Waist dav. William Kramer makes tbe conveyanoe for he wna about to pay the men io the factory. fr the dtiy and Casey wai removed to his cell. Thc to Brooklyn. fo ao to tbeii $22,500. will bc taken LOCAL MISCELLANY. n (Mnbern of the jury wee allowed sc cured a renewal Jacobs yestrr RELIABLE niter bein_ warned tbe jndao not to con¬ The firm ol Lord fi. Taylor has Mayor Low wrote t_ 8tate Senator TESTIMONY. boaiaa, by of the lease of the promises Rea, HA anl 88 Foravtii- in r.-f.-renee to the 8treet-C'leaning bill, intro vert) wi» li about tho case. One of tba jury dav thar i OFFICE. .Byam foi st. for a term often years, besrmuiug in May, 1884, doced by the latter in the Senate, Baying BURGLARS IN A NEWS COMPANY'S men was sharply rebuked by Jndi'o Barnard of In tho Assembly to amend it axd loaB-csof 1*700 vim being half au hour late in r**turniun after recess. at the annual rental $3,000. disposition existed tbe bil a saff. irokv.x ora which might easllv barm lt, and he asked if . Philadelthia, Penn., -Sept. 6,1883. WATCHMF.N ON ALI. SIDKS. -A EFFECTED. went to the Senate amended, that Mr. Jacob Solid THE OIL CONSOLIDATION hack Saver. to any Hop Bitten Co. The Manhattan Railway News C.unpany. ei l'MTLATIOXS OF TWO TRUSTED CLERKS. The ronstilinatiou ol the National Petroleum Ex¬ would consult him before assenting chauge bave Im Jenkins ia manager, occupies oibcea OVEK FIOM LANG A ROU1X80N- Stoek A. of No. 36 Greene-ave. 1 am seventy-fonr years old, which Charles tv RUUM .ffl.OOO change with tho Nw-Yorke Mining Exobnng*. Mrs. Orpha Thompson, well knov at th** .south ott - W. years In Philadelphia, and on tbe second lloor of the building Kl'ISKD BY AKSOCIATINO WITH RICH MEN"'* under the name of The New-York Minimi Stock aosassd her husband, Alexander Thompson thirty-four Gorham Co*, On .^sunday of de been troubled twelve yea MTg router of Marmy anti Church Ma. and National Petroleum Exchange." wae practically yesierdiviu the Hurd District Police Court, among German*.. I have abont 'J o'clock («eor_e ftrana m, the SONS. Dealings ut the National lier nnd failing to stinport her. She sail with a whlto swelling on my right foot, anti K<,tt'- SILVERSMITHS, morning flnni acta-impllsheil yesterday. gening rite in Phila watchman, looked up thu Mfa. alter the laat The impression which Lan-. Sk. Rohlnsnn, Kxchanse ceiised and the members flocked (ollie that they wen- married hy the Quaker worse every and very anti breaking out night 1! morn¬ on over OOO letters ad year, painful, an cmiiluve bail lt*/t. At o'clock yesterday dealere ut Nos,'J and 3 Sou Ii-st.. bad Sunday floor ot thc niining board. Thero was a genera! ex¬ delphie In 1M73. She prodncd hot weather, t consulted several doctois and they to Have unusually attractive assort chief of the -morning men" arrived and that were th. virtimsof the ne illations of twci brokers at the to in munn of which sho was called hil ing tlie of they Baw pression of sat isfitri inn by petroleum dressed her, tin me lt was Incurable anti I would havo to take lt with ii fouud the leaser street-door ajar, the door tim tiuHtcd clerka to the extent of #1.500 WM un nu. aras said that it wooli result in the im¬ wife. I he def nd.-int denied any marriage, and oren and the lt time I lost w ment of Spoons and Forks, mad' ottice burst open, one of tbe taan safes ti ruled yesierday. The auioniit atolcn is consider¬ provement of the petroleum speculation by concen- casu was fn.j'uiriio.l. In the grave, gnuie wo my appetite, strewn with booka, paper* and documents. moro t lian at first Abouttwo foote of two boards into costive, had headache, aud fever, in fact waa very sid floor in the ably Mppoood, --Uh tntinir the linaticnal strength JKRSI'.Y CITY. for their New-York About $700 iu specie, wlin-hh_.il beeu left nero BL H. Halliday was employed bo Lang one. The National Exebaoff* bOffM dealing in pipe I saw in Thc German Democrat that Hop Bitters Wi especially store Door wt ro His Z'"al lionrd of Public Works or_an ired yesfc-rdaj .afo over Sandal, waa mission-. On the iiimiii aa the elly OBieaOMU BM OOll ctol-. line certificates abont the mbbllu nf last December. The ai one week 'ind w; " and the of Henry Lcmheck what I needed. I got a bottle, took lt -several cold chiaela, jimmies" and other burglar*' ami aiiiliitinii oooa cointnnu.lcd a larne trade, -itiD afterward tho New York Mirum Stock Ex aftsi-WMM by oleotion Tliis assortment not all " no uso over spilt milk.' said in him. About a vear and the Board of Police Commiissioneri as well again as ever, and to my greatest surprise rlgl includes, only toola. There'* otyiug tlictiiin had evervcontidence change established a department, for similar drill¬ president, of John Hird. and Mr. Jenkin* to a Tkiiiunk reporter. "Tho work aitcrward the linn wanted a bookkOOP-X aud ings. The rivalry between the two board* and the by the election Dr. Q. from the ilrat, my swelling went down gradually their but also was done by practised bumbira, ami i.v and upon consultation with llulliduy, and old Petroleum Exchange became warm, Thomas Muru, agc tw -ofv-iii'te, of Springfield taking another bottle, Rot entirely well of it. The wi of staple patterns, de¬ evidently ol ciudiier, strancer New-York a lVnnsvl' men who were well acquainted with the ways my upon liiHiecotiiiiiviulaiinn. H.W. Sii,c'aii.a :ind several Weebo ago an attempt was made to Mass., was struck and i. *_B_.y injured by of my neighbor had two such owelilnv-s on her legs ai in tho week on c'os-- attention to near me eros* olliee. Knuuiiy i* tbe onlv day to the linn, was employ** I. His ssi nre a consolidation of tho thrt'o organizations. vania Kulroad train Washington-st. three bottles cured her. 1 think this ls it great triuuii of an exclusive character, and is deserted entirely. Myidcai* in pus inc trie books were morning. signs whicb the plate hisdu'iesBod his proiiiptnes* I Be It came to ii;m_ht. Informal negotiations ing ycslerday for bitters. J"»* ¦«.»«¦ that the Imrglareconcealed themselvctio tM bnihi- soon earned for him Ibo cniilideuee ol the fititt, then li.vim for a onion in renard to oil deaiinus be¬ of No. 301 Orand-*t., struck your as but man Mien ls, mil Cheri's Nvitinn-, No. 4, alwve Wnlow-at. such be ordered from ins on Sui urti.) v night, and an soon the tWB .1 (muir men became i"timn.e tween tho minina.' board amt tho New-York Petro¬ Edward of First-st., in a nun-shop yesterday, Young's Alley, may specially work. Here is what Med to h Mr. l.uni' notice to Sinclnir Kay, left they .set to the. a lewdin a ito pave the leum K\ change. The latter nxchauge refused tu on tbs beau with a ben ir lass, fracturing his skull, dca'lcu the sound of the blows.'' uml Mr. .Jenkins in accordance wi; li the annnil custom of were act to the NY rn a thar, <-. cornelle terms whicb eptihle miuing May waa also aa-aulicl ny -Jo__.a_.er ins, designs. a cut and battered leather pocket-book linn, the boohstunal beo-ade bpoat! a trial balaai ant successful negotiations were as is old, his prepared produced 1 >>nler ntin >v.- I brokera finally bri th'Tof Ch.irleH, and, he sixty year* and a leather-covered diaty. Mvinii fo. Di'iinitted bi" May 1. his for the board and the "Th-*. I ARE. to noni ph-li¬ concluded uniiinr mining injuries are considered dangerous. Nyman 37 \I0Y-SQI "They began on this safe first," beenntinned, Sinclair, ami as he MOB-Cfl to ba BBBble Ni'nuial Petroleum Exi bange. I -Ulbara were arre-ited. STiersHiLL, Ind., Nov. 13,1881. **¦ at him an aud inn-at bave fonnd it a longer job than they llis work in time, Mr. IsBBf propoeed IO (liv.- Tiie new consolidated exchange will have a tiiim- Dkar Airs:.t have read so much about Hop Bittei time to Bake un wus not On Sal ur¬ NEW-_-___8_T. first expected for they had only aistotant. wblcfa "fb-r accepted. berabip of nearly l.ouo membera. Tben te bro and bellin; afflicted with neuralgia, weakliest1, UL with weil.es un this other one which du v, a reserve insurance Hobiiki'.n".."iVilliuiii and .John Ha-selbrock, alway* attempt ;iboutuoon,Sincl.'iirto()k#«.00'»iiidrafts,,il(i.'it $IOH.iiiiO io its treastiij-, besides iiinused never much I tried contained liv fut tho larger amount of 'monet', i'he in silver, an I #1.500 in bills. Baying tbal be fund ol Ifca death of BUT member tin ra, ogs Bfteeti aad twelve resii.-ctiv.lv, cant-d. stomach, having health, $-¦.00 io make ,i de¬ $2*i,000. ppon "ii liv !. high¬ it has aud helped n money wa* iu coppei rent*, nickel*, ten. twenty- was BO-M to the Maiiiiuttaii Hunk au oommwmI ol 810 Bat h will he levied upon the tli''in*--!ves Sunday evening laying couple of bottles; bti-cugtbeucd cent and .silver dollars, and lie maark' tl thal he would go to lunch, and Int to the waymen.
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