Arerage Daily Net Press Run The Weather gor the Week Boded reteeset of \ Jam 4th. U60 '■ 'W Oleor, >oC M eoel h 13,125 Imr hi SOe. Vhlr and a - Member of the Aodlt WeBm oday. Hl|h id t» Sd. BureM o f Ohroalatkni Mancheaterr^A CUy of Village Charm VOL. LXXEL W . 287 (EIGHTEEN PAGfeS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1960 (OhMOifled AdeartWag oa Vage IS) PRICE FIVB C E N n Piece of Bone Identified State News Vermont Fire Bouhdup Brother, 2 Sisters '' Threci Burned By Flash Fire Thompsonville, Sept. 6 {fP) From —A woman' and two children mg on were hoapitalized today with bum’s after they were trap­ Richford, Vt.,'Sept. 6 (/P)—fed V The death toll in a barn fire ^ of ahock. ped in the cellar o f a Concord Wifh his sisters. Donna, 4, and Drive home by a flash fire. Sunday morning rose to three Pamela, 3, and his parents, Mr. Mrs. Jane E. Mullen; h e r . 10- Fear World War IH today when doctors definitely and Mrs. J6hn Vashaklllfski. he year-old son, James, and Brenda determined that Danny Vash- had come to make a Labor Day La Fountaine, li , a neighbor, were akalifski, 8, Marlborough, weekend visit with Mrs. Vaahak- in the, cellar While Mrs. Mullen illfski's grand-uncle, Claude Gross. was ddtng a laundry. ’They were, Conn., died with his two sis­ The children had gone to a hay trapped b y ' deniSe smoke and In American Policy ters in the flames. loft in the bam Sunday to see a flames when ^re broke out... Fire­ A radiologist at Kerbs • Memo­ litter of kittens. Shortly after­ men said an overheated csm of rial Hospital, St. Albans, studying ward. the stnicture was enveloped kerosene caused the blaze. Moscow, Sept. 6 {/P)-i-Two young code clerks from the su­ a bone fragment which had sup­ in flames. Frank Boyrys Jr., 21, who was posedly come from the Jaw of a Searclk of the wreckhge had dis­ working across the street, reS' per-secret U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) turned up dog, discovered fillings In one closed only the girls’ bodies and cued the- woman and children. All in Moscow today with tales that the United States is spying .«iopth. the seared bone fragment, identi­ were, taken to the hospital in even on its Allies under a policy they feel will,lead to World Dr.'Richard Woodruff, who had fied today as part of Danny’s Springfield where . their condition War III. ■ ■ been Investigating the deaths, con­ body. was listed as fair. tacted a dentist in Elaat Hampton, BernOn F. Mitchell. 31, Eureka, Calif., and William H. Mar­ tin, 29, Ellensburg, Wash., announced they have defected to Conn., who said he had installed $ l Million E^aze corresponding fillings In the same, School Opening. the Soviet Union and intend to become Soviet citizens. molar In the missing boy’s jaw. Greenwich, Sept. —Fire of­ “ We would attempt to crawl to the moon if we thought I t . Because, the bone fragment was ficials were searching' today for at first not believed to be from a Pages 8 and 9 the cause of a flr^which destroyed would lessen the threat of an atomic war,” they said in a human body, and no other identifi­ the clubhouse of the Greenwich statement. able trace o f the 8H-year-old boy Bolton Bus Routes Country Club yesterday and The Russians put the two on display under television lights could ba. found. State Police had caused damage estimated at near­ in the gilt-ornamented Journalists Club. From a platform the planned a search with blood­ ly |1 million. hounds today. They had theoris- Page 8 Forty-two residents of the club­ two detailed the two complaints against the United States house were driven from their beds and spilled to newsmen what they said were NSA ccnnmuili- when the fire broke out before Cations-intelligence secrets. They said the United States h a l dawn. It raced through the club’s dining rooms, a ball room, club broken the codes of friendly nations and even planted a spy offices, and apartmenta and rooms. in a friendly embassy. Death on Highway Three firemen were injured when William H. Martin, left, and Bemon F. Mltohell; center, appear at a prew conference today in Moa- Jtitchell and Martin, bachelor a wkll blew out ahortly after they cow. They are defectora from the U.S. National Security Agency. Man at right is unidentified. friends since service in the U.S. Pair Left Cuba Navy, >^fused. to tell how they got had arrived and another six (AP Photofax). - , . were overcome by the dense smoke. to Moscow Jrom NSA headquarters In Soviet Ship Approximately 100 firefighters were at Ft.. Meadk, Md. They are known Every 10 Minutes at the Scene. Leaders Fire Each Other to have come by way of Mexico Forest Da'vii, general manager Hurricane Still City. , Washington, Sept. 6 (JP)—X of the club, said paintings by ‘‘That might prevent.others from R u ^ a n trawler is reported to taking the same rout^” they said. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4motor vehicles were on highways American artists valued at a total ha've smuggled two defaetinF of $80,000 were destroyed.' Other The two left Ft. Meade late in Traffic ............ .414 during the. holiday period. Threat to U.S. American code clerks to Uia The NSC said the normal traffic less valuable works were saved. June on vacation, ostensibly to Boating ^8 Lvhnumba Seeking visit relatives on the West Coast. Soviet Union after picking than ’ Drowning .............. '............ 80 death toll for a ncn-holiday week­ Da'vls could not name the paintings last night. Miami, Fla., Sept. 6 (A*i—An They never reached the coast, up secretly in a Cuban port.' Miscellaneous .......................00 end at this time of year would be This was disclosed today an 330. The Associated Press, for com­ An adjoining building which ominous slowdown in the forward Mitchell anil Martin professed to houses handball and squash-courts movement of hurricane Donna, a believe that U.S. policy may lead to« Wfhlte House, Pentagon and Total .................................... 613- parative purposes, counted acci­ State. Department ihet.ww1th a dent deaths during a 78-hour non- was saved by firemen. Heat killer atorm with 70 deaths in its to World War III.They coihplained ^scorched the paint of the golf house wake, indicated today that the chiefly of American reconnoisaance somewhat embarrassed official Traffic accidents during the na­ holidiU^weekend, Aug. -19-22. The silence the news Moscow had tion’s Labor Day weekend killed 200 feet away but firemen doused United States mainland still may flights ovei: Soviet territory and the resultRk*389 deaths on the high­ unveiled the pair at a news con­ an Average of one person nearly ways, 34 boating fatalities, 61 it in time to prevent it from burn­ be in danger. rim of Red China, but aald noth­ Leopoldville, The Congo, Sept. 'I'capital, It appeared that Lumum- ference with a flood of ^>y ac­ every 10 minutes. ' dupwnihgs and 90 killed in mlscel- ing. A decrease in the forvyard move­ ing about the May Day U2 flight It was the third time that the ment of hurricanes often means 6 (,'P)—The United Natioiis took toa was still in authority. for which the Ruaaians gave Fran­ cusations. The toll, with final figures still latiedlM accidents. The total was over Radio Leopoldville today Reports circulated that Kasa- to come, passed the. 400 mark at 674, clubhouse had been destroyed by a change in direction, said ' chief cis Gary Power a 10-year sentence. Responsible authorities, who flames. ’The first fire was in 1907 atorm forecaster Gordon Dunn of and bapneid all broadcasts ■vubu also summoned cabinet mem-, They said one of the reasons reported how Bernon F. MitcheiU the end of the 78-hour holiday The measure was taken - as bers to his residence. period at midnight (local time) (Oonttnued «hi Page Four) and the second in 1927. The build­ the Miami Weather Bureau. they left the United States was and._.Wllllam H, Martin got to ing destroyed yesterday was begun Earlier, the 125-mile-aJi-hour part of the U.N. mandate to , Neutral observers In The Congo persecution there of persons who Russia,' said government agen­ Monday. It was short of the Na­ maintain peace and 'order in the tional Safety Council’s pre-holiday in 1927. hurricane had edged slightly to­ capital doubted that—in view of do not believe in God. They at­ cies knew about the voyage ward a more northerly direction. nation, tottering on the verge of 'the growing chaos, flaming civil tacked what they called harass­ ahortly after toe trawlers left estimate of 460 and the record La­ civil war. A t the same time the bor Day toU of 461 ait in 1951, If continued, this gradual north­ war In secessionist Kasi- province ment of those with unpopular pbltl- Cuba. Si»gle Traffic Secrei^'ltiile Hit U.N. Congo command announced But the council said late re­ ward cun’e ■ could keep it away pnd increasing economic troubles ical •views. Hartford, Sept, t iti — Deputy It has tightened control over all ports may boost the final- count to Mayor Dominick J. DeLucco today from the mainland. —that, parliament would give ‘Talents of women are encour­ Its estimate and possibly set a "It will be impossible for an­ airports serving its operations. Lumumba the confidence vote he Death in State called for the lifting of the secrecy All civilian traffic was halted.
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