United States Patent Office Patented Jan
3,071,480 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 1, 1963 2 actually can be modified as to proportion within the range 3,071,480 of approximately 60% by weight (62.1 mol percent) to GLASS COMPOSTEON FOR BEADS Charles E. Searigiat and Ezra M. Alexander, Jackson, 68% by weight (69.9 mol percent) and to this we add Miss, assignors to Cataphote Corporation, Toledo, basically three ingredients; these three ingredients being Ohio, a corporation of Ohio sodium oxide in a preferred quantity of 14% by weight No Drawing. Filed Dec. 5, 1960, Ser. No. 73,552 (14 mol percent) but which may range in quantity from 4. Claims. (C. 106-52) approximately 12.7% by weight (12.7 mol percent) to 16% by weight (16 mol percent), calcium oxide in a pre This invention relates to an improved glass composition ferred quantity of 14% by weight (15.5 mol percent), and, more particularly, to a glass composition suitable O but which may range in quantity from 12.7% by weight for the manufacture of solid spherical glass beads. (14.0 mol percent) to 16% by weight (17.7 mol percent), In the manufacture of glass beads for use in reflective and barium oxide in a preferred quantity of 6.3% by road signs, reflective road and curve markings, and the weight (2.5 mol percent), but which may range in quan like, it is of paramount importance that the glass com tity from 5.9% by weight (2.3 mol percent) to 7.3% by position meet certain rigid requirements, both as to 5 weight (3.0 mol percent).
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