The Dead Sea Scrolls JUDS 1611/RELS 1150 CRN: 16534 The Dead Sea scrolls have been rightly celebrated as changing our fundamental understanding of ancient Jewish and Christian history as well as the Bible. But what is in them, and why do they matter? In this course we will read through the most important scrolls in English translation and cover topics such as: authorship; historical context; religious practice; and scripture and its interpretation. The course will develop skills in analytical writing, close reading, and historical reasoning. This is a WRIT designated course. Instructor Professor Michael Satlow, Religious Studies and Judaic Studies. Office: 163 George St. Email:
[email protected]. Phone: (401) 863-3911. My office hours are Monday 10-11:30 and by appointment. I will occasionally announce additional hours. At times these will be online or offsite (usually the Blue Room) office hours. Resources Please purchase the following two books, available at the Brown Bookstore: 1. M. Wise, et al., The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation (revised edition) (abbreviated below as Wise) 2. J. VanderKam and P. Flint, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (abbreviated below as V-F) Other readings available through our course reserve are marked with an asterisk (*). Our OCRA password is scrolls. We will be using Canvas. Requirements 1. Attendance and participation (10% of grade). 2. Online responses. You will have seven opportunities to write these responses in a forum on Canvas. You may miss one without penalty. They are due by 5 PM on the Sunday following the assigned week (e.g., the assignment for Week 3 is actually due on September 29), and will generally be short written responses to one or more prompts that I will suggest (30% of grade).