We Have Stopped Losing, Mcnamara Tells Newsmen
■;' 'V ■■■-■ . ’, i*- ■*':.• A v e w Daily Net Press Ron Um Week' Ended November 27, 1865 TfiS Ooady, c(dd t^ghC 14,555 •f m um flurries, low ia‘^ - sunny end eold tomorrow,'' AfcificA«dfer>—^ City o f Village Charm near 40. VOL. LXXXv, NO. 50 > (TWENTY-FOUR PA6BS—TWO SBCmONS) ? ■ MANCHESTER, CONN;, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1965 (ClMeilled Adverttalng jm Pbfe U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Fair Exchange PORT HARDY, B.C. (AP) — Bud Ditto got lost. Pat We Have Stopped Losing, Taylor helped find him. Then Taylor got lost. Ditto helped find him. ' This started last Wednes day when Ditto, 49, a pros pector, was reported missing in the woods near this north ern Vancouver Island com McNamara Tells Newsmen munity. He Was found the next day. Then Taylor, 21, a -member of the search party, whs'reported missing. Taylor was found Satur day after he had spent two Viet Force to Rise days in eight Inches of snow, wearing only rubber boots, blue jeans, a shirt and wind- ‘As Much as Needed’ . breaker. Ditto helped organ ize the 100-man party that SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—Secretary of D»- searched for Taylor. fense Robert S. McNamara ended his visit to Viet Nam i l l today by declaring that the United States would throw in as many fighting men as needed to wage the war m against the Communists. --------------------—---------------- - ^ Bm go Law McNamara told newsmen at mgton. McNamara made a the airport after his fact-finding quick trip to U.S. 1st Cavalry Shows Size mnrc^ion f Dlvi^on hSS central highlands 260 stopped lo^ng the war.” ^ „ea north of Saigon.
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