LIBERTARIAN PAPERS VOL. 1, ART. NO. 19 (2009) ARGUMENTATION ETHICS AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM FRANK VAN DUN* Reason is an ultimate given and cannot be analyzed or questioned by itself. —Ludwig von Mises1 No person can disobey Reason, without giving up his claim to be a rational creature. —Jonathan Swift2 I. Introduction In justificatory argumentation two or more persons seek to justify or to excuse a belief or action, to determine whether it is a belief one ought to accept (or to reject) or an action one ought to undertake (or to forgo), or whether the circumstances of the case present sufficient reasons (e.g., necessity, duress, compulsion, coercion, manipulation) for excusing a person for believing or doing something that is contrary to right. Philosophers, scientists, and lawyers regularly and publicly engage in such argumentations. In fact, most people do the same at least occasionally, albeit in private, at home, at work, in clubs and barrooms. Twenty years ago, Hans-Hermann Hoppe presented3 the argument that no justificatory argumentation can invalidate the principles of libertarian *Frank van Dun (
[email protected]) taught philosophy of law at the University of Ghent and the University of Maastricht. He is the author of Het Fundamenteel Rechtsbeginsel (1983, re-issued 2008), a Dutch-language book that uses argumentation ethics as the basis for a non-positivist, libertarian theory of law. CITE THIS ARTICLE AS: Frank van Dun, “Argumentation Ethics and the Philosophy of Freedom,” Libertarian Papers 1, 19 (2009). ONLINE AT: THIS ARTICLE IS subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (