTH HAVEN. CONN, bath, firepTace, lull basement, TAMKIR TREK removal — land although we will consider anil^raln Herald. dlestnut 8-2147 ger ' . / and dryer. Ml 3-4787 days. $10,500 5 ROOM ranch, aluminum Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8484, roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ al. Must sacrifice because of. iU- storma^amealte drive, 200' front­ J. D. ^ A L T Y large lot, $1S';5()0. Philbrick Agen­ cleared, firewood cut; Insured. ter work, chimneys cleaned re­ nesB. Phone between 5-9 p.m. MI an alert woman w lth-aultable^r- TWO ROOMS and bath, hot water, 470 MAIN ST. . , cy, MI 9-8464. sonality for position. age, view, Carlton H. Hutchins. ?12,600—SIX room nape, full base­ Call Paul A. Ellison, Ml 8-8742. paired. Aluminum siding. 10 9-9118. Diamonds— #atehf heat,, . electric!^ and parking MI 9-M82. MI 3-5129 Help Wanted— ment, combination windows and COVENTRY IJU C E ^ear 'round If 1 A Winner! years' experience. Free esti­ SAUL LEVINE FASHIONS Jewelry 48 space. Central. Bus line. MI 3-2457. doors, amesite drive, shade treee, mates, Call Howley, MI 8-8881. Ml Male or Female . 37 Manchester. West^Side — FOUR. BEDROOM Colonial, 7 PROM OWNER—6 robm-rAnch, at­ house, waterfront., 3 bedrooms, 8-0768. 787 MAIN STREET tached garage, radiant hekt, new- 30 days on'-- \ancy. Marion B, large kitchen, dining room, sun- Help Wanted— Femnie 35 LHXINARD W. YOST, Jeweler—re- Close to Silver Lane BusTDe- •THREE ROOM third floor apart­ rooms, 3 down, 4,>up, -a fine home, R o b e so n , Broker, MI 3-5958, A Pet's Coverlet! palra, adjuats watchea expertiy ment, .$50 per month. Csdl Rock­ centrally -locatod, only $13,900. ly' redecorated, ' near schools, porrh. Can be used as investment. COUNTER and grill work. Exper­ CASHIER—Experienced In chain PIANIST WANTED for danca lightful 6-rqoiii older home buseu, MI 9-4934' Reaaonable prlcea. Open Tuesday 'on shaded'''i0fl’ x 137’ lot. ville, TR 6-5431. Carlton_\^, Itotchins, Ml 9-8132. WEST CENTER Street—7 room $17,300. Joseph Barth. Broker, MI Heating and Plumbing 17 ienced only. Apply evenlnks lu per­ store or dlscbunt operation. Call studio.' PI 2-6886 any time. 9'-032a. , BU 9-9888, thru Saturday, Thuraday eve- Alnmlnirih combinaUons, City Engllah colonial.'' I-arge living son. Patio Drlve-In, Broad smd E. ninga. 139 Spnica St. Ml 9-4887. RCKIKVILLE — Onq five room THREE B ^ R O O M ranch, knotty i^ O L T O N room .with flfeplace. dining room Wathifi^ dishes PLUMBING AND heating — re­ Middle Tpke. w a t ^ sewer. A real charmer apartment $110. One 3’i room, pine k it ^ n , full basemen' CLYDE ROAD—Six room with two modeling Inatallationa, repaire. HOUSEKEEPER for convalescent d.en, 8 spaclouB'badrooms, ceramic Situations Wadted-r* at^l5,S00. $90. Available now in Risley tached/garage, 'la^ e lot, Beautiful 8 room executive baths, large garage, many, many ^is easy today.< AU work guaranteed 98 yeara ex­ WOMEN WANTED for general fac­ widower, Ilye in. Excellmt quar­ ^ v e .—Bill Boles—MI 9-9868 contemporary ranch designed and bath, newly remodeled kitchen ters. Job not too confining. Phone Female ' 38 Apartments. MI 9-4824, TR 5-1166. mortgage. Owner Ml 3-4952? with breakfast nook. W airto wall extras...Real clean too and' in ex­ perience. 24-hour service. Call tory work. Apply Manchest* r Manchester — Bowers School built by U & R Construction Co. Earl VanCamp, MI 9-4749 'MI 9-2358, Saturday and Sunday carpeting plus many extras. Only cellent condition. The price is up Modes, Pine Street. SEPTIC TANKS Area—Spotless 6-room ranch F (pl^ ROOMS, second. floor, hot SPJJT LEVEL, 7 rooms, high ele- leas than one year ago, that fea­ In the 17s and this house is with U.- only, 8-11 a.m.; 12-2:30 p.m. or CLEANING, WAXING and polteh t*?ater furnished, no lurnace, 'close yatlon, built-in stove, dishwasher, tures a sunken living room with $17,990. Paul J. Correnti, MI SALES WOMAN wanted for full­ after 4:30 p.m. ’ ' AND available immediately, li v ­ 3-5368. T, J. Crockett: Realtor, MI 3-1877. Radio-TV Repair Ing floors. MI 3-7466: ing room fireplace, separate to Main Street South,'rent reason- 'garage, large lot, $17,900. 4%% exposed beam ceiling marble fire time work in our Infahts’ and , able, no children MI 3-7094. mortgage. Carlton W. Hutchins, place, form al, dining room that Services 18 Girls' Department, . Selling and BABY SITTER—Wanted to sleep MATURE WOMAN hqvlng varied PLUeSED SEWERS dining room, 8 bedrooms, OAKWOOD ROAD, Bowjr,_ School VERNON—Lovely Cape Cod, 4 overnight in mjr ’home' and care ceramic tUe, batjh. _Nicely MI 9-5132. opens to a large sundeck. The den area — Lovely pictureoook 64 rooms down two unfinished up. knowledge ofi stock control helpful. clerical and typing experimee de­ ROCKVILLE—Will sub-lease for 9 is paneled With a stone fireplace of CON?ftE’S TV and Radio Service, Excellent starting salary. Exper­ for one' child. Must have own sires position in Manchester area. landscaped lot. months, option to reney, ultra­ room cape, i or 4. bedrooms Many nice fealuTcs include triple Machim Glsaa^ 189 GLENWOOD St',—6 room co its own. A large paneled family track aluminum- Morrns and available all hours. Satisfaction ienced preferred. Apply , Carl transportation. Vicinity Brandy Experienced in dealing with public Eve. MI 9-9858 modern 444 room apartment. lonial,- breezeway and garage, large modem kitchen with hew, Septie Taaka, Dry Wella, Sewer room with built-in bar. A kitchen birfl) cabinets, fireplace, beautiful screens, fireplace-, etc. . Nicely guaranteed. Cell Ml 9-1818 1 Relmer, Tots n’. Teens, Inc., 956 St. in Bolton. MI 9-8606. personally and on phoiie. Call MI Lines Installed—-CeUar IVatef- MI S-0627—MI 4-1189 Transferred to Boston. Progress basement finished -off, well land that has all electric conveniences, Main St. ' , 8-6982. Avenue Apartments, block from yard with fruit 1 trees. Priced .landscaped, $15,590, GaH owner ALL Ma k e s at T f, radio and prooSng Dona - We Sell ’’HOMES” scaped .Jot with- mature . trees. 3 Targe bedrooms, 2>i baths,-2-car OLAN MILLS needs three ladles shopping center. Y!oungsto\^ Shown 'by appointment only. Phil a realistic $15,700. BeHiore Affen MI 3-8557. . . , / -home electronic- equipment ex­ WANTED—Waitresses. Apply in garage and many more custom cy. MI 3-5121. for Interesting telephone work In . kitchen, built-in stove.Trefrigera­ ■lirick Agency, Ml 9-8464. features that are just too beautiful pertly repaired with a 90-day person. Howard Johnson’s, Tol­ downtwVn location. You may work W o lteii E. Howtond tor, garbage disposall pnit, fiill guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the MsKINNEY BROS. to describe in words. Why not call COOPER STREET—Real clean sin'- land Tpke.. Manchester. days 9-8 or evenings 8-9. $1- hour­ Realtor—MI S-1108 cellar, quiet neighborhood, $li5 56 ELWOOD ROAD—Colonial, large UB fot> an appointment to show you Manchester TV. MI 9-1040. ly wage. Apply In person to Mr. P SEPTIC TANKS living room, fireplace, formal din­ gle'. Nice lot, located just across Swiwbragw msposo) Co. 575 Main St., Manchester a month. TR 5-2608:^ through. Priced at $38,900. the street from the West Side Eichelberger lO-D a.m., 3-6 p.m., CLEANED and INSTALLED ISO-fSe Pearl St— Ml 8-6308 ing rootn cabinet kitchen -with GONDER’S TV Service—Motorola WAITRESS WANTED. 8 p.m.-l NICiELY FURNISHED two room Playground. Vacant and the ask­ and Phllco factory service. Hi-BI, Wednesday, Sept. 7, State Theater diahwaaher, 8 bedrooms, 144 baths, homa hooting a.m. Oak Grijl. MI 6-8094. Building, 758 Main St., Room 10. • S m R S apartment, all utilities. Prefer­ landscaped, lot 80x200. Marion E. U & R REALrY CO. ing price is only $13,900; Terrific Front End sp*$ phonos and auto radina. 214 SpruCe value. T, J. Crockett, Realtor, MI St. M3 9-14M. MACHINB CLEANED ence teachers 572 Main St. ' i ’ Robertson, Broker.!. Ml 3-5953. our w oyi COMBINATION stenographfr and • MI 4-8193 ' 3-1577. PBX operator. For ap^lntme'nt UCENSBD PRACTICAL, nunw ,ROCKyiLLE—14 Laurel St. Well BOLTON—First . Lake. 6 roopi RAOIO-’^ REP|AIR8, any m ake- call MI 3-4123. . • INSTALLATION m MANCHESTER—6 room cape, full Special T q q get premium qtiality cars amplifiers^ phonographs and to 8 Bhiff. MI 9-2324. 1 .furnished'3 room apartment. TR waterfront cottage, partial cellar, R. D. Murdock, MI 3-6472 5-9894. Also 2, roopi furnlshejd dormer, fireplace., basement ga-. Mobilhest with RT-98 . . . the changerar-OVer ,47 yeara total ex- DRIVERS for achool buaea—Man^ SPECIALIST ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS! i easily, winterized, artesian we^, apartinent.' ' SUMMIT STREET—Two-family,- rage, . ■______shaded yard.______Ml 9-5477, _ m o| t completely effective fuel pariaoce. 90 days guarantee on all Chester and Vernon, 7;80-8:80 property In' ex«eJI«nt tiaondltlop. (1) ALIGN FRONT END work. Potterton'a, I#1 9-4887. a.m., 2:18-8:30 p.m; Good oppor­ Shown' iwn by appointment. Marion E one side vacant. Large roomer TWO BEDROOM ranch with fiiTl REG- <1.6() oifvldltive in uae todsy. And Town ani Gonntry POUR ROOkt apartment, furnished .Robertsoh,, Broker,-■ MI S-S98S. tunity for extra Income. Call MI Read Herald Ad vs. aepsrate oil burners, 8-car garage baaenr^nt.'oil heat, excellent"con- . ,(’i) BALANCE FRONT yon get premium eervice. Au^ Or unfurnish^,' oil heat,adults. with overhead loft rented. Priced 3-2414, MI 3-2813. Drainagi Go. APPLICATIONS NOW New Bolton Rd., private home. BOWERS SCHOOL — 4 bedroom diUon.rtin,900. MI 9-1185. ■ i WHEELS-^-REG. <4.00 tomatic deliveries . . . a bsl- I^ORTENSEN TV Speclaiized RCA for quick aale. $13,800. aheied payment plan and many jtelevUlon. service. Ml 9-4<|4L Ml 8-6889, home in A-1 condition,, 3 full batJlis, MAlJfCHESTER—6 finished room (8) CHECH FRONT WHEEL PAYROLL CLERK—Rate baeed on OFFICIAL NOTICE . L .other extras dmigned to make MIM 143 basement beautihilly^ finished In .. Two ranch houses In South Wind­ Cape 'On a'qiilet street. Trees ga­ < b b a r i ^:g s experience, pleasant working con­ BEING TAKEN AT TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, Redwood, rear porch, patio with home'heating really easy.' ditions. Apply Personnel; Iqpa heated^ bedroom set, kitchen set, sor off Avery Street. Both bver- lore, both front and. back yard. All (4) ,CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM MiHlnery Drmmaking il9 MAKING VO|TERS outside flrepIace.VPrlced for quick irized ranches, one with 3 bedrooms fenced in. Just perfect and aaife Manufacturing, Regent St., Man­ range, refrigera tor,free elec­ sale, $17,800. Philbrick Agency, MI chester. The Selectmen and Town Clerk and double garage, and one with 4 for'the children’. Priced at $137000; ALL FOMR ONLY of the Town of Manchester here­ c a r e CENTER tricity, gas. Low rent. Apply 9-8464. M i^bilh e g f DRESSMAKING end alteratlc i - IN MANCHESTER URBAN AREA Apartment 4, 10 Depot Square. bedrooms and single garage.- Two Call Ed Quatrale, Real Estate. MI EXPERIENCED by give lioilce that they will he ill years old. Large lot. Yodr choice 9-5164 Ext. 35 or TR 5-6360. WTTH IHf itfW Call MI 9-083? any. time. session^^at the Town Clerk’s Of flea rintoVAM'iM . COVENTRY LAK E-Year ’round 8 VERNON Five room and 1 bath room lakefront cottage, modern $19,000, p i n -o -i ^ A 5290 SEWING MACHINE. in the tMuniclpal Building for the Available Sept. 1, $75 per month. BOIIt o N—Large 7 room ranch with l ^ . -purposb of examining the qualifi­ 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P .k ' bath porch, large Jiving room with - I ' i a M A igay, ydung alr U the high- Easy appUqUe and embroidery ALTERATIONS made quickly and Call Rockville TR 5-v7i85. two-car -garage. Six acres, most OPERATORb ANp TRAINEES cations of electors and admitting UOTHER HOtms TO SITIT) ' atone foreplace, one-car garage. G. S. K E ^H , Broker tight tpf this square-necked charm­ makes fast work of this cute pel efficiently. Ml 9-6868. Philbrick Agency. MI-9-8484.- of which arfe wooded/Very -central toverlel for the little one’s crib! to the Elactor'a O'ath those who location and a very.jeallstic price. er that was a prize winner'in the ,1 AppI^ shall bs found qualified oh Satur­ NURMI TWO ROOMS and kitchen, prlvi MI 9^8191 or MI 9r9^25' Wi GIVE W recent. Ariaa design-^contlsst at Pattern No. ,6290 h6s hot-iron MANCHESTER-V Ctolonlal, 8 ’ap6- T. J.. Crockett, Realtors, MI trankfer fpr 12'motifs (2 each of Mbrtug—Tracking— \ day, September 1(J, 1960, from 9:00 AUTO BpOY, bath. Ml 9-3166. \ 3-1577. , , . SERVICE ON ALL GREEN STAMPS UCl4A. ; . ; Manchester Modes, Inc. Reasotiabfe Rates cious rooms. .UVge. living room CONVENTIONAL MAKESf 6 pels); color chart; stitch illus­ 8rItoragt 20 A .M fto 8:00 F.M., only. ELEVEN ROOMSp-Tes, 11 rooms No. 8132 with Patt-O-Rama is Pine St., Mamcheater pyPDEX, 4 rooms,--.pantiT,j hath- with fireplace, family size tile trations; full directions. Niturallssd ^ iM n a muat prs- kitchen, porch, lone-car garagej: ' in this well kept home on Hackma­ BOWIi|RB SCHOOL-8 rooms, brick in slpes lO; 12, 14. 16, 18, 20. Bust MANCHSlSTlipt Moving juid Truck­ STARTING SEPT. 1^ rtxim, hot water; Frigidalre. MI tack Street. About an acre of land. ranch, basement recreation room, 81 to 40. Size 12, 32 bust, with To order, send 26c In coins to :— RN OR LPN, PART T7ME, il a.m.. aeht haturalixatlon certtflcataa ba? lau-ge lot 86x260, $17,900. Philbrick Anne Cabot, Th e Manchester Eve ing Company. Lpcai and long dte- 9-1051. , Large combination garage and officel 8-car garagei 100x150, steev*. 6 IS, yards of 86-incb. 7 p.m. fqil-fime 8 p.m.-ll p.m, flMv being admitted; Docujmohtary .Agency, Ml 9-8484. MORIARTY ning Herald, 1166 AVE. OF AMER­ tanca moving, packing and" stor> Vernon Haven Convalescent Hospl. evidence must be. preeented 1» PflG.SCHOOL CHILDREN PROM 3 YEARS ON barn. House hi|a two heating ays- trees.! Carlton W. Hutchins MI Mi Tojoidcr, send 36c in coins to ago. Regular aarvlca' throughout f o u r r o o m ■ tenement; aecond ICAS. NEW TORE 86. N. V. tal, Vernon, Conh.TR 6-3977 c«se6 of derivative dtlienshlp. floor, Birch St., $62. Call MI MANCHESTER—8 room Cdloriial, tems, tiill attic, plenty of room to 9-6132. ; ’A mi 2fAacbest«r Ntw England Statfs and Florida. ' stretch out. Vacant, In an estate, For . 1st ctess mantng add 16c ; SIGNED! •9^5229 largj? kitchen, diriing room, sup A pilif-.: AVE- Ml 848a. . EVER THOUGHT jof the eelllng parlor off large living room, bath has to sell, sensible offerg wilt be BROiTHERS for each m Uiuil ffrlntTnaipa, ad .. . . 7 ’hiomas A. BUIott GREEN MANQR-Walt-thla one TOPK Id, v ; profeeelon? Might make money fbr vsn serious consideration. Zoned B ^ E R S T 30T.31S C«it9r St I-V - dress, vriiIth aoiM and Pattern Num* MANCHEF’ T O Package Delivery i‘' IJekn C, Ppuiquiaial 9 4 78 THREP r o o m s furnished —heat, and 4 bedrooms on second floor, has 6 bfsfm snt.'R eal nest, good mailing add bcr. you. Information, MI 8-0979. it CALL Ml - S hot water, centrally located. On ona-car garage, nicely landscaped] for1 a ' two-famlly, ■ ' " and very eaeily lot, good contrail location, and ths iM lk S t M - ipattem. RtetNams, Light tnlcklng and package dellv- ^Roburt H. Btarfcel O ff Nertk g Hsvs you the '60 Album coh- \ Board o f Soteetmen 99 n m r w i w i w bus line. Call Newington MOhawk Jot. Priced M <16,900, PhUbri(?ji converted, T. J, Orockett, netltor. low. pries wiu.lntersst you. T, J, M l 3 -5 13 5 _Zcris^ Ko« ory. RikriftrMan, waaheni and NUR8B8 AID! Ml f SWt Ma ■eh& Agency, Ml 9-1464. i f i »*i8n. Orockstt. Realtor, M l 8-U77. tolnlng iii4ny lovely deelgna and Edward ToMklal omt frs# patteniir OtOy 20c » copy l t a r ” ’ !Tdwb Oaifc ' 'T - — ♦ i - -iy^ s V' ■

. i . /.

■ ■■■ . ■ .1 Averafi Daily Net Press Run EIGHtEEN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 6. IMO. ThaWsathar . For the Week Ended Fowwaat H V . 8. WeeWw |pwsat iKanrljf^ater lEttPtting Ifc^raUt Jaira 4tb, 19S0 IWr u S wamer teslfkl. U # Marine Lance Cpl. Elwood J. An- Phi TheU Chapter h t Beta Sig- ThreeJnj^ed icrapM. .8 13,125 W So as. MasOy samq derton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar bna Phi wlU hold a bowllilg pw ty Son, Raymond, 3H-years-old, was X. r. U la About tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Park- not injured. Member of the-Aw L Anderson, 93 W. Center Bt., Is IkmMi of OheahM serving with the 2nd Battalion, 4 th ade Lancs. In Bolton Crash State Trooper DerwLn Anthony -id City of ViUdgo Charm DelU Chapter, Royal A «a i Ma- “ iglment of the Eirst Marine Brl- investigated. He wras asalsted by ■ona wtll hold iti flrat fall meeting ga d < a t the Marine Corps Air Sta- Hose Co. No. 2 of the' Eighth Three people were admitted to Auxiliary State Troopers Richafds piatrict E ire, Departpient will and Grlsel. tomorrow 7:30 p.m. at the tlon^Raoeohe Bay, Hawaii. Manchester Memorial Hospital (OhwiUM AavertMag «a Faff* IS) Masonic Temple. After a business meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the In another accident Sunday in Ltxo; m (T W E N T Y t k i S I m ) MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1960 .PRICE FIVE c e n t ! early Sunday afternoon with In­ 188 •esslcm, there wUl be a social hour The Rockville..Hlgh School class Main and Hilliard St. headquar­ Bolton at about 8 p.m., Thomas and refreshments. of 1935, is p lan h % a 25 th re­ ters. juries sustained in a headon col­ Hendersoin. 19, of Warehouse Point, union Oct. 8. Members of the lision on Rt. 8 Just east of Bolton was warned for speeding by State Miss Nancy Bantly, daughter of class who have not received a no­ An orientation meeting for new Notch. Trooper Francis Plsch. 6 PolicenK^ Accused Mr. and Mrs. E. Theodore Baiitly tice by mall are asked to calkMrs menlbera of the League of Women According to the police. report^ State News Jr., 25 Raymond Rd., and Miss Gall June Dick Maguire, 'Vem Voters will be held tomorrow at 8 Louis N. Dubuc, 26, of 63 Moun­ tain St., RockvUle, driver of one of Henderson skidded rounding- a Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RED 2. m. at the home of Mrs. James V. curve at the Intersection ^ot Ly- Sherwood V. Martin, 359 Avery Tim,. 90 Concord Rd. the cars, has oeen 'charged with reckless driving. He .and hiis wife, 4all and Lake Ste., rtpu^k and R n S t. Wappln®. will enter the Mary The Reed-Eaton Circle of the A boariL.meetlrtg of the Junior Delta, 28, are both patients at the embankment and ov^tumed. The A. Burnham School, Northampton, Community Baptist Church will car was extensively damaged. o n Century ClubC^ll be held tomor­ hospital, as is Mrs. Patricia Hilt- Mase., college preparatory board­ meet at the home of Mrs. O. E. HendersonAiid his three passen­ ing school' for girls, as freshmen on Stanford, 2.3.3 Ferguson ’Rd.. and row at 8 p.m. al'tjm home of Mrs. gen, 18, of Wlllimantlc, wife of the Donald Eorstrom, 161 Tanner St. 4rlver of the second car Involved. gers escaped Injury except for a Education t> ^ . Sept. 14. Miss Terry Martin of Circle Six will meet at the home of biipjp^on the head sustained by a Wapping will return for her Junior Mrs. James Davis, Hillside Manor, ''TAe accident-bccurred near Mun- w'omM'nasseha^' year. Vernon, both at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Manchester Emblem Cibh^wlll son^andy Kitchen at about 1 ^ + ^ ^ passenger. For New Funds ' resume its monthly meetings p.m. when the car driven b y 'P tf^ c morrow at 8 p.m. at the K of The Army-Navy Club Auxiliary The Willing Workers of South went Into'a skid on wet.gifvement Hartford, Sept. 7 The hall. After a business session, while passing: hnotber car, went U.S. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the Speaks to G roup em Methodist Church will meet to­ Hartford, Sefet^ 7 (;p)— emads but that, as' later Informa- StAte Department of Educa­ clubrooms. Members are reminded there will be a social hour with re- out of controKand struck a car morrow at 2 p.m. at Susannah freshments. Thp Ray. Earl Robert Modean, tlon was gleaned, It would have tion today requested a 30 per to bring small Items for the cup. driven by Doilald\Hlltgen, 22, of WM. DICKSON State’s Atty. John D. EsaBelle “Tt: Wesley hall. Hostesses will be pastor of bhctet the King Luther­ been desirable to make them kt' a cent, boost in its operational .auction. Mrs. Carolyn Clegg and Mrs. Rob­ an Church, . wndsor, will address WlllImMtl6, head ofi> police of the announced today that he ^11 vlater date. The Alpine Society will hold Its CoIcbeMer Troop reporl^Both cars ert Martin. first fall meeting tomorrow at the organizational'meeting of the ask to t a one-man grand jury ^Tiw gambling operations In budget plus $47 million addi­ t The Ladles’ Missionary Society ^ le fe demolished according, to the & SON Har^rd have undergone various tional for building and equip­ 7:30 p.m. at the Italian-American Youth and Servic^niM's Com-, accident report, investigation of vice condi­ of the Talcottvlllo Congregational Miss Jeanne P. Halvorsen club, Eldrldge St. mittee of Concordia Lu^eran 260 TOLLAND TPKE. changres (Cs..a result of the raids, ment projects. Church will hold its first fall meet­ The condition of the three in­ tions in Hartford. lort on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Church Friday at 7 p.m, -at^thie ing tomorrow at 11 a.m. in the TEL. MI 9-0920 Six Hartford policemen, he said, The budget, filed at th.e state Halvorsen, 61 FTielps Rd.. will be Two students from Manchester. church, _ . ■ , ' . jured is termed good by the hos* (Continued eii Page Nine) church parlors. Members will 'l^ a l today. Dubuc has a torn knee established 1918 have now been accused of crim­ capitol, cov'ers departmental op­ among guests of honor at a "get Miss Mary Ann Beach, daughter Pastor Modean,. A Manchester work on sewing for the Pumpkin cartilage, back injuries, and a cut inal WTongdoing, including the two erations for the 2-year period W-. acquainted party’’ Sept. 13 at 8 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beach. native, will beooine pastor of the . festival. on the" head. Mrs. Dubuc suffered who allegedly accepted bribes to (Tinning next July 1, The requests' p.m. at the home of Mrs. .Walter 143 Boulder Rd,, and Miss Bar­ First Lutheran Church, Clifton, "Cemmtrelal and “protect” an Illegal drinking esr are subject to trimming by the By FBI Questioned Schiller, 14 Stony Comers, Avon. bara Rottner, daughter ’of Atty. N. J„ beginning Oct. 2, He is a cut leg and forehead and Mrs. toblishment. Hlltgeft has a fractured Jaw. Houston Stalls state Budget Department. The party is sponsored by the and Mrs. John S. G. Rottner, 483 prcsi^nt . of the New England Hlltgen and hie 17-month-old In ^ tr io l Pointing The grand Jury will be asked ■ The. agency asked $140.2 million Central Connecticut Chapter of E. Center St., will enter Wellesley Conference Luther League. son. John, were given emergency specifically, according to the pros­ for its basic operating expenses. the Centenary Alumni Associa­ College. Wellesley, Mass., Sept.-lS He will discuss the young adult Enrolling of X Washington, Sopt. 7 {/P)— President Eisenhower said today treatment at the hospital Sunday ecutor, to look Into geunbling, That’s an increase of $32.1 million, LECLERC tion o f Centenary College for as fre.ahmen. / ' movement in the church. The new . prosltution, police payoffs and Il­ or 3(5 per cent more than it re- the defection, to Moscow' of two American code clerks shows Women, Hackettstowm, N..T. Miss committee will serve post-high legal liquor violations. ceiwd during the present bien­ the^eed for an examination of the government’s entire secu* FUNERAL HOME Halvorsen is a senior at the col­ The public Is Invited to an in­ school age young people. Labelle said that an Investiga­ Negro Pupils nium. rity nt^hinery. lege. stallation of officers of Manchester Alfred C, Lange, vice president tion by his office and by State More money to meet state edu­ The Pr^ident said every (wssible step must be taken, 'with­ FUNERAL Grange tomorrow at 8 p.m. in of the church, will be toastmaster. Police, which predated the Sep­ Houston, Tex., Sept. 7 (JP\ — cational aid to town grants was Orange Flail. Officers'will be In­ A dinner, pretyared -by Edward tember '1959 gambling raids In Negro parents sought to enter requested. The department asked out violatmg the rights of individuals, to remove bad ffcicu- stalled by past masters. Kehl, co-chairman of the commit­ Hartford, had 'been In their chilldren in previously all- for $86.7 million for this, sji in­ rity risks frdni positions where they can harm the Ration. SERVICE tee, wlU be served.' without , p u b 1 i c i t y ' for many white schools here today, but crease of $7.5 million, or 9 jjer Eisenhower his news conference that the defection Of WALTER N. Mrs. Helen Tarsiuk, 61 Winter This Investigation, he said, "nec­ .school authorities did not enroll cent. L T. WOOD CO. Newcomers essarily was prejudiced by. the the two co(ie clerks of tlie National Security Agency proves LECLERC, St., who has returned after a two- them immediately. Significantly, these requests IciE PLANT Three Manchester girls will be­ ■ publicity” attending the more re­ that Americans must^^be constantlv on the alert. 'D ire cto r month visit In. Poland, was honored gin classes soon at Endicott Jun­ Some' of the families we* By 8:30' a'.m. three Negro chlt- are made merely for continuation 81 BISSCJA, 8T. at a surprise welcome-home party cent Investigative activities of the dreii had sought admission at two The two clerks, Berdon F. Mitchell, 31, and William H. Mar­ ior College, Beverly, Mass. They Hartford City Coundi!. of aid based on the present for­ Call Ml 9-5869. I Cubea-Crtuhed-Blocka recently. Her friends gave the hon­ are Miss F. Darien Jacobsen, serve are (newcomers to Man­ schooKs. mula. and mainly reflect higher tin, 29, turned up in a Moscow news conference yesterday and 23 Main Street, Manche^cr or guest a set of crystal jewelry. 'daughter of Mrs. Gertrude M. Ja­ "The evidence required to prove Two children sought admission school enrollment. Since the 1961 accused America of threat^jng peace. ____ chester; the comments of these the. kind of crime alleged,” the cobsen, 675 Center St.; Miss at Kashmere Gardens Elementary Legislature is almost certain ta The case shows, Eisenhowel^said, that we must go through A mid-week service o f Bible Amory Cook, daughter of Mrs. State’s Attorney said, "is best ob­ School. The parent of one specifi­ families generally read some­ tained by undercover investigative boost the aid formula, this figure our entire procedures to strengthen the possibility that Weak, study and prayer wilt be held at Aaron Cook, 562 E. Middle Tpke.; cally wanted to know why his son could increase by millions. Covenant Congregational Church and Miss Valerie Jean Ford, thing like this: "The staff at procedures, usually over an ex­ had' not been approved earlier irresponsible, or treasonable pepsbijs do not occupy sensitive tended period of time.” Governor Ribicoff said recently tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter when, he registered for the all- that increased state aid to'educa­ posts. , ‘ \ ^----- Holm es' treated us like old LaBelle said that he requested white school. ' -. T. Ford, 14 Newman St. Miss Ja­ tion would entail higher taxes to Eisenhower said he had not re- ■___ ’ the city council’s investigative sub­ 'A Negro mother bro\ight her j I ceived any indication that Mitch- Second Lt. Walter L Daudel, cobsen Is a senior, and Miss Cook friends. We'll never forget meet the expense. ! son of Mrs. Dorothy J. Daudel. 118 and Miss Ford are .freshmen. committee "to hold their hearings daughter to the John R. Harris : ell and Martin were suspected of,IWaW aaims Main St., has been iMsIgned to them." In closer session so that further elementarv’’ school and went into The department, which op­ ! any plans to defect before they the James Connally A.E. Base, The British-American Club will publicity would not impair the ef­ Consultation with Principal, Dean erates the teachers’ colleges, re- i ; left their jobs, ostensibly on a va- Waco, Tex., for pre-flight, and bas­ meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the fectiveness of the investigation Heath. quested $10.6 million to keep them I cation, last June 24. ames ic navigator training. clubhouse on Maple St. then 'being made. The attempt to enroll the chil­ running. That’s an increase of 25 Eisenhower said this In reply to IkeH ^ KorCBMGO "I appreciate the subcommit­ dren were the only immediate de­ per cent. a-questioner who hqtdd that the Every Friday Night At 8 P.M. tee’s cooperation in this regard,” velopments when the nations pair' claimed they had told a mem­ O f 1,000 isks he added. largest segrated school system Rally on TV ber of Congress/ff their disagreo- The State’s Attorney said that opened its doors for the fall teirrr nient w-ith Atrferican policies. knights of home the widespread gambling raids in under federal court orders to in­ Hartford, Sept. 7 Rep. Wil­ A Capitet^ Hill ..hearing that VVashington, Sept. 7 (JP> )■ COLUMBUS liam E. Miller (R-NY) chairman GOOD SHOE w n e Hartford a year ago had to be tegrate. could send sparks darting through Francis E. 'Walter. (D. Pa.), T38 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER of thS” Republican Congressional high government agencies has been serted today more than 1,000 si 4 0 0 MAIN s m n Committee, 'will apeak in Hart­ MANCHCSTBLCONN. sclieoiiled for Sept. 16 in the case ity risks now hold government REPAIRING PAYS ford on Sept. 15. ' of the two turncoats, jobs. President Eisenhower, hs Miller will keynote a television- f Plans for the hearing were an-: said, has refused since last Jan­ Wilhelm Pieck, 84, Dies; rally at 8:30 p.m. (Channel 301 1 nounced within hours after the uary to tell him their names. WHEN IT'S PONE AT \ for Thomas F. Brennan, Republi­ Moscow new-a conference of the Waller showed a reporter let­ can candidate for Congress in the tw'6 clerks whom Eisenhower has Firemen f^ m l l companies battled In a vain effort to sav'e the Second dongregational ters contained in correspondence First Dia'.rict, according to an an­ branded as "self-confessed trai­ that he has conducted with the nouncement today. Church m Waterburj' early today. Only two towers, one of which is shown in the pho­ tors.” HALE’S SERVICE DEPT.’ President «if East R#ieh to, wer*( saved in the $1 million blaze. (AP Photofn.\). Whjte House concerning his re­ OLLIE'S . . . UNDER NEW MANAOEa^T . . . The Pentagon called them "turn­ quest to identify, what he called OAK ST. e n t r a n c e e MANCHESTER ^ coats . . . who have become tools known security risks. Berlin, Sept. T (/Fi-Wilhelm Accident Totals one of them was^mentally sick and As chairman o f the House Com­ WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Plfeck, president I .ofC om m u nist' Hartford, Sept. 7 (jPt—The State $1 Million Dead, Hundreds Missing both were obviousl.v confused. AU TO BODY Sermany, died this mOmingt Motor V ^ c le Department’a daily .Chairman Francis E. Walter, D- mittee on un-American Activities, news agency ADN an-; recoprd of automobile accidents as of the House Committee on Walter said he wants the names o f' WaOING, AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRS nounced. 'Ite w as'84 years -old. o f last midnight and the totals on sqrt-Ameriffan activities, said the sU employes separate^ from serv­ A bulletnx signed by fioois the aamb- ikutewiiiui- year: Rfuins Church FBI had advised the National Se­ ice under a loyalty program but 281 ADAMS ST. TEL. Ml 9-5025 tors said a suikjen weakness of the 1959 I960 on curity Agency (NSA).that one of rehired after a 1956 decision'of the heart on. Sunday was complicated Accidents ...22.428 26.167 (est.I. the pain was a homosexual. Wal­ Supreme Ckmrt let them liave their COMPLETE CAR PAINTING by an Inflamation m . the lungs; Killed 167 _ a «7 / ter said FBI gave the NSA this jobs back. Pieck, whose Jo6' was largely Injured 690 14,280 (^ t.) information -before the two were Walter showed in the letters LAC9UER and ENAMEL WsyerbTyiforDonno’s Wrath shortly after Elsenhower, at his that of a figurehead, been too inWaterbiiry, Sept. 7 '/Pj-Thc hired in 1957. 111 to appear In public sihfegJuly 10, Proof Up to Widow Walter said he cpuld not identi­ news conference, h a d /sa id he Second Congregational Churcii knows of no problem that has ’en­ 1958. At that time other’ Cqmmu- New Haven, Sept, i iJPx—VeAer- fy w'hich one he meant. And the nist leaders helped him to the stege building was ruined early today By THE .\SSOC'I.'VTEp PRESS Heavy storm ewelLs were fore- Pentagon didn’t say w'hich one it gaged his attention more In re­ al Court Judge Robert P. Ander­ cent years than making the na­ at a big party celebration. W w t^ son has ruled that the widow of by a' spectacular S-ralarm fire that Hurricane Donna churned to-[ cast for the southeast and central considered mentally ill. tion’s security procedures air­ tllbricht the deputy premier, is thb, Julian Frank must plead and caused damage estimated at more ward the northwest today leaving, Bahamas today, spreading toward A Pentagon spokesman, asked real political leader in East Ger­ than $1 million. in its wake at least 116 dead and the remainder of the Bahamas, about Walter’s charge, said the tight. That comment came In a For 48 ^ears. It's Marlow's For prove Frank’s death was acci­ discu.ssion of the tw'o National many, dental before she can collect on Fire offieials said the fire in the hundreds missing on.Puerto Rico| lying cast of'the Florida coaqt, department was sticking by its One of 'Pieck’s last acts was to 65-year-oId stone structure in and other Caribbean islands. j-tonight. statement of last Friday—that Security Agency employee who tvv’o accident insurance policiee defected to Russia. receive Seydou Conte as ambassa­ valued at more than $500,000, downtown Waterhury probably As the storm, packing 125 mile-1 Residents o f San Salvador, FBI files .contained no derogatory GYM and SCHOOL SUPPLIES dor from Guinea, officially, an­ originated somewhera. between the aii-hour wihd.s, continued its m en­ w'hei'e Columbus - first landed in information about the two. Elsenhower said that 'whenever The two companies had filed Walter, in announcing that his the safety o f the nation la Involved nounced as the first countr.v out-, motions Meking to dismiss com­ altar and organ. acing westerly swing, warnings the New World, were advtsed to committee will open hearings he aJ^vays will do everything In Ms side thd Comnnmist bloc to recog­ plaints b.v Frank’s widow, Janet. , Because. Of -a sei'ie.s of recent went out to the Bahamas and all take pi'climinar.v precautions nize the East German sta.t’e. This fires in the area, including a Ma­ points along the southeast coast against the etrong winds and Sept. 16, Indicated some legisla­ She ^'anla full payment on the tion may result wq,8 in Marrfi. President Sekou sonic temple, and the fact -Uiat of the United Slates to w-alch hur­ high tides. (Continued on Page Five) po'Iictes. The ixg question now hanging Toure Ite* since repudiated the Frank, an attorne.v from West- firemen found the. -hatch door ricane advi.sorics for the next few- re'cognimn. The hurricane left death and over the whole case wss this: port.: died /With 33 others in an leading'to the basement open, the days. destruction. in its path. Puerto Pjeme’s term ars president'was officials said they were not ruling How could the peiir—one now airplane disaster near Bolivia, N. "The 4:50 a.m. weather advisory Rico ■ alone counted'at leas; 106 accused of being a homosexual, expire in October 1961. . put the possibility of arson. from Miami warned islands in the One son and two daughters sur- C., Jan. 6. Investigation laid the dead arid, another 200 mi.ssing in one identified as mentally sick and cause of the crash to the explo- The fire started about 1:30 a.m., Bahamas to button up at once for floods a^ntk high tides, Bulletins \ vive. 'Arthiir Pieck is general man­ both listed as "obyiously confused” and rage^ out of control for more hurricane winds. /T h re e deaths w'ere reported in —be hired or hang onto Jobs in ager of tho.^Eaat German. airUne, than an hour, left the build­ from the AP Wires (Conttniied on Page Nineteen) At the last report, Donna -was- ■Pbrt au Prince, capital of Haiti, one o f the top secret government Lufthansa. -Ldre.. Staimer is east' ing looking as though a bonib had German ambas.«ad6istp Yugoslavia. 600 miles east southeast of Miami and at least seven persons per­ agencies? - ptruck the, interior. His other daughter, Elly Winter, and 50 miles north northwest of ished Monday in the Leew-ard Is­ Sen. Mtke Mansfield, D-Mont., 81 DIE IN PLANE ORAra this WASH and WEAR rarncoat A stunned R-cv, Robert Dodds, Turks Island in the southern Ba­ Montevideo. Uruguay, Sept. T . . ■ • * . . . . / ■' took care of him In his last'klness. pastor o f the church, said it was lands, Five of these victims were said ”it is hard to understand how - , y . The fat and Jovial Pieck wm'-'R hamas. killed on A i^ illa and the other they could have beeh hired by an (AV-An'Argentine Airliner-with tod .early yet to det'-ide whether to The. Island whs buffered by 25 passengers and a crew of dx long-time' Communist revblution- o Assemhly Bars try to salvage anything from the two an Antigua Island. agency that is supposed to thor- ary who lived much of his life out­ winds of over 60 miles ah hour apparently exploded In .the air can handle! / ruined structure, or to build anew. and drenched by torrential rain -and crashed today In northern g" • ... side Germany. He returned in 1945 The building wax 90 per cent in-, (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued bn Page Nineteen)" from exile In Moscow, and in 1949, during the night. Interests in the Uruguay. All St aboard were sured, he said. central Bahamas were warned to killed, the airlines office hero when the Russians converted their RwOls!: Ouster Orders Sonic, records and files were for it takes to German zone of occupation into a prepare - for hurricane winds as ssild, including two U.S. wOmcB saved. , • , . Dortna approached at 8 milch per on the embassy staff In Buedoa •"Democratic Republic,” he was The fire struck in an area. West Installed as first president., Leopoldville, The Congo, S e^. ,7.4 savubu or Lumumba ^gains the hour. On a path that would bring Aires. The other pas«engers (tP)—The National Assembly today I'upper hand. her dangerously close to the Cai­ Democrats in Trouble were believed to be Paraguay­ downpours and detergents Otto Grotewohl was'made pre­ (Continued on Page Three) GYM SUIT mier, but Ulbrlcht is the party voted- to invalidate - President Jo - . Thie..„ Russians have cos Islands and Mayaguana Island ans or*Argentines. The airlhiM boss...... seph Kasavubu’s firing of Premier Ing trahsport Lumumba’s trbops. 'today and Sah Salvador Island identified the two Americans as Patrice Lumumba and Lumumba’s by plane aiid<^ruck as he ^ Iktralne Cnnhaughton'and Phoe­ School colors of white T-ehlrt late tonight. In 6 Key Dixie States (OonOnaed bn Page Four) order ousting Kashwibu. leashed a civ il'w a r against se^ Hurricane force winds extended be E'gelant. Without a wrilnkle cejuipnist opponents-Kasai and red irunkn wHh MancheH- The decision was embodied in a 90 miles to the northeast and 50 ringle resolution. Lumumba him­ province and made ready'for sim­ \News Tidbits By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS » "Teimessee looks Rke'a toss-up d r u g p r o b e o n ,r e pe- 6 to l'6, average sixei 8 to - bltsch'ek's ideas for 'a- big Latln- ^likango. to a hideout in the. ij^ife cuts. ■ The story continued:' has received a measage 'from writers and SuppUes e Lunch Boxes s Ameriesn economic developmeht African quarter of the city. ' ’ The U N a Las Vegas showgirl. Thbre'jWere thieae developments: "The refusal of ma^y Demo­ 18. ' Command in The "The Republicaiis have moVed cratic officeholders actively 'ito Ghana’s Presidsu.t Kwama Thermos Bottles • Stepleijs, Hole Punch- program, was given the 'mitflne A U.n ; spokesman, made ..clear Soviet military commanders ars 1. An effort has been launched quickly to capltaltz^ on the South’s ors ,s Dictionaries is Clocl s snd Watches (Jongo, in an effort to,stem the. support the national ticket' Nkrumat^ proposing an AfrloaSi ’ second flodV f „ yesterda.v o f , a $500 tfiilllon plan that' the intemationai . qrganlza- given responsibility for tioth mili­ by’U.S.-lDistrict Judge P. Dickin­ growing conservatlpn, a byrpiod- • P^cU Sharpeners. The Conneetieut Bank tldn. which has silenced Radio growing.-threat of civil'war, took son Letts to get attorneys - for all ■Enthusiastic receptions for Mr.. heads of state meeting in"New by the Unit«l States for so.clal tary and, political training jof uct of industrialization and urbani­ York during the UJl. General . progress in housing, education -and Leopoldville and tightened its con-1 ''*• their trpops.'under sweeping nfcw- litigants together Jn a new com­ Nixon and imeh conservative meip- f Back-t^Hchool Gym , troI .oVer Congo airports, intends ; tR® promise. i . * zation., Party leaders voiced con- bers of his auppbrilng cast aa Sen. Assfotbly session. The pnjyee:. land reform. ■■ -. I ^ ’ regulations announced today , .in- fl(lence: tbat 1960* would bring the did not report Nasser’s reaeWnifc; ClotM^ Rags. Sneakers ANDTRUST COMPANY to take determined stepft To pre-1 ® ^ obstructions 2. The .U.S, ciourt of Appeals ar­ l^r^-y Goldwater of Arizona, , , U.S. Undersecretary of State veSUigators today began a probe first big Republican victory In the vent the.hpread of pjsorder, This had the effect Of silensing ranged for a hearing this mornlilg' oweverr -despite the , interest • Comptete Office Sup- , Douglas billon, whp presentee] the into ''the Cause- of a plane crash soiitHI Mnce reconstruction days.” SCMOOL BUb OVERI *" ■• ■( w- ■ ""..I * ■ ■ ■■ ^ ' “Anything, that, can 'be done to Lumumba radio appeals td Kis fol­ that hilled two peCsons and nar­ campaign, neithei* candidatfS lies and Stationery.' plan, answered crltlcism.s by say­ on . whether Letts can go- i^eiad • Thb story gave this picture for Sonqnolt, N. Sept. 1 . PlesM sefid ine full information Ota jrpur P^tected Collegs E sp s n ss Plan. save (JongolMe lives is within the lowers throughout the country and rowly missed 16 football players '(vith his proposed installation of appears to have arouKd any ing the. United States would -con- spirit and let'tei; of our mandate,” •^jreventing the small fleet o f■ So­ the six key states: —Fourteen grade sclieol tlnile to advance^'other funds for who were practicing at the Penn­ former FBI agent Terence F, Mc- great popular enthuaiasip, among dren w e re tnjuradlfoday tFhed n , he said. | , , viet-supplied airplanes from sylvania Military College Field la ■ W illiam , C. Battle, director pf. the voters „ ; . ’’ ’ r . 4 - ecomplc project* through the Ex­ Shane as chairman, of the ^-m an the Demo(;ratlc presidential cam­ sehool Ima cnrryliik ttiW to tta steeled CoiUegs £bcpeo|e Plan Namsu Lumumba charged that transporting more of his troops to Chester, Penn. ■ Teamsters bdayd of nfionltbrs. In W astwgton, Republicans are AH m oitOW Prieod port-Import Bank and., other agen­ paign. In Virginia, was quoted as opening day o f almool overtnnK, open mpridey thru Saturday 9:3b to 5:45 Bolikango’s poIUlcal fdllowerz the field in Kasai knd ths Katanga The Tf^nessee .American Legion The monitor, board was estab­ planning a. big sendbff rally for The Connecticut Bank ' cies.,- _ ' ' . plotted to asaasainate him. border, . saying "There’a no doubt about it ed after the ' hrakea - f alie^ . jnUBB PURNEIX FARiUNG Oscar Pino Santos, a member of j^ a a s to pay the $29,141 Income lished by Judge Letts . to guard Vice P r e s e n t Nixon when he deputy sheriffs reported, n a and Trust Company i-V. '•"But the arrest was 'considered i (The Belgian Radio said Lum-- —w’e’re at our low point now." thursday until 9:00 p.m, the Cuba delegation, said th^ U.S. tax. debt -owed Rv America’s against corruption in the 1,600,- r Gov. Ernest. F., Hollings of leaves Mottfay on a ],4-state cam,* bus driver else was by western diplomats here as one umba demaiided that the UJ*I. World War I hei;o,' Sgt- Alvin 'York 000-member Teamsters Union. paign tour. ' • lllPeailStm t ■ t ,1. Blan represented “ the same old more move to consolidate Lumum­ South Carolina was quot^ as Bight of tlie U eMMren "free" all Congo aiirorte and re/». . JBldwln M.. Wasile\yskl, 34, a high Hoffa and his union are seeking to The GOP preat(l.entlal nominee’s taken to Faxtoo n eipttel In ^ North American'lihperialism,” and ba's {X)v.'cr and' throw the unhap|jy turn control of the Congdiese ra­ saying Democratic nominee John scnooischool teacher acipusedS' of. di||ij|8s- block MeShane’s appointment. M®- riuming mate, Henry Cabot Lodge, cn. Hie other Hartford IS, Conijt. I ' free parking in rear dMiared he v,^ould Jeftise to vPte Con|^ into the Soviet. Sphere. dio to hts gfiverhmenc. T h e intdto F. Kennedy faced an "upbl]] bat­ to r an Ecuadorean resolution fo r >ng prosUtutlod adultery Shane participated In several fed­ tle” In that state. aniT poeribly PreaMent Eisenhower huaq w and hndh A bitter, battle in the Cpid War paid he also asked ^or immemate maritej relations In hla classroom, is’ being .fought here and i)ta out­ eral Investigations of Hoffa. Gov. Luther H. Hodges of North bs/on hand for the/rally at nmradtohelB MAOf or.—an A^xit^o6s6n^t>^nm i > e. a. house and sen •— j. wi.hala eo. ndlitary aid from au independent iwa« ffrpd last a l ^ t by the Mil­ CaroUna—“I think If (the race) ;S 'BSSrby Baltimore Ffisiidship « Ml r a g s t m ) come may depend on whether'Ka- Afrloaa nationp.) . i i V , ' , i. waukee School Board. (O ni t t u u t i ',0m Page Nlaa) Isalimetooeloqt."

1 'V ^ "uV '"Vv ■