Ready to Go | 2020 Welcome to Your Life as an EMBA Student!

You are about to embark on an incredible journey, focused on a goal of dynamic education, career development and personal growth.

As you now consider accepting our offer of admission, you have a lot of important changes to plan for: evaluating the current balance of your job responsibilities; managing your personal life commitments; and reacquainting yourself with being a student again. You will begin a program with rigorous coursework and team projects, surrounded by a remarkable number of extremely intelligent people. We hope you will acknowledge the significance of your decision and the impact it will have on your life.

We expect you to be both excited and apprehensive about this decision and hope that you will use the information provided to learn how much your life as a USC Marshall EMBA student will expand not only your mind and career opportunities, but also your social circle and your spirit. In the pages that follow, you will learn more about the personal and social enrichment opportunities that the Marshall School of Business and USC have to offer.

THE USC MARSHALL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Established in 1920, the USC Marshall School of Business is the oldest accredited business school in Southern . Marshall is a private research and academic institution committed to educating tomorrow’s global leaders. Ranked as one of the country’s top schools for accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies, Marshall also shares the rich history and vibrant community of the USC academic system.

Situated in , California, the Marshall School provides ready access to industries defining the new business frontier: biotechnology, life sciences, media, entertainment, communications and healthcare.

As a prime gateway to Asia and Latin America, our location gives us a unique world view and has resulted in an alumni community that spans 44 countries. This vast network offers Marshall graduates exceptionally strong support for success in the global marketplace. Recognizing this, Marshall was the first business school to require all MBA students to study abroad. The focus of ExPORT, your international trip taken during year two of the program, remains a centerpiece of the EMBA curriculum.

The Marshall curriculum is designed to prepare students for the evolving realities of the global marketplace. An expert faculty team combines research and real-world experience in programs that emphasize interactive learning. We also offer our research-based Centers of Excellence, which connect students to conferences, internships and work opportunities related to their fields of interest. Marshall MBA graduates enter an influential global network of more than 75,000 alumni, in addition to more than 335,000 alumni in the USC Trojan Family.

THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Although Popovich Hall is our MBA home, you will find that USC is a dynamic environment rich in knowledge, resources and spirit. With this richness comes a vibrant history full of commitment to excellence and tradition – in the classroom, around the campus and on the athletic fields. There is much for you to learn about our University, so we have included here in this section some information to help get you started! Just remember… !


THE TROJANS The “Trojan” tradition originated from a 1912 article by sportswriter Owen Bird, who likened the fighting spirit of USC athletes to the ancient Trojans. This appellation ultimately provided USC with what is now a campus landmark; fondly nicknamed “,” a life-size bronze statue of a Trojan warrior was unveiled on June 6, 1930, as part of USC’s 50th birthday celebration. Sculpted by Roger Noble Burnham, Tommy Trojan was modeled after different USC football players. On the bronze statue’s granite pedestal are inscribed the attributes of the ideal Trojan: “Faithful, scholarly, skillful, courageous, and ambitious.”

OUR UNIVERSITY SEAL AND COLORS The university’s seal displays three torches, representing the arts, the sciences and philosophy. In heraldic language, the torch is a symbol of learning. In the background is the setting sun, representing the West and (in heraldic symbolism) power and life. Embracing the torches and sun is a California poppy, the USC flower and heraldic symbol of growth. Completing the seal is the school motto: Palmam qui meruit ferat or “Let whoever earns the palm bear it.” Our school colors are cardinal and gold.

DID YOU KNOW? • When USC first opened, tuition was $15 per term, and students were not allowed to leave town without the consent of the university president. • USC’s first class valedictorian was a woman, Minnie C. Miltimore, Class of 1884. • Before they were named Trojans in 1912, USC athletic teams were called the Methodists, as well as the Wesleyans. • Students at the USC School of Cinematic Arts produce more than 234 hours of motion picture each year and complete more than 100 full-length screenplays. • Since 1912, USC is the only university in the world to have a gold medal-winning athlete in every summer Olympiad. • 1929 alumnus Marion Morrison, known by most as John Wayne, played tackle while at USC. • 1970 alumnus Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. • USC’s “Fight On” song was used to inspire combat-bound troops in the Aleutians Campaign during World War II. • USC’s Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy are the first and oldest in Southern California. • USC is the largest private employer in the City of Los Angeles. • USC graduates designed Los Angeles’ City Hall, the Department of Water and Power Building, St. Basil’s Catholic Church, and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. • USC physicians serve more than one million patients each year.

SPORTS AT USC USC Sports are an important part of the student experience. Our Full-Time MBA students host the famous Marshall MBA Tailgate before kickoff at every home football game. These events offer our community a welcome study break and an excellent networking opportunity with some of our most loyal and active Marshall Alumni.

The Football Student Season Ticket is the most economical path for students to attend the wildly popular home football games for the USC Trojans. Access to all other USC Athletic events, including those in the , will require your USCard. For further information regarding the 2018 Football Student Season Ticket price and availability, visit or call (213) 740–GOSC. Please note that historically tickets sell out early in August.


THE FAMOUS USC MASCOT: USC football games are famous for, among other things, the appearance of Traveler, a noble white steed bearing a “Trojan warrior” into the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The Traveler tradition began in 1961. And, as the fourth quarter of each home game begins, the Olympic torch (from L.A.’s 1932 and 1984 games) is lit to guide the team on to victory.

THE TROJAN The history of the “,” the USC marching band, goes back to the inception of the university in 1880. The contemporary Trojan band began in 1970 with the arrival of Dr. Arthur C. Bartner and his unique “drive-it” style of marching. The band has performed at the , the , the Rose Parade, and in numerous film and television productions. In 1979, the Trojan Marching Band recorded the title track for the album “Tusk” with , which resulted in a platinum album for that song; no other collegiate marching band has ever been so honored.

THE UNIVERSITY ALMA MATER “All Hail,” the USC Alma Mater, was written by Al Wesson, and was the finale for a student show, Campus Frolics of 1923.

“All Hail to Alma Mater To thy glory we sing; All Hail to Southern California Loud let thy praises ring; Where Western sky meets Western sea Our college stands in majesty; Sing our love to Alma Mater, Hail, all hail to thee!”

THE OFFICIAL In 1922, USC dental student, Milo Sweet, composed the music for USC’s official fight song, “Fight On,” as an entry in a Trojan Spirit contest.

“Fight On for ol’ SC Our men Fight On to victory. Our Alma Mater dear, looks up to you Fight On and win for ol’ SC Fight On to victory. Fight On”