Diplomatic Note to the Decleration of Sovereignty
REM PUBLICAM DECLARARE MEMORANDUM DILPOMATICAE October 2013 via Babenberg Diplomatic of Dynasty Babenberg Diplomatic Service a Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of the Sovereign Dynasty of Babenberg ratified by the CarlsRat WeisenRat published by the Department of Sovereignty Representation for the sovereigns Dynasty Babenberg The patriarch of Dynasty The General Ambassador of the Sovereign Dynasty Structure 1. History, Dynasty, Activities I. Remarks to archive II. Extrapolation to the Department of customary international law 2. Explicit the diplomatic note on the declaration 3. Legal situation results in I. Originary non-state subject of international law from customary international law including clause to declarative extension to originary subject of international law II. Establishment and extension of already existing diplomatic relations 4. Lex Vita Babenberg & Confederation of United Constitutions and Laws 5. Future orientation I. Actions and the duty of the Babenberg Dynasty, their value, experience, wisdom, knowledge, the well-being of the earth and humanity– People’s empathy II. Operations; Diplomacy, Peace Foundation, Peace maintenance, Peace keeping; Education; Family – children – youth; including foundations and companies of the Babenberg Dynasty III. Cultural maintenance and or restoration IV. International cooperation 6. Financial affairs of the Sovereign Babenberg Dynasty I. Financial concept/s, subsidy/s, donation/s, use of funds 7. Concluding information I. Documents and references II. Closing words 2 | S e i t e 1. History, Dynasty, Activities The Babenberg family has had a wide variety of names which have already been used in the past, as well as today. With the first document from the year AD 414, the roots of the entire family arise, internal records leading up to the year 69 BC.
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