BibAn 11/3 (2021) 411–439 411 Interpretation of Scriptural Texts1 in 11QMelchizedek and Its Theological Implications ANDRZEJ PAWEŁ CEKIERA The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5770-4602 Abstract: Drawing on a partially reconstructed column II, the paper intends to offer a deepened analysis of the scriptural sources used by the author of 11Q13. The manu- script belongs to pesharic creations of the Qumran community and brings to light their deep theological perspective on some important ideas, such as eschatological times, final judgement, dualism and determinism. They were diffused among the members of yaḥad – a group united under the guidance of the Teacher of Righteousness. The pesharic method of interpretation is indispensable to understand the aforementioned concepts. It also ex- poses the importance of the figure of Melchizedek, who, despite the fact that his identity as an eschatological figure remains enigmatic, is perceived as the one who executes justice on behalf of the sectarian community. Keywords: 11QMelch (11Q13), Melchizedek, Qumran, pesher Introduction he manuscript 11Q13 (= 11QMelchizedek) is a text probably composed by Tthe Qumran community in accordance with the principles of thematic pe- sher used by that community. Ten fragments extracted from cave 11 have sur- vived (with editio princeps containing nine)2, which allowed for deciphering about 55–60% of the text, and together with reconstructions of biblical quotes, about 65% of the second column.3 Palaeographic dating points to the creation of the manuscript in the Late Hasmonean or Early Herodian Period (50–25 BC).4 1 The terms “Old Testament,” “Bible,” “books of the Bible” in reference to the Pentateuch, the proph- ets or the psalms are all an anachronism at the time of the Qumran community (2nd century BC – AD 68), since at that time there was still no closed set of canonical books known to us under the term of Hebrew Bible.