1944 HAnON CALENDAll PROCESSI':D YOOJ.)S blLle 1M"'!," A8 IllroLlih K8 vllUd Indefinitely; MllAT red 10-poln! .tamPI 1.8 throulh J. vaUd Indefinitely; SUGAR Partly Cloudy .tamp 30. 31 (book 4, valid Indefinitely. ltamp 40 for ..nru~ 1UPI' expire. Feb. 28. 11lt5' SHOE . tamp 18 (book 1, uplr.. April 30. SIl~hlly airplane sl8J1lP 1 Ibook 3) valid IndeflnteJy ; GASOLINE A-II coupon IOWA: Partly cloudy. expires June 21 ; FUEL OIL per. • and 5 COUPQIlI expIre Sept. 30 ; , DAILyloW"AN warmer. TIRE INSPECTION d eadline for A COlipOD holde... March 31. lor B THE coupon holdorl. J une 30. and lor C COUpOD bolde ... MI l' 51. Iowa Cit Y IsM 0 r n i n 'g New s p a per ~ -t1VE CENTS TBII "IIOCIATO· ...... IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. APRIL B. 1944 TH A ••o e IATED PJI... VOLUME XUV NUMBER 165 = '" Bags Nine Japs Reds Trap At a Glance- Five Nazi Today's American T'ask Force Spreads Iowan Divisions ... ... ... U. S.-Brltaln announce aane­ Destruction in Pal'au Island Bases Russians Capture ment or International control In technical phases ot post-war Novaya-Dafinovka, civil aviation. COURT-MARTIAL WRIGHT FIELD OFFICERS FOR NEGLECT 10 Miles From Odessa Roosevelt rules out recognition Jap Invaders Unchallenged LONDON, Saturday (AP)­ ot French committee before in­ Russian troops attackiug nOI'111 - vasion ot Europe. west of Odessa have tra.pped the remnants of five German divi­ Yank laak force wreaks havoc Drive on·West By Jap Fleet for 3 days only 300 miles from sion - pel'haps 25,000 to 50,000 Phill pplnes. men- and begun wi ping them Cross Key Highway Sink 28 Enemy out , Moscow a.nnounced la. t Dr. J. Ralpb Maa'ee to speak at In Heart of Allied night , while other mobile units 84th SUI convocation. Defense Zone in Burma Ships, Damage 18 racing 8.ronnd Odessa'R westel'll In Heavy Raid flank smashed to within 13 miles NEW DELHI (AP )-Japanese of th e last Ge rman escape route S ERG T. LOUIS OLIVER ot invasion tl'oopS in India have into Rumani a witb th e cap ture Princeton. N. J .. one of "Merrill's Wage, Price Control U. S. P AC I F I FLEET driven westward across the Im­ HEADQUARTERS, Pearl H a r­ of Mayaki at the hrad of' the Marauden" makl~ It tou~h for phal-Kohima highway in the heart bor (AP)-Unchallenged by t he Dnies1er ('!;tua[·y. the Japs In Burma. dlsplaYi his af­ Policies Must Stay of the allied defense zone and are apaue e f leet, trong Am rican Rolling through 60 villages in fection ror his trusty rltle whlcb he being hoUy engaged in the jungles J calls "Betsy." During one en~a~e­ aircraft car I' i e r til k forces a narowing siege arc around the 35 miles east oC the Bengal-Assam ment Sergeant Oliver ba~ged nine Same Say Advisers railway, American-operated sup­ wreaked havoc for three days bi. Black sea port the Russians Japs In 27 shots; sayS he "must WASHINGTON (AP)-Organ- ply lifeline for Lieul. Gen. J oseph less than 600 miles from the also captured Novaya-Daiinovka, bave been excited" or he wouldn't W. Stilwell's ,orces in northern P hilippines, sinking 28 enemy leu than 10 miles northeast of the bave missed tbe others. I ized labor's drive to break down Burma, it wa announced yester­ sbips, damaging 18, baggiug 160 prize city; Chebanka, 12 miles on the "little steel " formula bumped day. the east near the COll st; Novaya to 214 planes and spr adin~ de­ head on yesterday into a flat pro­ (A Berlin broadcast of Tok,yo stmction over tIt Pa Ian islands Emelovka, 17 miles on the north ; nouncement by top White House dispatches declared tha t Japanese and Karlstal, 17 miles on the economic advisers that wage and and adjacent bases, it was dis­ F. R. Rule,sOut troops were "menacing" tl1e rail­ closed yesterday. northwest. price control policies must be con­ road from an unstated distance, The Iwsts of war­ The capture 01 Mayakl In a tinued unchanged. and said confidenUy that when it Amel'iean %5·mlle lun~e from Baden down With Indirect endorsement by was cut the collapse of the allied ships, operating mO l'e than 4,500 the eut bank of the Dnlester approving co m men t, President campaign in north Burma would miles southwest of Pearl Harbor, river put tbe Reil army within Recognition Roosevelt made public at his news "become inevitable." A Japanese THREE AR ~fY AIR FORCE OFFICER • l\faJ. w. A. RYa n, Lieut. Col. Frank • Greulich and Maj. Wil­ emerged unscathed and only 25 of 13 miles or Ovldopol, terry ter­ conference a report to him that news agency dispatch recorded by liam Bruckmann, who are accused of neglect or duty and conspiracy In connection with allegedly passln~ Ule hundreds of attacking carrier IIlnus on tbe lower Dnlester es­ the stabilization program has suc­ Reuters said J apanese troops were Inspection on airplane engines after they were rejected by civilian Inspection at Wright field, Dayton, planes were lost. Eiighteen fliers tuary and bottleneck In German Of Committee ceeded to the benefit of all ele­ within six miles of Imphal from Ohio, are shown above with their defens counsel a t their court-ma rtial In Inclnnlltl. Left to right are allempts to rescue thoUlands ments of the population. P rice the east.) Major Ityan. Capt. Jack S. BInion, Colonel Greuli ch, Maj. Edward F. Cavanaugh J r., Col. Park Holland, perished. from Imperilled Odessa. rises have been checked, it said, Install ROad Blocks Capt. William E. Miller and Major Bruckmann. Fa»;n&', as a:t'Ilruk an III In the From Odessa a railway runs 18 WASHINGTON, (AP)- Presi­ and the cost ot living is actually It had been known Since Sun­ Marianas In February task force t dent Roosevelt asserted yesterday miles s o u t h w e s of Ovidopal, lower now than it was a year aio, dllY that the invaders had Installed assaults, to draw Qut . ippon' whence ferries ply the four-mile­ th at the principle of self-deter­ ------------------------.1 while wages have been. stabl1i:Z:ed. road blocks on the 60-mile Im­ navy, Admiral Rich A wide Dniester to Akkerman in mination is the core of American Not Jeopardise GUM phal-Kohima road, completely iso­ U. S., Britain Agree- McNuH, Hershey Urge lower Bessarabia. Thus a Soviet policy toward France and, by im­ "We must not jeopardl:z:e these lating the big all ied base at Im­ Men of Draft ance's Ileel bad ., be • ontt'D/I'oj mash to Ovidopol automatically plication, he r uled out any pre­ gains by any change of policy or phal except by air, but yesterday's \AI with two destroye and "one would seal off scores of thousands invasion recognition of the French relaxation of effort in the critical communique from Adm. Lord 4-rs to Seek Jobs unidentified c om b a t ship" of Germans battling other Rus­ committee of national liberation. months ahead," the report con­ Louis Mountbatten's headquarters P t amonr the vessels slJ!lk. The re­ sian columns at the approaches to Mr. Roosevelt's position has been gllve the first indication that this Age Divided .OS - ,v v or In Essential Activities cluded ... "The need for con­ mainder larrely were ships and Odessa. stated formally to the British with tinued restraint and continued co­ enemy column had pressed on The latest Russian trap was cre­ whom there must be agreement on westward. Oilers. operation with every phase of the J WASHINGTON .. ated north ot Razdelnaya, 40 miles the orders to be issued by the coni­ The vital allied railway line at Aviation (AP)-~an But a big Japanese battleship bined chiefs of staff to Gen. stabilizlltion proaram is evident. In, 3 Groups pOwer Chairman Paul V. McNutt northwest of Odessa, by units Obviously, too, we should 'Clinl to which the entire J apanese invas­ was spotted the night of March 28. which had cut the last major rail Dwight D. Eisenhower beforee tile ion is aimed primarily is only and Dr:lCt Director Lewis B. Her- the policies and machinery ;"hlch just before the three-day fleet op­ escape route into Rumania at Raz­ invasion of western Europe. Aa ,bout 35 miles from the Imphal­ LONDON, * Saturday,* * (AP)- shey joined last night in asking yet, the British bave made no have served us 80 effectively thus WASfU NGTON (AP)-Men oC delnaya... Kohima hi"way at ot)c point. Concluding u fO ur-day discussion 4-F's who ;Jl'e not already 80 em­ eration opened. fleeing the Palau repl)'. tar." drait age were dIvIded into three Moscow'a bulletin llald more The report was in the form of a T/lel'e was ,\0 additional news of of post-war civil aviation, repre- ployed to seek jobs in essential ac­ region in the western Carolines. Ibau 5,000 of the enclroled Ger­ French Quest10n J IJ panese forces which several age groups yesterday and local sentalives of the United States and tivities or U10se designated by the Yesterday's discussion of the letter to the president from Fred The i n t e r c e p ti n g submarine Malls already had been killed days ago were reported pressing boards weI' instructed to go eas­ Great Britain announced early to- WMC 8S "locally heeded." French question by the Chief Ex­ M.
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