Global prayer & Fasting day September | 2019 Pat & Sara Kliever Pais

Prayer Request • God to reveal Team Leaders for January 2020 and August 2020 intakes • Open doors with Churches and apprentice recruitment to continue with God’s favour • Secure 10 Global Haverim groups in the Brisbane area. Anderson & Monica Moraes Pais

Prayer Request • Pray that we can start three new teams in January. • Pray for two more schools to open their doors to the team in Osasco. • Pray for wisdom and direction as the new National and Specialist Directors settle into their roles. Mark Riley, Mike Sherrill, Sonya Griffith, Andrea Taylor Pais

Prayer Request • Healing between churches and schools in Thunder Bay • Open doors for us to get into schools • Good start of our Youth Drop-in (Urban Collective) • Good start of Haverim Groups and Flow mentoring Pete & bryony baker Pais england

Prayer Request • Continue to pray for the ongoing Visa situation - e.g. Tier 5 apprentices not being able to stay longer than 12 months • Please pray that the 2 other Tier 2 Visas we've applied for will be approved • We need 13 apprentices and 5 TLs for January • Paul & Lynn's UK trip including the mini-summit, Masterclasses and speaking in Churches Jan & Verena thomsen Pais Prayer Request • Paul & Lynn are visiting us in Germany for 3 days. Pray for an inspiring time with the team and strong relationships as a result of our time together. Also pray for the different events that Paul is speaking at that many people come and that it will lead to new partnerships and people connecting with Pais. • After 3 very busy months we are looking forward to some routine. Please pray for new strength, passion and shalom for the directorship. • As we are partnering with churches for many years, some teenagers feel like they already know the programs. Pray for creativity for our teams how to train them. Samuel AmasaH Pais

Prayer Request • Praying for Bright the Ghana Apprenticeship Director to join us by the end of September. • Praying for 6 additional missionaries to plant a team and add to the other teams by this October. • Praying for a car so we can be more effective at the Pais West office. Pete & Bryony Baker Pais northern ireland

Prayer Request • Continue to pray for the ongoing Visa situation - e.g. Tier 5 apprentices not being able to stay longer than 12 months • We need 1 apprentice and 1 TL needed for January Clement & Hanani Prince Pais

Prayer Request • There will be a mega youth leaders conference in November. Pray that we should get an opportunity to share about Pais and have a stall. • Plans to start Pais in Northern India, a place which is against Christians. But we want to see a mighty breakthrough and start teams in January. Armstrong okeyo Pais

Prayer Request • Great start for our missionaries in Nakuru Pat & Sara kliever Pais New Zealand

Prayer Request • God to reveal Team Leaders for August 2020 intake • Future partnerships and supporters for New Zealand teams currently and in the future • God to reveal a hub director for the Auckland area hub • Pais NZ is starting a youth program, and are seeking God for Wisdom on how to lay the right foundation for what He wants it to be in the future. Samuel AmasaH Pais

Prayer Request • That we will be able to have another training for the apprentices who couldn't make it to Ghana. • Sound health and wisdom for Daniel as he pursues the expansion and planting of more Pais teams in different Nigerian states. • Divine health and grace to fulfill all we've planned for this Pais year. • Sakhawat Masih Pais

Prayer Request • Pray for future of Pais Youth Leadership Academy Pakistan as we are planning for registration of children and youth • Pray for ND’s Australian Visa • Pray for new financial partnerships with organizations in USA • Pray for recruitment of new apprentices as we connect with different churches for recruitment

Pais South Africa

Prayer Request • God’s guidance and favor as we work on a pilot program for one of the provinces, in the process towards being the denominations children's and youth ministry training partner. • Paul Gibbs visit to Cape Town to be fruitful in connecting with new partners and strengthening the understanding of Pais for the existing partners. • Visa from Brazil for Media apprentice. Mark Riley, Mike Sherrill, Sonya Griffith, Andrea Taylor Pais USA

Prayer Request • Pray for future partnerships in the USA, particularly in North Texas and Southern California. • Pray for more recruits and team leaders for January as we hope to add 2-3 new teams in January • Pray that young people's lives will be changed this year and that they can join us either on the apprenticeship or through PYA Paul & Lynn Gibbs Pais Global

Prayer Request • Paul and Lynn's Masterclass Tour of Europe - safety, open doors • Thru-Hike awareness and participation worldwide • That Youth Academy gets a big head start on our goal of 10,000 young people worldwide.