New Hampshire Reg!.; great2·grandson of Charles Glidden, Sergeant, Capt. Jeremiah Clough's Company New Hampshire troops. THE NATIONAL SOCIETY ALEXANDER REED WILSON, Brooklyn. N. Y. (18707). Son of Robert and OF TilE Ida Maria (Reed) Wilson; grandson of James Hamilton and Christina (Von Hamburg) Reed; great·grandson of Myron and Belinda (Swift) Reed; great'· grandson of Reuben and Hannah (Rose) Reed; great•-grandson of lames SONS OF THE Reed, Read, Second Major First Dutchess County Regt. New York Minute Men. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL AUGUSTUS HENRY WITHINGTON, , Mass. (16563). Supplementals. Son of James H. and Alfreda (Bosworth) Withington; grandson of Rodol­ President General phus H. W. and Abagail (Whipple) Bosworth; great-grandson of Eleazer and Nelson A. McClary Alice (Pierce) Whipple; great2·grandson of David Pierce, private, Col. 184 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois WAsHINGTON, D. C., July 8, 1907. Alexander Scammel's New Hampshire Reg!.; grandson of James H. and ----- Sarah (Adams) Withington; great-grandson of Ebenezer and Mary (Preston) Withington; great•-grandson of Edward Preston, private, Capt. \Villiam Holden's Company Colonel Robinson's Mass. Regt., Lexington Alarm. OFFICIAL BULLETIN CLEMENT HIESTER YOST, Little Rock, Ark. (11799). Son of Ezekiel B. and Anna l\fay (Paul) Yost; grandson of John and Mary (Hiester) Paul; great­ grandson of John and Mary (Titlow) Hiester; great2-grandson of John The OFFICIAL BULLETIN, issued from time to time as may seem Hiester, Captain Chester County Regt. of Penna. Foot. expedient, records action by the General Officer , the Board of Trustees, HENRY YOUNGS, JR., Denver, Colo. (18730). Son of Henry and :Marian the Executive and other National Committees, lists of members deceased (Hart) Youngs; grandson of Oliver and Maria (de Yong) Youngs; great· and of new members, and important doings of State Societies. State grandson of Henry Youngs, private First Regt. Orange County Militia and Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Secretary General ac­ Fifth New York Line. counts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies. The Bur.LETIN is sent to the General Officers and Trustees and the National Committees, to new members whose records are printed therein, to a number of newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretaries for general dis­ tribution. Additional copies will be furnished to State Societies, in any number desired, at three cents each.


President General Secretary General and Registrar General NELSON A. McCLARY A. HOWARD CLARK 184 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Vice-Presidents General Treasurer General WILLARD SECOR Forest City, Iowa WILLIAM H. BAYLY 2125 N St., Washington, D. C.

PELHAM W. AMES Historian General Lyon St., San Francisco, Cal. WILLIAM FREDERICK SLOCUM, LL.D. Colorado Springs, Colo. Gen. J. W. WHITING

Chaplain General Rev. J. HERMAN RANDALL 60 West 1 30th St., New York, N Y. 2 OFFTCIAT. UULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 3

The Nineteenth Annual Congress will be held at Buffalo, N. Y., :tlfr. Beardsley further reported that the granting of the charter April 30, rgoS. rendered necessary certain amendments to the Constitution and By­ Laws. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS Ol' DENVER CONGRESS By unanimous consent the regular order of business was further The Eighteenth Annual Congress was called to order in regular ses­ suspended to receive the report of the Revision Committee, which was sion at the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo., at IO A. M., June 3. read in full, and Chairman Beardsley explained in detail the reasons for I9

the several States, the inter-relations of the Federal and State govern­ tJ 11 , which was discussed and referred to the Board of Trustees, ments, and the several constitutional guarantees of individual liberty, recommending the publication and distribution by the Government of for consideration at local meetings of the Society. the rolls of all soldiers and sailors who have served in the Army or A report was received from Mr. W. V. Cox, chairman of the Com­ • 'a,·y of the United States during any war in which this country has mittee on National Parks, reviewing the work of the State Societies in been engaged. the preservation of historic spots and in the erection of memorials of Mr. Trueman G. Avery, President of the Buffalo Chapter of the events of the Revolution. Empire State Society, extended an earnest invitation to hold the On the recommendation of the Committee a resolution was adopted Congress of rgo8 in Buffalo, and a letter was received from the Bureau approving bills introduced by Senator Lodge in the U. S. Senate, and of Publicity of Niagara Falls, inviting the Congress to meet at that by Representative Bradley in the House, authorizing the appointment of place. a Commission on Revolutionary National Parks; and a resolution Mr. Shryock presented a communication from the Maryland Society, commending the work of the various State Societies in preserving and inviting the next Congress to meet in Baltimore. Mr. Dewey, in behalf of the Vermont Society, invited the Congress marking the battle-fields of the War for Independence, and specially commending the efforts of the Empire State Society of the Sons of of 1909 to meet in that State. The Washington Society, through its President, Judge Hanford, in­ the American Revolution and the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society to establish a ational Park in the Highlands of Yited the 1909 Congress to meet in Seattle on the occasion of the the Hudson in commemoration of the Revolution. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. 1\fajor Tebbetts, President of the Alabama Society, invited the Con­ From Mr. Joslin, chairman of the Publication Committee was re­ gress to meet in Mobile in 19II, the two hundredth anniversary of the ceived a report setting forth the establishment of the 0FFICI~L BULLI>­ TIN as a means of disseminating Society news and recommending that founding of that city. Colonel Hubbard extended an invitation from San Francisco for the plan be made permanent. The first BULLETIN was distributed under date of October IS, the next December IS, and others March IS and some future Congress. These several invitations were, under the rules, referred to the Board May IS, aggregating IOJ pages of matter pertaining to the work of the Society and recording new members added to the roll. The size of the of Trustees for action. The Congress next proceeded to the election of General Officers, Bulletin and the number of copies that might be issued is limited only by the funds available. The regular edition has been one thousand resulting as follows: copies, and several hundred additional copies have been printed for Presidettt General: Nelson A. McClary, of Illinois. distribution by those State Societies that subscribe for the BuLLETIN Vice-Presidents General: Trueman G. Avery, of New York; William at three cents per copy. II. Bayly, of the District of Columbia; Pelham W. Ames, of California; Commander Moore presented a report from the Naval Records Com­ Gen. ]. W. Whiting, of Alabama; Dr. Clarkson N. Guyer, of Colorado. mittee, stating that a law had been enacted in the form recommended Secretary General and Registrar Geneml: A. Howard Clark, of the by the Boston Congress for bringing together in Navy Department the District of Columbia. Naval records .of the Revolution. He reported that much material had Treasurer Getteral: Willard Secor, of Iowa. already been gathered, and estimated that nearly 100,000 new names will Historiat~ General: William Frederick Slocum, LL.D., of Colorado. be added, by the passage of this law, to the lists of those who served Chaplain General: J. Herman Randall, of New York. afloat during the War of the Revolution. Next in order was the elec~ion of a Board of Trustees, as provided by A committee, appointed by the Board, consisting of Gen. Edwin S. Article V, Section 2, of the Constitution. The following were elected Gre~ley, Mr. Morris B. Beardsley, and 1\Ir. W. A. Marble, presented to represent the several States, the General Officers being members of a tnbute to the memory of Hon. Walter Seth Logan, ex-President Gen­ the Board ex oflicio: eral, who died July 19, IgOO, and after remarks by Mr. Beardsley and Alabama: Major William Frye Tebbetts, Mobile. Mr. Marble, the tribute was adopted by a rising vote. Arizona: George D. Christy, Phcenix. Major Tolman, in behalf of the Illinois Society, presented a resolu- Arkansas; Fra.nk W. Rawles, Little Rock, OFFICIAL BULLE'flN 8 NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 9 California: W. Pelham Ames, 1955 Lyons St., San Francisco. Colorado: Harold C. Stephens, Denver. .ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE BoARD OF TRUSTEES. Connecticut: Lewis B. Curtis, Bridgeport. Delaware: Thomas F. Bayard, Wilmington. The Board of Trustees met at 3 o'clock P. M., June 4, President District of Columbia: William L. l\larsh, 1303 Q St., Washington. General McClary presiding. Florida: W. S. Keyser, Pensacola. The President General nominated the following to comprise the France: Gen. Horace Porter, New York, N.Y. Executive Committee, and they were approved by the Board: Hawaii: John Effinger, Honolulu. The President General, chairman e.-r officio; Gen. Francis Henry Illinois: Major Edgar Bronson Tolman, Chicago. Appleton, Boston, Mass.; lion. Morris B. Beardsley, Bridgeport, Conn.; Indiana: Charles W. l\Ioores, Indianapolis. Judge Henry Stockbridge, Baltimore, Mel.; Commander J. H. Moore, Iowa: Willard Secor, Forest City. U. S. N., Washington, D. C.; Col. George C. Batcheller, New York, Kansas: John M. Meade, Topeka. N. Y.; Mr. Theodore H. Eaton, Detroit, Mich. Kentucky: Rt. Rev. Charles E. Craik, Louisville. The resolution adopted by the Congress recommending the esta,blish­ Louisiana: Peter F. Pescud, New Orleans. ment of a Record and Pension Office in the Navy Department, was re­ Maine: Dr. George Emory Fellows, Orono. ferred to the special committee on Naval Records for action. A resolution from the Illinois Society, calling for the publication and Maryland: Henry Stockbridge, II North Calhoun SL, Baltimore. distribution by the Government of the rolls of soldiers and ;;ailors who l\lassachusetts: Gen. Charles K. Darling, ro1 P. 0. Bldg., Boston. have served in the army or navy of the United States in any of the Michigan: Rev. Rufus W. Clark, 24 Buhl Block, Detroit. Minnesota: John Day Smith, Minneapolis. wars in which the United States has engaged, which was referred to Missouri: Ashley Cabell, 1932 N. Broadway, St. Louis. the Board by the Congress, was considered and referred to the Execu­ l\Iontana: E. H. Talcott, Livingston. tive Committee. Nebraska: James H. Adams, 8r6 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Invitations for the Congress of rgo8 were considered, and it was New Hampshire: Charles Gales Shedd, Keene. unanimously voted that the Nineteenth Annual Congress convene at New Jersey: Ron. ]. Franklin Fort, East Orange. Buffalo, New York, on April 30, 1go8. New York: William A. Marble, 397 Broadway, New York. The Board discussed methods for largely increasing the membership, Ohio: Col. William L. Curry, Columbus. and the Executive Committee was requested to formulate and carry into Oklahoma : Col. A. S. Reaves, Lawton. effect such plans as should appear the most effective to this end. Oregon: Tyler Woodward, Portland. It was voted that to the Executive Committee be delegated power to Pennsylvania: Col. R. W. Guthrie, 434 Diamond St., Pittsburg. act on such matters referred to the Board by Congress or such new Rhode I3land: George Franklin Weston, 225 Lennox Ave., Providence. business as in the judgment of the President General may not require South Dakota: Capt. Theodore G. Carter, Deadwood. the action of a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Tennessee: J. A. Cartwright, Nashville. A. HowARD CLARK, Secretary General. Texas: George T. Jester, Corsicana. Utah: Edward D. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. / Vermont: William James Van Patten, Burlington. ANNUAL BANQUET , Virginia: Gen. Charles ]. Anderson, Richmond. Washington: Judge Charles H. Hanford, Seattle. The banquet at the Savoy Hotel, on tl1e evening of June 4, given by Wisconsin: William Ward Wight, Milwaukee. the Colorado Society, was presided over by Mr. Howard T. Vaille as toastmaster. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Henry J. Hersey, Dr. After passing votes of thanks to the Colorado Society, to the Denver William F. Slocum, Governor Henry A. Buchtel, of Colorado; the Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and others who retiring President General, Mr. Pugsley; President General McClary, had extended courtesies to the National Society, the Congress at r Mr. Joseph F. Tuttle, Jr., of Denver; Mr. Daniel M. Lord, of Chicago; o'clock r. M. adjourned sine die. Mr. W. E. Sweet, President of the Sons of the Revolution in Colorado; II 10 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R.

Major William Frye Tebbetts, of Alabama; Colonel George A. Armes U. S. A., of the District of Columbia, and Col. Charles A. Williams' CHuRCH SERVICE, REcEPTIONS, ETc.

U. S. A. An address by Dr. Moses Greely Parker, who was unable t~ On Sunday, June 2 , at 8 P. M., special services were held at ~t. Mark's be present, was read by Mr. Pettingill, of Colorado Springs. Church, with sermon by the Chaplain of the Colorado Soc1ety, Rev. In the course of his address Mr. McClary said: J. II. Houghton. The service was ~ttended by many of the delegates "The thought occurred to me that I would like to say a word or two who had arrived in Denver that evenmg. . on 'looking forward.' Perhaps as a Society we have been given a little On l\Ionday evening at the \Voman's Club there was a. receptiOn to too much to looking backward. Still it is but natural. The primary delegates and ladies, given by the Daughters of the Amencan Revolu- reason we organized for wa to look backward in history * * * "With our new charter we should begin a omewhat new era, and I tion. h c 1 ft Denver have noted that spirit in this Congress * * * Nearly all the speeches \Vednesday morning, June 4, members of t e ongress e . that have been made today in this Congress have been with reference as the guests of the Colorado Society on a trip to Colorado Spnn~s, and to the future. * * * It is proper tonight to look forward, and, taking proceeded by special train to Cripple Creek, where they wer~ rece1ved by our new charter as a beginning, to consider what we can do to broaden the Mayor. A meeting was held in the City Hall, where bnef addresses the influence of this great Society in the United States. "The need of today, I believe, if it could be expressed in two or were made by the Mayor, by Mr. McClary, ~nd Mr. Pugsley, and a three words, would be of sane men, sober-minded men. * * * At a golden key to the city was presented to the Soc1ety. . time when labor unions seek in some ca es to dominate politics, to \Vednesday night was spent at Colorado Springs. Thursday mornmg dominate labor, to reduce everything to a dull, dead level; at a time when some corporations do not realize that they are public servants; at the delegates were the guests of Gen. William ]. Palmer ~t .a breakfast a time when some politicians find the greatest of powers in the sett in~ at the Antlers Hotel, after which they were formally. rece1ved .at the of class against class; * * * at a time when to be thrifty and City Hall by Mayor Heizer, President Fertig, of the C1ty Council, and acquire a competance is a disgrace; at such a time we need sane men. other officials. To each delegate was presented on~ of the medals struck \Vhere can we better look for that kind of sanity than to an organi­ · t"on of the Pike Centennial. Carnages were then taken zation of this kind. Purely American, our oldest and our best stock. 111 commemora 1 . "And that brings me to the practical question. In order to exercise for a ride through Palmer Park, the Garden of the Gods, and M.an1tou. the influence which is our clue in this country we must increase our Jn the afternoon a reception in honor of the delegates was g1ven at membership many fold. One man can do something; many can do con­ her home by Mrs. Elizabeth Cass Goddard, granddaughter of General siderable individually; but to really accomplish things in a great country Cass, and Regent of the Zebulon Pike Chapter of the Daughters of the containing many millions of people, we require a careful, complete, and large organization. We have everything but the last. I therefore will American Revolution, assisted by the State Regent and others. ~ end my remarks by appealing to all present to seek to largely increase reception was also g1ven· by p res1·d en t an d M r s · W · F · Slocum at the1r the membership of our State Societies. It would more than double our home at Colorado College. influence. "The Board of Trustees, this afternoon, considered methods by which they could assist the State Societies in this campaign for more mem­ THE TRAVELING BANNER / bers. We need not fear for lack of principles, because they are already formulated, and we are already moving along those lines, but we cer­ The Board of Managers of the Colorado Society, on June. I~, adopt~d tainly should greatly increase our numbers and strengthen our organiza­ the following resolution, which has been approved by a of t e tion, and thereby greatly increase the number of sane men working .~aJo nty along similar lines to correct, guide, to make, and to lead public • T ational Executive Committee, as an incentive to recrt11tmg work: opinion.'' Resolved, That the Colorado Societr, offer. as a prize ,to the N atiodaJ Societ · a banner, to be known as the travelmg ba1~ner, to be ~war e Mr. Tuttle, in his address, reviewed the history of Colorado from the to an} State organization of the Sons of the Amencan RevolutiOn hav­ time of Coronado's march in his quest of the Seven Cities in I54I, when ing a membership of one hundred or more, for. the Ia:Jebt perce~tate he probably visited the present site of Denver. He rehearsed the story of increase in numbers during the year precedmg, Sj1 a~ner ?the of Marcus Whitman's ride from the far Northwest through the Colo­ assigned annually to such State Society at the annua meetmg o e rado country to Washington City in I843 to save Oregon for the United National Congress. States, and pictured the wonderful development of our Nation in the The banner will be made ready in time for the next Congress at great West. Buffalo, I908. N.\'l'lONM, SOCIJ;;TY, S. A. R. 12 OJ:IF'ICIAL BULLE'l'IN 13 the sure foundation of this great nation, and has bee n its bulwark and DOINGS OF STATE SOCIETIES its strength." There were also addresses by Mrs. Donald McLean and John Temple TI~E MICHIGA~ SociETY has iss~1ed a list of committees for I907-I908, defimng the dut1es of each comm1ttee, and a calendar of the Historical Graves. Section with the following program of topics: Under the auspices of the New Jersey Society a memorial tablet October 23.-"." marking the site of the Monmouth Courthouse, used as a hospital in November IS.-"Our Duties to Recent Territorial Acquisitions." the , on June 28, 1778, was unveiled on July 4th. December I3.-"Munsterberg's ." The bronze tablet depicts in bas-relief the original courthouse. The January 17.-"Centralization of Government." stone was taken from Washington's headquarters at Rocky Hill. The February 21.-"The , its Authority and Influence." tablet was designed by James E. Kelly, of New York. Colonel C. J. April IS.-The Annual meeting. Wright, proprietor of the New Jersey Military Academy, made the ad­ April 24.-"The Amalgamation of Immigrants into American dress of the day. Samuel C. Cowart, in behalf of the Monmouth Battle Citizens." Monument Commission, made the presentation speech, and Halstead H. \Vainright, counsei for the Board of Freeholders, accepted the marker THE MINNESOTA SociETY has issued a souvenir pamphlet of the cele­ in another hi storical address. Orchestral music was provided, and

brat.ion of the I7Sth anniversary of Washington's Birthday by that Vredenburgh Rifles, Company G1 N. G. N. J.. fired a military salute. Socu~ty at Peoples Church, St. Paul, including patriotic addresses by Rev. Arthur W. Remington, pastor of the Freehold Presbyterian Pres1dent John Day Smith, and Most Rev. John Ireland. Church, made the invocation and prayer. The address of Col. J. R. Mullikin, Secretary of the New Jersey THE NEw JERSEY SociETY took a prominent part in the Orange Cen­ Society, is changed from 58 Spruce Street to 3I2 Belleville Avenue, tennial Celebration on June I4, the principal event of the day being the unveiling in the Colonial cemetery at East Orange of a statue of "The Newark. Dispatch Rider." The State Society and the Orange Chapter of the THE RHODE ISLAND SociETY on May 30 held patriotic exercises at Sons of the American Revolution, escorted by the "Old Guard" of New Hopkins Park, Providence, assisted by 200 school children of foreign York, marched at the head of the· civilian column in the parade, under parentage, vvho, grouped before the statue of Admiral , command of Justice J. Franklin Fort. Compatriot David L. Pierson, renewed pledges of patriotic allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. The who conceived the idea of the celebration and the statue, made an ad­ program opened with an address by President George F. Weston, of the dress at the unveiling, in which he said, in part: Rhode Island Society, who said that this was one of the annual visits paid to such spots in order that one of the principal anniversaries of "In .the dawn of this newer patriotism, coming from the clear con­ the nation might be fittingly observed. He then went on to show that s~ellatwn of noble soul~ that have graced the pages of our American h1;;tory, out. of the myst1c past! there has c

pupil of the Classical high school. He interpreted clearly and conci ely infant. found friends, support, education, and equal opportunity. For myself and my race I thank God and the Revolutionary fathers and the the language of the address for the hundreds of his countrymen noble men who gave their lives to establish this republic, and for the gathered about the statue, making it possible for all to participate divine blessing this country has been to us. I am modestly proud of the understandingly in the exercises. part my race has taken in the struggle for American in~ependence. In Following the singing of "Memorial Day" by the school came the the abolition of slavery and the establishment of our Umted States as a nation, they did their part side by side with other races, a_ll equally ceremony of formally decorating the spot with the flag, followed by zealous for our common g_ood. My race ev~r was and ever _wt_ll be true the flag salute, in which a child of Italian parentage, bearing a small to the Stars and Stripes, and I know that tf ever the flag IS m. dan~er flag, recited in perfect English a bit of verses by George T . Packhard. from within or without, men of my race will be found on the finng !me The response was by the pupils of the school. With one accord they in its defence. "Let us, therefore, thank God for the national blessings we enjoy, raised the flags with which each had been equipped and, waving them and spend the day in prayerful remembrance of the good deeds of our enthusiastically, answered in concert: noble and honored dead." "I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands ; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." With bared heads, all present who understood the language, then IN MEMORIAM sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Mayor P. J. McCarthy was introduced as the orator of the occasion MAJOR A. S. CusHMAN, a member of the New Jersey Society, died He began by thanking the Sons of the American Revolution for inviting January 29, 1907. him to be present and to speak at the foot of a monument to one who WILLIAM A. MuRPHY, a member of the New Jersey Society, brother had been a foremost figure in the war for the achievement of independ­ of Hon. Franklin Murphy, died February r6, 1907. ence. WILLIAM WALTER HAYDEN, a member of the New Jersey Society, died February 24, 1907 . . "We are assembled here on Memorial Day to honor the memory and ABIAL MoNROE PoRTER, a member of the New Jersey Society, died hfe :w~rk of .men who served the country in times of war, who made patnottc sacnfices for the welfare of the nation, to the end that all our March 3, 1907. ]AMES MANCHESTER WRIGIIT, a member of the Rhode Island Society, peop!e might eni?Y life, ~iberty, a!1d happiness. Memorial Day was ordamed. as .a natiOnal holu;lay, dedtcated t_o the observance. of patriotic died at Foster, R. 1., March 19, 1907. ceremomes m commemoratiOn of the servtces of dec,ased soldiers and WILLIAM W. BRoMHAM, a member of the Empire State Society, died sailors who served the country on land and sea in times of danger. The good works of men live after them, and we are assembled to sing the at New Platz, N. Y., March 27, 1907. SAMUEL N. ATWATER, a member of the New Jersey Society, died praises of our dea~, who have e~rned the gratitude of past, present and all future generatiOns of Amencans. Commodore Hopkins served us April 13, 1907. during the Revolution and in recognition of that service, more than roo NATHAN GuiLFORD, a member of the Empire State Society, died at years later, we are assembled at his monument to honor him. Yonkers, N. Y., May II, 1907. "I .am please~ to notice the school children here, led by their teachers, ELIAS 0. DoREMUS, a member of the New Jersey Society, died May and mstructed 111 the lessons suggested by the day and what it signifies­ each sch_olar bearing a ~ag. An address in the Italian language has 13, 1907· been delivered on the htstory of Commodore Hopkins. This suggests CYRUS PEcK, a member of the New Jersey Society, died May 16, I907· the thought that our citizenship represents all races all blended JoHN PATTON, former U. S. Senator, a ~ember of the Michigan together in one title, the highest civic honor man can ~ttain that of American citizenship, which means a citizen of a free country, whose Society, died at Grand Rapids, Mich., May 24, 1907. flag re~resents freedom, equality, government of, for, and by the people, RoBERT AuGUSTINE MARMION, Medical Director U. S. Navy, a mem­ for whtch we should first thank God and then thank the soldiers and ber of the District of Columbia Society, died at Washington, June 10, sailors who served the country from first to last. "I wish to impress upon the school children that the American flag 1907. n;teans much to the oppressed of all nations-equality. To fully appre­ PAUL EDMOND BECKWITH, a member of the District of Columbia So- ciate the blessings to mankind which it signifies we must read the his­ ciety, died at Washington, June 27, 1907. tory of the United States and the lives of its warriors and statesmen. "For my own part, I was born in the Emerald Isle, came here an 16 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIE;TY, S. A. R.

d Mary Ingalls (Iloopcr) Blackler; great•-grandson of William Blacklcr, ~:ptain of Marblehead Company, Col. John Clover's Brigade Mass.d troopsi great'-grandson of 'Villiam and Mary (Reed) Hooper; great'-gran son o Robert Hoqper, private Fourth Company, Col. John Glover's Mass. Regt. RECORDS OF NEW MEMBERS REGISTERED FROM ·R \NK INGALLS BLANCHARD, Swampscott, Mass. (r89ot). Son of Horace APRIL 15 TO JUNE I, 1907 I' ·Ware and Eunice Haskell (Andrews) Blanchard; grandson of Solomon ~n: Lydia (Haskell) Andrews; great-grandson of Solomon and Mary. (Ail_en~ : ROBERT CLAYTOR AUNSPAUGII, Norfolk, Va. (18579). In December 15 clrews; great'-grandson of Caleb Andrews, Sergeant, Capt. Dante! Grddtngs s Official Bulletin the name was incorrectly given as Richard Claytor Auns· Company, Col. Joseph Foster's Mass. Regt. pau~:h. WILLIAM A. BLODGET'I', Chicago, Ill. (18829). Son of Samuel M. and EDWIN RICJit BAKER, Chicago, Ill. (18833). Son of Oliver and lllary Ellen !\melia C. (Cline) Blodgett; grandson of Roswell Post and Sarah (Strong: (Rice) Baker; ·grandson of Sylvester and Sabra (llfatthews) Baker; great­ Blodgett· great-grandson of Samuel and Mercy (Post) Blodgett; great-- ' f R ell Post Jr private Col. Ebenezer Allen's Vermont Regt.; grandson of Pat•l Baker, private, Capt. Zebulon King's Company, Seventh grau d son o os·w • ., ' ' R V Mass. Regt.; grandson of John Hubbard and Sarah (Kendall) Rice; great­ grcat•-grandson of RoS'wdl Post, Sergeant, Col. Gideon Warrens egt. cr- grandson of Benjamin and Lucy (Dodge) Kendall; great•-grandsOI\ of .·I sa mont Militia. Kendall, private, Lieut. James Hosley's Company, Col. John Reed's lllass. FRANK WESLEY EOLANDE, Bridgeport, Conn. (r9079). Son of ~esley F~ • ter Regt.; great-grandson of John and Lucy (Ilubbard) Rice; great'·grandson of and ,\ngeline (Warner) Boland; grandson of Hiram and Loutsa. (Clnlds) Thomas H1ourtb Company, Third Middlesex · County Regt. Boland; great-grandson of Reuben and Abigal (Foster) Boland: grcat·-gt·andson Mass. Militia; great0-grandson of David Baker, private, Capt. Jonathan Crow­ of Dat•id Bolmrd, Cornet, Captain Dutcher's Company Conn. Lrgltt Horse. ell's Company of Militia of Yarmouth, 1\Iass. RICHARD SOMERVELL BOWIE, Washington, D. C. (r8883) .. Son of Thomas CHARLES LINCOLN BANKS, Bridgeport, Conn. (19076). Son of l\Ioses E. ·rrueman Somervcll and Agnes \>Vood s (McGregor) ~owte; grandson of and AmeHa (Collins) Banks; grandson of William and Ellen (Burr) Banks; Richard William and Margaret Weems (Somervell) Bowte; grea.t-grandson of great-grandson of Hezekiah and Ruhannab (Betts) Banks; grcat'-grandson of Thomas Trueman and Margaret (Hollyday) Somervell; great--gra~dson of H ecekial• Banks, private Fourth Coon. Militia. James Somervell, Captain Third Battalion Flying Camr, Maryland Lme. ASHTON HALL BARTLET, Roxbury, llfass. (18soo). Son of William Williams 1 LOYD ELWOOD BROWN Buffalo, N. Y. (18724). Son of David E. and and Sarah S. (Davis) Bartlet; grandson of Henry and Abbie (Williams) ' Clara A. (Lloyd) Brown; grandson of Sylvester W. and M~ry C. (Dunn) Bartlet; great-grandson of William and Elizabeth (Stoodley) Bartlet; great•• Lloyd; great-grandson of Jonathan Dmm, Captain First Battahon New J ersey grandson of William and Mary Stood ley; great•-grandson of (~IcClintock) M~ f Sam"el McClintock, Chaplain, Colonel Stark's New Hampshire Regt.; great­ WILSON BROWN, Washington, D. C. (r~878). Son _o grandson of William Cutter and Ellen (Hall) Williams; great'-grandson of John Jacob and Esther Eliza (Wilson) Brown; grandson of Bt~d and Loutsa Elijal& Hall, Second Lieutenant on ship "Ranger," Capt. , Rebecca (Sevier) Brown; great-grandson of John and Sophr~ (Ga~?~tte) private Mass. MiHtia. Sevier, Jr.; great•-grandson of John Sevier, Colonel North Caroltna Mil1tta. CHAUNCEY LUTHER BAXTER, Seattle, Wash. (Minn. 18472). Son of Luther NATHAN CHARLES BUCKINGHAM, Bridgeport, Conn. (19o8o). Son of Loren and Emma (Ward) Baxter; grandson of Chauncey L. and Pbilena Charles Booth and Justine Hawkins (Bellows) Buckingham; grandson of (Peet) Baxter; great-grandson of Lemuel and Roxalana (Steb.bins) Pect; Nathan and Mary Ann (Booth) Buckingham; great-grandson o~ John an? great•-grandson of Ebenezer Stebbins, private, Col. Elisha Porter's Mass. Elizabeth (Newtown) Buckingham; great•-grandson of Jol&n Buckmgham, pn­ Regt. vate, Capt. J ehiel Bryanrs Company's Col. J oscph Thompson's Conn. Regt. LUTHER LOREN BAXTER, Fergus Falls, Minn. (r8470). Son of Chauncey I'RT·:F.MAN CL.\RKF. BULLOCK, Omaha, Neb. (16496). Son o~ Volkert Veeder L. and Philena (Peet) Baxter; grandson of Lemuel and Roxalana (Stebbins) anrl Jane Eliza (Brown) Bullock; grandson of Joseph and Eltzabeth (Veeder) Peet; great-grandson of Ebene::er Stebbins, private, Col. Elisha Porter's Mass .. Bullock; great-grandson of Volkert Veeder,. Lieutenant Colonel Tryon County Regt. New York Militia. LOUIS BRACKET1' BISHOP, Chicago, Ill. (r8828). Son of l'aul J. and Frances S.\~TU EL A. BURNS, Bridgeport, Conn. (19077). Son of Calvin VI_· andB Mary Ann (Bacon) Bishop; grandson of Joseph Green and J~lizabcth (Lodge) Charlotte (Prince) Burns; grandson of David and Susannah (Kntght) ur~s; Bacon; great-grandson of Josiah and Hannah (Crocker, Green) Bacon; great'· great-grandson of Jolm Burns, Jr., private, Col. John Stark's New Hampshtre grandson of Isaac Bacon, private, Capt. George Lewis's Company, Colonel Regt. Freeman's Mass. Regt. ; great:!-grandson of Samuel Croclwr, private, Capt. IL\RRISON PARROTT BURRILL, Lynn, Mass. (r8902). Son of John Irving George Lewis's Coinpany, Colonel Freeman's ll!as . Regt. and Adeline Orcutt (Parrott) Burrill; grandson of John B. and Ilam:ah WILLIAM FRANCIS GRIFFIT'I' BLACKLER, Smyrna, 'I'urkey (Mass. 18925). C"-fudgc) Burrill; great-grandson of Micajah and Mercy (~n~alls) Burnll; Son of Francis and Mary Rebecca (Griffitt) Blackler; grandson of Francis great'-grandson of Theop!tiltts B11rrill, private, Col. Jacob Gernsh s Regt. Mas!. ~hipman and Annie Rebecca B. (Routh) Blackler; sreat-grandson of Francis Guards; great-grandson of Nathan and Martha (Brown) Mudge; great-- 18 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R.

.. , 8) Son of Joseph Platt and TT COOKE, Honolulu, !Iawan (I89S- . d Juliette (Montague) grandson of Natha,. Mudge, Corporal, Capt. Simon Brown's Company, Co l. JOSEPH PLA. d of Amos tarr an • Jacob Gerrish's Mass. Regt.; great"· grandson of Ezra Brow,., private and Emily (Wilder) Cooke; gran son d A · (Starr) Cooke; great-· f ]osctJh Platt an nms . . . t' drummer, Captain Newhall's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Mass. Regt. Cooko; great-gran d son o C I I Sixteenth Conn. Militia; grea . Platt Cooke 0 one d on of DWIGHT FENN BURRIT'l', Springfield, Mass. (19o6o). Son of Henry Fair. grandson o f J ose PI' . ' t Seventh Conn. Line; great-gran s child and Chloe Permela Burritt; grandson of Daniel Fairchild and Betsey grandson of Thomas Starr, l.Ieutenanue. great'-grandson of John and Abigail Caleb and Martha (Warner) Montag ' f C I b Montaglle Captain Second Morris Burritt; great-grandson of Ebe" B11rritt, private, Capt. David Nich­ . eat3.grandson o a e ' ols's Company, Colonel Whiting's Conn. Regt., pensioned. (Hubbard) Montague, gr MTt" . C 1ty Regt Mass. ' ' Ja. Company Ramps hIre OUI . M (t76Jg). In March IS CHARLES IRVING BURROWS, Lynn, Mass. (I8goJ). Son of Egbert and PELA D Northampton, ass. Betsey (Alley) Burrows; grandson of Joseph and Rebecca (Johnson) Alley; ELMER HUMPHREY CO • d f Joseph and Rebecca (Cooper) Cope· great-grandson of JosePI• Alley, private, Capt. Ezra Newhall's Company Mass. Official Bulletin, for "great·gran son o ~finute Men, sailor on Mass. Brigantine "Rover." land," read "Hooper." . 6 ) Son of Charles D. and STANLEY PARKER CRANE, M:ilwaukee,LWis. (Id97S:~an Pond (Chase) Crane; THOMAS BUTLER, Concord, Vt. (17784). Son of George Wallace and Frances d of Mo es yon an f I Jane (Oldham) Butler; grandson of John James and Rachel Richey (Crispin) Belle M. Parker; gran son . on) Crane. great~Lgrandson o saac Oldham; great-grandson of Josepll Crispin, Matross, Sergeant, and Cieri:, great-grandson of A sa and Cathenn~ (~y Coi J edediah Foster's Conn. Crane~ private, Capt. Josiah Putnam s ompany, . Fifth Company, Regiment of Foot, Philadelphia Militia, Col. John Eyre. IRVING ROMARO CALKINS, Springfield, Mass. (t89o4). Son of James W. Regt. ( 8 ) Son of Stephen and and Lucia A. Cook (Burleigh) Calkins; grandson of Benjamin A. and Hannah RO BER'l' GEORGE CURTIS, Stratford, oio;;;add':.~s t Birdseye, Sergeant, Col. Maria (Birdseye) Curtis; grandso_n_ . Smith (Cook) Burleigh; great-grandson of Eliezer and Marcia (Dennison) • . . , F Jrth Conn Militia. Cook; great2-grandson of Colman Cook, private, Capt. Hezekiah Hubbard's Samuel Wlutmg s '01 . 6) Son of Simeon Morse Company Mass. Minute Men; great3-grandson of Elisha Cook, Ensign, Capt. WILI,L\M BULLARD CU'fLER, Boston, MafssU. <.•~90 d. Nabby (Morse) Cutler; II d) C tier. grandson o ne an L" Oliver Lyman's Militia Company of Northampton, Mass.; grandson of George and Elmira (Bu ar . u 'd Elizabeth Rockwood) CI

CII.\RLES AUGU!:>TUS HALE. New York, N. Y. (18976). Son of William GAGER, Sh Conn. (1906J). Son of Samuel R Gager, private, Capt Abner Rob' Lodge and Mary Graham (Halsted) Hale; grandson of Samuel Powell and aro~, Company, Col. S 1 . Conn. Regt., pension;d. mson s amue McLellan's Charlotte Matilda (Halstead) Halsted; great-grandson of Smith and Jemima (Putney) .nalstead; great2·grandson of Samuel Halstead, private, Captain ALFRED MORRIS GA NUN, New and Sarah (Vermilyea) Ga Nun· York, N. Y. (18721). Son of Jackson 1' Westfall's Company, Colonel Pawling's Regt. New York Levies. Ga Nun; great-grandson of Jacob' grandson of 'l.'homas and Jane Ganong or. EDWIN SEYMOUR HAWLEY, Torrington, Conn. (19052). Son of Elisha C t N Ganmt.ng, private Eastern B oun y . ew Jersey State troops; great'· rand attalion Mon is Edwin and Harriet Jane (Seymour) Hawley; grandson of Lot Norton and nung, pnvate First New Jerse C . g son of Jo/m Ge•llmgs or Gan. Belinda (Spencer) Seymour; great-grandson of Noah Seymour, Orderly Ser· troops. y ontmental Regt., and Morris County State geant, Enos's Conn. Regt. and in Seymour's Dragoons. CLARENCE RHODOLPHUS GARDN R GEORGE EDWARD I-IEBBARD, Washington, D. C. (1888o). Son of John William Wallace and Em I" A E ' Northampton, "dass. (189o8) So f Marshall and Charlotte Hebbard; grandson of William Il. and Susan J aquillan . . e me rmanda (North) G d . n o Jamin and Tirzah (Poole) G ·d ar ner; grandson of B (Hall) Hebbard; great-grandson of Elisha and Catherine (Smith) Hall; great•· . a I ner. great grandso f B en- 3 pnvate, Col. John Hathaway's S 'd B . . n o enjamin Gardner grandson of Edward and Elizabeth (Bush) Smith; great ·grandson of PhiliP great'-grandson of Benjamin Gardecon C nstol County Regt. Mass. Militia: B"sh, Assistant Deputy Quartermaster at Winchester, Virginia, 1779·t78t. folk County Regt. Mass. Militia. ncr, orporal, Col. Ebenezer Thayer's Sur: HENRY JOHNSON HERSEY, Denver, Colo. (10682). In National Register, published in 1902, p. 146, read grandson of Henry Johnson Hersey, not Jona· RICHARD NELSON GARDNER l\1innea r . and Martha (Elmer) Gardn~r· dpo IS, Mmn. (1"8469). Son of Willie B Elme . ' gran son of Andrew a d S . titan. r' great-grandson of Luther and El" n arah (Butler) LI·:WIS ELEON BIGGINS, Taunton, Mass. (18912). Son of Almon Webster of Gad Elmer, private Col Dav"d F" ~~:a !(Ames) Elmer; great'·grandson and Lucy (Clapp) Higgins; grandson of Lewis and Mary (Todd) Higgins; Militia. ' . ' 'Ie s Iampshire County Regt. M~ss. great-grandson of Asa Todd, private, Colonel Ward's Conn. Regt., pensioned. HENRY HOLLINGSWORTH . GILPIN W.\1/l'ER FITCH ITINCKLEY, Waterbury, Conn. (19065). Son of Record Wil­ Hollingsworth and Margaret Whann' :;~kton, M? . . (18525). Son of Henry bur and Harriet Salina (Jones) Hinckley; grandson of and Mary Husbands (Hollingsworth) Gil \n. ketts) Gllpm; grandson of John and Betsey (Fitch) Hinckley; great-grandson of Elkanah Hinckley, private, Col. worth, Colonel Elk Battalion M P d' g~e~~·grandson of Henry Hollings· Co . G ary1 an Militia Dep t Q John Field's Regt. of l\Iilitia of Dutchess County, New York. mmissary eneral Maryland Eas t ern Sh ore ' u Y uartermaster and JOHN ,\LBERT UOLJIIES, Somerville, Mass. (18913). Son of Franklin Milo C ARLETON GRAVES B "d . and Frances A. (Holmes) Holmes; grandson of George and EJecta (Nash) (Merwin) Graves· 'granndgeportf, JConn. (19064). Son of John S. and ' son o ohn and El" b I Polly Holmes; great-grandson of Jacob and Susannah (Webster) Nash, Jr.; great'· grandson of Samuel Graves pr t C . Iza et' (Peters) Graves· great· grandson of Robert Webster, Captain Eighth Company, Eighth Regt. Mass. Militia. ' IVa e, aptam Stanton's Company, Eight~ Conn. Foot. ELWOOD LEON GRAVES Springfield M WILL BERNARD HOWE, Concord, N. II. (1o1o8). Supplemental. Son of der and Martha (Scott)' G ' ass. (t8909). Son of George Alexan· G raves; grandson of L" d William Holman and Mary (Carleton) Howe; grandson of Daniel and Sally raves; great-grandson of Mose G mus an EJecta (Robbins) (Holman) Howe; great-grandson of Daniel and Elizabeth (Patch) Howe; County Regt. Mass. Militia. s raves, private, Colonel Sears's Hampshire great'-grandson of JosePI• How, ~ergeant Sixth Company, Col. John Brooks's GEORGE ALEXANDER GRAV• . ( 18910). Son of Linus .•lass. Regt. and EJecta (Robbins) G ES, Spnngfield, Mass. ChARLES EVANS HUGHES, New York, N. Y. (18977). Son of David Charles Sears's H h. raves; grandson of Moses Graves, private, Colonel amps Ire County Regt. Mass. MTf and Mary Catherine (Connelly) Hughes; grandson of William and Margaret HERBERT HAMILTON GRAVES S . lila. Ann ('feerpcning) Connelly; great-grandson of William and Lydia (Merihew) AI d '• • prmgfield Mass ( 1 8 ) exan er and Martha (Scott) G ' · 9II · Son of George Connelly; great'-grandson ·of Michael ConHelly, Paymaster Second New York bins) Graves; great-grandson of !I; aves ;G grandson of Linus and EJecta (Rob· Continental Line; great-grandson of Tjerck V. and Maria (Krous) Teerpen­ shire Courrty Regt. Mass. Militia. oses ra't •es, private, Colonel Sears's Ilamp· ing; great!!-grandson of Hendr.icus Tcerpening, Lieutenant, CoL Albert Paw­ ling's Regt. New York Levies; great~-grandson of Leonard Krou.s, private HENRY LEWIS GREEN, Chicago, Ill. (t88•6) Son Sarah (Mason) Green; grandson of Lewis. an of George Washington and First Ulster County Regt. New York Militia, Col. Johannes Snyder. grandson of A1chuyler Cutler and Louisa A. (Eiker) Jennings; grandson of Solomon and R and Jessie Ella (Re or) Lemmon;dgrand~o'J'e~se and Elizabeth H. (Chapline) (s· ) R sor. great-gran son o I' eat• Susan (Price) Jennings; great·grandson of David Jennings; great0·grandson of Susan tsso~' ~so~ of J eremiah and Elizabeth (Nourse) Chap zne; gr . Joseph Jc111zings, private Seventh Conn. Continental Line. Sisson; great ·gran :r.r b of Virginia House of Delegates. grandson of James Nourse, em er . I Supplemental. Son of \\ILLIAM MAR!:>IIAL JENKINS, Webster Groves, Mo. (151 16). Son of WaJ. worth and Henrietta (Averill) Jenkins; grandson of Edgar 111. and 1\Iary E. JOHN SIIEEHY LETT, Youngstown, ~bto (?96a~,'iel and Jane (McLaine) (\Valworth) Jenkins; great·grandson of Reuben Hyde and Maria Ketchum John and Jane (Sheehy) Lett; g~~n L:~~e o private Seventh Company First Sheehy; great·grandson of Robert c"'l't' ' (Averill) Walworth; grcat'·grandson of Benjamin Walworth, Quartermaster, I d C nty Penna. "'' t za. Colonel Nzchols's New York Regt.; great'·grandson of Nathaniel and Mary Battalion Cumber an ou M (17643). Supplemental. Son of (Ketchum) Averill, Jr.; great3·grandson of Nathaniel Averill, private, Captain ElLERY CHANNING LIBBEY, Saugus, L~~~~y· grandson of Thomas and Dor­ Couch's Lompany, Col. Andrew \Vard's Conn. Regt.; grandson of Calvin ' Charles Henry and Julia Ann (Legro) td E • 'ce Legro· great'-grandson of t randson of Thomas an unt ' Ketchum and Emily A. (Coit) Averill; great·grandson of Daniel Coit, private cas Legro; grea _-g C I Edward Wiggleworth's Mass. Regt. under Capt. \Villiam Fellows and Brigadier General John Fellows. David Legro, pnvate, o. ~ " (•89•4). Son of H odges DGES LI COLN Taunton, JHass. (II ) WILLIAM EDWARD JOIINSON, West Hartford, Conn. (Igo66) . Son of Giles CHARLES IIO • . ' . randson of Joseph and Peddy unt M. and Emily (Allen) Johnson; grandson of Joel and Mary (Lucas) Johnson; Reede and Nancy (Reade) Lzncol;, ~ R ed Jr private Colonel Daggett's

great·grandson of lam.es Jo/mson 1 private, Capt. Ebenezer Sumner's Company, Reade; great-grandson of Joseph .ca e, 2~ r~nds~n of Joseph Reed, private, Col. Samuel Wyllys's Conn. Regt., pensioned. and Colonel Mitchel's Mass. Regts.: . great g C t • Regt Mass Mthtza. ROYAL KNIGHT JOSJ:,IN, Providence, R. I. (18802). Son of Ilenry \'an Colonel arpen er s · · " ( 8zo ) Correct record • 'ENT LITTLEFIELD Boston, ""ass. I 3 . Amburgh and Henrietta Anna (Briggs) Joslin; grandson of John Henry and CHARLES CLE11:~. ' ' f Alice· Patina Steiger, not Palmer, Julia Ann (Vaughn) Joslin; great·grandson of Henry Vaughn and Barbara in I go6 Year Book, p. 248, to read son o Randall (Cleveland) Joslin ; great0-grandson of Albro and Sarah (Angell) and grandson of Lucretia Ridlcr, not R~~er(. 6 ) Son of Rufus Anderson Cleveland; great•-grandson of Israel Angell, Colonel Second Rhode Island JIUGENE HOLLIS LYMAN, Hilo, Ilawau ~4 so . f David Belden and Sarah Regt. ' and Rebecca A. (Brickwood) LymanD;gr~dn so~ ;hoda P. (Belden) Lyman; ) . great-grandson of avt an .. EDWIN S. KEEFER, Elizabeth, N. J. (I8678). Son of Andrew and Rebecca (Joynes L yman, . L' utenant First Conn. Mihtta. H. (Schafhirt) Keefer; grandson of Frederick Keefer, Sergeant York County great'-grandson of Dav•d Lyman, ze H .. ( 8g26) Son of Penna. 1\filitia, pensioned. YMAN JR Honolulu, awau 1 · FREDERICK SNOWD EN L ' ·~ an. randson of David Belden CHARLES RUTHERFORD KENffiG, Roland Park, Md. (I8sz8). Son of Dan· Frederick S. and I sabella (Chamherlaznd) Lymf D~v~d and Rhoda P. (Belden) h (J ) Lyman· great-gran son o ". .. iel and Sarah (Rutherford) Kendig; grandson of William and Sarah (Swan) and Sara oynes , . L Lieutenant First Conn. Jut1 tba; .. d on of Da·md yman. ~ f J pi Rutherford; great-grandson of John Rutherford, Captain Fourth Lancaster Lyman; great-· gran s Ch berlain. great-grandson o ose ' · d Maria (Patton) am • 1 R t County Battalion Penna. Militia; great-grandson of William Swan, First Lieu­ grandson o f L evt an . t F'fth Mass Continenta eg ·; tenant Fourth Penna. Battalion, Col. Robert Elder, Quartermaster Tenth (and Lucy Whitney) Chamberlain; r;tva e. tt Col job Cushing's Mass. f W'l on Chamber/am pnva e, . f Battalion. great'-grandson o 's WI . ' Lieutenant Fourth Company o Regt.; great~tgrandson of Jesse u 1ney, WILLIAM KENNELLY, JR., New York, N. Y. (18722). Son of William and Militia of Mendon, Mass. . U S Navy Santa Barbara, Anna Augusta (Gardiner) Kennelly; grandson of Thomas Elzare and Adele B. 1 (W.albach) Gardiner; great-grandson of James and P ermelia (Dyer) Gardiner ; BOWMAN HENDRY McCALLA, Rear Addm1\z~a • Duffield (Hendry) 1\IcCalla; 86 ) Son of Au ley an :~.ary · d f great'·grandson of Henry and (Boarman) Gardiner; great3-grandson of Richard J Cal. (N. . I 77 . d El'zabeth (Duffield) H endry; great-gran so~ ..o Gardiner, Sergeant, Col. Thomas Ewing's Battalion of Flying Camp, St. grandson of Bowman an td Re t. Gloucester County New Jersey Mtlttta, Marys County, Md. Thomas Hendry, Surgeon Secon g • CHARLES JOliN KNAPP, Bridgeport, Conn. (I90S3). Son of John and Mary Colonel Ellis. M (D C 888 ). Son of CORD U S A New Bedford, ass. · · 1 1 (Knapp) Knapp; grandson of Wilson and Clara (Morehouse) Knapp; great· DONALD PAUL Me • · · ·• M Cord· grandson of George W. grandson of Abraham Morehouse, private, Captain Walker's Company, Colonel James Rhey and Bettie McDowell (Huston) c d ~n of Samuel and Catha- Elmore's Conn. Regt. and Matilda Graham (Arthu.r) Hu~ton; fg~c:t·g ra:n~ Anne (Bowman) Savage; rine (Savage) Huston; gre~t--grandson oMa.:ra~econd New Jersey Regt., Col. WILLIAM PERRY KR0~1. Elwood, Ind. (18139). Son of Charles and Sarah great3-grandson of Natham.cl Bowman., J (Goble) Krom; grandson of J ohn and Sarah (Coomes) Krom; great-grandson Israel Shreve. of Jo/m (and Rachel Duboise) Cr,.m, private, Capt. Jacob Du Bois's Com1>any , k N y (z8713). Son of I saac Second Battalion Salem County New Jersey Militia; great'-grandson of Jacob JOHN I~1'HELBERT MciiORTER, Ne~··"o;a~ds~n ~f Alfred J. and Pamela D" Bois, Captain Second Battalion Salem County New Jersey Militia. S. and Frances J. (Bond) Mcllort~ ' dg E . (Peirce) Allen Jr.; great'- of Levt an • untce ' . (Allen) Bond; grcat·gran d son h All • Regt of Green Moun tam HENRY KORCKIIAUSS LEE, Hartford, Conn. (19054). on of Joshua Boone grandson of Levi A/leu., Adjutant, Col. Et an ens . and Elizabeth Maria (Korckhauss) Lee; grandson of Henry and Eliza ( Rip· Boys. perger) Korckhauss; great-grandson of Conrad and Elizabeth (Deitrick) Rip· perger; great2-grandson of Peter Deitrick, Ensign P enn. Continental Line. 27 OFFICIAL BUI,LETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R.

WILLIAM HARVEY llfcSUHELY Chi THOMAS FERGUSON MYERS, Baltimore, Md. (18S24). Son of Jacob and and Hulda ('l'avlor) llfcSurel .' cdago, Ill. (18827). Son of William J S • y, gran son of Hugh and M (CI · Chrissie (Newan) Myers; grandson of Thomas and Mary (Knaugh) New an; ure1 y; great·grandson of John and Elizabeth (G II) Cl k· ary • ark) Me. great-grandson of Nehemiah Newan, private First Penna. Regt., Colonel Hand; Gcor.gc Gall, private, Colonel Boyer's and Colo~ I V ar ', grVea.t--~r~ndson uf pensiOned. e ance s ugtnia Regts., grandson of Peter M)•ers, private Maryland Line. THOMAS LUMAN MYERS, Baltimore, Md. (18s2o). Son of 'l'homas Ferguson JOliN PARKER MANNING Pittsfield Ma 8 and Emma (Suter) Myers; grandson of Jacob and Chrissie (Newan) Myers; 2 Grace (Le Baron) l\lanni;, . ' ss. (I 922). Son of John Henry and great-grandson of 'l'homas and Mary (Knaugh) 'Newan; great -grandson of ker) Manning; great-grand~~ng:~n~~on of ~ohn Henry and 1\Iary Sophia (Par­ Nehemiah Newan, private First Penna. Rcgt., Colonel Hand; great-grandson of grandson of Linus (and Elizab tl !Gnus aJ)l Sophia (Churchill) Parker; great'- R ' e 1 rcen Parker pri at C I I Peter Myers, private Maryland Line. egt. 1\lilitia; greata-grandson of Gidc ' v. e, o one Rossiter's ~,fa ss. .\RTHUR EUGENE NEWCOMB, Ware, Mass. (8610). Supplemental. Son of Company, Colonel Brewer's ~I R . on ~recu., pnvate, Captain Porter's able (Hubbard) Churchill· ass~a cgtd.' great--grandson of John and Mehit- John H. and Alice E. (Powell) Newcomb; grandson of Foster and Fanny C t J I S ' grea -gran son of lames H• bb d L' \l...ollins) Newcomb; great-grandson of Gamaliel and Patty (Gilbert) Collins, ap . o 111 trong's Company and Colonel R . ' ,. ar , Icutenant, great'-grandson of Daniel Hubb d C ossiter s Detachment Mass. Militia; Jr.; great'-grandson of Gamaliel Collins, Member of Committee of Correspond­ MiHtia. ar ' apt. John Strong's Company Mass. ence of Hardwick, Mass.; great'-grandson of Timothy and Martha (Rogers) viibcrt, Jr.; great•-grandson of Timothy Gilbert, private Sixteenth Mass. Regt.; CHARLES MATTHEWS MANY A b J h v· , s ury Park N J (N y 8 8) grandson of Ogilvie N. and Harriet S. (Rice) Powell; great-grandson of o n !Cary and Jane Howell (Johnson) ]),f ·. . . . 1 71 . Son of Prosper and Mary (Goff) Powell; great'-grandson of Ilczekiah and Anna Mary (VIcary) Many; great-grandson of Barnany, grandson of Bar.nabas and (\Vard) Goff; great•-grandson of Stephen Ward, Marine, Conn. Man-of-war Orange County Regt. New York Mili . . abas Ma,.y, Ma,.na, pnvate First "Oliver Cromwell;" great·grandson of Alphcus and I-Iuldah (Call) Rice; great'­ ton) Johnson; great-grandson of Tl tJa, Hgrandson of Peter and Bethia (!Ior- 3 R gt N lOmas Orton Captain F' t 0 grandson of Amos and Joanna (Temple) Call; great -grandson of Thomas Tem­ e . ew York Militia priso e d' d . ' Irs range County ple, private \'Vorcester County Mass. Militia. ARCHIE DAVID MARSH~LL n r, Ie m captivity July JO, rn8. d , Denver, Colo ( 18734 ) S f \ . . .\ LBERT WELLINGTON NEWEL'L, Springfield, Mass. (189r s). Son of Nelson an B. Emma Marshall· grandson of D . . . . on o ¥Iiham Rufus Cyrus and Mary (Chandler) Newell; grandson of Cyrus and Celina (Sessions) Marshall; great-grandso'n of J . ,· avid \'VIutelaw and Sarah Joe (Minter) Newell; great-grandson of Stephen Newell, private Mass. Continental troops, grandson of Samuel and An er(~IDI.a 1 and Sarah (McDowell) Minter; great'­ pensioned; great-grandson of Robert Sessions, Lieutenant Conn. troops, pen· McDowe/1 Colonel \',·r . . ltl rvme) McDowell; great•-grandson of Samncl ' gtDJa roops. sioned. JOHN BLISS MARTIN, Malden, Mass. 1 001 . . Jo;DWARD EVERETT NEWELL, Bristol, Conn. (19069). Son of Roger Sher­ Urama Lettise (Coolidge) M t' . ( 9 ). Son of Azanah Bhss and C I'd ar m, grandson of John d B ( man and Naomi (Hawley) Newell; grandson of Simeon Newell, Captain Conn. oo' ge; great-grandson of Prince lenn . _an etsey Jenny) Continental troops, under Gen. Oliver Wolcott. Company, Col. Abiel Mitchell's Ma R y, pnvate, Captam George Claghorn's ss. egt. JON.\THAN EDWARD NEWTON, Durham, Conn. (19os6). Son of Roger W. FRANK MALVERN MATHER H tf d and Cynthia (Huntington) Newton; grandson of Ab•wr Newton, private Conn. Jennie A. (Jewett) Mathe . ' ardor ' Conn. (19067). Son of Ira A. anrl S . r, gran son of Peter J d . ( mith) Jewett; great-grandson of J h enner an Louisa Adelaide Militia. grandson of Joseph Jewett C t ?se~ and Jane (Pettibone) Jewett; great'­ CHARLES HENRY NICHOLS, New Haven, Conn. (19os7). Son of Henry Z. Colonel Huntington. ' ap am eventeenth Conn. Continental Regt., and Eliza Ann (Pond) Nichols; grandson of Darius and Sylvia (Fox) Nichols; great-grandson of Nathaniel Niclrols, drummer, Captain Wells's Company, ISAAC WIMBERT MOHLER Ja Bait' Colonel Whitcomb's Mass. Regt.; great2-grandson of Sam11el Nichols, private bert and Julia V. (Larsh)' M.,hl •more, Md. (r8s17). Son of Isaac Wim- M hi o er; grandson of Pet d B and drummer, Captain Wells's Company, Colonel Whitcomb's Mass. Regt.; o er; great-grandson of C P L . er an arbara (Lutz) grandson of Harvey and Betsy (Linsley) Pond; great-grandson of Elias Pond, BURTON ELIZUR MOORE as. er "tz, pnvate Pennsylvania Militia. ' Wmsted, Conn ( ) S Corporal, Capt. Jehiel Meigs's Company, Col. Andrew Ward's Conn. Regt., an Jane (Starks) Moore· grand f S . 19 ass · on of Bennett Elizur d pensioned. Starks; great·grandson of' EI" I oA amuel Wetmore and Flora (Murray) so~ JOliN EDWIN Amherst, Mass. (18916). Son of John and Catha­ great'-grandson of Abel diJaJl an nna Jerusha (Wetmore) Starkweather· OSTRAND~R, . an erusha (Hills) w t ' rine (Van Denbergh) Ostrander; grandson of John H. and Maria (Tompson) 1 o 1~~~ H'llls~ Captain Conn. 1\Iilitia. e more; great3.grandson of Ostrander; great-grandson of Henry Ostrander, Lieutenant, Capt. John A. Van CHARLES WILLIAM MOORE B 'd \Vies's Company Albany County New York Militia. and Catharine Moore. grand ~s, nf geport, Conn. ( 19068). Son of Charles S d ' on o James S and Th d (M'II · HORACE ROWELL PARKER, Lynn, Mass. (18917). Son of John Lord and gran son of Levi and Susanna Miller· r~ ' e a ' er) Moore; great­ Amelia Jane (Andrews) Parker; grandson of Ebenezer and Elsie L. (Rowell) vate, Colonel Warner's Mass R ' ~ at -grandson of lames Miller pri- . egt., pens10ncd ' Parker; great-grandson of J~bcnezer and Sally (Bowers) Parker; great'­ ChARLES HENRY MORRIS B 'd . grandson of Ebene!ler Parker, private, Captain Minot's Company, Colonel l' (B ' n geport Conn ( 190 8) S E 1za lake) Morris· grandsot f 'R · 7 · on of Andrew and Preggs, .. . great-gran s Maryland Mthtla. f William Colonel Peabody's New Hampshire Regt. Regt. Montgomery County ( 8 8) Supplemental. Spn o II ) HENRY FRANKLIN PARROTT, Bridgeport, Conn. (19070). Son of William LL Roxbury, Mass. I 20 . nd Sally Dudley (Fe ows FRANK NRUM~~ou:lg) Rumrill; grandson of E·::~on;,::l: (Clapp) Rumrill; great'­ Henry and Nellie Jane (Hubbell) Parrott; grandson of Henry Samuel and and ancy f Aaron and tza 1: R gt Julie Benedict (Payne) Parrott; great-grandson of Isaac and Sally (Blake) Rumrill; great-grandson o . Colonel Robinson's ~ ass. e . Parrott; great'-grandson of Rettain, Col. E ts la N y (18715)- Son of John ~nd grandson of Beaaleel Barton, private, Capt. Abel Wilder's Company, Col. JOliN ARCHIBALD SMITII, Saran;co,;:~ejoh~ a~d Lydia Ann (Quick)d Smtt~; Ephraim Doolittle's Regt., died rn camp at Charlestown, July 12, 1775. ~lary n. (Tate) Smith, Jr.; gra; ~ (Knapp) Quick; great•-g~an so~ t ROBERT JAMES PRATT, Honolulu, Hawaii (18929). Son of James Hyde and great-grandson of Thomasd)anQ . ;.nagreat•-grandson of J olm Qmck, pnva e Sophia Hale (Boyd) Pratt; grandson of Harry and Susan (Cleveland) Pratt; .\ ndrew an d M ar tha (~1ea R gtmc New • York Mthtta.· · · great-grandson of James Pratt, private, Col. S. B. W ebb's Conn. Regt.; grand­ Fourth Westchester County e . 8 . Son of Luther E. a~d Almeda son of James R. and Elizabeth Mosely (Camp) Boyd; great-grandson of Elisha W.\ RREN J. SMITH, Waterloo, low~ <;8~!d?dah and Aurelia Lucretia (South: and Sophia (Hale) Camp; great2-grandson of •George and Hope (Mosely) ~!aria (Tallman) Smith; grandson ~ and Mary (Dennison) Southworth' Hale; great3-grandson of Jonathan Hale, Captain, Wolcott's Conn. Regt.; 3 ;vorth) Tallman; great-grandSson /of :,~e~rivate, Captain Shumway's Company great -grandson of Joseph Mosely, private, Wadsworth's Conn. Brigade. grcat:!-grandson of Wtll1am out L~Or d' . t Line pensione . WALTER WILCOX PRAT'l', Hartford, Conn. (19071). Son of Pliny Perry and First Regt. Connecttcu ' ) Son of David and Harriet Helen Irene (Jewett) Pratt; grandson of Peter Jenner and Louisa Adelaide \"!LI.IAM H. SMITH Springfield, Mass. _(1892of. Capt. Levi Ely's Company, v - • ' f D (Smith) Jewett; great-grandson of Joseph and Jane (Pettibone) Jewett; great'­ (Griffin) Smith; grandson o av id Sunth, Ft er, grandson of Joseph Jewett, Captain Seventeenth Conn. Continental Regt., Col· Col. John Brown's Mass. Regt. 8) Son of Francis Laird Eliza onel Huntington. 6 JA ~ l F.S OT,VER SN O WDEN • Omahaf ' JohnNeb. 111.(l 49and · Elizabeth (Moor) Snowden; T~UGENE CLARENCE RICE, Washington, D. C. (r8882). Son of \Villiam E. (Olver) Snowden; grandson o and Lydia U. (Coffin) Rice; grandson of J osepb C. and Julia M. (Bronson) 30 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S . A. R.

2 great-grandson of William Sllowdell, Captain in Nav died ;\] aria (\'an Renssalaer) Gansevoort; great -grandson of Kilia11 Va11 Renssa­ in Sugar House lae r, Quartermaster and Colonel Fourth Regt. New York Militia. ~nson, _New York; great-grandson of John Moor Jl~~mbe of Penna. State onventlon of r 776, Member of Council of Safety' r rREllERI CK LOUIE TROWBRIDGE, New Haven, Conn. (19072). Son of WIT.LIAJII IIOWB SOMER\ 'F.LL \V I. . George Eli and Emily A. (Platt) Trowbridge; grandson of Eli and Lue S f B · ' ' asungton, D C (r49o8) S 1 o_n .o en; am in Carr and Alice Willoughb (N. . . . upp ementa l. Wheaton (Lines) Trowbridge; great-grandson of E:;ra Li11es, private Fifth Wilham G. and Elizabeth F (D . ) N y. orns) Somervell; grandson oi M · av1s orns· great d Company Second Conn. Militia. ~ry (Willoughby) Norris; great'-grandson of' olu -gran son of James and JOliN H ENRY VAN YORK, JR., Bridgeport, Conn. (19075) . Son of John Willoughby; great•-grandson of Will' w·ll Jl 1 and Rebecca (Woolford) H enry and Antoin Wilhelmina (Whiting) Van York; grandson of J ohn Harpin Barge "Fearnought." tam ., oag tby, privateersman 1\faryland and 1Iary Sophia (Treadwell) Whiting; great-grandson of Sam,.el Whiting, ALVIN FOYE SORTWELL, Cambridge Mass (18 21 . Colonel Fourth Conn. Militia. and Sophia Augusta (Foye) Sot • . · d 9 ) . Son of Dan1el Robinson M . r we 11' gran son of John d p . G"ORGE WASHINGTON FAYETTE VERNON, Baltimore, Md. (18515). Son son, ernam) Sartwell· great-grand f l I . an ersiS (Robin- of Nathaniel and Charlotte L. Vernon; grandson of Thomas Vemo,., private min Bellows's New IIa:Upshire R tso_n o o "' Sartwell, private, Col. Benja- . C eg ·, great-grandson of J 0 t/ R Sixth Infantry Penna. Line. A pnvate, ol. Rufus Putnam's Fifth l\Iass. Regt. 11a wn obiiiSOII, WILLIAJ\1 LOWE VORHIS, Yonkers, N. Y. (r8716). Son of Albert B. and J y D. STANNARD, P hoenix, Ariz. (18 So) S . Lucinda (Folsom) Vorhis; grandson of Benjamin .and Rebecca (Raymond) (Fletcher) Stannard . grandson f J 7 . . on of Able] S. and Hannah E. d • o erem1ab and Sophia (C II) S Folsom; great-grandson of Isaac Royal and Rebecca (Livermore) Raymond; gran son of Nathan and Joanna (Buell) Call· r • a tannard; great· grcat2-grandson of Josiah (and Rebecca \Vorcester) Lh•crmore, private Paxton Bttell, Second T

ALBER!' W.\TF,RTJOUSE, Honolulu, Hawaii (18934). Son of Henry and Julia Hawkins (Dimond) Wate1'!10use; grandson of Henry and Ann Maria (.\ nner) THE NATIONAL SOCIE'!'Y D imond; great-grandson of Jesse and Betlriah (Marquand) Dimon; great"­ OF TilE grandson of Daniel Dimou, Ensign, Col. Samuel \ Vhiting's Guards, Fou rth Regt. Conn. Militia. RICHARD THOMAS WATERS, Baltimore, Md. (18522). Son of Francis F.rl­ SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ward and Fanny (!-icott) \Vaters; grandson of Uichard Thomas and Hester (Handy) Waters; great-grandson of John and E lizabeth ( Corbin) \ Va ters ; 2 great -grandson of William Corbin, Master-at-arms l\Iaryland troops. OFFICE QE THE SECRETARY G ENE RAL JERRY PACKER WELLliL\ N, Keene, N. Il. (17568). Son of George and President General Zylphia Hibbard (Packer) Well man; grandson of Jeremy and Lydia (Jewett) Nd--son A. McClary Packer; great-grandson of Damel Jewett, htel, Lieutenant First Cumberland County Regt. New York Militia. 164 La Salle St., Chicaao, 11linois W ASHIN.QTON, D. C., October IS, 1907· LEONARD WELLS, Bridgeport, Conn. (19083). Son of Lewis and Betsy (Wheeler) Wells; grandson of Elias Wells, private, Capt. Nathaniel Wheeler's Company, Col. Ichabod Lewis's Regt. Conn. 1\lilitia. OFFICIAL BULLETIN SEYMOUR WELLS, Stratford, Conn. (19084). Son of Elias and Maria (Pat­ terson) \Yells; grandson of Elias Wells, private, Capt. Nathaniel Wheeler's Company, Col. I chabod Lewis's Regt. Conn. Militia. FRANK PRITCHARD WELTON, Waterbury, .Conn. (19073). Son of Herschel The OFFICIAL BuLLETIN, issued from ti·m e to f 1me as may seem 0. and Julia (Pritchard) Welton; grandson of Leonard and Elizabeth Pritch­ expedient, records action by the General _Officer~, the Board of Trus_tees, ard; great-grandson of Isaac and Lucina (Baldwin) Pritchard; great2-grandson of Noah and E lizabeth (Ives) Baldwin; great•-grandson of JO>>alhan Baldwin, the E xecutive and other National Comm1 ttees, lrsts of mem~e r~ deceased Jr., Lieutenant-Colonel Tenth Conn . ~1ilitia; grandson of Jierschel and Eunice and of new members, and important doings of State Soc1et1es. State (Prindle) \ Yelton; great-grandson of Thomas and Hannah (Hill) \ Yelton; 2 Secretaries are requested to commun i cat~ to th_e ~ec r eta ry General a~­ great -grandson of Jared Hill, Lieutenant Conn. Militia. counts of meetings or celebrations by the1r Soc1et1es . . The BULLE:IN IS RUSSF,LL TOMLINSON WHITING, Bridgeport, Conn. (19074). Son of Isaac sent to the General Officers and Trustees and the Natrona! Committees, H. and l\Iary A. (Hitchcock) Whiting; grandson of William Nathan and W il­ to new members whose records are printed t h e re i1~, to a number _o f helmina A. (Harpin) Whiting; great-grandson of Samuel Whiting, Colonel Fourth Conn. Militia. newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretan es for general dis- CHARLES W I LLIAMS, Hilo, Hawaii (z8933). Son of Henry and Mary Kan­ tribution. · f S t S eal ii Williams; grandson of Jesse and Roxana Williams; great-grandson of Arrangements are being made to f~rnish one 1ssue . ree to ta ~ o- Obed Williams, private Fifth Company First Waterbury Regt. Conn. M ilitia. cieties that will agree to distribute 1t and t~ s_ubscnbe fo r _the th r ~e DAVID W I SER, New Haven, Conn. (19059). Son of Freeman M. and Jennette other issues during the year, at the cost of prrntmg extra c o ~1 es. Th1s (Demick) Wiser; grandson of David and Mary (Lathrop) Demick; great­ cost will be two cents or less per copy, according to the s1ze of the grandson of John and Betsey (Farnsworth) Lathrop; grcat2-grandson of E lijah and Elizabeth (Elderkin) Lathrop; great3-grandson of Eltsha Lathrop, Member edition. of Committee of Safety of Lebanon, New Hampshire. SAMUEL PARKER WOODS, Mahukona, Hawaii (z893o). Son of J ames and Mary (Parker) Woods; grandson of John and IIanai Parker; great-grandson The Executive Committee deems a substantial increase of the membership of John P. and Kipikane Parker; greaf!-grandson of San-utel Parker, private, of the Society its greatest present need, It is not s~ffi~ient that the annual Lieut.-Col. William Bond's 1\Iass. Regt.; great3-grandson of Ebene:.:er Parker, additions of members should keep pace with the losses mctdent to death: A~ a private, Capt. Jer-emiah \Viswall's Company Mass. Militia. Society chartered by Congress, an important, patriotic line of work ts bemg ROBERT SAMUEL WOOMER, New York, N. Y. (z87r7). Son of Percival r and Amanda E. (Schwartz) vYoomer; grandson of Samuel and Esther (Immel) entered upon, and that tbis may be vigorously prosecut~d and exten~ed, a~ Schwartz; great-gr·andson of John Leonard and Catherine (Dieffenbach ) that the National and State Societies may exercise the ~fl~ence w_hic_h _they I mmel ; great2-grandson of Leonard Immel, Captain Fifth Company Second OU&ht, the Executive Committee urges upon all State Soctehes.and mdtvtdual Battalion Associated Battalions and M il itia of P ennsylvania. members the supreme importance of additions to our membershtp. We should have three times the number now borne on our rolls. The time is opportune: for aggressive, concerted action.