
1944 HAnON CALENDAll PROCESSI':D YOOJ.)S blLle 1M"'!," A8 IllroLlih K8 vllUd Indefinitely; MllAT red 10-poln! .tamPI 1.8 throulh J. vaUd Indefinitely; SUGAR Partly Cloudy .tamp 30. 31 (book 4, valid Indefinitely. ltamp 40 for ..nru~ 1UPI' expire. Feb. 28. 11lt5' SHOE . tamp 18 (book 1, uplr.. April 30. SIl~hlly airplane sl8J1lP 1 Ibook 3) valid IndeflnteJy ; GASOLINE A-II coupon IOWA: Partly cloudy. expires June 21 ; FUEL OIL per. • and 5 COUPQIlI expIre Sept. 30 ; , DAILyloW"AN warmer. TIRE INSPECTION d eadline for A COlipOD holde... March 31. lor B THE coupon holdorl. J une 30. and lor C COUpOD bolde ... MI l' 51. Iowa Cit Y IsM 0 r n i n 'g New s p a per ~ -t1VE CENTS TBII "IIOCIATO· ...... IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. APRIL B. 1944 TH A ••o e IATED PJI... . VOLUME XUV NUMBER 165 = '" Bags Nine Japs Reds Trap At a Glance- Five Nazi Today's American T'ask Force Spreads Iowan Divisions ...... U. S.-Brltaln announce aane­ Destruction in Pal'au Island Bases Russians Capture ment or International control In technical phases ot post-war Novaya-Dafinovka, civil aviation. COURT-MARTIAL WRIGHT FIELD OFFICERS FOR NEGLECT 10 Miles From Odessa Roosevelt rules out recognition Jap Invaders Unchallenged LONDON, Saturday (AP)­ ot French committee before in­ Russian troops attackiug nOI'111 - vasion ot Europe. west of Odessa have tra.pped the remnants of five German divi­ Yank laak force wreaks havoc Drive on·West By Jap Fleet for 3 days only 300 miles from sion - pel'haps 25,000 to 50,000 Phill pplnes. men- and begun wi ping them Cross Key Highway Sink 28 Enemy out , Moscow a.nnounced la. t Dr. J. Ralpb Maa'ee to speak at In Heart of Allied night , while other mobile units 84th SUI convocation. Defense Zone in Burma Ships, Damage 18 racing 8.ronnd Odessa'R westel'll In Heavy Raid flank smashed to within 13 miles NEW DELHI (AP )-Japanese of th e last Ge rman escape route S ERG T. LOUIS OLIVER ot invasion tl'oopS in India have into Rumani a witb th e cap ture Princeton. N. J .. one of "Merrill's Wage, Price Control U. S. P AC I F I FLEET driven westward across the Im­ HEADQUARTERS, Pearl H a r­ of Mayaki at the hrad of' the Marauden" makl~ It tou~h for phal-Kohima highway in the heart bor (AP)-Unchallenged by t he Dnies1er ('!;tua[·y. the Japs In Burma. dlsplaYi his af­ Policies Must Stay of the allied defense zone and are apaue e f leet, trong Am rican Rolling through 60 villages in fection ror his trusty rltle whlcb he being hoUy engaged in the jungles J calls "Betsy." During one en~a~e­ aircraft car I' i e r til k forces a narowing siege arc around the 35 miles east oC the Bengal-Assam ment Sergeant Oliver ba~ged nine Same Say Advisers railway, American-operated sup­ wreaked havoc for three days bi. Black sea port the Russians Japs In 27 shots; sayS he "must WASHINGTON (AP)-Organ- ply lifeline for Lieul. Gen. J oseph less than 600 miles from the also captured Novaya-Daiinovka, bave been excited" or he wouldn't W. Stilwell's ,orces in northern P hilippines, sinking 28 enemy leu than 10 miles northeast of the bave missed tbe others. I ized labor's drive to break down Burma, it wa announced yester­ sbips, damaging 18, baggiug 160 prize city; Chebanka, 12 miles on the "little steel " formula bumped day. the east near the COll st; Novaya to 214 planes and spr adin~ de­ head on yesterday into a flat pro­ (A Berlin broadcast of Tok,yo stmction over tIt Pa Ian islands Emelovka, 17 miles on the north ; nouncement by top White House dispatches declared tha t Japanese and Karlstal, 17 miles on the economic advisers that wage and and adjacent bases, it was dis­ F. R. Rule,sOut troops were "menacing" tl1e rail­ closed yesterday. northwest. price control policies must be con­ road from an unstated distance, The Iwsts of war­ The capture 01 Mayakl In a tinued unchanged. and said confidenUy that when it Amel'iean %5·mlle lun~e from Baden down With Indirect endorsement by was cut the collapse of the allied ships, operating mO l'e than 4,500 the eut bank of the Dnlester approving co m men t, President campaign in north Burma would miles southwest of Pearl Harbor, river put tbe Reil army within Recognition Roosevelt made public at his news "become inevitable." A Japanese THREE AR ~fY AIR FORCE OFFICER • l\faJ. w. A. RYa n, Lieut. Col. Frank • Greulich and Maj. Wil­ emerged unscathed and only 25 of 13 miles or Ovldopol, terry ter­ conference a report to him that news agency dispatch recorded by liam Bruckmann, who are accused of neglect or duty and conspiracy In connection with allegedly passln~ Ule hundreds of attacking carrier IIlnus on tbe lower Dnlester es­ the stabilization program has suc­ Reuters said J apanese troops were Inspection on airplane engines after they were rejected by civilian Inspection at Wright field, Dayton, planes were lost. Eiighteen fliers tuary and bottleneck In German Of Committee ceeded to the benefit of all ele­ within six miles of Imphal from Ohio, are shown above with their defens counsel a t their court-ma rtial In Inclnnlltl. Left to right are allempts to rescue thoUlands ments of the population. P rice the east.) Major Ityan. Capt. Jack S. BInion, Colonel Greuli ch, Maj. Edward F. Cavanaugh J r., Col. Park Holland, perished. from Imperilled Odessa. rises have been checked, it said, Install ROad Blocks Capt. William E. Miller and Major Bruckmann. Fa»;n&', as a:t'Ilruk an III In the From Odessa a railway runs 18 WASHINGTON, (AP)- Presi­ and the cost ot living is actually It had been known Since Sun­ Marianas In February task force t dent Roosevelt asserted yesterday miles s o u t h w e s of Ovidopal, lower now than it was a year aio, dllY that the invaders had Installed assaults, to draw Qut . ippon' whence ferries ply the four-mile­ th at the principle of self-deter­ ------.1 while wages have been. stabl1i:Z:ed. road blocks on the 60-mile Im­ navy, Admiral Rich A wide Dniester to Akkerman in mination is the core of American Not Jeopardise GUM phal-Kohima road, completely iso­ U. S., Britain Agree- McNuH, Hershey Urge lower Bessarabia. Thus a Soviet policy toward France and, by im­ "We must not jeopardl:z:e these lating the big all ied base at Im­ Men of Draft ance's Ileel bad ., be • ontt'D/I'oj mash to Ovidopol automatically plication, he r uled out any pre­ gains by any change of policy or phal except by air, but yesterday's \AI with two destroye and "one would seal off scores of thousands invasion recognition of the French relaxation of effort in the critical communique from Adm. Lord 4-rs to Seek Jobs unidentified c om b a t ship" of Germans battling other Rus­ committee of national liberation. months ahead," the report con­ Louis Mountbatten's headquarters P t amonr the vessels slJ!lk. The re­ sian columns at the approaches to Mr. Roosevelt's position has been gllve the first indication that this Age Divided .OS - ,v v or In Essential Activities cluded ... . "The need for con­ mainder larrely were ships and Odessa. stated formally to the British with tinued restraint and continued co­ enemy column had pressed on The latest Russian trap was cre­ whom there must be agreement on westward. Oilers. operation with every phase of the J WASHINGTON .. ated north ot Razdelnaya, 40 miles the orders to be issued by the coni­ The vital allied railway line at Aviation (AP)-~an But a big Japanese battleship bined chiefs of staff to Gen. stabilizlltion proaram is evident. In, 3 Groups pOwer Chairman Paul V. McNutt northwest of Odessa, by units Obviously, too, we should 'Clinl to which the entire J apanese invas­ was spotted the night of March 28. which had cut the last major rail Dwight D. Eisenhower beforee tile ion is aimed primarily is only and Dr:lCt Director Lewis B. Her- the policies and machinery ;"hlch just before the three-day fleet op­ escape route into Rumania at Raz­ invasion of western Europe. Aa ,bout 35 miles from the Imphal­ LONDON, * Saturday,* * (AP)- shey joined last night in asking yet, the British bave made no have served us 80 effectively thus WASfU NGTON (AP)-Men oC delnaya... Kohima hi"way at ot)c point. Concluding u fO ur-day discussion 4-F's who ;Jl'e not already 80 em­ eration opened. fleeing the Palau repl)'. tar." drait age were dIvIded into three Moscow'a bulletin llald more The report was in the form of a T/lel'e was ,\0 additional news of of post-war civil aviation, repre- ployed to seek jobs in essential ac­ region in the western Carolines. Ibau 5,000 of the enclroled Ger­ French Quest10n J IJ panese forces which several age groups yesterday and local sentalives of the United States and tivities or U10se designated by the Yesterday's discussion of the letter to the president from Fred The i n t e r c e p ti n g submarine Malls already had been killed days ago were reported pressing boards weI' instructed to go eas­ Great Britain announced early to- WMC 8S "locally heeded." French question by the Chief Ex­ M. VlnSQn, economic stabilization rammed home a torpedo which and more than 1.000·captured In director; Chester Bowles, price ad­ through the Naga hills north of day that the two governments had A Similar separate appeal also ec utive at D news conference was ier on lhe men in the 30 to 38 caused "considerable damage." two dayS' fl~btln~, and the re­ Kohima toward the railroad. "agre d that internatiOfial control was made by Chairman Costello his !irst since he announced Ma l,'ch ministrator ; Marvin Jones, war bracket. ~oJlowjl'lg . out il policy laid The battlewaeon, however, llmped lllainder were "belnr wiped Edre ot Manlpur should govern a considerable field (D-Callf) of a house military sub- ) 7 that he had arrived at 11 dl!1!i­ tood administrator. and Chairman down by Selective Service Direc­ away. oul." Sixty-four ~un. and 24 British and Indian troops de­ of technical matters." committ e who said he bad "no sion. It coihcided wllh an an­ WIlliam H. Davis 01 the war la\)or "There was no damage to our lanka also w e aeh:ed In that board. It noted tnat today is the fending Imphal itself against Jap­ tor Lewis B. Hershey in a speech Persons Attending desire 10 establish some sort of nouncement in London that Under­ anese formations pressing in trom last Tuesday. surface ships," yesterda y's com­ area. said tbe broadcut com­ secretary of State Edward R. Stet­ first anniversary of tht! d,le the The meetings were a.ttended by labor conscription." This group has munique said, The Japanese ra­ lIuhlque recorded by the Soviet president issued his "bold-the­ the east and south at the ed,e ot The 6,400 local boards got their Adolf A. Berle, J r .• ASSIstant U. S. been considering legislation for a tin ius has arrived there (or con­ the Manipur plain' th tew back sev­ latest instructions on job deter_ y dio bad claimed two cruisers • lIonltor. versations with the British foreign line" order on wages and prices. Se.cretar .01 Sta.te, Dr. .Edw ard Idra ft of 4-F's into a work corps if sunk, a battleship and at least In the other trap n ea west of Relax: Formula era1 small enemy a ttacks Thurs­ ments in a memorandum sent by Warn~r, vIce c~a l r m a n of the U. they do not voluntarily take essen­ office. Stetti nius may seek to day, Mountbatten's communique mail. S. CIVIl aeronautIcs boa.rd and Lord lial employment. Costello made two aircraft carrlersdamalred. Skala, in the southwestern corner clarify the American pOSition to Both the AFL and the CIO are Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, in announced. The 17th Indian divis­ Although ~epe nden cy as a test BeavErbrook, ~ord Pnvy Seal, as clear this idea has not been aban­ of the Ukraine, the Russians gai n the British and, if necessary, urge askini in current war labor board breaking a protective radio silence repulsed G e r m a n attempts to bearings for relaxation of the ion, withdrawing up the road from for deferment has long since well as techmcal adVIsers. They doned an early decision tor joint action Tiddim to aid in the defense '11 yielded to job essentiality and age, produced enough agreement to' , of more than a week, disclosed break out to the west, killing 4,000 through the combi ned chiefs of "little steel" formula limiting ien­ "justify the expectation that final As the appeals to 4-F s .w~ n t out. that the P alaus. known as Japan's enemy troops during Thursday Imphal, was reported intact with the boards were told that pre-war staff. eral wage increases to 15 percent 80 to 90 percent of its transport fathers 26 and over, in cases dispositions can be reached at an men '01 dra!! age w.ere dIVided by Singapore, bore the brunt of the alone and capturing 1,400 trucks Not Able to Cooperate above the January. 1941, level. international conference," a state- ~ew selectIve servIce regulations attack of carrier planes but that and five Junkers-52 transport saved. where all other factors are equal, Pending the issuance 01 orders "Could this be interpreted as an menl concerning the meeting said. mto three :I~e groups and local Yap. Ulithi and Woleai also were planes which the enemy had been Making a fighting withdrawal will normally be accorded job by this top military board, French answer to attempts to shatter the Iteferments in preference to non­ "They (the delegates) have in ~oards were. mstructed to go eas­ 0 using to rescue German officers. into besieged Imphal along with hit in p e r a t Ion s extending officers assigned by the committee little steel formula?" Mr. Roose­ the crack Indian diviSion are 70 fathers. mind that the govemment of the ler on Ulose m the 30 to 38 bracket. through March 29. 90 lind 31 . to Eisenhower's headquarters arE\ velt was asked. members of an American field They also cautioned against the Soviet un ion and other govern- ~cNutt and Hershey Ul'ied a.1l At Palau on the fint two days not officially able to cooperate in It doesn't answer anything, it's service a mbulance unit that has impression that men in theil' thir­ ments would likewise enter into 4-F s who m'e m doubt abol;lt then: 25 ships were sunk. The other Iowa State CommiHee preparations for ruling liberated a statement of fact, he replied. been serving with the British in ties were to be almost "immune" conversations prior to such an in- employment to consult ~heJr 1<~c al three enemy ships definitelY areas of France. In making public the report, the the Tiddim area. from the draft. Such an impres­ ternational conference," the an- U. S, employment service office. sunk were small ones wbich president said it was of real Im­ sion is completely false and mls­ nouncement added. They estImated that ov~ r 2,000,- Russians Meet 000 of the 3,600,000 4-F s are al- tell victim to ships' runflre at Proposes Streamlined Percy Selden Straus, 67, partance and worth everyone's lead i ~g, they said. The oldel' a sea. readinl. It II ot real Importance, While the meetings were in prog- ready 1n essential or 10caUy Dies of Heart Attack Dr. J. Ralph Magee man in his thirties is, the greater All 18 ships damaged, including ~ngineering Schedule he added, becaUH it cOncerna a the chance f Ol' a job deferment, ress here Russian representatives needed work. the battleship, were in the Palau In New York Store matter which has been overlooked provided his job is important to met in Washington with Joseph The announcer;tent said the C. Grew special assistant to the present essenllal llst, including 35 sector, 530 miles east of the Philip­ for the last two or three months To Give Lecture the war effort. Age alone will nOt pines. AMES (AP)-8treamlining of NEW YORK (AP)- Percy Sel­ secretal'y' of state; L. W e ~ch Pogue, general !ield.s of acti:,ity import­ although there have 'been two or keep him in civilian clothes. In addition, several smaU ships Ihe engineering curriculum for ci­ den Straus. 67, fa mous merchant chairman of th l! Civi1 aeronautics ant to the war effort, 1S to be used three bouts on the subject in the were sunk at UUtlh . vilian students at Iowa State col­ who pioneered in low prices and board, and W. A. M. Burden, as- in det e~mining which. 4-F's \\I.ill past. At 84th Convocation More than 60 buildin gs were lege by changing to the semester employe welfare projects died of FRESHMEN AND sistant secretary of commerce fOr be conSIdered to be m essential System has been recommended to The university will observe its ail', for talks of similar scope a!- work. wiped out at Palau, including 20 a heart ailment Thursday night in Jonah, the lSracelet SOPHOMORES warehouses. Hangars, docks and President Charles E. Friley by the his Park avenue department store. 84th convocation April 22 and 23 Students who will. register for fecling Mtions Whlch. operated in - engineering ca binet. WOLBACH, Neb, (AP)-The with a curtailed wartime program a phosphate plant were among fa~ He was chairman of the board of identitication bracelet w h i c h the summer semester as second­ ternational ail' services before the The aommlttee which proposes and the smallest number of de­ war an e! are planning to pick up cilities damaged. R. H. Macy & Co., and was noted Bette Lou Noonan lost last Christ~ semester Creshmen and first and DeGaulie-Giraud lerappln~ or the quarter syStem gree-awards in 20 years. again. as a philanthropist, civic leader mas came back in the mail yester~ s ec 0 n d-semester sophomores In favor of three I6-week aemes­ Prot. F. G. Higbee, director of Showdown Imminent and sportsman. He was a brother day, in a letter tram John F. will receive registration materi­ \en consists or Dean T. R. convocations stated that 332 men Art of Jesse Straus, former United Moser, . employe In the cattle I als at the registrar's office be­ If the ell&'ln~rlDC dlvls1on, all and women have filed application 'Skool Techer' ALGIERS' (AP)-A Showdown I Senator Reed Insists States ambasslldor to France. slaughtering di\tlslon ot the Camp­ ginning Monday until April 21, department heada, and directors for awards in the ceremony which P]TTSBURGH, Kan. (AP)­ between Gen. Charles DeGaulle 0 S P' b Straus. with his brothers, Jesse bell Soup packing plant at Kansas will take place Sunday, April 23, llccording to an announcement Applyi ng to the Crawford county and Gen. Henri Giraud neared last .f the enrlneerl'n~ extension and Herbert, endowed the Isador by Registrar Harry G. Barnes. n enate to e lervlee and experiment ltatlon. City. at 1:45 p. m. in the lounge of Iowa ration board fo t' extra gasoline, a night with Giraudists saying that Straus professorship of business "We found a braCelet bearin" Union. At the time a student calls for womsn wrote . that , she needed most members of the French na­ The suggested program would administration ' at the Harvard his materials, he will receive 80 Into eHect with the navy V- 12 your name and address Inside a Commencement speaker will be the fuel because she was "teching tional committee opposed an at­ WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator eraduate school of business ad­ instructions regarding an ap­ IIemester July 1. cow's stomach," Moser wrote. "We Dr. J. Ralph Magee, Methodist scholl." tempt by DeGaulle to relegate the Reed (R-Kan) charged last night ministration in 1924 in memory ot hope the wearer wasn't included pointment with his adviser. All some censorship activites have The e~lneerln~ cabinet (eela resident bishop 01 Des Moines But the board turned down the French commander to the unim­ his father . . freshmen and sophomores who been "loosely and slovenly han­ UIa' decreased number of cl­ In the cow's diet." area, who will speak on "The Age request, deciding if she were a portant post of "inspector eeneral of Acceleration." are registering at this time will "skool techer" . s h ~ shouldn't be. of the armies." dled" as he demanded a formal .IUan .udents does not Justify senate Investigation of circum­ erferillC parallel sets or course•• Prior to his present position be assigned the same adviser they have had during previous stances by which a house member aeeordln~ to An. Increased Bishop Magee was bishop of the Willkie Arrives Home From Losing Gamble registration periods. got possession of purported cor­ Ieael!IIII economy Is tbe prl'ncl­ St. Paul area for seven yeara, Rabbi Morris Kertzer Conducts Jewish respondence of Miss Vivien Kel­ ,.1 object for a cha~e, he laid. president ot Hamline university Interviews with advisers will be approximately 15 minutes In lema, Westport, Conn., business The Ilroposed system would per- In Wisconsin; 'Has Travelled 65,000 Miles of St. PaUl, and has held pastor­ woman. mit combining navy and civilian ates in Sioux City, Paullina, Fal­ length. Prof. Clay Harshbarger Passover Service at Anzio Beachhead of the speech department has Reed said be knew of cases claa.es, thus easing the strain on NEW YORK (AP)-The lonl would estimate. Wlllkie paid the mouth, Taunton, Boston, and I where ceDlOnhip bad distrib­ faculty memben. Courses in gen­ road of a political campaigner expensea of his early trips him­ Brookline, Mass. assigned various taculty advis- WITH THE FIFTH ARMY AT post abandoned after repeated uted to otber ~overnment aren­ ers to the students on the bas.is THE ANZIO BEACHHEAD (AP) !ral w\luld be the same as offered ended- temporarily, at least-for ieU. Contributions for the latter Alumni day will be observed enemy shelling. eles excerpta from letten that to navy V-12 students. Wendell L. Willkie yesterday when .phase came from many individuals Saturday, April 22, when classes ot the students' interests. Cer- - Allied soldiers at this beachhead Front line troops unable to at­ had "DO relation whatever to he came home from his losinl and friends who h411l.eved In his With numerals ending in "4" and tain advisers have been named below Rome were celebrating the tend group services were being the war effort." Unn County Auditor gamble In Wisconsin. cause. "9" meet. Special emphasis will to guide freshmen and sopho- Easter weekend last night with Byron Prlee. cUrector of cen­ He ",as an avowed candidate for Only last week he opened his be placed upon the 50th reunion mores who are undecided as to varied rites in strange places- vis ited by regimental chaplains IOnhiD, llald he would be "very • R.mains Unconscious a second Republican presidential national headquartera of a doun Of the class of 1894 and the 25th their particular Interests. from frontline dugouts to ancient who ollen were forced to travel ,lad to cooperate" with allY In­ From Sleeping Tablets nomination for only '51 days, but rooms in the Grllnd Central ter­ rally of the 1919 group. An alum­ First and second-year stu- wine cellars in shell-spattered under cover of night in order to veatiptioD a senate eommUtee for a year he had toured the coun- mlnal building here. He announced ni luncheon and baseball game dents who are enrolled in any coastnl villages. rellch forward Rosltions without desires to make. CEDAR RAPIDS (AP)- Robert try-campaigning so actively that yesterday they would be clOled. with Minnesota are among the college other than liberal arts At the beachhead hospital ward drawing tire. Reed expressed a · belief censor­ ~ . V_ly, who was found suffer­ the announcement of his candidacy He never had visited them. Saturday events. wlll toll ow the registration tent soldiers of the Jewish faith Chaplain Morria N. Keriur of ship rules had been violated by lilt from an overdose ot sleeping In Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 was just WllIkie set out one year 810 for plans outlined by the deans of were meeting last night tor Pass­ Iowa City, who recently arrived at pUblication of purported excerpts '-blet. when a deputy aherift a formality for "anyone who didn't the 8Outb. He spent AUfUIt on his F. R. Over Bronchitis their collegee. over services, while Protestant the beachhead direct from the of Miss Kellems' correspondence, ~lIed at hi. home here Thursday already know I was iolng to run." Rushville, Ind., farm, then, In Oc- WASIUNGTON (AP) -Presi­ Students who report to the doughboys were conaregatinl In United States, was conductinl He asked the senate pOstofrice 10 lerve notice of his supen"on al A weary aide estimated yester- tober, he went to CaUfornla, atop­ dent Roosevelt appeared yesterday registrar's office for an early small groups wherever they were Jewish services last night markinl committee to make a full-dress in­ Linn county auditor, was 8tJll un­ day that W'Ulkle had trllveled plnl off in Nevada, Nebraaka and to bave recovered almost com­ registration will have an oppor- comparatively safe for Good Fri­ the hllh holiday Passover. quiry Into circumstances sur­ een.ctOUl yesterday IIttemoon, al­ 65,000 miles durlni the year-that New Mexico. pletely from hUt sieie ot bronclUtis tunlty to discuss fully with day services and the Catholics The rites commemorating the Is­ rouncUng charges by Representa­ lllauch hll phYsician said his con­ is more than double his travel rec- Home briefly, he hurried ott In and to be back In his nonnal llood tbelr advisers their academic were meetinl in an old church for raelites freedom from bond8le In tive CoUee (D-Wash) that Miss dillon wa. Ilightly more favorable. ord of 10.40, when the party's oal1- mid-October to deliver bill much­ health. plan.. stations of the cross devotions. The pby.lclan said he was being ancient Egypt were held In a sunk­ Kellems had made "seditious" dldate tor the presidency, he heralded speech in St. Low.-, At his news conference his voice At the time of application for One Protestant service was con- en. sand-bagged ward tent In the speechea and corresponded with a ~ with oxy,en, becalt!le the packed 28,000 mile. Into tour reply to Mlsaouri leaders who was stroni and clear In marked materials, studenta mUlit pre- ducted in an old wine shop. British American hospital area which hal German co u n t whom Cortee cIrur V.. I,. swallowed depletell montha. wanted anlwen to certain quel- contra.t to its buaklnl!8l wben he aent identification Cards. soldiers were holding high Epls­ IilI CIJJ1,.n In the body. How much It cost him, no one lion •• I been shelled and bombed many termed a "Nui agent" In Argen­ ~It recel¥ild 1WWal8ll 10.,. ,,0. ~--~ ...l.O,j"'------": copnl services in an old command times by the GftrnanL tina. PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 194C SATURI = THE DAILY IowAJlt Publlsbed every morninl ex­ OFfiCIAL DAfl Y BUllETIN , Washington Report Wa ~inglqn ftem' bI tile UNlVERSITY CALENDAR are acheduled In lIIe Pna , cept Monday by Student PubUca­ Ann " ...tI dent·, Olllee. Old Ca"ltol. Ite"" tor tM GIIlNmtAL NOTICIS • ~na Incorporated at 126-130 Iowa d~cmted rib the c ..... pu. edllor ot The Dilly lOwf.n or IM1 II aYeJlue, Iowa Cio', Iowa. ' laCed III the box_ provided for "elr !depoodt bI the !IttI,*, of TIl I Australian Girls Chic, In Wartime ':' "" low.... GENERAL NOTICllIJ murt be at The Dill,. lowlII it , I~ E, p. m. tile d.,. preeedln, lUst pubUcallon; noll."" wnl NOT II Board ot Trustees: Wilbur L. Good-Looking Battle Between ., ."".pt~ br telephone, and mUll be TYPED OB LJ:GIBL Y WIU'I'III To I Schramm, A. Craig Baird, KIrk H. r _ IIJGIIIIlD by • _Ible penaa. Porter, Paul E. Olson, .Tack B7 BELEN ESSARY Executive, Legislative e Vol. XXI, No. 1822 Saturday, ~prll 8. JHt Moyen, .Teanne Franklin, Sarab Central Press Columnist \, Branches 'Real One' Joe I Balley, Donald Ottilie, Charles WASHINGTON-I was discuss- been succeeded in the state de­ , Swisher. ing the frequent and sudden dlv- partment by Edward Stettinius. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Vari. By JACK 8TI1'OO:'Fl Fred M. Pownall, PubUaher orces at husbands servini abroad • • • WASHINGTON-It is becomini Salurday, April 8 tion of University Women, Upi­ For • Marilyn Carpenter, from the wives they lett behind At the army and navy club I met versity club rooms; address b, Advertising Manager more apparent every day her~ that 8~11 p. m. University party, Iowa The pI them. with a man who zips in a the famous Dr. Wassell, hero of Professor C. Addison Hickman, on Shirley McKim. EdItor the battle between lbe executive ' Union. campuS tl plane around the world and back the movie "Or. Wassell Comes Monday, April 10 "The Economic Reconstruction 01 a,ain every month or and legislative branches of govern­ pers, has S Entered .. ICcond cluI mall so. Home." shown by the navy league ment is nearing a showdown-a 8 p.m. Humanist Society, art the Post-war World." , "Do you suppose it Is the wives 1: an matter at the postoff1ce at Iowa r~al one. bunding; illustrated lecture by 8 p. m. Illustrated lecture bJ Phelan. who are getting the divorCes?" I for the benefi t of the Americaq thi CO'. Iowa, under the ~ of COD­ In other words. it's a scrap now Prof. r.. D. Longman on "Con~ Dr. L. R. Landon. "Explora!Jon·' eral dlrec Bsked. Red Cross. treU of March 2, 1879. to see whether congress or the temporary Painting." of the Arctic," under auspices ciI Rapers VIi "Npt if the men lire In Austra­ You remember, the president, In president is going to run this war Tuesday, Aprll 11 the Iowa Mountaineers, Chem~ end, Aprl Subscription rates-By maJ1, $5 lia," I was told in a voice of con­ one of his broadcasts praised Dr. and this country, or, as it should 12 M. Professional Women's try auditorium. torlum oj per ,.ear; by carrier. 10 ceIlta viction. "No slr-ee! Nobody be­ ap Wassell's courage and skill in I)e, both harmOnioUsly working to­ Luncbeon. University club. Sunday. AJlrll le ferson an. tur weekly. $5 per year. lieves how attractive those Aug .. briniing wounded men back from gether. 8:30 p. m. Picnic supper, Tri~ 3-5 p. m. Open house lor gradu­ KamPU: tio The A$soclated Preaa Ja exclu­ trallan girls are, unless he has The outcome of the baUle may anile club atlng class, President's Home, 102 variety st Java. Fli lively entitled to use tor republJ­ 'known them. not really be known until we go 8 p, m. University play: "Mr. Church street. has been "T/ley've iot everythini. They're Dr. Wassell is a celeprlty to re~ sit cation of all news dispatches cred~ to tlle poUs in No~ber-btrt it Pifn Passes By," University tMa­ Tuesday, Apr\l 18 years by an Ued to it or not otherwJae cred­ smart. They're iood~looklng with store your Jllith in cele~rlties. He could be. kno.n before that If ter. 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineen, sUy's is 11 wild, unaffected, sincere ,en~ Th Ited in this paper and alao the the most-the most-the mO$t­ public opinion getsl any more Wednesday, April 1% ~23 engineering bulldlni; movinc 19 local neWi published benm. Anyhow, they've Jot swell figu(es, tleman. 'tou believe 'in him, in~ aroused than it seems to be from 8 p. m. University play, ".Mr. pictures: "Easter in the Holy H And that isn't all. stantly, and realize tMt a#er ~he this ivory tower. Pim Passes By," UniveMity thea- Land," "WJld Elcphant Roundup;" el TELEPHONES "I tell you. seriously, American porrors ot Java an~ ~e hurrah 01 , The bill the latest ter. "Four Barriers." "Call of t h t Editorial Office _____4192 tax mess is co women will l'Iave to rook sharp to two years in Hollywood, wJlere lle straw in the wind, and as a straw, , p. m. Concert by University W:ilderness," "Father Hubbard,-' ha SocIeO' EdItor .41D3 keep up witlt airls like !pat." went to l1elp cfired thE! picture, h~ it's a sizable California redwood. SYtnphony orchestra. Iowa Union. "Adventures Among Glaciers." sc Business Office 4191 The alobe flYin~ !l1an continued: stiJ1. /las a simpr~, proud fat~h in I don·t know how tong' It has been Tbarsd'ay, April 13 7:30 p. m. White Elephant bridp "I think it is oufra,eous to keep peopte and In decency. 10 a, m. Hospital library (pot- party, University club. rc SATURDAY, APRIL 8. lq44 since a president haS" felt forced I the WAVES at flome. The navy • •• • to veto a general revenue bill and luck luncheon), UnIversity club. Thu.rsday. AprU 21 ------needs them a"road. EsRtcial1y in If I coul~ for~et the lake at none of the old-timers I've talked 2 p, m. Kensington, University 9 p. m. Spring formal, Trlah81e a place like A u ~ t I' a 11 a. Why Charlotlenburi near ~rJin 'as I ------to has been able to help me out club. club. shouldn't ttiey' have a chance' to on the information. It's just one 8 p. m. University play: "Mr. I Friday, Aprll 21 get over there as the WACs are sao/teel lessit one certain ~Jmrlier that day,a lon" rmi"!l~ fear- "olIYWQod Slights and Sounds Of those things that isn't done. Piin ' Passes By," Universi~ the-j 3-5:30 p. m. Red Cross Tea and Need Frank ~oini. kt all of ~e lIervlcewo!'"en ful strulile wit/l Germany awaits The anti-subsidy bill was an­ ater. Kensington, University cl u b; us. . in have their romances anq marry other, although not anywhere Friday, Aprll U "Further Adventures of a Travel. T nlee men. And, believe me: they You have seen little ponds and Susan Hayward Refers to Self nearly 8B> important except as a 4 P. m. Phi Beta Kappa, senate ing Sculptor," by Mrs. E. F. Mason 9 wlll be a darn siaht likelier to creeks in this country, abuzz with psychological factor in the overall chamber, Old Capitol. Saturday, April 22 ,I. Discussion marry Americans U they iO al>road skimmin, water insects, cutting price control program. 4:15 p. m. The Reading Hour, 12 M. Second semester closes in in As Nicheless Witch where the Ameri\:lln men are th~n across the rl£>ples, Tacin, as if University Theater lounge. colleges of commerce, educatiOll, t -:::----o---==--:::-:-::-~ • • • Until very recently, a majority if they stick at home, ~ust waiting their lives depended on movini By ROBBIN COONS The administration did ,et over 8 p. m. University play: "Mr. engineering, graduate, law. liberal of ~ple gave little heed to around." iaily and swiftly. HOLLYWOOD-The Nicheless ments when she was cast at all. a partial war contract renegotia.­ Pim Passes By," Univenity the~ arts and pharmacy. a public spending. Everybody • • • • T)'Iis WaS the way the lake pe­ Witch-that's how pretty Susan She was loaned out, finally, for tion law but that was tied to the ater. Sunday, Aprll 23 Hayward sometimes describes her- "Adam Had Four Sons," and that g from chambers of commerce to Speakioil oJ American wOp1en $icI'e Charlo~tenbur' looked when tax bill anI! was small sop com­ Saturday, Allt\l 15 1.:4.5 p. m. University CO!lVIlU- lIbroad, there's that Latin A/'11en~ J' wa~ched it enviously, a tourist sell-is one of the few actresses in was when she became a casting pared to what the White House 12:15 p. m. American Associa- tion, Iowa Union. s soap box orators devoted a town who'U say frankly, with no puzzle. In it she played her first had asked for. I can trip of Mrs. lioosevelt's. A few In·a sliht-seeini bu~. In~tead of ---- large share of their time figur­ people In the state department are insects, however, I saw German bush-beating: "I want to be a witch, a heartless, scheming wench The soldiers' vote bill is a third (For information rerardIn, dates beyond this IOhedule, HI 1 ing out how to get a bigger cut star." with a dollar-sign over her heart. major administration request at ....rvatl0D8 In the offlee 01 the PreslcJeru, Old CapItaL) ]" now recalling how e ate 1eave-taJdniS. But somehow, with healthy, hap p y German IOWA UNION SANXAY PRIZE years here, she still hasn't been scarce, Susan went back to routine ice legislation seemed t.(J me halt­ more debt. As war loomed on she never left. youth. 'they paddled ill> canoes. MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE The Sanxay prize 01 $500 is 10 The reason for this was the op~ They rowed in poats. They pro­ catalogued, card-indexed, or neat~ leading lady stuff. She used' io hearted', but conitess so fat hasn't the horizon, prosperity spread ly filed away in a casting niche. fume about it. She wanted to be even gi ven it that much consider­ Monday-ll to 3 and 4 to 8. be awarded soon to the student through the land on the wings pOSition of the then undersecretary pelled bicycle rafts and contrap­ TuesdaY-ll to 2 and 4 to 8. tiODs that looked like water ferris After her first years here, she be~ bad. Now after being loaned to ation. of ~he senior class who g.lves tile of borrowed money. of state, Sumner Welles. He fought WednesdaY-ll to 3 and 4 to 8. the trip steadily. Thought the Lat­ wheels. They proved their strength came a puzzle to casting directors. Jules Levey for "The Hairy Ape," There are only two things in the highest promise of achievemtnt Today the lid is off, with hun­ A puzzle, that is, when they dis- in which she plays the wltclry major administration program: ex­ TbursdaY-ll to 2 and 4 to 8. ins would not understand Mrs. and toughness by feat$ that would FridaY-ll to 3 and 4 to 8. for graduate work lor the year covered that she could act. Until Mildred, she says she has had her tel1s{ort of price-wage stabiliz~ti(1D dred·biITion-dollar budgets and Roosevelt. She didn't go south of have appalled young America as it Saturday-U to 3. 1945-46. For information call ·it then, she had been another in- fill of wickedness, at least tempor~ SO-billion-dollar deficits. The the Rio Grande until Welles had was then. Likewise, they proved (which is threatened with amend­ the grad ua te office or see the ' genue--a sweet-lOOking little girl arily. "Variety is always good," ments that will kick a lot of its Sunday-ll to 6 and 7 to 8. country has borrowed its way ------­ the foresight of their own govern~ graduate college catalo~ page 24. into an unprecedented War :------: ment. with brown eyes the exact shadc she says. But she isn't complalrt~ teeth out); and the Baruch demob­ CAltL E. SEASHORE of her hair, a piquantly tip-tilted ing. "I used to, because I had so ilization program: which hasn't NUBSING APPLICATION boom. As a result. taxes are "On this very August afternoon, nose, and a burning desire to work. much time to think. I believe Dean back home," I thought, "hundreds been the subject yet of specific Women students Interested in now making people realize that This last has been abundantly women think too much, anyway, White House recommendations, of thousands of American girls entering the school of nursing wilL the government must collect gratified rccently, with a steady always delving into their minds but which has caused comment "on and boys are riding in automobiles, the class which begins June 12, IIUMANIST SOCIETY money as well as spend it, and series of films including "Hit Pa- and coming up with tbe darndest the hill" that it's just another basis 1944. should call at the office ot Prof. S. D. Longman of l~e sitting in the movies, watching rade of 1943," "Jack London," things to make them unhappy. I for handing over more power to that it must eliminate peace­ On and Off Campul baseball games, glltting lazy and the registrar immedia tely to se­ art department will present alec· "The Fighting Seabees," "And believe it's better to act on in~ the chief executive. time prodigality, the same as soft-muscled. What will happen cure an application blank. Com­ ture on ."Contemporary Painting" an individual. Now Tomorrow," and "The Hairy stinct, anyway." • • • pleted IIpp}ications should be re­ with illustrated slides and d", QUESTION: DO YOU THINK to them. if ever again they need Ape." When I called at her apart- Already well on tpward her Politicians, Republicans and The situation has caused a turned to tbe registrar's office as grams in the auditorium ot t6e MEN C LAS S I FIE D AS 4-F to fight these terrifying young­ ment she was In the thtoes, at tardom role. Susan iS jgiving he~~ tenseness In official Washington Democrats alike, have shied SHOULD BE DRAFTED FOR ES~ sters? What is wrong with us that soon as possible. art building Monday, April 1~ Ii least momentarily, of a burning self four years more to attain it. that is difficult to imagine. One IlAUY C. BARNES 8 p. m. The public Is invited. away from frank di8CUUion of SENTIAL JOBS IN INDUSTRY? we so stupidly fail to look after desire to loaf. "I came into the business with doesn't need to take sides to ap­ Roberta Haib, A2 of stowe; Cliy: our OWD? lleristrar PROF. OSCAR E. NYBAI.III\ the nation's financial problem, "But that's how it is," she the sale aim of being a star. If preciate the seriousness of the sit~ either because the pay envel­ "It depends on why they were Certainly, young Ame~ican men laughed. "When you don't work, I'm not there when I'm 28. it's uation. In the midst of a global DEGREE CANDIDATES ope of every wage earner is classified. as 4-P's. If they can re- and women; too, have responded you're miserable. When you do, so-long-kids. I'll get married and war in which American lives are COMMENCEl\IENT Ueve someone else and it won't be gloriousiy to this .brutal job of All students who expect to re­ involved, or because they hon­ you feel put upon." have a family. I don't believe in being sacrificed every minute, the INVITATIONS detrimental to their own health. World War II. But while a perfect Susan, now 24, a Brooklyn girl mixing marriage and work. And executive and legislative branches ceive a degree or certificate at Candidates for degrees at the estly don't know the answers. the Aprll 23 convocation Ohould I think they shoulq be." post-war world ill beiIlg tied up brought here as a potential Scar~ time rushes so-it goes Zing! Ys~ of our government are at odds as April 23 convocation Who That is inexcusable when the make formal application at once have Paullue Garbar. A2 01 Ceclar in cellophane gift wrappings, I lett O'Hara when that role was terday was Christmas and tomor­ they never have been since the placed orders for Invitations IIlI1 solvency of the country and the Falla: "If there Is goini to be a would like to ask for the sort of at the office of the registrar, rocm being cast, went on to Paramount row is Easter ... and r have tour congress of 19'19 fought with PFes~ t, University hall. receive them nOw by p~flIW savinqs of every individual are rigid J;eclaSllification, many men education that will produce 10,000 to play in sweet, naive assign~ years more to make it." See WASHINGTON, page 5) their receipts at the AlUflUli o11ke at stake. in this claSll wlll, and undoubtedly replicas of that 1ake at Charlot ten­ HARRY G, BARNKS Reclstrar in Oid Capitol. It is futile to claim that we should be. included. Of the re- bUL'g in this ~rand. magnificent V,EDONNA M. KNU'rSON have done our "tax" best to mainder, tbe u n mar r led men and somewhat careless United Chairman ·,neet the cost of the war. We should probably be drafted for war Statcs. GERMAN LANGUAGE FILM SenIor InvItations cemml .... . have not. If we had, we would work." ------The German department will Hal Beek. G of Ottumwa: "1 ~---...:..------:- present two performances of a not now be riding the crest of SWAINE SCHOLARSIUP individual prosperity. think men of 4-F classification German language film. "Emil und should be drafted to essential In- Vou'reI I Telll"ng Mel'l die Detektive," with English sub­ The Swaine scholarship for I dustry. because the obvious action titles, on Monday, April 10 at 3 year of graduate study at Harvard ' when men are needed as they are * * * l¥ and 8 p. m. in studio E of the will be awarded soon by the'grad­ 9/0 ON DIAL today 1:1 to see that all Who are e YOUR RADIO radio building. Tickets, which are uate council. Students interested ' should apply to tbe heads of their ' Opportunity Survives able to work should be put In In~ A tashion article refers to a 2D cents, may be obtained in departments. Further informatloo dustry where they will most help "static silhouet." This is just as TOIMY'S JUGHLIGHTS SJ>OTLIGIJT BAN»S- 10:3'O-I Sustain the Wings ~ooms 101 and 106 of Schaeffer J the welfare of the United States." unintelli,ible to us as that other hall. can be' obtained at the ' gradualt Bad Medicine Russ Morgan and his band will ll- War News oUicc. Joan Luter, A~ (Sf Des Moines: static-the radio vallety. GERMAN DEPARTMENT Private enterprise is often DAlJGHTERS OF THE be guests on the Victory Parade of 1l:05-Tbomas Peluso CAltL E. SEMBO., "Of course 4-F's should be dralted ! ! ! Spotlight Bands tonight at 8:30 talked and written about as if AMERICAN REVOr.UTlON- ll:~ThEee Suns> Trio DeaD to industry i1 they are physically Hitler, says Grandpappy Jen- over stations KSO and WENR.· it were a structure of bricks and able. There is no reason w/ty they kins. dreads another front as Mrs. K1ara Robbins, local piano 11:45-Lee Sims ROLLER SKATJNG Tpere will be roller skating at mortar that could be tom down can't take part of the load from much as his chubby pal. Fatso composer, and Hans Koelbel, cel~ Il :~ 5-News UNIVERSITY GOLF COVI8I TODA¥'S PROGRAM.S the Women's gymnasium SatuT~ and rebuilf at will. men 18 to 26 years old who are Goering, dreads the arrival ot an­ list of the music department, will day night, April 8, from 7:30 until Finkbine field, UnivemlT 01 Actually, the element that employed in Industry. This is a other chtn. broadcast a musical program of Iowa goif course, will open, III­ good chance for many who fee1 B-Morning Chapel ~Iue 10. keeps the material evidel)Ce of ! I I 8:15-Musical Miniatures urday. April 8. AIl piay must ~ they're not doing anything in the Mrs. Robbins' original composi­ KSO (1460): WENR (890) MARGARET M.Orr private enterprise going is in­ U's In April thai. Mother Nature 8:30-News, The Dally Iowan at the Golf Club house from ,No. I war effon to prbve they're really turns over-not & neW leaf but tions at 9 o'clock tlris morning on 10-Whars Happenlni HQ1Jy~ teeing ground. There will be 110 tangible. Underlying the faetos'­ capable." in 6:30--Music America Loves Best trUUona of ',m station WSUI. wood IOWA MOUNTAINEERS excepUon to this rule. ,All JOlt­ ie. of our PitlBburghs and De­ Anne €oebran, AS of Altetana, ! ! ! 7-Early Ametican Dance MUIIJc 10:15- Yesterday's Musical Fa:~ A 10-mJJe hike will be taken py ing fees must be paid at the club troits is a thing of the spirit that Calif.: "Yes. It's good for the mor­ Though Italy may be sufiering 7: 15-Edwarq. 'Xomlinson PAN. AMERICAN PRESENTS-- vori~elJ the Iowa Mountuinccrs Sunday, house before starting play, Coach is as unchanging as time itseU. ale of a man and his country if he from a fuel shortage, Mt. Vesu­ 7:30-BOiton Sympheny Orcbe... "Second and Tilird Meetings of 10 :30- Forward March tra . April Ii. 'rhose gOing should tukc C. Kennett will be glad to fumilb That intangible thing is indi­ thinks he ia doJ.ni lipmetblng to­ vius sees to it that that nation has the 2 p. m. Ccdar Rl\plds intcrur~ any information reaa~din, 1 hi 11-Hi/lh Scroo1 New,s SpoUii/lt Jlands vidual opportunity. Where there ward winning the war. the world's biggest ash pile. the American Foreign Ministers" 11:15-News About Childrer ban to United Stales road 153 in­ use of the club house 1Ind aoH is no opportunity, private ep­ Vlv'an Fowler. AI of Brooklyn: ! .! ! wiU be dis<;ussep Py Jaime Mon~ 8:S5-Coronet> Quick Q~z tersection. (This is thc first stop course. Telephone eXleMioD .131 11:30-Salon ~usic li-John W. Vandercook terprise die s and progress "Certainly. I bell eve men who are Pity the Neapoljlan housewife, tana, G of Colombia, this after~ 11:45-0n the Home Fro,!)t beyond North Liberty.) Return or 2737. 9:15-Army Service ForCe' p~- ceases. 4-F resent not belne able to 110 Who, In planning washday, must noon at 4:15 when WSUI broad­ 1l:50-Farm Flashes wJll pe by' interurban from Cou­ COA€H C. UNNIft not only 'watch the weather, but ~asts another in the series, Pan sent ' In spite of constant attack, their part. ''War induahles need ' 12-Rhythm ~mbl~s falls, rea~hlng Iowa City at 6 p. m. more men, and these men could keep an eye on Vesuvius, too. Amel1ican Presents. ~:~fIfiry Wisme~ opportunity still exists in thia 12:30-New5. The DaUy Iowan lO-News fill (he bil." I I ! 12:45-Todd Grant . - country. If it didn't. individuals The Nazls baven't Ibot a111 of EASTER MEDITATlON- lQ:1S-lCorn Kobblera Aac'J)() EXP.LORATION I-Musical Cha~8 would not now be planning for " their ,enerais latel7. Gollb, their A procram devo&ed 10 Eastcr 10:30-T~ Powell Dr. r.. R Laudon, hairman of 2-Basepiilli. Jowa~ the future. The coal induatry is ~or Ilreamlined WIthout de.troy- aminuDltlon cef1&1nI7 mUlt be ",m be heard over station WSUI 10:55-W'ar News ,eo}oiY at Kansas university will 4-Drum Para~ an excellent example. AlthoUC)h 1I1g the freedom of the people. runnln, low. .01llrht at 7:45" when meditatIons ll-Ray Heath.rtoo present an illustrated lecture Sat­ 4:15-Pan America Pt:esents 11 :30-Freddie Martin badgered by government rec:N­ ! ! ! rected and arra..,ed by Kate 4:30-Tea Time Mel,odfes urday, April 15 at 8 p. m. in thc WAH BONDS The man at the next desk says IckbatDr formerly a teacher in l1:!Xi-News Chemistry aUditorium. Dr. Lau~ , -- lation and lIOCialiatic link.,.... 5-Cpild~en's flour to a dangerous deepee, maybe that Canadian w~o tossed he Iowa CIty pubUc schools~ and don was tn charge of an exploring He" lor .... NaYy coal 5:~O-Musical Moodl;l CBS Patriotism a lot of dollar bills out of an E. Ona/'tUe Ellett, sopraJlo 5:45--Newl, Tile »aUy lewan party for ~he Canol 011 project , men believe that coal haa a just indulging in a lItUe sprini 10Jolilt, accompanied by Miss ~T (eM); WB"" ('8') and took many color motiol'J pic­ O1Ir mlpt)' leet. on the ~ bright future and they are fight­ 6-Dlnner Hour Music housec1eani'n,. ~sther TJaOID&IJ. wDt slDc "Sweet tures and kodachrome slides of the leal are composed no' o~ III ing to make that future a reality. 'n Reverse ' 7-With' Iowa Editors 'hips, but tl\.clud. hurldrtlk 01 , ~IUle ,Jesus Boy," (MacGjnae~); 6-Mayor of thc Town Arctic~ Yukon l·e,gion. His 'talk, 7:l5-RernipisclDi Time J)US They are planning to increaae Strikers recently tied up five Were Yo~ There" arraDfed by 6:30-Thanh:s to the Yanks "Exploring for Oil in the Arctic," type. of auxruaty te.. ,ta. ~f'!iI', \ 7:30-Sportstime for lett operetlon. On, Of", the effiCiency of coal by obtain- bjg POI1lcmd, o,e., aawmilla, ~anney; "In the Kpd 01 the 7-Flrat Ni&hter Is non~technica1. The program is t,ar 1 7:4S-~ster M~itation ing complete combustion ~ while the workers went intQ a Sabbath" (Speaks) and "AUe- 7:30-lnner Sanctum aponsqred by the Iowa Mountain­ 1. the IIIbtnrtu repjl" ..w 8:15-AU!um of A .. tj~ts 7:!J5-N'ews mJgbtll,. important for IUC.. "" ment I.angip.g from cabiJl h-.al- _pedal meeting to diacuI8 wCU}8 1uJa" (Mozart). ejmi. There wHi bc an admission submarine warfare. It cottl abOlll ~.5-News,. ne ~U1 Jo" •• 8-Hlt Parltde lor non-membcrs. ers to 1arge induatrial furD~: de"mands. /1-Trea!i'~fY Salute fee '4,1111 ..... conYeJ'iion df coal into gaawUh- What irony! If union oHiciala Sr.RlNG DEBUT- 8:45-Freedom of Opportuaff)' . 5 . .1. EBEB.-T 1l;15-Sppng Debut 9:15-CotreCtion Please out by·products: "cradle to or the men had ~terest ill The preseiltation ceremonies ot Pr,s'ldent grave" houaehold stokers which the American ao . • at the Spring Debut, last all-universily 9:45-Con1idenftaDy Yours party of the year, will be broad­ lo-Hews take coal from a bin and put the front for .uppl1ea, they Network Highlights 8TATION~RY FOR waitfnq Clls't over station WSUI toniiht at JO:l5-Parade of Features ORIENTATldN LEAD.ERS ashes into containers or aahplta; would' have held theil meetinC)8 9:15 from the Iowa Union by Del NBC t":30-Musle You Love Freshman ol'.ienlation leadet·s coal-fired locomouvea aple to to ~ wag. demCJD.CW aller Dpnahoo ot the WSUI staff. The WHO (1040); WMAQ (nil) ll-News a nd assIstants should obtain theil' operate for hundreda of mllea working hours, ODd they would names of the Hawkeye beauties U:l5-FraRkie Carle stationery at the U. W. A. desk in , without 'stopa for fuel or wOller have *'Jed at their jobs pre>­ will be announcd at this time. 6-The American Story J i:3O-George Olson Old Cap/tal immediatcly. be<:auae of more comp" and cluc:inq lumber, just as our 6:30-ElIerY Queen 12-Press NeW!! 8DlOkelesa combutioJi; Uatars armed forc. are .taying at the t:~L£RY QUIEN- 7~Able 's lrillh Rose . BA"EBALL GAME- and ranqea that don't amoke 01' front and la.fng their 11".. in Marjorie Lawrence, Metropoli­ 7:3O-Il'rfJUt or corrs4!qtlettcj!s ' Comnrentary on the two base~ go out nights and need bal one order that worm at home may , tan opera stIr, and Mllton Cross, 8-AIJr.-SeICZer Nllltk>rraJ Bern ~ (720) ball games between the Univer­ r,dio announcer, will \ be guest kindling a aea8On, and accr.. draw hlqh w~~, enjoy famlly Dance sity of Iowa and thc Universify ,tnIchalr detectives when Ellery 8:3O-Can You Top This? . f-Americatt EIt,le In Britain DC Chicago will be liven by Ilick of other possible developmenta. lifer and enjoy the rlC1ht to .frlk~. Queen relates "The Adventure of n 9-MUlion Dollar lIand '1:15-Music tor Rt!I!Iembtance Yoakam, WSOI spbl'tscaster Dnd p~ of tAia character fuult Mea IQlIctio j"9: .~ t~ Patnted Problem" tOni,ht' at 9:JO-Grand die Opty 7:JO-The Cisco Kid sports editor of The Dally Iowan, fr~ ' iD individuc;d op~ atQppaC)N ~ be ~q!-NMJlIIW'I­ 6:30 over statIons WHO and 1O-N.w...... c=hlc... o Tl\ea&er M the Air and broadcasts over station wstn which can neither be tom do~ to abow their __ ill puWe. I~ ''''_ _ _t ...... _-4-.$ ~M.4Q. ._-- 10:*-«._ ~' . 9:1~--The R~turn 01 Hi~k Cart't ~'l11nini at !:;!Q tJli1 u.tternOOIlt SATlrnDAY. APRn. 9. 1944 THE DAILY IOWAN: IOWA CITY, IOWA I N ,I .nnual Kampus Kapers Show BACK FROM OVERSEAS TOUR. 1 IH oy I Wee k I Spring Oabut- To Be Given Nexl Weekend What Other Beauties Will Wear Meditations The presentation of the Hawk­ eye Beauty Court will be the high­ .------Rev. Ilion T. Jones Kansas Geologist Joe Phelan Directing light of the Spring Debut, last all Discusses Forcing Variety Talent Show River Room Mural university party, to be held tonight Will Present Lecture Simon to Carry Cross from 8 until 11 o'clock in the main For Newman Club Will Be Begun Today lounge of Iowa Union. Elaine On Exploring for Oil 'The production of the annual "As they led Jesus away, they Brody, editor of this year's Hawk- campus talent show, Kampus Ka­ By Advanced Engineer selzed a man named Simon, Crom eye, will present to each member Dr. L. R. Laudon, chairman of pers, has been announced by Joe Cyrene, who was coming in Crom an honorary scroll, and this cere­ geology at the University of Kan­ mony will be broadcast over Phelan, DI of Colfax, who is gen­ Corp. A. H. Marvin Jr., company the country, and put the cross sas, Lawrence, Kan., will present on his back, for him to carry be­ WSUI. eral director of the show. KampuB C advanced engineer. will begin During the evening, the OWl an illustrated lecture next Satur­ Kapers will be given next week­ work today on a mural above the hind Jesus." - Luke 23 :26. will take movies of the party. day at 8 p. m. In the chemistry end. April 14 and 15, In the audi­ north fireplace In the river room According to the custom in the Their central figure will be Mary auditorium. His subject will be torium of St. Mary's school, Jef­ of the Iowa Union. This painting days 01 Jesus, criminals were con- Forslund, Al of Sioux Falls, S. D., "Exploring for Oil in the Arctic." ferson and Clin ton streets. will be a memorial to the presence demned to car ry the wood for their who will be dressed in a pale blue Jtampus Kapers, a traditional dl the A. S. T. P. men on the uni­ own crosses. Apparently Jesus tulle formal, fashioned with a full Dr. Laudon was in charge of variety show on the Iowa campus, versity campus. fainted bene[lth the weight of the skirt and a fitted bodice. The ruff- one ot the explor:ing parties for has been produced the last two The project was planned by Col. . . ling which forms the off-the- the Imperial Oil company in con­ years by members of the univer­ Luke D. Zech with the cooperalion wood and reqUIred assIstance. shoulder neck and sleeve-line is I nection with the Canol oil project. sity's Newman club. This year's of Prof. Earl E. Harper, director of There was 11 law that any passer- sprinkled with silver sequins. She presentation will also be under Iowa Union and will be completed Iby could be compelled to carI'y will carry a sequin evening bag. He also spent several months In the auspices of this group. in five or six weeks. another's burden for a mile. Ap­ Members of the university's cen­ the Arctic circle region of the Rehearsals have been under Corporal Marvin, of Kansas City, tral party commiltee who have Can a d ian northwest territory, way for several weeks, under the Mo., has studied and painted with plying that law, they forced Simon to carry Christ's cross. planned this event, at which Paul prospecting for new 011 resources direction of a talent committee, Thomas Benton of Kansas City. Arthur and his Count II will play, composed of Joe Phelan, Bar­ He has painted a mural in the Why did they choose Simon 'l It Ilt the time when the threat ot an was an, odious task. Roman sol­ or J ane Randolph, A2 of Marion, bara Cotter, A3 of South Bend, army officers' club in Portland, Ind., chairman; Winifred Johnson, Alaskan Invasion was Imminent. IDd., and Eileen Culhane, A3 of Ore. diers must not be requ ired to A2 of Chicago; Louise HllCman, A2 Dr. Laudon has made a camera Des Moines, co-producers. The painting will show an A. S. carry the wood ror II cr·iminal. A of record with color movies and Combining talent from various T. P. man working with mechani­ devout Jew would have stained Bettendorf, and Howard Cerny, university groups, Kampus Kapers cal and electrical apparatus, a sol­ his hands had he touched the A2 of Amana. ,kodachrome slides of the realon wood on which a man was cruci­ Sprlnr Theme Featured Visited, Including the Mac.kenzle will feature a humorous presenta­ dier studying Dnd 11 civilian in­ tion of acts, with contin uity wri t­ structor. The bac.kground will be fied and thus become ceremon­ A spring theme will be featured, mountains and river, Great Slave ten and directed by members of done in bright shaded colors to de­ ially unclean and unfit to pal'lici­ with a backdrop portraying a gold lake, and the forest and lake coun- the talent committee. pict the fire, smoke and atmos­ pate in the festival. So they chose picture frame with a figure of a try of the tault-rldges east ot the .Ticket sales for the show, which phere of war. a stranger who was passing by gi rl in a white dress on a gray IMackenzie . w,ill begin at Iowa Union Tuesday, and who could undoubtedly be background. This figure will also The explorations Include evi­ Identified by hi s garb as II for­ decorute the programs. dences of glaciation, arctic freez- will extend through Friday. Ad­ eigner. mission will be 50 cents, ""hich ONE OF THE YOUNGEST ventrlloqul1lts 1n the entertainment Aeld, Marian Ferguson, Al of Daven­ Ing and thawing. spectacular In­ pretty l8-year-old Kae CArole, with her partner "Tommy" has just He was likely a Jewish prose­ includes tax. Student Religion port, attired in a rose, olive green A NEW expo.ure lult for a.irmen stances of erosion, swift flooded returned from a liO,OOO-mlle tour of BrazlI, North and Central Africa, lyte, not a Jew by blood. Hencl' Sales will be made through a and gray striped taffeta dress, will who are forced down on water II streams, canoe explorations, moun­ . Persia and Egypt. Mias CarOle, whose act was a big hit with serv­ they would have no hesitation committee headed by Leo Walsh, be accompanied by Howard Cerny, plCtUred.C The IUIt. cIOIe-lltUng,' tain traverse and some aerial pho­ Various social and religious ac­ Icemen overseas, will go out on another tour tollowin( a SO.day re.t about lettlnr him stain his 01 of Boston. Ticket sales will be tivities have been planned by the member of the committee In Ia equipped with slide-fastened tography of the rugged Mackenzie at her home in Newpaltz, N. y, (lntlTn.tion.l) halld~. For who care what hap­ charge. Miss Ferguson's gown has chul and neck closure. No more mountains nnd the myriad pattern handled by members of the New­ student religious groups on cam­ pened to forelrners? There were man club from 10 a. m. 10 7:30 pus for this weekend. o fitted bodice with tiny straps than & teacup of water -JMld of green forests and blue lakes. t.oo many of them IlrOlllld Just over the shoulders and a fuli gath­ throllgh to lhe ftyini lult and A graduate of the University ';t p. m. on the days scheduled. now. anyway, LUTHERAN STUDENT ered skirt. Her accessories will none reacned 1\111 bOdy. Army Air Iowa. he received three degrees, a The intormal type of humor Business, Professional Women's Club 'They cared less about what hap­ which will be stressed throughout ASSOCIATION Incl ude gold sandals, evening bag ..orc .. photo.J (~n'.".lIon.J) B. S. in 1928, M.A. in 1929 and Members of the Lutheran Stu­ pened to II foreigner it he were a and bracelet. Ph.D. in 1930. For 12 years he was the show will be under the dlrec­ black man. And Simon might dent association will meet at the Ostrich feathers trim the gath­ an instructor in the school of petro­ ti.on of Dean Darby, dental student To Hear Interior Decorator at Luncheon have been a black man. If he in A. S. T. P . Zion Lutheran church at 5:30 to­ ered top of the chiffon formal leum engineering at the University ------:-.---- - Is the same person as "Symeon. of Tulsa, and for the past several Featured acts include a baritone morrow afternoon for a luncheon ALTAR GUlLD OF TRINJTY . ty nurse, will be the guest speak- that was called Niger:' spoken of Mary Bob Knapp, A3 of Appleton, Professors Attending years has been at the University solo by Howard Harrison, A. S. and social hour. This will be fol­ EPJSCOPAL CHURCII er at the West Lucas Women's In Acts 13:1, he could have been Wis., will wear to the dance. Small T. P. pre-professional student, who lowed by a devotional hour at wine velvet straps over the shoul­ of Kansas. Mrs. C. S. Grant will entertain club meeting Tuesday at 2 p. m. a black man, because the word Language Conference This program, sponsored by the will sing "Russia." His solos will which Fridtjof Schroder will give "Niger" is believed by some to ders wiil add color to the all­ an illustrated talk on Madagascar. members of the Altar Gu ild com- at the Iowa - Illinois Electric white dress, and she will also wear Iowa Mountaineers, will have an have a women's chol'uS back­ mean "Negro." It could easily Prot. Dorrance White of the ground, composed of singers se­ mittee of Trinity Episcopal church Ligh t and Power company. The long white gloves. Dick Yoakam, admission fee for non-members. GAMMA DELTA have been that they looked at a lected from members of Alpha Xi Monday at 12 M. with a luncheon topic will be· "Health in Johnson J2 of Pittsburgh, Pa., will ac­ classical languages department left A discussion and social hour lor in her hOme at 229 S. Summit big, strong African and said, "Let Delta sorority. company Miss Knapp. Thursday to attend a conference all students, servicemen and young street. Hostesses wi ll be Mrs. Jay County." Roll call will be an- him carry the cross: thats th kind . An irish skU will Include of job he is best fitted for." Gloria Huenger, A2 of Whiting, of the classical languages includ- Judge Goes to Marengo people, sponsored by Gamma Funk and Mrs. J . F. Sproutt. swered with information about Ind. , whose escort is Pre-Flight voeal numbers by Charlotte Iowa history. Mrs. Hollis Jennings We may conelude, In any ca . ing teachers of the mid-west and For May Court Term Vannice, At of West Liberty, Delta, will be held in St. Paul's Codet Robert Spence, will wear Lutheran University church at 4 BOOK AND BASKET CLUB that he was a man of another south. Pro!. Oscar Nybakken also and tenor Harry Bannon, Al of will be in charge ot the social white marquisette over rose satin. o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The The Book and Basket club will rlU helping Jesus with HIs attended the conference. They wiU Judge James P. Gaffney Issued lDwa City. One of Bannon'. hour to be held after the meeting. , The gown is styled with an oblong topic for discussion Is to be "The meet in the home of Mrs. Roy cross. And that would be an return Sunday night. 365 orders during the February numbers will be the Irish tune, appropriate thine, because men I neck line, cap sleeves and a lull Vlsltln.. In Iowa City court term in Iowa City and left Resurrection Miracle." Sherman, 220 Ronalds street, skirt gathered to the tight bodice. "Londonder..,. Air," JIlore popu­ Monday at 2:30 p. m. Mr.s. Nettie CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS of all races have found retuee Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Burt and last night for Marengo to open the She will wear three-strand pearls, larly known as "Danny Boy.1t HILLEL FOUNDATION Lake will act as assistant hostess. OF AMERJCA beneath. his cross. A group of daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Clar­ May district court term. Judge &o8emary Harmeler, st. I'Iary's There will be no services at the, Roll call will be answered with outcallts In Benares, Jndia, who pea rl earrings and rose gloves. ion, and Mrs. H. B. Hook and son, Harold D. Evans will open the The Catholic Daughters o! hl.h school student, will do an Hillel lounge this week because of current events. Members are asked I beeame Chrlstlan, were lured to White Evenln, Gowns Sanders, of Mason City, are guests May term here Monday serving in Irlah dance as part of the skit. the celebration of the Feast of the to come prepared to sew. During America will meet in the K . ot France durin, the first World Al so dressed in white will be of. Dr. and Mrs. J . F. Biebesheimer, the interim. Other musical acts will include Passover. However, there will be tile aflernoor'l II display of on ­ C. hall tOI' ~ r egular business war by a J)l'omise of fabulous Lois Ann Dunn, Al of Sioux City. 115 E. Fairchild street. Mrs. Blebe­ Included in the 365 orders were numbers by a women's trio from services at the synagogue at 432 S. tlques is to be shown. meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. w ..es. Once there, they were Her Jace fitted bodice has tiny sbeimer's mother, Mrs. Johanna 183 probate cases and 182 civil or Currier hall and by a group of Clin ton street. Seder meals will be finally employed as scavenrer . rhinestones scattered throughout, Hook of Grundy Center, and broth­ juvenile cases. Judge Ga!1ney la­ university men from McChesney served in the homes and students IOWA CITY WOMAN'S CLUB IOWA CITY BUSINESS AND In a stranre land. speaklne II- and the circular skirt is of white er, Capt. Paul Hook of Chicago, beled 89 of the orders judgment, hall. The men's act will feature and service men on campus will be CHORUS DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S slrange langua,e, and at a. Job net . Her only accessories will be will also be weekend guests. dismissal or settlement, and grant­ Leo Cortlmiglia, A2 of Iowa City, Invited to them. The regul ar meeting of the CLUB looked down upon by most per- a white flower worn in her hair Returns Home ed seven divorces during the Feb­ and Joe Smith, Al of Brooklyn, N. chor~s department of Ihe Iowa The Iowa City BUSiness and sons, they were a lonely lot. and a black and white cameo Mrs. Lloyd Howeli, 505 River ruary term. This Is the smallest Y. who will present humorous YOUTH FELLOWSHIP City Woman's club will be held at Professional Women's luncheon But one day they came upon a necklllce. Miss Dunn will be es­ street, has returned from Daven­ number of divorces, said Judge original music. The student members of the 2 p. m., Monday, in the Commun­ will be In the University club Calvary. "This Is ours!" the corted by Pre-Flight Cadet Duane port where she served on the grand Gaffney, in anyone term since he . Members of the Newman club First Christian church will meet ity building. rooms Tuesday at 12 M. The guest cried, They felt at home be­ Keil. jury of the federal court of Iowa. has served as district judge here. will present a short skit, and other for a youth fellowship at 4:30 to­ speaker will be Mrs. Georgia neath the cross. Dorothy Snodgrass, A2 of Marne, Recen~ Vl!rltor acts In the prodUction will follow morrow afternoon. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Schmidlz, an interior decorator, Mark, reporting the incident of accompanied by Pre-Flight Cadet Pfc. Leo McCade of Camp Phil­ in the same humorous vein. . Dr. Henri Ba rz un. French au- who will speak on "Spring and Simon of Cyrene, identified him Dick Dipbois, has chosen a two lips, Kan., was the recent visitor Two Students to Debate A grand finale, presenting the PILGRIM FELLOWSHIP thor and lec turer who has been Ou r Living Room." Mrs. Schmidlz as the "father of Alexander and piece outfit for this evening's af­ of Mr. and Mrs. Roy lIall, 1203 main reatures of the show in a WESLEY FOUNDATION tE:aching in the language and area is a graduate of Coe college in Rufus/, whicJ\ probably means fair. Her black taffeta skirt will First avenue, and his brother, Mr. At Missouri University patriotic act, will close the pro­ Weekend activities for the stu- field of the A. S. T. P . program Cedar Rapids and has studied in- he and his household became be contrasted by a white jacket and Mrs. E. A. McCade, 310 S. duction. dents and servicemen of the Con- here, will pre.>ent the last in a terior decorating in the Chicago Christians. So, as he c a r r i e d designed with rows of fringe and Lucas street. Tom Wuriu, A3 of Iowa City, Technical detalla of the show gregational and Methodist church- series of talks on the America's Institute of Art and also at the Christ's cross, watched Him en­ buttons down the front. The Leave for Kentucky and Bruce Hughes, Al of Sioux are under the mana,ement of es will be held in the stUdent Ifuture foreig n policy and th e cen­ art institute of Minneapolis, Minn. I~ure the orde.al of crucifixion, and sleeves are short and the neckline Four army wives left for Lex­ City, will represent the Univer­ the followln. committee ehalr­ roo m s of the Congregational tral European nations at a meet­ She will lllustrate her talk with' listened to Him talk, he was per­ is high. he will also wear long ington, Ky., Thursday oftel' spend­ sity of Iowa Thursday at the Uni­ church. Saturday evening from 7 ing of the League of Women Vot­ fabrics usable for lhe various pur- suaded to become one of His fol­ men: ata,e direction, Larr, Bar­ white gloves and carry a white ing II few days with Mr. and Mrs. versity of Missouri in Columbia poses. lo:wers. Sharing the cross of Ch~ is t rett, D4 of Bettendorf; .tace un\ll 11 ther~ win be open house ers Monday in the Congregational bearl beaded evening bag. J . W. Anderson, 906 E. Burlington. when they partiCipate In the an­ Mrs. H. S. Ivie who is luncheon Will change any of us. ComIng properties, Mary M. Mels, All of with dancing, ping pong, table church. The title of his discussion Norma Ems, PI of Savageton, The guests were Mrs. Phyllis nual debate held between the two soccer, games of many kinds and will be "The Role of America j n chairman will be assisted by Mrs. under the influence of Christ will Cedar Rapids; 1I,btlq, Jaecauel. Wyo., escorted by Ed Ferricks, schools. refreshments. Post-War Reconstruction." Mrs. E. Thoen; Mrs. W. L. Bywater; bring out the best in the worst of Kelso of Iowa City; Mrs. Aline Ine Giles. A4 of Omaha, Neb., wiil. wear a formal of blue taffeta The subjE:Ct for this year's de­ At 7:30 Sunday morning the Paul Risley will be in charge. Mrs. I. Rankin; Mrs. Fred Am- us. Lynch of Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. and Joe Cuba, A. S. T. P .•tu· I fashioned with drop shoulders, E. V. D. Murphy of Eugene, Ore., bate will be "Shall the 18-Year­ ani; publicity, Mary Lou Link, Student Christian council will pre- Members will meet tor a busi­ brose; Mrs. E. T. Peterson; Mrs. "Love so amazing, so divine, Olds Vote?" sent an Easter morning worship ness session at 12 M., which will C. Seashore; Mrs. Paul Sayre; demands my soul, my me, my aIL" long puffed sleeves and a lull, and Mrs. Robert Hammit of Mc­ 13 of Waukon, and Roberta gored skirt. The ruffling, which Keesport, Pa. Wheelan, J3 of Wasblnrton, service at the First Baptist church be succeeded hy a 12 :30 p. m. Mrs. H. A. Matli1l; Mrs. J>. W. Sound effects and management followed by a breakfast at 8 luncheon and the program. Richardson and Mrs. P . C. JeJins. Cary M. Jones, AI of Iowa City, extends along the neckline and Easter VI,ltors New Albin, will be Easter visitors of the individual humor skits are o'clock. At 4:30 in the afternoon, A business meeting will be held will preside, and Dan Dil iinger, ~rims the sH.t poc~ets In the skirt, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Ernest and in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. (lOUIS' the direction of Dean Darby. Joe there will be a fellowship hour OLD GOLD THETA RHO GIRLS at 1:30. Members will consider the Al of Avoca, will assist at the IS . edged With PI~k taffeta. She daughters, Joyce and Shirley, of Maher, 221 S. Summit streel. Yers\tJ· 01 . Phelan will act as master ot cere­ followed by a supper and song fest. Betty Chervinka and Margaret revision of bylaws as recommend­ meeting. At 5:30 the group Willi Will wear flowers In her hair and O})el\ ill­ monies. At 6: 15 there will be an Easter Novak will be in charge of the so­ ed by the executive board. The hold a supper and social hour. carry a small silver sequin bag. lTtustsllfl Two shows, beginning at 8 p. m., candlelight vesper service in the cial hour to be h ld after the Old nominating committee will also be I * trom Ho. will be presented. Reserved seat Little Chapel. It is to be on "His Gold Theta Rho girls meeting appointed and members are asked * * * * * will be DO tickets lor each show are avail­ Last Week." At 8 o'clock there Monday at 7:30 p. m. in Odd Fel­ to be prepared to suggest names ALWAYS IN~MESB 'All pI­ s ble until Friday evening or untU will be a Pilgrim Fellowship hour lows hall. for officers for the coming year. the clue they are sold out, at Iowa \Jnion . in the student rooms. Members wishing to attend are . Coach PYTHIAN SISTERS asked to make their reservations NOW Is the Time furnilb Pythian Sisters will gather by calling the Union desk, exten­ in' Monday at 8 p. m. in the K. of sion 327, before Sunday noon. Sergt•• Lloy~ Hay~~n Paul Engle's Poems P. hall for a business meeting and Killed In PaCifiC Area ,UI.. social hour. WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS I A potluck luncheon of the Wom­ for Spring (leaning Mrs. John P. McGovern, 230 IRecorded at Harvard TWO-TWO CLUB en's Relief Corps will be held at Marietta avenue, has received Mrs. Edwar'd Oldis will be host­ 12 :30 p. m. Tuesday in the club­ word of the death of her nephew, A irouP of poems by Prof. Paul ess to the Two-Two club at a rooms of the Community build­ Tech. Sergt. Lloyd Ellsworth Hay­ Engle of the English department regular business meeting in her ing. A program and initiation of den of the United States marIne have been added this week to the home at 723 E. Jefferson street, new members will take place after corps. Harvard university series of re­ Monday ot 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Hugh the luncheon. His death was due to wounds cordini8 of modern poets. These Wright, president, will conduct the received while In action in the records, which are available tor meeting. A social houl' will be WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP Pa~itlc battle area. He had been public purchase, include poems held afterwards. At 4:30 tomorrow afternoon the WhYis a bank that is free from govem~ in overseas service since Decem­ from his two latest books, "Corn" young people of the First Presby­ ment domination and control best for ber, 1942. and "West of Midnight." WEST LUCAS WOMEN'S CLUB Iterian church will hold an Easter youP Technical Sergeant Hayden lived The two books are to ,be includ­ Mildred Johnson, Johnson coun- worship service in the sanctuary. BecaUlle it is more respoll8ive to your needs. in Iowa City before he entered the ed in a collection of 200 best b09ks more efficient, more 'progressive. Some re.: lIIarine corps, and attended st. from contemporary American lit­ formers haven't yet learned that free enter· Mary', high school. The word re­ erature compiled by the United i ceived by his relatives, Lieutenant States Libory of Conirl!lll to be prise ill the greatest of aU 8purs to aerVioe and Mrs. McGovern, stated that he sent to the Soviet UnIon. and accomplishment. A free, independent1 WII burled March Ill. In addition, a group of his bank is alway8 in mesh with ita poems will be among tho.. being .OF COURSE - .- community. A government. lathered unciar the auspices of Martin Arrives; J. B, the AmeriCan government and dominated bank is respoll8ive To Be USC Director through the United States em­ Your cleaners are over-worked all year around. Spring I. even only to the source of domina. --...... bassy in Stockholm to be published WE'LL TAKE YOU TO CHURCH bUller than ever! So, be sure that your garments are on hand tion. For the lIake of our conn: Jlmes B. Martin, former Y. M. In Sweden 'by Fredlc Prokosch. 'INHtC:M' when you need them by bringing them in plenty of time. Now try'8 future let's preserve the~ C. A. orianizatlon leader, has ar­ One of Professor Engle'. latest ON EASTER SUNDAYII rived In Iowa City to assume du­ poemil, "Cuban Voyage," Is Includ­ I. ~he best time ror spring cleaning. American Way of banking. tiea aa director of the local USO ed In the aprinl edition of The Clothinq Drape. Bucp eenter In the Community building. Kenyon Review. Jus& be Bure to call us early to reserve a cab lor you. He aucceeds Harry Walrond acting FUfDlture clean1aq Saara.,. raUoriDq director, who will enter the serv- 1ee sa an army chaplain. CLEANERS Martin recently completed usa EASTER CHICKSI , tralDing. Walrond came to Iowa I GORGEOU8 OOLoa81 LAUNDERERS City to flU temporaritly a vacancy YELLOW (AB KELLEY at the director', po.t created w.hen Johnson Hatchery Office and Plant 12t s. GUben TomllnlOn wal moved to the R. C. 701 Drive Dial StU Braneh offlce 218 E. Washlnaton DIal till USO U(lit In Madison, Wit. ""HIlde r: t I T'H E D AlLY l OW AN. lOW A l O W A SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1944 PAGEFOOR err '{, c • • Hawks III T BeU With Maroons l 'odey Speris . ------~-y-:l-aCk--'So-rdS-'-----::"'-O-----,-:----,-,-- -- Trail ••• THE DAILY IOWAN By WHI'l:NEY MARTIN NEW YOnK (AP)-The New York racing seas-on opens today lit Jamaica, and with it a new 1110- formation service for the 1a ns. The Pruel, Spencer, Take Former High Jump idea is to furnish a more direct SPORTS contact between the racing public Pitching Assignments; Star Returns In and the track management, who Hawks Inexperienced Role as lIIini Coach now are connected only by money passing through the mutuel win­ N~ _ l With the first game cancelled DES MOINES (AP)- After 22 dows. fo4oeSIf'(-( WitS Pr(''''>1(;- (oft \.... IJ!III!!~ yesterday afternoon because of a years, Dr. Harold Osborn is com­ The patroos will be fr.ee to ~61iGlfIlS w.leoJ ~ Of" ' ~ JUly questioDS 011 maUeh soggy 'diamond the Iowa diamond AIS p£~1' 'TE1,lWlViTl.S... fII' ing back to the Drake Relays this which pun le them, and if tlIey team will go at it hot and heavy oIJEres month as an active participant. ask what they reaUy want &0 this afternoon with the UniverSity Osborn. whose trIps to the Re­ kuow w e I\l'e alraid. the track. ot Chicago Maroons in a twin bill lays in recent years have been In would have- to have a. corJIII 0( Solomoll8 behind the deak, aa beginning at 1:30. the capacity of University of Illi­ the fans mleht start in by ask­ A rather heavy rain Thursday nois assistant track coach, held the Ing why they don't get Il old Ia night created a sponge-like quag­ world high jump record from 1924 the breakar;e, and , 0 OD rr.o. mire out of an already soft play­ to 1934 . ing field. However, only a slight ' there. He has written Bill Easton, di­ Bxeakage is the odd pennies hope was In sight that conditions rector of the Drake meet, that he would be any better today as rain swept up from tbe Lloor after the has cleared 6 feet 4 inches, in re­ day's play. It belongs to the pa­ and cloudy skies were predicted cent practice and is eager to pre­ for the entire weekend. trons, of course, bul if tile payoff sent an exhibition. on a horse figures at $3.59, say, C~ h Davit w ill start Herb His Drake Relays jump mark it would be foolish lo go to all the Pruel I.. ~ he fillt IJYIUl while was 6 feet 6 inches, bettered last trouble of paying the nine cent. Ju k Speneer will p t the nod. year by Pete Walkins of Texas on every winning ticket, so the In the ~ OnCI elUlOunter. Ver­ A. and M., who went to 6 feet 8 payoff is figured as $3.50 and the S ~, will ~o tile .....te for the inches while Osborn cheered from track and state just pocket the Maroons in the fi rst tilt. the sidelines. rest. The Iowa diamond crew has Even if he werc able lo reach Or some fan might come up and been hampered all year by unfav­ such a height, Osborn could not ask why a horse which had fin­ il1 orable weather conditions attend­ regain the Drake record which ished ~ dismal last in his last fi ve to ant with an early start. Howcver, was his for 21 years. New marks starts suddenly develops wi ngs 111 Chicago has been at a loss lor out­ are available only to coUegians. and wins by 10 lengths at a nic.e, door practice also. Osborn's Olympic standard, also juicy price. Or he might want to The Iowans will enler the gam.es 6-6, endured from 1924 to 1936, know why the jockey on the horse this alternoon as players entirely whcn Cornelius Johnson soarcd to on which he had his two bucks new to the collegiate sport, while 6 leet 7 5/ 16 inches when Osborn took the nag far outside on the Cllicago will have tbe services of leaped 6 fect 8y!! inchcs in 1924, THE SEAHA WK TRACK TEAM, pictured above. will be pitted against a li ke aggrer;ailcn from I owa. turn for home when he could have three of their last year's squad to he broke a world's record of ten State college this afternooJl In the fleldhouse In the Navy's first dual home meet. Head coach Lleut. come through on the rail and won bolster an equally young and in­ years' standing, and his own rec­ John Morriss, at left, Is assisted by Lieut. (j.g.) J ames Gordon and Lleut. (j.g.) WaUer Hass. rIght. under wraps. experienced team. ord last ten years, to be bettered We have an idea there will be Amon~ the men to start for a lot of such unanswerable ques­ Hawkeyes will ~ at least three by Walter Marty, who cleared 6 N R I (h SI t dF Hons fired a t the oracles, with of tbe former care team here Gopher Open New feeih~ 1{:4~n~:~e Relays will bc ew U es ange's .a e or some of the female bettors want­ tli la season. Bob GUdea, Bill An­ ing to know why a jockey has derson and J ack Spencer aU h ad Nicholson Still Mixed April 28 and 29. •• Track Event to Be such an atrocious color scheme ill beJ:tbs on the cage kids' excep­ Tropical Cap his monkey suit and why that tional live. Dave Danner Is liSted beautiful horse with a name the at second base on the second Up on Holdout Deal D'odgers, Tigers, Cubs DISCUSSiOn at~ Pro-League Meet Started al Minnesel same as Aunl Josie's first hus- team al'ld DIck Ives. his runuing ____ band couldn't win, as Aunt Josie's mate, may ee action In a relief Matches IwCf. . ------MINNEAPOLIS-A new lrack husband was a stepper. Cubs Vice-President for the touchdown. His boss, Fred p l~h l ng role this afternoon. Coaching From Bench, U b I t d · They already have an informa- I Botb games of the doubleheader Gallagher Says Star Point for Goal Passing L. Mandel, owner of the Lions, meet w len roduce thiS year tion service pertaining to the mu- will be broadcast with Dick Yoak­ pl'elers a return to the old system, by the University o[ Minnesota tuel divisIon, but that was a log- am at the microphone beginning Wants to Parley N'ags, Ricftest Kickoffs, on Docket I abandoned in 1922, of punling out according to an announcement by ical innovation as it would be' at 1:25. FRENCH LICK, Ind. (AP)-Bill BEAR MOUNTAIN, N. Y. , (AP) from behind the goal line, then Jim Kelly, Gopher track coach. sorry state of affairs if a eustomell The lineup in the order in which MIAMI, FLA., (AP)-The win­ -The Brooklyn Dodgers defeated CHICAGO-Tcn maior changes, The new meet will be known as. was allowed to leave the track they will bat is as follows: Nicholson, who led the National kicking the extra point from the with a couple of bucks lett in his ners of the lWo richcst races of the their Montreal farm hands in a including the legalizing of coach­ Iowa-Gildea, If; Bill Anderson, league last year with 29 homers seven-innilJ,g practice game on Ing [rom the bench and the scor­ spot where the punt is fair caught. the Gopher Open and will be held jeans just because there was IID- and 128 runs batted in, still 1b; Tom Hughes, ss; Jim Dun­ winter will fight it out today in DurOCher field yesterday, 7 to O. ing of a point for kick-offs which Reinstating the old on-side kick May 6 in Memorial stadium. An body there to tell him how to get doesn't know which lettuce he frund. 3b; Lowell Ahrendsen. c!; the $10,000 Tropical handicap Tom Warren pitched the first pass through the plane of the goal, is calculated lo increase punt re- outgrowth of several vequests by rid of it. wants-lhe kind he grows on his Dick Woodard, 1'1; Marvin Bendorf, which tops of! Florida's first hun­ five rounds for the National Lea­ will occupy the attention of the turns, a spectacular bit of play the several state colleges .for a meet If the new info~mation servilll! 2b; Herb Pruel, p; Jim Hansen, c. farm or the kind the guers and became the first member rofessionals have been stressing h wants to be of real value it should are willing to unfold to keep him dred million dollar betting season. National Football liague's rules P of t is type, the event itself will be Chicago-Lancaster.lf; Bromlcy, Of the Brooklyn staff to go beyond com mit tee in Pl)lladelphia on in their drive to eliminate dead be able to answer such siDulIe in baseball. Coward and Dupuy's eight-year­ an open aUair for all state col- ti h' h h ·U · .... n ss; Brewer, Ib; Cooperrider, 2b; three innings in a spring game. April 18. spols, such as occur when safety ques ons as w 1e orse WI WI Although Jim Gallagher, the old gelding Marriage, victor in the HaHner, 3b; Hosey, rl; Finnegan, The proposals, numbered among men leave a kick roll. Other sug- leges, athletic clubs and any out of tile eighth r:ace. That's somethin& ct; Ver Steeg, p, and Norlon, c. Cubs' vice-president, roared into $25,000 New Orleans handicap in French Lick for a pow-wow with Tigers Claw Army the 43 suggestions ranging from gestions on punts. all aimed at Istate schools or organizations that the fans really want to know, I, his star outfielder, Nick's status February, will go to post lor thc EV ANSVILLE, IND., (AP)­ clarification and Officiating tech­ making a catch and a return more wish to enter. rather than why a horse Will tt t' t t· f t scratched, even if, as one- Iad1 after two days in spring camp still mile and one-eighth event the Playing before an enthusiastic nique to revolutionary changes, a rae Ive 0 over-cau 10US sa e y Schools having military pro- said, she saw the horse just befom Levy Homers As remains vague. favorite at approximately even soldier crowd, the Detroit Tigers compiled frem the reports of men. include establishment 61 a . restraining line over which mem- grams will be urged to enter any the race and there wasn't a scratch Gallagher says Nicholson has money. won their fourth exhibition game coaches, officialS and the league's in six starts yesterday by defeat­ corps of observers, are: bers of the kicking team may not number of men possible and will on him. Yanks Blast PhiUies agreed to terms. But on thc olher But Greentree stable's Four Free­ 'l th b II . ht be asked to encourage the entry The fans who have had a vee hand. Nick is threatening to re- ing the 820th tank destroyer bat­ (1) Extend the rule protecting pass un tI e a IS caug . . bad day also might like to know turn to his 1,000-acre farm at doms outran Marriage in racing to talion of Camp Breckenridge (Ky), the kicker to cover the holder of Hugh I. Ray, technical adviser of .army m~n now stationed on how they are going to get homll 13-5 ~t AffanHc City Chestertown, Md., any day now a triumph in the $25,000 Widener 8 to 2. the ball on place kicks and tries to the rules committee, Is cam- theIr respective campuses to com- and where they can rent a banelr. and will not admit that he has handicap 1n March, and will be Rookie righthander Zeb Eaton for extra points. paigning again for the adoption of pete una t t a e h e d. Surrounding II A.TLAf'lTIC CITY (AP) - Ed signed a 1944 Cub pact. heavily backed-particularly since pitched one-hit ball for the first (2) Change the penalty for kick~ the Canadian rule which prevents army camps will be notified in the Levy, New York outfielder who On the basis of his powel' at . . five innings for Delroil. The vel­ oUs out of bounds to five yards for a member of the kicking team near futUre of plans so lhat they \ ~he plate last season Nicholson lhe wonder lockey, EddIe Arcaro, B ' S . has comptained most of t he spring eran Johnny Gorsica finished, al­ the first offense, ten yards for the from approaching any nearer than too Clln select any track stars in rowns pr1aa about a lame arm, smacked an was reported to have ~sked 1 r a 'Will be in the saddle. lowing five blows. second and third offenses, and five yards to the receiver until the ranks to compcte. ..~ insidc - the - park hom e r, two modest $17,500 to play baU with Marriage must carry 126 pounds, place the ball on lhe goal line for punt has been touched. Another It is felt by Minnesola athletic doubles and two singles yester­ the Cubs this year only to discover including jockey Billy Thompson, Cubs Sock SOX all subsequent offenses, wilh the suggestion would make a muffed of!icials that this type of event will T .. Ed day in five trips to the plate as thllt Gallagher had anchored him- concediog six to Foul;' Freedoms. GEORGE FIELD. ILL .• (AP)­ kicking teem being forced to kick punt dead at the spot where it waS serve as an opportunity for var.i.- ra In mg n .5 lhe Yankee:; halted the Philadel­ self to a $16,500 offer. over after each offense. lirst touched by the receiver and ous small colleges to take part In Nicholson appears willing to fhird choice in the lield of six is Hopping on Johnny Humphreys for phia Athletics, 13 to 5. (3) Provide a penalty of five would give him possession at that II sponsored event that otherwise W. W. CrenshBws Grasshopper 2nd, six runs in the first two innings The A's had won six in a row shrug off the label as the Cub ' and grabbing another half dozen yards from the previous spot for spot. due to decreased enrollmenl they in at 114 pounds, Wendell Eads up. unti l Levy'S big bat stopped them highest-paid athlete itl favor of off Gordon MaUzberger, thc Chi­ a short kick-off. Officials are pressing for repeal would not be able to eoter a full ST. 1.0UIS (AP)- After a brief Lon g s hot s are Christophel' for the first tilpe this season . be.ing known as a farmer. By re­ cago Cubs yesterday walloped the (4) Make an exception to the of the no coaching rule. If open team or even compete in a dual morning workout, the st. LouiI Ranch's Argonne Woods, 1 0 8 Joe Berry, up from Milwaukee turning, to Maryland he will keep 12 to 3 before backward pass rule to permil the signaling from the bench on each mlltch on II team basis. Browns ended spring training· qt pounds; T. D. Buhl's Sweep Swin­ oC the American association, was a deferred draft rating becausc 0 [ a crowd of about 4,000 soldiel's and defending team to advance a play is too revolu'tionary, they Coach Kelly will serve as di­ Cape Girardeau, Mo., yesterdil1 ger, 105 pounds. and R. W. Miller's the victim of a seven-run Yankee his agricultural work. civilians. muffed snap which strikes the suggest legalizing secre~ signaling rector of the new venture and ex­ and headed home to open a 1- Equinox, 103 pounds. The highly­ Nick says: .. If I stay in baseba 11 The game was called in the ~ix th ground. by coaches. The coaches will hard~ pects a good turn out on word re­ game exhibition series with the outburst in the seventh frame. He successful apprentice rider, Bobby my draft board said I should drop inning because oC high wind which (5) Provide more than lhe cus­ ly be in favor 01 either suggestion. ceived from interested competi­ NationaL league champion Cardin­ was touched fot· seven hits in the Pcrmane, will handle Equinox. lhem a card and I would be put stirred up d",st and impaired visi­ pro~ als today. inning. Tomorrow's Tropical program tomary five yard defensive holding Coaching is too precari9u5 a tors. . in I-A. Then I would be called in bility. The Cardinals. who h'C ld their Phil. (A) 111 010 010- 5 11 2 winds up 100 days of horse racing penalty when eligible pass re­ lession even under present rules. In respect to his own pnospects N. y. (A) 013 020 7()x-:-13 17 3 May, which means if I passed the ceivers are held on or behind the While most of lhe suggestions for the outdoor season Kelly said, final workout at Calt·o, Ill., Thurs­ physical I propbably would go in in Florida, but dog racing will con­ Hamlin, Kuczynski (4), Berry tinue until May 31. Giants Drop Midgets line of scrimmage. submitted are designed to facill~ "We'll have a better balanced learn day, will present a lineup almost (7) and WlIgner, Mills (7); Bor­ June. That would give me only (6) Reinstale the old on-side tate officiating and eliminate less for outdoor meets lhis spring than en ttrely of veterans for the in1tlal six weeks of baseball, and there's The season has seen aU betting LAKEWOOD, N. J. (AP)- A owy, J ohnson (6) li nd Garbark. records topple. As of today, more ninth inning dougle by Steve Fili­ rule permitting legal recovery of interesting phases of play, it is not we have had for the indoor cam­ game. Second-baseman Emil V!'t­ no percentage in that." a punt by the kicker and any other likely that any of the 43 proposals paign just completed. With the ad­ ban and pitcher AI J urisich will bt , Nicholson went with the Cubs than $98,000,000 has been wagered powicz with the bases loaded gave player who was behind the ball will be adopted without consi der~ dition of low hurdles and discus the only starting rookies. Phillies Beat Orioles to George Field, Ill., yesterday for at horse and dog tracks and the the New York Giants a 3 to 2 vic­ at the time of the Qunt. able discusison, unless perhaps it in the ouldoor program it gives us BALTIMORE. MD., (AP)- The a scheduled game with the Chi­ J ai Alai Fronton, where there is tory over their Jet'sey City Inter­ (7) All ow one pOint fOl' a kick- might be the suggestion to pro~ a chance to u e more men and in Philadelphia PhiU ies wo n lheir cago White Sox. Gallagher re­ pari mutuel betting on a Spanish national lcague farm club yester­ COME EARLY 0[[ which passes through the plane teet holders of ptace kicks. that way give the team better first exhibition game of the year roained in French Lick. game. The season's total is certain day. 1111 yesterday, defeating the Baltimore to exceed $100,000,000 before the Before Filipowicz connected, the of the receiving team's goal. Numerous times in recent sea~ around strcngth. (8) Prohibit stealing of tno ball Orioles of the International league It•••• "'.***.* last dog track closes. little Giants led, 2 to 1. , sons officials have detected efforts =:IftU"~Piiif~•• ~.~. i 10-8. 100 fb.. 0' W&l&e from the hands of the runner. by defense to concentrate on the I Charl ey Schant.z went the full P&IN" will .alle (9) Permit coaching from the man holding the ball. TWs has • •9 ll carton. tlOn­ been especially true in cases where nin e innings for the Phils and al­ blnlnr ten .. ar­ DODGERS LOSE STAR PLAYER sidelines. lowed 11 hits, one more than his tr ldr es for I nfta~ (10) Change the in-boun~s spot star players, such as Sid Luck~ lnr life boats. Sa". from 15 yards to 20 yards in {rom man of the and mates made off three Balti more .....te paper ! hurlers. the sidelines. Sammy Baugh of Washington, ...... ********** Other suggestions include reten­ have been involved. Luckman and tion of the free substitution rule Baugh are speCialists at placing lor another season and half a the ball for place kicks. dozen proposals designed to in~ crease punt handling. Officials proposed a tightening up of the rules governing delayed substitu­ I ['l)?!! tions and several new ideas havc been advanced to make thc extra point more of a lest of skiU. Gus Dorais, coach of the .Detroit Lions and a membe1' of the rules .. committee, wants the try made from the 10 yard line at a spot di­ rectly opposi te the spot when the ball carrier crossed the goal line First Show SuJlday-l!:SO ~%, t11' ., ... - I TODAY AND SUNDAY!

Plh' Run Co-hi' 2 P. M. Iowa Diamond ALLAN LADD BILLY HEaMAN, 3" .car ...,.,..1IMe_ .f ibe Brookl,.n DocIrers. Julte Bishop l-IDok Cou~ No. 18. or 6Oc, G..b.lldren 3Qc: ., RISIflI IlII J*plcal at the navy reanHI.. ' taUan In ...... 11 8. In .' Herman. naUve and resident of New Albal11, Ind., Is married and I &be t.,her of one 100. The "RIGHT MAN" L8. 1944 • = SATUJ\DAY, APRIL B, 1944 -. '1' H E J) A I L-Y I O'W AN, lOW A C I T'Y, lOW A PAGE FIVE circle luncheon at the home of at 803 Roosevelt street. house. meeting in the pastor's home, 711 Wisconsin Man Wins NEW VICTORIES BRING WAR CLOSER TO JAPAN Mrs. Ralph Ojeman, 819 N. Linn Thursday, 7:45 p. m.-Evening Wednesday, 7 and 10 a. m.­ E. Bloomjn/ilton street. street. prayer service with meditations Holy communion in the chapel. Saturday 7:30 p. m. Singspira­ Wednelday, 2:30 p. m.-Ladies {rom book of Romans at cnu1'ch:- Thursday, 7:30 p. m.-Inqulrer's tion. class in the Rectory. $100 ,Prize for Oratory Aid at the bome of Mrs. Ira Pierce, Trinity Episcopal church 245 Hutchinson. Unitarian church 'l\'ilIiam Rodiger of the Univer­ Thursday, 7 p. m.-The Moyer 212 . Johnson street. WASHIN6TON- 41 The Rev. Fred W. Putnam, rector GIlbert street and Jowa avenlte sity 01 Wisconsin was awarded Couples club will have a covered Rev. Evam A. Worthley, minister (Continued from page 2) II TIN dish supper at the home of Mr. 8-Holy Eucharist and J;ermOn­ first place prize of $100 in the 10:04<5-Public service. The sub­ annual Northern Oratorical league and Mrs. WilJis Hahn. eite. ident Wilsoll. At that time the war 9:30-tloly Eueharist (junior ject lor Ea ter is to be ".Resur­ was over. r'Che New contest held last night in the sen­ rections; What Are the Facts?" r6 todlt)' Rt ale ch8mber of Old Capitol. Rod­ MenDonUe Gospel Mis Ion church choir-no serlllOll). There are plenty of observers in Seymour avenue and Clark street 1O:45-Holy Eucharist and ser­ Washington, however, who do new IQ,. iler's presentation was entitled Ualtd Goa"I chareh "Outward Bound." Rev. Norman Hobbs, paslor mon. take sides. The prevailing opin­ fans. The 2-Holy Eueharist for pre-flilht ftl E. F ....e.hUd sired ion here, even among somE! of {/'Ie Second place went to Eugene 10-Sunday school for all ages. _ Max Weir. pa tor direct ll-Hcsston college gospel team cadets. president's opponents, seems to W y man, representati ve from 9:45 a.m. Bible school with class- ,who gave will give service. MondaY,7 a. m.-Holy commun- be that he will win out, if (as'there "Can These Be the Eenemy?" Wy­ 7:30-Children of the primary ion in the chapel. es lor all aees. apparently is no doubt) he runs man was ptesented with a $50 and junior departments will give Monday, 12 M.-Altar It;lild 11:00 a. m. Mornln, worship fol' a fourth ferm. The idea is award. program in recitations, songs and luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. S. 3:00 p. m. Final Passion week that the rebellious Democrats Four universities, Wisconsin, drills. Grant. service united with Coralville (mostly southern) will have to run Minnesota, Northwestern and 8:20-The young people will Tuesday, 7 a. m.-Holy com- Bible churcb. with him and where there's anr. fue to Iowa were represented in the con­ present proJl'am In song speak­ munion in the chapeL. 7:30 p. m. Children'S Easter pro- question of their reelection, won t matlera test. ing. Tue day, 1-04< p. 1tl.-The rector's gl~ carry the fight too close to voting if the)' judges were Prof. Franklin Tuesday, 7:45 p. m.-Bihle study conference hours In the parish! f Thursday 7:45 p. m. Prayer day. want to Knower of the speech department; the traek. Prof. C. C. Cunningham of North­ corps III &»OPEn western uni versity; Prot. A. T. de,1I., aa Wearer ot the University of Wis­ by ask­ consin and Prof. F. M. Rarig of the a. olU IA . OD frDm Ten Women Apply LATEST AUIED VlC10.IIS p&vln~ the way to the PhIllppme. lDdlida the destruction of all 288 plane. on Hollandfa, New Guinea, .bown on 1n8et above, and thelllnk1Dg or at least 17 enemy shlpe In a dar­ As Dietitian Aides Ing naval attack on Palau, Yap and Woleat LaIan4. 111 the C&reUlle ~up. Co-ordinated With the AI· . lied activity In Burma and India, land, .ea and air blow. will eventually place the AllIes wlUl!n atl'llt· Ten Iowa City women have reg­ Ing distance ot not only the PhJl1p~ln .. but J&J*Ilitsell. In India and Bunna AlIied forces f1~ht to istered for the Dietitian AiCle force open the Ledo road, thus insuring a IUl>Ply route lea~ to Cbungldng to the north Il1ld tbroug.h cQurse, Lo be given Tuesdays at Cbangsha \0 the all' base.. F1gur1n~ in the Ohlna cout 6uDpa1gn are, as the map IIhows, (1) For· 7:30 p. m. in the Women's club mosa, wblch has been having Buch severe Invasion jitters that Japan recently appointed a special mill· room of the Community building, tary governor and (2) the Plilllppines, to which General MacArthur baa vowed to return; Halnan (3), according to Dr. Kate Daum, di­ bombed frequently In recent weeks and (4) center of b8tUe for "China's life line." (International) rector of nutrition at University hospital. commuDicants. The course will be given as soon 10:30-Easter festival service. as a minimum of 20 have regis­ (HURCH ' CALENDAR The pastor will speak on "Christ's BLONDIE CHIC YOUNG tered. Training consists of a 20- (For Tomorrow and Next Week) Abiding Presence." Holy com­ hour course in nutrition, followed munion will be celebrated. Spe­ by a course of 25 hours of instruc­ First Christlan church 'ly meeting of the church council cial mu ic and anthems by the tion and 15 hours of practical 217 Iowa. avenue will be held at the home of Mr. choir. . work as Dietitian Aide. Applica­ 2-Divine service at St. John's Rev. Raymond Ludwlgscn, supply tion may be made by phoning the and Mrs. Jesse Fuhl'meister, near Lutheran church, Sharon Center. Red Cross office. pastor North Liberty. Holy communion will be cele­ Members of the Canteen Corps 9:30-Sunday school. brated. are already serving as Dietitian 10:30-Morning. ,worship. The First Methodist' church 5:30-Lulheran student associa­ Aides while taking the course, sermon is "OUl' Ri en Christ." Jerterson and Dubdque streets tion luncheon and social hour. and, said Dr. Daum, are filling a 3:30-Junior volunteers. Dr. L. L. Dunnln,ton, minister 6:30-Lutheran Student associa­ great need. 4:30-Youth feilowship. 7:30-Sunrise worship service tion devotional hour. Fridtjof and breakfast under the sponsor­ Schrodel' will give an illustrated First Cburch of ChrIst, Scientist ship of the Student Christian talk on Madagascar. Schroder wa Turn to Page 40 I 722 E. CoUere "treet council at the Baptist church. born and reared in Madagascar as For Answer to This 9:30-Sunday school. 9 and 10:3o-Identical services. the son of a missionary. ll-"Are Sin, Disease, and Death The sermon by Dr. Dunnington, Thursday, 2:30 p. m.-Regular Why did onc candle burn down Real?" is to be the subject of the "Eternity Now," is the 18th in a meeting of the Ladies Aid society faster than its 99 indentical fel­ lesson-sermon. A nursery is main­ series, "Building a Faith to Live in the church parlors. lows, all lighted before it-ao un­ tained lor small children. By." canny bit of symbolism, chance, or Wednesday, 8 p. m.-Testimon­ 4:30- Wesley foundation and First Baptist ohurch just plain hyper-combustibility? ial meeting. Pilgrim fellowship SOCial hour in 227 • Clinton street In Thursday night's dedication A reading room in thc church the Congregational church, follOW­ Elmer E. Dlerks, pastor of the Congrega tional service flag is open to the pu blic between 2 ed by a supper and vesper services, 9:30-Church school. Worship c~_ In the church, the 100 service can­ and 5 every afternoon except Sun­ "Christ's Last Week." serVice and Easter play presented dles were arranged on a large day and legal holidays. There will be no church school by young wOmen of the World cross before the sanctuary. One by Easter morning. A church hour Wide guild. one, as the names of men and First English Lutheran chltrch kindergarten will be maintained 10:30-Ea ter service of worship women In the service were read Dubuque and Market streets during both the services for cl,lil­ and s~rmon by 'the pastor. "The servial and their sponsors stood in re­ The Rev. Ralph M. Krueger, dren from two to six years old. Glorjqus Company" will be the slrould sponse, the candles were lighted. pastor subject ot the sermon. simple The final one lighted was the 6:30 - Easter sunrise service. St Pu.trlck's church The ordinance 01 baptism will will win "gold candle" in the very center Special music by the choir. The 224 E. Court street be administered. somethin&, 01 the cross, dedicated to Norma theme of tbe pastor's sermon will Rt. Rev. !\Isgr. Patrick O'Reilly, 4-Vespel' communion service of to knOw, I, Jean Battey, who was killed while be "Broken Seals." pastor the Roger Williams fellowship in in the service of the WAVES. That 9:30-Sunday school. A special Rev. George E. Snell, &li8lS'tanC the Church sanctual')'. Dr. David was the candle which burned Easter service has been planned. 7-Low mass. C. Shipley will give the meditati0ll eerily down to the cross and 10:45-Morning worship. Spe­ 8:30-High mass. and the pastor, Rev. Elmer E. scorched it, surrounded by the cia 1 choir music. The subject of 9:45-Low mass. Dierks, will preside at the wor­ stili-burning 99. the pastors' sermon will be "The U-Low mass. ship and communion. Third Day He Rose." Wednesday, I p. m.-Spring .3-The sacrament of holy bap­ lit. Paul's LulherllR lJnlvenUy luncneon and annual meeting of Mrs, Charles Austin tism for children will be adminfs­ church the Baptist Women's association Service to Be Monday teredo Gilbert and ,Jefferson s*reels a~ the church. Mrs. Robert M. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.-The month- L. C. Wuerffel, pa.sl.or ~chw~hart will be t~e speaker. 9:3O-Sunday school with Bible Fun e I' a I services for Mrs. class for all. C~arles Austi n, 54, daughter of her husband and six children. concre,.Uonal church Ml'Ji. Charles Gengenheimer, 519 Five of the children are at horne 10:30-Easter worship with the Clinton a.ad Jefferson streets Oakland avenue, will be held at and Lieu!. Irene Austin is a nurse pastor speaking on "Easter's Tri­ Rev. lames E. Waen, lIastor 2 p. m. Monday at the Grinnell in New Guinea; two sisters, Mrs. ull1phant Note 01 Joy." 10:30-Church school and nurs- 12:30-The Lutheran Hour over funeral home. Irma Sass 01 Riverside aDd Elsie ery. Mrs. Austin died at her home of Iowa City, and a brother, Her­ WMT. 10:30-Worship service wit h in Grinnell Thursday night after bert Gengenheimer of the Oxlord 4-Discussion and social hour special Easter music bY the adult an operation. She is survived by community. for all students, servicemen and choir, the junior choir, a braS( youne people sponsored by Gam­ sextette, the Tympani and the ma Delta. The topic for discussion organ. . is to be "The Resurrection Mir­ Wednesday, I p. m.-Plymouth acle." Monday, 8 p. m.-Voters' assem­ bly in the meeting rooms of the Daily Iowan Want Ads chapel. Wednesday, 7 p. m.,-Cpoir re­ CLASSIFIED WANTED hearsal in the chapel. WANTED - Laundry shirts 9c. Friday,7 p. m.-Teachers' meet­ PAm. ROBINSON ADVERTISING ing in the pastor's study. mAIETT Flat finish 5c poun~. Dial 3762. RATE CARD Longstreth. Saturday, 9 a. m.-ChHdren's "TI-IANK.<:; RJQ.114e instruction class. AUTOGr.?APH.~··· ItL PIN Ir OI'Ef2 CASH RATE WANTE:o--.Plurnbing and healinl­ MY ><1'.'1<": .-..- lor2da~ Larew Co. Dial 9681. FIrs' Presbyterian chllrch lOc per line per dQ 28 E. Malke' street I COIIIecutive da,._ INSTRUCTION Dr. DIOD T, JODes, pastor 'Ie per line per day DANCING LESSONS - ballroom, 9:f5-Church school will "live • eohBeCuUve dliys­ ballet tap. Dial 7248. MhnJ an Easter worship service in UJe k per line f>8J' da,. Youde Wuriu. auc:jHorium. Everyone is invited. IlDonth- IO:3O-Service of worship. TbIe 4e per !me per day Brown's Commere. Coil. sermon wm be "A Man's Las~ -~ 5 wordJ to lln_ Iowa City'. Accredited Enemy." lllnimum Ad-.2 lin. Business School 4:30 - We s ~in ster fellowship Established 1911 Easter worship in the sanc~uary . CLAssIFIED DlSPLA Y Daf School Nillbt School Cary M. Jones, Al of Iowa City, IIOc col. Inch "Open the Year 'llowIcl" wUl preaide, and Dan Dillineer, Al Or $5.00 per montb Dial 488::11 of Avoca, wOl assist at the meet­ illl· AU Want Ada Cash In Advance FOR SALE ~:30 - Westminster fellowship Pa7lblel at DailY' Iowan BUII­ supper and social hour. BOOM AND BOARD ... otf.Ice daily until 5 p.m. A nursery is maintained during the morning service for 6mall c:.o.u.UoDI must be CIllecl lD EASTER CHICKSI .,/ children. "ItXJ e.G ~ 0::'" before II p.m. 8 OORO~OU.S COLO SI IlISEAlCH NORS5Oa at the Car­ 'wI\'t 0IPt1'r 'IOU ~ble for ODe Incorrect 8t. f..!'l'l'" ch... cb negle 'lIIItltute of TechDolop In iEu.. ME IlE l!!TES r inaertion onb'. John..," Hat,.hery ZJJ .J. '.11..... areel '" PIt\lIlllrP, Dr· Ernst Bert, ~e, 'TIIf/IOVI T.v., MIDGET 708 Riverside Drive R~ Rev. Mqr. Carl H. l\Jelnberc, reporu & method tor obtalning an l!u::=ARD SAC\( IH pasior Inexhaustible IUpply of gaaoltne liS CflGE, AI'ID il'J(E Rev. J. W. Scbmlt., &8Illtanl p&IIior and coal ) trom ) carbobydrate., 111M OUT OF HERE 011. PAN -FR'f DIAL 4191 FURNITURE MOVING 6-First mass. bountifully available In plant Ule. ru.. 7:30-Second mass. Dr. Berl, reporttnr the PI'OCe8l at 111M ! 9-Chlldren's mass. tile Amertcan chemical Soctety MAHER BROS. TRANSFER 10:15-High mass. meellng In Cleveland.' u1d that * * * For Ettlclent J'urnJture IIovIIII 11 :30-Student mass. tile procea) I. ~ relatively' cheap * * * AlIt About Our and Ilmple.I.... He IlLaloned the tu- _~WANTBD------* * * WARDROBE SERVICB St Wenceslaus chureh . '.re farmer W!th an Installation 631 E. Davenpori Itreel on his own farm maJttnr ruoun. WANTED _ Janltol' full time. DIAL - 9696 - DIAL ~ard W, NeOlll, paler to run hi' tralltors and COl.! to pel'll\anenl. Write Box L-21 ; ¥ '-r, / Bev. J. B. Conrath, &8Ilstant pastor Ileal III. home out of tile pl'OChlet8 c 0 Daily Iowan. PROFESSIONAL DffiECTORY 6:30- Low mass. he grows. .. Dr Bert reported that WANTED----=~, --- --Efficient------offlce s--ec- 8-Low mass. froll'l 100 kID, &ani of Louiliana ,1 retary and receptJonlsl. Must lO-Higb mass. dry 8ugar cane the'proce.. wtll know typlng ~nd shorthand. Give ALBRECHT & KNO)c make a.980 pllona. of paollne.1 and references. Write Zion Lutheran eb.ilrcll 3.430 gal... of mIdcI1e 011. 1.210 ~~ence A&iorIlUI-al-Law - \';, Daily Iowan. Job_on alld BloomlnaioD Itreeta . pllons of lubrtcatinr 011 and 8.411 '---~~------Pboae UH A. C. Proehl, pa.tor long tons of raw cane ...... Dr.' WANTIID - Full time nnd Plitt !II 8, Dab.IIM Iowa Cll" 9:15-Sunday school. BerlUld~" 011 u.. ~ thiIe fountain help wanted. All , 9:3~Bible clsss. haa been rotng on for 18 YM at ~ llla\'Y. Apply Ford Hopkins. 10:10-Preparatory service .' tor ~,!.eJ!e Ttch·L f!!.!ler'l!!i!!!l.U SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1944 PAGE SIX - THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA soon as men and matel'ials are Two More Members 'Jungle Jim' Krause- Chairman Describes ready for public utility. Social CommiHee Ruth Madsen Another project for which funds are authorized is the enlargement For Currier Named Of Phi Beta Kappa Describes South Pacific Jungle Summary Sheet of facilities at Children'S hospital. _____ With an appropriation of $45,000 Members of the social commit- Asks Release A university graduate who has to land. In a lItlle time we found a stale of preservation it Is shipped au~:':= ~r~:' u~:te~::o~; Of Post-War ,Plans the entire amount for all plans in tee of Cu rrier hall for next year newly eleded members of Phi d d seen sea action as a naval yeoman an open mea ow olted with lime, away to be squeezed for its 011. progress tot a I s $730,000. This have been a nn 0 u n c e d. Mary Beta Kappa, national honorary "We all have a responsibility in soelety, published In ),esterday's in the south Pacific and has since lemon and oran,e trees and we Beautiful Coral Beds amount, according to crawford' i . From Hospilal. paper. returned to the United States to learned our first lesson in fruit "As we went back to the sllip connection with this matter ot will be put to work whenever ma- SmIth, A3 01 Algona, Is servlna Ther are Phyllis Subotnlk, be granted a commission in the' hunting-namely, that such trees, we lingered over the beautifully postwar planning and some obll- terials deem it possible. as chail'man of the committee Ruth Madsen, or near Tipton, A' of Cedar Rapld., and Lillian navy, is Ens. Norman Krause, who being short, generally grow in the colored coral beds. Where the gations are due in every commun­ "We are not forgetting that the which plans CUl"l'ler's social eventa who was accused In 1942 of the Woodard, A' of Des Moines. received his B.A. degree in 1941. open. water was shallower I dove over ity," according to L. C. Crawford, war effort is first in all our plans throughout the year. murder ot her husband, Hennr Ensign Krause, whose home is Enormoul Spiders the side in search of those beau- chairman of the Iowa Cily post­ ~nd that. n,?thi":g will be don,e to Other members ot the commit­ Madsen, during her absence fyom in Hutchinson, Kan., was active "Something the school books urul specimens which were so Imp~de It, said the committee tee are Jean Newland, A2 of Bellf the State Hospital for the insane in speech activities on the Iowa may not tell you is that all over brilliant under the water-filtered war planning committee In a talk preSident. Plaine, Big-Little sister chairman; campus, was a winner of the the trees there at:e enormous spid- rays of the sun. i n Mt. PI easant, has flied a pet!- Fo S..I- f II I to Masonic Service club members _ Jeanne Baker, A3 of Milwaukee, tion In Johnson county district rmer tu_nts- Hancher oratorical contest and ers 0 a co ors, some with leg "But when I swam near them Wis., music chairman; Arlene NeI- represented Iowa in the Northern spreads of three to five inches and they lost some of their beauty and yesterday noon. '0;.------.... court asking a writ of habeas cor- Victory Gardeners I son, Al of Sioux City, and Char- pus that she be discharged from Sen"lng the Nal"on Ol'atorical league. more. after I had tugged and yanked Explaining a summary sheet M A I f G lene Nichols, J4 of Nichols, pub- the hospital. I He began a year of graduate "At nights I still think about them loose and brought them to giving concrete plans and approp- ay pp y or as \icily co-chairmen; Mar g a rt t I I work at the university, but early that man-eater almost ran into the surface they had les color .... Daughton, A2 ot Mt. Ayr, howe In the petition , fl'led agal'nst R . _ F ormer I owa C'Iflans • in 1942 left tor service In the a Iong a narrow trail. He had than ever. riations aval' lable for further de- A. Stewart, superintendent of the navy. stretched his web directly across "While r was under wllter J SIlW velopment of postwar projects, Victory gardeners may apply at chairman. 10:::::::======::0:::=== the local rationing boord fOi' gas­ Independence state hospital, it Is I At present he is completing a the trail so he could jump onto all manner of queer looking and for the Iowa City airport are being Ruth York, A3 of Melrose, MaM., oline to be used in driving to MI­ charged that Ruth Madsen is re- Three former students at the naval 0 f f Ice l' 's indoctrination anything that passed - I almost brilliantly colored fish- and some developed. Crawford heralded this intramurais chairman; Freda garden plots, according to R. J . kulasek, . A2 of Newton, facult, strained of her liberty illegally. received their course at Tucson, Ariz. The fol- passed. When 1 suddenly looked I almost got my hands on - but commission plan of operation as Phelps, who said applications will The petitioner states that she has army air corps pilot wings and lowing material, signed "Jungle up I was staring right Into his that almost was as good as a being efficient In the handling of guest chairman; Jean Wilson, AI be available today. of Traer, etiq uette, and Barbal'll been restored to reason and is now, commissions last month upon Jim" Krause, was written during eye - but not for long. mile. airport business. Appropriations No more than 300 mile rations and has been for nine months, sane graduation trom the bomber train- his service In the south Pacific, "We picked the fruit with a "I did catch a jelly fish In a for this project amount to $322,500. Thompson, A2 of Slory City, lei will be issued (or use during the dance committee chairman. and mentally normal. ing school at Pampa field, Tex. as an enlisted member of the Unit- wary eye and a quick hand, al- net, and it will be the la st one I Other projects in the process of six-month period following the Judie Harold D. Evans, granted They are Lieut. Edwin A. Hick- ed Stales navy: ways ready to outjump the spider. ever cotch. Mter 1 dove for him advanced planning are the con- date of application. A bonatide a writ of habeas corpus yesterday lin of Wapello, who attended the "On one side of the channel At last, with sacks full, we went and Itot him in the bag I slung it strucUon of the first unit of the car sharing arromgement will be Prof. Harper to Speak and scheduled a hearing in district university from 1940-42; Lleut. where we are anchored are miles back to the boat to empty our across my shoulder and swam State University library with Il utilized in all cases wh re possible. Prof. Earl E. Harper, director ~ court for April 17. Judge Evans, Nyle W. Jones Jr. ot Iowa City, and miles of planted cocoanut load. back to the lighter. $300,000 appropriation, and a mu- At the war prlee and rationing the school of fine arts, will be at the time of the heal'ine, will who attended the university from groves, in row after row like the "In passing we saw how cocoa- "Pretty soon the whole side of nicipal swimming pool with D fund board offices gardeners will be is- guest speaker in Davenport Moo· have full custody of the applicant. I 1938-42, and Lieul. John . Rog- straight furrows of Iowa corn. nut is processed by the natives for my body began to sting as ir a of $62,500 accepted by a city bond sued a special application form, day ni ght at a banquet sponsored Psychiatrists from the State Psy- ers of Coon Rapids, who attended Spread beneath them and distort- shipping. The white meat, which swarm of bees had attacked me. issue. which will include the following by the office rs and board of di· chopathic hospital here will ex- the university from 1936-38. ing their natural beauty is the is known as copra, is piled many I .(ound out then and there that a A petilion now is in circulation I amine the plaintiff. civilized taint ot American tents. feet deep in a big open roasting jelly fish isn't exactly harmless, for popular vote on the creation questions: location of garden, how rectors of the Trl-Cities Symphony Mrs. Madsen asks that she be Behind is the almost impenetra- pit about 12 by 18 leet, with the due to the secretion wh·ich he of an associated tax-supported far is the garden fl'om the home, orchestra. The meeting Is beil1f size of garden, who owns the gar-, held to discuss plans and tlnandal submitted to the hospital here for I ble tangle of the green jungle. In fire beneath fed by the dried co- emits when in danger. They are recreation program and commis- additional observation and exam- a grass carpeted clearing next to coanut hulls. When the copra is about the slimiest and ugliest sion plan of management. Funds den land and are you in portner- support for next year's program InaUon as to her mental condition the cocoanut grove stands a small sufficiently roasted to remain in I creatures I've ever seen." al'e available and will be used as ship. of concerts. if her sanity is not veri!ied at the Catholic chapel, with immaculate hearing. white walls, a bright red roof, and Mrs. Madsen was admitted to the ever-present white cross ris- the hospital at Ml. Pleasant in Ing above all and pointing up- , June, 1942, following on investlga- ward. a tion by Cedar county otficials and "Against the background of tht> g physicians at the request of her jungle green, it is so helpless, in- husband. Reid L. Hunt, county at- significant and almO'St swallowed torney of Cedar county, accused up, and yet so inspiring, aUract- Mrs. Madsen of the murder of her ive and dominant over the scene, husband Sept. 14, 1942. like a lonely ship on the Pacific According to information flied or a palm tree in the desert. I with the petition yesterday Mrs. would like to worship God there. Madsen was paroled from the hos- Swlmmlnr In River • pital at the time of the crime; the "One day we went swimming adjudication of insanity stood up one of the small' rivers. Some "- against her at the lime and there- army boys had already built a fore the Cedar county district diving platform and tied ropes court had no jurisdiction over her high up into the overhanging as the defendant. trees. Up the stream a ways was -- Under these circumstances, set an old gnarled tree, stretching well RECENTLY lraduated from Hon- over a hundred feet into the forth in the information, Mrs. do army air field, Hondo, Tex., sky. I examined it rather carefully Madsen was returned to the cus- and awarded .. commission as a because of the peculiar way its tody of the superintendent of the second lieutenant In the United roots spread out over the top of Mt. Pleasant hospital. States army air forces was Sec- the ground from its broad base. a ond Lieut. WUllam A. Sinrer, lIOn "There were many names and Here~ vuy funny thinq of Mrs. Francis J. Sinrer of New- initials carved on the trunk in ton. Lieutenant Slnrer received good old American style, and one Red Cross Facilities his B.A. derree from the Unlver- in particular caught my eye; for aUy of Iowa.. Ithere in tile bark of an ancient Make Cable Contacts -- jungle tree, thousands of miles 'th W P' Pvt. Carl WilUams, son of Mrs. from the place that inspired it, \ [Belle Sydebotlem, 1.123 E. Dav- was carved 'rowa U.' 'lou never WI ar nsoners . aboutt War Bonds• en port is now statlonllti at Ft. can tell how far the influence of Bliss, Tex. an institution will travel and .... Worried Johnson county families -- where it will reach. who have. not heard from soldler- Ta.lllnf a seven-weeks course Exploration Party relatives 10 German prison camps In . anti-aircraft metbods at Ft. "I suppose, though, of all my T's A FUNNY THING, but many people financial backlog-a backlog that will for several months may now use Bliss, Tn.. 18 Pvt. Paul A. experiences the one I will remem­ I still have the wrong slant on War help him do such things a. build a Red Cross cable facillties to es- rrantz, son of Mrs. Roy Slev- bel' longest will be the explora­ Bonds. home, send his children to school, and tablish communication with them, ens, H9 S. Capitol street. His tion party I joined to hunt (or travel. according to Mrs. Lorna L. Mathes, wife and family reside at 1511Z lemons and limes. We were up Theie people think that when they executive secretory of Johnson RUI,e stred. at rive that morning, excited as buy a Bond, they're giving, or donating And, finaIly, by investing the money county Red Cross chapter. a group of school kids going on a their money to the war. that otherwise would be burning a hole "Transfer of prisoners from Corp. W. Frederickson, who is picnic. . in our poc~ets these days, we're helP"' temporary to permanent camps," stationed with the army air torces "We left the ship in II jeep You might say they have a grin-and­ Mrs. Mathes explained, "or their at Brooks field, Tex., is home on lighter ab(lut 5:45 a. m. By way bear-it attitude about all their War· ing .to keep down the COSt of living. removal to hospitals when III or furlough. He is accompanied by of explanation I might briefly say Bond purchues. So it's a very funny thing that lome wounded may delay notIfying his wife, who will return to Texas that a jeep or tank lighter is a families of correct addresses. An with him to make her home. tlat-bottomed boat shaped rec- Well, that's a strange attitude. Be­ people still think: they're givi11g their money when they it in a War international agreement now per- tangularly instead of elliptically, cause while buying Bonds il patriotic, invfft mits the Red Cross to send and re- Mrs. May Arnold, 233 S. Lucas with a forward ramp that can be Bond. ceive emergency cables reiarding street, has received word that her let down after the boat is run up and while it il necessary to help the the welfare of men In enemy son, Pvt. Kenneth Arnold, has ar- on the beach so a tank or jeep Government pay for planes and tanks hands." rived in New Guinea. He was for- can drive off onto the beach. and guns, it is not a personal sacrifice. "In some cases," Mrs. Mathes merly stationed at Camp Pickett, "Alter we had gone about three said, "Johnson county persons Va. miles into the jungle we turned In fact, buying a War Bond is just have found that months elapse -- \ back (admittedly because we were about the most advantageous thing between receipt of offlclal notl- Pfc. Don Reba, lIOn of Mr. and getting shakier and shakier) but you can possibly do with your money. ficaUon that sons or husbands are Mrs. Georle F. Heha, 3. LlD- not until we knew first hand what in enemy hands, and arrival of coIn aveQue, iii now sta&loned at the jungle looked like, what a Why? letters from the prisoners. Red San"- Ana, Calif., with the army terrifying place It must be at nijlht Cross cables now are being used to all' corps band there. He lor_r- and how many nies Ilnd mosqui­ You couldn't make a safer invest­ provide a link between families Jy plared clarinet witb the hla'h toes it contained. ment. The Government itself bach at home and prisoners of war In IClbool lind Unlverslly of Iowa "We found no limes or lemons, every doIlar you invest. the European theater." banda. so we came back to the boat with "It should be remembered that a load 01 cocoanuts and shQved off And the Government paya a good, for security reasons cable mes- Edmund J. Gatens, whose wife across the channel, where this sound rate of interest-you get S4 back: sages sent by the Red Cross In be- and daughter will reside at 1728 time we found a beach on which for every $3 you put in. hall of prisoners or their families F street, was commissioned an en­ must be straightforward," Mrs. sign last week at Notre Dame, Business Researchers That means that when the war i. Mathes pointed out. "They cannot South Bend, Ind. He has been apr over, everybody who', been buying mention business activities or have pointed to Hartford, Conn., where Approve Coordination numbers, codes or symbols in he will take instruction at the War Bonds will have a comfortable them." uircralt schol. Of Bank., Corporation. Emergency cables can be sent He was formerly stationed as a either from prisoners or from their yeoma~ second class in the Iowa I Allov:ln, corporate and banking Pre-Flight school. He Is the son of enterprises to plan and coordinate famHies, according to Mr •. Mathes. Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Gatens, 401 I their activities is a moat promis­ Such emergency communications avera,. more than 2,000 a month. S. Dqdge street. ing approach to future stability In Iindustry, according to the Uni- While cable facilities are provided No..., on active . duty as plane versity 01 Iowa bureau of business by the Red Cross, families usually captain of the mght Qlficers plane research experts. assume the cost of sending, she in his navy squadron is First Class The experts explained that capl­ said. Petty Officer David H. Kerr, 23, tal provides employment and son of Mr. and Mrs. Jol\n Y. Kerr, therefore Is the natural business , diSCI 4-H Meets Monday; 113 Varsity Heights. . authority. It it Is administered ) case Plans 1944 Objective. Kerr, a graduate of qty hi,h wisely, it could provide a hillh I . , ]lort school in 1938 and tormer student level of civilization and culture. SWin at the University of Iowa, i5 an In an article published by them All Johnson county 4-H boy. or ~ will meet in the Woodman haU at aviation machinist mate and bas in the Iowa Business Digest they been on Atlantic patrol duty by state that with the ,rowin,' com- ' mair 8 o'clock Monday nI,ht to make dip. plans for the year'. objectives. plane. His present ' squadron of plexlty 01 markets, our unorllan­ Dairy, pi, or lamb club projects Veta Ventura bombers was as- ized system of Industry haa be­ obj. and a 4-H boy. club basketball _bled In Florida in Februanr, come subject to Increasln, lnata- outs ,ame wiU be amon, the projects 1943. , bllity. weal cUscussed. They operated out of Natal, Great production advances in ' Brazil, until AUlWlt when they modern times are caused by the arm moved to a ba.e in north Africa application of science to Industry , RED CROSS for active duty In the Medlterran- they added. ' The roster of Red Crou aula!. ean. W, Kerr, a member of Delta Chltra­ lance to other naUOIlII affllcted Admit Will. to Probate ';rst with the calamities of war I. a temity, enlIBted in the navy In CHEVROLET B. P. O. ELKS Iowa State Bank and Trust Co. ope October, 1940 and was trained at The wills of the late Helen NALL BR~MER'S , I~ one. Suppllel valued at Fountain, who died Dec. 10, 1943, maxi more than ",400,000 have the Great Lakes naval tralnlDi be4m staUon, where he was honor man and Thomas R. Dodd, who died Larew Co. Plumbing & Heating RACINE'S CIGAR STORES MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. BECKMAN'S abou dlatrlbuted amon, Greekl and March 23, 1944, wj!re admitted to CUm otber refuaeel In the mlddl. of hIB company. He took advanced tralnlOl at Pensacola, Fla.. and probate In dIBtrlct court Thurs­ eat. In the same ar.a, Red TOWNER'S " HOTEL JEFFERSON H. L. BAILEY, AGENCY Chat Norfolk. Va. day. CI'OII med1cin. are credited houl' Executors appointed by Judie Th with haltiDl an epidemic. War Jamet P. Gaffney were Rusaell C. Loyal Order of MoQse sufferers In Iran, Ethiopia, un­ ************. First Capital National Bank THREE SISTERS force CeIl..,.r.r Fountain for the Fountain estate Iowa City Lodge No. 1096 reckc occupied France, Iceland, Spain, III- pl..... and H. H. Dodd and Gay Myers Finland, and Yuga.tavla bav. aN ...... place ,a,er. Y •• r for the Dodd eltate. All were ap­ Iowa-lilinoit Gas & Electric View aU known the help ot th. pointed without bond. American Red CrOll. wan. pa,.r captl ...... ! Meuer, Hamilton and Cahill are duty. """'" '''' , Ittom81s for both ..ta ....