International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management

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The role of non-natural capital in the co- production of marine ecosystem services

Luis Outeiro, Elena Ojea, João Garcia Rodrigues, Amber Himes-Cornell, Andrea Belgrano, Yajie Liu, Edna Cabecinha, Cristina Pita, Gonzalo Macho & Sebastian Villasante

To cite this article: Luis Outeiro, Elena Ojea, João Garcia Rodrigues, Amber Himes-Cornell, Andrea Belgrano, Yajie Liu, Edna Cabecinha, Cristina Pita, Gonzalo Macho & Sebastian Villasante (2017) The role of non-natural capital in the co-production of marine ecosystem services, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13:3, 35-50, DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2017.1415973 To link to this article:

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Published online: 29 Dec 2017.

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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT, 2017 VOL. 13, NO. 3, 35–50

SPECIAL ISSUE: OPERATIONALISING MARINE AND COASTAL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES The role of non-natural capital in the co-production of marine ecosystem services

Luis Outeiro a,b, Elena Ojeac,d, João Garcia Rodriguesd,e, Amber Himes-Cornellf, Andrea Belgranog,h, Yajie Liui, Edna Cabecinhaj, Cristina Pitak, Gonzalo Machod,l and Sebastian Villasantea,d,e aDepartment of Applied Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; bDepartment of Ecology, Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas (CSIC), Bouzas, Vigo, Spain; cFuture Oceans Lab, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain; dCampus Do*Mar – International Campus of Excellence, Vigo, Spain; eFaculty of Political and Social Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; fAMURE/LABEX/IUEM, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France; g(SLU) Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, Lysekil, Sweden; hSwedish Institute for the Marine Environment (SIME), Gothenburg, Sweden; iDepartment of Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; jDepartment of Biology and Environment, Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB), University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal; kDepartment of Environment and Planning & Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; lDepartamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal and Campus do Mar, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain

ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY A growing concern is arising to recognize that ecosystem services (ES) production often Received 26 September 2016 requires the integration of non-natural capital with natural capital in a process known as co- Accepted 1 December 2017 production. Several studies explore co-production in different terrestrial ecosystems, such as EDITED BY agriculture or water delivery, but less attention has been paid to marine ecosystems. Coastal Evangelia Drakou activities such as , shellfish harvesting, and small-scale deliver important benefits for provision, but are also inextricably linked to cultural and recreational ES. KEYWORDS The degree to which co-production can determine the provision of ES in marine systems has yet Marine ecosystem services; not been explored. This paper addresses this key topic with an exploratory analysis of case co-production; small-scale studies where marine ES are co-produced. We look at five small-scale fisheries that range from fisheries; shellfisheries; social-ecological intensive semi-aquaculture in Galicia (Spain), to wild harvesting in Northern Portugal, and systemsnatural capital; non- discuss to what extent co-production influences ES delivery. We find that a direct relationship natural capital exists between co-production level and ES delivery in the case of provisioning ES (e.g., harvest), but not necessarily in the delivery of other ES. We also find that management practices and property regimes may be affecting trade-offs between co-production and ES.

1. Introduction of ES. Ostrom (2009) defines a SES as a complex Ecosystem services (ES) have been mainstreamed in system ‘composed of multiple subsystems and inter- science and policy due to various global initiatives that nal variables within these subsystems at multiple evolved from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment levels analogous to organisms composed of organs, (MA 2005), the Economics of Ecosystem Services and organs of tissues, tissues of cells, cells of proteins, Biodiversity (The Economics of Ecosystems and etc.’. ES and their benefits, on the other hand, are Biodiversity 2010), the United Kingdom National defined as an ecosystems’ contribution to human Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA 2011), and the well-being (MA 2005). Recent studies indicate that Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and when applying a SES framework, we clearly and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) framework (Díaz et al. openly recognize the relationships between human 2015). Each of these initiatives have been increasingly and natural systems and can therefore establish impacting policy and science, and are changing the way improved policy targets and indicators that better we manage natural resources and understand address the complex nature of ES provisioning sustainability. (Reyers et al. 2013; Leslie et al. 2015). However, Under this context, scholars have recently raised standardized methods for operationalizing frame- attention to the interactions between social and eco- works for ES provision within SES are not yet uni- logical factors in the production of ES (e.g., Reyers versal (Partelow and Winkler 2016) and further et al. 2013; Guerry et al. 2015; Partelow 2015; Díaz applications of scientific evidence into policy advice et al. 2015; Palomo et al. 2016). This claim flows from are needed. Although the underlying mechanisms the incorporation of the Social-Ecological Systems and interactions between SES for the provision and (SES) approach (Ostrom 2009) to the understanding delivery of ES are still under discussion (Fischer and

CONTACT Luis Outeiro [email protected] © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 36 L. OUTEIRO ET AL.

Eastwood 2016), there seems to be a widespread associated with the provision of marine ES consensus that co-production of ES refers to joint (Carpenter et al. 2009) by analyzing case studies from processes between humans and ecosystems (e.g., marine SES in Northern Portugal and Galicia (Spain), Palomo et al. 2016). The provision of benefits derived two regions where marine activities are highly relevant from ES depends, therefore, on the joint contribution for coastal communities (PRESPO 2012;Surís- of nature and anthropogenic assets, as stated in the Regueiro and Santiago 2014). We analyze five marine IPBES conceptual framework (Díaz et al., 2016); as harvesting systems: two small-scale fisheries in well as the multidimensionality of the different per- Northern Portugal and three small-scale shellfisheries spectives and values of Nature’s Contributions to in Galicia. The latter show an intensity gradient from People (Pascual et al. 2017). These assets include intensive semi-aquaculture1 to wild harvesting. Jointly human-engineered components (Guerry et al. 2015), assessing these five case studies may allow us to test human capabilities and management practices whether co-production increases from to (Reyers et al. 2013), and in a broader sense include semi-aquaculture. One of the main questions regard- the legacies of past and current societies and cultures ing co-production is to what extent social–ecological (Church et al. 2011). In fact, benefits derived from ES interactions can deliver ES in a sustainable way. In can arise from ecosystems of any type, including fact, trade-offs among ES can favor one service over natural pristine ecosystems to human-altered ecosys- the other with a subsequent degradation of the system tems (Polasky et al. 2015). that can lead to the detriment of other ES (Villasante ES depend on different forms of capital or capital et al. 2016). Despite the relevance of co-production assets (Guerry et al. 2015). Capital assets can take the processes for marine SES, little is known about how form of manufactured capital (e.g. buildings and various interactions between ecological and social sys- machines), human capital (e.g. knowledge, skills, tems determine ES provision. We argue that special experience, and health), social capital (e.g. relation- care needs to be placed on the concept of co-produc- ships and institutions), and financial capital (e.g. tion so that the sustainability of human interactions monetary wealth), as well as natural capital (e.g. fish with ecosystems can be assessed. This may have stocks) (Emery and Flora 2006). Multiple forms of important implications for the use of the ES frame- capital interact to generate goods and services. For work and to assess trade-offs between development example, shellfish harvesting depends on the avail- and conservation (Howe et al. 2014). ability of shellfish stocks (natural capital), which Our hypothesis is that co-production of ES is depend on high-quality habitat (natural capital). But associated with additional ES and ecosystem disser- harvesting also depends on fishing vessels and gears vices derived from human interventions. The level of (manufactured capital, backed by financial capital), ES and ecosystem disservices depend on the level and and on the skills and experience of fishers (human means of co-production. Based on five case studies, capital), and fisheries governance (social capital). we aim at understanding differences of co-production The co-production concept helps us to understand levels in marine SES. We give special attention to the contributions of different forms of capital, i.e., trade-offs between ES and levels of co-production natural and non-natural, to the supply of ES. It also (i.e., social–ecological interactions). To design our contributes to a better understanding of the sustain- study, we have unfolded the co-production concept ability of ES provisioning. The same ES, say seafood focusing on the intensity and the nature of the ES production, can be supplied with different contribu- production process. We examine examples of trade- tions of natural and non-natural capital, constituting offs in detail in our case studies and explore their a gradient of co-production (Palomo et al. 2016). For relation to the type and co-production intensity, example, wild fish caught by small-scale fisheries is assessing ES and ecosystem disservices at the local mainly provided by natural co-production, as it and regional scales. involves low levels of non-natural capital. On the other side of the spectrum – fish farmed in intensive 2. Methodology aquaculture – is the same ES (seafood production) but is mainly provided by human co-production, as Our analysis is focused on the marine ES of two the contribution of non-natural capital is much neighboring coastal areas on the north-western higher. The intensity gradient of co-production and Iberian Peninsula. These areas were selected based the level of substitution of non-natural capital by on two criteria: their potentially different levels of natural capital may have implications for the sustain- co-production, and the existing long-term research ability of SES. In this sense, co-production of ES is a experience on fisheries. We conduct a descriptive useful concept to assess the sustainability of social and qualitative analysis based on our experience in and ecological interactions. the case studies and the available literature. With the This article contributes to the current scientific dis- aim of synthetizing the required information on co- cussions on social and ecological interactions production and ES delivery, we follow a sequential INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 37 step-wise analysis (Abbott 1995) including three (2016). We also explore the relationship between steps: (1) definition of case studies and management co-production and ES trade-offs by placing each of practices; (2) design of a matrix to collect information the case studies on a two axis scale with both vari- on co-production and ES delivery; and (3) compar- ables, assigning qualitative values within a ranking ison analysis across case studies. What follows is a three order Likert-scale system (low, moderate, and more detailed explanation of these steps. high). In the last step, we compare the co-production level and ES trade-offs with special attention to the property regime. 2.1. Definition of the case studies and management practices 3.1. Case study areas First, we discussed potential case studies for studying co-production in small-scale fisheries during the Our case studies are from two neighboring regions ICES Working Group meeting on Resilience and which share many cultural and geographical features, Marine Ecosystem Services ( held in but are located in different countries: the Southern Porto in 2016. We selected five case studies which Galician Ría de Arousa (Spain) and Northern have detailed information on property regimes, man- Portugal (Figure 1). These study areas highlight how agement practices, actors, and activities. Property identifying marine ES, benefits, ecosystem disservices, regimes are particularly important to understand the and trade-offs may help to disentangle the level of co- output of the ecosystem. They are a type of regulatory production to provide new insights for a potential regimes for fisheries (Ojea et al. 2016) that can differ integration into ecosystem-based management on the level of rights allocated to users, from territor- approaches. ial property rights (TURF), to individual user rights such as individual transferable quotas. Our case stu- 3.1.1. Ría de Arousa, Galicia (Spain) dies cover a wide range of property regimes which A total of 12 fisher’sGuilds–‘cofradías’–exist in will allow us to explore the co-production of ES the Ría de Arousa and one fishing cooperative under different level of rights allocated to fishers. (CooperativeSocietyRíadeArousa).Wefocus our first case study in the Carril Guild (Figure 1), which is the second most important Guild in shell- 2.2. Design of a matrix to collect information on fish landed volume and third most important in co-production and ES delivery shellfish landed value in Galicia and in Spain Second, we develop a matrix for collecting information (Pescadegalicia 2017). Seagrass meadows have river on shellfish harvesting and small-scale fishing in the Ulla estuary as a natural distribution area case study areas. We begin with information on the (Cacabelos et al. 2015) providing multiple regulat- target ES and non-natural capital inputs for each of the ing ES as habitat for fish, shellfish, and other inver- activities, based on regional fisheries databases and tebrates. In 2002, the Galician Atlantic Islands published literature. Afterwards, we analyze the con- Maritime-Terrestrial National Park was established nection between each harvesting activity and the tar- and integrated Cortegada and Malveiras islands geted marine ES, their benefits, and other additional (Figure 1). The major protected area is the terres- ES that may benefit coastal communities in the region. trial part of the main island, although there are We do this based on the co-authors’ experience con- intertidal and subtidal areas which are also pro- ducting long-term research and non-participant obser- tected, causing a major conflicted spatial overlap vation (Cooper et al. 2004) in these areas and the with shellfish activities, especially in the Malveiras existing evidence from the scientific literature and archipelago (Figure 1). The Guild specializes in two policy reports. The current and potential ecosystem types of shellfish – and cockles – which disservices that these activities may generate are also represent 99% of the total volume and value analyzed. Then we contrast the output and input of (1997–2015) of this Guild (Pescadegalicia 2017). In these activities in terms of marine ES and their co- the last 30 years, the Galician administration pro- production context characteristics, to assess the level of moted the professionalization of the shellfish har- co-production and the potential trade-offs among ES. vesting, particularly with women (Frangoudes et al. 2008). Generally, this has allowed to intensify the production of shellfish in areas where it is physi- 2.3. Comparison across case studies cally feasible, i.e., mainly intertidal areas and some Finally, we provide an exploratory analysis of co- shallow subtidal areas. This change coincided with a production with the key elements of each activity transformation of the property regime, from a de with an additional nominal scale of co-production facto open access to a TURF, and a change in the level. The case studies were ranked based on the governance regime, from top-down to co-manage- level of co-production, following Palomo et al. ment (Molares and Freire 2003; Macho et al. 2013). 38 L. OUTEIRO ET AL.

20°0'0"W 10°0'0"W 0°0'0"

Galicia N "N 0" ' '0 0 ° °0

Portugal 0 4 40

Esri, DeLorme, GEBCO, NOAA NGDC, and other contributors, Sources: Esri, GEBCO, NOAA, National Geographic, DeLorme, HERE,, and other contributors

20°0'0"W 10°0'0"W 0°0'0"

Kilometers Kilometers 02.551.25 0255012.5 Minho river

Ulla river Rianxo

Cortegada Ria de Carril Arousa Douro river Malveiras

Seagrass meadows Marine Protected Area 1c- Wild_Harvesting 2a-Beach Seine 1a-IntensiveEsri, Semi-aquaculture HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © © OpenStreetMap contributors, and OpenStreetMap contributors, and the 1b-Extensivethe Semi-aquaculture GIS user community 2b-OctopusGIS user community Pots

Figure 1. Location of the case studies in Ría de Arousa (Galicia, NW Spain) and Northern Portugal. The figure of Northern Portugal was adapted from PRESPO (2012).

Our analysis focuses on shellfish harvesting, in the 50 years at a time to harvest clams and cockles. These context of three different harvesting systems. concessions are awarded by the Regional Harvesters target mainly three species of , Government, Xunta de Galicia, and are de facto pri- namely pullet carpet shell (Venerupis pullastra), vate property during the time of the concession, (Ruditapes decussatus), and where the owner is fully able to take decisions regard- Japanese carpet shell (Ruditapes philipirarum), and ing the production, harvesting, and management of two species of cockles (Cerastoderma edule and the plots. Sizes of plots range substantially from less Cerastoderma glaucum), by either men or women by than 30 m2 up to 5000 m2. The total area managed foot, or only by men aboard small boats (<6 m under intensive semi-aquaculture is approximately length). Boats operating in this use rakes 1km2. This harvesting system has evolved substan- with a long pole, whereas individuals on foot use a tially since the first official awarding in 1950s. The shorter pole and sometimes diverse types of rakes. whole area is an intertidal ecosystem, and occupies a natural soft-sediment bed which is within the natural Intensive semi-aquaculture (1a). In the distribution range of seagrass Zostera sp. between the intensive intertidal semi-aquaculture, harvesting is continent and the island of Cortegada (Figure 1). conducted in 2017 by 656 owners inside 1168 inter- With the economic development plans that fol- tidal plots (AGPPCC 2017), which are awarded for lowed the Spanish civil war in 1939, local people INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 39 proposed to fill the seabed progressively with sand to fluctuates substantial seasonally and inter-annually, have larger areas to cultivate clams and cockles, in from a maximum of 600 individuals to a minimum addition to blue and which had of 200 individuals (Parada et al. 2006) coming from already being harvested extensively with artificial all the Guilds of Ria de Arousa. As subtidal harvest- rocky gardening methods (Graells 1870). The results ing, it requires the use of a boat, where rakes are were positive and the activity generated economic deployed with a long pole. In this system, the benefits over time, which allowed them to invest in Regional Government, Xunta de Galicia, consults more boats to fill deeper areas in the following dec- the head of the fishing Guilds for managing the ades. Consequently, the removal of seagrass meadows resources. The management regime is operated was a needed task to facilitate harvesting but also to through an Extraction permit (in Galician ‘Permex’) maximize yields. As the area became shallow, specia- and a system of daily individual quotas that also lization on shellfish species was taking over, and in limits working hours per day. The area available for the 1970s, harvesting species other than clams was this management is nearly 6 km2. This subtidal habi- residual. Currently, these beds may be labeled as tat is a natural seabed, and despite pressures from anthropogenic beds, as they are no longer part of Guilds for artificial regeneration with dredges, the the fluvial erosion-accretion natural process. habitat is still unmodified by humans. Management Harvesters need to fill at a recurrent interval to main- activities here are stock assessments, control, and tain optimal conditions for their cultured species. surveillance to establish a quota. Extensive semi-aquaculture (1b). In the 3.1.2. Northern Portugal extensive semi-aquaculture, harvesting occurs in With one of the largest Exclusive Economic Zone of intertidal and subtidal areas and is undertaken by the European Union Member States, 1,700,000 km2, 80 individuals on foot and 27 boats on floating with and a mainland coastline 942 km long, the fishing 47 individuals (Consellería do Mar 2017). The prop- industry is of particular importance to Portugal. The erty regime is substantially different from intensive country has always relied on fishing as a major means semi-aquaculture as it is managed based on a limited of subsistence, mainly for the coastal communities access rights, co-managed by the local Guild and the that depend almost exclusively on fisheries and Regional Government, Xunta de Galicia. The number related activities (OECD 2017). of permits to develop the shellfishery fluctuates Beach seine and pots fisheries are devel- depending on annual demand of permits to enter oped in coastal waters of Northern Portuguese coast, the fishery; however, a maximum number of permits south and north of Porto, respectively (see Figure 1). is allowed based on the maximum production yield These fisheries are managed by a quota-based system defined each year. Shellfish harvest is regulated with collective decision-making, and regulated by the annually by a total number of kilograms per person Portuguese Ministry of the Sea (Table 1). These fish- per day. This quantity may be modified depending on eries mainly differ on the historical tradition (Cabral natural mortality and abundance, which the shell- 2000), and in their specialization due to gear fishers face. This is an interactive process of deci- selectivity. sion-making, first with the technical assistant of the Guild (namely, a biologist by training), and then with Octopus pot ‘alcatruz’ (2a). The common the regional administration which is the final entity octopus (Octopus vulgaris) fishery is of substantial that approves the management plan (Macho et al. importance in southern Europe. In Portugal, the 2013). The total area available for harvesting in the octopus fishery has considerable social and economic extensive system 2 is around 1.5 km2. The area occu- value, with small-scale fishing being increasingly eco- pied (Figure 1) overlaps with a natural soft-sediment nomically dependent on this resource. Since this type bed with patches of seagrass meadows especially of fishery in the European Union is excluded from important in the intertidal areas. The subtidal har- quota regulations under the Common Fisheries vesting area overlaps entirely with the Marine Policy, Portugal is responsible for managing its own Protected Area of the National Park, and semi-aqua- fishery (Pita et al. 2015). culture activities have a larger recurrent interval than The octopus pot (‘alcatruz’) fishery is prosecuted in the case of intertidal. throughout Portugal (Figure 1) and mainly targets . It has been used commercially Wild harvesting (1c). In the wild harvesting since at least the fifteenth century (Godinho 1963) system, the area is located entirely in subtidal banks and uses sets of clay or plastic pots that are mechani- (Figure 1), with depths below 2 m. This area occupies cally hauled from the water. The costs associated with the main river sediment arms where the largest cur- this fishery are low compared with other gears com- rents occur, and thus no-spatial overlap with seagrass monly used to catch octopus, which results in a is observed (Figure 1). The number of shellfishers popular fishing gear among Portuguese octopus 40 L. OUTEIRO ET AL.

fishers. Octopus catches have been increasing quickly over recent decades and are currently the most important commercial species in value in Portugal (Pita et al. 2015), thus sustaining and providing for ) ’ many fishing communities. Xávega ‘ refers to the number of ’ Beach seine ‘xávega’ (2b). The beach seine (‘xávega’) fishery is operated out of small fishing com- Associations ’ munities mainly located in north-center Portugal (Figure 1). It is an old commercial fishery, which has 2b. Beach Seine ( been reported since the fifteenth century (Franca and No. of fishing units ‘ Costa 1979; Martins et al. 2000), although some

Resources, Maritime Services andinstitutions; Safety; Fishers Research authors date back the use of similar nets in the n/a 53 Mainly males Coastal/marine Common property rights/quotabased Collective decision-making Ministry of the Sea; Directorate-General of Natural Monitoring, control, and surveillance Seine nets Mediterranean as far back as 3000 B.C. (Cabral 2000). This fishery uses nets that are approximately dies, the row 170 m long, with a central bag about 30 m long. The Northern Portugal nets are rowed out into the surf on small vessels (3– ) ’ rom Centro de Investigacións Mariñas, Xunta de Galicia). 8 m long), leaving the end of the trailing rope on the shore. The net then encircles a targeted coastal shallow Alcatruz ‘ sandy area, and the leading rope is brought back to shore, where the net is then hauled by tractors and

Associations people. The main targeted species are small pelagic ’ fish, such as sardine (Sardina pilchardus), horse mack- erel (Trachurus trachurus), mackerel (Scomber japoni- 2a. Octopus pots ( cus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), and sea bream (Diplodus spp). Due to the low selectivity of the fishing

Resources, Maritime Services andinstitutions; Safety; Fishers Research gear, this fishery can have high rates and result n/a 50 Mainly males Coastal/marine Collective decision-making Ministry of the Sea; Directorate-General of Natural Monitoring, control, and surveillance in a large quantity of discards (Cabral et al. 2003). The beach seine (‘xávega’) fishery is run by a Libre ‘ ’ ‘

individuals participating in the fishery (Data f specific type of fishers associations called compan- ) ’ has’ which are run according to agreed norms and rules to manage income, tasks, and fishing resources.

marisqueo According to the General Directorate of Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services follow-up Galician and Northern Portugal case studies. In the Portuguese case stu making government surveillance 1c. Wild harvesting ( report on Fishing with ‘xávega’ gear in Portugal, in 6 300 Only males Scientific-based decision- Guilds and regional Monitoring, control, and Rakes with long pole Pots he 2013 there were 53 vessels using this gear, mostly in the north and central regions (Santos 2015). ) ’ 4. Results Galicia

especificos To compare and analyze the case studies, we present Autorizacións-Plans ‘ ( Figure 2 that illustrates the position of each of them 1b. Extensive semi-aqua. with technical support regional government surveillance pole 1.5 134 Mainly females Intertidal and subtidal/estuaryUser rights Subtidal with estuary quotaCollective decision-making Shellfishers, Common Guild quota biologist, basedMonitoring, control, and Common property rights/quotabased Hoes and rakes with short according to the expected level of co-production, in a

the Galician case study the data refer to number of gradient of natural and non-natural capital inputs, following Palomo et al. (2016). The harvesting system ) ’ with the largest use of non-natural capital is the inten- sive intertidal semi-aquaculture, as it uses all the forms of non-natural capital, i.e., human, social, manufac-

Parques cultivo tured capital. The second most important activity ‘ ( using non-natural capital is the extensive semi-aqua- 1a. Intensive semi-aqua. private market driven Male and female Surveillance Rakes and hoes culture, which needs almost the same practices as intensive semi-aquaculture but at a lower intensity ) 1

2 level, using all the forms of non-natural capital, except financial capital. The small-scale fishing systems pre- Management, property regime, and social-ecological characteristics of t sent a decreasing level of reliance on non-natural

activities capital but still using human, social, and manufactured No. of fishing unitsGender 656 Case study Ecosystem typeProperty regimeManagement Intertidal/estuary Concession to individuals/ Management actors Owners Individual decision-making/ Management Gears Total area (km Table 1. vessels participating in the fishery, whereas for capital. Wild harvesting is mostly reliant on natural INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 41

Non-natural capital SHELLFISH SSF SSF SHELLFISH SHELLFISH 1c WILD 2a 2b 1b 1a HARVESTING OCTOPUS POTS BEACH SEINE EXTENSIVE SEMI- INTENSIVE SEMI------AQUACULTURE AQUACULTURE traditional local ecological ------local ecological ------knowledge, quota knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, rearing and seeding, based extraction values, norms, MSY, barefoot seeding, hatcheries, values, norms, MPY, manual fromboats vessels, pots, vessels, seine ecologists, manual storage facilities harvest, quotas harvest, market nets, storage driven extraction facilities driven extraction Natural capital

Figure 2. Gradient of marine ecosystem service co-production based on inputs of natural and non-natural capital in the Galician and Northern Portugal shellfish fisheries and small-scale fisheries (SSF) (based on Palomo et al. 2016).

capital with the lowest level of co-production using reproduce this species to later exploit it in plots, mainly human and some sort of manufactured capital depending on how much seed plot owners decided with small boats and power engines. to purchase. Each year, owners of the concession plots buy a quantity of seed, in theory equivalent to their allotted production area. However, sometimes 4.1. Shellfisheries in Galicia (Spain) maximum seeding densities is surpassed. Although The three Galician shellfish harvesting systems target natural spawning is also occurring, owners who the same marine ES, i.e., seafood provisioning, as they have been harvesting shellfish for the last couple of are providing seafood as a benefit that is directly decades have abandoned the idea of solely relying on consumed through commercial transaction. More natural factors for the production process. The rela- importantly, in all three harvesting systems, shellfish tive proportion of manufactured versus naturally pro- is marketed and generates revenues for shellfishers by duced seed varies among owners and depends on the contributing to their livelihoods. The three systems intensity of the production. However, between 30 and also generate cultural ES, such as cultural identity, 75% of the final production of a plot each year can be community identity, sense of place, and tourism. linked to this co-production (AGPPCC 2017; Fisher These cultural ES are understood as the relationships pers. Comm.). The production not only depends on and sense of belonging to a specific activity that artificial seedlings, but also relies on plowing the facilitates a differentiated way of life (Klain and seabed, cleaning with rakes the algae in summer, Chan 2012). Shellfish harvesting yields high valued and removing the natural sprouting of seagrass fresh seafood (Molares and Freire 2003) for consu- which finds here its natural environment. mers that generates a rich and diverse gastronomic Intensive semi-aquaculture plots are in an inter- culture, which attracts national and international tidal area located in the right arm bank of the Ulla tourists to the region. river, a natural area that was historically occupied by There are also differences in co-production seagrass meadows (Figure 1). Since the start of the between the harvesting systems (Table 2). A portion intensive production in 1940s, seagrass meadows of its total production of the intensive intertidal semi- have been removed systematically by plot owners aquaculture depends on artificial seeding. It uses due to the difficulty of collecting clams covered with intensive seeding from hatcheries of three species of seagrass and silt, which normally is accumulated in clams: Pullet carpet shell (V. pullastra), Grooved car- seagrass meadows. Moreover, the plot owners claim pet shell (R. decussatus), and Japanese carpet shell (R. that seagrass meadows are low production areas that philipinarum). The latter is allochthonous and was prevent target species to develop at the same rate as introduced in the early 1990s from hatcheries in the ‘clean’ sandy areas. This co-production activity imported from Italy and France. R. philipinarum is implies a different causality of trade-offs and risk of more resistant than other species to environmental ecosystem disservices. shocks produced by anthropogenic pressures (e.g., In terms of trade-offs, the removal of seagrass dams, floodings, heatwaves, etc.) (e.g., Dominguez involves the loss of habitat for fish and et al., 2016; Macho et al. 2016), and weight per species (i.e., Sepia officinalis), which uses seagrass individual is higher than others. (C. edule meadows as spawning areas (Bas et al. 2015). Also, and C. glaucum) production here depends exclusively the removal causes a potential loss on regulating ES, on natural seeding and recruitment. such as water flow, nutrient cycling, and food web The co-production process relies on a both man- structure (Orth et al. 2006) with a potential cascade ufactured and human capital. Due to technology and effect on eutrophication process in estuaries (Patricio scientific advances, harvesters can massively and Marques, 2006). Other trade-offs involve the 42 .OTIOE AL. ET OUTEIRO L.

Table 2. Disaggregated non-natural capital use and co-production of marine ecosystem services and ecosystem disservices in the Galician and Northern Portugal case studies. Galicia Northern Portugal 1a. Intensive semi-aquaculture 1b. Extensive semi-aquaculture Case studies (‘parques cultivo’) (‘autorizacións-plans especificos’) 1c. Wild harvesting (‘libre marisqueo’) 2a. Octopus pots (‘alcatruz’) 2b. Beach seine (‘xávega’) Property regime Concession to individuals Territorial use rights Common pool resource Common pool resource Common pool resource Target species Bivalves (mainly clams and cockles) Bivalves (mainly clams and cockles) Bivalves (mainly clams and cockles) Common octopus (O. vulgaris) Benefits Food, employment, identity, tourism Food, employment, identity, tourism Food, employment, identity, tourism Food, employment, income, identity, Food, employment, income, identity, social relations sense of belonging, symbolic, social relations, religious Human capital input LEK (local ecological knowledge) and LEK and skills, low-medium intensity LEK and skills LEK and skills LEK and skills skills, high intensity rearing, plowing, rearing, plowing, predators and predators and algae removal, manual algae removal, manual harvest and mechanical harvest Social capital Collective surveillance, minimum size Gear restriction, minimum size, quota Gear restriction, minimum size, quota Gear restriction, minimum size Gear restriction, minimum size based, collective surveillance based, collective surveillance Manufactured capital Boats and rakes For subtidal boats and long pole rakes Boats and rakes Vessels, pots Vessels, seine nets Financial capital Lease of plots, buy seed hatcheries, For buying seed and surveillance might May apply to buy the boat and might May apply to buy the boat May apply to buy the boat machinery be needed. For subtidal, may apply apply for surveillance to buy the boat Level of Co-production High-intensive Medium-extensive Low Medium Medium-high Co-production details Year round owners might be rearing The ratio of area/shellfishers is lower Skills and knowledge of shellfishers are Specific knowledge and skills are Specific knowledge and skills are the intertidal areas of their than in the intensive. Rearing and the most important human traits to needed to operate vessels and gears, needed to operate vessels and ownership to maximize the seeding are subjected to specific develop the service and obtain the and to know suitable areas to deploy gears, and to know suitable areas production of certain clam species. plans where a local biologist jointly benefit. Quantity and period of pots. Values and norms shared to deploy nets. Logistics on land to Seeding activities might be year with management authorities and extraction are subjected to quotas among fishers establish fishing limits pull the nets require a high number round, and the owner decides the shellfishers decide the amount and and specific plans which look after and/or compliance with rules which of workers and tractors. Fishers’ amount of seed and species based intensity of these human the economic and equity among all are pre-requisites for a long-term societies are run according to on experience. Period and amount of disturbances based on past stakeholders. exploitation of the resource. agreed norms and rules to manage extraction are subjected to individual experiences and technical advice. income, tasks, and fishing decision and might be year round, Quantity and period of extraction are resources. Fishers have a strong mainly regulated by market demand. subjected to quotas and specific sense of belonging to their plans which look after the economic community, and attribute symbolic and equity among all stakeholders. meanings and religious rituals to fishing activities. Ecosystem disservices Regulating, risk of pests Regulating, risk of pests Unknown Adverse climate/sea conditions; Adverse climate/sea conditions; predation of octopus by other spp.; predation of by other unsuitable water temperature and spp.; unsuitable water temperature salinity for octopus recruitment and salinity for fish recruitment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 43 availability of large quantities of dead seagrass stems, extensive semi-aquaculture and other semi-aquacul- which float on the surface and cause physical distur- ture types is in the intensity of the seeding rate, and bance creating a barrier for sports/recreational users, the type and origin of the species. such as recreation fishers or water sports. The other operations involved (e.g., rearing, plowing, Regarding ecosystem disservices, regulating ES and cleaning) are substantially less intensive in time and might be affected by the risk of invasive species when space compared with intensive semi-aquaculture. bringing seeds from hatcheries in other ecosystems, Therefore, this activity might trigger or contribute to which can come along with resistance viruses, bacteria, similar trade-offs and ecosystem disservices as or allochtonous undesired species. This is especially explained above, but with lower intensity. In fact, peo- relevant given a recent infestation in 2012–2014 in the ple are harvesting a larger area, and the management cockle (C. edule) by the protozoan Marteilia cochillia actors are jointly involved with decision-makers. In with Marteiliosis (Villalba et al. 2014). The protozoan extensive semi-aquaculture, production is determined devastated C. edule production, negatively affecting by setting a maximum sustainable yield, and decided 1500 families who directly depend on this resource. with collective harvesting quotas determined through The exact entrance pathway of this parasite is still collaboration between existing social capital with input unknown, but one of the most plausible hypotheses is of local ecological knowledge of fishers. Despite these that the species was brought from hatcheries which are trade-offs between provisioning and regulating ES, dedicated to supply producers. Similar trade-offs were extensive semi-aquaculture individuals have recently found for crop systems between increasing provision ES created initiatives to diversify their income through in the short term and reducing the ability to cope with aquaculture tourism, which allows tourists to live the pest at the long run (Bonmarco et al., 2013). The pest experience of being harvesters for one day (LVG 2009). episode has direct links to the resilience of SES with Wild harvesting is perhaps the oldest activity per- trade-offs between provisioning and regulating ES that formed in this area. Before the co-management are compromising the ability of the system to cope regime adopted by the Galician Government in the economically with the pest outbreak. Moreover, it also 1990s, these areas were subjected to a de facto open- opens the discussion toward the inter-personal trade- access with no quotas or permits, where all interested offs which may be caused using seed from unknown individuals could develop extraction activities. Today, origin in semi-aquaculture, and the impacts received on these areas are the only areas managed mainly by the the wild harvesting fishers which could not harvest in Galician administration which elaborates annually a this area for two campaigns in 2013 and 2014 due to the stock assessment to set quotas and regulate effort lack of shellfish (LVG 2017). This episode triggered an (Parada et al. 2006). The co-production process increased artificial seeding rate on the semi-aquaculture involves less manufactured capital than the other areas in order to cope with the lack of cockles, but no two harvesting systems given that artificial seeding alternative other than closing was found for the wild is negligible. Therefore, this case does not involve the harvesting areas. risk of ecosystem disservices and trade-offs as shown Despite being initially conceived with the aim of in other two previous harvesting systems case studies wild harvesting with no artificial seeding, extensive (Table 3). This is also because the activities of plow- intertidal and subtidal semi-aquaculture has evolved ing, cleaning, and rearing are not yet implemented progressively in some practices toward intensive despite the claims by Guilds. The level of co-produc- semi-aquaculture. The main difference between tion is relatively lower compared to the other two

Table 3. Ecosystem service trade-offs disaggregated per category and type for each of the co-production study case in Galicia and Northern Portugal. 1a. Intensive semi- 1b. Extensive semi- 1c. Wild 2a. Octopus 2b. Beach ES type ES categories aqua. aqua. harvesting pots Seine Provisioning Shellfish V V V –– Fish X X – VV Cultural Heritage and identity V V V V V Social capital – VV–– Social relations –––VV Tourism V V ––X Recreation activities X X – XX Sense of place ––––V Symbolic, spiritual, ––––V religious Regulation Climate regulation X X ––X Water regulation X X ––X Genetic resources X X ––– Supporting Primary production X X ––– V: Ecosystem services co-produced; X: ES trade-offs; – : No detected effect. 44 L. OUTEIRO ET AL. harvesting systems. It is the closest harvesting system 4.2. Beach seine and octopus pot fisheries where the human intervention is negligible, co-pro- (Northern Portugal) duction is low, and synergies are more common than Fishers of the Northern Portuguese beach seine and trade-offs (Table 3). octopus pot fisheries are involved in the co-produc- As shown in other study cases in the agricultural tion of seafood provisioning, targeting benefits such context (Omer et al. 2010), the volume of production as nutrition, income, and employment (Table 2). Yet of the targeted ES, here clams and cockles, is also cultural ES such as cultural heritage and identity, dependent on the co-production gradient found in opportunities for social relations, symbolic services, these three harvesting systems. From the 1141 tons of spiritual, sacred and/or religious experiences, sense of shellfish officially landed in 2016, around 61% were place, and tourism are fundamental for the fishing landed by the intensive semi-aquaculture, 25% were communities that engage in these fisheries (Oliveira landed by the extensive semi-aquaculture, and almost et al. 2010; Santos 2015). For example, each of the a 13% were landed from the wild harvesting area beach seine ‘companhas,’ or fishers’ associations, has (Figure 3). This different order of magnitude in the its own symbolic and religious devotions (Santos production of these three systems has been a claim by 2015), which contribute to the co-production of cul- fishers (Parada et al. 2006). They use the intensive tural ES generated by the marine environment semi-aquaculture as an example of production effi- (Garcia Rodrigues et al. 2017). These associations ciency using only 1 km2 to obtain 61% of the total also foster the strengthening of sense of place, production of the Guild. Furthermore, shellfisheries belonging and social relations within the fishing from extensive semi-aquaculture had claimed over community. the last decade for progressively transforming wild In addition to natural capital, these fisheries harvesting areas toward an extensive semi-aquacul- strongly depend on non-natural capital, such as ture where more shellfishers could eventually join human, social, and manufactured capital to extract and sustain their livelihoods (LVG 2014). In terms food from the sea (Pereira 1999; Antunes 2007; of social equity, semi-aquaculture systems provide an Santos 2015). Human capital, such as local ecological example of differentiated co-production and social knowledge about the seasonal variability of fish/octo- equity especially due to the property regime. pus stock abundance, location of fishing grounds, and Intensive semi-aquaculture systems are individual skills to operate forms of manufactured capital, such property plots which can be transacted economically as fishing vessels and gears, are all pre-requisites for a between individuals or inherited from relatives. successful catch (Berkes et al. 2000). Social capital, in Despite that, before the 1990s, the plots were evenly the form of shared values and agreed norms, allows distributed among the local families providing their fishers to form and maintain social relations that livelihoods. Today, the concentration of large areas in ultimately enable a sustained provision of fish the hands of a small number of producers is happen- through local governance and management, and a ing slowly with the consequent income distributional fair distribution of food and income among the effect. In contrary, extensive semi-aquaculture has its community. property regime in public hands, and everyone may The forms of capital that enable the co-production apply for a right of harvest. However, the selection of food provision are shared by both fisheries. Yet the criteria for ultimately awarding harvest rights favors levels of co-production slightly differ from one fish- long term unemployed applicants and victims of ery to the other (Figure 2). The beach seine (‘xávega’) gender violence.

Figure 3. Percentage of the total volume of landings by each of the harvesting shellfisheries systems in the Carril Guild (Galicia case study) in 2016. Source: Based on data from INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 45 fishery is arguably more capital-intensive than the octopus pot (‘alcatruz’) fishery because it requires a higher number of fishers per haul, more logistics on land, i.e., workers and tractors to pull the nets, and a higher number of workers to sort the catch (Pereira 1999; Antunes 2007). The octopus pot fishery does not require specific logistics on land to operate, and the pots used to catch octopus are highly selective, resulting in limited bycatch and a reduced workforce needed to sort the catch (Pereira 1999). Clear trade-offs exist with the increased use of manufactured capital by fisheries to increase seafood provision in the short-term. The presence of tractors, fishing gear, and vessels at coastal areas where the beach seine fishery operates may decrease the aes- Figure 4. Relationships between co-production level and thetic quality of beaches and seascapes to many trade-offs associated with marine ecosystem service and ben- recreational users and tourists (Table 3). Another efit provision for the Galician and Northern Portugal shellfish trade-off is related with the increasing use of plastic fisheries and small-scale fisheries (SSF). pots by the octopus fishery – instead of traditional clay pots – which can dramatically change seabed conditions, as lost plastic pots do not degrade easily Figure 4 shows the relative position of each of the and may negatively affect local habitats and species case studies that we explored in a two-way graph, during long periods of time (Sobrino et al. 2011). depicting the level of co-production and the ES Coastal recreational activities such as diving and trade-offs. For example, Galician intensive semi- snorkeling can also be negatively affected by the aquaculture shows the largest trade-offs which are increased use of fishing vessels, nets, and pots, as paired with a high use of human, manufactured, these activities usually compete for the same space and financial capital, which can affect the provision (Table 3). In addition, besides generating significant of habitat ES (e.g., nursery habitat area for or amounts of discards (Cabral et al. 2003), the interac- other species) and regulating ES (nutrient cycling). tion of seine nets with kelp forests and seagrass mea- Following the decreasing axis of co-production dows present in coastal shallow areas where the and trade-offs is the extensive semi-aquaculture, fishery operates can contribute to the degradation with similar interactions with the environment, but and destruction of these habitats and their important in a less intensive manner. However, this harvesting nursery ES. system is also associated with cultural ES and can provide important benefits from shellfish-based tour- ism. An order below in generating trade-offs and co- 5. Discussion production dependence are the two small-scale fish- To illustrate the relationships between non-natural eries from Northern Portugal. The beach seine fishery capital and marine ES, we presented three shellfish depends more on human capital and manufactured harvesting systems from Galicia (Spain) and two capital to obtain provisioning ES and potentially gen- small-scale fisheries from Northern Portugal that dif- erates more trade-offs between provisioning and reg- fer in co-production levels. By exploring in detail the ulating ES. The wild shellfish harvesting scores the different systems and types of marine ES co-produc- lowest level of co-production while a low level of tion, we were able to disentangle relationships that regulating ES trade-offs due to the low level of man- may help to understand the implications of non-nat- ufactured capital and the absence of human interven- ural capital in ES and benefit delivery (Figure 2). tion on adjacent river banks. All five case studies vary Although the case studies are small-scale fisheries at in an exponential fashion in the level of co-produc- a regional level, we believe that more intense levels of tion based on the capital inputs needed for service co-production may be related to greater ecosystem delivery. disservices and trade-offs (Figure 4). Size upscaling of More information would be needed to quantify the the intensive or extensive semi-aquaculture to larger level of co-production and ES delivery. Further scale fleets and larger marine ecosystems might research should be directed to shed light on the involve greater trade-offs, compromising the resili- links between co-production of ES and the conse- ence of marine SES at a larger scale, as reported in quent theoretical ecosystem disservices delivery. salmon aquaculture (Outeiro and Villasante 2013), or Empirical approaches such as interviews to key sta- reported from industrial fishing impacts on seagrass keholders will be helpful in the future to quantify (Tanaka and Ota 2015). these links and further understand the complex 46 L. OUTEIRO ET AL. relationships illustrated in this paper. However, critical change of societal values, institutional applying cultural ES to the rationale of Figure 4 arrangements, and fishermen’s practices in the use may change the picture completely. Future research of natural and non-natural capital (Villasante et al. should explore to what extent ES can be compro- 2017). Thus, identifying tipping points can be extre- mised by co-production and how sustainable ES mely useful to detect early signals of potential abrupt delivery can be assured. changes which also help to identify windows of The argument of low productivity level and exist- opportunity to navigate into new resilient transi- ing pressures used by local Guilds to justify changes tions before tipping points are crossed (Villasante in the shellfisheries banks leaves an open question: is and Österblom 2015). Despite the qualitative nature this level of co-production necessary to enjoy provi- of this paper and for illustrative purposes, a likely sioning ES and benefits in the Anthropocene Era? sign of a tipping point in the Galicia case study is From the Guilds’ leaders discourse seems to be neces- found when the shellfishing changed their reliance sary to intervene in the wild banks to have a produc- from dynamics alone sustaining their production tion of shellfish that matches the levels required to toward a system where stakeholders systematically satisfy local needs for income and employment (LVG perceived artificial seedling as a necessity to secure 2014). In fact, the two semi-aquaculture systems were annual production (AGPPCC 2017). The perception conceived initially as poly-culture – wild harvesting, of nature alone is unable to provide ES at the level of and they evolved in time toward being more reliant production demanded makes the system to enter in in non-natural capital with higher levels of human a ‘new state’ in which ecological processes such as intervention. Wild harvesting seems to be pushed regulating ES are depending not only on nature toward that state where natural soft-sediment banks variables, but also on social actions as artificial seed- are recurrently modified to maximize shellfish pro- ling with alochtonous species (i.e. Ruditapes duction with the consequent halting of dynamics. philippinarum). Other question this argument poses: Have the natural Provisioning co-production of ES is developed dynamics of the system, modified by decades of eco- under different property right regimes. Property nomic development, changed to a state that cannot be rights are exercised with a series of conditions, reliant on natural capital alone? Here, we propose a rules, instruments, and policies regarding access to, type of spatial trade-offs at the basin level (Howe use of, and control over natural resources and provi- et al. 2014; Rodriguez et al. 2006) to partially explain sioning ES (Schlager and Ostrom 1992). They are this question. The degree of human intervention in governed by different institutional regimes and the terrestrial area of this basin, land use change, authorities who are often overlapped and interacted deforestation jointly with recurrent wildfires, road under multiple scales (Ostrom 2010), for example infrastructures, and wastewater from settlements are regional governments and the EU Common key determinants to explain this question. Fisheries Policy. Property rights can be conceived as In addition, given that the interactions of marine a key instrument of governance to achieve societal ES over space and time may be linear or non-linear, goals such as economic development, resource con- understanding the role of non-natural capital and servation, and equity justice (Chomba and Nkhata marine ES could be extremely useful in order to 2016). Under specific property rights, managers and avoid unexpected thresholds and tipping points. users can make specific decisions and carry out Since crossing critical tipping points can lead to actions regarding a particular production of ES. For abrupt social transformations of marine social–ecolo- instance, in the case studies, intensive farmers and gical systems, a critical question emerges: Can we shellfishers in Galicia may have exclusive individual identify at what level of co-production do we trigger private rights to access and use the coastal area while ES trade-offs? The scientific community does not wild harvesting and industrial fishing have the ‘rights’ have a definitive answer and more research would to use the area and resources, but under public or be needed in this direction. common property regimes. Globally, property rights However, ignoring the role of tipping points in and co-production are following similar patterns as the co-production processes of marine ES may our study cases. In Chile where salmon aquaculture, increase the risk of unpredictable and potential shellfish gathering, and open shellfishing and fishing abrupt changes of marine socio-ecological systems. exist, the gradient of co-production increases from Considerable management efforts to reverse such open systems to TURF’s to aquaculture private con- changes are usually made, but most of them are cessions (Outeiro et al. 2015). In British Columbia very expensive since they are taken after the abrupt (Canada) too it is quite similar; however, in this changes have taken place (Villasante et al. 2017). In region the existence of highly priced individual fact, crossing undesirable tipping points has been licenses (i.e. giant clam) and the inexistence of also recently associated with large social transforma- TURF’s systems differ slightly the property regime tions of marine ES, which mean a fundamental and and co-production gradient (Pinkerton 2015). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES & MANAGEMENT 47

Finally, further development for linking marine ES new trade-offs, especially between provisioning and and co-production will also need to consider the regulating ES. So, one question arises: What are the drivers of change and the different actors related to limits of non-natural capital inputs in the co-pro- seafood production and provisioning operating at duction process? We believe that the co-production different scales. As pointed out by Rocha et al. process is inherently facilitating the delivery of ES (2014), this information will inform and promote but, at the same time, it can exacerbate the provi- the development of more sustainable forms of man- sion of ecosystem disservices, potentiate unsustain- agement actions. able practices, and thus result in detrimental environmental conditions. In a growing global sce- nario with policies directed to the provision of ES, 6. Final remarks special attention is needed to understand and We have depicted the relationships and trade-offs address the implications of co-production to the between provisioning, regulating, cultural, and sup- system, going further from the ES approach. porting ES that are co-produced in the marine envir- This work with its historical and spatial perspec- onment. Current science and policy is discussing the tive addressed some interesting messages toward the implications of non-natural capital in the production policy arena. Evidence from this paper shows that the and delivery of ES. The degree to which co-produc- intensity of co-production (i.e. artificial seedling) is tion sustains desirable ES flows, produces ES trade- already incorporated in fishers, shellfishers, and local- offs, and can be regulated by different property regional authorities reliance for production and thus regimes are highly relevant questions that are to achieve decent livelihoods. The intensity of non- addressed here in order to fill this gap. We contribute natural capital used in the co-production of ES has to the state of the art by exploring these relationships been increasing in all case studies steadily from the empirically, for the case of Galician shellfisheries and last 25 years. This has important trade-offs not only Northern Portuguese beach seine (‘xávega’) and octo- on regulating but also the biodiversity and conserva- pus pot (‘alcatruz’) small-scale fisheries, where infor- tion management plans in time of climate and global mation exists about the pathways to co-produce change. Specially relevant in the context of the EU-27 marine ES. Marine Strategy Framework Directive where the The analysis presented here contributes to existing objectives to achieve an ecosystem approach in mar- research gaps on understanding the relationship ine ecosystems seem to find an opposed view local between different marine ES and co-production and regional authorities which are actually progres- levels. Our main conclusion is that while the relation- sing in the contrary way. Eventually in terms of ship can be linear for some ES (e.g., provisioning), it policy, we are in a ‘policy train crash,’ local regional may not be the case for others (e.g., cultural ES). We policy going in one direction, and another supra also find that management practices may have a very national level in the opposite direction. Thus, an important role in the set of the co-production of ES. effective supra national level policy should take into Future research can illustrate these relationships in account this type of micro realities and specificities if different ES and case studies and contrast the level of that policy does want to make a smooth and effective ES and co-production with stakeholder preference socio-economic transformation of marine socio-eco- analysis and sustainability assessments in order to logical systems management toward ecosystem inform policymaking. approach. These five cases constitute an example of the transition from wild reliant harvesting where the Note process of production relies mainly on natural capi- tal, toward aquaculture production systems which 1. Semi-aquaculture or cultured-based fisheries is the are called to be the new paradigm of seafood pro- release of hatchery-reared animals into the wild for duction (Molares and Freire 2003).Inthecaseof capturing fisheries enhancement, being aquaculture- driven (Ottolenghi et al. 2004). Galicia, when the wild harvesting is not yielding accordingly to stakeholders or is not in good shape in terms of economic yielding, communities Acknowledgments and authorities found co-produced semi-aquacul- ture harvesting as the solution along with individual LO acknowledges the financial support from Xunta de and sometimes private property regimes. In Galicia I2C program through the Postdoctoral Project Northern Portugal, a likely next step would imply ED481B 2014/051-0. EO acknowledges funding from EU an eventual setting up of octopus aquaculture H2020 ERC Starting Grant project CLOCK (grant 679812) and Xunta de Galicia (Axuda complementaria aos benefi- (Iglesias et al. 2004; Vaz-Pires et al. 2004)orfish ciarios do programa StG do Consello Europeo de aquaculture (Matos et al. 2006;Santosetal.2006). Investigación). CP would also like to acknowledge FCT/ A higher input of non-natural capital may create MEC national funds and FEDER co-funding, within the 48 L. OUTEIRO ET AL.

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