
Waist dav. William Kramer makes tbe conveyanoe for he wna about to pay the men io the factory. fr the dtiy and Casey wai removed to his cell. Thc to Brooklyn. fo ao to tbeii $22,500. will bc taken LOCAL MISCELLANY. n (Mnbern of the jury wee allowed sc cured a renewal Jacobs yestrr RELIABLE niter bein_ warned tbe jndao not to con¬ The firm ol Lord fi. Taylor has Mayor Low wrote t_ 8tate Senator TESTIMONY. boaiaa, by of the lease of the promises Rea, HA anl 88 Foravtii- in r.-f.-renee to the 8treet-C'leaning bill, intro vert) wi» li about tho case. One of tba jury dav thar i OFFICE. .Byam foi st. for a term often years, besrmuiug in May, 1884, doced by the latter in the Senate, Baying BURGLARS IN A NEWS COMPANY'S men was sharply rebuked by Jndi'o Barnard of In tho Assembly to amend it axd loaB-csof 1*700 vim being half au hour late in r**turniun after recess. at the annual rental $3,000. disposition existed tbe bil a saff. irokv.x ora which might easllv barm lt, and he asked if . Philadelthia, Penn., -Sept. 6,1883. WATCHMF.N ON ALI. SIDKS. -A EFFECTED. went to the Senate amended, that Mr. Jacob Solid THE OIL CONSOLIDATION hack Saver. to any Hop Bitten Co. The Manhattan Railway News C.unpany. ei l'MTLATIOXS OF TWO TRUSTED CLERKS. The ronstilinatiou ol the National Petroleum Ex¬ would consult him before assenting chauge bave Im Jenkins ia manager, occupies oibcea OVEK FIOM LANG A ROU1X80N- Stoek A. of No. 36 Greene-ave. 1 am seventy-fonr years old, which Charles tv RUUM .ffl.OOO change with tho Nw-Yorke Mining Exobnng*. Mrs. Orpha Thompson, well knov at th** .south ott - W. years In Philadelphia, and on tbe second lloor of the building Kl'ISKD BY AKSOCIATINO WITH RICH MEN"'* under the name of The New-York Minimi Stock aosassd her husband, Alexander Thompson thirty-four Gorham Co*, On .^sunday of de been troubled twelve yea MTg router of Marmy anti Church Ma. and National Petroleum Exchange." wae practically yesierdiviu the Hurd District Police Court, among German*.. I have abont 'J o'clock («eor_e ftrana m, the SONS. Dealings ut the National lier nnd failing to stinport her. She sail with a whlto swelling on my right foot, anti K<,tt'- SILVERSMITHS, morning flnni acta-impllsheil yesterday. gening rite in Phila watchman, looked up thu Mfa. alter the laat The impression which Lan-. Sk. Rohlnsnn, Kxchanse ceiised and the members flocked (ollie that they wen- married hy the Quaker worse every and very anti breaking out night 1! morn¬ on over OOO letters ad year, painful, an cmiiluve bail lt*/t. At o'clock yesterday dealere ut Nos,'J and 3 Sou Ii-st.. bad Sunday floor ot thc niining board. Thero was a genera! ex¬ delphie In 1M73. She prodncd hot weather, t consulted several doctois and they to Have unusually attractive assort chief of the -morning men" arrived and that were th. virtimsof the ne illations of twci brokers at the to in munn of which sho was called hil ing tlie of they Baw pression of sat isfitri inn by petroleum dressed her, tin me lt was Incurable anti I would havo to take lt with ii fouud the leaser street-door ajar, the door tim tiuHtcd clerka to the extent of #1.500 WM un nu. aras said that it wooli result in the im¬ wife. I he def nd.-int denied any marriage, and oren and the lt time I lost w ment of Spoons and Forks, mad' ottice burst open, one of tbe taan safes ti ruled yesierday. The auioniit atolcn is consider¬ provement of the petroleum speculation by concen- casu was fn.j'uiriio.l. In the grave, gnuie wo my appetite, strewn with booka, paper* and documents. moro t lian at first Abouttwo foote of two boards into costive, had headache, aud fever, in fact waa very sid floor in the ably Mppoood, --Uh tntinir the linaticnal strength JKRSI'.Y CITY. for their New-York About $700 iu specie, wlin-hh_.il beeu left nero BL H. Halliday was employed bo Lang one. The National Exebaoff* bOffM dealing in pipe I saw in Thc German Democrat that Hop Bitters Wi especially store Door wt ro His Z'"al lionrd of Public Works or_an ired yesfc-rdaj .afo over Sandal, waa mission-. On the iiimiii aa the elly OBieaOMU BM OOll ctol-. line certificates abont the mbbllu nf last December. The ai one week 'ind w; " and the of Henry Lcmheck what I needed. I got a bottle, took lt -several cold chiaela, jimmies" and other burglar*' ami aiiiliitinii oooa cointnnu.lcd a larne trade, -itiD afterward tho New York Mirum Stock Ex aftsi-WMM by oleotion Tliis assortment not all " no uso over spilt milk.' said in him. About a vear and the Board of Police Commiissioneri as well again as ever, and to my greatest surprise rlgl includes, only toola. There'* otyiug tlictiiin had evervcontidence change established a department, for similar drill¬ president, of John Hird. and Mr. Jenkin* to a Tkiiiunk reporter. "Tho work aitcrward the linn wanted a bookkOOP-X aud ings. The rivalry between the two board* and the by the election Dr. Q. from the ilrat, my swelling went down gradually their but also was done by practised bumbira, ami i.v and upon consultation with llulliduy, and old Petroleum Exchange became warm, Thomas Muru, agc tw -ofv-iii'te, of Springfield taking another bottle, Rot entirely well of it. The wi of staple patterns, de¬ evidently ol ciudiier, strancer New-York a lVnnsvl' men who were well acquainted with the ways my upon liiHiecotiiiiiviulaiinn. H.W. Sii,c'aii.a :ind several Weebo ago an attempt was made to Mass., was struck and i. *_B_.y injured by of my neighbor had two such owelilnv-s on her legs ai in tho week on c'os-- attention to near me eros* olliee. Knuuiiy i* tbe onlv day to the linn, was employ** I. His ssi nre a consolidation of tho thrt'o organizations. vania Kulroad train Washington-st. three bottles cured her. 1 think this ls it great triuuii of an exclusive character, and is deserted entirely. Myidcai* in pus inc trie books were morning. signs whicb the plate hisdu'iesBod his proiiiptnes* I Be It came to ii;m_ht. Informal negotiations ing ycslerday for bitters. J"»* ¦«.»«¦ that the Imrglareconcealed themselvctio tM bnihi- soon earned for him Ibo cniilideuee ol the fititt, then li.vim for a onion in renard to oil deaiinus be¬ of No. 301 Orand-*t., struck your as but man Mien ls, mil Cheri's Nvitinn-, No. 4, alwve Wnlow-at. such be ordered from ins on Sui urti.) v night, and an soon the tWB .1 (muir men became i"timn.e tween tho minina.' board amt tho New-York Petro¬ Edward of First-st., in a nun-shop yesterday, Young's Alley, may specially work. Here is what Med to h Mr. l.uni' notice to Sinclnir Kay, left they .set to the. a lewdin a ito pave the leum K\ change. The latter nxchauge refused tu on tbs beau with a ben ir lass, fracturing his skull, dca'lcu the sound of the blows.'' uml Mr. .Jenkins in accordance wi; li the annnil custom of were act to the NY rn a thar, <-. cornelle terms whicb eptihle miuing May waa also aa-aulicl ny -Jo__.a_.er ins, designs. a cut and battered leather pocket-book linn, the boohstunal beo-ade bpoat! a trial balaai ant successful negotiations were as is old, his prepared produced 1 >>nler ntin >v.- I brokera finally bri th'Tof Ch.irleH, and, he sixty year* and a leather-covered diaty. . Mvinii fo. Di'iinitted bi" May 1. his for the board and the "Th-*. I ARE. to noni ph-li¬ concluded uniiinr mining injuries are considered dangerous. Nyman 37 \I0Y-SQI "They began on this safe first," beenntinned, Sinclair, ami as he MOB-Cfl to ba BBBble Ni'nuial Petroleum Exi bange. I -Ulbara were arre-ited. STiersHiLL, Ind., Nov. 13,1881. **¦ at him an aud inn-at bave fonnd it a longer job than they llis work in time, Mr. IsBBf propoeed IO (liv.- Tiie new consolidated exchange will have a tiiim- Dkar Airs:.t have read so much about Hop Bittei time to Bake un wus not On Sal ur¬ NEW-_-___8_T. first expected for they had only aistotant. wblcfa "fb-r accepted. berabip of nearly l.ouo membera. Tben te bro and bellin; afflicted with neuralgia, weakliest1, UL with weil.es un this other one which du v, a reserve insurance Hobiiki'.n".."iVilliuiii and .John Ha-selbrock, alway* attempt ;iboutuoon,Sincl.'iirto()k#«.00'»iiidrafts,,il(i.'it $IOH.iiiiO io its treastiij-, besides iiinused never much I tried contained liv fut tho larger amount of 'monet', i'he in silver, an I #1.500 in bills. Baying tbal be fund ol Ifca death of BUT member tin ra, ogs Bfteeti aad twelve resii.-ctiv.lv, cant-d. stomach, having health, $-¦.00 io make ,i de¬ $2*i,000. ppon "ii liv !. high¬ it has aud helped n money wa* iu coppei rent*, nickel*, ten. twenty- was BO-M to the Maiiiiuttaii Hunk au oommwmI ol 810 Bat h will he levied upon the tli''in*--!ves Sunday evening laying couple of bottles; bti-cugtbeucd cent and .silver dollars, and lie maark' tl thal he would go to lunch, and Int to the waymen. William hud a takiug the part more than medicine er doctor. I am now ou tu live and liftv piece*, two posit, survivors. Onlv $8,080 will pani family pistotTsndin th" side. The any woo ld bave severely taxed the strength nf any therefore would not totara immediately. Aflat or heirs of tho deceased member, the remainder pi¬ ot JsSB*. .Jaine-, ba shot bu brother third bottle and am thankful thut lt has helped me. wen- into tho wnii several and Sin-lair not returning, is InI but lint dungcrtuis. men to curry. All the ereenhacks paid uni hours, ing Into tho reserve inswraneo fund. Anning the wound pain will uti vise ull that ure afflicted to give lt a trial. bank at m. on .Saturday. Thl* snail piivute one of lh<- dim went to ihe bank, ami lound Unit ho members of tnn consolidated exchange thei- COUNTY. Ap. documents in l>i11->. Mr. Robin¬ prttscnt W__BTCH__8T__8 Leer Vail. safe in which 1 keep my own private bud nm deposited tho $1,300 are over .'loo who are tuembe-s of the New-York will of Mrs. Stone, EDDY'S safe and, a* yon see. has son (mened die and lound that .1*5,000 Mt. Pi.-asavt..Tba Trlphslla was locked in tbe large ihen sale, Th.* Stock Excbaii-o. Fully ono half of tbe member* "f Ch irles \V. Stone, gives 00,003 to her grund* been burstopen. There is an elevated ru iiimid watch¬ in one of th" drawer, bau not been dittnrhed. interests iu the Sto. k, ihe Win to hot and ona waa next visited, represent momhcrablp daughter, Adel- r. Bryan, and $10,000 man in tbat little theil d'uectiv opposite hi>ardiug-piacc ol' ttit) young men Produce, tbe Cottofl or tim Codee I'xeli a nee. Tor an of $700. t hero are also and Lad let it two dins grandson, Lswia I). Stoie, aid auiinity level with the wintlow: policemen uud ii wa.-, lound ih.it they tbe present. IM oil iee rs of tho mining Mold remain re*t of her about was be- Beat the World. watt biiien constantly around the building, before. lp to this thin', mt lion.li Halli* ollicer" exchange. In June the ha setate, $50,000, night awav unper¬ Situnlitv, of tho consolidated tueathsd to h-.-r daughter, Adele MeCleary of this REFRIGERATORS cooli! have got to tho -don' linea of and how the thieves day had nut been willi Masai election trill bo held, when (ho tern-a Rockviu.k, Conu., March fl, 1982. ceived with snell a bulky ami heavy paicel as $700 he was not suspected of being implicated ninn nienibsrs of Ihe (ioveruiuft Cnmmitree will ex¬ eily. FOR HALE ONLY BY parses my ci-mpiehctiMnn. The I in- iiiovi-iiit-n's of the men were .Tlie I?cv. Williu-n Mnrsball. pastor IIop Bitters Oe, 111 specie makes, Sinclair. young pire, and thidr will be Hl.'ed by tie wernher* Ciiapi'AQ'-a a -week show their usual activity now the loss is dis- inned to tue Roaninna, but it was Leaned ibey bad placet roiuatiiir-.; tIii¦ tv nf ibo Baptist Chnreh, baabssa given a call by I have been taking your Hop Hitters for several police ottice has lieen full ol them nil taken their baggage of the unile.1 orgMltetieV Tbi in TBo t aoeleiysx- coveted, and n,y un tn Ix room and bad members of IM Qeforoiae Oomonttot church New-Jsroey. "'bappoqua and beat the world. ot discovering given linn ..! eroeqneli*T to the wickedest man in they day, bnt I myself have m-ant hopes away ia Ibo morning, Oa Bnadaytbo plac apportioned betwaeO thu old mining boan) ami lao poota engage John Aller, I_ 8. Liiivis, Lewis's axle machine. the (.'pilly parties. 1 mast content uivstlf with the tbe mattel iu tbe h.iuds of Inspector Ilynioo. National Petroleum Exchange. NcM-Voik,' to preach for il. rrllectbin that they atiucked the wrong safe, or I L'u .il yest'i dav luorning it was not known that LONG ISLAND. LEWIS & a loss.'' __CB but later CONGER BtioiiM hive bemoaned great anymore tint) bod stolen, : S1JS0Q men LiTTi.r. Nf ck..Henry Manolt. a hn'el keeper, rab am, tho watchman, enid "I developments diocluaed tho fact that tlie two ~in>m: nbwa. :i .SOI AND 603 81.YTII- A \ EM K. <¦'corgi-(J Blffa* morning. and on otteoipted to aasault otra Petsroon. lett the place ut J o'clock 011 Sunday had been stealing foi'B venl BMBtOB, that jreoUrdar :irt->- -? -d and taken to tho was secure. of ont- kiIti-'I woiiiaii. Ile was 13, 198. 1.338 AM) I 3 l«» BROADWAY. ami saw that everything I pasted Saturdo. Halliday made kv. ral eolleetioBa no_mrBNT a rc ur wm. Neck llniei, whats heladaced Mri. Petsnofl I.EETOXt.i, Penn., April again ut uliotif half psst 1 on mv way up tuan. rt .udii.r: billa, tbo laat collectiou being about «500 Little the eli trite. BiUtrs Oo. was riabt. NV lien wi>.> had a Assistant fd i*-.". to -iitii papers witliilniwiiii: Rip ever apd to all appisrnnce everything fio'n Mr. Drnrnroell, ont} receivsd por¬ Turrit lli-'iiry;' President neem on kind of tneallelueia anti M Utt than seven doctor door open ami ibe place iu contusion.'' to Ibm nii.hr Halliday bad Biol toil, $11,00 », and Mlnlstcra! Washington, and Jallo* D, >Dreher. sew road IromEldert's tn tho Baturdaf patent '.' .¦ near tim be oraa ouabled to du th.a through ibo u-aiatnaoa of i;.,r .c,n'i Arcane /foV,'.Kx-**'cnsi"r sfternoon du* up the akeleum of a niau oue of Kliiiirn, N. t.i uoi.e have done me any good. OF THR EXCISE I. WV. ol Sinclair. (i.-..i ire 8. II-.an we I, nf Mi"".-ii-!:usi tts t.\.«-.iii|rt«niaian hons* of Di. Braodretb. i'hn bndv bad apparently finally tried your Hop lilt tera and found them Just th THK BHfT-ttC_U(K!tT I'l-edei-'i¦'.. lillee, of foii-ie.¦.leu', aaiiW. P. Flsbbaek. of t. oxamination TV. POLICC. A well-known business man, who has b.-en living lirunxxriri.-.I'liimr. MIDS- I wt ilk li mi ni.-1, 11 tarot roan. An thing. I have pi ul-i it them M hlgutf ibero J., a grce THK RKASOV Pon TIIK ACTIVITY Off in--n. Wo, lil ll.ltiainil's_BetM triie shoulder-blade hid leen broken In tbe anne house with ibo I ro yanns Bl A (Villa*, .John !:ov> O'Keilh uni Michael P. Curron, ed tbs lound number here who Ml thain with urc.it bandit and suth MQCOIt MMUCM AKItAIONKD. 0 West Turu lii.li-r-it., said to a fi.intM. it- ...it.-: pf Beeton .at. PieAotmo Rom.Biran Ptrlee, Oommta- and the ahull iraeturod. A (''ironer's jury nu " ni this iras due to violence. lactiou. Very respectfully yours, Tbe stringent enforcement or the Excise law I doll"! tliiuk .lu re is a wm.tu iii" CB-* mai'icri'f lillian .Ifl nc ll'-¦!¦ 'mn Hunte that Um man's death CST. much ennversntt'ii t not mle mea oorrnpt. i. j. of I. ilsls ii i .-i-r linnie- lovernoi g. W. .R. (II Apollinaris Sunday was t subject of tune, tba young natural!, Ellis, '>« M. bTAIKN ISLAM). "THE OF TABLE WATEES," Polios Headquarters veal erda v. Su.icriiitcndent rbeybar.be n simply trying to live on equal lilia', aaf .N'l'tV-:laill|a-||, KlCii.Movi'.. I'he half hom boa's to thc QUEEN in tin of the richeei men in y, ol l^mlsiMiia.Ilrand Centrnl Haiti.TM Pol'.T I) British MeJUal Journal. said tbat I fie police temi* with the mus of boon oftbe " .1 morning. . a in . Cl" II. *_ if Wailing in mslructioiis. ot Sra I, fl. I.:. Wt! I,' .-. I. .al lat .fl'! Barth Share began theil tilpa 11 captains wilt tim* chilli- verbal New-York. HalUday eatae to thia city toot Jotin A'lem". ni Maas.... YicloiHi ot the excise question by the Dewe* He oooo recier-red * sal- House Qnlncv Quiney, Ni w lintot pin-..The funeralof Joanpfa D iw-aan, (ii sii.EMr.it:.The "Hon miters" meet Tlth larg " 'Ihe agitation foote ago from Cleveland. h.iv-- iiotei-iivii, ral w w. ji. i wini', ni Iowa ot Tombstone, Alia., Pure and agree* pnpi-rs and by .Mr. Jay's coiiiii)itt*e haa ainus-d the art of neill ly J-.I,OOH a year. Il is eiuiiluyera wbo was killed by [adiana .hIch uml give t-'cii.-ral natl-afiM'tinn; uno case inpartlcula Exceptionally favoured. who in turn hive Mei a be 1 ¦. 1 i' oe trrdaj o in* broth r*a houas. "ci A boon to continental travellers." Police Commissii'iicr.-t, told mo tbal lt might nero been $10,000 year what ta on .' j iv co-day. w lman.Gs6rge William you shouitl know ol'. Mr. John Ll. (Ji-cn, So. able. great s'irring up tlie oftieers of tho fm <*. thu tune if ne Iud mi' become neglectful. Ti mi'ki-.svii.i.i:..Erastas has beeu Buffel that in "a-ure* Coomltir- nu trunlt Ins at Mr. ur 1-1. h. ( ia mid others havr establish, il .**!arin iiurdt-n -i.. Phil.itb-lphia, Penn., New Medical Record. Several capraius were told n-eentlv was honest, but Halliday beingof be stronger will, J-Inf Kxeeotlve ( 1 *l rheu York be litken lo them if thc r-uadt-it hun to in t;ic-cii.'i c oi ii.iud. Th f Flak' iitil.-e. on eye aud u .un ir., where the utlli.lt pool lug from kidney uffectlou which superinduced would punish t> join ne-ai erne i'li»rle< HtfO b 1. wt re . I..-ni wlin- P to the captains and W|intl to keep a elanor watch or tb'* Iheattc, 11*1111; caii'iaifc 1.1 li. ;¦ lertera of Madame Patt f,.: Bnrop1 mint.' ehlldren -u Htapteton, with a nolsfed trnubl". was so .nat. Heading your advcrtliaeuieiit li and Mineral Water Dealert. ..,. n- cv.'ti¬ we"ks agu Of all Grocers, Druggists, si. res on Sumlays. On tb" 15th Ins wi- li. d to go, and finishing ap their M tr.ip'lil-in-lla'* o 'I na Pole Grenada teacher.-tr. rrowbrldsB. Abo it two i one I onli(|Uor ou evcriln-y wr-ri- The hrit'ian ut Hurl;, he was prevailed upon by sixteen of lu* assistants i'lieirliid,- fn- tnis lbe new (n!umbi i l.iw .*-, i. .. ami trustees of tba Mom* kcjit tbowafeb mi's with wine piiiti'-s. 0.>:ii!tig of 1 .,._ ar-stakeu ill. tbs to it. Three buttles effected a cure, an of tho Suii'lay law in the woalthi and raahiooahle imii..1,r.d ii young white woman lotahs hit daiif-litcr.-t try BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. I for vi'i'ntions of toe moot acbuol " his mc 1 (laiigiit'iA is uu for Hitters." Ho ls on pieciu ts of his district. lie bad people in the eily. Tba probobiltltea nie th it tiny msw fOM cnr. -.¦ni-11 bioreeovenr. fha p.iiuls ot ibo achoo! now he entlin-nt-at Hop out last Sunday, and their movements have to or ta brazil.'' to by watte triiH.i" and of the nltlcaat rcalilentit Y_\ the locality named, ami know: again th« various kou Europe Steam was turned on in tht MbiM "f ferrv-bnafs objected being laugbl of the were known to the patrolmen in pro* openly 1 liell 1. yesterday only three forty* as a gentleman of OMMOOl probity. Hknkt Tuit kv, was fol- J ai.I','. 1 desks ot elm-is. T. I e\aiup!e of inspector Murray t ii e i'linils ol tii-* Behool appeared ai bait Nnith I'euu. a accusing a woman of slamobb. who So. gS Teuth-st., Philadelphia, loweil in t.ie otlier iaOOOOtioa district**. As rMalt, n il- ractn Ranedorn, eo Ut broker, sneoend-d tb m. isl i.onr. Pha trustees accordingly closed fha DR. RADWAY'S of Ex- of No. S procured his s -,- were a'raid 10 let violations thc John Barbour, BjrlTan-place, ib l':i'..ma nt ,i wi k .tei, settled with oreditot yt school uiiii! _lr. Tr irbridge recover* patrolmen lt wassail! that tbe few igo a .ntnmoaa fcrota Justine aerrinau and d -mined ua_tee_-< cise law go unnoticed, police days mn.- of No, ti-iilay an effort to the stores tiie Harlen. Police Court lor .vi Hours*, SARSAPARILLiW RESOLVED would make keep liquor ut. ctili-^t., for li. | >g|:mul thc fir-'-- ll Hie IJ 'crjird closed o next Sumbiv. 249 Ih*: UuL--lmndte.!-nil.vi Hird E. a MA BIN /'.' .V / S L Ll 'I ESVB. made false statementsabuathim ania ins Club jeeterday. George beal (.easier by .Tfllowav Mr. A. Association, I justus Schwab was arraigned in th* Essex Market having hi .; 57 to ."¦"'. OtflCI TIIK GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Police Com t yesleiday for telling lag*-r-heer at bis family. On Saturday Mr Balboa, reappeared MINI Vf ".I .WI Vi" V '. Ji.i-Low.tv, ()., March 18, IMS. y .".li First-ave.. bi tween Avenue A nun coori, and stated that Henry _.o*-.r***, bo buiband Dil ITU lil iM IfART DT.Sl.A I*. IV A Co. FOR THE CURE OP .VLI. CHRONIC DISKASEl. shop ai Nt). .1 a mr <*. i,i,- .;. fi07:sst*. ii ll" il ooh rn'i nu I m'T. _{*,(l'ri 17 IIop Bitters ilunu/urturing ill viol.il iun ol' the Excise lam. ol the wonna oenol unod of, enid ih.it theJuatii bard, hotel propti Sunni'* and find then Chronic Rheumatism, scrofula. Qlandalar 8we',lin«. UteX. ElltSt-aVP.,Ol) Sunday couti and h i u 1 il ,1 )*,.'.'. f il) V I Mveboee ua-iu- jour Hof Bitters said l!;at he saw between s:\ty iii al ha I laonrid a warran! be would coll at tbe sie, tlra'Pii I dead ol m disease in lue Dry Caiue'i. Ciiicei-oit* MTtn.tlou*. Syphilitic <'.! u >:*,:uc*. Otlicer Neubani ¦' a. ... . '." .. 11:10 recommend them to be lor kidney ilSMH beer io hm l,11!-. .lu-ticc lieirnuii tuan isoned a ora SCC ind A. eb V. lt" 1 tl 1 :it -1 A t I "(ll I* ll ll ll what ynii Weedina; of the Lunge, Dyspepsia, Wai«r Br*sl_ Wlil'..} S-jrelU at the tables drinking snip ni ***(... _____ eeveuiv persons ' lintis. l).0*i. <*«ir. 1*1 ma. 0 ... 1 L. Hii.oerdka>o. Tumor*. tllotaCbee. Eruption* on the Voce. OL on his own be- tar tbe am .t of Mr. and Mrs Monroe. J' ate 'tl. /». 1/ -ii. ir vU., superior to all others. J. lug*. IMrapIe*. Kb wah'* piuce. Justus, speakiug rant stated thal eera. Skin and Hip Dim-anes. Mercurial MMMt- PenaleCom. u»sei ted that the law hail not been riolatod, wcie examined yesterday, Mr. Barbour Hill's Dl'.tril (ll-KH BY HIS mw ACT. llalul*. ilout Dropsy, IU.-_.-U, -salt Rheum. Bronclutia, .ua- bult. name. He had OUS Al THIS PORT. Ki lin'i. Ij ver Cora U. Ac. ami that tbe ollicer sneaked into his pla. e on a 1 ice Mrs. Monroe had caliea bim a lils An subipsjr by JJepul Hessetner oo tbe XGN 4TEAMESA .uiDptlon. Bladder. plain tneelin. WM hebb anl ki-iv.d bis information from bis daughter. 1 1 1, ¦'. n: who wat foood on Bando] IO. I) AV. POUtriUh HI K BLOOD. RESTORING HEALTH AND pl'ftenc-a. A political being sud: "Tba George Hill, Via,,j,. il.KAU .-SKIN anal BEAUTIFUL cxj-YLmi.- that hu. I annuled a number of persons, ii-i wee J not los oner ming ttien lutacpaood.aod tii'iru Ur- oi:)i lintf lin ii i paint -a|n,i woand Ul Nie lette; rr tm f.i 1. .1 1 oul ,1 is one. 101 SECURED lu AM., Pricefl i-ui Bottia. himself a few ftiends. and no beer bad ai r> at of this mau Monroe i> um jeo b ri at No. 34 Bowerv, showed that Hill bal I:**-slo.Mir.rliln.* .Afirfl'ir. engaaetl",.'vnh buouiooa tate a /y.I* e*t 111 MM .Al IBS :>i_/.iiia*NS and Bitmtneo*. beeu tobi, 'ihe ul cron-examining tho Ile wus dragged from bia place of milled u.a .¦¦ 1 lie b ill bad pei lt .(Hilt Torts. Verllg-o, privii'«V«j~. 11 low ri.'hf." .Wi*'la lu.ll.s R. R. Re was him. I .lice coan Without sha ol b fl '¦¦ ollicer accordeo to TWt'srafflcrtaiwUtoil p hi* lu.tin, enter! i| ol Um temple, 'I 1.N'*l|.l.lll. i Hkrm.ii, 1 curtains were down, and that he etiterett -ti'ii.ti.e Herrman retorted tl.at ba understood .llsiiiiiir;: .ii .tm. \Kii*r. omer fth Moomra that tbe iiii-.m *,-..-.-.i. '.-.«. .... -l-isc, r.i uu. wiiv ti,- ATTC-tfTU) IUti ll li ii a. Fen. IH, I8f2. 5 RADWAYS READY RELIEF. t\e in thu manner described hf Schwab. baainoM. and insi te wanted no M lt*, el I, ._*.M lt . !.' *.M lilli.)'*. premises tbal if there A imi c-i.niir. .1 I .iii uni, un i'll m:i*i with (duce lust July, au MEDICINE FOR Schwab asked il he would positively sweat tb,ti he at gm* :i in ni' ii. Mr. Otie.bourg repSied vah mr ver 11. rs.I lv«r|K-il.(milli- I have htmU truiibled esBtXRh TnE CHEAPEST AM) REST FAMILY it Jas'ioc bini Jumped fri* j;,.,: Kl at Pier No. '. .-. .Aiu'tiiir. IN THE WOKLU, - i« DU lb, iu the alih ill¬ hud bec.1 itr.s offence was slander.and liin ufur aay coti.-iitier.ibi *. san beei iu the i/lasses. auaweted w lie Chamh i > ..' .(.(nun. have mtkmtai pMaMfi ney hight, ¦.* ¦ -. Minn c McDonald, a Ho wool tal * *,.I,itiii..il ative. "Then,"' remarked Schwab, "icu ure a H. ninan han n inns .icfi"t). was abonl Sro years re*- .I.iilll.ll...MUilUlu' e.ertioii. trana diastase* and bi.nine .a 1 tried" t-Vo .a.ot\nr»,"a.*ot.w9, niti't-r lilt '(¦ itu-* ol alioii t tesl lie! th it Mr* stranger, who twenty old, DIPHTHERIA. INFLCE.NZA, greater tuan than Professor lmreuius." Tho licit sixteen, f DOaSd t) tiff IliS UAtllf IT t.i'- lil" |0g 'll IVKll.tl -DAV. APllII. __>, liailtlea ol Hop Hitlers, and alnue thin have been entirely Cored and prevented money received for lite beer. Monroe hod told ber thal ffellr Barbour, lbs Bom* BY RADW.VV-** RELIEF. did nm seo any 1 tiro vu lum elf. Hrir-ni mil ms yours, J. J. Flamoan. BRAD. a I ad ruined one niri..t>¦ was la .UIBaCBW.Ht.it'VI f Trans. relieved. Respectfully NEURALGIA, Schwab then addressed the Court in declsmaiory piauiiitit's daugliicr. MU. \'K\l I.i'11-d.n .IIS) re. RHEUMATISM. had not to a f ned inu-ic ten li r: that Till'. illlIiilN UP YII'.WS UKI! 'UN's. X i-rlll .I'll.I Hi. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE manner. He acknowledged that his door a Pur wm ruin pale- tif «:*trt HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATH¬ hei t*eif with and aa Tin- K-v. i Barboor, Orango, N J ruen'i ,.. II i* -ml Mei.Alexandra. bern locked, but denied that it was opened. Jostles she oiniiiiieiit'-d paint powder *. il, in ING, nf Mr. i 11'- li tiiick, and thu Mrs. Barbour wa 1 going to b.1 road . paper before tb tabor*) yrs) 111 iDAT. armit m PAINS IN THK BACK. CH F.ST OR LIMB* Dully rt marked that tbo eloquent pita '. .a. His mind as to A 1.00k Mis*, Monroe had I sen loaned inoriiiiig on Ilie Hillie a, ni 1." Ii co'iiui-ui- wsil.Atlas. relieve! lu . te* minute* ?'chu ab bad Moated a doubtm inst. which on .Harket Police Court yesterday 53 1 mo willie*-* sn ul thut li-r lather h.id given opinions POUT OF BUW YO.Ul.MnNilAV, A PIM I, -.TI. 18S3. liver complaint, dyspepsia and kt '.icy eompluint, site .ai the lia a. ¦(. i ol C. 1 -v, -'i .ts iv.-re dlMO-SOd in d.tetort did liquor dealers were arraigned for viola»,ion of the her, us In- thou.ht th.it, h.dug motherless, A ll.'. I have doetnr.'d with fourteen different who Had ncc 1 h. lliecn.se was thea until (Mooney t-.ii tie ll IT. Mr. R.irb mr. divs, with way's Requlatinof Pills! excise laws, and were MM ia $100 bail, Twenty- un.-ii 1 adjourned by "-tenner II' rmann (Bel.), Kylor. Bremen ll uie uo good. At last I tiled Hop Hitters, uud after using in the HKNTfAi.tis nm pira to V'nnrli. Kilrea Co, Perfei-tlv tasteless, elegantly coated, for the carts .if all !'*. one ollenders were held in tbe Yorkviile Coori Triday. mn ykaml p i-ieiurer* VsleuclB a few bottles I received a great beuellt from the in, and if 'lu* in il*rta who iiiiei'* ilr OOiaratB, lil»*tn I ir.li 'AH. ordergof stomach, llrer. howe!*, kidney*. MMJer, same bail. There were fifteen person*, held in the Erm.-ia Mon,a and Jos ph M. rho-apeoo, -irsiniT tu..rder. would have lieen well In its vail,ms ronna, ne. von* dt*e.Me*, headache, cojiup.*- DISAI'l'KAKANCE. >a itu*.t u ",. Wita riiit I had used Hop Hitters regulnrly t 1 aaiit Market Court. THREE CASHS OF pleaded g nliv to eMrgee of »wio Hun: preferred mt.*, iiaraao 1 iUy«. with aaBaa sad tiou, ooativeoeaa. luligMliau. lv»;Maii«la, ait'l us.ieas. bill in* of a te ¦.¦iv hiosok I know them to lie the best medicine in the ni nt aud all .leran he Ctiurt of Special Sessions, five liqtior- I i several in-rihiiii Wno bad I worlbl-OM j ** 1, w ard -t h. before. fever, m.Um it Inn tlie piiwi-l-i, pile*, (ouia'ut* in Bertha Boeder, the twel~e»year-ol mghtsr y*»+*ng*r% to 4 with of tbe inti-rn.il vlsceia. PRICE lb CENTS PK it U ai thc laws. fl nil Un: i. -.var.- .iet,!i'tic. il * Him -li ilr, Pl a Hst.iuds days, diseases of all kind*. dc.ib-rs weie tined if-NO for violating Excise proipcious barr .viler at No. 7<> Eldridge st., .Iisap- rhockt vestcrdny by f-inei Klsrnfi BOT, world for nervous bold ail af .No. MM litnlson-st., Maa fined fr.-ui lier boOBO over BOC I.i'li i's shOBOB Ju,alfa- < il lil", -nl-a-vaj to bv.) y.iitis il the Slat') i'llaou. mi*, isa aansiain tt ft B OatorbrUso A Oe. JamisCoosts. by ilrufgUt*. S.-niuel Ecrgusou, ixaicd 1.1, e. IlSlMlll. -. a to a twelve old. At eireuiiMtaaees which Auiouio i.i lil Wll.S Barber I W. Va. .% $_5 for telling drink girl years Sunday BftornooB niiib-r A lit sentenee waeroeeiiriHi by ¦ino larissa a ar.er of rtsarsO-r.), Nle'iol.*. Liverpool Beeltngtnn 'ounty, wi ie held iu isuo was their I i.a in '\!io eui t'.i.ttl'c i'ell severely with a ra/..ir stn li rn rd iu ths l*nwsr thc Harlem Police Court einht deahTs* oaaasu her parents saaeb alana, M*.> 11 .'.-*. wita ind*** lu W E Hames, her at a i 1)1. $¦100 bail, and at the Tombs ten wete held. only child, and hr lulu 1 him Kept board¬ lu a quarrel nu Marc Bat. srllhnntsi* a baitender in Me- for more than a Tsar, Hark Itevrllo Ilr llavm"nd. il-ni'jnrg 31 days, 1 ne counsel fer John Murray, ftcluKil iu staplfioj, L I, Hf'lltlOtaN CltOWPKO AND BADLY VU NT I LATHI I. lo J W r"siser 4 ( <>. IN II OT WATER. was ai rested for sell¬ ing a mont a_>>. Wlille* [oi,i,l'-i. roasal witti Glory's Hesters!, n-sort, who but she left ih-s.'lio il a'.iout Siiiitt-r v InapOOlaOr Morris feolenla7 sn- ti 'hr Bark rreotaao 1 Nori,« Ja< »b*nti. l.lTitn>'K>l b'A days, DIONT YOU KNOW THAT A TEASPOONFUL OF di mks without a license on Thurs¬ mo'aerwer-out of ths house she Ti-i-trl tu Kiiiirii. B Cu. ing intoxicating her father and Hoard of Health . reportaboe.1 IIum puMie mb.-ni ni *.i in onliti i.ilye :< t i:i< h. submitted to .In-l ic- Smith at with a mun. Mrs. BsodSf WODI Hark i*c -tlaad ni ^ la iior. BB Maarao, Antwerii days, Winked for i lrr_ > TARRANT'S HKLT/.ER APERIENT TAKEN IN A, day uiifht yesterday went away young liuildiugs ii Imii th- school tm-I-e. hal asked tiartrl*. IO onlei, ilsicl tu **li(. n >t lluigeai: the Tombs Police Court a report by Protepsor lt. to is wbilo telling lu :ire P 1 ii nilli snil.tr Me. HALF AN HOUR BEFORE " police il'-:i(i(|nai'i. reatorday^usd h.ive exniuuie'l. tho b tildi*i-.;s -ii-p ll I, ini-tien J I.i Hie l-iwi-r illy. GLA8S OP HOT WATER Doremtis on Ihe beverage called taole »he faulted. Detective*, who are _earrh- " and even tvicke 1 for (laden her Hory a' Tbird-ave. and Eurhiv-sixth-st,, tM nruu ny au"*s:cr.Wluil st (-.andr Moo., modsrate, B| ralnluf. Al I believe lt to be all wrong BREAKFAST WAS NOT ONLY THE BEST 8T0JC beer," for the sale of which the complaint was for the mist.uk have a dew as to the young st. k anl drink is iuK girl r ... , W I'arksr his socialistic work. that m bo Msrk Aiciurus (liri, Bent, Hsntsnder. Hp-J Kev. B. R., Washington, D. C. were no in- v rilay m tlie mam, ItwMroeoaiiaeodod amhnlanoo for the new cotton exchange. Thom development*lysstl I ai and constantly held iu r,-a liuest, at the t, S and liuenui Avril Agouti Baptist clergyman of Bergen, N.V., a strong "plans case ol Mrs. K. L, l-'ullor, who diaappeared Irom ha loii'aal, Hark Amslls 'Uri, Ostiorn, Mouteiltlnu POWERS The Building Committee of the Cotton Exchange Arsenal, .iud that ca.uiiiunicatima be Mtebliabasd ll ll A Co. tem iterance num. suffered "sith kidney trouble, neu¬ &WEIGHTMAN, hist Halley Albany st'iiinei Dtow RundsT aiomlnswhile anal Ital ( lli-iiti. Montertdeo- John Nor MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, bas accepted tho plans of Architect Oecrge li. Pata, to this ll. r friend* are liiciiued to with tba COolao, late* diltereiit pans of in¬ Ilsik l.nl_1 Kii-,-.-lru ralgia and dizziness almost to bltndiicru*, over two yours new 011 UH eay c.ty. lon at Hon* PHILADELPHIA, witti some rondiheations. tor ita building, the iu a moment of terest. KtoJsneiro.Tliomas Norton e was ail vised thut Hitters would euro him believe Unit ch jumped overboard I) WITH Hark Coleridge (ilr), Xari'ialt, after 1 Hop NEW-YORK OFF1CE-MJ MAIDEN LANK, which ls to be I pon AN OPPIOBS CIlAIHil AKSAUI.T. 11. orectiou of begun this.,ear. menial de:alignment. I A Co because he was afraid of and prejudiced against the Offer to the Wholesale Dru*; r.ade_n>i Viooo wbo boy ia tbe Puilding Committee nf ti.e -? John CrJtorke, ol Mo 331 i;.wt Eifiy-tirst-st.. who lurk Jins I) llueno. sliaon. si lan..le ('nils -Waydell the plan pursued by Kimball. I'liir-n. ula Huon A Buri word ¦ bitters." Hluee his euro bo nour need fear ju. .iir mn A*nnl in-lit ot Prsd nee hxrhsnge the committee of the ('ntion TO UNITE TUE DETECTIVES. bail some iliUb-iilty with orticer Franz Mayer, ai Hu- Kalk I.tt iiiKiLiue iltri, says quantities, six of the architect* of THE FLAM Si ne eent b Pren tu 00 A uri 1 in wh ic h <>' Rorke ress, bul trust lu Bitter**. CHEMICALS; Mill..'iiml, Photographic, and for the Art*. J*.icba 11 ko Invited lead'na that t, 18, Uric* Mareai-a duli, Caflero. .Maraellles-Heaser Bros. IIop each for a suitable It was said at PoUse Headquarters yrstcrdny bul his ann aud OOM br .kn, matte a i barirn nf -u Julio.. N 1' J _' Whitney Im .niling yt'IN IA, Sailpliiitu A.etute. Bromide, etc. MUK. tbe city to submit two plans of the same mind ro- Hrlj Kuie.ins illn. Vance, My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use, of the C'oiniuiviiini'i.i were not Iniiiniis iistaiiltiigauist the nftleer iii the Yorkville | Aa a inc, itrainiiili", eu* C1NCH0NID1A, building, not to cost above !j*;)(K»,00t». exclusive fi IU Polot-a I'ltie, Onad and I to PUIA, Sulphate thal, the loo whose a Broporrd plan io place al 'lie predust p. lin' Coon rdav. Th* oflatr nn bail in Bria llarrr and Auiirey (lin, I.saf«rd, of Hop Hitters recommend them my people. il.Ni HUN I.v. Calomel, Co>rro*Ire sublimate. POTAS the land, with tbe provision goldtng of rn.-s. yest. A van lioiii.iii'it. were not accepted should be a specified (.electives limier the eOBMMMld InspSOtSf Bj to appaiir ta .-t I av for examination. Ho savs -Loufli 11. .Methodist Clergyman, .Mexico, N. Y. HI UM, Iodide and Bromide, Citric and Tartaric tdd* plans pani s iii favor of th plan $l,(X)ll SA I l.V. their labors, and that their Om ('iimmiHsioner lin was tho triplied and foll and that Im foll on toa ol 'not Nitrate Silver. M unatlc aud Nltrtt l.i-*,no amount for drawings his mind after talking with BOOM of boy Steamers Belize, for Klni*tmir ('amilna, Bsrmnda Silt); I hail severe attacks of Gravel and Kidney trouble; was Sulphuno, Arida, should heroine the property of the Exchange tor basChanged bim. The complainant says that tht: ollicer clubbed Weal ruin', V.<. lire ik waler. I .ewes. Del, balta. Blue Vitriol, Calcined Hetty. who an- to it. InSBSStolB Ulchmond. I-.'leanor. 1. fur unable to get nny medicine or doctor to cure me until I Chloroform, Magnesia as tbe committee imclit think best. the ,jpta:iis op]**med bim. A lu) sailed.Via Loiif Uland aouu.l ste.untu etc. sneb disposition and 'Illunie arc in favor of thu clii'ii.c, med Hitters, and they cured me tu o short time. .A Bismuth preparation*, Ktrycbuia, Sulphuric Ether, The plan ol Mr. Post provides tor a six story anti Mulray SKLiaixo n wipr.'n non ami nr.ATivti np.n, I'oillsu-. Hop basement the first two stories to be of while .usp. for Dilks isoppo-ied to it. 1111: mu vi: lim ok n__lU.Bg distinguished lawyer and temperance orator nf Wayne building, < Washburnc, ot tho Iweutieih Prreinrt. Joftw Farrell, of No. 5'J."ij\Vest Foity-thinl-sl., was v : .1 11 ruin granite; thc stoner above ii.at will lu* sf br,, k, n|.!:iin bail bv Justice Powena the Yorkvillo County, N. Y. terracotta embellialiiiieuts. The basement is in siM-gking yesb rday of tbs BSBtt-T tff B TglltTlfl Inld in 1300 April 2;t.Arrlvid. itsssisrs !. ipinul (HpiB). with thal the would not I' ie la'onrt to auswer a charge of I.ITCItrOOI. .Marillin, Hiiiiiliuldt (Hr) to be 13 feet from lloor to ceiling, and to be blushed ion. rtcr, said proposed plan ycsterdiy, I-irsaraya fiom NevOrleam (rom ollites. The afl'eci him the 1 don't require," he eon- b ivingns-aulted his-...ne. Sho says that she was Killers. Hum Nov.I art A^ru 8, Jsuiatcan tilt., Wluder, for railroad, lulegrapb aud shipping sUgBSeSt, n\.- tn I his a store tliat her leam 3. i« to be for the ase* of the Exchange, and tiii'ied, "the hciTIOBSOl adete. precinct. Ibo owner of glWtmtf bMhond Siriui April first floor orer whom I to to of. Alter aliUsuiK her be¬ and New* tbere will be M feet between the door ami ceiling. The majority ot ths eriminals try Wtinted afOt pOOMMiM II ami'* x, April 23 -ArrlTsd, itsatusri Sarinatlati the ia BSsrS-te afatbeiii lofluonce arc youthful and inex¬ cause he could not do so, he linitlly sold tim Moro snit Above tbe Exchange lloor building tobo dl- of acts she Niund the latter (or Wt*. tillite*. The corner oi the bunnin, at perienced, aud their crimes consist iniinly uml then beat her when attempted to enter it, hailed, steamer! Carroll sad Teddington, WhaBg iuto BB amount of while and lin* were in po»a«ntiun. Beaver and William sis. is tn be rounded, and nur- of petit larceny. There is money bo purchaser iMi.i.thi poara IT LEADS ALL. eiBe * no tor a skilful nioutited with a conical tower. Ilia* the Uni here to he stolen and opportunity NCMKROL'fl K.NTIUKS Knit TIIK UUO SHOW. iteamsrs SatnnriS (Bri. Rotierts, Meyers or I believe in alloiMiij/ a Ti.'.TC. April 23.AiTirg. No other Moot!¦ punrylng medicine li made, er has sver beea may lie mollified to accord with the view* of the burf-]ar forger. Killi, The oftb ts of the .New-York Dog .Show waa in a l.l.ei uuol; ^e BraaswlBKOeloy. "Tanao-ih, N- City I'olut be no mistakes, either who makes an important arrest, if bo na* bustle end excitement all anti 1.11 low, Aiii-i'.-ili-*. N-*. 'lin Milliner, Hallettl, Nc prepared, wbieb tu completely meela tne wants el physician* CATARRH members, and that there may poltcomnii no shit'-of yesterday, [Uri. mvanuah. 01 other Jame* E. siirlicient ability, lo work out the case himself, or live clerks were busy mi cn- Voik; ('Uv "f ( iiliiiiiiiu*, iVn.tii. and the general pubii, us in estimated cost in nariiiulars, thu four receiving ste.mer* 1 a.m. eu* Url. (Inion, Ht John, Nil; New Ilentz and E. Moa-re have thal, be can get the rredit for it." t nea aiul niakuur OM receipts. At 0 o'clock the hist Cleared, Wfiioan. Henry George io and llrnuiwlck iud Colby Yat mouth. Na; Nepmuu, ilerry, a committee to tonier with the Captain WiUlamswasnot eoinmunicatiye, was received, with tbe OMOpUooj of tbotO uis CURE been appointed cntiy Nrw-l and Mr Post, and with the building Com¬ refused at lirsi to say anythitiK on the stilij-ct. which may arrive bv this inornuig's mail. Cherise I'MiiAPf.i.rniA. April -3.Arnreil, steamers Tropic. Band. CERTAIN. meml-era .' L-tnossler, ABSOLUTELY They will hold ''All that is nqafrsu." M finally said, "is au exaui- H-aid to a Tiuiil'.nk. reporter : 1 haven't a Pact AiiUiiuur runnier. Wiley. Newburyport; Sarsaparilla, of tbe Produce Exchange. Lincoln Ayer's mittee detectives -ah m Keadliif. Smith, du; Ceutlpsde, Warrington, lt leada the Hat as s aoienufle ail blood their first The plans ol Mr. Post, inatiou of the records of thc two attach¬ no.ion myself yet how Batten slantl. All 1 can sav Tuttle, Ario*, (looxlun. Kail truly preparation tor meeting to-day. their iud W'.lllaniiport, Willelt*. Boston; disease* If there le a taint ab mt wbo was also the architect of tho new Pioduce Ex¬ ed to my preciuct to prove efliciency." is that tbe entries are larger than in any lormcr Uiver, TonawamU, thurman. Fiovldcuue, Saxuu, Hnow, lurking of Scrofula yoa, change, represent a more imposing strm-lure than year." Ho*t.in. BC Hiddle. Wailieu. New Vurk. Sf£51 l\vrRAP IIIuij._I Arss'sSABSArtaiLLA will dialed** li aad the ot Charles E. HUNDRED MOKE MORMONS. ('ieaied, ileamer Maytluwnr, Davldvon. New-York. Mp#1 ulr0IByBUI, nM_ those ol tbe other architect**), plans TUSH A MDM'MKNT FOO VEW-YtlJtK IIKROKH. Kii.tmOKk, Aprti 21.Arrived, itnim'-n Jason (l)teb), Hen* conaidered itecond in merit. Bm ede* and Dane* und Dutch. Eng¬ rs of .Memorial Johns March. Havannah. Fer constitutional or Babba- Merry being Nor.ve_iaiis, The tm min IM Committee ot tba Io|m".i, Aiii*teid* n; Hopkin*. Al* scrofulous Catarrh, avis's The work of teano* dow u the ubi b.Hidings on the lish ind Irish, Scotch aud Welsh, strai|*ht and (irand Army of tho Bepnblie oi this city have beM cleared. *ie*meis Joim W uairott. loiter, .Now-York; rABiLi.A ia the true remedy, it hat citied nt ll al »- '. Hulton. (ATI [Ifi j| site of the proponed new Kx< bange will be bogM ( uri 1-iii.it -it yoong mun sud old Baan, young women elected members of the Mldiora and tmUutf Monu¬ |i-|l.. V-I I., lt IVI1 BllB nerissa CAaes. tlie leases do uot little BOIIO-, »le_iuoi Alli'uheDy. It wimtop the HMM soon after Mav 1. Al many of and old wouien, pretty little airls sad pretty ment Asaociation of tho City of New-York, of wbleb H*vamsaii, 23.Cleared, steamer Peconlc (Br), Mar¬ ciUrrhal dlecharcea. »ad remove the t), wisr of ttie .* AT LA*T there wilt bc some uelav und to tin- Ai>tii kening WU.W expire until May 1, 1*81, boys, infant* in arms, brunettes Mondeo, i.i-ii'-iiil Eloyd Aspi.iwal! is prtsidt-nt .ind (.cue:al iel les. breath, which ars Indication! ol s scrofulous CATAflRH Flv'a Cr**am Palm ha* completely ls The ('timmi'tee on each other the arv. 2:1 lt ths ''asses- Arnvod. iteiirasri origin. lia*-* before building begun. Sites, number oi 800, commingled with la M.A. Itanium SOON I'lm Secretary's circular Nkw.Ori.ka.ih, April liordestixi i 'll y ol rnieii nie of CaUrTh. wl'b which I secured ooo ho-nndud by Pearl, I ("arlen the of the " r.mtslloii 111 1. Messina- BorSoOOS (In, Tel., as, usa. over ten alter tr>ir,g after much labor, rotunda ut hbiio upon 11111(11111* stat, s that tho potpOO- nf this orgiiuization is the ol Mexico. Vera Ci ur. Kxpluiei, Liverpool. III fFRAITCi-nu "HUTTO, Sept htat athicted year*, Heaver at a cost »f fruin the steamship umuuiueut meinoi Dallas. Hell/.e; City lia La ..Attt, ,_, 0l two raT -_,,. nm ost every remedy ie--i>uiiiieiiileil, non* \Yilliaiii and sta., t383,t*70, nu in frants Onion Nevada, erection of a siiilable ,u y nf those .-aili-'t. *ieaio>:ia Vuinne lan Kid N<*w-Yor_, the latter for yw>OTW-l affective i>ud tlioiou*!i. was in cash. The ptopeity MrObaoM w.-r.- a crowd and soon encircled a iu iii en wae afflicted with ul, aoree ea haling pioiedsn which paid They motley from Hus city wha lost their live* tho late War New-York. terribly eroua running 0. J. A:M*>, whiteaale Ora ei ni shu**, was Noa 2, 'J 1-4, 4 ami 0 V\ illisui-st.: Nos. : .*. 00 (lark, heavily built mun willi a full black beard, ol tbe ltebellinii. Tins duty upon the of the >U U°* M<1 aeck' At lh*ssBe U uie IU at *l. Boston. Maa.-. part SOUKSOVUtitJ ey U3 Peuera*! aual 0- Beaver-st., and Nos. lo", lon, IOU l-'Jaod wbo w*a* recognized as J. H. Hart, the Utah Emi- of the city of Now-York has ton lung beti Atinuliii. .'UKH'S. wtT_ awollea, much Inflamed snd very sore. 1 Ul feet ia 87 feet I'he HOO who sur¬ people v son waa afflicted with Catarrh tba 111 Pearl »t., uemg YVilliaui-sl., fi-rafion Ak«'"1 Bl Battery-BaBSB- OMloOted, bul fmm tho encouragement received pl,y,,'cUn» told ua that a alter- M and feet in 1'. ail at were latest of 1.i:i.ikvi:i> SARI-?ow ur. FYF^Wi l UV powerful nae af Kly'a i irani Halm efte.-teal a com- ,10 Bcaver-st. M rounded tum the contingent Prose- bt the asuociatiou, now promise* an early tillm¬ Excessive Fatness l»y nonrlsliing. 4uvsta*41rlne uinst be They W. K ll amwii D ai.gi*t. E**- to tin- Imth of tbe Latter Saints, and lbe non ta'-teolujfoot*, circulars malled, lin \i.rn l-'oon co., i employed. p'etecuie lites Day an tu." manes la recommondla. A tis's s ts-aAr t rtti.i a A few dote* ton',>u' S'»c«b'*by maRoroldnigiritf*. OF PATRICK CASEY. to arrive this year. BROOK LYN. VER THE T1UAL llrbt parly produced a perceptible Improvement, which, by au adherence The trial of Patrick Casey for the intir.ler of The Aldermen yeitierl.iy changed tho name of roadies, ants, bcd-tmaa rate, mice, to your directions, was continued to s aad perms, Flies, " lie. complete Comisky ut thc liunler's Point Po.ice Sta¬ TO ACCEPT MR. WILLARD'S BEQUEST. Macomb-st. to Garfield place. crowi, chipmunk! ci. um rt out by Rough on Bats." sent car*. No evidence has sines existence Sergeant heft.rc appeared ot tbe tion on March ll was commenced Judge A meeting of tDe titutces of tbe Metropolitan Ihe New Washington Baseball Park will bo .f any aomrnlons tendencies sad ao treatment of say dis¬ in tbe Court of Oyer and in was at tbe house of Jim Mud iermiuer, MtiTiim cf Art held last ni.ht reatiy for occupancy ni a few weeks. The fences ou IIksuy A. DaIXIIA Mi D., order wss ever atten.'.od by more prompt er eSeotual retails. Long Island City, yesterday. The court-room was John lailor Johuston, No. 8 Fittli-aro. Tbe meet¬ lini«I-at. am! i.ioug Fifth-ave. Imve been Mt I exiiu-tun ave., betwe.11 2:1th and nth *t.*. Years OFFICES TO LET. already * I)lsea*e«of tho truly, fc jr. j oiuuo*" crowded with spectators. Put directly facing the was called to consider wbat action tbe board men aro now at work on ff..ni*. to .,5 ui 7. Impotence Sterility, brother ing pul up, ami the the Fourth- Oenito Urinary "rxatii and .Nervous syitom, ipeciaiUea. Jnry-bOaV Chief Eugineer James Comisky, should take in renard to tue Willard bequest for tbe ave. side. The stands are nearly completed. MEPARKO OY IN THE NEW WINO OF man, was within a few feet of him ol an architectural museum. It wss ni the murdered fotiudatinn was tho besides District-A Homey Downing. The lawyers dually resolvL-'l tiiat the museum should accept the Notice given yesterday by counsel for If you want t(» know all al»oiit, thn uttor Dr. J. C. & Mass. were Senator James VV. Covert and to tbe with full Alexander Jefferson, tin* coudeinue I murderer, that wiuthlcssiK-ss of die work dune by tho Until ah Horst Ayer Co, Lowe1!, for the defence trust, sud reter tne matter presieut 11inbe1 but ir ton Oold all Bk. Down¬ willi coinuii-siou thc cose will be to th* tjeneral lermof the I nta 1.1aub Coarany. rouault theneati'st pl j by Druggists tl, six bsttlee let William V. Howe. When Di*trict-Atted in Fall Uiver on sus¬ ? Jr the case 011 tbe properly to Judge Barnard refused to adjourn and gajre posaessors. of one of the men who attacked J..bu wee tuen selected. The purchase by the etty of a piece of property picion being Persona au(Tcrinp; from sick lieaduelie, di_zi- tbe Jury District-Attorney cashier of Boyutou's File Works mi tisuiea, courttuaunn, In the side, ac, are asked to in au address of four minnie*, stated the I 72 by 94 feet ou the southeast corner of rirst-ave. ll. Johnson, isss, piln Royal PUls. Downing, cotut tben I aad sixib-st. was placed on record jrester- January ^0, aad stole irom him $1,020 wi tb which ry ons Nial ol Carbu'i UltU LlTsr . ABSOLUTELY PURE. Mae lox tue prosecution. Tbe adjourned Eighty Jg

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